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Aquaculture Journals – Table of Contents
July 2010
Animal Feed Science and Technology *
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Aquaculture *
Aquaculture Economics & Management
Aquacultural Engineering *
Aquaculture International *
Aquaculture Nutrition *
Aquaculture Research *
Aquatic Living Resources
Asian Fisheries Science
Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences *
Current Opinion in Microbiology *
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms *
Fish & Shellfish Immunology *
Fisheries Science *
Hydrobiologia *
Journal of Applied Ichthyology *
Journal of Applied Microbiology *
Journal of Applied Phycology
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology *
Journal of Fish Biology
Journal of Fish Diseases *
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology*
Journal of Microbial Ecology*
Aquaculture Journals
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Journal of Microbiological Methods
Journal of Ocean University of China
Journal of Shellfish Research
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
Letters in Applied Microbiology *
Marine Biology *
Marine Biotechnology *
Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi
North American Journal of Aquaculture
Reviews in Aquaculture
Trends in Biotechnology *
Trends in Microbiology *
Aquaculture Journals
* full text available
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maall FFeeeedd S
Scciieennccee aanndd TTeecchhnnoollooggyy
VOLUME 159, PART 1-2, JULY 2010
Effects of dietary tannin source on performance, feed efficiency, ruminal fermentation,
and carcass and non-carcass traits in steers fed a high-grain diet
Pages 1-9
W.K. Krueger, H. Gutierrez-Bañuelos, G.E. Carstens, B.R. Min, W.E. Pinchak, R.R. Gomez,
R.C. Anderson, N.A. Krueger, T.D.A. Forbes
PDF (231 K) | Related Articles
Effects of processed cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) haulms as a feed supplement
on voluntary intake, utilization and blood profile of West African dwarf sheep fed a
basal diet of Pennisetum purpureum in the dry season
Pages 10-17
U.Y. Anele, O.M. Arigbede, K.-H. Südekum, K.A. Ike, A.O. Oni, J.A. Olanite, G.A. Amole,
P.A. Dele, A.O. Jolaosho
PDF (171 K) | Related Articles
Yucca schidigera extract decreases in vitro methane production in a variety of forages
and diets
Pages 18-26
M. Xu, M. Rinker, K.R. McLeod, D.L. Harmon
PDF (226 K) | Related Articles
Effects of feeding corn naturally contaminated with Fusarium mycotoxins and/or a
modified yeast cell wall extract on the performance, immunity and carcass
characteristics of grain-fed veal calves
Pages 27-34
L.M. Martin, K.M. Wood, P.L. McEwen, T.K. Smith, I.B. Mandell, A. Yannikouris, K.C.
PDF (175 K) | Related Articles
Ruminal biohydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids in vitro as affected by chitosan
Pages 35-40
I. Goiri, G. Indurain, K. Insausti, V. Sarries, A. Garcia-Rodriguez
PDF (158 K) | Related Articles
Fermentation of soybean meal and its inclusion in diets for newly weaned pigs
reduced diarrhea and measures of immunoreactivity in the plasma
Pages 41-49
Y.S. Song, V.G. Pérez, J.E. Pettigrew, C. Martinez-Villaluenga, E. Gonzalez de Mejia
PDF (328 K) | Related Articles
Influence of some potential prebiotics and fibre-rich foodstuffs on composition and
activity of canine intestinal microbiota
Pages 50-58
Aquaculture Journals
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Giacomo Biagi, Irene Cipollini, Monica Grandi, Giuliano Zaghini
PDF (214 K) | Related Articles
Effects of β-mannanase expressed by Pichia pastoris in corn–soybean meal diets on
broiler performance, nutrient digestibility, energy utilization and immunoglobulin
Pages 59-67
Yihang Li, Xiang Chen, Yiqun Chen, Zhimin Li, Yunhe Cao
PDF (184 K) | Related Articles
Short communications
A preliminary study on the length of incubation needed to maximize guanidination of
lysine in distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and in pig ileal digesta
Pages 68-71
A.A. Pahm, C. Pedersen, D. Simon, H.H. Stein
PDF (125 K) | Related Articles
Fractionation of soybean meal, cottonseed meal and wheat middlings using
combination of sieving and air classification
Pages 72-78
Ravi Challa, Radhakrishnan Srinivasan, Filip To
PDF (278 K) | Related Articles
Book review
Society of Nutrition Physiology, Editor, Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition
Physiology, vol. 19, DLG-Verlag Frankfurt (Main) (2010) ISBN 978-3-7690-4103-3 190
pp., Price: 29,90€ plus postage, Softcover.
Page 79
Gerhard Flachowsky
PDF (86 K) | Related Articles
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miiccrroobbiiaall A
Aggeennttss aanndd C
VOLUME 54, PART 7, JULY 2010
No new issue available
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Apppplliieedd aanndd E
meennttaall M
VOLUME 76, PART 13, JULY 2010
Research articles
Enhancement of Survival and Electricity Production in an Engineered Bacterium by
Light-Driven Proton Pumping
Ethan T. Johnson, Daniel B. Baron, Belén Naranjo, Daniel R. Bond, Claudia SchmidtDannert, and Jeffrey A. Gralnick
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4123-4129; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Adaptive Evolution of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 during Growth on a Nonnative
Carbon Source, L-1,2-Propanediol
Dae-Hee Lee and Bernhard Ø. Palsson
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4158-4168; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Escherichia coli Strains Engineered for Homofermentative Production of D-Lactic Acid
from Glycerol
Suman Mazumdar, James M. Clomburg, and Ramon Gonzalez
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4327-4336; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Metabolic Engineering of Gluconobacter oxydans for Improved Growth Rate and
Growth Yield on Glucose by Elimination of Gluconate Formation
Vera Krajewski, Petra Simic, Nigel J. Mouncey, Stephanie Bringer, Hermann Sahm, and
Michael Bott
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4369-4376; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Combined Use of Fluorescent Dyes and Flow Cytometry To Quantify the Physiological
State of Pichia pastoris during the Production of Heterologous Proteins in High-CellDensity Fed-Batch Cultures
Petr Hyka, Thomas Züllig, Claudia Ruth, Verena Looser, Christian Meier, Joachim Klein,
Karel Melzoch, Hans-Peter Meyer, Anton Glieder, and Karin Kovar
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4486-4496; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions] OPEN ACCESS
Pilot-Scale Production of Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters by an Engineered Escherichia coli
Strain Harboring the p(Microdiesel) Plasmid
Yasser Elbahloul and Alexander Steinbüchel
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4560-4565; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Invertebrate Microbiology
Phylogenetic Position and Peculiar Genetic Traits of a Midgut Bacterial Symbiont of
the Stinkbug Parastrachia japonensis
Takahiro Hosokawa, Yoshitomo Kikuchi, Naruo Nikoh, Xian-Ying Meng, Mantaro Hironaka,
and Takema Fukatsu
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4130-4135; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Aquaculture Journals
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Ecological Factors Characterizing the Prevalence of Bacterial Tick-Borne Pathogens in
Ixodes ricinus Ticks in Pastures and Woodlands
Lénaïg Halos, Séverine Bord, Violaine Cotté, Patrick Gasqui, David Abrial, Jacques
Barnouin, Henri-Jean Boulouis, Muriel Vayssier-Taussat, and Gwenaël Vourc'h
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4413-4420; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
New Device for High-Throughput Viability Screening of Flow Biofilms
Michael R. Benoit, Carolyn G. Conant, Cristian Ionescu-Zanetti, Michael Schwartz, and A.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4136-4142; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Rapid Affinity Immunochromatography Column-Based Tests for Sensitive Detection of
Clostridium botulinum Neurotoxins and Escherichia coli O157
Jason Brunt, Martin D. Webb, and Michael W. Peck
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4143-4150; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Use of Propidium Monoazide in Reverse Transcriptase PCR To Distinguish between
Infectious and Noninfectious Enteric Viruses in Water Samples
Sandhya Parshionikar, Ian Laseke, and G. Shay Fout
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4318-4326; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Highly Discriminatory Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Interrogation of Escherichia
coli by Use of Allele-Specific Real-Time PCR and eBURST Analysis
Maxim S. Sheludchenko, Flavia Huygens, and Megan H. Hargreaves
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4337-4345; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Pentaplexed Quantitative Real-Time PCR Assay for the Simultaneous Detection and
Quantification of Botulinum Neurotoxin-Producing Clostridia in Food and Clinical
Sebastian Kirchner, K. Melanie Krämer, Martin Schulze, Diana Pauly, Daniela Jacob, Frank
Gessler, Andreas Nitsche, Brigitte G. Dorner, and Martin B. Dorner
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4387-4395; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Method Using a Peptide Nucleic Acid Probe for
Identification of Salmonella spp. in a Broad Spectrum of Samples
C. Almeida, N. F. Azevedo, R. M. Fernandes, C. W. Keevil, and M. J. Vieira
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4476-4485; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Application of Whole-Cell Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight
Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Identification and Clustering Analysis of Pantoea
Fabio Rezzonico, Guido Vogel, Brion Duffy, and Mauro Tonolla
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4497-4509; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Random Mutagenesis of Clostridium cellulolyticum by Using a Tn1545 Derivative
Jean-Charles Blouzard, Odile Valette, Chantal Tardif, and Pascale de Philip
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4546-4549; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Aquaculture Journals
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Improvement of the Representation of Bifidobacteria in Fecal Microbiota Metagenomic
Libraries by Application of the cpn60 Universal Primer Cocktail
Janet E. Hill, W. M. Ursla Fernando, Gordon A. Zello, Robert T. Tyler, Wendy J. Dahl, and
Andrew G. Van Kessel
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4550-4552; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Dual Reporter System for In Situ Detection of Plasmid Transfer under Aerobic and
Anaerobic Conditions
Jaroslaw E. Król, Linda M. Rogers, Stephen M. Krone, and Eva M. Top
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4553-4556; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Practical Method for Extraction of PCR-Quality DNA from Environmental Soil Samples
Kelly A. Fitzpatrick, Gilbert J. Kersh, and Robert F. Massung
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4571-4573; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Assessing the Potential of an Induced-Mutation Strategy for Avermectin
Hong Gao, Mei Liu, Ying Zhuo, Xianlong Zhou, Jintao Liu, Difei Chen, Wenquan Zhang,
Zhongxuan Gou, Peng Shang, and Lixin Zhang
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4583-4586; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Disruption of the Putative Cell Surface Polysaccharide Biosynthesis Gene SO3177 in
Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Enhances Adhesion to Electrodes and Current
Generation in Microbial Fuel Cells
Atsushi Kouzuma, Xian-Ying Meng, Nobutada Kimura, Kazuhito Hashimoto, and Kazuya
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4151-4157; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Expression of Xylella fastidiosa Fimbrial and Afimbrial Proteins during Biofilm
R. Caserta, M. A. Takita, M. L. Targon, L. K. Rosselli-Murai, A. P. de Souza, L. Peroni, D. R.
Stach-Machado, A. Andrade, C. A. Labate, E. W. Kitajima, M. A. Machado, and A. A. de
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4250-4259; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Hydrogen Production by the Unicellular, Diazotrophic Cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp.
Strain ATCC 51142 under Conditions of Continuous Light
Hongtao Min and Louis A. Sherman
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4293-4301; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Regulation of Neurotoxin Production and Sporulation by a Putative agrBD Signaling
System in Proteolytic Clostridium botulinum
Clare M. Cooksley, Ian J. Davis, Klaus Winzer, Weng C. Chan, Michael W. Peck, and Nigel
P. Minton
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4448-4460; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Aquaculture Journals
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-Glutamylmethylamide Is an Essential Intermediate in the Metabolism of Methylamine
by Methylocella silvestris
Yin Chen, Julie Scanlan, Lijiang Song, Andrew Crombie, M. Tanvir Rahman, Hendrik
Schäfer, and J. Colin Murrell
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4530-4537; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Public Health Microbiology
Regrowth of Potential Opportunistic Pathogens and Algae in Reclaimed-Water
Distribution Systems
Patrick K. Jjemba, Lauren A. Weinrich, Wei Cheng, Eugenio Giraldo, and Mark W.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4169-4178; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
The Cyclic AMP (cAMP)-cAMP Receptor Protein Signaling System Mediates Resistance
of Vibrio cholerae O1 Strains to Multiple Environmental Bacteriophages
M. Shamim Hasan Zahid, T. M. Zaved Waise, M. Kamruzzaman, Amar N. Ghosh, G.
Balakrish Nair, John J. Mekalanos, and Shah M. Faruque
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4233-4240; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
High-Throughput Procedure for Tick Surveys of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus and Its
Application in a National Surveillance Study in Switzerland
Rahel Gäumann, Kathrin Mühlemann, Marc Strasser, and Christian M. Beuret
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4241-4249; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Verotoxin 2 Enhances Adherence of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 to
Intestinal Epithelial Cells and Expression of β1-Integrin by IPEC-J2 Cells
Bianfang Liu, Xianhua Yin, Yanni Feng, James R. Chambers, Aiguang Guo, Joshua Gong,
Jing Zhu, and Carlton L. Gyles
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4461-4468; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Presence of Coxiella burnetii DNA in the Environment of the United States, 2006 to
Gilbert J. Kersh, Teresa M. Wolfe, Kelly A. Fitzpatrick, Amanda J. Candee, Lindsay D. Oliver,
Nicole E. Patterson, Joshua S. Self, Rachael A. Priestley, Amanda D. Loftis, and Robert F.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4469-4475; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Terrestrial Small Mammals as Reservoirs of Mycobacterium ulcerans in Benin
Lies Durnez, Patrick Suykerbuyk, Violaine Nicolas, Patrick Barrière, Erik Verheyen, Christian
R. Johnson, Herwig Leirs, and Françoise Portaels
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4574-4577; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Environmental Microbiology
Adsorption of Extracellular Chromosomal DNA and Its Effects on Natural
Transformation of Azotobacter vinelandii
Aquaculture Journals
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Nanxi Lu, Julie L. Zilles, and Thanh H. Nguyen
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4179-4184; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Metagenomic Analysis of Apple Orchard Soil Reveals Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Encoding Predicted Bifunctional Proteins
Justin J. Donato, Luke A. Moe, Brandon J. Converse, Keith D. Smart, Flora C. Berklein,
Patricia S. McManus, and Jo Handelsman
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4396-4401; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Plant Microbiology
Disruption of the Glycine Cleavage System Enables Sinorhizobium fredii USDA257 To
Form Nitrogen-Fixing Nodules on Agronomically Improved North American Soybean
Julio C. Lorio, Won-Seok Kim, Ammulu H. Krishnan, and Hari B. Krishnan
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4185-4193; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Characterization of the NifA-RpoN Regulon in Rhizobium etli in Free Life and in
Symbiosis with Phaseolus vulgaris
Emmanuel Salazar, J. Javier Díaz-Mejía, Gabriel Moreno-Hagelsieb, Gabriel MartínezBatallar, Yolanda Mora, Jaime Mora, and Sergio Encarnación
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4510-4520; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Burkholderia phymatum Strains Capable of Nodulating Phaseolus vulgaris Are Present
in Moroccan Soils
C. Talbi, M. J. Delgado, L. Girard, A. Ramírez-Trujillo, J. Caballero-Mellado, and E. J.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4587-4591; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Microbial Ecology
Increase in Acid Tolerance of Campylobacter jejuni through Coincubation with
Diana Axelsson-Olsson, Lovisa Svensson, Jenny Olofsson, Paulo Salomon, Jonas
Waldenström, Patrik Ellström, and Björn Olsen
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4194-4200; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Microbial Community Structure and Denitrification in a Wetland Mitigation Bank
Ariane L. Peralta, Jeffrey W. Matthews, and Angela D. Kent
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4207-4215; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Production of Indole from L-Tryptophan and Effects of These Compounds on Biofilm
Formation by Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 25586
Takako Sasaki-Imamura, Akira Yano, and Yasuo Yoshida
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4260-4268; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Aquaculture Journals
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Biosynthetic Potential of Phylogenetically Unique Endophytic Actinomycetes from
Tropical Plants
Jeffrey E. Janso and Guy T. Carter
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4377-4386; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
RNA-Based Investigation of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea in Hot Springs of Yunnan
Province, China
Hongchen Jiang, Qiuyuan Huang, Hailiang Dong, Peng Wang, Fengping Wang, Wenjun Li,
and Chuanlun Zhang
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4538-4541; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Cloning and Characterization of a Gene Cluster for Hatomarubigin Biosynthesis in
Streptomyces sp. Strain 2238-SVT4
Takashi Kawasaki, Reiko Hirashima, Tomoka Maruta, Haruka Sato, Ayumi Maeda, Yuki
Yamada, Maho Takeda, and Yoichi Hayakawa
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4201-4206; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Secretion of an Endogenous Subtilisin by Pichia pastoris Strains GS115 and KM71
Karine Salamin, Dev Sriranganadane, Barbara Léchenne, Olivier Jousson, and Michel
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4269-4276; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Commonalities and Differences in Regulation of N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Quorum
Sensing in the Beneficial Plant-Associated Burkholderia Species Cluster
Zulma Rocío Suárez-Moreno, Giulia Devescovi, Mike Myers, Letícia Hallack, Lucia
Mendonça-Previato, Jesús Caballero-Mellado, and Vittorio Venturi
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4302-4317; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Fluorescent Reporters for Studies of Cellular Localization of Proteins in
Staphylococcus aureus
Pedro M. Pereira, Helena Veiga, Ana M. Jorge, and Mariana G. Pinho
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4346-4353; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
NtcA from Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 Is Autoregulatory and Binds to the
Microcystin Promoter
H. P. Ginn, L. A. Pearson, and B. A. Neilan
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4362-4368; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Gene Expression in Proliferating Cells of the Dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella
Eve Toulza, Mi-Sun Shin, Guillaume Blanc, Stéphane Audic, Mohamed Laabir, Yves Collos,
Jean-Michel Claverie, and Daniel Grzebyk
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4521-4529; published ahead of print April 30, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Enterocin X, a Novel Two-Peptide Bacteriocin from Enterococcus faecium KU-B5, Has
