model paper for easec-10 proceedings

[Paper ID]
Firstname A. LASTNAME1, Firstname B. LASTNAME2 and Firstname C. LASTNAME3
ABSTRACT: (Arial, 10pt, boldface capital, end with a colon) A self-contained abstract, not
exceeding 300 words in length outlining in a single paragraph the objectives, scope and
conclusions of the paper must be supplied. Abstract should not include and references or
references to equations, tables or figures etc. (Text should be in Arial, 10pt, justified).
KEYWORDS: (Arial, 10pt, boldface capital, end with a colon) provide 5-10 keywords, avoid,
for example, 'and', 'of', ‘etc.’, be without abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in
the field may be eligible. (Text should be in Arial, 10pt, justified).
This guide is designed to help authors to prepare all the manuscripts as uniform as possible
and identical in appearance all the papers publishing in the proceedings. Instructions in this
guide have been prepared in the preferred formats. Authors are required to prepare the final
manuscript according to the formats and guidelines specified in this document; The
appearance should be followed as closely as possible to this document; (All body text should
be in Arial, 11pt, justified).
Follow this order when typing the manuscript: title, authors (first name, middle initials and last
name in Capital), affiliations (of each author in footnotes), abstract, keywords, main text,
conclusions, acknowledgments, appendices and references. Figures and tables should be
placed within the main text and do not include them in the title page. References should be
listed using the Harvard system (name of author, year).
Arial Font (similar serif font) should be used for the entire manuscript. Each manuscript is
limited to minimum 6 PAGES and maximum 10 PAGES only. It is strongly advice to utilize
the full space allocated for each paper.
All text should be typed according to the sizes and formats specified in this documents. Each
paragraph should be spaced 12pt before and after without indentations. All text must be
justified and single spaced.
Typing should be started at the first line of each page except for the first (title) page. Leave
5cm blank space for the first page from the top of the page including the top margin. Do not
include headers or footers, except page numbers at the bottom right corner in the order of 1,
Position or academic qualifications, University or institution, Country (Arial, 9pt, italic, left justified)
Position or academic qualifications, University or institution, Country (Arial, 9pt, italic, left justified)
3 Position or academic qualifications, University or institution, Country (Arial, 9pt, italic, left justified)
[Paper ID]
2, etc. All blank lines must be single-spaced with font size 11pt. Font sizes and formats
should be as follows:
Title: Font Arial, size 12pt, boldface, all capital letters, centered
Authors Name: Font Arial, size 11pt, centered
Authors Affiliations: in footnotes, font Arial, size 9pt, italic, left justified
Section Headings (1st level): Font Arial, size 11pt, boldface, all capital letters
Section Headings (2nd level): Font Arial, size 11pt, all capital letters
Section Headings (3rd level): Font Arial, size 11pt, first letter in each word capital
Body text/Reference: Font Arial, size 11pt, justified
Figures and Table Captions: Font Arial, size 10pt, bold face, centered
Table Text: Font Arial, size 10pt
Manuscript should be prepared for A4 size paper (21cm x 29.7cm) with 2.5cm side margins
and 3.0cm top and bottom margins as shown in Figure 1. The typing area should be 16cm x
23.7cm. All texts, figures, tables, equations, equation numbers, figure and table captions
must be within this area.
There should be 6pt space before and 12pt space after the figure captions.
3.0cm top margin
typing area
2.5cm side margins
3.0cm bottom margin
Figure 1. Page layout for preparation of manuscript
[Paper ID]
Paragraphs describing a figure or a table should be placed before the figure or the table.
Tables and figures should be numbered as 1, 2, etc.
When referring a table or a figure within the text, preface table or figure number with the word
“Table” or “Figure” respectively. Place the captions above the tables and below figures on the
same page and should be centered (e.g. see Table 1 and Figure 1). Figures, tables and text
may appear on the same page. Figures and Tables should be reproduced well in black and
white. No other colors will be used in printing the proceedings. The authors should produce
their picture image at 600dpi. There should be 12pt space before and 6pt space after the
table captions.
Table 1. An example for a table
Column 1
Table text
Table text
Column 2
Table text
Table text
Column 3
Column 4
Table column titles should be in boldface with center aligned, whereas table text may be left
or center aligned while numbers may be center or right aligned. (Table text must be Arial
Main headings (first level section headings) should be numbered as 1., 2., 3., etc. All levels
of headings should have 12pt space before and after each heading.
There should be no indentation between any paragraphs throughout the manuscript. There
should be 12pt space before and after each and every paragraph throughout the manuscript.
Second level section heading should be numbered as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc. This
is an example for a second level section heading.
4.1.1 Third Level Section Headings
Third level section heading should be numbered as 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 or 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3,
All equations must be clearly typed. Those equations describing in the text should be
numbered as (1), (2), etc. When refereeing to an equation in the text, preface the equation
number with the word “Equation”. Equation numbering may be omitted for those equations,
which are not referred anywhere else in the manuscript. All equations should be center
aligned and equation number should be placed at the left most corner of the manuscript.
f ( x)  a0  a1 x
See Equation (1) as an example of how to place an equation within the manuscript. There
should be 12pt space between equations or between equations and text.
[Paper ID]
Baross 1983, 'The articulation of land supply for popular settlements in Third World cities', in
S Angel et al (Eds) Land for Housing the Poor, Select Books, Singapore, pp.180210.
Cribb, R B and Brown, C 1995, Modern Indonesia: a history since 1945, London; New York,
Cybriwsky, R and Ford, L 2001, 'City Profile Jakarta', Cities, Vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 199210.
(The titles of books, journals and conference proceedings should be in italic)