Marco Parolin - Environmental Software and Services GmbH

APRIL 8, 1960
tel +39 01057633257 - +39 3280706730; e-mail:
1980 - 1984
“Laurea” in Physics
University of Milano, 110 out of 110 cum Laude.
Thesis advisor: Prof. Roberto Pozzoli
1986 – 1988
“Post Doc”
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association,
Garching bei München (Germany).
The access to a “Post Doc” contract (usually requiring a PhD qualification) was granted me by the
Direktorium of the “Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik” after an interview and an analysis of my
Thesis (up to 1987 “Laurea” was the highest academic degree available from the Italian University
Education System).
1999 – present
Data Analysis and IT consultant
ARPAL (Environmental Protection Agency of the Region Liguria)
Genova, Italy
My consultancy activity in ARPAL (a “newborn” Regional Environmental Protection Agency) is
dedicated to the support of the “Scientific Direction” in the creation and activation of an
environmental modelling, information technology and statistics department (also by training and
tutoring of the ARPAL staff) and in the planning and implementation of environmental information
systems (LIMS, GIS, OLAP, DSS).
I contribute to the definition of standard procedures for data analysis and visualisation and have
the responsibility of coordinating, scientifically and administratively several regional, national and
international projects.
1988 - 1999
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics)
EURATOM Association - Garching bei München, Germany
I was part of an experimental Team (of about 50 researchers) with the main task of mathematical
and numerical modelling, statistical and theoretical prediction and interpretation of experimental
PROFESSIONAL 1999 - present
ARPAL (Environmental Protection Agency of the Region Liguria)
EXPERIENCES Data Mining and Information System:
proposal (hw/sw selection, budget and planning), development and implementation of an
Information System related to the characterization and clean-up of contaminated
Industrial Sites. The work was financed by the Italian Environmental Ministry (around 1
million €). The activity included the analysis and realization of RDBMS (Relational
Database Management System), the collection, quality verification, standardization, georeferencing and loading of site related data, creation of user-friendly interfaces (query,
export, report engines), GIS cartographic elaborations (raster and vector), 2D and 3D
visualization of contaminant plumes (groundwater and soil), statistical and geo-statistical
analysis, modelling, risk assessment, divulgation and distribution via web (alphanumeric
and cartographic results – ASP and ESRI ArcIMS). In particular I planned and carried out
the “data mining” (about 10.000 samples, 600.000 analytical results for soil and 100.000
for groundwater) and the statistical activities, using mainly SQL Server (Analysis Services)
and S-plus tools. The analytical multivariate data were stored in “OLAP cubes” (using as
hierarchical measures: pollutant, stratigraphy, space and time). The three dimensionality
and the uncertainty related to the sampling and laboratory analysis required an advanced
geo-statistical treatment (“point pattern” structure, empirical variogram, indicator and
universal kriging, gaussian stochastic simulations) to estimate the contaminated volumes
and the related uncertainty;
scientific and administrative responsibility for the proposal (hw/sw selection, budget and
planning), development
and implementation of a NIR (Non-Ionising Radiation)
Information and Decision Support System. The GIS (Geographic Information System)
embedded System integrates relational databases (NIR sources: power lines,
radio/TV/cellular phone and monitoring data), query and reporting tools (alphanumeric
and cartographic), a modelling platform (including a 3-D ray-tracing for wave propagation
in urban environments) and visualization and statistical tools. The project has been
implemented on a Linux workstation using “Riskware” developed by ESS (Austria);
EU co-financed international project:
proposal, management, scientific and administrative responsibility of ARPAL participation
to the 5th Framework Programme Project European Union co-financed SUTRA (Sustainable
Urban TRAnsport) project. The project (36 months, July 2000/July 2003, 2.5 million € in
eligible costs) concentrated on a multimodal simulation of the urban transportation system
and the connected environmental, energetic and economic impact (Genoa was selected as
one of the test cases). Main aim of the project is a multi-criteria optimisation approach
and the communication of the results to the decision makers;
Project Administration:
scientific and administrative responsibilities for the creation of an “integrated meteohydrological structure” in ARPAL. The activity consisted in supervising (in support to
ARPAL Scientific Director) the transition of three working groups (operating in three
different University Departments: 10 physicists and 5 engineers) into an integrated
permanent structure in ARPAL;
Statistical Analysis:
proposal and coordination of a novel statistical estimation of integrated emissions by the
Liguria manufacturing industries, based on emission coefficients (air, soil, water)
statistically deduced by crossing the US “Toxic Release Inventory” and a US industrial
census (based on the World Bank Integrated pollution control – decision support system);
collaboration to a national project finalized to the statistical derivation of an empirical
model for screening exposure to wave propagation in urban environments; multivariate
analysis of surface water quality data; collaboration to the statistical analysis, visualization
and interpretation of environmental monitoring data and to the state of environment
Environmental Modelling:
experience in environmental modelling in the main environmental media, aimed to risk
assessment and environmental impact evaluation: air pollution (continuous emission and
accidental releases), water pollution (groundwater and surface water quality analysis), soil
(vadose zone, groundwater), ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;
Web publishing:
planning and supervision to the realization of a visualization and web real time
consultation system related to the quality of the Ligurian bathing waters (making use of
MapInfo GIS system and a java “zooming engine”);
1988 - 1999
Research activities:
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik – EURATOM Association
The activities at “Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik” has allowed me to acquire, under “optimal
working conditions”, a robust and strong competence in the operative application of the main
physical/mathematical and statistical tools, their numerical implementation as well as the creation
and management of data bases. My theoretical activity focussed on the formulation and numerical
solution of equations of Fokker-Planck type (this kind of equations arises from the stochastic
description of diffusive and convective phenomena as those originating, e.g., from “random walk”).
