- Sans Clue Hash House Harriers

Grand Mattress: Caitlin “MaBouche” Clarke –
Religious Advisor: Jan-Willem “Orange Slip” Handels –
Beermeister: Alan “Iceman” Elliott - 06 86 28 37 60
Hash Trash: Marie “Make Me An Offer” Ghantous – mrghantous@yahoo.com
Hash Cash/Eye Candy: Frank "Gorf" Weyn –
Webmaster: Chris “3-Legs” Wallwork - tcw232002@yahoo.co.uk
Mismanagement without Portfolio: Pierre “Omo” Viallefont – pyere@club-internet.fr
and Martin “Anal Condom” Westmoreland
Website: http://schhh.free.fr/
The Sans Clue Hash meets EVERY Sunday at Garches SNCF station car park at 14h00.
From Paris catch the 13h37 train from Gare Paris-St-Lazare, direction St.-Nom-la-Bretèche,
usually platform 1. Get off at Garches Marnes-la-Coquette.
Early arrivals – follow road up past shops, bends round to right, drink beer in Chinese pub.
Ze Trash is (usually) distributed during the circle on Sunday and is uploaded
every(ish) Monday morning on the site where you can read all the previous
Trashes. Isn’t it great?
Lady in Waiting and Half Crazy
Likes a Long One
Shags Dead People & Up All Night:
mini-weekend with Paris HHH near Fontainebleau!
Hares needed for 16th November, 28th December & 11th January, please! Offers to the hash trash or GM
Here, at last, is the run report for run 533:
Run n°533
Hares Kermit and Uti possidetis All Night
When? Sunday 12 October
Where? Parc de Saint-Cloud
Well well well…. No one expected so many people to turn up! Amazing! After the Paris H3 Red Dress Run
followed by Likes a Long One & Aquasex’s mega party I honestly thought that it was going to be dull!
What a surprise first of all to see this old Neanderthal ! Yes, the sneaky bastard didn’t tell anyone he was in
town! And guess who was there too? Wrong Way . Yes! Two visitors as well: Wait a Bitte from the
Mozambique Hash, and Don Cumalot from Italy. One dog also joined the run with his beloved Mum.
Everyone was whining and moaning when they learnt the run was going to be in Saint-Cloud! So the pack
moved quite slowly in the beginning. They thought they new it all! Eh bien ! They were wrong. Soon after
the first check, we took a path that we normally use for a false trail but then, it was not a falsy but it lead us
to a part of the Parc that even Slack Mac doesn’t know. Superb superb superb! The hares were obviously in a
very bad mood if you consider the length and the frequency of the check backs! Those who came for a casual
walk/crawl on a Sunday afternoon, sort of Hangover run were rather disappointed. It was a superb run. Not a
killer though! The perfect run, the kind of run that you prepare in advance like the Hares did (that’s why they
missed the Red Dress Run, eh oui!). We also passed next to a place full of statues, then it was a long straight
line before the Beer stop which was more than welcome! I forgot to mention that the weather was brilliant
On the way, Ma Bouche was trying to pinch McGoose arse but Gonzo got jealous so he lifted her in his arms
and started running while carrying her. He yelling and shouting alerted the quiet promeneurs du dimanche
who were looking at us in a very funny way. I even heard the word Police! However, our peaceful “Omo ran
to the rescue of our poor GM and took her away from the claws of the evil Scotsman. The beer stop was
endless! Accompanied with Mars chocolate bars and crisps. It was close to the promontoire wehre you have
the best view ever of Paris.
Kermit all of a sudden, realized that we have to go back eventually one day back to the car park…He shouted
Checkitout …. We had a lot of troubles explaining to Laughing Vaghina what checkitout means. But she
started laughing and you know how it usually ends!!!! Up all Night was very kindly accompanying the
Wankers but I have to admit that her never proposed nor encouraged any short cut… We walked/ran the hole
Shortly after that, we were safely back at the car park. The Wankers first . And it was a “Premiere” ….
After a beer, and some crisps provided by the Hash Bouffe du Jour, the standing RA called to form the
f***ng circle (Yes, he used the F word! Shocking.) And soon the DDs were distributed as follows:
Ze Hares for the fantastic run
Ze visitors , Wait a Bitte and Don Cumalot (who, by the way came virtually, throughout Internet)
Ze Returnees, Neanderthal Ze Terrible (He founded a Hash in Russia somewhere near the Black Sea) and
Wrong Way (who was in town sing 6 months and never showed up), Ze Frenchies and their dog,
Ze Virgin Georgette from Paris mtc by Laughing Vaghina
McGoose for being too attractive (remember what happened on Thursday at the Pub, he he he)
Alexandra for not being steady
Mrs Frenchy for using the dog and bone
Neanderthal for being stupid
Mr. Frenchy for defending his beloved half
Laughing Vaghina for being herself
Make Me An Offer for not wearing Hash gear
Neanderthal for being stupid again
Ma Bouche for putting fire somewhere I cannot remember or tell
‘Omo for trying to be the FRB and Kermit for stopping him
Make Me An Offer cannot remember
Sharp Shooter for stealing food
Neanderthal for eating in SharpShooter’s hand
U p All Night for smoking in the circle
Gonzo for being a gentleman and helping Georgette to do something hummmm
Pebbles, DoubleDecker, Pocket Billiard and Yehina for being perfect
Many DDs were distributed. It was a kind of Endless Neanderthal style circle. And we really enjoyed it.