an Antibacterial Spectrum Entirely Different from Those of Its Component Peptides
Chih-Bo Hu, Wanna Malaphan, Takeshi Zendo, Jiro Nakayama, and Kenji Sonomoto
Aquaculture Journals
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Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4542-4545; published ahead of print April 23, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Food Microbiology
Listeria monocytogenes B Has a Small Core Regulon and a Conserved Role in
Virulence but Makes Differential Contributions to Stress Tolerance across a Diverse
Collection of Strains
H. F. Oliver, R. H. Orsi, M. Wiedmann, and K. J. Boor
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4216-4232; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Improvement of Multiple-Stress Tolerance and Lactic Acid Production in Lactococcus
lactis NZ9000 under Conditions of Thermal Stress by Heterologous Expression of
Escherichia coli dnaK
Abdullah-Al-Mahin, Shinya Sugimoto, Chihana Higashi, Shunsuke Matsumoto, and Kenji
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4277-4285; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Quantification of the Effect of Culturing Temperature on Salt-Induced Heat Resistance
of Bacillus Species
Heidy M. W. den Besten, Eric-Jan van der Mark, Lonneke Hensen, Tjakko Abee, and Marcel
H. Zwietering
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4286-4292; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Evaluation of a Stochastic Inactivation Model for Heat-Activated Spores of Bacillus
Maria G. Corradini, Mark D. Normand, Murray Eisenberg, and Micha Peleg
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4402-4412; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Enhanced Surface Colonization by Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Biofilms Formed by an
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Isolate from Meat-Processing Environments
Olivier Habimana, Even Heir, Solveig Langsrud, Anette Wold Åsli, and Trond Møretrø
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4557-4559; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Enzymology and Protein Engineering
Domains III and I-2 , at the Entrance of the Binding Cleft, Play an Important Role in
Cold Adaptation of the Periplasmic Dipeptide-Binding Protein (DppA) from the DeepSea Psychrophilic Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain SM9913
Wei-Xin Zhang, Bin-Bin Xie, Xiu-Lan Chen, Sheng Dong, Xi-Ying Zhang, Bai-Cheng Zhou,
and Yu-Zhong Zhang
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4354-4361; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Inactivation and Augmentation of the Primary 3-Ketosteroid- 1- Dehydrogenase in
Mycobacterium neoaurum NwIB-01: Biotransformation of Soybean Phytosterols to 4Androstene- 3,17-Dione or 1,4-Androstadiene-3,17-Dione
Wei Wei, Feng-qing Wang, Shu-yue Fan, and Dong-zhi Wei
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4578-4582; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Aquaculture Journals
Page: 12 of 97
Shotgun Proteomics of Aspergillus niger Microsomes upon D-Xylose Induction
José Miguel P. Ferreira de Oliveira, Mark W. J. van Passel, Peter J. Schaap, and Leo H. de
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4421-4429; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Comparison of Different DNA-Based Methods for Molecular Typing of Histoplasma
Mauro de Medeiros Muniz, Patrícia Morais e Silva Tavares, Wieland Meyer, Joshua Daniel
Nosanchuk, and Rosely Maria Zancope-Oliveira
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4438-4447; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Influence of Low Oxygen Tensions and Sorption to Sediment Black Carbon on
Biodegradation of Pyrene
José-Julio Ortega-Calvo and Philip M. Gschwend
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4430-4437; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Population Structure and Abundance of Arsenite-Oxidizing Bacteria along an Arsenic
Pollution Gradient in Waters of the Upper Isle River Basin, France
Marianne Quéméneur, Aurélie Cébron, Patrick Billard, Fabienne Battaglia-Brunet, Francis
Garrido, Corinne Leyval, and Catherine Joulian
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4566-4570; published ahead of print May 7, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
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VOLUME 76, PART 14, JULY 2010
Research articles
Plant Microbiology
Genetic and Metabolic Divergence within a Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii
Population Recovered from Clover Nodules
Jerzy Wielbo, Monika Marek-Kozaczuk, Andrzej Mazur, Agnieszka Kubik-Komar, and Anna
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4593-4600; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Improvement of Phosphate Solubilization and Medicago Plant Yield by an Indole-3Acetic Acid-Overproducing Strain of Sinorhizobium meliloti
Carmen Bianco and Roberto Defez
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4626-4632; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Comparison of Barley Succession and Take-All Disease as Environmental Factors
Shaping the Rhizobacterial Community during Take-All Decline
Karin Schreiner, Alexandra Hagn, Martina Kyselková, Yvan Moënne-Loccoz, Gerhard Welzl,
Jean Charles Munch, and Michael Schloter
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4703-4712; published ahead of print June 4, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Aquaculture Journals
Page: 13 of 97
Food Microbiology
Pork Contaminated with Salmonella enterica Serovar 4,[5],12:i:–, an Emerging Health
Risk for Humans
Elisabeth Hauser, Erhard Tietze, Reiner Helmuth, Ernst Junker, Kathrin Blank, Rita Prager,
Wolfgang Rabsch, Bernd Appel, Angelika Fruth, and Burkhard Malorny
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4601-4610; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Antibiotic Resistance Patterns and Detection of blaDHA-1 in Salmonella Species Isolates
from Chicken Farms in South Korea
Nabin Rayamajhi, Byeong Yeal Jung, Seung Bin Cha, Min Kyung Shin, Aeran Kim, Min Su
Kang, Kang Mu Lee, and Han Sang Yoo
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4760-4764; published ahead of print June 4, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Genetic and Proteomic Analysis of Factors Affecting Serum Cholesterol Reduction by
Lactobacillus acidophilus A4
Jin Lee, Younghoon Kim, Hyun Sun Yun, Jong Gun Kim, Sejong Oh, and Sae Hun Kim
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4829-4835; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Transcriptomic and Phenotypic Responses of Listeria monocytogenes Strains
Possessing Different Growth Efficiencies under Acidic Conditions
John P. Bowman, Kim Jye Lee Chang, Terry Pinfold, and Tom Ross
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4836-4850; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Mosaic-Like Sequences Containing Transposon, Phage, and Plasmid Elements among
Listeria monocytogenes Plasmids
Carlos Canchaya, Vanessa Giubellini, Marco Ventura, Clara G. de los Reyes-Gavilán, and
Abelardo Margolles
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4851-4857; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Exopolysaccharide Synthesized by Lactobacillus reuteri Decreases the Ability of
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli To Bind to Porcine Erythrocytes
Yvonne Wang, Michael G. Gänzle, and Clarissa Schwab
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4863-4866; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Integration of Insecticidal Protein Vip3Aa1 into Beauveria bassiana Enhances Fungal
Virulence to Spodoptera litura Larvae by Cuticle and Per Os Infection
Yi Qin, Sheng-Hua Ying, Ying Chen, Zhi-Cheng Shen, and Ming-Guang Feng
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4611-4618; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Potential of Aerobic Denitrification by Pseudomonas stutzeri TR2 To Reduce Nitrous
Oxide Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants
Morio Miyahara, Sang-Wan Kim, Shinya Fushinobu, Koki Takaki, Takeshi Yamada, Akira
Watanabe, Keisuke Miyauchi, Ginro Endo, Takayoshi Wakagi, and Hirofumi Shoun
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4619-4625; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material][Supplemental material] [Reprints and
Aquaculture Journals
Page: 14 of 97
Coupled Arsenotrophy in a Hot Spring Photosynthetic Biofilm at Mono Lake, California
Shelley E. Hoeft, Thomas R. Kulp, Sukkyun Han, Brian Lanoil, and Ronald S. Oremland
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4633-4639; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Influence of Forest Trees on the Distribution of Mineral Weathering-Associated
Bacterial Communities of the Scleroderma citrinum Mycorrhizosphere
Christophe Calvaruso, Marie-Pierre Turpault, Elisabeth Leclerc, Jacques Ranger, Jean
Garbaye, Stéphane Uroz, and Pascale Frey-Klett
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4780-4787; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Weathering-Associated Bacteria from the Damma Glacier Forefield: Physiological
Capabilities and Impact on Granite Dissolution
Beat Frey, Stefan R. Rieder, Ivano Brunner, Michael Plötze, Stefan Koetzsch, Ales Lapanje,
Helmut Brandl, and Gerhard Furrer
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4788-4796; published ahead of print June 4, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Diversity of Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase Genes (dsrAB) in a Salt Marsh Impacted
by Long-Term Acid Mine Drainage
John W. Moreau, Robert A. Zierenberg, and Jillian F. Banfield
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4819-4828; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Promotion of Mn(II) Oxidation and Remediation of Coal Mine Drainage in Passive
Treatment Systems by Diverse Fungal and Bacterial Communities
Cara M. Santelli, Donald H. Pfister, Dana Lazarus, Lu Sun, William D. Burgos, and Colleen
M. Hansel
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4871-4875; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Invertebrate Microbiology
Enrichment and Physiological Characterization of a Novel Nitrospira-Like Bacterium
Obtained from a Marine Sponge
Sandra Off, Mashal Alawi, and Eva Spieck
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4640-4646; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Beneficial Effect of Verminephrobacter Nephridial Symbionts on the Fitness of the
Earthworm Aporrectodea tuberculata
Marie B. Lund, Martin Holmstrup, Bente A. Lomstein, Christian Damgaard, and Andreas
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4738-4743; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Public Health Microbiology
Parallel Analyses of Alexandrium catenella Cell Concentrations and Shellfish Toxicity
in the Puget Sound
Sonya T. Dyhrman, Sheean T. Haley, Jerry A. Borchert, Bob Lona, Nicole Kollars, and Deana
L. Erdner
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4647-4654; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Aquaculture Journals
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Enumeration and Characterization of Antimicrobial-Resistant Escherichia coli Bacteria
in Effluent from Municipal, Hospital, and Secondary Treatment Facility Sources
Sandra Galvin, Fiona Boyle, Paul Hickey, Akke Vellinga, Dearbháile Morris, and Martin
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4772-4779; published ahead of print June 4, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Multigeneration Cross Contamination of Mail with Bacillus Species Spores by
Jason Edmonds, Paul Clark, Leslie Williams, H. D. Alan Lindquist, Kenneth Martinez, Warren
Gardner, Sean Shadomy, and Jennifer Hornsby-Myers
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4797-4804; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Sequence Diversity of Genes Encoding Botulinum Neurotoxin Type F
Brian H. Raphael, Mallory J. Choudoir, Carolina Lúquez, Rafael Fernández, and Susan E.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4805-4812; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Unsuitability of Quantitative Bacteroidales 16S rRNA Gene Assays for Discerning
Fecal Contamination of Drinking Water
Paul W. J. J. van der Wielen and Gertjan Medema
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4876-4881; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Quantitative Real-Time PCR Assays for Sensitive Detection of Canada Goose-Specific
Fecal Pollution in Water Sources
B. Fremaux, T. Boa, and C. K. Yost
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4886-4889; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Genetic Characterization of Vibrio vulnificus Strains from Tilapia Aquaculture in
Zahid H. Mahmud, Anita C. Wright, Shankar C. Mandal, Jianli Dai, Melissa K. Jones,
Mahmud Hasan, Mohammad H. Rashid, Mohammad S. Islam, Judith A. Johnson, Paul A.
Gulig, J. Glenn Morris, Jr., and Afsar Ali
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4890-4895; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology
Adaptation in a Mouse Colony Monoassociated with Escherichia coli K-12 for More
than 1,000 Days
Sean M. Lee, Aaron Wyse, Aaron Lesher, Mary Lou Everett, Linda Lou, Zoie E. Holzknecht,
John F. Whitesides, Patricia A. Spears, Dawn E. Bowles, Shu S. Lin, Susan L. Tonkonogy,
Paul E. Orndorff, R. Randal Bollinger, and William Parker
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4655-4663; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Application of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae FLP/FRT Recombination System in
Filamentous Fungi for Marker Recycling and Construction of Knockout Strains Devoid
of Heterologous Genes
Katarina Kopke, Birgit Hoff, and Ulrich Kück
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4664-4674; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
Aquaculture Journals
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[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Novel Assay To Assess Permissiveness of a Soil Microbial Community toward Receipt
of Mobile Genetic Elements
Sanin Musovic, Arnaud Dechesne, Jan Sørensen, and Barth F. Smets
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4813-4818; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Antibiotic Resistance Markers for Genetic Manipulations of Leptospira spp.
Dante Poggi, Priscila Oliveira de Giuseppe, and Mathieu Picardeau
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4882-4885; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Simple, Fast, and Sensitive Method for Quantification of Tellurite in Culture Media
Roberto C. Molina, Radhika Burra, José M. Pérez-Donoso, Alex O. Elías, Claudia Muñoz,
Rebecca A. Montes, Thomas G. Chasteen, and Claudio C. Vásquez
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4901-4904; published ahead of print June 4, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Structural and Functional Characterization of Diffusible Signal Factor Family QuorumSensing Signals Produced by Members of the Burkholderia cepacia Complex
Yinyue Deng, Ji'en Wu, Leo Eberl, and Lian-Hui Zhang
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4675-4683; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Natural Competence in Thermoanaerobacter and Thermoanaerobacterium Species
A. Joe Shaw, David A. Hogsett, and Lee R. Lynd
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4713-4719; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Acinetobacter baylyi Starvation-Induced Genes Identified through Incubation in LongTerm Stationary Phase
C. Phoebe Lostroh and Bruce A. Voyles
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4905-4908; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Cometabolic Degradation of Trichloroethene by Rhodococcus sp. Strain L4
Immobilized on Plant Materials Rich in Essential Oils
Oramas Suttinun, Rudolf Müller, and Ekawan Luepromchai
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4684-4690; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Magnetospirillum bellicus sp. nov., a Novel Dissimilatory Perchlorate-Reducing
Alphaproteobacterium Isolated from a Bioelectrical Reactor
J. Cameron Thrash, Sarir Ahmadi, Tamas Torok, and John D. Coates
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4730-4737; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Soil Type-Dependent Responses to Phenanthrene as Revealed by Determining the
Diversity and Abundance of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Ring-Hydroxylating
Dioxygenase Genes by Using a Novel PCR Detection System
Guo-Chun Ding, Holger Heuer, Sebastian Zühlke, Michael Spiteller, Geertje Johanna Pronk,
Katja Heister, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, and Kornelia Smalla
Aquaculture Journals
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Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4765-4771; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Microbial Ecology
Diversity, Abundance, and Spatial Distribution of Sediment Ammonia-Oxidizing
Betaproteobacteria in Response to Environmental Gradients and Coastal
Eutrophication in Jiaozhou Bay, China
Hongyue Dang, Jing Li, Ruipeng Chen, Lin Wang, Lizhong Guo, Zhinan Zhang, and Martin
G. Klotz
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4691-4702; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material][Supplemental material] [Reprints and
Modulation of Responses of Vibrio parahaemolyticus O3:K6 to pH and Temperature
Stresses by Growth at Different Salt Concentrations
W. Brian Whitaker, Michelle A. Parent, Lynn M. Naughton, Gary P. Richards, Seth L.
Blumerman, and E. Fidelma Boyd
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4720-4729; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Influence of Soil Characteristics on the Diversity of Bacteria in the Southern Brazilian
Atlantic Forest
H. Faoro, A. C. Alves, E. M. Souza, L. U. Rigo, L. M. Cruz, S. M. Al-Janabi, R. A. Monteiro, V.
A. Baura, and F. O. Pedrosa
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4744-4749; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Spatiotemporal Variations in Microcystin Concentrations and in the Proportions of
Microcystin-Producing Cells in Several Microcystis aeruginosa Populations
M. Sabart, D. Pobel, E. Briand, B. Combourieu, M. J. Salençon, J. F. Humbert, and D. Latour
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4750-4759; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Animal-to-Animal Variation in Fecal Microbial Diversity among Beef Cattle
Lisa M. Durso, Gregory P. Harhay, Timothy P. L. Smith, James L. Bono, Todd Z. DeSantis,
Dayna M. Harhay, Gary L. Andersen, James E. Keen, William W. Laegreid, and Michael L.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4858-4862; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Reprints and Permissions]
Diversity of Formyltetrahydrofolate Synthetases in the Guts of the Wood-Feeding
Cockroach Cryptocercus punctulatus and the Omnivorous Cockroach Periplaneta
Elizabeth A. Ottesen and Jared R. Leadbetter
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4909-4913; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Enzymology and Protein Engineering
Novel Carbohydrate-Binding Module Identified in a Ruminal Metagenomic
Cheng-Jie Duan, Jun-Liang Liu, Xi Wu, Ji-Liang Tang, and Jia-Xun Feng
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4867-4870; published ahead of print May 14, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Engineering of Clostridium phytofermentans Endoglucanase Cel5A for Improved
Aquaculture Journals
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Wenjin Liu, Xiao-Zhou Zhang, Zuoming Zhang, and Y.-H. Percival Zhang
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4914-4917; published ahead of print May 28, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
Environmental Microbiology
Searching for Mesophilic Thermotogales Bacteria: "Mesotogas" in the Wild
Camilla L. Nesbø, Rajkumari Kumaraswamy, Marlena Dlutek, W. Ford Doolittle, and Julia
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. July 2010 76: 4896-4900; published ahead of print May 21, 2010,
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplemental material] [Reprints and Permissions]
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Apppplliieedd M
Miiccrroobbiioollooggyy aanndd B
VOLUME 87, PART 4, JULY 2010
Research Articles
Biotechnological doxorubicin production: pathway and regulation engineering of
strains for enhanced production
Narayan Prasad Niraula, Seon-Hye Kim, Jae Kyung Sohng and Eung-Soo Kim
PDF (297.3 KB)HTML
Engineering cellulolytic ability into bioprocessing organisms
Daniel C. la Grange, Riaan den Haan and Willem H. van Zyl
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Production of chondroitin sulfate and chondroitin
Chiara Schiraldi, Donatella Cimini and Mario De Rosa
PDF (251.8 KB)HTML
Proteins with antifungal properties and other medicinal applications from plants and
Jack H. Wong, T. B. Ng, Randy C. F. Cheung, X. J. Ye, H. X. Wang, S. K. Lam, P. Lin, Y. S.
