Association of Alaska Community Health Aide Program Directors



Association of Alaska Community Health Aide Program Directors ’

Meeting Minutes

February 14-15, 2008

Anchorage, AK

February 14-15, 2008

CHAIR: Crystal Stordahl (TCC)

VICE-CHAIR: George Drinkwater (MSTC)

SECRETARY: Patrick Mahoney (BBAHC)


RECORDER: Tamaree Kawagley

George Peter

Annette Siemens

Patrick Mahoney

Jane Martin

Melodye Gilbert

Angela “Jan” Larson

Member / Organization

Akiachak Native Community



Chickaloon Village

Chitina Traditional Village Cnc.

Chugachmiut- Acting Div. Dir.




A Herman Geffe, Sr.


Gay Brewer

Alicia Lynn Reft

Jud Brenteson

Jeanette Cawyer

Member / Organization

A George Drinkwater

Hoonah Indian Association

Karluk Tribal Council

Kodiak Area Native Assoc.

Maniilaq Association

Metlakatla FMC/AISU

Mt. Sanford Tribal Consort.

Crystal Talyat

Lona Ibanitoru

Tara Carr

Torie Heart

Carol Odinzoff

Tamaree Kawagley

Joyce Hughes

Mary Rydesky

Tom East

Sharon Peabody

A Helena Bock

P Lee Devers

P Vacant

Member / Organization

Ninilchik Traditional Cnc.

North Slope Borough



Norton Sound Health Corp. A

E Dr. Donna Galbreath SouthCentral Foundation

A Steve Gage SEARHC

P Crystal Stordahl



Tanana Chiefs Conference P

Copper River Native Assoc.


Eastern Aleutian Tribes

P Etta Menadelook

E Fannie Hernandez

P Casandra Trenton

Native Village of Diomede A Josephine Grant

Native Village of Kwinhagak A Leslie Jones

Native Village of Tyonek E Bill Schreiner

ANTHC- Director of CHAP

ANTHC- Assistant Director of CHAP

ANTHC- Office Assistant of CHAP Statewide Services

Alaska Summit Enterprise, Inc.

Eastern Aleutian Tribes

ANTHC- Chief Information Officer


Sue Steward

David Akin

Victoria McCormack

Dan Thomas

Linda Curda

Jean Rounds-Riley

Michelle Hall







ANTHC- CHAP Training Center

Tanana Tribal Council

Yakutat Tlingit Tribe






Review of Agenda



Herman Geffe was not able to attend.

Lona Ibanitoru was not able to attend.

Casandra Trenton was not able to attend.

Members did an introduction.


Motion to accept the agenda by Patrick

Mahoney. Motion seconded by Steve

Gage. All in favor.

Motion passes.


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CHAP Statewide

Services Report-

Torie Heart

A A C H A P D A P P R O V E D 5 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 8


More forms were posted on the CHAP website ( They are the following: AACHAPD

September 2007 Meeting Minutes, CHAP Medical Math Assessment, CHAP Emergency Encounter

Patient Encounter Form (2 pages), CHAP Patient Encounter Flow Sheet, and the December 2007 CHAM


Continuing Education-

Colorectal Cancer - presentation to be held on Feb. 28, 10-11 AM, via AFHCAN teleconference. It will define the principles of staging colorectal cancer, the purpose of adjuvant therapy in colorectal cancer, and provide information on treatment options for patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Registration deadline is Feb. 26, 2008. Contact Tom Elmore if you want more information. Contact information below.

Alaska Resuscitation Conference will be held on June 6-8, 2008. It is sponsored by the Loren Marshall

Foundation in association with the Anchorage Fire Department at the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel. AK

Regional Hospital will be approving CME for attendance by EMTs, MICPs, RNs, and MDs. There will be a sign-in desk in the mornings and CME certificates will be distributed at the end of each day. Contact information below.

