Webster's New World Dictionary, 1960 College Edition, page 1631 defines the word 'vision' thusly: 1. The act or
power of seeing with the eye; sense of sight 2. Something supposedly seen by other than normal sight; something
perceived in a dream, trance etc. or supernaturally revealed, as to a prophet 3. A mental image 4. The ability to perceive
something not actually visible, as through mental acuteness or keen foresight etc..
The word 'revelation' is defined in the same dictionary, page 1245 thusly: 1. A revealing or disclosure; especially, a
striking disclosure as to something not previously known or realized 3. In Christian theology, (a) God's disclosure or
manifestation of His creatures of Himself and His will (b) an instance of this (c) what is so disclosed or manifested (d)
something as the Bible, containing such disclosure or manifestation.
According to the above definitions, a vision and a revelation can be both external, that is, appreciated by the
physical eye as when one sees a performer on stage after the curtains are opened, (the performer being visualized and
disclosed or revealed at the same time) and internal, that is, appreciated with the eye of the understanding as when one
sees in a trance or a dream a mental image or has something disclosed to him within his mind. Therefore, it can be said
that no one has ever lived who has not had a vision or a revelation either externally, for one is constantly seeing with his
physical eyes, or internally for one is continually formulating mental images and appreciating new facts or knowledge within
his mind. The fact should be brought out at this point that when one sees or has something disclosed to him with his
external or physical eye, such vision or disclosure may be appreciated by everyone who has physical eyes with which to
see, but when one sees or has something disclosed to him with the eye of the understanding (or internal eye) such vision
and revelation usually can only be appreciated by the one person. (There are many exceptions to this latter statement in
the Bible -- Ex. 24:9-10; Matt. 17th chapter). One might be standing alongside of an individual having such a vision and
revelation, accordingly one could not argue the point of whether another had such a vision or revelation. As before stated,
visions and revelations generally speaking, are commonplace, being experienced by everyone who lives on the face of the
However, when it comes to DIVINE visions and revelations, that is another matter altogether, but still not as
unusual a happening as one might suppose. Since the Great Yahweh of this stellar Universe is spirit (John 4:24) and
therefore invisible, there is no way that He could show Himself unto mankind except in visions and revelations as Elohim.
Moses and all the prophets saw him thusly. Yahweh merely took on shape and form within the confines of mankind's
limited mind. This internal appreciation of Yahweh was commonplace before the times of Yahshua. Then Elohim
manifested Himself in a physical way in the person of Yahshua the Messiah who could be appreciated by man's physical
eye. John states it thusly, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahweh and the Word was Yahweh (as
Elohim seen in the visions of the prophets) - and the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory,
the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:1,14). Now that Yahweh in the person of
Yahshua the Messiah has taken off the flesh, it becomes ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that everyone see Him in a vision
or revelation if they are to see Him at all, for He is no longer flesh and blood, but a quickening spirit (1 Cor. 15:45). Paul
says, "So Yahshua the Messiah was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for Him shall He
appear (in visions) the second time without sin unto salvation" (Heb. 9:28). So then, when Yahweh takes on shape and
form within man's mind by the preaching of the True Gospel of Yahshua the Messiah according to the Law and Prophets,
then that man has had a vision and a revelation. Therefore, for one to deny that Divine visions and, revelations are
possible these days is to deny that Yahshua has appeared unto him, or to deny that Yahshua has been resurrected in
his mind and consciousness. That such a vision and a revelation are absolutely necessary while as yet one liveth in the
flesh in order for him to be saved is evidenced by Yahshua transfiguring before Peter, James and John BEFORE He died
on the cross (Matt. 17th chapter), and He told them to tell the vision to no man until He be resurrected from the dead (Matt.
17:9) which means that no one can see Elohim or have a vision of Him until He is resurrected from the dead in man's mind
and consciousness or in his spirit. And the disciples did see Him in transfigured form ascend into heaven on a cloud After
He was resurrected from the dead (Acts 1:9). Remember, too, that Peter, James and John had to go up into the mount of
Transfiguration to see Him in transfigured form. They could not have seen Him on level ground, showing that one must be
elevated in the spirit and in one's mind to see Him. When the Israelites were baptized in the cloud and in the sea, they saw
no similitude or form of Yahweh (Deut. 4:12) in the cloud, but later when this same cloud covered Mount Sinai (an elevated
place) Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel beheld the form of Elohim in the cloud (Ex. 24:910). How then, does one become elevated in the spirit in order to see Elohim? It takes the preaching of the true Gospel of
Yahshua the Messiah according to the Law and Prophets in which the Pattern is revealed. So, everyone who is really born
of the Spirit of Yahshua the Messiah or has the Holy Ghost has had a vision and a revelation, and since there is an
innumerable host of such people (Heb. 12:22), then one must accept the fact that Divine visions and revelations are
Notwithstanding the fact that Divine visions and revelations are commonplace, one must say that some are of a
scope and nature as to be placed in a class by themselves. John the Revelator, the apostle Paul and others had such
epochal Divine visions and revelations. Yahweh from the beginning of time has chosen to work His wonders and signs
through mankind. For instance, He could have caused the waters of the Red Sea to part or divide without Moses lifting up
his rod above them, if He had chosen; He could have overthrown Jerusalem without Nebuchadnezzar's army, but YahwehElohim made man in His likeness and His image to glorify Himself, and consequently man is Yahweh personified (Psalms
82:6) and no man exists independent of Yahweh (Acts 17:28). Where as then Yahweh has shown Himself in visions and
revelations in a rather dramatic way in times past, He has prophesied through His prophets that in the last days, in the end
of this world (Present Age) that the understanding of man would be limited to the over-abundance of wickedness in the
world. Amos prophesied thusly, "Behold the days come saith Yahweh, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of
bread, nor of thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Yahweh" (Amos 8:11). Daniel spoke of this abomination of
desolation as well as Yahshua the Messiah (Dan. 9:27 & Matt. 24:15). Due to this scarcity of the True Words of Yahshua
the Messiah and the abomination of desolation, mankind does not believe that anyone is hearing from Yahweh these days.
To say that one has had a Divine vision and revelation is to be ridiculed and put to shame, but this does not mean that
Yahweh is not speaking through His chosen vessel or vessels for He promised that He would be with us until the end of
this world or this age (Matt. 28:20). Therefore, though the dark clouds of ignorance of the Truth of Yahweh surround us on
every hand, be assured that Yahweh has a ray of sunshine peeping through the clouds somewhere in the world. "Where
there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov. 29:18)
One could still say, despite what we have just written, that he does not believe that another has had a Divine vision
and revelation. Well, until one takes the time to studiously and diligently seek to understand what is written by the one with
the vision and revelation, he cannot justly say that he has not had one. David wrote, "He that answereth a matter before he
heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him". So as you begin to read, Elohim the Archetype Pattern of the Universe, do so
with an open mind, and do not hastily judge as to whether the author, Dr. Henry C. Kinley had a Divine vision and
revelation or not until you have thoroughly perused the pages of his book, and it may be that you will agree as well as
many others have agreed that this, indeed, is the work of Yahweh's hands and beyond human endeavour.
I am sincerely and whole-heartedly endeavoring in the volume entitled, Whose Builder and Maker is Elohim, to
impart to the reader just what has been revealed to me concerning how man is made in the likeness and image of Elohim
to the extent that he will become intimately knowledgeable of his inseparateness from Elohim. I am presenting the
incontestable Truth and Fact in as simple a form as I possibly can, so that there can be no stumbling block to one's
arriving at a profound knowledge of himself and his Eternal Creator after whose image and likeness he is made, according
to the Three-fold Archetypal Pattern. I honestly do not know of another work of this sort that can be found in any library of
any center of higher learning or any ecclesiastical institution in the world.
My knowledge and understanding of the Truth herein presented began in the year 1957 AFTER I had attended
courses conducted by Dr. Henry C. Kinley, who so avidly and steadfastly acclaims that he had a Divine vision and
revelation in the year 1931, and has proved it to my satisfaction and others in that we now know and understand in part
what he SAW and HEARD. From the very beginning of my association with Dr. Kinley, I was made to see the perfection of
his discourse of how man is made in the likeness and image of Elohim and my knowledge of the anatomy and physiology
which I had previously attained at Meharry Medical College (1941-1945) placed me in a position to further understand
more of this knowledge as Elohim would reveal it unto me. I soon learned that patience had to be exercised on my part for
I could not "strain" upon these revelations as if I were wresting knowledge from Elohim, and this made me know that such
revelations were not coming of my own power and volition but straight from the "Revealer of Secrets" who is YahwehElohim. This further served to humble me and to deflate MY ego for the arduous task ahead of teaching others with all due
meekness, the things which had been shown to me.
There seems to be no end of the multitude of revelations of the oneness of Yahweh and man, which Yahweh has so
generously imparted unto us, and I am convinced that the subject can never be completely exhausted. Accordingly, I am
presenting just a few of the more specific and polytechnical correlations and covering the subject matter broadly in order to
get the whole picture over to the reader. I have studiously and religiously applied myself in the past ten years to further
understand this great Divine-inspired teaching and the more I have comprehended, the more like a babe I have felt, but
this is understandable when I realize that the subject of my research is Yahweh who is infinite and all encompassing.
I would not want the reader to take lightly and casually what he reads in this treatise for I have found that it packs
all the Power that is necessary to transform a man's mind from the darkness of despair, damnation and hell into the
marvelous Light of the knowledge of Yahweh which is salvation and Eternal Life. I have experienced the Power that is
latent in man as a result of being knowledgeable of the herein stated facts, and I am thoroughly convinced that it is the
panacea or cure for all of man's ills, not barring penicillin or other antibiotics, tranquilizers or what have you. My role as a
physician in the world has been greatly enhanced by the knowledge which I have obtained through this teaching and if
every doctor in the world could know these facts and impart an understanding of them to his patients, I am profoundly sure
that a great deal of human suffering could be eliminated. Whereas the medical profession is winning the battle against
physical ills of all sorts, it is losing the battle against psychological or spiritual ills and it has become increasingly evident
that man's mind needs an over-hauling. There is no "Balm in Gilead" to heal a sin-sick soul other than this great and
wonderful teaching which gives man new Hope through a knowledge that he is the offspring of Yahweh, and that He has
painstakingly provided a Haven of Rest for the burdened and weary Earth traveler.
My mind often turns to the great physician, Luke, who was a companion of the Apostle Paul and I think of the
blessedness which came to him and how he unselfishly gave of his time and
1 Most of Volume 3 is written by Dr. Robert Harris, MD
physical efforts to impart his knowledge to others. Although he did not go into as much polytechnical detail as we have
included in this treatise, he certainly was knowledgeable of this great Truth and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that
man is just another walking physical tabernacle with the great Spirit of Yahweh abiding therein, and that it is just a matter
of whether one knows this or not. To know this is Life Eternal, and to not know it is Eternal Damnation. Everything that will
follow and correlate with the simple threefold Pattern of the Tabernacle which Yahweh showed Moses in Mount Sinai in a
vision in (before Yahshua the Messiah) and which Moses and the Israelites later constructed in material form in the
Wilderness of Sinai. The Three-fold Migratory Pattern which is explained elsewhere in this book will also be used in
correlative fashion with the physical body. It will behoove the reader to assiduously try to understand each correlative point
before proceeding on the next, and this will greatly enhance his chances of receiving a thorough knowledge and
understanding of what is written. Furthermore, we would admonish the reader that the visible things of this material and
physical creation are only types and shadows of the invisible or spiritual creation (Rom. 1:19-20) and the goal which we are
truly seeking this treatise is to know Yahweh who is spirit as He truly is, and as He actually exists.
Now that we understand that Moses saw the Elohim (God) of Israel in the year 1490 B.Y. (before Yahshua) after he had
led the Israelites out of Egypt, it is necessary that we acquaint the reader with certain other facts regarding this Vision.
Moses wrote, "and there was under His FEET as it were the paved work of a sapphire stone and as it were the BODY of
heaven in His clearness" (Ex. 24:10). Here we see that Moses writes of the Elohim of Israel having feet and a body which
proves that he was seeing a supernatural spirit being in the form of a man. Then Moses sees this great anthropomorphic
being create ALL things after Himself, including the man, that is, Elohim was the Pattern for everything He created. The
Universe in its totality being made up of invisible atoms is fashioned after Him. Each atom is a proton, neutron and an
electron corresponding to the three-fold Pattern (Elohim) who is the fullness of the Godhead bodily, namely, the Father, the
Word and the Holy Spirit all in ONE. We have already explained to the reader how that Moses also saw this Super
Incorporeal Form instantaneously transform itself into a three-fold, intangible Tabernacle which explains the three-fold
makeup of the Super Incorporeal Form. This three-fold Tabernacle also is the explanation of the three-fold makeup of
everything that is in the Universe, or out of the Universe as far as that is concerned.
Yahweh Himself is spirit (John 4:24) and in this state, He is inconceivable, incomprehensible, inscrutable and
invisible. Everything abides in Yahweh or Pure Spirit; there is nothing co-existent or co-eternal with it. It is the Source and
Substance, the Limits and the Bounds of everything both invisible and visible. This Pure Spirit state of Yahweh can be
likened unto a cloud which has no conceivable shape or form, and in this Spirit is encouched the attributes of Intelligence,
Wisdom, Knowledge, Beauty, Love, Justice, Power, Foundation and Strength. These attributes become united together in
a conceivable shape and form which Moses viewed as the Great Elohim. This Elohim then was Pure Spirit (Yahweh) in
shape and form abiding within still as yet unformed Spirit. (It did not take all of the Pure Spirit to form the Super Incorporeal
Form of Elohim). Then Elohim creates the physical man, Adam, in His likeness and image, and some four thousand
(4000) years later Elohim, Himself, is manifested in a physical body and walked around in the Universe that He had
created (John 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16). This transmutation of Pure Spirit without shape and form into a Super Incorporeal shape
and form and then into a physical form sets up a pattern that the whole Universe testifies of, and confirms.
Let us witness the conception of a human being to see if it follows this Pattern. Firstly,
all physical beings were without shape and form at one time, and all of the attributes and physical characteristics that were
to make up such human beings were encouched within the grayish white sexual secretions (cloud) of the male and female.
These primordial invisible substances are called genes and chromosomes which later come together in an orderly fashion
to bring about a shape and form still yet invisible to the naked eye, but later through amalgamation of cells, the shape and
form becomes visible as a tiny embryo and later a fetus and newborn infant. Every human being born into the world has
definitely followed this course of procedure in being born. Not only does everyone follow this three-step conception of first - being without shape and form, later in shape and form but still invisible to the naked eye, and then in gross shape and
form, but each constituent cell, fiber and tissue making up his developing body is three-fold. Each living cell composing the
physical body is made up of a nucleolus, a nucleus, and cell body (mature red blood cells have no nucleus). Then these
cells are differentiated according to their position in the developing embryo into endodermal (the inner cell layer),
mesodermal (middle cell layer) and ectodermal (outer cell layer) constituting tissues. These tissues then make up organs
which are of necessity three-fold according to the type of tissues composing them, and then organs constitute systems of
which there are three (3) sets of threes e.g. (1) nervous, endocrine, and reproductive (2) respiratory, circulatory and
excretory (3) digestive, skeletal and muscular. These nine systems work harmoniously to constitute the total physical being
who then is over-all Spirit, Soul and Body. Man is, therefore, a three-fold being from start to finish and he is definitely and
positively fashioned after Elohim, the shape and form of Yahweh. As we deal more and more with the different organs and
systems of the physical body, one will find even more evidence of this three-fold nature of man.
Let us now turn our attention to a comparison of the three-fold man. Moses was called up into Mount Sinai where
Yahweh gave him Divine specifications for building the Tabernacle in the third month after Israel had left Egypt (Ex. 19:1).
This third month of the Jews' sacred calendar year would correspond with the month of June in our Gregorian calendar
year. Considering that Moses was in the Mount for forty (40) days and them began to build the Tabernacle and knowing
that the Tabernacle was completed and reared up on the first day of the first month of the second year (Ex. 40:17) after
the Israelites left Egypt (April 1st), one can see that it was nine months in the building. How beautifully this correlated to the
Tabernacle of our physical bodies that require nine (9) months to be built by Yahweh in the womb!
Furthermore, the Tabernacle that Moses built had three coverings of goat's skin, ram's skin dyed red and badger's
skin, and our physical bodies are composed of mainly three layers of skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle!
Moses saw the Vision of the creation for six (6) days while in the cloud that covered the Mount and he saw Elohim
rest on the seventh (7th) day, but Moses was in the Mount for forty (40) days, so that leaves thirty-three (33) days that
Elohim was showing Moses all of the generations of the flesh coming out of Adam, and instructing him about the building
of the Tabernacle. These thirty-three days were fulfilled (Matt. 5:17) by Yahshua the Messiah tarrying on earth in the flesh
for thirty-three years (one day for a year in prophetic time - Num. 14:34, Ezek. 4:6). Then when we examine the physical
body we find that it has thirty-three vertebrae in the vertebral column -- one vertebra for each day that Moses dwelled in the
Mount after seeing the Vision of the creation, or one vertebra for each year that Messiah dwelled upon the earth. The
Tabernacle of Moses was the backbone of Israel's faith in Yahweh, and Yahshua the Messiah being our redeemer, is the
backbone of our faith in Yahweh. It is the vertebral column that gives man his upright position, and Yahshua is our
uprightness in Yahweh.
The Tabernacle of Moses was surrounded by the twelve tribes of Israel gathered around it, and this was fulfilled by
Yahshua the Messiah by His gathering the twelve disciples around Him and these twelve disciples later were apostles of
the faith in the Dispensation of Grace (Present Age). This was confirmed by the Apostle John in his Vision on the Isle of
Patmos for he
spoke of the twenty-four (24) elders gathered around the throne of Yahweh (Rev. 4:4). These twenty-four (24) elders were
the twelve (12) heads of the Tribes of Israel under the Dispensation of the Mosaic Law, and the twelve Apostles in the
Dispensation of Grace all gathered around the Messiah who came in to fulfill the Mosaic Law and bring it to an end. Seeing
that man is made in the likeness and image of Yahweh, then he must display in his physical body the same situation for he
does have the twenty-four ribs, twelve on each side all gathered around the vertebral column with its thirty-three vertebrae
typifying the Messiah's thirty-three years in the flesh.
Then one must also consider that the whole body of Israel were led by the cloud wherever they sojourned; they did
not move unless the cloud moved (Ex. 40:36-38, Num. 9th chapter). The Spirit of Yahweh dwelled in the cloud. Yahshua
the Messiah fulfilled this by His obedience to the Will of His Father in not doing anything except that which was ordained of
the Father (Spirit or cloud). He was led of the Spirit (cloud) into the Wilderness of Judea (Matt 4:1). This same cloud that
led the Israelites out of Egypt through the Wilderness of Sinai and on into Canaan Land was the same cloud as dwelled
between the wings of the Cherubims that over shadowed the Mercy Seat in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle. When
one examines the physical body, he finds that there is a grayish-white substance that fills his cranial cavity or head region
which we call the brain, and it is divided into a right and left half corresponding to the two cherubims of glory on either side
of the Ark, and it is from the brain that man receives his orders to move, or think or do anything, so we are led of a cloud
throughout our journeying in this Wilderness below.
We will now show the correlationship of the Mosaic Tabernacle with the anatomy and physiology of our physical
body. Please keep in mind that the physical Tabernacle which Moses built in the Wilderness of Sinai is an exact copy of
the Spiritual Tabernacle which he saw in the Vision on Mount Sinai. Therefore, when we speak of the physical component
parts of our physical body and compare them with the structures in the Mosaic Tabernacle, we are speaking always of the
spiritual things that these structures stand for. For instance, when we speak of the physical heart and compare it with the
physical Table of Shewbread, we are really speaking of that Spiritual sustenance or bread which is Yahshua the Messiah.
All things of the Mosaic Tabernacle and our physical body (In fact, all natural things) point to the Messiah or Yahweh, and
He is the fulfillment of all of them. This discourse will be of no effect if one does not keep in mind that it is appertaining to
spiritual things at all times.
If you the reader will refer to the chart entitled, "Man Made In The Image of Elohim By The Pattern Of The
Tabernacle," you will be able to follow the correlative structure and function of the Mosaic Tabernacle with the anatomy
and physiology of man's body. The illustration on the left is the Mosaic Tabernacle; the illustration in the center of course,
is the physical body with the head, chest and abdominal cavities exposed showing the positioning of the internal organs.
The illustration on the right shows an interchanging of the organs of the physical body with the furnishings of the Mosaic
Tabernacle to unmistakingly show the detailed and polytechnical comparison.
Each corresponding number denotes the same structure in each illustration (Page 6A - Right), and the numbers
(denoted by #) will be Inserted wherever necessary throughout our discourse so as to not break the continuity of thought.
#1 - Is the Most Holy Place of the Mosaic Tabernacle. #2 - Shows the two Archangels or Cherubims of Glory overshadowing the Mercy Seat with their wings touching in the middle. #3 - Illustrates the Cloud dwelling between them and
above the Mercy Seat. The Cloud denotes the dwelling place of Yahweh (Ex. 25:22, H.N.B., K.J.V.) and the large Eye
signifies His ever presence and attention to the deeds of man (Prov. 15:3, H.N.B., K.J.V.). In the Ark of the Covenant
beneath the Mercy Seat, (#4) one sees the two tables of the Mosaic Law placed therein. (The door in front is just for the
purpose of illustrating the two tables of the commandment Law). Actually there was a lid on top which formed the Mercy
(VOLUME iii Page 6B is BLANK)
These two Archangels represented Michael, a warrior who was always sent to carry out some action for Yahweh,
and Gabriel who was sent to deliver messages (Jude 9, Rev. 12.7, Dan. 8:16, Luke 1:26, H.N.B., K.J.V.). Furthermore, the
invisible presence of Yahweh in the Cloud was signified by the manifestation of the Shekinah (which really was a vision of
Elohim seen by the High Priest on the Day of Atonement).
#1 - The cranial or head cavity of man's physical body corresponds with the Most Holy Place of the Mosaic
#2 - The right and left halves of the brain which come together in the mid-line corresponds with the two
Archangels, and the two main functions of the brain. One in carrying out some action (motor function) corresponds to the
duties of Michael, and two, the sending and receiving of messages (sensory function) corresponds with the duties of
#3 - The brain itself is composed of gray and white matter likened unto the Cloud which over-shadowed the Mercy
Seat, and it is by means of our brain that we are in touch with, and minutely aware of everything going on around us. It is
really like one great big Cycloptic Eye in our heads, (even the two eyes see as one eye). The Pineal gland located in the
center of the Brain was likened unto a Cycloptic Eye by the Ancients, or Greek Mythologists and also was thought to be the
seat of all sensations.
#4 - The two Lobes of the Pituitary Gland (the master gland of the body) corresponds to the two tables of the
Mosaic Law, and they are placed in a bony receptacle in the base of the brain and are covered over by a covering just as
the Lid covered the Ark of the Covenant. In our diagram on the right you will see the word LAW in the mouth of the figure.
This is to show the close approximation of the pituitary gland to the roof of the mouth, and it is out of the mouth that the
LAW proceeds. Malachi wrote: "The law of truth was in his mouth" (Mal. 2:6, H.N.B., K.J.V).
The Vision of the Shekinah seen in the Cloud in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle can be correlated with the
configuration of the blood vessels supplying the brain which take the shape of a stick-figure of a man (Elohim).
#5 - The Second Vail of the Mosaic Tabernacle divides the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place and is blue,
purple and scarlet in color. This corresponds with the neck of man's physical body which divides the head or cranial cavity
from the chest cavity. All the blood vessels passing to the head are gathered together in the neck in one great profusion,
the veins (colored blue to denote impure blood), the arteries (colored red or scarlet to denote pure or oxygenated blood),
and the presence of the iodine filled thyroid gland (iodine means violet or purple) denotes the purple of this dividing Vail of
the neck.
#6 - In the Holy Place of the Mosaic Tabernacle, one sees the High Priest standing at (#7) the Golden Altar of
Incense burning incense which consisted of four principle ingredients called stacte, onycha, galbanum, and frankincense
which were sweet odoriferous spices (Ex. 30:34-38, H.N.B., K.J.V.). This Incense purfumed the entire Tabernacle and
ascended through the second Vail into the Most Holy Place where Yahweh dwelled in the Cloud above the Mercy seat, and
was a sweet smelling savour to Him for it represented the intercession made by the Holy Ghost (Elohim) to the Father
#8 - The seven branched Golden Candlestick can be seen on the left in the Holy Place and it gave Light unto the
Sanctuary so that there was never any darkness there. It was extinguished at nine o'clock in the morning when the daylight
illuminated the Sanctuary; it was trimmed and made ready for the re-lighting at three o'clock in the afternoon when daylight
began to fade, and it would burn all through the night until the next morning. All of the seven branches of it proceeded out
of the main stem on either side, and it was filled with oil from the main stem.
#9 - The Golden Table of shewbread can be seen on the right side of the Holy Place with its two rows of bread (six
loaves on either side). It is a four-sided furnishing with a golden crown around the border of it. The High Priest ate daily of
the bread on the Table of
Shewbread which was kept ever present for him. This was his daily sustenace as well as the meat offering and drink
offering of which he partook.
Comparing the Holy Place of the Tabernacle with #6, the chest cavity of the physical body one finds (#7) the lungs
serving the same capacity or function as the Golden Altar of Incense. To be real polytechnical, one finds that the larynx
situated above the windpipe or trachea has two superior cornu (Horns) and two inferior cornu just as the Golden Altar of
Incense had four horns on it - one at each corner. The air which we breathe is composed mainly of four ingredients,
nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen, (as aqueous vapor) which corresponds to the four principle ingredients of
the incense burned on the Golden Altar of Incense. Yes, and air or oxygen is burned in our bodies for the process of
oxidation which is the uniting of oxygen with other substances is a burning process.
It need not be said that breathing of good fresh air is a sweet smelling savour unto all of the tissues of the body
and that it fragranizes all of the body just as the Incense did the Tabernacle. The brain corresponding to the cloud where
Yahweh dwelled is especially expectant and desirous of this air or oxygen as it is the most vulnerable of all the body
tissues when it comes to oxygen lack (remember the incense wafting through the second Vail into the Most Holy Place).
Let us remind the reader at this point that Yahweh forbade anyone to duplicate the Holy Incense and only the High Priest
knew how to make it (Ex. 30:37-38, H.N.B., K.J.V.). Doesn't this compare beautifully with the fact that NO ONE has yet
been able to determine the exact composition of Air which only Yahweh knows!
#8 - The seven branched Golden Candlestick corresponds with the Aorta, that great blood vessel which comes off
the heart and has just seven (7) branches which distribute oxygenated blood to all the body.
Note -- We shall designate the seven branches of the Candlestick by letters to differentiate or distinguish from our
regular use of numbers.
(a) The innominate artery coming off of the arch of the aorta typifies the main stem of the candlestick and it gives
off (b) the right common carotid and (c) right subclavian arteries; (d) the left common carotid and (e) left subclavian also
come off at the arch of the Aorta; while the (f) right and (g) left coronary arteries come off of the ascending Aorta. The
descending Aorta in its thoracic portion gives off numerous branches which are too small to diminish its size. The blood
circulating through this great ressel, the Aorta, gives life unto the whole body continuously day and night just as the oil
burning in the Golden Candlestick furnished continual light unto the Tabernacle. Even the flickering of the light of the
candlestick can be likened unto the pulsation of the Aorta and its branches.
#9 - The Golden Table of Shewbread compares with the four-chambered heart. As the Golden Candlestick was
placed on the one side of the Holy Place, and the Golden Table of Shewbread on the other side, so is the heart placed
more to the left side and the Aorta more to the right side of the body. The four chambers of the heart compares with the
four corners of the Table of Shewbread. The bread placed in two rows on the table signifies the two halves of the heart,
the right and the left. The golden crown around the border of the Table corresponds to the coronary (which means crown)
vessels encircling the heart, and the heart is truly one's daily bread for it is by the constant beating of the heart that life is
#10 - The First Vail separated the Holy Place from (#11) the Outer Court and entrance was by the door seen in our
diagram on the left. Immediately before the door is (#12) the Brazen Laver which contained water for washing the
sacrificial animals before placing them on (#14) the Brazen Altar of sin offering which is located just inside (#15) the Gate
of the Outer Court. The Brazen Laver had a foot or pedestal on which it stood, and the Brazen Altar was a four-cornered
furnishing with a horn on each corner where blood was placed during the sacrificial ceremonies. Over the head of the High
Priest is pictured a vessel containing (#13) the Holy Anointing Oil which was poured on the head of the Priest and signified
anointing by the Holy Spirit or Quickening.
In our diagram on the right one can see that (#10) the Diaphragm forms the First Vail and separated the chest
cavity from (#11) the abdominal cavity which is the Outer Court of the physical body and that (#12) the two kidneys which
are ordinarily located in the right and left flanks are brought together to form a perfect configuration of the Brazen Laver.
One might ask the question WHY then are they (the two kidneys) separated in the physical body? It is to prove
conclusively that Yahweh did divide the waters of the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites, for the kidneys with water
therein represent the Red Sea or the Brazen Laver. (The reader will find a fuller explanation of this under the subject of the
Excretory System and the Pattern).
The sides and foot of the Brazen Laver are formed by the two ureters descending from the kidneys and the urinary
bladder where the urine is held until passage. The protuberances above each kidney represents (#13) the Adrenal Glands
which contain the substance adrenalin which quickens the various muscles and other tissues of the body just as the Holy
Anointing Oil did the High Priest. The picture-frame configuration of the Large Intestines represent the Brazen Altar, and
the small Intestines where most of the food is digested (burned) are located within this frame-work. The food thus
becomes the sacrifice which is burned on the Altar.
The Gate of the Outer Court corresponds with (#15) the rectal opening by which all waste products of digestion are
eliminated, just as the skin, hair and other Portions of the sacrificial animals were taken without the camp and discarded or
The bone structure of man's physical body represents the pillars, bars and boards which were the supporting
structures of the Tabernacle. The Tibia bone in the leg or Femur bone in the thigh are good examples of a pillar which
made up the Tabernacle; the flat bones such as the Scapula, and bones of the Skull are good examples of boards of the
Tabernacle, whereas the short, stubby bones as the Metacarpal bones of the hand, the Metatarsal bones of the foot are
good examples of the bars of the Tabernacle.
This then has been a polytechnical comparison of the Mosaic Tabernacle with the Tabernacle of man's body, but
please bear in mind that the physical or visible things point to the invisible or spiritual things (Rom. 1:19-20, H.N.B, K.J.V.).
Yes, Yahshua the Messiah was a physical man just like you or I but He was really Yahweh who is Spirit manifested in a
visible form, therefore, all of the component parts or members of our physical body are physical expressions of Spiritual
things, such as, Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Love, Beauty, Justice, Foundation, Power and Strength which are the
Divine attributes or members which make up the Spiritual Super Incorporeal Body of Elohim.
In summation let me say that this simple Yahweh given Pattern not only fits the physical body, but everything in the
cosmographical make-up of this Universe. The smallest bit of matter that man has any knowledge of, the Atom, is
basically composed of a Proton, Neutron and Electron, corresponding to the Most Holy Place, Holy Place and Outer Court
of the Mosaic Tabernacle, and the Scientists to date have found only nine classifications of sub-atomic particles which
make up the Atom, which further compares with the nine furnishings of the Tabernacle (the Ark of the Covenant with an
Archangel on either side, being made of one-piece was a three in one (3 in 1) furnishing in the Most Holy Place; the
Golden Altar of Incense, Table of Shew bread and Golden Candlestick were the three furnishings in the Holy Place, and
the Brazen Laver, Holy Anointing Oil and Brazen Altar of Sacrifice were the three furnishings in the Outer Court).
The minute Cell whether animal or plant is three-£old, being composed of a nucleolus, a nucleus and cell body.
ALL matter is either a gas, liquid or solid, so no matter which way one turns this Divine Pattern has the situation covered.
WHY? Because it is Elohim Himself, for He is the Archetype or Original Pattern of Everything, and the Pattern proves His
existence and manifests His ETERNAL PURPOSE throughout the Dispensations and Ages.
We have already explained how that Moses SAW Elohim, the Super Incorporeal Form of Yahweh, instantaneously
transform Himself into a three-fold Tabernacle, that is to say, the Tabernacle was drawn right out of the Super Incorporeal
Form. The Super Incorporeal Form is the Spiritual Temple which is the more glorious structure or edifice which is Elohim
or the Word
of Yahweh, and the Tabernacle is the less glorious structure which represents the physical man or Yahshua the Messiah.
However, as the Super Incorporeal Elohim and the Intangible Tabernacle are one and the same, so is the Temple and
Tabernacle the same. If therefore, the man is a physical Tabernacle he is also a physical Temple. So, after the Israelites
had built the physical Tabernacle and had followed it around and finally came to Canaan Land, they had to build a more
glorious edifice or building known as Solomon's Temple which they constructed in Mount Moriah. The Pattern of this
Temple was given to David in a Vision by Elohim passing His hand over David's physical body and showing him how to
build the Temple by his own physical anatomy and physiology. David wrote about this thusly, "All this, said David, Elohim
made me understand in writing by His hand upon me, even all the works of this Pattern" (1 Chr. 28:19, K.J.V.).
Elohim, the Immortal King in Heavenly Jerusalem just laid His Super Incorporeal Body over David's physical body
(David being King in the earthly Jerusalem) in a Vision and made him to know how to build the Temple which
specifications he passed on to his son, Solomon who built the Temple. After the Temple was constructed, then the
weather-bcatcn Tabernacle which stood out on Mount Zion was dismantled and all of the furnishings were moved into the
Temple just as Moses had seen it drawn out of the Temple in his Vision.
The Apostle Paul, speaking of this wrote, "For we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved,
we have a building of Elohim (the Temple) an house not made with hands, Eternal in the Heavens. For in this (our physical
Tabernacle) we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven" (2 Cor. 5:1-2, H.N.B.,
K.J.V.). And the Apostle Peter wrote in this manner, "Yea, I think it necessary, as long as I am in this Tabernacle, to stir
you up by putting you in remembrance; Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Saviour
Yahshua the Messiah hath showed me" (2 Pet 1:13-14, H.N.B. - when Yahshua took of His physical body or transfigured in
Mount Transfiguration).
So when we examine Solomon's Temple we find that it was built on Mount Moriah and one had to go up into the
Temple from one part to another. It was a three-fold structure just as the Tabernacle, being composed of a Porch (Outer
Court), a Sanctuary (Holy Place) and an Oracle (Most Holy Place). The Porch was at the lowest level, the Sanctuary was
higher up, and the Oracle was at the highest part of the Temple. The whole structure was fashioned like unto a man sitting
on a throne. The two Great Pillars (Joachim and Boaz) that flanked the entrance to the Porch are likened unto the legs of a
man in a sitting position. The Porch itself would be likened unto his thighs, the Sanctuary would be likened unto the region
of the hips to the neck, and the Oracle with its rounded dome would be likened unto the head region of a man. And the
Temple being overlaid with gold without and within pertains to the glorious excellence of the Spiritual Edifice or Body, the
inner cavities of man's physical body is lined also with a glistening gold appearing layer depicting the excellence of the
inner man or the Soul.
In confirmation of all that Moses SAW in his Vision, the Apostle John (shown on the inner cover) was on the Isle of
Patmos as a witness, and he described the same Super Incorporeal Form of a man that Moses SAW, and he likened it
unto the Tabernacle. His description of this Man (Elohim) fits the Tabernacle exactly. He said that he SAW One like unto
the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to his feet, (likened unto the coverings of the Tabernacle), and girt about the
paps with a golden girdle (likened unto the vessels of gold in the Holy Place and Most Holy Place).
John further said that his head and his hairs were white like wool, and white as snow (likened unto the cloud above
the Mercy Seat in the Most Holy Place) and eyes were as a flame of fire (likened unto the Shekinah or glorious image of
Light that the High Priest witnessed in the Most Holy Place in the Cloud); and his feet like unto fine brass (likened unto the
vessels of brass in the Outer Court of the Tabernacle), as if they burned in a furnace (likened unto the Fire on the Brazen
Altar in the Outer Court).
And John said that when he SAW HIM he fell at his feet, as dead, and that he laid his
right hand upon him (Rev. 1:4-18, H.N.B., K.J.V.). Thus, John confirms Moses' description of the Super Incorporeal Form
transforming itself into an Intangible Tabernacle, and he describes it as a Man.
John further stated that he was given a REED like unto a ROD and was told to rise and measure the Temple of
Yahweh, and the Altar (Altar of Sacrifice) but to leave out the Court Without (Rev. 11:1-2, K.J.V.). And that is exactly what
we are doing in this treatise for we are measuring and comparing the Temple and Tabernacle or the Divine Pattern or the
Rod with man's physical body, but since we understand that the physical things are only types and shadows of the Spiritual
things, we leave out the flesh or the Court Without.
The Apostle John also spoke of seeing the Temple of the Tabernacle of Yahweh opened in Heaven, and the
Temple was filled with smoke from the Glory of Yahweh, and from His Power, and this perfectly fits Moses' seeing Elohim
breathe into the nostrils of Adam the Breath of Life (smoke) and he became a Living Soul, typifying the inner man (Rev.