Cannot read my writing anymore. The last thing I remember, is a DD to the RA of the day (WrongWay) –
Oh Ze Rime – for the perfect weather despite Orange (Double Dick) Slip ‘s absence. He was probably too
drunk ha ha ha!
It was soon time for Ze Bouffe…. We decided to go to the Parc again. We therefore carried MMAO granny’s
red caddy full of goodies and had a bite on the grass. All I can say, is that the Parc is full of dogs! You know
what I mean. Luckily, I just walked in some dog turd and didn’t sit on it! However, we managed to finish
‘Omo’s yummee ham cut in big chunks as usual (are you ever going to learn how to cut the ham the Italian
way, eh ED?), watered with an excellent Saint-Pourcain offered by ‘Omo as well. Leftovers from Likes A
Long One and Aquasex party: a huge Coulommier, a garlic dip that was smelling 10 km away and a superb
salad. Also more cheese, pate and salami + crisps and chocolate cake. And of course plenty of beer! Tough
Your Scribe for this week
Crushed Ice (some distant relative of Make Me An Offer)
The run report for run 535, by Return to Sender, should be
available by this time next week!
§Hellos from long lost hash friends:
1. Look after yourself, hope to see you soon, give my regards to all who know me,
Neanderthal, i.watkins@katran-k.ru
2. Great to hear that you, vinnie and the hash are all doing well. do give a special
hello to vinnie and my regards to all back in paris that know me.
Jailbait wakark@yahoo.com
§ Have you seen the HashCash’s staplegun (agrafeuse)?
Please return to Gorf.
§ 8 November - The already worldwide famous and the one and only hash in Piemund (Piemonte)
C P HHH (SpicyMeatBall & Roundabout)
proudly and sadly announce their last (?!) run
“(thru) C astagneto P o / C hestnuts P icking / C astagneto P rimeur (Barbera tasting) / C ollinoso P
arco (del vaj)―
When : November 8th, 2003, meeting at 14:00, run start 14:30 sharp
Where: C astagneto P o, Strada Negri 20 (in front of Age & Luciano’s place)
Price : run fees 3 euro, diner 15 euro
The diner will start at 18:00 / 18:30 near our home (Sporting Club ‘Il Poggio’, Strada Negri 22,
telephone 011-912802). The genuine and nice home made meal, wine/water and coffee included).
Please confirm your attendance to the diner to Spicy MeatBalls ‘lpiccolo@tntitaly.it’ or 348 6462533.
§Frankfurt HHH P R E R A M B L E I H 2004
17-07-2004 at the river Rhine
Package1: ticket for steam-boat from A(Mainz) to D(St.Goar) along the most beautiful part of the
Rhine; B to C run (through the vineyards) suited for everyone
(S/M/L depending on number of participants); circle (free softies, beer and wine) =25,-Euro
Package 2: package 1 plus barbeque at „Hermy`s Garden“, St.Goar(D) =35,-Euro
ckage 3: package 2 plus accommodation (bed and breakfast) at youth hostel(DJH) in St.Goar (first
come first served) = 47,50Euro
Further details via E-mail from:TheWolf.Gust@t-online.de or pink.panter@ t-online.de
These are up and coming weekends advertised at events I’ve been to lately. Ask me if you’d like the flyer(s), they’ll
be in my hash bag until somebody nabs them. OnOn. MaBouche
10-11 January 2004 – Surrey HHH 1500th run, Surrey www.sh3onsec.org £65 & up
21-23 May 2004 - Glasgow HHH 100th weekend www.glasgow1000.com
11-13 June 2004 – Lune Valley HHH Run 111 weekend, Lancaster Nomorecum +44 1524 400905 or karlviet@hotmail.com
Wed 21 July 2004 – Oxford HHH preamble/250th run, Oxford. Registration essential à iainmcrobbie@hotmail.com
INTERHASH 2004 Cardiff; … See website for details 22 July – Red Dress Run £15 in Cardiff Camping details available
30 July – 1 August 2004 – InterJOCK hash 2004, Perth, Scotland €120 with kilt! jockhash@aol.com
RUN 600 pre-amble
7th French Nash Hash
Friday 2 – Sunday 4 July, 2004 in PARIS
An opportunity for up to 100 hashers to come to Frogland when it’s NOT freezing.
Guaranteed by the RA. Probably.
Here’s what’s planned. (subject to major change).
Friday – register, Fool Moon r*n & pub crawl near Père Lachaise cemetery, resting place of Jim
Morrison. Sleep in youth hostel
Saturday – (sleep through) breakfast, join the PARIS HASH for their r*n 600, out of town, circle &
snacks, Dinner/hash party follows before falling into coma in hostel
Sunday – awake from the dead, breakfast, jump on train to forest for Sans Clue r*n 569 &
Gorgeous Blokes run n° 3, circle & famous hashbouffe. End of weekend unless more pub desired.
