MONTHLY FLASH REPORT 1. Project : Adriyala Shaft Project - SCCL (Capacity – 2.81 MTPA) (Date of RCE approval: 24.12.2009 A. Input Flash Report for the month of July, 2013 1) Milestones achieved during the month (as per PERT/CPM Programme) as per Sanction: 1 2 Part event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress 2) Status of Critical milestones due up to the month but not achieved as per approval: Pert Name of the Latest Likely Reasons for Agent % age event milestone allowable completion nonachievement No. date date achievement if quantifiable Works are under progress 3) Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : September, 2012 (As per 1st RCE) b. Now anticipated : Oct, 2014 (Expected Time over run due to delay in supply of LW equipment, delay in drivage of Gate roadways for 1st Longwall Panel and installation of Belt conveyors– 25 months). 2nd RCE has been prepared and approved by SCCL Board on 13.4.2012 and sent to GoI for approval vide ref no. CRP/PP/C/282/271, dated: 25.4.2012. 4) Cost i. (a) Sanctioned Capital 1st RCE : Rs 779.26 Crores (b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 846.06 Crores c) Date of sanction & revised cost : 24.12.2009 & Rs 779.26 Crore d) F.E. Component sanctioned : Rs 530.91 Crores ii. Now anticipated : Rs 977.53 Crores as per updated 2nd RCE which is sent to GoI for approval on 25.4.2012 iii. Cumulative expenditure since inception : Rs 701.05 Crores (Provisional) upto 31st March (2012-13) iv. Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 13.44 Crs v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 up to July, 2013 : 20.688 Crores (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure upto July, 2013 : Rs 721.747 Crores(Provisional) 5) Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 77.27 % 6) Input supply and other problem : Nil 7) Action areas regarding critical milestones a. At the project level : i) Commissioning of Trunk belts. ii) Installation of LW equipment. b. At the Head Quarter level : i) Procurement of 4.5 MVA transwitch ii) 185 XLPE cable supply c. At the administrative Ministry level : Nil d. At the inter-ministerial level : Nil 1 B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013 S. Name of the Starting Earliest Present status No Milestone date completion date I Land 1) Acquisition of 29.09.2006 Completed (30.28Ha. of Non-forest land Non forest land was acquired). II Drivage of Adriyala Punch entries a) Drivage of 15.03.2008 Completed (Drivage required for 1st LW punch entry-2 Panel is completed) b) Tendering, order 01.08.2008 Completed (Order placed ) placed for punch entry-1&3 c) Drivage of 01.09.2009 Completed (Drivage required for 1st LW Punch entry-1 Panel is completed) d) Drivage of 01.09.2009 Completed (Drivage required for 1st LW Punch entry-3 Panel is completed) III Development a) Sinking of Air 01.04.2007 Completed. Shaft b) Tendering ,order 01.03.2009 and supply of Completed (Equipment received). Main Fan c) Commissioning 01.11.2010 29.03.2011 Equipment received and commissioning of main Fan is expected by Sept’ 13 d) Procurement of 01.10.2009 Completed. main trunk belts e) Commissioning 01.10.2010 28.01.2011 Equipment received from M/S CODCO. of Trunk belts Civil works are under progress. CODCO team reached to ALP on 4.5.2013 and commenced overland belt erection and underground belt installations works is in progress from 10.05.13 and expected to be completed by Dec,2013. IV Drivage of Gate roadways 4A) Bolter Miner-I a) Tender process 01.10.2008 for Bolter Miner1 b) Order and 01.08.2009 supply of Bolter Miner-1 c) Commissioning 01.08.2010 of Bolter Miner -I d) Drivage by 01.09.2010 Bolter Miner -I (TL,TG1, FD1) in I seam 4B) Bolter Miner -2 a) Tender process 01.10.2008 for Bolter Miner2 Completed (Since the Bolter miners are not suitable as per pre-vendor meet, drivages have been driven by 5 nos. of Road Headers departmentally). Completed. Completed (Since the Bolter miners are not suitable as per pre-vendor meet, 2 S. No Name of the Milestone Starting date Earliest completion date b) Order and 01.08.2009 supply of Bolter Miner-2 c) Commissioning 01.08.2010 of Bolter Miner-2 d) Drivage by 01.09.2010 31.08.2011 Bolter Miner -II (MG1, TG2,FD2) in I seam V Longwall Equipment a) Tendering 01.06.2008 process for LW b) Order and 01.08.2009 supply c) Commissioning 01.06.2011 30.09.2011 of LW d) Extraction of Panel-I in I seam 01.10.2011 31.08.2012 Present status drivages have been driven by 5 nos. of Road Headers departmentally). Completed. Face dip widening is started. 45.00 m completed out of 250 m. Cable bolting is in progress for roof stablisation. Completed. Completed (Order is placed for Longwall equipment on M/s Bucyrus, Germany on 18.12.2009. LW equipment (PRS, shearer, AFC, BSL, GBC, electricals, etc) is received at Adriyala site by 15.09.2012. Balance items of PRS (rear side shields, relay bar pins, solenoid valve blocks etc.) to be received. Joint inspection of LW equipment and Diesel vehicles (FBL) is completed. Erection and installation of Longwall equipment is expected to complete by Dec’2013. However, 4.5MVA transwitch unit, 185mm2XLPE cables and DGMS approval are critical to commence L/W operation. Likely by Oct’2014. - SCCL (Capacity – 1.167 MTPA) (Date of approval: 09.10.2006) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July, 2013 2. Project : Shantikhani Longwall Project 1. 2. Milestones achieved during the month (as per PERT/CPM Programme): 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Shaft sinking is completed and Inset work at SJ seam is in progress. Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Nil Pert Name of the Latest Likely Reasons for Age event Milestone allowable Completion nonnt No. date Date achievement Works are under progress 3 % Achievement if quantifiable 3. Project commissioning (Completion) Date : Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : March’ 2012 (As per FR) b. Date of approval for latest appropriate date : NA c. Now anticipated: It is decided to prepare Revised Feasibility Report (RFR) in view of geological disturbances. RFR preparation is under progress. 4. Cost i. a. Latest approved : Rs 249.03 Crores b. Total Capital Outlay : Rs 303.89 Crores. c. Date of approval & revised cost : RFR is under preparation d. F.E.Component : Rs 19.55 Crores ii. Now anticipated : Rs 249.03 Crores iii. Cumulative expenditure since inception and up to 31st March of the preceding year (2012-13) : Rs 54.389Crores (Including Pre-sanction expenditure & advances) iv. Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 5.26 Crores v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 up to July,2013: 1.165 Crores (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure up to July, 2013 : Rs 55.554 Crores (Provisional) 5. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 30.2 % 6. Input supply and other problem : Nil 7. Action areas regarding critical milestones a. At the project level : Nil e. At the Head Quarter level : RFR is under preparation b. At the administrative Ministry level : Nil c. At the inter-ministerial level : Nil B. Project Milestones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest Name of the Starting S.No. Completion Present status Milestone Date date 1 Project 09.10.2006 Approval by GOI 2 Land & EMP (Total land required for the project is 7.04Ha (2.16 NFL & 4.88 FL). 2.1.1 Land in 09.10.2005 possession of SCCL 2.1.2 Acquisition of non 09.10.2006 forest land 2.1.3 Acquisition of 09.10.2006 forest land 2.2 3.0 3.1 EMP Baseline Data Generation, EMP and Mining lease(401.7Ha) Development Approach road to shaft Completed. Completed. Completed. 09.10.2005 Completed (EC obtained on 24.01.2006). 09.10.2006 Completed. 4 S.No. Name of the Milestone 3.2 Temporary power supply at shaft 3.2.1 Water supply at shaft 3.3 Service Buildings 3.3.1 Tendering, order 3.3.2 Starting Date Earliest Completion date 08.04.2007 Completed. 08.04.2007 Completed. 09.04.2007 Service buildings08.10.2007 Phase I 08.04.2009 3.3.3 Service buildingsPhase II 09.10.2008 3.4 Power supply 3.4.1 Increasing power 09.10.2006 supply at Incline 3.4.2 Present status 08.10.2010 08.07.2007 Completed. a) 100 T surface coal bunker – Construction work is completed. b) Compound wall around Air shaft (640 mtrs). In principle approval was obtained and required funds are provided in Annual plan. Construction of manager office, rooms for official and other infrastructure at air shaft has been postponed till the completion of man winding shaft. All the P&M specifications are revised to 17.85MVA for 2MTPA capacity. Procurement action will be processed after RFR approval. 12.56 MVA 6.6 KV power supply is required at later stages to commission Longwall equipment. Power supply at shaft 09.07.2008 3.5 Intake shaft 3.5.1 Tendering, order for sinking 3.5.2 Sinking 09.02.2007 Completed. 10.02.2008 Completed. (Inset work at SJ seam is in progress) 3.6 Winder 3.6.1 Tendering , order and supply of winder 3.6.2 Commissioning of winder 3.7 Widening and Heightening of existing galleries 3.8 Tendering, order and supply of main trunk belts Commissioning 3.8.1 of main trunk belts 08.10.2009 09.10.2007 09.10.2007 08.10.2009 Equipment specifications are finalized for procurement of winder. Tendering action is to be initiated. 