2010年SCI论文 1. Z. Z. Bai, Y. M. Huang and M. K. Ng, Block

Z. Z. Bai, Y. M. Huang and M. K. Ng, Block-triangular preconditioners for
systems arising from edge-preserving image restoration, Journal of
Computational Mathematics 28 (2010), no. 6, 848-863.
Z. Z. Bai, Y. M. Huang, M. K. Ng and X. Yang, Preconditioned iterative methods
for algebraic systems from multiplicative half-quadratic regularization image
restorations, Numerical Mathematics-Theory Methods and Applications 3 (2010),
no. 4, 461-474.
N. Balakrishnan, L. Bordes and X. J. Zhao, Minimum-distance parametric
estimation under progressive type-i censoring, Ieee Transactions on Reliability
59 (2010), no. 2, 413-425.
J. X. Che and J. Z. Wang, Short-term electricity prices forecasting based on
support vector regression and auto-regressive integrated moving average
modeling, Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010), no. 10, 1911-1917.
F. Chen, Y. L. Jiang and B. Zheng, On contraction and semi-contraction factors
of gsor method for augmented linear systems, Journal of Computational
Mathematics 28 (2010), no. 6, 901-912.
J. W. Chen and Z. M. Chen, Stochastic non-newtonian fluid motion equations of
a nonlinear bipolar viscous fluid, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications 369 (2010), no. 2, 486-509.
C. H. Cheng, J. Y. Chen and Z. H. Li, A new algorithm for maximum likelihood
estimation with progressive type-i interval censored data, Communications in
Statistics-Simulation and Computation 39 (2010), no. 4, 750-766.
C. P. Cheng, W. T. Li and Z. C. Wang, Asymptotic stability of traveling
wavefronts in a delayed population model with stage structure on a
two-dimensional spatial lattice, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical
Systems-Series B 13 (2010), no. 3, 559-575.
H. Cheng, X. L. Feng and C. L. Fu, A mollification regularization method for the
cauchy problem of an elliptic equation in a multi-dimensional case, Inverse
Problems in Science and Engineering 18 (2010), no. 7, 971-982.
W. Cheng and C. L. Fu, A modified tikhonov regularization method for an
axisymmetric backward heat equation, Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series
26 (2010), no. 11, 2157-2164.
W. Cheng, L. L. Zhao and C. L. Fu, Source term identification for an
axisymmetric inverse heat conduction problem, Computers & Mathematics with
Applications 59 (2010), no. 1, 142-148.
X. S. Cheng, S. Y. Liu, H. Zhang and W. Y. Qiu, Fabrication of a family of
pyramidal links and their genus, Match-Communications in Mathematical and in
Computer Chemistry 63 (2010), no. 3, 623-636.
X. S. Cheng, H. Zhang, G. Hu and W. Y. Qiu, The architecture and jones
polynomials of cycle-crossover polyhedral links, Match-Communications in
Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 63 (2010), no. 3, 637-656.
G. F. Da, W. Y. Ding and X. H. Li, On hazard rate ordering of parallel systems
with two independent components, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
140 (2010), no. 7, 2148-2154.
W. H. Deng, Smoothness and stability of the solutions for nonlinear fractional
differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications 72
(2010), no. 3-4, 1768-1777.
T. Dlotko and C. Y. Sun, Asymptotic behavior of the generalized korteweg-de
vries-burgers equation, Journal of Evolution Equations 10 (2010), no. 3, 571-595.
---, Dynamics of the modified viscous cahn-hilliard equation in r-n, Topological
Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 35 (2010), no. 2, 277-294.
F. F. Dou, C. L. Fu and Y. J. Ma, A wavelet-galerkin method for high order
numerical differentiation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (2010), no.
10, 3702-3712.
H. B. Feng and C. K. Zhong, Boundary behavior of solutions for the degenerate
logistic type elliptic problem with boundary blow-up, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory
Methods & Applications 73 (2010), no. 10, 3472-3478.