What do I get for my money?
Registration Fee (Euros)
130 for payments received by 31/12/03
150 until 30/04/2004
170 after 30/04/2004
Don’t need accommodation?
75/90/115 without accommodation. (to be confirmed)
most of a pub crawl
3 r*ns by three different hashes
post r*n bouffe
2 nights’ accommodation
Saturday dinner
Transport to the r*ns
… and enough beer to quench your thirst and
make you all wibbly
What now?
Fill in the adjoining registration form and send to MaBouche and make sure you pay! You are only
guaranteed a bed in Paris once we have your payment.
Cheers & OnOn,
Paris, Sans Clue and Paris Fool Moon hashes.
Please send Registration Form to:
Caitlin "MaBouche“ Clarke
118 rue du Chemin Vert
75011 PARIS, France
Tel: +
or e-mail
Jason “Hairy Mary” Hearn: HairyMary@buchelay.com
Caitlin “MaBouche” Clarke: sansclueh3@yahoo.com
Frank “Gorf” Weyn:
Registration Form Updates to this document can be found on the websites listed above.
If your handwriting is terrible, which it probably is, please write in BLOCK CAPITALS
First Name:
Hash Name:
Male 
Home Hash:
Female 
GM: Y / N
Postal Address:
Phone Home:
Phone Work:
Emergency Name and Contact Number:
T-Shirt Size:
S 
M 
L 
XL 
Choice of Run length
Walk 
<1 hr 
1-1.5 hrs 
> 1.5 hrs 
Choice of Beverage
Lager 
Softies 
Red Wine 
White Wine 
I eat everything 
Choice of Food:
Yes 
No 
Vegetarian 
Other  ………………….
Tick here if you do NOT require a bed in the hostel
OK to arrive at registration between 6 and 8 pm?
Yes 
No – when then?
Will your hash produce a Hash Cabaret? Yes 
No 
Payment: I will
 pay the registration fee in hard earned cash next available opportunity,
 send a French cheque payable to “Ursula Lehner”
 make a bank transfer* to IBAN (International Bank Account Number):
FR13 3000 2004 2300 0006 4884 L65 ; BIC (Bank Identifier Code): CRLYFRPP; or
 make a transfer* via www.paypal.com to ursula.lehner@laposte.net
* please add 6 Euros to cover commission charges.
THE FINE PRINT – Liability Waiver
I take full responsibility for my own actions and will not try to legally screw anybody connected with this event; and maybe, for the first
time in my life, I will be responsible for my actions and myself.
Signature: _________________________________Date: ________________________
- Fontainebleau HHH: 11h15 Saturdays, fortnightly. Yvonne “Winkle” Van Roeckel -
- Paris Fool Moon HHH: evenings, monthly. Jason “Hairy Mary” Hearn hairymary@buchelay.com
- Paris HHH fortnightly on Saturday afternoons. Next run 8 November. GM: Jason “Hairy Mary”
Hearn - hairymary@buchelay.com
Someone asked me what you get for the exorbitant amount of money they are currently charging for
interhash. There are 3 full days of hashing, a goody bag and the ability to hash with 4000 of your closest
hashing friends. See schedule below.
Until this date, you pay this much:
31 October / 200 Euro
30 November / 207 Euro
31 December / 214 Euro
29 February / 250 Euro
Until event / 286 Euro ... ouch!!
On On,
Yark Sucker jaburgess@planet.nl
Friday 23rd July
10:00-15:00 Registration in City Hall - see map.
Morning Thinking Drinking H³ Run
Evening - From 17:00 IH 2006 presentations (open to all)
Opening ceremony
Bands & Disco 'til late
Saturday 24th July
Morning/Afternoon Choice of runs in glorious Welsh & English forests and valleys
Evening - From 18:00 Dinner
Hand picked Hash cabaret
Bands & Disco 'til late
Sunday 25th July
09:00 Delegates meeting (open to all)
Morning/Afternoon Second chance at runs in glorious Welsh & English forests and valleys
Evening - From 18:00 Dinner
Hand picked Hash cabaret
Result of IH 2006 vote
Closing ceremony
Bands & Disco 'til late
Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?
Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will probably never be
able to support you.
---------------------------------------Why do women have smaller feet than men?
It's one of those "evolutionary things" that allows them to stand closer to the
kitchen sink.
---------------------------------------Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald
head and a beer gut, and still think they are beautiful.
The information inseminated herein is intended only for the Hasher (Harriet) or other entity (those of questionable origin) to which it is
addressed and may (or may not) contain confidential, daft, and/or embarrassing material. Any re-reading, take literally or seriously,
misrepresentation or interpretation or other sensible use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon in any way, shape or form, this
information by persons (and hashers) or entities (non-hashers) other than the intended (or unintended) recipient is really prohibited (and
very naughty). If you received this in error, please eat the message, re-format your hard drive and consume tequila shots until you pass
out. Alternatively, perform the last regularly anyway, and see you at the run.