1145 Concordia Drive
Towson, MD 21286
-Mission Statement, School Year Theme, School Motto, School Colors
-Accreditation, School Philosophy, Students and Faculty
-Graduate Profile, Non-Discrimination Policy, Hazing, Sexual
Harassment, Racial Harassment, Bullying
-Alcohol and Drugs, Maternity/Paternity
-Media Release Authorization, Photographic Images of
Concordia Prep
Credit Program and Course Registration
-College Entrance Requirements
-High School Courses in Middle School, Transfer Student Policy
-Dropping/Adding Courses
-Grading, Honor/Merit Rolls, Academic Letter, Final Exams, Standardized Testing,
-Homework, Make Up Work
-Honor Code, Cheating
-Study Hall Expectations, Outside Tutoring
-Communication of Academic Progress, Parent-Teacher Conferences
-Enrollment, Promotion and Summer School
-Technology Use, Library
- STAR Program, Christus Honors
- National Honor Society, Student Government
-Christian Discipline
-Disciplinary Action, Detentions, Suspension, Expulsion
-Appeals Process
-Reporting of Discipline to Colleges/Universities
-Crude/Obscene Language, Cutting Classes, Hallway Decorum, Off Limit Areas,
Public Displays of Affection, Remaining on School Grounds
-Chewing Gum, Eating and Drinking in Buildings, Lunchroom, Littering,
Book Covers/Fines
-Field Trips, Dances and Social Activities
-Fire/Emergency Drills
-Procedures for Early Release, Senior Free Period
-Materials Not Permitted on Campus (Searches, Illegal/Harmful Substances,
Pets on Campus, Weapons)
-Materials not to be Used During the School Day (Book Bags, Electronic Devices,
Skateboards/Roller Skates)
-General Rules, Specific Rules, Dress Code Factors
-Dress Code Violations, Dress for On-Campus Co-Curricular Activities,
Dress for Relaxed/Casual Dress Days
-Lands' End Clothing Items
-School Hours, School Closing and Early Dismissal, Attendance, Tardies
-Guidance-Sponsored College Days, Family Travel/Trips/Personal Days
-Chapel Services, Health Services, Counseling
-Homeroom, Daily Announcements, Lockers, Lost and Found, Change, Visitors
-Parking Lot Procedure, Traffic Pick-up and Drop-off Procedure
-Tuition Fees and Payment, Cancellations and Refunds, Late Registrations, Late Payments
-Delinquent Tuition from the Prior Year
- Athletics Clubs, Drama, Music, Volunteer Activities for Parents
Sample Forms
Parental Commitment
Student Commitment
Drop/Add Timetable
Honor Pledge
Plagiarism Policy
Technology Use Agreement
Candidate Nomination
Saturday Detention
Damaged Book Fee
Dance Attire Requirements
Senior Free Period
Upper School Dress Code
Tardy Disciplinary Actions
Non-Emergency Excused Absence
Student Parking Contract
Acknowledgement of Polices of Concordia Prep
2014-2015 Faculty and Staff Directory
Mr. Alan Freeman
Mr. Paul Schildwachter
Mrs. Kim Grill
Mrs. Jennifer Dudley
Mr. John Tucker
Mrs. Tracy Gingher
Mr. David Merritt
Mrs. Ruth Heilman
Mr. Steve Haar
Ms. Pamela Post
Mr. John Handley
Rev. Charles Minetree
Headmaster, Upper School Principal (x.228)
Middle School Principal (x.242)
Dean of Students (x.235)
Guidance Counselor (x.269)
Admissions Director (x.225)
Director of Development (x. 275)
Director of Athletics (x.238)
STAR Program Director
Technology Hardware (x.236)
Media Center Director (x.240)
Business Office (x.227)
Campus Pastor
Faculty members do not have voicemail. To contact any Concordia Prep faculty or Staff member via e-mail, use the
their first name and their last (e.g. for
Martha Bainbridge.)
Ms. Martha Bainbridge
Mr. Gary Barth
Mrs. Marcie Barth
Mr. James Carter
Mrs. Cindy Chrysam
Mr. Brian Davies
Mr. Gary Doede
Ms. Jennifer Dudley
Ms. Cara Duensing
Mrs. Lynee Edwards
Ms. Sara Fletcher
Ms. Maria Forman
Mrs. Carol Frey
Ms. Beth Glaros
Mr. Steve Haar
Mrs. Ruth Heilman
Rev. Elias Kao
Mr. Brendon Keene
Mr. Matthew Markey
Mr. Dennis Mercer
Mr. David Merritt
Mr. Curtis Miller
(x. 244)
(x. 230)
(x. 245)
School Nurse
Mrs. Ellen Marquardt
Mrs. Kris Freeman
Mr. Bill Kissinger
Mrs. Tracie Pullen
Ms. Amy Robson
Mr. Ronald Scherch
Mrs. Jenifer
Mr. Paul Schildwachter
Ms. Melissa Weldon
Concordia Prep
1145 Concordia Drive
Towson, Maryland 21286
(410) 825-2323 ext. 228
(410) 825-2506
Dear Students and Parents,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! What an exciting time it is to be a part of the
Concordia Prep family. Summer break not only brings vacations, summer employment and time with family and
friends, but also time to refresh ourselves and to prepare for the next school year.
As the 2014-2015 school year begins, Concordia Preparatory School welcomes new families to the school
community. We also welcome back the familiar faces as Concordia Preparatory School enters its 49th year of
ministry. This year’s school theme is from Colossians 3:23, " “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and
not for men.” How often do we stop to consider that the work that we do--whether it’s a job we get paid for or not-is “for the Lord?” A young person’s job, or more appropriately his or her vocation, is to be a child, a son or
daughter, a brother or sister, a student. When that young person becomes an adult his or her vocation will change to
that of a husband or wife, mother or father, grandmother or grandfather, employee, retiree, volunteer. All of these fit
under the umbrella of “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men… You are serving the Lord
Christ.” Martin Luther’s umbrella was larger:“All of our work in the field, in the garden, in the city, in the home, in
the government… These are the masks of our Lord God, behind which he wants to be hidden and to do all things.”
As we go into the 2014-2015 school year, students are reminded talent and intelligence is not fixed; rather
they are developed through dedication and hard work. People are successful in school and in life because they work
for success. Be assured that through Christ all things are possible.
Again, the summer has been a busy time on the Concordia Preparatory School campus. Improvements to
classrooms continue to be made as are improvements to our facilities—most notably repair work to sidewalks,
security updates, and classroom renovations. We give thanks to God for the families, alumni, and friends of our
community who made these improvements possible through the giving of their treasures, time, and talents.
Also this summer, Concordia Preparatory School held several athletic camps, a computer gaming camp, and
its annual English Language Institute. We are grateful to the families and Concordia Preparatory School students,
alumni, coaches and faculty who led and helped all of these camps be a success and used their talents and gifts—"all
to the Glory of God!"
In your preparation for the year ahead, I would like to call your attention to this year’s Upper School
Student-Parent Handbook. Please read it closely since some items have been changed for 2014-2015 academic year.
There is also an appendix section that has several sample forms and schedule information.
I look forward to the year ahead as God continues to richly bless Concordia Preparatory School!
Yours in Christ,
Alan L. Freeman
Ministry First, Excellence Always!
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23
The School Motto: The School Motto is taken from I Corinthians 10:31- “Whether therefore ye
eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
The School Colors:
The School Colors for Concordia Prep are as follows:
Red: Symbolizing the redemption which is ours through the atoning blood of Christ.
Based on: John 1:7 “the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin.”
White: Symbolizing the forgiveness we receive through Christ. Based on: Isaiah 1:18
“though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red as crimson,
they shall be as wool.”
Gray: Symbolizing the Armor of God and the constant battle that the Children of God have
against those powers that work to separate the saints from God and his unconditional
love: (based on Ephesians 6:10 – 19 - “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your
stand against the devil’s schemes”)
Concordia Prep is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod and offers a college-preparatory curriculum.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit and in the Lutheran Tradition, Concordia Prep partners with churches and families to
equip students to grow spiritually as they succeed academically and develop socially and physically – “All to the
Glory of God.” As a parochial school that does not receive federal or state funding, Concordia Prep does not make
accommodations for students who have learning disabilities or other educational impairments (e.g. individualized
educational plans, modified presentation of material, modified testing, reduced or alternate homework assignments,
and other such modifications). However, for students with a diagnosed learning disability and who are a good fit
with Concordia Prep and its college preparatory curriculum, the Student Aid and Resource Program (STAR) may be
an option. This program is offered only to students with a diagnosed learning disability. Applicants to the program
must apply through the Admissions Office. Class size is limited and applicants must meet specific admissions
Ultimately high school serves as a bridge to the college and adult years. It is vital during these four years of
secondary education that students are fully prepared for the challenges ahead, not only in college, but also in life.
Concordia Prep benefits students by instilling a spiritual foundation predicated on Christ. With this foundation in
place, our students are equipped to go into “the real world” knowing the true importance of faith, prayer, and
Christian friends.
Concordia Prep is a member of the Commission on Secondary Schools Middle States Association of Colleges and
Schools. Concordia Prep has undergone a new protocol for its regular certification renewal and was recommended
for recertification in March 2014. At the same time, Concordia Prep was recommended for accreditation by the
National Lutheran Schools Association. Participation in this process of self-analysis for student performance
improvement serves to maintain our commitment to high-quality service to our students in all areas as well as to
continual growth and improvement in ourselves as professional Christian educators.
Concordia Prep is a segment of the body of Christ that serves to educate students in grades six through twelve. The
school’s philosophy of education is based on the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God and centers in Jesus Christ to
whom all Scripture bears witness. The school was established to provide Christian education in keeping with the
Lutheran tradition and heritage of the Reformation. The primary purpose of the Church as the body of Christ is to
testify to God’s riches and promises through the Gospel and, by the means of grace, provide the opportunity for
people to find their identity, meaning, purpose, and power for their lives. Faith in Christ finds fruitful expression in
everyday life; therefore, the function of Concordia Prep as part of this body is to provide college preparatory
Christian education designed to help the students live out the opportunities given to God’s people.
Concordia Prep is a Christian community where the assembly of believers, encouraged by the Word, works to
strengthen their relationship with Christ. The role of the student is to develop his/her God-given gifts and abilities so
that he/she may be equipped for his/her “life of good works” which God has already prepared for him/her. Such
development requires spiritually secure and academically qualified staff members who are continually open to the
Word and the Holy Spirit.
In this Christian setting we view all knowledge and learning as a potential channel for God’s grace and power. A
college preparatory curriculum is determined by the requirements of a complex and changing society, by the needs
and aptitudes of the students, and the spirit and substance of the Gospel of Christ. In this community, faculty
members are able to witness their faith and use their gifts to equip the saints and build up the body of Christ.
Students are given the opportunity to develop not only individual talents, but also the skills and attitudes to make
thoughtful Christian decisions and take positive Christian action as they live out their varying roles in society as the
people of God.
There are 230 students in grades six through twelve. The Upper School enrollment is 150. There are 39 students in
the class of 2015. About half of the 30 full-time faculty hold an advanced degree. The faculty-to-student ratio is
approximately 12 to 1. Required academic class size is 15-25 students.
Concordia Prep will endeavor to maintain an educational environment so that each student through the Word of God
and Spirit may know God and his forgiving love in Christ, and then respond in faith and love, identify himself/herself
as a child of God, and a member of Christ’s body. As such, our prayer is that a Concordia Prep graduate will be
prepared to enter the next phase in his/her life with the firm spiritual, academic, social and physical foundation
developed during his/her years here.
Spiritually a graduate
 actively participates in his/her congregation
 witnesses Christian faith to the world through word and deed
 makes God-pleasing decisions
 lives life as a gift from God
Academically a graduate
 employs critical thinking, analytical, reading and interpretive skills
 utilizes verbal and written skills to communicate effectively with others
 takes initiative, accepts challenges, and embraces life-long learning
 possesses a broad knowledge base
Socially a graduate
 reaches out to others as Jesus reached out to all
 appreciates the variety and value of all of God’s children
 demonstrates the caring love of Christ to all
 works as a team player respecting the opinions and ideas of others
Physically a graduate
 regards his/her body as a gift from God and treats it accordingly
 maintains an active and fit lifestyle
 realizes the precious gift of life and that all people are created in God’s image
Our desire is to send forth a graduate who is a respectful, responsible, resourceful citizen and who demonstrates a
life and work ethic that displays the abilities, talents, and resources God has given him/her. We aim to produce
graduates who live and serve “All to the Glory of God.”
Concordia Prep will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin in the administration of
its educational policies, admission policies, and athletic and other school-administered programs, and guarantees to
all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
Concordia Prep will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, or national or ethnic origin in the employment
of the administrative, teaching, or custodial staffs necessary for the operation of the school.
Hazing Policy
Hazing or initiation activities on the part of Concordia Prep students or organizations sponsored by Concordia
Prepare strictly forbidden. Student participation in any activities that might be dangerous or construed as hazing
and/or physical or sexual harassment may result in one or more of the following consequences:
 Immediate suspension or expulsion from school
 Suspension or removal from the school sponsored organization/team
 Law enforcement referral
When occurring on an athletic team/co-curricular activity, the coach/sponsor, athletic director and principal will
determine appropriate consequences for student(s) involved in acts of hazing, and/or physical or sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Concordia Prep is committed to maintaining a learning environment that is free from all forms of sexual harassment
and in which all employees and students can work and study together comfortably and productively. Concordia Prep
prohibits and will not condone, permit or tolerate any form of sexual harassment. It shall be a violation of this policy
for any student or employee of Concordia Prep to harass a student or an employee through conduct or
communication of a sexual nature as defined by this policy. The Administration of Concordia Prep will act to
investigate all complaints, either formal or informal, verbal or written, of sexual harassment and will discipline any
student or employee who harasses any student or employee of Concordia Preparatory School.
Racial Harassment Policy
The policy of Concordia Prep is to maintain a learning environment for all of its students free from any form of
discrimination or harassment. Concordia Prep promotes educational programs and disciplinary procedures for the
purpose of identifying and eliminating discrimination and harassment in all school activities. Concordia Prep will act
to investigate all complaints of racial harassment.
Concordia Prep will take appropriate action against any pupil, teacher, administrator or other school personnel who
retaliates against any person who reports alleged racial harassment or violence to any person who testifies, assists, or
participates in an investigation, or who testifies, assists or participates in a proceeding relating to such harassment or
violence. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal or harassment.
Racial harassment consists of physical or verbal conduct relating to an individual’s race when the conduct has the
purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment, or adversely interferes with an
individual’s academic performance.
Physical violence includes fighting, destruction of property, hitting, biting, and/or throwing objects. (In the
judgment of the staff the behavior must be intended to harm another person or a deliberate attempt to deface
Emotional or Verbal violence includes swearing, name calling, or any other intended affront to either an individual
or the school. (In the judgment of the staff person the behavior must be intentionally aimed at tearing down another
human being or the school)
Colossians 3:12, 13, 17: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with
compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you
may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgives you. …And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Concordia Prep is committed to providing a safe environment for its students. Thus, any conduct that interferes with
a student’s school progress or creates an intimidating or hostile school environment is prohibited.