15:5-8, H.N.B., K.J.V.). John furthermore witnesses the crucifixion of Yahshua the Messiah (the fleshly Tabernacle or
Temple) at age thirty-three (33) years, just as Moses witnessed Yahweh telling him how to construct the Tabernacle and
how it was to function throughout the remaining thirty-three (33) days of his Vision in the Mount after he had witnessed the
Creation of the Universe in six (6) days and SAW Yahweh rest on the seventh (7th) day, he was in the Mount a total of
forty (40) days. Likewise, Solomon's Temple stood unmolested for thirty-three (33) Years before it was pillaged by Shishak
from Egypt. Hence, man's physical body has thirty-three (33) vertebrae which cause him to stand erect or upright in the
eyesight of Yahweh. And as He picked twelve (12) disciples to minister with Him in fulfillment of the Twelve Heads of the
Tribes of Israel gathered around the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, this made twelve who functioned in the Dispensation of
Grace (the Apostles) hence, the Apostle John spoke of the twenty-four (24) Elders around the Throne of Yahweh (Rev.
4:4, H.N.B., K.J.V.). Therefore, the physical man must have twelve (12) ribs on one side of his body and tewlve (12) ribs on
the other side of his body, making a total of twenty-four (24) ribs gathered around the vertebral column.
And in the last chapter of Revelations, John wrote of seeing a Pure River of Water of Life proceeding out of the
Throne of Yahweh and the Lamb (Rev. 22:1, H.N.B., K.J.V.). How beautifully does this compare with the crystal clear
cerebro-spinal fluid that proceeds out of the Brain and courses on down through the Spinal Cord. Truly, man is made in the
Likeness and Image of Yahweh-Elohim.
In Solomon's Temple the walls, ceilings and doors were of fir or cedar wood (Evergreens) and figures of angels,
palm trees and flowers were carved in the wood, and then gold was pressed into these figures so that they definitely
became a part of the building (1 Kings 6:29-35). This was not so with the Tabernacle for angelic figures were embroidered
in the vails and curtains of the Most Holy and Holy Places so that one standing in either place would see them all around
the walls, ceilings and vails, and they took on the Blue, Purple, and Scarlet colors of the vails and curtains. The above
facts have great spiritual significance for this reason; the angelic figures of Solomon's Temple by virtue of their being
carved into the wood were themselves the component parts of the building and were just as permanent and steadfast as
the building. As the Apostle Peter said, "Ye, also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer
up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Yahweh by Yahshua the Messiah" (1 Pet. 2:5); And the Apostle Paul said, "For we
being many are one bread, and one body; for we are all partakers of that one bread" (1 Cor. 10:17). The Apostle Paul also
said "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints (Sons of Yahweh) and of
the household of Yahweh; and are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Yahshua the Messiah Himself
being the Chief Corner Stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto a holy temple unto Elohim; in
Whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of Elohim through the Spirit" (Eph. 2:19-22). Therefore, the angelic
figures of Solomon's Temple typify those who have become recipients of the Holy
spirit and who accordingly make up the Spiritual Body of Elohim.
The gold being pressed into these carved figures of angels and overlaying them represent the taking on of the
glorified and immortal body that all who believe will receive instantaneously at the appearing of Elohim, to all mankind both
dead and alive. And the Apostle Paul wrote, "For our citizenship is in heaven; from whence also we are expecting our
Saviour King, Yahshua the Messiah; who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body,
according to the working whereby His is able even to subdue all things unto Himself" (Phil. 3:20-21).
The first edition of God The Archtype (Original) Pattern Of The Universe came off of the press in October, 1961.
Since that time, there have been many other things revealed unto the writer of that portion of the book dealing with how
man is made in the likeness and image of Elohim according to the Three-fold Tabernacle Pattern. These additional
correlations polytechnically and indisputably nail down the case and completely disrupt any argument to the contrary. As in
our previous discourse, we are not trying to win a debate or really settle any argument. We are trying to save men's souls
by presenting them with the Truth as it has been presented to us.
In the first edition of the book, God The Archtype (Original) Pattern Of The Universe, we laid heavily on the fact
that one must have a knowledge of the Law (the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and
the Prophets (or the Testimony, the Books of Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc. through Malachi) in order to come to
an understanding of Yahweh as He really is actually exists. These are His TWO witnesses -- the Scriptures, which unlock
the door to a complete knowledge of Yahweh. Yahshua said, "Search the scriptures, Law and the Prophets, for in them ye
think ye have Eternal life, but they are they which testify of me" (John 5:39). He further opened up the understanding of His
disciples by explaining to them the scriptures (Luke 24:44). The Prophet, Isaiah had written about 700 years before
Yahshua was born in the flesh, "To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because
there is no light in them" (Isa. 8:20). Yahshua further related in a parable how necessary it was to understand the Law and
the Prophets so that one could come to a knowledge of Him. He gave the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the beggar
(Luke 16th chapter) in which the rich man who was in hell or torment begged Abraham, the Father who had Laxarus in his
bosom or heaven after he had died, to let Lazarus go to his house where he had five brothers to tell them not to come to
that place of torment. Abraham replied that, they have Moses (the Law) and the Prophets, let them hear them (Luke 16;31)
and if they wouldn't hear Moses and the Prophets, neither would they be persuaded if one went to them from the dead. So
then, one can see that it is absolutely imperative to understand these TWO witnesses, for one confirms the other. Just
what the Law says, the Prophets confirm it, and vice versa. "In the mouth of TWO or THREE witnesses, let every word be
established" (Deut. 17:6, Matt. 18:16, 2 Cor. 13:1).
When one examines the Tabernacle Pattern, he can clearly see these TWO witnesses manifested; for in the Most
Holy Place of the Tabernacle there were TWO Archangels that overshadowed the Mercy Seat and stood, one on each
side of the Mercy Seat facing one another, however, each looked at the Cloud where the invisible presence of Yahweh
dwelled (Ex. 25:22). They, then, were witnesses to anything and everything that took place in the Cloud. What one saw,
the other saw and confirmed it. In the Temple (Solomon's) these two Archangels were made out of olive trees and overlaid
with gold (1 Kings 6:23-28). The Apostle John in his vision on the Isle of Patmos (he was really one of these himself
confirming everything that Moses, the other witness had seen and heard) spoke of these two Cherubims as the TWO
witnesses and the two olive trees which stand before the Yahweh of the Earth (Rev. 11:3-5).
The sum, therefore, of all that is written in the previous paragraph is that Yahweh has revealed of Himself by TWO
witnesses the Law and the Prophets. If any man desires a knowledge of the Inscrutable, Invisible, Incomprehensible
Yahweh, who is Spirit, he must surely seek His TWO witnesses to come to this knowledge for there are three that bear
record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one (1 John 5:7, K.J.V.). The Word and
the Holy Ghost are really the TWO witnesses of the Almighty Invisible Yahweh, the Father.
In so much then that it takes a knowledge of the Law and Prophets to understand Yahweh, and man is made in
the likeness and image of Him, then it takes a knowledge of Anatomy (Law) and Physiology (Prophets) to understand the
physical man. Anatomy deals with the structural make-up of the man, and physiology deals with the function of the
different structures. Anatomy and Physiology are the Cause and Effect of the physical man. In the previous edition of God
The Archetype (Original) Pattern Of The Universe, Volume 4, our main emphasis was centered -- - on showing how man's
physical body conforms to, and is an exact copy of the Tabernacle which Moses was shown in a Vision in the Cloud atop
Mount Sinai when the Cloud covered the Mount for six (6) days, and Yahweh revealed Himself to Moses in an Incorporeal
Form (Elohim, a Spirit Form without flesh and blood, Ex. 24:9-10) and transfigured or transformed Himself into a Threefold Tabernacle. He thus showed and instructed Moses how to build this Tabernacle and said to him that it was a Pattern
(Ex. 25:40, Heb. 8:5).
Moses therefore, seeing Yahweh in shape and form as a Super Incorporeal Spirit Being or man (Elohim), and later seeing
Him create the first earthly man, Adam out of the dust of the earth, wrote that Elohim created man in His own likeness and
image. It stands to reason then that if the Tabernacle is a direct transformation of the Super Incorporeal Form that Moses
saw, then man is an exact duplicate of the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle then is the key to the understanding of how man is
made in the likeness and image of Elohim, and we have taken the Tabernacle and compared it structure by structure with
the Anatomic or structural make-up of the physical body proving that man is a walking Tabernacle or an express image of
Elohim, who is the Sanctum of Sanctorium (Tabernacle of Tabernacles). This structural comparison of the Tabernacle and
the physical body satisfies one of the witnesses that the physical body has. The other witness concerns itself with the
function and operation (physiology) of the physical body, and it is, therefore, necessary to compare the function and
operation of the Tabernacle with the function and operation of the physical body. This latter phase was covered in part in
the first edition of God The Archetype (Original) Pattern Of The Universe, for we wrote of the Digestive System and its
operation, comparing it with the Migratory Pattern which is an exact duplicate of the Tabernacle Pattern (see charts).
We further explained the operation of the Circulatory System and compared it to the Tabernacle Pattern. We now
intend to show how all of the nine systems of the physical body compare with the Tabernacle and its furnishings and the
Spiritual make-up of the Super Incorporeal Form viewed by Moses in his vision.
One can see that there are nine furnishing which make up the Tabernacle. In the Most Holy Place, the Ark of the
Covenant was a three-in-one furnishing to denote the Supernal Nature of Yahweh, which is three-in-one (Ex. 37:6-9, 1
John 5:7, K.J.V.). It was composed of a Mercy Seat and Two Cherubims, one on either end of the Mercy Seat. The Mercy
Seat and the Two Cherubims were made of one piece. In the Holy Place there were three furnishings, the Golden Altar of
Incense, the Seven Branched Golden Candlestick, and the Table of Shewbread. In the Outer Court, there were the Brazen
Lava (Laver), the Brazen Altar of Sin Offering, and the Holy Anointing Oil. Each of these nine furnishings had a particular
function and purpose, for they showed forth or portrayed a distinct and particular attribute of Yahweh-Elohim. Please keep
in mind that the Tabernacle which Moses saw in his vision is a direct transformation of the Super Incorporeal Form (the
Word of Yahweh, Elohim), and therefore, it explains or reveals the make up or composition of the Glorious Form which
outshone the noon day sun. That is the reason that Yahweh called it a Pattern, for by it, one can understand the nature
and make up of Yahweh, the
physical Universe in its entirety, the Purpose and Plan of Yahweh from Alpha to Omega, and in fact, everything there is to
be known or can be known of Yahweh is manifested in them, for He has showed it unto them for the invisible things of Him
from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made (the Tabernacle and
everything that conforms unto it) even His Eternal Power and Supernal Nature, so that they are without excuse (Rom.
1:19-20, H.N.B., K.J.V.). This Tabernacle is certainly the key to an understanding of Yahweh, and everything that He has
done (created) and intends to do.
We have already stated that these nine furnishings of the Tabernacle denote the attributes which make up the
Super Incorporeal Form which is Elohim. In repetition they are (1) The Mercy Seat (2) One Cherubim on the one side (3)
One Cherubim on the other side (all made of one piece) (4) The Golden Altar of Incense (5) The Seven Branched Golden
Candlestick (6) The Table of Shewbread (7) The Brazen Lava (Laver) (8) The Brazen Altar of Sin Offering and (9) the Holy
Anointing Oil. There are, therefore, nine principle Attributes which constitute the Super Incorporeal Form or Elohim. They
are (1) Intelligence, (2) Wisdom, (3) Knowledge, (4) Beauty, (5) Love, (6) Justice, (7) Foundation, (8) Power and (9)
Strength. One will notice that the furnishings of the Tabernacle are placed in groups of three, one triad in the Most Holy
Place, the second triad in the Holy Place, and the third triad in the Outer Court. Each triad represents a pair bonded
together by a third. e.g. The two cherubims are bonded together by the Mercy Seat, the Golden Altar of Incense forms the
union or bond between the Seven Branched Golden Candlestick and the Table of Shewbread, and so on. Similarly, the
attributes are paired with a third making the bond or union between the two, e.g. Intelligence is the bond that unites
Wisdom and Knowledge. Beauty Is the bond that unites Love and Justice, and Foundation is the bond that connects
Power and Strength. This triad arrangement shows the three-fold Supernal Nature of Yahweh, operating throughout the
whole creation and His whole Purpose from Alpha to Omega and from Heaven (or Spirit) to Earth (materialism). This is
very vivdly shown when one reflects on the three-fold make-up of the Universe (air or atmosphere, water and land) and the
smallest constituent part of the Universe which is the atom (proton, neutron and electron). Yahweh is truly manifested in
each cosmic phase of the Universe and everything that one sees (or doesn't see) is one or another expression of the
omnipresent, omnipotent, invisible Deity. Man is also spirit, soul and body (1 Thess. 5:23) and his basic constituent part is
the cell which is composed of a Nucleolus, a Nucleus, and Cell Body.
Each of these triads, having a pair which are united by a third, have therefore, the power of self pro-creation or
reproduction. Each is, therefore, sufficient unto itself to reproduce and bring forth offspring. Thus, the duet of Wisdom and
Knowledge being bonded together by Intelligence give birth to Love and Justice which are united together by Beauty. This
particular phenomena displays the self-sufficiency of Yahweh. He is ALL IN ALL, both masculine and feminine potencies
within Himself, consequently, He doesn't have to rely on anything outside Himself (for there is nothing outside of Him) for
He has everything within Himself (Acts 17:21, H.N.B., K.J.V.). The whole creation with its masculine and feminine
counterparts came from Him or was manifested within Him. That is the reason that after Elohim had made the man, Adam,
in His likeness and His image, He took the woman out of Adam's body to show the duality of Adam's make-up which
definitely gives us a visible manifestation of the make-up of Yahweh. In Genesis 5:2, H.N.B., we read that "He called
THEIR name Adam," that is, while the woman was yet in the man. Elohim could not, therefore, have made the woman out
of the dust of the earth as He did the man, but had to take her out of Adam's body to prove that Elohim is (of whom the
man is made in the likeness and image) masculine and feminine within Himself. We further know by scientific research
and knowledge that man has recessive feminine counterparts in his body, and the woman has recessive masculine
counterparts in her body.
Thus, we have tried to show how the Tabernacle which is the Pattern is made up of NINE furnishings grouped
together in threes and each being perfect within itself or sufficient unto itself, and all harmoniously working together as one
Tabernacle. Likewise, the Super
Incorporeal Form (Elohim) being constituted of the aforementioned attributes operates the same way. The Universe in
which we live is one Universe, but it is composed of NINE planets each harmoniously operating in its own orbit, and in
complete balance with the rest of the Universe. The planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Pluto, and Neptune are likened unto the NINE furnishings of the Tabernacle and the NINE attributes of Elohim (see
Man in his physiological make-up is controlled and functions by NINE systems which are perfectly and
harmoniously balanced within his body. Although the effect of each of these systems is manifested throughout the whole
body, each can be arranged in a fashion similar to the furnishings of the Tabernacle and the attributes of the Super
Incorporeal Form. The NINE systems of man's physical body are an follows: 1. Nervous system, 2. Reproductive system,
3. Endocrine or Glandular System, 4. Respiratory System, 5. Circulatory System, 6. Excretory System, 7. Digestive
System, 8. Muscular System and 9. Skeletal System. When these NINE systems are grouped in the fashion as the
furnishings of the Tabernacle, and the attributes of the Super Incorporeal Form, the arrangement would be as follows:
Nervous System
Reproductive System Endocrine System
Respiratory System
Circulatory System Excretory System
Digestive System
Muscular system Skeletal System
This grouping of the systems of the physical body in a fashion similar to the furnishings of the Tabernacle, and as the
attributes of the Super Incorporeal Form is not without a definite and consise explanation. We will compare each system of
the physical body in the arrangement set forth above to each attribute of Elohim (Super Incorporeal Form).
As Divine Intelligence is the crown of the Super Incorporeal Form (see Diagram) and is the Highest Attribute ruling
over all of the other Attributes, and coordinating their functions, so the nervous system of the physical body dominates,
commands, and coordinates all of the other systems of the physical body. Yahweh is Intelligence Himself, and this
Intelligence supersedes all other intelligences whether it be of angels or of man (Isa. 55:8-9, 1 Cor. 2:16). Likewise there
must be a physical manifestation in our bodies to show forth this attribute, so our Nervous System through which our Mind
functions is the highest system of our bodies. The fullest capabilities and capacities of our Nervous System have not been
discovered, neither does any man know the depths or the Intelligence of Yahweh.
From Divine Intelligence stem Divine Wisdom and Knowledge working as a pair, and manifesting the next highest
degree of excellence (remember each attribute is perfect within itself). David wrote of the wisdom and knowledge
(understanding) of Yahweh (Prov. 2nd chapter), and recognized their excellence. One needs only to think of the
polytechnical make-up and operation of the Universe or the physical body to make him declare the superiority of this
awesome pair. By the Wisdom and Knowledge of Yahweh, the Universe in its totality was created and it functions with
unerring accuracy and infallibility. The corresponding systems of the physical body which are paired together to bring about
a high degree of excellence and performance second only to the Nervous System are the Reproductive and Endocrine
Systems. Is there a greater degree of attainment than the ability to create or reproduce ones self? This is accomplished by
means of the Reproductive System and the Endocrine System working together in their capacities and forming an
inseparable bond. The Reproductive System never forgets how to produce the same copy and the Endocrine system
supplies the stimulus and substance for such
copying or reproduction and maintenance. The Endocrine System supplies all the wants and needs of the body without
conscious effort. These two systems are really the backbone of the physical body, and the Prophet Isaiah wrote of the two
corresponding spiritual attributes (Wisdom and Knowledge) thusly, "And Wisdom and Knowledge shall be the stability of
thy times, and strength of salvation" (Isa. 33:6).
We have now discussed the first triad of the Spiritual Body (Super Incorporeal Form), e. g. Intelligence, Wisdom
and Knowledge, comparing them with the Nervous System, Reproductive System and Endocrine System of the physical
body; let us now proceed to a discussion of the second triad of Beauty, Love and Justice and see their parallelism in the
physical body as the Respiratory System, Circulatory System and Excretory System.
The attributes of Beauty encompasses the intercession of the Invisible Creator of the Universe with His
constituents to the end that the creature is made one with the Creator. This is the Beauty of the Almighty Yahweh. It entails
a condescension, a reaching out to help us; a transforming of us to become as He is. This attribute of Beauty is portrayed
by the Respiratory System (the lungs) of our physical body for it is by the functioning of this system that the air or
atmosphere in which we live, we move, and have our being is brought into intimate contact with the cells of our body. It
animates and gives life and substance to every fiber, cell, and tissue of our physical body and without it, we could not live.
This air typifies Spirit which is Yahweh (John 4:24, K.J.V.). The Apostle Paul wrote, "For in Him (Yahweh or Spirit) we live
and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28, H.N.B., K.J.V.). This is the Beauty of Yahweh, that He has given us of His
spirit through intercession. The Golden Altar of Incense in the Tabernacle points up this attribute of Beauty, for as the
aromatic fragrance of the incense filled the Tabernacle and penetrated the vail unto the Most Holy Place, it was a sweet
smelling savor unto the nostrils of Yahweh, who dwelled in the Cloud between the wings of the Cherubims.
The Love of Yahweh is really a manifestation of His Beauty for it is through the Love of Yahweh that one becomes
knowledgable of His Beauty. This love is typified by the Circulatory System operating in our physical bodies. YahwehElohim could be ever so beautiful but if He did not have the means of showing us this Beauty, we would not know about it.
Similarly, although the Respiratory System (Beauty) handles the air that we breathe, it were not for the Circulatory System
(Love) this air would never reach the needy cells and tissues. The great blood vessel, the Aorta, and its branches carry
life-giving blood to all cells of the body, discriminating against none. Even cancerous cells and tissues (which portray evil)
are bountifully supplied with blood. The Apostle John wrote, "Yahweh so loved the world that He gave His only begotten
Son" (John 3:16, K.J.V.), and He gave Him for all of us, both saint and sinner. The Golden Candlestick in the Tabernacle
gave or distributed light to all parts of the Holy Place and thus typifies the Love of Yahweh.
The Excretory System composed of the kidneys and its tubules, and bladder wash or remove impurities from the
blood of the physical body. The delicate tubules of the kidneys selectively reabsorb back into the blood stream all of the
good and necessary elements, and refuses to reabsorb any of the harmful or unnecessary elements. This process of
selective reabsorption takes place after all of the elements have passed out from the blood stream into the tubules of the
kidneys, then, the dividing of the sheep from the goats begins. This is a wonder of wonders that the tubules have the builtin intelligence to know to accept back into the blood stream the good elements and to refuse to accept the bad or harmful
elements which are passed on down the tract and out of the body in the urine. This system therefore exemplifies the
attribute of Justice. In the overall purpose of Yahweh, all men were concluded under ignorance and darkness (Rom. 5:14,
K.J.V.), so that no one had the advantage or ascendancy over another and therefore could not brag or boast of his
accomplishments, and Yahweh sent His Son into the world, and those who believe on Him through Faith (Gal. 3:11) were
saved or became one with the Son (reabsorbed) and those who did not believe were cast out in the draught or refuse.
Likewise, one can see this Justice displayed in the heart of our physical body as all of the blood loses its oxygen and
returns to the heart where the dividing takes place according to Justice, the bad blood on the right side of the heart (the left
side as one faces another) and the good blood on the left side (the right side as one faces another). Similarly, the bread on
the Table of Shewbread was arranged into six loaves on one side and six loaves on the other side, showing this dividing by
the Word of Yahweh (Lev. 24:5-6, K.J.V.). Yahshua the Messiah said that He came to divide the sheep from the goats
(Matt. 25:32-33, K.J.V.). The relationship of the Respiratory System, Circulatory System, and Excretory System is well
known by all physicians, for they make up a triad of harmoniously working components which do the body a great service
in their operations.
The last triad to be discussed is the triad of Foundation, Power and Strength which are represented by the
Digestive System, Muscular System and Skeletal System respectively in our bodies. The Digestive System concerns itself
with the consummation of foodstuffs and the extraction of the essence of the same (fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins,
minerals, etc.) and their conversion into living cells and tissues to build up the body with the non-convertible portion of
foodstuffs being eliminated from the body as waste matter. This operation of the Digestive System is the Foundation or the
overall purpose of the functioning body. Likewise,
the Purpose of Yahweh works the same way, for it has a downward phase (all concluded under sin by the Adamic
transgression) the extraction of the essential part of man, the soul (by the putting off of the sins of the fleshly body by the
Resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah, and the converting of the Soul into an essential part of the Body of Elohim). As the
fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins are the building stones of our physical bodies, so are the Souls of men the lively
stones of the Temple of Yahweh which is the Body of Elohim (1 Pet. 2:5, Eph. 2:19-22, K.J.V.). So, the Foundation or the
ground work of the whole Purpose of Yahweh is Yahshua the Messiah through whom all of Yahweh's Purpose is carried
out, and the workings of our Digestive System just vindicates it. It is through the Death, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension
of Yahshua the Messiah and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the Purpose of Yahweh is perpetrated or carried out.
The twin attributes of Power and Strength hardly need any explanation for it is quite plain that these two attributes
are served by the muscles and bones of our physical bodies, and one need not elaborate upon the fact that the attribute of
Foundation is closely allied with Power and Strength as typified by the alliance of the Digestive System with the muscles
and bones.
In other words, as the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah is the Foundation upon which
Yahweh is manifesting His Power and Strength, so is the digestion, absorption and conversion of food the source from
which one derives his muscle power and his strong bones. It must be said here, also, that the attributes of Power and
Strength form the legs of the Super Incorporeal Form (Elohim), and therefore, are the two witnesses of Yahweh
manifesting in the earth plane. The two great pillars of Solomon's Temple called Jachin and Boaz are another
manifestation of this (1 Kings 7:21, K.J.V.). The Prophet Isaiah looked at these two witnesses and said, "How beautiful
upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings; that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of
good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy Yahweh reigneth!" (Isa. 52:7, K.J.V.).
We have thus concluded a short explanation of how all of the NINE Systems working in the physical body display
or typify the NINE ATTRIBUTES of Elohim, the Word of Yahweh, and how each system works in harmony with other
systems to perfect the total operation of the physical body for man being made in the likeness and image of Elohim who is
Perfection itself must show this perfection working in his physical body.
A fuller explanation of the workings of each system, and how it shows some aspect or another of the make-up of
Yahweh-Elohim and the operation of His Purpose will follow in this
The Nervous System plays a most important role in the physical body; in fact, one could say that it plays THE most
important role for all of the other systems are under the Direct control of the Nervous System. We have already likened it
unto the Divine Attribute of Intelligence which is the Crown of the Super Incorporeal Form of Elohim. It is the Nervous
System that coordinates all of the other systems into a harmoniously functioning unit and it can taught of as being the Life
or Spirit of the physical body, for without its quickening power, the body would be dead. We like to think of the Nervous
System as denoting Spirit, for it plays the same role in quickening the flesh as does Spirit or Yahweh in animating material
things. It is by means of man's Nervous System that he is placed upon the highest Plane of biological existence.
We have already gone to great extremes to get it across to our readers that Yahweh is Spirit (John 4:24, K.J.V.)
and that everything lives and moves and has its being within Spirit (Acts 17:28). This Spirit is the Source and Substance,
the Limits and Bounds of everything, both invisible and visible. Yahweh in that state, is without any descriptive shape and
form, but He took on a shape and form within Himself that can only be seen in a vision, and it is by is shape and form
(Elohim) that all things invisible and visible, spiritual and materialistic are created, and He (Elohim) is the Archetype Pattern
for everything that is created. Furthermore, this Super Incorporeal Spirit Being called Elohim has the power to manifest
Himself, a physical form of a man (Yahshua the Messiah, 1 Tim. 3:16, John 1:14, K.J.V.) and to walk around on the earth
that He had created. We have thus shown Yahweh (or Spirit) transforming Himself into two manifestations, a Super
Incorporeal Form seen only in a vision or with the Spiritual Eye, and a physical form of a man which can be seen with the
natural eye. However, it is the same Spirit operating in all three states. This three-fold nature of Yahweh is shown
beautifully by the Nervous System as it is divided into the Brain, which is likened unto Yahweh; the Spinal Cord, which is
likened unto Elohim; and the Peripheral Nerves which are likened unto the fleshy manifestation of Yahshua. The Brain is
encased in the bony cranium and by its convolutions and depressions can be thought of as having no particular shape or
form. The Spinal Cord is encased in a bony casing also, but lacks the convolutions and depressions of the brain so it can
be thought of as having a definite shape and form. The brain and spinal cord, being encased in bone would imply their
invisibility as far as the natural eye is concerned, whereas the spinal or peripheral nerves have no bony covering and might
be thought of as being, therefore, visible as was the fleshy manifestation of Yahshua the Messiah. One can readily
appreciate the role of the brain in the Nervous System and its correlation with Yahweh the Father, and the Spinal Cord acts
as a go-between or intermediary between the Brain and the Spinal nerves just as Elohim was our mediator (1 Tim. 2:5,
K.J.V.), and please be advised that the Spinal Cord always carries out the will of the Brain just as Elohim came to do the
will of the Father when He was manifested in the flesh as Yahshua the Messiah (Psa. 40:7-8).
We have written much about the Cloud that led Israel from Egypt through the Wilderness of Sinai into Canaan
Land and how that when the Cloud moved, Israel would journey, but when the Cloud stopped, Israel would encamp and
rest in their tents. We have also talked of the High Priest taking hot burning coals off of the Brazen Altar with smoke
therefrom and going on through the Holy Place into the Most Holy Place in the meantime, sprinkling a handful of incense
on the burning coals in the censer which would form a Cloud that would surround him as he went into the Most Holy Place.
Furthermore, Yahweh told Moses that He would dwell in the Cloud between the Wings of the Archangels above the Mercy
Seat, so we can see the Cloud functioning throughout both the Migratory Pattern and the Pattern of the Tabernacle.
Likewise, when we examine the Tabernacle of the Physical Body we see the Brain as white and gray matter in our cranium
dictating to us when to go and when to stop; in other words, we are all led of, and are under the Cloud (the Brain) at all
times just as
The diagram marked A shows the three-fold nature of the entire Nervous System conforming to the Godhead
(Unity of the Spirit). "The brain (encased in the skull in this photo) conforms unto Yahweh, the Father; the Spinal Cord
(encased in the vertebral column) conforms unto Elohim, the Son of Yahweh who proceeded from the Father; and the
Spinal nerves of which there are 31 pairs proceeding out of the Spinal Cord (31 x 2 = 62), and the terminal thread of the
Cord called the Filum Terminale, is the 63rd nerve and all 63 nerves conform unto the 63 generations of the flesh from
Adam to Yahshua the Messiah. Since Yahshua the Messiah fulfilled all of these generations of the flesh, all 63 of these
nerves represent Him. There are 8 cervical pairs, 12 thoracic pairs, 5 lumbar pairs, 5 sacral pairs, and 1 coccygeal pair
(these are pictured on the left side of the spine).
(VOLUME III Page 19B is blank)
the Israelites. This white and gray matter is not only present in the cranial cavity (Most Holy Place) but it extends as the
Spinal Cord down into the dorsal region (chest area or Holy Place) of the back, and also on down into the lumbar region
(abdominal area or Outer Court).
Now let us proceed on to some very special and polytechnical correlations of the Nervous System and spiritual
things. The Apostle John spoke of seeing the Twenty-four Elders gathered around the Throne of Yahweh (Rev. 4:4).
These Elders were the Twelve Heads of the Tribes of Israel under the Law (mosaic) and the Twelve Apostles under the
Dispensation of Grace. These were all specially chosen of Yahweh, and each had his special function and spiritual
ministration (1 Cor. 12:4-11). Likewise, one finds twelve cranial nerves proceeding out of the Brain on either side (twentyfour special nerves) and each having a special function to perform in reference to seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, etc.
The Brain represents the Most Holy Place where the Throne of Yahweh is situated. The Apostle John also spoke of seeing
a Pure River of Water of Life clear as crystal proceeding out of the Throne of Yahweh and the Lamb (Rev. 22:1). Likewise,
the cerebro-spinal fluid which is crystal clear in appearance does proceed or flow out from the Brain, and as John further
stated that on either side of the River was the Tree of Life that bore twelve manner of fruits (Rev. 22:2), we can again liken
the two halves of the Brain with the fluid flowing from between them as representing the Tree of Life on either side of the
river (as represented by the branching of the nerves), and again the twelve cranial nerves representing the twelve manner
In embryonic development, the Brain is divided into Fore-brain, Mid-brain, and Hind-brain showing a distinct threefold manifestation which represents the Three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost and
these Three are One (1 John 5:7, K.J.V.); and the Spinal Cord develops as an off-shoot or elongation from the Brain
known as the Notochord and later the spinal nerves develop as off-shoots from the Spinal Cord. How perfectly does this
correlate with what we have already stated in reference to Yahweh (Pure Spirit), Elohim and Yahshua the Messiah.
We have already made reference to the cranial cavity with the Brain therein representing the Most Holy Place of
our physical body. This would further correlate to the Garden of Eden according to our Pattern. Since we have done so
much talk about Satan or the Serpent deceiving Eve in the Garden of Eden, and also we have spoken of the Tree of Life
also in the Garden, we should be able to show these in the Cranial Cavity of the Brain. In the cerebellum (the portion of
Brain below and behind the cerebrum or main part of the brain) there is a peculiar branching-like effect of the nerves which
the anatomists have named "Arbor Vitae" which means "Tree of Life." Furthermore, in this same area there is a portion of
nerve tissue that divides between or separates the two halves of the cerebellum just as Satan or the Serpent intervened
between Adam and Eve by deceiving the woman (1 Tim. 2:14), and the anatomists have named this portion of tissue the
"Vermis," which means "worm" or snake. According to our Pattern, this places the Serpent or the Devil or Satan first in
Heaven (Most Holy Place) from whence he was cast out into the earth (Outer Court) by Michael and his angels (Rev. 12:79). Therefore, since we have located this "worm" on the Most Holy Place (head region) of our physical body, we must find
a representation of him in the Outer Court (abdominal region) of our body, and sure enough we find the same word
(Vermis) in the VERMIFORM (shape of a worm) appendix which is an organ of the abdominal cavity that serves no useful
purpose whatsoever; it can only cause trouble that is, sickness or death just as the Devil causes us to be spiritually sick or
There is another physical manifestation of the Devil being cast out of Heaven as shown by the nervous system.
We have already spoken of the Twelve Special Cranial Nerves, and one of these nerves is called the vagus nerve. The
word "VAGUS" means "WANDERER" and Satan is a vagabond or wanderer in the earth plane (Gen. 4:14, Job 1:7, 1 Pet.
5:8), and he was in Heaven before he was cast out into the earth (Ezek. 28:13-14) and he was a beautiful and wise angelic
Spirit and was given dominion in Heaven, but due to his exalting himself above Elohim, he was
cast out with his host, but the other angels did not leave their heavenly estate (Jude 6). We have already spoken of how
the Twelve Cranial nerves serve their function in the head region, but the vagus nerve is the only one of them that leaves
the head region and courses down through the chest cavity and on down into the abdominal cavity where it ends by
distributing a few fibers to the gut. Thus, it typifies Satan being cast out of Heaven into the earth. Like wise, Judas (Satan)
one of the twelve disciples fell headlong and burst asunder in the midst with his bowels gushing out (Acts 1:18, K.J.V.)
after he had betrayed Yahshua the Messiah.
Now with reference to the Spinal Cord we find a very baffling situation presenting itself for doctors have always
pondered why the gray matter of the cord forms the perfect letter "H" being surrounded by the white matter. We say to you
by the Divine Wisdom of Yahweh that the letter "H" stands for "Holiness" which is the Son of Yahweh or the Word of
Yahweh. The Spinal Cord represents the glorious Super Incorporeal shape and form by which Yahweh revealed Himself in
visions and revelations to His Prophets and Apostles. The High Priest, under the Dispensation of the Mosaic Law, wore the
words "Holiness unto Yahweh" on his mitre (Ex. 28:36, Zech. 14:20, H.N.B.) which typified the High Priest of High Priests
who is Elohim. I would say here that Elohim is not Holy, but He is HOLINESS itself -- there is a great difference, you know!
As we have previously stated, the peripheral nerves which proceed out of the Spinal Cord represent the concrete
or physical manifestation of Yahweh. Let us see if this stands scrutiny. The Scriptures tell us that there were sixty-three
(63) generations of the flesh from Adam to Yahshua the Messiah (Luke 3:23-38, Matt. 1:17, K.J.V.). As all sixty-three (63)
of these generations came forth from Adam who was a figure of Yahshua the Messiah (Rom. 5:14), then all of them were
to be gathered into or were represented by the fleshy manifestation of Yahweh who was Yahshua the Messiah, that is, He
was the fulfillment of all the generations of the flesh for all were to be saved in Him. It was truly Yahweh or Elohim which
animated all of the generations of the flesh although this knowledge was hid from everyone until the Day of Pentecost or
the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Isa. 64:4, 1 Cor. 2:9-10). Now, when we examine the physical body, we find that there are
thirty-one (31) pairs of nerves that proceed out of the spinal cord (31 X 2 = 62) and the spinal cord, itself, tapers off and
ends as a thread-like nerve projection known as the filum terminale (last thread) which makes the sixty-third nerve! All
sixty-three of these spinal nerves are under direct control of the spinal cord and brain just as all generations of the flesh
are under Yahweh and Elohim's dictates.
The whole nervous system can be likened unto a branching tree with the spinal or peripheral nerves representing
the branches and the spinal cord representing the trunk of the tree. Whenever a peripheral nerve is severed, crushed or
damaged, the portion of the nerve distal to the point of severance degenerates throughout its whole length. However, a
new nerve will regenerate or grow back in its place after a period of time if the nerve cell body (which is proximal to the
severance point) is not damaged or injured. The growth of the new nerve fiber proceeds from the undamaged end of the
severed nerve and grows along the path maintained by the sheath-like covering (neurolemma) of the old degenerated
nerve. The neurolemma cells aid greatly in this process. Thus, there is a new nerve formed after many months and
regeneration is complete. This is typically the same process that is used in the process of grafting in horticulture.
Yahshua the Messiah said in speaking to the Jews, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every
branch in me that beareth not fruit He taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth
more fruit (John 15:1-2). He was speaking of those Jews who did not repent and submit to John the Baptist' Water
Baptism of Repentance for they were broken off on that they did not receive the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost.
Those that did submit to John's Baptism were planted by water baptism into the Messiah's death so that they might be in
the likeness of His resurrection (Rom. 6:1-5). These were manifested as fruitful branches on the Day of Pentecost,
whereas the unbelieving Jew was manifested as a dead branch and had to be plucked off or taken away by Yahweh. Now,
right where
The two upper diagrams show a cross section of the cerebellum which is a portion of the brain located below and behind
the cerebrum or the main portion of the brain. The tree-like branchings in the cerebellum are called Arbor Vitae which
means Tree of Life. As the Tree of Life was located in the Garden of Eden (Most Holy Place of the Pattern), therefore, man
must have a similar structure in his cranial cavity or Most Holy Place. This cerebellum has the function of coordinating the
movements of the body, and when one understands that the Tree of Life represents Elohim, then it is easy to see that He
as the Archetype (original) Pattern coordinates all things both physical and spiritual which have to do with the Purpose and
Plan of Yahweh. In the lower right diagram, the two hemispheres of the cerebellum are shown with the vermis situated
between them. These two hemispheres represent Adam and Eve, and the vermis (which means WORM) represents the
Serpent who divided between the man and the woman by his enticing the woman to partake of the forbidden fruit. The
lower left diagram is a cross section of the vertebral column with the spinal cord encased therein. The gray matter of the
cord forms the letter H, and scientists have speculated as to why this is so. We have previously explained that Yahweh
(the Father) is Pure Spirit without any particular shape or form, typified by the Cloud which led the Children of Israel out of
Egypt and which settled over Mount Sinai. Moses entered into this Cloud when he ascended Mt. Sinai, and in a vision he
saw Elohim, a Super Incorporeal Being which is the Son of Yahweh, and later on, this Son took on a Fleshly manifestation
as Yahshua the Messiah (the Holy Ghost in a physical body). The nervous system of man's physical body shows this
three-fold make-up of the Godhead for the brain is the Cloud (gray and white matter) which leads the man about from
place to place, and the man is always under this Cloud. The spinal cord, which represents the Son of Yahweh or Elohim,
proceeds out of the brain as the brain develops first in embryonic life. The H of the spinal cord therefore stands for
HOLINESS for Elohim was Holy and Pure. The High Priest who operated in the Mosaic Tabernacle had a mitre that he
wore on his haed and across the front of it was a blue band with this inscription in gold, "Holiness to Yahweh (Ex. 28:36).
