Nationwide public sector eligibility list The public sector bodies to

Nationwide public sector eligibility list
The public sector bodies to whom the use of this framework agreement is open, include
without limitation:
Central government departments & their executive agencies: a list of such
departments and executive agencies can be found at
Non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs): a list of NDPBs can be found at annex
A to the Public Bodies Directory 2007 published by the Cabinet Office) which can be
found at
All Local Authorities, (as defined in Regulation 3(2) to 3(5) inclusive of the Utilities
Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015))
and all and any subsidiaries and joint-venture vehicles of those local authorities,
including, but not limited to, all listed on this website:
All National Health Service (NHS) bodies, including, but not limited to, NHS Trusts
as defined in the Regulation 2 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 which, in turn,
Acute trusts;
Trusts operating community hospitals and the provider functions of primary
care trusts;
Primary care trusts;
Care trusts;
Care trusts plus;
Ambulance trusts;
Mental health trusts;
Strategic health authorities;
Special health authorities;
4.10. Community health councils;
4.11. Local health boards;
4.12. NHS foundation trusts;
4.13. Health boards, NHS trusts, community health councils and other constituent
bodies of the NHS in Wales; and
4.14. NHS Scotland and its constituent bodies including: the Scottish Ambulance
Service, 1 Special NHS Boards and the other constituent organisations of the
Scottish National Health Service.
Lists of all of such NHS authorities, trusts, councils, boards and other bodies can be
found, variously, at:
All police forces and other emergency services, including fire and rescue
services as defined in Section 1(2) of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, the
Maritime and Coastguard Agency and other rescue authorities (a list of Police
authorities and fire and rescue services can be found, respectively, at the following.
5.1. ; and
All educational establishments including, but not limited to, schools maintained by
local authorities, academies (as defined in the section 579(1) of the Education Act
1996), city technology colleges, the learning and skills council, colleges, universities
and other further education establishments (including those listed here: and
on this website:
Registered charities, as detailed at:
Devolved and other administrations within the British Isles, including those
detailed at (in the case of Scotland) and and (in the case of Wales)
Airport authorities and other bodies associated with public safety.
All other contracting authorities as defined in the Public Contracts Regulations
2015 (PCR 2015) including, but not limited to, those cited by name or class in
Schedule 1 to the PCR 2015, and, all other bodies who are Utilities, and who are
cited by name or class in Schedule 1 to the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2006.
All Registered Providers (RSLs in Wales), a list of such Registered Providers being
available at: and including, but not limited to, the following registered providers:
2 Care H2510
20-20 Housing Co-operative Limited C3489
28a Supported Living Limited 4728
A2Dominion Homes Limited LH0391
A2Dominion Housing Group Limited L4240
A2Dominion Housing Options Limited SL4293
A2Dominion South Limited LH4149
Aashyana Housing Association Limited L4392
Abbeyfield Bristol Society H0315
Abbeyfield Chester Society Limited H0008
Abbeyfield Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Society Limited H3577
Abbeyfield Hertfordshire Residential Care Society H3610
Abbeyfield North Northumberland Extra Care Society Limited H3403
Abbeyfield Northallerton and District Society Ltd H3779
Abbeyfield South Downs Limited H0375
Abbeyfield Wessex Society Limited H2136
Abeona Housing Co-operative Limited C3455
Aberford Almshouses Trust A0230
Ability Housing Association LH2174
Accent Corporate Services Limited LH4322
Accent Foundation Limited LH1722
Accent Group Limited L4511
Accent Nene Limited LH0912
Accent Peerless Limited LH4002
Access Homes Housing Association Limited SL3605
Acclaim Housing Group Limited L4504
Accord Housing Association Limited LH3902
Acis Group Limited L4229
Action Housing and Support Limited 4660
Adactus Housing Association Limited LH0131
Adactus Housing Group Limited LH4345
Addiscombe Catholic Housing Association Limited LH3197
Adler Housing 4788
Adullam Homes Housing Association Limited LH1388
Adur District Council 45UB
Advance Housing and Support Limited LH0280
Affinity Sutton Group Limited LH4087
Affinity Sutton Homes Limited 4673
Affordable Homes (Southern) Limited 4753
Agamemnon Housing Association Limited L0916
Aged Merchant Seamen's Homes A1632
Agudas Israel Housing Association Limited LH3673
AKSA Housing Association Limited LH3917
Albion Housing Co-operative Limited C3719
Aldwyck East Housing Association Limited L1690
Aldwyck Housing Group Limited LH1682
Alice Coralie Glyn Homes A0473
Alliance Housing Association (South Yorkshire) Limited 4741
Allnutt Mill Housing Co-operative Limited C4108
Allonby Almshouses A3390
Almshouse Charity A2406
Almshouse Charity of Elizabeth Smith A3714
Almshouse Charity of Hannah Rawson A3050
Almshouse Charity of Sir William Powel l A1157
Almshouse of St John the Baptist & St John the Evangelist A2569
Almshouses of Miss Anne Hopkins-Smith A2987
Almshouses of William & Rebecca Pearce A1073
Alpha (R.S.L.) Limited L1033
Alpha Housing Co-operative Limited C3186
Alt Housing Co-operative Limited C2438
Amicus Group Limited L4216
AmicusHorizon Limited L4536
Anchor Housing Association L0073
Anchor Property Holdings Limited 4722
Anchor Trust LH4095
Angiers Almshouse Charity A2481
Apna Ghar Housing Association Limited L4443
Aragon Housing Association Limited L4048
Arawak Walton Housing Association Limited L3713
Arches Housing Limited LH0884
Arcon Housing Association Limited L0249
Arena Housing Group Limited L1700
Arena Options Limited LH2009
Argyle Street Housing Co-operative Limited C2303
Arhag Housing Association Limited LH3811
Arneway Housing Co-operative Limited C3115
ARP Charitable Services H3720
Arpeggio Properties Limited 4726
Arun District Council 45UC
Arundel Buildings Housing Co-operative Limited C3379
Ascent Housing LLP 4724
Ashbourne Almshouse Charity A3257
Ashfield District Council 37UB
Ashford Borough Council 29UB
Ashford Pavilion Housing Co-operative Limited C4133
Ashley Community & Housing Ltd 4716
Ashram Housing Association Limited LH4034
Ash-Shahada Housing Association Limited C3843
Ashton Pioneer Homes Limited L4199
Ashwell Housing Association Limited L1517
Aspire Group (Staffordshire) Limited 4642
Aspire Housing Limited L4238
ASRA Housing Association Limited L3534
Asra Housing Group Limited L4523
Assettrust Housing Association Limited 4740
Assured Living Housing Association Limited 4731
Aster Communities 4691
Aster Group Limited L4393
Aston Almshouse Charity A3910
Aston-Mansfield Charitable Trust LH1396
Ath-Gray Housing Co-operative Limited C3299
Auckland Home Solutions Community Interest Company 4690
Auxesia Homes Limited 4765
Axiom Housing Association Limited L0395
Aylott Janes Almshouses A0211
B3 Living Limited L4455
Babergh District Council 42UB
Bahay Kubo Housing Association Limited 4773
Balkerne Gardens Trust Limited LH1647
Balsall Heath Housing Co-operative Limited C2437
Bangla Housing Association L4534
Barlborough Hospital (Almshouses) A3235
Barnes Workhouse Fund A2072
Barnet Overseas Students Housing Association Ltd L0394
Barnsbury Housing Association Limited L2518
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council 00CC
Barnwood Housing Co-operative Limited C3339
Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council 16UC
Bartholomew Thomas Almshouses A3646
Basildon District Council 22UB
Bassetlaw District Council 37UC
Bath Centre for Voluntary Service Homes LH1028
Battersea Tenants Co-operative Limited C2198
Becket Trust Housing Association Limited L0913
Bedfont Stoney Wall Housing Co-operative Limited C3993
Bedford Citizens Housing Association Limited LH1649
Beech Housing Association Limited SL3463
Beechwood & Ballantyne Community HA Limited L4432
Belgrave Neighbourhood Co-op Housing Association Limited C1810
Belgrave Street Housing Co-operative Limited C2873
Benenden Almshouse Charities A3448
Ben-Motor & Allied Trades Benevolent Fund LH3766
Bernicia Group Limited L4512
Berwick Borough Housing L4529
Bespoke Supportive Tenancies Limited 4718
Bethany Home Trust A3334
Bethel Housing Association Limited L1216
Bexley Churches Housing Association Limited L0976
Bexley United Charities A3035
Billericay Community Housing Association Limited L1397
Birch & Samson United Charities A4028
Birchfield House Co-operative Limited C3127
Birkenhead Forum Housing Association Limited L1299
Birmingham City Council 00CN
Birmingham Civic Housing Association Limited L1389
Birmingham Co-operative Housing Services Limited L3030
Birmingham Jewish Housing Association Limited L2889
Birmingham YMCA 4783
Birnbeck Housing Association Limited L1511
Black Country Housing Group Limited L1668
Blackburn YMCA 4639
Blackpool Council 00EY
Blenheim Housing Co-operative Limited C4110
