KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY MANASAGANGOTRI, MYSORE-06 Bharath Postgraduate College (A Partner of KSOU) ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS DIPLOMA ELECTONICS AND TELE COMMUNICATION IV SEMESTER Instructions: NOTE: You are required to read the following instructions carefully before you answer. Write the Roll Number, Name and Title of the course at the beginning of your answer of each Subject. You should answer two questions only under each paper. You should write the assignment separately with regard to each paper. Assignments without Roll No. and Name will be rejected. After writing the assignment, you should tag the assignment together, put them in a cover and send it to the address given below. The students are ADVICED TO KEEP A COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENTS with them and submit it in case the University demands the same. The assignments received after the last date will be summarily rejected. No further extension is allowed. LINEAR AND DIGITAL ICs SUB CODE: EC 401 ASSIGNMENT – I I. Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5 x 5 = 25 1. Define voltage regulator and explain the positive and negative voltage regulator 2. Explain types of number systems. 3. Explain encoder and decoder circuits 4. What is Flip Flop? Explain the types of flip flop. 5. Explain different types of counters. ASSIGNMENT – II I. Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5x5 = 25 1. Convert decimal 458 into octal number and binary 1111 into Hexa decimal number. 2. Explain half adder and Full Adder circuit with neat diagram and truth table. 3. Explain different types of counters. 4. Explain different types of Shift registers. 5. Explain different types of ADC and DAC. ASSIGNMENT – III I. Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5x5 = 25 1. Explain operational Amplifier and Two application circuits 2. Explain 555 IC timer circuit. 3. Explain types of Multivibrator circuits. 4. What is Flip Flop? Explain the types of flip flop. 5. Explain the procedure for reducing the Boolean equation using K Map COMPUTER HARDWARE AND NETWORKING SUB CODE: EC 402 ASSIGNMENT – I Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5x5 = 25 1. What is meant by network? Explain 2. Explain in details about IP address. 3. Compare four types of networks. 4. Give the various components of sound card. Explain. 5. Explain the construction of hard disk ASSIGNMENT – II Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5x5 = 25 1. What is a motherboard? Explain. 2. Draw a block diagram of a Pentium and explain. 3. Draw the diagram of a CRT and explain its operation. 4. What is meant by USB? Explain 5. Explain the working principle of scanner with a neat diagram ASSIGNMENT – III Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5x5 = 25 1. What is a modem? Explain 2. Draw a block diagram of SMPS and explain 3. What is the use of router? Explain 4. Explain about fault diagnosis. 5. Explain about computer virus and precaution to avoid anti viruses INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SUB CODE: EC 403 ASSIGNMENT – I I. Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5 x 5 = 25 1. Explain the characteristics and operating principle of silicon controlled Rectifier (SCR). 2. Draw the Characteristics of MOSFET and briefly. 3. Explain the operating principle of IGBT. 4. Draw the symbol of SIT and discuss about its characteristics. 5. What are the difference between SCR and MOSFET? ASSIGNMENT – II I. Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5x5 = 25 1. Describe the characteristics of GPO. 2. Draw any one of gate trigger Gruit and explain it. 3. What is meant by pulse transformer? 4. What is the necessary of electrical irrational and what are the type of commutation 5. Explain the circuit diagram of single phase converters with RL Lund. ASSIGNMENT – III I. Answer all the Questions = 25 MARKS: 5x5 1. Draw 3 phase half conventers with tits wave terms and derive of output and rms equations 2. Explain about AC Chopper. 3. Explain the block of PLC. 4. What are the logic functions available in PLC? 5. Write a simple program to run the stepper motor using CMC. OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING SUB CODE: EC404 ASSIGNMENT – I Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5x5 = 25 1. List OOPS applications. 2. What is inheritance? Explain any one type of inheritance with an example program. 3. Explain the characteristics of object oriented programming. 4. List the features of Object oriented programming. 5. State the advantage of object oriented approach and list the application of OOPS. ASSIGNMENT – II Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5x5 = 25 1. What is Static and dynamic memory allocation? 2. Explain i) Define Constructor ii) operator overloading. 3. Explain Multilevel Inheritance With Example. 4. Explain Single Inheritance With Example. 5. List Limitation of Procedural Languages. ASSIGNMENT – III Answer all the Questions MARKS: 5x5 = 25 1. Explain the characteristics of object oriented programming. 2. List the features of Object oriented programming. 3. State the advantage of object oriented approach and list the application of OOPS. 4. What is Static and dynamic memory allocation? 5. Explain Inheritance types With Example.