X. L. Feng, L. Elden and C. L. Fu, A quasi-boundary-value method for the cauchy
problem for elliptic equations with nonhomogeneous neumann data, Journal of
Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 18 (2010), no. 6, 617-645.
E. Flandrin, E. Gyori, H. Li and J. L. Shu, Cyclability in k-connected k-1,k-4-free
graphs, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010), no. 20, 2735-2741.
C. L. Fu, X. L. Feng and Z. Qian, Wavelets and high order numerical
differentiation, Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010), no. 10, 3008-3021.
C. L. Fu and Z. Qian, Numerical pseudodifferential operator and fourier
regularization, Advances in Computational Mathematics 33 (2010), no. 4,
J. J. Gao, P. H. Zhao and Y. Zhang, Compact sobolev embedding theorems
involving symmetry and its application, Nodea-Nonlinear Differential Equations
and Applications 17 (2010), no. 2, 161-180.
D. S. Gong, Y. C. Xiong, B. L. Ma, T. M. Wang, J. P. Ge, X. L. Qin, P. F. Li, H. Y.
Kong, Z. Z. Li and F. M. Li, Early activation of plasma membrane h+-atpase and
its relation to drought adaptation in two contrasting oat (avena sativa l.)
genotypes, Environmental and Experimental Botany 69 (2010), no. 1, 1-8.
S. M. Guo and Y. B. Zhou, Auxiliary equation method for the mkdv equation with
variable coefficients, Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (2010), no. 4,
S. M. Guo and Y. B. Zhou, The extended (g '/g)-expansion method and its
applications to the whitham-broer-kaup-like equations and coupled
hirota-satsuma kdv equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (2010),
no. 9, 3214-3221.
S. M. Guo, Y. B. Zhou and C. X. Zhao, The improved (g '/g)-expansion method
and its applications to the broer-kaup equations and approximate long water
wave equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (2010), no. 7,
Z. H. Guo, Y. Dong, J. Z. Wang and H. Y. Lu, The forecasting procedure for
long-term wind speed in the zhangye area, Mathematical Problems in
Engineering (2010).
Y. F. Hao and Y. F. Luo, Directed graphs and combinatorial properties of
completely regular semigroups, Semigroup Forum 81 (2010), no. 3, 524-530.
G. Hu, W. Y. Qiu, X. S. Cheng and S. Y. Liu, The complexity of platonic and
archimedean polyhedral links (vol 48, pg 401, 2010), Journal of Mathematical
Chemistry 48 (2010), no. 4, 1144-1144.
G. A. Hu, W. Y. Qiu, X. S. Cheng and S. Y. Liu, The complexity of platonic and
archimedean polyhedral links, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 48 (2010), no.
2, 401-412.
G. P. Hu and W. T. Li, Hopf bifurcation analysis for a delayed predator-prey
system with diffusion effects, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications 11
(2010), no. 2, 819-826.
Y. M. Huang and M. K. Ng, Product-type block preconditioners for
electromagnetic cavity problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation 216
(2010), no. 6, 1741-1751.
X. M. Jia and L. X. Hu, Global attractivity of a higher-order nonlinear difference
equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (2010), no. 3, 857-861.
X. M. Jia, L. X. Hu and W. T. Li, Dynamics of a rational difference equation,
Advances in Difference Equations (2010).
X. M. Jia and W. T. Li, Boundedness and global attractivity of a higher-order
nonlinear difference equation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (2010).
D. Kim, Z. Zhang, X. Y. Li, W. Wang, W. L. Wu and D. Z. Du, A better
approximation algorithm for computing connected dominating sets in unit ball
graphs, Ieee Transactions on Mobile Computing 9 (2010), no. 8, 1108-1118.
H. Li, F. Tian and Z. X. Xu, Hamiltonicity of 4-connected graphs, Acta
Mathematica Sinica-English Series 26 (2010), no. 4, 699-710.
