Association of Alaska Community Health Aide Program Directors

Association of Alaska Community Health Aide Program Directors
Anchorage, AK – May 10-11, 2007
Meeting Minutes
AACHAPD Approved September 21, 2007
May 10-11, 2007
Steve Gage
Crystal Stordahl
George Drinkwater
Tamaree Kawagley
Member / Organization
Member / Organization
Member / Organization
George Peter
Akiachak Native Community
Gay Brewer
Hoonah Indian Association
Helena Bock
Ninilchik Traditional Cnc.
Annette Siemens
Alicia Lynn Reft
Karluk Tribal Council
Rosanna Lemen
North Slope Borough
Patrick Mahoney
Jud Brenteson
Kodiak Area Native Assoc.
Norton Sound Health Corp.
Jane Martin
Chickaloon Village
Herman Geffe, Sr.
Maniilaq Association
Dr. Donna Galbreath
SouthCentral Foundation
Kris Winter
Chitina Traditional Village Cnc.
Metlakatla FMC
Steve Gage
Matt Rogers
George Drinkwater
Mt. Sanford Tribal Consort.
Crystal Stordahl
Tanana Chiefs Conference
Crystal Talyat
Copper River Native Assoc.
Etta Menadelook
Native Village of Diomede
Josephine Grant
Tanana Tribal Council
Lona Ibanitoru
Fannie Hernandez
Native Village of Kwinhagak
Leslie Jones
Katherine Cart
Eastern Aleutian Tribes
Cassandra Trenton
Native Village of Tyonek
Bill Schreiner
Torie Heart
Walter Starkloff
Native Village of Tyonek
Tamaree Kawagley
Karen O’Neill
Michelle Hall
ANTHC-CHAP Training Center
Mike O’Neill
Tania Smallenberg
Joyce Hughes
State of Alaska
Lou Christie
Debra Reed
Tanana Chiefs Conference
Charlene Walker
State of Alaska- Medicaid
Linda Curda
Lisa Brooks
John Riley
University of Washington-MEDEX
Review of Agenda
Steve Gage was unable to attend. Crystal Stordahl will be acting in place of Steve.
Members did an introduction.
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Motion to approve the
agenda by George
Drinkwater. Motion
seconded by Jud
Brenteson. 9:00 AM.
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
ARC ReportJud Brenteson
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Field Review Form (5/07 draft)
Went to Convocation and worked with field supervisors, health aides and with other ARC members
that had their own tool for doing field reviews. Put them together into one form to be used as a tool
or guide that has everything a person would need to perform a field evaluation. Not all the items
listed are what all field supervisors would do, but it is a guide to do field reviews.
Would like CHAP Directors to review from between now and the September meeting, will send it
out to members not present today. Would like approval at the September meeting.
Unit 6a and Unit 6c
Have been curriculum changes to Unit 6a and 6c. Needs to be reviewed by AACHAPD and
determined if it would affect the standards, then go to CHAP Certification Board for review. Entails
updating units to the new CHAM and current practices in emergency medicine.
Clinical Math Assessment and Remediation Form (revised 5/8/07)
Form has been expanded and clarified to include a more detailed explanation of expectations for
administering the clinical math skills test.
A committee was appointed to review it. ARC approved the form and would like CHAP Directors to
review from between now and the September meeting, will send it out to members not present
today. Would like approval at the September meeting.
RN/CIs Attending CHA Basic Training for CHA Backup (revised 5/07)
Tool for an RN or CI to attend session training, and they can attend as a 7 th person in a 6-student
class. They don’t participate in the clinicals, the clinicals are done in their home community or
There was some language that the training centers felt were not as detailed to reflect what is
expected. Will see the clarifications in numbers 4, 5, & 7. Training centers felt there needed to be
deadlines, and expectations of what a person can do, who the instructor can be.
Would like CHAP Directors to review from between now and the September meeting, will send it
out to members not present today. Would like approval at the September meeting.
CHA/P Clinical Evaluation Form (5/07 draft)
Several regional health organizations have clinical evaluation forms, a checklist similar to a PEF
evaluation, used to evaluate a health aide’s clinical practice, CHAM use, etc.
Had several versions and combined them to create one form.
Plan to field test the form over the summer and bring it back to ARC in the fall for review and
Anyone can field test it, if you’re interested, please contact Jud Brenteson. (Contact information is
on CHAP Resource List)
Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
Investigated to get a sense of how different corporations use the test. Some use it as a tool and
test the applicant prior to hiring. Also looked into which test is being used.
Most corporations are using the 7M. M means medium difficulty, designed for 4-5 grade difficulty
level. 7H is hard level, designed for 7-8 grade difficulty level. 7A is Advanced, a high school
equivalency test.
There’s a way to do the test online. A license for $800 is available and it gives you 100 tests for
one year. ARC would like to suggest AACHAPD purchase the license and have it available for
corporations to use. Would save some corporations money by not having to send a health aide to
the nearest adult learning center to take the test.
The company will allow the test to be distributed to multiple sites, can perhaps have it on the
CHAP website so that it can be accessed.
