Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 Section 208(1) Approved form RHE – 1 V6a Application for Registration for Home Education Please read before completing the application form This cover sheet can be kept for your reference. General 1. Under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (EGPA 2006)1 a parent must ensure that a child of compulsory school age2 is enrolled at and attends a state school or non-state school or is registered for home education. If in the compulsory participation phase3 the student needs to participate in an eligible option 4 or be registered for home education. 2. A child, who is of compulsory school age or in the compulsory participation phase, is eligible for home education registration. Home education is defined as the education of the child provided by one or both of the child’s parents, or a registered teacher, primarily at the child’s usual place of residence—s.205 of the Act. 3. A parent who is seeking to register a child for home education is required to reasonably satisfy the chief executive that they intend to and can comply with the standard conditions of registration.5 4. The three main standard conditions parents must meet are that: a) their child receives a high-quality education; b) the parent must provide an annual written report6 on the child’s educational progress; and c) the parent must provide written notification of any change in the child’s address within 28 days of the change happening. Registration 5. A child cannot be home educated unless they are registered under the Act. 6. Applications for registration or provisional registration are processed through the Department of Education and Training’s Home Education Unit (HEU). 7. An application for registration must be made using this application form. The form and the required enclosures must be completed and signed by the parent at the time of submission. 8. To be eligible for registration a Queensland child7 is to be: 9. a) of compulsory school age or in the compulsory participation phase; and b) not enrolled in a state school or non-state school. Provisional registration is automatically issued if an application is made using this form. Provisional registration is issued to allow time for the processing of an application. It also gives the applicant time to provide additional information (if required) to show their intent to comply with the standard conditions of registration. Provisional registration ends on the day the applicant is notified of the decision on the application for registration. 10. Further information or documentation may be required to decide an application. Information or documents may be required to be verified by a statutory declaration. 11. If an applicant intends to supply the child’s educational program or learning philosophy in a language other than English they will be required to supply a certified translation along with the original document and will be notified if any further information or documentation is required. 12. Conditions may be imposed on an application for registration. 8 13. A Certificate of Registration is issued for a child registered for home education. 1 2 The Act ss.176, 199, 239 and 240(5) Compulsory school age is a child who is at least 6.5 years of age and less than 16 years of age (or who has completed Year 10) 3 5 Compulsory participation phase starts when the person stops being of compulsory school age and ends when the person gains a senior certificate, certificate III or IV; or has participated in an eligible option for 2 years after they have stopped being of compulsory age; or turns 17 years Eligible options are—an education program provided at a state or non-state school, a higher education course provided at a university or non-university; a vocational course provided at a TAFE or registered training organisation; an apprenticeship under the VETE Act, or a skills development program under the VETE Act Standard conditions of registration—s.217 of the Act 6 7 Written report— s.217 of the Act Queensland child— Objects of the Act —s.5 of the Act 8 Imposed conditions— s.218 of the Act 4 Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 Section 208(1) Approved form RHE – 1 V6a Page 1 of 7 Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 Section 208(1) Approved form RHE – 1 V6a Application for Registration for Home Education Office use Received Date Provisional Date Registration Date Registration Number HE Privacy Statement The Department of Education and Training (DET) is collecting the information on this form for the purposes of: 1. 2. 3. assessing an application for registration for home education; administering and planning for providing appropriate education and support services to students; and communicating with parents and students. This collection is authorised by ss.208 and 433 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006. DET will disclose personal information from this form to the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) when opening student accounts, in compliance with ss.253 and 254 of the EGPA 2006. Personal information collected on this form may be disclosed to third parties where authorised or required by law and otherwise in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) (a copy of which is available at If you wish to access or correct any of the personal information on this form or discuss how it has been dealt with, please contact the Home Education Unit on PH 3513 6755 or 1800 677 176. Please print in BLOCK LETTERS A separate application must be lodged for each child Item 1. Details of parent applying to home educate a child Parent’s name (applicant) Mr Mrs Ms Dr (Family name) (Given names) (Family name) (Given names) (Family name) (Given names) _____ Second parent (if applicable) Child’s name Gender: Male Female Applicant’s relationship to child Postcode Residential address (must be child’s usual place of residence) Q __ __ __ __ Note: Conditions may apply if travelling outside Queensland Postcode Postal address Q __ __ __ __ Home Fax Contact Numbers Mobile E-mail address Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 Section 208(1) Approved form RHE – 1 V6a Page 2 of 7 Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Item 2. Details of the child to be granted registration (Family name) (Given names) (Family name) (Given names) Child’s name Previous name (if applicable) This information is supplied to QSA when opening a student learning account. Note: Date of Birth is used to determine year level for administrative purposes. Date of birth Is the child Indigenous? Item 3. Recent education Example: 2014—Paradise SS—Year 3 The education will be based mainly at the child’s usual place of residence. Is the child’s primary language English? Item 4. Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Not Applicable Educational details of the child to be home educated When School Year Level Not applicable 20_____ Note: Modifications to learning levels should be included in your program information. Yes No (If No, the home education may not comply with s.205 of the Act. Provide details for approval) Yes No (If No, please provide details) Birth Certificate A certified photocopy of the child’s full birth certificate9 is to be supplied with the application. Item 5. Details of who will teach the child under home education Under s.205 of the EGPA 2006 the child must be taught— 1. 2. 3. by one or both of the child’s parents; and or by a registered teacher10; and primarily at the child’s usual place of residence. Is the child to be taught by a parent? Yes Go to Item 6. No, or jointly with a registered teacher Provide details below and then— Go to Item 6. (Family name) (Given names) Teacher’s name Teacher registration number 9 Full birth certificate is used as proof that the applicant is the parent of the child as required—s.208 of the Act Note: a passport is not sufficient. 10 Registered teacher— registered under the provisions of Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005 (as per EGPA 2006 Schedule 4 definition) Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 Section 208(1) Approved form RHE – 1 V6a Page 3 of 7 Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Item 6. Details of the child’s program – this item forms part of the assessment for registration for home education To register their child for home education, a parent must be able to show that they can meet the standard conditions of registration.11 To demonstrate that these conditions are being met, a parent must provide documentation about the proposed educational program or how the chosen learning philosophy is to be implemented to meet the child’s education needs for the coming year. 1. This documentation should show evidence of a high-quality education that: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 2. is responsive to the changing needs of the child concerned; has regard to the age, ability, aptitude and development of the child concerned; is conducted in an environment conducive to learning; is responsive to the child’s need for social development; reflects and takes into account current understandings related to educational and other development of children; takes account and promotes continuity of the learning experiences of the child concerned; is supported by sufficient and suitable resources; and uses strategies for monitoring educational progress. The documentation must be in a written format, clearly address each of the above requirements and explain how the requirements will be met. A copy of the child’s educational program or learning philosophy as developed or adapted by you as a parent and applicant is to be included with the application. 11 Standard conditions— s.217 of the Act Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 Section 208(1) Approved form RHE – 1 V6a Page 4 of 7 Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Item 7. Statutory Declaration for completion by parent applicant. Applicant is required to have their signature witnessed. STATUTORY DECLARATION I………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(insert full name) of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(insert address) in the State of …………………………….., do solemnly and sincerely declare that: I am the parent of the child specified in Item 2 of this application form. The child for whom this application is submitted will not for the period of home education registration be enrolled in a state or non-state school, including schools offering distance education. If I have not supplied all documentation to support this application, I am aware that I have up to 28 days from the request for additional information to supply such documentation or the application will end; unless other arrangements have been made with the chief executive or their delegate to alter this date. I understand that in order to continue registration of a child under s.217 of the EGPA 2006 I must comply with the following standard conditions of registration: 1. I must ensure that my child receives a high-quality education as detailed in my child’s educational program or philosophy. 2. I must annually submit a written report on the educational progress of my child. 3. I must supply a written report to the Home Education Unit for the attention of the chief executive or their delegate at least 2 months, but not more than 3 months, before the anniversary of my child’s registration. Note: The Home Education Unit will remind parents of the annual report requirements prior to the anniversary of the child’s registration. It is recommended that the parent educator keep learning records for the child through the year to enable the formation of the annual report. 4. I must notify the Home Education Unit of any change in the address of my child’s usual place of residence within 28 days of the change happening. I make this solemn declaration, including any completed attachments, conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act 1867. Declared at ……………………………………………… the State of ………… this …………………………day of …………………...….Two thousand and……………. Parent Name………………………………………………….. Signature …………………………………… Taken before me: (Witness’s Name*)………………………………………… Signature…………………………………….. Occupation: …………………………………………………………………………….. (*This person must be authorised to witness Statutory Declarations - a justice of the peace, commissioner for declarations or notary public, a lawyer or a conveyancer, or another person authorised to administer an oath, under the law of the State, the Commonwealth or another State). CHECKLIST To assist with the collection of the application components 1. All relevant parts of this application have been completed 2. A certified photocopy of my child’s full birth certificate is enclosed 3. A detailed copy of the educational program or learning philosophy I will use with my child is enclosed 4. The statutory declaration has been completed and signed Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No Please post this completed Form (with enclosures) to: The Manager, Home Education Unit Department of Education and Training PO Box 3710 South Brisbane Business Centre QLD 4101 Ph: Ph: 3513 6755 1800 677 176 Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 Section 208(1) Approved form RHE – 1 V6a Page 5 of 7 Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Item 8. Supply of this information is optional. This information is collected for the Commonwealth