PAACE Conference 2013 Sessions - Pennsylvania Association for

Master File for Sessions
Monday, March 11, 2013 Division and special group meetings
2:30 – 3:30 pm
These meetings will be a time to meet with your Division Chair, learn the goals of your division, network
with other division or group members, and share your questions and Ideas for the future of PAACE.
Room 208
Facilitated by Kim Rossman
Adult Literacy, Basic and Secondary Education (ALBSE) Division meeting Room 207
Facilitated by Joy Zamierowski
Continuing Higher Education
Room 204
Facilitated by Deb Roach
Room 109
Facilitated by Cheryl Heister and Marcia Anderson
English as a Second Language
Room 206
Facilitated by Cathie Whitmire, Ron Frye, and Josh McManness
Family Literacy
Facilitated by Dee Martin-Spallone
Room 108
Session 1 (Monday 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM)
1. Public Policy and General
ROOM 208
Setting the PAACE: Educating Legislators on the Importance of Adult and Family Literacy
JoAnn Weinberger
Workshop Abstract
Bring all your questions and issues! This will be a "how to" session on educating elected officials.
You will have an opportunity to learn Advocacy 101 and learn from the PAACE Government
Relations Consultant who is available to support your grassroots efforts.
2. General and tutor coordinators
ROOM 104
Stagehands and the Perfect Show: Using Volunteers Well in the Adult Education Classroom
Stephanie Fahringer
Workshop Abstract
Participants (teachers, volunteers, and tutor coordinators) will learn (1) how to use volunteers as
effective teacher assistants, (2) how to be an effective volunteer in a classroom, and (3) how to
prepare volunteers for working in a classroom.
3. ESL and tutors/instructors
ROOM 106
Teaching ESL Learners to Read: You Don’t have to be a Reading Specialist!
Anne Weiss
Workshop Abstract
Teaching reading strategically to a high-level English language learner relies heavily on developing
the learner’s language comprehension skills, including vocabulary and literacy knowledge. We will
present scope, sequence, strategies, and materials for teaching reading in a high-intermediate ESL
classroom as well as an ABE/ESL classroom.
4. ESL and tutors/instructors
ROOM 105
Lights, Camera, Action! Using Media in the ESL Classroom
Aimee Firtz
Workshop Abstract
Integrate Hollywood and media into your ESL classroom! In this session, you will gain ideas and
lesson plans on how to use popular TV shows, movies, YouTube videos and other media clips in
your ESL classroom including NCIS, Mr. Bean, My Big Fat Greek Wedding and more.
5. Administration and Data
ROOM 203
Data Diving with Multiple Measures
Lora Zangari
Workshop Abstract
Perception, Demographic, Student Learning and School Processes all swim in the ocean called
Data. Each alone gives us valuable information, but when hooked together, multiple measures can
tell us where we’re sinking and when we’re swimming toward success. Dive in!
6. Family Literacy
ROOM 108
Lights, Camera, Read!
Emily Wolfe
Workshop Abstract
Lights, Action, Read will address dialogic reading and its impact on preparing future readers. This
multimedia and interactive session is based on the DOE “Doing What Works” research-based
education practices and is a wonderful connection to the ACIRI assessment.
7. ESL and tutors/instructors
ROOM 204
Low-Level ESL Learners: Prioritizing Teaching Topics
Allegra Elson and Nancy Krygowski
Workshop Abstract
How can instructors best choose learning topics, an instructional sequence, and which language
skills—listening, speaking, reading, writing—to stress for results that are both measurable and
meaningful to our low-level/low-literate ESL students?
8. Tutors and tutor coordinators
ROOM 107
Technology for Tutors: Taking the Show to the Clouds
Kim Rossman
Workshop Abstract
This session will be for tutors interested in using the Internet throughout the tutoring process. One main
website, Tutoring Adult Learners Using the Internet, will be the “Home Page” for the session. This site
features a wide variety of topics of interest to tutors of adult learners.
9. General and Tutors/instructors
ROOM 206
Introducing Pathfinders Books by Tana Reiff
Tana Reiff
Workshop Abstract
Early in her career, Tana Reiff wrote fiction for adults at very low reading levels. Now, she has rewritten
nine of those titles, published by Grass Roots Press. The author will show the new books and ways to
use them, explain the process of developing them, and discuss any questions you may have.
10. Tutor coordinators and Instructors
ROOM 205
Creating a Smash! Goal setting as a Tool for Success
Marie Steinbacher
Workshop Abstract
A session that will provide the script for helping you and your adult learner achieve success. The
session will leave you on the edge of your seat while exploring a tool kit for goal setting. Each
participant will walk away with ideas and materials to use with the learners of their programs.
