EET 121- Section: [Insert]
[Insert other course information (optional): blended, honors]
Credit Hours: 4.00
Lab Hours: 2.00
Lecture Hours: 3.00
IAI Core:
IAI Majors:
Semester: [Insert]
Course Begins: [Insert]
Course Ends: [Insert]
Days: [Insert]
Times: [Insert]
Room: [Insert]
Instructor: [Insert]
E-mail: [Insert your @mchenry.edu email address or LMS information]
Phone: [Insert]
Office Hours: [Insert]
Office Location: [Insert]
Other Contact Information: [Insert]
Website (optional): [Insert]
Required Course:
Textbook(s): [Insert]
Supplies (if desired): [Insert]
Course Description:
Analog Circuits studies semiconductor devices and analog circuits. Topics include diodes, transistors,
operational amplifier circuits, oscillators, small and large signal amplifiers, active filters, voltage
regulators and optoelectronic circuits. Mathematical analysis of the circuits is followed by practice in
Course Prerequisite: EET 111
Section Notes:
[Insert if applicable]
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe the operation of the following circuits using mathematical and waveform analysis:
limiters, clampers, voltage doublers and class A, B, & C amplifiers
2. Calculate gain and frequency response for amplifier circuits.
3. Given the input waveform, correctly determine the output waveform for the following circuits:
summing amplifier, integrator, differentiator, instrumentation amplifier, and active filter.
4. Describe the principle of oscillation and the operation of common amplifier circuits.
5. Describe the operation of series, shunt, and switching voltage regulators.
6. Explain the difference between analog and digital circuits.
7. Select the proper components and construct from a schematic diagram all of the circuits studied
in this course.
8. Use a multimeter, oscilloscope and function generator to verify the proper operation of any circuit
9. Use the above test equipment to troubleshoot a malfunctioning circuit to the component level.
10. Demonstrate the proper methods of handling delicate components such as MOSFET devices.
11. Use appropriate reference manuals to cross reference part numbers for component substitution.
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12. Demonstrate an awareness of safety concerns by using correct safety precautions in the classroom
and in the lab.
13. Demonstrate an appreciation for the importance of punctuality in the work place by arriving and
returning from breaks on time.
14. Demonstrate a positive work ethic and good time management skills by performing all lab
assignments, home assignments, and projects in a timely and thorough manner.
15. Demonstrate teamwork by working with a lab partner to complete assignments.
Course Outline:
Common Diode Applications
A. Clippers
B. Clampers
C. Multipliers and Displays
A. Special Applications Diodes
B. Bipolar Junction Transistors
C. Field – Effect Transistors
D. Thyristors
E. Opto-electric
A. DC Biasing Circuits
B. Introduction to Amplifiers
C. Common – Emitter Amplifiers
D. Other Amplifier Configurations
E. Power Amplifiers
F. Amplifier Frequency Response
G. Operational Amplifiers
H. Other Op – Amp Circuits
I. Tuned Amplifiers
J. Oscillators
K. Solid – State Switching Circuits
L. Voltage Regulators
i. Discrete
ii. Integrated
Assignments and Grading Criteria
[Insert. Must include the value of each project, skill, exam, etc. as it relates to the final grade.]
Attendance policy: [Insert]
Late work/make-up policy: [Insert]
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Weekly Course Schedule
[Insert date of each class meeting, topics to be covered, assignment due dates, testing dates, final exam
date, etc. Table format below is optional.]
Dates of
Course Schedule
Week #1
{Tentative Activity}
Week #2
{Tentative Activity}
Week #3
{Tentative Activity}
Week #4
{Tentative Activity}
Week #5
{Tentative Activity}
Week #6
{Tentative Activity}
Week #7
{Tentative Activity}
Week #8
{Tentative Activity}
Week #9
{Tentative Activity}
Week #10
{Tentative Activity}
Week #11
{Tentative Activity}
Week #12
{Tentative Activity}
Week #13
{Tentative Activity}
Week #14
{Tentative Activity}
Week #15
{Tentative Activity}
Week #16
{Tentative Activity}
Teaching Schedule
The scheduling of the activities and teaching strategies on this syllabus, but not the objectives or content,
may be altered at any time at the discretion of the instructor.
Withdrawals: The last day to drop this course is [Insert date according to Important Class Dates for term
https://catalog.mchenry.edu/syllabi/Pages/default.aspx]. Failure to attend class does not constitute official
withdrawal. If students are considering a withdrawal, they should consult directly with the instructor and an
academic advisor. Students may withdraw from a class through the Registration Office, either in person or by
fax: (815) 455-3766. In their request, students should include their name, student ID number, course prefix,
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number and section, course title, instructor, reason for withdrawing, and their signature. Withdrawal from a
course will not be accepted over the telephone.
Academic Support for Special Populations Students
Students with Disabilities:
It is the policy and practice of McHenry County College to create inclusive learning environments. If you
are a student with a disability that qualifies under the American with Disabilities Act – Amended
(ADAA) and require accommodations, please contact the Access and Disability Services office for
information on appropriate policies and procedures for receiving accommodations and support.
Disabilities covered by ADAA may include learning, psychiatric, and physical disabilities, or chronic
health disorders. Students should contact the Access and Disability Services office if they are not certain
whether a medical condition/disability qualifies. To receive accommodations, students must make a
formal request and must supply documentation from a qualified professional to support that request.
However, you do not need to have your documentation in hand for our first meeting. Students who
believe they qualify must contact the Access and Disability Services office to begin the accommodation
process. All discussions remain confidential. The Access and Disability Services office is located in
Room A260 in A Building in the Atrium. To schedule an appointment to speak with the manager, please
call (815) 455-8766. Information about disabilities services at MCC can be found at:
Additional syllabus information and resources can be found at www.mchenry.edu/syllabusinfo.
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