As a member of an experimental Team, my research activity has always been finalised to the
production of results that could be directly compared to experimental observations, with predictive
and interpretative aims.
In particular, during the years spent in Germany, I had the opportunity to:
manage and analyse experimental data;
develop a 3-D ray-tracing code (several thousands of FORTRAN instructions);
implement and interface the aforementioned 3-D ray-tracing to a finite difference kinetic
Fokker-Planck code, developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The solution
was obtained by iteration (due to the presence of non-linear terms) by coupling the two codes
on a Cray supercomputer;
solve numerically the “heat diffusion equation”, with a periodic forcing terms (heat wave
propagation). An analysis of the amplitude and phase delay of experimentally induced heat
wave allowed (by means of Fourier transform and convolution analysis) a re-construction of
the transport coefficients from experimental data.
In parallel to the research activity, I had the responsibility to:
organize and manage several international collaboration projects (UE, ex-Soviet Union and
Japan – where I spent more than two years as a “guest scientist”) following the approval and
cost statement procedures
training and supervising several students.
Hardware and Operating Systems:
Experience in working with both “state of the art” hardware (Unix Workstation, IBM
Risk Station, Cray Supercomputer) as well as with personal computer under UNIX/XWindows and MS Windows 95/98/ME/XP professional operating systems.
Software and Programming:
Theoretical and practical knowledge of the main tools for statistical and geostatistical
analysis (e.g., multivariate statistics, cluster analysis, neural networks, simulated
annealing, genetic algorithm, Gaussian stochastic simulations, kriging) and their
application through PC standard statistical packages – e.g., Statistica, S-plus, gslib and
specific codes.
Application of MS SQL Server (Data Mining and Analysis Services), MS Office (Access,
Excel, VBA – Visual Basic for Applications, Word, FrontPage, PowerPoint), programming
languages (FORTRAN, Visual Basic for Applications) and visualization tools (e.g.,
Grapher, Surfer, EVS).
Good knowledge of GIS – Geographic Information System (MapInfo, MapBasic,
VerticalMapper, ArcView) and of the main troubles related to their correct
Italian (mother tongue),
English and German (written and spoken),
Japanese (basic).
1984-86 working as translator (from English to Italian) for computer magazines and scientific
publishing (Mondadori).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In 1985 co-editor of the Proceedings of the "Course and Workshop on Applications of rf Waves
to Tokamak Plasmas" produced by the “International School of Plasma Physics” (two volumes);
In 1993 invited by the Scientific Committee of the “International Joint Workshop on ECE and
ECRH” to present, in the opening Session, a critical review of the recent theoretical
developments in the field of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating.
In 1994 invited by the editorial board of “Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion”, Institute of
Physics Publishing, United Kingdom to prepare, in collaboration with Dr. V. Erckmann, a review
paper on the experimental and theoretical developments of Electron Cyclotron Resonance
Heating and Current Drive in Toroidal Fusion Plasmas. The review paper, about 100 pages, was
published in “Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion” towards the end of 1994.
In 1994 awarded a Science and Technology Fellowship by the European Union. I could spend 24
months (1994-1996) in Japan on leave from the “Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik” (6
months in Tokyo, full immersion Japanese course; 9 months at JAERI, Japanese Atomic Energy
Research Institute, in Tokai-mura; 9 months at NIFS, National Institute for Fusion Science, in
In 1997 invited by the “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology” in Kharkov (Ukraine) for a
1 month visit in the frame of the German-Ukrainian scientist exchange programme.
In 1997 lecturer at the “International Summer School of Plasma Physics”, held in Greifswald,
In 1998 invited by the “National Institute for Fusion Science” in Nagoya (Japan) for a 3 months
visit as Foreign Research Staff (Visiting Professor).
In the framework of the EU TACIS program, collaboration with the Environmental and Civil
Protection Municipal Authorities of Usmate Velate (Milano) in the exchange program with the
municipality of Vetka (Byelorussia – strongly affected by the radioactive fall-out following
Chernobyl accident).