11. GED and ABSE
ROOM 207
The Argumentative Essay: Point and Counterpoint Revealed
Angela Kenes
Workshop Abstract
Are you looking for some proven strategies to teach argumentative writing for the 2014 GED®? In
this session, I will model the lesson that I currently use to teach the fundamentals of argumentative
writing in my post-secondary transition class at Penn State Fayette.
12. ABSE and Tutors/Instructors
ROOM 102
“Do you know where you are going to?” Creating Habits for Life-Long Learning
Norman Simmons
Workshop Abstract
As adults stop “chasing the fantasies,” they reach for what they are “hoping for.” Teaching the
positive and negative power of habits, educators can engage them in changing a habit and in
opening the door to develop life-long learning skills.
SPECIAL ALL DAY TUESDAY SESSION - preregistration and your own laptop required
Room 211
A Free Online Tool to Support Instruction: Create Websites or Blogs with Weebly
Diana Satin and Steve Quann of World Education
Workshop Abstract
As teachers, we all want to create community and provide support to our students, both during
and outside of class time, but may not have the knowledge, experience or time to do that. Learn
how to use the free Weebly website builder to construct a “web space” where your students can
access classroom activities and resources and share their work and ideas with each other.
Session 2 (Tuesday 8:00AM- 9:15 AM)
1. Workforce and Case Managers/Instructors ROOM 104
The Why and How of Recognized Computer Skills Certification
Bob Dove & Kyle Harder
Workshop Abstract
At a time when employers expect that everyone has the basic computer skills needed for the
workplace, there is still a segment of the population without these basic skills or at least proof that
they have these skills. The ICDL program supplies both the skills needed and an internationally
recognized certificate to provide proof of these skills. This workshop will show you how to
implement the program in your facility and/or where to send your clients to get this certification.
2. General and Data
ROOM 107
Little Shop of Data
James Yeager & Peggy Grumm
Workshop Abstract
This session is designed for practitioners interested in evaluating data using the Access Database
Template for e-Data. The session includes an in-depth review of how to get the most out of the
reports and queries in the Access Database Template.
3. ESL and Instructors/Tutors
ROOM 105
Shared Learning: Its impact on Retention and Learning in the ESL Adult Classroom
Mitchell Berger & Anurag Sagar
Workshop Abstract
It has become common and best practice for some time to promote student involvement and
achievement in the elementary classroom through shared learning techniques. As a former
elementary teacher, I have applied and adapted some of these techniques to the adult ESL
classroom. This workshop will demonstrate some of these strategies.
4. ESL
ROOM 106
The Changing Face of Immigrants: Implications for ESL and ABE Programs
Blaire Willson Toso, Esther S. Prins & Angela Mooney
Workshop Abstract
Presenters discuss recent trends and demographic information on immigrants in the United States,
and considerations for accommodating immigrants into programs and communities. Participants are
encouraged to share observations about population changes and how they shape programmatic and
instructional practices.
5. Administrators
ROOM 109
Selling Mismatched Socks in Sets of Three
Timothy Shenk
Workshop Abstract
“Disrupt,” by Luke Williams, challenges entrepreneurs to think the unthinkable in order to thrive in
the midst of adversity. What implications does this have for Adult Education in a decade of severe
budget cuts? Learn how selling mismatched socks in sets of 3 has direct relevance to your agency’s
6. ABSE and GED
ROOM 208
Answering Interview Questions and Writing the GED® Essay
Cortney Bruno & Katya Noreika
Workshop Abstract
What do interview skills have to do with the GED® test? An instructor and a case manager will share
their experience team-teaching these topics and will lead participants through adapting lessons for
their own programs.
7. ABSE and Administrators
ROOM 204
Using a Study Circle to Facilitate Job-embedded Professional Learning for Program Continuous
Rebecca Wagner
Workshop Abstract
This workshop will explore the use of study circles for job-embedded professional learning leading to
program improvement. Presenters will discuss their understanding of study circles, how they
implement study circles in their agencies, and provide examples of how using study circles and jobembedded professional learning lead to teacher change and student outcomes.
8. ABSE and Workforce
ROOM 205
Integrating Technology into the ABE Classroom
Chrissie Klinger
Workshop Abstract
Participants will see how technology can be implemented into an ABE Career Pathways class to
help students increase reading levels.
9. Family Literacy
ROOM 207
On with the show, here we go!
Emily Wolfe and Lori McMonigal
Workshop Abstract:
Come for a fun-filled time on integration strategies for adult education and parenting education.
Participants will have an opportunity for guided networking around the topic of integration.