Isaiah also wrote of Elohim thusly, "For thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabitheth eternity, whose name is Holy" (Isa.
57:15). The sixty-three spinal nerves which proceed out of the spinal cord represent Yahshua the Messiah who was the
63rd generation from Adam.
these dead branches were taken away, the Gentiles as new branches were GRAFTED (not planted by water baptism) into
the Spiritual Body of Elohim. The Apostle Paul speaks of this clearly by likening the Gentiles as the branches of a wild olive
tree which was grafted into a good olive tree after its dead branches (the Jews) were broken off (Rom. 11:16-24),
Therefore, we can see how beautifully the purpose of Yahweh is served by the process of the regeneration of nerves in our
own physical bodies which is typically a grafting process. Please be advised that a nerve will not regenerate if it is
damaged completely back to its root (the nerve cell) which is the same thing as saying that the Gentiles could not be
placed into the Body of Elohim by water baptism which was the root or foundation of repentance (Heb. 6:1-2), neither could
a Jew be entered into the Spiritual Body by water baptism after the DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION of Yahshua
the Messiah (please refer to the Volume of this book called The Prophetic Birth and Mission of John The Baptist And
Yahshua The Messiah).
There is a constant and continuous sending and receiving of messages that go on between the Spinal Cord and
the Brain even when one is asleep. The Spinal Cord keeps in touch with the various parts of the body by means of the
spinal nerves, and it in turn communicates with the Brain. Thus, it carries on a constant intercession thereby attending
automatically to the needs of the physical body. We do not dictate to the Spinal Cord what type of message or intercession
to make to the Brain for us; even when we are awake, to say nothing about the time that we are asleep. Therefore, the
welfare of the body is constantly supervised or watched over by the spinal cord acting as an intercessor.
Now, we have likened the Spinal Cord unto the Holy Spirit (Elohim) which is intermediary between Yahweh and
man, let us see how well that correlates with something the Apostle Paul wrote about in the 8th chapter of Romans. He
said, we know not what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself makes the prayer or intercession for us with groanings
that cannot be uttered, and that everything works out all right with this arrangement (Rom. 8:26-30). Have we not just told
you how the Spinal Cord acts in our behalf to do the things that are best or good for the physical body, and that it
constantly carries on this function (as Paul said in 1 Thess. 5:17 - "Pray without ceasing"). Can anyone hear the
messages that are transmitted by the Spinal Cord? No, they are unmutterable, or they can not be heard just as the
groaning of the Holy Spirit can not be uttered. This, then, definitely leaves us as prayer makers out of the picture. We
should let the Holy Spirit make the intercession for us rather than for us to make up some nice prayers to say to Yahweh,
or worse still, to allow someone else to give us a nice prayer to say! Just as one relies on his Spinal Cord to make the
intercession to the Brain, in the same fashion we should rely on the Holy Spirit which is far more capable of attending to
our spiritual needs.
This brings us around to another consideration which is very important to look into. We all know that there are
some functions of our physical bodies that are under our voluntary control, that is, we can elect to do or not to do according
to our own will, and we need not be reminded that we oftentimes do the wrong thing in respect to our body. There are a
great number of physical ailments that plague mankind which are due to indiscriminate judgement as to what he should or
should not do. So, let us all witness to the fact that the functions that are carried on through the voluntary nervous system
sometimes go awry; but thanks be to Yahweh the more important and vital functions of our body are not under the control
of the voluntary nervous system or man's will, but are under the control of the involuntary or autonomic nervous system.
Such vital functions as the control of the heart beat and the digestion of the food etc., are not subject to the will of the man
but are carried on automatically by the involuntary nervous system. The voluntary nervous system can be likened unto the
Dispensation of the Mosaic Law when Israel tried to follow Yahweh's laws but failed miserably, and the involuntary nervous
system can be likened unto the Dispensation of Grace where one is controlled and guided by the Holy Spirit automatically!
When one is led by the Holy Spirit, he does not have to take any thought of what he should do or say but the Holy Spirit
which is the same Spirit
(Spirit Law) that governs and controls the whole universe and keeps it in order, also does the same for us. However, there
is still a deeper consideration in that when one analyzes the autonomic nervous system he finds that it is divided into a
sympathetic nervous system and a parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system even as the name
implies is sympathetic to our physical needs and pertains to the Righteous (Elohim) whereas the parasympathetic (Para
means beside or nearby) pertains to the Unrighteous (Satan or Lucifer) and is antagonistic or opposed to the sympathetic.
For instance, the sympathetic nerve fibers serving the heart quicken the pace of the heart whereas the parasympathetic
fibers impede or slow the heart rate, but the two kinds of nerve fibers are vitally necessary for the interaction of the two
which bring about a desirable balance or end result. This is the very way that the Purpose of Yahweh is carried out, for He
created Lucifer or Satan so that He might get Himself honor and glory in overthrowing him (Rom. 9:17), so Satan is just as
necessary in the purpose of Yahweh as is Elohim. They both work side by side in bringing about the desired aim of the
Eternal Creator, and both of these, both Elohim and Lucifer are spiritual beings that have power and control over mankind,
the former unto Eternal Glorification and the latter unto eternal Damnation.
There is a most remarkable function of the nervous system which deserves mentioning here in light of its spiritual
meaning, it is the reflex arc. This operation is evidenced for instance, when one places his finger on a red hot stove, and
instantaneously he draws it away without any great harm being done. We know that in this particular nervous reflex, a
sensory impulse goes from the nerve endings in the finger to the spinal cord, and then back again over the motor nerve to
the finger which results in withdrawal of it from the stove -- all of this happening in a split second! If the sensory impulse in
this situation had to travel all the way to the brain and back, this would take too long and result in great damage to the
exposed finger. This reflex arc is a three-fold arrangement; the sensory nerve to the spinal cord, over the inter-connecting
nerve in the spinal cord, and back to the finger by way of the motor nerve. The speed of this reaction testifies to the
quickness of the Holy Spirit in answer to the fervent prayer of one of Yahweh's chosen ones who is filled with His Spirit. As
the Apostle Paul wrote, "For the Word of Yahweh is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing
even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents
of the heart (Heb. 4:12). Yes, one's thoughts and intents of taking his finger off of that red hot stove are discerned, and his
prayer is answered by the Spinal Cord (Holy Spirit) before he has time to think about it!
After Elohim had made the man, Adam, and had taken the woman out of him, He told them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth" (Gen. 1:28, K.J.V.). Now, Elohim had already provided Adam and Eve with the necessary
generative organs to accomplish this act of multiplying and replenishing the earth with other physical beings as
themselves, and he had already instilled into their very nature to desire one another and to come together to reproduce.
When Eve was in Adam, there was no need for such a physical coming together for they two were one flesh and one blood
for Adam was hermaphroditic, that is, he possessed both male and female counterparts within the one body (Gen. 5:2)
being made in the likeness of Elohim and Yahweh. Yah is masculine, weh is feminine, and Elohim is a plural term with the
HIM meaning that the masculine counterpart was predominant over the feminine counterpart. Likewise, Adam was both
male and female when he was formed of the dust of the earth. In Genesis 5:1-2, H.N.B., we read, "This is the book of the
generation of Adam. In the day that Elohim created man in the likeness of Elohim made He him; male and female created
He them; and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, in the day when THEY were created." However, after the
woman was made out of the womb (note the similarity of the word WOMB and WOMAN or WOMB MAN) and rib of the
man Adam, she was flesh of his flesh (the womb that Adam had) and bone of his bone (the rib), but the separation of the
male and female potencies made it absolutely necessary for the two to come together again in order to have offspring. The
Apostle Paul stated it thusly, "The wife (woman) hath not power of her own body, but the husband (man); and likewise also
the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife" (1 Cor. 7:4, K.J.V.). Furthermore, the man and the woman are
provided with seed that only can bear seed after its kind as was the case with the various forms of plant and animal life
that Elohim formed of the dust of the earth. Genesis 1:11 reads thusly: "and Elohim said, Let the earth bring forth grass,
the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."
And the physical man differs little from a tree, in fact, the blind man, who was healed by Yahshua, said after he had his
eyes annointed with spit, "I see men as trees, walking" (Mark 8:24).
We have thus shown how that Yahweh-Elohim designed and purposed that the man and the woman should
reproduce and He Himself would multiply their seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the sea (Gen. 22:17, Heb.
11:12). Yahweh repeated this commandment to multiply and replenish the earth to Noah and his family after the flood
(Gen. 9:1), Therefore, the whole process of human reproduction is vital to the Purpose of Yahweh for it sets up a type and
shadow of the Spiritual Reproduction or Rebirth, and furthermore, there is contained in this process of reproduction all the
Divine Wisdom and Knowledge and Intelligence that one could desire that is, if one is able to understand it. It is rather
ironic to see how man has in past generations played down the matter of sex education and a knowledge of our
reproductive organs whereas Yahweh has hidden therein the Mystery of his Purpose and Plan as he has done in all of his
In order to fully explain the correlation of the Reproductive System and the Pattern, we shall first examine the
anatomy of the male and female reproductive organs, and afterwards we shall explore the physiology of these organs and
its relation to the Pattern. The three-fold makeup of these organs will be immediately apparent to the reader. The male
penis is the organ of copulation, and it consists of three parts: (1) a root, the part nearest the body by which the organ is
firmly attached to the pelvic bone, (2) the body, that portion of the penis between the root and (3) the extremity or glans
penis which takes the form of an obtuse cone flattened from above downward, and having at its summit a vertical opening,
the orifice of the urethra. The penis itself is composed of a mass of erectile tissue enclosed in three cylindrical fibrous
compartments. Of these, two are placed side by side along the upper part of the organ, and the third encloses the urine
tract (urethra) and is placed below.
The testes are two small glandular organs which secrete semen; they are situated below and one on either side of
the penis. This makes another threesome. At an early period of fetal life these testes are contained in the abdominal
cavity. Before birth, however, they descend into the scrotum, and as they pass downward, they are invested or become
covered with six different coverings (six typifies the flesh) derived from the three parts of the abdominal wall and skin of the
The cords are two in number and it has already been mentioned that they serve partly as a support for the testes
and are composed of arteries, veins, lymphatics, nerves and the excretory ducts of the testicle. The left spermatic cord is
longer than the right, and consequently the left testicle hangs lower than the right.
The prostate gland (prostate means, to stand before) is a firm glandular body which is placed immediately in front
of the neck of the urinary bladder and around the commencement of the urethra (that part of the urinary tract extending
from the bladder to the end of the penis). The prostate gland consists of three lobes, having two lateral lobes of equal size
and a middle lobe. The urethra and the two ejaculatory ducts (for the semen) pass through the prostate gland.
The seminal vesicles are two membranous pouches which serve as reservoirs for the semen and also secrete a
fluid to be added to the secretion (semen) of the testicles. These vesicles are in close proximity to the prostate gland and
are situated one on either side and thus comprise another noteworthy threesome which work together in perfect harmony.
In the female the same three-form arrangement of the structures is very prominent. The Mons veneris is the
rounded eminence formed by a collection of fatty tissue beneath the skin which after puberty becomes covered with hair.
Extending down from it on either side is a longitudinal cutaneous fold known as the Labia Majora, and situated within these
two folds are two smaller folds running almost parallel with them called the Labia Minora. Within the area bounded by the
Labia Majora, one finds from above downward, (1) the Clitoris which is an erectile structure analogous to the penis of the
male but minus a urine tract, (2) the urethral opening, through which the urine is passed, and (3) the vaginal orifice which
leads into the vagina.
Internally, the ovaries are two glands analogous to the testes in the male, and they are suspended one on either side of
the womb or uterus. These are suspended in a wing-like structure called the Broad Ligament and are overshadowed by
the finger-like projection of the Fallopian tubes on either side. These tubes convey the seed from the ovaries to the cavity
of the uterus, and they consist of three portions, (1) the isthmus, the part nearest the uterus, (2) the ampulla, the part
which curves over the ovary, and (3) the fimbria, the finger-like end which is closest to the ovary.
The uterus is the organ which houses the developing fetus. In its virgin state it is somewhat pear-shaped and measures
about three inches in length. Its lower part called the cervix projects into the vagina which is a sheathlike canal connecting
the uterus with the exterior. The walls of the vagina are ordinarily in contact and its usual shape on transverse section
(when cut across) is that of an H. The three-fold makeup of the (1) ovaries and tubes, (2) the uterus and (3) the vagina
closely parallels the three-fold Tabernacle and Migratory pattern as we shall learn later.
The breasts or mammae are accessory glands of the generative system which secrete milk. They exist in the male
as well as in the female but in the former only in the rudimentary state unless their growth is excited by peculiar
circumstances. They are two large hemispherical eminences in the female situated one on either side in the chest region
usually covering the are between the third and sixth or seventh ribs. Before puberty they are of small size but enlarge as
the reproductive organs become more developed. They increase in size during pregnancy especially after delivery when
the milk production is at its height, and they become dried up and small in old age. The internal structure of the breast with
their branching system of ducts
Diagram Comparing The Ages With A Woman
This interesting diagram shows the correlation of the 3 ages, the Ante-Diluvian, Post-Diluvian and the Present Age of
Grace with the three periods of a woman's life; the pre-puberty, the period of menstruation, and the post-menopausal
period. As Noah's flood marked the end of the Ante-Diluvian period during which Yahweh did not command a man to offer
bloody sacrifices by the giving of the Mosaic Law, likewise puberty or menarche marks the end of the period of a woman's
life when she does not menstruate and the beginning of her monthly sacrifice of blood established by the Law of her
menses. As Yahweh promised Abraham a seed in which He would bless all of the families of the earth, likewise the
woman receives a seed every month during her menstrual cycles. As all life was contained in Noah's Ark during the PostDiluvian Age, so is all life nurtured in the womb during a woman's child bearing period. As the Davidic Covenant gave
promise of an everlasting seed to sit on the throne, so does the monthly cycle presentation of a seed during a woman's
period give promise of continuing offspring. As the crucfixion of Yahshua the Messiah and the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit
on the Day of Pentecost brought an End of all bloody sacrifices due to His FULFILLING them, so does the menopause
bring an end to a woman's bloody menstrual cycles by her fulfilling or coming to the end of this period of her life. Any
offering up of blood or performing other carnal ordinances after Pentecost signifies that a person is SICK or DEAD,
likewise the appearance of blood from a woman's parts after her menopause denotes serious illness and could mean her
death (cancer).
and lobules resemble a tree which is laden with fruit. We will speak more of this later.
Now we have shown that Yahweh gave commandment to Adam and Eve, Noah and his wife and his sons and
their wives to multiply and replenish the earth and that Yahweh had already placed within them the seed necessary to
accomplish this and also the necessary generative organs to aid in this reproduction. Furthermore, we have shown the
predominant three-fold makeup of these generative organs, and now we shall turn to the physiology of those organs to
show how they perfectly display Yahweh's Purpose working down through the Dispensations and Ages, for clearly His
Purpose is to do just what He told Adam and Eve to do, that is, He is raising up seed unto Himself. And after He has fully
reproduced as many spiritual progeny as He has purposed (an innumerable host both in Heaven and in the Earth) then as
the Apostle Paul states, He would gather together in one all things in the Messiah both which are in Heaven and which are
on earth, even in Him - (Eph. 1:9-10).
Therefore, we see the whole Purpose and Plan being fulfilled by the Messiah who although He did not physically
marry, He had a Bride which was Israel (Jer. 31:32, Rev. 21:2-3) for He was Yahweh manifested in a physical body (1 Tim.
3:16), and He came equipped with the necessary spiritual generative organs to bring forth spiritual sons and daughters of
his Bride. Since all things in the scriptures (Law and Testimony) pointed to Him, we shall show how the various events and
persons and places are confirmed by the workings and function of the reproductive organs.
We have mentioned how that the male seed is first in the abdomen during fetal life and later descends into the
scrotum before birth -- this perfectly corresponds to Yahweh's telling Abraham that his seed must go down into Egypt and
be in bondage to a people that they knew not of (Gen. 15:13). This would also correspond to the descent of the Two Low
Priests from the Holy Place to the Outer Court, or Moses' and Aaron's descent from the Land of Midian into Egypt to
liberate the Children of Israel. Since this downward motion always pertains to the putting on of the flesh or coming from
Pure Spirit down to physical manifestation, as evidenced by the High Priest taking off the garments for Beauty and Glory in
the Holy Place and putting on his daily attire (Lev. 16:23-24), and as evidenced by Adam and Eve being given coats of skin
to cover them (Gen. 3:21) and as Joseph had a coat of many colors when he was sold down into Egypt, likewise, we see
the testes being invested or covered with six different coverings as they descend into the scrotum. The number six is just
one short of seven which is perfection so the number six pertains to the flesh.
Now when Yahweh sent Moses and Aaron into Egypt, He gave Moses a rod by which to display his Power and this
self-same rod turned to a serpent when Moses cast it down before Pharaoh (Ex. 4:2-3, Ex. 7:9-12), and every act of the
demonstration of the Power of Yahweh was performed with this rod. Moses also divided the Red Sea by lifting up his rod
above the Sea (Ex. 14:16), and he turned the rivers into blood by this rod (Ex. 7:17-21). Is it therefore too difficult to see
that these memorial events are visibly manifested in our physical body, for the penis is the rod, and the two testes
represent Moses and Aaron. When this rod (the penis) is lifted up, are not great events accomplished through it for what
could be a greater event that the reproduction of one's self. Is there not blood connected with the penis, for it must be
come filled with blood to erect. Does not it resemble a serpent in its shape? Does it not divide the waters, that is, through it
the liquid waste of the body are separated or divided from the rest of the waters.
Yahweh had promised Abraham that after his seed had sojourned in the land of Egypt for a time, he would bring
them up out of Egypt and settle them in Canaan Land which he had given to them as an inheritance, and he promised that
he would multiply their seed as the sands of the sea and as the stars of heaven. Seventy souls went down into Egypt and
they multiplied greatly and filled all of the land, and at the time of their departure from Egypt there were over six hundred
thousand of them not counting the women and children (Ex. 1:5,7, Ex. 12:37).
The two spermatic cords attached to the two testes are capable of raising the testes
from their pendant position and they testify to the power of Yahweh to raise us from the grave, The attached cords signify
this. Furthermore, there is a constant multiplication of seed (spermatozoa) in the testes and these ascend from the testes
by way of the vas deferens and are collected into the seminal vesicles where they are stored for awhile. Later on they
descend from the seminal vesicles by way of the prostate gland and are again buried into the vagina (Egypt) during the act
of sexual intercourse and this is just a repetition of the same process over and over again.
So much mention is made in our Bible to the man or the woman at the well, and it can be understood by our seeing the
High Priest washing himself at the Laver in the Tabernacle (see Gen. 24:11-20, John 4:5-29). This Laver being placed in
the Outer Court signifies Messiah who as the Well of Pure Living Water of Life in the earth plane, and all of the
generations of mankind represent the woman standing before this Well. Yahweh always had his witness in the earth plane
and all of us have been standing right before the face of Yahweh at all times.
Do you remember our description of the prostate gland how that it is three-fold and the word means "standing before"
for it is placed in front of the neck of the bladder which is a part (the foot) of the Laver. Also, the semen which has been
stored in the seminal vesicle (the Law and the Prophets) above the prostate gland must pass through this gland as it flows
down which signify the words of Yahweh being given to us through Yahshua the Messiah. The prostate gland merely acts
as a vessel through which the semen (seeds) pass, and it is these seeds that are planted in the vagina that later become
quickened into live beings. Messiah told the woman at the well, "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him
shall never thirst: but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life" (John
The enlargement of the Prostate gland after the age of fifty (50) represents what has happened in the world since
Pentecost (which means fiftieth). Yahshua the Messiah fulfilled the Law and the Prophets and moved them out of the way,
nailing them to His cross (Col. 2:14), but the Devil denies that He did this and he drags these carnal ordinances over in to
this spiritual dispensation of Grace which means that he enlarges upon or emphasises the flesh. So our prostate gland
enlarges to display the dangerous consequences of this practice. When this gland elarges, it causes obstruction to the
outflow of urine from the bladder, rather profuse bleeding at times, and retrograde kidney infection and also cancer may
develop leading to death. There is but one solution to these aggravating symptoms and that is surgical removal of the
gland. Likewise, there is only one solution to the ills of present day Christians, that is, to cut out carnal ordinances and
recognize that Elohim is the end of the Law for Righteousness to all who believe (Rom. 10:4).
In our description of the female external parts we spoke of three prominent structures which have great
significance when applied spiritually. (1) The vaginal orifice or opening emits blood every month during a woman's
childbearing years, (2) the urethral opening emits water which passes out from the bladder and (3) the clitoris is the seat of
nervous or sexual excitability signifying spirit, so we have our three-fold witness that the Apostle John spoke about
operating in the earth plane, the Blood, the Water, and the Spirit (1 John 5:8).
The heaped up mounds of fatty tissue known as the labia majora with the vaginal opening situated within the folds,
signify the grave with heaped up mounds of earth on either side and it shows the pit from which every one of us was dug
for we were born out of the vagina (except of course, in Caesarian section cases). We come forth from THIS hole in the
ground (remember the flesh is the earth) and when we die we return to the hole in the ground (the grave) as stated in
Eccles. 3:20. Similarly, in the act of procreation, the male plants or buries his seed in this hole in the ground, and in a
space of nine months he receives from this spot not the same seed that he planted, but a live infant made in the likeness
and image of himself. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 15:35-38, "But some will say, How are the dead raised up? and
with what body do they come? Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die; And that which thou
sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it
The above diagram displays the three-fold make-up of the female reproductive organs conforming unto the Tabernacle of
Moses and the Migratory Pattern. The two seeds and the overhanging Fallopian Tubes conform to the Most Holy Place
with its Two Archangels whose wings overshadowed the Mercy Seat. The womb cavity conforms unto the Holy Place, and
the vaginal cavity conforms unto the Outer Court of the Mosaic Tabernacle. Likewise, as the seed of Abraham went down
into Egypt (some 600,000), and came out into the Wilderness of Sinai, and then journeyed on to Canaan Land in the
Migratory Pattern, so does the male deposit seed in the vagina (Egypt - some 60,000,000) which pass into the womb
(Wilderness of Sinai) and journey on up into the Fallopian Tubes (Canaan Land). After fertilization and conception of the
ovum take place, the egg travels down into the womb where it stays for 40 weeks, just as the Israelites stayed for 40 years
in the Wilderness of Sinai. In the Wilderness of Sinai, the Cloud hovered overhead and the children of Israel were fed
manna from Heaven, likewise the Placenta (Cloud) hovers over the baby in the womb and it receives nourishment
therefrom. In the Wilderness, the Israelites were surrounded by water (see Migratory Pattern with Jordan River on one side
and the Red Sea on the other side), so is the fetus surrounded by water in the womb. We have also pictured the Ark of the
Covenant to show that the woman's womb and the overhanging tubes also conform to it. As Moses was told to lay the Two
Tables of the Covenant in the Ark, so was the seed of Yahshua the Messiah just laid in Mary's womb which was merely an
Ark for the repose of that Specially Prepared Body. As the prophet Isaiah wrote: "Behold I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone,
and Rock of Offence (Isa. 28:16, 1 Pet. 2:6, Rom. 9:33).
The diagram on the left displays the male organs of reproduction, the penis (rod) and the two seeds which immediately
reminds us of Moses and Aaron down in Egypt with the Rod by which they performed all kinds of miracles. This also
displays that the Law and the Prophets (the two seeds) were the witnesses of the Messiah (the Rod - Isa. 11:1). The
middle diagram is a crosssection of the penis (rod) to show its three-fold makeup. It is composed of two bundles of spongy
elastic tissue above and one bundle of the same below, but it is through this lower bundle that the waters of the body pass
out. This three-fold set-up represents the Father, Word and Holy Ghost (Yahshua the Messiah) and it was through
Yahshua the Messiah, who came in the likeness of sinful flesh, that the Satanic waters or wastes were cast out of men.
Keep in mind that it is through this same opening which represents Yahshua the Messiah that the seed are liberated that
go on to develop into new and glorified bodies. The diagram on the right shows the external opening of the woman's
vagina (blood), the opening of the urethra (water - the urine passes out through this opening) and the clitoris (spirit - this
organ resembling a small penis is highly supplied with nerves and is very sensitive). These parts testify of the Blood, the
Water and the Spirit that the Apostle John wrote of in l John 5:7-8 as being the Three Witnesses in the Earth. (See the
Mosaic Tabernacle with its Outer Court containing the Brazen Altar (blood), the Brazen Laver, (water) and the Holy
Anointing Oil (Spirit).
may chance of wheat, or of some other grain; But Elohim giveth it a body as it hath pleased Him, and to every seed its own
body." So we see that we have the evidence right in our own physical body that Yahshua the Messiah did not raise from
the grave as a fleshly man but as a quickening Spirit.
The two ovaries and the wing-like Fallopian tubes typify the Two Archangels that overshadowed the Mercy Seat in
the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle. It is in this region, that is in the Outer reaches of the Fallopian tubes that
conception (union of the male seed and the female ovum) takes place. This is synomous also to Pure Spirit without
descriptive shape or form. The mixture of the male and female sexual fluids is grayish white in color and likened unto the
Cloud that covered the Mercy Seat or the Cloud that covered Mount Sinai. From this point of conception the fertilized egg
proceeds downward and enters the womb or Holy Place where it takes on shape and form. This is also likened unto the
High Priest parting the second Vail or descending from the Most Holy Place to the Holy Place where he becomes visible to
the Low Priests, and also shows how Yahweh took on a shape and form (Elohim) out of Pure Spirit in a descent fashion.
When the fertilized seed is implanted in the womb, it is still invisible to the naked eye just as the High Priest was yet
invisible to the congregation of Israel while he was in the Holy Place and likewise Elohim was only seen in visions and
After a period of forty (40) weeks in the womb, the fetus at the time of delivery descends through the opening, or
mouth, of the womb into the vagina, the third part of this three-fold female reproduction system. This is likened unto the
High Priest coming through the First Vail into the Outer Court where he passes the Brazen Laver wherein is water and the
Brazen Altar of Sin Offering where the blood is placed on the horns of the Altar and the Holy Anointing Oil which signifies
quickening. It also is likened unto Yahshua the Messiah being born into a fleshly body with the three-fold witness of Blood,
Water and Spirit within Him, so likewise, as the fetus is delivered down in to the vagina and on out into the world, there
must of necessity be the bursting of the bag of Waters, the show of Blood, and the infant taking its first breath of air which
signifies the Spirit. Every human crature comes into the world by this three-fold witness of Blood, Water, and Spirit.
The two breasts giving sustenance unto the newborn infant are likened unto trees which are already in fruition
when the child is taken from the womb and placed at the breasts to get nourishment for its body. This is likened to Elohim
making the man Adam out of the dust of the earth and providing him with a belly which he had to fill to keep himself
satisfied. Adam did not have to wait around until the trees in the Garden of Eden began to bear fruit, for they were already
in fruition when he was placed in the Garden, so all that he had to do was to eat and fill the belly that Elohim had given
him. Likewise, the breasts are already filled with milk when the infant is taken from the vagina (the grave or hole in the
ground) and the infant begins to suck (he has already been taught by Spirit Law how to suck) the milk (fruit) from the
breast to fill his belly.
Now that we have shown the three-fold makeup of the male and female reproductive organs and explained their
workings according to the Pattern, we would like to trace the whole process of reproduction following the course of the
male seed to show that it is a repetitious up and down, up and down process. This corresponds beautifully with the whole
Divine Purpose of Yahweh which shows everything descending out of Pure Spirit through incorporealization and on down
into materialization with the taking on of coverings (the vails) as it comes down, and then an ascent from materialization
back through incorporealization to Pure Spirit with the taking off of the coverings. The male seed being up in the abdomen
of the infant before birth descends into the scrotum taking on six coverings (there were three colors to each vail so this
would signify coming down through two vails -- see Tabernacle Pattern). The seeds multiply greatly in the testes or while in
the scrotum and after awhile they ascend by way of the spermatic cord (vas deferens) and collect or assemble in the
seminal vesicles. This completes one complete cycle of a downward manifestation and an upward manifestation.
Now, at the time of ejaculation or at the height of the man's orgasm, these seeds descend from the seminal
vesicles and pass through the prostate gland where the prostatic fluid is added to them (which is likened unto taking on of
a vail or covering) and continue on down and a deposited into the vagina of the female; from the vagina they ascend
through the mouth of the womb into the womb itself and ascend on up into the upper portion of the Fallopian tube where
they come into contact with the seed (ovum) of the female. This marks the end of the line for the sperm (male seed) as it
loses its body and tail and only the head of the three-fold seed enters the ovum and fertilizes it. Although there are roughly
about sixty million (60,000,00) of these seeds ejaculated by the male, there is only ONE that enters the ovum, as the High
Priest alone and by himself entered into the Most Holy Place once a year (Lev. 16:2), and Joshua, by himself, led the
Children of Israel across the River Jordan into Canaan Land (Josh. 1:2), all of which pointed to Yahshua the Messiah
(Heb. 9:24) alone and by himself offering himself unto the Father for us. This entering of the sperm into the ovum marks
the end of a second complete cycle of a downward manifestation and an upward manifestation.
Then at birth the fetus descends and is born into the world and begins to grow up (ascend) in the world, and
throughout his youth and early adulthood the child is in the fruition or bloom of his life, but as advancing age sets in the
downward trend begins to be manifested again. The middle ages, 50-70 years, signify his presence in the Holy Place and
after 70 signifies his presence in the Outer Court with death ensuing and his return back to the dust of the earth from
whence he came (Gen. 3:19, Eccles. 3:20), but the story does not end here for whether we believe it or not there is a
Resurrection of the Dead (Rev. 20:12) or another upward manifestation with the Redeemed being freed from the bondage
of the grave and standing in the Holy Place or in Elohim (Matt. 24:15). The Apostle John says that he saw the Souls of
them that were slain for the Word of Yahweh and for the Testimony which they held under the Altar (in the Holy Place Rev. 6:9). This represents an intermediate status in our ascent (please be advised this is not Purgatory) and at the
fulfillment of the purpose of Yahweh, both the Apostles Paul and John agreed that the redeemed had come unto mount
Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels, etc. (Heb. 12:22, Rev. 14:1-4). This completes
the last downward and upward manifestation according to our Pattern, and whether one is conscious of this or not, he is
on a steady journey throughout his whole life, yes, even before he is born in the world, and after he has died, the
journeying goes on according to the Will of Yahweh or the Pattern.
We have already shown that Yahweh commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and replenish the Earth, (Gen.
1:28) and he repeated the same commandment to Noah and his wife, and his sons and their wives after the Flood (Gen.
9:1). In each case the reader will find that Elohim blessed them as he told them to multiply, which is a significant point for it
literally shows that nothing opens the womb in the matter of being born except it is permitted or allowed of Yahweh. He
alone has strict control over every act of reproduction for man really has nothing to do with it. Yahweh alone has the power
to stop up all the wombs of the world that nothing comes forth if he desires too. Do you remember the occasion when
Abraham took Sarah, his wife, and journeyed into Gerar where Abimelech was King and he took Sarah into his house to
be his wife when he saw how beautiful she was? -- and Elohim fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech
because of Sarah? (See Gen. 20:18). Yahweh not only exerts this power over man but over the beast of the field, the
cattle, vegetation, marine life, the bird kingdom, etc., so that nothing is reproduced except it is allowed of Him. On the other
hand, when Yahweh wills that reproduction should be abundant there is nothing that can stop or impede or hinder this
pouring forth from the womb. It has been vitally necessary to establish the above facts firmly in our minds before we
proceed to a discussion of birth control because man in the vanity of his mind is apt to think that he is able to control or to
bring about reproduction whereas in
fact, he is powerless to do either!
This latter point is vividly portrayed In the sojourn of the Children or Israel in Egypt. Yahweh had told Abraham that
he would multiply his seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the sea. Although only seventy (70) souls journeyed
into Egypt with Jacob, they multiple so fast in that land that Pharaoh tried to put a stop to the population explosion (Ex. 1:122). Please keep in mind that Pharaoh is a type or figure of Satan, so that you can plainly see the two forces at work,
Yahweh versus the Devil or Satan. Yahweh had said he would multiply the Israelites, and the Devil had said that he would
not. It is needless to say who won out for over six hundred thousand Israelites, twenty years of age and older (not counting
the women) came up out of Egypt with Moses. Undaunted, the Devil tries again in the Wilderness to impede the population
growth, and though all of those that came up out of Egypt (except Caleb, Joshua, Eleazar, and Phineas) died in the
Wilderness, there was greater multiplication there than the had been in Egypt but we do not have an exact count because
they were not numbered again after Moses numbered them shortly after they came into the Wilderness (Ex. 30:11-16).
These were they that were born out of the loins of those who came up out of Egypt and died in the Wilderness. Despite the
high mortality rate from wars with the Gentile Nations, pestilences, wild beasts, snakes and scorpions and from
disobedience to the commandments of Yahweh (all of these were types and shadows of the Satanic influence) the
reproductive rate far exceeded the death rate to the extent that a great multitude of the Israelites entered into Canaan
Land after their forty (40) year sojourn in the Wilderness.
This abundant physical birthrate has to be manifested in order to perfectly reflect the Spiritual realm. When Elohim
created the Angelic Host they were without number (the stars of the heaven typify the Angelic Host and no one has been
able to count them). They were create to serve, honor, obey and glorify Elohim, but Satan caused a third part of them to
fall (Rev. 12:4-5). This shows that Satan was operating in the Spiritual Realm to curtail the number of angels that would
serve Elohim. Since angels do not procreate as physical beings, there was nothing that Satan could do in limiting their
number, but he could influence a great number of them to worship him rather than Elohim, and the result would be the
same as if they had not been created. Now there can be nothing but the same thing happening in the physical plane as
happened in the spiritual realm for the visible things portray the invisible things (Rom. 1:19 20). Therefore, the Apostle
John sees in his vision on the Isle of Patmos this great Red Dragon (Satan) standing before the woman (virgin Mother
Earth and the Virgin Mary) ready to devour her son as soon as he was born. This is an act of birth control on the part of
Satan. He is trying to keep the offspring from being born, or trying to kill it after it is born. He is thus Yahweh's opponent
and tries to impede the Purpose of Yahweh. There is another instance of this effort on the part of Satan to kill off those that
Yahweh has caused to be born for Herod had commanded at the time of the birth of Yahshua the Messiah that all of the
Hebrew children two years and under be slain. (See Matt. 2:16-18). Here, again, Herod is the Satanic type and he is
attempting to control the birthing of the righteous (Yahshua) from the womb.
We have thus far dealt with the types and the shadows which were under the Law and these pointed to spiritual
things. When we extract the real essence or spiritual meaning out of the type and shadow, we find that a physical birth
signifies a spiritual birth. We were all generated out of Adam's loins, degenerated with him in being under the Adamic
transgression and it is necessary that we be regenerated or BORN again in order to see the Kingdom of Heaven. Yahshua
the Messiah said to Nicodemus, a leader of Israel, "Marvel not that I said unto you, Ye must be born from above," and
Nicodemus asked the question, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's
womb and be born again?" Messiah said unto him, "If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not, how shall ye
believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?" (See John 3:1-12). Yahshua is telling Nicodemus in these word that one must
understand the natural or earthly things in order to understand spiritual or heavenly things. Thus, a physical birth portrays a
spiritual birth.
We have already shown in our discourse on reproduction that the infant descends out of the womb and at the time
of birth the bag of waters surrounding him bursts, and blood flows from the mouth of the womb, and the infant takes its first
breath of air into its lungs. This is shown in the Pattern by the water in the Laver, the blood on the Brazen Altar, and the
Holy Anointing Oil (typifying Spirit or Quickening). Thus, our three-fold witness that the Apostle John spoke of is
manifested at the time of a physical birth -- the Water, the Blood, and the Spirit (1 John 5:8).
This then, is a natural or physical birth which is a type and a shadow of a spiritual birth. In a spiritual birth, there is an
ascent rather than a descent, and the same three-fold witness must be present that is, the Water, the Blood and the Spirit,
but it is accomplished in this way: Yahshua the Messiah was our Promised Redeemer, and He was the Father, the Son
and the Holy Ghost in one embodiment, and when He was crucified out on Golgotha, John bore record of the three-fold
witness of Blood, Water and Spirit for he wrote that forthwith ran there out blood and water, and he had given up the Holy
Spirit when He had said, "It is finished" (John 19:30-34). Therefore, if we truly believe in Yahshua the Messiah being our
Redeemer according to the Scriptures and the Divine Archetype Pattern, then we are born again in Him and have come
from Death unto Life. We have thus been born of the Blood, the Water and the Spirit all of which was in Him. His precious
blood was the atonement for our sins, and we are washed clean with the Word, and we are quickened by the Holy Spirit
unto newness of Life and Eternal glorification.
Now Satan is definitely and positively against this Spiritual Rebirth. It is his job to see to it that we do not receive
Salvation and Eternal Life and he tries to control or prevent it by preaching everything to us but the True Gospel. He lies,
he stultifies, and he twists up the Scriptures in order to deceive us so that we might not be born again of the spirit. Just by
the words that he speaks, he murders millions from the pulpits of the churches, via radio and television; via newspapers,
books, magazines, etc.. This is virtually a flood of death-dealing waters that flow out of his mouth and drown millions of
people on the face of the earth (Rev. 12:16). This is his means of controlling Spiritual Rebirths. Remember that Satan is a
Deceiver, a Liar, and a Murderer (John 8:44).
