BYKER BUILDINGS, OUSEBURN VALLEY SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT SEPTEMBER 2005 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of this Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to inform potential developers of land use planning and transportation opportunities and constraints on the site. The guidance highlights the relevant policy considerations and statutory requirements which must be addressed in the submission of a planning application for proposed development. 1.2 In addition to this SPD, and in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, a Sustainability Appraisal and Statement of Community Involvement have also been produced concurrently with this guidance. These documents are available on request. 1.3 The site of the former Byker Buildings, demolished in September 2000, presents an excellent redevelopment opportunity to contribute towards the regeneration of the Lower Ouseburn Valley. The council wish to see the development of exemplar sustainable family housing on the site that will significantly transform the appearance of the area and create a landmark feature for the entrance to the Valley. The SPD sets out the preferred use for the site and the sustainability requirements, identifying sustainability features that may be used in design to develop this modern, innovative project for the site that the Council fully supports. 1.4 The council are seeking a comprehensive and appropriate development, and therefore the wider site area is to be considered and recognised in the redevelopment of this site, close consultation with adjacent uses especially the Cumberland Arms Public House should be achieved. 2. SURROUNDING AREA AND SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 The site is very prominently situated a short distance to the east of Newcastle City Centre, at the top of Byker Bank, providing a vantage view point into the Ouseburn Valley. It is visible from the Quayside, from across the Tyne and from several major routes into the city centre from the East End of Newcastle. 2.2 The area, see appendix 1, is currently occupied with a variety of uses that include retail (use class A1) units, the Cumberland Arms public house, landscaped open space and newly resurrected allotments. The Byker Buildings site (two former residential blocks, demolished in 2000) lies to the south west. 2.3 The site lies on the periphery of the Ouseburn Valley that accommodates a growing number of creative industries including a number of live music venues and artists workshops. 2.4 The Byker Wall development, designated grade II listed building, is situated to the east of the site, separated by Byker Bank, which provides an important link road between Byker and the Quayside. 2.5 The site can be accessed by car from Byker Bank at two points: via Stephen Street/Back Stephen Street and via Byker Buildings (James Place) that leads to The Cumberland Arms public house. All the roads within the site boundary are adopted. There are several pedestrian routes that traverse through the area linking up with the Lower Ouseburn Valley, the City Stadium open space to the North West and beyond. 1 2.6 Shields Road District Centre is situated within five minutes walk to the north east of the site that provides an adequate number of amenities and facilities and a local transport hub with a range of buses and a metro station linking into the City Centre. However access to the centre could be improved as existing access could compromise safety of residents. 2.7 The development site, hashed in appendix 1, measures approx 2,850 sq m. The site is relatively steeply sloping, with a difference of approximately 10m in levels between north and southern boundaries. 3. DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND WIDER POLICY CONTEXT 3.1 There is no specific site allocation identified in the Unitary Development Plan (UDP), however there are a number of policies relevant to the future development of the site, that will need to be considered and are outlined in appendix 2. The importance of sustainability in development is evident at the national and regional level, as identified in appendix 2. Interim Planning Guidance for Release of Land for Housing 3.2 The site is located inside the Newcastle-Gateshead Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder area, 'Bridging NewcastleGateshead'. The vision for this project is that by 2017, the housing market in the area will be revitalised, strong and stable, fully integrated with the renaissance of the region. Any development proposal will need to be consistent with this vision and the objectives of BNG and therefore developers are advised to consider their proposals within the context of Policies H1 and H2 of the Council's 'Revised Interim Planning Guidance on Release of Land for Housing', approved at Executive October 2004 (see appendix 2) and against which all proposals for new housing developments of 10 or more units are to be assessed. 