08.08.2010 09.10.2006 Completed. 09.10.2006 15.07.2007 08.10.2007 5 Completed. (Four belt conveyor gear heads, Belt structures of 240m and Belts of 1000mm for about 3.2 KMs are received.) Received 4 Nos. of 2x125 KW drive heads from APHMEL. Erection of Gear Heads and belts is completed. S.No. 3.9 3.10 3.10.1 3.11 4.0 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.4 4.4.1 Name of the Milestone Underground bunkers at main trunks(SJ bottom sections) Tendering ,order and supply of overland conveyor Commissioning of overland conveyor Longwall stores and workshop construction Plant and machinery Road header I Tendering , order and supply Commissioning of RH I Drivages of gates by RH-I Road header II Tendering , order and supply Commissioning of RH II Drivages of gates by RH-II Road header III Tendering , order and supply Commissioning of RH III Drivages of gates by RH-III Continuous Miner Technical Services for CM Starting Date 09.10.2006 Earliest Completion date Present status 08.10.2007 Erection of 6 nos. (75 T) out of 20 Underground bunkers completed. The process is initiated for balance 14 No.s. 08.10.2007 Completed. 08.07.2007 Completed. 09.10.2007 08.10.2009 09.10.2006 09.10.2006 09.10.2006 08.10.2007 08.10.2007 08.12.2007 08.12.2007 08.10.2011 09.10.2006 09.10.2006 08.10.2007 08.10.2007 08.12.2007 08.12.2007 08.10.2011 09.10.2006 09.10.2006 08.10.2007 08.10.2007 08.12.2011 08.12.2007 08.10.2011 09.12.2006 09.12.2006 08.06.2008 4.4.2 Tendering , order and supply of CM 4.4.3 Commissioning of CM 4.4.4 Drivages by CM 4.5 Main Fan Works will be taken up after RFR approval. 09.12.2006 08.06.2008 Price bid is opened on 09.07.2013 and TCR is under circulation. 08.06.2008 08.08.2008 - 08.08.2008 08.10.2011 09.06.2008 - 6 S.No. Name of the Milestone Starting Date Earliest Completion date Present status 4.5.1 Tendering , order and supply 4.5.2 Commissioning 4.6 Longwall 4.6.1 09.06.2008 08.12.2009 - 08.12.2009 19.02.2008 08.06.2010 - Tendering , order and supply 19.04.2008 08.04.2010 08.04.2010 08.07.2010 08.07.2010 08.10.2011 09.10.2006 08.10.2011 4.6.2 Commissioning 4.6.3 Extraction of Panels 5.0 EMP Related Activities Pre-bid meeting held on 11.11.2008. Tenders floated for LW Equipment and tenders are opened on 7-03-2009. Technical & Commercial evaluation completed. Price bids opened. Negotiations conducted. Proposal dropped because of not getting the IRR with proposed cost of the bidder. - SCCL ( Capacity – 2.285 MTPA) (Date of approval: 14.09.2007) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July,2013. 3. Project : Jallaram Shaft Project - 1. Milestones achieved during the month ( as per PERT/ CPM Programme ) as per Approval 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone --- 2. Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved as per Approval : Pert Name of Latest Likely Reasons for Agent % event the allowable Completion nonAchievement if No. Milestone date Date achievement quantifiable -- 3. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : March, 2013 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated: Project is delayed due to geological disturbances. CSIRO, Australia has been entrusted with detailed geo-technical studies and requirement of support resistance. They have suggested drilling few more boreholes, which indicated presence of more number of geological disturbances. Earlier NGRI has also conducted HRSS (High Resolution Seismic Survey) which indicated some more geological disturbances. This has restricted the introduction of Longwall technology at Jallaram project. As such, it is decided to prepare Revised Feasibility Report (RFR) in view of geological disturbances. RFR preparation is under progress. 7 4. Cost i. a. Latest sanction : Rs 467.78 Crores b. Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 512.87 Crores c. Date of sanction & revised cost : 14.09.2007 & Rs 467.78Crores d. F.E. Component sanctioned : Rs 232.37 Crores ii. Now anticipated : Rs 467.78Crores iii. Cumulative expenditure since inception and upto 31st March of the preceding year 2012-13 : Rs 12.306 Crores (Including Pre-sanction expenditure) iv. Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 0.00 Crores v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 up to July, 2013 : 0.00 Crores (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure up to July,2013 : Rs 12.306 Crores (Including Pre-sanction expenditure) 5. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 5.88 % 6. Input supply and other problem : Nil 7. Action areas regarding critical milestones a. At the project level : Nil b. At the Head Quarter level : Nil c. At the administrative Ministry level : Nil d. At the inter-ministerial level : Nil B. Project Milestones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest Sl. Starting Task Name Completion Present status No. date date 1.0 Land and EMP Land under 14.09.2007 a) Completed Possession Acquisition of 14.09.2007 b) Completed land Base line data 14.09.2007 c) generation & Completed EMP Tendering for 14.03.2008 13.09.2008 d) diversion of Nallah Diversion of 14.09.2008 13.03.2009 e) Nallah 2 Prospecting 14.10.2006 Completed 3 Buildings Tendering for 14.03.2008 13.09.2008 Service a) Action is to be initiated Buildings at Shaft Construction of 14.09.2008 13.09.2009 Service b) Buildings at Shaft 4 Development Tendering for 14.09.2007 13.11.2007 a) Approach Road Action is to be initiated to shaft b) Construction of 14.11.2007 13.01.2008 Action is to be initiated 8 Sl. No. c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) 5 i) a) b) Task Name Starting date Approach Road Temporary 14.01.2008 Power supply at Shaft Water supply at 14.01.2008 shaft Increasing 14.03.2009 capacity of Power supply at Incline Power supply at 14.12.2008 shaft Tendering, 14.09.2007 order for sinking of intake shaft Sinking of intake 14.03.2008 shaft – 370 Mtrs Tendering, 14.09.2007 order & supply of Winder Commissioning 14.09.2009 of Winder Tendering, 14.09.2007 order for sinking of return shaft365 Mtrs. Sinking of return 14.03.2008 shaft Tendering, 14.09.2007 order & supply of Main fan Commissioning 14.09.2009 of Main fan Procurement & 14.09.2009 Commissioning of main Trunk belts Laying of 14.09.2010 Overland Belt Conveyors to CSP Plant and Machinery Tendering, 14.12.2007 order & supply of Continuous Miner Commissioning 14.12.2009 of Continuous Miner Earliest Completion date Present status 13.03.2008 Action is to be initiated 13.03.2008 Action is to be initiated 13.09.2009 13.09.2009 13.03.2008 Action is to be initiated 13.09.2009 13.09.2009 Action is to be initiated 13.03.2010 13.03.2008 Action is to be initiated 13.09.2009 13.09.2009 Action is to be initiated 13.03.2010 13.09.2010 13.09.2011 13.12.2009 Action is to be initiated 13.02.2010 9 Sl. No. c) d) f) g) h) i) j) ii) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) iii) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) iv) a) b) c) Task Name Starting date Earliest Completion date Drivage by Continuous Miner Trunks S.B.-1 14/02/2010 13.07.2010 Trunks SB-2 14/07/2010 13.10.2010 Trunks VKP 14/07/2010 13.01.2011 Div.Tr. VKP 14/01/2011 13.06.2011 Su. VKP 14/06/2011 13.10.2011 Tr.SB 14/10/2011 13.07.2012 Tendering, 14.07.2008 13.07.2009 order & supply of Road Header-I Commissioning 14.07.2009 13.09.2009 of Road Header-I Drivage of 14.09.2009 13.09.2013 Gates & Tunnels by Road Header-I Int. B1.Tunnel 14.09.2009 13.02.2010 CCD &HD 14.02.2010 13.12.2010 TG-1 14.12.2010 13.06.2011 MG-2 14.06.2011 13.03.2012 MG-4 14.03.2012 13.12.2012 Tendering, 14.07.2008 13.07.2009 order & supply of Road Header-II Commissioning 14.07.2009 13.09.2009 of Road Header-II Drivage of 14.09.2009 13.09.2013 Gates & Tunnels by Road Header-II Int. B1.Tunnel 14.09.2009 13.02.2010 CCD &HD 14.02.2010 13.12.2010 MG-1 14.12.2010 14.10.2011 TG-3 14.10.2011 13.05.2012 Tendering, 14.05.2009 13.05.2010 order & supply of Road Header-III Commissioning 14.05.2010 13.07.2010 of Road Header-III Drivage of 14.07.2010 13.09.2013 Gates & Tunnels by Road Header-III 10 Present status Sl. No. Task Name d) TG-5 e) TG-6 Tendering, v) Order & supply a) of Road Header-IV Commissioning b) of Road Header-IV Drivage of Gates & c) Tunnels by Road Header-IV d) MG-5 e) MG-6 Tendering, vi) order & supply a) of Road Header-V Commissioning b) of Road Header-V Drivage of Gates & c) Tunnels by Road Header-V d) TG-2 e) MG-3 14.07.2010 14.08.2011 14.05.2009 Earliest Completion date 13.08.2011 13.08.2012 13.05.2010 14.05.2010 13.07.2010 14.07.2010 13.09.2013 14.07.2010 14.10.2011 14.12.2009 13.10.2011 13.03.2013 13.12.2010 14.12.2010 13.02.2011 14.02.2011 13.09.2013 14.02.2011 14.10.2011 14.10.2009 13.10.2011 13.06.2012 13.10.2011 14.10.2011 13.12.2011 14.12.2011 13.09.2013 14.12.2011 14.02.2010 13.09.2013 13.02.2012 14.2.2012 13.04.2012 Starting date Tendering, vii) order & supply a) of LW-1 b) c) d) viii) a) b) Commissioning of LW-1 Extraction of Panels by Long Wall-1 Panel-5 Tendering, order & supply of LW-2 Commissioning of LW-2 11 Present status It was decided initially to use refurbished old equipment for 3 to 4 years and then to procure new equipment. Scope of work for refurbishment of old equipment approved by Technical Committee. The enquiry for refurbishment is dropped vide P0402 dated 6.8.2010. 