Blue Pits Housing Action 4719
Blue Sky Solution Corporation Limited 4754
Blue Square Residential Ltd 4733
Blyth Cottages A4196
Bocking United Charities A4038
Bolney Housing Association Limited L2888
Bolsover District Council 17UC
Bolton at Home 4568
Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council 00BL
Bomarsund Housing Co-operative Limited C3745
Bonham and Strathleven Tenants Co-operative Ltd C2788
Boorman's Almshouses A4257
Bordesley Green Housing Co-operative Limited C3446
Borough of Poole 00HP
Boscombe Rotary & Inner Wheel Housing Assoc Ltd L1002
Boston Mayflower Limited LH4237
Boughey Roddam Housing Association L0528
Bournemouth Ace Housing Association Ltd L0093
Bournemouth Borough Council 00HN
Bournemouth Churches Housing Association Limited LH0155
Bournemouth Young Men's Christian Association H4246
Bournville Village Trust L0702
Bournville Works Housing Society Limited C1853
Bow Housing Society Limited L0302
bpha Limited LH3887
Bracknell Forest Borough Council 00MA
Bracknell Forest Homes Limited L4513
Brandon Aged Persons Homes A3768
Brandon Poor's Estate A0644
Brandrams Housing Co-operative Limited C3185
Braughing Housing Association Limited L1007
Breedon Housing Co-operative Limited C4379
Brent Community Housing Limited 4748
Brent Housing Partnership Limited 4569
Brentwood Borough Council 22UD
Brentwood Housing Trust Limited L1257
Bridge Care Limited L3921
Bridge-It Housing UK Team Ltd 4736
Bridgwater YMCA H4245
Brighter Futures Housing Association Limited H4315
Brighter Horizons (RBH) Limited 4632
Brighton and Hove Almshouse Charity A1614
Brighton and Hove City Council 00ML
Brighton and Hove Jewish Housing Association Ltd L0449
Brighton Buildings Housing Co-operative Limited C3638
Brighton Housing Trust H1696
Brighton Lions Housing Society Limited L0690
Brighton YMCA H3835
Bristol and Anchor Almshouse Charity A4256
Bristol City Council 00HB
Bristol Community Housing Foundation Limited SL4348
Bristowe (Fair Rent) Housing Association Limited L1990
Brixton Housing Co-operative Limited C2576
Broadacres Housing Association Limited LH4014
Broadening Choices for Older People L4218
Broadland Housing Association Limited L0026
Broadway Park Housing Association Limited L0711
Brockley Tenants Co-operative Limited C2430
Bromford Home Ownership Limited L4450
Bromford Housing Association Limited 4674
Bromford Housing Group Limited L4449
Bromley and Sheppard's Colleges Charity A0352
Bromsgrove District Housing Trust Limited LH4415
Bromsgrove Housing Initiatives Limited L4481
Bromsgrove United Charities A1067
Browne & Wingrave Almshouse Charities A4006
Brownlow Hill Housing Co-operative Limited C3718
Broxtowe Borough Council 37UD
Brunelcare LH0269
Brunts Charity A2722
Buckinghamshire Housing Association Limited L2007
Bucklehaven Charity A0752
Bury Metropolitan Borough Council 00BM
Butterfield Homes (Cottingley) A3825
Butterfield Homes (Wilsden) A3623
Byker Community Trust Limited 4714
C J Gallards's Almshouses Charitable Trust 4681
C of E Soldiers, Sailors & Airmens H.A Ltd L0104
Caldmore Area Housing Association Limited L0883
Calico Homes Limited L4254
Calverton Almshouses Charity A0811
Camberwell Housing Society L1976
Cambridge City Council 12UB
Campden School Housing Association Limited L0983
Canning Housing Co-operative Limited C1981
Cannock Chase District Council 41UB
Canterbury City Council 29UC
Capital Housing Associates Limited 4669
Care Housing Association 4672
Castle Housing Limited 4709
Castle Point Borough Council 22UE
Castle Vale Community Housing Association Ltd L4118
Catalyst Housing Limited L0699
Cathedral Mansions Housing Co-operative Limited C3856
CBHA L4143
Cedarmore Housing Association Limited L0047
Central and Cecil Housing Trust H1528
Central Bedfordshire Council 00KC
Central Hertfordshire YMCA L4554
Centrepoint H1869
Cestria Community Housing Association Limited L4514
Changing Lives Housing Trust 4641
Chapter 1 Charity Limited H3658
Charities of James Farmer for Almshouses & Poor A3761
Charity Jonathan & Rebecca Edwards A2710
Charity of Alice Dale A2820
Charity of Annie Kew A2891
Charity of Elizabeth Owen, Llanfair A2706
Charity Of Elizabeth Wadsworth A3681
Charity of Emma Rice & W.E.J. Knight A3751
Charity of George Jones A0364
Charity of Julia Spicer for Almshouses A2395
Charity of Marjorie Hurst A4057
Charity of Mrs Catherine Walker A4430
Charity of Sarah Jane Wood & Mary A Garnett A3540
Charity of William Brereton for the Poor A0831
Charles Edward Sugden Almshouses A3990
Charlton Triangle Homes Limited L4212
Charnwood Borough Council 31UC
Chelmer Housing Partnership Limited L4331
Cheltenham Borough Council 23UB
Cheltenham Borough Homes Limited 4572
Cheltenham Young Men's Christian Association H4270
Cherchefelle Housing Association Limited H0399
Cheriton Housing Co-operative Limited C4111
Cherry Hinton Almshouse Charity A2604
Cherry Tree Housing Association Limited L1953
Cherryfield Housing Co-operative Limited C3608
Cherwell District Council 38UB
Cheshire Peaks & Plains Housing Trust L4472
Cheshire West and Chester Council 00EW
Chester & District Housing Trust Limited LH4291
Chesterfield Borough Council 17UD
Chesterfield Churches Housing Association Limited LH3942
Chevin Housing Association Limited L4160
Cheviot Housing Association Limited L0862
Chichester Greyfriars Housing Association Limited L1306
Chippenham Housing Co-operative Limited C3497
Chisel Limited L3642
Chislehurst and Sidcup Housing Association L1693
Chiswick Parochial Charities A0821
Choices Housing Association Limited L4178
Chorley Community Housing Limited L4487
Chorley Council 30UE
Chrysalis Supported Association Limited 4751
Chubb, Whetstone and Napper's Almshouses A2868
Church Almshouses Charity A2070
Churches Housing Assoc of Dudley & District Ltd LH2916
Circle Anglia Limited LH4046
Circle Thirty Three Housing Trust Limited L0031
Cirencester Housing Limited L1444
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council 00CX
City of Exeter YMCA H3905
City of Lincoln Council 32UD
City Of Liverpool YMCA (Incorporated) H1720
City of London Corporation 00AA
City of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council 00DB
City of Wells Almshouses A4055
City of Westminster Council 00BK
City of York Council 00FF
City South Manchester Housing Trust L4527
City West Housing Trust Limited L4528
City YMCA, London H4099
Clapham Park Homes Limited L4467
Claverdon Benefice Housing Association Limited L0156
Clissold Housing Co-operative Limited C3041
Coast & Country Housing Limited L4342
Coastline Housing Limited LH4165
Cobalt Housing Limited L4361
Coin Street Secondary Housing Co-operative Limited C3729
Colchester Borough Council 22UG
Collins Memorial Trust A2482
Colne Housing Society Limited LH1651
Colonel Slater Homes A3325
Colton's Hospital A3033
Commonplace Housing Co-operative Limited C2457
Community Gateway Association Limited L4457
Community Trust Housing L4484
Condlyffe Charity A2991
Connect Housing Association Limited L2285
Contour Homes Limited L3261
Contour Property Services Limited SL3381
Convent Co-operative Limited C3554
Cooke Almshouse Charity A4153
Cooke's Almshouse Charity A3647
Co-op Homes (South) Limited C3675
Co-op Schemes For The Elderly Ltd C3756
Cooper and Adkinson Almshouse Charity A3783
Co-operative Development Society Limited LH0170
Copland Almshouse Charity A2946
Corby Borough Council 34UB
Corn and Yates Streets Housing Co-operative Ltd C2417
Cornerstone Housing Limited L0147
Cornfield Housing Society Limited C0580
Cornwall Council 00HE
Cornwall Housing Limited 4570
Cornwall Rural Housing Association Limited L3613
Corton House Limited LH1960
Cossington Housing Co-operative Limited C2787
Cotman Housing Association Limited L0284
Cottsway Housing Association Limited L4312
Council of the Isles of Scilly 00HF
Countess of Derby's Almshouse A1071
Coventry & Warwickshire YMCA H4433
Coventry Church (Municipal) Charities A0581
Crawley Borough Council 45UE
Craymill Housing Co-operative Limited C3125
Creative Support Limited 4689
Crewe YMCA H4058
Croft Housing Association Limited 4715
Cromwood Housing Ltd 4764
Crosby Housing Association Limited L1719
Cross Keys Homes Limited LH4428
Cross Lances Housing Co-operative Limited C3335
Croydon Churches Housing Association Limited LH0495
Croydon Unitarian Housing Association Limited L0051
Crystal Palace Housing Association Limited SL3118
Curo Choice Limited LH3918
Curo Group (Albion) Limited LH4336
Curo Places (Bristol) Limited L0419
Curo Places Limited LH4209
CWL Housing L1530
Cyron Housing Co-operative Limited C2695
Dacorum Borough Council 26UC
Dales Housing Limited L4332
Dame Bertha Lopes Almshouses A4408
Danby Almshouse Charity A3010
Darent Housing Co-operative Limited C3300
Darlington Borough Council 00EH
Darlington Housing Association Limited LH2346
Dartford Almshouse Charity A2448
Dartford Borough Council 29UD
Dauntsey Almshouse Charity A0563
Daventry and District Housing L4498
Dawley Housing Co-operative Limited C3890
Day's & Atkinson's Almshouse Charity A4271
De Montfort Housing Society Limited L0435
Delce Manor Housing Co-operative Limited C4100
Dennetts Housing Co-operative Limited C3691
Depaul Housing Services 4792
Deptford Housing Co-operative Limited C2300
Derby City Council 00FK
Derby Homes Limited 4576