Now we have clearly shown how that Satan in the Satanic types of Cain, Pharaoh, Herod, Judas, etc. tried to
murder the True children of Yahweh and to keep them from multiplying physically so, and we have shown you how that he
is carrying on the same role spiritually so when he commands the people to carry on anything that was under the Old
Mosaic Commandment which was fulfilled by Yahshua the Messiah, and nailed to the cross (Col. 2:14), and anyone who
practices physical water baptism, physical Lord's Suppers, physical footwashing, etc. that were under the Law is denying
that Yahshua had the power to fulfill and move it out of the way, and that He now desires us to worship Him in Spirit and in
Truth by just believing according to the Scriptures (Genesis to Malachi) that He saved us by His Grace. Physical works are
out in this Spiritual Dispensation and anyone who insists upon physical works is murdering and thus preventing our
Spiritual rebirth. There is no better example of this Spiritual birth controlling that is carried on by the Roman Catholic
church than the Mass where the Priest puts the wafer (the birth control pill) on the tongue of the recipient, and anyone who
partakes of this pill most certainly will not be spiritually born or regenerated. This type of birth control is going on right
under the noses of the millions of Roman Catholic converts for they do not realize that anyone who partakes of the natural,
carnal or physical ordinances contained under the Mosaic Law are showing their ignorance of the fact that these things
were fulfilled by Yahshua the Messiah.
Even though Satan is transformed in this Spiritual Dispensation to appear as an Angel of Light (2 Cor. 11:13-15),
and is carrying on a spiritual birth control through his lies, nevertheless, Yahweh has been merciful to show us plainly that
Satan is doing these things by actual physical manifestation. History bears out the fact that the Roman Catholic Church
has murdered
millions of people in its near 2,000 year history. They, themselves, admit to the fact but they say that they did it in defense
of the Church. Yahshua the Messiah, however, never sent His Disciples or Apostles out to kill anyone, but to raise them
from the dead spiritually so by preaching the True Gospel to them, and He did warn them that there would be those who
would seek their lives, and that these would kill the Apostles thinking that they were doing Yahweh service.
Now, let us point out to our readers just how subtle this Devil manifested as the Pope of Rome, and his ministers,
truly is. We keep reminding the reader that the Devil is a Liar! So the Pope of Rome forbids birth control methods to be
practiced among his constituents. It thus appears that he is sanctioning Yahweh's will of being fruitful and multiplying. This
forbiddance of birth control among Catholics encourages large families among the Catholics, for husband and wife must
either deny themselves sexual gratification and burn in their desire for or another, or come together and suffer the
potentiality of another pregnancy (except during the so-called safe period which is about five (5) days prior to and seven
(7) days after each menstrual cycle). Either way, the Devil benefits, for if another pregnancy occurs, that is another
member added unto the Roman Catholic Church or the Satanic Host, and one less for Yahweh, or if the husband and wife
stay apart, grave emotional and psychiatric difficulties arise which trouble them and keep them at one another's throat,
necessitating more confessions. This also encourages unfaithfulness on the part of wife and husband for one or the other
is apt to seek sexual gratification outside the home with the result following of a condemned mind or a broken home. But
we are too far down the line in discussing this matter of birth control, for you remember that we pointed out to you the
reader how that this thing began in Heaven among the Angelic Creation first, and then was manifested in the physical
realm. Hence, the Satanic influence of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church begins even before a man and his wife
ever come together in an act of sexual contact. Yes, before they are married in the Roman Catholic Church, they must
agree that they will bring up their yet unborn children in the Roman Catholic Faith. If a Roman Catholic desires to marry a
non-catholic and obtains the permission of the Pope, before they are married it is understood that the Roman Catholic will
work to convert the non-catholic and if any children are conceived, they must agree to bring them up in the Roman
Catholic Church. Now for any person to be a member of the Roman Catholic faith and to go along with all of its Satanic
doctrines, he is already DEAD, that is, spiritually so, consequently any seed that he brings forth and raises up in the
Roman Catholic doctrine is STILLBORN. This vividly shows the birth-controlling nature of the Pope of Rome, even while
he is yet lying and saying that he doesn't condone birth control. And in that, he is reaching way back and literally killing the
yet unborn children before they begin to take on shape and form in the womb, he is worse than the present day abortionist
who gets thrown into jail and fined an enormous amount of money when he attempts to abort one from the womb. The
abortionist is usually placed in the situation of trying to help a distraught wife (often accompanied by her husband) who just
feels that she cannot bear the economic strain of another child, or a pregnant unwed female who faces the stigma of social
ostracism, or a female victim of a rapist or other situation which plays on the sympathies of the abortionist. Yes, I will agree
that a lot of times the abortionist is after the large fee that he collects, but he would not have any business if the abovementioned pathetic situations were not presented. Hence, the abortionist in many instances is rendering a service to the
public, as is being acknowledged by the increasing number of States that are enacting laws permitting abortions under
certain circumstances. But what service to mankind is the Pope of Rome rendering in aborting the Spiritual rebirths of so
many millions of people with his diabolical doctrines! If the abortionist deserves to be thrown into jail, what about the Pope
of Rome?
This bargaining for the souls of men by the Devil starts before birth as we have shown by the Satanic influences of
the Roman Catholic doctrine, and all during one's life he is under heavy bondage to this belief, and finally death ensues,
but the Devil won't leave you alone
even after death. He says that the Soul goes to Purgatory where it is cleansed by the flames of Purgatory and must abide
for awhile, and the living relatives must give money to have masses said to get the dead souls out of Purgatory. The
suffering of the souls in the flames is exploited for all it is worth until the last dime is drained out of the pockets of the
grieving and sympathetic living relatives. Thus, we see that the Pope of Rome does practice birth control to the infinite
degree starting before birth and proceeding on after death, but he lies in feigning that he is against birth control. However,
Yahweh has brought him to a dilemma from which he cannot escape, for with the world populations threatening a
"population explosion" he is having exceeding pressure placed on him by world governments to give sanction to the birth
control pill and other contraceptives. In addition to this, his own congregation of Roman Catholics have become sick and
tired of going along with the foolishness of their teachings on such matters and are leaving the Roman Catholic Church in
great numbers and others are threatening to leave unless some early change is made in their laws on birth control. Still
others have just gone ahead and disobeyed the Roman Catholic Church's teaching and are using the contraceptive pills or
other devices, and this latter group is not a few and are increasing daily. Hence, the Pope of Rome was faced with a do or
die situation. He had to either give sanction to the pill to stop the wholesale exodus from his Church and to appease the
world governments, and admit to the whole world that the Roman Catholic Church has been wrong all this time in respect
to its teaching concerning birth control and which has been devoutly sanctioned and tenaciously adhered to by so many
Popes including the late Pope Pius XII and Pope John XXIII; or he could ban the pill and suffer the ruin of his church. That
is the reason it took Pope Paul VI so long to decide on the birth control issue, but he had to decide one way or the other,
and no matter what way he decided it was going to be his undoing for Yahweh had brought him to this end.
The decision of Pope Paul VI to ban the contraceptive pill was broadcast to the world in July, 1968 in his Vitae
Humanae (his encyclical) and as predicted, it has had a profound effect upon the Cardinals, Priests, and laity of the
Roman Catholic Church, and has caused wide-spread abandonment of the Church, and strife and discord. Pope Paul has
become so worked up by the adverse reaction to his encyclical that he has called a meeting at his hierarchy in August,
1969 to decide what the over-all negative response to his Encyclical has been and to decide what measures can be
instituted to curtail it, but as we have already stated, he cannot do anything about it for this is Yahweh's way of exposing
and revealing the Son of Perdition (2 Thess 2:1-4) before He (Yahweh) rings down the curtain on this Age and reveals
Himself as the One and Only Potentate, King of Kings and Lord of Lords (1 Tim. 6:15).
Everyone is familiar with the fact that the state of his health is dependent upon the operation of certain glands in his
body, for he will often remark, "my glands are not working right" if he doesn't feel well and cannot otherwise explain the
cause of his bad feeling. These glands do exert a powerful influence over the way we feel and the way the body physically
reacts, for they exert this influence or power through control over a yet not fully understood province of the body, its
internal chemistry.
A gland is a cell or an organ that secretes some substance, and they are of two types, classified according to the
way they secrete their substances. One type whose secretions move outward usually by way of ducts to some body
surface as the skin, itself, or to some lining of the digestive tract or respiratory tract, etc., are called exocrine glands. The
second type whose secretions move inward, without benefit of ducts, into the blood stream are called endocrine glands.
Examples of the first type are the sweat glands, and sebaceous (oil) glands whose secretions are evident on the skin, and
the mucus glands whose secretions lubricate or moisten the digestive or respiratory tracts; also the mammary glands
whose secretions provide milk for a nursing infant, and the salivary glands whose secretions soften the food which
enters the mouth.
The second type of glands, the endocrine glands, are the ones that one refers to when he says his 'glands are not
working right,' and examples of these are the thyroid gland which is located in the neck region, at the Adam's apple, the
pituitary gland in the base of the brain which controls a number of bodily functions, and the sex glands, the ovaries and
testes. It is this second type of gland that we will be concerned with in this discussion, for its very make-up, that of moving
its secretions INWARD, bespeaks of inward or spiritual things as the Apostle Paul wrote, "Now we have received not the
spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of Yahweh; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of Yahweh,
which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing
The endocrines are the great chemical regulators of bodily function, and their substances which are secreted are
called hormones, from the Greek horm_n, meaning "arouse to activity," and these substances (hormones) serve as
chemical messengers to excite or stimulate some profound activity in an organ or tissue somewhere in the body. This
function is vital to the operation of the physical body and without it, one could not survive. Along with the nervous system,
the endocrine system serves as the major means of controlling the activities of the physical body; the nervous system acts
quickly, whereas the endocrine system acts more slowly in adjusting and regulating these bodily functions. In comparison
with the liver or heart, these endocrine glands are small and insignificant and are tucked away in obscure places in the
body and altogether would not weigh more than five or six ounces, but in reference to the power they exert upon the whole
body, they are as little giants and wield an extraordinary and important effect throughout the body. Is it not so, with spiritual
things? Yahshua said, "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to
yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you" (Matt. 17:20, K.J.V.). The endocrines are as
little grains of mustard seeds distributed throughout the body, and no one can deny the fact that they literally move
mountains when one thinks of the profound effect they exert in the body.
Well, how does the endocrine system compare with the Pattern, and what does it show of spiritual things? Following is a
schematic drawing of the endocrine glands arranged according to the Pattern.
Immediately one can see that the above arrangement fits the Pattern for there is a three fold arrangement of the
glands with a total of nine principle glands making up the whole, there is duplication, as one can see. This arrangement fits
the Pattern of The Tabernacle, and the Super Incorporeal Form (Elohim). (See the following diagrams).
Golden Altar of Incense
Golden Candlestick
Table of Shewbread
Brazen Laver
Brazen Altar
Holy Anointing Oil
We will now explain the correlationship of the various endocrine glands of the physical body and the furnishings of
the Tabernacle which is the Pattern. The pineal gland situated in the substance of the brain above the pituitary gland is
obscure as far as its function is concerned. *2Very little is known about this gland, but medical scientists are positive that it
exerts some type of profound influence upon the physical body early in life, but diminishes in importance as one gets older.
It was thought of by mythologists as a sort of Cycloptic or Third Eye for they believed that it was the seat of man's thoughts
and ideas and motivations. It is given this position of being superior to the pituitary gland because medical scientists now
know that even though the pituitary gland is called the master gland of the body, it receives its commands, or it is under the
control of a higher brain center. This obscurity and vagueness of knowledge concerning this gland (pineal) correlates
beautifully with the Cloud above the Mercy Seat which represents Yahweh without shape and form, in His
incomprehensible and inscrutable state. Seeing that Yahweh is omnipresent, and encompasses all things, and is in all
things (Acts 17:28), there is nothing hid from Him, so the Psalmist David wrote, "The eyes of Yahweh are in every place,
beholding the evil and the good" (Prov. 15:3). Compare the concept of Yahweh as being an all-seeing eye with the belief
that early scientists and mythologists held that the pineal gland was the 'third eye' which controlled everything in the
physical body (see Series No. 1 chart with the Eye in the Cloud). Even the matter of the pineal gland exerting its influence
early in life, fits the Purpose of Yahweh and the scheme of things, seeing that most religionists feel that Yahweh did
perform great works and miracles in the days of Moses and the other Prophets, but has not been heard from since the
days of Yahshua and the Apostles! This, of course, is not true; for every Son of Yahweh knows Him and is aware of His
marvelous workings until this present moment.
Next is the pituitary gland with its two-part makeup. We have already likened it unto the two Tables of Stone that
were placed in the Ark of the Covenant. These were twin stones as the Archangels were twins in appearance, so we are
likening the anterior part of the pituitary
2 Very recent scientific information (January, 1969) is that the Pineal gland is acted on by light passing through the eyes
which has an effect upon the production of substance called melatonin, which in turn affects the sex organs. This fits our
description of the Light (or Sheckinah) in the cloud.
gland to one Tablet of Stone (or an Archangel), and the posterior part of the pituitary gland to the other Tablet of Stone (or
the other Archangel). Three laws were written on one Tablet, and seven laws were written on the other Tablet (see the
charts). This compares favorably with the fact that the posterior part of the pituitary gland secretes or stores three
substances (only two have been identified), and the anterior parts secrete seven substances (that have been identified).
NOTE: please remember that the endocrine system is not well understood by medical scientists.
The thyroid gland is located in the neck region (the Second Vail of the Tabernacle) and correlates with the Golden
Altar of Incense which has four horns on it, one at each corner. These horns are identified in the glandular system as the
four parathyroid glands which surround the thyroid. It is said that these glands have to do with the calcium content of the
blood and the amount of calcium deposits in the bones. It is interesting to note that a horn (animal) is a bony protuberance
composed of calcium salts. The thyroid gland itself secretes thyroxin which exerts a metabolic effect on the body tissues,
that is, it controls the rate at which food is converted into heat and energy in the cells of the body. This burning process
exerted by the thyroxin of the gland correlates well with the coals of fire on the Golden Altar of Incense which burned the
The adrenal glands, one on each side are correlative with the Golden Candlestick, and the Table of Shewbread
respectively. Since both adrenal glands are alike, it is absolutely necessary that each gland have a two-fold effect since it
correlates with the Golden Candlestick and the Table of Shewbread -- and so it is! The inner portion of each adrenal gland
secretes a substance epinephrine which quickens the body from a resting state as the light of the Golden Candlestick
dispels the darkness and enlivens the Holy Place. Furthermore, this substance exerts a profound effect upon the blood
vessels and the heart to cause an increase flow of blood through them (remember the correlation of the Golden
Candlestick in the Tabernacle in the Tabernacle with the Aorta, the principle blood vessel coming from the heart). The
outer portion of each adrenal gland secretes no less than thirty different substances called steroids (which mean solid or
firm) which perform a yeoman's job of sustaining many bodily processes. Is it too hard to see the correlation of these
substances with the bread of the Table of Shewbread which was the daily sustenance of the Levitical High Priest and True
Bread from Heaven? These steroid substances are now the true bread and butter of every doctor's arnametarium. Yes,
also remember that Yahshua the Messiah was thirty years old (thirty steroids) when He went into His Ministry (Luke 3:23).
The pancreas gland also has a two-fold function. It is both an exocrine gland (sends some of its secretions
outward by means of ducts to the mucus lining of the intestinal tract), and an endocrine gland (sends other secretions into
the blood stream). It is correlated with the Brazen Laver which too, has a two-fold meaning, for it represents the baptism of
repentance (a burial or a death) and the washing of regeneration (a making alive again). The baptism of repentance (Heb.
6:1-2, Mark 1:1-4, Rom. 6:1-11) was manifest prior to the death of Yahshua and represented a degeneration, and the
washing of regeneration (Eph. 5:25-33, Acts 2:2-4, John 7:38-39) was manifested with the reception of the Holy Ghost on
the Day of Pentecost. Thus, the Brazen Laver serving this two-fold purpose of a degeneration followed by a regeneration in
one operation typifies the pancreas whose exocrine substances act on the food to break it down or digest it (as a death)
and whose endocrine substance, insulin, acts in the blood to burn sugar to give energy which is life!
The gonads are the sex glands, the testes in the male, and the ovaries in the female. Each of these glands has a
two-fold secretion also, the testes elaborate spermatozoa or male seeds, which pass out from the gland by means of a
duct or tube, and the ovaries likewise elaborate seeds that pass from the gland by means of a tube. In this respect, the
testes and the ovaries are exocrine glands, that is, they pass their secretions outward by means of ducts. In addition to this
exocrine function, both testes and ovaries secrete substances which pass
inward (endocrine) into the blood stream and exert their influence on body contour, the distribution of hair on the body,
etc.. These substances are called sex hormones, e.g. male sex hormones and female sex hormones. Now it remains to
be shown how these sex glands parallel the last two structures in the Tabernacle, the Brazen Altar of Sin Sacrifice and the
Holy Anointing Oil. We have already learned that sacrificial animals of all types, cattle and fowls, were offered on the
Brazen Altar and all of them pointed to Yahshua the Messiah who was the Real Sacrificial Lamb (John 1:29). One cannot
begin to number all of the animals that were slaughtered or died before the True Lamb of Yahweh came on the scene and
fulfilled them all in sacrificing Himself (Matt. 5:17). He died, therefore, and resurrected from the grave that we might live
and have eternal life. Witness the same phenomenon happening in respect to the sex glands. There are countless seeds
elaborated by the male and ONLY ONE seed fertilizes an egg (from the female ovary) to bring about conception. All of the
other male seeds (sperm) die -- but the one seed which manages to fertilize an egg accomplishes the formation of a living
being (fetus which when fully matured has in its body numerous sperm cells which is in essence, the rebirth or
regeneration of all the other cells which had previously died! Yahshua said, "In my father's house are many mansions, if it
were not so, I would have told you" (John 14:2). He (Yahshua the Messiah) was His father's house, for He had said that
the Father was in Him (John 14:10). Therefore, when He raised from the dead, many of the sons of Yahweh who slept in
the graves, arose and went on into Jerusalem with Him. and these made up His body (Matt. 27:52, 1 Cor. 12th chapter).
So, one can see the sacrifice of the many sperm cells which point to the sacrifices on the Brazen Altar, and one can see
the conception of a new life in the union of the sperm cell and ovum (female seed) which points to the Holy Anointing Oil
representing a quickening.
Rerspiration is one of the most vital functions that is carried on in the physical body. It is synonymous with life
itself, for without this process of inhaling air into the lungs, man could not exist. Through the process of breathing, man is
constantly in intimate contact with his environment. Man lives within an atmosphere and this self-same atmosphere is
within the man. If one would liken this atmosphere to Divine Spirit which is Yahweh (John 4:24) which is without descriptive
shape or form, and in which we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28), then see this atmosphere or air inhaled
into the lungs where it is absorbed into the blood stream and carried to every cell and tissue of the physical body with the
result that the inhaled air (spirit) has the same shape and form of the physical body, one would have profound, tangible
evidence of a spiritual body residing inside the physical body. Furthermore, since the physical body could not survive
without this air (spirit) dwelling therein, it points up the superiority and more exceeding excellence of the spiritual body over
the physical body. I cannot leave this particular point without bringing into focus another vital point. Since all of the cells
and tissues of the physical body give off carbon dioxide, a waste product, this gaseous waste material also takes the
shape and form of our physical bodies, and therefore is indisputable proof of an evil or satanic spirit abiding within us also.
Thus, the air or atmosphere which we inhale denotes the righteous spiritual body within, and the carbon dioxide denotes
the unrighteous spiritual body residing within. The Apostle Paul wrote, "For I delight in the Law of Yahweh (righteous) after
the inward man: but I see another Law (unrighteous) in my members warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me
into captivity to the law of sin
which is in my members" (Rom. 7:22-234). No one can deny the presence of this waste material in his body, and likewise,
no one can deny the presence of an evil spirit within our bodies. It is by the preaching of the True Gospel of Yahshua the
Messiah (baptizing in the name) that this evil or negative spirit is cast down. The Apostle John wrote, "If we say that we
have not sinned, we make Him (Yahshua) a liar, and His Word is not in us." (1 John 1:10). The breathing in of good
wholesome air (the True Gospel of Yahshua the Messiah) dispels the carbon dioxide (the devil or ignorance of Yahweh)
from our Tabernacles.
The respiratory system is situated in the middle compartment (Holy Place) of the Tabernacle of the physical body.
Anatomically, it consists of three lobes of lung tissue on the right side and two lobes on the left. Technically, one thinks of
the heart, being situated mostly on the left side, as being the MISSING lung lobe on the left, then there would be three
lobes on either side. Furthermore, there is a sort of no-man's land, the mediastinum, situated between both the right and
left lungs. The word mediastinum means "standing in the middle" or "standing between," and it is an area that is virtually
free from any bacterial contaminants or germs. Therefore, viewing the respiratory apparatus as three lobes on the right,
and three lobes on the left (including the heart) with the mediastinum between them, we find an exact copy or duplication
of the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle. There was a cherubim of Glory on the one side of the
Ark of the Covenant, and a cherubim of Glory on the other side of the Ark of the Covenant with the Cloud (or invisible
presence of Yahweh) dwelling between (Ex. 25:18-22). Likewise, the brain being situated in the Most Holy Place of the
Tabernacle of the physical body must have one cerebral hemisphere (half of the cerebrum) on one side and one cerebral
hemisphere on the other side with the corpora callosum (or commissure) of the brain situated between them. This exact
copying of the structure found in the Most Holy Place and Holy Place of both our physical body and the Mosaic Tabernacle
(which is the Pattern, Ex. 25:40) proves and vindicates that Elohim is the express image of Yahweh, the Father (Heb. 1:13), and therefore, are one and the same. "Philip (the disciple) saith unto Him, Rabbi shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
Yahshua said unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me
hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?" (John 14:8-9). The Holy Place of the Tabernacle
displayed a Golden Candlestick on one side, a Golden Table of Shewbread on the other side, and the Golden Altar of
Incense situated above and between. As is the Most Holy Place, Yahweh the Father, so is the Holy Place, Elohim, the Son
of Yahweh.
The respiratory system also presents another very interesting phenomenon. The trachea (or windpipe) courses
downward from the neck and divides into a right and left branch (bronchus) and then each further subdivides into smaller
branches (bronchioles) resembling an inverted or upside down tree. Throughout this tree are an untold number of air-sacs
which are attached to the smaller bronchiole as fruit on a tree. These little fruit-like attachments more closely resemble
bunches of grapes hanging on a vine. Yahshua, the Son of Yahweh said, "I am the true vine, and My father is the
husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth fruit He taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that
it may bring forth more fruit" (John 15:1-2). John, the Revelator, heard the angel say, "Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and
gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe" (Rev. 14:18), and in another place John said, "And
when he (the angel) opened the fifth seal, I saw under the Altar (Altar of Incense in the Holy Place) the souls of them that
were slain for the word of Yahweh and for the testimony which they held; and they cried with a loud voice, saying, How
long, O Yahweh, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?" (Rev. 6:9-10).
The branching configuration of the trachea or windpipe and the bronchi and bronchioles represent the Tree of Life (which
is Yahshua the Messiah, the Son of Yahweh), and the air-sacs represent the fruit of the earth which He has begotten
through His sacrifice of Himself which is all of us that are saved (a countless number). And Furthermore, Yahshua said,
"When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, STAND in the Holy Place" (Matt. 24:15), So we have undeniable proof that Yahshua has saved untold numbers of
souls and we see them standing just where He told them to stand (in the Holy Place) as witnessed by our own air-sacs of
our lungs, Yes, indeed, and each of them is filled with the spirit (Holy Ghost) as is manifested by each of the air-sacs being
filled with air or oxygen which represents the Spirit! And further proof is this: the neck region of our physical body
corresponds with the Second Vail of the Mosaic Tabernacle which was ripped out or rent in twain when Yahshua arose
from the grave an immortal or quickening spirit (Matt. 27:51, 1 Cor. 15:45-53). The Apostle Paul, referred to this Vail as the
vail of his flesh (Heb. 10:20). In the Migratory Pattern, this Second Vail is represented by the Jordan River.
So, in retrospect the neck region of the physical body, the Second Vail of the Mosaic Tabernacle, the Jordan River
in Israel's journey to Canaan Land, and the flesh are all synonymous and have the same meaning. Consequently, when
the Apostle John wrote, "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river was there the tree of life which bare
twelve manner of fruits," (Rev. 22:2) he was referring to our having the Holy Ghost while yet in the flesh walking around on
this earth plane (on this side of the river) and to those who have the Holy Ghost who have departed out of the flesh (the
other side of the river). Yes, the word of Yahweh is in us, and we in Him -- that is, on either side of the river, the flesh.
Witness, therefore, the respiratory tree on one side of the neck region (the river) and the branching nervous system (it
branches from the spinal cord entering the brain into smaller and smaller outshoots just like a tree) on the other side of the
neck region, and one has a definite confirmation of what John said on the Isle of Patmos.
Oh yes, we did not tell you of the fruit on the branching nerve tree which makes up one's brain -- well it (the fruit) is
the nerve cells themselves which are called ASTROCYTES (star cells) because they resemble stars. Did not YahwehElohim promise Abraham that He would multiply his seed as the Stars of Heaven and as the sands of the sea (Gen.
22:17)? Would YOU like to try to count the cells of your brain? These cells typify the heavenly host of angels which are on
the other side of the river (the flesh), and which also make up the body of Yahshua which is the True Church. The Apostle
Paul wrote that the Purpose of Yahweh is, "That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in
One all things in Yahshua the Messiah, both which are in heaven (the angels represented by the astrocytes or brain cells
of our body), and which are on earth (those yet living in the flesh with the Holy Ghost in them represented by the grape-like
air-sacs of the lungs); even in Him" (Eph. 1:10). Oh yes, the astrocytes (or star cells) have the spirit in them as
represented by the electrical impulses mediated by nerve cells!
There is yet another phenomenon (and there are many more for Yahweh is limitless) of the respiratory system that
must be elaborated upon. Everyone is aware of the fact that the vital capacity of the lungs (the amount of air held by the
lungs) can be increased by the practice of deep breathing daily, and the avoidance of certain detrimental habits as
smoking, etc.. In such cases of increased vital capacity, the number of functioning air-sacs is increased. We have already
explained what it means, spiritually, to take in or breathe good wholesome air. It is synonymous to the receiving of the Holy
Ghost or True Gospel into our bodies. Therefore, this act of increasing the number of air-sacs by breathing deeply
indicates that daily the True Church or Body of Yahshua is being added unto as the Gospel is preached throughout the
world. Yahshua said, "and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world (age) for a witness unto all nations;
and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:14). And Luke the physician wrote, "And they (the Apostles) continuing daily with
one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of
heart, praising Yahweh, and having favour with all the people. AND ELOHIM ADDED to the CONGREGATION DAILY
SUCH AS SHOULD BE SAVED." (Acts 2:46-47).
Respiration is inspiration and just as a good breath of air is exhilarating to the physical body and nourishes it, then
also the reception of the Real Truth into our heart and minds
is the Divine Inspiration which perks up and enlivens our spiritual body. If we do not breath we die; if we receive not the
Real Truth, we are dead walking around on this earth plane. The Apostle Paul wrote, "But she that liveth in pleasure
(sensual or carnal, or physical delights is DEAD while she liveth" (1 Tim. 5:6).
The physical body is sustained by the circulating of a reddish fluid through well define pathways called blood
vessels by a muscular pump, the heart which is situated in the chest cavity toward the left side. This organ, the heart,
being located in the bosom of the physical body or Holy Place typifies Elohim or the Word of Yahweh who dwells in the
Bosom of the Father (John 1:18) and the blood flowing out from it to every cell, fibre, tissue and organ of the physical body
and sustaining them denotes that all Life is in the Son or comes from the Son of Yahweh (John 1:4), and further denotes
His Love for all mankind for no cell or tissue of the body is discriminated against, whether it be red, blue, white or any other
color. One would ask the question why is the blood red in color? The answer is that Elohim made a physical man (the first)
in His likeness and image, and called their name (remember he was both male and female) Adam (Gen. 5:2); the word
ADAM means RED; and seeing that all races of mankind are sustained by red blood it points to the common ancestry of all
of us. All families of the earth indeed, are the offspring of Adam and Eve whether they be white, yellow, black, red or what
have you. In addition to this fact; when one remembers that Elohim is symbolized as being the Light of the world, and when
light is passed through a prism it forms a band of different colors called the spectrum according to their wavelengths with
RED being the FIRST COLOR of this spectrum. This explains why the first man was named RED or ADAM and all of the
different colors of races of mankind have in turn had their generation and manifestation in this earth plane -- but as it takes
seven different colors to make a rainbow, thus it takes the different colors of the races or families of mankind to show forth
of the one Yahweh. This matter of different colorations is repeated throughout Yahweh's whole creation, e.g. in the bird
kingdom, in plants, stratas of earth, the marine life, and indeed even in the angelic creation (Ezek. 28:13).
The blood vessels which carry the blood throughout the physical body are of three types, the arteries which carry
oxygenated or so-called pure blood from the heart to the various parts of the body, the veins which carry carbon dioxide
laden blood from the various parts of the body back to the heart, and the capillaries which are networks of minute threadlike vessels that connect arteries and veins. The arteries pertain to the Mystery of Righteousness, and the veins pertain to
the Mystery of Unrighteousness, and usually wherever one finds an artery, he will find a vein lying right along beside it
(Job. 1:6, Matt. 4:1-3, Zech. 3:1, John 13:21-26). The capillaries, of which there is an incalculable number, will carry either
oxygenated (pure) blood or impure blood depending upon whether they lie nearer the arterial side of the vascular bed or
nearer the venous side of the vascular bed and these pertain to the host of the generations of mankind showing that we
are either righteous or unrighteous depending upon which Spirit is operating in us (Heb. 12:6-8, Matt. 6:24, Rev. 22:11).
The blood has a most significant spiritual meaning; it is spoken of in our Bibles from Genesis to Revelation.
Yahweh told the Israelites, "And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among
you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from
among his people. For the Life of the flesh is IN the Blood: and I have given it to you upon the Altar to make atonement for
your souls; for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul" (Lev. 17:10-11). Let us repeat that it says that the Life
of the flesh is IN the blood. The divine significance or interpretation of the above statement is that the Real Life which is
Elohim was manifested in Yahshua the Messiah. It was NOT the physical body or actual blood of the Messiah that was the
real genuine sacrifice but it was the LIFE or SPIRIT which was manifested in that
body that was the Real Thing. Yahshua said "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I
speak unto you, they are SPIRIT and they are LIFE (John 6:63).
In support of the above-mentioned facts, we find that the blood of our physical body carries oxygen which is likened unto
Spirit (John 3:8), and it is this oxygen which is IN the Blood that is the real, genuine life-giving substance of our physical
body. If the blood is deprived of this oxygen, the body cannot live! The oxygen is an invisible gaseous substance but
nevertheless, it is vitally important to the proper functioning of every integral part of our physical body. Could one foolishly
deny its importance because it is invisible! Every cell of the physical body urgently needs this invisible substance which is
present in the blood to survive.
A study of blood shows in other ways that the Divine Three-fold Spirit is present in the blood for it contains three
specific plasma proteins which are representative of this: Albumin, Globulin and Fibrinogen in that order which denotes the
Father (Yahweh), the Word or Son (Elohim), and the Holy Ghost (Yahshua the Messiah). It is interesting to take notice that
the third protein, fibrinogen, is involved in the clotting mechanism of the blood and such clots look like flesh, so it is that
Yahshua the Messiah was the fleshly manifestation of Elohim or the Word (the Word was made flesh -- John 1:14).
Furthermore, the blood can be separated into three different fractions: when blood is allowed to stand it will clot and form a
coagulum or blood clot and the resulting clear yellowish fluid which surrounds this clot is called SERUM; whole blood when
observed on a slide under a microscope is observed to consist of cellular elements floating around in a liquid medium
which is known as PLASMA; thus we see the serum representing Pure Spirit or Yahweh, Plasma representing Elohim, and
whole blood (which only has the ability to clot) representing Yahshua the Messiah.
The cellular elements of the blood are also of three types, the colored corpuscles or red blood cells, the colorless
corpuscles or white blood cells, and the patelets which are more or less dissimilar cells possessing no nucleous and being
of various shapes and sizes. The red cells are more numerous, and they signify the Jews or Israelites (the Real Jews -Rom. 2:28-29), the white cells signify the Gentiles, and the platelets signify the host of varied creatures besides man that
Yahweh has created and which are also included in his Divine Purpose (Ex. 12:31-32, Isa. 11:6-7). These cellular
elements floating in the tide of the blood shows how everything and everybody is encompassed by the Spirit of Yahweh
and whether we recognize it or not, we are all under the influence of Yahweh and furthermore, we are all on the move; we
are either progressing unto more spiritual understanding and Eternal Life or retrogressing unto more deceivableness and
Eternal Damnation -- no one is marking time or standing still!
Before we proceed any further with a more detailed explanation of these cellular element let us consider
something of the origin of the blood, itself. It is generally thought that blood, especially the red cell portion, comes from the
marrow of the bones, and also that the liver plays a contributing part. Let us see if that holds true according to the spiritual
meaning of the various organs concerned. The bony skeleton of the physical body represents corporealization. It is a body
in definite shape and form but invisible to the naked eye being covered by the flesh. It therefore represents the Soul or
Incorporeal Body. Remember how Joseph instructed and commanded the Israelites that they carry his bones up out of
Egypt when they left (Gen. 50:24-25) and the prophecy of Ezekiel concerning the dry bones in the valley (Ezek. 37:1-14).
Therefore, if we say that all life stems from Elohim and that it is through Him that we receive Eternal Life (John 1:4; John
17:3), and Elohim is the Super Incorporeal manifestation of Yahweh, then our bones MUST have something to do with the
formation of blood which is the life of the physical body.
Likewise, the liver situated in the Outer Court of the physical body and being the most prominent organ therein,
typifies Yahshua the Messiah as He was manifested in the earth plane (Outer Court) being a Giant (spiritually so) among
men. And as we have already stated the Life was in him for he was the Light of the World, and it was the Spirit in him that
he bestowed
upon mankind that we might be blessed in him. Even the word LIVER denotes life-possessing qualities, consequently we
see again that our physical organ, the liver, must have something to do with providing life-giving blood but it only acts as a
blood forming organ in fetal life; its blood forming action stops at birth which signifies that Yahshua was our Life while He
was in the flesh, but when we are regenerated and born again, it is the Super Incorporeal body (bones) that take over the
blood forming function.
We will now return to our discussion of the cellular elements of the blood. The red corpuscles in their immature
form possess a nucleus but in their mature form there is no visible nucleus but in its place the mature red cells have taken
on the ability to hold and transport oxygen within their confines, which oxygen is vitally needed by every cell or tissue in the
body. This phenomenon can be likened unto the Jews who had a physical or visible Law of commandments given to them
by Yahweh in the Wilderness of Sinai, but later this Old Covenant was fulfilled by Yahshua the Messiah and taken away,
and in its place the Jews were given a NEW or INVISIBLE LAW OF THE SPIRIT or Holy Ghost which gospel (good news)
they were to carry to the Gentiles for their salvation also (Jer. 31:31-34, Matt. 5:17, Heb. 10:9, 2 Cor. 3:1-3 and Acts 15:7).
The Jews were the first of the families of the Earth to receive the Holy Spirit or the Promise of the Father (Yahweh)
which he had promised Abraham that he would give through his seed, and on the sixth day of June A.D. 33 which was
Pentecost, the Holy Spirit did come to them (Acts 2:1-5), but it was seven (7) years later that the Gentiles received the Holy
Spirit at Cornelius' house in Caesarea with Peter, a Jew, preaching to them. Hence, we see the red blood cells (Jews)
carrying the life-giving oxygen to the white cells (Gentiles) and all of the different cells and tissues of the body in every
corner and recess no matter how remote.
The white corpuscles are the warriors of the body for they wander throughout the body carrying on the defense of the
body. They are present wherever there is any invading germ or bacterium and they fight to the death to protect the body.
These white corpuscles are of many varieties e.g., the monocytes, leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, etc.,
and they are likened unto the Gentile nations which were always at war with one another, and inhabited great walled-up
cities and other defense posts, very much unlike the Jews who were a peaceful nation and lived in tents throughout their
The platelets which are the third type of cellular elements found in the blood are apparently devoid of a nucleus
and are of various shapes and sizes but are smaller than the red blood cells. The platelets represent the various other
creatures of Elohim's creation e.g., the beasts of the field, the flock, the birds, fish etc., which are said to be devoid of a
soul as the platelet is devoid of a nucleus. These creatures are certainly included in Yahweh's Eternal Purpose (1 Cor.
15:39). The function of these platelets is to aid in the clotting mechanism of the blood and they are therefore referred to as
thrombocyte. Since a blood clot resembles flesh and the platelets are essential to clot formation, and they are devoid of a
nucleus (or are soulless) and they represent the beasts of the field, etc., could not these platelets represent us when we
are devoid of an understanding of Yahweh according to reality and truth? The Apostle Peter likened us unto natural brute
beasts when we are devoid of the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 2:12), that is when we continue to follow after the natural, carnal,
physical Law of Commandments and not after the Law of the Spirit (Rom. 8th chapter).
