AP Mexico CH 5 Assignment Sheet online

Thoroughly read Introduction to Comparative Politics, Chapter 5, pages 205-252, one section at a time.
Also review Zakaria, The Future of Freedom, Chapter 2, “The Twisted Path” pp. 59-87 [*77-79]; and the AP
Comparative Mexico Briefing Paper.
NOTE: be prepared for a section quiz each week.
Text Section 1. pp 207-218
1. In the context of Mexican government and politics, define and/or explain the significance of the following:
Vicente Fox Quesada, Ernesto Zedillo, Geographic setting, ethnic diversity, mestizo, Amerindian, indigenous groups,
Maya, Nahuatl, population size, maquiladoras, cultural heritage, urban v. rural areas, migration to the US, Mexican
regionalism, Mexican federalism, Spanish conquest of Mexico 1519-1521, Cortez, Aztecs, Tenochtitlan, Spanish
Imperialism 1521-1810, Role of Catholic Church, Mestizos, Rigid Social hierarchy, Father Miguel Hidalgo, War of
Mexican Independence 1810-1821, disorganized period 1833-1857, Texas Independence, Mexican-American War
1846-48, Occupation of Veracruz 1861, Emperor Maximilian 1864-67, The Porfiriato 1876-1911, Porfirio Diaz,
Revolution of 1910, coup d’etat 1913, Soronan Dynasty 1910-1934, Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa, Mexican liberals,
Mexican conservatives, PRI, Lazaro Cardenas, Agrarian Reform, 1930s labor reforms, ejidos, ejidatarios, sexenio,
economic development 1940-1982, clientalism in Mexico, Mexican oil boom 1970s, Oil bust 1981, NAFTA, EZLN,
1990s political turbulence, 1990s economic turbulence, Fox administration 2000-2006, 9/11 affects on Mexico,
Mexican statism, Mexican corporatism, corporatist state, civil society in Mexico, implications for comparative politics.
2. Explain the significance of Vicente Fox’s December 1, 2000 election as President of Mexico.
3. Identify and describe five clear results of the Mexican Revolution of 1910.
4. Explain why the reforms instituted by Lazaro Cardenas were reversed after his presidency.
5. A). Describe the 1994 assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio. B). Explain the significance of the assassination for
Mexican politics and democratic development.
Text Section 2. pp. 218-226
1. Define and/or describe the following as the relate to the Mexican economy: state capitalism, ISI, corporatism,
the Mexican Miracle, CTM, informal sector, foreign debt, oil wealth, globalization, NAFTA, GATT, economic
liberalizations, poverty, standard of living, infrastructure, income distribution, social cleavages, gender differences,
ejidos, ejidatarios, mordidas, Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
2. Describe the role of the state in Mexico’s political economy during much of the 20th century.
3. Describe three examples of ISI as applied by Mexico, 1940-82.
4. a). Describe the three accomplishments that, in your opinion, were the most important of the ISI years.
b). Why did ISI policies prove to be failing by the 1960s?
5. What does the textbook mean by the subtitle, “sowing the oil and reaping a crisis”?
6. Provide specific examples to support your answers: a). How has oil wealth helped the Mexican economy?
b). How has oil wealth damaged the Mexican economy?
7. Describe the economic crisis of 1982.
8. Describe the impact of corruption on the Mexican economy.
9. A). Giving specific examples, describe the structural economic reforms of the 1980s and 90s.
B). Explain how these policies reflect a neoliberal economic approach.
10. Explain using specific examples: In the recent past and in the present, what role do IFIs play in the Mexican
11. Explain one argument for and one argument against Mexico’s membership in NAFTA.
12. Describe three positive and three negative economic characteristics of Mexican society since the 1980s.
13. Describe Mexico’s economic relationship with a) the United States, b) the Western Hemisphere, and c) the global
Text, Section 3. pp 226-232
1. Define and describe the following as they relate to Mexican government or politics:
Mexican constitutionalism, Mexican federalism, proportional representation, presidency, cabinet, the PRI in a “one
party state”, patronage, politicos, tecnicos, the bureaucracy, the role of para-statals, PEMEX, NAFIN, CONASUPO,
the role and place of the military, the judiciary, roles and power of state and local government, regionalism, the
policy-making process.
2. Citing specific examples to support your position, write a paragraph or two that agrees or disagrees with the
following statement: “The Mexican executive branch is coequal in power with the other branches of Mexican
Text Section 4. pp 232-245
1. Citing specific examples, explain how is the legislature of Mexico is both similar to and different from the legislature
of the United States.
2. Political parties of Mexico: a) PRI, b) PAN, c) PRD, d) “other” smaller parties.
For each of the above, describe and/or explain its significance in Mexican politics as follows:
Origin, leadership, main positions on issues, size and popularity, support base [which groups tend to favor the party].
3. Using Figure2 on page 235, and citing SPECIFIC EXAMPLES, describe the trend in PRI support as evidenced
from Congressional elections, 1946-2003.
3. Describe how each of the following affect election results in Mexico: geographic location, ethnicity, economic class.
4. In a few sentences, describe how each of the following affects politics in Mexico: clientelism, accommodation, cooptation, civil society, the Catholic Church, and the media.
5. Using specific examples to support your answer, write a paragraph that agrees or disagrees with the following
statement: “Urban Popular Movements have had little impact on Mexican politics and policy making.”
Text, Section 5, pp 245-250
1. Describe three specific examples of increased democratization in Mexico.
2. Give examples to support your answers:
A). Why do so many Mexican seek to immigrate or temporarily work in the United States?
B). Why does the Mexican government seek a more “open border” with the US, regarding migrant workers?
3. In your opinion, a). what is the most serious recent gain for human rights in Mexico? B). what is the most serious
recent setback for human rights in Mexico?
4. Provide examples to agree or disagree with the following statement: Like China, Mexico is key player in today’s
trend of globalization.”
5. In your opinion, what are the three most important policies Mexico must pursue for a better future? Explain.