Derventio Housing Trust 4677
Derwent and Solway Housing Association Limited LH4213
Derwent Community Housing Association Limited 4790
Derwent Housing Association Limited L0715
Derwentside Homes L4483
Developing Initiatives for Support in the Community 4713
Devon and Cornwall Housing Limited 4705
Dimensions (UK) Limited 4648
Dingle Residents Co-operative Limited C3226
Doctor Spurstowe and Bishop Wood Almshouse Charity 4695
Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council 00CE
Doncaster Young Men's Christian Association H3639
Dorking Charity A2255
Dormer's Hospital Charity A2917
Dover District Council 29UE
Drayton Parochial Charities A2367
Drum Housing Association Limited LH4090
Ducane Housing Association Limited L0307
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council 00CR
Dunk's Almshouse Charity A4157
Durham Aged Mineworkers' Homes Association A3213
Durham County Council 00EJ
Dyers Company Housing Association Limited L0851
E W King Memorial Homes A2721
Earle's Retreat A3538
Earsdon, Newburn and Shilbottle Almshouse Charity A3485
East Boro Housing Trust Limited L0519
East Devon District Council 18UB
East End Homes Limited L4434
East Hertfordshire District Council 26UD
East Homes Limited LH2833
East Midlands Housing Group L4530
East Riding Of Yorkshire Council 00FB
East Thames Group Limited LH4309
Eastbourne Borough Council 21UC
Eastlands Homes Partnership Limited L4396
Easy Housing Association Ltd 4670
Ebony Sistren Housing Association Limited LH3882
Ecco Housing Association Limited L0451
Eden Housing Association Limited L4140
Edward Henry House Co-operative Limited C2745
Egerton Housing Association Limited L0918
Ekarro Housing Co-operative Limited C3098
Ekaya Housing Association Limited LH3940
Eldon Housing Association Limited L3262
Eldonian Community Based Housing Association Ltd C3609
Eleanor Palmer Trust A1168
Elgar Housing Association Limited LH4062
Elim Housing Association Limited LH0977
Elizabeth Dowell's Trust A2786
Elizabeth Huggins Cottages Charity A3205
Elles Housing Co-operative Limited C3129
Elmbridge Housing Trust Limited LH4262
EMH Housing and Regeneration Limited 4775
Emily Bentley Homes A3838
Emily Brydges Willyams Memorial Houses A3386
Empower Housing Association Limited 4663
Empowering People Inspiring Communities Limited L4167
Endeavour Housing Association Limited LH0084
English Rural Housing Association Limited L4004
Epping Forest District Council 22UH
Epsom and Ewell Housing Association Limited L0038
Equity Housing Association Limited SL3170
Equity Housing Group Limited L1229
Erimus Housing Limited L4431
Estuary Housing Association Limited L3535
Eustace Hook and Drummond Memorial Almshouses A3245
Eventide & Watts Charity L2650
Everbrook Housing Co-operative Limited C3023
Ewart Road Housing Co-operative Limited C3284
Excel Housing Solutions 4794
Exeter City Council 18UC
Exeter Municipal Charities A1921
Expectations (UK) 4774
Fairfield Moravian Housing Association Limited L3790
Fairhazel Co-operative Limited C0447
Fairoak Housing Association L4535
Falcon Rural Housing Limited L3629
Falconar Street Housing Co-operative Limited C2747
Family Housing Association (Birkenhead and Wirral) Limited L1236
Family Housing Association (Birmingham) Limited LH0713
Family Housing Association (York) Limited L1733
Family Mosaic Home Ownership Limited L3885
Family Mosaic Housing L4470
Fareham Borough Council 24UE
Faversham United Municipal Charities A1482
Fence Trust A3989
Fenhatch Limited L4295
Fern Gateways Limited 4636
Fern Housing Limited L4539
Festival Housing Limited L4278
Finefair Housing Limited 4797
Finsbury Park Housing Co-operative Limited C2949
Firbank Housing Society Limited L0422
First Choice Homes Oldham Limited 4582
First Priority Housing Association Limited 4702
First Wessex L4553
Fitzgerald Charity A2363
Five Villages Home Association Limited L2195
Flagship Housing Group Limited 4651
Ford Street and Maynard Almshouse Charity A3536
Forest Heath District Council 42UC
Forest Housing Association Limited L0087
Forest Young Men's Christian Association of East London H3927
Fortis Living 4789
Fosseway Housing Association Limited LH4120
Fotherby Almshouse Charities A4023
Foundation 4688
Fountain Housing Association Limited LH0910
Four Housing Group Limited L4531
Framework Housing Association LH4184
Frank Crossley's Almshouses A0656
Franklands Village Housing Association Limited L1680
Franklyn Housing Co-operative Limited C3991
Freebridge Community Housing Limited L4463
Freemen's Almshouses A4036
Freeston and Sagar's Almshouses A2709
French Weir Affordable Homes 4739
Friendship Care and Housing Limited 4654
Frontis Homes Limited L4204
Fry Housing Trust L4496
Futures Homescape Limited L4372
Futures Housing Group Limited L4502
Gallions Housing Association Limited L4274
Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council 00CH
Gateway Housing Association L0517
Gedling Homes L4532
Gemini Housing Co-operative Limited C3906
Genesis Housing Association Limited 4655
Gentoo Group Limited L4313
Gentoo Sunderland Limited L4318
George Green's Almshouses A3038
George Newton Housing Trust A4080
German Lutheran Housing Association Limited L3598
Gharana Housing Association Limited LH3957
Giffard Park Housing Co-operative Limited C3378
Ginosar Housing CIC 4787
Glebe Housing Association Limited L0664
Glenkerry Co-operative Housing Association Limited C2730
Gloucester City Council 23UE
Gloucestershire Rural Housing Association Limited L3626
Glover's Trust A3267
God's Port Housing Society Limited LH2032
Golden Gates Housing Trust 4631
Golden Hill Housing Co-operative Limited C4135
Golding Homes Limited LH4402
Gordian Knot Housing Solutions Limited 4758
Gosport Borough Council 24UF
Grafton Crescent Housing Co-operative Limited C3227
Grainger Trust Limited 4743
Granby House (Youlgrave and District) Society Ltd H3862
Grand Feoffment Charity A1752
Grand Union Housing Co-operative Limited C2683
Grand Union Housing Group Limited L4518
Grantham's Almshouses A3583
Gravesend Churches Housing Association Limited LH0870
Gravesham Borough Council 29UG
Great Hospital A0846
Great Places Housing Association L1230
Great Places Housing Group Limited L4465
Great Wall Society Limited H3762
Great Yarmouth Borough Council 33UD
Green Dragon Lane Housing Co-operative Limited C2682
Green Park Property Management Limited 4710
Green Vale Homes Ltd L4462
Greenfields Community Housing Association L4499
Greenoak Housing Association Limited L1393
GreenSquare Community Housing 4732
GreenSquare Group Limited L4515
Greenwich Housing Society Limited L0308
Grimsby,Cleethorpes and Humber Region Y.M.C.A. LH4152
Guardian Housing (Retirement) Limited SL3210
Guardian Housing Association Limited L0529
Guild Care LH4106
Guildford Borough Council 43UD
Guildford Sunset Homes LH0971
Guildford YMCA Limited H3717
Guinness Care and Support Limited L4497
Guinness Housing Association Limited L2441
Habinteg Housing Association Limited LH0459
Hackney Housing Co-operative Limited C2744
Halo Housing Association Limited 4661
Halton Housing Trust Limited L4456
Hamelin Trust Services Limited 4685
Hamlet Village Housing Co-operative Limited C3724
Hammersmith United Charities A1789
Hamwic Housing Co-operative Limited C3772
Hanover Housing Association L0071
Harbour Light Assisted Living CIC 4791
HARC Housing Association Limited LH3594
Harefield Parochial Charities A4354
Harewood Housing Society Limited L0293
Haringey London Borough Council 00AP
Harlington Rectory Housing Association Limited L0860
Harlow District Council 22UJ
Harlow Poors Charities A0163
Harman Atwood For Almshouses and Curates House A2323
Harpers Marsh and Crumps Almshouse Charity A0458
Harrison & Potter Trust A1920
Harrison Housing A4410
Harrogate Borough Council 36UD
Harrogate Families Housing Association Limited L2188
Harrogate Flower Fund Homes Limited L1015
Harrogate Neighbours Housing Association Limited H0705
Harrow Churches Housing Association L0923
Hartlepools War Memorial Homes & the Crosby Homes A1055
Hassocks Housing Society Limited L2173
Hastoe Housing Association Limited L0018
Hastoe Wyvern Housing Association Limited L3797
Hatton Housing Trust Limited L0938
Havant Housing Association Limited LH3889
Haven Green Housing Association Limited LH0402
Hawes Street Housing Limited 4707
Hawkridge Housing Association Limited L0488
Hazel Housing Co-operative Limited C3963
Headrow Limited LH0065
Heantun Housing Association Limited L1669
Heart Of England Housing Association Limited L4526
Heart of Medway Housing Association Ltd 4634
Heartsease House Community Interest Company 4658
Heathview Tenants' Co-operative Limited C2390
Helen Peele Memorial Almshouses A0379
Helena Partnerships Limited L4340
Hellens Residential Limited 4744
Hendon Christian Housing Association Limited L1515
Henley and District Housing Trust Limited L1998
Henry Boys Almshouses A4063
Henry Brown's Homes A1622
Henry Gilder Drake Almshouse Charity A3946
Henry Pinnock & Victoria & Albert Memorial Charity A3969
Herefordshire Housing Limited LH4353
Herring House Trust LH4261
Hesketh Street Housing Co-operative Limited C2976
Hewitt Homes L1856
Hexagon Housing Association Limited L1538
Heyford Regeneration Limited 4796
HH Residential Care Ltd 4784
Hibbert Almshouse Charity A2485
Hibiscus Housing Association Limited H3853