As the blood returns from the various parts of the body back to the heart, it is definitely devoid of its oxygen
content and is laden with carbon dioxide. It is all moving toward the heart through the veins and as it enters the heart, this
impure blood is confined to one side of the heart by a vertical partition which divides the heart into right and left sides. The
blood enters into the right auricle and then goes down into the right ventricle. This situation pertains to the generations of
the flesh from Adam to Yahshua which were all concluded under and laden with sin and were devoid of the Holy Spirit, and
all were looking forward to the coming of the Promised Redeemer who took upon Himself ALL of our transgressions (the
represents the Messiah -- see Rom. 5:14, Rom. 2:23, Isa. 53:4-5). Yes, he bore our sins upon the cross, and he stood
between us and the Father (Yahweh) to act as an intermediary or mediator (1 Tim. 2:5) for us, just as the heart receives all
of the carbon dioxide-laden blood from all over the body and the flesh of the heart is distributed upon a cross-like partition
which divides it into two upper chambers and two lower chambers as well as a right and left side; and the heart pumps the
blood to the lungs where it receives the refreshing oxygen and relinquishes its waste material and then returns back to the
heart from whence it is pumped to all of the cells and tissues of the body. The short distance from the heart to the lungs is
likened unto the short period of time from the crucifixion of Yahshua the Messiah unto Pentecost (53 days) when the Jews
received the Holy Spirit as a mighty rushing wind at Jerusalem and it filled all of the house where they were sitting (Acts
2:1-2) just as the air enters into the lungs and fills them with refreshing oxygen. As the red blood cells take on the oxygen
in the lungs, they definitely and positively give up their carbon dioxide or waste material. Oh, if we could just heed this
lesson, for if we say that we are of the Holy Spirit or are under the Dispensation of Grace, we should not be participating in
the Carnal Ordinances and sacrifices, etc., which were under the Old Mosaic Covenant (Col. 2:14-23).
When the blood leaves the lungs (Pentecost) it returns back to the left side of the heart and is distributed to all
areas of the body. Why does this happen? Why does not the blood continue on from the lungs to the various parts of the
body? Physiologically, there are two reasons which are as follows: The heart being a pump provides fresh impetus or
stimulus to the circulating of the blood throughout the body, and also the heart muscle vitally needs the oxygen-laden blood
itself in order to keep up its vital pumping action. Spiritually, the meaning is this: when the Jews received the Holy Spirit on
the Day of Pentecost they were made to reflect back to the words and deeds of Yahshua the Messiah as He had told them
that He would bring all things to their remembrance whatsoever He had told them (John 14:25-26), and this added zest
and zeal to their eagerness to preach the Gospel when they understood what He had suffered for them. Furthermore, as
Yahweh had told the Israelites when He had delivered them out of the bondage of Egypt to offer their first fruits unto the
Elohim (Ex. 13:2, 23:19, Lev. 23:17), likewise, the blood must return back from the lungs unto the heart so that the heart
might be the first partaker of its oxygen (firstfruits). It was also written in the Law that thou shall not muzzle the ox that
treadeth out the corn, and the laborer is worthy of his reward (Deut. 25:4, 1 Cor. 9:9, Lev. 19:13, Deut. 24:14-15, 1 Tim.
5:18), therefore, since the heart does all of the work of pumping the blood through the body, it should receive its share first.
There are other functions that are performed by the blood which portray spiritual things, for instance, the blood
contains a remarkable system of buffers (three in all) that keep it at a constant reaction (slightly alkaline) despite whatever
one might eat. These buffer systems are (l) the Protein, (2) the Phosphate, and (3) the Bicarbonate. These are all
important for if the reaction of the blood were to vary from its constant reaction it would amount to sudden death.
Whenever we unwittingly eat an over abundance of acid foods, the buffers in the blood stream go to work immediately and
absorb the shock of this tide of acid and neutralizes it with the result that there is no change in the reaction of the blood.
The millions of cells in the body depend upon this constancy of reaction of the blood and were it to change drastically, they
would die immediately. This faithfulness and steadfastness on the part of the blood is typical of Yahweh-Elohim. "For I am
Yahweh, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed" (Mal 3:6). Likewise, this same spirit abiding in our
hearts keep us forever steadfast and shakeable and we are able to withstand everything that Satan can throw at us to
overcome us. As the Apostle Paul stated it, "Therefore, my beloved brethren be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always
abounding in the work of Yahweh, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in him" (1 Cor. 15:58).
The blood also contains antibodies which are substances formed in the blood when invading organisms (antigens)
enter into the body, and these antibodies set up a defense against such
organisms for the protection of the body. This mode of action is somewhat akin to the buffering action that we have just
mentioned, but with the antibodies the protecting quality is only specific for a certain antigen or invading organism. The
more varied the types of antigens that have elicited an antibody response, the greater will be the degree of protection that
the body has. Each invading antigen produces a new experience, but with each new experience comes greater protection.
Likewise, it is so in our growing in Grace, for as James put it, "my brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers
temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience, but let patience have her perfect work, that ye may
be perfect and entire, wanting nothing" (James 1:2-4). The Apostle Peter also realizing the numerous temptations that a
True Son of Yahweh has to endure, wrote "Though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold
temptations that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire,
might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Elohim" (1 Pet. 1:6-7). Therefore, insomuch as the
blood which is the life of the physical body is tried again and again by hostile forces, and each attack, conquest and
triumph makes it more able to withstand, likewise we who are filled with the Holy Spirit must fight and overcome the
temptations of the flesh to inherit the kingdom of Heaven.
Although the blood plays a most important role in the physical body, there are two other substances that share
equal importance with it, and really can not be left out of any discussion of the blood. The Apostle John wrote, "For there
are THREE that bear record in heaven, the Father (Yahweh), the Word (Elohim) and the Holy Ghost (Yahshua the
Messiah); and these three are ONE. And there are three that bear witness in earth (or the flesh), the Spirit, and the Water
and the Blood; and these three agree in ONE" (1 John 5:7-8, K.J.V.). The three earthly witnesses referred to the Death
(blood), Burial (water) and Resurrection (spirit) of Yahshua the Messiah, but He was Himself all THREE WITNESSES in
ONE EMBODIMENT for the Apostle John bore witness that as he was pierced in the side by the Roman soldier, forthwith
ran there out blood and water, and He had given up the Ghost (Spirit) -- John 19:30-34. Therefore, as Yahshua bore these
three witnesses within Himself as a fleshly man, so likewise we as fleshly beings have the blood, the water (lymph and
other tissue fluids) and the Spirit (oxygen) present in our bodies, and all three work in perfect accord in maintaining the
health of the physical body. There is an intimate relationship between these three. The blood has its fluid or watery
counterpart and it also has the oxygen residing in the red cells, and were it not for the delicate balancing of these three
substances, life could not go on as it does. The brain cannot go with out blood no longer than four (4) minutes to avoid
irreparable damage, and the body cannot go without water no longer than four (4) days and survive. The four minutes and
the four days correlate excellently with the four thousand (4000) years from Adam to Yahshua the Messiah, and also with
the sun being placed in the heavens on the fourth (4th) day of the creation!
There is a very unusual circumstance connected with the circulation of the blood throughout the body that must be
explained at this point. In all areas of the body the distribution of the blood vessels can be likened unto the branching limbs
of a tree, in fact, the whole arterial and venous systems resemble one great tree with the vessels going down to the legs as
two great roots representing the Law and the Prophets, and the Aorta as the main stem or trunk of the tree, and the
vessels coming off of it as the limbs of the tree. The heart would then appear as one big luscious olive hanging on the tree
representing the Son of Yahweh. However, in the brain seven blood vessels come together in an unusual fashion to form a
circle called the arterial circle of Willis, and blood is distributed to the brain by branches coming off of this circle. Nowhere
else in the physical body is there such an arrangement of blood vessels. (See diagram and explanation). This arrangement
testifies to the High Priest sprinkling the blood seven (7) times toward the Mercy Seat in the Most Holy Place on the Day of
Atonement (Lev. 16:14), and to Yahshua the Messiah who through the Eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot (seven
denotes perfection) to Yahweh to purge our conscience from dead works to serve the
Living Yahweh (Heb. 9:14), Furthermore, if one looks close at the diagram, he can easily see the resemblance of the
arrangement of the blood vessels to the stick figure of a man with the surrounding gray and white matter of the brain
denoting the Cloud. This testifies to the taking on of shape and form of Elohim in the Cloud (Pure Spirit) and since the
figure is red due to the color of the blood which represents a crucifixion, it denotes Elohim being crucified from the
foundation of the world. As Isaiah put it, "Who is this that cometh from Edom (Eden or Most Holy Place) with dyed
garments from Bozrah? This THAT IS GLORIOUS in His apparel, travelling in the greatness of His strength? I (Elohim)
that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art Thou RED in thine apparel, and thy garments like Him that
treadeth in the winefat" (Isa. 63:1-2). Remember Adam (red) in the Garden of Eden who died for his bride, Eve, and was a
figure of Yahshua the Messiah who was crucified and died for the sins of the whole world. When therefore, we become
spiritually enlightened to the point of knowing Yahweh Elohim as He really is and actually exists, then He takes on a
definite shape and form within our minds and heart.
This circle of Willis also testifies and witnesses to another great spiritual understanding, for as these seven blood
vessels form a circle at the top of the head, it can easily be thought of as a crown worn upon the head. As the High Priest
under the Mosaic Law wore a band around his head on which was inscribed, "Holiness to Yahweh," and he wore a mitre
upon his head, likewise our foreheads are broad bands which when wrinkled shows a type of writing, and the circle of
Willis is therefore our crown or mitre which is worn on our heads. The Apostle said, "Henceforth there is laid for me a
crown of righteousness which the Elohim, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that Day; and not to me only, but unto all
them also that love His appearing" (2 Tim. 4:8). So everyone of us is walking around with this witness of the crown that our
Eternal Creator has promised to give us, right on our heads all of the time!
There are many more explanations that are shown by the blood and the circulatory system that neither time nor
space will allow us to bring out, but we have presented these few points to show indisputably that Yahweh is True and the
Promise is immutable.
The Excretory System is also three-fold in its manifestation for it consists of the two kidneys and the bladder and
also the three tubes leading therefrom, as the two ureters from the kidneys and the urethra from the bladder (see
diagram). We have already compared the two kidneys and the urinary bladder to the Brazen Laver and its Foot located in
the Outer Court of the Tabernacle. The animal sacrifices were always washed in the Brazen Laver after they had been
killed, skinned and cut into pieces, and then they were placed on the Brazen Altar for sacrificing. This procedure of
washing each part of the sacrifice after killing the animal signified a Burial. This is most important to understand for the
Brazen Laver has a two-fold meaning which is not to be confused. After a Death, there is always a Burial, and the whole
procedure is a Downward manifestation.
After the High Priest had finished the washing of the sacrificial animal (burying) and offering him up on the Brazen
Altar, he washed himself in clean water in the Brazen Laver (the bloody water left after the washing of the sacrificial animal
had to be discarded and clean water put in the Laver), and this signified the Washing of Regeneration which is a Upward
manifestation. Thus, the High Priest had to wash himself with clean water and anoint himself with Holy Anointing Oil before
he could go into the Holy Place. The Holy Anointing Oil symbolized quickening.
To better understand the processes involved in the functioning of the kidneys it will be necessary to discuss a little
of the anatomy and physiology of the kidneys, but we will not be able to go into much detail because of the complexities
involved, and we do not want to burden our reader with non-essential points. We want to hew right to the line as much as
possible. We might further say that the bulk of the knowledge of the kidney function has only been understood for the past
thirty (30) years. The functioning unit of the kidney is the nephron of which there is one million such units in each kidney.
The nephron begins as a blind expanded end called the glomerular capsule, which encloses a leash of blood capillaries.
The glomerular capsule is continuous with a long coiled section of tubing which is structurally and functionally divisible into
THREE segments: (1) proximal convoluted tubule, (2) loop of Henle, and (3) distal convoluted tubule. The process of urine
formation begins with the separation from the blood which flows in the capillaries a filtrate which consists of some of the
substances of the blood such as amino acid and glucose, etc. (not the Three plasma proteins of albumin, globulin and
fibrinogen for these three do not leave the blood) and as these filtrate substances pass on down through the three sections
of the tubing, some are reabsorbed back into the blood stream through the Selective Action of the lining (veil) of the
tubules. Other substances such as creatinine, however, are not reabsorbed back into the blood stream for they pass on
down through the kidney tubules and appear in the urine that passes from the body, and still other substances such as
urea are only reabsorbed to a limited extent. Water, itself, is reabsorbed, from the glomerular filtrate according to the
needs of the body e.g., if the body tissues are dehydrated, then water is reabsorbed to a greater extent until this deficiency
is compensated or corrected, hence, the urine flow is very scanty in such a condition. IF the body tissues are well
hydrated, then a less amount of water is reabsorbed, hence more urine is formed. Thus we are showing that the
substances found in the urine and the volume of the urine will vary according to the needs of the body. The Physical Body
must be satisfied first in this matter of discarding or casting off liquid waste. This is a very important phenomenon that we
will late explain.
Each kidney is composed of an outer layer called the cortex, a middle layer called the medulla, and an inner
compartment called the pelvis where the urine is first collected. The word "pelvis" means 'basin or laver.' One astounding
phenomenon is the similarity of the excretory system to the reproductive system of the female. The two kidneys with their
millions of unit
structures called nephrons correspond perfectly with the two ovaries with its numerous ova or eggs located within. The two
ureters coming from the two kidneys would therefore correspond perfectly with the two Fallopian Tubes which are
interposed between the ovaries and the womb. The urinary bladder where the urine is collected and held for awhile would
therefore compare with the womb or uterus where the fertilized ovum is held and grows to maturity and is then passed off,
just as the urine is passed off. The urethra which conducts the urine from the bladder outward would correspond with the
vagina which is the passageway out for the developed newborn. Now what is the reason for this great similarity between
the make-up and function of these two great systems, the reproductive and the excretory. The reason is simple when one
considers that the two systems typify TWO of the witnesses which operate in the earth plane and which agree in ONE. The
reproductive representing the Blood, and the Excretory representing the Water. The Apostle John wrote, "For there are
Three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are ONE, and there are
Three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these three agree in One" (1 John 5:7-8,
K.J.V.). The infant being born in the womb in the Outer Court of the physical body with its head and body in the deepest
most regions of the Outer Court corresponds to the sacrificial animal laid on the Brazen Altar in the Outer Court. Truly,
every fleshly man dwelling on the earth (for the earth is also the Altar - see Pattern) is always on the Altar and he must be
sacrificed, that is, his old Adamic and Carnal self must die, before he can bc regenerated into a New Life. So everyone of
us comes into this life on the Altar of Sacrifice where the Blood is placed on the four corners. So it is clear that the process
of Reproduction with the Blood being the life of the individual is ONE of these witnesses. The Excretory System, therefore,
must agree with the Reproductive System for it typifies another of the witnesses, the Water. The Third Witness of the Spirit
also has to agree with the other two, so we find that the Two Lungs on either side corresponding to the Two ovaries, or
Two kidneys, are composed of many minute seeds called air-sacs or alveoli. There is a vessel called the pulmonary vein
that conducts the oxygen-laden blood back to the heart from each lung and these vessels are likened unto the Fallopian
tubes of the Reproductive System or the ureters of the Excretory System. The heart in this situation would correspond to
the womb of the Reproductive System or the urinary bladder of the Excretory System. Here in the heart, the blood is held
for a little while just as the infant is held in the womb, and the water in the bladder. From the heart, the oxygen (Spirit) laden blood ushers forth through the passageway, the great blood vessel called the aorta, and goes out unto all of the
tissues of the body which represents going out into the world. This corresponds with the infant ushering forth from the
womb into the world and the urine from the bladder. The infant takes on its shape and form in the belly of its mother and
from thence it comes forth, and the blood leaves the heart from the left ventricle (the word "ventricle" means 'belly').
Yahshua the Messiah spoke these words, "He that believeth on me as the scriptures have said, out of his belly (out of his
heart) shall flow rivers of Living Water, (but this spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive: for
the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because Yahshua the Messiah was not yet glorified)" John 7:38-39. Thus, we see the
three witnesses of Blood, Water and Spirit agreeing with one another in the anatomy and physiology of the Reproductive,
Excretory and combined Respiratory and Circulatory Systems.
We shall return now to a spiritual explanation of the anatomy and physiology of the Excretory System as outlined
in the beginning of this discourse. We showed at that time how that the Brazen Laver served a two-fold purpose of Burial,
and the Washing of Regeneration, or a downward manifestation and an upward manifestation. Let us see if this is shown
by the way that the little structural units called the nephrons work in the formation of the urine. The blood which enters the
glomerular capsule of the nephron from the capillaries is filtered and some of the substances in the blood leave this blood
stream and pass down through the proximal convoluted tubule and on down into Henle's loop. The proximal convoluted
tubule is located
The two diagrams above show that portion of the brain where the pineal and pituitary glands are situated. These two
structures have a most significant meaning as they typify the word of Yahweh, or Elohim, and the Holy Ghost or Yahshua
the Messiah. The pineal gland located within the substance of the gray and white matter of the brain (the Cloud) is likened
unto Elohim who dwelled in the Cloud above the Mercy Seat in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle (Ex. 25:22, Num.
7:89). When the High Priest went into the Most Holy Place once a year on the Day of Atonement and sprinkled the blood
toward the Mercy Seat seven times on three occasions, he would then experience a "visible" sign of the presence of
Elohim dwelling in the Cloud. This was called the Shekinah, and it was a vision of the Super Incorporeal Form of Yahweh
above the brightness of the noon-day sun. Until very recently (January 1969) scientists did not know anything about the
Pineal gland (as they don't know anything of Yahweh-Elohim), but now they have found out that this gland is acted on by
the light which comes through the eyes via the optic nerves, and this light causes the gland to secrete a substance called
melatonin which has an inhibitory effect upon the gonads (the
male and female seeds). So these scientists have related this
gland to light, and we have been saying all of the time that the
Pineal gland represented the Shekinah which is visionary Light.
The two-fold pituitary gland (see light and dark areas) reposing in
the Sella Turcica (a depression in the sphenoid bone) represents
the Two Tables of the Covenant placed in the Ark of the
Covenant, and this gland being located beneath the pineal gland,
shows the subjection of Yahshua unto His Father, YahwehElohim.
The diagram to the left shows the two kidneys on either side of
the spine with the two ureters descending therefrom, and
emptying into the urinary bladder. This kidney system represents
the Brazen Laver in the Outer Court, for as the sacrificial animals
were washed or buried in the Laver before being placed on the
Brazen Altar, likewise the two kidneys wash out all of the
impurities from the blood stream before its nutrient materials are
used as tissue-builders (that is, they are sacrificed) in the physical
body. The water in one kidney is divided from the water in the
other kidney to definitely confirm that Yahweh did divide the
waters of the Red Sea (the Laver in the Migratory Pattern). When
the two kidneys are brought together, they would form the round
outline of the Laver, and the ureters would form the sides of the
Laver, and the bladder would form the foot of the Laver (for a
more complete explanation of the kidneys, see chapter entitled
within the outer layer of the kidney called the cortex, and as the filtrate goes into Henle's loop, it passes into the middle
layer of the kidney called the Medulla. This downward direction represents a Burial as the substances are lost out of the
blood temporarily; as the filtrate passes on through Henle's loop and begins to turn upward, that is, to re-enter the cortex
from the Medulla, the filtrated substances are reabsorbed back into the blood capillaries. (Some are not reabsorbed and
others are reabsorbed to a certain varying extent, and others are reabsorbed almost totally). This upward manifestation
represents the Washing of Regeneration and a New Life for the substances that are taken back or reabsorbed into the
blood stream. This whole process is vividly displayed in the Purpose of Yahweh for ALL of us were concluded under the
Adamic Transgression and Death and were buried in Sin and Ignorance necessitating John the Baptist to come to bury the
dead ones in water, even Yahshua the Messiah took on the likeness of sinful flesh for us and was baptized of John (Rom.
8:3), but NOT all of us are reabsorbed back into the Kingdom of Yahweh, that is, not all of us believe (as some of the Jews
did not submit to John's Water Baptism of Repentance) and are regenerated into newness of Life in Yahshua the Messiah.
Yes, Yahshua even though he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh, He was completely and totally reabsorbed back
unto Yahweh the Father just as glucose is total reabsorbed back into the blood stream after leaving it in the glomerular
capsule of the kidney. He was totally raised from the grave as a quickening Spirit never to taste of death again. How ever,
of the generations of mankind, there are some who never believe and accept the True Gospel of Yahshua the Messiah
according to the Divine Pattern stipulated in the Scriptures (Genesis to Malachi) and these are carried on off in the dross
and are never regenerated or reabsorbed. Others following after the Pattern of Yahweh believe and accept and are
regenerated (upward manifestation) unto New Life even as Yahshua the Messiah. Those that are saved by Regeneration
add to the stature of the Spiritual Body of Elohim just as the substances which are reabsorbed from the kidneys go to
make up new tissues in the physical body. And this Spiritual Body will not suffer loss, as it must be whole and complete
and entire according to the Will of Yahweh, in the same fashion as the physical body reabsorbs from the kidney just what it
needs to satisfy its demands. When the demands of the body are nearly satisfied, then reabsorption proceeds at a much
slower rate or not at all. Needless to say, those who are not regenerated are passed off as so much waste matter to be
eliminated from the Body never to partake of the Glory and Excellence of that Eternal Habitation.
Although we have tried hard to eliminate diseased conditions of the various systems, as this is a whole story by
itself, nevertheless, we cannot help but mention the matter of kidney stones. Moses and the Children of Israel witnessed
Pharaoh's (with his heart of stone) overthrow in the Red Sea. Yahshua also stated in regard to the little children which
made up the Kingdom of Heaven, "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for
him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matt. 18:6). And the
Apostle John confirmed Moses' experiences when he said that he saw in his vision thusly: "And a mighty angel took up a
stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown
down, and shall be found no more at all" (Rev. 18:21). Thus the "Sea" spoken of in these three references pertain to the
Red Sea in the Migratory Pattern or to the Brazen Laver in the Tabernacle Pattern. Therefore, it is apparent that kidney
stones would have to appear in the kidneys which are the Brazen Laver in the physical body in diseased states to typify the
overthrow of the Satanic Spirit.
The Digestive System of our physical bodies is a carbon copy of the Epochal journey of the Children of Israel from
Egypt to Canaan Land and it concisely explains the Purpose of Yahweh from Beginning to End. The process of digestion
incorporates the three-fold function of (1) the swallowing or the carrying away of the food into the stomach, (2) the
decomposition or breakdown of the food by the digestive juices, and (3) the assimilation of the products of digestion into
living cells and tissues within the body (the word digestion literally means 'to bear or carry away'). As the food which we eat
or digest adds to our stature, so also is the Spiritual Body of Elohim increased by our being swallowed up of the Spirit,
being separated from all of our sins or carnality and being added to the Body of Elohim. This is the sum total of the
Purpose of Yahweh. It is a downward operation or a death and burial followed by an upward operation of a resurrection
and ascension. Yahweh Himself came down from Heaven and was manifest in a physical body (1 Tim. 3:16 and John
1:14) died and was buried, arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. The Children of Israel likewise left Canaan
Land and journeyed down into Egypt and all of that generation died and were buried in Egypt, and the succeeding
generations were liberated from Egypt which is a resurrection and went back to Canaan Land by way of the Wilderness of
Sinai. Furthermore, all things materialistic or physical have descended from or had their origin from Pure Spirit (Yahweh)
which is a downward operation, and they definitely and positively shall be dissolved (death and burial) and shall return
back to the source (Pure Spirit or Yahweh) from which they came which is an upward operation.
These things have been mentioned as preliminary to showing how the Digestive System functions in our physical
bodies to display the marvelous Purpose of Yahweh. As we have already mentioned, the Digestive System pertains to the
spiritual attribute of Foundation incorporated in the Super Incorporeal Form of Elohim. Truly, it is the foundation of the
physical body for all of the functions of the physical body depend to a great degree upon the digestive process.
Since we are showing how the Digestive System closely parallels the Migratory Trek of the Children of Israel from
Canaan Land to Egypt and back to Canaan Land by way of the Wilderness of Sinai, it becomes absolutely necessary for
us to relate enough of the story that our reader will be familiar with the facts. Yahweh made a promise to Abraham after He
had called him out of Ur of Chaldees into Haran and later to Canaan Land (Gen. 11:31-32, Gen. 12:5), that in his seed he
would bless all of the families of the earth and multiply his seed as the stars of heaven and as the sands of the sea (Gen.
12:1-3., Gen. 13:16, Gen. 15:4-5 and Heb. 11:8-12). He further told Abraham that this promise would come of effect
through his son, Isaac (which Yahweh had promised to give him by his ninety (90) year old barren wife, Sarah) and not
through his son, Ishmael, who was born of his bondswoman, Hagar. (Isaac was a figure of the Spirit, and Ishmael
represented the Flesh, so says the Apostle Paul, Gal. 4:22-31). Yahweh also promised Abraham a select and choice area
of land (a virtual Garden of Eden) called Canaan Land which would be settled and enjoyed by his posterity. Abraham
believed all of the things that Yahweh told him (and it was accounted unto him for righteousness, Rom. 4:3), and he
journeyed on foot to find this land which Yahweh had promised him. He later settled there, but when a famine developed
there, he had to leave and go down into Egypt for food (Gen. 12:10-11). He later returned and Isaac was born. During
Isaac's lifetime, another famine developed and he was preparing to go down into Egypt when Yahweh sent him word not to
go into Egypt but to tarry in Canaan Land and he would be fed (Gen.26:1-6, 30). Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob, by
his wife Rebekah, but Esau, the elder sold his birthright to his younger brother Jacob and he prospered. Jacob became the
father of twelve sons by his two wives, Leah and Rachel, and their two handmaidens, Zilpah and Bilhah and Yahweh
changed his name from Jacob to Israel. During Israel's lifetime, there developed a third famine in Canaan Land (this was a
wide-spread famine over all lands including Egypt) but Joseph, who was next to the youngest son of Israel, had stored up
corn in Egypt during a plenteous seven year harvest, so Israel sent his sons into
This is a most interesting diagram for it displays the digestive tract of
man's physical body that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus, and
we have doctored the picture in the mouth region to unmistakably convey
the thought that this coiled tube represents a serpent or snake who is
present in every man's body whether he wants to admit or not. The
bulging in the stomach area represents consumed a Soul, and the twisting
of the Small Intestine the coils of this Serpent. Solomon spoke wisely
when said all of the labour of a man is for his mouth (belly) and yet the
appetite is not satisfied (Eccles. 6:7). The Apostle John wrote that the
Serpent or the Devil or Satan was cast out of heaven (Rev. 12:10) into the
earth and his angels (demons) were cast out with him. Peter and Jude
said that the Devil and his angels were cast down to hell. Now, no one
knew where Hell was until Yahshua the Messiah sent His disciples out to
cast these evil spirits out men. This showed that man's physical body was
hell (that is when he is ignorant of the Purpose and Plan of Yahweh
according to the Pattern). The physical body is made the dust of the earth
and when his inner man is dead, this body becomes a grave just like the
hole in the ground the cemetery). John the Revelator referred to the grave
as being hell (Rev. 20:13 - see margin). Yahshua the Messiah called the
carnal-minded Jews, white-walled Sepulchres because their inner man
was dead, and their bodies were only the graves for the dead (Matt.
23:27). If one uses his imagination just a little bit, he can see that the tail
of this serpent is the vermiform (in the shape of a worm snake) appendix,
and that this serpent has almost completely entered the doorway of man's
house (the ascending, transverse, and descending colon form the
doorway). The Prophet Amos describes the situation beautifully, "As if a
man flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house and
leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him" (Amos 5:19).
Whereas, we are trying hard to make every man realize that he is Yahweh
in a body, we cannot refrain from letting one know that the Evil Spirit is in
us also, and it must be cast out by the preaching of the True Gospel of
Yahshua the Messiah.
The diagram to the
right shows the usual
position of the fetus in
the womb at the time
of birth. This head
down position is
significant for it
typifies being cast out of the Garden of Eden. When Adam
transgressed the commandment of Yahweh, all generations of the
flesh were in his loins (as seeds) and all, therefore, were concluded
under his condemnation so says the Apostle Paul (Rom. 5:12-14).
This casting down was a Degeneration and it is represented by this
head down attitude of a normal birth. Now what the man needs is a
Regeneration, and this is and was accomplished in Yahshua the
Messiah. After a child is born out of the womb, he is placed in the
head-up position where he remains the rest of his life, so it is that after
we are born again of the Holy Spirit, we walk up in the newness of the Spirit, and will dwell evermore in the Eternity of
Egypt to buy corn (Gen. 41:53-57, Gen. 42:1-5). Joseph had been sold into Egypt and had found favor in the eyes of
Pharaoh, King of Egypt, and had become an overseer or governor of all the King's business. Later on, Joseph persuaded
his father, Israel, who had become an old man, and his brothers with their families, to come to Egypt to live and some
seventy of them went down into Egypt to sojourn (Gen. 46:26-27, Ex. 1:5) just as Yahweh had shown Abraham in a vision
(Gen. 15:1-14).
In further fulfillment of what Yahweh had previously revealed to Abraham, his posterity, the Israelites as they were
called, multiplied greatly in Egypt and began to fill the land and they prospered also, all of which caused Pharaoh (not the
same Pharaoh who befriended Joseph) to envy them and he decided (so he thought) that he had better put them under
control before they would overpower him, so he set taskmasters over them and afflicted them and made them do all sorts
of burdensome tasks (Ex. 1st chapter) and the Israelites cried unto Yahweh in their distresses. Pharaoh had not reckoned
that these were Yahweh's chosen people, and that everything was going along according to Yahweh's time-table for the
Israelites were supposed to be in bondage to Pharaoh and his host for 430 years and as the time drew near for their
deliverance, Yahweh raised up Moses, one of their own, and sent him to stand before Pharaoh and to tell him to let his
people go. Yahweh had previously told Moses that he would harden Pharaoh's heart so that he would not let the Children
of Israel go, so that he might get him glory and honor on Pharaoh, and might show his great Power and Might in forcing
him to let them go; and Yahweh did demonstrate his great Power and Might by pouring out Ten Devastating Plagues on
Pharaoh and his host and the land of Egypt, but the Israelites were not harmed by any of these. At the time of the Tenth
and Last Plague, Yahweh told Moses to tell the Israelites to pick out on the tenth day of the first month (Abib or Nisan) a
male lamb of the first year without spot or blemish and hold it over until the fourteenth day, and then they were to kill it and
take the blood and sprinkle it on the side posts (left and right) and lentil of the door of their houses (the blood being
contained in a basin), and then they were to roast the lamb with fire and eat all of the flesh with unleavened bread and
bitter herbs that night (Ex. 12th chapter). None of the lamb was to remain until the morning, and Yahweh promised Moses
that He would send His destroying Angel (Michael) over the land of Egypt at midnight and wherever he did not see the
blood, he would smite the first born of both man and beast, but would spare the Israelites houses wherever the blood was
on the door posts. This is called the Passover, and the supper was known as the Feast of the Passover or the Passover
Supper which was commanded of Yahweh to be celebrated every year at the same time. All of Yahweh's instructions were
carried out precisely, and early the following morning, Pharaoh urged Moses to take the Children of Israel and get out of
The Israelites left Egypt and went a three days journey to the Red Sea pursued by Pharaoh who had again
changed his mind after letting them go, but Yahweh demonstrated His glorious Power by dividing the waters of the Red
Sea and making a passageway through the Sea for Israel who was being led by the Cloud, and Pharaoh attempting to
pass through the same way, was drowned (he and his host -- Psa. 136:15) in the Red Sea. After passing through the Red
Sea, the Israelites began to wander around in the Wilderness, and Yahweh fed them bread from heaven (manna) and
quail and provided them with water, and brought them to Mount Sinai in the Wilderness of Sinai where He spoke to them
from the Mount, introducing Himself and letting them know that it was He that brought them out of the land of bondage,
and He gave them a Ten Commandment Law written on Two Tables of Stone. Yahweh also showed Himself to Moses,
Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy of the Elders of Israel (Ex. 24:9-10) in a Super Incorporeal Form and He later called
Moses on up into the Mount where He showed him a vision of the creation of the Heavens and the earth in the six solar
days that the Cloud covered Mount Sinai (Ex. 24:16-17, Gen. 1:1-31, Gen. 2:4). He further showed Moses a vision of a
Tabernacle while he was in the Cloud by instantaneously transforming His Super Incorporeal Form into a three-fold
Tabernacle which He told Moses was a Pattern (Ex. 25:40, Heb. 8:5). Moses was instructed by Yahweh-Elohim to build a
Tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai just like the one that he saw in the Mount so that Yahweh might dwell among His
people (Ex. 25:8-9). Moses did as Yahweh instructed him, and built the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, and the Children of
Israel dwelt around this Tabernacle and the priests and Levites carried on the services that Yahweh had ordained within
the Tabernacle during the forty years that they wandered around in the Wilderness following the Cloud. At the expiration of
the forty years, all of the Israelites that had come out of Egypt (except Caleb, Yahshua and Eleazar) had died in the
Wilderness, and their posterity were those that crossed over Jordan through its miraculously parted waters into Canaan
Land, a land flowing with milk and honey. They subdued the inhabitants of the land and set up a kingdom over which kings
reigned, the most notable being Solomon, the son of David, and it was during his lifetime that the most magnificent edifice
ever constructed by man (according to Yahweh's Divine specifications) was built, Solomon's Temple which was also threefold just as the Tabernacle, for it contained a Porch (Outer Court), Sanctuary (Holy Place) and an Oracle (Most Holy
Place). Thus, the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the Wilderness of Sinai and on into Canaan Land is called the
Migratory Pattern and corresponds to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle with its Outer Court, Holy Place and Most
Holy Place.
Now that we have the essential facts of the spectacular and miraculous liberation of the Israelites from Egypt and
their subsequent journeying to Canaan Land squarely before us, it is now only necessary to correlate these facts with the
process of digestion as it goes on in our physical body. You, the reader will be utterly astonished at the close parallelism as
I was when it was first revealed to me. Firstly, one must realize that both plant and animal matter including man have their
origin from the earth and are similar in that they spring up and flourish for awhile, bear fruit or offspring, then begin to
decline, wither and die, and return to the earth from whence they came. This over-all compares with Abraham being called
out if Ur of Chaldees as a relatively young man and his journeying to Canaan Land where he prospered and bore offspring
and later died. It is the fruit of Abraham's, Isaac's and Jacob's lifetime, and a famine is a period of hunger, and at the time
of each famine, some one was sent into Egypt to get food. Likewise, there are three periods of hunger each day when a
man must send food down into his stomach (Egypt) to satisfy his hunger pains. The food enters the mouth, located in the
Most Holy Place of the physical body and corresponding to Canaan Land where the posterity of Abraham were settled, and
it is chewed and swallowed, descending by way of the esophagus (food tube) into the stomach.
After the food reaches the stomach (Egypt or Outer Court) it is imprisoned or held there (in bondage) for about two
and one half to four hours, and is subjected to rather rough treatment being mashed, churned, squeezed and otherwise
given the 'acid treatment' by the digestive juices of the stomach. Furthermore, it can not leave the stomach until the
stomach receives a signal from the Brain to release it, nor until sufficient blood has pooled in the stomach area to aid in
the digestion of the food. These facts perfectly correlate to the Israelites going down into Egypt and being shamefully
mistreated by Pharaoh and his taskmasters, and being held in bondage until Yahweh sent Moses to liberate them and they
having to put the blood if the Pascal Lamb on their door posts before they could leave Egypt.
When the signal comes from the Brain to free the food from the stomach it is pushed along by a peristaltic wave
which is a nervous stimulus which causes wave-like contractions of the musculature of the stomach behind the mass of
food and a wave-like relaxation of the stomach musculature in front of the food. In this fashion the food reaches the
pylorus which is the narrowed end of the stomach at its junction to the small intestines, and here it runs into a barrier, the
pyloric valve which is a constriction band of muscle which closes off this end of the stomach. Here the food must halt and
wait until the pyloric valve receives a nervous
This picture is a correlative explanation of the Migratory trek of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan Land and the Digestive
System of man's physical body in an abbreviated form (for a more complete explanation, see chapter on the Digestive
System). As always, everything corresponds to the Tabernacle Pattern shown to Moses in Mt. Sinai in a vision in 1490
B.Y. (before Yahshua the Messiah) with its three-fold make-up of an Outer Court, Holy Place and Most Holy Place. The
food coming down the esophagus into the stomach corresponds with the Israelites going down into Egypt where they were
held in bondage by Pharaoh just as the food is held in bondage by the stomach for awhile. This food is buffeted about and
given the 'acid treatment' in the stomach just as the Israelites were harshly treated in Egypt. The Israelites had to place the
blood of a sacrificial lamb on the lentil and the two side-posts of the doors of their houses before leaving Egypt at the time
of the Passover, likewise, the blood rushes to the stomach area during digestion and the square-like configuration of the
overlying large intestines with the blood distributed by the right colic, middle colic and left colic arteries forms the doorway.