For Colorectal Cancer: Tom Elmore Email: t e l m o r e @ a f h c a n . o r g Phone: (907) 729-3910

For AK Resuscitation Conference: Jim Foster, Event Coordinator Email: f o s t e r j k @ m u n i . o r g

Phone: (907) 720-0911

2008 CHAP Forum-

CHAP Forum will be held April 21-25, 2008 at the Coast International Inn. Continuing Education program is being planned.

Behavioral Health Aide-

The BHA Standards and Procedures were emailed to CHAP Directors group. Asking that feedback be provided by March 28, 2008. The CHAP Certification Board workgroup will meet April 17-18, 2008 to review.


 “Controlled Substance Recommendations for Tribal Health Organizations Managing Community Health

Aide Clinics” document was sent to a Pharmacy group for review and comment.

CHAP Emergency Patient Encounter Forms and CHAP Patient Encounter Flow Sheet has been printed and available through the ANTHC Warehouse. Use the following product information to order the forms:

014246 chap form

014736 chap continuous form

014296 chap flow sheet

The December 2007 Revision packets are printed. Packets will be sent to each CHAM user by Feb. 22,

2008. Distribution will occur based on CHAM sales, unless otherwise requested. Packet will be posted on the website.

CHAP Medical Math Assessment Test and Key have been updated. Test will be posted on the website.

The Key will be available through ANTHC CHAP Staff:

A- Tamaree Kawagley- Email: t d k a w a g l e y @ a n m c . o r g Phone: (907) 729-4492

B- Eleanor Batchelder- Email- e m b a t c h e l d e r @ a n m c . o r g Phone: (907) 729-4584

C- Rose Cysewski- Email: r c y s e w s k i @ a n m c . o r g Phone: (907) 729-2427

There are some funds in credit ($3k-$5k) available with Jeanie Greene that will be used for a CHAP DVD.

Crystal would like to review what they did in 2007 and the goals AACHAPD adopted in 2007 and what they want to do in 2008. Need to prepare something for Jeanie for a product, and have that be a project for 2008. Can possibly use it to make a AACHAPD orientation.

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EMS Report-

Jean Rounds-Riley

Recognition &

Support Committee

Written Report

A A C H A P D A P P R O V E D 5 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 8

A written report was submitted. Herman Geffe is the Chair for the RSC and is unable to attend at this meeting.

“Shining Star” Winners for 2008-

Experienced CHA/P Category- Sue Evanoff, CHP- Pilot Point, BBAHC

New Motivated CHA Category- Adolf Paul, CHA I- Kipnuk, YKHC

Outstanding Accomplishments in the Community Category- Jennifer Kalmakoff, CHP- Chignik, BBAHC

In Memoriam Category- Martha Kayouktuk, CHP- Little Diomede, NSHC; Arlene Saccheus, CHP- Elim,

NSHC; Eddie Clay Slaton, CHP- Itinerant, BBAHC; Augusta Kvasnikoff, CHP- Port Graham,


Any nominations received after February 1, 2008 will be considered for the 2009 awards.

Mike Branum was selected to fill the EMS Unit Manager position. The state EMS Training Coordinator position will be advertised soon.

The Alaska unit of EMS hopes to have a web-based data entry system to collect information from run sheets. All certified agencies would be required to participate and enter data. Non-certified services would be encouraged to participate as well. The systems are to be designed so that data can be merged with that collected by fire services, etc. The contract has been awarded and will be implemented this year.

Sally Abbott, ANP (AK State Public Health Preparedness Hospital Coordinator) spoke to the committee about portable ventilators the state has purchased with federal funds. They will be distributed around the stat after training to hospitals and larger clinics. The plan is to have staff use them enough to be familiar with them, but to also have them available for emergency/disaster use (such as the recent RSV outbreak in the

North Slope).

EMS Training Committee Meetings- Proposed Dates and Locations-

April 29-May 1, 2008- Fairbanks

October 8-10, 2008- Anchorage

January 13-15, 2009- Anchorage

EMS Symposia-

Interior Region EMS- Fairbanks, April 2-5, 2008 (May also see IREMS website for info.)