3.3 In this respect, the site performs well when assessed against Policy H1 of the Guidance, being previously developed and accessible to jobs shops and services by modes other than the car. Residential development could also make a positive contribution to the vitality and viability of Shields Road. Policy H2 further seeks to ensure that proposals directly support housing market renewal, are essential to regeneration, meet local needs or otherwise provide exceptional planning benefits. The site adjoins Byker, which ranks amongst the 20% most deprived housing neighbourhoods in the City. Replacement housing on the Byker Buildings site in the form of private family houses of three or more beds with private outdoor space could help to broaden the housing offer and promote mixed communities in an area where almost two-thirds of the stock is rented from a social landlord and almost half are flats (in both instances the proportion of the housing stock in England as a whole is around a fifth). Strategy for the Regeneration of the Ouseburn Valley 3.4 A Strategy for the Regeneration of the Lower Ouseburn Valley, published in January 2003, has been developed around the “Urban Village Concept” which is based on a mixed-use approach. The urban village concept reflects the mixed-use character of the Ouseburn Valley, it encourages diversity of development and lifestyles and the creation of a good mix of housing tenures, price, size and type. The Strategy has been developed to achieve a sustainable approach to future development, encouraging energy efficient and sustainable housing for new build/conversion. The environmental quality of the area is gradually 2 improving with the development of new housing and leisure uses. The development of the Byker Buildings site is expected to contribute towards this improvement process. Lower Ouseburn Conservation Area 3.5 The site lies just outside the Conservation Area of the Lower Ouseburn Valley. However, the adjacent Cumberland Arms lies within. This building forms a valuable contribution to the conservation area. Consideration will need to be given to this designation in accordance with PPG15, para 4.14 - ‘development proposals which are outside the conservation area should not affect its setting, or views into or out of the area’ (PPG15: Planning and the Historic Environment). Account should be given to the Conservation Area Management Plan (July, 2004) and its appendix the ‘Urban Design Framework’ (September, 2004) that identifies general design principles for the area, that will assist in potential development proposals. Ouseburn Parking and Accessibility Study (OPAS) 3.6 In 2003 the Council adopted the Ouseburn Parking and Accessibility Study that tested a development scenario for the Ouseburn Valley. Specific parking standards were approved, together with a developer contribution model which required all developments to contribute towards the resulting highway and parking infrastructure. Parking standards under the OPAS requires any application to provide core car parking on site, with the remaining parking to be provided in large communal car parks. Sustainable Development 3.7 The principles of sustainable development are embodied in the Councils Corporate Policy, as follows: The City Council aims to improve accessibility, reduce accidents, cut pollution and traffic congestion. The Council is pursuing policies to protect and enhance open spaces, local wildlife and vegetation, increase the level of vegetation, increase the level of recycling, improve waste management and reduce energy consumption. 3.8 The Council is promoting the use of the EcoHomes Assessment sponsored by the National House Building Council (NHBC) and the Building Research Establishment (BRE), as one of the tools to deliver sustainability in housing. This is an up to date, innovative environmental assessment tool that provides an authoritative rating for new, converted or renovated homes. It balances environmental performance with the need for a high quality of life and a safe and healthy internal environment. The optional issues assessed may include energy, water, pollution, materials, transport, ecology and land use, health and well-being. Developers who improve environmental performance through good design rather than high capital costs are rewarded. Appendix 3 gives a summary of the BRE methodology to be used in assessing the successful scheme. 3.9 The Council recently adopted ‘A Charter for the Environment’ which seeks to reduce the amount of the earth’s resources we use, through the promotion of sustainable forms of development. The Council draws particular attention to the efficient use of water, energy and materials. The Council, in partnership with interests from residents and the commercial and voluntary sector, is seeking to become the first Carbon Neutral City. 3 3.10 The site is identified under the ‘Sustainable Housing Project’. This is a demonstrative project that seeks to apply corporate carbon neutral and sustainability principles to identified areas. This is supported by Newcastle Gateshead Pathfinder Initiative. 4. DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES 4.1 This site is a key development opportunity at a gateway to the Ouseburn that has the potential to contribute towards the regeneration of the valley. 4.2 Residential accommodation is the preferred use for the site, more specifically large, family units are favoured. This development will increase the choice of housing in the Valley contributing towards achieving a stable sustainable urban village, in line with the vision of the Regeneration Strategy. To facilitate the encouragement of families these units should be spacious and flexible and accommodate at least three-bedrooms1. In accordance with recommended housing densities, the site should accommodate a density of between approx 30 and 40 dwellings per hectare. 4.3 The council would encourage the developer to refer to the Lifetime Homes concept, developed by a group of housing experts who formed the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Lifetime Homes Group. The Lifetime Homes accessibility requirements go beyond Part M of the building regulations, adding flexibility to ensure that homes are easy to adapt as peoples needs change over time. For example, dwellings can incorporate more generous circulation space to allow for accessibility for disabled occupiers and visitors. 