A student is bullied when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time to intentional negative actions on the part of
one or more students, and whose ability to participate in and benefit from the school’s educational programs or
activities is adversely affected. Bullying causes harm from repeated negative conduct in a relationship with an
imbalance of power.
Bullying refers to conduct that:
 Adversely affects a student's ability to participate in or benefit from the school's educational programs or
 Is a result of repeated negative actions (intentional, aggressive behavior) by one or more other students over
time; and
 Occurs in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of power.
A student is harassed when he or she perceives or actually experiences discomfort with identity issues in regard to
race, color, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or other identifying characteristics, and
whose ability to participate in and benefit from the school's educational programs or activities is adversely affected.
Harassment causes harm from discriminatory conduct that is pervasive or severe.
Procedures for Bullying Concerns
It is the responsibility of students, staff, parents, volunteers, and visitors to report acts of bullying that occur at
school, on the bus, or at a school-sponsored activity.
The principal and/or the principal’s designee will receive school bullying concerns. Upon being notified of a
concern, the principal or designee will address the situation immediately. All reports of bullying will be taken
In the event that it is determined that a student has violated the above regulations, consequences will be imposed.
Also, counseling will be available for the aggressor and the victim.
Consequences for Bullying and Harassment Behavior
Consequences depend on the nature and severity of the offense, which may include immediate suspension and/or
suspension pursuant to expulsion by principal. The following are examples of potential consequences for bullying
and harassment behaviors:
First Offense
 Complete Bully Reporting Form
 Verbal warning by staff, documented on Bully Reporting Form
 Contact parents
 Principal or designee meets with parents of aggressor
 Police involvement if necessary
Second Offense
 Complete Bully Reporting Form
 Bully Intervention Meeting (documented on Bully Reporting Form)
 Assigned detention or suspension
Third Offense and Beyond
 Complete Bully Reporting Form
 Bully Intervention Meeting with principal or designee – documented on Bully Reporting Form
 Meeting with principal
o Suspension (1-5 days)
o Administrative review for expulsion
o Police involvement
Students are NOT permitted to possess or use alcohol, tobacco, drugs (prescribed or other), drug or alcohol
paraphernalia, or any potentially harmful substance on the campus of Concordia Prep before, during, or after school
or during any school sponsored event. All medications are maintained and dispensed by the school nurse; written
doctor's orders must accompany all medication, prescribed and over-the-counter. Possession and/or use of
medications by students is not permitted on school grounds. (See section HEALTH SERVICES)
Improper use of non-illegal substances (i.e. sniffing agents and other chemicals) is prohibited. Use or possession of
these substances on campus will result in suspension and possible expulsion from school. Parents of any student
violating this policy will be notified immediately. In addition, the proper authorities will also be contacted.
It is the goal of Concordia Prep to have students follow God’s code for sexual behavior as stated in
I Thessalonians 4:3, “for this is the will of God...that you abstain from immorality,” and in I Corinthians 6:13, “...the
body is not meant for immorality, but for the Lord.” However, Concordia Prep recognizes the reality that some
students may become involved in a pregnancy situation. In such situations, we condemn the sexual immorality, not
the resulting life. “...You (God) did knit me together in my mother’s womb...”(Psalm 139). We also desire to
provide for the spiritual nourishment and continued care and love of students in maternal/paternal situations,
recognizing the sin and providing for the restoration of the person(s) involved.
Maternal/paternal situations place stress on the individuals, families, and the school population. Concordia Prep is
not normally equipped to handle these situations. Therefore, it may be best for the students, men and women, to
continue their education in alternate locations. However, sometimes the overall welfare of the individual student and
Concordia Prep may be best served if the student is allowed to continue enrollment at Concordia Prep.
Students who become involved in a maternal/paternal situation must report this condition to the school
administration at the earliest possible opportunity. Students failing to notify the administration within the first
trimester of pregnancy subject themselves to the possibility of expulsion. Once the school has been notified, the
student will be placed on probationary enrollment status for a period of three weeks. During this time the students
involved are to work through the procedures established by the school. The application of the procedures is designed
to address how the spiritual, psychological, physical, and academic needs of the individual student can best be met,
together with the overall welfare of the school and the other students. In order for enrollment to continue, a plan that
includes scriptural study, clinical counseling, health care, and schooling must be approved by a standing committee
appointed each year by the school administration. The composition of such committee is subject to the approval of
the Board of Directors.
Former students wishing to re-enroll, who are married or in maternal/paternal circumstances, must receive approval
from the administration-appointed committee.
During the course of the school year photographs of students participating in a variety of activities may be taken.
The admission application gives parents the choice of whether to allow the use their child’s photos and recordings
for media purposes.
Any photographic image of Concordia Prep, its property, or its employees is strictly prohibited without expressed
written permission of Concordia Prep.
Beginning at the ninth grade level, credits are accumulated for graduation. The minimal number of credits needed to
graduate is 26. Students may be given credit for high school courses taken during middle school; however, these
courses are not counted as part of the 26 credits required for graduation.
Below is a list of the minimum graduation requirements for the 26-credit program. For information on the
requirements for the Christus Honors Program (p. 18), please contact the Director of Guidance.
Social Studies*
Physical Education**
Fine Arts
World Languages
4 credits
4 credits
3 credits--Algebra I & II, Geometry (Concordia Prep strongly recommends
coursework beyond the minimum requirements)
3 credits (Concordia Prep recommends at least 4 credits)
3 credits in lab sciences (Concordia Prep recommends 4 credits)
1-1/2 credits
1/2 credit
1 credit
2 credits in the same language (CONCORDIA PREP strongly recommends 3- 4 credits of
the same language)
4 credits (One of the four units must be in a core subject area: Math, Science, English,
Social Studies)
** Full year classes receive one unit of credit. Semester classes receive one-half unit of credit. The required 1-1/2 units of Physical Education
must include one semester of Health. Students must be academically involved in seven of eight class periods.
Early graduation is not a practice of Concordia. Accomplished students are encouraged to participate in Advanced
Placement courses, the Christus Honors program, and to take advantage of dual credit college courses offered on
campus through Concordia University.
Credits awarded by previous schools may be accepted if they are included in the Concordia Prep curriculum and are
deemed to be of sufficient quality and level, or approved by the Principal. No course grade below “C” is transferable
to Concordia Prep.
College requirements vary depending upon the type of school, the type of majors offered, and the competitive nature
of the college. Most competitive four-year colleges require the following minimum:
Social Studies
Foreign Language
4 credits (Including one Composition, one American Literature, one British Literature)
3 credits (Including U.S. History and American Government)
3-4 credits (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and higher level math courses)
3 credits (Including Biology and Chemistry)
2-4 credits (Two years of the same language)
*Selective colleges and universities require math courses beyond Algebra II for admission.
Placement into non-entry level high school courses (e.g., placement in Geometry instead of Algebra I) requires
official documentation from a student’s former school that he/she successfully completed pre-requisite courses with
at least a final grade of C or higher. Without documentation a student will be placed in an entry level course.
Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II
Students completing Algebra I, Geometry and/or Algebra II with a final grade of C or higher prior to the 9th grade
year will receive high school credit; however, these credits are not counted as part of the 26 credits required for
graduation.* Students taking Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II are required to take the end-of-course exam to
receive high school credit. The grades earned in these courses will not be used to determine the student’s high
school GPA or rank in class.
*Students must still take three credits of Math during grades 9-12.
World Language
Students completing a world language course with a final grade of C or higher prior to 9 th grade will receive high
school credit; however, these credits are not counted as part of the 26 credits required for graduation.* Students
taking a world language are required to take the end-of-course exam to receive high school credit. The grade(s)
earned in a foreign language course will not be used to determine the student’s high school GPA or rank in class.
*Students must still take two credits of a World Language during grades 9-12.
NOTE: No other courses taken during middle school will be counted toward high school credit. Advanced courses
taken during middle school are not counted as part of the 26 credits for graduation.
Concordia Prep is sometimes able to accept transfer students from another school. These may be upper school
students who have already earned credits toward graduation. In addition to meeting the admissions requirements for
any new student, the following also apply to transfer students:
 Class standing is determined by credits previously earned and accepted by earned.
 The Religion requirement is waived for those years the student was attending another school. The student is
only required to take Religion courses for those years in attendance at Baltimore Lutheran. Religion credits
earned at another school will be accepted.
 Credits are only accepted for courses where Concordia Prep offers a comparable course.
 Credits are only accepted for courses in which the student earned a C-equivalent grade or better.
Students are given a window of time to initiate course changes. New courses cannot be added or substituted after
two weeks of a semester have elapsed.
If a student is withdrawing from a course, he/she must complete and submit a course withdrawal form that is signed
by his/her parent. The withdrawal form is placed in the student’s cumulative file. This form may be obtained from
the Guidance Office. A student withdrawing from a course with a passing grade will receive a “WP” on their
transcript that indicates the student was passing at the time of withdrawal. A student withdrawing from a course with
a failing grade (0-64) will receive a “WF” on their transcript. A “WF” counts as a failure. Students may only drop a
class if their schedule permits: Underclassman must be academically involved in seven of eight class periods (with
study hall option). Seniors must be academically involved in six of eight class periods and may select two of three
options—teacher assistant, study hall, free period.
After six weeks, withdrawal from a class results in a “WF” for that course regardless of the grade attained to date.
Students may not withdraw from a semester course after the tenth week. For year-long courses, students may
withdraw prior to the beginning of the fourth quarter and only if the schedule permits it.
Students in a full year (one credit) honors course may change to a regular section of that course at the conclusion of
the first semester. However a student may not, after the first two weeks of the school year, change from a regular
section of a full year (one credit) course to an honors section due to the content that has been covered and the
advancement of teaching and learning that has already occurred in the course.
See the Concordia Prep Curriculum Guide and Appendix III of the Handbook for further information on course
changes and adding/dropping a course.
Academic grades are reported using a percentage grade system. The following scale is used:
Students attaining a grade of 90% or better in an Honors course will have 3% added to their quarter grade. Students
attaining 80-89% will have 2% added to their quarter grade. Students attaining a grade of 70-79% will have 1%
point added to their quarter grade. Honors Points are not added to mid-term grade reports.
The honor and merit rolls are computed at the end of each marking period using quarter grades. In order for a
student to be included in the honor roll, he/she must have an average of at least 90% and no score less than 80%.
Inclusion on the merit roll requires that a student have an average of at least 85% and no score less than 70%.
The criteria for receiving an academic letter/bar are as follows:
1. The student may receive an award for receiving all A-grades (90% and above) for two (2) consecutive
semesters, or
2. For receiving all A- and B- grades (85% and above) for three (3) consecutive semesters, or
3. for receiving all B-grades and higher (80% and above) for five (5) consecutive semesters
Transfer students may receive academic awards after they have completed two (2) semesters at
Concordia Prep provided that their combined record at Concordia Prep and their previous
School meets above criteria.
The award is similar to the athletic letter, but includes an embroidered scroll upon which ACADEMIC is printed.
A student may receive the above embroidered award letter only once. If criterion for receiving an award is met more
than once, academic pins will be awarded on subsequent occasions.
Final exams are held at the conclusion of each semester. The final exam will count as 20% of the final grade if it is a
semester course, or each semester’s final will count as 10% of the final grade for a year-long course (unless
otherwise stated in a course syllabus). Most courses have a final exam or project. Announcements will be made to
the students early in the school year as to which courses will or will not require semester final examinations.
A variety of standardized tests are used or recommended at Baltimore Lutheran. The most common sequence is as
 Grade 9 takes the ACT Aspire in the spring of freshman year.
 Grade 10 takes the PSAT as practice for the SAT in October. On average, students who take the PSAT
earn higher scores on the SAT than those who do not.
 Grade 11 also takes the PSAT/NMSQT in October. For an eleventh grade student this test is a student’s
first official step on the road to college. By taking the PSAT/NMSQT, juniors may be eligible to enter the
National Merit Scholarship Corporation’s scholarship competitions.
 Grades 11 and 12 take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and/or the American College Test (ACT), which
are college entrance exams administered outside of Concordia Prep. It is strongly recommended that
students take these college entrance exams beginning in the second semester of junior year.
Concordia Prep is a college preparatory school. As such, it is essential that students take personal responsibility for
participation in their growth and achievement as they are challenged academically. An important indicator of
academic success is a student’s attitude and approach to daily assignments, projects, and tests. It is expected that
every student will fully complete all homework assignments. Students who demonstrate a consistent lack of
preparation for class will be subject to disciplinary action, including detention, suspension, and expulsion.
Parents can be of greatest assistance to their students by encouraging (and expecting) them to assume the following
 keeping their own assignment book records
 allocating their own time usage
 writing and revising their own work
 seeking clarification directly from their teachers whenever additional explanations are required
It is essential that parents/guardians allow students to learn from their own mistakes and rejoice in their own
successes as they increasingly become more and more independent in their coursework. By taking personal
responsibility in all aspects of their education, students learn to be analytical and to think critically. Individual
responsibility will increase the likelihood of students becoming life-long learners.
Teachers are responsible for communicating their homework policies to students at the beginning of courses through
their syllabi. Teachers’ syllabi include late-work policy, policy for work missed because of an absence, and their
policy for extra-credit work.
Types of Homework
1. Preparation Homework - helps students prepare for the next day’s lesson.
2. Practice Homework - provides review and reinforcement necessary to learn.
3. Extension Homework - guides students so they can expand and apply concepts taught in class.
4. Creative Homework - encourages students to develop their own ideas related to a class topic.
Frequency and Amount of Homework
1. Students will be expected to complete an average of the following number of minutes of homework for all
their subjects combined:
a. Grade 9 is typically about 2 hours per night
b. Grades 10-12 is 2 to 3 hours per night
c. This expectation does not include time spent reviewing and preparing for quizzes and tests.
2. Weekends and holiday breaks may be used to complete make-up work and long-term assignments and
Homework Requests Due to Absences
1. Students are responsible for finding out what assignments were missed and complete them upon their return.
2. For absences of three days or longer, parents should contact the attendance office at ext. 229 before 9:00 a.m.
to request their student’s missing assignments. The attendance office will request that teachers e-mail the
student's assignments and classwork by 3:00 p.m. The collected work will then be disseminated at that time.
3. For a school-approved extended absences, teachers will determine a reasonable due date and communicate
that in writing to the student. Keep a copy of the form in your records.
Student Responsibilities
1. Carry assignment planner throughout the day.
2. Record all assignments in the planner every day.
3. Understand how to complete all homework assignments before leaving school. Take the time to question
teacher(s) if unclear about assignment expectations.
4. Take home all necessary materials to complete your assignments.
5. Schedule and organize time for homework that is compatible with extra-curricular activities.
6. Complete all assignments, regularly observing high standards of neatness and quality.
7. Strive to turn in every assignment on time.
8. Understand consequences for missing deadlines (late assignments and late projects).
9. When returning from an absence, promptly complete all assignments that were missed.
Parent Responsibilities
1. Familiarize yourself with the homework policies and procedures in your student’s classes.
2. Provide a place for your student to study. Encourage him/her to develop good study habits.
3. Encourage the use of the Concordia Prep planner to increase organizational skills. Check the planner
4. Guide or assist in homework when unusual difficulties arise; never do the homework for your student.
5. Initiate regular communication with your student’s teachers, especially if your student has difficulties with
assignments, concepts, and directions.