High Ercall Hospital A2839
High Peak Borough Council 17UH
Highstone Housing Association Limited 4776
Hightown Praetorian and Churches Housing Association Limited L2179
Hill Homes LH1315
Hilldale Housing Association Limited 4760
Hillside Housing Trust Limited L4447
Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council 31UE
Hirst Housing Co-operative Limited C3454
Hoffmann Foundation for Autism 4723
Holmwood Tenants Co-operative Limited C2206
Holt Road Area Housing Co-operative Limited C3298
Holtspur Housing Association Limited L4003
Holy Trinity (Guildford) Housing Association Ltd L1994
Holyland Housing Co-Operative Limited C2422
Home from Home Housing Association Limited C3769
Home Group Limited L3076
Home Space Sustainable Accommodation Community Interest Company 4697
Homeless Action Resource Project 4742
Homes for Change Limited C3891
Homes for Wells Limited 4785
Homesdale (Woodford Baptist Homes) Limited LH2021
Hopton's Charity A2837
Horniman Housing Association Limited LH3903
Hornsey (North London) YMCA Housing Society Ltd H0995
Hornsey Housing Trust Limited L0719
Hospital of St Mary The Virgin (Rye Hill & Benwell) A1273
Hour Glass Housing Co-operative Limited C3044
Housing Pendle Limited L4477
Housing & Care 21 L0055
Housing For Women L0970
Housing Hartlepool L4414
Housing Partnership (London) Limited L2027
Housing Pathways Trust A0376
Housing Solutions Limited L4073
Howard Cottage Housing Association L1312
Hull Churches Housing Association Limited L3305
Hull House Improvement Society Limited L2434
Hull Resettlement Project Limited H4310
Hull United Charities A0132
Humphrey Booth Housing Charity A0798
Humphrys' Almshouses A2944
Hundred Houses Society Limited L0718
Hunslet Housing Co-operative Limited C2586
Hunton Bridge Cottage Trust L2022
Hyde Housing Association Limited LH0032
Hyde Southbank Homes Limited L4223
Hyelm H0312
Hyndburn Homes Limited L4461
Imani Housing Co-operative Limited C3755
Impact Housing Association Limited L0917
Inclusion Housing Community Interest Company 4662
Incommunities Group Limited L4363
Incommunities Limited L4476
Innisfree Housing Association Limited LH3829
Inquilab Housing Association Limited LH3728
Ipswich Borough Council 42UD
Irish Centre Housing Limited H1313
Iroko Housing Co-operative Limited C4321
Irwell Valley Housing Association Limited L0061
Isis Housing Co-operative Limited C3770
Island Cottages Limited L1815
Isleworth and Hounslow Charity Limited 4675
Islington and Shoreditch Housing Association Limited L0457
Islington Community Housing Co-operative Limited C2579
Isos Housing Limited 4646
J & M Residential Lettings Limited 4737
Jacob Wrights Almshouses A2293
James Bradford Almshouses Trust A2989
Jane Cameron's Old Peoples Charity A1254
Jane Gibson Almshouses A0567
Jephson Homes Housing Association Limited L0173
Jephson Housing Association Limited L0288
Jewish Community Housing Association Limited LH0902
Joel Emanuel Almshouse Trust A2670
John Bowley and Sherwood Almshouses A0513
John Higgs Almshouses A3457
John Horne Homes A1194
John Pease Cottages A3970
'Johnnie' Johnson Housing Association Limited SL3344
'Johnnie' Johnson Housing Trust Limited L1231
Joseph and Eleanor Gunson Almshouse Trust A1442
Joseph Chariott's Charity A2067
Joseph Crossley's Almshouses A1274
Julian House L4549
Kaleidoscope (Kingston) Housing Association Ltd LH0117
Karin Housing Association Limited 4770
Keelman Homes Limited 4647
Kendal Almshouse Charity A1059
Keniston Housing Association Limited L1965
Keswick Community Housing Trust 4712
Kettering Borough Council 34UE
Keystage Properties Limited 4725
Keyworkers Housing Association Limited 4667
Kilburn Housing Co-operative Limited C2694
Kilmersdon Rural Housing Association Limited L4129
Kindstream Housing CIC 4771
King Alfred Housing Association Limited L0950
King George V Memorial Houses A2250
King's Barton Housing Association Limited L1716
Kingsclere Almshouses Charity A0486
Kingston upon Hull City Council 00FA
Kingston upon Thames Churches Housing Association Limited L0891
Kinsman Housing Limited 4769
Kirkdale Housing Co-operative Limited C3347
Kirklees Housing Association Limited 4735
Kirklees Metropolitan Borough Council 00CZ
Knightstone Housing Association Limited L0291
Knightstone Housing Group Limited L4436
Knowsley Housing Trust LH4343
Knowsley Residents Housing Co-operative Limited C3573
Kurdish Housing Association L4544
Lace Housing Limited L0438
Lady Haberfield's Almshouse Charity A3788
Lady Lumley's Almshouses A3567
Ladybur Housing Co-operative Limited C1686
Lambeth & Southwark Housing Association Limited L0927
Lambeth Self Help Housing Association Limited L4346
Lammerton Housing Co-operative Limited C3690
Lancaster City Council 30UH
Langley House Trust 4693
Langrove Community Housing Co-operative Limited C3777
Larch Housing Association Limited 4727
Larcombe Housing Association Limited H0895
Lark Lane Housing Co-operative Limited C2416
Lawrence Campe's Almshouse Trust A2064
Leasowe Community Homes L4195
Leatherhead United Charities A0604
Leazes Homes Limited 4633
Lee Housing Association Limited L0456
Leeds and Yorkshire Housing Association Ltd LH0704
Leeds City Council 00DA
Leeds Federated Housing Association Limited LH0989
Leeds Jewish Housing Association Limited L0440
Leicester City Council 00FN
Leicester Housing Association Limited L0409
Leicester Quaker Housing Association Limited L0043
Leicester YMCA H2381
Lench's Trust A2074
Leo Baeck Housing Association Limited L0453
Leta-Claudia Streets Housing Co-operative Limited C3207
Lewes District Council 21UF
Lewisham Family Co-operative Association Limited C2313
Leytonstone Housing Co-operative Limited C3674
Lien Viet Housing Association Limited LH3867
Life 2009 4734
Lightbown Cottage Home Trust A3358
Lincolnshire Employment Accommodation Project Limited 4795
Lincolnshire Rural Housing Association Limited L3698
Lincolnshire Y.M.C.A. Ltd H2676
Linden First Limited 4752
Lindsey Housing Co-operative Limited C3441
Littlehampton & Rustington Housing Society Limited L1255
Littleport Town Lands Charity A0058
Liverpool Gingerbread Housing Co-operative Limited C2849
Liverpool Housing Trust Limited LH0250
Liverpool Jewish Housing Association Limited L0063
Liverpool Mutual Homes Limited L4524
Livin Housing Limited L4538
Local Space Limited LH4454
Locking Deanery Housing Society Limited H1972
Lodge Lane East Co-operative Housing Limited C0508
London & Quadrant Housing Trust L4517
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham 00AB
London Borough of Barnet 00AC
London Borough of Bexley 00AD
London Borough of Brent 00AE
London Borough of Camden Council 00AG
London Borough of Croydon 00AH
London Borough of Ealing 00AJ
London Borough of Enfield 00AK
London Borough of Greenwich 00AL
London Borough of Hackney 00AM
London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham 00AN
London Borough of Harrow 00AQ
London Borough of Havering Council 00AR
London Borough of Hillingdon 00AS
London Borough of Hounslow 00AT
London Borough of Islington 00AU
London Borough of Lambeth 00AY
London Borough of Lewisham 00AZ
London Borough of Newham 00BB
London Borough of Redbridge 00BC
London Borough of Sutton 00BF
London Borough of Tower Hamlets 00BG
London Borough of Waltham Forest 00BH
London Borough of Wandsworth 00BJ
London Cyrenians Housing Limited LH4377
London District Housing Association Limited L4474
London Housing Trust 4664
London Strategic Housing Limited L4347
Longdendale Housing Society Limited L1710
Longhurst & Havelok Homes L4542
Longhurst Group Limited L4277
Longlife Housing Co-operative Limited C3272
Look Ahead Care and Support Ltd LH0013
Lord Mayor of Portsmouth's Coronation Homes Ltd. L4207
Loughton Almshouse Charity A3332
Louisa Cottages Charity A1892
Lowestoft Church & Town Almshouse Charity A1160
Lowther and District Housing Association Limited L0167
Luminus Group Limited L4398
Luminus Homes Limited LH4253
Lune Valley Rural Housing Association Limited L3880
Luton Borough Council 00KA
Luton Community Housing Ltd L1518
Lydney War Memorial Trust A2708
Lyng Community Association L4420
Lynsted Housing Co-operative Limited C4112
Lytham St Annes War Memorial Housing Association Limited L1036
Lyvennet Community Trust 4630
Macintyre Housing Association Limited L4059
Magna Housing Association Limited L3950
Magna Housing Group Limited LH4227
Magna West Somerset Housing Association Limited LH4166
Maidstone Borough Council 29UH
Major Housing Association Ltd 4637
Maldon Housing Association Limited L1551
Malins Affordable Homes Limited 4777
Manchester and District Housing Association Ltd L1423
Manchester City Council 00BN
Manchester Jewish Housing Association L1714
Manchester Unity Housing Association Limited L0406
Manningham Housing Association Limited L3736
Manor Housing Association Limited L2208
Mansfield District Council 37UF
Mansfield Road (Nottingham) Baptist Housing Association Limited LH0959
Marches Housing Association Limited LH4027
Margaret Colquhoun Chavasse Almshouses A3697
Margaret Hydes Charity A3387
Maritime Second Housing Association Ltd C3844
Marlborough & District Housing Association Limited L1031
Marsden Memorial Homes A3822
Marshfield Consolidated Charities A0318
Martlet Homes Limited L4303
Mary Hannah Almshouses A4039