H. Li, S. Zhou and G. H. Wang, The k-dorninating cycles in graphs, European
Journal of Combinatorics 31 (2010), no. 2, 608-616.
W. T. Li, Y. J. Sun and Z. C. Wang, Entire solutions in the fisher-kpp equation
with nonlocal dispersal, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications 11 (2010),
no. 4, 2302-2313.
X. H. Li and G. F. Da, Stochastic comparisons in multivariate mixed model of
proportional reversed hazard rate with applications, Journal of Multivariate
Analysis 101 (2010), no. 4, 1016-1025.
X. H. Li, G. F. Da and P. Zhao, On reversed hazard rate in general mixture
models, Statistics & Probability Letters 80 (2010), no. 7-8, 654-661.
X. H. Li and W. Y. Ding, Optimal allocation of active redundancies to k-out-of-n
systems with heterogeneous components, Journal of Applied Probability 47
(2010), no. 1, 254-263.
X. H. Li, P. Zhao and L. X. Li, Resilience and reliability analysis of p2p network
systems, Operations Research Letters 38 (2010), no. 1, 20-26.
X. S. Li and G. Lin, Traveling wavefronts in a single species model with nonlocal
diffusion and age-structure, Turkish Journal of Mathematics 34 (2010), no. 3,
X. Y. Li and H. P. Zhang, Embedding on alphabet overlap digraphs, Journal of
Mathematical Chemistry 47 (2010), no. 1, 62-71.
X. Y. Li, F. Zou, Y. C. Huang, D. Kim and W. L. Wu, A better constant-factor
approximation for selected-internal steiner minimum tree, Algorithmica 56 (2010),
no. 3, 333-341.
Y. S. Li and T. Wei, Identification of a moving boundary for a heat conduction
problem in a multilayer medium, Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2010), no. 7,
Z. P. Li, Y. Gong and L. A. Peng, Empirical likelihood method for intermediate
quantiles, Statistics & Probability Letters 80 (2010), no. 11-12, 1022-1029.
X. L. Liang, Y. F. Xiong and Z. H. Li, Exact reliability formula for
consecutive-k-out-of-n repairable systems, Ieee Transactions on Reliability 59
(2010), no. 2, 313-318.
G. Lin and W. T. Li, Traveling waves in delayed lattice dynamical systems with
competition interactions, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications 11 (2010),
no. 5, 3666-3679.
G. Lin and W. T. Li, Spreading speeds and traveling wavefronts for second order
integrodifference equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
361 (2010), no. 2, 520-532.
G. Lin, W. T. Li and M. J. Ma, Traveling wave solutions in delayed reaction
diffusion systems with applications to multi-species models, Discrete and
Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 13 (2010), no. 2, 393-414.
G. Lin, W. T. Li and S. X. Pan, Travelling wavefronts in delayed lattice dynamical
systems with global interaction, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
16 (2010), no. 12, 1429-1446.
G. Lin, W. T. Li and S. G. Ruan, Asymptotic stability of monostable wavefronts in
discrete-time integral recursions, Science China-Mathematics 53 (2010), no. 5,
D. C. Liu, Existence of multiple solutions for a p(x)-laplace equation, Electronic
Journal of Differential Equations (2010).
---, On a p-kirchhoff equation via fountain theorem and dual fountain theorem,
Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications 72 (2010), no. 1, 302-308.
J. C. Liu and T. Wei, Determination of a part of boundary for the cauchy problem
for the laplace equation, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 18 (2010),
no. 4, 535-548.
N. W. Liu and W. T. Li, Entire solutions in reaction-advection-diffusion equations
with bistable nonlinearities in heterogeneous media, Science China-Mathematics
53 (2010), no. 7, 1775-1786.
S. H. Liu and H. P. Zhang, Maximally resonant polygonal systems, Discrete
Mathematics 310 (2010), no. 21, 2790-2800.
S. H. Liu and H. P. Zhang, Pi index of toroidal polyhexes,
Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 63 (2010),
no. 1, 217-238.