6. Make a homework request when your student will be absent for three or more days by contacting the
attendance office at x229.
7. Provide educational activities that broaden your student’s interests while away from school.
8. Understand consequences for missing assignments (late assignments and late projects).
Consequences for Not Submitting Homework
1. Grades tend to be lower for students who have not completed homework assignments.
2. Privileges at school may be limited if students do not complete assignments.
3. Co-curricular ineligibility may result.
Students have one day for each day of an excused absence to make up daily work. Tests, quizzes, or work assigned
for the first day absent are due the first day back. Field trips, co-curricular activities, performances, planned
absences and appointments do not merit an extra day to turn in work. Students are responsible for all work as if they
were in class. Students should see their teachers before or after classes to obtain make-up work. Long-term projects
are due on the assigned day even if a student is absent. (See course syllabi for additional homework policies.)
If a student is marked "unexcused absence" due to non-payment of tuition, the student is not able to make-up any
work and receives zeros for those assignments.
Study halls at Concordia Prepare designed to provide students time during the school day to accomplish the
following objectives:
 A quiet time to do homework or enrich themselves in a mentally stimulating way.
 An opportunity to take care of school related items which would otherwise detract from classroom time.
The following expectations should be realized in all study halls in order to accomplish these two objectives:
 All students are to be mentally active with quiet study, reading, or other approved enrichment activity.
 Adequate materials are to be brought to study hall class so that the entire time is used wisely.
 Using the resources of the school library by permission with a pass from the classroom teacher secured
ahead of time.
 The classroom teacher or administrator may use this time to see a student for class work, make-up work, or
counseling. The student would have the same option to request to see a teacher or administrator.
Guidelines for Tutors Working with Concordia Prep Upper School Students
It is Concordia Prep’s position that our students need to be actively involved in helping themselves in their academic
success. Therefore, staff and administration have developed a protocol to assist students’ proactive involvement in
the tutoring arrangement.
First Step. In order to encourage the student’s personal responsibility, the student should be actively involved in the
process and be first in the line of assistance. Tutored students are expected to
 provide class syllabi, assignment protocol, and other relevant information to the tutor.
 provide an organizational tool, such as planner, assignment sheet, or assignment booklet that the tutor will
 provide class materials, such as texts, handouts, notes, etc. to the tutor.
Second Step. Because a parent has entered into a contract with a tutor, the parent must be the primary contact with
the teacher. Parents play a crucial role in the tutoring equation. When contacting a teacher, a parent is asked to
 talk to their student first to identify what the student cannot provide for the tutor without parental
 be mindful of teachers’ workloads.
 initiate e-mails to teachers rather than asking teachers to keep them abreast of progress.
 limit the number of e-mails to once a week on their child’s behalf.
Our teachers have a goal of returning all emails as quickly as possible and are asked to do so within 24 hours.
Third Step. The tutor’s direct involvement with Concordia Prep may be warranted after the student and parent have
met their responsibilities as outlined above, but additional intervention/assistance is required. The tutor will
 first contact the student’s school counselor to determine the need to contact teachers.
 file a Mutual Exchange of Information document with the counselor allowing tutors to be provided
information on their client.
Only after these two steps have been completed should a teacher be contacted directly by a tutor. If a tutor does not
follow this protocol, teachers have been instructed to forward e-mails and redirect phone calls to the student’s
Definition of Tutor and Limitations
At Concordia Prep, personal tutors are defined as people employed privately to augment a student’s learning. Tutors
may assist students in their quest to become academically successful through encouragement, support, clarification,
inquiry, and alternative approaches to conveying concepts being taught.
With that in mind, Concordia Prep reminds tutors of their limitations in assisting a student. The following guidelines
should be observed:
The tutor may offer guidance in process and organization, provide additional examples/practice or
alternate presentation of homework, but must not compromise a student’s assignment.
Academic work is foremost a student’s responsibility and should be student driven.
Work submitted by a student must resemble the level of their classroom work that has been shown
Homework and formal assignments must remain in control of the student.
All tests are to be administered by the instructor or the instructor’s designee
Concordia Prep can provide limited space for a tutor to meet with a student during the school day; however, this
space is limited to availability. The space cannot be dedicated to tutoring; therefore, most tutoring must occur offsite
or after the school day. If Concordia Prep facilities are used by the tutor, there is a fee assessed. Upon arrival to
tutor a student, the tutor must check in at the school’s office and submit their driver’s license to obtain a visitor’s
pass. The tutor may not roam the school’s hallways/grounds, observe classes, obtain materials from a student’s
lockers, or other actions which may be intrusive to the school’s daily operations. If a tutor requests to sit in a
student’s class or help with organizing a locker, written parental permission must be given to the principal’s office
and the principal must also consent. If permission is granted, it will be for a limited and not ongoing basis.
The tutor does not have access to the school’s work areas, such as copy machines, printers, phones, etc. Therefore if
the tutor needs to make copies of materials, they may request to use a pay copier at the school or to have copies
made in the office at a charge of a nickel per copy.
If a tutor fails to meet the onsite tutoring guidelines of Concordia Prep, permission to tutor onsite will be revoked.
Concordia Prep expects its students to uphold the highest standards of honesty and integrity. To affirm and reinforce
this fundamental tenet, students are required at the beginning of each school year to sign the following statement:
“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31
As a student at Concordia Prep, I understand and accept my responsibility to uphold the Honor Code at all times. I
agree to the following:
 I will not improperly give or receive any material or information for any school assignment or
 I will not use or submit any material published or presented by any other person without
proper citations (plagiarism).
 I will not alter or misuse any academic record.
 I will conduct myself honestly in all academic matters.
See Appendix IV for Honor Pledge agreement.
This signed statement will be kept on file. Then, for each piece of work that is submitted for grading, the student’s
signature on the work is an indication that the student has been faithful to the original pledge. At times during the
year, a teacher may require that a student write and/or sign the Honor Statement when submitting work or testing.
Any student work/quiz/exam found to be in violation of the Honor Code will be dealt with as per the “Cheating”
section of the Concordia Prep Parent-Student Handbook.
In a Christian community the expectation is that cheating does not occur. Concordia Prep defines it in the following
 Purchasing or obtaining materials already submitted and returned (tests, etc.)
 Copying homework, test, and/or quiz answers from others
 Submitting old assignments as new work, or cutting and pasting assignments from previous work and
passing it off as new answers
 Plagiarism, which is “the taking of ideas and passing them off as one’s own” (e.g. copying reports from the
encyclopedia and other sources, but failing to include notation to indicate such). Please see Appendix V
and the Concordia Prep writing packet for more information.
 Using “crib sheets” during quizzes and/or tests
 Allowing family members or friends to do projects for you
 Selling or providing old tests and term papers to other students
 Sharing answers, assignments, or other classwork with other students, voluntarily or by request
 Improper documentation of internet sources
 Intentionally or knowingly helping, or attempting to help, commit another act of academic dishonesty.
 Use of computer translator, or other translator, for foreign language help (unless specifically approved by
the instructor for that course).
 Cheating on a semester exam may result in immediate expulsion.
The aforementioned definitions and examples are not meant to be exhaustive. Concordia Prep reserves the right to
determine, in a given instance, what action constitutes a violation of academic integrity. Students who are cheating
will receive a zero for the assignment in question and face disciplinary consequences which may include suspension
from school. Subsequent episodes of cheating may result in failing the course in which the episode of cheating has
Students, parents, and teachers can monitor academic progress in the following ways throughout the year:
 Assignment Planner. An assignment planner is distributed to all students for their regular use. Here
students and parents can keep track of upcoming homework, tests, quizzes, projects, etc. Accuracy of
planner is the sole responsibility of the student.
 Sharpschool Reports. Each student and parent is issued a Sharpschool account at the beginning of the year
to carry with them throughout their Concordia Prep career. Sharpschool allows each class to have a
webpage set up to be used as the teachers see most effective for their classrooms. Student grade reports will
be available through Sharpschool (updated by teachers at least every two weeks) to provide a report to
parents and students between mid-term and quarter report cards.
 Mid-Term Reports. Mid-term reports will be issued mid-way through each of the four quarters
(approximately the 4.5 week mark). The purpose of the mid-term report is to notify parents of their
student’s progress at the midpoint of each quarter. These reports approximate grades within five percentage
points. Mid-term grades are neither “permanent” nor are they recorded on student transcripts. Parents are
encouraged to initiate contact with teachers during the quarter if they have concerns about their student’s
 Report Cards. Report cards are issued after each quarter of the school year. Final grades for semester
classes will be determined by using the first and second quarter report card grades and semester exam
grades, where applicable. Final grades for full-year classes will be determined by using all four report card
grades and the semester exam grades, where applicable.
Concordia Prep reserves the right to withhold release of current report cards until time-sensitive student
commitments (e.g., library fines, sports uniform turn-ins, etc.) have been satisfied.
These conferences occur during the school year by appointment and should be viewed as a time for parents to meet
with teachers to discuss their student’s academic progress. Dates and times of conferences appear on the school
calendar. Please call at least two days in advance for an appointment.
Continued enrollment in Concordia Prep is subject to any and all of the following:
 Parental and student support of the mission of the school as documented in the handbook
 Consistent display of appropriate Christian behavior
 Observation of all school rules as set out in the school handbook including--but not limited to--general
behavior, academic performance, and attendance.
 Maintenance of a demonstrably effective and supportive relationship between the school, parents/guardians,
and student
 Adhering to Concordia Prep’s academic policy
Re-enrollment in any subsequent year is subject to mutual agreement. That agreement may be withheld with or
without cause by either the school or the parents/guardians. Also, each student’s attendance, academic record and
disciplinary record will be evaluated during the school year for continuing enrollment during the current school year,
and at the end of the school year to determine whether a student has successfully progressed to be re-enrolled. (The
Concordia Prep administrative team examines school records to make such determination.) If a student is deemed
ineligible for re-enrollment, all fees paid to that point will be forfeited.
Students are re-enrolled on the following basis:
 Policies for Continued Enrollment as stated above, as well as…
 Successful completion of all courses with passing grades (65% or better)
Students who fail three courses (three semester-long, three year-long, or any combination thereof) are not allowed to
return the following year.
Concordia Pre preserves the right to determine any exceptions to this policy.
As a college preparatory school, Concordia Prep expects students to be diligent in their pursuit of academic
excellence. Students who do not show sufficient academic progress indicate that their educational needs may be
better addressed in another institution.
Students are promoted on the following basis:
 all courses are completed successfully with passing grades (65% or better).
 all academic failures in courses required for graduation must be made up in Summer School.
Class standings for each upper school level are as follows:
0-6 credits freshman status
14-20 credits junior status
7-13 credits sophomore status
21 credits and above senior status
Concordia Prep does not conduct its own summer school program (except for Upper School Religion) but will
provide information on available programs. Physical Education and many elective courses are not offered in Summer
School. Parents are responsible for making Summer School arrangements for their student should the need arise.
Any failure of a Religion class must be taken at Concordia Prep. Concordia Prep's Religion Summer School course is
Pass/Fail; the final grade for the semester that was failed will show as a 65% on the student’s transcript. If a student
fails to make up a Religion failure in Summer School, he/she may not be readmitted to Concordia Prep.
It should be noted that students may take a maximum of two classes in Summer School. Note: Fewer schools are
offering Summer School courses because of online options that are available. Please contact the Academic Dean,
Mrs. Grill, at extension 235 regarding acceptable Summer School course options in the Baltimore area as well as
acceptable online courses offered by accredited educational institutions. A student must earn a “C” or better in the
approved Summer School course to receive credit from Concordia Prep.
The Summer School grade does not replace any failing grade earned during the regular school year, including any
fourth quarter grade. The grade will be printed on the student’s transcript as a separate Summer School grade.
Upper School students are recognized for various achievements while at Baltimore Lutheran. Awards are given for
academics, fine arts, athletics, and for service. An evening awards ceremony is held in the spring to recognize
The presence of a wireless network at Concordia Prep provides a virtually unlimited supply of resources and
information to the school community; it also places a great deal of responsibility on all users. All Concordia Prep
policies, particularly those pertaining to dishonesty and harassment, apply to all uses of computers and related
technologies. Ethical, legal, and Christian standards that apply to information technology resources are derived
directly from our relationship with God and to others through Him. Any user must adhere to the same code of
conduct that governs all other aspects of behavior within the Concordia community. All users of information
technology resources will be expected to communicate in a responsible, polite, and Christ-centered manner.
Students may use technology and/or access wireless network when they have expressed permission from the
appropriate instructor(s). Students may use technology devices for the purpose of completing assignments, doing
review work, or supplementing classroom lessons. Each student and a parent must read and sign a “Technology Use
Agreement” before being allowed access to the Concordia Prep computer network. See Appendix VI for
Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
The purpose of the library is to promote study and selection of books and educational resource materials. During
school hours, students may visit the library with a teacher’s permission. Each student must obtain a library pass from
the teacher of his/her class, sign in upon arriving at the library, and sign out when returning to the original class. The
library is available before and after school for student use. Talking is kept to a minimum. Students are sent back to
class if they disturb others or the librarian. Books normally circulate for a three-week period.
Upon admission to Concordia Prep each student receives a school library account. When a student checks out a
book he/she is agreeing to the following:
1. Returning the book(s) by the due date or paying $.10 per book per day for each day the item is overdue.
2. Paying for a lost book.
Failure to comply with the agreement will result in the student’s report card being withheld until the situation is
resolved. Library privileges may be suspended or revoked.
The STAR (Student Aid and Resource) Program began in 1975. The STAR Program is designed to assist the
student with learning disabilities to successfully complete the course work requirements at Concordia Prep. Students
are fully integrated into our college preparatory curriculum program and must fulfill school and state requirements.
The services provided in the STAR Program are varied and depend upon student needs and the
recommendations contained in a current psycho-educational evaluation. The student must have a diagnosed learning
disability to apply for the program. STAR services may include test-taking modifications, organizational skills,
study strategies, monitoring of homework, assistance with written work, tutoring in difficult subject areas, regular
review of progress, and computer resources. The STAR Program is not a remediation service, but rather assists the
student to “learn how to learn.”
The Concordia Prep Christus Honor s Program is designed to challenge the exceptional student by enriching the
overall educational experience. The Christus Honors Program is a combination of curriculum offerings at Concordia
Prep and other required components. These include a choice of two of the following options: service learning of
twenty hours per year; vocational internship for at least two semesters, which can include the summer; and church
worker vocational track.
Christus Honors Scholars will take Honors or Advanced Placement courses when offered. Scholars will be evaluated
each semester. Students must maintain a B- or better for each required course. If a student drops below the required
3.50 GPA, they may be dropped from the program. Also, a student may be removed from the program because of his
or her behavioral record.