At the last meeting there was some discussion on needing to clarify on the expectations of the
Between now and the
September meeting,
the CHAP Directors
will review the
following forms by
-Field Review Form
-Unit 6a and Unit 6c
-Clinical Math
Assessment and
Remediation Form
-RN/CIs Attending
CHA Basic Training
for CHA Backup
Jud Brenteson will also
send forms out to
members not present
Forms will be
brought up for
approval by
AACHAPD at the
September 2007
Test of Adult Basic
Education (TABE)Further discussion
needed to determine if
this is feasible.
ImmunizationsNorton Sound has
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
ARC ReportContinued
AACHAPD Follow up
on ARC Documents
tabled from Feb. 2007
meetingCrystal Stordahl
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AACHAPD has with immunizations pertaining to the new CHAM and standing orders.
ARC is looking for more direction by AACHAPD on what needs to be clarified.
Corporations can also add standing orders for immunizations if need be.
Abbreviated Overview of CHAP Field Supervision (2/25/07 draft AACHAPD)
Formerly titled “Overview of C/I Job Duties”.
Document was created to help corporations understand what they’re asking their field trainers to
do and set realistic expectations. Crystal Stordahl (Vice-Chair) had some questions/comments
regarding the document, they are in parenthesis.
This document is a guideline, not a standard. All words in italics state the purpose of the
MSO tests are done very two years (or every time a new CHAM is published).
Original purpose of this document is to add up the hours they are doing and to clarify expectations
of duties. The job descriptions vary between regional health organizations which makes making
this document very difficult.
Also need to look at the hours spent on administrative tasks, just like with medical supervision.
Find an average # of hours/task, put it in one place with the description.
Looking into creating a document that would be titled “Resource for Field Trainers” that will define
a lot of the content in this document, and provide descriptions for the people that are just coming
into the program. Will also have it available on the CHAP website.
Item that is on the top of Page 2 may not be possible for some clinics to adhere to. Really depends
on the population/size of the villages. Language of that line will be worked on and be clarified
before the September AACHAPD meeting.
Since there is such a broad array of different people doing all these different tasks, once we do
have a concise document that lists exactly what corporation wants of their CI, maybe have a list
made up that breaks down the duties and have a signature/name space next to it so each regional
health org. can visualize and know who exactly is accountable for each specific duty.
Would also like this document to have a date and author’s name on the top. And printed in color so
that everyone can see the highlighted changes.
May email comments to Crystal Stordahl at
CHP Recredentialing Guidelines (revised 12/11/06)
There was a recommendation from ARC to change the guidelines of recredentialing. Right now a
CHP has to go to Preceptorship every 6 years, and there are prerequisites to be enabled to attend
recredentialing Preceptorship.
Right now as far as work experience is required, is 200 hours of work prior to recredentialing.
At the February AACHAPD meeting the vote was split 5/5, today it is being brought up for
discussion and for vote on it.
The new item (number 3 on page 5) states that the health aide would need to have 25 patient
encounters for each year worked as a health aide prior to recredentialing, starting 2/2007; and
needs their supervisor’s signature.
Biggest apprehension is of adding another regulation. One pro-argument of having it is that it will
provide minimal proof of clinical practice for the health aide that is working in a supervisory role.
Con-argument is that 25 patient encounters does not prove clinical competency.
It is the corporation’s responsibility to ensure clinical competency for that person to fulfill their role.
There is no clear outcome/proof that 25 patient encounters per year worked as a health aide would
ensure clinical competency.
standing orders for
adult immunizationswilling to share
Overview of CHAP
Field SupervisionA workgroup was
formed to continue
work on this document,
C. Stordahl, J.
Brenteson, L.
CHP Recredentialing
GuidelinesMotion to approve Line
2 on page 5 of “CHP
Guidelines” (ARC
Revised 12/11/06)
made by Karen O’Neill;
seconded by Bill
Line 2 reads “600
hours worked as a
Health Aide in any
capacity in CHA/P
program within the last
two years before
recredentialing.” (words
highlighted were added)
Motion to vote
regarding addition of a
Overview of CHAP
Field SupervisionCrystal to set up
teleconference for
further work.
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
AACHAPD Follow up
on ARC Documents
tabled from Feb. 2007
RAC Report &
BylawsCrystal Stordahl
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What if we create a tool for regional health organizations to use for clinical competence evaluation
for people that are primarily administrators, instead of changing a standard.
If a health aide is maintaining a patient log and there are no patients on it , that could be seen as a
red flag that the person is not going to be clinically competent.
This guideline would apply to someone who has been working, not out on leave. There are reentry guidelines for those that have been out for some time.
Can also put a statement in the “Abbreviated Overview of CHAP Field Supervisors” document that
they have to be clinically competent and are current. “Transfer” it into the C/I document and do not
have it in the “CHP Recredentialing Guidelines”; however don’t state a specific number of patients
in the C/I document.
Statement in the C/I document can perhaps say “Completion of 30 hours recredentialing
Preceptorship with patient encounter forms attached.”- address it that way so that there is more
Standards do not incorporate a specific language; will be voting on a guideline not a standard.
Members present votedMatt Rogers- Nay
Jud Brenteson- Nay
George Drinkwater- Nay
Helena Bock- Nay
Mike O’Neill- Abstain
Rosanna Lemen- Nay
Patrick Mahoney- Yes
Crystal Stordahl- Nay
Herman Geffe, Sr.- Nay
Karen O’Neill- Nay
Bill Schreiner- Nay
ANTHC Training Center’s Distance Delivered Session I 
This distance delivered session is a part of and function of the ANTHC training center. Even
though it is a part of a functioning training center, it does not mean that it is approved by RAC. So
the students that pass will not have attended a RAC approved session.
