FACILITIES Request for Vice Chancellor Approval for EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION The following is being provided in accordance Minnesota Statutes 136F.581, Subd. 1; 16C.05, Subd. 2a; and 16C.10, Subd. 2. 1. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR/REQUESTOR: Name: ____________________________ Institution: _________________________ Email: ____________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Project Title: ___________________________________________________________________ 2. DATE OF REQUEST:____________________ 3. EMERGENCY TYPE: Check all that apply - at least one is required □ Threat to public health □ Threat to public welfare □ Threat to public safety □ Threatens the functioning of College or University □ Threatens protection of College’s or University’s property □ Threatens health or safety of people at College or University 4. DESCRIBE THE EMERGENCY, HOW IT MEETS THE ABOVE CRITERIA, AND THE CIRCUMSTANCES LEADING TO THE EMERGENCY: ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED EMERGENCY WORK: ______________________________________________________________________________ APPROVED: _____________ OR DISAPPROVED: ____________ BY: __________________________________ Vice Chancellor - Chief Financial Officer DATE:_________________________________ REASON FOR DISAPPROVAL:___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Original form will be retained by the Finance Division and a copy returned to the requestor. FIN.40 Page 1 of 2 5/1/15 FACILITIES INSTRUCTIONS for Request for Vice Chancellor Approval for EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION The following is being provided in accordance Minnesota Statutes 136F.581, Subd. 1; 16C.05, Subd. 2a; and 16C.10, Subd. 2. 1. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR/REQUESTOR: Please indicate the employee name requesting approval for the purchase or contract, Institution name and location, employee’s email address and phone number. Provide a brief title for the project. Note that requestor must have authority to sign contract or purchase order. 2. DATE OF REQUEST: List the date of the request. 3. EMERGENCY TYPE: Indicate type of emergency as defined by Minnesota Statute 16C.10. 4. DESCRIBE THE EMERGENCY, HOW IT MEETS THE ABOVE CRITERIA AND THE CIRCUMSTANCES LEADING TO THE EMERGENCY: Describe the extent of the emergency Detail how it meets the criteria identified in item #3 Describe the circumstances leading to the emergency Attach additional sheet if needed. 5. DESCRIPTION OF EMERGENCY WORK: Describe work scope that is needed to address the emergency identified in item #4. Attach additional sheet if needed. 6. PROCESSING THIS REQUEST FOR VICE CHANCELLOR-FINANCE APPROVAL: Please send this request form to OOC Program Manager to initiate the processing of the form. Listing of Program Managers and assigned campuses is available at http://www.finance.mnscu.edu/facilities/design-construction/responsibilities/index.html. If approved by Vice Chancellor, a signed copy will be returned in an electronic format within 3 business days. NOTE: If work begins prior to executing purchase order or contract, requestor is responsible to execute as soon as possible. FIN.40 Page 2 of 2 5/1/15