The National Honor Society inducts into membership Concordia Prep Upper School students who have
demonstrated excellence in the four areas of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Those students in grades
10, 11, and 12 who have attended Concordia Prep for at least one semester and who have maintained a 3.3 GPA are
nominated by the faculty council for membership in the Society during the spring of each year. Nominated students
must submit their written application, personal references (personal references must submit their letter affirming the
applicant by the due date), and essay referencing their qualities of leadership, character, scholarship and service to
the NHS Sponsor by the given due date. Failure to have any of the required material in by the due date will prevent
the applicant from being reviewed. In addition to sterling academic achievements, prospective members must have
performed a minimum of 30 hours of service outside the Concordia Prep community. As part of the nomination
process, the faculty council also evaluates prospective members in the areas of leadership and Christian character.
Once inducted into the National Honor Society, members must continue to maintain a 3.3 GPA and to strengthen
their Christian character by seeking further opportunities for leadership and service. To ensure that each of these
four standards is upheld, memberships are re-evaluated by the faculty council at the end of each semester.
One way to be involved in school is to be elected to Student Government. Student government is a group that
represents the student body’s ideas and feelings to the school. The representatives meet together and discuss ideas
and plan school events. In addition to student government, one may also run for a class office. Being a class officer
will mean organizing class events and working closely with student government to provide school-wide events.
Requirements for SGA and class officers are as follows:
1. Students must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
2. Students must exhibit a Christian lifestyle.
3. Students must have shown previous interest by serving on a committee or participating in a class
4. Students must submit completed Candidate Nomination Form.
5. Student endorsements must be from a candidate's grade.
Student Government Candidate Nomination Form is located in Appendix VII. Form is available from class advisors,
Concordia Prep is a specific community within the Body of Christ and, as such, is bound by the Word of God in all
things. The rules and regulations of the school are to be considered either as extensions of the Law of God or as
codes of conduct that enable the church body to do all things decently and in order. The Scriptures describe persons
as being incapable of perfect obedience to any set of laws. Therefore, the Concordia Prep community will also find
itself confronting the problems caused by the sins and offenses of sinful people.
One of the unique features of Christian discipline is that it does not force or coerce correct behavior by the use of
power. Christian discipline aims at a change in the individual’s heart so that he/she will no longer desire to engage in
the improper behavior.
Unfortunately, there are those who do not respond with repentance and who maintain an attitude of rebellion. For
such God has offered His people the guidelines presented in Matthew Chapter 18. These guidelines for Christian
discipline emphasize the need for repentance, honest sorrow over the offense, and a sincere desire to change.
Repeated failure to respond with repentance, results in the removal of the individual from the community of
believers. Such a removal of the individual is an act of love inasmuch as it states that the community has exhausted
its resources in attempting to lead the person to repentance and now removes the individual in order to show him/her
that an unrepentant life has already separated him/her from God and fellow believers.
We trust that each of our students desires to grow in the area of Christian self-discipline. It is our desire and intent to
assist the student. We shall work with the student until the student indicates that he/she either does not desire that
help or is incapable of living within such a self-disciplined community. At that point the student will be counseled to
find another school.
Should Concordia Prep become aware of behaviors that endanger a student’s own spiritual, physical, or emotional
health, safety, or reputation or those of another person, or the reputation of Concordia Prep whether the student is or
is not directly under the jurisdiction of the school, Concordia Prep reserves the right to inform the student and
parents. Should knowledge of such behavior—even though it may occur outside the jurisdiction of the school—
negatively affect the school community, Concordia Prep reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including
School rules are in effect whenever the student is on campus or participating in a school event. Disciplinary
measures will be taken when the student’s behavior warrants such action. A referral form carried home by the
student each time he/she is referred to the principal by a teacher will serve as notification to the student’s parents.
These forms are to be signed and returned to the Principal’s Office the next school day. (See Appendix VIII)
Further contact with parents may take the form of an e-mail, letter, phone conference, or in-person conference with
the parent(s) and student. Contact will take place at the discretion of the principal or when requested by the parent.
It should be noted that parents will be contacted each time a student is to be suspended from school, leaves school
property without permission, or cuts classes.
Should a student continue to exhibit inappropriate behaviors, the following procedure will be used:
 For class disruptions/insubordinations: Automatic detention per incident
 For violations: Starting with #2, a detention may be given for each occurrence
Saturday Detention is the only detention offered by Concordia Prep. Students who miss a scheduled detention will
be scheduled for an additional detention. If a student continues to miss their scheduled detention they may be
suspended or expelled for failure to adhere to Concordia Prep’s disciplinary policy. If a student is ill on the
scheduled detention date, a parent/guardian must contact the school at extension 230 to schedule another detention
Detentions will be issued for the following:
 Each dress code violation starting with the second for the same violation and the third for
cumulative violations (One-hour detention, 9-10 a.m.)
 Each tardy starting with the fifth (One-hour detention, 9-10 a.m.)
 Other referrals may be assigned a one-hour Saturday (9-10 a.m.) detention or a two-hour Saturday
(9-11 a.m.) detention
The student will be assessed a fee of $5 for each one-hour Saturday morning detention and $10 for each two-hour
detention. The fee must be paid to the detention monitor upon entering the detention room. If a student does not pay
the fee, he/she will be assigned an additional detention with an additional fee.
Students must be in dress code, unless otherwise stated, and be on time to attend detention. Failure to arrive on time
or out of dress code will result in the student not being admitted to detention and an additional detention with an
additional fee will be assigned. At the discretion of the detention monitor, detentions may include quiet time,
detention homework assignment, or work duty. Students may be suspended for the eighth referral (this is a
cumulative total which includes referrals given for any reason) and each one thereafter. If a student receives an
excessive number of referrals, they may be expelled from Concordia Prep. (See Appendix IX for further detention
Suspensions remove a student from all school sponsored activities on the day suspended. A suspension will result in
a 2% reduction in the student’s grade for each day of suspension served during the marking period. All work missed
during suspension needs to be made up. The following carry a minimum automatic multiple-day suspension from
school, but may also result in a longer suspension or even expulsion:
 Fighting—in the judgment of the teacher, physical contact was made with another student out of anger
 Stealing
 Vandalism—including but not limited to willful or malicious destruction of property
 Smoking /possession of tobacco and/or tobacco products/use of illegal substances—on and around school
 Items not listed above but deemed by the upper school principal to be so serious in nature to warrant such a
discipline action
Please Note: Concordia Prep does not condone any pranks, including but not limited to senior pranks, and will deal
with them in disciplinary terms.
Any student receiving three suspensions in a school year, or a cumulative total of five suspensions while at
Concordia Prep, will be subject to expulsion.
Students exhibiting the following behavior subject themselves to possible expulsion:
 Failure to respond to the disciplinary structure
 Using, possessing, selling, or being under the influence of any illegal drug (including alcoholic beverages)
on campus or during a school function or activity. Parents and the proper law enforcement authorities will
be notified as part of the procedure
 Verbal and/or physical threat or assault
 Cheating on semester finals
 Any other severe negative behavior
 5 or more suspensions, cumulative, while at Concordia Prep
Concordia Prep Appeal Procedure for Multiple Day Suspension or Expulsion:
Within three school days following the disciplinary procedure, the student or his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) may, by
written request to the Headmaster, appeal the disciplinary decision. The Headmaster will convene a panel of three
administrators, which will include the Headmaster, but will not include the administrator initiating the disciplinary
procedure. The review panel will convene no more than three school days after the appeal has been received. The
panel will hear information presented by the student/family as well as information submitted by the administrator
initiating the disciplinary action. The review panel may affirm the disciplinary action, increase or decrease the
disciplinary action, or reverse the disciplinary action. The review panel will have a decision within two school days
following the review by the panel. If the review panel affirms or determines a disciplinary action, the disciplinary
action will be placed on the student’s disciplinary record.
Many colleges/universities request information from applicants regarding their prior major disciplinary history that
may have resulted in suspension and/or expulsion from any current or previous school. Should a college/university to
which a student has formally applied for admission request information from Concordia Prep regarding the
student’s/applicant’s disciplinary record, such factual information will be released by the school. Also, should a
significant change in an applicant’s academic status or qualifications—including disciplinary record—occur between
the time of formal application (and/or acceptance) and graduation, the school will report such information to the
college/university to which a student has formally applied.
Students will respect all people, including themselves, and all property, including their own, at all times. School
rules are in effect whenever the student is on campus or participating in a school event.
Crude, profane, and obscene language/gestures in written, visual, or verbal form is rude and not befitting a Christian.
An automatic one-hour detention will be given, continued use demonstrates insubordination and may result in
suspension. Depending on the severity, such behavior may result in a suspension or even expulsion.
Cutting class is defined as an unexcused departure from the school schedule and warrants immediate disciplinary
action. Students may not leave class unless given a pass from the teacher to do so, except in emergencies. Any
student who is in another part of the campus during class hours must be there with permission from a teacher. If a
student is more than five minutes late for a class (without an excused pass), it will be regarded as cutting class and
will be dealt with accordingly. Students who cut a class may be suspended from school.
At all times, students will:
 Refrain from running in the hallways.
 Keep an open path in hallways.
 Use waste containers to dispose of trash.
 Refrain from loud or boisterous behavior and horseplay.
 No open containers (food/drink other than water, candy, etc.) in the hallways or lockers before, during, or
after school. A location will be designated for consumption of beverages and food before and after school.
There are certain areas of the campus that are off limits to students. These areas include the woods, the stream, the
parking lot, the teacher workrooms (except when given a pass by a teacher), the gym more than ten minutes before
school begins or when not in P.E. class, and the lunchroom (except when it is that student’s lunchtime). Students
who are found to be in an off-limits area(s) are subject to disciplinary action. Students are not to be on campus
during non-school hours (except for school-sponsored activities) unless they are supervised by appropriate school
Respect for oneself and for others makes kissing, embracing, and other types of public display of intimate behavior
inappropriate for school and school activities. The school’s disciplinary policy will be followed for any violations of
public displays of affection.
Once a student comes onto school grounds, he/she must remain until he/she leaves for home. Students not
participating in an after-school activity should depart from campus by 3:30 p.m. Students are not required to remain
on campus after their last class while waiting for an after-school activity to begin.
Chewing gum is destructive to school property and is not permitted on campus. Chewing of gum results in an
automatic detention. Continued use demonstrates insubordination and may result in suspension.
Food products and beverages other than water are not to be consumed in the hallways or school buildings during the
school day. Students may consume water from clear water bottles or from water fountains located throughout the
school. Eating and drinking is permitted in the lunchroom during school or in designated areas on the grounds, but
only during assigned lunch periods. Open drinks and food containers should never to be placed in lockers.
Exceptions to the above policy may be approved by the principal or his designee upon request from a teacher.
Students are to remain in the cafeteria for the entire lunch period. Students are to be on time to lunch and may use
the restrooms or phone only with permission from the lunchroom supervisors. The cleanliness and good order of this
area are the responsibility of the individual student. Conversational tones are to be used. Seniors are permitted to
eat lunch in the area outside the lunchroom when weather permits. This privilege is dependent upon proper care of
the outside area and furniture. Seniors electing to eat in the lunchroom must remain there until prayer and dismissal
by the supervising teacher. Students may not have lunch delivered unless the principal or his designee gives prior
Students are to be helpful in keeping the school clean. Littering classrooms, bathrooms, hallways, school grounds,
etc. does not reflect good stewardship practices and will not be tolerated.
All school-owned books are to be covered. Book socks may not be used to cover school-owned books. Fines are
assessed at the end of the course for abused or missing books. Fines are assessed as a percentage of the total price of
the text—textbook prices usually range from $20-$120. Students will be expected to pay the purchase price of any
books that are missing at the end of the course. (See Appendix X)
Students are expected to represent Concordia Prep admirably while on field trips. Students should follow the school
sponsored dress code guidelines when attending school field trips unless otherwise announced by the principal or
supervising teacher. All other guidelines of behavior and decorum will be enforced on field trips. Students who
have not demonstrated proper behavior or who are deficient academically may be denied the opportunities of offcampus field trips.
There are currently four scheduled dances for the school year: Homecoming, Junior Ring Dance, Spring Dance, and
Prom. For these dances to be held, there must be at least four faculty and one administrator scheduled as
Students and their dates must dress in an appropriate fashion.
Students may only bring one person to the dance. He/she must be of the opposite sex. Guest may not exceed 20
years of age.
3. All coats and purses must be checked in the lunchroom for dances held in the gym. Nothing may be carried
downstairs. If a student needs something from her purse, she must remove it in front of the chaperone and return
it as soon as she is finished with it.
4. No one is to leave the quad area immediately outside the upstairs door of the LAC.
5. Students must remain once they enter a social activity. If students leave the activity, they may not return to
school grounds.
6. There is to be no loitering in cars on the parking lot and no returning to cars during the dance.
7. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the school grounds.
8. Anyone possessing or under the influence of drugs or alcoholic beverages will be liable to expulsion from
school. Parents will be called immediately to come for the student.
9. There is a two-strike policy for inappropriate dancing. Students will be asked to stop the first time. If they have
to be reminded again, they will be asked to leave.
10. Rules are printed on the tickets and apply to CONCORDIA PREP students and their dates. The purchase of a
ticket indicates the student’s acceptance of these rules.
11. Middle School students may not attend Upper School socials and dances. Likewise, Upper School students may
not attend Middle School socials and dances.
12. Only bottled water, which will be provided, may be drunk.
All dance styles must comply with standards of Christian morality, standards that include modesty and safety. School
personnel will be the final judges of the appropriateness of dance style. School personnel will confront any student
behavior or dancing deemed inappropriate. Inappropriate dancing includes, but is not limited to, the following:
“grinding,” slam dancing, break dancing, moshing, “freaking,” suggestive, dangerous or otherwise inappropriate
Students violating any of these rules may have their parents phoned and may be asked to leave the dance. Students
who are in violation of school policies will also be subject to school disciplinary procedures. Behavior regulations
and school policies apply to school dances, on or off campus.
Students are expected to be clean and neat in their personal appearance, observing standards of modesty, moderation,
and good taste. Clothing should be clean, hemmed, and in good repair. Clothing displaying any offensive or
sexually suggestive language, or anything related to tobacco products, alcohol, or other illegal drugs, will not be
permitted. Any interpretation and judgment in these matters lies with school personnel supervising the dance or
social activity.
Any boy who attends a dance must:
 Wear shirts with sleeves which must be tucked into pants or extend below the waistline
 Wear pants (short or long) secured at the waist (shorts must be dress style, not gym or team shorts)
 Wear shoes at all times and remove hats for the duration of the dance.
Any girl who attends a dance must:
 Refrain from wearing overly tight (spandex) pants or shorts, as well as shorts, skirts, and dresses shorter
than midpoint between the crease of the upper leg and top of the knee.
 Avoid dresses or skirts with slits that end above the aforementioned midpoint.
 Avoid blouses, dresses, and tops that are strapless as well as tube tops, halter tops, or tops that are low cut,
off the shoulder, or that show a bare back or midriff
 Wear shoes at all times and remove hats for the duration of the dance
See Appendix XI for Additional Dance Attire Requirements.
Any student who wishes to bring a guest from another school or a non-Concordia Prep student to a Concordia Prep
dance or social activity must follow the following procedure:
 Two weeks prior to the dance/social activity, guest passes will be available from the principal or main office
 Passes must be filled out completely. Guest must obtain appropriate signatures.