Chan, Evandro F. Fang, Patrick H. K. Ngai, L. X. Xia, X. Y. Ye, Y. Jiang and F. Liu
PDF (457.1 KB)HTML
Chemical diversity of biologically active metabolites in the sclerotia of Inonotus
obliquus and submerged culture strategies for up-regulating their production
Weifa Zheng, Kangjie Miao, Yubing Liu, Yanxia Zhao, Meimei Zhang, Shenyuan Pan and
Yucheng Dai
PDF (337.5 KB)HTML
Expression and export: recombinant protein production systems for Aspergillus
André Fleißner and Petra Dersch
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Metallomics: lessons for metalliferous soil remediation
Götz Haferburg and Erika Kothe
PDF (258.4 KB)HTML
Biotechnological production and applications of N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid: current
state and perspectives
Fei Tao, Yinan Zhang, Cuiqing Ma and Ping Xu
PDF (316.6 KB)HTML
Developments and perspectives of photobioreactors for biofuel production
Michael Morweiser, Olaf Kruse, Ben Hankamer and Clemens Posten
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Trends and challenges in the microbial production of lignocellulosic bioalcohol fuels
Christian Weber, Alexander Farwick, Feline Benisch, Dawid Brat, Heiko Dietz, Thorsten
Subtil and Eckhard Boles
PDF (351.0 KB)HTML
Effects of acetic acid, ethanol, and SO2 on the removal of volatile acidity from acidic wines by
two Saccharomyces cerevisiae commercial strains
Alice Vilela-Moura, Dorit Schuller, Arlete Mendes-Faia and Manuela Côrte-Real
Aquaculture Journals
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Production of geranylgeraniol on overexpression of a prenyl diphosphate synthase
fusion gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Chikara Ohto, Masayoshi Muramatsu, Shusei Obata, Eiji Sakuradani and Sakayu Shimizu
PDF (672.3 KB)HTML
Novel biosynthesis of (R)-ethyl-3-hydroxyglutarate with (R)-enantioselective hydrolysis
of racemic ethyl 4-cyano-3-hydroxybutyate by Rhodococcus erythropolis
Hua-Ping Dong, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Yu-Guo Zheng and Yin-Chu Shen
PDF (339.4 KB)HTML
Directed microbial biosynthesis of deuterated biosurfactants and potential future
application to other bioactive molecules
Thomas J. Smyth, Amedea Perfumo, Roger Marchant, Ibrahim M. Banat, Minglei Chen,
Robert K. Thomas, Jeffrey Penfold, Paul S. Stevenson and Neil J. Parry
PDF (164.8 KB)HTML
Construction and expression of immunogenic hybrid enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
CFA/I and CS2 colonization fimbriae for use in vaccines
Joshua Tobias, Ann-Mari Svennerholm, Jan Holmgren and Michael Lebens
PDF (290.8 KB)HTML
Site-directed mutagenesis of disulfide bridges in Aspergillus niger NRRL 3135 phytase
(PhyA), their expression in Pichia pastoris and catalytic characterization
Edward J. Mullaney, Heather Locovare, Kandan Sethumadhavan, Stephanie Boone, Xin Gen
Lei and Abul H. J. Ullah
PDF (207.2 KB)HTML
A novel salt-tolerant endo-β-1,4-glucanase Cel5A in Vibrio sp. G21 isolated from
mangrove soil
Zhaoming Gao, Lingwei Ruan, Xiulan Chen, Yuzhong Zhang and Xun Xu
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Molecular detection and diversity of xylanase genes in alpine tundra soil
Guozeng Wang, Yaru Wang, Peilong Yang, Huiying Luo, Huoqing Huang, Pengjun Shi, Kun
Meng and Bin Yao
PDF (514.0 KB)HTMLSupplemental HTML
Identification and characterization of an avian β-defensin orthologue, avian β-defensin
9, from quails
Ruiqin Wang, Deying Ma, Lijuan Lin, Caiyuan Zhou, Zongxi Han, Yuhao Shao, Wenyan Liao
and Shengwang Liu
PDF (333.0 KB)HTML
Cloning, characterization, and engineering of fungal L-arabinitol dehydrogenases
Byoungjin Kim, Ryan P. Sullivan and Huimin Zhao
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Characterization of two aldo–keto reductases from Gluconobacter oxydans 621H
capable of regio- and stereoselective α-ketocarbonyl reduction
Paul Schweiger, Harald Gross and Uwe Deppenmeier
PDF (311.9 KB)HTML
Chain transfer reaction catalyzed by various polyhydroxyalkanoate synthases with
poly(ethylene glycol) as an exogenous chain transfer agent
Satoshi Tomizawa, Yuta Saito, Manami Hyakutake, Yoshiyuki Nakamura, Hideki Abe and
Takeharu Tsuge
Aquaculture Journals
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Expression of Trichoderma reesei cellulases CBHI and EGI in Ashbya gossypii
Orquídea Ribeiro, Marilyn Wiebe, Marja Ilmén, Lucília Domingues and Merja Penttilä
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Retrotransposon expression in ethanol-stressed Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Dragana Stanley, Sarah Fraser, Grant A. Stanley and Paul J. Chambers
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Genomic structure and promoter analysis of the dsz operon for dibenzothiophene
biodesulfurization from Gordonia alkanivorans RIPI90A
Mahmoud Shavandi, Majid Sadeghizadeh, Khosro Khajeh, Ghasemali Mohebali and Alireza
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Expanding the ku70 toolbox for filamentous fungi: establishment of complementation
vectors and recipient strains for advanced gene analyses
Neuza D. S. P. Carvalho, Mark Arentshorst, Min Jin Kwon, Vera Meyer and Arthur F. J. Ram
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Functional analysis of genes for benzoate metabolism in the albicidin biosynthetic
region of Xanthomonas albilineans
Saeed M. Hashimi and Robert G. Birch
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Fermentation characteristics of Dekkera bruxellensis strains
Johanna Blomqvist, Thomas Eberhard, Johan Schnürer and Volkmar Passoth
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Effect of methanogenic substrates on anaerobic oxidation of methane and sulfate
reduction by an anaerobic methanotrophic enrichment
Roel J. W. Meulepas, Christian G. Jagersma, Ahmad F. Khadem, Alfons J. M. Stams and
Piet N. L. Lens
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Lipidome profiling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals pitching rate-dependent
fermentative performance
Hong-Chi Tian, Jian Zhou, Bin Qiao, Ying Liu, Jin-Mei Xia and Ying-Jin Yuan
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Combination of the 2A/furin technology with an animal component free cell line
development platform process
Thomas Jostock, Zorica Dragic, Jianmin Fang, Karin Jooss, Burkhard Wilms and Hans-Peter
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I-SceI endonuclease: a new tool for DNA repair studies and genetic manipulations in
Theresa Siegl, Lutz Petzke, Elisabeth Welle and Andriy Luzhetskyy
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A mini-Mu transposon-based method for multiple DNA fragment integration into
bacterial genomes
Xiao-Xing Wei, Zhen-Yu Shi, Zheng-Jun Li, Lei Cai, Qiong Wu and Guo-Qiang Chen
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Mineralization of PCBs by the genetically modified strain Cupriavidus necator JMS34
and its application for bioremediation of PCBs in soil
Juan Matías Saavedra, Francisca Acevedo, Myriam González and Michael Seeger
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Performance and microbial community composition dynamics of aerobic granular
sludge from sequencing batch bubble column reactors operated at 20 °C, 30 °C, and
35 °C
Sirous Ebrahimi, Sébastien Gabus, Emmanuelle Rohrbach-Brandt, Maryam Hosseini, Pierre
Rossi, Julien Maillard and Christof Holliger
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Mineralization and transformation of monofluorophenols by Pseudonocardia
Eun-Ju Kim, Jong-Rok Jeon, Young-Mo Kim, Kumarasamy Murugesan and Yoon-Seok
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Efficient degradation of rice straw in the reactors packed by carbon fiber textiles
Kengo Sasaki, Masahiko Morita, Shin-ichi Hirano, Daisuke Sasaki, Naoya Ohmura and
Yasuo Igarashi
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VOLUME 43, PART 1, JULY 2010
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Development of biofilm of Vibrio alginolyticus for oral immunostimulation of shrimp
S. R. Krupesha Sharma, K. M. Shankar, M. L. Sathyanarayana, Raj Reddy Patil, H. D.
Narayana Swamy and Suguna Rao
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Low fishmeal diets for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., using soy protein concentrate
treated with graded levels of phytase
Chris G. Carter and M. Sajjadi
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Differences in fatty acid composition of egg capsules from broodstock spotted
babylon, Babylonia areolata, fed a local trash fish and formulated diet under hatchery
N. Chaitanawisuti, S. Sangsawangchote and S. Piyatiratitivorakul
DOI: 10.1007/s10499-010-9353-4
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Tolerance response to ammonia and nitrite in hatchlings paralarvae of Octopus
vulgaris and its toxic effects on prey consumption rate and chromatophores activity
Paloma Feyjoo, Rodrigo Riera, Beatriz C. Felipe, Alí Skalli and Eduardo Almansa
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Effects of two dietary protein levels on energy balance and digestive capacity of
Octopus maya
Carlos Rosas, Ariadna Sánchez, Cristina Pascual, Josué Aguila, Teresita Maldonado and
Pedro Domingues
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Growth and survival of grouper Epinepheluscoioides (Hamilton) larvae fed free-living
nematode Panagrellus redivivus at first feeding
Ofelia S. Reyes, Marietta N. Duray, Corazon B. Santiago and Manuele Ricci
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Effect of the interaction between body weight and temperature on growth and
maximum daily food intake in sharpsnout sea bream (Diplodus puntazzo)
Benjamín García García, Jesús Cerezo Valverde, Felipe Aguado-Giménez, José García
García and María D. Hernández
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Effect of partial fish meal replacement by soybean meal on the growth performance
and biochemical indices of juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
Jidan Ye, Xianghe Liu, Zijia Wang and Kun Wang
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Effects of dietary lipid levels on growth performance, feed utilization and fatty acid
composition of juvenile Japanese seabass (Lateolabrax japonicus) reared in seawater
Jian-He Xu, Jie Qin, Bin-Lun Yan, Ming Zhu and Gang Luo
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Erratum to: Econometric model of viability/profitability of ongrowing sharp snout sea
bream (Diplodus puntazzo) in sea cages
J. García García and B. García García
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Behavioural response of carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.) pond stock upon occurrence of
hunting great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) flocks
Jiří Kortan and Zdeněk Adámek
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A preliminary study on the use of mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) in freshwater
crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 juvenile diets
Yavuz Mazlum, Erdal Yılmaz, M. A. Genç and Ozlem Guner
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Effects of atrazine on the viability and the formation of byssus of the mussel Mytilus
Dimitrios Karagiannis, Ioannis N. Vatsos and Panagiotis Angelidis
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The effects of freshwater rearing on the whole body and muscle tissue fatty acid
profile of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Arzu Özlüer Hunt, Ferbal Özkan, Kenan Engin and Nazmi Tekelioğlu
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Antibacterial effect of medium-chain fatty acid: caprylic acid on gnotobiotic Artemia
franciscana nauplii against shrimp pathogens Vibrio harveyi and V. parahaemolyticus
G. Immanuel, M. Sivagnanavelmurugan and A. Palavesam
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Socio-economic factors critical for intensification of fish farming technology. A case of
selected villages in Morogoro and Dar es Salaam regions, Tanzania
Kitojo Wetengere
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Effects of early weaning strategies on growth, survival and digestive enzyme activities
in cobia (Rachycentron canadum L.) larvae
Huy Quang Nguyen, Helge Reinertsen, Per-Arvid Wold, Thien Mai Tran and Elin Kjørsvik
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Lipid composition of the mantle and digestive gland of Octopus vulgaris juveniles
(Cuvier, 1797) exposed to prolonged starvation
Sandra García-Garrido, Ismael Hachero-Cruzado, Diego Garrido, Carlos Rosas and Pedro
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Effects of dietary protein and lipid levels and protein to energy ratios on growth
performance and feed utilization of hatchery-reared juvenile spotted babylon
(Babylonia areolata)
Nilnaj Chaitanawisuti, Sirusa Kritsanapuntu and Wannanee Santaweesuk
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Evaluation of corn steep liquor as a supplementary feed for Labeo rohita (Ham.)
Sandeep G. Chovatiya, Sujata S. Bhatt and Amita R. Shah
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Effect of refeeding on the growth and digestive enzyme activities of Fenneropenaeus
chinensis juveniles exposed to different periods of food deprivation
Peidong Zhang, Xiumei Zhang, Jian Li and Tianxiang Gao
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Growth comparison of Asian Nile and red tilapia strains in controlled and uncontrolled
farm conditions
Maria Rowena R. Romana-Eguia, Minoru Ikeda, Zubaida U. Basiao and Nobuhiko Taniguchi
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Artificial gynogenesis and assessment of homozygosity in meiotic gynogens of
spotted halibut (Verasper variegatus)
Xiang-Shan Ji, Song-Lin Chen, Jing-Feng Yang, Hong-Yu Ma and Yun-Liang Jiang
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Influence of natural diet on growth and biochemical composition of Octopus vulgaris
Cuvier, 1797
Francesca Biandolino, Giuseppe Portacci and Ermelinda Prato
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Culture of juvenile European lobster (Homarus gammarus L.) in submerged cages
Gonzalo Perez Benavente, Ingebrigt Uglem, Ronan Browne and Carlos Marino Balsa
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Effect of thermal treatment on muscle tissue structure and ultrastructure of wild and
farmed sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L
M. D. Ayala, A. García-Alcázar, I. Abdel, G. Ramírez-Zarzosa and O. López-Albors
Effect of altering linoleic acid and linolenic acid dietary levels and ratios on the
performance and tissue fatty acid profiles of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fry
Osama M. El–Husseiny, Galal M. Abdul-Aziz, Ashraf M. A. -S. Goda and Ashraf Suloma
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Growth and fatty acid composition of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae fed with enriched
Artemia or co-fed with an inert diet
Pedro Seixas, Ana Otero, Luísa M. P. Valente, Jorge Dias and Manuel Rey-Méndez
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Effects of additive iron on growth, tissue distribution, haematology and immunology of
gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata
George Rigos, Alexandros Samartzis, Morgane Henry, Eleni Fountoulaki, Efthimia Cotou,
John Sweetman, Simon Davies and Ioannis Nengas
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Isolation and identification of a phosphate-solubilizing bacterium Pantoeastewartii
subsp. stewartii g6, and effects of temperature, salinity, and pH on its growth under
indoor culture conditions
Xiao-Juan Hu, Zhuo-Jia Li, Yu-Cheng Cao, Jun Zhang, Ying-Xue Gong and Yu-Feng Yang
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Characterization of beta-1,4-endoglucanase as a polysaccharide-degrading digestive
enzyme from disk abalone, Haliotis discus discus
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Chamilani Nikapitiya, Chulhong Oh, Mahanama De Zoysa, Ilson Whang, Do-Hyung Kang,
Sun-Ryung Lee, Se-Jae Kim and Jehee Lee
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Effect of VP28 DNA vaccine on white spot syndrome virus in Litopenaeus vannamei
Xiang Li, Qing-hui Liu, Lin Hou and Jie Huang
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Montet D and Ray RC (eds): Aquaculture microbiology and biotechnology, vol 1
Science Publishers, Enfield (NH), 2009, XI + 275 pp, £56/US$99.50/€81.10 (Hardback), ISBN
Malcolm Jobling
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Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of oxytetracycline in vannamei shrimp (Penaeus
vannamei) and the effect of processing on the residues in muscle and shell
Kazuaki Uno, Tidaporn Chaweepack and Lila Ruangpan
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Molecular divergence and application of the ITS-5.8S rDNA and RUBISCO spacer in
Porphyra haitanensis Chang et Zheng (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)
Changsheng Chen, Chaotian Xie, Dehua Ji, Yan Liang and Lingmin Zhao
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Genetic transformation in Kappaphycus alvarezii using micro-particle bombardment: a
potential strategy for germplasm improvement
Jinfeng Wang, Peng Jiang, Yulin Cui, Xiangyuan Deng, Fuchao Li, Jianguo Liu and Song Qin
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Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial communities in the shrimp and sea cucumber
aquaculture environment in northern China by culturing and PCR–DGGE
Qiufen Li, Y. Zhang, D. Juck, N. Fortin, Charles W. Greer and Qisheng Tang
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Assessment of growth condition for a candidate probiotic, Shewanella algae, isolated
from digestive system of a healthy juvenile Penaeus monodon
Shahram Shakiba Zadeh, Che Roos Saad, Annie Christianus, Mohd Salleh Kamarudin,
Kamaruzaman Sijam, Mariana Nor Shamsudin and Vasantha Kumari Neela
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Econometric model of viability/profitability of ongrowing sharp snout sea bream
(Diplodus puntazzo) in sea cages
García J. García and García B. García
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From fright to anticipation: using aversive light stimuli to investigate reward
conditioning in large groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Silje Bratland, Lars Helge Stien, Victoria A. Braithwaite, Jon-Erik Juell, Ole Folkedal, Jonatan
Nilsson, Frode Oppedal, Jan Erik Fosseidengen and Tore S. Kristiansen
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Intraspecific growth variation among rainbow trout and brook trout: impact of initial
body weight and feeding level
Richard Skøtt Rasmussen and Torsten Ostenfeld
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The effects of cyclical temperature changes on growth and physiological status of
Litopenaeus vannamei
Biao Guo, Fang Wang, Shuanglin Dong, Yunwei Dong and Xiangli Tian
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Growth and feed utilization of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, L.) fed to satiation
and restrictively at increasing dietary energy levels
Alessio Bonaldo, Gloria Isani, Ramon Fontanillas, Luca Parma, Ester Grilli and Pier Paolo
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Some clinical, microbiological and molecular characteristics of Aeromonas hydrophila
isolated from various naturally infected fishes
Manal I. El-Barbary
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Dietary total phosphorus requirement of juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus
Z. Luo, X.-Y. Tan, X. Liu and W.-M. Wang
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Soybean meal and wheat flour, proper dietary protein sources for optimal growth of
snail (Semisulcospira coreana)
Minh Anh Pham, Gyu-Deok Hwang, Yi-Oh Kim, Joo-Young Seo and Sang-Min Lee
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Effect of stocking density and journey length on the welfare of rohu (Labeo rohita
Hamilton) fry
N. Chatterjee, A. K. Pal, T. Das, R. Dalvi, M. S. Mohammad, K. Sarma, S. C. Mukherjee and
K. Baruah
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The effect of darkness on mating and pleopodal egg production time in a freshwater
crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz
Muzaffer Mustafa Harlioğlu and Tuba Çakmak Duran
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Application of synthetic hormone LHRH-A2 on the artificial propagation of Persian
sturgeon Acipenser persicus
Rajab Mohammad Nazari, Maryam Modanloo, Mohammad Reza Ghomi and Mahmoud Reza
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Effect of triploidization on juvenile African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