SouthEast Region EMS- Wrangell, April 9-12, 2008 (May also see SEREMS website for info.)

Southern Region EMS- Anchorage, November 12-15, 2008 (see w w w . c h e m s . a l a s k a . g o v / E M S )

CHA Basic Training Counting Toward EMS CME-

When CHA/Ps are in basic training, it can be difficult to have time and/or additional travel to obtain CME credits to maintain their EMS certifications. In 2000, Sharon Peabody had gotten approval for certain hours/content of each session of CHA Basic Training to be counted as EMS. Recently the training center subcommittee had asked how these hours were derived, and Jean came up with fewer hours than currently approved and suggested decreasing this.

The EMS Training Committee discussed several options. Since EMTs need 48 hours of CME per rece rtification cycle, it was decided that the EMS CME allotted per CHAP Basic Training Session wouldn’t exceed 48 hours.

Revised recommendation for EMS CME (for EMT recertification) will be:

CHAP Session I- 48 hours

CHAP Session II- 48 hours

CHAP Session III- 36 hours

CHAP Session IV- 48 hours

Regulations Changes-

EMS regulations are still scheduled for review this year. There are still several steps to be completed before they will go out for public comment, when they will be out for public comment is uncertain. The proposed changes will be mailed to all currently certified EMTs and EMS Instructors, and probably be bulk

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Tamaree will go to a local store in

Anchorage (Alaskan

Memories) to look at prices for trophies and engraving.

3/6/2008, Tamaree ordered 6 trophies from Alaskan

Memories. Total of

$506.52, out of

Statewide Services account.

EMS Report-


Electronic Health

Record Update-

Tom East, ANTHC,


A A C H A P D A P P R O V E D 5 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 8 emailed via the EMS list-serve as well. When you see these regulation changes for public comment, do review them carefully and respond to anything that you feel strongly about- either in favor of or opposed to. All public comments are considered, and written public support for a change is just as important as statements of oppositions.

House Bill 29, Safe Surrender Bill-

House Bill 29 is relating to infants who are safely surrendered by a parent shortly after birth, also known as the “Safe Haven for Infants Act”. A parent may not be criminally prosecuted for surrendering a child in the physical custody of a person who is a (A) person the parent reasonably believes would provide for the health and safety of the infant and who would act appropriately to care the infant (B) peace officer, community health aide , physician, or hospital employee; or (C) person who is employed by or is a volunteer for a fire department or emergency medical service, if the person is acting within the scope of the person’s fire department or emergency medical service duties; (2) there is no evidence the infant has been physically injured before abandonment.

You may read more on the bill online at: w w w . l e g i s . s t a t e . a k . u s / b a s i s / s t a r t . a s p . Then enter

“House Bill 29” in search.

ANTHC has received a grant (about $20 million) to build an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. The data system is similar to that of the banking industry. The main cost will be to install EHRs in provider locations, across the state. The second biggest cost is the actual exchange of data from one site to another.

The project will also include work to ensure confidentiality and security of the records, EHR deployment, evaluating and re-engineering as needed.

In an effort to present a unified and coordinated system for Information Management, ANMC has unified all information related services under the leadership of a Chief Information Officer (CIO). The CIO’s participation at the senior leadership level is important to ensure adequate planning, alignment of information resources with higher level of strategic planning, and to combine the activities of the various units into an efficient, responsive information and technology consortium. The plan is organized generally around the 13 major IM standards published by JCAHO.

Using data standards and technologies that support interoperability and encounter management, promotes patient centered/oriented care and enable real-time, immediate point of service, point of care by facilitating efficient work flow and operations performance to ensure the integrity of the health record, public health, financial/administrative reporting, and the health care delivery process. It also automatically retrieves information needed to verify coverage and medical necessity. It captures and presents all patient information needed to support coding and there has been examples of reduced denials and errors in claims, boosting reimbursement for services.

Since the EHR will eventually replace paper charts/files, tasks that were based on the paper artifact must be efficiently managed in the electronic environment. The user can also export personal health information to disease specific registries, and add new registries through the addition of standard data transfer protocols or messages.