Participants will be asked to share ways that they integrate adult and parent education as well
as ask questions and share concerns. The goal of this discussion is to share instructional
strategies and resources that benefit adults as learners and as parents.
10. Tutor coordinators and administrators
ROOM 108
Using Google Apps to manage your Tutoring Program
Rachel Brown
Workshop Abstract
Google offers many great resources that you can use to help manage your program. Google Docs
and Google Calendars will be the focus of this hands-on workshop. You will learn how to create
and use online forms, share and collaborate on text documents, and also create and manage
calendars that can be shared with administrators, tutors, learners, or anyone else with access to
the Internet.
11. ABSE and Instructors
ROOM 203
Embracing social media in the classroom: Activities that lead to learning
Destiny Long
Workshop Abstract
Many adult learners use social media in their personal lives so why not also use it in the classroom?
Social media offers an opportunity for teachers and tutors to teach technology, basic literacy, and
workplace skills in one lesson. In this session, adult education teachers and tutors will have the
opportunity to participate in hands-on activities that use social media and teach basic skills.
Session 3 (Tuesday 9:30 AM-10:45 AM)
1. Workforce and ESL
ROOM 106
“Oh what heights you’ll hit!”
Pre-employment/Career Pathways Class Development and Instruction
Matthew Onega
Workshop Abstract
This session will discuss the current GPLC and Rivers Casino Partnership as well as how to develop
your own pre-employment/career pathways class and instructional techniques used within that class.
2. Public Policy and ESL (Part one…Part two in Session 4)
ROOM 107
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: Immigration 101
Carla Pendino
Workshop Abstract
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites PAACE attendees to participate in a
two-part session regarding immigration from the basics of law and news updates to an in-depth look
into ESL, civics, and citizenship education.
A representative from the USCIS Philadelphia district, which maintains jurisdiction over
Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Delaware, will be on-hand to provide you with an intensive
Immigration 101 lesson, followed by a workshop on the various tools and services available to
educators who focus on the naturalization test. The second portion of the workshop will also focus
on the many parts of the naturalization test, including how the English section is constructed and
what your students need to know.
At the conclusion of the panel discussion, USCIS will welcome questions and comments.
3. General and Case Management
ROOM 206
Case Manager to Case Manager
Patricia Capito, Linda Wolfson & Angelic Hardy
Workshop Abstract
An actor can only be great if he has a great supporting cast. Therefore, it is only fitting that the Case
Management cast of characters lend great support to each other. Join this session to learn from and
share with others during this problem-solving session addressing real case management issues
from PA agencies.
4. GED and General (Part one…Part two in Session 5)
GED® Testing on Computer – The State of the State
ROOM 208
Michael Sobkowski & Debi Faucette
Workshop Abstract
This workshop will provide participants with the latest status on paper-based and computer-based
testing in Pennsylvania. Information will also be provided on the closeout campaign for the 2002
paper-based test and preparation for the new computer-based GED® test in 2014.
5. ESL
ROOM 204
Adding Technology to the “Show”
Marilyn Lydic & Christina Davis
Workshop Abstract
This workshop is for Advanced ESL instructors, focusing on using technology to enhance instruction
in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Participants will have an opportunity to experience
student lessons, collaborate about classroom technology, and leave with ready-to-use lessons.
6. ESL
ROOM 104
Looks Who’s Talking: Integrating Speaking and Listening Practice into the ESL Classroom
Georgieana (Gee) Hendricks & Joan M. Strouse
Workshop Abstract
As ESL teachers know, students are most hesitant to speak extemporaneously. This workshop will
introduce strategies to get your students talking and build their confidence to speak outside the
classroom. Games, activities, and other ideas will be shared
7. Administrators
ROOM 105
Securing Grants for Non-government Sources
Don Block
Workshop Abstract
Times are tight for government support, so how about winning a grant from a foundation or
corporation? An experienced administrator who has raised millions for adult education from private
sources will engage the participants in a discussion of grants from a donor's perspective. What
does a donor need to see in order to give you the grant?
8. ESL
ROOM 205
Three solutions for Adult ESOL: Low literacy, varied literacy and academic
Tom Dare
Workshop Abstract
From the varied levels of primary literacy they bring with them, to the very different ways the students
will apply the English they learn in our classrooms, no other pedagogical situation has the dynamic
and the complexity of an Adult ESOL class. The presenter will explore the nature of these variances
and demonstrate lesson paradigms that seek to use this diversity as a plus rather than a deficit.
The presenter will demonstrate three uniquely different lesson paradigms: 1) Predominantly low
literacy paradigm, using visual contexts. 2) Mixed literacy approach that uses a unique form of
differentiated instruction. 3) Grammar/competency-based system that builds toward academic skills.