A. Karami, A. Christianus, Z. Ishak, S. C. Courtenay, M. A. Syed, M. Noor Azlina and H.
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Effect of inland saline water ionic profiles on growth, chemical composition and agar
characteristics of Gracilaria cliftonii (Withell, Miller and Kraft 1994) under laboratory
Vivek Kumar, Ravi Fotedar and Ken Dods
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A first genetic linkage map of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) using AFLP
Wei-Ji Wang, Han-Ping Wang, Hong Yao, Geoff K. Wallat, Laura G. Tiu and Qing-Yin Wang
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Seasonal variations in growth and clearance rate of the Zhikong scallop Chlamys
farreri suspended in the deep water of Haizhou Bay, China
Zonghe Yu, Baozhong Liu, Hongsheng Yang, Yi Zhou, Kun Xing, Qiang Xu and Libin Zhang
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Elimination of animals with best growth potential as a possible effect of the culling of
Mercenaria mercenaria notata (L.) larvae in hatchery procedure
Chantal Gionet, Elise Mayrand and Thomas Landry
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A survey of the health status of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in Ireland
with specific reference to brown ring disease
L. Drummond, M. F. Mulcahy and S. C. Culloty
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Effect of yeast polysaccharide on the immune function of juvenile sea cucumber,
Apostichopus japonicus Selenka under pH stress
Wen Zhao, Miao Liang and Peng Zhang
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Sperm of feral carp Cyprinus carpio: optimization of activation solution
Kazem Darvish Bastami, Mohammad Reza Imanpour and Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar
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Lack of essential fatty acids in live feed during larval and post-larval rearing: effect on
the performance of juvenile Solea senegalensis
Maria Luísa Dâmaso-Rodrigues, Pedro Pousão-Ferreira, Laura Ribeiro, Joana Coutinho,
Narcisa M. Bandarra, Paulo J. Gavaia, Luís Narciso and Sofia Morais
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Management strategies to reduce operating costs in a commercial shrimp hatchery in
NW Mexico
Ludwig C. A. Naegel
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Economic analysis of tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and humpback grouper
Cromileptes altivelis commercial cage culture in Indonesia
Farok Afero, Sha Miao and Arlenie A. Perez
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Substrate selection and effect of different substrates on survival and growth of
juveniles of the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens 1868)
(Decapoda, Parastacidae)
Verónica E. Viau and Enrique M. Rodríguez
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Original articles
Growth and hepatopancreas performances of gibel carp fed diets containing low levels
of aflatoxin B1 (p 335-342)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 997K)
Dietary strategies to improve the growth and feed utilization of barramundi, Lates
calcarifer under high water temperature conditions (p 343-350)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 808K)
Assessment of methods for the determination of digestibilities of feed ingredients for
Tra catfish, Pangasinodon hypothalamus (p 351-358)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 833K)
Digestive proteinases and peptidases in the hepatopancreas of the southern brown
shrimp (Farfantepenaeus subtilis) in two sub-adult stages (p 359-369)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 1190K)
Dietary digestible lysine requirement and essential amino acid to lysine ratio for pacu
Piaractus mesopotamicus (p 370-377)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 810K)
Dietary magnesium did not affect calcium and phosphorus content in juvenile grouper,
Epinephelus coioides (p 378-384)
C.-X. YE, L.-X. TIAN, K.-S. MAI, H.-J. YANG, J. NIU, Y.-J. LIU
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 714K)
Histologic changes in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque, fed diets
containing graded levels of gossypol–acetic acid (p 385-391)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 817K)
Effects of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth and energy productive value of
pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, at different salinities (p 392-399)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 801K)
Apparent amino acid availability from feedstuffs in extruded diets for rainbow trout
Oncorhynchus mykiss (p 400-406)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 698K)
Effects of the commercial probiotic Lactobacillus casei on the growth, protein content
of skin mucus and stress resistance of juveniles of the Porthole livebearer Poecilopsis
gracilis (Poecilidae) (p 407-411)
Aquaculture Journals
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Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 836K)
Effect of dietary protein levels on growth performance and whole body composition of
summerling and winterling spotted barbel (Hemibarbus maculates Bleeker) (p 412-418)
J.-M. CHEN, J.-Y. YE, Q. PAN, B.-Q. SHEN, Y.-H. WANG
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 813K)
Interactive effects of dietary cholesterol and protein sources on growth performance
and cholesterol metabolism of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) (p 419-429)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 831K)
Immune response, disease resistance and intestinal microflora of juvenile Jian carp
(Cyprinus carpio var. Jian) fed graded levels of pantothenic acid (p 430-436)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 776K)
Demonstration of salmon farming as a net producer of fish protein and oil (p 437-446)
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 796K)
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Aqquuaaccuullttuurree R
VOLUME 41, PART 8, JULY 2010
Review Article
Original Articles
Degradation and effect of hydrogen peroxide in small-scale recirculation aquaculture
system biofilters (p 1113-1122)
Martin Sune Møller, Erik Arvin, Lars-Flemming Pedersen
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 524K)
Quality preservation of salted, vacuum packaged and refrigerated mahi sefid (Rutilus
frisii kutum) fillets using an onion (Allium cepa) extract (p 1123-1132)
Mehdi Zolfaghari, Bahareh Shabanpour, Sanaz Fallahzadeh
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 176K)
Effects of varying dietary compositions using common feed ingredients on growth and
feed efficiency of pond-raised channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) (p
Menghe H Li, Edwin H Robinson, Brian G Bosworth, Daniel F Oberle, Penelope M Lucas
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 134K)
Fatty acid composition and analysis of freshwater caridean shrimp Macrobrachium
nipponense (De Haan) during spermiogenesis (p 1140-1149)
Da-Hui Wang, Zhi-Juan Chen, Yu-Yang Jiang, Hong Zhou, Wan-Xi Yang
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 795K)
Protein requirements of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry cultured at different
salinities (p 1150-1157)
Edvino Larumbe-Morán, Martha P Hernández-Vergara, Miguel A Olvera-Novoa, Carlos I
Pérez Rostro
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 225K)
Parasites of cultured and wild brown-marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus
(Forsskål, 1775) in Lampung Bay, Indonesia (p 1158-1169)
Sonja Rückert, Sven Klimpel, Harry Wilhelm Palm
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 421K)
Intra-specific effects of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) with reference to
stocking density and body size (p 1170-1178)
Shuanglin Dong, Miao Liang, Qinfeng Gao, Fang Wang, Yunwei Dong, Xiangli Tian
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 292K)
Effect of rearing density on the growth and welfare indices of juvenile spotted wolffish,
Anarhichas minor (Olafsen) (p 1179-1189)
Sarah Tremblay-Bourgeois, Nathalie R Le François, Robert L Roy, Tillmann J Benfey, Albert
K Imsland
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 209K)
Electrical stunning of farmed Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L.: a comparison of an
industrial and experimental method (p 1190-1202)
Hanne Digre, Ulf Erikson, Ekrem Misimi, Bert Lambooij, Hans van de Vis
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 277K)
Aquaculture Journals
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Quality of farmed Atlantic cod: effects of season and storage (p 1203-1210)
Hilde Herland, Margrethe Esaiassen, Marie Cooper, Ragnar L Olsen
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 177K)
Mud crab pen culture: replacement of fish feed requirement and impacts on mangrove
community structure (p 1211-1220)
Jurgenne H Primavera, Joseph B Binas, Giselle P B Samonte-Tan, Ma Junemie J Lebata,
Veronica R Alava, Mark Walton, Lewis LeVay
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 464K)
Ammonia reduction in seawater by Yucca schidigera extract: efficacy analysis and
empirical modelling (p 1221-1228)
Roberto A Santacruz-Reyes, Yew-Hu Chien
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 283K)
The consequences of differential family survival rates and equalizing maternal
contributions on the effective population size (Ne) of cultured silver-lipped pearl
oysters, Pinctada maxima (p 1229-1242)
Curtis E Lind, Brad S Evans, Joseph J U Taylor, Dean R Jerry
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 462K)
Induced ovulation of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) using a combination of a
gonadotrop-releasing hormone analogue and domperidone (p 1243-1249)
Youji Wang, Menghong Hu, Siu Gin Cheung, Paul K. S. Shin, Limin Song, Weimin Wang
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 139K)
Development and testing of a pedigree-marking system using visible implant
elastomer tags for selective improvement in Morone breeding programmes (p 12501254)
Sidney Adam Fuller, Matthew McEntire, Gerald M Ludwig
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 111K)
Effect of feed restriction on the growth performance of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus
L.) juveniles under commercial rearing conditions (p 1255-1260)
Isidro Blanquet, Aires Oliva-Teles
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 124K)
Alternative matrices for cortisol measurement in fish (p 1261-1267)
Daniela Bertotto, Carlo Poltronieri, Elena Negrato, Duilio Majolini, Giuseppe Radaelli, Claudia
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 216K)
Short Communication
Possible influence of probiotic adhesion to intestinal mucosa on the activity and
morphology of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) enterocytes (p 1268-1272)
Daniel L Merrifield, Glenn M Harper, Arkadios Dimitroglou, Einar Ringø, Simon J Davies
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VOLUME 30, PART 3, MAY 2010
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VOLUME 67, PART 7, JULY 2009
Research articles
Consistent patterns of maturity and density-dependent growth among populations of
walleye (Sander vitreus): application of the growing degree-day metric
pp. 1057-1067(11)
Authors: Venturelli, Paul A.; Lester, Nigel P.; Marshall, Terry R.; Shuter, Brian J.
Population-specific locomotor phenotypes are displayed by barramundi, Lates
calcarifer, in response to thermal stress
pp. 1068-1074(7)
Authors: Edmunds, Richard C.; van Herwerden, Lynne; Fulton, Christopher J.
Estimating bioenergetics model parameters for fish with incomplete recapture
pp. 1075-1085(11)
Authors: Thompson, Bradley E.; Hayes, Daniel B.
Modelling fishing-induced adaptations and consequences for natural mortality
pp. 1086-1097(12)
Authors: Jørgensen, Christian; Fiksen, Øyvind
Contemporary and historical patterns of connectivity among populations of an inland
river fish species inferred from genetics and otolith chemistry
pp. 1098-1115(18)
Authors: Woods, Ryan J.; Macdonald, Jed I.; Crook, David A.; Schmidt, Daniel J.; Hughes,
Jane M.
Sensitivity of pH in a boreal stream network to a potential decrease in base cations
caused by forest harvest
pp. 1116-1125(10)
Authors: Ågren, Anneli; Buffam, Ishi; Bishop, Kevin; Laudon, Hjalmar
Long-term functional group recovery of lotic macroinvertebrates from logging
pp. 1126-1134(9)
Authors: Ely, Damon T.; Wallace, J. B.
A multispecies age-structured assessment model for the Gulf of Alaska
pp. 1135-1148(14)
Authors: Van Kirk, Kray F.; Quinn, Terrance J.; Collie, Jeremy S.
Wintertime ocean conditions synchronize rockfish growth and seabird reproduction in
the central California Current ecosystem
pp. 1149-1158(10)
Authors: Black, Bryan A.; Schroeder, Isaac D.; Sydeman, William J.; Bograd, Steven J.;
Lawson, Peter W.
Abundance and distribution of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) nearshore of Cape
Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica, during six austral summers between 2000 and
pp. 1159-1170(12)
Authors: Warren, Joseph D.; Demer, David A.
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Population structure of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in a large glacial-fed lake
inferred from microsatellite DNA and morphological analysis
pp. 1171-1186(16)
Authors: Northrup, Sara; Connor, Mark; Taylor, Eric B.
Effects of temperature and elemental concentration on the chemical composition of
juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens) otoliths
pp. 1187-1196(10)
Authors: Collingsworth, Paris D.; Van Tassell, Jason J.; Olesik, John W.; Marschall,
Elizabeth A.
Do riparian zones qualify as critical habitat for endangered freshwater fishes?
pp. 1197-1204(8)
Authors: Richardson, John S.; Taylor, Eric; Schluter, Dolph; Pearson, Mike; Hatfield, Todd
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Cuurrrreenntt O
Oppiinniioonn iinn M
VOLUME 13, PART 3, JUNE 2010
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VOLUME 90, PART 3, JULY 2010
Gobbo F, Cappellozza E, Pastore MR, Bovo G
Susceptibility of black bullhead Ameiurus melas to a panel of ranavirus isolates
DAO 90:167-174 | Full text in pdf format
Tobback E, Hermans K, Decostere A, Van den Broeck W, Haesebrouck F, Chiers K
Interactions of virulent and avirulent Yersinia ruckeri strains with isolated gill arches
and intestinal explants of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
DAO 90:175-179 | Full text in pdf format
Matsche MA, Overton A, Jacobs J, Rhodes MR, Rosemary KM
Low prevalence of splenic mycobacteriosis in migratory striped bass Morone saxatilis
from North Carolina and Chesapeake Bay, USA
DAO 90:181-189 | Full text in pdf format
Constenla M, Padrós F
Histopathological and ultrastructural studies on a novel pathological condition in
Solea senegalensis
DAO 90:191-196 | Full text in pdf format
Grabner DS, El-Matbouli M
Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae (Myxozoa: Malacosporea) portal of entry into the fish
DAO 90:197-206 | Full text in pdf format
Abdel-Baki AS, Sakran T, Fayed H, Zayed E
Ultrastructural characteristics and histological impacts of Myxobolus naffari (Myxozoa:
Myxosporea) infecting Nile labeo Labeo niloticus (Osteichthyes: Cichlidae)
DAO 90:207-213 | Full text in pdf format
Díaz S, Cao A, Villalba A, Carballal MJ
Expression of mutant protein p53 and Hsp70 and Hsp90 chaperones in cockles
Cerastoderma edule affected by neoplasia
DAO 90:215-222 | Full text in pdf format
Kumagai A, Suto A, Ito H, Tanabe T, Takahashi K, Kamaishi T, Miwa S
Mass mortality of cultured ascidians Halocynthia roretzi associated with softening of
the tunic and flagellate-like cells
DAO 90:223-234 | Full text in pdf format
Kim WS, Oh MJ, Kim JO, Kim D, Jeon CH, Kim JH
Detection of megalocytivirus from imported tropical ornamental fish, paradise fish
Macropodus opercularis
DAO 90:235-239 | Full text in pdf format
Volumes 81-90 (2008-2010)
DAO 90:241-257 | Full text in pdf format
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Insight into the lymphoid organ of penaeid prawns: A review
Pages 367-377
Rusaini, L. Owens
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Regular papers
Immunostimulatory activities of Bacillus simplex DR-834 to carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Pages 378-387
Gao-Xue Wang, You-Tao Liu, Fu-Yuan Li, Hong-Tao Gao, Yi Lei, Xiao-Lin Liu
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Identification and characterization of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) granzyme A/K,
a cytotoxic cell granule-associated serine protease
Pages 388-398
Rong Huang, Shan Zhong, Hong Liu, Renqiu Kong, Yaping Wang, Wei Hu, Qionglin Guo
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Administration of recombinant IFN1 protects zebrafish (Danio rerio) from ISKNV
Pages 399-406
Zhongsheng Li, Xiaopeng Xu, Lichao Huang, Jianmin Wu, Qingxia Lu, Zhiming Xiang,
Jingjing Liao, Shaoping Weng, Xiaoqiang Yu, Jianguo He
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A novel CD29-like protein expressed in Japanese lamprey (Lethenteron japonicum)
and involved in immune response
Pages 407-413
Fenfang Wu, Liyong Chen, Xin Liu, Peng Su, Mo Li, Xiaoli Yu, Qingwei Li
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Induction of virus-specific cell-mediated cytotoxic responses of isogeneic ginbuna
crucian carp, after oral immunization with inactivated virus
Pages 414-421
Atsushi Sato, Nobuaki Okamoto
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Knocking down a Taura syndrome virus (TSV) binding protein Lamr is lethal for the
whiteleg shrimp Penaeus vannamei
Pages 422-429
Saengchan Senapin, Kornsunee Phiwsaiya, Gun Anantasomboon, Thanawat Sriphaijit, Craig
L. Browdy, Timothy W. Flegel
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Tilapia hepcidin (TH)2-3 as a transgene in transgenic fish enhances resistance to
Vibrio vulnificus infection and causes variations in immune-related genes after
infection by different bacterial species
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Pages 430-439
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Inflammatory and regenerative responses in salmonids following mechanical tissue
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dependent pathway in fish cells
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Pages 469-479
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Hernández-López, Teresa Gollas-Galván, Laida Ramos, Carlos Pendón, Mario Pablo
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characterization and transcriptional analysis upon immune challenge
Pages 494-500
Chulhong Oh, Mahanama De Zoysa, Chamilani Nikapitiya, Ilson Whang, Yu Cheol Kim, DoHyung Kang, Soo-jin Heo, Young-Ung Choi, Cheol Young Choi, Jae-Seong Lee, Jehee Lee
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Molecular characterization and expression analysis of cathepsin L1 cysteine protease
from pearl oyster Pinctada fucata
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Pages 501-507
Jianjun Ma, Dianchang Zhang, Jingjing Jiang, Shuge Cui, Hanlin Pu, Shigui Jiang
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Effect of Withania somnifera (L. Dunal) root as a feed additive on immunological
parameters and disease resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila in Labeo rohita
(Hamilton) fingerlings
Pages 508-512
Arun Sharma, Ashutosh D. Deo, S. Tandel Riteshkumar, Thongam Ibemcha Chanu,
Arabinda Das
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Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP): A regulator of the innate
and acquired immune functions in juvenile fish
Pages 513-520
Juana Maria Lugo, Yamila Carpio, Aymé Oliva, Antonio Morales, Mario Pablo Estrada
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Identification and characterization of a Cystatin gene from Chinese mitten crab
Eriocheir sinensis
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Fengmei Li, Xuemei Gai, Lingling Wang, Linsheng Song, Huan Zhang, Limei Qiu, Mengqiang
Wang, Vinu S. Siva
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Short communications
The first molluscan TCTP in Venerupis philippinarum: Molecular cloning and
expression analysis
Pages 530-533
Chenghua Li, Limei Qiu, Xuanxuan Ning, Aiqin Chen, Song Qin, Huifeng Wu, Jianmin Zhao
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Distribution of leukocytes as indicators of stress in the Australian swellshark,
Cephaloscyllium laticeps
Pages 534-538
Jason Adrian Van Rijn, Richard D. Reina
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Attempts at producing a hybridised Penaeus mondon cell line by cellular fusion
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Kerry Claydon, Katrina G. Roper, Leigh Owens
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Identification of upregulated immune-related genes in Vibrio harveyi challenged
Penaeus monodon postlarvae
Pages 544-549
S. Nayak, S.K. Singh, N. Ramaiah, R.A. Sreepada
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Erratum to “Cloning and expression analysis of goldfish (Carasius auratus L.)
prominin” [Fish Shellfish Immunol. 22 (2007) 308–317]
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Page 550
John G. Walsh, Daniel R. Barreda, Miodrag Belosevic
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Muriel Raveton
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Macroinvertebrate grazers, current velocity, and bedload transport rate influence
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Limitation of lowland riverine bacterioplankton by dissolved organic carbon and
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of Ariake Bay
Kenji Yoshino, Takaharu Hamada, Koichi Yamamoto, Yuichi Hayami, Souichi Yamaguchi and
Koichiro Ohgushi
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Oviposition site selectivity of some stream-dwelling caddisflies
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Strong influence of microhabitat on survival for an intertidal snail, Nucella lima
Ryan P. Kovach and David A. Tallmon
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Drought impact on stream detritivores: experimental effects on leaf litter breakdown
and life cycles
Karolina Leberfinger, Irene Bohman and Jan Herrmann
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Towards harmonization of ecological quality classification: establishing common
grounds in European macrophyte assessment for rivers
Sebastian Birk and Nigel Willby
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Habitat structure and juvenile fish ontogeny shape zooplankton spring dynamics
Alice Nicolle, Lars-Anders Hansson and Christer Brönmark
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Stress by poor food quality and exposure to humic substances: Daphnia magna
responds with oxidative stress, lifespan extension, but reduced offspring numbers
Christian E. W. Steinberg, Nadia Ouerghemmi, Steffen Herrmann, Rihab Bouchnak, Maxim
A. Timofeyev and Ralph Menzel
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Temporal and spatial variations in phytoplankton productivity in surface waters of a
warm-temperate, monomictic lake in New Zealand
Nina von Westernhagen, David P. Hamilton and Conrad A. Pilditch
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Experimental effect of consumer identity on the invasion success of a non-native
Andrew R. Dzialowski
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Native and alien macroinvertebrate richness in a remnant of the former river Rhine: a
source for recolonisation of restored habitats?