4.4 Commercial use is considered to be inappropriate given the previous use of the site and the desire to encourage the ‘live’ element of the urban village concept into this part of the valley. 4.5 The Council, in partnership with the Newcastle Gateshead Pathfinder Initiative, is offering the opportunity for developers to achieve the first major sustainable housing project in Newcastle. The successful scheme will need to support the Councils Sustainability Policies contained within the Unitary Development Plan, Newcastle’s carbon neutral aspirations and the Council’s corporate policy for sustainability. The baseline for assessment of schemes will be the British Research Establishment (BRE) EcoHomes “Very Good” rating, with a preference given for an “Excellent”. Appendix 3 outlines this method. 4.6 The Council would recommend the development to exceed the BRE standards by focussing upon the design principles outlined below to achieve sustainable development. 5. DESIGN & LAYOUT 5.1 The site should seek to provide a sustainable and balanced community, with the opportunity for an imaginative housing scheme, with its own identity and sense of place. 1 Family figure based on evidence following analysis of survey data from the Newcastle Housing Requirements Study 2003, undertaken by David Couttie Associates Limited, together with inter-authority migration data from the Office for National Statistics. 4 5.2 Designs should take a more holistic approach and illustrate flexibility so they are adaptable to potential changes in the future and do not compromise future development in the area. There is scope to design a more imaginative layout that makes the best use of the space. An options appraisal should be incorporated as part of the design statement to demonstrate the flexibility of the design and how it can develop through phasing over period of time. 5.3 Principles The following design principles must be applied to this site: Designs should improve the energy efficiency of buildings and the proportion of the energy met from passive solar gain in accordance with policy SD1.4 (UDP, 2001), through considering layout and orientation of new development and the use of renewable energy sources for electricity and heat generation. Water efficiency measures should be deployed in dealing with surface water run-off. Use of locally sourced, sustainable and recycled materials in construction eg Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certified timber which ensures that it is from a genuinely wellmanaged source. Additional information on these key elements of sustainability in design is detailed in appendix 4. The size of the development should be two to three-storey. Bland, flat elevations should be avoided, designs should be visually rich showing depth and quality especially the south and south west facing elevations. There is the potential to create a strong building line to the frontage treatment to Byker Bank and Bank Stephen Street, which would have the benefit of attenuating traffic noise; The development should aim to provide an inclusive layout and a small urban block structure, with a coherent framework of buildings, attractive pedestrian routes and good natural surveillance. There is potential to incorporate a landmark design feature visible from the highway, to promote character in the new townscape. Designs for the site are encouraged to take advantage of the scenic views in the area and look at the wider green connections and links with the valley and City Stadium. New development should be of an appropriate scale, massing and high quality architectural design taking into account the wider context of the site and the adjacent users. Developers must seek to enhance to the prominence of the site, the character of the area, the proximity to the Lower Ouseburn Conservation Area and the Listed Byker Wall, and complement surrounding existing buildings, notably the Cumberland Arms Public House. Developers should be encouraged to create potential communal refuse and recycling points in the design so that residents can dispose household waste in a convenient way. These servicing requirements must be screened/treated in a satisfactory way from public areas/views and must not have an adverse effect on pedestrian activity level. 5 Good accessibility should be achieved to and from the area, with good public transport links and provision for walkers and cyclists. Pedestrian routes should be included that connect locally and to the wider environment, improving the legibility and permeability of the site as a whole. The development should adhere to the principles of a ‘Home Zone’ concept where pedestrian movement has precedence over the car. Alternative modes of travel must be encouraged with links to the local cycle and footpath network. Developers are advised to refer to the publication The development should conform to the guidelines in Secured by Design, an initiative supported and managed by the Association of Chief Police Officers. Secured by Design is aimed at encouraging the building industry to adopt crime prevention measures to assist in reducing the opportunity for crime and fear of crime, by promoting natural surveillance onto the pedestrian networks in and around the site. In addressing this issue consideration should also be given to appropriate lighting to create a more secure atmosphere. Developers will be expected to address these key elements by providing supporting information at the bidding stage, as part of or in addition to a design statement. More detail on the requirements of a design statement in given in appendix 5. 