Member of several national working groups related to: information system, sw and hw standard,
metadata, non-ionising radiation, air quality, pollen, photochemical pollution.
Referee for the following international journals: “Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion”,
Institute of Physics Publishing – “Nuclear Fusion”, International Atomic Energy Agency –
“Physics of Fluids” and “Physics of Plasmas” American Institute of Physics.
I took part at several Congress and International workshops, e.g.:
Annual European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion:
1988 - Madrid,
1989 - Venezia,
1990 - Amsterdam,
1992 - Innsbruck,
1993 - Lisbon;
Europhysics Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Heating and Current Drive of Fusion
devices, 1992, Bruxelles;
8th Joint Workshop on ECE and ECRH, 1993 - Gut Ising (Germany);
U.E. IMPEL Network Exchange Programme, 4 - 9 october 1998 (Venezia, Bologna, Firenze,
"Un'infrastruttura di dati territoriali per la rete unitaria della Pubblica Amministrazione",
Venice International University, Venezia, 1998
UDMS'99 - 21st Urban Data Management Symposium, 1999
Presentation of the UE LIFE project, Genova, 2000
14th IUGI (Intergraph Users Group Italy) meeting, Santa Margherita, 2000
4th National Conference of the Environmental Agencies, Venezia, 2000
"UNECE - EIONET emission inventory Task Force ", Roma, 2000
3rd ESRI Italian Users Conference, Roma, 2000
“kick-off meeting” of the EU "SUTRA" project, Gumpoldskirchen – Austria, 2000
ANPA-ARPA-UE presentation of the UE IST programme, Venezia, 2000
Final workshop of the "Meteonet" project, Roma, 2000
Meeting on MARKAL implementation in the frame of the "SUTRA" project, Geneva, 2001
Inter-regional Technical Meeting for the development of a National Distributed Meteorological
Service, Roma, 2001
"SUTRA" meeting, in Aveiro - Portugal, 2001
Meeting on Numerical Operational Meteorology, Bologna, 2001
ANPA meeting of the working group “Information System”, Roma, 2001
Meeting “Solution and Technologies for the Statistical Anlysis of Data”, Milano, 2001
5th Conference of the Environmental Agencies – Bologna, 2001
“ANSEA – Analytical Strategic Environmental Assessment new concepts in Strategic
Environmental Assessment towards better decision-making” meeting, Milano, 2002
Workshop on “Model integration & Scenarios and Third MARKAL-Lite Workshop” – Geneva
Workshop on “Identification and Assessment of Historical Subsurface Contamination”, Milano,
Management Board and Technical "SUTRA" Meeting, Gumpoldskirchen - Austria, 2002
Working group “Campionamento ed analisi dei suoli di siti contaminati”, Napoli, 2002
Technical "SUTRA" Workshop on “Policy analysis”, Eilat - Israele, 2002
Course on “Quality management systems”
SUTRA Final Meeting and Project Review, Danzica – Polonia, 2003
U. Gasparino; Emission of Cyclotron Radiation from non-Maxwellian plasmas; Rapporto
Interno, Istituto di Fisica del Plasma, Associazione C.N.R.-EURATOM, FP 85/24, 1985
H.J. Hartfuß, U. Gasparino, M. Tutter, W VII-A Team, ECRH Group; Electron Cyclotron Emission
measurements during 28 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating in the W7-A Stellarator;
Report IPP 2/292, 1987
U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, M. Tutter, W VII-A Team and ECRH Group; Studies on Electron
Cyclotron Heating at the Wendelstein VII-A/AS Stellarators, Plasma Phys. And Contr. Fusion,
Vol. 30, p. 283, 1988
U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg; Considerations on ECRH Current Drive and Bootstrap Current for
W VII-X, Proc. 2nd Workshop on Wendelstein VII-X, Schloß Ringberg 1988, CEC, EUR 11705
EN, p. 157, 1988
H.J. Hartfuß, U. Gasparino, M. Tutter, W VII-A Team, ECRH Group; ECE Diagnostic for the new
Stellarator Wendenstein VII-AS: diagnostic aims and radiometry set-up; Proc. 6th Joint
Workshop on ECE and ECRH, Oxford, UK, p. 281, 1988
U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, W VII-AS Team, NI Team and ECRH Group; Sources of Toroidal
Current in the W VII-AS Stellarator, Proc. 16th Europ. Conf. on Control. Fusion and Plasma
Physics, Venice 1989, ECA 13B, Vol. 2, p. 631, 1989
H. Maaßberg, U. Gasparino, G. Kühner, H. Ringler, W VII-AS Team, NI Team and ECRH Group;
Neoclassical Transport in the W VII-AS Stellarator, Proc. 16th Europ. Conf. on Control. Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Venice 1989, ECA 13B, Vol. 2, p. 635, 1989
H. Ringler, U. Gasparino, G. Kühner, H. Maaßberg, H. Renner, F. Sardei, W VII-AS Team, NI
Team and ECRH Group; Confinement Studies on the Wendenstein VII-AS Stellarator; Proc.