Department of Education in compliance with Commonwealth/State funding agreements. What is the occupation group of the parent/ caregiver? (refer to provided sheet for the list of Parental Occupation Groups) (refer to provided sheet for the list of Parental Occupation Groups) If the person is not currently in paid work but has held a job in the last 2 months or has retired in the last 12 months, please use the person’s last occupation. If the person has not been in paid work in the last 12 months, enter ‘8’ in the box above. What is the highest year of primary or secondary school the parents/caregivers have completed? (for persons who have never attended school, mark ‘Year 9 or equivalent or below’) Parent/Caregiver 1 Parent/Caregiver 2 Year 12 or equivalent Year 12 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent Year 10 or equivalent Year 10 or equivalent Year 9 or equivalent or below Year 9 or equivalent or below What is the highest qualification the parents/caregivers have completed? Parent/Caregiver 1 Bachelor degree or above Advanced Diploma/Diploma Certificate I to IV (including trade certificate) No non-school qualification Parent/Caregiver 2 Bachelor degree or above Advanced Diploma/Diploma Certificate I to IV (including trade certificate) No non-school qualification STUDENT & PARENT/CAREGIVER LANGUAGE DETAILS Does the student or their parent/caregiver 1 or their parent/caregiver 2 speak a language other than English at home? Student Parent/Caregiver 1 Parent/Caregiver 2 No, English Only No, English Only No, English Only Yes, Other – Please specify Yes, Other – Please specify Yes, Other – Please specify If the student speaks more than one language other than English at home, indicate the additional languages that are spoken and the percentage spoken in this section only % % Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 Section 208(1) Approved form RHE – 1 V6a Page 6 of 7 Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Parental Occupation Groups for use with Parent / Caregiver details Group 1: Senior management in large business organisation, government administration and defence, and qualified professionals Senior executive/manager/department head in industry, commerce, media or other large organisation. Public service manager (Section head or above), regional director, health/education/police/fire services administrator Other administrator [school principal, faculty head/dean, library/museum/gallery director, research facility director] Defence Forces Commissioned Officer Professionals generally have degree or higher qualifications and experience in applying this knowledge to design, develop or operate complex systems; identify, treat and advise on problems; and teach others. Health, Education, Law, Social Welfare, Engineering, Science, Computing professional Business [management consultant, business analyst, accountant, auditor, policy analyst, actuary, valuer] Air/sea transport [aircraft/ship’s captain/officer/pilot, flight officer, flying instructor, air traffic controller] Group 2: Other business managers, arts/media/sportspersons and associate professionals Owner/manager of farm, construction, import/export, wholesale, manufacturing, transport, real estate business Specialist manager [finance/engineering/production/personnel/industrial relations/sales/marketing] Financial services manager [bank branch manager, finance/investment/insurance broker, credit/loans officer] Retail sales/services manager [shop, petrol station, restaurant, club, hotel/motel, cinema, theatre, agency] Arts/media/sports [musician, actor, dancer, painter, potter, sculptor, journalist, author, media presenter, photographer, designer, illustrator, proof reader, sportsman/woman, coach, trainer, sports official] Associate professionals generally have diploma/technical qualifications and support managers and professionals. Health, Education, Law, Social Welfare, Engineering, Science, Computing technician/associate professional Business/administration [recruitment/employment/industrial relations/training officer, marketing/advertising specialist, market research analyst, technical sales representative, retail buyer, office/project manager] Defence Forces senior Non-Commissioned Officer Group 3: Tradesmen/women, clerks and skilled office, sales and service staff Tradesmen/women generally have completed a 4 year Trade Certificate, usually by apprenticeship. All tradesmen/women are included in this group. Clerks [bookkeeper, bank/PO clerk, statistical/actuarial clerk, accounting/claims/audit clerk, payroll clerk, recording/registry/filing clerk, betting clerk, stores/inventory clerk, purchasing/order clerk, freight/transport/shipping clerk, bond clerk, customs agent, customer services clerk, admissions clerk] Skilled office, sales and service staff. Office [secretary, personal assistant, desktop publishing operator, switchboard operator] Sales [company sales representative, auctioneer, insurance agent/assessor/loss adjuster, market researcher] Service [aged/disabled/refuge/child care worker, nanny, meter reader, parking inspector, postal worker, courier, travel agent, tour guide, flight attendant, fitness instructor, casino dealer/supervisor] Group 4: Machine operators, hospitality staff, assistants, labourers and related workers Drivers, mobile plant, production/processing machinery and other machinery operators. Hospitality staff [hotel service supervisor, receptionist, waiter, bar attendant, kitchenhand, porter, housekeeper] Office assistants, sales assistants and other assistants. Office [typist, word processing/data entry/business machine operator, receptionist, office assistant] Sales [sales assistant, motor vehicle/caravan/parts salesperson, checkout operator, cashier, bus/train conductor, ticket seller, service station attendant, car rental desk staff, street vendor, telemarketer, shelf stacker] Assistant/aide [trades’ assistant, school/teacher's aide, dental assistant, veterinary nurse, nursing assistant, museum/gallery attendant, usher, home helper, salon assistant, animal attendant] Labourers and related workers Defence Forces ranks below senior NCO not included above Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishing, mining worker [farm overseer, shearer, wool/hide classer, farm hand, horse trainer, nurseryman, greenkeeper, gardener, tree surgeon, forestry/logging worker, miner, seafarer/fishing hand] Other worker [labourer, factory hand, storeman, guard, cleaner, caretaker, laundry worker, trolley collector, car park attendant, crossing supervisor] Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 Section 208(1) Approved form RHE – 1 V6a Page 7 of 7 Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document.