The following would be linked to the Alaska eHealth Network:

The patient



Imaging services

Private practitioners and health centers

Community/tribal hospitals and health centers

Veterans Administration

Department of Defense

State agencies

Specialty/referral facilities across the US

Payer organizations

Page 4 of 10

ARC Report-

Linda Curda

Electronic Health

Record Update-


State of Alaska

Liaison Report-

Joyce Hughes

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For more information, you may contact Tom East (CIO, ANTHC) at (907) 729-1986 or email him at t d e a s t @ a n t h c . o r g .

Joyce Hughes was given an award, a bouquet and gifts for her service with AACHAPD for over 10 years.

Joyce now has a new position with Alaska Summit Enterprise, Inc. in Eagle River. She is the new Program

Director for NA training, grant writing and technical assistants. AK Summit Enterprise do workshops throughout the state and has a quarterly newsletter.

Donna Jones is the person in Juneau that AACHAPD should work with.

Contact Information for Joyce Hughes-

Joyce Hughes, Program Director - Alaska Summit Enterprise, Inc

11723 Old Glenn Highway, Suite 209A; Eagle River, AK 99577

Phone: (907) 694-5711 Fax: (907) 694-5775

Email: r e g i o n 3 @ a n a a l a s k a . o r g Web: w w w . a k s u m m i t . c o m

Contact Information for Donna Jones-

Donna Jones, Grants Administrator - State of Alaska, Dept. Health & Social Services-

PO Box 110650; Juneau, AK 99811-0650

Phone: (907) 465-2836 Fax: (907) 465-8678 Email: d o n n a . j o n e s @ a l a s k a . g o v

ARC Bylaws- September 2001 Revision-

It was approved by ARC Feb. 12, 2008, requesting that AACHAPD gives approval. It clarifies membership, gives flexibility in Chair/Vice-Chair terms of office, and added quorum. The purpose statements were also reviewed.

Page 2The definition of training centers was clarified.

Page 2, Officers, Section III- The statement “The terms of the Chair and Vice Chair can be extended with the approval of the committee” is advised to be added by the committee.

Page 3, Meetings, Section IV- A quorum of 6 was changed to 8.


Page 2, Officers, Section III- It states that the Vice Chair can be extended, but not exactly how long that’s for. It can either mean that it will be by meeting or a year increment. Linda Curda will ask Jud Brenteson on how long it will be.

Page 3, Meetings, Section IV- One member posed that 6 was not enough. No motion can be taken without a quorum, but they can continue their work.

CHAP Directors’ title- Throughout the document, the AACHAPD is stated as “Association of Community

Health Aide Program Directors”, the corrections will be made.

Basic Training Center Guidelines-

Guidelines were updated and approved by ARC on 12/11/2007. ARC is requesting that AACHAPD approves it and have it distributed to all ARC/AACHAPD members and add it to the CHAP website. The original document was created in 1997, then revised in 2001, 2004. It is a tool used in the training centers.

Would like the exam scores kept in the file, but not the exam itself, it takes too much filing space.


This will not impact the field files, the changes are for the records that the training centers have.

Objective #2, e-

Will change “her” to “his/her”.

There are some typos to be corrected, this document will be reviewed and approved at a teleconference in March.

Pre-Session Course Materials-

Sharon Peabody was hired to work with ARC on Pre-Session materials. All prior work from Pre-Session subcommittee individuals has been shared with Sharon. Have 3 major goals-

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ARC Bylaws, 9/2001


Linda Curda will get the particular increment that the Vice

Chair can be extended for.

Bill Schriener motions to accept the ARC

Bylaws, 9/2001

Revision. Patrick

Mahoney seconds. All in favor. Motion passes.

ARC Report-


A A C H A P D A P P R O V E D 5 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 8

Goal 1- The Course Guidelines have had an extensive review and discussion with training center and field members. They have been revised and approved by them.