S. Y. Liu, X. S. Cheng, H. P. Zhang and W. Y. Qiu, The architecture of polyhedral
links and their homfly polynomials, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 48 (2010),
no. 2, 439-456.
Y. W. Liu, L. Yang and C. K. Zhong, Asymptotic regularity for p-laplacian
equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (2010), no. 5.
M. Ma and Z. H. Li, Life behavior of censored delta-shock model, Indian Journal
of Pure & Applied Mathematics 41 (2010), no. 2, 401-420.
Y. D. Ma, L. Liu, K. Zhan and Y. Q. Wu, Pulse-coupled neural networks and
one-class support vector machines for geometry invariant texture retrieval, Image
and Vision Computing 28 (2010), no. 11, 1524-1529.
T. T. Mao, T. Z. Hu and P. Zhao, Ordering convolutions of heterogeneous
exponential and geometric distributions revisited, Probability in the Engineering
and Informational Sciences 24 (2010), no. 3, 329-348.
H. X. Meng, Existence of infinitely many solutions for a class of linear perturbed
symmetric elliptic problem with nonhomogeneous boundary, Russian Journal of
Mathematical Physics 17 (2010), no. 4, 468-475.
L. S. Meng and B. Zheng, The optimal perturbation bounds of the moore-penrose
inverse under the frobenius norm, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 432 (2010),
no. 4, 956-963.
W. T. Ning, Q. L. Li and H. P. Zhang, Smallest generalized cuts and
diameter-increasing sets of johnson graphs, Ars Combinatoria 95 (2010),
W. S. Niu, X. T. Sun and X. J. Chai, Blow-up phenomena for a family of
burgers-like equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 364
(2010), no. 2, 508-521.
S. X. Pan, W. T. Li and G. Lin, Existence and stability of traveling wavefronts in a
nonlocal diffusion equation with delay, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods &
Applications 72 (2010), no. 6, 3150-3158.
H. H. Qin and T. Wei, Two regularization methods for the cauchy problems of the
helmholtz equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010), no. 4, 947-967.
L. Shang and H. P. Zhang, A general sufficient condition for a graph g with
lambda (m) (g) a (c) 1/2 zeta (m) (g), Science China-Mathematics 53 (2010), no.
4, 1039-1044.
H. B. Shi, W. T. Li and G. Lin, Positive steady states of a diffusive predator-prey
system with modified holling-tanner functional response, Nonlinear Analysis-Real
World Applications 11 (2010), no. 5, 3711-3721.
W. C. Shiu, H. P. Zhang and S. H. Liu, Maximal resonance of cubic bipartite
polyhedral graphs, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 48 (2010), no. 3, 676-686.
H. T. Song, Pullback attractors of non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equations
in h-0(1), Journal of Differential Equations 249 (2010), no. 10, 2357-2376.
H. T. Song and C. K. Zhong, Blow-up of solutions of a nonlinear viscoelastic
wave equation, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications 11 (2010), no. 5,
L. J. Song and Y. J. Wu, A modified crank-nicolson scheme with incremental
unknowns for convection dominated diffusion equations, Applied Mathematics
and Computation 215 (2010), no. 9, 3293-3301.
C. Y. Sun, Asymptotic regularity for some dissipative equations, Journal of
Differential Equations 248 (2010), no. 2, 342-362.
H. R. Sun, X. X. Lu and S. G. Ruan, Qualitative analysis of models with different
treatment protocols to prevent antibiotic resistance, Mathematical Biosciences
227 (2010), no. 1, 56-67.
C. X. Wang and H. R. Sun, Positive solutions for a class of singular third-order
three-point nonhomogeneous boundary value problem, Dynamic Systems and
Applications 19 (2010), no. 2, 225-234.
J. Z. Wang, S. L. Zhu, W. Y. Zhang and H. Y. Lu, Combined modeling for electric
load forecasting with adaptive particle swarm optimization, Energy 35 (2010), no.