Aurelia Wirth, Denes Schmera and Bruno Baur
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Potential role of fungi in plankton food web functioning and stability: a simulation
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Nathalie Niquil, Maiko Kagami, Jotaro Urabe, Urania Christaki, Eric Viscogliosi and
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Factors regulating epilithic biofilm carbon cycling and release with nutrient enrichment
in headwater streams
Stream biofilm carbon cycling
Susan E. Ziegler and David R. Lyon
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Comparing fish assemblages and trophic ecology of permanent and intermittent
reaches in a Mediterranean stream
Esther Mas-Martí, Emili García-Berthou, Sergi Sabater, Sylvie Tomanova and Isabel Muñoz
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Perkinsozoa, a well-known marine protozoan flagellate parasite group, newly identified
in lacustrine systems: a review
Jean-François Mangot, Didier Debroas and Isabelle Domaizon
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Parasitic chytrids could promote copepod survival by mediating material transfer from
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Maiko Kagami, Nico R. Helmsing and Ellen van Donk
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Potential distribution of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Argentina: implications in
amphibian conservation
R. Ghirardi, M. G. Perotti, M. M. Steciow, M. L. Arellano and G. S. Natale
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Community analysis of sublittoral Harpacticoida (Copepoda, Crustacea) in the western
Baltic Sea
Christina Folkers and Kai Horst George
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Measuring sub-lethal effects on freshwater crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons)
behaviour and physiology: laboratory and in situ exposure to modified zeolite
Stephanie M. Parkyn, Christopher W. Hickey and Susan J. Clearwater
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A multi-modeling approach to evaluating climate and land use change impacts in a
Great Lakes River Basin
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M. J. Wiley, D. W. Hyndman, B. C. Pijanowski, A. D. Kendall, C. Riseng, E. S. Rutherford, S.
T. Cheng, M. L. Carlson, J. A. Tyler, R. J. Stevenson, P. J. Steen, P. L. Richards, P. W.
Seelbach, J. M. Koches and R. R. Rediske
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Hidden diversity among aquatic heterotrophic flagellates: ecological potentials of
zoosporic fungi
Télesphore Sime-Ngando, Emilie Lefèvre and Frank H. Gleason
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Review of naupliar development among Miraciidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) with a
naupliar description of Paramphiascellachoi sp. nov. from Thailand
Supawadee Chullasorn, Wongpiya Anansatitporn, Pawana Kangtia, Pradchek Klangsin and
Ratchadawan Jullawateelert
Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) of the South China Sea: faunistic and
biogeographical analysis
Elena S. Chertoprud, Hendrik Gheerardyn and Samuel Gómez
PDF (285.5 KB)HTMLSupplemental HTML
Demographic characteristics of the copepod Acanthocyclops americanus (Sars, 1863)
(Copepoda: Cyclopoida) fed mixed algal (Scenedesmus acutus)-rotifer (Brachionus
havanaensis) diet
Cecilia Enríquez García, S. Nandini and S. S. S. Sarma
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Human forcing of the copepod–fish–jellyfish triangular trophic relationship
Shin-ichi Uye
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Dynamics of a benthic microbial community in a riverine environment subject to
hydrological fluctuations (Mulargia River, Italy)
Annamaria Zoppini, Stefano Amalfitano, Stefano Fazi and Alberto Puddu
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Effects of eutrophication on the interaction between algae and grazers in an Andean
John Ch. Donato-Rondón, Silvia Juliana Morales-Duarte and María Isabel Castro-Rebolledo
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Organic matter availability during pre- and post-drought periods in a Mediterranean
Irene Ylla, Isis Sanpera-Calbet, Eusebi Vázquez, Anna M. Romaní, Isabel Muñoz, Andrea
Butturini and Sergi Sabater
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Species diversity and community structure of pelagic copepods in the marine lakes of
Shin-ichi Saitoh, Hidekatsu Suzuki, Naoto Hanzawa and Hidetoshi B. Tamate
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Discharge and the response of biofilms to metal exposure in Mediterranean rivers
Helena Guasch, Güluzar Atli, Berta Bonet, Natàlia Corcoll, Manel Leira and Alexandra Serra
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The effects of antifungal substances on some zoosporic fungi (Kingdom Fungi)
F. H. Gleason and A. V. Marano
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Reproduction, grazing, and development of the large subarctic calanoid Eucalanus
bungii: is the spring diatom bloom the key to controlling their recruitment?
Kazutaka Takahashi and Keiichiro Ide
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Comparison of morphological and molecular traits for species identification and
taxonomic grouping of oncaeid copepods
Ruth Böttger-Schnack and Ryuji J. Machida
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Copepod community structure and abundance in a tropical mangrove estuary, with
comparisons to coastal waters
Li-Lee Chew and V. C. Chong
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Crustacean plankton community (Crustacea: Copepoda and Cladocera) in gypsum
karst lakes and their relation to abiotic parameters
Igor Stanković, Ivančica Ternjej, Zlatko Mihaljević, Lidija Furač and Mladen Kerovec
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The periphyton as a multimetric bioindicator for assessing the impact of land use on
rivers: an overview of the Ardières-Morcille experimental watershed (France)
B. Montuelle, U. Dorigo, A. Bérard, B. Volat, A. Bouchez, A. Tlili, V. Gouy and S. Pesce
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Phylogeography of the copepod Acartia hudsonica in estuaries of the northeastern
United States
Peter J. Milligan, Eli A. Stahl, Nikolaos V. Schizas and Jefferson T. Turner
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Global change and food webs in running waters
Daniel M. Perkins, Julia Reiss, Gabriel Yvon-Durocher and Guy Woodward
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Effects of hydromorphological integrity on biodiversity and functioning of river
Arturo Elosegi, Joserra Díez and Michael Mutz
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Effects of a modified zeolite on P and N processes and fluxes across the lake
sediment–water interface using core incubations
Max Gibbs and Deniz Özkundakci
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Biogeochemical implications of climate change for tropical rivers and floodplains
Stephen K. Hamilton
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Flow regime alteration effects on the organic C dynamics in semiarid stream
V. Acuña
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Diversity, role in decomposition, and succession of zoosporic fungi and straminipiles
on submerged decaying leaves in a woodland stream
A. V. Marano, C. L. A. Pires-Zottarelli, M. D. Barrera, M. M. Steciow and F. H. Gleason
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The physico-chemical habitat template for periphyton in alpine glacial streams under a
changing climate
U. Uehlinger, C. T. Robinson, M. Hieber and R. Zah
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Periphyton biomass and ecological stoichiometry in streams within an urban to rural
land-use gradient
Patrick J. O’Brien and John D. Wehr
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Does sediment capping have post-application effects on zooplankton and
Deniz Özkundakci, Ian C. Duggan and David P. Hamilton
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Original articles
Current status and trends in shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus)
management and conservation (p 491-498)
J. D. Koch, M. C. Quist
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 324K)
Food habits of the silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis (Müller & Henle, 1839) off the
western coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico (p 499-503)
A. A. Cabrera-Chávez-Costa, F. Galván-Magaña, O. Escobar-Sánchez
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 337K)
Population biology of the red gurnard (Aspitrigla cuculus L.; Triglidae) in the inshore
waters of Eastern Anglesey and Northwest Wales (p 504-512)
A. L. Marriott, J. W. Latchford, I. D. McCarthy
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 961K)
Diet and growth of asp, Aspius aspius (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Danube River near the
confluence with the Sava River (Serbia) (p 513-521)
J. Krpo-Ćetković, A. Hegedi , M. Lenhardt
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 917K)
Chromaffin cells and interrenal tissue in the head kidney of the grouper, Epinephilus
tauvina (Teleostei, Serranidae): a morphological (optical and ultrastructural) study (p
El-S. H. Abdel-Aziz, T. El-Sayed Ali, S. B. S. Abdu, H. F. Fouad
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 1151K)
Aquaculture Journals
Page: 57 of 97
Trophic ecology of the black drum, Pogonias cromis (Sciaenidae), in Mar Chiquita
coastal lagoon (Argentina) (p 528-534)
G. E. Blasina, S. A. Barbini, J. M. Díaz de Astarloa
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 548K)
An assessment of fish species assemblages in rice fields in West Bengal, India:
implications for management (p 535-539)
G. Aditya, S. Pal, G. K. Saha
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 200K)
Early life-history of the spiny siganid Siganus spinus (Linnaeus 1758) inferred from
otolith microstructure (p 540-545)
V. S. Soliman, H. Yamada, K. Yamaoka
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 375K)
Age, growth and sex ratio of tench Tinca tinca (L., 1758) in Seyhan Dam Lake,
Turkey (p 546-549)
S. A. Erguden, M. Z. L. Goksu
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 245K)
Gonadosomatic index-based size at first sexual maturity and fecundity indices of the
Indian River shad Gudusia chapra (Clupeidae) in the Ganges River (NW Bangladesh) (p
M. Y. Hossain, Z. F. Ahmed, A. B. M S. Islam, S. Jasmine, J. Ohtomi
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 329K)
Assessment of egg quality and realised fecundity of whiting Merlangius merlangus L.
in captivity (p 554-560)
J. Treasurer, L. Ford
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 399K)
Assessment of the fishery of siganid juveniles caught by bagnet in Lagonoy Gulf,
Southeastern Luzon, Philippines (p 561-567)
V. S. Soliman, K. Yamaoka
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 489K)
No genetic differentiation between geographically isolated populations of Clarias
macrocephalus Günther in Malaysia revealed by sequences of mtDNA Cytochrome b
and D-loop gene regions (p 568-570)
A. K. Nazia, M. Suzana, H. Azhar, T. T. Nguyen Thuy, M. N. Siti Azizah
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 251K)
Do larval fishes exhibit diel drift patterns in a large, turbid river? (p 571-577)
K. S. Reeves, D. L. Galat
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 211K)
Feeding habits of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the southeastern Gulf of
California, Mexico (p 578-582)
A. Tripp-Valdez, F. Galván-Magaña, S. Ortega-García
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 257K)
Age, growth and feeding habits of the bluemouth rockfish, Helicolenus dactylopterus
dactylopterus (Delaroche 1809) in the central Mediterranean (southern Tyrrhenian
Sea) (p 583-591)
P. Consoli, P. Battaglia, L. Castriota, V. Esposito, T. Romeo, F. Andaloro
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 379K)
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Barbus comizo infestation by Lernaea cyprinacea (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the
Guadiana River, southwestern Spain (p 592-595)
J. L. Pérez-Bote
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 200K)
Short communications
Spawning induction and large-scale collection of fertilized eggs in captive Atlantic
bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) and the first larval rearing efforts (p 596-599)
G. De Metrio, C. R. Bridges, C. C. Mylonas, M. Caggiano, M. Deflorio, N. Santamaria, R.
Zupa, C. Pousis, R. Vassallo-Agius, H. Gordin, A. Corriero
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 475K)
Occurrence of Acanthistius brasilianus (Cuvier, 1828) in Uruguayan waters (35°45'S):
when poor taxonomy means poor ecological knowledge (p 600-601)
A. J. Irigoyen, Y. Marin, A. Carvalho-Filho
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 186K)
First record of a specimen of Lepidion guentheri (Giglioli, 1880) (Gadiformes: Moridae)
with melanistic coloration (p 602-605)
R. Bañón, J. C. Arronte, J. Heredia, J. A. Pis-Millán
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 214K)
First record of the southern sailfin catfish, Pterygoplichthys anisitsi Eigenmann &
Kennedy, 1903 (Teleostei: Loricariidae), in India (p 606-608)
Rav. K. Sinha, Raj. K. Sinha, U. K. Sarkar, W. S. Lakra
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 157K)
Stocking density-dependent growth and survival of Asian sun catfish, Horabagrus
brachysoma (Gunther 1861) larvae (p 609-611)
S. K. Sahoo, S. S. Giri, S. Chandra, A. K. Sahu
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 154K)
Evaluation of PIT-tagging in an endangered Iberian cyprinid (p 612-613)
D. Pires, F. Ribeiro, M. F. Magalhães
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 141K)
Technical contribution
Do small fish mean no voucher? Using a flatbed desktop scanner to document larval
and small specimens before destructive analyses (p 614-617)
L. Kalous, V. lechtová, M. Petrtýl, J. Kohout, M. Čech
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 210K)
Short communication
A new maximum length and weight for Scardinius erythrophthalmus (p 618-619)
N. prem, D. Matulić, T. Treer, I. Aničić
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 169K)
Technical contribution
Length-weight relationships of Notopterus notopterus and introduced Oreochromis
niloticus from the Indus River, southern Punjab, Pakistan (p 620-620)
M. Naeem, A. Salam, Q. Gillani, A. Ishtiaq
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Review articles
Relevance of microbial coculture fermentations in biotechnology (p 371-387)
J. Bader, E. Mast-Gerlach, M.K. Popović, R. Bajpai, U. Stahl
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 254K)
Isoelectric points of viruses (p 388-397)
B. Michen, T. Graule
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 222K)
Identification of the duplicated genes for S-adenosyl-l-methionine synthetase (metK1sp and metK2-sp) in Streptomyces peucetius var. caesius ATCC 27952 (p 398-407)
T.-J. Oh, N.P. Niraula, K. Liou, J.K. Sohng
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 1437K)
Use of the Weibull model to describe inactivation of dry-harvested conidia of different
Penicillium species by ethanol vapours (p 408-414)
T. Dao, J. Dejardin, M. Bensoussan, P. Dantigny
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 264K)
F-RISA fungal clones as potential bioindicators of organic and metal contamination in
soil (p 415-430)
J.W. Hong, M. Fomina, G.M. Gadd
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 390K)
Ecology of coliphages in southern California coastal waters (p 431-440)
V.C. Reyes, S.C. Jiang
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 872K)
Methanogenic population dynamics during semi-continuous biogas fermentation and
acidification by overloading (p 441-450)
F. Blume, I. Bergmann, E. Nettmann, H. Schelle, G. Rehde, K. Mundt, M. Klocke
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 272K)
Dietary fibre degradation and fermentation by two xylanolytic bacteria Bacteroides
xylanisolvens XB1AT and Roseburia intestinalis XB6B4 from the human intestine (p
C. Mirande, E. Kadlecikova, M. Matulova, P. Capek, A. Bernalier-Donadille, E. Forano, C.
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 336K)
Effects of initial inoculation density of Paenibacillus polymyxa on colony formation
and starch-hydrolytic activity in relation to root rot in ginseng (p 461-470)
Y.H. Jeon, S.G. Kim, I. Hwang, Y.H. Kim
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 608K)
A comparison of the efficacy of different disinfection methods in eliminating
Salmonella contamination from turkey houses (p 471-479)
D. Mueller-Doblies, J.J. Carrique-Mas, A.R. Sayers, R.H. Davies
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 180K)
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Effect of pps disruption and constitutive expression of srfA on surfactin productivity,
spreading and antagonistic properties of Bacillus subtilis 168 derivatives (p 480-491)
F. Coutte, V. Leclère, M. Béchet, J.-S. Guez, D. Lecouturier, M. Chollet-Imbert, P. Dhulster,
P. Jacques
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 348K)
Ethanol synthesis from glycerol by Escherichia coli redox mutants expressing adhE
from Leuconostoc mesenteroides (p 492-504)
P.I. Nikel, M.C. Ramirez, M.J. Pettinari, B.S. Méndez, M.A. Galvagno
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 376K)
Phage-selected lipopolysaccharide mutants of Pectobacterium atrosepticum exhibit
different impacts on virulence (p 505-514)
T.J. Evans, A. Ind, E. Komitopoulou, G.P.C. Salmond
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 786K)
Suppression of bacterial cell–cell signalling, biofilm formation and type III secretion
system by citrus flavonoids (p 515-527)
A. Vikram, G.K. Jayaprakasha, P.R. Jesudhasan, S.D. Pillai, B.S. Patil
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 1328K) | Supporting information
Assessment of SCAR markers to design real-time PCR primers for rhizosphere
quantification of Azospirillum brasilense phytostimulatory inoculants of maize (p 528538)