Goal 2- The Student Workbook is being worked on by Sharon. The Field committee reviewed samples and have been approved by them.

Goal 3- Instructor Manual is being worked on by Sharon. The Field committee reviewed samples of units

3, 4, 5. They are moving forward to complete all 14 units.

Teleconferences- There is teleconferences scheduled; contact Linda Curda if you are interested in attending them. They will be held on Feb. 27, Mar. 19, Apr. 16. Plan is to complete all course materials, including the skills list, by the May ARC/AACHAPD meetings.

Clinical Evaluation Form-

Goal is to have a tool when observing a CHA/P using a patient encounter form. There are many different tools used at the training centers and field offices; some regions do not have/use such a form. It will be made consistent with the new CHAM. It will be emailed to ARC and AACHAPD for trial use.

Medical Math Assessment & Key-

The Medical Math Assessment and Key has been revised to be consistent with the new CHAM; there are improved illustrations and addition of oxygen tank gauges. They will also be included with the new Pre-

Session materials. The math skills assessment and Beginning the Math Skills list are part of Pre-Session.

It was approved by ARC on 2/11/2008.

Convocation Planning-

The Convocation for Training Center and Field Instructors will be held on October 13-17, 2008 at the

Howard Johnson Hotel in Anchorage. Theme will include the CHAP 40 include a panel of our “early CHA/Ps and folks who started the program”. th year anniversary. It will also

There is a long list of topics and speakers suggested from both training centers and field subcommittees.

The Planning Committee membership is open and they will meet by teleconference. Contact Linda Curda if interested.

PEF Forms for Specific Care-

Norton Sound Health Corporation’s Training Center has developed and is currently using a “Return

Prenatal PEF”, and they have 10 chronic-care-condition PEFs are in draft and will be in trial soon. If you would like information or copies, please contact Dan Thomas.

Cancer Course and Materials-

Melany Cueva shared a new CD that has been created with help from UAF. The CD will have all of the cancer course information and materials; includes CME quizzes, keys and certificates that may be printed.

Documentation Guidelines-

A subcommittee is compiling a comprehensive list of questions and issues regarding CHA/Ps documentation on Patient Encounter Forms (PEFs). Dan Thomas (NSHC) will work with Torie Heart

(ANTHC) regarding any questions that may need a legal opinion. A survey will be sent for everyone’s input. The guidelines will help in creating the PEF Review guidelines and tools; and standardize charting documentation that can be used in training centers and field offices.

CHAP Essential Documents-

There will be a subgroup that will work with Torie Heart (ANTHC) on the website’s library of documents.

The CHAP Essential Document’s Table of Contents (TOC) was distributed. ARC members’ task is to check the TOC and see if all documents are listed, if they have the correct dates and are current.

Information Technology Leadership Committee-

Mary Rydesky (EAT) shared about information about this group and discussed the importance of having someone who knows about the need for CHAP training and support issues. ARC appointed Mary to represent academic issues to IT committee.

CHA/Ps and Medisets-

Dan Thomas (NSHC) brought up the concern from his region, regarding CHA/Ps role in filling the

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ARC Report-


HEPA Masks-

Sharon Peabody

Training Center


Michelle Hall

RAC Report-

Michelle Hall

A A C H A P D A P P R O V E D 5 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 8 medisets and teaching the family about medicine/Mediset use. Question of State vs. Federal law, and if it is legal for CHA/Ps to do. Currently the CHAM says that CHA/Ps can not do this. The NSHC region is going to start CHA/Ps teaching family members how to fill and use the Medisets.

ARC would like to invite a pharmacist to the next meeting to discuss/learn the federal/state laws. Based on what is learned, may possibly change content of the CHAM and curriculum.

There is a OSHA requirement that the CHA/Ps must be fit-tested for the respirators. The respirators are very specific, specially made masks. It is the employer’s responsibility for the workers to be fit-tested.

Keith Cook with DEHE (phone number is 729-3524) will be happy to go out to the community or arrange fittings to be done so that everyone is compliant with OSHA. This is required before the CHA/P starts seeing patients.