(We have pictured this 'intestinal doorway' separately for a clearer explanation). After awhile the pylorus opens and allows
the food to escape into the duodenum (which means 'twelve'), just as the Red Sea opened up, and allowed the Twelve
Tribes of Israel to escape from Egypt. When the food enters the small intestines it wanders around being pushed by a
peristaltic wave which is a nervous impulse that relaxes the muscle in front of the bolus of food and contracts the muscle
behind it, thus the food only moves when the wave dictates. Likewise, the Israelites entered the Wilderness of Sinai and
wandered around for forty years following the Cloud; they only moved when the Cloud dictated. Fifty days after the
Israelites crossed through the Red Sea, Yahweh spoke to them from Mt. Sinai and gave them the Ten Commandment Law
which was a bitter pill for them for it subjected them and humbled them to a restriction of a moral, social and religious
nature as they had never known before. Moses later came down from the Mount with these laws written on Tables of
Stone. In the same manner, the food entering the small intestines soon comes in contact with the bile (which is bitter)
flowing down from the liver (which is triangular in shape resembling a mountain), and this bile 'humbles' the food by its
powerful digestive ferments; and furthermore, gallstones sometimes descent along with the bile. Another manifestation of
the Cloud which hovered over the Israelites head from which they received manna, is the pancreas which is an elongated
gland resembling a Cloud. (Pancreas in Greek is pancreas which means sweetbread). Finally, after 40 years wandering in
the Wilderness of Sinai, all of the Israelites who came out of Egypt died in the Wilderness, except Caleb, Joshua and
Eleazar (representing the Godhead), and the Children of Israel's offspring which had been borne out of their loins in the
wilderness crossed over the Jordan River with the afore-mentioned threesome. In the same fashion, the indigestible
portion of the food in the intestines is separated from the three-fold, essential part which contains amino acids (which make
up proteins) sugars and fats, and this essential part passes on across the mucous membrane of the small intestines in to
the blood stream. After crossing the Jordan River into a land flowing with milk and honey, the Israelites later built the
Temple of Solomon which corresponds to man's physical body (see explanation elsewhere). Accordingly, the essential
foodstuffs enter into the bloodstream flowing with the abundance of the nutrients and go on to build up the Temple of
Man's body.
stimulus from the Brain to open, and then and only then does the food move on through this na row strait. Likewise, the
Children of Israel left Pithon and Rameses in Egypt and journeyed for three days being led (or otherwise pushed along) by
the Cloud which was a light unto them in front and dark unto Pharaoh and his host behind and they came to the barrier of
the Red Sea and had to stop and encamp there until Yahweh gave Moses the word to raise up his rod over the Sea and
divide it, thus allowing the Israelites to pass through.
When the food passes through the pylorus it immediately finds itself in a twisting, coiling section of the digestion
tract known as the small intestines, the first part of which is the Duodenum (which literally means 'twelve'). In the small
intestines the food is also push along by peristaltic waves, that is, there are times when it is stationary, and there are time
when it is on the move. Likewise, when the Twelve Tribes of Israel crossed through the Red Sea they found themselves
wandering around in the Wilderness of Sinai being led of the Cloud; when the Cloud stopped, the Israelites would stop and
encamp, and when the Cloud moved, they would take up their tents and move on (Num. 9:17-23).
As the food moves through the small intestines it comes into contact with a bitter substances known as bile which
flows down from a large triangular shaped organ called the liver which has four lobes; a large right lobe, a smaller left lobe
and two lobes of about equal size -- called the caudate and quadrate lobes. The liver is likened unto Mount Sinai (most
mountains are triangular in shape and have a principle slope and one or more smaller slopes) and the four lobes are
likened unto the four principle men, Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu who when up into Mount Sinai and saw Elohim (Ex.
24:9-10). Moses, being the leader, is represented by the large lobe of the liver; Aaron who was Moses' brother and also
High Priest Elect is represensed by the smaller left lobe; and Nadab and Abihu, the two sons of Aaron and Low Priest
Elect is represented by the Caudate and Quadrate
lobes which are about equal in size!
When the bile from the liver comes into contact with the food it exerts a powerful action in further breaking down
and decomposing the food, adding to the decomposing action that has already taken place in the stomach (and it is
assisted by the juices from the pancreas). This decomposition process continues until the essential part of the food is
separated from the indigestible cellulose or other non-nutritive material which later passes on down the alimentary canal as
drought and returns to the ground from which it came. The Ten Commandment Law which came down from Elohim out of
Mount Sinai had the same humiliating effect on the Children of Israel in that they were unable to keep the Law and
because of their disobedience, Yahweh caused them to wander around in the Wilderness for forty years until they all died
in the Wilderness (except Caleb, Joshua and Eleazar) and their carcasses returned to the ground from which they came.
Since the Ten Commandment Law was written on Tables of Stone, and came down to the Israelites at the hand of Moses,
it is no wonder that gallstones form in the bile tract and pass down into the small intestines on occasions.
The essential substances derived from the food by the process of decomposition do not meet the same fate as the
indigestible cellulose, etc., for they (the amino acids, simple sugars or simple fats) in a watery solution are absorbed
across the barrier of the mucosal lining of the small intestines and enter into the blood stream where they are distributed to
the various tissues of the body and are utilized in forming new tissues and cells and give energy or life unto the body. Their
ultimate destiny is likened unto beginning life all over again in another form for whereas they were once incorporated in the
food which entered the mouth, they are now an essential part of the body itself, and live on, as it were, in glorification!
Likewise, it was, the offspring or those children that came out of the loins of the Israelites that left out of Egypt (along with
Joshua, Caleb and Eleazar) who went on across the barrier of the Jordan River into the Land of Canaan (a type of
Heaven) and began life anew as it were, when they inhabited the land, planted vineyards and built the beautiful Temple of
Solomon and reigned as Kings for awhile being very much unlike the nomadic people, who went down into Egypt, for they
had received the blessing that Yahweh had promised Abraham that He would give them.
As a final point to include in this correlation, let me remind the reader that in so much as a great number of people
only are interested in the physical side of eating, e.g. the smell and taste of food and its mastication and swallowing down
into the stomach, and they do not pay any attention to the other side (which can be likened unto an invisible or spiritual
operation e.g., the decomposition and breakdown of the food and its assimilation into the body, likewise so it is with
reference to our desiring the physical things of this life and our giving no heed whatsoever to the spiritual things of this life.
Yahshua the Messiah said, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Matt.
Below is a small comparison chart which will give the reader a quick run-down of the essential aspects of this
discourse. Also, please consult the illustration dealing with the gastro-intestinal tract and the Pattern.
The bones which comprise the skeletal system are the most durable part of the human torso and skeletal remains of
humans and animals have been excavated long after the fleshy remains have deteriorated. Furthermore, when these bony
remains are correctly assembled they form a bodily configuration that gives great evidence of the previous physical or
fleshy shape and form of their owner. Thus, the whole skeletal system gives mute testimony of, or is a manifestation of a
body within a body. To be more specific, the skeletal framework is a physical manifestation of the Incorporeal Body or
Soul, and its more lasting quality and durability is a witness of the soul that lives on and on. The Bible offers many
references in testimony of what we have just said, if one understands the meaning of what one reads in the Bible. Joseph
who was one of the twelve sons of Jacob instructed the children of Israel before he died to be sure and take his bones with
them up out of Egypt after his death, when they would be liberated from the bondage of Pharaoh (Gen. 50:22-26). This
simply implied that his Soul (Joseph's) or his Incorporeal Body would live on and would be with them throughout their
journey to Canaan Land. And if one really understands that Joseph was a figure of Yahshua the Messiah one can see the
spiritual significance of Israel's carrying Joseph's bones with them.
Another biblical reference to bone is that of Eve being formed out of Adam's body after deep sleep had engulfed
him. Let us say that when Adam was created out of the dust of the earth, it plainly states in the Bible that Elohim breathed
into his nostrils the breath of Life and he became a Living Soul (Gen. 2:7, K.J.V.), but when the woman Eve was formed
from the rib of the man, Adam, no reference is made to her possessing a soul. However, if one understands the true
meaning of what Adam said when the woman was brought to him after he awakened, then it leaves no doubt of the
woman having a soul, for Adam said, "this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh" (Gen. 2:23). The "bones" that Adam
referred to signified the Incorporeal Body or Soul as we have already explained, and the "flesh" signified the physical body,
so the woman was also Spirit, Soul and Body just as the man was (1 Thess. 5:23). Still another of the most memorable
biblical references is that of Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones in the valley and his prophesying of their coming together and
being covered with sinews and having breath enter into them (Ezek. 37th chapter). These bones that Ezekiel saw signified
the dead souls or Incorporeal Bodies of the Children of Israel who had died in the Faith looking forward to the coming of
the Promised Redeemer (Yahshua the Messiah), and Ezekiel's Prophecy was fulfill when the graves were opened after
Yahshua's resurrection and many bodies of the Sons of Yahweh arose and were seen IN A VISION going into Jerusalem
(Matt. 27:52-53).
Yahweh instructed Moses to tell the Israelites at the time of the Passover in Egypt to take a lamb without spot and
blemish (no broken bones, etc.) and to slay it and roast it, and eat it in their houses. The bones of this Sacrificial Lamb
could not be broken (Lev. 22:19-22) because the lamb was a figure of the Lamb of Yahweh (Yahshua the Messiah) and its
bones signified the Divine Spiritual Embodiment or Attributes (Elohim) which was present in Yahshua and these certainly
could not be altered or broken for they are Eternal. In fulfillment of this, the Roman soldiers could not have broken the legs
of Messiah as He hung on the cross under any circumstances.
As the physical body has many members, so does the Incorporeal Body or Soul have many members. We refer to
the members of the physical body as a leg, or arm, or foot, etc., but the members of the Incorporeal Body or Spiritual Body
are the Divine Spiritual Attributes of Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Beauty, Love, Justice, Foundation, Power and
Strength. An indiviual might develop arthritis in his physical body (friction between the various members) which is a very
painful condition but there is no friction between the Divine Attributes of Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Etc.
We have already made mention of the Mosaic Tabernacle being composed of bars, pillars and
boards, and we have likened these unto the bones of the physical body. These structures were the supporting framework
of the Mosaic Tabernacle as the bones are the supporting framework of the physical body. The shape and form, therefore,
of the Tabernacle was determined by the shape and form of its structural framework which could not be seen for it was
covered over with hangings and various coverings. The boards and pillars which made up the Outer Court were covered
by a hanging which was doubled over and hid them from view from the outside and the inside. Likewise, the bones of the
physical body give it its shape and form and they cannot be seen for they are covered over with two layers of skin. This,
therefore, gives evidence of an unseen or Incorporeal Body (Soul) which takes the same shape and form of the visible or
physical (corporeal) body. As the Apostle Paul wrote, "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are
clearly seen being understood by the things which are made, even his eternal Power and Unity of the Spirit; so that they
are without excuse" (Rom. 1:20). So then, we understand the make-up of our Incorporeal Bodies by examining the visible
bony framework of our physical bodies.
The bones of the physical body are an unusual and extraordinary type of tissue. They are hard and unyielding, yet
pliable enough as to not be brittle, and they are strong enough to withstand a great deal of strain. We subject these tissues
daily to great assaults of pounding and battering, yet they stand up under the burden and serve their function admirably,
and in many situations in the body, they protect other vital and less hardy tissues from damage or injury e.g. bones of the
skull or the rib-cage. Furthermore, the marrow of the bones furnish the vitally needed red blood cells which circulate
throughout the body and carry oxygen to all the tissues, and we need not emphasize the importance of this function.
Seeing that the red blood cells originate in the bone marrow it is not too hard to understand that this points up the fact that
the Incorporeal Body or Angelic Host was the fore-runner of the physical host and that angels are our ministering spirits
(Heb. 1:14).
Osseous tissue (bone) freed from fatty marrow is composed of (1) organic material (mainly protein), (2) water, (3)
and minerals. The chief protein constiuent is (1) ossein, but there are also small quantities of (2) osseomucoid, and (3) an
albuminoid. The minerals consist of (1) calcium, (2) phosphate and (3) magnesium mainly, but there are smaller quantities
of potassium, sodium, chlorine, fluorine, and iron. These above-mentioned facts point up the threefold nature of bone
tissue. There are also three types of bone cells which play a part in the formation of bone, they are (1) osteoblasts which
lay down a fibrous network for the deposit of calcium, (2) the osteoclasts which have an eroding action on the bone
probably through the action of an enzyme so as to make vitally-needed channels in the bones for the conveyance of blood
vessels, and (3) osteocytes which are osteoblasts which have lost their bone forming function for the time being in the fully
developed bone. When necessary, these osteocytes can resume their former bone-producing ability, and they can be
thought of as osteoblasts "at rest."
It should be emphasized that adult bone is not simply an inert structural material, but living tissue whose mineral
composition fluctuates under the influence of other body functions. The calcium of the bone can be mobilized when
necessary to supplement body deficiencies as in pregnancy, or in dietary deficiencies. The bones also serve a detoxicating
function, elements such as lead, radium, fluorine and arsenic, being removed from circulation and deposited in bones and
teeth. The above-mentioned facts indicate that the bones as representatives of the soul or the Incorporeal Body are very
much alive and play a very dominant role in our lives, in fact, it is the soul of the man that really is his essence or
substance. The soul supplies very daily needs, and aids us in all of our encounters, taking the "poison" out of this life or
earthly habitation (that is, if our soul be regenerated). More specifically, Elohim (the Super Incorporeal Form of Yahweh)
accomplished these things for us if He be in our hearts and minds.
We have mentioned in the section on the Excretory system and the Pattern how that kidney stones are formed
under certain circumstances and have likened these stones unto the casting
These two views of the skull display a most important aspect of the over-all Purpose and Plan of Yahweh which He
purposed within Himself before He created anything, therefore the head region of man's physical body shows this
phenomenon. The frontal and occipital sutures (a seam where the bones come together) divide the skull into three parts
denoting the Ante-Diluvian, Post-Diluvian and Present Ages. The Ante-Diluvian Age was a short age (an age is
approximately 2000 years), of 1656 years, the Post-Diluvian was a long age of 2377 years, and the Present Age is 1940
years in duration and it must be shortened, so says Yahshua the Messiah (Matt. 24:22). Notice the difference in size each
part of the skull displaying the difference in the lengths of the Ages. The Anterior Fontanelle (fontanelle means fountain)
denotes Noah's flood when the fountains of the deep were broken up (Gen. 7:11) and the Posterior Fontanelle denotes
Pentecost when a fountain was opened in the House of David (Zech. 13:1). This Posterior Fontanelle which marks the
place where Messiah was crucified is called LAMB-DA (DA LAMB or THE LAMB).
The word pelvis means basin and it is another manifestation of the Brazen Laver that is represented this time (the kidneys
also typify the Brazen Laver) by the bony structure of man's body. The laver has a two-fold representation, that of a burial,
and that of the washing of regeneration or a resurrection. Brazen Laver in the Mosaic Tabernacle Pattern corresponds with
the Red Sea in the Migratory Pattern. The pelvis is composed of three bones, the ilium, ischium, and pubis fused together
representing the Unity of the Spirit (the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost). The rolled away configuration of the iliac
bones vividly display how the waters of the Red Sea were rolled back to allow the Israelites to pass through. The pelvic
outlet shows how the Israelites went through the Red Sea as through a tunnel with water overhead and around them but
they did not get wet. This same outlet in the female pelvis is the opening through which an infant passes as he is born into
the world. The vertebral column which is shaped like a vine in a side view also takes his origin or root in the pelvis proving
that Yahshua the Messiah was the True Vine that raised from the dead (the vertebral column has 33 bones denoting the
33 years of Messiah's life).
down of Pharaoh in the Red Sea. We must bear in mind, however, that the casting down of Pharaoh and his host into the
Red Sea was a visible manifestation of the casting out of Heaven of Lucifer and his host by Michael the Archangel and His
Host into outer darkness and into the waters that covered the yet unformed Earth before the physical creation. The Apostle
John mentions that Lucifer's tail drew the third part of the stars (angels) of Heaven as he was cast out (Rev. 12:4). When
we examine the Tabernacle Pattern we find that there were angelic figures embroidered on the curtains of the inside of the
Most Holy Place and Holy Place and also on the second vail (both sides) and first vail (only the side toward the Holy
Place). Lucifer was that anointed cherub that covered (Ezek. 28:14) that is, he had a most exalted position in that he
covered both of the Archangels that were on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. When Lucifer was cast down, his
fall (between the Most Holy and Holy Places) carried with him one third of the angelic creatures that were embroidered
therein, and they all were cast into the Dark Waters surrounding the unformed Earth. We have mentioned the above facts
for this reason: there is a definite relationship in the physical body between the bones (which represent the Incorporeal
Spirits) and the parathyroid gland which is situated right in the vail of the physical body, that is, in the neck region. When
the parathyroid glands are overactive they cause an mobilization of calcium from the bones and this excess of calcium
being excreted through the kidneys causes the formation of kidney stones. Please keep in mind that the parathyroid
glands are under the direct control of the master gland of the body, the Pituitary. So here, in summation, we have Michael,
the Archangel casting Lucifer and his angels out of Heaven into the waters surrounding the earth as a millstone cast into
the sea, and this event is typified in the physical body of the Pituitary Gland (symbolizing the Power of Michael) acting
through the Parathyroid glands (representing the vail) upon the bones (Incorporeal Spirits) of the body to cause stones to
form in the kidney (the Laver or the Sea).
The Mosaic Tabernacle was composed of (1) Pillars, (2) Bars and (3) Boards, and these three types of structural
supports are represented by the bones of the physical body. Bones such as the long, strong supporting bones of the legs
as the Tibia, Fibula and Femur can be considered as pillars, whereas short, stubby bones as the metacarpals in the hand
and metatarsals in the feet are as bars, and the flat bones of the skull, and the shoulder blades are as boards in the
Tabernacle of Man.
In our discussion of the comparison of the physical body as a whole to the Mosaic Tabernacle we divided the
physical body into (1) the Cranial Cavity or Most Holy Place, (2) the Chest Cavity or Holy Place, and (3) the Abdominal
Cavity or Outer Court. The Most Holy Place and Holy Place were covered over which concealed their contents from view
outwardly, whereas the Outer Court had no covering over it, and can be thought of as being open to view. In the physical
body the same conditions prevail for the cranial cavity is covered over or enclosed with the bones of the skull and the
Chest Cavity is covered over or enclosed with the bones of the rib cage, whereas the abdominal region is not covered or
enclosed by any bones.
There are many other interesting correlations of the bony makeup of the physical body with the Pattern, Plan and
Purpose of Yahweh, for instance, the bones of the top of the skull are divided into three sections as one views them from
above. These sections are the frontal, parietal and occipital regions and there are two lines or sutures that divide between
these three sections, namely the coronal suture which divides between the frontal section and the parietal suture, and the
occipital suture which divides between the parietal suture and the occipital section. The parietal section is wider than the
frontal or occipital sections. Furthermore, there is situated a fontanel (little fountain) at the junction of the frontal and
parietal sections and another fontanel at the junction of the parietal and occipital regions; both fontanels are situated in the
midline. These three divisions of the bones of the top of the skull typify the Three Ages namely, the Ante-Diluvian Age
which was 1656 years long, the Post-Diluvian Age of 2377 years, and the Present Age of Grace 1940 years to date.
Please note that the Ante-Diluvian Age and the Present Age are short Ages (an Age is approximately 2000
years) while the Post-Diluvian Age is a long Age. Yahshua spoke of this Present Age being shortened thusly, "And except
those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened"
(Matt. 24:22). Now each of the two previous Ages ended with a flood that is, the Ante-Diluvian Age ended with the Flood of
physical water during Noah's time, and the Post-Diluvian Age ended with the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit as a flood on
the Day of Pentecost which was a flood of spiritual waters (Dan. 9:26). Hence, the situation of the two fontanels (fountain
or outpouring of water) in the skull depicts these two events. The frontal fontanel is known as the Bregma and the occipital
fontanel is called the Lambda (DA LAMB), for it was The Lamb of Yahweh who washed away our sins in His own blood at
the close of the Post-Diluvian Age. The positioning of the bones of the skull in this fashion signify also that Yahweh had
purposed in His "mind" or in Eternity the exact beginning and ending of each age, and in fact, the whole length of this
physical and material realm and the time can not extend beyond what He has purposed.
The bones of the vertebral column are piled one upon another and in a side-wise view they have the appearance
of the head regions of the sacrificial animals that were used under the Dispensation of the Mosaic Law and which were
types and shadows of Yahshua the Messiah. However, topping this array of bones in the vertebral column are three bones
in the neck region which resemble a Lamb in a side-wise, frontal and rear view, and these typify the Lamb of Yahweh
whose sacrifice topped all other sacrifices that were under the Law. The first of these bones is called the Atlas because it
literally holds up or supports the globe-like head or skull as Atlas the mythological character held up the world. This
however, is mere nonsense for we realize that Yahshua the Messiah was the True Atlas who held up the whole world, for
without His precious sacrifice of himself, no man would have been saved. The second bone in this neck region is known
as the Axis, and it points up that Yahshua the Messiah is the hub or axis around whom all things revolve or from whom all
things radiate; witness also the difference in size and sturdiness of these bones of the upper neck region and those which
are situated lower down. By their outward appearance it appears that sturdier bones should have been situated in the neck
region but when one reflects or understands that it was not through Yahshua's physical body that He performed His great
miraculous works but it was through Yahweh His Father, in other words; He appeared weak as a man but He was strong
through the Spirit.
The bones of the front chest wall also impart a great spiritual understanding. I speak precisely of the two clavicles
and the breast bone or sternum. The word, Clavicle means "KEY" therefore, the two clavicles depict the law and prophets
which are two of the keys to an understanding of the Purpose and Plan of Yahweh. Isaiah wrote, "To the Law and to the
Testimony (Prophets) if they speak not according to this WORD, it is because there is no light in them" (Isa. 8:20).
Yahshua the Messiah told His disciples that He would give unto them the keys of the Kingdom which are the (1) Law and
(2) Prophets as interpreted by the (3) Holy Spirit which he definitely did after He raised from the grave (Luke 24:44-45).
The breast bone itself is shaped like a sword which is the symbol of the Holy Spirit and it is three-fold having a manubrium
(handle), a gladiolus (sword), and a xiphoid (shaped like a sword) process. This bone with its two clavicles being situated
at a prominent place in the body over-lying the heart region is the clue to how one must proceed if he is to come to a
knowledge of Yahweh. It is just absolutely necessary and imperative that he goes to the Two Keys with the Holy Spirit
being the interpreter or else he cannot discern Yahweh or His Eternal Purpose and Plan.
The bones of the Pelvis (basin) are three in number, the iluim (ilium?), ischium and pubis (they are paired) and
they form a funnel-type configuration which has definite spiritual significance. This pelvis or basin signifies the Brazen
Laver in the Mosaic Tabernacle in which the High Priest and the Low Priests washed before entering the Holy Place. This
represented the Washing of Regeneration. Likewise, the sacrificial animals were buried in the water in the Laver before
being placed on the Brazen Altar of Sacrifices and this denoted a Burial after the animals were dead or killed. Thus, the
Brazen Laver had a two-fold meaning.
The vertebral column is composed of 33 bones (26 in the
adult due to fusion of some of the bones) which denote
the 33 years of Yahshua the Messiah's life. These bones
are stacked one on top of another and they vary in size
and shape. In the neck region at the top of the column
where one would expect to have strong bones, the bones
numbered 1, 2 & 3 in our diagram, are situated. These
especially denote Yahshua the Messiah, the Lamb of
Yahweh, who appeared weak in the flesh but was the
Almighty Atlas who held up the whole world by offering
Himself. He also was the Axis or Hub around which
everything revolves. These two bones resemble a lamb
in their frontal and side views, and the third bone which is
a typical cervical bone resembles a lamb in a rear view.
The other bones pictured (No. 4) are thoracic vertebral
and they resemble the head region of the sacrificial
animals e.g. bullocks, goats, heifers, etc. which were
offered up, and all of which pointed to the Messiah. There
is no wonder that Gray's Anatomy Book referred to them
as 'peculiar vertebrae'.
Furthermore, let us consider that when a fetus is taking on shape and form in the womb, he is virtually in this bony
structure known as the Pelvis, and this represents a burial, and likewise he is surrounded by water in the womb while in
the Pelvis and this signifies the Washing of Regeneration.
There are many other interesting correlations of the bony structure of the physical body with things spiritual that time nor
space will suffice for me to mention in this presentation.
Since the advent of man upon the earth, theologians, poets, bards and people in all walks of life have spoken of
the Love of Yahweh, but have denied His Power (2 Tim. 3:5). To be sure, Moses and the Israelites were witnesses of the
Power of Yahweh manifested upon Pharaoh and his host in Egypt, in the Wilderness of Sinai, and in Canaan Land, and
the miraculous works of Yahshua, but since those times, mankind has not been aware of the workings of the Power of
Yahweh. This is mainly due to the fact that Yahweh is Spirit (John 4:24), and mankind is not aware of His omnipresence
and His omnipotence, or His omniscience because mankind is carnal minded and therefore blind to these things (1 Cor.
2:14, Rom. 8:5-8, 2 Cor. 4:3-4).
But the physical man is carrying around with him all of the time a reminder of the Power of Yahweh, that is, his
own muscular system. There is hardly anything that a man does that the muscular system is not involved in. Even while
sitting and thinking, he blinks his eyelids or twitches his mouth or does a dozen other things which are carried out by the
muscles of his body. Truly, the muscles of the physical body make up a marvelous system of actors and counter-actors of
sheer power and delicate precision, of speed and endurance which never goes to sleep but is attentive at all time to the
needs of the body. This marvelous system is under voluntary control as is evidenced when one walks or runs, and under
involuntary control as is evidenced by the beating of the heart muscle, or the movements of the muscles of the intestinal
tract or blood vessels.
Principally, as we have already stated, the muscular system represents the attributes of POWER which is one of
the nine principle attributes which make-up the Super Incorporeal Form (Elohim, or the Word of Yahweh). There are more
than six hundred muscles in the physical body and they are of different shapes and forms, some long, others short, some
broad and flat, others narrow and thick; but they all possess one common characteristic -- the ability to contract. It is by
this phenomenon of contraction (which simply means a drawing together, whereby a muscle becomes shorter and thicker)
that a muscle performs or carries out its work. Without the power of contraction, a muscle is impotent and weak, and
completely useless. Let us please remember that the word CONTRACT also means an agreement, a covenant between
two or more persons which is binding upon the parties, or they are drawn together by means of such a contract. Such a
contract is usually enforceable by law. Let us now try to understand the meaning of the above-stated facts. In any
movement performed in the physical body, the muscles are intermediary between the nervous system and the structures
acted upon e.g., bone, connective tissues,
skin, etc. (see diagram).
(or other tissue)
The muscle, therefore, is a mediator between the nerve and other tissue, e.g., bone, connective tissue. The nerve
innervates or sends the signal to the muscle to contract; the muscle
contracts and moves whatever is attached to it. Please note that the muscle can only do what it is told to do by the nerve. It
positively is subject unto the nerve, and has no mind of it own. This subordination of the muscle unto the nerve and its
intermediate position connotes Elohim or the Super Incorporeal Form of Yahweh which is seen in visions and in
revelations and is intermediate between Yahweh (as Pure Spirit without shape and form) and the Word made flesh
(Yahshua the Messiah), and is definitely subject unto Yahweh the Father. This Word of Yahweh (Spiritual) manifested in a
fleshy body said, "For I came down from heaven not to do mine own will, but the will of Him (the Father) that sent me"
(John 6:38). Furthermore, this same Word of Yahweh, speaking as a fleshy man said, "The Son can do nothing of Himself,
but what He sees the Father do" (John 5:19). It had been prophesied of the Messiah that He would come only to do the will
of His Father (Psa. 40:6-8, Heb. 10:5-9). It is therefore not difficult to understand that the muscles are playing the same
role in the physical man as Elohim or the Word of Yahweh plays in the Three-fold Supernal Nature of Yahweh (Father,
Word, Holy Spirit). Furthermore, this role is bonded by a contract, for as the muscles are under contraction to carry out a
specific function in the physical body, so is Elohim under contract to the Father and to us to carry out the Purpose of
Yahweh which is to gather together (contract) in one all that are in Heaven and all that are on Earth even into one, Elohim
(Eph. 1:9-10). This agreement or contract or covenant was made to Abraham (the Father of many nations) when He called
him out of Ur of Chaldees and set him in Canaan Land, saying that He (Yahweh) would bless all of the families of the earth
through his seed, Isaac, who was a figure of Yahshua. So we all are moved by the contractual fervor of Elohim who in turn
is carrying out the will of the Father.
Furthermore, this gathering together in One is displayed by the very make-up of a muscle for it is composed of
numerous fibers which are gathered together or bound into a bundle known as a fasciculus, and bundles of fasciculi make
up a muscle. Each muscle fiber is made up of muscle cells (fibrils) which are three-fold in composition, a nucleolus,
nucleus and cell body. It is the binding of the numerous fibrils, fibers, and fasciculi together that gives a muscle its
strength. "In unity (oneness) there is strength," and this is no better portrayed anywhere then in a muscle. Remember the
lesson of the binding of the sticks together and their unbreakableness (Ezek. 37:16-24).
Muscles are further classified according to whether they are striped or non-striped. Involuntary (In voluntary?)
muscles (those that act at our will) are striated (striped) muscles. Involuntary muscles (those that are not under our
conscious will) are smooth or non-striated (non-striped) muscles. There is one notable exception to the fact that voluntary
muscles are striped, and involuntary muscles are non-striped or smooth, and that is the muscles of the heart, The heart
muscle is peculiar in that it is striped, but is not under the control of our will -- it is involuntary. When one envisions that the
voluntary striped muscles represent the earthly creatures which make up the Body of Elohim, and the involuntary, nonstriped, smooth muscles represent the Angelic, Spiritual creatures that are also in the One Body, then the only conclusion
that can be drawn of the heart muscles being involuntary, but striped is that it represents Yahshua the Messiah, who was
striped (whipped) for our transgressions. The Prophet Isaiah wrote, "Surely, he hath borne our griefs, and carried our
sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of Yahweh, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he
was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his STRIPES we are healed" (Isa.
53:4-5). We have already shown in this book the correlation and the parallelism of the heart of the physical body with the
Son of Yahweh.
We have already mentioned that there are more than six hundred (600) muscles in the physical body, and this is
rather significant. The Word of Yahweh so says the Apostles John and Paul, was made flesh and dwelt among us (John
1:14, 1 Tim. 3:16), and this flesh was a vail that covered the Spirit that resided in the flesh, (This is spiritual wisdom). There
were six (6) days of creation of the material or fleshly universe; there were about six hundred thousand (600,000) Israelites
(adding or subtracting zeros does not alter the meaning) that passed
out of Egypt and they all were of a fleshly mind having not received the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:14). Yahweh destroyed all flesh
from the face of the Earth in the six hundredth year of Noah's life (Gen. 7:4-6); Yahweh put a mark on Cain which identified
him as the one having a fleshly mind (not spiritual) and hence he was the Devil which was cast out of Heaven (Gen. 3:1,
Rev. 12:9-10) incarnated in a physical body who is reserved against the Day of Judgement of Yahweh (2 Pet. 2:4, Jude 6),
and this mark was the number 666 (Rev. 13:18). The three sixes means that throughout the whole purpose of Yahweh
operating in the Ante-Diluvian Age (from Adam to the Flood -- 1656 years) the Post-Diluvian Age (from the Flood to the
Day of Pentecost -- 2377 years) and the Present Age of Grace (from Pentecost to the present -- 1940 years) the Devil has
remained fleshly-minded, attending only to things of the flesh, carnal, sensual, which the Apostle Paul says is DEATH
(Rom. 8:6-8). Further confirmation of the number six pertaining to the flesh is seen by the second vail of the Tabernacle
being the sixth step in progression from the gate of the Tabernacle. The steps are as follows: Step no. 1, the Gate of the
Tabernacle, step no. 2, the Brazen Altar, step no. 3, the Brazen Laver, step no. 4, the first Vail, step no. 5, the Holy Place,
step no. 6, the second Vail, step no. 7, the Most Holy Place. In other words, the number six, is just one short of seven
which means perfection. The Devil is on the short end of everything when it comes to the Purpose of Yahweh; yes, he
always comes out second best! So, we have shown how that the six hundred (600) muscles appertain to the flesh or the
vail and are only a type and a shadow of the Real. Even though the muscle system typifies the attribute of Power, it is not
the real thing itself as is shown by the number of muscles being limited to 600.
One further comment regarding the muscular system is in regards to the names given to the various muscles. The
names of muscles have a significance or they mean something as they tell us something about the function of the muscle
(extensors, flexors); something about the origin and destination of the muscle (sternocleidomastoid, cricothyroid);
something about the shape or form of the muscle (trapezius, triangularis); something about the number of its points of
origin or its heads (biceps, triceps, quadriceps); and something about its position (anterior, medial, oblique, posterior,
superior, etc.). We witness the same thing in reference to the Messiah for he is called or denoted by many names
according to his function (Redeemer, Regenerator, the Sacrificial Lamb), according to His origin and destination (Alpha
and Omega, First and the Last, the Beginning and the End), according to His shape and form (Son of Man, the second
Adam, the Man of Sorrows); according to the number of His points of origin (the One Yahweh, the Two Witnesses, the
Three in One) and according to His position (Mediator, the Highest, the Lowest). It takes all of these names to adequately
describe the True and Living Yahweh who has untold numbers of manifestations both in the Spiritual and material planes
but all are according to the Pattern which is Himself. Therefore, the muscular system must show this phenomenon, also.
There is no drug that has created more universal interest and whose value in the field of psychiatry more fiercely
debated than L S D (lysergic acid diethylamide). L S D is one of a common group of drugs called ergo alkaloids which
have been known to doctors for years. These drugs act on the mind to produce hallucinating states which often resemble
schizophrenia, and L S D acts in the smallest dosage, and can be used intravenously, muscularly or by mouth. A small
dose of L S D has the power to intoxicate the imbiber and to convert his fantasies and day-dreams into visualized, forms,
patterns and pictures of extraordinary beauty and celestial splendor, thus satisfying his inner soul and spirit. These
reactions are, however, highly individualized and seemingly conform or have close relationship with one's past and present
life situations. This escape from one's environment and being catapulted into a dream world or fantasyland where
everything is beauty and exotic is one of the enticement (enticements?) for the use of this drug by thrill seekers, hence
there is a widespread black market in this drug. Kick seekers on campuses, in city streets are victimized by those who
peddle this drug for sale, and detection is very difficult by law enforcement officers due to the numerous ways that this drug
can be transported and passed on. Due to the extremely small doses needed to produce the hallucinatory effect, enough L
S D can be secreted in a sugar cube and taken orally without anyone being the wiser.
Psychiatrists have hoped to make use of L S D to cure or otherwise improve psychotic states which heretofore
have not improved with other drugs or may have relapsed. Although a few successes have been reported by skilled
psychiatrists in various parts of this country and the world, the expected results from the use of L S D are unpredictable.
Some psychiatrists have had nothing but failures in their use of this drug on their psychotic patients.
Whatever may be the fate of L S D in the field of psychiatry is really not our concern in writing this article. We want
to exploit several points in reference to this whole question of L S D. We want to point out these main considerations
1. L S D is a hallucinating drug derived from the ergo alkaloid or from the earth.
2. L S D produces hallucinations (visions) much sought after by thrill seekers and the like.
3. L S D is easy to conceal and escapes detection by officers of the law who try to apprehend the peddlers.
4. L S D has been known to produce psychotic states in persons previously mentally sound.
Throughout the entire scope of this book, its writer has frequently spoken of his having a vision and a revelation,
and he has reminded us that Moses and the Prophets, and and the Apostles Paul and John and others had visions and
that they wrote about what the saw and heard in these visions. The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy thusly "All scripture is
given by inspiration of Yahweh, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness: That
the man of Yahweh may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim 3:16,17). The Apostle Paul is just
explaining to his son in the faith, Timothy, that what all the Holy Prophets, Apostles and others wrote is contained in our
Bible under Divine inspiration, that is, they received visions and revelations from Yahweh and they wrote down what they
had received. Solomon wrote in Proverbs 29:18, "Where there is no vision the people perish." The writer of this book has
stressed that YOU also must have a vision and a revelation from Yahweh to understand anything at all of the great stellar
and ecclesiastical Creator of this Universe.
However, also through Divine Prophecy we find ourselves living in the days when Yahweh had said that the people
would be groping in darkness, seeking for the Truth and finding it not, and trying to discern something of Yahweh and
being able to see nothing because of the abomination of desolation which is that Man of Sin or the Son of Perdition
blinding our minds to the
reality of Yahweh (2 Cor. 4:1-4, Rev. 16:10, Matt. 24:15-16, Dan. 9:27). This yearning and constant search by some to try
to wrestle a vision from Yahweh or trying to study upon one has frustrated them to the point that they have just given up
and said, "God is dead." Others go on still seeking and searching out any means that they have at hand to come to some
knowledge of Yahweh and His Purpose for Yahweh has put the urge into all of us to wonder about Him and to seek Him in
one way or another. Thus, not receiving a vision from Yahweh from Heaven, some have turned to L S D which is a product
of the Soil of the Earth to get their visions! Please be reminded that using L S D to obtain a vision or a revelation is no
worse than subscribing unto some sect, or cult or creed in an attempt to have a vision or revelation of Yahweh. The
doctrines and teachings of Satan and his angels incarnated in physical bodies posing as ministers of the True Gospel of
Yahshua the Messiah is causing millions of people to perish because they themselves have no knowledge (vision) of
Yahweh, and hence cannot impart knowledge unto others (2 Cor. 11:13-15). These are chiefly fleshy (not spiritual),
earthly, carnal and sensual in their teachings (Jude and 2 Pet. 2nd chapter). They are just as earthly in their concepts of
Yahweh as L S D is earthy or is derived from the soil, hence there is absolutely no difference between the user of L S D
who seeks after a kick or hallucination than those who frequent the various churches seeking a hallucination! In fact, the
user of L S D is better off for it is not possible that this physical substance L S D could destroy the soul -- only the body, but
the doctrines and teachings received in these churches can destroy both body and soul and cast them into hell (Matt.