4, 1671-1678.
X. Wang, L. Yang and C. K. Zhong, Attractors for the nonclassical diffusion
equations with fading memory, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications 362 (2010), no. 2, 327-337.
Y. Wang and P. Zhao, A note on drhr preservation property of generalized order
statistics, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 39 (2010), no. 5,
Y. S. Wang and P. Zhao, Multivariate likelihood ratio ordering of conditional order
statistics, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity 23 (2010), no. 6, 1143-1152.
Y. S. Wang, W. W. Zhuang and T. Z. Hu, Conditionally stochastic domination of
generalized order statistics from two samples, Statistical Papers 51 (2010), no. 2,
Z. C. Wang and W. T. Li, Dynamics of a non-local delayed reaction-diffusion
equation without quasi-monotonicity, Proceedings of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh Section a-Mathematics 140 (2010), 1081-1109.
Z. C. Wang and J. H. Wu, Travelling waves of a diffusive kermack-mckendrick
epidemic model with non-local delayed transmission, Proceedings of the Royal
Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 466 (2010), no. 2113,
T. Wei, Uniqueness of moving boundary for a heat conduction problem with
nonlinear interface conditions, Applied Mathematics Letters 23 (2010), no. 5,
T. Wei and D. Y. Zhou, Convergence analysis for the cauchy problem of laplace's
equation by a regularized method of fundamental solutions, Advances in
Computational Mathematics 33 (2010), no. 4, 491-510.
Z. J. Wen and C. K. Zhong, Non-constant positive steady states for the hp food
chain system with cross-diffusions, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 51
(2010), no. 9-10, 1026-1036.
X. Xu, Y. Wang, H. Du, P. J. Wan, F. Zou, X. Li and W. Wu, Approximations for
node-weighted steiner tree in unit disk graphs, Optimization Letters 4 (2010), no.
3, 405-416.
J. Z. Yan and H. P. Zhang, Bounds on the path-matching number, Arabian
Journal for Science and Engineering 35 (2010), no. 1D, 145-152.
L. Yan, C. L. Fu and F. F. Dou, A computational method for identifying a
spacewise-dependent heat source, International Journal for Numerical Methods
in Biomedical Engineering 26 (2010), no. 5, 597-608.
X. J. Yan, Y. Wu and C. K. Zhong, Uniform attractors for impulsive
reaction-diffusion equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (2010),
no. 9, 2534-2543.
X. P. Yan and W. T. Li, Stability of bifurcating periodic solutions in a delayed
reaction-diffusion population model, Nonlinearity 23 (2010), no. 6, 1413-1431.
A. L. Yang, J. An and Y. J. Wu, A generalized preconditioned hss method for
non-hermitian positive definite linear systems, Applied Mathematics and
Computation 216 (2010), no. 6, 1715-1722.
F. Yang and C. L. Fu, A simplified tikhonov regularization method for determining
the heat source, Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (2010), no. 11, 3286-3299.
---, The method of simplified tikhonov regularization for dealing with the inverse
time-dependent heat source problem, Computers & Mathematics with
Applications 60 (2010), no. 5, 1228-1236.
F. L. Yang, L. Ling and T. Wei, An adaptive greedy technique for inverse
boundary determination problem, Journal of Computational Physics 229 (2010),
no. 22, 8484-8496.
G. C. Yang, Existence of solutions of laminar boundary layer equations with
decelerating external flows, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications
72 (2010), no. 3-4, 2063-2075.
---, An upper bound on the critical value beta* involved in the blasius problem,
Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2010).
L. Yang and M. H. Yang, Attractors of the non-autonomous reaction-diffusion
equation with nonlinear boundary condition, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World
Applications 11 (2010), no. 5, 3946-3954.
M. H. Yang and C. Y. Sun, Exponential attractors for the strongly damped wave
equations, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications 11 (2010), no. 2, 913-919.
Y. R. Yang, Triple positive solutions of a class of fourth-order two-point boundary
value problems, Applied Mathematics Letters 23 (2010), no. 4, 366-370.