ROOM 108
Waiting in the wings: A bridge to job programs for low-skilled adults
Rebecca Wagner
Workshop Abstract
This workshop will describe a bridge-to-job program for low-skilled adults. The program
demonstrates a way to support low-skilled adults through adult education, work readiness training,
and employment preparation.
10. ABSE
ROOM 109
The FLIPPED Classroom
Barbara Gade
Workshop Abstract
Participants will learn about the FLIPPED classroom and how it affects learner participation and
outcomes. The FLIPPED classroom requires learners to access class instruction using the Internet
so that class time is spent on applying learned concepts inside the classroom.
11. Administrators
ROOM 203
High-Impact Tutors: The Literacy Corps Model
Sheila M. Sherow, Luke H. Suereth & Kim Rossman
Workshop Abstract
This session will present the research basis for the Literacy Corps tutoring model and discuss typical
issues encountered when starting and while maintaining a Literacy Corps program. Participants will
receive a copy of the newly revised Tutor Flipbook.
12. Family Literacy
ROOM 207
Spotlight on Family Learning
Rose Gioia-Fine
Workshop Abstract
Participants in this session will explore new ways to engage parents and children in family
learning. This session will shine a spotlight on impact of intentional family learning and provide a
framework for empowering parents to be full partners in the education of their children.
Participants will review a library of engaging parent/child activities, discuss a model for effective
delivery, and gain access to peer support.
Session 4 (Tuesday 11:00 AM -12:15 PM)
1. Public Policy /ESL* (Part two…Part one in Session 3)
ROOM 107
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: Beginning and Expanding ESL, Civics and Citizenship
Education in Your Community and Your Classroom
Carla Pendino
Workshop Abstract
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites PAACE attendees to participate in a
two-part session regarding immigration from the basics of law and news updates to an in-depth look
into ESL, civics, and citizenship education.
A representative from the USCIS Philadelphia district, which maintains jurisdiction over
Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Delaware, will be on-hand to provide you with an intensive
Immigration 101 lesson, followed by a workshop on the various tools and services available to
educators who focus on the naturalization test. The second portion of the workshop will also focus
on the many parts of the naturalization test, including how the English section is constructed and
what your students need to know.
2. General
Engaging 21st Century Learners
Nia Eubanks-Dixon
Workshop Abstract
ROOM 104
In this 75-minute workshop entitled “Engaging 21st Century Learners,” participants of a wide range
of educational expertise will learn effective tools for engaging young adult learners. Using
Experiential Learning, the dialogic process, and age/cultural appropriate learning models,
participants will define, discover and create clear engagement strategies.
3. GED and General (Part one…Part two in Session 6)
ROOM 208
January 2014: The New GED® Assessment
Debi Faucette & Michael Sobkowski
Workshop Abstract
The new GED® assessment is on time and on track to be released in January 2014. This session
will provide insight into the composition of the assessment and information for adult education
professionals to prepare adult learners for success to earn their high school equivalency credential.
4. ESL
ROOM 105
Get Smart with Smart Board! ESL Activities with Smart Board
Nora Lubecki
Workshop Abstract
Do you have a Smart Board and need more ideas? Are you considering getting one? Come see
activities to engage low-level and multilevel ESL classes with many different learning styles. Only
Smart Board software and a projector will be used.
5. Administrators and Workforce
ROOM 108
It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know!
KayLynn Hamilton & Dr. Blaire Willson Toso
Workshop Abstract
The development of partnerships is a key element to successful career pathways programming.
Over the years, we have worked hard with our workforce development partners to build and
strengthen these relationships through the adult education coalitions. Now we need to do the same
kind of work with our post-secondary providers. As they say, on with the show! Join our panel of
providers to learn how they have developed these relationships and the resulting outcomes for our
6. Administrators and Tutor Coordinators
ROOM 106
Effectively Serving Low-Level ABE Learners with Shrinking Funding: Volunteer Instructor
Kathryn Rector & Karen Zaun
Workshop Abstract
Have you experienced funding cuts that affect your services to low-level ABE learners? Are you
searching for creative ways to continue meeting the educational needs of these learners? Join us for
an informative session that will include a discussion and exploration of the ideas and resources used
in the implementation of Volunteer Instructor Classrooms serving low-level ABE learners. Topics will
include volunteer recruitment, learner screening, program structure, and related resources.
7. ABSE and GED
ROOM 109
Teaching Math and Science Beyond the GED®
Wyman Fowler & Margaret Giordano
Workshop Abstract
Many future careers will require technical skills beyond the GED®. Furthermore, the 2014 GED Test will cover
skills beyond the current test. In this presentation, we will explore math and science skills higher than those
required by the GED®.