The updated schedule will be posted on the CHAP website. One was printed out and given in the meeting packets.

Summary of Training Center 05 RFP-

ANTHC- Over three years there has been 16 Preceptorships, 15 CME classes and 3 sessions. Will request continued funding per original RFP. If the funds were discontinued, there would be a loss of 1 FTE midlevel trainer, no Preceptorships, and basic training would be reduced by 1 session per year (with 6 students/year).

Eastern Aleutian Tribes- Over three years there has been 2 Session I’s.

Norton Sound Health Corporation- Over three years there was 30 additional training slots made available with the purchase of 1.5+ FTE midlevel training staff. Will request to continue per original RFP. There were fewer than proposed training slots due to limited clinical training capacity and was only able to recruit for an intermittent part-time instructor, not a full .5 FTE. If the funds were discontinued, there would be the loss of 1.5 FTE midlevel trainers and basic training slots would be reduced by 10 per year.

SEARHC- Over three years there has been 6 additional sessions (18 training slots) with the purchase of a midlevel clinical instructor (and supplies), and was able to provide free housing for attendees. Will request funding to continue per original RFP.

YKHC- Over three years there has been 18 additional basic training slots per year (total of 54 slots over 3 years), and 36 EPSDT training slots per year (108 slots total over 3 years). Will request funding to continue per original RFP. If funding was discontinued, there would be a loss of 18 basic training slots per year and 18 EPSDT slots per year.

In summary, this money has equated to 40 additional training slots available to CHA/Ps statewide. The increased training slots have created availability for students to attend training in a timely manner. In response to successfully meeting the RFP, training centers are requesting this be made recurring indefinitely.

There is a sum of $153,000 awarded to EAT, ANTHC, and UAF which will be discussed on what to use this money for.

RAC Standards-

RAC has been revising them; they were reviewed twice and are going to the CHAP Certification Board.

RAC would like the bylaws and standards go to them at the same time.


Page 10, Standard VI-d- Recommend that the lesson plan should include a plan for remediation and address it in that plan. Having a long-standing lesson plan would be beneficial and would address on what to do if a student doesn’t pass. RAC will be working on a common lesson plan or outline. May also possibly put the concern of remediation in the advising section, regarding what to do when an individual fails or fails to comply to the level of understanding and who is responsible for the CHA/P to learn.

Recommend to state in the standards that the minimum of 80% is needed to pass.

CHA Education Program Evaluation Checklist (Draft Revision 12/16/2007)-

Each item on the checklist is word-forword from the standards. The training center has to get all the “E”s

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Motion to recommend the RFP money to be recurring funds to the four CHAP training centers. Motion seconded by George


Motion to support the four training centers’

$153k to be further discussed at a later time. George

Drinkwater seconds motion. All in Favor.

Motion passes. There will be a teleconference to discuss funds.

Motion by Bill

Schreiner use $30k-

$40k (of the $153k money) to be used in immediate time frame for CHAM Revision.

George Drinkwater seconds motion. All in favor. Motion Passes.

RAC Standards-

Motion to approve the

RAC Standards (with the modification of language later). Motion seconded by George

Drinkwater. Amend to the motion to add the minimum percentage needed to pass. The amend to the motion is seconded by Steve

Gage. Standards are

RAC Report-


2007 Session I

Distance Learning


Mary Rydesky

A A C H A P D A P P R O V E D 5 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 8

(standing for Essential item) in order to comply. The two’s are more important than the one’s. The training center will also need all the Es and a certain percentage in order to remain open and functioning.


There was a recommendation that there be instructions for the checklist. They are in the RAC Bylaws, but it would be good to have them readily available and easy to find while using this document.

RAC is going over what to expect from the distance learning angle. May have templates in the future and have them consistent in their make-up and reference each other correctly.

Would also like the RAC Standards reference the Checkl ist and state that it’s a tool/guide to be used.