Mary Hatch Almshouses with Diamond Jubilee Cottages A3909
Masonic Housing Association L0673
May Day Permanent Housing Co-operative Limited C3557
Maynard Co-operative Housing Association Limited C2462
Medway Council 00LC
Melbourne Almshouses A3268
Melton Borough Council 31UG
Mercian Housing Association Limited L0942
Mercy House of William Fry A2600
Meres and Mosses Housing Association L4493
Merlin Housing Society Limited L4485
Mersea Island Trust L1259
Merton Priory Homes L4548
Methodist Homes Housing Association Limited LH2343
Metropolitan Benefit Societies' Almshouses A3634
Metropolitan Housing Trust Limited L0726
Metropolitan Support Trust LH3741
Mid Devon District Council 18UD
Mid Suffolk District Council 42UE
Middlesbrough Council 00EC
Midland Heart Limited L4466
Mill Street Co-op Ltd C3396
Millat Asian Housing Association Limited L3974
Milldale Housing Co-operative Limited C3285
Miller Walk Housing Co-operative Limited C3637
Milton Keynes Council 00MG
Minster Housing Co-operative Limited C4113
Miss Rutland's Almshouses A0647
Mission Housing Association Limited L0262
Mitre Housing Association Limited LH1704
Moat Farm Housing Co-operative Limited C3627
Moat Homes Limited L0386
Moat Housing Group Limited L4047
Mole Valley District Council 43UE
Mole Valley Housing Association Limited L4500
Monmouth Road Housing Co-operative Limited C2903
Moorlands Housing LH4306
Mortlake Almshouse and Relief Charities A2312
Mossbank Homes Limited SL3447
Mosscare Housing Limited L0975
Mount Green Housing Association Limited L0042
Mrs H Frances Le Personne Benevolent Trust A0056
Muir Group Housing Association Limited L2194
MuirCroft Housing Association Limited L1253
Mulberry Housing Co-operative Limited C3635
Municipal & Owen Carter Almshouse Charities A3266
Municipal Charities A0736
My Space Housing Solutions 4779
NACRO 4781
Nacro Community Enterprises Limited H2030
National Council of YMCAs (Incorporated) LH2204
Nehemiah United Churches Housing Association Limit L3833
Network Housing Group Limited L4373
Network Stadium Housing Association Limited L0525
New Charter Homes Limited LH4266
New Charter Housing Trust Limited LH4265
New Forest District Council 24UJ
New Forest Villages Housing Association Limited L3704
New Foundations Housing Association Limited 4666
New Fylde Housing Limited LH4284
New Linx Housing Trust L4201
New Longsight Housing Co-operative Limited C3574
New Moves Housing Co-operative Limited C3628
New Outlook Housing Association Limited H0924
New Progress Housing Association Limited LH4032
New Swift Housing Co-operative Limited C2548
New Venture Housing Co-operative Limited C3409
New Walk Property Management CIC 4763
New World Housing Association Limited LH3980
Newark and Sherwood District Council 37UG
Newark Emmaus Trust 4640
Newark Housing Association Limited L0961
Newcastle City Council 00CJ
Newleaf Housing Co-operative Limited C3026
Newlon Housing Trust L0006
Nicholas Chamberlaine's Hospital & Sermon Charity A0582
Nonsuch Abbeyfield H2118
North Camden Housing Co-operative Limited C3024
North Devon Homes Limited LH4249
North East Derbyshire District Council 17UJ
North Eastern YWCA Trustees Limited H2168
North Hertfordshire Homes Limited L4370
North Kesteven District Council 32UE
North Lincolnshire Homes Limited L4486
North London Muslim Housing Association Limited LH3859
North Memorial Homes City of Leicester L2793
North Somerset Council 00HC
North Star Housing Group Limited L4468
North Tyneside Council 00CK
North Warwickshire Borough Council 44UB
North West Leicestershire District Council 31UH
Northampton Borough Council 34UF
Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association Limited L3981
Northborough Housing Co-operative Limited C2850
Northchapel, Petworth and Tillington Almshouses A2405
Northumberland County Council 00EM
Norton House Limited 4676
Norwich City Council 33UG
Norwich Consolidated Charities A0485
Norwich Housing Society Limited L1405
Notting Dale Housing Co-operative Limited C3517
Notting Hill Home Ownership Limited SL3119
Notting Hill Housing Trust L0035
Nottingham City Council 00FY
Nottingham Community (Second) Housing Association Limited SL3169
Nottingham Community Housing Association Limited LH0273
Nottinghamshire YMCA H3286
NSAH (Alliance Homes) Limited L4459
Nuneaton And Bedworth Borough Council 44UC
Oadby and Wigston Borough Council 31UJ
Oak Foundation L4399
Oak Housing Limited 4720
Oakapple Housing Co-operative Limited C4101
Oast Wood Housing Co-operative Limited C4042
Ocean Housing Group Limited L4422
Ocean Housing Limited LH4248
Ockley Housing Association Limited L0067
Octavia Housing L0717
Odu-Dua Housing Association Limited L3757
Old Cleeve Memorial Cottages A0564
Old Farm Park Housing Co-operative Limited C3992
Old Ford Housing Association L4221
Old Isleworth Housing Co-operative Limited C3726
Old Oak Housing Association Ltd L4301
Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council 00BP
Omega Housing Limited 4635
One Housing Group Limited LH0171
One Vision Housing Limited L4482
Optima Community Association L4228
Orbit Group Limited L4123
Orbit South Housing Association Limited L4060
Orchard & Shipman Homes Limited 4699
Orchard Homes A0072
Orchard Housing Society Limited L1322
Oriel Housing Limited LH4162
Origin Housing 2 Limited 4766
Origin Housing Limited L0871
Orts Road Housing Co-operative Limited C2046
Orwell Housing Association Limited L0028
Otto Schiff Housing Association LH1836
Oxbode Housing Association Limited L3984
Oxfield Housing Co-operative Association Limited C3277
Oxford Citizens Housing Association Limited L0893
Oxford City Council 38UC
Oxted, Limpsfield & District Housing Association Limited L0691
Paddock Housing Co-operative Limited C3607
Padley Housing Association Limited L2498
Palm Housing Co-operative Limited C4044
Pan African Refugee Housing Co-operative Limited C3650
Paradigm Homes Charitable Housing Association Limited LH4138
Paradigm Housing Group Limited L4215
Paradise Housing Co-operative Limited C3128
Paragon Community Housing Group Limited L4480
Parish Houses Charity A1056
Park Hill Housing Co-operative Limited C3636
Parkway Green Housing Trust L4478
Parson Latham's Hospital In Barnwell A2759
Partners Foundation Limited 4768
PAS Housing Association 4747
Peabody Enterprises Limited 4711
Peabody Trust L0014
Peace Cottages Charity A3648
Peacehaven and Telscombe Housing Association Ltd L1512
Peak District Rural Housing Association Limited L3899
Peak Valley Housing Association Limited L4475
Pearman Street Co-operative Limited C2412
Pearson's & St Elizabeth's Cottage Homes A1348
Peel Street Housing Co-operative Limited C2938
Pendleton Improved Housing Association Limited SL3237
Penge Churches Housing Association Limited L1243
Penn and Widow Smith Almshouses A2334
Pennine Housing 2000 Limited LH4307
People First Housing Association Limited L4088
Perry Almshouses A0600
Perryview Housing Co-operative Limited C3739
Peter Bedford Housing Association Limited LH0888
Peter Birtwistle Trust A4021
Petersfield Housing Association Limited L0244
Phoenix Community Housing Association (Bellingham and Downham) Limited
Phoenix Community Housing Co-operative Limited C3556
Phoenix House H3795
Pierhead Housing Association Limited L1001
Pilgrim Homes A0822
Pine Court Housing Association Limited L3692
Pine Ridge Housing Association Limited L1958
Pine Tree Housing Co-operative Limited C4102
Pinnacle Spaces Limited 4700
Pinner House Society Limited L1533
Pioneer Co-operative Housing (Redditch) Limited C4380
Places for People Group Limited L4236
Places for People Homes Limited L0659
Places for People Individual Support Limited LH3926
Plexus UK (First Project) Limited 4757
Plumlife Homes Limited SL3224
Plus Dane (Cheshire) Housing Association Limited LH4158
Plus Dane (Merseyside) Housing Association Limited L4556
Plus Dane Housing Group Limited L4355
Plymouth Charity Trust A4273
Plymouth Community Homes L4543
Polish Citizens Committee Housing Association Ltd H0007
Polish Retired Persons Housing Association Limited L0119
Poole Old Peoples Welfare and Housing Society Ltd L2205
Poplar HARCA Limited L4170
Portal Housing Association Limited LH4163
Porthove Housing Association Limited L0011
Portman House H1653
Portobello Housing Co-operative Limited C3338
Portsmouth Churches Housing Association Limited H2739
Portsmouth City Council 00MR
Portsmouth Rotary Housing Association Limited L0686
Prestwich & North Western Housing Association Ltd L2036
Prime Focus Regeneration Group Limited LH4275
Prince Albert Gardens Housing Co-operative Limited C3172
Proffitts - Investing in Communities Community Interest Company 4780
Progress Care Housing Association Limited LH4188
Progress Housing Group Limited LH4189
Prospect Housing Limited 4750
Providence Row Housing Association L0695
Purlin Housing Co-operative Limited C3530
Puttenham & Wanborough Housing Society Limited L0908
Quadrant-Brownswood Tenant Co-operative Limited C2157
Quo Vadis Trust 4703
Radcliffe Housing Society Limited L2159
Radian Group Limited L4172
Raglan Homes Limited 4717
Raglan Housing Association Limited L1556
Railway Housing Association and Benefit Fund A1855
Ramsey Welfare Charities A2945
Raven Housing Trust Limited L4334
Ravenscroft Re-Build Co-operative Limited C3826
Rayner House and Yew Trees Limited H3182