8. ABSE and Administrators
ROOM 203
A Multi-dimensional Analysis of persistence Factors in an Adult Education Class
Marilyn Graves
Workshop Abstract
Educators have wrestled for years over ways to look at student persistence. PathWaysPA Instructor
Marilyn Graves has designed an observational grid used to collect, interpret, record, and analyze
data and designed to save time and paperwork for administrators and instructors.
9. ABSE and Tutor Coordinators
ROOM 206
Tutor Coordinators: Celebrate Your Program’s Show!
Kim Rossman
Workshop Abstract
This session, for Tutor Coordinators, will be a facilitated networking session with the goals of:
sharing resources and strategies, discussing challenges, and sharing successes. The website,
“Tutor Coordinator Learning Community”, will be reviewed, as will other TC resources and supports
from TLC.
10. ABSE and Administrators
ROOM 204
Distance Learning: The Student Experience
Chuck Klinger, Dyan Schauer & Rick Searle
Workshop Abstract
This session will provide an opportunity for participants to see the Distance Learning Project from
the student perspective. It will include comments from students along with a look at the various tools
and curricula used by the Distance Learning Project.
11. Workforce and Case Management
ROOM 205
Pennsylvania’s Career Pathways: Moving in the Right Direction
Angelic Hardy & Blaire Willson Toso
Workshop Abstract
The Career Pathways project has been working closely with adult education programs and
workforce development partners to build local partnerships and identify education/career pathways
for adult learners. Join us as we discuss strategies for developing successful relationships to support
students moving in the right direction.
12. ABSE and Administrators
ROOM 207
Transitioning Skills Checklist: A Tool for College & Career Readiness
Mary Lou Friedline
Workshop Abstract
Retaining and persisting in post-secondary education or training are dependent upon knowing the
personal and academic expectations of education facilities. This workshop provides this information,
including a checklist for students and teachers to identify and track students’ knowledge and awareness.
Session 5 (Tuesday 2:45 PM -4:00 PM)
1. Workforce and Instructors
ROOM 205
Spotlight on Pennsylvania’s Integration of Career Awareness
Angelic Hardy, Rachel Zilcosky, Angela Kenes, Cheryl Heister & Christopher Roman
Workshop Abstract
During this presentation, a panel of experts with a wide variety of hands-on experience integrating
career awareness curriculum into adult education classrooms will share their experiences and
successes. A specific focus will be on Pennsylvania’s adaptation of the ICA curriculum.
2. GED and General (Part two…Part one in Session 3)
GED® Testing on Computer – The State of the State
Michael Sobkowski & Debi Faucette
Workshop Abstract
ROOM 208
This workshop will provide participants with the latest status on paper-based and computer-based
testing in Pennsylvania. Information will also be provided on the closeout campaign for the 2002
paper-based test and preparation for the new computer-based GED® test in 2014.
3. General and Data
ROOM 107
Data Quality Jeopardy
Margaret Grumm, James Yeager & Drucie Weirauch
Workshop Abstract
Collecting data can be a case of hit or miss, leaving programs in Data Jeopardy. Join this session on
the steps to quality data. We will discuss the pieces of collecting and reporting quality data.
Participants will play Jeopardy to test their skills and knowledge.
4. Instructors and ESL
ROOM 108
The Producers and Directors – Preparing the Cast – An ESL Networking Session for Instructors and
Cathie Whitmire
Workshop Abstract
This will be an interactive session. Participants will be provided with resources they can use in their
classrooms, as well as some instructional strategies. If you plan to attend this session, be prepared
to share the stage and your favorite ideas as well!
5. Administrators and IHPDS
ROOM 106
Job-embedded Professional Learning Models for Agency Professional Development Teams
(Administrator and In-House Professional Development Specialist)
Bootsie Barbour, Peg Rood, Kim Rossman, Dr. Sue Snider, Dr. Rebecca S. Wagner, Joy
Workshop Abstract
“On with the Show” as agencies and the PDS continue their work in developing an agency
infrastructure to support in-house, job-embedded professional learning. Three agencies share the
impact around teacher learning, classroom practice, and learner outcomes with Agency PD Teams.
6. ABSE and GED (Part one…Part two in Session 6)
GED® 2014: Challenge to Instructors
Michael Vail, Lynette Hazelton & Scott Bostwick
Workshop Abstract
ROOM 206
GED® 2014: Challenge to Instructors, a double session, Round-robin workshop, will primarily focus
on the changes and challenges of the new GED® 2014 assessment as they relate to instructors,
their learners, and their practice.