4. Project : Kakatiya Longwall Project - SCCL (Capacity – 2.747 MTPA) (Date of approval: 15.12.2008) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July, 2013 1. Milestones achieved during the month ( as per PERT/ CPM Programme ): Nil 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress 2. Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Nil Pert Name of the Latest Likely Reasons for Agent % Achievement event milestone allowable completion nonif quantifiable No. date date achievement Works are under progress 3. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date: December, 2012 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated: March, 2016 (Time over run expected – 39 months). As per FR, Coal production through Lonwall technology has been planned to take up departmentally. Since SCCL has not gained adequate experience in operating High capacity Longwall technology in steep gradient, It was decided to induct Longwall on Technology provider cum operator (TPO) concept. The subject has been explained in QPR meetings on 30.1.09 & 26.5.09. This ultimately resulted in delay while selection of TPO. Present status: M/s. Indu Projects (L1 bidder) was issued letter of intent (LOI) on 4th June, 2011 as Technology Provider-cum-Operator (TPO). 50 Crores mobilization advance released to M/s Indu on 17.12.2011 and Zero date started. TPO has to deploy the equipment within 16 months from effective /zero date (i.e. from 17.12.2011). Project Agreement was signed on 07.04.2012. TPO is yet to start the commissioning the Roadheaders for roadway development. 4. Cost i. (a) Latest approved : Rs 453.63 Crores (b) Total Capital Outlay : Rs 620.03 Crores (c) Date of approval & revised cost : 15.12.08 & Rs 453.63 Crores (d) F.E. Component : Rs 403.86 Crores ii. Now anticipated : Rs 453.63 Crores iii. Cumulative expenditure upto 31st March of the preceding year 2012-13 : Rs 84.069 Crores (Including Pre-sanction expenditure) iv. Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 49.50 Crores v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July, 2013: Rs 3.131 Crores. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure upto July, 2013 : Rs 87.2 Crores 5. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable 6. Input supply and other problem 7. Action areas regarding critical milestones a. At the project level 12 : 19.56 % : Nil : R&R of Madhavaraopalli and b. At the Head Quarter level c. d. At the administrative Ministry level At the inter-ministerial level Land acquisition of subsidence area : i) CHP layout approval. ii) Specifications of conveyors and construction of Weigh bins to be finalized. iii) RFR preparation : NIL : i) EC clearance from MOEF. B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. S.No Name of the Starting Earliest Present status Milestone date completion date 1.0 Land and EMP 1.1 Land under possession 1.2 Acquisition of Private land 1.3 Base line data generation and EMP 1.4 Tendering for diversion of Nallah 15.11.2007 15.12.2007 Completed. 15.12.2008 15.12.2011 Acquisition of Non-forest land( Acs.150.03 Gts) is completed. Acquisition of remaining land of Acs.1415.29 gts for mining operations in phase-I property required for construction of CHP, Diversion of Gundlavagu Nallah, Subsidence areas and re-location of Madhavaraopalli village etc. is under progress. 15.12.2007 Completed. 15.06.2009 15.12.2009 GO was issued for diversion of Gundlavagu Nallah on 14.12.2012. CE (MI) inspected the site and firmed up MoU to be entered, tender work etc. SCCL to deposit funds for taking up tender action by SE (MI), Warangal. 1.5 Diversion of 15.12.2009 15.06.2010 Land acquisition is in progress. DLNC to Nallah be done. 1.6 Rehabilitation of 15.12.2008 15.12.2011 Madhavaraopalli H/o.Dharmaraopet, displaced persons PDFs : 275 Ravi Nagar H/o Dharmaraopet PDFs : 68 Requisition submitted to Dist. Collector, Warangal. SD/Enjoyment survey completed and AD, SLR to submit the Report to LAO. DN and DD published for village site on 26.4.2013. 2 Prospecting 15.11.2007 Completed. 3 Buildings 3.1 Construction of 15.12.2008 15.12.2012 • Structures like Canteen, Lamp Room, service buildings E&M and Mining supervisors Office rooms, Filter bed, Unfurnished stores, 40 block guest house accommodation, 13 S.No Name of the Milestone Starting date Earliest completion date Present status • • • site for TPO employees residential Accommodation, 1.0 ton Magazine, Rest shelter, Fan drift work etc are completed. Rapid Gravity Filter bed & LW shed – Work awarded on 22.12.2012. Work is yet to be started. 3 x 300HP fan house – Work is awarded on 18.2.2013 and Work is commenced. Commissioning of CHP- Layout is finalised and Work will be taken up after RFR approval. 4 Development 4.1 Increasing 15.12.2009 15.06.2010 • capacity of power supply at incline • 4.2 Power supply at 15.12.2009 shaft 4.3 Tendering ,order 15.12.2008 for sinking of return shaft200mts 4.4 Sinking of return 15.12.2009 shaft 4.5 Tendering ,order 15.04.2009 and supply of main fan 4.6 Commissioning of 15.10.2010 main fan 4.7 Trunk belts in 15.12.2010 drifts III seam 4.8 Trunk belts in 15.06.2011 drifts & 1A seam 4.9 Commissioning of 15.12.2011 Nitrogen plant 5 Plant and machinery 5.1 Tendering, order 15.12.2008 & supply of 3 Nos SDLs 5.2 Commissioning 15.03.2009 Laying of 5 Km out of 7 Km of HT power line completed. Balance work is in progress. CE, AP GENCO, Hyd. served demand notice to SCCL with the estimates for depositing funds to establish required load phase-wise. • Due to TPO delays, SCCL requested to provide 1st phase load of 5 MVA. • SCCL requested TPO to submit the requirement of power with schedules Completed Completed Completed 15.10.2010 • 15.04.2011 • Two 300 HP fans were commissioned in Aug’2012 and May’2013 respectively. 3rd fan is likely to be commissioned by Dec’ 2013. 15.10.2011 15.04.2012 15.06.2012 Completed. Completed. 14 S.No Name of the Milestone Starting date Earliest completion date Present status of SDLs 5.2.1 Drivages by 3 15.06.2009 Completed (Total drivage made is SDLs 4025m as on 31.07.2013). 5.3 Tendering ,order 15.05.2008 15.05.2009 TPO has to commission Road Headers & supply of RH-I within 16 months from 17.12.2011(zero 5.3.1 Commissioning 15.05.2009 15.07.2009 date/effective date.) i.e. by Apr’2013. TPO is yet to start commissioning the RH-I. of RH–I 5.3.2 Drivages of Gates & Tunnels by RH-I. 5.3.3 Trunks & Panel 1 Tail Gate in 3 Seam 5.3.4 Trunks & Panel 2 Tail Gate in 1A Seam 5.3.5 Trunks & Panel 3 Tail Gate in 1A Seam 5.3.6 Trunks & Panel 4 Main Gate in 1A Seam 5.3.7 Trunks & Panel 3 Main Gate in 1 Seam 5.4 Tendering ,order & supply of RH-II 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7 Completed (Coal haulage drift (CHD) tunnel drivage is completed). 15.07.2009 15.03.2010 TPO is yet to start the commissioning the Roadheader-I 15.03.2010 15.12.2010 -do15.12.2010 15.12.2011 --do15.12.2011 15.09.2012 -do15.09.2012 15.12.2012 -do- 15.06.2008 15.06.2009 TPO has to commission Road Headers within 16 months from 17.12.2011(zero Commissioning 15.06.2009 15.08.2009 date or effective date) i.e. by Apr’2013. of RH-II Drivages of Gates Drivage of Coal Conveyor Drift (CCD) & Tunnels by tunnel drivage is completed RH-II Trunks & panel 2 15.07.2009 15.04.2010 TPO is yet to start the commissioning the Tail Gate in 3 Roadheader-II Seam Trunks &panel 2 15.04.2010 15.01.2011 Top level in 1A -doSeam Trunks &panel 3 15.01.2011 15.03.2012 Main Gate in 1A --doSeam Trunks & Panel 15.03.2012 15.08.2012 4drainage level -doin 1A Seam Trunks & Panel 2 15.08.2012 15.12.2012 -doTop level in 1 Seam 15 S.No 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 5.5.6 5.6 5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 Name of the Milestone Earliest Present status completion date Tendering ,order 15.05.2008 15.05.2009 TPO has to commission Road Headers & supply of within 16 months from 17.12.2011(zero Road header –III date or effective date) i.e. by Apr’2013. Commissioning 15.05.2009 15.07.2009 of RH–III Drivages of Gates TPO is yet to start the commissioning the & Tunnels by RH Roadheader-III –III Trunks &panel 15.07.2009 15.07.2010 1Main Gate in 3 --doSeam Trunks & panel 15.07.2010 15.08.2011 2Main Gate in 1A -doSeam Trunks & Panel 4 15.08.2011 15.04.2012 -doTail Gate in 1A Seam Trunks & Panel 2 15.04.2012 15.12.2012 -doTail Gate in 1 Seam Tendering ,order 15.06.2009 15.06.2011 • It was decided to induct Longwall on & supply of Technology provider cum operator Long Wall (TPO) concept. The subject has been discussed in QPR meetings on 30.1.2009 & 26.5.2009. M/s. Indu Projects was issued letter of intent on 4th June’ 2011. Mobilisation advance of Rs.50.00 Crores given to the TPO on 17-12-2011(Zero date or effective date). Project Agreement was signed on 07.04.2012. • TPO has to commission LW equipment within 34 months from (zero date or effective date) i.e. by Oct, 2014. Extraction of panels by Longwall Panel-1 in 3 seam 15.08.2011 15.05.2012 Project is expected to achieve its rated Panel-2 in 1A 15.05.2012 15.12.2012 capacity by Mar’2016. seam 5. Project : Starting date Ramagundem OC II extension Project- SCCL(Capacity–4.0 MT) (Date of approval: 30.12.2009) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July, 2013 1. Milestones achieved during the month ( as per PERT/ CPM Programme ): 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress 16 2. Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Pert Name of Latest Likely Reasons for Agent % event the allowable Completion nonAchievement No. Milestone date Date achievement if quantifiable Works are under progress 3. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : March, 2012 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated : Due to abnormal increase in cost towards land and R&R, RFR is under preparation. 4. Cost i. (a) Latest approved : Rs 418.97 Crs (b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 896.32 Crores (c) Date of approval & revised cost : 30.12.2009 & Rs 418.97Crs (d) F.E. Component : Nil. ii. Now anticipated : Rs 418.97 Crs. st iii. Cumulative expenditure upto 31 March of the preceding year 2012-13 : Rs 193.236(Provisional) iv. Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 70.33 Crs v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July,2013 : Rs 41.956 Crs. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure, upto July,2013 : Rs 235.192 Crores (Provisional) 5. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 82.14% 6. Input supply and other problem : Nil 7. Action areas regarding critical milestones a) At the project level : Nil b) At the Head Quarter level : Nil c) At the administrative Ministry level : Nil d) At the inter-ministerial level : Nil B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest Sl. Starting Name of the Mile stone completion Present status No date date I Environmental Management Plan (for approval) 1 Base Line Data Generation & 01.10.2007 Completed Application for TOR 2 Preparation of EIA/EMP 01.1.2008 Completed based on TOR 3 Submission to APPCB & EPH 01.4.2008 Completed 4 Submission to MOEF & Issue 01.7.2008 Completed of Environmental Clearance II Land 5 Acquisition of Forest Land 1.4.2007 Completed -MoEF has issued Phase-I. final approval on 01.08.2013. III Development 1.4.2010 30.9.2010 6 Misc. works 1.4.2010 30.9.2010 Works are under progress. IV EMP 7 Green belt development & 1.6.2009 31.10.2010 ETP completed. Green belt Effluent treatment/oil and development is under grease trappers etc., progress. 17 Sl. No Name of the Mile stone V Plant & Machinery A OBR by Company HEMM 8 Floating of tenders for HEMM - Phase-I 9 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM Phase-I 10 Floating of tenders for HEMM- Phase-II 11 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMMPhase-II B Coal 12 Floating of tenders for HEMM - Phase-I 13 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM Phase-I 14 Floating of tenders for HEMM- Phase-II 15 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMMPhase-II C Reclamation 16 Floating of tenders for HEMM- Water Sprinklers & dozer 17 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM D Overburden Removal by Company HEMM 18 OB removal by Company HEMM - 1st year ( 6.00 M.Cum) 19 OB removal by Company HEMM - 2nd year ( 6.40 M.Cum) 20 OB removal by Company HEMM - 3rd year ( 12.57 M.Cum) Overburden Removal by Contractor 21 Tender for OB Removal by Contractor Starting date Earliest completion date Present status 1.1.2009 Completed 1.4.2009 Completed 1.1.2010 Completed 1.4.2010 Completed 1.1.2009 1.1.2009 Completed 1.4.2009 Completed 1.1.2010 Completed 1.4.2010 Completed 1.1.2009 1.1.2009 Completed 1.4.2009 Completed 1.4.2009 Completed (OB removal by Company HEMM during 09-10 is 7.14Mcu.m) Completed ( OB removal by Company HEMM during 10-11 is 6.266 Mcu.m ) OB removal by Company HEMM could not be taken up due to delay in diversion of Forest land. 1.4.2010 1.4.2011 31.3.2012 E 22 OB removal by Contractor 1st year ( 21.00 M.Cum) 1.12.2008 1.4.2009 18 Completed (Order placed for removal of OB by contractor for 587.20 LBCM on 26.09.2009). Completed (OB removal by Contractor during 2009-10 is 8.225Mcu.m) Sl. No Starting date Name of the Mile stone 23 OB removal by Contractor 2nd year (20.60 M.Cum) 1.4.2010 24 OB removal by Contractor 3rd year ( 19.43M.Cum) 1.4.2011 F 25 26 27 28 Coal extraction by Company HEMM Coal extraction -3.00 M.T. in 1st year ( 2009-10) Coal extraction - 3.50 M.T. in 2nd year ( 2010-11) Coal extraction - 4.00 M.T. in 3rd year ( 2011-12) Coal extraction – 1.80 M.T. in 4rth year ( 2011-12) Earliest completion date Completed (OB removal by Contractor during 2010-11 is 16.207 Mcu.m). Completed (OB removal by Contractor upto 2011-12 is 10.437 Mcu.m) 1.4.2009 1.4.2010 1.4.2011 01.4.2012 Present status 31.3.2013 Completed (Coal extraction by company HEMM is 3.56MT) Completed (Coal extraction by company HEMM is 3.237 MT) Completed (Coal extraction by company HEMM is 2.03 MT) Coal extraction by company HEMM is 1.06 MT as on 31.03.2013 SCCL (Capacity – 2.50 MTPA) (Date of approval: 29.03.2010) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July, 2013 6. Project : 1. RKP OCP PHASE – I - Milestones achieved during the month ( as per PERT/ CPM Programme ): 1 Part Event No. 2. 2 Description of the milestone Works are under progress Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Pert Name of Latest Likely Reasons for Agent event the allowable Completion nonNo. Milestone date Date achievement % Achievement if quantifiable Works are under progress 3. 4. i. ii. iii. iv. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : March, 2015 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated : March, 2015. Cost (a) Latest approved : Rs 209.78 Crs (b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 129.31 Crores (e) Date of approval & revised cost : 29.3.2010 & Rs 209.78 Crs (f) F.E. Component : Nil Now anticipated : Rs 209.78 Crs Cumulative expenditure upto 31st March Of the preceding year 2012-13 :Rs 43.048 Crs (Including Pre-sanction expenditure & advances) Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 17.51 Crs 19 v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July,2013: Rs 6.881 Crs. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vii. Cumulative expenditure upto July,2013 : Rs 49.929 Crores (Provisional) 5. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 19.35% 6. Input supply and other problem : Nil 7. Action areas regarding critical milestones a) At the project level : Nil b) At the Head Quarter level : i) Award of OBR contract ii) Procurement of P&M c) At the administrative Ministry level : Nil d) At the inter-ministerial level : Nil B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013 Earliest Sl Name of the Mile Starting completion Present Status no stone date date A Environmental Management Plan (for approval) 1 Base Line Data 29.09.2008 Completed Generation 2 Preparation of 29.12.2008 Completed EIA/EMP based on ToR 3 Submission to 29.03.2009 Completed APPCB & EPH 4 Submission to 29.09.2009 Completed (16.03.2010) MOEF & Issue of Environmental Clearance B Land 5 Acquisition of Forest 29.03.2010 Completed. (MOEF has issued final and Private Land approval on 31.5.2013). GoAP has to issue GO. C Development 6 Tender process for 22.02.2011 Completed. Service Buildings 7 Construction of 22.08.2011 22.08.2012 Construction work is in progress. Service Buildings 8 Power supply 27.06.2010 27.03.2011 Diversion of HT Power lines- 14Km arrangements line is completed against 21Km. 9 Garland drains & 22.08.2011 22.02.2012 7.5 Km against 15Km garland drain Fencing completed 10 Water supply lines 24.03.2011 24.03.2012 Work awarded on 17.7.2013 and work is yet to be started. 11 Tender for CHP 25.09.2010 25.12.2010 Construction of retaining wall, feeder Construction breaker beds, gantry with 2x100 12 Construction of 25.12.2010 25.06.2011 Tons bunkers, contract awarded on 19.03.2013. Work started in CHP - Civil works 20 13 CHP- Erection works Civil works: EMP 14 Phase-I-Green belt development & Effluent treatment/ oil and grease trapers E Plant & Machinery E1 Coal 15 Floating of tenders for HEMM - Phase-I 16 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM -Phase-I 25.12.2010 25.06.2011 July’2013 Others : -1X500 TPH feeder breaker: order placed on EIMCO ELCON in Dec, 2012. Work is yet to be started. - 1x125KW 1200mm belt structure: Material has been supplied in April’13. -Pre-weigh truck loading system with 150Cu.M Surge hopper: Technical specifications are under preparation. - 40T pre weigh hopper along with gantry: – Technical specifications are under preparation. D 17 Floating of tenders for HEMM- Phase-II 22.08.2011 22.02.2013 Green belt development work is in progress. 29.03.2010 Completed. 29.06.2010 Completed (Phase-I): 1 Shovel, 5 Dumpers, 1 Dozer, 1 Motor Grader, 1 Cum Shovel have been diverted from other Areas. 1 water Tanker received against order. One Dozer Received and commissioned.) 