Y. R. Yang, W. T. Li and G. Lin, Persistence of traveling wave solutions in a
bio-reactor model with nonlocal delays, Applied Mathematical Modelling 34
(2010), no. 5, 1344-1351.
H. Y. Yao, G. A. Hu, H. P. Zhang and W. Y. Qiu, The construction of 4-regular
polyhedra containing triangles, quadrilaterals and pentagons,
Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 64 (2010),
no. 2, 345-358.
G. C. Yue and C. K. Zhong, On the convergence of the uniform attractor of 2d
ns-alpha model to the uniform attractor of 2d ns system, Journal of
Computational and Applied Mathematics 233 (2010), no. 8, 1879-1887.
G. B. Zhang, W. T. Li and Y. J. Zun, Asymptotic behavior for nonlocal dispersal
equations, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications 72 (2010), no. 12,
G. F. Zhang and J. Y. Zhao, On constraint preconditioners for generalized saddle
point matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (2010), no. 6,
H. P. Zhang, Direct sum of distributive lattices on the perfect matchings of a
plane bipartite graph, Order-a Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and Its
Applications 27 (2010), no. 2, 101-113.
H. P. Zhang, N. D. Ji and H. Y. Yeo, Transfer-matrix calculation of the clar
covering polynomial of hexagonal systems, Match-Communications in
Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 63 (2010), no. 2, 379-392.
H. P. Zhang and S. H. Liu, 2-resonance of plane bipartite graphs and its
applications to boron-nitrogen fullerenes, Discrete Applied Mathematics 158
(2010), no. 14, 1559-1569.
H. P. Zhang and G. F. Wang, Embeddability of open-ended carbon nanotubes in
hypercubes, Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications 43 (2010), no. 5,
H. P. Zhang, D. Ye and Y. R. Liu, A combination of clar number and kekul, count
as an indicator of relative stability of fullerene isomers of c-60, Journal of
Mathematical Chemistry 48 (2010), no. 3, 733-740.
H. P. Zhang, D. Ye and W. C. Shiu, Forcing matching numbers of fullerene
graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 158 (2010), no. 5, 573-582.
H. P. Zhang and S. Zhou, A note on path factors in claw-free graphs, Ars
Combinatoria 97 (2010), 87-95.
J. F. Zhang, W. T. Li and X. P. Yan, Multiple bifurcations in a delayed
predator-prey diffusion system with a functional response, Nonlinear
Analysis-Real World Applications 11 (2010), no. 4, 2708-2725.
P. A. Zhang and W. T. Li, Monotonicity and uniqueness of traveling waves for a
reaction-diffusion model with a quiescent stage, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory
Methods & Applications 72 (2010), no. 5, 2178-2189.
S. H. Zhang and H. T. Cheng, Testing for increasing mean inactivity time,
Statistics 44 (2010), no. 5, 467-476.
S. H. Zhang and X. H. Li, Some new results on the moment generating function
order and related life distributions, Journal of Applied Probability 47 (2010), no. 4,
X. F. Zhang, D. L. Tang, Z. Z. Li, Z. Z. Yan and F. P. Zhang, Analysis of the
spatio-temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a in the eastern indian ocean near the
time of the 2004 south asian tsunami, International Journal of Remote Sensing
31 (2010), no. 17-18, 4579-4593.
X. L. Zhang and H. P. Zhang, Some results on laplacian spectral radius of graphs
with cut vertices, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010), no. 24, 3494-3505.
P. Zhao and N. Balakrishnan, Ordering properties of convolutions of
heterogeneous erlang and pascal random variables, Statistics & Probability
Letters 80 (2010), no. 11-12, 969-974.
P. Zhao and T. Z. Hu, On hazard rate ordering of the sums of heterogeneous
geometric random variables, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 101 (2010), no. 1,
X. J. Zhao, M. Fouladirad, C. Berenguer and L. Bordes, Condition-based
inspection/replacement policies for non-monotone deteriorating systems with
environmental covariates, Reliability Engineering & System Safety 95 (2010), no.
