HNC30 – Fashion and Creative Expression Personal Clothing Collage Express your Clothing Philosophy/Personality/Style in a collage! Items required: A concisely stated (1-2 sentences) personal clothing philosophy that expresses your values – see website for some quizzes Choose photos or illustrations to demonstrate how your clothing is influenced by your: 1. Basic needs Protection, Identification, Modesty, Status, Adornment 2. Family and Friends 3. Culture and Heritage 4. Clothing customs and dress codes Clothing Philosophy Clothing customs and dress code Culture and Heritage Photo of you Basic Needs Family and Friends Each picture must have a caption explaining your choice Each of the pictures and captions should be consistent with your clothing philosophy/personality/style At least 2 different types of materials/media to represent your ideas Eg. Magazine pictures, drawings, fabric samples/ textiles, photos, etc. Poster collage should be attractive and interesting Poster collage should include a descriptive title Poster collage should include your name and your photo HNC30 – Fashion and Creative Expression Personal Clothing Collage Criteria Understands the factors influencing clothing choices FUNC 03 FUNC 04 Clothing philosophy is concisely stated Name: __________________ Re-do (0-49%) Insufficient understanding of the factors influencing clothing choices Clothing philosophy is not stated Level 1 (50-59) Limited understanding of the factors influencing clothing choices. Clothing philosophy is unclear Level 2 (60-69) Some understanding of the factors influencing clothing choices Clothing philosophy may not be clear Level 3 (70-79) Clear understanding of the factors influencing clothing choices Clothing philosophy is concisely stated Level 4 (80-100) Thorough and insightful understanding of the factors influencing clothing choices Clothing philosophy is original and concisely stated Collage/garment is not visually appealing and is unclear Collage/garment has limited visual appeal and communicates limited information Product is of limited relevance to clothing philosophy and to the influences Collage/garment is somewhat visually appealing and communicates some information clearly Some ability to select relevant materials to clothing philosophy and to the influences Collage/garment is visually appealing and communicates information clearly Collage/garment has high visual appeal and communicates information effectively Able to select materials relevant to clothing philosophy and to the influences Clothing philosophy and the influences are linked together effectively FUNC 02 Collage/garment is visually appealing and communicates information clearly R&I 04 Able to link product to clothing philosophy and to the influences FUNC 02 Product is not relevant to either the clothing philosophy or to the influences FUNC 02 - demonstrate an understanding of psychological, sociological, and cultural attitudes towards beauty, fashion, and apparel; FUNC 03 - identify the criteria used by families in making clothing decisions and purchases; FUNC 04 - identify the criteria used in selecting appropriate clothing for particular functions and occasions R&I 04 - communicate the results of their inquiries effectively