 The guest pass must be returned to the principal or main office designee one week prior to the dance/social
 The principal or main office designee will verify information on the guest pass and approve or deny the
guest pass.
 The Concordia Prep student bringing a guest must pick up the approved guest pass from the principal or
main office designee prior to the dance/social activity.
 Along with the guest pass, the guest must present their school photo ID at the door.
 If the guest is a not a student, a driver’s license or other photo ID is to be presented.
 Guest age is grades 9-12; the guest may not exceed 20 years of age.
 Guest must adhere to the same dress, school policies, and eligibility as Concordia Prep students.
When the fire bell sounds, students are to leave the building under the direction of teachers as specified on the chart
located in each room. Students are to walk quietly until well away from the building. Students are to remain with
their class at the assigned position so that attendance may be checked.
Students who find it necessary to depart during the school day for medical or other acceptable reasons must be given
permission to do so from office personnel. No student will be allowed to leave school without parental permission.
All students must adhere to the following procedure:
Office personnel must speak with parent or receive a note from a parent requesting an early release for an
approved reason
Student receives pass to present to his/her teacher
Student must sign the check-out sheet which is located in the main office
If a student leaves during the school day, he/she is responsible for all missed work
Upon return to school a signed slip from the doctor must be given to the attendance secretary or the
absence will be counted as unexcused until a slip from the doctor is provided
If a student is returning to school during the same school day, the student must sign-in with the main office
Failure to follow this procedure may result in disciplinary action, which may include suspension.
Seniors are allowed to schedule a free period only if it can be arranged for the last period of the school day. All
seniors requesting a senior free period must submit a “Senior Early Release and Permission Form,” which may be
obtained principal or main office designee. Any senior with a free period who receives a failing grade on his/her
report card will have the free period replaced by a study hall. In this event, the student will be notified in writing and
the change will be effective the second week of the following quarter. (See Appendix XII for more information.)
A student’s person, locker, automobile, or other property may be searched while on school grounds if there is cause
to believe the student is in violation of city, state, federal law, or school regulations.
Students are NOT permitted to possess or use alcohol, tobacco, drugs, drug or alcohol paraphernalia, or any
potentially harmful substance on the campus of Concordia Prep before, during, or after school.
 Use of any un-prescribed medication is not permitted on school grounds. (See Health Services)
 Improper use of non-illegal substances (i.e. sniffing agents and other chemicals) is prohibited.
 Use or possession of these substances on campus will result in suspension and possible expulsion from
For both health and safety reasons, no one is permitted to bring pets into the buildings, or on the grounds of
Concordia Prep during the school day and/or for any school sponsored event or activity. Administrative exception is
needed for any special circumstances (e.g., visual assistance animals).
The act of having, using, or threatening to use any weapon or instrument capable of inflicting bodily injury is strictly
prohibited. If it is determined that any student has brought a dangerous weapon to school or possesses a dangerous
weapon at school or in a weapon-free school zone, that student shall be expelled.
Dangerous weapons include:
 any firearm, including a starter gun or BB gun
 any firearm muffler or firearm silencer
 any explosives, bombs, or poisonous gas device
 any dagger, dirk, stiletto knife, knives with a blade over 3-inches in length, pocket knife, switch blade, iron
bar, or brass knuckles
 any instrument that is a “look-a-like” weapon or instrument (i.e. starter pistols, rubber knives, comb
switchblades, souvenir or collectable weapons, toys guns, etc.)
A weapon-free school zone means school property or property used to sponsor a school event or a vehicle used by a
school to transport students to or from school property. School officials are required to contact the parent or guardian
and the local police agency when a student is found in possession of any weapon.
Backpack style book bags must be stored in lockers and are not to be carried to class. Students may carry sling type
bags, and laptop/messenger style bags.
Cell phones can be disruptive to the academic environment. In addition, cell phones have the ability to compromise
the academic integrity of an educational institution. If cell phones or personal communication devices are brought to
school, they are not to ring (They should be on vibrate mode.) and cause disruption during classes. Cell phones that
are in a student’s possession must be kept in their pocket or purse unless otherwise instructed. Phones that are
disruptive to the learning process may be confiscated and returned at the end of the instructional day—disciplinary
action may result as well. During school hours the use of cell phones for talking, texting, photography, and other
social media is prohibited, except in case of emergency or with expressed teacher permission for academic purposes.
For emergencies, students must report to the main office for permission to use the phone. Concordia Prep will not
be held responsible for stolen, misplaced, or damaged cell phones, beepers, or other electronic devices.
The taking of photographic images of students or faculty during the school day is prohibited. Cell phones and
other devices capable of taking photographs are expressly prohibited in bathrooms and locker rooms.
Students who take pictures of themselves or others in prohibited areas may be suspended and/or expelled.
Posting of such photographs on social media and/or sharing these images can result in expulsion.
The playing of MP3 players, iPods, handheld gaming devices, radios, CD players, or any other noisemaking
instrument is prohibited during the school day, except when given explicit permission by teachers for academic
purposes. Personal listening devices with headphones may be used before/after school only. Concordia Prep
discourages the bringing of these devices to school and is not responsible for breakage, theft, or loss of such items.
Skateboards, roller-skates, roller-blades, scooter, or other non-health related mobility devices with potential for
injury are not permitted on campus.
Student appearance, as well as behavior, reflects the Christian values taught at Baltimore Lutheran. In keeping with
the Christian environment Concordia Prep desires to provide, our primary objective is to have students dress neatly,
modestly, and in such a manner that does not attract attention to the individual, but encourages a climate conducive
to learning.
Dress code is in effect whenever a student is on campus. This includes after school hours while awaiting pick-up for
home. Also, please expect to attend Concordia Prep sponsored field trips in dress code unless otherwise stated by the
instructor. Dress guidelines for co-curricular activities are listed separately and would supersede the daily schoolsponsored dress at the applicable times of day.
Please consult pages 33-34 for the school-sponsored dress code menu for Lands’ End items and the tabled summary
of common indoor wear concerns.
All clothing items must be in good fit and repair to be worn. As a student grows, new clothing will need to be
purchased to maintain a good fit. Articles of clothing provided by Lands' End should not need alterations once
received. Unauthorized alteration of clothing will result in disciplinary action.
All Concordia Prep sponsored jackets, hoodies, and coats may be worn as long as the proper dress code items are
worn underneath. Students must wear a dress code shirt, and, if desired, an all-white undershirt underneath of the
outer garment. Hoods may not be worn up at any time inside the building. All non-Concordia Prep sponsored
coats/jackets/sweatshirts or outer garments must be placed in lockers upon arrival to school and may not be worn
during the school day.
Button-down white Oxford shirts (Peter Pan collars are not acceptable) and pants may be purchased from a supplier
other than Lands' End. If purchasing from a different supplier, the shirts and pants must be the same style and
color as those from Lands' End. Other style shirts or pants will not be deemed acceptable dress wear and may not
be worn. For non-Lands' End clothing, the Upper School Principal or Principal's designee will determine whether a
clothing item meets the school dress code criteria. Please note: Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year,
button-down blue Oxford shirts and navy blue pants and/or shorts will no longer be acceptable options.
Students who are not in proper CONCORDIA PREP-sponsored dress will be subject to dress-code disciplinary
action as outlined in the Concordia Prep Student-Parent Handbook. (See Appendix XIII)
The Upper School Principal or Principal's designee is the final authority on the acceptability of a dress code item.
Shirts - Shirts must be tucked in at all times and must fit properly to allow them to be tucked in.
Pants and Skorts – Pants must be in good repair and fit properly. Skorts must remain intact. Both pants
and skorts should be replaced when outgrown or visibly worn.
Shoes - Low-cut, Oxford-type tie shoe or loafer in black or brown. Heels must not exceed two-inches in
height. Shoes must cover toes and heel. Boots (cowboy, all-weather, fashion, or any other style), tennis
shoes/athletic shoes/skater-style shoes are unacceptable.
Hairstyles - Hair must be clean, neat, and combed at all times. Hair cannot interfere with direct eyecontact. For male students, hair may not extend below the bottom of the ear or below collar length in the
back. For both male and female students, odd or unusual hairstyles are not to be worn. No part of the head
may be shaved beyond that of a traditional haircut. Only natural hair colors are permitted.
Wigs/hairpieces/head coverings are not permitted without specific permission from an administrator based
upon a health issue.
Facial hair – Males should be clean-shaven at all times.
Jewelry - Only watches, rings, necklaces, and bracelets are permitted. No earrings for male students.
Female students may wear hoops and/or studs on ears. Number of earrings per ear must not be excessive.
No body and/or facial piercings of any kind are allowed. Jewelry may not be extreme or excessive. The
size/design must be within good taste, as determined by the Upper School Principal or Principal's designee.
Outerwear - No coats, jackets, hats, or sunglasses are to be worn while inside any building. (See
paragraphs under General Rules regarding CONCORDIA PREP-sponsored outerwear.)
Undergarments - Only solid white undershirts (containing no writing or graphics) may be worn underneath
shirts. Proper undergarments that are not visible through or outside of clothing must be worn at all times.
Sweatshirts - CONCORDIA PREP seal/logo sweatshirts are available for purchase through school
approved organizations.
School-sponsored sweaters and outerwear - Students must have a school-sponsored shirt worn
underneath at all times.
Body Art - No visible tattoos or other body art (e.g. body and/or facial piercings of any kind) are allowed –
permanent or temporary. Only accessories listed as acceptable are allowed.
Socks – Socks that are complementary to the school sponsored dress must be worn. Socks must be modest,
and fitting with a Christian environment.
Belts - Students must wear a proper fitting belt with pants and shorts. Belts may not contain studs,
grommets, or other such materials, nor may they contain writing of any type.
The Upper School Principal or Principal's designee is the final authority on the acceptability of a dress code item.
The following listing includes examples only in areas of frequent misunderstanding for some students. This is not to
be construed as a complete listing. Please refer to the entire dress code section of the Student-Parent Handbook for
the complete dress code. You are also encouraged to call the principal’s office with any specific questions.
ACCEPTABLE Dress Code Items
Naturally blonde, brunette, black, or red hair
Skort/short length: Skort/shorts shall be no shorter than
mid-thigh (distance between crease of upper leg and top of
Belts which are proper fitting
Khaki color flat-front or pleated-front chino pants from
Lands’ End for ladies and gentlemen—refer to main dress
code chart. Pants should be in good repair and fit properly.
They should be replaced when outgrown or visibly worn.
Navy blue will no longer be an acceptable color option
beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.
Black or brown solid color tie shoes or low-cut loafers—
shoes may not extend above the ankle bone.
Solid colored panty hose, knee highs, tights (black, navy,
brown or white) when wearing a skort.
Socks in colors that complement the school’s uniform and
socks high enough in back to cover Achilles tendon
Red or white turtleneck pullover
Any shirt worn underneath a CONCORDIA PREP logo or
oxford shirt must be a solid white color. Such shirts may not
have any writing and/or pictures.
White Oxford cloth shirt with button-down collar in
approved Lands' End style. Non-button down collar white
dress shirts may be worn only with a tie. Button-down blue
Oxford shirts will no longer be an acceptable color
option beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.
Boys' shirts must be tucked into pants or shorts with the belt
line visible. Girls' oxford cloth shirts must be tucked in
Functional hair adornments for female students such as
barrettes, headbands, and elastics
Samples of UNACCEPTABLE Dress Code Items
Any non-natural hair colors, color additives, or unnatural
multiple colors of hair
Skorts/shorts that are not worn in modest fashion, fit poorly,
or are rolled or hemmed or otherwise altered to an
inappropriate length and/or fit—skorts altered to be skirtlike
No studs, grommets, messages, writing, tassels, or scarf-like
Pants with cargo pockets, pockets sewn on the outside,
grommets or studs, made of jean or spandex or other formfitting materials, with belled or slit legs; low-riders, hiphuggers, or similar style pants that risk exposing midriffs.
Pants that are visibly worn or that have been outgrown.
Sneakers or tennis shoe/sneaker look-alikes, boots, clogs,
sandals, flip-flops, bedroom slipper-type shoes, skater-style
shoes, open-toed or open-backed shoes, and shoe with heel
more than 2 inches.
Going without socks and socks that are a color not
complementary to the school uniform; leggings, fishnet
and/or patterned stockings
Any other color turtleneck, whether worn alone or under
other attire
Non-white shirts, shirts with writing or pictures of any type
Fitted or tailored shirts that prevent a shirt from being
tucked in, shirts with broadcloth collars that are not buttondown and not worn with a tie in shirt colors other than
Untucked shirts, bloused or rolled shirts, sloppy or worn
shirts, belt line not visible
Hats and decorative bandanas
The Upper School Principal or Principal's designee is the final authority on the acceptability of a dress code item.
It is the responsibility of every parent and student to be familiar with the dress code. Students who are out of dress
code may be removed from class until the situation is corrected. To ensure that the student will not miss valuable
instruction time, strict observance of the Dress Code is essential. It should be noted that certain behaviors warrant
immediate action (i.e., detention, suspension, or expulsion). These cases will be handled at the Principal’s
If a student is out of dress code, a parent may be contacted to bring proper dress attire for the student so that he or
she may return to class.
Whenever students are on campus, dress code is in effect unless an activity warrants changing. Permission for such
changes will be given by the supervising teacher. When attending casual social events or athletic events on campus
that occur after normal school hours, the clothing must be neat, clean and in good repair. Clothing choices should
reflect the Christian values and teachings of Concordia Prep. Logos, words, phrases, and pictures displayed on
clothing must be in good taste.
The Baltimore Lutheran School student government association will periodically sponsor a relaxed dress day. The
proceeds from these days go to the BLS scholarship fund or to an outside charitable organization. On relaxed/casual
dress days students may wear appropriate jeans or pants, and when the weather permits shorts, athletic shorts with
visible compression shorts. Apparel shall be adequate in both length and coverage to be considered appropriate for
school. The appropriate length for shorts—including athletic style shorts—is mid-thigh, which is the distance
between the upper leg crease and the top of the kneecap. T-shirts and tops must also be in good condition and
school-appropriate (no distasteful messages, images, etc.). Tops must cover shoulders, stomachs, and backs. Tennis
shoes/athletic shoes in good condition are acceptable. All clothing items must be clean, neat, modest, and of good fit
and repair (e.g., not sagging, form-fitting, clinging, and/or torn.) Please note: Dress code disciplinary policy as
referred to in the Upper School Handbook is still in effect during dress down days.
The Upper School Principal or Principal's designee is the final authority on the acceptability of a dress code item.
Preferred School Number for Concordia Prep: 9001-0189-0
1=must be ordered from Lands’ End with the BLS logo (additional fee) to meet dress code
2=must remain tucked into pants, skort, or shorts to meet dress code
3=must be no shorter than mid-thigh, which is the midpoint between the upper leg crease and top of knee
Note: Item numbers and pages updated as of July 2014, to correspond to the Fall 2014 Lands’ End Catalog.
To order, call 1-800-469-2222, or order online at Online catalog numbers differ from print
catalog numbers.