O. Couillerot, M.-A. Poirier, C. Prigent-Combaret, P. Mavingui, J. Caballero-Mellado, Y.
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 271K)
Enterococcus species distribution among human and animal hosts using multiplex
PCR (p 539-547)
B.A. Layton, S.P. Walters, L.H. Lam, A.B. Boehm
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 255K)
Generation of a mutagenized organophosphorus hydrolase for the biodegradation of
the organophosphate pesticides malathion and demeton-S (p 548-557)
D.A. Schofield, A.A. DiNovo
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 302K)
Isolation of novel mycobacteria contaminating an aquarium fish tank in a Japanese
university hospital (p 558-566)
K. Marumo, H. Nakamura, S. Tazawa, Y. Kazumi, R. Kawano, C. Shirata, K. Taguchi, T.
Kikuchi, G. Nagashima
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 233K)
Rhizobacterially induced protection of watermelon against Didymella bryoniae (p 567582)
N.T.T. Nga, N.T. Giau, N.T. Long, M. Lübeck, N.P. Shetty, E. de Neergaard, T.T.T. Thuy,
P.V. Kim, H.J.L. Jørgensen
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 1250K)
Enhancing the adhesion of Epicoccum nigrum conidia to peach surfaces and its
relationship to the biocontrol of brown rot caused by Monilinia laxa (p 583-593)
I. Larena, A. De Cal, P. Melgarejo
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 145K)
Inactivation of wine spoilage yeasts Dekkera bruxellensis using low electric current
treatment (LEC) (p 594-604)
G. Lustrato, I. Vigentini, A. De Leonardis, G. Alfano, A. Tirelli, R. Foschino, G. Ranalli
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Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 463K)
Quantitative PCR assays to survey the bovine adenovirus levels in environmental
samples (p 605-612)
K. Wong, I. Xagoraraki
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 212K)
Bacterial diversity of the digestive gland of Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea
glomerata infected with the paramyxean parasite, Marteilia sydneyi (p 613-622)
T.J. Green, A.C. Barnes
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 202K)
Rapid quantification of viable legionellae in water and biofilm using ethidium
monoazide coupled with real-time quantitative PCR (p 623-634)
N.-T. Chen, C.-W. Chang
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 435K)
Evaluation of positively charged alumina nanofibre cartridge filters for the primary
concentration of noroviruses, adenoviruses and male-specific coliphages from
seawater (p 635-641)
C.D. Gibbons, R.A. Rodríguez, L. Tallon, M.D. Sobsey
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 116K)
Novel alternative to antibiotics in shrimp hatchery: effects of the essential oil of
Cinnamosma fragrans on survival and bacterial concentration of Penaeus monodon
larvae (p 642-650)
R. Randrianarivelo, P. Danthu, C. Benoit, P. Ruez, M. Raherimandimby, S. Sarter
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 903K)
Control of postharvest decay on cherry tomatoes by marine yeast Rhodosporidium
paludigenum and calcium chloride (p 651-656)
Y. Wang, X. Ren, X. Song, T. Yu, H. Lu, P. Wang, J. Wang, X.D. Zheng
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 503K)
A practical random mutagenesis system for probiotic Lactobacillus casei using Tn5
transposition complexes (p 657-666)
M. Ito, Y.-G. Kim, H. Tsuji, M. Kiwaki, K. Nomoto, R. Tanaka, N. Okada, H. Danbara
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 493K)
Modelling the interactions between Pseudomonas putida and Escherichia coli O157:H7
in fish-burgers: use of the lag-exponential model and of a combined interaction
index (p 667-678)
B. Speranza, A. Bevilacqua, M. Mastromatteo, M. Sinigaglia, M.R. Corbo
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 663K)
Changes in biochemical constituents of paddy straw during degradation by white rot
fungi and its impact on in vitro digestibility (p 679-686)
R.K. Sharma, D.S. Arora
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 1008K)
Improvement of the fermentation performance of Lactobacillus plantarum by the
flavanol catechin is uncoupled from its degradation (p 687-697)
F. López de Felipe, J.A. Curiel, R. Muñoz
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 353K)
Influence of long-term land application of Class B biosolids on soil bacterial
diversity (p 698-706)
H. Zerzghi, J.P. Brooks, C.P. Gerba, I.L. Pepper
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Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 292K)
Characterization of an enrichment culture debrominating tetrabromobisphenol A and
optimization of its activity under anaerobic conditions (p 707-715)
L. Iasur-Kruh, Z. Ronen, Z. Arbeli, A. Nejidat
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 242K)
Environmental surveillance and molecular characterization of human enteric viruses in
tropical urban wastewaters (p 716-730)
T.G. Aw, K.Y.-H. Gin
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 402K)
Mutation in the pssM gene encoding ketal pyruvate transferase leads to disruption of
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae–Pisum sativum symbiosis* (p 731-742)
T.V. Ivashina, E.E. Fedorova, N.P. Ashina, N.A. Kalinchuk, T.N. Druzhinina, A.S. Shashkov,
V.N. Shibaev, V.N. Ksenzenko
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Iridaea cordata (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta): responses to artificial UVB radiation
Nelso P. Navarro, Andrés Mansilla and Estela M. Plastino
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Photosynthetic acclimation to different light levels in the brown marine macroalga,
Hizikia fusiformis (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta)
Dinghui Zou and Kunshan Gao
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Rapid discrimination of Porphyra tenera Kjellman var. tamatsuensis Miura by PCRRFLP
Mahiko Abe, Masahiro Kobayashi, Motoya Tamaki, Eiji Fujiyoshi and Norio Kikuchi
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Testing addition of Pseudomonas fluorescens HYK0210-SK09 to mitigate blooms of
the diatom Stephanodiscus hantzschii in small- and large-scale mesocosms
Seung Won Jung, Yoon-Ho Kang, Toshiya Katano, Baik-Ho Kim, Soo-Yeon Cho, Jin Hwan
Lee, Young-Ok Kim and Myung-Soo Han
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Eutrophication assessment and bioremediation strategy in a marine fish cage culture
area in Nansha Bay, China
Zeng Jie Jiang, Jian Guang Fang, Yu Ze Mao and Wei Wang
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Evaluation of Isochrysis galbana (clone T-ISO) cell numbers by digital image analysis
of color intensity
Miguel V. Córdoba-Matson, Joaquín Gutiérrez and Miguel Ángel Porta-Gándara
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The hemolytic activity of Karenia selliformis and two clones of Karenia brevis
throughout a growth cycle
Avery O. Tatters, Harris I. Muhlstein and Carmelo R. Tomas
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Seasonal changes in proteomic profiles of Japanese kelp: Saccharina japonica
(Laminariales, Phaeophyceae)
Norishige Yotsukura, Kouhei Nagai, Hajime Kimura and Kouichi Morimoto
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Isolation of algicidal compounds from the red alga Corallina pilulifera against red tide
Mi-Young Oh, Sang Beum Lee, Deuk-Hee Jin, Yong-Ki Hong and Hyung-Joo Jin
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Optimization of IgG conjugation with R-phycoerythrin from Porphyra yezoensis
Ming Zhou, Chuner Cai, Junxiu Liu, Qing Wang, Weining Wu and Peimin He
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Occurrence of arsenic species in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica and in the marine
algae Lessonia nigrescens and Durvillaea antarctica
Maria José Ruiz Chancho, José Fermín López Sánchez and Roser Rubio
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Investigations of the characteristics and mode of action of an algalytic bacterium
isolated from Tai Lake
Hui Wang, Ling Liu, Zhaopu P. Liu and Song Qin
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Toxic effects of antimony on photosystem II of Synechocystis sp. as probed by in vivo
chlorophyll fluorescence
Daoyong Zhang, Xiangliang Pan, Guijin Mu and Jianlong Wang
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Improved methods of analysis for betaines in Ascophyllum nodosum and its
commercial seaweed extracts
Shawna L. MacKinnon, David Hiltz, Raul Ugarte and Cheryl A. Craft
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Phycobiliproteins from Pseudanabaena tenuis rich in c-phycoerythrin protect against
HgCl2-caused oxidative stress and cellular damage in the kidney
Edgar Cano-Europa, Rocio Ortiz-Butrón, Carlos Angel Gallardo-Casas, Vanessa BlasValdivia, Marisol Pineda-Reynoso, Roxana Olvera-Ramírez and Margarita Franco-Colin
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Anti-cyanobacterial activity of Moringa oleifera seeds
Miquel Lürling and Wendy Beekman
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Selection and characterization of a high-temperature tolerant strain of Porphyra
haitanensis Chang et Zheng (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)
Xing-Hong Yan, Feng Lv, Chang-Jun Liu and Yue-Fu Zheng
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Conditioned medium factor produced and released by Desmosdemus subspicatus and
its effect on the cell cycle of the producer
Krzysztof Grabski, Anna Aksmann, Piotr Mucha and Zbigniew Tukaj
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Flocculation of microalgae using cationic starch
Dries Vandamme, Imogen Foubert, Boudewijn Meesschaert and Koenraad Muylaert
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VOLUME 22, PART 2, JUNE 2009
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Biioollooggyy aanndd E
VOLUME 390, PART 1-2, JULY 2010
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VOLUME 76, PART 10, JUNE 2010
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Page: 69 of 97
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Original Articles
Infection of Myxobolus turpisrotundus sp. n. in allogynogenetic gibel carp, Carassius
auratus gibelio (Bloch), with revision of Myxobolus rotundus (s. l.) Nemeczek reported
from C. auratus auratus (L.) (p 625-638)
J Y Zhang, J G Wang, A H Li, X N Gong
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 521K)
Kinetic analysis of oxytetracycline residues in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis,
muscle following intramuscular administration (p 639-647)
Q Feng, T Gao, H Ji, X Jiang, T Liang, W Gu, G Wu, G Gao, W Wang
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 336K)
The ABC-transporter hutCD genes of Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida are
essential for haem utilization as iron source and are expressed during infection in
fish (p 649-655)
C R Osorio, S Juiz-Río, M L Lemos
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 244K)
Antiparasitic activity of the antimicrobial peptide Hb P-1, a member of the haemoglobin peptide family (p 657-664)
A J Ullal, E J Noga
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 244K)
Epitheliocystis in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farmed in fresh water in Ireland is
associated with 'Candidatus Clavochlamydia salmonicola' infection (p 665-673)
S O Mitchell, T Steinum, H Rodger, C Holland, K Falk, D J Colquhoun
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 543K)
Intimal thickening of coronary arteries in the rabbitfish, Chimaera monstrosa L.
(Chondrichthyes: Holocephali) (p 675-682)
A C Durán, C Rodríguez, L Gil de Sola, B Fernández, J M Arqué, V Sans-Coma
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 723K)
Short Communications
Do salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, have a role in the epidemiology of amoebic
gill disease caused by Neoparamoeba perurans? (p 683-687)
B F Nowak, J Bryan, S R M Jones
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 178K)
Can VNTRs be used to study genetic variation within white spot syndrome virus
isolates? (p 689-693)
B T M Dieu, M P Zwart, J M Vlak
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 191K)
A new genotype of Lymphocystivirus isolated from cultured gilthead seabream,
Sparus aurata L., and Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis (Kaup) (p 695-700)
I Cano, E J Valverde, B Lopez-Jimena, M C Alonso, E Garcia-Rosado, C Sarasquete, J J
Borrego, D Castro
Aquaculture Journals
Page: 70 of 97
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 185K)
Current lineages of the epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) cell line are contaminated
with fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, cells (p 701-704)
J Winton, W Batts, P deKinkelin, M LeBerre, M Bremont, N Fijan
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 303K)
Salmonid alphavirus (SAV) and pancreas disease (PD) in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
L., in freshwater and seawater sites in Norway from 2006 to 2008 (p 705-705)
Abstract | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 106K)
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VOLUME104, PART 3, JULY 2010
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Page: 72 of 97
JJoouurrnnaall ooff M
Miiccrroobbiioollooggiiccaall M
Evaluation of real-time PCR targeting hbb gene for Borrelia species identification
Pages 115-119
Jana Ferdin, Tjaša Cerar, Franc Strle, Eva Ružić-Sabljić
PDF (429 K) | Related Articles
Regular Papers
A new shuttle vector for gene expression in biopolymer-producing Ralstonia eutropha
Pages 120-123
Daniel K.Y. Solaiman, Bryan M. Swingle, Richard D. Ashby
PDF (339 K) | Supplementary Content
| Related Articles
Differential effect of sample preservation methods on plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungal DNA
Pages 124-130
L.D. Bainard, J.N. Klironomos, M.M. Hart
PDF (485 K) | Related Articles
A multicenter pilot external quality assessment programme to assess the quality of
molecular detection of Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Pages 131-135
K. Loens, W.G. MacKay, C. Scott, H. Goossens, P. Wallace, M. Ieven
PDF (157 K) | Related Articles
Correlation between broth microdilution and disk diffusion methods for antifungal
susceptibility testing of caspofungin, voriconazole, amphotericin B, itraconazole and
fluconazole against Candida glabrata
Pages 136-140
N. Kiraz, I. Dag, Y. Oz, M. Yamac, A. Kiremitci, N. Kasifoglu
PDF (375 K) | Related Articles
Evaluation of four molecular typing methodologies as tools for determining taxonomy
relations and for identifying species among Yersinia isolates
Pages 141-150
Roberto A. Souza, André Pitondo-Silva, Deise P. Falcão, Juliana P. Falcão
PDF (1411 K) | Related Articles
Isolation and characterization of Acidithiobacillus caldus from a sulfur-oxidizing
bacterial biosensor and its role in detection of toxic chemicals
Pages 151-155
Sedky H.A. Hassan, Steven W. Van Ginkel, Sung-Min Kim, Sung-Hwan Yoon, Jin-Ho Joo,
Beom-Soo Shin, Byong-Hun Jeon, Wookeun Bae, Sang-Eun Oh
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Improvement of the Coprinopsis cinerea molecular toolkit using new construct design
and additional marker genes
Pages 156-162
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Catherine M. Collins, Mary N. Heneghan, Sreedhar Kilaru, Andy M. Bailey, Gary D. Foster
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Determining the genetic diversity of lactobacilli from the oral cavity
Pages 163-169
R. Yang, S. Argimon, Y. Li, X. Zhou, P.W. Caufield
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Enhancement of viable Campylobacter detection by chemotactic stimuli
Pages 170-176
Sueptrakool Wisessombat, Kanokwan Kittiniyom, Potjanee Srimanote, Wijit Wonglumsom,
Supayang P. Voravuthikunchai
PDF (861 K) | Related Articles
Bacteriophage-based biosorbents coupled with bioluminescent ATP assay for rapid
concentration and detection of Escherichia coli
Pages 177-183
O. Minikh, M. Tolba, L.Y. Brovko, M.W. Griffiths
PDF (399 K) | Related Articles
A simple and fast method to analyze the orientation of c-type cytochromes in the outer
membrane of Gram-negative bacteria
Pages 184-186
Katrin Richter, Clemens Bücking, Marcus Schicklberger, Johannes Gescher
PDF (353 K) | Related Articles
Perspective Paper
Methods for imaging Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 nanofilaments
Pages 187-191
R. Ray, S. Lizewski, L.A. Fitzgerald, B. Little, B.R. Ringeisen
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JJoouurrnnaall ooff S
Shheellllffiisshh R
Research articles
Spawning Date and Potential Contribution to Yield from Winter-Burrowing
Procambarus clarkii in Crawfish Aquaculture Ponds
W. Ray McClain
pg(s) 7–12
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (197 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Evaluation of Baits for Harvesting Procambarid Crawfishes with Emphasis on Bait
Type and Bait Quantity
Lance E. Beecher and Robert P. Romaire
pg(s) 13–18
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (181 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Consumer Perceptions of Freshwater Prawns: Results from a Kentucky Farmers'
Siddhartha Dasgupta, Janet Eaton and Angela Caporelli
pg(s) 19–23
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (108 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Dynamics of the Small-Scale Spatial Structure of a Population of the Spider Crab Maja
brachydactyla (Decapoda: Majidae)
Antonio Corgos, Noela Sánchez and Juan Freire
pg(s) 25–36
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (950 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Deep-Water Shrimp (Crustacea: Penaeoidea) Off the Yucatan Peninsula (Southern Gulf
of Mexico): A Potential Fishing Resource?
