
Idols and Icons: Transforming Tradition
Juried Exhibition in Detroit, MI
Deadline: Feb 3, 2010
No Entry Fee
International Deadline: February 3, 2010 - This Call for Submissions is open to
all Artists. Artists working in all media are invited to submit recent (within the
last two years) works of art that interpret in a modern (or contemporary) way the
idea of religious idols or icons. Content and medium are completely up to the
Throughout recent history, traditional religious forms of art have been utilized to
portray a social message. Early 20th century artists in Europe, such as Max
Beckmann and Otto Dix, utilized the altarpiece format, imbued with symbolism,
to provide scathing commentary on the state of post WWI Germany. Mid-century
American artist, Joseph Stella, turned the city of New York into an icon with his
multi-paneled painting, Voices of the City: New York Interpreted. Later artists,
such as Andy Warhol also borrowed from tradition to remark on America's mass
consumption of celebrity. Warhol's Marilyn Diptych and Gold Marilyn are just
two examples of how using forms and symbolism once reserved for religious art
can transform idols into icons. Artists have even converted the photographs from
Abu Ghraib into iconic images.
The exhibition Idols and Icons': transforming tradition will focus on the idea that,
while the spiritual connotation might have changed, contemporary art still
utilizes forms and symbols found in traditional religious imagery.
In partnership with Mosaic Productions, this exhibition will take place at the
Madonna University Exhibition Gallery, and will run from February 28 through
March 28, 2010.
All submissions must be of original design and personal execution.
Close February 3, 2010 (final art due Feb. 22)
Please follow the submission guidelines set out below.
- Painting/Illustrations/Photos:
Submit no more than one (1) Digital
photo/scan of each piece.
- Sculpture & Multi-Dimensional Art:
Submit no more than three (3) digital
photos per piece.
- Film/Video:
3 stills and a brief description. Do Not email Mpegs or video files.
(also see CD/DVD instructions below). You may email a hosted link to a video
- Performance Art and Installations:
Email proposal, 100 words or less. (also
see CD/DVD instructions below).
Send samples of your work via electronic submission to:
Artists may submit up to a maximum of four (4) pieces. (Please send only one
Please Include:
- Artists Name,
- Address, City, State, Postal Code
- Phone
- Titles(s)
- Medium
- Physical dimensions of piece(s)
- Price
- Technical
image requirements
- Digital photos/scans should be saved in JPEG RGB format (300kb files or less,
5x7• maximum).
Images should be named in the following manner, the artists last name, short
title, and the number (i.e. Jones_Madonna_1.jpg•,, Jones_Cross_2.jpg, etc.)
Send image files as attachments in your email only. Do Not send a compressed,
Zipped or Stuffed folders. Do Not send your submissions as a link to your website
or image gallery.
Send all images in the same email, to:
Film/Video & Performance Submission Method:
- Send a DVD or CD of your
project, with your name clearly marked to:
Idols and Icons': transforming tradition
C/O Jeanne Moore, Gallery
Madonna University
Rm 1609
36600 Schoolcraft
Livonia, MI
Please Include:
- Artists Name
- Address, City, State, Postal Code
- Phone number
- Medium,
- Time of piece(s)
- Price.
Do not email us a video file directly, if available, only email a hosted link to your
video file.
You May send video stills in the form of jpegs in advance of an actual
CD/DVD/Video Link
CD/DVDs will not returned.
Send all still images and or video links in the same email, to:
Selection and Notification: Feb 4, through Feb. 15, 2010. We will notify you,
please do not email us inquiring as to the status of your submission(s).
Artists with works selected for the show will be notified, via email, phone, or by
Upon acceptance, Artists will receive registration information that needs to be
filled out completely and returned along with processing fee of $5.00 US, which
is considered a donation to Madonna University.
Over-sized pieces incur higher shipping rates you may wish to consult your
shipping carrier first.
Mosaic Productions retains a 30% commission on all sales made during the
exhibition, of which is donated to Madonna University.
All art submitted and accepted to the show should be for sale.
How the work is judged
Idols and Icons': transforming tradition can be as
serious, edgy or satirical as the artists chosen subject permits. It can be unlike
what one might expect from a sacred art exhibition. All art is considered, from
the high, to the low, from the biggest names, to the first timers.
Idols and Icons': transforming tradition is juried by the organizers/curators. We
also consult gallery owners and artists for second opinions.
The art can be in any medium and range in style from the classic/academic to the
most abstract of expression. The decision will be based on how well it works with
the exhibition's theme.
If you have any questions, please contact Billy Hunter or Jeanne Moore at