To date, two members of RAC participated in one of the classes being presented. Dan Thomas
(NSHC) sat in a 2-day-per-week, 2-hours-per-day poly-comm. presentation. Debra Reed has gone
online and seen the asynchrony’s portion of some of the classes.
RAC and Dorothy Hight (ANTHC), Leslie Fox-Leyva (ANTHC) and Mary Rydaski (EAT), are in
agreement that if RAC gives them a list of names and dates than those people listed will have their
permission to access the classes. A code is needed to access the classes online.
One pressing issue is that RAC does not act now they will miss the opportunity to sit in on how
Clinical Skills is being taught. RAC is not going on-site for approval, but to get a piece of
information that will be lost if they don’t do it now, and the information would be good for when they
do apply for RAC approval. There’s only one month of training left.
RAC is requesting if AACHAPD are in position to and willing to fund to send one or two people to
go onsite and see how Clinical Skills is being taught. Since RAC is asking for funding that would
come out of either CHAP Certification Board or Statewide Services, they would need AACHAPD
RAC is requesting they not be “pressured” to accredit the course. RAC is tasked with the job of
ensuring (ahead of time) that what is being taught is appropriate information according to the
standards. That information has not been provided and it is unclear if it will ever be available. At
this time, they do not have the fundamental information needed for a RAC review. I.E. RAC may
Line 3 on page 5 of
“CHP Recredentialing
Guidelines” (ARC
revised 12/11/06).
Line 3 reads “25
patient encounters as
a Health Aide each
year worked before
starting 2/07.” And
supervisor signature.
Motion to vote on
whether the line should
be kept in the
document. Motion
made by Karen O’Neill.
Motion seconded by
Bill Schreiner.
5/10/2007 10:00 AM
Line 3 to be taken out.
Distance Delivered
Session IMotion to support a
letter to CHAP
Certification Board for
funding of 1-2 people
to oversee the clinical
review part of the
ANTHC distance
delivered Session I.
Motion made by
Patrick Mahoney.
Motion seconded by
Bill Schreiner. All in
favor. Motion passes.
5/10/2007 10:30 AM
Crystal sent letter
5/14/07 to certification
board requesting
funding to support
travel of RAC
members to observe
clinical skills at the
various regional
health organizations.
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
RAC Report &
CHAP Certification
Board ReportHelena Bock
Recognition &
Support CommitteePage 5 of 14
ask “Do you have two hours devoted to ear exam?” At this time, they do not know the amount of
hours allotted because of the way the session is structured.
Clinical Skills is being taught at clinics within the following organizations: Chugachmiut, Bristol Bay
Area Health Corporation, and ANTHC.
Annual Self-Evaluations
Self-evaluations of training centers have been finished and were approved with some minor
changes to be done.
ANTHC evaluated SEARHC; SEARHC evaluated NSHC; NSHC evaluated ANTHC
RAC Membership
Need a new Field Representative appointed to RAC by AACHAPD.
Matt Roger (Chugachmiut) was nominated to be a RAC Field Representative. Matt will talk with
administration to see if his corporation will support his nomination.
Carlos Sammartino was also nominated. However it was declined.
Field Representative membership is for three years, RAC meets for half a day on the day before
AACHAPD meetings start. May travel to do on-site evaluations, etc.
New Training Center
A new training center is opening up in North Slope Borough.
Debra Reed accepted position of Allied Health Training Center Coordinator.
Envision that the NSB training center will be a part-time facility for Session I & Session II,
Will have roughly 2-3 trainings per year. Will not be doing Session III and Session IV right now.
RAC Bylaws
For the bylaws to pass, they have to be read twice.
Were revised in September 2006. Had first reading in the February AACHAPD meeting.
Behavioral Health Aide Update
Myra Munson reviewed the BHA certification standards.
May be ready to go to the CHAP Certification Board in June 2007.
The BHA workgroup is meeting upstairs at the moment.
Have career brochures available.
Dental Health Aide Update
Started the Dental Health Aide training program in Anchorage in January.
Partnering with University of Washington. They do the curriculum, based on the University of New
Zealand and Canadian programs.
Currently have six students.
Have career brochures and recruiting posters available. The posters were sent to school districts
and corporations. Can also send them electronically.
Second year of training is more clinical, starting in September.
Patients are recruited from SouthCentral Foundation.
The March issue of CHAPCB newsletter has three articles that DHA submitted.
2007 Shining Star Awards
Steve Menard read the Governor Sarah Palin’s Proclamation. The week of April 23-27, 2007 is
RAC MembershipMotion to nominate
Matt Rogers to be a
AACHAPD appointed
Field Representative
by George Drinkwater.
Seconded by Jud
Brenteson. All in favor.
Motion passes
5/10/2007 4:20 PM.
RAC BylawsMotion to approve
second reading of
revised RAC bylaws by
Karen O’Neill.
Seconded by Matt
Rogers. All in favor.
Motion passes
5/10/2007 4:15 PM.