6. TRANSPORTATION 6.1 Vehicular access will be limited to one access point onto Byker Bank, this may be via James Place Street or a replacement nearby. Any access alteration must be designed to current design standards. In considering vehicular routes within the site, developers should be aware of the need to retain vehicular access to the public house to allow the delivery of goods as well as access to any existing businesses north of the site. There may be an opportunity to restrict access to Back Stephen Street, however existing access requirements would need to be taken into consideration in the design. A turning head is required, suitable for service delivery. This would ideally be located at the western end of the site to reduce reversing distance and be dedicated as highway. All vehicles must be able to enter and leave the site in a forward gear. 6.2 Parking requirements should be in accordance with the OPAS that highlights a flexible approach maximising parking usage. 6.3 The developer would be expected to fund foot and cycle links to the development and include cycle parking within the development proposal. There may also be contributions toward traffic improvements directly as a result of the development proposal (ie Traffic Regulation Orders etc). 6.4 The Byker Buildings site does not relate particularly well with Shields Road District Centre despite it being within short walking distance. The OPAS outlined above has already highlighted the infrastructure improvements throughout the Ouseburn Area, this includes improved linkage to Shields Road. 6.5 If detailed designs for this site highlight the need for other specific improvements to accommodate the proposed development form that was not anticipated in the developer contribution model the developer will be expected to fund these improvements in addition to the OPAS contribution. 6 7. LANDSCAPING 7.1 As part of the redevelopment proposals for the site, a high standard of landscape design will be expected incorporating both hard and soft landscaping. The scheme should be sympathetic and complementary to the development and its surroundings. 7.2 Developers are advised to refer to the Council’s Supplementary Guidance Note 19: Landscaping Schemes, The tree strategy, ‘Trees Newcastle’ and the Newcastle Biodiversity Action Plan ‘Your Wildlife’. The design should include early consideration of landscape elements including fences, walls, hedges, gates and choice of planting as an integral part of the layout, thereby ensuring a cohesive scheme. The approach to landscaping is relevant to the need of addressing passive solar design, in relation of shading patterns, in that it is necessary to avoid the overshadowing of buildings by vegetation and pay regard to the spacing of landscaping elements and the choice of species adjacent to dwellings. 8. ARCHAEOLOGY 8.1 The Byker Buildings site is an area of considerable archaeological sensitivity. An archaeological desk based assessment has been undertaken for the site. This report concludes that Hadrian’s Wall runs through the study area, although its precise course is not certain. Part of it is protected as a Scheduled Ancient Monument, and the Wall is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Milecastle 3 (small fortlets built every Roman mile along the wall) lies in this vicinity, possibly within the study area. The Military Way, the Roman road which lay to the rear of Hadrian’s Wall also possibly runs through the development site. 8.2 Archaeological trail trenching is essential on this site, to ascertain whether the Roman features survive or not. This must be done at an early stage in the planning process. Early consultation with English Heritage and the County Archaeologist is essential, to discuss work required. Further information regarding this issue will be available from the City Council. 9. NOISE AND CONTAMINATION 9.1 A noise survey has been carried out across the site at various locations to assess noise levels, which is likely to influence the layout and the design of the development. A specification should be agreed with the Public Health and Environmental Protection Division and submitted for consideration with any proposed scheme. The developer will be required to ensure that the impact on residential amenity is safeguarded, particularly from noise or disturbance that may emanate from the existing businesses to the north of the site, the Public House, traffic on Byker Bank or the Byker Metro and live music venues in the Valley. The provision of acoustic glazing and ventilation or other similar measures may be required to mitigate noise impact on the residential amenity. 