17th Europ. Conf. On Contr. Fusion and Plasma Heating; Amsterdam 1990 (invited paper),
Plasma Phys. And Contr. Fusion, Vol. 32, p. 933, 1990
U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, W VII-AS Team, NBI Team and ECRH Group; ECF Heating and
Current Drive in W VII-AS, Stellarator Physics, Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on Stellarators, Oak
Ridge (Tennessee) 1989, IAEA TECDOC-558, p. 237, 1990
H. Maaßberg, U. Gasparino, G. Kühner, H. Ringler, W VII-AS Team, NBI Team and ECRH
Group; Transport and Plasma Current in W VII-AS, Stellarator Physics, Proc. 7th Int. Workshop
on Stellarators, Oak Ridge (Tennessee) 1989, IAEA TECDOC-558, p. 359, 1990
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, H. Renner, M. Tutter, W VII-AS Team, W. Kasparek,
G.A. Müller, P.G. Schüller, M. Thumm; Current Drive Experiments at the Electron Cyclotron
Frequency; Proc. 17th Europ. Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Heating, Amsterdam 1990,
ECA 14B, Vol. 3, p. 1271, 1990
U. Gasparino, V. Erckmann, H. Maaßberg, W VII-AS Team and ECRH Group; Non-inductive
Currents in W VII-AS; Proc. 17th Europ. Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Heating,
Amsterdam 1990, ECA 14B, Vol. 3, p. 1275, 1990
U. Gasparino, V. Erckmann, H. Maaßberg, W VII-AS Team and ECRH Group; Bootstrap Current
and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive in W VII-AS; Theory of Fusion Plasmas, Varenna, Italy, p.
195, 1990
H. Renner, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, G. Kühner, H. Ringler, F, Sardei, A. Weller, W VII-AS
Team, NBI Group, Pellet Injection Group and ECRH Group; Confinement Properties of the
"Advanced Stellarator" Wendenstein VII-AS; Proc. 13th Int. Conf. On Plasma Physics and
Contr. Nucl. Fus. Res., Washington 1990, Nucl. Fus. Suppl., Vol. 2, p. 439, 1991
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, H. Renner, M. Tutter, W VII-AS Team, W. Kasparek,
G.A. Müller, P.G. Schüller, M. Thumm; Electron Cyclotron Current Drive and Wave Absorption
in the W VII-AS Stellarator; Proc. 13th Int. Conf. On Plasma Physics and Contr. Nucl. Fus.
Res., Washington 1990, Nucl. Fus. Suppl., Vol. 2, p. 555, 1991
H. Maaßberg, U. Gasparino, G. Kühner, W7-AS Team, NBI Team and ECRH Group; Neoclassical
Transport Calculations using DKES Code for W7-AS, 8th Int. Stellarator Workshop at Kharkov,
IAEA Technical Committee Meeting, Proc. Published by IAEA, p. 45, 1991
H. Renner, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, A. Weller, W7-AS Team, NBI Team and ECRH Group;
Configurational Effects on the Confinement in W7-AS; 8th Int. Stellarator Workshop at
Kharkov, IAEA Technical Committee Meeting, Proc. Published by IAEA, p. 35, 1991
M. Tutter, V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, W7-AS Team; Simulation of the influence of Coherent
and Random Density Fluctuations on the Propagation of ECRH-Beams in the W7-AS Stellarator;
18th EPS Conf. On Contr. Fus. And Plasma Phys., Berlin 1991, ECA 15C, Vol. 2, p. 205, 1991
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, L. Giannone, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Maaßberg, M. Tutter, W7-AS Team,
W. Kasparek, G.A. Müller, P.G. Schüller, G. Dammertz, G. Gantenbein, T. Geist, M. Kuntze,
H.U. Nickel, P. Piosczyk, M. Thumm; ECRH Experiments with 140 and 70 GHz at the W7-AS
Stellarator; Int. Workshop on High Power Microwave Generation and Application; Varenna,
Italy, p. 511, 1991
G. Grieger, W. Lotz, P. Merkel, J. Nührenberg, J. Sapper, E. Strumberger, H. Wobig, the W7-X
Team, R. Burhenn, V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, L. Giannone, H.J. Hartfuß, R. Jaenicke, G.
