Standard(s) Number of Standard Kid Friendly Language History 2: The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes from the origins of the American Revolution through Reconstruction and their relationships with one another History 2A: Determine and explain the historical context of key people and events from the origins of the American Revolution through Reconstruction including the examination of different perspectives (DOK 1-2) Lesson Plans American Studies Week of September 3rd –September 6th Tuesday- Finish Pilgrims Wednesday- Finish Pilgrims and Puritans, Mayflower and Puritans, Mayflower Compact Compact History 2A: Determine and History 2A: Determine and explain the historical context explain the historical context of key people and events from of key people and events from the origins of the American the origins of the American Revolution through Revolution through Reconstruction including the Reconstruction including the examination of different examination of different perspectives (DOK 1-2) perspectives (DOK 1-2) History 1a: Use and interpret History 1a: Use and interpret documents and other relevant documents and other relevant primary and secondary sources primary and secondary sources pertaining to United States pertaining to United States history from multiple history from multiple perspectives (DOK 1-4) perspectives (DOK 1-4) Objective Teacher Centered Using action Verbs Bloom’s Hess Bell Marzano Students can analyze primary and secondary sources related to American history to help them determine the American colonies’ relationship with England before the revolution, including the reasons British people came to America. I can explain who the Separatists were and how they became Pilgrims and came to America using 5 details. Students can analyze primary and secondary sources related to American history to help them determine the American colonies’ relationship with England before the revolution, including the reasons British people came to America. I can read and determine the historical significance of the Mayflower Compact and explain using an IVF sentence. Students can analyze primary and secondary sources related to American history to help them determine the American colonies’ relationship with England before the revolution, including the reasons British people came to America. I can read and determine the historical significance of the Mayflower Compact and explain using an IVF sentence. Why did people agree to come to America? What factors might have forced people to come to America? What reasons did governments have for sending people to America? What religious reasons existed that caused people to come to America? What was the Mayflower Compact? Why was the Mayflower Compact created? What religious reasons existed that caused people to come to America? What was the Mayflower Compact? Why was the Mayflower Compact created? Lesson Component Learning Target: Student “I Can…” statement Questions Varied, high quality, DOK 2,3 that will be used Written prior to lesson Monday: Pilgrims Thursday- Choice Board Assessment Friday- Choice Board Assessment History 2: The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes from the origins of the American Revolution through Reconstruction and their relationships with one another History 2A: Determine and explain the historical context of key people and events from the origins of the American Revolution through Reconstruction including the examination of different perspectives (DOK 1-2) History 2: The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes from the origins of the American Revolution through Reconstruction and their relationships with one another History 2A: Determine and explain the historical context of key people and events from the origins of the American Revolution through Reconstruction including the examination of different perspectives (DOK 1-2) Students can analyze primary and secondary sources related to American history to help them determine the American colonies’ relationship with England before the revolution, including the reasons British people came to America. I can describe the different economic, religious, and social reasons British people came to North America in a product of my choice. Why did people agree to come to America? What factors might have forced people to come to America? What reasons did governments have for sending people to America? Students can analyze primary and secondary sources related to American history to help them determine the American colonies’ relationship with England before the revolution, including the reasons British people came to America. I can describe the different economic, religious, and social reasons British people came to North America in a product of my choice. Why did people agree to come to America? What factors might have forced people to come to America? What reasons did governments have for sending people to America? Strategies/Activities: Hook to prior learning or Anticipatory Set: Modeling I Do, We Do, You Do Frequent check for progress toward Mastery Closure/Student Reflection Hook: Write down all the reasons that we’ve learned about that describe why people left England to come to America. I Do: Show students I drive folder. Show assignment PowerPoint. Go over directions. Put students without computers in groups with people who have them. We Do: Students will work in groups to answer the questions on each PowerPoint slide. Questions are related to small readings on the slideshow. You Do: Exit Ticket: Explain who the Separatists were and how they became pilgrims and came to America. Hook: You are a Separatist living in England. Describe why living in England is difficult for you. Hook: You are a Separatist living in England. Describe why living in England is difficult for you. Hook: Complete the table (reasons people came to America- social, religious, economic) Hook: Complete the table (reasons people came to America- social, religious, economic) Students will complete the PowerPoint from Friday/Monday. Complete poems (Pilgrims, Puritans) Students will complete the PowerPoint from Friday/Monday. Explain choice board project. Show students an exemplar. Explain choice board project. Show students an exemplar. Remaining class time will be time for them to work on project. Remaining class time will be time for them to work on project. Exit Ticket: Grade your project for demonstrating mastery of content. Exit Ticket: Grade your project for demonstrating mastery of content. Mayflower Compact: Read compact with students. Help them to understand the language. Go over questions we have to answer. We do: Students will work in groups to complete the questions about the compact. If time allows: Discussion of our answers. Exit ticket: This document can best be used to create a historical argument that explains: a) How colonists independently began creating their own governments in the new world to create stability. b) How all the colonists coming to America were concerned with religious matters. c) How the pilgrims wanted to create a nation completely separated from England. d) How the pilgrims tried to create a new religious government in North America that was not connected to England. Provide a 1 sentence reason for why you selected the letter you did. Mayflower Compact: Read compact with students. Help them to understand the language. Go over questions we have to answer. We do: Students will work in groups to complete the questions about the compact. If time allows: Discussion of our answers. Exit ticket: This document can best be used to create a historical argument that explains: a) How colonists independently began creating their own governments in the new world to create stability. b) How all the colonists coming to America were concerned with religious matters. c) How the pilgrims wanted to create a nation completely separated from England. d) How the pilgrims tried to create a new religious government in North America that was not connected to England. Provide a 1 sentence reason for why you selected the letter you did. Assessments/Check for Mastery: Frequent Formative How will you know they know? What will you do if they do or don’t demonstrate mastery? Varied Learning Abilities A: 5 details about the Pilgrims P: 4 details PP: 3 details U: 0-2 details A: Correct answer with explanation PP: Correct answer with no explanation U: Incorrect answer A: Correct answer with explanation PP: Correct answer with no explanation U: Incorrect answer Grouping, reading is chunked Grouping, modeling document reading/language, small group work Grouping, modeling document reading/language, small group work Revolution Primary Source Secondary Source Colony/colonize Pilgrim Puritan Revolution Primary Source Secondary Source Colony/colonize Pilgrim Puritan Revolution Primary Source Secondary Source Colony/colonize Pilgrim Puritan What are you doing to address the unique needs of students Key Vocabulary Terms Additional Information Choice of assignment Choice of assignment