*Beginning in the 2015-2016 school year, blue Oxford shirts and navy blue pants/shorts will no longer be acceptable dress.
Lands’ End Catalogue Description
Item # catalog
White, Blue* (NOT French Blue)
White, Blue* (NOT French Blue)
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
Khaki, Classic Navy*
Khaki, Classic Navy*
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
Short-Sleeved Oxford Shirt
Long-Sleeved Oxford Shirt
Short-Sleeved Interlock Polo Shirt
Long-Sleeved Interlock Polo Shirt
Short-Sleeved Mesh Polo Shirt
Long-Sleeved Mesh Polo Shirt
Short-Sleeved Fit for Her Interlock Polo
Long-Sleeved Fit for Her Interlock Polo
Cardigan Sweater
V-neck Sweater
Sweater Vest
Plain-Front Chino Pants
Pleated Chino Pants
Pleated Chino Shorts
Plain-Front Chino Shorts
Above-the-knee Length Chino Skort
At-the-knee Length Chino Skort
Stretch 2-button Chino Skort
Khaki, Classic Navy*
Khaki, Classic Navy*
Khaki, Classic Navy*
Khaki, Classic Navy*
Khaki, Classic Navy*
Short-Sleeved Oxford Shirt
Long-Sleeved Oxford Shirt
Buttondown No-iron Pinpoint Short-Sleeve
Buttondown No-iron Pinpoint Long-Sleeve
Short-Sleeved Interlock Polo Shirt
Long-Sleeved Interlock Polo Shirt
Short-Sleeved Mesh Polo Shirt
Long-Sleeved Mesh Polo Shirt
Cardigan Sweater
V-neck Sweater
Sweater Vest
Plain-Front Chino Pants
Pleated Chino Pants
Pleated Chino Shorts
Plain Chino Shorts
White, Blue* (NOT French Blue)
White, Blue* (NOT French Blue)
White, Blue* (NOT French Blue)
White, Blue* (NOT French Blue)
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
White, Red
Khaki, Classic Navy*
Khaki, Classic Navy*
Khaki, Classic Navy*
Khaki, Classic Navy*
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
Please read the remainder of the “Dress Code” section of The Student-Parent Handbook for further important dress code
information. Lands’ End catalogs are available in the Main Office at Concordia Prep. You may also go to and go to the Concordia Prep page to place an order.
School begins at 8:15 a.m. Front lobby doors to the building open at 7:30 a.m. The school day ends at 3:00 p.m.
Unless students are remaining after school for supervised co-curricular activities, they should be transported from the
school grounds no later than 3:30 p.m. The Library is open until 3:30 p.m. There is no Concordia Prep supervision
of students in common areas beyond 3:30 p.m. Thus parents are responsible for their child’s safety.
Students awaiting transportation must be outside of the school building. At all times students are expected to
conduct themselves in an orderly and responsible manner.
Students are permitted to attend athletic contests as spectators, but attendance as a spectator at athletic practices is
not permitted.
To receive any special schedule (i.e., early dismissal or late starts) change information or instructions, please use the
following sources of information: WBAL Radio, WBAL-TV, the school website (, the
Concordia Prep weather-related information line at 410-825-2323 *500 and through
All students are expected to be in attendance every day that school is in session and to be on time to all classes. If a
student is too ill to attend classes, the parent must call the school at extension 229 prior to 9:00 A.M. Do not have
the student call. Should the school not receive a call and the student is not in school, truancy inquiries will be made.
Students who become ill at school and need to leave must report to the school nurse, who will then notify the parents.
Please do not agree to pick up your child during the school day without first talking to the nurse or the school office.
Concordia Prep reserves the right to determine whether absences will be considered excused or unexcused.
Circumstances that will be considered for excused status are illness, death in the family, emergencies, and other
instances as determined by the school. In general, other absences are considered unexcused. Any student who is
absent for more than three class periods may not participate in co-curricular activities nor attend a schoolsponsored activity for that same day, unless the principal makes an exception. An authorized doctor’s note is
required for exceptions to the policy.
Chronic absenteeism may result in loss of credit or failure for that marking period. A student who misses 20% or
more of a class will not receive credit for that class. Students who are absent ten or more days during one semester
may not be allowed to re-enroll. Decisions involving prolonged absenteeism associated with a documented medical
condition will be determined on an individual basis.
A student whose absence is unexcused will be given a failing grade of zero for any assignment, project, test, etc. due
that day. Requests for non-emergency excused absences should be made to the upper school main office in writing
at least five days in advance (goldenrod sheet). Parental permission for a student to be absent does not necessarily
constitute an excused absence.
Appointments with doctors and dentists should be made outside of school hours. In the event this is not possible and
an appointment is scheduled during the day, the student should get the proper form from the upper school secretary
prior to the appointment and return it the following day. Concordia Prep reserves the right to determine any
exceptions to the above stated attendance policy.
Students arriving at school after 8:15 a.m. should report to the Concordia Prep attendance office immediately upon
arrival at school so their presence may be accurately recorded.
Students are expected to arrive on time for each class. Documenting excused tardies is the sole responsibility of the
student. The student must get written approval, usually from the previous teacher, on his/her own time.
Should a student receive five unexcused tardies (to school and/or class) for the semester, he/she will be subject to
detention. Additionally, any tardies for the beginning of the school day (excused or unexcused) will be documented.
After five such tardies during a semester, all subsequent tardies will be considered unexcused and will warrant
disciplinary action. A detention will be assigned for tardies #5-8. Starting with the ninth tardy, a one-day suspension
may result per infraction. Any student receiving five suspensions in a school year will be subject to expulsion. (See
Appendix XIII)
In addition:
 Seven (7) tardies are equivalent to one (1) unexcused absence.
 Three (3) unexcused absences yield a one-day suspension and 2% points are deducted from the student’s
quarter grade for each course.
 Three (3) unexcused absences for tardies may result in the student being removed from Concordia Prep
and/or the loss of credit for some/all courses for the semester in which the tardies occur.
Students may take up to five (5) college/career days. Two days may be used in the Junior year and 3 days may be
used in the Senior year. Students may not take all 5 days in one school year. These days may be used for visits to
colleges, vocational schools, testing, armed forces recruiting, etc. College/career days must be approved by both the
principal and the school counselor and will be counted as an attendance day. These days will not count toward the
semester absence limit. Proof of the visit must be presented to the attendance office and school counselor when
the student returns to school or the excused absence will not be counted. A non-emergency absence form must
be filled out at least one-week prior to the day you plan to be gone for your college visit.
Juniors must use college/career days during the first 8 months of the school year and may not use them during the
final month of any semester. Seniors may use these days during the last month of the school year for prescheduled
testing and/or registration at a school to which they have been accepted. Seniors accepted to local colleges with a
testing center/registration office open during the evening will be expected to complete testing and registration on
non-school time. Students must be academically eligible to take college/career days. Failure to meet these
requirements may result in disciplinary action being taken.
Absences during the school year due to family travel, trips, or student personal days should be avoided. For a nonemergency absence to be excused, the parents must notify the school office in writing at least five days before the
absence. Non-emergency absences that have not been approved through the correct process will be considered
unexcused. (See Appendix XIV)
One of the greatest roadblocks to academic success is absence from school. Prolonged absence generally results in a
substantial decrease in student academic achievement. Therefore parental permission for such absenteeism does not
constitute an excused absence. The administration of Concordia Prep reserves the right to determine whether such
an absence is excused or unexcused.
The weekly Chapel service, traditionally held on Wednesday of each week, is a vital aspect of the Concordia Prep
community. There are also several assemblies during the school year. Appropriate behavior, decorum, and
participation are expected.
Concordia Prep provides a registered nurse during school hours. All health services for the school, including the
following, are coordinated through the health office:
 Health records are maintained on all students; adaptations are made to the school program for those students
with special needs when possible.
 Vision and hearing screening is administered yearly to specific grades and referrals made when indicated.
 Height and weight check is done for all middle school students and nutrition counseling provided.
 Scoliosis screening is conducted in the spring for sixth grade girls and eighth grade boys as mandated by the
 A certified athletic trainer is provided free of charge by Towson Sports Medicine Clinic on a weekly basis
throughout the school year. All referrals to the trainer are made through the school nurse.
 Health information column is periodically included in Concordia Prep’s e-news.
 A variety of health educational programs are planned each year to encourage good health practices and
prevention of illness. Health fairs and blood drives are scheduled when possible.
 Students who become ill and wish to see the nurse must get a pass from their teacher before reporting to the
health room. Students who wish to go home due to illness must first see the nurse before calling home.
To help in planning for the student’s well-being, all new enrollees must submit a physical and dental examination
form signed by the doctor and by the dentist. Students participating in any interscholastic athletic activity must
submit an annual sports physical done during the summer months prior to the opening of school in August to be
eligible for practice or competition. In addition, all students must show proof of proper immunizations to attend
school as required by Maryland State Law.
Any medication, including over-the-counter medicines, must have a written order from the physician and be kept
in the health room. Students may not possess any prescription or non-prescription medication on campus.
The purpose of the counseling program at Concordia Prep is to provide personal, academic, college, and career
counseling to students. Our goal is to help students achieve success these areas through personal growth. Growth
requires struggle, and the counselors at Concordia Prepare available to assist students as they go through this
process. All counseling is coordinated through the school counselor. It is not within our realm to provide therapy.
Individuals with more pervasive difficulties will be referred to outside agencies for consultation.
Each day begins with announcements for students and morning devotion at the beginning of the first period.
Forms for daily announcements are available in the main office. Students must submit announcement forms no later
than 12:30 P.M. the day before the announcement is to be made. A faculty member must approve all
announcements. Daily announcements are televised in the main entrance hallway and read during homeroom.
All students will be assigned a corridor locker as well as a locker for physical education classes. Students are
expected to keep their lockers neat, orderly, and closed at all times. Periodic locker checks may be made to ensure
that student lockers are being properly maintained. No materials or decorations are to be placed on the outside of
locker doors. Students are to report any locker damage to the school office immediately upon discovery. Students
will be assessed the cost of repair for any unreported or self-inflicted damage.
School locks are part of student hallway and gym lockers. The school is not liable in the event of theft or damage to
items in lockers. Students who choose to not lock their lockers increase the likelihood that their school or personal
items may be damaged or stolen. We strongly recommend students lock their lockers.
Valuable items and money should not be stored in the corridor locker. Should you bring something valuable to
school, do not put it in your locker. Take the item to the office for safekeeping. The school is not responsible for
lost or stolen articles from your locker. General guidelines are as follows:
 Put names in books and on other items
 Do not leave items on top of lockers or on floors
 Leave valuables or large sums of money with office personnel
Students are personally responsible for lockers assigned to them. They are to be kept clean on the inside as well as
on the outside, free of open food containers and offensive words or pictures. Students may not enter the locker of
another student unless that student is present. Students found entering lockers other than their own may be subject to
disciplinary action.
Articles found in and around the school should be turned in to the attendance office where their owners may claim
them. Periodically unclaimed items will be disposed of (either given to charity or disposed).
Students should carry change for their daily needs. However, change is available in the lunchroom via a change
machine for dollar bills (ones and fives). The school does not make change.
Generally visitors are only permitted if they are considering Concordia Prep as a possibility for their education or if
they are a visiting relative. Prospective student visits must be arranged through the Director of Admissions. Other
visitors must make arrangements through the principal or his designee. Advance notice must be given and the
parents’ written consent is required. The visitors should first report to the attendance office and secure a pass for the
time they are on campus. All visitors are expected to dress appropriately (in a clean, neat and modest manner).
Students who use vehicles for transportation to and from school are expected to comply with the regulations
below. Students' parents or guardians are responsible for damages that may result from driving and parking on school
property. Driving to school is a privilege, which may be revoked.
When necessary, parking spaces will be assigned. The assignment of parking areas will go to seniors first and then
to juniors, sophomores, and if room permits, freshmen. Any student not following these rules will not be allowed to
drive his/her car to school and park on school grounds. Students are not to ride in, drive, or sit in any motor vehicle
during school hours. Students who violate this rule, or who engage in any unsafe act, or have accidents in a motor
vehicle, may be subject to the following consequences:
 First Violation - loss of privilege to park on school property for 1 week
 Second Violation - loss of privilege to park on school property for the remainder of the year
Parking Regulations:
 Upon arriving at school, vehicles are to be vacated until school is dismissed or special permission is granted
by the principal or the principal’s designee to leave in the vehicle,
 Driving in a reckless manner is prohibited. Violators of this regulation will be denied permission to operate
a motor vehicle on school property.
 Students who wish to park on campus must park in the designated lot. Failure to park in the designated area
may result in disciplinary consequences or loss of parking privileges.
 Parking in the service drive or on Concordia Drive is not permitted.
 The parking lot is considered an off-limits area during the school day.
 Loitering/socializing in the parking lot, or in cars, upon arrival or departure is not permitted.
 Students who leave campus without permission will be subject to the loss of parking privileges as well as
other disciplinary consequences
All students shall be required to park in an orderly manner. The service drives must be kept clear at all times. Any
student vehicle parked inappropriately or in any other area during school hours may be towed away at the student's
expense. Traffic laws and safety rules must be observed while driving on school property. For the safety of all
students, the school administration has the right to take appropriate measures to provide for the safe travel and/or
transportation of students to and from school, immediately before or after the school day. Therefore, the
administration may take disciplinary action upon receipt of reports of unsafe or reckless driving involving students
entering or leaving campus or within the general vicinity of the school campus. This action may include, but shall
not be limited to, the removal of driving privileges. (See Appendix XVI for student parking contract.)
Please note that any car parked on school property may be subject to a periodic search by school officials and
local authorities.
To allow for smooth and swift drop-off and pick-up of students, Concordia Prep requests that parents and guardians
remain patient and attentive to the directions provided by staff in charge of traffic supervision.
Morning procedures for dropping off students are as follows:
There is no parking within the entrance plaza during drop-off and pick-up times.
The lower parking lot is open for staff, student, parent, and visitor parking.
Students should be dropped off in the entrance plaza. Do not use Concordia Drive, the service drive, or any
other location to allow students to disembark.
Pull in along the curb and as far forward as possible. This greatly improves traffic flow. Do not “double
park,” as this creates a safety hazard.
Afternoon procedures for picking up students are as follows:
 Parents picking up students are asked to park for no more than two minutes at a time in the entrance plaza
or for as long as needed in the parking lot.
 Pull in along the curb and as far forward as possible. Do not “double park” as this creates a safety hazard.
Occasionally, staff will allow the formation of two lines to alleviate traffic on Concordia Drive. Please pay
close attention to instructions given by staff members.
 Do not use Concordia Drive, the service drive, or any other location for pick up.
Tuition payments are an investment in your child’s education and religious formation. Therefore, it is the school's
responsibility to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for the school and that enrollment is as
available and affordable as possible to all families. The FACTS Tuition Payment Plan is available to familes to help
spread tuition costs over the school year.
All families shall be expected to make tuition payments according to one of the following payment plans. Each
family’s preferred manner of payment must be submitted each year at the time of student enrollment. Options for
payment shall include:
A. Full Payment. Under this plan the entire amount of tuition is paid on or before July 1 st. This payment is
made directly to the school office.