Kühner, H. Ringler, A. Weller, F. Wagner and the W7-AS Team; Physics optimization of
stellarators; Phys. Fluids B4 (7), 2081, 1992
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg; Current Drive and Bootstrap Current in Stellarators;
Proc. 19th Europ. Conf. On Contr. Fusion and Plasma Heating; Innsbruck 1992 (invited paper),
Plasma Phys. And Contr. Fusion, Vol. 34, p. 1917, 1992
L. Giannone, V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, G. Kühner, H. Maaßberg, U. Stroth, M.
Tutter, W7-AS Team, ECRH Group; Electron Thermal Conductivity from Heat Wave Propagation
in Wendelstein 7-AS; Nucl. Fus. 32 (11), p. 1985, 1992
H.J. Hartfuß, U. Gasparino, M. Tutter, V. Tribaldos, V. Erckmann; Electron Cyclotron Emission
from W7-AS Stellarator during Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating; Workshop on Collective
Acceleration Processes in Collisionless Plasmas; Cargese, France, p. 377, 1991
K.S. Dyabilin, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, H. Renner, H. Ringler, W7-AS Team, ECRH Group;
Electron Heat Transport in the LMFP-regime for the Stellarators W7-A, W7-AS and L2; 19th
EPS Conf. on Contr. Fus. and Plasma Phys., Innsbruck 1992, ECA 16C, Vol. 1, p. 493, 1992
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, L. Giannone, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Maaßberg, M. Tutter, W7-AS Team,
IPF-ECRH Group, KFK-Gyrotron Group; Diffusive and Convective Transport Modelling from
Analysis of ECRH-stimulated electron Heat Wave Propagation; 19th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fus.
and Plasma Phys., Innsbruck 1992, ECA 16C, Vol. 1, p. 497, 1992
U. Gasparino, M. Kick, H. Maaßberg, H. Renner, H. Ringler, F. Sardei, W7-AS team, NBI Team;
The Optimum Ion Confinement Mode in W7-A Stellarator induced by Fast Orbit Losses of the
nearly perpendicular NBI; 19th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fus. and Plasma Phys., Innsbruck 1992,
ECA 16C, Vol. 1, p. 505, 1992
C. Beidler, E. Harmeyer, U. Gasparino, J. Kißlinger, G. Kühner, H. Maaßberg, F. Rau, H.
Ringler, H. Wobig, W7-AS team, ECRH Group, W7-X Team; Modified Vacuum Fields and
Compensation of Islands for the Stellarator W7-AS; 19th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fus. and Plasma
Phys., Innsbruck 1992, ECA 16C, Vol. 1, p. 581, 1992
U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Maaßberg, V. Tribaldos, M. Tutter, W7-AS team, ECRH Group;
Measurements of Electron Cyclotron Emission during High Power ECRH in the W7-AS
Stellarator; 19th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fus. and Plasma Phys., Innsbruck 1992, ECA 16C, Vol. 2,
p. 1001, 1992
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Maaßberg, M. Tutter, W7-AS Team, W. Kasparek,
G.A. Müller, P.G. Schüller, G. Dammertz, G. Gantenbein, T. Geist, M. Kuntze, H.U. Nickel, P.
Piosczyk, M. Thumm; Confinement Studies with ECRH and ECCD at 70 and 140 GHz in the W7AS Stellarator; Europhysics Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Heating and Current Drive
of Fusion Devices, Brussels 1992, ECA 16E, p. 297, 1992
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, M. Tutter, W7-AS Team, ECRH Group IPF-Stuttgart,
Gyrotron Group KFK-Karlsruhe, Gyrotron Group IAP-Nizhny Novgorod; Electron Cyclotron
Current Drive and Current Profile Control in the W7-AS Stellarator; Europhysics Topical
Conference on Radiofrequency Heating and Current Drive of Fusion Devices, Brussels 1992,
ECA 16E, p. 301, 1992
U. Gasparino; Summary of ECE and ECRH Theory Sessions; Proc. 8th Joint Workshop on ECE
and ECRH, Gut Ising, Germany, Vol. 1, p. 5, 1993
A.E. Costley, U. Gasparino, W. Kasparek; Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron
Resonance Heating (EC8), Conferences and Symposia, Nucl. Fus. 33 (8), p. 1239, 1993
U. Gasparino; Theoretical Aspects of Electron Cyclotron Emission, Heating and Current Drive
(invited paper); Proc. 8th Joint Workshop on ECE and ECRH, Gut Ising, Germany, Vol. 1, p. 19,
H.J. Hartfuß, V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, L. Giannone, H. Maaßberg, M. Tutter; Heat Wave
Experiments on the W7-AS Stellarator; Proc. 8th Joint Workshop on ECE and ECRH, Gut Ising,
Germany, Vol. 1, p. 211, 1993
C. Beidler, U. Gasparino, J. Geiger, E. Harmeyer, J. Kißlinger, G. Kühner, F. Rau, H. Ringler, H.
Wobig, W7-AS team, ECRH Group; Wendelstein 7-AS configurations at Various Mirror Ratios
and iota-Values; 20th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fus. and Plasma Phys., Lisbon 1993, ECA 17C, Vol.