Adolfo Gracia, Ana Rosa Vázquez-Bader, Enrique Lozano-Alvarez and Patricia BrionesFourzán
pg(s) 37–43
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (489 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Growth of Scallop Spat in a Raceway Nursery During Autumn Conditions in Western
Norwegian Coastal Waters
Thorolf Magnesen, Svein Rune Erga and Gyda Christophersen
pg(s) 45–54
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (356 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Genetic Linkage Maps of the Noble Scallop Chlamys nobilis Reeve Based on Aflp and
Microsatellite Markers
Tao Yuan, Maoxian He, Liangmin Huang and Jianxing Hu
pg(s) 55–62
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (209 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Recently Settled Stages and Larval Developmental Mode of the Bivalves Zygochlamys
patagonica and Hiatella meridionalis in the Argentine Sea
Laura Schejter, Claudia Bremec, Dieter Waloszek and Mariana Escolar
pg(s) 63–67
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (1083 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Aquaculture Journals
Page: 76 of 97
Influence of Environmental Factors on the Reproductive Cycle of the Eared Ark
Anadara notabilis (Röding, 1798) In Northeastern Venezuela
Luis Freites, Lerimar Montero, Dwight Arrieche, José M. F. Babarro, Pedro E. Saucedo,
Cirlen Cordova and Natividad García
pg(s) 69–75
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (842 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Development and Characterization of Polymorphic Microsatellite Markers for the
Northern Quahog Mercenaria mercenaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Yan Wang, Aimin Wang and Ximing Guo
pg(s) 77–82
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (118 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Field Performance and QPX Disease Progress in Cultured and Wild-Type Strains of
Mercenaria mercenaria in New York Waters
Soren F. Dahl, Joshua Thiel and Bassem Allam
pg(s) 83–90
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (312 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Seasonal Variations in Biochemical Composition and Reproductive Activity of Venus
Clam Cyclina sinensis (Gmelin) from the Yellow River Delta in Northern China in
Relation to Environmental Factors
Hongwei Yan, Qi Li, Ruihai Yu and Lingfeng Kong
pg(s) 91–99
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (983 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Nuclear DNA Content in Two Chilean Species of Pisidium (Veneroida: Sphaeriidae)
Pedro Jara-Seguel, Esperanza Parada, Santiago Peredo, Claudio Palma-Rojas and
Elisabeth Von Brand
pg(s) 101–106
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (430 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Growth and Energy Budget Models of the Bivalve Arctica islandica at Six Different
Sites in the Northeast Atlantic Realm
Salma Begum, Larisa Basova, Olaf Heilmayer, Eva E. R. Philipp, Doris Abele and Thomas
pg(s) 107–115
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (344 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Geographical Trends in Weight and Condition Index of Surfclams (Spisula solidissima)
in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
Rebecca J. Marzec, Yungkul Kim and Eric N. Powell
pg(s) 117–128
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (805 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Oocyte Cohort Analysis: Criteria for an Evaluation of the Reproductive Cycle in Solen
marginatus (Pennánt, 1777), (Bivalvia: Solenacea) in Southern Tunisia
Leila Hmida, Nadia Ayache, Zohra Haouas and Mohamed Salah Romdhane
pg(s) 129–134
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (639 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Reproduction of the Cortes Geoduck Panopea globosa (Bivalvia: Hiatellidae) and Its
Relationship with Temperature and Ocean Productivity
Luis Eduardo Calderon-Aguilera, Eugenio Alberto Aragón-Noriega, Hector Reyes-Bonilla,
Carmen Guadalupe Paniagua-Chavez, Alfonsina Eugenia Romo-Curiel and Victor Manuel
pg(s) 135–141
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (1485 KB) : Rights & Permissions
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Spawning Induction, Fecundity Estimation, and Larval Culture of Spondylus calcifer
(Carpenter, 1857) (Bivalvia: Spondylidae)
Gaspar Soria, Jorge Tordecillas-Guillen, Richard Cudney-Bueno and William Shaw
pg(s) 143–149
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (241 KB) : Rights & Permissions
The History and Status of Oyster Exploitation and Culture in South Africa
Tanya M. Haupt, Charles L. Griffiths, Tamara B. Robinson, Antonio F. G. Tonin and Paul A.
De Bruyn
pg(s) 151–159
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (351 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Performance of Disease-Tolerant Strains of Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in
the Patuxent River, Maryland, 2003 to 2007
George R. Abbe, Carol B. McCollough, Linda S. Barker and Christopher F. Dungan
pg(s) 161–175
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (519 KB) : Rights & Permissions
A Parasitological Survey of Slipper-Cupped Oysters (Crassostrea iredalei, Faustino,
1932) in the Philippines
Gregoria Erazo-Pagador
pg(s) 177–179
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (859 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Health Status of Olympia Oysters (Ostrea lurida) in British Columbia, Canada
Gary R. Meyer, Geoffrey J. Lowe, Eliah Kim, Cathryn L. Abbott, Stewart C. Johnson and
Scott R. Gilmore
pg(s) 181–185
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (296 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Seasonal Dynamics and Microhabitat Distribution of Urastoma cyprinae in Mytilus
galloprovincialis: Implications for Its Life Cycle
Celia Crespo-González, Helena Rodríguez-Domínguez, Paula Segade, Raúl Iglesias,
Cristina Arias and José Manuel García-Estévez
pg(s) 187–192
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (137 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Lectin Labeling of Surface Carbohydrates on Gametes of Three Bivalves: Crassostrea
virginica, Mytilus galloprovincialis, and Dreissena bugensis
Kevyn Marie K. McAnlis, John W. Lynn and Michael J. Misamore
pg(s) 193–201
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (1140 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Pyruvate Kinase, Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase, Cytochrome C Oxidase and
Catalase Activities in Cadmium Exposed Perna viridis Subjected to Anoxic and
Aerobic Conditions
Osmar Nusetti, María Tovar and Edgar Zapata-Vívenes
pg(s) 203–208
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (323 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Batch-Tagging Blacklip Abalone (Haliotis rubra) for Identification of Hatchery-Reared
Individuals on Natural Coastal Reefs in New South Wales, Australia
Rowan C. Chick
pg(s) 209–215
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (637 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Defensive Behaviors of the Gastropod Amphissa columbiana
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Lee F. Braithwaite, Bruce Stone and Brian L. Bingham
pg(s) 217–222
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (539 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Determining the Ecological Role of Euspira lewisii: Part I: Feeding Ecology
Nicola Cook and Leah Bendell-Young
pg(s) 223–232
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (387 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Importance of Epiphytic Diatoms and Fronds of Two Species of Red Algae as Diets for
Juvenile Japanese Turban Snail Turbo cornutus
Jun Hayakawa, Tomohiko Kawamura, Satoshi Ohashi, Toyomitu Horii and Yoshiro Watanabe
pg(s) 233–240
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (379 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Laboratory Culture, Growth, and the Life Cycle of the Little Cuttlefish Sepiola atlantica
(Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae)
Nicholas J. E. Jones and Christopher A. Richardson
pg(s) 241–246
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (214 KB) : Rights & Permissions
Does Method of Kelp (Saccharina latissima) Storage Affect Its Food Value for
Promoting Somatic Growth of Juvenile Green Sea Urchins (Strongylocentrotus
Tara L. Daggett, Christopher M. Pearce, Shawn M. C. Robinson and Thierry Chopin
pg(s) 247–252
Abstract & References : Full Text : PDF (157 KB) : Rights & Permissions
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Woorrlldd A
Aqquuaaccuullttuurree S
VOLUME 41, PART 3, JUNE 2010
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Page: 80 of 97
LLeetttteerrss iinn A
Apppplliieedd M
Cell-bound exopolysaccharide from probiotic bacteria induces autophagic cell death
of tumour cells (p 123-130)
Y. Kim, S. Oh, H.S. Yun, S. Oh, S.H. Kim
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 373K) | Supporting information
Use of specific PCR primers to identify three important industrial species of
Saccharomyces genus: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces bayanus and
Saccharomyces pastorianus (p 131-137)
G.V. de Melo Pereira, C.L. Ramos, C. Galvão, E. Souza Dias, R.F. Schwan
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 217K)
Microbial strengthening of loose sand (p 138-142)
B.L. Banagan, B.M. Wertheim, M.J.S. Roth, L.F. Caslake
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 127K)
In vitro antiherpes effects of a C-glycosylflavonoid-enriched fraction of Cecropia
glaziovii Sneth* (p 143-148)
I.T. Silva, G.M. Costa, P.H. Stoco, E.P. Schenkel, F.H. Reginatto, C.M.O. Simões
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 223K)
Electronic paramagnetic resonance investigation of the activity of Origanum vulgare L.
essential oil on the Listeria monocytogenes membrane (p 149-157)
A. Serio, M. Chiarini, E. Tettamanti, A. Paparella
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 760K)
Virucidal efficacy of povidone-iodine-containing disinfectants (p 158-163)
A. Sauerbrei, P. Wutzler
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 108K)
Treatment with chlorous acid to inhibit spores of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in
aqueous suspension and on apples (p 164-169)
S.-Y. Lee, S.-R. Ryu, D.-H. Kang
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 151K)
Enhanced volatile phenols in wine fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
spoiled with Pichia guilliermondii and Dekkera bruxellensis (p 170-176)
J.S. Sáez, C.A. Lopes, V.C. Kirs, M.P. Sangorrín
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 165K)
Use of chemosensitization to overcome fludioxonil resistance in Penicillium
expansum (p 177-183)
J.H. Kim, B.C. Campbell, N. Mahoney, K.L. Chan, R.J. Molyneux, C.L. Xiao
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 235K)
Generation of chitin-derived oligosaccharides toxic to pathogenic bacteria using
ChiA74, an endochitinase native to Bacillus thuringiensis (p 184-190)
T. Ortiz-Rodríguez, N. de la Fuente-Salcido, D.K. Bideshi, R. Salcedo-Hernández, J.E.
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 242K)
Aquaculture Journals
Page: 81 of 97
Combined effect of synthetic enterocin CRL35 with cell wall, membrane-acting
antibiotics and muranolytic enzymes against Listeria cells (p 191-195)
E. Salvucci, E.M. Hebert, F. Sesma, L. Saavedra
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 172K)
Construction and performance of heterologous polyketide-producing K-12- and Bderived Escherichia coli (p 196-204)
J. Wu, B.A. Boghigian, M. Myint, H. Zhang, S. Zhang, B.A. Pfeifer
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 265K)
High-density polyethylene (HDPE)-degrading potential bacteria from marine ecosystem
of Gulf of Mannar, India (p 205-211)
V. Balasubramanian, K. Natarajan, B. Hemambika, N. Ramesh, C.S. Sumathi, R.
Kottaimuthu, V. Rajesh Kannan
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 394K)
Influence of Planococcus ficus on Aspergillus section Nigri and ochratoxin A
incidence in vineyards from Argentina (p 212-218)
M.L. Chiotta, M.L. Ponsone, A.M. Torres, M. Combina, S.N. Chulze
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 485K)
Optimization of selected cultivation parameters for Cordyceps guangdongensis (p 219225)
Q.Y. Lin, B. Song, H. Huang, T.H. Li
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 319K)
Alternatives for biosurfactants and bacteriocins extraction from Lactococcus lactis
cultures produced under different pH conditions (p 226-233)
N. Rodríguez, J.M. Salgado, S. Cortés, J.M. Domínguez
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 361K)
Multiplex PCR assays for simultaneous detection and characterization of Vibrio
vulnificus strains (p 234-240)
F. Han, B. Ge
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 176K)
Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae from environmental sources associated with the cholera
outbreak after 'AILA' cyclone in West Bengal, India (p 241-243)
A. Palit, P. Batabyal
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 237K)
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Maarriinnee B
Research articles
Diversity of free-living marine nematodes (Enoplida) from Baja California assessed by
integrative taxonomy
Tiago José Pereira, Gustavo Fonseca, Manuel Mundo-Ocampo, Betânia Cristina Guilherme
and Axayácatl Rocha-Olivares
PDF (482.9 KB)HTMLSupplemental HTML
Phylogeography of the Indo-Pacific parrotfish Scarus psittacus: isolation generates
distinctive peripheral populations in two oceans
Kate L. Winters, Lynne van Herwerden, J. Howard Choat and D. R. Robertson
PDF (552.9 KB)HTML
Phylogeography of the Antarctic planktotrophic brittle star Ophionotus victoriae
reveals genetic structure inconsistent with early life history
Rebecca L. Hunter and Kenneth M. Halanych
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Ultrastructure of pedal muscle as a function of temperature in nacellid limpets
Glenn Lurman, Till Blaser, Miles Lamare, Koh-Siang Tan, Hans Poertner, Lloyd S. Peck and
Simon A. Morley
PDF (658.6 KB)HTML
The ecological significance of lipid/fatty acid synthesis in developing eggs and newly
hatched larvae of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
Benjamin J. Laurel, Louise A. Copeman, Thomas P. Hurst and Christopher C. Parrish
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Estimation of age at maturation and growth of Atlantic green turtles (Chelonia mydas)
using skeletochronology
Lisa R. Goshe, Larisa Avens, Frederick S. Scharf and Amanda L. Southwood
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The role of habitat heterogeneity in structuring the community of intertidal free-living
marine nematodes
Ruth Gingold, Manuel Mundo-Ocampo, Oleksandr Holovachov and Axayácatl RochaOlivares
PDF (529.9 KB)HTMLSupplemental HTML
Trophic ecology of Grey-headed albatrosses from Marion Island, Southern Ocean:
insights from stomach contents and diet tracers
Nicole B. Richoux, Sébastien Jaquemet, Bo T. Bonnevie, Yves Cherel and Christopher D.
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Population genetics of Crassostrea ariakensis in Asia inferred from microsatellite
Jie Xiao, Jan F. Cordes, Haiyan Wang, Ximing Guo and Kimberly S. Reece
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Aquaculture Journals
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Genetic homogeneity and circum-Antarctic distribution of two benthic shrimp species
of the Southern Ocean, Chorismus antarcticus and Nematocarcinus lanceopes
Michael J. Raupach, Sven Thatje, Johannes Dambach, Peter Rehm, Bernhard Misof and
Florian Leese
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Mechanisms of habitat segregation between an invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and
an indigenous (Perna perna) mussel: adult growth and mortality
Sarah J. Bownes and Christopher D. McQuaid
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Effect of blue light on early sporophyte development of Saccharina japonica
Wen-Jun Wang, Xiu-Tao Sun and Fei-Jiu Wang
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Large-scale diversity and biogeography of benthic copepods in European waters
Gritta Veit-Köhler, Marleen De Troch, Mateja Grego, Tania Nara Bezerra, Wendy Bonne, Guy
De Smet, Christina Folkers, Kai Horst George, Chen Guotong, Rudy Herman, Rony Huys,
Nikolaos Lampadariou, Jürgen Laudien, Pedro Martínez Arbizu, Armin Rose, Michaela
Schratzberger, Sybille Seifried, Paul Somerfield, Jan Vanaverbeke, Edward Vanden Berghe,
Magda Vincx, Borut Vriser and Leen Vandepitte
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Growth and reproduction of Loxechinus albus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) at the
southerly peripheries of their species range, Falkland Islands (South Atlantic)
Anna Schuhbauer, Paul Brickle and Alexander Arkhipkin
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The basics of acidification: baseline variability of pH on Australian coral reefs
Monica Gagliano, Mark I. McCormick, James A. Moore and Martial Depczynski
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A multiple instrument approach to quantifying the movement patterns and habitat use
of tiger (Galeocerdo cuvier) and Galapagos sharks (Carcharhinus galapagensis) at
French Frigate Shoals, Hawaii
Carl G. Meyer, Yannis P. Papastamatiou and Kim N. Holland
Abundance and survival rates of green turtles in an urban environment: coexistence of
humans and an endangered species
Tomoharu Eguchi, Jeffrey A. Seminoff, Robin A. LeRoux, Peter H. Dutton and Donna L.
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Seasonal and diurnal presence of finless porpoises at a corridor to the ocean from
their habitat
Tomonari Akamatsu, Kiyomi Nakamura, Ryo Kawabe, Seishiro Furukawa, Hiromi Murata,
Akihiro Kawakubo and Masayuki Komaba
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The use of polymerase chain reaction for the identification of sciaenid eggs
Lucia B. Carreon-Martinez, Scott A. Holt, B. Scott Nunez, Cynthia K. Faulk and G. Joan Holt
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VOLUME 12, PART 3, JUNE 2010
Online first
Research articles
The Sesquiterpene Caulerpenyne from Caulerpa spp. is a Lipoxygenase Inhibitor
Sevilay Cengiz, Levent Cavas, Kadir Yurdakoc and Georg Pohnert
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Crassostrea angulata Bindin Gene and the Divergence of Fucose-Binding Lectin
Repeats Among Three Species of Crassostrea
Qi Wu, Li Li and Guofan Zhang
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Marine Fungi Aspergillus sydowii and Trichoderma sp. Catalyze the Hydrolysis of
Benzyl Glycidyl Ether
Mariana Provedel Martins, Ana Maria Mouad, Letícia Boschini, Mirna Helena Regali
Seleghim, Lara Durães Sette and André Luiz Meleiro Porto
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Bacterial Community Dynamics in the Marine Sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile Under In
Situ and Ex Situ Cultivation
Nicole S. Webster, Rose E. Cobb, Rochelle Soo, Shelley L. Anthony, Christopher N.
Battershill, Steve Whalan and Elizabeth Evans-Illidge
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Investigation on Natural Diets of Larval Marine Animals Using Peptide Nucleic AcidDirected Polymerase Chain Reaction Clamping
Seinen Chow, Sayaka Suzuki, Tadashi Matsunaga, Shane Lavery, Andrew Jeffs and Haruko
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Different Pressure Resistance of Lactate Dehydrogenases from Hagfish is Dependent
on Habitat Depth and Caused by Tetrameric Structure Dissociation
Yoshikazu Nishiguchi, Fumiyoshi Abe and Mitsumasa Okada
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Construction and Preliminary Analysis of a Deep-Sea Sediment Metagenomic Fosmid
Library from Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea
Yongfei Hu, Chengzhang Fu, Yeshi Yin, Gong Cheng, Fang Lei, Xi Yang, Jing Li, Elizabeth
Jane Ashforth, Lixin Zhang and Baoli Zhu
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Development of Expressed Sequence Tags from the Pearl Oyster, Pinctada martensii
Aimin Wang, Yan Wang, Zhifeng Gu, Sifa Li, Yaohua Shi and Ximing Guo
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Enzymatic Extract from Ecklonia cava Induces the Activation of Lymphocytes by IL-2
Production Through the Classical NF-κB Pathway
Ginnae Ahn, Eunjin Park, Won-Woo Lee, Jin-Won Hyun, Ki-Wan Lee, Taekyun Shin, You-Jin
Jeon and Youngheun Jee
Aquaculture Journals
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DOI: 10.1007/s10126-010-9270-6
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Purification and Biochemical Characterization of Digestive Lipase in Whiteleg Shrimp
Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez, Fernando L. García-Carreño and Reinhard Saborowski
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Exposure to dsRNA Elicits RNA Interference in Brachionus manjavacas (Rotifera)
Terry W. Snell, Tonya L. Shearer and Hilary A. Smith
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The Distribution of Extracellular Cellulase Activity in Marine Eukaryotes,
Naoki Nagano, Shou Matsui, Tomoyo Kuramura, Yousuke Taoka, Daiske Honda and
Masahiro Hayashi
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Culturability and Secondary Metabolite Diversity of Extreme Microbes: Expanding
Contribution of Deep Sea and Deep-Sea Vent Microbes to Natural Product Discovery
Robin K. Pettit
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Sulfide:quinone Oxidoreductase from Echiuran Worm Urechis unicinctus
Yu-Bin Ma, Zhi-Feng Zhang, Ming-Yu Shao, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Zhi Tan and Jin-Long Li
Introduction to a Special Issue in Memory of Paul S. Gross
Gregory W. Warr
The Effect of Ultrasonificated Extracts of Spirulina maxima on the Anticancer Activity
Sung-Ho Oh, Juhee Ahn, Do-Hyung Kang and Hyeon-Yong Lee
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A Review of the Major Penaeid Shrimp EST Studies and the Construction of a Shrimp
Transcriptome Database Based on the ESTs from Four Penaeid Shrimp
Jiann-Horng Leu, Shu-Hwa Chen, Yu-Bin Wang, Yen-Chen Chen, Sheng-Yao Su, ChungYen Lin, Jan-Ming Ho and Chu-Fang Lo
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Uncovering the Mechanisms of Shrimp Innate Immune Response by RNA Interference
Ikuo Hirono, Fernand F. Fagutao, Hidehiro Kondo and Takashi Aoki
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An Integrated Approach to Gene Discovery and Marker Development in Atlantic Cod
(Gadus morhua)
Sharen Bowman, Sophie Hubert, Brent Higgins, Cynthia Stone, Jennifer Kimball, Tudor
Borza, Jillian Tarrant Bussey, Gary Simpson, Catherine Kozera, Bruce A. Curtis, Jennifer R.