B. Monthly Payments. Under this plan tuition is paid over ten (10) months through the FACTS Tuition
Management Plan. This is an automatic payment plan made through a checking or statement savings
account. Those choosing this plan will authorize their financial institution to make automatic monthly
payments to FACTS on a designated day of each month, from August through May.
The Business Office can determine at any time with or without previous warning that because of the payment
history, a family may no longer have the option to use the FACTS payment plan. Instead, the family may be
required to provide full payment for the upcoming school year by cash, money order, or cashier’s check by
the July 1st payment deadline.
Unconditional Obligation: The parent’s obligation to pay the fees for the full year is unconditional and after July 1,
no portion of fees paid or outstanding tuition will be refunded or canceled in the event of absence, withdrawal, or
dismissal from the school. Notification of withdrawal to the Headmaster in writing via certified mail on or before
July 1 will result in forfeiture of the deposit and fees only.
Tuition Insurance: The school makes available to the parent a Tuition Refund Plan. The Tuition Refund Plan is
optional for those choosing Payment Plan A and mandatory for those choosing Payment Plan B and is designed to
protect your financial obligation if the student withdraws or is dismissed. The tuition refund plan covers up to 60%
of the remaining tuition leaving the parent responsible for a minimum of 40% of the remaining tuition.
Students registering in the school during the First Quarter will pay 100% of tuition and fees.
Students registering in the school during the Second Quarter will pay 75% of the tuition and 100% of
Students registering in the school during the Third Quarter will pay 50% of the tuition and 100% of fees.
Students registering in the school during the Fourth Quarter will pay 25% of the tuition and 100% of
Students enrolling during the course of the school year will be charged in full for all fees other than tuition.
Students enrolling during the second, third, or fourth quarter will pay a Late Registration Fee of 5% of gross
It shall be the responsibility of each school family to keep the business office informed of their need to make any
changes in their preferred tuition payment plan or adjustments in the amount of tuition expected to be paid. Without
such information, the following policy will apply when tuition payments are received late.
Full Payment. If payment is not received on or before July 1, the family will be contacted by the
Business Office concerning the missed payment date and alternative tuition payment options will be
offered. If funds are not received according to a new agreement, all tuition payments shall be made
through the FACTS Tuition Management Plan.
Monthly Payments. School families who choose the ten (10) month payment plan and miss a monthly
payment due to insufficient funds will be assessed a $25.00 missed payment fee by FACTS and may
incur a fee from their own financial institution. The missed payment will be reattempted by FACTS in
approximately two weeks. If the missed payment is returned again, a last attempt will be made
approximately two weeks after that.
In addition, school families who have missed the third attempt by FACTS will be contacted by the Business Office
immediately. A cashier’s check will be requested within fourteen days to bring the student’s account current or the
student will no longer be enrolled as of the end of the fourteen-day grace period. Please Note: Any past due
amounts must be paid by cash, money order, or cashier’s check. No personal checks will be accepted.
Any student can be dismissed from the school for any delinquency at any time with or without previous warning if in
the opinion of the school the student’s account is delinquent. All students’ accounts must be current at the end of
each quarter. If the student account is not current at the end of the quarter then the student will no longer be enrolled
for the next quarter. Parents with past due accounts may not receive report cards, transcripts, or diplomas until all
fees have been paid. Parents wishing to re-enroll students for the following school year must have their current
financial commitment up-to-date. Re-enrollment applications of students whose tuition payments are delinquent will
be placed on probationary acceptance until their tuition is current. In addition, seniors will not be allowed to
participate in any graduation ceremonies unless their accounts have been paid in full.
All previously unpaid tuition must be paid by July 1 if a student is to be readmitted on the first day of class for a new
school year. Payments are to be made directly to the Business Office. Payment must be by cash, money order, or
cashier’s check only.
If a student wishes to participate in co-curricular activities, that student will meet the following criteria:
 The student will maintain a GPA of at least 70% each quarter.
 The student will have no more than one failure per quarter.
Eligibility is reviewed at the end of each marking period. Grades from the previous quarter are used to determine
eligibility for the current season. These eligibility standards also follow the “carry over” rule. This means fourth
quarter grades may be used to determine eligibility for the first quarter of the following school year. In cases where
credit is recovered through Concordia Prep approved summer courses prior to the beginning of the fall semester, a
student may apply for co-curricular eligibility reinstatement.
Students who are ineligible at the close of a quarter will have their eligibility status reviewed at midterms of the next
quarter. Any student has the option of requesting an eligibility review two weeks after the issuance date of report
cards as published in the school calendar. The student, not coaches, teachers, or administrators, must make this
request. If an ineligible athlete is deemed to have become eligible, he/she may return to competition beginning on
the Monday of the new school week. The student’s eligibility will be reviewed each week through a report form that
the student presents to each of his/her teachers for written comments and again when midterm reports are issued to
students to determine continual academic eligibility for the present quarter.
No student will be allowed to miss a class in which he/she is receiving a failing grade so that he/she may attend a cocurricular activity.
In extraordinary cases, the school administration may, upon the recommendation of a faculty member and the
student’s parents, ask that a special waiver be awarded. Specific guidelines including but not limited to class
preparation, class participation, and academic achievement, will be monitored on a weekly basis by a teacher
supervisor. A progress report will be submitted to the principal and athletic director who will decide eligibility on a
weekly basis. This waiver may be granted only once during a student’s time at Concordia Prep.
Any student demonstrating serious negative citizenship may be removed from membership in a co-curricular activity.
Disciplinary probation or suspension from school is at the discretion of the principal.
The above standards apply to all co-curricular activities. These include athletic teams, drama, choir tours, band
tours, and any other school sponsored groups. Questions about eligibility may be directed to the appropriate
Note: Student Athletic Handbooks are available from the athletic department.
A sports medical form must be on file with the school nurse for the current school year in order for participation
(practice or competition) in any interscholastic athletic activity. A new physical must be on file each school year
before an athlete may attend practice or compete.
Athletic awards are presented to our students at the seasonal athletic awards program.
A variety of clubs meet on a monthly basis during the school day on a special schedule. These include, but are not
limited to the following: Art Club, Health Club, History Club, Ukulele Club, International Club, Snow Riding
(winter sports) Club, and various foreign language related groups. Students are encouraged to become active
members in clubs or to help in organizing clubs that pertain to their interests. All clubs need a faculty supervisor and
administrative approval.
Concordia Prep offers several opportunities for students to participate in theater and forensics (speech and dramatic
interpretation). Each spring the drama department puts on a major production, with smaller production offerings in
the fall and occasionally in the winter. In addition, students may participate on the forensics team, competing against
students from other schools in a variety of areas from oral (dramatic) interpretation to debate and extemporaneous
speech. The same eligibility rules apply to students participating in drama as those competing in athletics. There are
also several drama course electives as part of the curriculum.
In addition to multiple course offerings for music in the curriculum (including concert band, jazz band, handbells and
concert choir), students are encouraged to use the musical gifts God gave them in a variety of ways, including a vocal
group and worship band which performs in weekly chapel services. Occasionally, drama and musical groups will
also be organized to conduct chapel services at Concordia Prep and at area Lutheran grade schools.
More detailed information on all of the volunteer organizations and programs can be obtained by calling the school
office. All parents are encouraged to participate.
Our parent organization is a group for parents, teachers, grandparents, friends, and alumni. The purpose for the
group is to provide fellowship, education, and support for its members and encouragement and supplemental
equipment for the school. Contact Tracy Gingher, Director of Development, at 410.825-2323 extension 275 for more
This weekly prayer group meets every Friday morning to pray for the needs of students, families, congregations, and
the staff of Concordia Prep. Prayer needs may be submitted to the main office.
Any matters not specifically addressed in this Handbook will be handled pursuant to the sole
and absolute discretion of the school principal and/or headmaster, subject to any applicable
local, state or federal law. Any issue regarding the interpretation of any policy in this
handbook will be determined pursuant to the sole and absolute discretion of the headmaster,
subject to any applicable local, state or federal law.
AND MY STUDENT 2014-2015
As an essential part of the Concordia Prep community working with my son/daughter to assist in his/her academic,
social, physical, and spiritual growth, I agree:
1. To do my best to work with Concordia Prep based on the premise that decisions made by Concordia Prep
concerning my student, are intended to be an attempt to assist with student growth. I will do my best to begin
discussions with a positive premise.
2. To be a daily contributing member of the Concordia Prep community by
 providing an appropriate place of study for my student
 encouraging and supervising a minimum two-hour block of study time for my student
 communicating directly with the teacher first or an administrator if appropriate (before discussing
the matter with anyone else) when any concern arises with my student
 carefully reading letters, fliers, weekly e-News, newsletters and other communications from the
 closely monitoring the social activities of my student including being physically present to
supervise any activities occurring at my home to avoid the underage use of alcohol, the use of
illicit drugs and the unsupervised freedom, which encourages inappropriate sexual behavior
 supporting the ministry of Concordia Prep by including the school in my daily prayers
 attending school-related programs for parents
 making every effort to collect my student within twenty-minutes of the conclusion of a school
sponsored event
3. To comply with the guidelines established by Concordia Prep(as printed in the Student-Parent
Handbook) to help maintain an environment of learning and caring that is God-pleasing.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________Date:_____________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________Date:_____________
As an integral and vital member of the student body of Concordia Prep, I agree:
1. to accept the assistance given me by my parents and teachers as they fulfill their obligations under God’s design
2. to work with my parents and teachers as they assist me in my academic, social, physical, and spiritual growth
3. to comply with the guidelines established by Concordia Prep (as printed in the Student-Parent
Handbook) to help maintain an environment of learning and caring that is God-pleasing
4. to follow Scripture when conflict arises in order to help in the building of Christian relationships
5. to treat the teaching/learning process at Concordia Prep with respect by giving my best effort in my
daily class work and in my preparation for each academic subject
6. to try my best to be honest with myself and those in authority over me as my first step in beginning to solve
7. to find a respectful way to communicate with those in authority over me when I feel they have made
a mistake or have treated me in an unfair manner
8. to treat the property and good name of others with respect and further to defend and protect them with my best
9. in order to give my best efforts, I will spend a minimum of two hours per day (during the school week) in
preparation for my classes
10. the inappropriate use of God’s name, foul language, vulgar talk, and disrespectful behavior is unacceptable
at Concordia Prep, and I will actively work toward the elimination of these behaviors in both myself
and others
11. to lie, cheat, or steal is contrary to God’s will for my life; therefore, I will be truthful in my dealings with
others including honesty within my academic activities and social contacts
12. behavior that intimidates or threatens the well being or good name of Concordia Prep or any
individual has no place in a Christian environment and I agree to abstain from such behaviors
13. the use of illegal substances is unacceptable and dangerous to the Concordia Prep community;
therefore, I will abstain from the use or possession of such substances
14. the possession of any weapon or even the threat to bring a weapon on school grounds or to any school
activity is unacceptable and dangerous to the Concordia Prep community; therefore, I agree to abide
by the law which prohibits such
15. to seek adult intervention (assistance) if I have first-hand knowledge of the involvement of any student or staff
member engaging in appropriate behavior as outlined above
Signature of Student:___________________________________ Date:____________
Concordia Prep Mission Statement: Ministry First, Excellence Always!
School Philosophy: Empowered by the Holy Spirit and in the Lutheran Tradition, Concordia Prep partners with
churches and families to equip students to grow spiritually as they succeed academically and develop socially and
physically - All to the Glory of God.
School Vision: Concordia Prep is the premier provider of Christian Education maximizing student potential through
excellent spiritual, academic, social and physical preparation.
Drop/Add Timetable for Course Changes
The following chart details policies governing course changes in the Upper School. Students and parents may not
request a particular subject area teacher when adding or dropping courses.
Time Period
Until the end of the second
week of school in each
Start of the third week of
school year until end of
sixth week.
Start of seventh week until
end of tenth week
Eleventh week until
semester/ exam is complete
Upon completing
After start of Second
Semester - semester
courses may not be
dropped after tenth week in
course (schedule
Year-long courses may not
be dropped once fourth
quarter begins
- Drop any course
- Add one semester, or full-year
- Switch to a different section of
the same course
- Drop semester course (schedule
- Only one semester course may
be dropped after Drop/Add period
Student may drop course
No notation
Course appears on transcript
WP- withdrawal with passing mark
WF- withdrawal with failing mark
ME- withdrawal for medical reasons
WF regardless of grade to date
May not drop course
Change from ADV/Honors to
regular section of same course
Full-year courses dropped after
the end of the semester/exam
Courses appear on transcript
Final grade is the average of work in
both honors and regular classes
WP- withdrawal with passing mark
WM- withdrawal for medical reasons
WF- withdrawal with failing mark
Honor Pledge
“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31
As a student at Concordia Prep, I understand and accept my responsibility to uphold the Honor
Code at all times. I agree to the following:
I will not improperly give or receive any material or information for
any school assignment or test.
I will not use or submit any material published or presented by any
other person without proper citations (plagiarism).
I will not alter or misuse any academic record.
I will conduct myself honestly in all academic matters
Student’s Signature
The following Plagiarism Policy has been adopted by Concordia Prep. Please be sure that you understand the
consequences for cheating or copying the work of another -- from any source. Cheating and/or plagiarism are
regarded as very serious offenses. Copying or paraphrasing material/text from the work of another student, from
published sources (i.e., Cliff Notes, Monarch Notes, Spark Notes, books, magazines, newspapers, etc.) and/or from
the Internet without proper documentation constitutes academic theft.
Plagiarism: "The unauthorized use of someone else's material, which is then presented as being the result of the
plagiarist's own primary research, creative impulse or insight. Plagiarism technically encompasses the borrowing of
ideas of others, as well as their exact words...." Laurie Henry, The Fiction Dictionary, p. 219.
Whenever a teacher reasonably believes, based upon significant evidence, that a student has plagiarized part or all of
an assignment or infringed upon copyright protection, the teacher shall evaluate the nature and extent of the
plagiarism or copyright infringement, advise the student of the existence of the violation, and again warn the student
that he or she is, or may be, subject to the following penalties:
First offense
Teacher reports the plagiarism on a
conduct report. It will be included in
your discipline record.
Teacher reports the plagiarism on a
Second offense conduct report. It will be included in
your discipline record.
Third offense
The student may earn a zero for the work in question.
A conference will be held with counselor or Principal.
Your parent(s) will be notified of the
plagiarism/cheating/academic theft.
The student will earn a zero for the work in question.
The principal will determine a disciplinary action which
may include suspension.
Your parent(s) will be notified of the
plagiarism/cheating/academic theft and your disciplinary
action. If suspended the required parent conference will
be held before you may return to school.
The student will earn a zero for the work in question.
The principal will process your suspension, which may be
a multiple day suspension, from school as warranted.
Teacher reports the plagiarism on a 
conduct report. It will be included on
your discipline record.
You will receive a failing grade for this course for the
Your parent(s) will be notified of the
plagiarism/cheating/academic theft, of your suspension,
and that you will receive an "F" for the semester. The
required parent conference will be held before you may
return to school.