7 27 APPENDIX 2 - PLANNING POLICY National Policy Advice PPG1 – General Policy and Principles PPG3 – Housing PPS1 – Creating Sustainable Communities PPS22 – Renewable Energy, plus Companion Guide DLTR (2004) ‘By Design – Better Places to Live’ – a companion guide to PPG3 DETR (1998) ‘Place, Streets and Movement’ RSS1 – Regional Spatial Strategy for the North East (November 2002), is based on the vision of sustainable development for the North East. The overarching principle for RPG1 is “to provide a framework for development which delivers environmental, social and economic objectives to improve the quality of life for all, without threatening – either now or in the future – the viability of the natural, built and social systems on which the delivery of those objectives depends” (RSS, November 2002). Relevant Unitary Development Plan Policies (January 1998) Housing H1.4 H2 H4 Accessible Housing Protection of Residential Amenity New Housing Design Sustainable development 4HE ENV22 Built Development SD1 Sustainable Development SD1.1 Energy and the Urban Environment SD1.2 Combined heat and power SD1.4 Renewable energy Environment EN1.1 Design EN2 The Appearance of the City EN2.1 Development that harms views Conservation of Historic Environments C3 Conservation Areas Transport T2.1 T4.5 T5.3 Citywide Management Control over Development Cycling Noise and Vibration – pollution control POL2 Pollution Control POL8 Noise and Vibration POL10 Railway and Metro Noise 28 POL11 Railway and Metro Noise Sustainable Development Policy H4 (E) Maximising energy efficiency Policy SD1.2 Encouraged use of combined heat and power in buildings Policy SD1.4 Development and use of renewable energy Development Control Policy Statements DCPS 17 Spacing Standards for Residential Development DCPS 19 Landscaping DCPS 22 Noise and Vibration DCPS 23 Parking Standards for Cars and Cycles Interim Policy Guidance on Housing Policy IPG H1 Policy IPG H2 29 APPENDIX 3 - BRE ECOHOMES – A SUMMARY BRE Ecohomes is a straightforward, flexible and independently verified environmental assessment method, with environmental performance expressed on a scale of pass, good, very good and excellent. It is an easily understood, credible label for new and renovated homes including houses, apartments and sheltered accommodation. Assessments are undertaken by licensed assessors, who are trained and monitored by BRE. A Council officer has recently received training as an approved EcoHome assessor. A workbook is issued for each development. A sample of this workbook, which illustrates the level of information required, is available from the BRE web site. To complete the assessment, the developer enters information on the design and specification into the workbook and passes this to the assessor. The assessor checks that the relevant information has been provided, and completes the workbook, determining the rating achieved. This is then returned to the BRE for quality assurance and certification. All EcoHomes assessments are covered by BRE’s stringent quality management procedures adopted to ensure a consistent approach and level of service. Different Stages of Assessment As the housing sector makes extensive use of standard specifications and house types, the assessment process can be carried out in three stages: Stage 1 – Assessment of specification Many issues can be assessed form the general building specification provided that they are applicable to the whole development; e.g. types of materials used. Stage 2 – Assessment of house types For standard house types other issues can be assessed once only for each house type; e.g. energy efficiency. Stage 1 and 2 can be carried out at an early stage in the development process, influencing the choice of the successful developer for the site. Stage 3 – Assessment of development This stage completes the assessment as it covers all remaining issues, such as ecological value of the site and transport. Formal assessment of a development is carried out by BRE when all stages are completed. 30 APPENDIX 4 - ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE HOUSING The key elements that contribute towards achieving sustainable housing are detailed below. Developers should recognise that techniques should not be achieved in isolation but combined with other innovative approaches to sustainability reducing the need for conventional energy sources. 1. Energy Efficiency and use of renewable energy i) Orientation and Building Design The reduction of energy demand and consumption can be achieved through an integrated approach to building design. The housing layout can be designed to maximise natural daylight penetration by taking advantage of the natural features of the site, incorporating an overall approach to passive solar design techniques. Consideration should be given to the proposed means of ventilation, solar gain, daylight, thermal mass, and heating systems. More specifically: Development should be orientated to take advantage of the changes in climate, with maximum performance elevations with the most glazing facing within 30 degrees of south. External Layout - buildings should be appropriately spaced to avoid obstructions and limit the extent of overshadowing to southern aspects. This can be achieved by locating low rise, lower density buildings such as bungalows to the south side of the site and taller high density housing to the North; staggering dwellings or using stepped facades. Care must be taken when planting trees in and outside the site2. Internal layout - an open floor plan will allow the collected solar heat to circulate freely across the site, rooms which are occupied for much of the time (e.g. living rooms) should be positioned on the south side of the dwelling and windows on the north side of the dwelling should be smaller and fewer in number than those on the south. Natural Cooling techniques which help a house stay cool in the summer, reducing the need for air conditioning and can be achieved by the provision of overhanging eaves and shading systems. Natural ventilation driven by solar design should be used in preference to air conditioning. Insulation (roofs, walls and floors) should go beyond the requirements of the Building Regulations to achieve significant reductions in energy use. The choice of materials will be of particular importance in ensuring a balanced system to heating and insulation (eg timber frame construction and timber window frames) and thermal massing, that can be incorporated into the design of the whole building. 