1, p. 341, 1993
C. Beidler, U. Gasparino, J. Geiger, E. Harmeyer, J. Kißlinger, G. Kühner, F. Rau, H. Ringler, H.
Wobig, W7-AS team, ECRH Group; Wendelstein 7-AS configurations at Various Mirror Ratios
and iota-Values; 9th Int. Workshop on Stellarators, Garching 1993, IAEA, Wien, 84
R. Büchse, U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, R. Jaenicke, A. Weller, ECRH Group, W7-AS Team;
Temperature Relaxations during Current Drive Experiments in the W7-AS Stellarator; 20th EPS
Conf. on Contr. Fus. and Plasma Phys., Lisbon 1993, ECA 17C, p. 365, 1993
V. Erckmann, F. Wagner, J. Baldzuhn, R. Brackel, R. Burhenn, U. Gasparino, P. Grigull, H.J.
Hartfuß, J.V. Hofmann, R. Jaenicke, H. Niedermeyer, W. Ohlendorf, A. Rudyi, A. Weller, S.D.
Bogdanov, B. Bomba, A.A. Borschegovsky, G. Cattanei, A. Dohdy, D. Dorst, A. Elsner, M.
Endler, T. Geist, L. Giannone, H. Hacker, O. Heinrich, G. Herre, D. Hildebrandt, V.I. Hiznyak,
V.I. Il'in, W. Kasparek, F. Karger, M. Kick, S. Kubo, A.N. Kuftin, V.I. Kurbatov, A. Lazaros, S.A.
Malygin, K. MacCormick, G.A. Müller, V.B. Orlov, P. Pech, H. Ringler, I.N. Roi, F. Sardei, S.
Sattler, F. Schneider, U. Schneider, P.G. Schüller, G. Siller, U. Stroth, M. Tutter, E. Unger, H.
Wolff, E. Würsching, S. Zöpfel; The H-mode of the W7-AS Stellarator; Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, p.
2086, 1993
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, W7-AS team; Study of EC Current Drive Efficiency
and Bootstrap Current by Power Modulation Experiments; 20th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fus. and
Plasma Phys., Lisbon 1993, ECA 17C, Vol. 1, p. 1021, 1993
H.J. Hartfuß, V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, L. Giannone, H. Maaßberg, W7-AS Team; Heat Wave
Studies on the W7-AS; Proc. 9th Int. Workshop on Stellarators, Garching 1993, IAEA, Wien
1993, p. 340
H. Maaßberg, R. Burhenn, U. Gasparino, G. Kühner, H. Ringler, K.S. Dyabilin; Experimental
and Neoclassical Electron Heat Transport in the LMFP Regime for the Stellarator W7-A, L-2 and
W7-AS; Phys. Fluids B 5, 3627, 1993
H. Maaßberg, R. Brackel, R. Burhenn, U. Gasparino, P. Grigull, M. Kick, G. Kühner, H. Ringler,
F. Sardei, U. Stroth, A. Weller; Transport in Stellarators; Plasma Phys Control. Fusion 35,
Suppl. B, 319, 1993
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino; Electron cyclotron resonance Heating and Current Drive in Toroidal
Fusion Plasmas; (review paper), Plasma Phys Control. Fusion 36, 1869, 1994
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, W7-AS Team, NBI-Team, W. Kasparek, G.A. Müller,
P.G. Schüller, A. Borschegovsky, V.I. Il'in, V.I. Kurbatov, S. Malygin, N. Alexandrov, V.I.
Malygin; Recent Results with 140 GHz ECRH at the W7-AS Stellarator; Proc. IAEA Tech. Comm.
Meeting on RF Launchers for Plasma Heating and Current Drive, Naka 1993, JAERI, Tokai,
Ibaraki 1994, p. 140
H.J. Hartfuß, M. Endler, V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, L. Giannone, P. Grigull, G. Herre, M. Kick,
G. Kühner, H. Niedermeyer, H. Ringler, F. Sardei, U. Stroth, S. Sattler, F. Wagner, A. Weller,
W7-AS Team, NBI-Team and ECRH Group; Physics Studies in W7-AS; Plasma Phys Control.
Fusion 36, B17, 1994
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Laqua, H. Maaßberg, H. Ringler, M. Romè, U.
Stroth, W7-AS Team, W. Kasparek, G.A. Müller, P.G. Schüller, A. Borschegovsky, V.I. Il'in, V.I.
Kurbatov, S. Malygin, N. Alexandrov; Perturbative and Stationary ECRH and ECCD Experiments
with 70 and 140 GHz at the W7-AS Stellarator; Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Plasma Phys. And Contr.
Nucl. Fusion Res., Seville 1994, IAEA, Vienna 1995, 771
G. Kühner, J. Baldzuhn, R. Brackel, R. Burhenn, A. Das, A. Elsner, Y.H. Feng, U. Gasparino, H.
Hacker, O. Heinrich, H.J. Hartfuß, M. Hirsch, J.V. Hofmann, M. Kick, H.J. Hartfuß, W. Mandl, W.
Ohlendorf, F.P. Penningsfeld, M. Romè, H. Ringler, F. Sardei, U. Stroth, H. Verbeek, A. Weller,
W7-AS Team, ECRH Group, NBI-Group; Transport Investigation in the W7-AS Stellarator; Proc.