22.06.2011 22.09.2011 Phase – II : Procurement is under process for 3 Cum Shovels-1 No’s, drill – 1 no, Loader – 1 no., Motor grader – 1 no., 1 cum shovel – 1 no. 6 No.s of new 35T dumpers are received and 1 Cum Shovel received on 18.06.2013 22.09.2011 22.12.2011 18 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM- Phase-II E2 Reclamation 19 Floating of tenders 24.12.2011 24.03.2012 for HEMM- Water Spinklers & dozer 20 Procurement & 24.03.2012 24.06.2012 Commissioning of HEMM F Overburden Removal by Contractor 21 Tender for OB 29.03.2010 29.07.2010 Tendering of OBR is under progress. Removal by Contractor 21 22 OB removal by 29.07.2010 29.04.2011 Contractor - 1st year(14.32M.Cum) 23 OB removal by 29.04.2011 29.04.2012 Contractor - 2nd year(25M.Cum) 24 OB removal by 29.04.2012 29.04.2013 Contractor - 3rd year(26Mcum) 25 OB removal by 29.04.2013 29.04.2014 Contractor - 4th year(26M.Cum) 26 OB removal by 29.04.2014 29.04.2015 Contractor - 4th year(26M.Cum) G Coal extraction by company HEMM 27 Coal extraction 29.09.2010 29.03.2011 0.60 M.T. in 1st year 28 Coal extraction 29.03.2011 29.03.2012 1.60 M.T. in 2nd year 29 Coal extraction 29.03.2012 29.03.2013 2.00 M.T. in 3rd year 30 Coal extraction 29.03.2013 29.03.2014 1.75 M.T. in 4th year 31 Coal extraction 29.03.2014 29.03.2015 2.50 M.T. in 5th year 7. Project : Manguru OC-II extension (Phase-II) Project -- - - - - - - - - - -SCCL(Cap–3.00 MTPA) (Date of approval: 29.03.2010) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July,2013 1. 2. 3. Milestones achieved during the month ( as per PERT/ CPM Programme ): 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Pert Name of Latest Likely Reasons for Agent event the allowable Completion nonNo. Milestone date Date achievement % Achievement if quantifiable Works are under progress Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : March, 2012 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated : March, 2015 (3 years time overrun is expected due to delay in diversion of Forest land (430.42 Ha.)) 22 4. Cost i. a) Latest approved : Rs 181.19 Crs b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 218.01 Crores c) Date of approval & revised cost : 29.3.2010 & Rs 181.19 Crs d) F.E. Component : Nil ii. Now anticipated : Rs 181.19 Crs iii. Cumulative expenditure upto 31st March of the preceding year 2012-13 : Rs 33.166 Crs. (Including Pre-sanction expenditure) iv. Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 113.40 Crs v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July,2013: Rs1.308 Crs. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure upto July’2013 : Rs 34.474 Crores (Provisional) 5. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 47 % 6. Input supply and other problem : Nil 7. Action areas regarding critical milestones a) At the project level : Nil b) At the Head Quarter level : Procurement of HEMM. c) At the administrative Ministry level : Nil d) At the inter-ministerial level : i) Approval of EC. ii) Diversion of forestland. B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest Sl Starting Mile stones completion Present Status no. date date A Environmental Management Plan (for approval) Base Line Data 27.09.2009 1 Generation Completed Preparation of 28.12.2009 2 EIA/EMP based on Completed ToR 3 Submission to APPCB 29.03.2010 Completed (Public hearing & EPH completed successfully on 25.07.2012). 4 Submission to MOEF & 30.09.2010 30.12.2010 Application for EC along issue of Environmental with EIA/EMP report Clearance submitted to MoEF on 16.11.2012. Final EAC meeting was held 05.02.2013. MoEF has to issue Final EC B Land 5 Acquisition of Forest 27.09.2009 27.09.2012 Forest land (430.32 Ha.): (430.32 Ha.) & Non Stage-I approval for Forest Land (0.89 Ha) Forest land diversion has to be obtained by Oct’ 2013 i.e. within 1 year of submission of Final EMP failing which EMP gets lapsed. Application along with CA schedules submitted 23 Sl no. Mile stones Earliest completion date Starting date Present Status to PCCF on 30-11-2012. RoFR certificate has been submitted to GOAP on 27.06.2013 and same has to be forwarded to MoEF. Non-Forest land (0.89 Ha.) Required in the later stage of the project for drains which is falling within quarry area. Requisition is to be submitted to District collector. C Development C1 Relocation of GM Office buildings 6 Tender process for GM 27.09.2009 Office Buildings 7 Construction of GM 28.12.2009 Office Buildings Diversion of Power C2 supply lines and Water supply line Tender process for 27.09.2009 Diversion of Power 8 supply Lines Erection of Diversion 28.12.2009 9 of Power supply Lines 10 Water supply lines 27.09.2009 C3 Service buildings for MNG OC-II Extn Phase-II Tender process for 27.09.2009 27.03.2010 11 Service Buildings Construction of Service 28.03.2010 28.09.2010 12 Buildings Power supply 28.03.2010 28.09.2010 13 arrangements Garland drains & 27.09.2009 Fencing 14 15 Water supply lines 16 Tender for CHP Construction Construction of CHP 17 Civil works CHP- Erection works 18 D EMP 27.09.2009 27.09.2009 27.03.2010 28.12.2009 28.03.2010 29.03.2010 29.06.2010 24 Completed (GM Office shifted to TTC Hostel building on 25.6.2011). Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed (Garland drains provided. Trench with berm is provided in place of Fencing). Completed (Tenders awarded). Construction of retaining wall is started on 14.12.2012. Likely to be completed by Dec’2013 Sl no. Mile stones 19 Green belt development & Effluent treatment.oil and grease trappers E Plant & Machinery E1 Coal 20 Floating of tenders for HEMM 21 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM E2 Overburden 22 Floating of tenders for HEMM 23 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM E3 Reclamation 24 Floating of tenders for HEMM- Water Spinklers & dozer 25 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM 27.09.2009 Earliest completion date 27.03.2011 27.09.2009 27.03.2010 28.03.2010 28.09.2010 27.09.2009 27.03.2010 28.03.2010 28.09.2010 27.09.2009 27.03.2010 Existing HEMM is used. 28.03.2010 28.09.2010 Existing HEMM is being used for production. 3 Nos of 100T dumpers are received and commissioned in April’ 2013. Procurement of balance equipment is required after completion of Forest land diversion Starting date F Overburden Removal by Contractor 26 OB removal by 30.12.2010 Contractor - 1st year 27 OB removal by 01.10.2011 Contrator - 2nd year 28 OB removal by 02.10.2012 Contrator - 3rd year 29 OB removal by 03.10.2013 Contrator - 4th year G Overburden Removal by Company 30 OB removal by 01.10.2011 Company - 3rd year 25 Present Status Formation of bund along east side of the boundary, is in process and green belt will be taken up afterwards Existing HEMM is being used. Existing HEMM is being used. Existing HEMM is being used for coal production. 5 Nos of 60T dumpers are received and commissioned in April’ 2013. Procurement of balance equipment is required after completion of Forest land diversion. being Completed Completed. Completed. 03.10.2014 Board approved OB removal proposal of 286LBCM on 14.05.2013. LOI issued on 15.05.2013. Work is yet to be started. 01.10.2012 During 2013-14, the OB removal is 3.421 M Cum Sl no. Mile stones Earliest completion date Starting date Present Status against FR quantity of 3.50 M Cum. H Coal extraction by company HEMM 31 Coal extraction - 1.50 27.09.2009 M.T. in 1st year 32 Coal extraction - 3.00 28.09.2010 M.T. in 2nd year 33 Coal extraction - 3.00 29.09.2011 M.T. in 3rd year 34 Coal extraction - 3.00 M.T. in 4th year 8. Project : Completed. Completed. 30.09.2012 30.09.2013 Completed (The production is 3.547 Mt for the year 2012-13). During 2013-14, the production is 1.069 Million Tonnes against FR quantity of 3.50 Million Tonnes. SCCL (Capacity – 2.00 MTPA) (Date of approval: 01.11.2010) Kistaram OC Project- A. Input Flash Report for the month of July, 2013 1. 2. Milestones achieved during the month ( as per PERT/ CPM Programme): 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress Status of Critical Milestones due up to the month but not achieved: Pert Name of the Latest Likely Reasons for Agent event Milestone allowable Completion nonNo. date Date achievement % Achievement if quantifiable Works are under progress 3. 4. i. ii. iii. iv. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : March, 2015 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated : March, 2015 Cost (a) Latest approved : Rs 242.29 Crs (b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 143.90 Crores (c) Date of approval & revised cost : 01.11.2010 & Rs 242.29 Crs (d) F.E. Component : Nil Now anticipated : Rs 242.29 Crs st Cumulative expenditure upto 31 March Of the preceding year (2012-13) : Rs 0.00 (Provisional) Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 0.00 Crs v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July,2013: Rs 00.00 Crs. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure upto July,2013 : Rs 00.00 Crores 26 5. 6. 7. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable Input supply and other problem Action areas regarding critical milestones a) At the project level b) At the Head Quarter level (Provisional) : 3.5 % : Nil : Acquisition of Non-forestland : i) Preparation of EIA/EMP. ii) Tender process of civil constructions and P&M c) At the administrative Ministry level : Nil d) At the inter-ministerial level : Nil B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest S. Name of the Mile Starting completion Present status No stone date date A Environmental Management Plan (for approval) 1 Base Line Data 01.12.10 Generation Completed. 