2 Planning for Renewable Energy – A Companion Guide to Planning Policy Statement 22 (PPS22) Page.50 Case study 4D:SPG on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in New Developments Leicester City Council, adopted August 2002 31 The developer should also seek to install energy efficient fixtures and fittings and heat recovery systems. Internal lighting should be provided by dedicated energy efficient fixtures throughout (i.e. compact fluorescent lamps in fitting designed to prevent the use of inefficient tungsten lamps). Lighting to garages and external areas should also be designed to accommodate energy efficient lamps only. It is also important that the housing design incorporates sufficient space for the separate storage of recyclable materials and storage space for cycles to encourage the use of cycles for short journeys. The existing roads in the site run in a south-east, north-west direction, that dictates most dwellings will face in a south-westerly direction ensuring the potential for passive solar gain. The scheme should nevertheless offer a distinctive sense of place by varying set back of dwellings from the highway and a variety of architectural detail. As dwellings need only face within 30 degrees of the south this provides a 60 degree range for varying orientation. ii) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy The developer should provide a technical submission on the ways in which the energy loads arising from the use of the buildings will be met from a range of renewable energy sources that should include the provision of photovoltaic cells to south facing elevations and solar collectors for heating water. The use of ground source heat pumps should also be included, for domestic heating. The provision of efficient gas condensing boilers may be the most suitable approach to energy efficiency for a small number of units, where ground conditions preclude the use of heat pumps. All buildings should be constructed to allow flexibility for the introduction of additional energy sourcing devices in the future. The proximity of the site to the Byker Wall development provides the potential extension of the Byker District Heating System to this site. The Combined Heat and Power system is a very efficient technology for generating electricity and heat together, currently serving 2,000 homes. 2. Water Efficiency and Recycling of Water 3. Use of Sustainable Materials in Construction It is essential that the materials used in the construction of the dwellings have proven low environmental impacts and are sourced sustainably. The aim should be to use a palette of whole, unprocessed materials that are sustainable (such as timber, natural stone, earth and clay and natural fibres) and sympathetic to the surroundings and proximity to the conservation area. The use of formaldehyde glues, petrochemicals, plastics and materials containing chlorine (i.e. PVC, HCFC, HFC) should be avoided due to their environmental impact. A variety of other, less environmentally damaging plastics should be specified by the developer to be used for all building purposes. Similarly, the use of chipboard, particleboard and Medium Density Fibreboard contain formaldehyde and is damaging to the environment and should be replaced with wood from certified forests. High energy materials such as cement can be 32 substituted by lime, that has the benefit of reusing fired materials such as bricks in the development process. It is recommended that all dwellings incorporate the standards for sustainable construction, as set out in Appendix 6. The Association of Environment Conscious Building (AECB) provides useful advice to builders on the sourcing of sustainable materials (see Appendix 7 for a list of useful contacts including the AECB). A procedure for acquiring certified timber will be required including chain of custody certification, for example through the Pan European Forest Certification (PEFC). The Council would also expect to see the segregation of construction waste to allow its return to manufacturers or to other specialists (e.g. palettes and packaging) under an approved take back scheme. 4. Biodiversity The current levels of biodiversity on the site are minimal and the sites size restricts opportunities. However due to the proximity of the site to open space the community can enjoy the adjacent wildlife corridor and open space to the west, although new developer is encouraged to incorporate quality green space and landscaping into the development. 5. Accessibility The layout of the new development has a major influence on the choice of means of travel that residents make, and therefore the sustainability of movement patterns. It is important that the scheme encourages walking, cycling and public transport by linking the new development to existing pedestrian and cycle routes and bus routes. In particular, the layout should improve existing and incorporate new pedestrian routes which are safe, attractive, and direct routes, where users can be seen by people living in the area. The developer should seek to achieve a Home Zone development where the speed of traffic is restricted, providing a safer environment. 