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
Recognition &
Support CommitteeHerman Geffe, Sr.
Medicaid Task ForceCharlene Walker
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“Community Health Aide/Community Health Practitioner/Dental Health Aide Week”. It was framed
and presented to Pauline Rukovishnikoff (APIA), whom has been a health aide for 41 years.
Ooyuan Nagaruk (CHAIII- NSHC) received the “Outstanding Accomplishments in the Community”
certificate award.
Rachael Kangas (CHA IV- TCC) received the “Experienced CHA/P” Shining Star award.
Ethel Booshu (CHP- Maniilaq) was honored with the “In Memoriam” Shining Star award will be in
the clinic of Pt. Hope, accepted by her brother and sister.
Jessie Jim (CHP- SEARHC) was honored with the “In Memoriam” Shining Star award will be in the
Angoon clinic.
Joyce Smith (CHP- KANA) was honored with the “In Memoriam” Shining Star award and it will be
in the Ouzinkie clinic where there is a memorial in her honor.
Last minute award presented to Irene McGlashlan by her corporation. She received a thank-you
letter and a check.
No one was nominated for the “100% PEFs” award this year.
There were bouquets given to the winners, and all health aides present received a rose.
Herman recommends that we try to have the health aide’s family present at the ceremonies.
Last year, AFN said no on having the award acknowledged at the convention; but will see if we
can do it this year.
Medicaid Reimbursement Codes
Charlene Walker’s office is responsible for any tribal policy and tribal reimbursement issues related
to Medicaid.
Last year, Steve Gage had given them codes that needed to be updated with current codes. Gwen
Obermiller pulled together a spreadsheet with Medicaid codes that health aides would bill under.
The list given today is not the complete list; Charlene is still waiting on those from the MIS people.
There are other codes that are eligible for payment that would be in the health aide’s scope of
practice that are not on the list. CHAP Directors are responsible for updating and keeping current
on the codes; and to make sure that Charlene is notified so that she can add them into the
payment system.
If CHAP Directors could do the updating annually, then Charlene will more likely have only a
couple codes to update, and not a massive list. The list we have today took 5 months to update.
There are still Items on the list that are not reflective of general practices of health aides. These
are codes that have come up maybe only once, in 300,000 cases. Items in bold are new codes
Medicaid Travel
Charlene also works with First Health. A person would call Charlene if the tribal facility wanted to
do travel for a patient, but they weren’t sure if they met the criteria.
Health aides do not articulate the patient’s medical need for travel very well.
Charlene’s office created a Medicaid Travel Checklist and Medicaid Travel Tip Cards that are
available. Would like to do teleconference training to improve the situation, and do it regionally.
Will coordinate through CHAP Directors and have the First Health trainer (Virginia Leanders) also
set up the teleconferences.
Deficit Reduction Act
Medicaid is getting a lot of budget cuts.
Contractors were hired to audit all the states. Trips to facilities are going to start in January 2008
and look at all the 2007 claims. They will see how many errors may have occurred. Payments will
be reduced by a certain amount for three years, whether the errors are fraudulent or mistakes.
Contactors will also be looking at health aide charts. Leah Perry will travel to every site, do a quick
Medicaid TravelCharlene to contact
Crystal to set up
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
Medicaid Task ForceContinued
self-review on their charts, looking at documents from the health aides.
May want to talk about what your health aides are documenting. Having the documents be very
legible to the auditor will be good.
Assessments- The ANTHC Business Resource Center is working along with Charlene’s office on
assessments of billing office practices. They will do an assessment and make recommendations
on their practices. Right now TCC is having an assessment, if you are interested, it is available.
Contact Information-
Charlene Walker- Phone: (907) 334-2433 Email:
Alaska Medicaid Help Line- (800) 780-9972 – Mon.-Fri. – 8AM-5PM
CHAM Revision
CommitteeLinda Curda
DVD for CHAM Orientation
Working on a DVD that will be filming an orientation, and condensing it to 1.5 hours long.
Budget item for AACHAPD’s consideration. Would cost $16,500 to do this DVD. Money would
come from AACHAPD budget.
Last time a video was done, it cost $11,000.
A DVD would be nice to have. For orientations, new hires or something to give to the tribal health
directors to see.
This has been on hold, to move forward a decision will have to be made today regarding funding. If
AACHAPD doesn’t approve, Linda Curda will look for other funding sources.
The CHAM immunization section will be rewritten. Tania Smallenberg is a Immunization Nurse
Consultant at ANMC.
Tania has a handout with a synopsis of all the changes that happened since the new CHAM has
been printed. Will send emails with notices of changes, and there is a new standard childhood
vaccine schedule (5/10/2007).
There are two new vaccines and new guidelines of older vaccines that need to be implemented
The Rotavirus vaccine is recommended for infants starting at 2 months.
Second dose of Varicella is recommended at the Kindergarten visit, 4-6 years of age. Catch-up
vaccination for children 7-18 years of age.
HPV vaccine (Gardasil) is coming out this summer for girls 11-18 years of age. The new HPV
vaccine prevents the 4th most common types of HPV, associated with 3/4s of cervical cancer.
Recommended to be given routinely for girls 11-12 years old, with a catch-up for girls 8-18 years of
age. Three doses: 2nd dose done 2 months after first, 3rd dose is done 6 months after the first dose.
