General Education Board Minutes

General Education Board Minutes
December 10, 2008
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
500 Swanlund Administration Building
Bonnie Armbruster, Dale Brashers, Ayanna Coleman, Kenneth Cuno, Peter
Golato, Susan Lamb, Geoffrey Love, Heather Hyde Minor, Jerome Packard,
William Simmons, Joseph Squier
Michel Bellini, Michael Dyer, David Goldberg, Eve Harwood, Kristi Kuntz,
Randy McCarthy, Ann Mester, Eric Meyer, Raj Pandharipande, Umberto
Ravaioli, Cynthia Turner, Amelia Woods
I. Minutes: Chair Dale Brashers called the meeting to order. Minutes of the November 12,
2007 meeting were reviewed. Motion made by Heather Hyde Minor to approve the
minutes. Seconded by Bonnie Armbruster. Motion Carried.
II. General Education Curriculum:
Chair Dale Brashers prepared a handout titled Talking Points highlighting previous
discussions. Kristi Kuntz also located the 2004-2005 Reports. It was determined that the
handout, report, comments from Joseph Squier, the Portland State Report and UIUC
Strategic Plan should be added to the website for review by the board before the January
III. Subcommittee Business:
a. Cultural Studies Working Group – The Cultural Studies Working Group is
scheduled to meeting on December 11th at 11:00 a.m. Also discussed
determination of the delivery issue and how it can be solved for the
Subcategories. Dale, Joseph and Kristi to meet to discuss options for improving
the General Education Teaching Assistant Budget as it relates to funding,
delivery, and TA lines.
b. Courses Pending Review – Discussed INFO 102 Quantitative Reasoning
Approval. The committee would like to ask for clarification.
IV. Recertification:
Courses Pending Review – Board would like to discuss with Kristi an alternate
system for keeping track of who has reviewed the courses.
V. Other Business:
a. Spring Meeting Reminder that Deb Kincaid needs availability. It was determined
that the fall meeting date (Monday) and time would work for spring also.
VI. Adjournment: Motion made by Jerome Packard to adjourn. William Simmons seconded
the motion. Motion carried.