Reading Borough Council 00MC
Reading YMCA L4551
Red Devon Housing Limited H0670
Red House Farm Housing Co-operative Limited C3771
Red Kite Community Housing Limited 4682
Redditch Borough Council 47UD
Redditch Co-operative 2000 Limited C4378
Redditch Co-operative Homes L4335
Redditch Friends Housing Association Limited L1812
Redwood Housing Co-operative Limited C3686
Refuge 4730
Regenda Homes Limited L0877
Regenda Limited 4653
Reigate Quaker Housing Association Limited L0387
Reside Housing Association Limited 4745
Resthaven Almshouses A4136
Retail Trust L4362
Retirement Lease Housing Association L1967
Ribble Valley Homes Limited L4525
Richard Whitaker's Almshouses A3469
Richmond Avenue Housing Co-operative Limited C3043
Richmond Co-operative Housing Association Limited C2693
Richmond Housing Partnership Limited L4279
Richmondshire District Council 36UE
Richmond-Upon-Thames Churches Housing Trust Ltd L0310
Rickmansworth Churches Housing Association Limited L0892
Ripon Municipal Charities A3244
Ripon YMCA LH3651
Riverside Housing Co-operative (Redditch) Limited C4381
Riversmead Housing Association Limited L4105
Robert Hibbert's Almshouse Charity A2567
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing Limited 4607
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council 00BQ
Rochford Housing Association Limited L4490
Rockdale Housing Association Limited LH0869
Rockingham Forest Housing Association Limited L4009
Roddons Housing Association Limited L4501
Rogate and Terwick Housing Association Limited L0124
Roger's Almshouses A0746
Romford YMCA L4547
Rooftop Homes Limited LH4405
Rooftop Housing Association Limited LH4050
Rooftop Housing Group Limited L4404
Rosebery Housing Association Limited LH4026
Rosemary Simmons Memorial Housing Association Limited LH1026
Ross Walk Housing Co-operative Limited C2977
Rossendale Borough Council 30UM
Rotary Club of Dudley Housing Association Limited L1246
Rotary House For The Deaf Limited LH1658
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council 00CF
Rowland Hill and Vaughan Almshouse Charity A3552
Royal Air Forces Association Housing Limited L1508
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 00AW
Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames 00AX
Rugby Borough Council 44UD
Runnymede Borough Council 43UG
Rusland Road Housing Co-operative Limited C3693
Russet Homes Limited LH3922
RY Winning Hand Ltd 4778
Ryedale District Council 36UF
Rykneld Homes Limited 4608
Sackville College A0809
Sadeh Lok Housing Group Limited L3807
Safer Places 4761
Saffron Housing Trust Limited LH4412
Salford City Council 00BR
Salisbury City Almshouse and Welfare Charities A0192
Salvation Army Housing Association LH2429
Sambourne Trust A3183
Samuel Lewis Foundation LH0113
Sanctuary (Liverpool) Limited L4375
Sanctuary (North West) Housing Association Limited LH1298
Sanctuary Affordable Housing Limited 4684
Sanctuary Housing Association L0247
Sandbach Almshouse Charity A2806
Sandbourne Housing Association LH0418
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council 00CS
Saxon Weald Homes Limited L4299
Seagull Housing Co-operative Limited C3097
Second Chance Housing Ltd 4721
Sedgemoor District Council 40UC
Selby District Council 36UH
Selwood Housing Society Limited LH4097
Senacre Housing Co-operative Limited C3518
Sensible Housing Co-operative Limited C3472
Sentinel Housing Association Ltd LH4066
Seven Dials Housing Co-operative Limited C2580
Seven Locks Housing Limited L4506
Severn Almshouses Trust A1048
Severn Vale Housing Society Limited L4171
Severnside Housing LH4325
Seymour Housing Co-operative Limited C2318
Shahjalal Housing Co-operative Limited C2824
SHAL Housing Limited LH4035
Shanly Partnership Homes Limited 4698
Shearwood Housing Co-operative Limited C3236
Sheffield City Council 00CG
Shenley Church End Housing Co-operative Limited C4013
Shepherds Bush Housing Association Limited LH0050
Shepton Mallet United Charities A0482
Shepway District Council 29UL
Sherborne Close Housing Society Limited L0849
Sherburn House Charity A3494
Shian Housing Association Limited LH3883
Shorefields Co-operative Limited C3411
Shoreline Housing Partnership Ltd L4442
Shorncliffe Housing Co-operative Limited C4103
Shropshire Association for Sheltered Housing Limited H0134
Shropshire Council 00GG
Shropshire Housing Limited L4494
Shropshire Rural Housing Association Limited L1505
Sidcot Friends Housing Society Limited H0299
Sir E D Walker Homes A0565
Sir Job Charlton's Hospital Charity A2408
Sir Josiah Mason's Trust A0629
Sir Robert Geffery's Almshouse Trust A2071
Sir William Turner's Hospital A4298
Siward James and Arkwright Trust Charity A2566
Six Town Housing Limited 4612
Sloswicke's Almshouse Charity A2547
Slough Borough Council 00MD
Slough YMCA 4782
Small Heath Park Housing Co-operative Limited C2533
Smart and Humble Homes A3326
Soha Housing Limited L4130
Soho Housing Association Limited LH1321
Solihull Care Housing Association Limited L4191
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council 00CT
Solo Housing (East Anglia) Limited 4696
Solon South West Housing Association Limited L0125
Somewhere Co-operative Housing Association Limited C3027
Soroptimist (Poole) Housing Association Ltd L0295
South Anglia Housing Limited LH4094
South Cambridgeshire District Council 12UG
South Camden Housing Co-operative Limited C3275
South Cheshire Housing Society Limited L2034
South Derbyshire District Council 17UK
South Devon Rural Housing Association Limited LH0920
South Holland District Council 32UF
South Kesteven District Council 32UG
South Lakeland District Council 16UG
South Lakes Housing 4686
South Liverpool Homes Limited L4230
South London YMCA H4400
South Mildmay Tenants Co-operative Limited C2612
South Northants Homes Limited L4519
South Road Housing Co-operative Limited C3178
South Shropshire Housing Association LH3943
South Staffordshire Housing Association Limited LH4121
South Tyneside Council 00CL
South Tyneside Housing Ventures Trust Limited 4786
South Western Housing Society L2424
South Yorkshire Housing Association Limited L0078
Southampton City Council 00MS
Southdene Housing Co-operative Limited C3572
Southdown Housing Association Limited L1829
Southend on Sea Borough Council 00KF
Southern Crescent Co-operative Limited C3302
Southern Home Ownership Limited LH1662
Southern Housing Group Limited L4628
Southlands Almshouse Charity A2130
Southsea Self Help Housing Limited C3555
Southward Housing Co-operative Limited C2581
Southwark and London Diocesan Housing Association Limited LH3934
Southwark Council 00BE
Southway Housing Trust L4507
Sovereign Housing Association Limited L3865
Sovereign Living Limited L3933
Spa Housing Association Limited LH4049
Spectrum Housing Group Limited 4759
Spire Homes (LG) Limited LH4302
Spitalfields Housing Association Limited C3022
Spotland and Falinge Housing Association Limited SL3270
Springboard Two Housing Association Limited SL3365
Springwood Housing Co-operative Limited C3695
St Albans City and District Council 26UG
St Andrew Housing Co-operative Limited C2531
St Andrews Community Housing Association L4546
St Anne's Bedehouses A2761
St Annes Community Services H3158
St Anne's Hostel H4276
St Basil's H3994
St Christopher's Fellowship LH1832
St George's Church Housing Co-operative Limited C4054
St Helens YMCA LH3685
St Johns Homes A2840
St Joseph's Almshouses A3456
St Lawrence's Hospital A2765
St Leonards Hospital A1325
St Luke's Housing Society Limited L1824
St Martin of Tours Housing Association Limited H3021
St Mary's Dower Trust Limited L1309
St Mungo Community Housing Association LH0279
St Peters Saltley Housing Association Limited L3519
St Richard of Chichester Christian Care Association Limited 4738
St Vincent's Family Housing Association Limited LH1317
St Vincent's Housing Association Limited L0875
Stable Lads Welfare Trust Housing Association Ltd L2026
Stafford & Rural Homes Limited L4458
Staffordshire Housing Association LH2162
Stanhope Court (Worcester) Housing Association Ltd L0412
Stanley & Brocklehurst Almshouses A3911
Starley Housing Co-operative Limited C2731
Stephen Hutchen's Charity Trust A4024
Sterling Housing Association Limited 4665
Steve Biko Housing Association Limited L3711
Stevenage Borough Council 26UH
Stevens Almshouses Charity A0532
Stewart's and Budgen's Almshouses A3722
Stockport Homes Limited 4619
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council 00BS
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council 00EF
Stoke on Trent & North Staffordshire YMCA Foyer H4426
Stoke on Trent City Council 00GL
Stoke-on-Trent Housing Society Limited L0021
Stroud District Council 23UF
Stroud Green Housing Co-operative Limited C2436
Suffolk Coastal District Council 42UG
Suffolk Housing Society Limited L1659
Summerhill Housing Co-operative (Newcastle) Ltd C3157
Sunderland Riverside Housing Co-operative Limited C3348
Sunnyvale Supported Accommodation Ltd 4749
Sunset Home Almshouses A4272
Surrey Community Development Trust H2452
Sussex Central YMCA 4644
Sussex Housing & Care LH0079
Sussex Overseas Housing Society Limited LH1833
Sustain (UK) Ltd 4687
Sutton Bonington & Normanton Social Service Association Limited L0469
Sutton Housing Society Limited L0721
Swan Housing Association Limited L4145