8, 921-934.
B. Zheng and Z. P. Xiong, The reverse order laws for {1, 2, 3}- and {1, 2,
4}-inverses of multiple matrix products, Linear & Multilinear Algebra 58 (2010), no.
6, 765-782.
G. H. Zheng and T. Wei, Two regularization methods for solving a riesz-feller
space-fractional backward diffusion problem, Inverse Problems 26 (2010), no.
---, Spectral regularization method for the time fractional inverse
advection-dispersion equation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 81
(2010), no. 1, 37-51.
---, Spectral regularization method for a cauchy problem of the time fractional
advection-dispersion equation, Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics 233 (2010), no. 10, 2631-2640.
X. P. Zheng and P. F. Zhang, Kinetic monte carlo simulation of
surfactant-mediated cu thin-film growth, Computational Materials Science 50
(2010), no. 1, 6-9.
C. K. Zhong and W. S. Niu, On the z(2) index of the global attractor for a class of
p-laplacian equations, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications 73
(2010), no. 12, 3698-3704.
R. Zhou, Q. G. Zhou, G. H. Cheng, B. J. Wang, L. A. Li and N. McGuire, An open
source and network-based remote laboratory for embedded systems,
International Journal of Engineering Education 26 (2010), no. 4, 950-962.
S. Zhou, H. Li and G. H. Wang, Algorithm for two disjoint long paths in
2-connected graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 411 (2010), no. 34-36,
C. M. Bai, L. Guo and X. Ni, Generalizations of the classical yang-baxter
equation and o-operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011), no. 6.
Y. A. Cai, J. Z. Wang, Y. Tang and Y. C. Yang, An efficient approach for electric
load forecasting using distributed art (adaptive resonance theory) & hs-artmap
(hyper-spherical artmap network) neural network, Energy 36 (2011), no. 2,
H. Cheng, C. L. Fu and X. L. Feng, An optimal filtering method for the cauchy
problem of the helmholtz equation, Applied Mathematics Letters 24 (2011), no. 6,
W. Cheng, C. L. Fu and F. J. Qin, Regularization and error estimate for a
spherically symmetric backward heat equation, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed
Problems 19 (2011), no. 3, 369-377.
W. H. Deng and C. Li, Finite difference methods and their physical constraints for
the fractional klein-kramers equation, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential
Equations 27 (2011), no. 6, 1561-1583.
Z. L. Deng, C. L. Fu, X. L. Feng and Y. X. Zhang, A mollification regularization
method for stable analytic continuation, Mathematics and Computers in
Simulation 81 (2011), no. 8, 1593-1608.
C. Y. Ding, X. F. Zhang, D. Zhao, H. G. Luo and W. M. Liu, Matter-wave solitons
in heteronuclear atomic bose-einstein condensates with synchronously
controllable interactions and potentials, Physical Review A 84 (2011), no. 5.
Y. Dong, J. Z. Wang, H. Jiang and J. Wu, Short-term electricity price forecast
based on the improved hybrid model, Energy Conversion and Management 52
(2011), no. 8-9, 2987-2995.
K. Du and X. T. Gao, A note on heegaard splittings of amalgamated 3-manifolds,
Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B 32 (2011), no. 3, 475-482.
X. L. Feng, C. L. Fu and H. Cheng, A regularization method for solving the
cauchy problem for the helmholtz equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling 35
(2011), no. 7, 3301-3315.
J. J. Gao, Y. Zhang and P. H. Zhao, Existence of positive solutions for a class of
semilinear and quasilinear elliptic equations with supercritical case, Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications 381 (2011), no. 1, 215-228.
S. M. Guo, L. Q. Mei, Y. B. Zhou and C. Li, The extended riccati equation
mapping method for variable-coefficient diffusion-reaction and mkdv equations,
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