6. Design for Recycling The aim should be to encourage the recycling of green material by composting and chipping, thereby reducing the amount of waste going to landfill sites. The provision of a composting/chipping facility should be considered. This should be provided in a central location to serve the whole development, or space should be provided at each individual unit. 33 APPENDIX 5 – DESIGN STATEMENT The design statement should include a combination of illustrative and written material. The suggested structure for the design statement is set out below. • Background information - Applicant, agents and contact details. This section could include the client brief(s) for the potential development site, where they exist. This should include the written instruction and/or verbal instructions for the design approach to address building, space and access design. • Site Details - Current site ownership boundaries, ownership of adjacent sites where known and areas of adopted highway within and adjacent to the application site. Location plan with proposed development located within wider geographical context (suggest suitable scale at 1:1250). History of site if known. • Site Analysis - Site topography, orientation, photographic survey of site, constraints and opportunities and any supporting concept drawings. • Design Principles - A short written statement setting out the design principles adopted be the proposed development. This should contain the context for the schemes set within its policy framework at a number of policy levels including: [1] National, regional guidance and suggested best practice; [2] A response to Unitary Development Plan or adopted Area Development Framework policies, including the interim housing policy; and, [3] Supplementary planning guidance and detailed response to locally specific planning guidance, including the Ouseburn Regeneration Strategy and the Lower Ouseburn Conservation Area Management Plan and the sub-area design guidance. This should also include supporting three dimensional illustrative material that shows the site within its wider context. • Detailed Design Elements -The design statement should contain an explanation of the proposed development in relation to the additional detailed design issues in respect of materials and performance. A detailed explanation of the proposed development – context, streets, spaces and public realm and landscape. This is likely to include statements on: [1] Sustainability [reference to SAP rating approach to determining eco-homes standard and requirement for independent assessment, including forecast and record to changes made in response to this forecast SAP rating]; [2] Safety and security [including references to ‘design our crime’]; [3] Scale and mix; [4] Details and materials. In addition to the statutory requirements for the formal planning application, the design statement should include a range of explanatory drawings and illustrations; such as artist impressions, photomontages, CAD/VR images; to explain the three dimensional qualities of the proposal. The level of detail within the design statement will reflect the complexity and scale of development. The description and illustrative analysis of site and surrounding context should include the use of photographs and analytical drawings in plan and three dimensional form. This supporting 34 illustrative material should be in colour and should show the proposed development in its immediate context. • Key views The valley has a number of important historical views which need to be taken into account; these are not only contained in the conservation area itself but they also identified outside of the boundary line looking inwards. With this in mind visual submission illustrations should take account of these views and show the proposal in this wider context. The views of importance are identified in the Conservation Area Management Plan for the Lower Ouseburn, the Urban Design Framework and the Tyne Gorge Study. • Building in Context It will be important for any new proposal to take into account the context of the surroundings. With the site being situated on periphery of the Conservation area and sitting adjacent to the listed Byker Wall the building should be sympathetic to its surroundings and not affect the setting of a conservation area negatively (in line with PPG15). CABE’s “Building in Context” highlights a number of exemplars taken from across the country. 35 APPENDIX 6 - REFERENCES AND FURTHER INFORMATION Building Research Establishment (BRE) Garston Watford WD2 7JR Housing Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme Managed by the Energy Saving Trust Email: Forestry Stewardship Council Pan European Forest Certification The Association of Environment Conscious Builders (AECB) Environment Agency Tyneside House Skinnerburn Road Newcastle Business Park Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7AR Renewable Energy Enquiries Bureau ETSU Harwell Oxfordshire OX11 0RA Northumbria Water Ltd Leat House Pattison Road District 15 Washington NE38 8LB The Green Consumer Guide Environmentally Friendly Products, Services and News 36 Publications: Ecohomes – The Environmental Rating for Homes. The Guidance 2003 (BRE) The Green Guide to Housing Specification. An Environmental Profiling System for Building Materials and Components (BRE) General Information Report 27 ‘Passive solar estate layout’ by Energy Saving Trust Good Practice Guide 339 – Domestic Ground Source Heat Pumps: Design and installation of closed loop systems by Housing Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme (Energy Saving Trust) ‘Energy Efficiency in New Housing. Summary of Specifications for England, Wales and Scotland’ by Housing Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme (Energy Saving Trust) ‘Renewable energy sources for homes in urban environments’ by Energy Saving Trust ‘Home Zone Design Guidelines’ June 2002, Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers byker buildings cb EJ 37