It is kept in the refrigerator, not frozen.
Influenza vaccine recommended for all children 6-59 months of age. The first year children need 2
doses one month apart. After that, children need one dose per year.
Tdap (Adacel- tetanus and diphtheria with pertussis)- one dose of Tdap has replaced Td vaccine
for persons 11-65 years except for pregnant women, persons with a contraindication for pertussis
Also have a poster on when to use Tdap, DTaP or Td vaccines.
Contact Information-
Tania Smallenberg, BSN- Immunization Nurse Consultant
Phone: (907) 729-3647 – Fax: (907) 729-1570 – Email:
Rosalyn Singleton, MD – Immunization Consultant
Phone: (907) 729-3418 – Fax: (907) 729-3429 – Email:
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OrientationMotion to move
forward with this
project, AACHAPD
coordinating with
CHAM Committee to
find funding. Motion
made by Bill Schreiner.
Motion seconded by
Jud Brenteson. All in
favor. Motion passes.
5/10/2007 2:11 PM.
Motion to direct CHAM
Committee to use
$16,000 out of CHAM
Sales account for the
CHAM Orientation film.
Motion by George
Drinkwater. Motion
seconded by Patrick
Mahoney. All in Favor.
Motion passes
5/11/2007 12:28 PM
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
UAF Academic
Liaison ReportLinda Curda
Convocation UpdateLinda Curda
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CHAP Education Resource Center (CERC)
Provides resources for sharing information, also use their space to work in (at ANTHC COB
At the CHAP Forum, health aides were requesting CDs be made with all the presentations on
CHP210- CHAM Use and Documentation Course- this course has a CD with materials from the
course Dan Thomas (NSHC) and his faculty had put together. CD has course outline, schedule (is
adaptable), lesson plans, student materials and exams. Can make more copies. It was submitted
and approved by the University, will get credits for it.
Ear Teaching Materials- Have a short CD, has anatomy and how to use the CHAM.
TEAM Competition- Body Anatomy and Function was the subject at the CHAP Forum. Had 10
quizzes, formatted for teams of three to compete. Very well liked at the CHAP Forum and was held
on the last day. Made from the Study-Mate program.
If you have any materials you would like to share, contact Linda Curda or Val Warzewick.
They can package it, make it professional and organized. Contact information is on the CHAP
Resource List.
Fall Semester
Have Affiliate Faculty applications available.
Earning a BA in Rural Development prepares students for community leadership through a wide
exposure to rural issues throughout the world and has hands-on skills for effective community
To qualify you must be committed to rural Alaska, be eligible for admission to UAF, have earned at
least 30 university credits, and be able to participate in two intensive one-week seminars each
Call (800) 770-9531 or (907) 279-2713. Visit
Electronic Learning & Teaching Programs
Had a workshop on Thursday, April 26th on electronic learning and training programs.
Looked at options for distance education. Was recommended to use E-Live. It gives you visual and
writing capacity at once. Don’t have to call in and set up a specific time or use a specific number.
Can load up a MS Word document. I.E.- can use it for teleconferences and be able to see the
documents on your screen. Once you’ve loaded it up on the computer, won’t need to load it up
E-Live can reach all the health aides at once, also get in touch with them; so far none of the health
aides had any trouble with it.
Need to put on the agenda for next September meeting to look at having a fifth training center that
will be a virtual training center. See how much it would cost, and use E-Live.
UAF had ordered 260 E-Live headsets and will send them out for free. Can be used by field
trainers, health aides, etc. Recommend have at least one headset per clinic. Contact Linda Curda
or Val Warzewick, will help you get connected with E-Live, and send you the headsets to
October 15-19, 2007 is the CHAP Orientation for Convocation, Tuesday morning until Friday
afternoon. For CHAs, CHPs, field faculty, SIs, CIs. Theme is “Weaving Theory and Practice:
Enhancing Our Circle of Communication for CHAP Training Center and Field Educators”.
Mission/Purpose of Convocation
Bring together training center and field instructors.
Foster a close working network among field and training center instructors from across the state.
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
Convocation UpdateContinued
Training Center
ReportsMichelle Hall
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Ensure consistency and improve the quality of training for CHA/Ps.
Share and develop curriculum materials and evaluation tools.
Discuss, affirm, learn and apply adult education learning theory and practice approaches.
Provide continuing education relevant to CHAP.
One of the topics being considered is cross-cultural communication and Alaska Native ways of
Adult Learning- adult education practices to guide classroom interactions, interactive
approaches/strategies to enhance learning, positive problem solving approaches among CHA/Ps
and instructors, critical thinking/reflection skills, approaches to learning assessment.
CHAP Topics- post session evaluation tools, distance learning updates, curriculum updates
(clinical data from Dr. Golnick), career/education tracks for CHPs.
CME Topics- Applied Suicide Intervention Skill Training (ASIST), statewide hair/mercury
biomonitoring program, pediatric environmental health, HPV vaccine, STDs/STIs, domestic
violence, nutrition/fitness, HIV presentation.
Looking at a variety of people to do the teaching. Will contact Dr. Angayuqaq Oscar Kawagley,
Harold Napoleon, and others.