Concordia Preparatory School
Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Student Name _______________________________________________
(Please Print Neatly)
Grade ______
Concordia Preparatory School students are expected to use school resources in a manner
consistent with the philosophy of the school. All Concordia Preparatory School technology
systems and the information stored on them are governed by school policies and are subject to
school supervision, inspection, and monitoring. Students are expected to use school resources in
a considerate, ethical, moral, and legal manner. Any student who violates this policy is subject to
disciplinary action and a loss of technology privileges.
In addition, we have noted that the following activities may result in permanent loss of
technology privileges at Concordia Preparatory School:
 Attempting to bypass the web proxy-server and/or firewall
 Using chat programs
 Downloading music and/or software
 Visiting chat rooms
 Visiting sites of questionable content
 Saving any copyrighted material (music files, mp3, etc.) to the school network
 Using the network/computer ID of another student or teacher
 Deliberately altering computer settings
 Modifying or damaging network/computer hardware, including keyboards, mice,
screen settings, etc.
 Playing games on the Internet
 Other, non-school related activities
Student Signature
Parent Signature
*** This form must be signed at the beginning of each school year.
Your Name:_____________________________________
Office desired:___________________________________
Two teachers from whom you are currently taking a course:
Five students from your current grade:
Requirements (in addition to the above) for SGA and class officers:
1. Students must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
2. They must exhibit a Christian lifestyle.
3. Students must have shown previous interest by serving on a committee or participating in
a class activity.
4. They must have a candidate nomination form filled out with the proper number of
teachers and student signatures. One of the signatures must be an advisor from the present class.
(If a student is running for a 10th grade office, the 9th grade advisor must sign the form.)
5. Student endorsements must be from your grade.
Student Name: _____________________________________
Date of Incident:__________________
*Any violation may receive a detention based on principal/designee discretion
Violations with Detention:
Insubordination with Detention:
__ Public display of affection
__Gum chewing
__Rude/impolite to student
__ Hallway behavior
__Rude/impolite to teacher
__ Littering
__Crude/obscene language
__Refusing to follow class procedures
__ Off-limit area
__Misuse of God's name
__Disrupting class
__ Eating/drinking in class/hall
__Cheating (may result in
__Disrupting chapel
__Dress code:______________
__ Other:__________________
__Cutting class (may result in
Additional comments:________
Additional comments:________
Additional comments:________
Automatic Suspension Is Indicated for the Following:
Additional comments:________________________________________________________________________
Action Taken:_________________________________________________________________________
Principal's/Designee's Signature:___________________________________Date___________________
Parent's Signature:______________________________________________Date___________________
Please refer to Disciplinary Policy in the Upper School Handbook for details
Saturday Detention is the only detention we offer. Students who cannot or will not attend Saturday detention are
choosing to suspend themselves.
Detentions for tardies/dress/violations are from 9-10 a.m. Saturday morning with a $5 fine. The date and
location of the detention to be served will be placed in the student’s locker.
Students must arrive on time and be in proper school sponsored dress to be admitted to detention. If a student
arrives late or is out of dress code, an additional detention with an additional fee will be given.
Detentions for disciplinary issues such as insubordinations/disruptions are from 9-11 a.m. Saturday mornings
with a $10 fine.
The teacher on duty will collect the fee from each student. If a student does not have the fee they will be sent
home and an additional detention will be assigned with an additional fee. Students who do not serve their
scheduled detention will be subject to suspension. The Principal will determine excused absences for Saturday
detentions--work, athletic events, or other activities are not an excused absence.
Detentions are of two types: working and study hall. Working detentions have the students performing various
tasks around campus (picking up trash, cleaning out the busses, wiping down lockers and desks, helping teachers
organize classrooms/closets etc). Study hall detentions consist of silent work on homework/schoolwork for the
duration of the detention. No reading magazines or books for pleasure, no sleeping, no headphones etc. The
detention teacher will be responsible determining how to divide the detention time between the two detention
Name of Student:__________________________________
Subject:________________________________ Book #:_________________
Original Price of Text:______________
Date of Purchase:____________
I understand that this textbook is property of Concordia Prep and is on loan to me for this school year (or semester).
I agree to take good care of this book while it is assigned to me. I will keep it covered and make every effort to keep
the binding intact. I understand that if this book should become damaged, I will be expected to pay a fine according
to the scale listed below (Fines are assessed as a percentage of the total price of the text--textbook prices usually
range from $10-$120.):
Type of Damage
Books 1-2 yrs. Old
Books 3+yrs. Old
Broken Binding
Water Damage
Torn Pages
Writing in or on
Excessive Dirt
Dog-eared Corners
The above are maximum percentage amounts. A combination of damages may not exceed the price of the book.
Students will be expected to pay the purchase price of any books that have been issued to them and are missing at the
end of the course.
Please list in the space below anything that appears as “damage” when you are initially given the book:
Student’s Signature:______________________________________________________
Parent’s Signature:_______________________________________________________
Casual Dances: General dress guidelines and no sleeveless tops or shirts (must have at least a cap sleeve), no tops
that show bare midriff, sides, or are backless, and no shorts/skirts shorter than five inches from the middle of the
knees are allowed.
Semi-Formal: In addition to the general dress guidelines, boys must wear a coat and tie and dress pants or sweater
and tie with slacks. Girls must wear slack suits or knee-length dress or cocktail-length dress. Spaghetti and strapless
dresses are allowed, but there must be no visible midriff, backless or laced-up dresses, or dresses with high slits (no
higher than 5” from the middle of the knee). In all instances no shorts, no blue jeans, no sagging, and no caps.
Formal: Appropriate gentleman’s attire includes suits and tuxedos with dress shoes (no athletic shoes). Appropriate
ladies’ attire includes semi-formal and formal outfits. Skirt length may be no shorter than five inches from the
middle of the knee (including skirt slit). The top may not be low-cut in the front, may not show bare midriff or sides,
and must have three inches of material from the natural waistline in the back. Spaghetti and strapless dresses are
allowed, but there must be no visible midriff; backless or laced-up dresses, or dresses with high slits (no higher than
5” from the middle of the knee). Transparent material and athletic shoes are not allowed.
Dance Attire: For the duration of the dance, students will be expected to be in compliance with the standards of
dress stated above.
Senior Early Release Policy and Permission Form 2014-2015 School Year
I understand that my son/daughter is a senior who has last period free. I further understand that school policy allows
a senior with such a schedule to be off campus during this time period. I hereby give permission for my son/daughter
to exercise his/her option to be off campus during this time period. The following rules are in effect in regards to
this policy:
Students must either leave school property or be in an approved location. No loitering in the
parking lot, wandering around the school building or school grounds will be permitted. Such
actions, and any other actions deemed inappropriate by school personnel, may lead to revocation
of this privilege for not only the offending student but for all students participating in this
Eighth period attendance will not be taken for students participating in this program.
The school will not be liable for student activity during this free period. By signing this
permission form you are assuming responsibility and liability for your son/daughter’s actions
during this free time. This is a choice that you as a parent/guardian have. Your son/daughter will
be assigned to a study hall if the form is not signed by parent(s)/guardian(s).
The administration reserves the right to make any changes and/or additions to this policy at their
Students participating in the eighth-hour free period must sign-out in the office when departing
school before 3:00.
I understand the rules that apply to this policy and take total and complete responsibility and liability for the actions
and activities of my son/daughter during this free period, both on and off campus.
Parent/Guardian name (printed)_______________________________ Date:_____________
Parent/Guardian signature____________________________________ Date:_____________
Parent/Guardian name (printed)_______________________________ Date:_____________
Parent/Guardian signature____________________________________ Date:_____________
Student name (printed)______________________________________ Date:_____________
Student signature __________________________________________ Date:_____________
The following listing includes examples only in areas of frequent misunderstanding for some students. This is not to
be construed as a complete listing. Please refer to the entire dress code section of the Student-Parent Handbook for
the complete dress code. You are also encouraged to call the principal’s office with any specific questions.
ACCEPTABLE Dress Code Items
Naturally blonde, brunette, black, or red hair
Skort/short length: Skort/shorts shall be no shorter than
mid-thigh (distance between crease of upper leg and top of
Belts which are proper fitting
Khaki color flat-front or pleated-front chino pants from
Lands’ End for ladies and gentlemen—refer to main dress
code chart. Pants should be in good repair and fit properly.
They should be replaced when outgrown or visibly worn.
Navy blue will no longer be an acceptable color option
beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.
Black or brown solid color tie shoes or low-cut loafers—
shoes may not extend above the ankle bone.
Solid colored panty hose, knee highs, tights (black, navy,
brown or white) when wearing a skort.
Socks in colors that complement the school’s uniform and
socks high enough in back to cover Achilles tendon
Red or white turtleneck pullover
Any shirt worn underneath a BLS logo or oxford shirt must
be a solid white color. Such shirts may not have any writing
and/or pictures.
White Oxford cloth shirt with button-down collar in
approved Lands' End style. Non-button down collar white
dress shirts may be worn only with a tie. Button-down blue
Oxford shirts will no longer be an acceptable color
option beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.
Boys' shirts must be tucked into pants or shorts with the belt
line visible. Girls' oxford cloth shirts must be tucked in
Functional hair adornments for female students such as
barrettes, headbands, and elastics
Samples of UNACCEPTABLE Dress Code Items
Any non-natural hair colors, color additives, or unnatural
multiple colors of hair
Skorts/shorts that are not worn in modest fashion, fit poorly,
or are rolled or hemmed or otherwise altered to an
inappropriate length and/or fit—skorts altered to be skirtlike
No studs, grommets, messages, writing, tassels, or scarf-like
Pants with cargo pockets, pockets sewn on the outside,
grommets or studs, made of jean or spandex or other formfitting materials, with belled or slit legs; low-riders, hiphuggers, or similar style pants that risk exposing midriffs.
Pants that are visibly worn or that have been outgrown.
Sneakers or tennis shoe/sneaker look-alikes, boots, clogs,
sandals, flip-flops, bedroom slipper-type shoes, skater-style
shoes, open-toed or open-backed shoes, and shoe with heel
more than 2 inches.
Going without socks and socks that are a color not
complementary to the school uniform; leggings, fishnet
and/or patterned stockings
Any other color turtleneck, whether worn alone or under
other attire
Non-white shirts, shirts with writing or pictures of any type
Fitted or tailored shirts that prevent a shirt from being
tucked in, shirts with broadcloth collars that are not buttondown and not worn with a tie in shirt colors other than
Untucked shirts, bloused or rolled shirts, sloppy or worn
shirts, belt line not visible
Hats and decorative bandanas
The Upper School Principal or Principal's designee is the final authority on the acceptability of a dress code item.
1ST ______
2ND ______
3RD _______
4TH ________
NAME OF STUDENT__________________________________ GRADE_______
Any student receiving three suspensions in a school year, or five cumulative suspensions while a student at
Concordia Prep, will be subject to expulsion.
Written request for a non-emergency excused absence must be made to the principal at least five days in advance of
the first day of the requested absence.
While we do recognize that sometimes there is the need for a student to be absent from school for reasons other than
illness we try to discourage this practice. However, if this situation does arise, it will benefit both teacher and
student to follow the procedure listed below.
Date received: _________
Student’s Name
Date(s) Requesting to be excused
Reason for absence
______________________ ________
_______________________ ________
_______________________ ________
_______________________ ________
_______________________ _________
_______________________ _________
_______________________ _________
_______________________ _________
If one or more teacher does indicate a concern about your student’s absence, you will be notified by the school
office; an appointment will be set for you to speak with the upper school principal and/or the teacher(s) regarding the
concern(s). The administration of Concordia Prep reserves the right to determine whether such an absence is
excused or unexcused.
PARENTS PLEASE NOTE: The student is responsible to make up their work in accordance with the school’s
“Make Up Work Policy” as stated in the Upper School Parent-Student Handbook. If the work is not made up in
accordance to this schedule, or if the absence is unexcused, the student will receive zeros for their missed work.
IMPORTANT: The completed form must be returned to the main office within two days of the excused absence
date. If it is not returned the absence will be considered unexcused; all homework, tests, quizzes, etc, will receive a
zero for those days absent.
Parent(s) Signature
Student’s Signature
Principal’s Signature
Concordia Prep’s Parking Contract 2014-2015
Students must read and complete all of the following information. A parent or guardian and school principal or
designee must sign the permission slip in order for it to be valid.
Name of Student:_____________________________________________ Grade: ___________________
Make of Car 1: ____________________________________________ Type of Car:_________________
Color: ___________________ License Plate #: __________________
(If Needed)
Make of Car 2: ____________________________________________ Type of Car:_________________
Color: ___________________ License Plate #: __________________
(If Needed)
Make of Car 3: ____________________________________________ Type of Car:_________________
Color: ___________________ License Plate #: __________________
I request permission to drive to school and park my car on the Concordia Prep campus. In return for this privilege, I
agree to drive safely and courteously at all times. In addition, I will obey all of the following rules. I realize that any
violation of these rules will lead to the suspension or revocation of driving privileges, and/or other disciplinary
1. The school reserves the right to restrict parking to designated areas and will enforce those restrictions on a
daily basis. Students who fail to observe parking regulations may lose the privilege of having a car on
2. Drivers must observe all traffic direction signs and speed regulations, and drive with great caution
at all times. Pedestrians always have the right of way on the Concordia Prep campus.
3. Offensive bumper stickers, decals, etc. may not be displayed on vehicles.
4. Students are not allowed to enter the school parking lot or their vehicles during the school day
unless they have been granted permission from the upper school office. Students may not leave
campus in automobiles once they arrive at school without first signing out in the upper school office.
5. In general students who are participants in an off-campus, school-sponsored event are not
allowed to drive their own vehicles or ride with another student to or from the event. Under special
circumstances students may seek permission from the principal or delegate.
6. Parking is allowed only in areas designated for student use. Spaces reserved for handicapped
parking must be respected.
7. Students who fail to abide by the rules governing automobile use on the campus will face the suspension or
revocation of driving privileges, and/or other disciplinary action.
8. Music may not be played in a loud manner, nor may it be profane, crude, obscene, or offensive.
I understand the responsibilities associated with driving to school and using Concordia Prep’s parking area. I agree
to obey the rules associated with this privilege.
Student Signature
I give permission for my son/daughter to drive to and from school and use Concordia Prep’s parking area. I
understand that this permission is contingent on my child obeying the rules governing student use of automobiles on
Parent Signature
Upper School Principal/Designee
Acknowledgement of Policies of Concordia Prep
I, (print student’s name) _______________________________________
have read and consent to the policies of the Concordia Prep Upper School
Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015.
Student Signature: __________________________________Date: ____________
I, (print parent’s name) _________________________________________
have read and agree to consent to the policies of the Concordia Prep Upper
School Student-Parent Handbook 2013-2014.
Parent Signature: ___________________________________Date: ____________
Please remove this form from the Handbook and return it to the school office.
List of Important Numbers
Absentee Line 410-825-2323 ext. 229
Weather Hotline 410-825-2323 *500
Athletic Hotline 410-825-2323 *400
School Nurse 410-825-2323 ext. 244
Athletic Director 410-825-2323 ext. 238
Guidance 410-825-2323 ext. 235
EDP 443-465-3771