AACHAPD recommends that there be a trial use of the Checklist, then go to AACHAPD with their recommendations and have it put on the May meeting agenda.

RAC will use the Checklist for the ANTHC CHAP Training Center review in April, and then give a report to

AACHAPD at the May meeting.

2007 Session I- Distance Learning Project-

Goal of the project was to provide training via distance, meeting expressed learning objectives. Target learners were CHA/Ps, and others who manage/interact with the CHAP Program. Primary partners were the

Anchorage ANTHC CHAP Training Center and Eastern Aleutian Tribes.

Strategic goals are stated in the Rural Health Outreach Distance Education Network (RHODEN) grant.

RHODEN looks at what it would take to create a partnership, and how they would put the technology in place. There was a second grant that was able to upgrade the technology systems.

There are concerns about the funding needed and what is available. The grants were closed out and now are running on “good will” at the moment. Need to determine how to fund it, to develop a source for funding, and what the projected expense to develop the program is. There also needs to be a different tool to measure the success of distance learning; it would not be the same as measuring traditional methods of learning.

Need to identify a permanent “home” for distance learning. Need to build capacity within training centers and field instructors to design and present distance learning. A breadth of courses for training and continuing education needs to be established, and extend distance learning to all within the program to meet systemwide needs.

Emphases of Proposal-

Vision: of “Conserving tribal healthcare knowledge as an equity investment in the future”.

Mission: provide statewide healthcare education services to Alaska Native tribal healthcare by means of distance education media.

Concept: provide distance delivery to provide “a complete choice of learning experiences”.

Approach: create business proposition from planning and pilot to sustainable operation.


Developed and delivered Orientation to the 2006 CHAM in April 2006.

Developed distance version of Session I from June 2005 to December 2006.

Recruited students in January 2007. First delivery was from February to June 2007. Second delivery

October 2007 to April 2008.

Courses were developed and tested. The Learning Management System (LMS) was implemented for registrar functions ad student interface.

Many skills/experienced professionals of diverse backgrounds are required to make this work. Need people that are proficient with technology, graphic design, health care administration, a content specialist (clinical experience and credentials), and trainer/educators. The learning curve is extensive and is a major advantage in terms of knowledge & skills. Projected that 83 hours of content development per hour of content delivery. The technology, time, and expertise support was giving in-kind, and represent the biggest expense. Once the Distance Learning Network (DLN) is developed, it has infinite possibilities for it’s use. It

Page 8 of 10 approved as amended,

All in favor. Motion passes.

Also to state in the standards that the minimum of 80% is needed to pass.

RAC Checklist-

Motion to approve the first reading by Bill

Schreiner. Motion seconded by George

Drinkwater. All in favor.

Motion passes.

Distance Learning




Crystal Stordahl

AACHAPD December

2007 Meeting Minutes

A A C H A P D A P P R O V E D 5 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 8 can be used for virtual meeting sites, compliance courses, CME courses, patient oriented courses, registrar services, just to name a few.

There were “Asynchronous” and “Synchronous” classes held. Asynchronous is when the individual has classes on the web, covered approximately one unit each week, and the content was reviewed and repeated at will. Synchronous classes is when the class is presented on live videoconference, the individuals returned demonstrations in video/virtual class, CHA/Ps recruited “patient” volunteers with them, the skills were practiced with supervision in a clinic by clinical instructors, and the supervised practice was documented and evaluated with checklists.

Clinical patient encounters met the RAC Standards for primary and assisted visits. They were supervised by

NPs, PA-Cs, or physicians. Logs were kept and write-ups were reviewed by Dorothy Hight. CHAs taught each other within online forums, and videoconference classes were held twice a week. Requirements to pass was they needed 80%+ on all tests, complete all assignments, post meaningful comments in the forums, attend all videoconferences, and the student participation and results were easily verified online.

The students showed their skills on videoconference/videos along with using the CHAM, they performed skills on volunteers by videoconference, practiced assigned skills with supervision, completed practice checklists for each skill and had it signed by a field instructor who directly observed them.

