Psychology: Unit 4 Test

Test: Psychological Disorders, VERSION A
When a person feels very anxious and cannot stop thinking about something even though it is unpleasant, he or she
suffers from
A. A compulsion
C. Depression
B. An obsession
D. Delusions
Transforming emotional difficulties into the loss of a physiological function is known as
A. Fugue
C. A dissociative reaction
B. An obsession
D. A conversion reaction
A phobia is characterized by
A. Constant unhappiness
B. Feeling euphoric for no reason
C. A limited attention span
D. Fear of a particular object or situation
Individuals with paranoid schizophrenia
A. Believe that no one else exists
B. Blame doctors for their disease
C. Have hallucinations and/or delusions
D. Remain motionless for long periods
Which of the following is NOT a criterion used to determine the presences of a psychological disorder?
A. Distress
C. Deviance
B. Delinquency
D. Dysfunction
What anxiety disorder is characterized by a fear of being in places where escape may be difficult?
A. A simple phobia
C. Agoraphobia
B. A social phobia
D. General Anxiety Disorder
A preoccupation with the fear that one has a serious disease is called
A. Conversion disorder
C. Phobia
B. Schizophrenia
D. Hypochondriasis
What mood disorder is characterized by dramatic ups and downs?
A. Depression
C. Conversion disorder
B. Phobia
D. Bipolar disorder
Which of the following is NOT a symptom of depression?
A. Loss of pleasure in activities
B. Loss of energy
C. Reduced ability to concentrate
D. Wild excitement
10. Which of the following is a general symptom of schizophrenia?
A. Fear of enclosed spaces
B. Obsessive-compulsive behavior
C. Hallucinations
D. Fear of having a serious disease
11. What makes personality disorders different from the other disorders that we discussed in class?
A. They appear in young adulthood
B. They are lifelong disorders
C. They affect a person’s physical health
D. There is no real significant difference
12. People who are in coma-like states and remain frozen in uncomfortable body positions for long periods of time exhibit
A. Disorganized schizophrenia
B. Catatonic schizophrenia
C. Paranoid schizophrenia
D. Hypochondriasis
13. A current authoritative scheme for classifying psychological disorders is known as the
C. Medical Model
D. Biopsychosocial approach
14. General symptoms of ________ include breathing difficulties, faintness or dizziness, nausea, and chest pains
A. Phobic disorder
C. General anxiety disorder
B. Panic disorder
D. Post-traumatic stress disorder
15. Dissociative amnesia usually results from
A. Physical brain damage
B. A traumatic event
16. What is an example of normal dissociation?
A. Daydreaming
B. Falling asleep uncontrollably
C. Drug abuse
D. Normal forgetting
C. Imagining that you have a serious illness
D. Hallucinations
17. Mrs. Swift is alarmed by her own intrusive and irrational thoughts that her house is contaminated by germs. Her
experience best illustrates the agitating effects of:
A. Mania
C. Agoraphobia
B. An obsession
D. Panic disorder
18. A person who suddenly and unexpectedly travels away from home and cannot recall the past is experiencing
A. Dissociative fugue
C. A somatoform disorder
B. Hypochondriasis
D. Dissociative amnesia
19. Individuals who have __________ disorder feel no shame or guilt if they injure people or break social rules
A. Anti-social personality
C. Dissociative Amnesia
B. Dependent personality
D. Paranoid Schizophrenia
20. Michael is socially withdrawn and has few close friends. This behavior is most likely to be diagnosed as a symptom of
a psychological disorder if it is:
A. A long-standing pattern of behavior
B. Preventing him from functioning effectively
C. Not caused by a biological disorder
D. Difficult for her to change
21. Rishi, a college student complains that he feels apprehensive and fearful most of the time but doesn’t know why.
Without warning, his heart begins to pound, his hands get icy, and he breaks out in a cold sweat. Rishi most likely
suffers from:
A. Bipolar disorder
B. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
C. Generalized anxiety disorder
D. A phobia
22. While he was studying, Matthew was suddenly overwhelmed by feelings of intense apprehension. For several minutes
he felt so agitated that he could not catch his breath. Matthew was most likely suffering from:
A. Bipolar disorder
B. A panic attack
C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
D. A delusion
23. Kaylee is so afraid of spiders and insects that she avoids most outdoor activities and even refuses to go to the basement
of her own house along. Kaylee appears to suffer from:
A. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
C. Bipolar disorder
B. A dissociative disorder
D. A phobia
24. An incapacitating and highly distressing fear about being embarrassed in the presence of others is a characteristic of:
A. Panic disorder
C. Antisocial personality disorder
B. Social phobia
D. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
25. Obsessions are:
A. Persistent, irrational fears of specific objects or situations
B. False beliefs of grandeur
C. Periodic episodes of intense dread accompanied by frightening physical sensations
D. Offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person.
26. Two years after being brutally beaten and raped, Candy still experiences anxiety, has trouble sleeping, and has vivid
flashbacks of her assault. Candy is most clearly showing signs of
A. Panic disorder
C. Generalized anxiety disorder
B. Post-traumatic stress disorder
D. Social phobia
27. According to the _________ perspective, anxiety is sometimes produced by the submerged mental energy associated
with repressed impulses from the unconscious.
A. Biological
C. Psychoanalytic
B. Learning
D. Cognitive
28. William, an airplane pilot, is unable to remember anything of a bombing raid in which his plane was severely damaged
and two crew members were killed. Because he himself suffered no physical injuries, psychologists suspect that
William probably suffers from
A. A dissociative disorder
B. An anxiety disorder
C. A mood disorder
D. Bipolar disorder
29. Those with an avoidant personality disorder are most likely to display:
A. Lack of guilt feelings
B. A sense of self-importance
C. Shallow, attention-getting emotions
D. A fear of social rejection
30. In which disorder do people alternate between states of lethargic hopelessness and wild overexcitement?
A. Dissociative identity disorder
B. Bipolar disorder
C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
D. Schizophrenia
31. Abnormally low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin would be the explanation of a mood disorder for which
A. Cognitive
B. Psychoanalytic
C. Biological
D. Learning
32. In which type of disorder is a person’s speech likely to be so full of unrelated words and phrases?
A. Paranoid schizophrenia
B. Disorganized schizophrenia
C. Catatonic schizophrenia
D. Bipolar disorder
33. Tina experiences extreme anxiety when approaching any lake. Her therapist suggests that her fear results from a
traumatic boat accident she experienced as a child. The therapist’s suggestion reflects the ______ perspective.
A. Psychoanalytic
B. Biological
C. Learning
D. Humanistic
34. Bob has obsessions about locking his car doors. Sometimes, Bob locks his car door three times in a row. Why does
Bob NOT have a psychological disorder?
A. Bob’s behavior is not maladaptive
B. Bob does not exhibit socially unacceptable behavior
C. Both A and B
D. All of the above are incorrect because Bob does have a psychological disorder.
35. Which psychological perspective would most likely use free association (talking about what is on your mind) to
uncover unconscious motives as a method of therapy?
A. Biological
B. Learning (behavioral)
C. Social Cognitive
D. Psychoanalytic
36. Which psychological perspective uses person-centered therapy and empathy as treatment method for psychological
A. Biological
B. Learning (behavioral)
C. Humanistic
D. Social Cognitive
37. Positive reinforcement, extinction, and aversive conditioning are all therapy methods that are promoted by which
psychological perspective?
A. Biological
B. Learning (behavioral)
C. Humanistic
D. Social Cognitive
Use the following case to answer numbers 38-40
Jay, a high school physics teacher in NYC, disappeared three days after his wife unexpectedly left him for another man. Six
months later, he was discovered tending bar in Miami Beach. Calling himself Martin, he claimed to have no recollection of
his past life and insisted that he had never been married.
38. The axis I diagnosis (clinical diagnosis) that would cited using the DSM-IV model would be
A. Dissociative amnesia
B. Dissociative identity disorder
C. Dissociative Fugue
D. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
39. Which would most likely be identified as an Axis IV (psychosocial) issue for Jay in the DSM-IV diagnosis model?
A. He is a teacher
B. He has forgotten his past life
C. His wife left him for another man
D. He tends bar
40. Which would most likely be identified as an Axis III (medical) issue for Jay in the DSM-IV diagnosis model?
A. His wife left him for another man
B. His name change from Jay to Martin
C. His refusal to recognize his marriage
D. There is no Axis III (medical) issue in Jay’s case.