7. ABSE and Instructors
ROOM 109
Computing for L.I.F.E – Literacy, Independence, Fulfillment, Employment
Nicole Hewitt & Marie Steinbacher
Workshop Abstract
A presentation of the pilot project providing foundational computer skills and literacy instruction to
students of the Franklin County Literacy Council. The focus of the session is a model teaching
program that engages the adult learner in a multi-faceted learning environment that includes
brainstorming, computer based instruction, and interactive lessons that incorporate literacy.
Resource handouts will be provided.
8. ABSE and tutor coordinators
ROOM 204
Incorporating Volunteer Aids in the Classroom
Colleen Serencsits
Workshop Abstract
Incorporate volunteers into your program as classroom aides. This session will suggest important
information to consider, how to get started, and how to make the best use of these valuable
volunteers to enhance student gains.
9. ABSE and Instructors
ROOM 105
Moving Towards Leading: Understanding and Using the Leadership for Learning Framework
Stephanie Korber & Dawn Hannah
Workshop Abstract
Presenters will introduce Reeves' Leadership for Learning Framework and how it can be used to
transform understanding of success. This tool supports reflective practice across multiple roles and
helps to identify antecedents of excellence so that success can be replicated.
10. Family Literacy
ROOM 207
Spotlight: Center for the Book- Baker’s Dozen
Dee Martin-Spallone & Linda Mallery
Workshop Abstract
This session will explore the Pennsylvania Center for the Book, its mission, activity and program
components, website resources, and in particular, the thirteen titles reviewed and carefully
selected yearly as the best picture books for children, known as the Baker’s Dozen. The focus
of the Baker’s Dozen is to create lifelong readers and lovers of books and starting with parents
and the youngest audience—preschool children.
11. ABSE and General
Room 104
Keeping it Current with News for You
Greg Stultz
Workshop Abstract
In this hands-on workshop, discover how News for You, America's only weekly newspaper for
adult learners - available online as well - can be used to provide current, exciting instruction to
literacy and ESL students. Participants will then learn how to provide exciting instruction in
alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary development, reading comprehension skills and strategies,
writing graphic literacy, and computer skills. Each participant will receive a newspaper, teacher's
guide, and handouts for suggested activities.
Session 6 (Tuesday 4:15-5:30)
1. Workforce and Instructors
ROOM 107
Career Education in the 21st Century: Preparing Tomorrow’s Future
Michael Jones & Gina M. Jones
Workshop Abstract
The way we obtain employment is changing and we must prepare students for those changes. In
this presentation, we will explore and promote the advances we provide students with thorough
career development services, student leadership, and real life experiences.
2. Research and General
ROOM 203
Writing for the PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning
Jeff Ritchey & Dr. Gary Dean
Workshop Abstract
This session examines the potential for publishing in the Pennsylvania Association for Adult
Continuing Education (PAACE) Journal of Lifelong Learning. Led by the Journal's co-editors, this is
an opportunity for potential authors to discuss their ideas and clarify publishing guidelines and time
3. GED and General (Part two…Part one in Session 4) ROOM 208
January 2014: The New GED® Assessment
Debi Faucette & Michael Sobkowski
Workshop Abstract
The new GED® assessment is on time and on track to be released in January 2014. This session
will provide insight into the composition of the assessment and information for adult education
professionals to prepare adult learners for success to earn their high school equivalency credential.
4. ESL and Instructors
ROOM 207
Building on ESL Textbooks to Support Language Acquisition
Susan Finn Miller
Workshop Abstract
In this interactive session, the presenter will demonstrate how teachers can build on the content in
popular ESL textbooks to provide learners with the meaningful practice they need. These learnercentered activities can be adapted for all levels of English learners.
5. Administrators and Continuing Higher Ed
ROOM 205
Identifying, Maximizing and Utilizing “Learning Agility” to Develop Leadership Competencies that
Drive Efficiency in Individuals and Organizations
Debra Roach
Workshop Abstract
Solid leadership skills provide a competitive edge for individuals and the organizations that employ
them. "Learning agility" can be defined as an organization's or individual's ability to respond to
adaptive challenges.
At the organizational level, agility is the ability to grow, change or innovate at, or above, the speed of
the market. Learning agility, for individuals, asserts that great leadership relies on the ability to
adapt to shifting demands of leadership in a more agile way. Organizations/individuals with learning
agility are able to capitalize on a combination of four skills: 1. Mental Agility, 2. People Agility, 3.
Change Agility, and 4. Results Agility. This presentation will provide a means for participants to learn
and develop skills leading to learning agility.
6. Continuing Higher Ed and Administration
ROOM 204
Next Practices in Veterans Services: A unique, dual perspective look at serving those who have
served our country.