Overall the feedback was positive. Strong ties were created with their co-workers and supervisors. Technical issues with videoconference quality and clarity of certain online directions were the main concerns.

Mary M. Rydesky, (907) 564-2418 or

Page 3, Article IV, Section II, Duties-

For Past Chairperson, text was edited to now read “Past Chairperson. The Past Chairperson shall serve as advisor to the Chairperson and to the Executive Team. The Past Chairperson shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chairperson and ViceChair.”

Page 3, Article IV, Section III, Term-

Changed the term of all offices from one calendar to two calendar years.

Page 3, Article IV, Section IV, Eligibility-

Text was edited so that it now reads, “If not already done, newly elected officers will attend orientation to

AACHAPD prior to first meeting as part of the executive team.”

Page 3, Article IV, Section V, Elections-

To reflect the change in term of all offices, text will now read, “Regularly scheduled elections shall be held for vacant positions or every 2 years, at the “face to face” meeting which most closely precedes January of each year.”

Page 9, AACHAPD Report to Tribal Health Directors & Alaska Native Health Board-

Second bullet will now read “Plan to invite an ANHB executive to future meetings for discussions.”

Page 10, Training Center Reports-

Steve Gage will send an electronic copy to Michelle Hall for SEARHC’s training center report.

Strategic Planning

Work Session-

Crystal Stordahl

Motion to approve

AACHAPD Bylaws, revision 2/14/2008, by

George Drinkwater.

Motion seconded by

Sue Steward. All in favor. Motion passes.

Written reports will be encouraged/increased so that the time used in meetings is more efficiently utilized for

AACHAPD goals. My consider that Thursday afternoons be used for workgroups and then reconvene on

Friday and have a presentation and written report.

Main goals for 2008 are:

Retention Workgroup

CHAPCB Workgroup

Support funding for CHAM

Have a AACHAPD Orientation

Please see document on AACHAPD Strategic Planning. This document will be given with post-meeting

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Motion to approve

December 2007 meeting minutes with changes by Steve

Gage. Motion seconded by George

Drinkwater. All in

Favor. Motion passes.

Strategic Planning

Work Session-

A A C H A P D A P P R O V E D 5 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 8 packets and available through Tamaree Kawagley. Tamaree’s contact information is at the end of minutes document.

Documents distributed at the meeting and now included as a permanent part of these minutes as attachments:


Meeting Agenda


Statewide Services Report


2008 RSC Shining Star Winners






ARC Bylaws (Revised and Approved by ARC/AACHAPD 2/2008)


Basic Training Center Guidelines for Student Records(Draft Revision 12/11/207 ARC)


ARC Accomplishments for 2007, 2008 Goals


RAC Standards (Draft Revision 12/12/2007)


CHA Education Program Evaluation Checklist (Draft Revision 12/16/2007)


Summary of Training Center 05 RFP


2008 Statewide Training Schedules


AACHAPD Report to Tribal Health Directors and Alaska Native Health Board (2/11/2008)


2007 Session I Distance Learning Project Summary of Results (2/2008)


AACHAPD Strategic Planning Overview


Alaska Native Health Board State Legislative Priorities


Alaska Native Health Board Federal Legislative Priorities


CHAP Certification Report (3/31/2007-2/1/2008)


CHAA Report to AACHADP (2/2008)


Program Planning and Assessment of CHA/P Basic Curriculum and Clinical Practice Status Report (2/14/2008)


Dental Health Aide Therapist Training Program Report (1/2008)


Controlled Substance Recommendations for Tribal Health Organizations Managing CHA/P Clinics (Draft 10/24/2007)

These documents are available along with the CHAP Resource List and CHAP Events Calendar.

Please contact Tamaree Kawagley (Office Assistant, CHAP Statewide Services) if you need copies.

Tamaree’s normal working hours are from 9 AM until 1 PM, Monday through Friday.

Phone: (907) 729-4492 Fax: (907) 729-3629 Email: t d k a w a g l e y @ a n m c . o r g

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