Isn't it strange that the letters L S D are first letters of the words LUCIFER, SATAN and the DEVIL? According to
the Pattern which we try to keep before the reader at all times, the Mosaic Tabernacle had a Most Holy Place typifying
Heaven itself, a Holy Place and the Outer Court which typified the earth plane. Lucifer was an angelic spirit being which
was in Heaven (Most Holy Place) and caused havoc among the angels there (Ezek. 28:12-19), and he was cast out of
Heaven and appeared in the Garden of Eden as a Serpent (Satan) to Eve (Gen. 3rd chapter -- actually, he appeared as a
beautiful angelic creature to the earthly woman Eve). Later on the Devil was manifested or was incarnated in Cain, Nimrod,
Pharaoh, Judas and others down through the Dispensations and Ages (see Volume 4 of this book). All of these titles;
Lucifer, Satan (the Serpent) and the Devil refer to the same Angelic Spirit creature that Elohim created as an adversary for
Himself in order that He might carry out His Divine Purpose and Plan.
It is equally amazing to see that the Apostle Paul, after being converted, spoke thusly, "There is therefore NOW no
condemnation to them which are in Yahshua the Messiah, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit for the Law of
the Spirit of Life in Yahshua the Messiah hath made me free from the LAW OF SIN and DEATH" (Rom. 8:1-2). There is
your L S D again -the L A W of S I N and D E A T H which was the old order dealing with types and shadows, carnal
ordinances e.g. water baptisms, foot washing, Lord's suppers, etc. which Yahshua the Messiah came into the world to
fulfill (Matt. 5:17) and died the death of an outcast dog on the cross at Golgotha to remove such physical, earthly, carnal
and natural things so that the true seekers (not thrill seekers) might worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24).
This old negative, satanic, devilish, anti-messiah spirit working in the world is not easily detected to those who are
not familiar with the Yahweh Elohim given Pattern. Just as L S D is hard to detect and can be hidden so easily, so does the
Devil ply his trades completely undetected by those who are not of Elohim or who do not have the Holy Spirit. Yahshua the
Messiah said that this Satanic Spirit would deceive the very elect, if it were possible (Matt. 24:24). Paul spoke of the
deceivableness of the Devil operating the Mystery of Iniquity in this Present Age (2 Thess. 2nd chapter). The Apostle John
on the Isle of Patmos, prophesied that all the world would wonder after the Beast (the Pope of Rome) whose names are
not written in the Book of the Lamb of Life slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8; Rev. 17th and 18th chapters).
Let us say emphatically and dogmatically at this point that anyone (it does not matter who it is) who has not been given a
vision and a revelation from Yahweh is
deceived by this negative spirit. If Yahweh has not put His Spirit into a person's heart and mind by a revelation of Himself
by His Divine Pattern, then he has no way of knowing Yahweh as he really is and as He actually exists.
Lastly, just as L S D can produce psychotic states in people, so can dib-dabbing in the beliefs and doctrines of the
various sects, creeds and cults cause the same. Plenty of ministers, priests and the like need psychiatric counselling from
time to time, and some are institutionalized. Their minds have strained and snapped under the pressure and burden of
trying to find Yahweh and to know and understand Yahweh on his own, rather than to wait for a Vision and Revelation from
Heaven. Paul put it like this: "Comfort the feeble-minded" (1 Thess. 5:14), for he saw the desolation, chaos and turmoil in
the minds of those who knew not Yahweh. Others have become so crystallized in their old habits and customs and
traditions of eating physical Lord's supper, washing feet and physical water baptism that even if one showed them the
Truth plainly, they would not accept it; they would rather die than give up their traditions. As the Apostle Paul stated it again
saying, "their conscience seared with a hot iron" (1 Tim. 4:1-2), in speaking of these false teachers and false doctrines. As
L S D is an acid and an acid will burn up and destroy living tissue, so does these false teachings sear and burn the minds
of men until they are past feeling as far as the Truth is concerned.
Let us not seek after an hallucination or a delusion, but let us seek to receive a Vision from the True Yahweh who
is the Revealer of secrets and the Opener of doors.
(The following news item appeared in the A.M.A. News published by the American Medical Association, dated
October 3, 1966) NEW "RELIGION": Timothy Leary Ph.D., a former lecturer at Harvard, said he will found a new religion
using lysergic acid diethylamide (L S D) to make people "turn-on, tune-in, drop-out" -- if he can get a court order making it
legel. Dr. Leary, who has been indicted for ppossession of drugs, said he will call the proposed religion the "League for
Spiritual Discovery."
We would not consider this book complete if we did not write something regarding the substance, DNA, which
scientists believe is the essence of the body or life itself. Work is going along hourly at a feverish pace and the
expectations are high that sooner or later a breakthrough will come in man's investigation of this substance that will give
him unlimited control of not only the physical make-up of a man but also control over his mental processes and
What is the fuss and excitement all about? Here it is in a few concise words and simplified terms. About twelve (12)
years ago, 1944, scientists working with genetic material found out that it was composed of nucleic acid. Nucleic acids are
of two types: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which is found only in the chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell, and ribonucleic
acid (RNA), which is located mainly outside the nucleus, that is, in the cytoplasm. This DNA was shown to be the parent
substance or the very essence of inheritance, and thus is the primordial substance from which ALL cells originate. Some
scientists went so far as to call this substance "Life itself." The genes and chromosomes which comprise the nucleus of a
cell were already known to be hereditary determiners of one's complete physical make-up and his mental capacities.
Hence, the next problem to be solved was the question of how this parent substance DNA, goes about to determine the
particular physical characteristics, since our knowledge of hereditary characteristics or genetic materials had already
proved that there was a definite orderliness and immutability to the process, and that nothing came about by
happenstance. This line of investigation led to the discovery that DNA contained within itself a blueprint, or pattern, or
genetic code, or law by which it could reproduce itself and convey or transfer its desires or instructions on to the cytoplasm
of the cells. This transferring over or reproduction of the messages of DNA was accomplished through a substance known
as "Messenger RNA" which
transfers the information to the ribosomes (minute protein particles) in the cytoplasm of the cell, that is, outside the
nucleus. Thus, RNA acts as a go-between or an intermediary between the DNA, the parent substance of the nucleus, and
the ribosomes of the cell body. Not only does the RNA carry the messages, but it faithfully carries out the dictates of the
parent substance. It has no power of its own to alter, revamp, or modify these instructions! By virtue of the messages or
instructions carried by RNA to the ribosomes of the cytoplasm, the wishes or desires of DNA are accomplished in the
make-up and construction of the protein particles in the cell body to the point that they become exactly what the parent
substance DNA has dictated! Very simple then, this is the manner by which genes and chromosomes bring about and
effect the tremendous and profound influences on our physical and mental characteristics. Everyone of us is a product of
such influences whether we like them or not.
Scientists have immediately realized the tremendous possibilities of these latest discoveries concerning the very
essence of the genes and chromosomes which determine our very being. They have postulated that if one could find out
just how these chemical processes are accomplished, then they might be able to change or modify physical or mental
characteristics at will and by their own volition, and maybe even make a man! In this survival of the fittest world, with
hostile nations all around, this race to find out these things has become just as important as the nuclear arms race, for
such knowledge in the hands of an enemy nation could spell doom for those of another. Likewise, there is another great
and impending or pressing need which concerns longevity, and freedom from disease both physical and mental. If
mankind could learn how to alter the cellular make-up of a man, he probably could expand his life span, improve his
resistance to diseases such as cancer, and slow down, retard or even stop the fast rate at which people are going insane.
This, in a capsulized form is the story of DNA; and we have intentionally left out many poltechnic (polytechnic?)
considerations because we did not want to bury the reader in a fog of complex scientific data, but have desired to get right
at the core of the subject, and show what DNA is all about and this, by comparing it with the Pattern. We further want to
point up the utter futility or uselessness of man's present course in thinking that he is about to discover life itself or that he
will ever be able to control or manipulate mankind's physical or behavioral characteristics as he thinks!
Now, before we begin to show that everything that the scientists have discovered in reference to DNA, RNA, and
the like compares polytechnically to the three-fold Archetype Pattern (which is Yahweh-Elohim) that we have been
discussing in this book (see Volume 1). Let us say that we have dogmatically claimed, and affirmed that everything in the
Universe, the visible and the invisible is one or another expression of the Invisible, Self-existing, Eternal and Independent
Deity who is Spirit, and whose name is Yahweh. Since these scientists feel that they are right on the heels of discovering
Life itself, might we ask them this question. Do they expect to derive Life which is Spiritual or is Yahweh Himself (John
4:24), from a material substance such as DNA or RNA? If they do, they certainly have the cart before the horse, and are
definitely on the wrong course. All matter comes from Spirit, or matter is Spirit materialized; Spirit or Yahweh is the Source
and Substance of all things material. One can therefore derive material things from material things, but can not derive
spiritual things from material things. Life can not be synthesized in the test tube. It is definitely not chemical or material.
However, since all matter is derived from Spirit by a Divine Three-fold Pattern, it is possible to understand, know, and
recognize spiritual things by a knowledge of material things (Rom. 1:19-20). Therefore, if these scientists knew how to
interpret their findings in reference to DNA, etc., they would have a profound knowledge of the Eternal Creator, and would
glorify and honor Him, but being blinded to the reality of their findings, they can only glorify and honor one another.
We have thoroughly discussed and exhausted the subject of Yahweh being Pure Spirit (see Volume 1) which is
indiscernible, incomprehensible and inscrutable. In this condition, he is
the Source and Substance, the Limits and Bounds of all things both invisible and visible, spiritual and material. All things
abide in Pure Spirit (Acts 17:28) and this same Pure Spirit pervades and animates all things. There is nothing co-eternal or
co-existent with this Pure Spirit, and nothing abides outside of it. It is itself, the Essence or Substance of Life of everything
that exists. This Pure Spirit is likened unto the Cloud that Moses abided in while atop Mount Sinai when he beheld in a
vision, the Elohim of Israel (Ex. 24:9-10) and the Creation of the Universe (Ex. 24:16-17, Gen. 1:1-31, Gen. 2:4). This
Cloud being without a definite shape and form is likened unto Yahweh or Pure Spirit being indiscernible, inscrutable or
incomprehensible. Moses while in this Cloud beheld in his vision, Yahweh or Pure Spirit, in a definite shape and form of a
man, without flesh or blood, but a Spirit or Incorporeal Being, and Moses later saw Elohim in this shape and form create in
a systemic and methodical manner the physical creation, both Heaven and Earth and everything therein.
Moses also saw this Elohim transfer Himself into a three-fold Tabernacle, completely furnished, having
departmental dividing vails which divided it into three parts, (1) a Most Holy Place containing the two cherubims of Glory,
overshadowing the Mercy Seat and the Ark of the Covenant with the Two Tables of the Law of the Covenant with the two
Tables of the Law contained therein, (2) the Holy Place, with the Golden Altar of Incense, the Golden Table of Shewbread
and the Seven branched Golden Candlestick and (3) the Outer Court containing the Brazen Laver, the Brazen Altar of Sin
Offering, and the Holy Anointing Oil. Yahweh told Moses that this was a Pattern (Ex. 25:40), and to be sure to make all
things according to the Pattern shown to him in the Vision in the Mount -- and ALL THINGS are made according to this
Pattern, for the Pattern as we have already shown is Yahweh Himself, in transformation. Yahweh is the Original, the
ultimate or primordial Pattern of everything that is. Everything is made by Him and is fashioned after Him -- hence,
everything is three-fold as He is three-fold. He is (1) the Father (Pure Spirit without shape or form), (2) the Son (Elohim in
incorporeal shape and form) and (3) the Holy Spirit (manifested in Yahshua the Messiah, the physical manifestation of
Yahweh, and the physical creation).
When we re-examine, therefore, our DNA substance which the scientists say is the parent substance of all-living
cells, we can readily see that it is a physical manifestation of Pure Spirit or Yahweh, without shape and form and
corresponds to the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle Pattern. Likewise, when the scientists say that DNA contains a
blueprint or a code by which it is able to reproduce itself, we immediately compare this to the Law written on Tables of
Stone which were placed in the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place, and to Yahweh Himself, who is Law and
Order, for He rules over and controls all things by His immutable Spirit Law which is contained within Himself. When DNA
has made a copy of itself and becomes messenger, RNA which is able to unerringly and infallibly carry out the dictates and
wishes of DNA, we instantly see Elohim, the Son of Yahweh, who is the express image of Yahweh (Heb. 1:1-3, Col. 1:1517) carrying out the Will of the Father in making an angelic creation and a physical creation (John 1:1-5), and later
appearing in a fleshly body and fulfilling the Law and Prophets (Heb. 10:5-10, 1 Tim. 3:16, Matt. 5:17). As messenger RNA
is the go-between or mediator between DNA and the ribosomes, so is the Son of Yahweh or the Word of Yahweh the
intermediary, or mediator between Yahweh and man (1 Tim. 2:5). This corresponds with the Holy Place of the Tabernacle
Pattern and the High Priest officiating therein, acting in the capacity of mediator between Yahweh who dwelt in the Cloud
between the wings of the cherubims above the Mercy Seat, and the Children of Israel.
Finally, when messenger RNA carries out the dictates of the parent substance DNA and acts on the Ribosomes in
the cytoplasm of the cells, this is likened unto the High Priest officiating in the Outer Court of the Mosaic Tabernacle, and
to Yahshua the Messiah who was the Son of Yahweh in a physical body, carrying out the Will of the Father in the earth
plane (cytoplasm). The DNA and RNA being present in the nucleus of the cell compares polytechnically to the High Priest
operating or functioning in the Most Holy Place and Holy Place of the Tabernacle, and
RNA functioning in the cytoplasm on the ribosomes corresponds to the High Priest functioning in the Outer Court on the
sacrificial animals. The RIBOSOMES in the cytoplasm corresponds to the earthly creatures both man and beast that
Yahweh created. Please notice the word "RIB," and remember that Eve was created out of Adam's rib in the Garden of
Eden (Gen. 2:21-22). Adam was a figure of Elohim or the Son of Yahweh (Rom. 5:14), and Eve was a figure of all of the
creation which came out of Yahweh, but more specifically she was a figure of the Bride of Elohim or the Church (Eph.
5:22-33) or His Body. The word "SOMA" means body, so putting the two words together we get RIBOSOME, meaning RIB
BODY or a body made out of a rib!
The indisputable control and power that DNA exerts on the ribosomes through messenger RNA testifies to the fact
that we all are under the control of Spirit Law which is Yahweh Himself, and we are not our own bosses, nor do we follow
our own dictates as we suppose. Yahweh has an unerring Purpose which He is carrying out through the Dispensations and
Ages, and everyone and everything is powerless to impede, hamper, obstruct or deter this Purpose, no more so than we
can deter our Genetic characteristics at will. Yes, even the very thoughts that present-day scientists have in their minds of
eventually making LIFE and controlling the physical and mental make-up of mankind through their knowledge of DNA,
RNA and the like is a strong delusion sent to them from Yahweh, our Heavenly Father (Isa. 66:4, 2 Thess. 2:11-12).
Let me say at the outset that I do not consider myself an authority on the problem of alcoholism, but knowing that
those who do consider themselves such authorities frankly admit that they do not fully understand the problem, I though
(thought?) that I might add my little contribution to the voluminous amount of material which has been written of the
subject. Despite the fact that no definite solution or understanding of the problem has been brought forth, there must be an
answer to why this condition exists and why it continues to increase and to plague mankind. In other words, the Almighty
Yahweh is not ignorant of why the condition exists and what it means, and how it can be successfully handled, but we as
mortal men having not the mind of Yahweh cannot fathom the deep dark secrets of the problem because we are not
attuned to Him.
I must frankly admit that I am a firm believer in what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:19-20, that one uses the
visible things to understand the invisible things. So, it immediately brings to my mind the fact that alcoholism is a visible
condition that has been given to us to understand a more noxious or harmful invisible condition. If truly the loss of the soul
is much more important than the loss of the physical body (Matt. 10:28) then one would have to admit that it is a merciful
thing to show by means of a physical manifestation the inevitable and more damaging effects of the hidden condition of the
invisible counterpart of man which is his soul! Yes, physical suffering notwithstanding, for it is much better to suffer,
temporarily, in the flesh than to suffer, eternally, in the spirit! So then, if alcoholism is a visible condition acting on a visible
body, what is the invisible condition which acts on the invisible body, the soul, which it is portraying? Seeing that alcoholism
is a harmful and damaging condition, there can be but one answer to the question: a person filled with the physical spirits
of alcohol is portraying the invisible being or soul filled with the incarnated satanic spirits! In other words, physical
intoxication is given to us to understand spiritual intoxication. If this then is so, there must be a great similarity between the
two conditions, let us see if that is so.
The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary by W.A. Dorland, 21st Edition defines the word alcohol as follous:
Alcohol (Arabic ALKOHL, something subtle). l. Ethyl hydroxide, C2H5OH, a colorless, volatile liquid, of aromatic
odor, distilled from various products of vinous fermentation.
(The above definition is restricted to the drinking type of alcohol).
Firstly, let us pursue our analysis and comparison of alcohol to the Satanic Spirit by investigating the physical
properties of alcohol to see how they compare with the satanic spirit. Seeing that the word ALCOHOL is an Arabic word
meaning, "something subtle," we are at once reminded of the verse in Genesis which reads thusly: "Now the serpent
(Satan) was more subtil than any beast of the field which Yahweh-Elohim had made" (Gen. 3:1). The Apostle Paul also
wrote, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtility, so your minds should be corrupted
from the simplicity that is in Yahshua the Messiah" (2 Cor. 11: 3), No one would argue that alcohol is not subtle, because
with a very pleasing appearance and taste (to some persons), and in association with the usual merriment that
accompanies its drinking, it gets into the system and later it displays its other side which is not pleasant which are all too
well known to those who have tarried long at the cup. This Dr. Jekyll - Mr. Hyde type of subtility is spoken of by Solomon in
his Proverb, "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.
At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder" (Prov. 23:31-32). The reason that the serpent beguiled Eve in
the Garden is because he actually appeared unto her as the beautiful angel that he was, when he was created by YahwehElohim (see Ezek. 28th chapter where the King Of Tyrus is used as a figure of Satan), therefore by his beauty and his
wisdom he actually overwhelmed her, and we are all conscious of the results of Eve's listening to him.
Alcohol is a volatile liquid capable of evaporating or changing to a vapor, hence having the power to disappear into
another form. A liquid is intermediary between a gas and a solid, and a matter exists either as a gas, a liquid or a solid.
Angels, likewise, are intermediary between Yahweh and man, for man was made a little lower than the angels (Psa. 8:4-5).
Angels also have the power of disappearing or appearing (that is, they are volatile). An angel appeared unto
Zacharias, High Priest, as he ministered in the Holy Place of the Temple to tell him that his wife, Elizabeth, would bear him
a son who would be known as John the Baptists (Baptist?) (Luke 1:5-22), and there are many other accounts in the Bible
of angels appearing to men or disappearing from men.
Alcohol in the sense that it is volatile is called a spirit, and angels are also spirits (ministering). Hence, alcohol as a
volatile liquid and a spirit compares favorably with the invisible angels, being intermediate in its physical state, as angels
are intermediate in their spiritual state, and having the property to evaporate or fly away as angels also have this power.
Alcohol is composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, a trinity of elemental substances. Satan,
likewise in his efforts to imitate the Unity of the Spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7, K.J.V.) has
variously presented himself in a triad form some instances of such presentation are the following:
(1) Cain, his wife and his son, Enoch (Gen. 4:16-17)
(2) Pharaoh, Jannes, Jambres (Ex. 7:11, 2 Tim. 3:8)
(3) Judas Iscariot, Roman Governor Pilate, Chief Priests and Elders (Matt. 27:2-3)
(4) Dragon, beast, false prophet (three unclean spirits, Rev. 16:13)
(5) Roman Catholics, Protestants, Jews (so-called modern-day Christendom)
So one can see that the elemental make-up of alcohol agree with the satanic trinity which tries to initiate the Holy Three-inone (3 in 1). Isaiah 14:12-14.
Alcohol for drinking purposes is allowed to age before it is considered good for human consumption; the older it is,
the better quality it is supposed to have. Most connoisseurs of good alcoholic beverages will not accept anything that is not
adequately and properly aged. What is the parallelism of this? Satan himself, is one of the angelic creatures which was
created before the creation of the physical Universe, and he has continued from that time to the present, therefore he is an
old character or he is aged. Moses makes mention of these old angelic spirits thusly, "There were giants in the earth in
those days; and also after that, when
the sons of Elohim came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same
became mighty men which were of old, men of renown" (Gen. 6:4). The Apostle Paul wrote, "-Put off concerning the
former conversation the old man (Satan) which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts" (Eph. 4:22), so Satan being an
aged character or spirit, our alcoholic spirit would have to be aged too.
Alcohol is inflammable (inflammable means easily burned, easily provoked or excited, burns leaving no residue).
This property of alcohol compares favorably with the inevitable destruction of the Satanic spirits, for they will burn or they
are inflammable. Yahweh or Elohim is a consuming fire (Deut. 4:24, Heb. 12:29) and when He does appear, He shall
destroy with fire the evil spirits. Paul writes, "For the mystery of Iniquity (Satan) doth already work: only he who now letteth
will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom Elohim shall consume with the
spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming" (2 Thess. 2:7-8).
Alcohol, being an aromatic spirit imparts a telltale odor to one's breath when he has imbibed it. The odor is almost
undeniable, and coupled with other telltale signs of intoxication e.g., staggering gait, slurred speech, non-focusing eyes,
reddened eyeballs, etc., it leaves no doubt that one is under the influence of this agent. Likewise, when the Satanic spirits
are incarnated in these fleshly bodies of ours, one who is possessed of the Holy Spirit can immediately detect their
presence by the words which come forth from the individual's mouth. "For by your words are ye justified, and by your
words are ye condemned" (Matt. 12:37). When one speaks NOT according to the Law and the Testimony he is spiritually
intoxicated with the Satanic spirits and it is just as obvious as smelling alcohol on one's breath. The Prophet Isaiah wrote,
"To the Law and to the Testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isa.
8:20). The Law and the Testimony are the keys to an understanding. (Note: The Law is the first five (5) books of the Bible
written by Moses, and the Testimony is the books of Prophesy, e.g., Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc. -- the Psalms
also prophesied of Yahshua the Messiah. The Law and the Testimony are the scriptures in the divine or etymological
sense of the word "scripture." These scriptures testified of Yahshua the Messiah before He was born telling where He
would be born and at what time He would be born, what He would do, etc. Yahshua Himself said, "Search the scriptures
for in them ye think ye have eternal life, but they are they which testify of me" (John 5:39). Then after He had fulfilled all
that the scriptures had said that He would do, He died and raised from the grave the third (3rd) day, and met His disciples
saying, "These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were
written in the Law of Moses, and in the Prophets (Testimony), and in the Psalms, concerning me" (Luke 24:44). If Yahshua
therefore, had to enlighten His disciples who were to go into all the world and preach the gospel (Matt. 28:19-20), of the
necessity for understanding the scriptures (Law and Prophets and Psalms) then how can anyone else preach without
resorting to the Law and the Prophets? Please remember that when Yahshua spoke the words mentioned above, the
books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Pauline Epistles had NOT BEEN WRITTEN, so He could not have been
referring to them when He said, "Search the scriptures ----." Therefore, unless one goes to the Law and the Prophets, he is
openly discerned as being spiritually intoxicated by the words which he speaks (his breath) which gives him away just as
the alcoholic breath of one who has imbibed alcohol.
Up unto this point we have compared the physical properties of alcohol with the nature of Satanic spirits according
to the Bible. Now we shall turn our attention to a comparison of the physiology (or nature of the action) of alcohol upon the
physical body with the behavior of that Satanic spirits working in the spiritual body or soul.
Alcohol definitely and positively needs a host to act within to display its characteristic behavior. When whiskey or
other intoxicating beverages are kept outside the body, they are innocuous or harmless, but when they are drunk or
imbibed, then they manifest their poisonous nature, Likewise, Satan and his angels need a host to act within. The Satanic
spirit can
not harm an individual when it is kept outside the body. To do its destructive work, it must work from within. These Satanic
spirits are, therefore, incarnated in our physical bodies. When Satan was cast out of heaven into the stygian darkness
which surrounded the earth in the beginning of its creation (Gen. 1:2), that darkness was Satan himself, and he was
literally standing by to devour the earth's first son when he was formed (Rev. 12th chapter). His entering into the Garden of
Eden to deceive Eve is figurative of his entering into the mind and heart (Most Holy Place and Holy Place) of our physical
bodies or Tabernacle (see comparison chart of Garden of Eden and the Mosaic Tabernacle in Volume no. 1). Adam and
Eve's innocent minds were comparable to the virgin condition of the Garden of Eden when Satan entered there. Therefore,
when Satan defiled the minds of Adam and Eve, it was necessary for Elohim to say, "cursed is the ground for your sakes"
(Gen. 3:17) which showed that the Garden of Eden had become defiled also by Satan's presence. Furthermore, these
Satanic spirits have incarnated themselves into mankind down through the Ages and Dispensations from Adam to the
Present time. Paul wrote, "For I delight in the Law of Yahweh after the inward man, but I see another law in my members
(the Satanic spirit) warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my
members" (Rom. 7:22-23). Therefore, every man has these two spirits warring in his body, the satanic spirit and the Spirit
of Yahweh. Yahweh-Elohim Himself, made the man subject to these Satanic spirits for the purpose of bringing him into
greater glorification and immortalization through the redemptive blood of His Son, Yahshua the Messiah. "For the creature
(or the man) WAS MADE SUBJECT TO VANITY (the Satanic spirit), not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected
the same in hope, because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption (through faith in
Yahshua the Messiah) into the glorious liberty of the children of Yahweh" (Rom. 8:20-21). These Satanic spirits incarnated
in physical bodies show special definition in men such as Cain, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Judas Iscariot, and the present
day Pope of Rome (who is transformed as an Angel of Light -- 2 Cor. 11:14). Yahshua Himself, sent His disciples out into
the world to cast these Satanic spirits (Matt. 10:8, Mark 16:17) out of men. Therefore, one can see that both alcohol and
the Satanic spirit compare very favorably in needing a host or a body in which to act and display their poisonous nature.
Now concerning the nature of the action of alcohol and these devilish spirits inside the body it can be said that
both have the power of transformation or to disguise themselves when present in the body. Some individuals when under
the influence of alcohol are able to display a very chic or elegant behavior belying the fact that they have been drinking
while others immediately show by their awkward behavior that they are intoxicated with an alcoholic beverage. Such is the
nature of the Satanic spirits working in our physical bodies. Some persons are obvious devils to everyone who sees them
while others act in such a subtle and deceitful manner that it is hard to detect that they are afflicted with the Satanic spirit.
Yes, they may give alms, act charitably toward others, etc., but their underlying nature is one of deception. The devil is a
wonderful actor! His deception lies in his ability to impress one with his niceness his charity and his manner of
comportment, but it is all for the intent and purpose of deceiving the individual and NOT for any real good. Paul wrote of
the deceivableness of these Satanic spirits thusly, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING
themselves into the Apostles of Yahshua, and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (or a Pope).
Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers (Cardinals, Priests, etc.) also be transformed as the ministers of
righteousness whose end shall be according to their works" (2 Cor. 11:13-15).
Everyone is cognizant of the fact that individuals will often deny that they have been drinking even though the
telltale signs of alcohol are present. In other words, alcohol quite often makes its host deny its presence. One will say, "I
have not had a drop of whiskey," knowing full well that he is lying when he says this. Likewise, the devilish spirit incarnated
in a body will also make its host deny its presence. One will say, "I am a Christian," knowing
very well that he is a sinner. Satan is a great liar (John 8:44). So-called Christendom (Roman Catholics, Protestants and
Jews) is in this situation now. Everyone says that he is of Yahshua, but Yahweh knows those that are His (Rev. 2:9). They
say that they know Yahweh but they do not know anything about the Pattern nor anything about the Purpose and Plan of
Yahweh. The Bible remains a mystery to them with each one placing his interpretation upon it, hence the different religious
sects, denominations and creeds. There is but one way to know and understand Yahweh and that is by the Divine Pattern
which Yahweh-Elohim Himself, gave to man so that he could know Yahweh beyond a shadow of a doubt (Ex. 25:40, Heb.
8:5). This Archetype Pattern is Elohim Himself, and explains the Unity of the Spirit, the Universe, and the Purpose and
Plan of Yahweh from beginning to the end. So those who preach about Yahweh without a knowledge of this Pattern are
testifying that they REALLY don't know anything about Yahweh and His Purpose, and are really Satanic spirits preaching
about Yahweh of contention and not of knowledge (Phil. 1:15-16). Despite the fact that these preach about Yahweh
denying that they are Satanic spirits incarnated in the flesh, the telltale signs of their presence is evident to those who are
really of Yahweh, preaching Yahshua according to the scriptures (1 Cor. 15:1-4).
The above-mentioned phenomenon of the Satanic spirit making the host deny its presence gets up a condition
which brings about habituation, that is, there is a great reluctance on the part of this spirit to leave its host. The longer it
remains in the body, the greater is the task of ridding oneself of it. Everyone is acquainted with the habitual drunkard; he
just doesn't ever try to stop drinking, the more he drinks, the more he wants. He has not the power within himself to
actually help himself. Such is the state of present day preachers and ministers. The more that they deny that they don't
know what it is all about and the more they resist the truth, the more these Satanic spirits become rooted and grounded in
them to the point that with some, it becomes utterly an impossibility to cast the spirits out. This is spiritual habituation; as
Peter says, They are willingly ignorant" (2 Pet. 3:5). Jude refers to them as "twice dead" (Jude 12). Paul speaks of them as
"having their conscience seared with a hot iron." These are hopeless "spiritual alcoholics" and there is nothing left for them
but eternal damnation and destruction. Jude says, "For there are certain men (Satanic spirits) crept in unawares WHO
WERE BEFORE OF OLD ordained to this condemnation, wicked men, turning the grace of our Elohim into lasciviousness,
and denying the only Elohim, and our Saviour Yahshua the Messiah" (Jude 4). It does not do any good to try to show them
about a Divine Pattern for they just will not hear you. They think that they know what it is all about for they have been
preaching the same thing for lo these many years, and they are not going to admit that they have been wrong. It is the
same way with the habitual alcoholic. He has been drinking for years, and he likes his booze, and he has no desire to
change from his present habits. Only death can separate them from their habit of daily imbibing alcoholic spirits. Mind you,
most of them realize that they are drinking themselves into poor health and death, but they continue on, nevertheless!
Some of the Jewish people were of this sort when Yahshua came preaching the Kingdom of Heaven. They steadfastly
resisted any change in their present form of religious worship, and when they observed him doing things that were not
according to their customs, they openly rebuked Him, and later with the assistance of the Roman government crucified
Him. It is not wrong for anyone to make a mistake, but it is wrong for one to continue to make the same mistake time after
time after time even though he has been told of his error!
This next comparison has already been partially explained in the previous paragraphs. Everyone knows that an
alcoholic loses his appetite for good wholesome food. He would rather drink his booze than to eat a meal, taking his drinks
in place of food night and morning. One offends him (the alcoholic) when he offers him food. This lack of eating tends to
weakness, a drying up and shrinkage of the skin giving the appearance of withering away and dying. We have already said
that when these Satanic spirits are rooted and grounded in our bodies that they make us resist the truth (good wholesome
food). If one tries to show such a one how the Pattern explains the Bible and every cosmic phase of the Universe, etc., he
refuses to accept this
Wholesome food, preferring rather to continue drinking his booze (the doctrines and traditions of men). This practice leads
to spiritual decadence (weakness and loss of weight) and eventually a spiritual death, though one is still walking around
looking hale and hardy, physically.
There are many more comparisons that could be brought out between the action of alcohol and the Satanic spirits,
e.g., the garrulousness or talkativeness produced by both, the belligerent nature produced by both; the affectation of all
stratas of society by both, etc. However this discourse has served its function by making the reader aware of the fact that
physical alcoholic intoxication is just a visible manifestation of the spiritual satanic intoxication. This problem is on the
increase and must remain with us despite our efforts because the world is becoming more and more wicked and
influenced by these Satanic spirits. Since one parallels the other, both will remain until such time as Elohim is revealed
from Heaven to put an end to all things. Yahshua the Messiah prophesied of these evil days (Matt. 24th chapter, Mark 13th
chapter and Luke 21st chapter) and since his prophecies cannot fail, one must definitely and positively expect that the
world will wax more and more wicked. Therefore, the problem of alcoholism which parallels this wickedness MUST
increase as time goes on. No, I am not a pessimist, I am just acquainted with the Purpose of Yahweh and how it works
throughout the Ages and Dispensations ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN. Would I say, then that alcoholism is an
incurable condition in any individual? No, I would not say that it is incurable in isolated individuals for as there are from time
to time those who escape the wickedness of the world through a knowledge of the Divine Pattern, there must be, likewise,
those who escape the despair of alcoholism on occasions. I would say, however, that anyone who wholeheartedly and
sincerely wants to quit drinking alcoholic beverages, and is willing to follow after Yahshua through sincere study and selfapplication to the Real Truth as taught by the Law and Testimony, he can positively overcome the habit. All things are
possible with Yahweh!
We have constantly reiterated throughout this book that all carnal ordinances were fulfilled by Yahshua the Messiah, and
that He is the END of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth (Rom. 10:4). We are saved by GRACE through
faith in Yahshua the Messiah, and not by works of righteousness which we have done (Eph. 2:8, Titus 3:5). Yes, we know
that James wrote that faith without works is dead (James 2:17), but Yahshua said, this is the work "That Ye Believe On
Him Whom He Hath Sent" (John 6:29) who is Yahshua the Messiah.
Yahshua came into the world to fulfill the Law and the Prophecy (Matt. 5:17, Luke 24:44) and to die for the sins of
the world. This offering of Himself for the sins of the world is ADEQUATE ATONEMENT to Yahweh for us and through His
blood we are cleansed from all sin. Our redemption is complete in Yahshua the Messiah (Col. 1:14) and there is NO need
to engage in an work other than BELIEVING that He was crucified, buried, raised from the dead, and ascended to heaven
to appear in the presence of Yahweh for us, and having made the atonement for us, He has poured out His SPIRIT (Holy
Spirit) on us which sanctifies us in the eyes of Yahweh, the Father and keeps us steadfast until the Day of our Glorification
(Heb. 10th chapter). Therefore, by the Holy Spirit which he has given us and is our witness, we have boldness and
confidence to await with patience the great recompense of reward which He has prepared for us, although we know that
others who do not believe as we do will persecute us shamefully.
Since Yahshua fulfilled ALL CARNAL ORDINANCES and nailed them to His cross (Col. 2:14), there should be
some visible evidence of this in our physical bodies if one is to understand the invisible things by looking at and examining
the visible things (Rom. 1:19-20). Our being complete in Yahshua the Messiah represents a new birth, a resurrection, a
pulling off of the old and a putting on of the new. If such is true of a New or Spiritual BIRTH, then one would expect to find
that a physical birth would display the fulfillment of carnal ordinances in its make-up. Are the carnal ordinances of
circumcision, ceremonies, water baptism, Lord's suppers,
physical sacrifices and the Ten Commandment Law written on 'Tables of Stone visibly fulfilled or carried out in the process
of a physical birth? Let us see if they are. Circumcision: This carnal ordinance was performed by a removal or cutting away
of the skin which covered the head of the male sex organ, the penis. It was supposed to be performed upon all males of
Jewish extraction when they were eight (8) days old. It was begun with Abraham (Gen. 17:11) and continued with Moses
(Lev. 12:3). Also all Gentiles who accepted the Jewish faith were to be circumcised too. This procedure represented a
cleaning up or purging as the male organ, from a hygienic stand point, was cleaner after its performance.
The fetus in the womb is also covered by a membrane (fetal membranes) which are removed at birth. This
membrane covers the entire fetus including the head and when the actual process of birthing begins, this membrane is
ruptured and the head of the fetus or infant is freed from it as well as the whole body. This removing of the fetal membrane
is attended by a show of blood. Virtually, one can say then that the infant is circumcised as he is born into the world.
Please note too, that this circumcision is not done with hands as is the regular circumcision. It is representative therefore
of a spiritual circumcision which is also done without hands. Paul states it thusly, "In whom (Yahshua) also ye are
circumcised with the circumcision made WITHOUT hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the
circumcision of Yahshua the Messiah" (Col. 2:11). True circumcision is of the heart or in the spirit (Rom. 2:29).
CEREMONIES: The Israelites were given many ceremonies to perform under the Old Mosaic Law. They
performed these ceremonies with an attitude of Divine reverence, that is, by bowing the head, kneeling, having the arms
folded etc. These attitudes bespoke of the humility of their hearts and the sincerity of their desires that Yahweh-Elohim
would accept their offerings and their services. Witness the attitude of the fetus in the womb of its mother. It also has its
head bowed; its arms are folded across its chest and its knees are flexed (as in kneeling) and it is virtually upside down in
its humility or humbleness as if giving the greatest amount of reverence to its maker, Elohim. The act of humility on the
part of the Israelites was voluntary for there is no humility in man (Rom. 8:20). Paul says this about such voluntary humility,
"Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which
he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind" (Col. 2:18). All true humility is in Yahshua the Messiah. Man is all
vanity (Psa. 94:11). Therefore man must be born again to have true humility. Paul wrote, "Let this mind be in you which
was also in Yahshua the Messiah; who being in the form of Elohim, thought it not robbery to be equal with Elohim, but
made Himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men: and being
found in fashion as a man, HUMBLED Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross" (Phil. 2:58). The humble position of the fetus in the womb is not man-made, but it is of Yahweh for Yahweh Elohim Himself places
the infant in that attitude. In other words it is humbleness which is made WITHOUT HANDS and therefore it is
representative of true or spiritual Yahshua-like humility or humbleness.