Jim Yauger
Workshop Abstract
This 360-degree dissection of the next practices, regarding veteran services, will elevate your
institution to new levels in serving those who served. Among the topics that will be covered include:
student veteran perspective, administrations' perspective on veterans, and institutional culture
regarding veterans.
7. ABSE and Administrators
ROOM 106
In-House Professional Development Specialist Networking Session
Bootsie Barbour, Peg Rood, Kim Rossman, Dr. Sue Snider, Dr. Rebecca S. Wagner, Joy
Workshop Abstract
Please join us as we share ongoing successes and challenges of supporting agency professional
learning. “On with the Show” aptly describes the progress that we are making as we work together
as a learning community to capture professional development impact.
8. ABSE and GED (Part two…Part one in Session 5)
ROOM 206
GED® 2014: Challenge to Instructors
Michael Vail, Lynette Hazelton & Scott Bostwick
Workshop Abstract
GED® 2014: Challenge to Instructors, a double session, Round-robin workshop, will primarily focus
on the changes and challenges of the new GED® 2014 assessment as they relate to instructors,
their learners, and their practice.
9. ABSE and Instructors
ROOM 109
Technology in the Math Classroom
Maribel Ojeda & Melinda Canter
Workshop Abstract
The focus of the workshop will include the use of the Internet in a math classroom for the following
three purposes: (1) Independent practice of new skills or to support differentiation in the classroom
when reviewing previously acquired skills. (2) A method for exploring electronic math models and
interactive activities. (3) As a tool for assessment and math projects.
10. ABSE and Administrators
ROOM 104
Locus of Control: An early flag to persistence in adult programs
David Brant
Workshop Abstract
In order to serve adults they must be in class. Locus of control may help you identify those at-risk
students and increase retention rates.
11. Administrators and Tutor Coordinators
ROOM 108
Creating a Community of Effective Volunteers
Shirley Derbis and Peggi Kelley
Workshop Abstract
The life blood of many adult education agencies lies with the strength of its volunteer base. Learn
ways to orient, train, retain and use volunteers while creating a community of communication and
12. ABSE and Administrators
ROOM 105
Linking Assessment to Instruction through Teacher Study Circles
Trish Link & Donna Dencler
Workshop Abstract
This workshop will present how to integrate Teacher Study Circles as a professional development
activity that enhances professional growth through learning new teaching strategies, applying them
in the classroom, reflecting on what is learned and supporting one another through the process.
Session 7 (Wednesday 9:15-10:30)
1. Public Policy and General
ROOM 203
Building Community: Student Involvement in Civic Activities
Alexander Dow & Karen Mundie
Workshop Abstract
In this session, we will share practical experiences, methods, and suggestions for encouraging
student participation in civic activities.
2. General and Family Literacy
ROOM 108
A Showcase of Practitioner Action Research Projects
Drucie Weirauch & Rose Gioia-Fine
Workshop Abstract
This interactive session invites attendees to learn how some family literacy programs implemented
action research with creative interventions and careful data analysis for program improvement and, in
the process, for professional development.
3. Administrators and Tutor Coordinators
ROOM 105
Tutor Coordinator Table Talk
Shirley Derbis, Colleen Duran & Peggi Kelley
Workshop Abstract
This presentation invites all Tutor Coordinators, Administrators and anyone new to volunteer
management to learn how proper training and support will make your volunteers an integral part of
your adult education program.
4. Continuing Higher Ed and General
ROOM 102
Dynamics of Adult Education provision in the African sub-region – focus on university-based adult
education provision in Ghana
Olivia A. T. Frimpong Kwapong
Workshop Abstract
Adult education has a history in Sub-Saharan African sub-region. The discipline and practice has
evolved from indigenous adult education through non-formal provision to formal adult education
program. Adult education has been a tool for indigenization, indoctrination, westernization,
conscientization, capacity building and development for decades. Whatever way one looks at it,
adult education has been and continues to be a tool for development. There have been issues
around governance, access and the name of the discipline. This session explores the best ways to
go around the emergent issues to make adult education responsive to the concerns of its
5. General and tutor coordinators
ROOM 107
Tutors of Literacy in the Commonwealth: Annual Member Meeting
Kim Rossman
Workshop Abstract
This session is open to ALL Pennsylvania adult literacy providers. We will discuss the work being
done by TLC as well as the services being rendered. Time will be taken for participants to share
their suggestions, questions, and concerns while networking with their peers.
6. ABSE and Instructors
ROOM 205
Using Technology to Get Things Clicking With Your Students
Robert Ramsey
Workshop Abstract
This presentation will be a hands-on demonstration using a student response system (aka
“Clickers”). Different types of systems will be discussed as well as the hardware needed to use the
technology. We will explore different instructional strategies using the “clickers” to help maintain
student interest.