Swan Lane Housing Co-operative Limited C3738
Swindon Borough Council 00HX
Sybil Carthew Trust A2704
Sydenham Housing Co-operative Limited C3174
Symphony Housing Group Limited 4649
Synergy Housing Limited 4680
Tally-Ho Housing Co-operative Limited C2181
Tamar Housing Society Limited L2209
Tamil Community Housing Association Limited L4376
Tamworth Borough Council 41UK
Tamworth Cornerstone Housing Association Limited 4659
Tandridge District Council 43UK
Tangram Housing Co-operative Limited C3001
Target Housing Limited 4679
Tarka Housing Limited L4508
Taunton Deane Borough Council 40UE
Taunton Heritage Trust A0520
TCHG Living Limited LH3958
TCUK Homes Limited 4756
Teachers' Housing Association Limited LH0426
Tees Valley Housing Limited L1872
Teesdale Housing Association Ltd L4469
Teign Housing LH4403
Teignbridge District Council 18UH
Tendring District Council 22UN
Tewkesbury Almshouse Trust A3602
Thame and District Housing Association Limited L1537
Thames Ditton Homes Limited L0159
Thames Valley Charitable Housing Association Ltd LH3702
Thames Valley Housing Association Limited L0514
Thanet District Council 29UN
The Abbeyfield (Berkhamsted & Hemel Hempstead) Society Limited H1167
The Abbeyfield (Chelsea & Fulham) Society Limited H2228
The Abbeyfield (Christ Church) Society Limited H2471
The Abbeyfield (Colyton) Society Limited H2776
The Abbeyfield (Darlington) Society Limited H0228
The Abbeyfield (Lyme Regis & District) Society Ltd H2698
The Abbeyfield (Maidenhead) Society Limited H0062
The Abbeyfield (Nailsworth & District) Society Ltd H2814
The Abbeyfield (Norwich) Society Limited H1471
The Abbeyfield (Oxford) Society Limited H2851
The Abbeyfield (Ripon and District) Society Ltd H0229
The Abbeyfield (Southport) Society Limited H0112
The Abbeyfield (Streatham) Society Limited H3480
The Abbeyfield (Wells) Society Limited H2473
The Abbeyfield (Weymouth) Society Limited H0068
The Abbeyfield / SSAFA Hereford Society Limited H3504
The Abbeyfield Abbots Langley Society Limited H0213
The Abbeyfield Alresford and District Society Ltd H3569
The Abbeyfield Barrow-in- Furness Society Limited H0481
The Abbeyfield Basildon Society Limited H0552
The Abbeyfield Beckenham Society Limited H0220
The Abbeyfield Bedford Society Limited H0187
The Abbeyfield Berwick Society Limited H2374
The Abbeyfield Billericay Society Limited H1607
The Abbeyfield Bishop's Castle & District Society Limited H4156
The Abbeyfield Bishops Stortford Society Limited H0342
The Abbeyfield Blackcombe Society Limited H3018
The Abbeyfield Blackmore Vale Society Limited H2321
The Abbeyfield Bognor Regis Society Limited H2145
The Abbeyfield Bradford Society Limited H0227
The Abbeyfield Bradford-on-Avon Society Limited H2960
The Abbeyfield Braintree & Bocking Society Limited H0340
The Abbeyfield Bromley Society Limited H2328
The Abbeyfield Buckland Monachorum Society Limited H1335
The Abbeyfield Burnham and Highbridge Society Ltd H0001
The Abbeyfield Burnley Society Limited H2715
The Abbeyfield Bury Society Limited H2475
The Abbeyfield Camborne Society Ltd H0480
The Abbeyfield Camden Society Limited H1269
The Abbeyfield Canvey Island Society Limited H1362
The Abbeyfield Chalfonts Society Limited H1470
The Abbeyfield Cheltenham Society Limited H2109
The Abbeyfield Cirencester Society Limited H3361
The Abbeyfield Crowborough Society Limited H2257
The Abbeyfield Deben Extra Care Society Limited H3148
The Abbeyfield Deptford Society Limited H2905
The Abbeyfield Dorcas Society Limited H3824
The Abbeyfield Dulwich Society Limited H0129
The Abbeyfield East London Extra Care Society Ltd H3860
The Abbeyfield Ellesmere Port Society Limited H3763
The Abbeyfield Fareham Society Limited H0301
The Abbeyfield Felsted Society Limited H3696
The Abbeyfield Ferring Society Limited H3162
The Abbeyfield Furness Extra Care Society Limited H3955
The Abbeyfield Gerrards Cross Society Limited H1598
The Abbeyfield Great Missenden & District Society H0553
The Abbeyfield Groombridge Society Limited H0614
The Abbeyfield Guildford Society Limited H2813
The Abbeyfield Heswall Society Limited H0357
The Abbeyfield Holsworthy Society Limited H2961
The Abbeyfield Hoylake and West Kirby Society Ltd H2854
The Abbeyfield Ickenham Society H0834
The Abbeyfield Ilkley Society Limited H2463
The Abbeyfield Kent Society H2362
The Abbeyfield Keynsham and Saltford Society Ltd H3493
The Abbeyfield Kings Langley Society Limited H3505
The Abbeyfield Lancashire Extra Care Society Ltd H3873
The Abbeyfield Lancaster Society Limited H3295
The Abbeyfield Liskeard Society Limited H2563
The Abbeyfield London Polish Society Limited H3600
The Abbeyfield Loughborough Society Limited H0595
The Abbeyfield Newbury Society Limited H3655
The Abbeyfield Newcastle-upon-Tyne Society Ltd H0560
The Abbeyfield North Downs Society Limited H3370
The Abbeyfield Orpington Society Limited H0621
The Abbeyfield Orwell Extra Care Society Limited H4115
The Abbeyfield Oxenford Society Limited H3680
The Abbeyfield Oxton & Prenton Society Ltd H2738
The Abbeyfield Pirbright and District Society Ltd H2934
The Abbeyfield Plymouth Society Limited H0743
The Abbeyfield Porlock Society Limited H3230
The Abbeyfield Prestbury and District Society Ltd H3780
The Abbeyfield Purley Society Limited H1185
The Abbeyfield Reading Society Limited H2980
The Abbeyfield Ribble Valley Society Limited H3938
The Abbeyfield Rotherhithe Society Limited H3731
The Abbeyfield Saltash Society Limited H2295
The Abbeyfield Sanderstead Society Limited H0619
The Abbeyfield Scarborough Society Limited H1287
The Abbeyfield Shanklin Society Limited H2085
The Abbeyfield Sidmouth Society Limited H0335
The Abbeyfield Society H1046
The Abbeyfield Sodbury Vale Society Limited H2791
The Abbeyfield Solent Society Limited H0374
The Abbeyfield South Molton Society Limited H3283
The Abbeyfield South West Society Limited H3383
The Abbeyfield Southend Society Limited H0833
The Abbeyfield Tavistock Society Limited H2755
The Abbeyfield Thirsk & Sowerby Society Limited H3470
The Abbeyfield Tiverton Society Limited H0559
The Abbeyfield Torpoint Society Limited H3643
The Abbeyfield Uxbridge Society Limited H0548
The Abbeyfield Wallasey Society H2564
The Abbeyfield Wellington (Somerset) Society Ltd H0578
The Abbeyfield Weston-Super-Mare Society Limited H0348
The Abbeyfield Wey Valley Society Limited H3294
The Abbeyfield Whitehaven Society Limited H0347
The Abbeyfield Widnes Society Limited H4010
The Abbeyfield Winchester Society Limited H3405
The Abbeyfield Worcester Society Limited H2907
The Abbeyfield York Society Limited H2055
The Andover Charities A0648
The Anerley Housing Co-operative Limited C2577
The Annie Sutton Memorial Houses A3759
The Armstrong Home of Rest L2618
The Ash Homes A2992
The Baker's Benevolent Society A1072
The Bampfylde Almshouse Charity A2821
The Berrow Cottage Homes A0367
The Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Society for the Blind L4005
The Blue House A0730
The Bradfield Feoffees Charity A3821
The Butlin & Elborow Housing Trust A0557
The Butterfield Homes - Crosshills A3163
The Cambridge Housing Society Limited L0992
The Cambridgeshire Cottage Housing Society Limited L0889
The Charity of Hannah Clarke for Almshouses A4012
The Charity of St Leonard's Hospital A2233
The Charity of Thomas Fewson Eagles A2836
The Charlesworth Charity A2986
The Christian Action (Enfield) Housing Association Limited LH0676
The Christian Union Almshouses A0826
The Cinque Cottages A3706
The City of London Almshouses A2266
The Community Housing Group Limited L4437
The Coventry Charity A3476
The Cyril Wood Memorial Trust L3500
The David Henry Waring Home Trust L2023
The Drapers' Almshouse Charity A3612
The Duchess of Somerset's Hospital A3036
The Edward Mayes Trust 4767
The ExtraCare Charitable Trust 4706
The Fellowship Houses Trust L1821
The Feoffees of the Parish Lands of Highweek A0542
The Field Lane Foundation LH3047
The Finchley Charities A0185
The Fishermen's Hospital A3486
The Flood Charity A4037
The Fordham Memorial Homes A1597
The Frances Darlington Charity A4071
The Glendale Gateway Trust 4683
The Gloucester Charities Trust A0215
The Grange Centre for People with Disabilities H3727
The Guinness Partnership Limited 4729
The Guinness Trust LH0036
The Hampton Parochial Charities A1464
The Harborne Parish Lands Charity A2993
The Harcourt Almshouse Charities A3996
The Hatch Row Housing Co-operative Limited C2304
The Havebury Housing Partnership LH4339
The Hillier Almshouses A2818
The Honywood and Douglas Charity A4001
The Hopkins & Sneyd Almshouse Charity A2570
The Hospital of Reverend William James A2835
The Hospital of St John & of St Anne in Okeham A0611
The Hospital of St Thomas the Apostle in Doncaster A1286
The Hospital of the Holy Trinity Aylesford A3564
The Hospital of William Parson (Stoke Hospital) A2781
The Hosyer-Foxe Charity A3105
The Housing Plus Group Limited L4491
The Hunter Memorial Homes Trust A2635
The Huyton Community Co-op for the Elderly Ltd C3531
The Industrial Dwellings Society (1885) Ltd L0266
The James Charities A2150
The Jane Maddock Homes A4407
The John Henry Keene Memorial Homes A3937
The Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust L0057
The King Street Housing Society Limited L0993
The Lodge Co-operative Housing Association Limited C2975