2 Preparation of 01.03.11 31.05.11 EAC meeting for ToR was held on EIA/EMP based on 29.10.2009. ToR was issued on ToR 23.11.2009. Preparation of draft EIA/EMP is kept in abeyance, till stage-I clearance is obtained. 3 Submission to 01.06.11 30.11.11 APPCB & EPH 4 Submission to MOEF 01.12.11 31.05.12 & Issue of Environmental Clearance B Land 5 Acquisition of Forest 01.04.11 30.09.12 Forest land diversion (285.44 Ha.)and Private Land SCCL re-allocated CA land to MNG OCP- IV. Since SCCL is accorded CPSU status to pay double the CA charges for CA in degraded forest land, PCCF has been requested to instruct the concerned DFOs to identify the double the extent of degraded forest land on 30.5.2013. SCCL has to submit ROFR certificate. Proposal to issue ROFR certificate is pending with PO,ITDA Bhadrachalam since 26.6.2012. Non-Forestland(114 Ha) - Acquisition is under progress. C Development i Service buildings 6 Tender process for 01.03.11 30.06.11 Work will be taken up after completion Service Buildings of Environmental Public Hearing. 7 Construction of 01.09.11 31.05.12 Service Buildings - do - 27 S. No Name of the Mile stone Starting date Earliest completion date 29.02.12 8 Power supply 01.09.11 arrangements 9 Water supply lines 01.09.11 31.05.12 10 Garland drains & 01.06.13 30.11.13 Fencing 11 Tender for CHP 01.06.11 30.11.11 Construction 12 Construction of CHP - 01.12.11 31.05.12 Civil works 13 CHP- Erection works 01.06.12 30.04.12 ii Residential buildings 14 Tender process for 01.12.11 31.05.12 Residential Buildings 15 Construction of 01.06.12 31.05.15 Residential Buildings D EMP 16 Relocation and 01.12.10 31.05.12 resettlement works 17 Green belt 01.06.12 30.11.13 development & Effluent treatment/oil and grease trapers E Plant & Machinery i Coal 18 Floating of tenders 01.02.12 31.05.12 for HEMM 19 Procurement & 01.06.12 30.08.12 Commissioning of HEMM ii Reclamation 20 Floating of tenders 01.02.13 31.05.13 for HEMMWater Sprinklers & dozer 21 Procurement & 01.06.13 31.08.13 Commissioning of HEMM F Overburden Removal by Contractor 22 Tender for OB 01.02.12 31.05.12 Removal by Contractor 23 OB removal by 01.06.12 31.05.13 Contractor - 15.51 M.cum 2nd year (2012-13) 24 OB removal by 01.06.13 31.05.14 Contractor - 12.78 M. cum in 3rd year (2013-14) 28 Present status - do - do - do - do - - do - - do - do - - do - - do - - do - S. No Name of the Mile stone Starting date Earliest completion date 31.05.15 Present status 25 OB removal by 01.06.14 Contractor - 11.50 M.cum in 4th year (2014-15) G Coal extraction by company HEMM 26 Coal extraction - 0.5 01.09.12 31.05.13 M.T. in 2nd year (2012-13) 27 Coal extraction - 1.50 01.06.13 31.05.14 M.T in 3nd year (2013-14) 28 Coal extraction - 2.00 01.06.14 31.05.15 M.T. in 4th year (2014-15) 9. Project : RCE of Indaram OCP - SCCL (Capacity – 1.20 MTPA) (Date of approval: 04.07.2011) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July,2013 1. 2. Milestones achieved during the month ( as per PERT/ CPM Programme ): Nil 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Nil Pert Name of the Latest Likely Reasons for Agent event Milestone allowable Completion nonNo. date Date achievement % Achievement if quantifiable Works are under progress 3. 4. i. ii. iii. iv. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : March, 2015 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated : March, 2015 (Project is getting delayed due to social issues- Villagers and Political leaders are not in favour of upcoming of OC project). Cost (a) Latest approved : Rs 162.76 Crs (b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 142.29 Crores e) Date of approval & revised cost : 04.07.2011 & Rs 162.76 Crs f) F.E. Component : Nil Now anticipated : Rs 162.76 Crs Cumulative expenditure upto 31st March Of the preceding year 2012-13 : Rs 2.481 (Provisional) (Including Pre-sanction expenditure) Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 0.14 Crs 29 v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July, 2013 : Rs 0.00 Crs. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure upto July, 2013 : Rs 2.481 Crores (Provisional) 5. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 12.9 % 6. Input supply and other problem : Nil 7. Action areas regarding critical milestones a) At the project level : Nil b) At the Head Quarter level : Nil c) At the administrative Ministry level : Nil d) At the inter-ministerial level : Nil B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest S. Name of the Mile Starting completion Present status No stone date date A Environmental Management Plan (for approval) 1 Base Line Data 04.07.2011 Completed Generation 2 Preparation of 03.10.2011 Completed EIA/EMP 3 Submission to 02.01.2012 APPCB & issue of Completed CFE 4 Submission to 02.07.2012 MOEF & Issue of Completed Environmental Clearance B Land 5 Acquisition of Private Land Phase-I 6 Acquisition of Private Land Phase-II 31.12.2012 28.12.2013 Out of total land requirement of 1029.88 Ha, 140.83 Ha is already in possession. Acquisition of balance land (Pvt land30.12.2013 27.12.2014 867.33 Ha and Govt land- 21.72 Ha, total – 889.05) is held up duet to social issues. C Development 7 Tender process for Service Buildings 8 Construction of Service Buildings 9 Diversion of 400KV HT. Power Lines 10 Installing 33 K.V. OHT Line 11 State highway Diversion 12 Garland drains & Fencing 13 Embankment around the quarry Phase-I 14 Tender for CHP Construction 30.12.2013 28.06.2014 30.06.2014 24.06.2017 29.05.2015 26.11.2015 30.06.2014 27.12.2014 27.05.2016 24.11.2016 26.12.2016 24.06.2017 30.12.2013 27.12.2014 30.09.2013 28.12.2013 30 Activities will be taken up after acquisition of land S. No Name of the Mile stone 15 Construction of CHP D EMP Earliest completion date 30.12.2013 25.04.2017 Starting date 16 Rehabilitation & 28.12.2015 23.12.2017 Resettlement cost 17 Phase.I-Green belt 27.02.2015 24.08.2017 development &Effluent treatment/oil and grease trapers E Plant & Machinery i Coal 18 Floating of tenders for HEMM Phase-I 19 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM -Phase-I 20 Floating of tenders for HEMM Phase II 21 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM- Phase-II F Reclamation 29.08.2014 27.11.2014 28.11.2014 26.02.2015 27.05.2016 25.08.2016 26.08.2016 24.11.2016 22 Floating of tenders 29.08.2014 27.11.2014 for HEMM- Water Spinklers & dozer 23 Procurement & 28.11.2014 26.02.2015 Commissioning of HEMM G Overburden Removal by Contractor 24 Tender for OB 30.08.2013 28.12.2013 Removal by Contractor 25 OB removal by 30.12.2013 27.12.2014 Contractor - 2nd year 26 OB removal by 29.12.2014 26.12.2015 Contractor - 3rd year 27 OB removal by 28.12.2015 24.12.2016 Contractor - 4th year 28 OB removal by 26.12.2016 23.12.2017 Contractor - 5th year H Coal extraction by Company HEMM 29 Coal extraction - 27.02.2015 26.12.2015 31 Present status S. No Name of the Mile stone 0.50 M.T. in 3rd year 30 Coal extraction 0.70 M.T. in 4th year 31 Coal extraction 1.20 M.T. in 5th year Starting date Earliest completion date Present status 28.12.2015 24.12.2016 26.12.2016 23.12.2017 Jalagam Vengala Rao OCP – II - SCCL (Capacity – 4.00 MTPA) (Date of approval: 04.07.2011) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July, 2013 10. Project : 1. 2. Milestones achieved during the month ( as per PERT/ CPM Programme ): 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Pert Name of the Latest Likely Reasons for Agent event Milestone allowable Completion nonNo. date Date achievement % Achievement if quantifiable Works are under progress 3. 4. i. ii. iii iv. v. vi. 5. 6. 7. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : March, 2015 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated : March, 2015 Cost (a) Latest approved : Rs 447.06 Crs (b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 1053.60 Crores (c) Date of approval & revised cost : 04.07.2011 & Rs 447.06 Crs (d) F.E. Component : Nil Now anticipated : Rs 447.06 Crs Cumulative expenditure upto 31st March Of the preceding year 2012-13 : Rs 3.02 (Provisional) (Including Pre-sanction expenditure) Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 110.47 Crs Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July, 2013 : Rs 11.00 Crs. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) Cumulative expenditure upto July, 2013 : Rs 14.02 Crores (Provisional) Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 16.13 % Input supply and other problem : Nil Action areas regarding critical milestones a) At the project level : Nil b) At the Head Quarter level : Nil c) At the administrative Ministry level : Nil d) At the inter-ministerial level : Diversion of forestland 32 B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest Present status S. Name of the Mile Starting completion No stone date date A Environmental Management Plan (for approval) 1 Base Line Data Generation & Application for TOR 2 Preparation of EIA/EMP based on TOR 3 Submission to APPCB & EPH 4 Submission to MOEF & Issue of Environmental Clearance B Land 5 Acquisition of Forest Land Phase-I C Development 6 Misc. works D Completed 04.07.2011 Completed 03.10.2011 Completed 02.01.2012 Completed (EC was issued on 28.03.2010) 02.04.2012 Forest land (776.20 Ha.) –SCCL has submitted the application to PCCF on 22.5.2013 along with RoFR 02.01.2012 29.12.2012 certificate. PCCF sought additional information. SCCL has to submit additional information to PCCF. Works will be taken up after 30.06.2014 27.12.2014 possession of land. 30.06.2014 27.12.2014 EMP 7 Green belt development &Effluent 31.12.2012 28.06.2014 treatment/oil and grease trapers,Etc., E Plant & Machinery i OBR by Company HEMM 8 Floating of tenders for HEMM - PhaseI 9 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM -Phase-I 10 Floating of tenders for HEMM Phase-II 11 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM- Phase-II ii Coal 12 Floating of tenders for HEMM Phase-I 13 Procurement & 01.08.2012 30.10.2012 31.10.2012 29.01.2013 31.03.2014 28.06.2014 30.06.2014 27.09.2014 01.08.2012 29.10.2012 30.10.2012 28.01.2013 33 S. No Name of the Mile stone Commissioning of HEMM -Phase-I 14 Floating of tenders for HEMM Phase-II 15 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM- Phase-II iii Reclamation Starting date Earliest completion date 29.08.2013 27.11.2013 28.11.2013 25.02.2014 16 Floating of tenders for HEMM- Water 29.09.2012 28.12.2012 Spinkler 17 Procurement & Commissioning of 29.12.2012 28.01.2013 Water sprinkler 18 Floating of tenders for HEMM- Dozer, 31.03.2014 28.06.2014 Grader etc. 19 Procurement & Commissioning of 30.06.2014 27.09.2014 HEMM F Overburden Removal by Company HEMM 20 OB removal by Company HEMM 31.12.2012 28.12.2013 1st year ( 1.12 M.Cum) 21 OB removal by Company HEMM 30.12.2013 27.12.2014 2nd year ( 3.92 M.Cum) 22 OB removal by Company HEMM 29.12.2014 26.12.2015 3rdt year ( 6.72 M.Cum) 23 OB removal by Company HEMM 28.12.2015 24.12.2016 4th year ( 18.48 M.Cum) G Overburden Removal by Contractor 24 Tender for OB Removal by Contractor 25 OB removal by Contractor - 1st year ( 13.55 M.Cum) 26 OB removal by Contractor - 2nd year (14.16 29.09.2012 30.01.2013 31.01.2013 29.01.2014 30.01.2014 28.01.2015 34 Present status S. No Name of the Mile stone Starting date Earliest completion date Present status M.Cum) 27 OB removal by Contractor - 3rd 29.01.2015 27.01.2016 year ( 20.38 M.Cum) 28 OB removal by Contractor - 4th 28.01.2016 25.01.2017 year ( 8.68 M.Cum) H Coal extraction by Company HEMM 29 Coal extraction 3.50 M.T. in 1st year ( 1.00 Mt) 30 Coal extraction 4.00 M.T. in 2nd year ( 2.50 Mt) 31 Coal extraction 4.00 M.T. in 3rd year ( 4.00 Mt) 29.01.2013 27.01.2014 28.01.2014 26.01.2015 27.01.2015 25.01.2016 11. Project : RG OC-III Extension (Phase-II) Project - SCCL ( Capacity – 2.00 MTPA) (Date of approval:29.06.2012) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July,2013 1. Milestones achieved during the month (as per PERT/ CPM Programme ): 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress 2. Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Pert Name of the Latest Likely Reasons for Agent event Milestone allowable Completion nonNo. date Date achievement % Achievement if quantifiable Works are under progress 3. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date :June, 2015 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated : June, 2015 4. Cost i. (a) Latest approved : Rs 365.01 Crs (b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 420.63 Crores (c) Date of approval & revised cost : 29.06.2012 & Rs 365.01 Crs (d) F.E. Component : Nil ii. Now anticipated : Rs 365.01 Crs iii. Cumulative expenditure upto 31st March of the preceding year 2012-13 : Rs 0.00 (Provisional) 35 iv. v. vi. 5. 6. 7. (Including Pre-sanction expenditure) Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 5.00 Crs Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July, 2013 : Rs 00.00 Crs. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) Cumulative expenditure upto July, 2013 : Rs 00.00 Crores (Provisional) Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable :5% Input supply and other problem : Nil Action areas regarding critical milestones a) At the project level : Nil b) At the Head Quarter level : Nil c) At the administrative Ministry level : Approval of Mining plan. d) At the inter-ministerial level : Nil B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest Sl Name of the Mile Starting completion Present Status No. stone date date 1 Environmental Management Plan (for approval) 1.1 Application of Form 01.02.2013 Completed (Application in Form 1 for obtaining – 1 is submitted on 13.02.2013). revised ToR 1.2 Preparation of 03.05.2013 02.07.2013 TOR/ EAC meeting held on EIA/EMP based on 08.4.2013. Preparation of EMP is ToR yet to be taken up. 1.3 Submission to 03.07.2013 31.10.2013 APPCB & EPH 1.4 Submission to 01.11.2013 01.05.2014 MOEF & Issue of Environmental Clearance 2 Mining Plan 2.1 Preparation of 01.11.2012 Completed. Mining Plan 2.2 Submission to MoC 01.01.2013 01.07.2013 Mining plan submitted to MoC on and obtaining 25.01.2013. Presentation held at approval MoC, on 23.07.2013. Approval is awaited. 3 Land 3.1 Acquisition of 29.06.2012 26.12.2013 Land acquisition is under process. Private Land 4 Development 4.1 Relocation of RGOC 29.06.2012 27.06.2013 III Site Office (Krishi Bhavan) at RG OC I stores 4.2 Service buildings for 01.01.2013 17.05.2025 RGOCIII Extn Phase.II 36 4.3 Tender process for Service Buildings 4.4 Modification of Existing GDK 8 Offices , School & other Buildings 4.5 Construction of Service Buildings 4.6 Power supply arrangements 4.7 Garland drains & Fencing 4.8 Water supply lines 4.9 Tender for CHP Construction 4.10 Construction of CHP Civil works 4.11 CHP. Erection works 5 Roads & Culverts 5.1 Diversion of Jallaram Vaagu (1st Phase) 5.2 Diversion of existing GM office road leading to OC I 5.3 Approach road from Pit Head CHP to RCC road on the rise side 5.4 Approach road from Dipside CHP to Manthani road 5.5 Construction of Slab Culverts & Pipe Culverts 5.6 Diversion of PSC Pipe lines feeding to Centenary colony 5.7 Drilling & Casing of 26 dia. Protective Bore holes for water level monitoring 6 EMP 6.1 Relocation and resettlement works 6.2 Green belt development & Effluent treatment/oil and grease trapers 7 Plant & Machinery 01.01.2013 01.07.2013 02.07.2013 30.06.2014 02.07.2013 30.06.2014 02.07.2013 31.03.2014 02.07.2013 31.03.2014 02.07.2013 30.12.2013 01.01.2013 01.07.2013 02.07.2013 30.12.2013 31.12.2013 30.05.2014 03.07.2013 01.03.2014 02.07.2013 30.06.2014 01.06.2013 30.05.2014 01.06.2013 30.05.2014 31.12.2013 30.04.2014 02.07.2013 30.12.2013 01.04.2015 01.07.2015 02.05.2014 28.04.2016 01.01.2013 30.06.2014 37 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 8.1 8.2 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 11 11.1 11.2 Coal Floating of tenders 03.05.2013 01.11.2013 for HEMM Phase .I Procurement & 01.11.2013 01.05.2014 Commissioning of HEMM Phase.I Overburden Floating of tenders 01.02.2013 02.08.2013 for HEMM Phase.I Procurement & 02.08.2013 01.05.2014 Commissioning of HEMM Phase.I Reclamation Floating of tenders 01.02.2013 01.08.2013 for HEMM. Water Spinklers & dozer Procurement & 02.08.2013 01.05.2014 Commissioning of HEMM Overburden Removal by Company OB removal by 02.05.2014 30.12.2014 Company. 1st year OB removal by 31.12.2014 29.12.2015 Company. 2nd year OB removal by 30.12.2015 27.12.2016 Company. 3rd year Overburden Removal by Contractor Tendering for OB 02.07.2014 31.12.2014 removal by Off.Loading OB removal by 31.12.2014 29.12.2015 Contractor. 1st year OB removal by 30.12.2015 27.12.2016 Contractor. 2nd year Coal extraction by company HEMM Coal extraction. 01.07.2015 29.12.2015 1.00 M.T. in 1st year Coal extraction. 30.12.2015 27.12.2016 2.00 M.T. in 2nd year 12. Project : Kalyani Khani Opencast Project. SCCL (Capacity – 1.75 MTPA) (Date of approval: 24.07.2012) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July, 2013 1. Milestones achieved during the month (as per PERT/ CPM Programme ): 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress 38 2. Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Pert Name of the Latest Likely Reasons for Agent % event Milestone allowable Completion nonAchievement if No. date Date achievement quantifiable Works are under progress 3. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : July, 2016 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated : July, 2016 4. Cost i. (a) Latest approved : Rs 417.33 Crs (b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 427.37 Crores (c) Date of approval & revised cost : 24.07.2012 & Rs 417.33 Crs (d) F.E. Component : Nil ii. Now anticipated : Rs 417.33 Crs iii. Cumulative expenditure upto 31st March of the preceding year 2012-13 : Rs 0.060 (Including Pre-sanction expenditure & advances) iv. Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 2.32 Crs v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July, 2013 : Rs 0.00 Crs. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure upto July, 2013 : Rs 0.060 Crores (Provisional) 5. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 9.7 % 6. Input supply and other problem : Nil 7. Action areas regarding critical milestones a) At the project level : Nil b) At the Head Quarter level : Nil c) At the administrative Ministry level : Nil d) At the inter-ministerial level : EC approval. B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest Sl Name of the Mile Starting completion Present Status No. stone date date 1 Environmental Management Plan (for approval) 1.1 Base Line Data 01.08.2011 Completed Generation 1.2 Preparation of 31.10.2011 Completed EIA/EMP based on ToR 1.3 Submission to 30.01.2012 Completed (Draft EIA/EMP APPCB & EPH submitted to PCB on 21.12.12. Environment Public hearing has been conducted on 13.02.2013). 1.4 Submission to MoEF 26.02.2013 27.05.2013 Final EIA/EMP has been submitted & Issue of on 27.4.2013. EC approval is Environmental awaited. Clearance 2 Land 2.1 Acquisition of Land 01.02.2013 30.08.2014 Land (Non Forest land: 945.21 Ha.) 39 Sl No. Name of the Mile stone Starting date Earliest completion date Present Status SCCL Possession: 246.17 Ha. To be acquired: 699.04 Ha. Application for acquisition of 1516 acres (613.5 Ha) land submitted to Adilabad District Collector on 28.08.2012. Sub-divisional survey is in progress from 05.11.2012. Dist Collector reviewed the status on 06.07.2013. 3 Development 3.1 Tender process for Service Buildings 3.2 Construction of Service Buildings 3.3 Power supply arrangements 3.4 Garland drains & Fencing 3.5 Nallah Diversion 3.6 ZP Road diversion 3.7 Water supply lines 3.8 Tender for CHP Construction 3.9 Construction of CHP Civil works 3.10 CHP. Erection works 4 EMP 4.1 Rehabilitation and resettlement works 4.2 Green belt development & Effluent treatment/oil and grease trappers 5 Plant & Machinery Coal & OB 5.1 Floating of tenders for HEMM 5.2 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM Reclamation 5.3 Floating of tenders for HEMM. Water Sprinklers & dozer 5.4 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM 28.05.2013 25.09.2013 26.09.2013 25.07.2014 28.05.2013 24.02.2014 TLC visited the site for estimation on 8.3.2013 and TLC report is awaited. 01.09.2014 28.02.2015 01.09.2014 01.09.2014 01.09.2014 01.09.2014 28.02.2015 29.08.2015 29.08.2015 28.02.2015 02.03.2015 29.08.2015 31.08.2015 28.05.2016 28.05.2013 25.05.2015 27.05.2014 23.11.2015 27.05.2013 23.11.2013 Requirement projected in Annual plan 2013-14. 25.11.2013 23.08.2014 26.01.2018 26.05.2018 28.05.2018 25.08.2018 40 Sl No. 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 Earliest completion date Overburden Removal by Company OB removal by 01.09.2014 29.08.2015 Company. 2nd year OB removal by 31.08.2015 27.08.2016 Company. 3rd year OB removal by 29.08.2016 26.08.2017 Company. 4th year Overburden Removal by Contractor Tender for OB 03.03.2014 30.08.2014 Removal by Contractor OB removal by 01.09.2014 29.08.2015 Contractor. 2nd year OB removal by 31.08.2015 27.08.2016 Contractor. 3rd year OB removal by 29.08.2016 26.08.2017 Contractor. 4th year Coal extraction by company HEMM Coal extraction 1.00 02.03.2015 27.02.2016 M.T. in 2nd year Coal extraction 1.50 29.02.2016 25.02.2017 M.T. in 3rd year Coal extraction 1.75 27.02.2017 24.02.2018 M.T. in 4th year Name of the Mile stone 13. Project : Starting date RFR of Manguru OC Project Present Status -SCCL (Capacity–1.5 MTPA) (Date of approval: 10.11.2012) A. Input Flash Report for the month of July, 2013 1. Milestones achieved during the month ( as per PERT/ CPM Programme ): 1 2 Part Event No. Description of the milestone Works are under progress 2. Status of Critical Milestones due up to month but not achieved: Pert Name of Latest Likely Reasons for Agent event the allowable Completion nonNo. Milestone date Date achievement Works are under progress 3. Project commissioning (Completion) Date: Month / Year a. Scheduled completion date : March, 2016 (As per FR) b. Now anticipated : 2015-16. 4. Cost i. (a) Latest approved : Rs 430.14 Crs (b) Total Capital Outlay sanctioned : Rs 402.84 Crores 41 % Achievement if quantifiable (c) F.E. Component : Nil ii. Now anticipated : Rs 430.14 Crs iii. Cumulative expenditure upto 31st March of the preceding year 2012-13 : Rs 56.740 (Provisional) iv. Out lay current year (2013-14) BE : Rs 85.28 Crs v. Cumulative expenditure during 2013-14 upto July, 2013: Rs 2.107 Crs. (Against the current year annual plan outlay) vi. Cumulative expenditure upto July, 2013 : Rs 58.847 Crores (Provisional) 5. Cumulative physical progress (%) if quantifiable : 13.1 % 6. Input supply and other problem : Nil 7. Action areas regarding critical milestones e) At the project level : Nil f) At the Head Quarter level : Nil g) At the administrative Ministry level : Nil h) At the inter-ministerial level : Nil B. Project Mile stones for the year 2013-14 and their status as on 31.07.2013. Earliest Name of the Mile Starting S.No. completion Present status stone date date 1 Environmental Management Plan (for approval) 1.1 Base Line Data 24.10.2008 Completed. Generation 1.2 Preparation of 24.10.2008 Completed. EIA.EMP 1.3 Submission to 24.10.2008 Completed. APPCB & issue of CFE 1.4 Submission to MOEF 24.10.2008 Completed (EC obtained on & Issue of 24.10.2008). Environmental Clearance 2 Land 2.1 Acquisition of Forest 02.07.2012 29.12.2012 GOAP forwarded the proposal to Land (33.58 Ha) MOEF on 27.10.2010. FAC discussed the proposal on 22.8.2012 and sought clarifications. DFO forwarded the clarifications to CF, Khammam on 27.02.2013. CF forwarded the report to PCCF on 11.03.2013. PCCF submitted proposal with additional information to GOAP on 4.6.2013. GOAP has to forward the same MOEF. 2.2 Acquisition of Non02.07.2012 29.09.2012 Proposal submitted to Dist Collector Forest Land : on 30.10.2012. SD survey SCCL Possession – completed. 321.68 HA Patta land : For 48.23 Gts DN&DD To be acquired – published. 313.16 Ha Govt land : RDO, Paloncha to submit alienation proposals to Dist Collector. Distt Collector advised to apply afresh as per ‘New land 42 S.No. Name of the Mile stone Starting date Earliest completion date Present status allotment policy’. 3 Development 3.1 Tender process for Service Buildings 3.2 Construction of Service Buildings 3.3 Diversion of PSC Pipe lines feeding to PV Town ship 3.4 Installing 33 K.V. OHT Line 3.5 Approach road to proposed Intake well 3.6 Garland drains & Fencing 3.7 1.51 M. Cum OB removal for dev. Works (for Flood Protection Bund) 3.8 Tender for CHP Construction 3.9 Construction of CHP 4 EMP 4.1 Rehabilitation & Resettlement 4.2 Phase-I Green belt development &Effluent treatment.oil and grease trappers 5 Plant & Machinery 5A OB Removal 5A.1 Floating of tenders for HEMM .-Phase-I 5A.2 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM – Phase-I 5A.3 Floating of tenders for HEMM- Phase-II 5A.4 Procurement & Commissioning of HEMM- Phase-II 5B Coal 5B.1 Floating of tenders 01.10.2012 29.12.2012 Process will be started after Land acquisition. 31.12.2012 27.12.2013 Process will be started after Land acquisition 01.10.2012 29.12.2012 Process will be started after Land acquisition 01.10.2012 29.01.2013 Process will be started after Land acquisition 01.10.2012 27.09.2013 Process will be started after Land acquisition 01.10.2012 29.12.2012 Process will be started after Land acquisition 01.10.2012 27.09.2013 NIT released for calling Tenders. In connection with approval from Flood and Irrigation dept for Bund construction, CE (Irrigation) gave directions to SE (Irrigation) to examine and submit the report. SE (Irrigation) visited the site on 14.4.2013 and the report is submitted in July, 2013 01.10.2012 29.12.2012 NIT floated. Execution of work will be taken up after acquiring the land. 31.12.2012 27.12.2013 Execution of work will be taken up after acquiring the land 01.10.2012 29.12.2012 R&R process is under progress. 01.10.2012 28.03.2014 01.10.2012 29.12.2012 Requirement projected in Annual plan 2013-14. 31.12.2012 30.03.2013 01.07.2013 28.12.2013 30.12.2013 29.03.2014 01.10.2012 29.12.2012 Requirement projected in Annual 43 S.No. Name of the Mile stone Starting date Earliest completion date for HEMM –Phase-I 5B.2 Procurement & 31.12.2012 30.03.2013 Commissioning of HEMM –Phase-I 5B.3 Floating of tenders 28.09.2013 27.12.2013 for HEMM- Phase-II 5B.4 Procurement & 28.12.2013 28.03.2014 Commissioning of HEMM- Phase-II 5C Reclamation 5C.1 Floating of tenders for 01.10.2012 30.03.2013 HEMM. Water Sprinklers & Dozer 5C.2 Procurement & 31.03.2013 27.09.2013 Commissioning of HEMM 6 Overburden Removal by Company HEMM 6.1 OB removal - 2nd 31.03.2013 28.03.2014 year 6.2 OB removal .-3rd year 29.03.2014 27.03.2015 6.3 OB removal - 4th year 28.03.2015 25.03.2016 7 Overburden Removal by Contractor 7.1 Tender for OB 02.07.2012 30.09.2012 Removal by Contractor 7.2 OB removal by 01.10.2012 30.03.2013 Contractor -1st year 7.3 OB removal by 31.03.2013 28.03.2014 Contractor - 2nd year 7.4 OB removal by 29.03.2014 27.03.2015 Contractor -3rd year 7.5 OB removal by 28.03.2015 25.03.2016 Contractor - 4th year 8 Coal extraction by Company HEMM 8.1 Coal extraction -1.00 30.07.2013 28.03.2014 M.T. in 2nd year 8.2 Coal extraction - 1.50 29.03.2014 27.03.2015 M.T. in 3rd year 8.3 Coal extraction - 1.50 28.03.2015 25.03.2016 M.T. in 4th year 44 Present status plan 2013-14. Requirement projected in Annual plan 2013-14. Proposals are under process