15th Int. Conf. Plasma Phys. And Contr. Nucl. Fusion Res., Seville 1994, IAEA, Vienna 1995,
V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, W7-AS Team, NBI-Team, W. Kasparek, G.A. Müller,
P.G. Schüller, A. Borschegovsky, V.I. Il'in, V.I. Kurbatov, S. Malygin, V.I. Malygin; 140 GHz
Electron Cyclotron Resonance heating Experiments at the W7-AS Stellarator; Fusion Eng. Des.
26, 141, 1995
M. Romè, U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Maaßberg, N. Marushchenko; Effect of the radial drift
of trapped suprathermal electrons on the ECRH power deposition profile; Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics, Proceedings of the 23rd EPS Conference, Kiev (Ukraine), 1996, 867
N. Marushchenko, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, M. Romè; Bounce Averaged Fokker-Planck Code
for the Simulation of ECRH at W7-AS; Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Proceedings of
the 23rd EPS Conference, Kiev (Ukraine), 1996, 950
M. Romè, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, N. Marushchenko, S. Murakami, N. Nakajima, M.
Okamoto; Kinetic description of low density ECRH discharges at W7-AS; Proceedings of
"Theory of Fusion Plasmas", Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop, Varenna (Italy),
1996, 315
M. Romè, V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, G. Kühner, H. Maaßberg, N.
Marushchenko; Kinetic modelling of the ECRH power deposition in W7-AS; Plasma Phys.
Control. Fusion 39, 117, 1997
V. Erckmann, H. Laqua, U. Gasparino, J. Geiger, H.J. Hartfuß, R. Jaenicke, G. Kühner, H.
Maaßberg, H. Niedermeyer, M. Romè, A. Weller, W7-AS Team, ECRH Group; High Density
ECRH and shear related Confinement with ECCD in W7-AS Stellarator; Proc. 16th IAEA Fusion
Energy Conference, Montreal, 1996, Vol. 2, 119
S. Murakami, N. Nakajima, S. Okamura, M. Okamoto, U. Gasparino; Orbit Effects of Energetic
Particles on the reachable iota-value and the Radial Electric Field in NBI and ECR Heated
Heliotron Plasmas; Proc. 16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Montreal, 1996, Vol. 2, 157
N. Marushchenko, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, M. Romè; Bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck code
for the Description of ECRH in a Periodic Magnetic Field; Comp. Phys. Comm. 103, 145, 1997
S. Murakami, N. Nakajima, U. Gasparino, M. Okamoto; Simulation Studies of Radial Electric
Field in CHS and LHD; Plasma Phys. Rep. 23, 512, 1997
W. Pernreiter, U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Maaßberg, M. Romè, N. Marushchenko; Nonthermal Electron energy Distribution from Vertical ECE-Measurements at W7-AS Stellarator;
EC-10, Proc. 10th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron
Heating, Ameland (The Netherlands), p. 241, 1997
U. Gasparino, V. Erckmann, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Maaßberg, M. Romè; On- and Off-axis Modulation:
"obscure" transport or ECREH Deposition Effect?; EC-10, Proc. 10th Joint Workshop on Electron
Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Heating, Ameland (The Netherlands), p. 411, 1997
U. Gasparino, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Maaßberg, N. Marushchenko, W. Pernreiter, M. Romè; Energy
and Density Inhomogeneities driven by toroidally localized ECRH in W7-AS; Controlled Fusion
and Plasma Physics, Proc. 24th EPS Conference, Berchtesgaden (Germany), 1997, 1637
H. Maaßberg, J. Baldzuhn, C. D. Beidler, K.S. Dyabilin, V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, N.
Marushchenko, S. Murakami, N. Nakajima, M. Romè and the W7-AS Team; The Neoclassical
"Electron Root" Feature in W7-AS; Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Proc. 24th EPS
Conference, Berchtesgaden (Germany), 1997, 1605
U. Gasparino, V. Erckmann, H.J. Hartfuß, H. Maaßberg, M. Romè; Transport Analysis through
Heat waves Driven at Different Radial Positions, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 40, 233, 1998
M. Romè, V. Erckmann, U. Gasparino, N. Karulin; Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating and
Current Drive in the W7-X Stellarator; Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 40, 511, 1998
U. Gasparino, H. Idei, S. Kubo, N. Marushchenko, M. Romè; High Harmonic Electron Cyclotron
Resonance Heating in the Large Helical Device; Nucl. Fus. 38 (2), p. 222, 1998
H. Maaßberg, C. D. Beidler, U. Gasparino, S. Murakami, M. Romè, U. Stroth and the W7-AS
Team; Transport Analysis in Low-Collisionality W7-AS Plasmas; J. Plasma Fusion Res. SERIES,