Open to suggestions, questions, and people who would like to be on the planning committee.
Contact either Melany Cueva ( or 729-2441) or Linda Curda.
The CHAT funds received have been used to expand training capacity by consistently providing
more training slots for classroom instruction with skills practice, clinical training and Early Periodic
Screening Diagnostic Treatment (EPSDT) training.
This has been accomplished by active recruitment and retention of training center instructors to
our present level of 9.6 FTE.
The increase in Well Child/EPSDT training has resulted in improved immunization rates in the
Held two Session I classes; three Session IIs, and one Session IIIs.
71 students were accepted, two lost to attrition prior to Session; had a total of 64 students finish
Sessions. 60 students passed.
In 2006 offered 8 basic training sessions and integrated the 2006 CHAM book into their training
In 2007, on schedule to offer nine schedules of basic training and by the end of 2008, will have
completed 6 additional trainings.
Made some adjustments in their schedule in order to allow Session I students more time at home
before returning for Session II.
Since they have been offering more Session I’s and II’s, have developed a backlog of students
waiting for Session III & IV. Some of these students have chosen to attend other training centers
when timing worked out for them. Hope to clear out the backlog next year and get back to a
smoother sequence for their CHA students.
NSHCIn the past twelve months, NSHC proved the following:
9 Basic Training Sessions per year.
Three Session I’s, 6 student slots per session, 8 students were from NSHC.
Three Session II’s, 6 student slots per session, 11 students were from NSHC.
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
Training Center
State of Alaska
Liaison ReportJoyce Hughes
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Two Session III’s, 6 student slots per session, 10 students were from NSHC.
One Session IV, 6 student slots, 4 were from NSHC.
2 CME workshops per year. In October, they hosted the ANMC Diabetes workshop for health
aides. In March they hosted Melany Cueva’s Cancer workshop.
Midlevel staff completed 5 credentialing and recredentialing Preceptorships.
Up until 4/27/07, they had 5 full-time midlevel trainers. One resigned and are currently recruiting. In
addition, they hired a temporary midlevel instructor for three sessions to cover for absences of the
full-time instructors.
Continuing basic training sessions as scheduled and have had full sessions.
Completed Session IV and a Session I; currently doing a Session II.
Our Session IV wait list is down to 14 and are having difficulty finding 6 CHAs willing to come to
our June Session IV.
Fully staffed, however three of our FTEs and one intermittent have been/are on FMLA.
Dorothy Hight is continuing her affiliation with EAT to complete Session I by distance.
Have changed our September Session IV to a Session II to accommodate the Session I distance
ed. CHAs.
Will be doing Preceptorships again beginning May 2007.
Current Wait Lists for ANTHC
Session I: 20
Session II: 1
Session III: 24
Session IV: 14
Have the annual report for the Department of Health & Social Services (DHSS). It talks about what
the department does and their work.
Grants Management Review
Joyce Hughes is working on a new project that looks at all the grants processes.
Began in June 2006 when DHSS and Rasmuson Foundation engaged Cliff Consulting, Inc., to
review DHSSs grant making processes, gathered input and ideas from DHSS staff and grantees,
and made recommendations for improvements.
Review took place from June to September, consisted of evaluation of current grant processes,
review of documents, interviews with staff, grantee forums, and statistical analysis on current grant
volumes and sizes. Have submitted the CHAT Statistical reports to the committee.
Spreadsheet was put together. Goal of the committee is to create a template that all the
committees can use. A template was created for a one-page quarterly report with a brief summary
of goals, objectives and outcomes.
This is a multi-year project. Goal is to implement some of the short-term opportunities quickly and
begin work on the most critical medium/long-term recommendations immediately. Department is
prioritizing the recommendations and developing an overall project plan.
Focus of the project is on grant making only. However the department may find that some of the
ideas and improvements are applicable to other areas of the department.
All reporting will be done online perhaps by October 2007. Will send updates via email throughout
the summer as they get notified on how it’s going along. Be able to do the quarterly reports online.
Updates on the status can be seen on the Grants Management Project Website, along with the
monthly e-newsletter-
If you have questions, contact: Jeff Kasper, (907) 465-8194 or Sherry Hill, (907) 465-1618.
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
State of Alaska
Liaison ReportContinued
Community Health
Aide AssociationJud Brenteson
Budget and CHAP
Statewide Services-
Alaska Healthcare Databook: Selected Measures, 2007
Will be available July 1, 2007.
Main sections will have: demographic, social & economic profiles, populations health status & risk
profiles, healthcare workforce & shortages, healthcare resources.
Main features will be: 170 tables of data, many tables of present information at regional or
community levels, databook will be a hardcopy (about 300 pages).
Will also be posted at:
For information contact Robert Sewell or Alice Rarig at (907) 465-3091.
CHAA Update
The association is building up momentum.
Held daily meetings at the CHAP Forum, a lot of health aides expressed interest in joining.
Developing mission statements and goals for the next year.
Hold teleconferences on the second Thursday of each month from 10AM-12PM. May reschedule
them to alleviate schedule conflicts with AACHAPD using the teleconference number.
Sent a letter to tribal councils for support for health aides out on-call, they were received fairly well.
May make patches that show support for CHAA and possibly have dues to generate money.