The Louisa Lilley Almshouses A1329
The Lygon Almshouses A0646
The Margaret Jane Ashley Almshouse Charity A3997
The Merchant Taylors' Boone's Charity A2246
The Mile End Housing Co-operative Limited C2513
The Molyneux Almshouses A4183
The Municipal Charities of Stratford-upon-Avon A2785
The New College Of Cobham A1347
The New Cut Housing Co-operative Limited C3641
The Ogilvie Charities A2819
The Old Ben Homes A1843
The Old Etonian Housing Association Limited L2000
The Onslow Almshouses A2892
The Papworth Trust LH1648
The Pathways Jubilee Charity A1068
The Pickering and Ferens Homes A4020
The Powell and Welch Almshouse Charity A2601
The Poynton-with-Worth Almshouse Charity A3748
The Princes Park Housing Co-operative Limited C2421
The Reverend Rowland Hill Almshouse Charity A0333
The Richmond Fellowship H2025
The Riverside Group Limited L4552
The Robert Salter Charity A3590
The Saint Mary Magdalen's Hospital A4089
The Shen Place Almshouses A3666
The Shrewsbury Abbeyfield Society Limited H0286
The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation A3418
The Skinners' Almshouse Charity A2948
The Society of Merchant Venturers' Almshouse Charity A3603
The Society of St James LH4337
The Sons of Divine Providence LH4338
The Square Building Trust Limited L1218
The St Michael's Housing Trust H1416
The Stuart Court Memorial Charity A2803
The Swaythling Housing Society Limited L0689
The Teetotal Homes A3667
The Villages Housing Association Limited L3417
The Walker Barstow Homes A1276
The West Hackney Almshouse Charity A2093
The Winnocks and Kendalls Almshouse Charity A0543
The Winyates Co-operative Limited C4382
The Wrekin Housing Group Limited L4424
The Wrekin Housing Trust Limited LH4220
The York Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 4701
Thirlmere Housing Co-operative Limited C3190
Thirteen Group Limited L4522
Thorner's Homes A0605
Thorngate Almshouse Trust A2394
Thornholme Housing Co-operative Limited C3516
Thornton Cottage Homes A4417
Three Conditions Limited 4668
Three Rivers Housing Association Limited LH0886
Thrive Homes Ltd L4520
Thurrock Council 00KG
Tiverton Almshouse Trust A1070
Toddington United Almshouse Charity A1063
Together Housing Group Limited L4464
Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council 29UP
Tonbridge United Charity A2079
Tooting Bec Housing Co-operative Limited C2613
Tower Hamlets Community Housing Limited L4260
Town and Country Housing Group L4251
Townshend Close Housing Co-operative Limited C3964
TPHA Limited SL3442
Trafford Housing Trust Limited L4440
Tregonwell Almshouse Trust A0069
Trent & Dove Housing Limited L4311
Triangle Housing Co-operative Limited C2585
Trident Charitable Housing Association Limited L1303
Trident Housing Association Limited L0979
Trinity Homes A2455
Trinity Hospital at Clun A4022
Trinity Housing Association Limited 4645
Tristar Homes Limited 4622
Tung Sing Housing Association Limited L3532
Tuntum Housing Association Limited L3808
Turning Point H2509
Twenty-Fifth Avenue Ltd 4652
Twin Valley Homes Limited LH4314
Two Castles Housing Association Limited LH1534
Two Piers Housing Co-operative Limited C2614
Two Rivers Housing L4385
Two Saints Limited LH3904
Tyne Housing Association Limited LH4297
Tyne Mariners' Benevolent Institution A3721
Uckfield & District Housing Association Limited L0388
United Housing Association Limited L3758
Unity Housing Association Limited LH3737
Uttlesford District Council 22UQ
Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust L4473
Vanbrugh and Tempest Almshouse Trust A0627
Vectis Housing Association Limited L1005
Venture Housing Association Limited L1227
Veterans Aid LH0674
Victoria & Jubilee Homes A3553
Victoria Tenants Co-operative Limited C2532
Victory Housing Trust L4460
Villages Community Housing Association Limited LH4231
Vine Housing Co-operative Limited C3499
Viridian Housing LH0172
W14 Housing Co-operative Limited C2696
Waddington Hospital A3581
Wakefield And District Housing Limited L4441
Wakefield Charities' Homes A2920
Walsall Housing Group Limited L4389
Walterton and Elgin Community Homes Limited L3939
Waltham Forest Housing Association Limited L0461
Walton-on-Thames Charity A0157
Wandle Housing Association Limited L0277
Wansbeck Homes Limited L4516
Wargrave-on-Thames Housing Association Limited L0053
Warrington Borough Council 00EU
Warrington Housing Association Limited L0518
Warwick District Council 44UF
Warwick Housing Co-operative Limited C4015
Warwickshire Rural Housing Association Limited L3881
Water Tower Housing Co-operative Limited C2749
Waterloo Housing Association Limited L1666
Waterloo Housing Group Limited LH4107
Watermans Housing Co-operative Limited C3725
Waters Almshouses A0208
Watford & District YMCA H4418
Watford Borough Council 26UK
Watford Community Housing Trust L4495
WATMOS Community Homes L4383
Waveney District Council 42UH
Waverley (Eighth) Co-operative Housing Association Limited C2593
Waverley Borough Council 43UL
Wealden District Council 21UH
Wearmouth Housing Co-operative Limited C3069
Weaver Vale Housing Trust Limited L4341
Weavers' Almshouse Charities A0261
Webster Almshouse Trust A0534
Weller Streets Housing Co-operative Limited C2692
Wellingborough Homes Limited L4509
Wellington Housing Co-operative Limited C3789
Wellington Mills Housing Co-operative Limited C3278
Welwyn Garden City Housing Association Limited L0668
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council 26UL
West Devon Homes Limited LH4198
West End Housing Co-operative Limited C2968
West Ham Non-Ecclesiastical Charity A3311
West Hampstead Housing Co-operative Limited C2418
West Kent Housing Association LH3827
West Lancashire Borough Council 30UP
West London Mission Housing Association Limited LH3373
West London YMCA H4128
West Mercia Homes Limited 4746
West of England Friends Housing Society Limited LH2186
Westcountry Housing Association Limited LH0945
Westfield Housing Association Limited L0259
Westlea Housing Association Limited LH4083
Westlon Housing Association Limited LH0424
Westminster Community Homes Limited 4638
Westmoreland Supported Housing Limited 4772
Westree Road Housing Co-operative Limited C4180
Westvale Housing Co-operative Limited C3723
Westward Housing Group Limited L4510
Westway Housing Association Limited LH3796
Wey Valley Housing Association Limited L1681
Weybank Housing Co-operative Limited C3337
WH Saunders Charity A0544
Wherry Housing Association Limited LH3866
Whicher and Kifford Almshouses A3011
Whitby Merchant Seamen's Hospital Houses A4029
Whitefriars Housing Group Limited LH4471
Whitehead Almshouses A3467
Whitworth Housing Co-operative Limited C3126
Wickham Community Land Trust 4692
Wigan and Leigh Housing Company Ltd 4625
Wigan Council 00BW
Wilfrid East London Housing Co-operative Limited C4225
Willesden Green Housing Co-operative Limited C3394
William Henry Hirst Memorial Homes A1328
William Holmes Almshouses A3388
William Paul Housing Trust A2643
William Paulett's Charity A2480
William Russell Bequest A0592
Willow Housing and Care Limited LH4285
Willow Park Housing Trust Limited L4219
Wiltshire Council 00HY
Wiltshire Rural Housing Association Limited L3559
Winchester City Council 24UP
Winchester Working Men's Housing Society Limited L2732
Windrush Alliance UK Community Interest Company 4671
Windsor and District Housing Association Limited L4072
Windsor Walk Housing Association Limited L1656
Winner Trading Limited 4762
Winsor Housing Co-operative Limited C3701
Wirral Methodist Housing Association Limited L0848
Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council 00CB
Wirral Partnership Homes Limited L4435
Wisbech Charities A2144
Wisden Housing Co-operative Limited C2772
Witham Housing Association Limited L1000
Witney Mills Housing Society Limited L2762
WM Housing Group Limited L4185
Woborns Almshouse A4330
Woburn Almshouse Charity A4019
Woking Borough Council 43UM
Wokingham Area Housing Society Limited L0276
Wokingham Borough Council 00MF
Wollaston and Pauncefort Almshouse Charity A3527
Wolverhampton City Council 00CW
Women's Pioneer Housing Limited L1548
Woodlands Housing Limited 4678
Woodlands Quaker Home for Elderly People H1395
Woodley Sandford and Charvil Charitable Trust A2366
Woodside Housing Co-operative Limited C3509
Worcester Community Housing Limited LH4416
Worcestershire YMCA Limited LH3687
Worthing Homes Limited LH4208
Writtle Almshouse Charity A2988
Wrott and Hill Charity A3246
Wulvern Housing Ltd L4371
Wycombe District Council 11UF
Wyedean Housing Association Limited L1867
Wyre Forest Community Housing Limited LH4264
Wyre Forest Sheltered Housing Limited L4439
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group Limited 4755
Yardley Great Trust A2247
Yarlington Housing Group LH4200
YMCA Bedfordshire H3858
YMCA Black Country Group L4550
YMCA Cambridgeshire & Peterborough H4179
YMCA Derbyshire H4085
YMCA London South West LH4078
YMCA Norfolk H3868
YMCA North Tyneside 4793
YMCA Suffolk H4244
York Housing Association Limited L1019
Yorkshire Coast Homes Limited LH4401
Yorkshire Housing Limited L4521
Yorkshire Ladies Council (Hostels) Limited LH1020
Your Homes Newcastle Limited 4627
Your Housing Group Limited L4203
Zah Housing Co-operative Limited C3376
Zebra Housing Association Limited LH2018.