Hall, Tiago S. Hori, Charles Y. Feng, Marlies Rise, Marije Booman, A. Kurt Gamperl, Edward
Trippel, Jane Symonds, Stewart C. Johnson and Matthew L. Rise
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Comparative Genomics Identifies Candidate Genes for Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA)
Resistance in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Jieying Li, Keith A. Boroevich, Ben F. Koop and William S. Davidson
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Microarray Analyses of Shrimp Immune Responses
Takashi Aoki, Han-Ching Wang, Sasimanas Unajak, Mudjekeewis D. Santos, Hidehiro Kondo
and Ikuo Hirono
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Protoplast Preparation from Laminaria japonica with Recombinant Alginate Lyase and
Akira Inoue, Chieco Mashino, Teina Kodama and Takao Ojima
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Shrimp Molecular Responses to Viral Pathogens
T. W. Flegel and Kallaya Sritunyalucksana
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Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides in Penaeid Shrimp
Anchalee Tassanakajon, Piti Amparyup, Kunlaya Somboonwiwat and Premruethai Supungul
Cloning and Functional Identification of Delta5 Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene and Its 5′Upstream Region from Marine Fungus Thraustochytrium sp. FJN-10
Jian-Zhong Huang, Xian-Zhang Jiang, Xiao-Feng Xia, Ai-Qun Yu, Ruo-Yu Mao, Xiao-Feng
Chen and Bao-Yu Tian
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Identification and Analysis of Muscle-Related Protein Isoforms Expressed in the White
Muscle of the Mandarin Fish (Siniperca chuatsi)
Guoqiang Zhang, Wuying Chu, Songnian Hu, Tao Meng, Linlin Pan, Renxue Zhou, Zhen Liu
and Jianshe Zhang
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Mapping QTL for an Adaptive Trait: The Length of Caudal Fin in Lates calcarifer
C. M. Wang, L. C. Lo, Z. Y. Zhu, H. Y. Pang, H. M. Liu, J. Tan, H. S. Lim, R. Chou, L. Orban
and G. H. Yue
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Transcriptome Profiling of Embryonic Development Rate in Rainbow Trout Advanced
Backcross Introgression Lines
Peng Xu, Lauren M. McIntyre, Julie Scardina, Paul A. Wheeler, Gary H. Thorgaard and Krista
M. Nichols
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Immunological Control of Fish Diseases
Bergljot Magnadottir
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A Promising Evaluation Method for Dead Leaves of Posidonia oceanica (L.) in the
Adsorption of Methyl Violet
Sevilay Cengiz and Levent Cavas
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Molecular Cloning of Cecropin B Responsive Endonucleases in Yersinia ruckeri
Ulysses W. Sallum and Thomas T. Chen
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Transgenic Expression of Walleye Dermal Sarcoma Virus rv-cyclin (orfA) in Zebrafish
does not Result in Tissue Proliferation
Thomas A. Paul, Joel Rovnak, Sandra L. Quackenbush, Kathleen Whitlock, Huiqing Zhan,
Zhiyuan Gong, Jan Spitsbergen, Paul R. Bowser and James W. Casey
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Evolutionary Patterns in Pearl Oysters of the Genus Pinctada (Bivalvia: Pteriidae)
Regina L. Cunha, Françoise Blanc, François Bonhomme and Sophie Arnaud-Haond
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Effect of Coccolith Polysaccharides Isolated from the Coccolithophorid, Emiliania
huxleyi, on Calcite Crystal Formation in In Vitro CaCO3 Crystallization
Keisuke Kayano, Kazuko Saruwatari, Toshihiro Kogure and Yoshihiro Shiraiwa
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Cloning of Exo-β-1,3-glucanase Gene from a Marine Yeast Williopsis saturnus and Its
Overexpression in Yarrowia lipolytica
Ying Peng, Guang-Lei Liu, Xin-Jun Yu, Xiang-Hong Wang, Li Jing and Zhen-Ming Chi
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Cloning, Tissue Expression Analysis, and Functional Characterization of Two Δ6Desaturase Variants of Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)
Ester Santigosa, Florian Geay, Thierry Tonon, Herve Le Delliou, Heiner Kuhl, Richard
Reinhardt, Laurent Corcos, Chantal Cahu, José Luis Zambonino-Infante and David Mazurais
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Ploidy Manipulation and Polyploid Detection in the White Shrimp Litopenaeus
vannamei (Boone 1931) (Decapoda, Penaeidae)
Débora de Almeida Aloise, Francisco de Assis Maia-Lima, Ruth Medeiros de Oliveira, Thiago
de Melo Cabral and Wagner Franco Molina
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Profiling Differential Gene Expression of Symbiotic and Aposymbiotic Corals Using a
High Coverage Gene Expression Profiling (HiCEP) Analysis
Ikuko Yuyama, Toshiki Watanabe and Yoshio Takei
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Induction of Ovarian Maturation and Spawning in Penaeus monodon Broodstock by
Double-Stranded RNA
Supattra Treerattrakool, Sakol Panyim and Apinunt Udomkit
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Development of Type I Genetic Markers from Expressed Sequence Tags in Highly
Polymorphic Species
Woo-Jin Kim, Hyungtaek Jung and Patrick M. Gaffney
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Normalizing RT-qPCR Data: Are We Getting the Right Answers? An Appraisal of
Normalization Approaches and Internal Reference Genes from a Case Study in the
Finfish Lates calcarifer
Christian De Santis, Carolyn Smith-Keune and Dean R. Jerry
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Can the Quality of Pearls from the Japanese Pearl Oyster (Pinctada fucata) be
Explained by the Gene Expression Patterns of the Major Shell Matrix Proteins in the
Pearl Sac?
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Nariaki Inoue, Ryo Ishibashi, Takashi Ishikawa, Takashi Atsumi, Hideo Aoki and Akira
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Differentially Expressed Outer Membrane Proteins of Vibrio alginolyticus in Response
to Six Types of Antibiotics
Xiao-Peng Xiong, Chao Wang, Ming-Zhi Ye, Tian-Ci Yang, Xuan-Xian Peng and Hui Li
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Maximum Photosynthetic Yield of Green Microalgae in Photobioreactors
Jan-Willem F. Zijffers, Klaske J. Schippers, Ke Zheng, Marcel Janssen, Johannes Tramper
and René H. Wijffels
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Aspartic Cathepsin D Endopeptidase Contributes to Extracellular Digestion in Clawed
Lobsters Homarus americanus and Homarus gammarus
Liliana Rojo, Adriana Muhlia-Almazan, Reinhard Saborowski and Fernando García-Carreño
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Seasonal Changes in Hepatic Gene Expression Reveal Modulation of Multiple
Processes in Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax)
Robert C. Richards, Connie E. Short, William R. Driedzic and K. Vanya Ewart
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Expression of Sex and Reproduction-Related Genes in Marsupenaeus japonicus
Tamera R. Callaghan, Bernard M. Degnan and Melony J. Sellars
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EseD, a Putative T3SS Translocon Component of Edwardsiella tarda, Contributes to
Virulence in Fish and is a Candidate for Vaccine Development
Bo Wang, Zhao Lan Mo, Peng Xiao, Jie Li, Yu Xia Zou, Bin Hao and Gui Yang Li
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Using Hydrofluoric Acid for Morphological Investigations of Zoanthids (Cnidaria:
Anthozoa): A Critical Assessment of Methodology and Necessity
James Davis Reimer, Shu Nakachi, Mamiko Hirose, Euichi Hirose and Shinji Hashiguchi
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Transgenic Expression of Walleye Dermal Sarcoma Virus rv-cyclin Gene in Zebrafish
and Its Suppressive Effect on Liver Tumor Development After Carcinogen Treatment
Huiqing Zhan, Jan M. Spitsbergen, Wei Qing, Yi Lian Wu, Thomas A. Paul, James W. Casey,
Guor Muor Her and Zhiyuan Gong
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Patterns of Gene Expression in a Scleractinian Coral Undergoing Natural Bleaching
Francois O. Seneca, Sylvain Forêt, Eldon E. Ball, Carolyn Smith-Keune, David J. Miller and
Madeleine J. H. van Oppen
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Antifreeze Protein in Antarctic Marine Diatom, Chaetoceros neogracile
In Gyu Gwak, Woong sic Jung, Hak Jun Kim, Sung-Ho Kang and EonSeon Jin
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Quantitative Determination of Gymnodimine-A by High Performance Liquid
Chromatography in Contaminated Clams from Tunisia Coastline
Aquaculture Journals
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Riadh Marrouchi, Faten Dziri, Nawel Belayouni, Asma Hamza, Evelyne Benoit, Jordi Molgó
and Riadh Kharrat
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Construction of Two BAC Libraries from Half-Smooth Tongue Sole Cynoglossus
semilaevis and Identification of Clones Containing Candidate Sex-Determination
Chang-Wei Shao, Song-Lin Chen, Chantel F. Scheuring, Jian-Yong Xu, Zhen-Xia Sha, XiaoLi Dong and Hong-Bin Zhang
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Ectoine Production by Halomonas boliviensis: Optimization Using Response Surface
Doan Van-Thuoc, Héctor Guzmán, Mai Thi-Hang and Rajni Hatti-Kaul
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American Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Expresses a Potent Antibacterial Histone H2B
Jung-Kil Seo, Jeana Stephenson, J. Myron Crawford, Kathryn L. Stone and Edward J. Noga
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Real-time PCR Detection of Dinophysis Species in Irish Coastal Waters
Siobhán Kavanagh, Claire Brennan, Louise O’Connor, Siobhán Moran, Rafael Salas,
Josephine Lyons, Joe Silke and Majella Maher
DOI: 10.1007/s10126-009-9238-6
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β-1,3-Glucanase Inhibits Activity of the Killer Toxin Produced by the Marine-Derived
Yeast Williopsis saturnus WC91-2
Ying Peng, Zhenming Chi, Xianghong Wang and Jing Li
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Nitroreductase-mediated Gonadal Dysgenesis for Infertility Control of Genetically
Modified Zebrafish
Shao-Yang Hu, Pei-Yu Lin, Chia-Hsuan Liao, Hong-Yi Gong, Gen-Hwa Lin, Koichi Kawakami
and Jen-Leih Wu
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Biotransformation of α-Bromoacetophenones by the Marine Fungus Aspergillus
Lenilson Coutinho Rocha, Hercules Vicente Ferreira, Eli Fernando Pimenta, Roberto Gomes
Souza Berlinck, Maria Olímpia Oliveira Rezende, Maria Diva Landgraf, Mirna Helena Regali
Seleghim, Lara Durães Sette and André Luiz Meleiro Porto
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Culture of Explants from the Sponge Mycale cecilia to Obtain Bioactive Mycalazal-Type
Jose L. Carballo, Benjamin Yañez, Eva Zubía, Maria J. Ortega and Cristina Vega
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Cloning and Sequencing of Alginate Lyase Genes from Deep-Sea Strains of Vibrio and
Agarivorans and Characterization of a New Vibrio Enzyme
Kohsuke Uchimura, Masayuki Miyazaki, Yuichi Nogi, Tohru Kobayashi and Koki Horikoshi
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Spatial and Temporal Genetic Variation of Green Mussel, Perna viridis in the Gulf of
Thailand and Implication for Aquaculture
Warangkana Prakoon, Suriyan Tunkijjanukij, Thuy T. T. Nguyen and Uthairat Na-Nakorn
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Inducible Male Infertility by Targeted Cell Ablation in Zebrafish Testis
Chia-Chun Hsu, Min-Fon Hou, Jiann-Ruey Hong, Jen-Leih Wu and Guor Mour Her
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Design and Performance of a Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) Oligo-microarray Based
on ESTs from Immune Tissues
Adrián Millán, Antonio Gómez-Tato, Carlos Fernández, Belén G. Pardo, José A. ÁlvarezDios, Manuel Calaza, Carmen Bouza, María Vázquez, Santiago Cabaleiro and Paulino
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Antibacterial Activity of Marine Culturable Bacteria Collected from a Global Sampling
of Ocean Surface Waters and Surface Swabs of Marine Organisms
Lone Gram, Jette Melchiorsen and Jesper Bartholin Bruhn
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Isolation and Characterisation of a High-Efficiency Desaturase and Elongases from
Microalgae for Transgenic LC-PUFA Production
James R. Petrie, Qing Liu, Anne M. Mackenzie, Pushkar Shrestha, Maged P. Mansour, Stan
S. Robert, Dion F. Frampton, Susan I. Blackburn, Peter D. Nichols and Surinder P. Singh
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A MicroRNA Repertoire for Functional Genome Research in Rainbow Trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Mohamed Salem, Caide Xiao, Jonah Womack, Caird E. Rexroad and Jianbo Yao
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Silicatein Genes in Spicule-Forming and Nonspicule-forming Pacific Demosponges
Valeri B. Kozhemyako, Galina N. Veremeichik, Yuri N. Shkryl, Svetlana N. Kovalchuk,
Vladimir B. Krasokhin, Valeri A. Rasskazov, Yuri N. Zhuravlev, Victor P. Bulgakov and Yuri N.
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Isolation and Characterization of a GDSL Esterase from the Metagenome of a Marine
Sponge-associated Bacteria
Yoshiko Okamura, Tomonori Kimura, Hiroko Yokouchi, Macarena Meneses-Osorio, Masaya
Katoh, Tadashi Matsunaga and Haruko Takeyama
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QTL Mapping for Frond Length and Width in Laminaria japonica Aresch (Laminarales,
Phaeophyta) Using AFLP and SSR Markers
Fuli Liu, Zhanru Shao, Haining Zhang, Jidong Liu, Xiuliang Wang and Delin Duan
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Production of Viable Homozygous, Doubled Haploid Channel Catfish (Ictalurus
Geoffrey C. Waldbieser, Brian G. Bosworth and Sylvie M. A. Quiniou
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VOLUME 76, PART 3, MAY 2010
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meerriiccaann JJoouurrnnaall ooff A
VOLUME 72, PART 3, JULY 2010
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wss iinn A
Physiological and biochemical effects of conjugated linoleic acid and its use in
aquaculture (p 59-72)
Rui Rosa, Ana M. Andrade, Narcisa M. Bandarra, Maria L. NunesAbstract |
References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 273K)
Shrimp polyculture: a potentially profitable, sustainable, but uncommon aquacultural
practice (p 73-85)
Marcel Martínez-Porchas, Luis R. Martínez-Córdova, Marco A. Porchas-Cornejo, José A.
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 311K)
Application of econometric models for price impact assessment of antidumping
measures and labelling laws on global markets: a case study of Vietnamese striped
catfish (p 86-101)
Nguyen M. Duc
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 347K)
Organic aquaculture in Greece: a brief review (p 102-105)
Costas Perdikaris, Ioannis Paschos
Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 177K)
Chinese Abstracts
Chinese Abstracts (p 106-109)
Abstract | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 318K)
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TTrreennddss iinn B
VOLUME 28, PART 7, JULY 2010
Research articles
Generating recombinant antibodies to the complete human proteome
Pages 333-339
Stefan Dübel, Oda Stoevesandt, Michael J. Taussig, Michael Hust
PDF (345 K) | Related Articles
De novo enzymes: from computational design to mRNA display
Pages 340-345
Misha V. Golynskiy, Burckhard Seelig
PDF (293 K) | Related Articles
Application of mechanistic models to fermentation and biocatalysis for nextgeneration processes
Pages 346-354
Krist V. Gernaey, Anna Eliasson Lantz, Pär Tufvesson, John M. Woodley, Gürkan Sin
PDF (693 K) | Related Articles
Multivalent antibodies: when design surpasses evolution
Pages 355-362
Ángel M. Cuesta, Noelia Sainz-Pastor, Jaume Bonet, Baldomero Oliva, Luis Álvarez-Vallina
PDF (439 K) | Supplementary Content
| Related Articles
F MRI for quantitative in vivo cell tracking
Pages 363-370
Mangala Srinivas, Arend Heerschap, Eric T. Ahrens, Carl G. Figdor, I. Jolanda M. de Vries
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Enhanced CO2 fixation and biofuel production via microalgae: recent developments
and future directions
Pages 371-380
Amit Kumar, Sarina Ergas, Xin Yuan, Ashish Sahu, Qiong Zhang, Jo Dewulf, F. Xavier
Malcata, Herman van Langenhove
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Event extraction for systems biology by text mining the literature
Pages 381-390
Sophia Ananiadou, Sampo Pyysalo, Jun’ichi Tsujii, Douglas B. Kell
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TTrreennddss iinn M
VOLUME 18, PART 7, JULY 2010
Research articles
Diversification and focusing: strategies of microbial culture collections
Pages 283-287
Erko Stackebrandt
PDF (120 K) | Related Articles
Bacterial gene regulation by α-hydroxyketone signaling
Pages 288-297
André Tiaden, Thomas Spirig, Hubert Hilbi
PDF (482 K) | Related Articles
Nursing our microbiota: molecular linkages between bifidobacteria and milk
Pages 298-307
David A. Sela, David A. Mills
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Geomicrobiology beyond Earth: microbe–mineral interactions in space exploration
and settlement
Pages 308-314
Charles S. Cockell
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Impact of recombination on bacterial evolution
Pages 315-322
Xavier Didelot, Martin C.J. Maiden
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Targeting a host process as an antiviral approach against dengue virus
Pages 323-330
Andrew C. Sayce, Joanna L. Miller, Nicole Zitzmann
Aquaculture Journals
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