Chair- Yvonne Howard
Vice-Chair 1- Jud Brenteson
Vice-Chair 2- Moses Frederick
AACHAPD- Have $5000 in account right now. Is non-recurring money. Do not have food for
AACHAPD meetings because of rising cost (be around $400 per meeting to have food).
CHAP Forum- Started with $7,600, did get $15,000 from University. Hasn’t reconciled account yet.
Paid for three CHAA member’s travel to attend Forum.
Website- Have $29,000 in account. Theresa Cooper is with us as a ¼ person, but her salary
comes out of Statewide Services.
CHAM Revision- Have $500 in it currently.
CHAM Sales- There is $100,000 in this account. Available to use for video project, paying people
that work on the CHAM (pharmacists will no longer be able to donate their services; will have to
pay $75/hour).
Statewide Services- Currently have $197,000, which is recurring money. Pays for Carol Odinzoff,
Tamaree Kawagley, and Theresa Cooper’s salary. Also paid for CHAA member’s travel and Steve
Gage’s travel to Washington, DC. Can do a better budget now that the CHAM is paid off.
Torie Heart
Report on Senate Indian Affairs Committee Testimony
Steve Gage was invited do a presentation at Washington, DC for the Senate Indian Affairs
Committee regarding the Indian Health Care Improvement Act reauthorization. He submitted oral &
written testimony “CHAP Overview 2007”.
Tribal Health Directors
Steve wrote a letter to Tribal Health Directors requesting $3 Million for FY08.
$350,000 would facilitate maintenance for the CHAM and to help finance revisions.
$350,000 would help facilitate preparation and delivery of distance delivered training.
$2.3 Million would allow for additional salaries, increased positions for CHA/Ps and Field staff.
CHAP Forum
Had the manpower to do the CHAP Forum this year. Theme was “Power of Prevention”.
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BudgetMotion to use $2000 to
finance the video
(content to be
determined) by
Jeannie Green
Productions, funding to
come out of the CHAP
Website account.
Motion by George
Drinkwater. Motion
seconded by Patrick
Mahoney. All in favor.
Motion passes
5/11/2007 12:20 PM
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
Budget and CHAP
Statewide ServicesContinued
National Provider
Identification (NPI)
Number DiscussionTorie Heart
There was 26 hours of CME for the CHA/Ps that attended the whole week.
Bill for Hawthorn Suites came to $9,900.
Attendees (and speakers) got conference bags, Nalgene water bottles, t-shirts (provided by State
of AK) with the 2007 CHAP Forum logo.
Have most of the presentations that the speakers did, will be making CDs with them. Will look into
seeing how much CME credits can get with the CD.
Jeannie Green recorded some video at the CHAP Forum.
Got an email from Renee Gayheart that says the following:
“The CHAs will not be required to seek NPIs by Dept. of Health and Social Services. In addition, PAs
will not be required to seek NPIs if they are practicing in the tribal clinic or under the tribal hospital outpatient clinic provider number and not in the inpatient environment under the physician group provider
May 10, 2007
Adjourned for the day
at 4:15 PM
May 11, 2007
Reconvened at
8:30 AM
Adjourn for the day
University of
Washington (UW)
MEDEX UpdateJohn Riley
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MEDEX PA Program
Transitioning to a Master’s Degree with the 2009 entering class, admissions cycle will begin May
2008. Applicants applying this year for acceptance in 2008 do not need to meet these new
requirements, but should refer to the current prerequisite list. Applicants applying for the Master’s
program in 2009 may need to update academics or finish a Baccalaureate degree prior to applying
in May 2008.
MEDEX Prerequisites for 2009 Acceptance:
Clinical experience: 2 years (4000 hours) minimum
Baccalaureate Degree (no major preference)
10 quarter (6 semester) credits in human anatomy and physiology- minimum GPA 2.7 (B-)
15 quarter (9 semester) credits in other medically related sciences- minimum GPA 2.7 (B-)
Additional Graduate School Requirements
If invited to interview, you will need to apply to the UW Graduate School
Overall minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher for the last 2 years (90 quarter credits) coursework
GRE (required by UW Graduate School)
Anticipated Changes for Master’s Program
All students will continue to participate in the core curriculum, which focuses on primary care and
improving health care access for the medically underserved. In addition, students entering the
master’s-level program will select a specific pathway, which will offer advanced skills and
knowledge in their chosen focus area. Student will declare their pathway choice during the didactic
phase of training.
Four pathways are: rural and underserved healthcare; public health and healthcare administration;
specialty practice and PA education; global health.
With faculty guidance, students will develop and complete an individual capstone project within
their selected pathway. Projects will be presented to faculty and fellow students before graduation.
With the addition of the Master’s Degree requirements, the MEDEX program will be a total of 9
quarters. The additional quarter will be the summer quarter between the didactic and clinical year
with required courses being mostly on-line.
Trying to work some feed in between those that have the community degree that UAF offers, maybe dovetail
that into a completion degree and as credit for work experience so that the health aide won’t have to chose
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
University of
Washington (UW)
MEDEX UpdateContinued
new 30 credits at UW.
Stanford is still available to people, but they have prerequisites of at least two years of credits. They are in
California and is 18 months long. MEDEX is 12 months long with training back in Alaska. Interim is also an
Phone: (206) 616-4001 Fax: (206) 616-38899 Email:
Draft February 2007
No corrections/revisions done. Finalized minutes as is (draft 5/2/2007).