7. ABSE and data
ROOM 204
Use Data Behind the Scenes to Produce Outstanding Performance
Carol Miller
Workshop Abstract
Learn how one agency uses and interprets valuable data to inform instruction, improve
programming, and produce outstanding performance.
8. ABSE and Case Management
ROOM 106
Academic Language: Bridging the gap for Successful Transitions
Susan Finn Miller
Workshop Abstract
What makes academic language so challenging for adults planning to transition to post-secondary?
In this highly interactive session, the presenter will outline the unique aspects of academic language
teachers need to know. Many practical teaching ideas will be shared.
9. General and Case Management
ROOM 208
Case Manager to Case Manager
Patricia Capito
Workshop Abstract
An actor can only be great if he has a great supporting cast. Therefore, it is only fitting that the case
management cast of characters lend great support to each other. Join this session to learn from and
share with others during this problem-solving session addressing real case management issues
from PA agencies.
10. General and Administrators
ROOM 207
Goals—How to Set Them, Adjust Them, and (Finally!) Reach Them
Patrice Karcher
Workshop Abstract
A research-based, common-sense approach to goal achievement, this workshop discusses goals as
they relate to: 1) Program Improvement and Consultation Plans, 2) Individual Professional
Development Plans, 3) Learning Objectives in the classroom, and 4) Students’ primary and
secondary goals.
Session 8 (Wednesday 10:45-12:00)
1. General and Administrators
ROOM 104
Closing the Feedback Loop: Using Program Data to Drive Improvement
Bahiya Cabral-Johnson & Frances Herson
Workshop Abstract
Every PDE-funded agency has a Program Improvement Plan. Learn the nuts and bolts of how one
agency set a goal of improving enrollment, implemented activities to meet the goal, and closed the
loop via program evaluation to assess their progress.
2. ESL and Instructors
ROOM 105
Helping College-Educated Immigrant Learners Get On with the Show
Amanda Bergson-Shilcock & Susan Finn Miller
Workshop Abstract
Many instructors work with learners who are new to English, but have significant education from
their home countries. Learn about tools to help these learners understand their options and make
wise choices in re-establishing their careers in the US.
3. Continuing Higher Education and Case Management
ROOM 106
Meeting the needs of working adults: The Penn State Video Learning Network (VLN)
JeanMarie Jacob & Dr Rose Piccioni
Workshop Abstract
Many jobs now require a bachelor’s degree, but only 27.1 percent of Pennsylvania residents age 25
and older have a bachelor’s degree or higher, according to the Pennsylvania State Data Center. To
help more Pennsylvania adults access higher education, Penn State has created a statewide
network of 20 video classrooms that offer accelerated education programs.
4. ABSE and Administrators
ROOM 108
Getting Adult Learners Past the First Act: How we Pursued Persistence
Ellen Mason, Wendy Leitner-Sieber, Jeremy Goldberg
Workshop Abstract
This is the story of one program’s journey of continuous program improvement to significantly
increase student persistence. After describing how we made changes in four different settings, we
will lead participants to think anew about their own student retention issues.
5. ABSE and Instructors
ROOM 107
Learning to Achieve: Helping Adult Learners Shine
Kim Rossman, Joy Zamierowski & Rose Gioia-Fine
Workshop Abstract
Learning to Achieve is a research-based training on serving adults with learning disabilities.
The purpose of this training is to help adult education practitioners increase their knowledge and skills
to provide services that are effective and appropriate to the needs of adults with learning disabilities
6. ABSE and General
ROOM 204
Distance Learning Referral AgencyTips
Destiny Long
Workshop Abstract
Ever wonder how other agencies are supporting distance learners? This session will feature staff
from distance learning referral agencies who will share their tips on recruiting, screening, and
supporting distance learning students. Hear new ideas, share your tips, and leave with new
strategies for supporting distance learners’ success.
7. ABSE and Instructors
ROOM 109
Reading Strategies
Cindy Murphy
Workshop Abstract
Reading is not just pronouncing words—it requires understanding. Most experienced readers use a
variety of strategies to understand text. Research has shown that teachers can, and should, teach
these strategies to beginning readers. Leave with ideas to try tomorrow.
8. Administrators and General
ROOM 207/208
Q&A with DAE
Amanda Harrison, Luke Suereth, Susan Mansuetti & Christine Houck
Workshop Abstract
This session will provide an opportunity for direct service staff from PDE-funded adult basic and
family literacy providers to meet with Division of Adult Education staff to ask questions and offer