Vol. 1 p. 103, 1998
S. Murakami, U. Gasparino, H. Maaßberg, N. Marushchenko, N. Nakajima, M. Okamoto, M.
Romè; Suprathermal Electron Effects on ECRH Deposition Profile and Ambipolar Flux in W7-AS;
J. Plasma Fusion Res. SERIES, Vol. 1 p. 122c , 1998
H. Maaßberg, C. D. Beidler, U. Gasparino, M. Romè and the W7-AS Team, K.S. Dyabilin, N.B.
Marushchenko, S. Murakami; The Neoclassical "Electron Root" feature in the Wendelstein-7-AS
stellarator; Phys. Of Plasmas, Vol. 7, n. 1, p. 295, 2000
N. Dotti, U. Gasparino, P. De Stefanis, M. Volpe Rinonapoli, F. Pittaluga, M. Puppo, A.
Chiapparono, U. Albino, R. Gazzolo; Esempio di applicazione del D.M. 471/99 presso il sito
dell’ACNA C.O. in liquidazione di Cengio; Atti della giornata di studi organizzata dal CNR “Siti
contaminati: un anno dall’entrata in vigore della normativa; Milano 12 febbraio 2001
U. Gasparino, M.C. Grieco, S. Sciaccaluga; Stima delle emissioni delle industrie manifatturiere
liguri; libro degli Abstract della “5° Conferenza Nazionale delle Agenzie Ambientali”, Bologna
17-19 dicembre 2001
U. Gasparino, M. Parolin, R. Cafiero, R. Dagnino, P. Caratti, D. Pinelli; Mobilità urbana
sostenibile: il progetto SUTRA; libro degli Abstract della “5° Conferenza Nazionale delle Agenzie
Ambientali”, Bologna 17-19 dicembre 2001
S. Ledda, E. Bongio, U. Gasparino, M. Valle, A. Cogorno, E. Montagna, G. Risso Amey; Il
Sistema Informativo NIR: Integrazione di Catasto, Cartografia e Modellistica in ambiente GIS;
libro degli Abstract della “5° Conferenza Nazionale delle Agenzie Ambientali”, Bologna 17-19
dicembre 2001
P. De Stefanis, U. Gasparino, F. Pittaluga, M. Puppo, N. Dotti, G. Cossa, P. Rossanigo, C.
Trova; Il ruolo delle ARPA nella bonifica di un sito industriale di interesse nazionale (piani di
caratterizzazione aree interne ed esterne dell’ex ACNA di Cengio - SV – Liguria); libro degli
Abstract della “5° Conferenza Nazionale delle Agenzie Ambientali”, Bologna 17-19 dicembre
C. Maricchiolo, F. Aglietta, G. Ancili, M. Emiliano, U. Gasparino, M.C. Mascarella; La rete
distribuita dei dati ambientali; sessione tematica “Conoscenza: dall’acquisizione del dato alla
comunicazione”, 5° Conferenza Nazionale delle Agenzie Ambientali”, Bologna 17-19 dicembre
M.Puppo, F.Castino, U.Gasparino, R. Martini, M.Beggiato, G.Raffetto, N.Dotti, Un SIT per il
controllo degli scarichi industriali dello stabilimento ILVA di Cornigliano (GE); Atti della Quinta
Conferenza Italiana Utenti ESRI, Roma 10-11 aprile 2002
E. Bongio, U.Gasparino, M. Puppo, M. Quagliati, N.Dotti, Il sistema informativo NIR: catasto,
cartografia e modellistica in ambiente GIS; Atti della Quinta Conferenza Italiana Utenti ESRI,
Roma 10-11 aprile 2002
T. Guidetto, E. Bongio, U. Gasparino, S. Adda, L. Anglesio, A. Benedetto, G. D’Amore, P.
Pianola, L. Stola, D. Tealdi; Construction of an indicator of exposure to rf fields in urban
environment; European IRPA Congress 2002; 8-11 ottobre 2002 (congress proceedings su CDROM)
N.Dotti, G. Cossa, con la collaborazione di P. De Stefanis, U.Gasparino, F.Pittaluga,
M.Quagliati, M.Puppo, P.Rossanigo; Caratterizzazione del sito ex ACNA: quale ruolo per ARPAP
e ARPAL?; In Ambiente e Sicurezza, supplemento del Sole 24 ore n.6 – 2002
E. Bongio, U.Gasparino, M. Valle, Sistema Informativo per la stima dei campi elettromagnetici;
Acqua & Aria, Januari 2003, p. 112, 2003
P. De Stefanis, U. Gasparino, F. Pittaluga, M. Quagliati, N. Dotti; Elaborazioni statistiche di dati
nell’ambito della caratterizzazione di siti contaminati; Siti Contaminati, 1, p. 72, 2003
P. De Stefanis, U. Gasparino, F. Pittaluga, M. Quagliati, M. Puppo; Su Caratterizzazione e
“fondo naturale”- un possibile approccio per il sito ACNA; In Ambiente e Sicurezza,
supplemento del Sole 24 ore n.13 – 2004