Crystal Stordahl
MedImmuneLisa Brooks
Motion to approve draft
February 2007
AACHAPD meeting
minutes by Jud
Brenteson. Motion
seconded by Herman
Geffe Sr. All in favor.
Motion passes
5/11/2007 9:05 AM.
Lisa Brooks helped write a section in the CHAM.
MedImmune started a pilot program that’s being done with health aide training regarding
RSV/Synergist. Currently they are training with a video with CI/SIs in Bethel.
Also responsible for Flu Mist vaccine that’s available from ages 5-49 years. Will see
recommendations for school age children to get the vaccine. It is a nasal mist, not a shot.
If you have questions or would like to incorporate it in your training program, please contact her.
Lisa Brooks, MPH – Clinical Marketing Manager – MedImmune
(866) 685-8476 Email:
Strategic PlanningLou Christie
Tom Lefebvre is out submitting the Baldrige application for ANTHC’s strategic planning.
The next step for AACHAPD is to begin structuring the initiatives. Have a draft “Initiative Inventory”
sheet with two Initiative Headlines: Standardize CHAP Orientation and CHAP Workforce Plan. The
Initiative Inventory is a visual tool that records and keeps track of the progress.
Today members will talk about initiatives and start linking them together, to move in a common
direction with the same goal in mind. Will look at some draft documents and begin to prioritize
them, assign them out to particular people/groups and be focused on that objective or initiative.
Will have a report from each workgroup that has their specific tasks, they will need to keep track of
their progress, meet more than quarterly (via teleconference, etc.) and report to the CHAP
Directors at the quarterly AACHAPD meetings.
Of the 7 strategic objectives that AACHAPD are working on, the group focused on the CHAP
Attendees split into four groups.
Group 1- Retention and On-Boarding
Helena Bock, Linda Curda, Crystal Stordahl, Patrick Mahoney
Group 2- Recruitment
Herman Geffe, Sr., Rosanna Lemen, Matt Rogers, George Drinkwater
Group 3- Communication (CHAP Website, Chat-boards, On-Call Stress)
Bill Schreiner, Walter Starkloff, Joanne Ward, Michelle Hall
Group 4- Recognition & Support, Education & Training
Mike O’Neill, Jud Brenteson, Crystal Talyat
For notes on what the groups developed, please contact Tamaree Kawagley.
Page 13 of 14
Work groups should
meet by
teleconference for
Minutes were sent by
email to executive
members on May 16,
2007. Printed copies
mailed out with PostMeeting packets for
those that did not
attend meeting.
AACHAPD Approved 9/21/2007
Adjourned May 11, 2007- 12:30 PM
Motion to adjourn by
Patrick Mahoney.
Motion seconded by
George Drinkwater. All
in favor. Motion
passes. Adjourned
5/11/2007 12:30 PM
Documents distributed at the meeting and now included as a permanent part of these minutes as attachments:
Meeting Agenda
ARC Report to the CHAP Directors (5/9/07)
CHA/P Clinical Evaluation Form (5/07 draft)
ARC Field Review Form (5/07 draft)
CHAP RN/CIs Attending CHA Basic Training for CHA Backup (5/07 revised)
Clinical Math Skills Assessment and Remediation (5/8/07)
Alaska CHAP Abbreviated Overview of CHAP Field Supervision (2/15/07 draft)
Community Health Practitioner Recredentialing Guidelines (12/11/06 draft)
Letter to request $3M- To Robert Clark from Steve Gage
CHAP Overview 2007 (3/7/2007)
CHAP Forum 2007 Awards Luncheon Agenda
Executive Proclamation by Sarah Palin, Governor
EMS Report to CHAP Directors & ARC
AACHAPD Feb. 2007 Meeting Minutes (5/2/07 draft)
AACHAPD Strategic Planning Notes (5/9/07)
Medicaid Travel Checklist
Alaska Medicaid Travel Tips Card
Medicaid Codes for Billing (5/07)
Resource List (5/7/07)
AACHAPD Strategic Planning Outcomes- December 2006 Meeting (12/14/2006)
AACHAPD Strategic Planning Notes- December 2006 Meeting (12/2006)
AACHAPD Strategic Planning Notes- February 2007 Meeting (5/9/2007)
Initiative Inventory Worksheet
Quarterly Initiative Status Report
Initiative Application
Initiative Inventory (5/9/07 draft)
Immunizations Updates letter to CHA/Ps
2007 Standard Childhood Vaccine Schedule (5/9/07)
“Check Your Vials” Handout
UAF Fall 2007 Course Handout
MEDEX PA Master’s Program Notice
DHSS Grants Management Project FAQ’s & Talking Points
AK Healthcare Databook notice
CHAP Convocation Update
RAC Report to CHAP Directors (5/10/07)
RAC Report with Actions by CDs added (5/16/07)
Training Center Reports by: ANTHC, SEARHC, NSHC, & YKHC
Documents that were distributed at the AACHAPD Meeting are available, along with the Resource List and CHAP Events Calendar.
Please contact Tamaree Kawagley if you need copies- (907) 729-4492,, or fax at (907) 729-3629
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