WATER BAPTISM: According to our Bibles, the earth was inundated or covered or baptized in water in the
beginning of its creation (Gen. 1:2-7); the wicked people were drowned or baptized in the waters of the flood in Noah's
time (Gen. 7:21-23); the Israelites were baptized in the waters of the Red Sea (Ex. 14:22, 1 Cor. 10:1-2), and the Jews
were baptized in water by John the Baptist and his disciples also helping (Matt. 3:5-6, John 4:1-2). All of these baptisms in
water were figurative of a burial. The whole creation of mankind had sinned from the time of Adam to the time of Yahshua
the Messiah (Rom. 5:12-14) and were dead spiritually. So it was John the Baptist's mission to bury these dead people by
water baptism into Yahshua's death (and John would not baptize them unless they confessed their sins) that they might be
in the likeness of His resurrection (Rom. 6:3-5). Yahshua, therefore in fulfilling this had to be baptized by John the Baptist
as he was representative of the whole Adamic race and it behooved him to fulfill all righteousness (Matt. 3:13-15). Thus
when Yahshua was baptized by John the Baptist
the whole human race from Adam to now were baptized in physical water (Rom. 6:11, Col. 2:12). Yahshua's physical water
baptism took care of all mankind's physical water baptism. He fulfilled physical water baptism and nailed it to His cross
(Col. 2:14) and now it is a DEAD WORK, and positively is not to be practiced anymore (Heb. 6:1-6). We are now complete
in Yahshua the Messiah who is the fulness of the Supernal Nature (Col. 2:9-10). (For a more exegetical analysis of John's
mission of water baptism see the volume on The Prophetic Birth And Mission Of John The Baptist And Yahshua The
Messiah in this book).
The fact that our baptism is complete in Yahshua the Messiah and that it is done WITHOUT hands so to speak, let
us look at the situation of the fetus in the womb. The fetus is definitely surrounded, covered, or baptized in water in the
womb. Furthermore, as the infant is born into the world, it is deluged with water. (There are times when even the doctor is
baptized with this water to say nothing about the infant!) This water baptism of the infant as he is born into the world is to
show that our physical water baptism is accomplished in the Baptism of Yahshua, and that there is NO FURTHER NEED
for another physical water baptism. To show the ridiculousness of another water baptism, let us look at the infant at the
instant that he has received this deluge of water. Now, do we take this infant and plunge him again into water? No! what he
needs now is to get air into his lungs or a spiritual baptism. This taking in of air at birth by the infant is tantamount to or
figurative of being baptized or immersed in the Holy Spirit. John said, "I, indeed baptize you with water unto repentence;
but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear; he shall baptize you with the Holy
Spirit, and with fire" (Matt. 3:11, Luke 3:16, Acts 1:5). Therefore, wouldn't it be a heinous crime for a doctor to plunge him
into water again? Yes, you might drown him! So one can see that there is no need for water dunking BEFORE or AFTER
the infant has taken breath into his lungs, which means that there is no further need for a water baptism BEFORE or
AFTER one gets the Holy Spirit! One does not bury a live person; that is a murder, and that is just what we are doing when
we perform the rite of water baptism -- murdering the people spiritually so! By virtue of the fact that all of us receive a water
baptism at birth (done not according to man's edict, but according to Yahweh's) then there remaineth only a spiritual
baptism which is the receipt of the Holy Ghost to consider. This is accomplished by preaching the True Gospel of Yahshua
the Messiah according to the scriptures which baptizes or immerses one in His Name (John 7:38). Let us quote Paul in his
letter to the Colossians, (Ye are) "buried with Him in baptism wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith of the
operation of Yahweh, who hath raised Him from the dead" (Col. 2:12).
LORD'S SUPPERS (PHYSICAL): The Israelites were told to eat the Passover Supper (Feast of Passover) which
consisted of roast Lamb, unleaven bread and bitter herbs IN THEIR OWN HOUSES the night of April 14th (Ex.12:3-8) and
they were supposed to do this as a memorial each year throughout their generations (Ex. 12:14). Yahshua Himself being a
Jew observed this Passover by eating it with His disciples in a rented room (Matt. 26:17-30). (Please note that the
Passover Supper was never eaten in the Temple or public places, as so-called Christendom does today but in one's own
house -- 1 Cor. 11:2-22). This eating of the Passover Supper with His disciples is what is known throughout so-called
Christendom as the Lord's Supper, and they various refer to it as the LAST SUPPER. Well, why don't they let it be the
LAST SUPPER! The roast lamb which was eaten in Egypt was figurative of the Lamb of Yahweh (Yahshua the Messiah)
who takes away the sins of the world. Paul says, Yahshua, our Passover is sacrificed for us (1 Cor. 5:7). So then Yahshua
fulfilled the ordinance of the Passover by being the sacrificial lamb Himself. That is the reason that He offered His body
and blood to His disciples, saying take and eat this is my body which is broken for you and my blood which is shed for you
(Matt. 26: 26-28). He was not however, offering them His physical body and blood, for the flesh profiteth nothing; the words
which He spoke to them were spirit and life (John 6:53-63), He thus did away with all physical Lord's Suppers (or Passover
Suppers) with the offering of Himself, and the commandment to observe these Passover Suppers throughout their
generations ran out at the
time of Yahshua (he was the 63rd generation from Adam), for he said, "This generation shall not pass, till all these things
be fulfilled" (Matt. 24:34). So when He bowed his head in the locks of His shoulders on Golgotha and said, "It is finished"
(John 19:30), He meant that He had finished fulfilling all the Law and the Prophets, and all carnal ordinances and that
thereafter ALL things would be spiritual.
The fetus, showing this eating of the Lord's Supper in a physical way, ingests cellular elements while in the womb
and this is evidenced by there being a dark, greenish substance in his bowels known as meconium. This substance would
not be present in the intestinal tract of the infant unless he had eaten or ingested it while in the womb. And please note that
since man DID NOT prepare this meal for the infant, it most certainly can be called the Lord's Supper for Elohim Himself
and Him only prepared it for him, and furthermore, as thqe Passover Supper was eaten at night, one must certainly know
that it is dark within the confines of the womb when this is eaten. This is another one of those without hands-deals,
pointing to the spiritual eating of Lord's Suppers which is accomplished when a True Minister of the Gospel of Yahshua
preaches the word, according to the Law and the Prophets and it is received (or eaten) by all. To the Law and to the
Testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light (or Holy Spirit) in them (Isa. 8:20).
PHYSICAL SACRIFICES: The Israelites were commanded by Moses to offer up all kinds of sacrifices, turtle
doves, bullocks, lambs, rams, goats, etc. These were to be offered in faith that Yahweh would accept them as an
atonement for their sins, and for every transgression that they committed, a sacrifice or offering had to be made. In
addition to this, once each year the High Priest had to go into the Most Holy Place with the blood of a bullock and offer it
before Elohim for his own errors, then for the errors of the people and last for the cleansing of the sanctuary (Lev. 16th
chapter, Heb. 9th chapter). This was done by the Aaronite or Levitical Priesthood, but Yahshua the Messiah being not after
the order of the Levitical Priesthood, but after the order of Melchisidek (Heb. 7th chapter) offered Himself ONCE for all and
He reigns as High Priest for ever (forever?) more. He gave up His blood and His life on Calvary and sacrificed Himself for
us all. HIS BLOOD cleanses us from all sin.
The fetus in the womb shows this wonderfully, for it continually offers or sacrifices his blood or his life (for the
blood is the life of the body -- Lev. 17:11) through the artery of the umbilical cord to its mother. This blood, of course, is
also continually replaced by blood from the mother through the unbilical veins to the infant. Could there be a greater
sacrifice than this -- the giving of one's blood or life as a sacrifice? So just as Yahshua gave up His blood upon Calvary,
the fetus also displays this in the uterus by giving up its blood thus fulfilling all sacrifices. Now it is no longer physical
sacrifices that one offers up, but NOW spiritual sacrifices. Peter wrote, "Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual
house, an holy priesthood, to offer up SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES (NOT PHYSICAL), acceptable to Yahweh by Yahshua the
Messiah" (1 Pet. 2:5).
MOSAIC TEN COMMANDMENT LAW: Yahweh-Elohim spoke the Ten Commandment Law to the Israelite in
1490 B.Y. (before Yahshua) when He had Moses to gather them around Mount Sinai. This Law along with various sundry
laws was the governing or controlling body of Law for them. It was written on Two Tables of Stone and placed in the Ark of
the Covenant, being symbolic of the New Covenant placed or written in our hearts and in our minds (Jer. 31:31-34, 2 Cor.
3:1-3). Remember that it was the second set of Tables of Stone with the Law written on them that Moses placed in the Ark
for he threw down to the ground and broke the first tables (Ex. 32:19, Ex. 34:1-4). This was done to show that Israel would
break the first or Mosaic Covenant and that Yahweh would make a New Covenant with them which He would write NOT on
tables of stone, but in the fleshly tables of their hearts (Jer. 31:31-34, 2 Cor. 3:1-3). The number ten (10) stands for
concreteness typifying the Unity of the Spirit (3) being manifested throughout the three (3) Ages (Ante-Diluvian, PostDiluvian and Present) and all standing for the one Yahweh -- 3 X 3 + 1 = 10.
The infant in the womb is also under a Ten Commandment Law, for it is incarcerated in the for 280 days or ten (10) lunar
months (40 weeks). While in the womb these ten months, it is developed or directed according to an infallible spirit law that
makes its growth proceed a certain predetermined course that will insure a perfectly-formed baby at the expiration of this
time period. Man does not have ANYTHING to do with this direction -- another one of without-hands affairs! So seeing that
the fetus is commanded to act in accord with the law of its development, during the ten months that it is in the womb, it is
virtually under a Ten Commandment Law as though a law went forth each month to direct its development! We are no
longer therefore under the Ten Commandment Law of Moses but under the Law of the Spirit of Life which was in Yahshua
the Messiah, and we are led and controlled by this Law of the Spirit (Holy Ghost) which is IN us and directs us unerringly
(Rom. 8:1-14).
Thus, we have shown how that ALL of the carnal ordinances, e.g., circumcision, ceremonies, water baptism,
Lord's suppers, physical sacrifices and the Ten Commandment Law are fulfilled physical birthing, typifying that they were
all fulfilled by Yahshua in the flesh. When one is born, therefore, of the spirit there is no more following of carnal
ordinances for such old things have passed away and behold ALL things are new.
1. Ceremonies
Infant assumes a bowed-down, hands folded
across chest attitude in the womb signifying
the Divine reverence during ceremonies.
2. Sacrifices
Infant offers or exchanges his blood
periodically for blood of the mother signifying
a sacrifice or offering of his life (blood is
the life of the body).
3. Ten Commandment Law
Infant is incarcerated in womb for ten (10)
lunar months. Each passage of a month requres a
definite progress in its growth figurative of
being under a Law.
4. Lord's Supper
Infant eats while in the womb as signified by
the process of cellular debris etc. in its
intestinal tract at birth. Since this eating is
not prepared by human hands, it is the Lord's
5. Circumcision
6. Baptism
The membranes which cover the head and body of
the fetus are stripped off in the process of
its being born, being figurative of
circumcision, blood is present.
Infant is thoroughly buried or inundated in
water at the time of its birth.
In our writings in this book, we have shown on many occasions that Yahweh being Spirit (John 4:24) is without
shape and form but is the limits and bounds, the source and substance of everything that exists or that is created visible
and invisible. The attributes of Yahweh e.g love, beauty, wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, power, foundation, justice, etc.
took on shape and form in Elohim, who is the Incorporealization of Yahweh. Therefore, Elohim is the express image of the
Father Yahweh, for He is Yahweh and has ALWAYS been (Heb. 1:3, Col. 1:15). He was all of the Supernal Nature of
Yahweh in bodily form (Col. 2:9).
How can we know for certain that the above things are true? Do we have something visible to look at to know for a
surety that they are true? If the Apostle Paul spoke rightly when he said that the invisible things of Yahweh are understood
by the things that are made (Rom. 1:19,20), then we can look to the Pattern or to the physical body which is fashioned
after the Pattern to find such visible things. Paul said in Galatians that Mount Sinai in Arabia was allegorical to Mount
Moriah or Jerusalem. One could go up into the top of Mount Sinai and look many miles in the distance and see Jerusalem
which was built on an elevated place, Mount Moriah. Moses himself was not permitted to go over the Jordan River into
Canaan Land, but he viewed the Promised Land by going up into the mountains and looking over into it (Deut. 34:1-4).
Likewise when Moses went up into Mount Sinai and the Cloud covered the Mount and he was detained up there for forty
(40) days, that was tantamount to being in the Most Holy Place or in the presence of Yahweh Himself.
A similar situation pertains in our physical bodies for the heart is allegorical to the brain. There are many points of
similarity between the two. The Brain can be likened unto Yahweh, the Father, for it is the forerunner of the Heart, for the
head of an embryo develops first, then comes the rest of the body. Furthermore the Brain is the seat of all authority in the
body; all of the faculties meet their culmination in the Brain. The Heart can be likened unto the son, Elohim, as we have
already shown in the previous chapter. Let us now look at some of the ways that the heart is similar to the brain so that we
can understand that Elohim, the Son, is the image of Yahweh, the Father.
The heart has four chambers through which circulates a life-giving fluid, the blood. The brain also has four
chambers called ventricles through which circulates a crystal clear water (which John calls the water of life -- Rev. 22:1)
called cerebrospinal fluid. This shows forth the everlasting gospel of Yahshua the Messiah or Yahweh's Purpose going
forth into all the four corners of the world (Rev. 14:6).
The heart has a covering, the pericardium, and the brain has a covering, the meninges. Elohim was covered by
His Father, for He dwelleth in His Father (John 14:11), and Yahweh inhabiteth eternity (Isa. 57:15). The heart sends out
blood and has blood returned to it. The brain likewise sends out messages and receives messages from the body. Yahweh
had a definite Purpose in sending His son, Elohim (manifested as Yahshua) into the world, for He said the word has gone
out of my mouth and shall not return unto me void (Isa. 55:11), that is, Yahweh will reap the benefits of His masterful
Purpose and Plan. He will gather the harvest unto Himself and it will be glorious. Yahshua likewise, sent out twelve men,
His disciples (Matt. 28:19) into the world to preach the gospel with the express purpose of gathering unto Himself or into
Himself those who would listen (Eph. 1:10).
The heart, by virtue of its pumping life-giving blood to all of the cells of the body, is their life. The brain likewise
provides nervous excitability for the various parts of the brain, for as long as it is functioning one responds to nervous
stimuli or he is alive so to speak. Yahweh is Eternal and He has given Eternal Life to us through His son, Yahshua if we will
only accept and do His Will which is to believe on His Son (John 6:29).
The heart is an unusual organ being made up of specialized muscle cells which are peculiar
in reference to other muscle cells in the body (see previous chapter). The brain is also a most extraordinary organ in more
ways than one. It also is made up of many cells that are very different from other cells in the body. Yahshua is somewhat
unusual too, in that He was the ONLY begotten Son of the Father, and was conceived of a virgin mother. Yahweh is rather
peculiar too in that He always was and always shall be; He has no beginning or ending, and He is the One and Only Father
(for there is none beside Him -- Isa. 45:5).
The heart is surrounded by twelve ribs on either side making twenty-four (24) in all. The brain has twelve cranial
nerves that proceed from it on either side making twenty-four (24) in all. Yahshua the Messiah was proceeded by the
twelve heads of the Tribes of Israel which were under the Law of Moses and He was followed by the Twelve Apostles who
were under the Dispensation of Grace. John on the Isle of Patmos spoke of the twenty-four (24) Elders gathered around
the Throne of Yahweh (Rev. 4:4).
Such similarities between the Heart and the Brain (and there are others), visibly point up the fact that Elohim (or
Yahshua) is the express image of the Father, Yahweh.
1. Heart has four chambers
Brain has four ventricles
2. Heart has a circulating fluid - Blood
Brain has a circulating fluid -cerebrospinal fluid
3. Heart sends out blood and Blood
Brain sends out messages and receives messages
4. Heart has a covering – the
pericardium; Lungs on either side
Brain has a covering - the meninges; The
hemispheres on either side
5. The pulsations of the heart is
the visible expression of Life in the body
The brain waves are rhythmic and
necessary for Life, but are invisible
6. Heart muscle fibers are unusual
in reference to their nervous excitability
Brain cells are unusually adapted cells
for special function of nerve impulses
7. Heart sits in chest-cavity or Holy Place
Brain rests in cranial cavity or Most Holy Place
8. Heart is in shape and form
Brain is apparently without shape and form
9. Heart is surrounded by twelve
ribs on either side - twenty-four in all (24)
Brain is surrounded by twelve nerves on
either side or twenty-four in all (24)
10. Absence of heart beat produces
a type of sleep – death
Absence of brain function produces a
type of sleep - coma
11. Heart provides life sustaining blood
Brain provides nervous excitability or
awareness of feeling alive
If we are to understand and comprehend the invisible things of Yahweh by examining and understanding the
visible things or the things that are made, then what do we look at to understand Elohim, The Son of Yahweh, who is
invisible or the Quickening Spirit? The Apostle John wrote, "No men hath seen Yahweh at any time; the only begotten Son,
which is in the Bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him" (John 1:18). Since, therefore, we are made in the likeness and
image of Elohim, there must be something in our bosoms that is typical of Elohim, the Son of Yahweh. What could it be?
The Heart, why of course! Let us then proceed with a comparison of the two to see if this analogy holds true.
The fetal heart begins to beat in the fourth month of intra-uterine life end to circulate his life-giving blood to all parts
of the fetal body. Elohim manifested in the flesh as Yahshua the Messiah came in the end of the 4000th year (4th day with
Yahweh - 2 Pet. 3:8, Psa. 90:4) just as the Sun in the sky which also typifies Yahshua was placed in the Heavens on the
4th day of creation.
The normal heart beat is seventy (70) beats per minute, depicting the prophecy of Daniel that seventy weeks or
four hundred ninety (490) years were determined upon the people to finish the transgression, and make an end to sin and
to bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy (Dan. 9:24). This
seventy (70) weeks began at the going forth of the commandment from Artexerxes to rebuild Jerusalem in 457 B.Y. and
ended in 33 A.D. which makes 490 years or 70 weeks (prophetic time - Num. 14:34, Ezek. 4:6). Thus, the heart beats 70
times per minute to show that the Messiah did come at the appointed time or according to the 70 weeks prophecy.
The flesh of the heart is distributed upon a cross-like partition (the septa) which divides it into four (4) chambers
just as Yahshua was placed upon the four pointed wooden cross on Golgotha. The heart is further penetrated by blood
vessels by which blood (a greater portion of which is water) runs out from the heart just as Yahshua was pierced in the
side by the soldier and forthwith came there out blood and water (John 19:34).
The heart beats, or works and then it rests momentarily just as Elohim worked in creating the Universe which
Moses saw in a vision atop Mount Sinai in the six solar days that the Cloud covered the Mount, and on the seventh (7th)
day, Elohim rested from the work which he had done (Ex. 24:16, Gen. 2:2). This working and then resting is further typified
by the Jews working under the Old Mosaic Law or Old Covenant and Yahshua fulfilling this Old Covenant or Law and now
all who are in Yahshua the Messiah no longer work, that is, they do not do anything which was under the Old Covenant but
they are at rest. They have ceased from their old works, e,g., physical water baptism, physical Lord's suppers, the Mosaic
Ten Commandment Law, physical sacrifices, circumcision and ceremonies. The Apostle John said, "Blessed are the dead
which die in the Messiah (that is, who die to sin, but are alive in the Messiah) from henceforth: "Yea, saith the Spirit that
they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them" (Rev. 14:13), The Apostle Paul said, "For he that is
entered into his (Yahshua's) rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as Elohim did from his" (Heb. 4:10). So the
heart must have a rest as did Yahweh-Elohim.
The heart muscle is peculiar in its make-up being unlike other muscle tissue in the body. The voluntary or skeletal
muscles of the body e.g., in the arms and legs, etc. are striped or striated whereas the involuntary muscles of the body,
e.g., in the intestinal tract, blood vessels, etc., are smooth or non-striped or striated, Heart muscle although being
involuntary muscle is not smooth, but is striped or striated as skeletal muscle, (Striated means having alternating dark and
light portions). This phenomenon points up the very interesting fact that although Yahshua was born of flesh and blood,
just as we were (1 John 5:6) and although he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh (Phil. 2:7, John 1:14), his body was a
specially prepared
body (Heb. 10:5) having no earthly Father, but having been conceived of the Holy Ghost. (Matt. 1:20). Mary, the mother of
Yahshua, was over-shadowed by Elohim and was impregnated with the seed, Yahshua, which was laid in the womb. The
Archangels overshadowing the Mercy Seat in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle and Moses placing the Law in the Ark
of the Covenant is a type. Mary's body was the Ark in which the seed or the Law (Elohim is the Law) was placed. So
Yahshua was of a virgin conception having no mortal man as His father and, henceforth His body was just as peculiar
(without sin) as the heart muscle is peculiar. He looked like any other mortal man just as heart muscle being striped or
striated may look like voluntary muscle, whereas He was different from other mortal men as heart muscle is different from
other skeletal or voluntary muscle.
The heart sounds are two in number and having been characterized as LUB DUB, which is as near to the sounds
imparted or heard, as medical men can ascertain. But I say that the sounds are more appropriately LOVE DOVE, for the
word (or sound) which went forth from the mouth of Yahweh was LOVE. In other words, the whole Purpose of Yahweh
from Alpha to Omega is predicate upon LOVE. The Word was in the beginning with Yahweh and it was Yahweh (John
1:1), and the Word was made Flesh (John 1:14) and dwelt among us. The Word being made flesh is symbolized by the
DOVE which stands for the Holy Spirit and Peace (Matt. 3:16). So, the Love of Yahweh and the Peace which it imparts to
us are the main ingredients of the whole Plan and Purpose of Yahweh. So, each of our hearts is constantly reminding us of
this by giving forth the sounds LOVE DOVE -- LOVE DOVE! It also stands for the Two Witnesses, the Law and the
Testimony (Isa. 8:20), which are the True sounds that one must hear to learn of Yahshua the Messiah.
The heart is the passover point for the blood returning from the tissues, for the impure blood is received by the
heart and is passed over to the lungs where it is purified. This impure blood is received by the right side of the heart, goes
to the lungs and returns to the left side of the heart. So, one can see that the blood has passed over from one side of the
heart to the other, and is renewed in purity when this is done. Paul said, "Yahshua our Passover is sacrificed for us" (1
Cor. 5:7). Death reigned from Adam to Moses (Rom. 5:14) which means that sin really reigned until the coming of
Yahshua for everyone under the Mosaic Law sinned including the High Priests (Lev. 16:24, Heb. 7:27). Yahshua came in
the world to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. He was the Lamb of Yahweh who was sacrificed for the sins of the
world, just as the Israelites offered up a lamb without spot or blemish at the Passover in Egypt (Ex. 12th chapter). As the
death of the Lamb was required before the Israelites could leave Egypt, it also takes the blood of Yahshua the Messiah to
cleanse us from all sins so that we might pass out of spiritual bondage or Egypt. Yahshua our Passover was spiritually
sacrificed in Sodom and Egypt (Rev. 11:8) just as the lamb of the first year of the Israelites was sacrificed in Egypt. In Him,
Yahshua, we have all passed over from Death unto Life, in the same fashion that the blood being impure passed over to
the other side of the heart by way of the lungs and becomes pure.
The heart pumps or distributes blood to all the cells and tissues of the body indiscriminately. There are all types of
cells in the body -- red, black, grey, yellow, white, etc., but the heart distributes blood to all of these alike. Furthermore, it
does not discriminate against normal (or good) cells and diseased (or bad) cells in the body. In fact, more blood is usually
pumped to diseased areas of the body than to other normal areas. Witness the luxuriant growth of cancerous tissue in the
body with its abundant blood supply while the normal tissue suffer from an impoverished blood supply and waste away.
This unbiased and unprejudiced action on the part of the heart points up the love of Yahshua for the whole world. He died
for Caucasians, Japanese, Africans, Indians, Chinese and all races of mankind and no race under the sun has a monopoly
on Him. He is not a respecter of persons. "Yahweh so loved the world (sinners and Christians alike) that He gave His only
begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life" (John 3:16). Yahshua told His
followers to love your enemies also (Matt. 5:44). This commandment of Yahshua is certainly not being followed
by those of the Roman Catholic Church who have a history of persecuting and killing those who oppose their doctrine
whom they classify as their enemies. They still hold fast to this doctrine as has been shown by their own words elsewhere
in this book. Yes, the heart loves all the tissues and cells of the body and bestows refreshing blood on all of them alike.
The heart, in pumping this life-giving blood to all tissues of the body, is the life-sustaining force in the body. It is the
life of the body, for as long as it pumps blood, one remains physically alive, but when it stops, one dies. The risen Yahshua
(Elohim) likewise is our life (John 11:25). If one has truly been saved in HIM he is spiritually alive. It takes the Spirit of
Elohim (Holy Spirit) dwelling in the Tabernacle of our bodies to make us spiritually alive, and if we have this spirit abiding in
us, we shall never die, for this is Eternal Life (John 11:25-26). When we say, "Shall never die," we do not mean physically
so, for all persons (both sinners and Christians) must take off the flesh (Heb. 9:27, 1 Cor. 15:51). Those who do not have
the Holy Spirit dwelling in their physical bodies are dead already, for Paul wrote to Timothy saying, "But she that liveth in
pleasure (the things of this world) is dead while she liveth" (1 Tim. 5:6). The heart in the physical body and Elohim in the
Spiritual body are synonymous in their roles of life source.
The heart is under the direct control of the brain, for there is a cardiac center in the brain which regulates the
heart, having inhibitory and acceleratory functions. Thus, the heart is subject to and does the will of the brain. These
impulses or commands from the brain are interpreted or coordinated in the sino-atrial node which is a collection of cells
located in the heart muscle from which the heart normally takes its rhythm.
It is, therefore, called the Pacemaker of the Heart. This seemingly duo-control of the heart, e.g., the cardiac center
in the brain and the Sino-atrial node seems to be at variance with what has just been said in reference to the heart being
under the control of the brain. However, when one realizes that Yahshua and His Father were one and the same (John
10:30) then this state of affairs becomes understandable. Yahshua the Messiah came into the world to do the Will of His
Father (John 6:38), and everything that He did was according to the Prupose and Plan of Yahweh. Yahshua said, "Think
not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill, for verily I say unto you, till
heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled: (Matt. 5:17-18). When He
bowed His head in the locks of His shoulder while on the cross and said, "It is finished" (John 19:30), He meant that He
had finished fulfilling the Law and the Prophets. Everything in the Law and the Prophets pointed to Him; His is the only
biography which was written BEFORE He was born. Thus, He did everything that the Law and Prophets said that He would
do and THAT ONLY. He did not come to INSTITUTE anything. He come to FULFILL that which was already instituted, and
in doing that He was definitely doing the Will of His Father, just as the heart obeys and does the will of the brain.
The heart suffers many abuses of the body for we are continuously on the go trying to get up in this world and we
take no thought of our hearts when we overwork and overtax them. We eat and drink substances which are deleterious to
the heart. We smoke and chew tobacco and dissipate in many other ways, all of which put a tremendous burden on the
heart. We allow ourselves to become corpulent or fat off of the goodies of this life and thereby shackle our hearts with the
burden of carrying this extra load around. But what does the heart do under these circumstances and situations? Why it
enlarges, that is, its muscle fibers become larger and thicker to enable itself to better bear the load placed on it. In other
words, it graciously and uncomplainingly braces itself for these onslaughts and prepares itself to shoulder the burden of
them. This process of enlargement continues as the burden or load becomes greater until a maximum point is reached at
which time the valves of the heart become incompetent or do not close or approximate themselves adequately and
leakage of blood from one chamber of the heart to another takes place. This further causes more enlargement and
leakage until failure or decompensation of the heart takes place followed in its extreme cases by death.
As the heart does, so did Yahshua do, for He bore the abuses and sins of the world. The Prophet Isaiah said,
"Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of Yahweh and afflicted.
But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon
him; and with his stripes (remember the striped or striated muscle of the heart?) we are healed. He was oppressed, and he
was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth" (Isa. 53:4-5,7). The more Yahshua was afflicted the more love he showed to
those who were afflicting him. Do you remember when he hung on the cross after they had crucified him, and said,
"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). So, the more that the offenses abounded, the much
more grace abounded (Rom. 5:20) just as the heart enlarges according to the amount of burden placed on it. But as with
the heart there comes a breaking point, Yahshua wept for the sins of this world (John 11:35) when the load had become
awfully heavy, just as the heart leaks when it has enlarged and becomes overburdened. Finally, he was crucified or died
for the sins of the world just as the heart finally succumbs to its onslaughts. We often refer to one another as being Big
Hearted when he gives unselfishly of what he has. Well, who was anymore Big Hearted than Yahshua the Messiah who
gave HIMSELF for the sins of the world.
The heart performs its meritorious work for our bodies day and night, under all circumstances and conditions. It
never stops pumping the life-giving blood for the cells and tissue of the body. It receives nothing but bad or impure blood,
but in turn pumps good or pure blood to the organs from which it has received the bad. It has a crown of blood vessels
known as the coronary (crown) circulation from which it derives its nutrition for the work which it carries on, for these
coronary vessels supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. But on many occasions this coronary circulation fails (heart
attack) and the heart muscle suffers from lack of nutrition and death may ensue. This failure on the part of the coronary
circulation is tantamount to being betrayed by a so-called friend. David said in the Psalms, "Yea, mine own familiar friend
in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me" (Psa. 41:9). Yahshua was betrayed by one
who had traveled around with him over the Judean and Palestinian hills, had eaten and slept with him (Judas); he was as
the crown of thorns placed on Yahshua's head which pricked him sorely, just as the crown of blood vessels betray or
cause the death of the heart. Yahshua had done nothing but good and had worked day and night heal the sick and
infirmed and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of Yahweh. But for all of this he received nothing but abuse and
affliction for his efforts.
Although the heart suffers the abuses of the body and is long-suffering from the standpoint of its patience in
enduring these abuses, there comes a time when it ceases to perform its usual manner. Suddenly, in the night in most
cases, it quits its functioning (heart attack) and life goes out of the body. It is the fear of such a happening that makes most
people heart-conscious especially when they are told that there is something wrong with their heart or whenever they
experience symptoms of heart disease such as pain in the chest and shortness of breath. On such occasions the
individual really then begins to think in terms of his heart even though he may never have paid it any attention before.
Everyone respects his heart! He stops his abuses and dissipations, and begins to live a moderate and temperate life. Such
timely warnings from the heart makes one conscious of his heart and brings about a change in one's disposition toward his
"Elohim likewise is longsuffering to us-ward, not willingly that any should perish, but that all should come to
repentence" (2 Pet. 3:9). He chastens us from time to time to remind us as a parent chastens a child that we should walk
circumspectly before him. "For whom Yahweh loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. If ye
endure chastening, Yahweh dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not? But if ye
be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons" (Heb. 12:6-8). When one is
chastened of Yahweh is when there is sickness or death in the family, bad luck of all sorts, disputes with our so-called
friends, etc.; one remembers Yahweh and
gives respect unto Him, but when one is having so-called good luck and everything is fine, Yahweh is left completely out of
the picture. However, the day of Elohim will come as a thief in the night (2 Pet. 3:10, 1 Thess. 5:2) at which time the
heavens and earth will be rolled up like a scroll (Isa. 13:13, Rev. 6:14) and pass away. Yahweh will not forever tolerate our
ignorance of Him, our foolishness, and our vanities, for He has appointed a time when He will judge the world in
righteousness and that day is NOT far off, but it is right on us. It will be a massive heart attack for all of us, for all men's
hearts will fail (Luke 21:26) when Elohim is revealed from heaven. So, let everyone of us take heed, and be more
conscious of Yahweh rather than heart conscious for though our fleshly hearts fail, if we have the Holy Spirit in us, we shall
live forevermore (forever more?) in that glorified state in the Kingdom of our Yahweh.
It is absolutely necessary and positively expedient that we say something about this matter of heart transplantation
for it is a very current issue, and we dare say that the true spiritual meaning of this procedure is not understood throughout
the medical, scientific, theological and political spheres. There have been more than a hundred heart transplants done
throughout the world, and the greater part of the recipients have died, and the oldest surviving case which was done in
South Africa is about fourteen months old at this writing, while others have succumbed a few hours after transplant; still
others have survived for periods ranging from a few hours to a few months. This procedure is still in its infancy and many
serious and grave questions have arisen among doctors, lawyers, politicians and laymen concerning the moral issues
involved, e.g. when can one be legally declared dead? Does a prospective donor have the right to will his heart to
whomever he will? Are heart transplants only to be given to those who can afford them, as the rich, etc.? We will not
attempt to answer these questions in this treatise but will only deal with the mechanism of heart transplantation and to
explaining the true spiritual meaning of the procedure.
We have already dealt extensively with an explanation of what the heart stands for in the previous chapters, but a
brief review is in order at this time for clarity in understanding this presentation. We have shown that the physical heart
residing in the middle or intermediate cavity of the body, the Holy Place, corresponds to the Super Incorporeal Form of
Elohim, the Son, which is intermediate between Pure Spirit or Yahweh and Yahshua the Messiah (Holy Spirit in fleshy
manifestation). We have also shown that the heart is an allegory of the brain in other words, the heart is just as the brain
but in a lower manifestation, just as Elohim is the express image of the Father Yahweh, but in a lower manifestation (Heb.
1:1-3, Col. 1:15). Furthermore, we have explained how that Yahweh-Elohim breathed into Adam's nostrils the Breath of
Life and he became a living soul, and this breath of life was the essence or soul of the man which vitalized and animated
him, just as the heart keeps one alive by its constant beating and sending of life-giving blood throughout the physical body.
When, therefore, Adam was created his heart was pure and clean and undefiled before Yahweh-Elohim but when
he touched and ate of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil his soul or conscience became defiled
and corrupt before Yahweh and he was cast out of the Garden of Eden (a process of degeneration). This Adamic
transgression necessitated Yahweh to send his Son Yahshua the Messiah into the world to be the redemption for Adam's
restoration back into an Edenic state. Adam's transgression passed upon all men so says the Apostle Paul in Romans
5:14, "Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's
transgression, who is a figure of him that was to come."
Israel, too, was given a law just as Adam was given a law, and they failed to keep the Law of Moses just as Adam
failed in the Garden of Eden, and Yahweh spoke through the mouths of the Prophets concerning Israel's HARD and
impenitent heart, and their stony hearts which typified their dead souls of their inner man who was resistant to change. The
Prophet Zechariah wrote
of Israel thusly, "Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which
Yahweh of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from Yahweh of hosts" (Zech.
7:12, H.N.B.). The Prophet David also wrote of Israel, "For their heart was not right with him, neither were they steadfast in
his covenant" (Psa. 78:37); and Yahweh Himself said of Israel, "Oh that there were such a heart in them that they would
fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!" (Deut.
5:29). Also, the Ten Commandment Law was written on tables of stone (heart-shaped) and Moses was admonished to put
them in the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place, but Moses threw the first tables of stone down to the earth and
broke them when he saw that the children of Israel had made the Golden Calf and were worshiping it in violation of the
Commandment that Yahweh had given them just forty days before (Ex. 32nd chapter). (Please keep in mind that the heart
is allegorical to the brain, so the placing of new tables of stone in the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place is the
same as giving one a new heart).
Man's physical heart when he is young is soft and pliable and elastic but as advancing years come on, the process
of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) begins to involve his heart and brain, and this condition is mainly responsible
for the heart attacks and failure of men's hearts that necessitates a heart transplant (there are other causes). The surgeon
selects the heart of a donor that is usually younger and more vigorous in whom the process of arteriosclerosis has not yet
begun, and this is transplanted into the chest cavity of the recipient after his diseased heart has been removed. Let me at
this point dogmatically state and categorically acclaim that NO surgeon has truly done a heart transplant operation! The
reason is this: all surgeons leave a portion of the recipients' heart in his chest cavity which is the part that has to do with
the reception and transmission of the nervous impulses coming from the brain down to the heart. They don't take out this
portion of the upper part of the heart for they know that they never could restore the normal beat and impulse to the heart if
they did so. They dare not fool around with the intricate nerve plexuses which are the real spark plugs in the heart's action.
Therefore, as long as the surgeons continue to leave any portion of the recipient's heart in his body, they are failing of
doing a complete heart transplant. These surgeons also have a big job on their hands trying to get the recipient's body to
accept the new transplanted heart. Their main fear is that the body will reject the transplanted heart, and then death
ensues despite their efforts and all is lost regardless of their skillful surgery.
According to the foreknowledge and Purpose of Yahweh, this condition or state of the hardness and evilness of
men's hearts was to be corrected by His (Yahweh's) COMPLETELY replacing man's heart with a new heart, as he spoke
through Ezekiel saying, "A NEW HEART also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the
stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh" (Ezek. 36:26). Please take special notice of the fact that
Yahweh said that HE would do this HEART TRANSPLANT OPERATION, and not some academically trained medical
doctor, theologian, etc.. This is the REAL HEART TRANSPLANT operation that Yahweh, our Eternal Father is going to
give to every man who believeth in Him according to His Plan and Purpose and Pattern. He promised to take every bit of
that diabolical heart out of us and give us a completely new heart and new spirit. If any portion of sin remaineth in our
hearts, then we are still sinners as the Apostle John put it, "Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath
not seen Him (not received a heart transplant) neither know Him" (1 John 3:6).
Then let us consider the difference in survival time of those who receive the physical heart transplant done by
men, and those that receive the spiritual heart transplant done by Yahweh. The former live only a few hours to a few
months, whereas the latter live forever throughout Eternity. Even if a physically transplanted heart lasted another life-time,
this would still avail nothing for sooner or later the man would die, and go to the Lake of Fire to
be tormented eternally. Yahshua the Messiah said, "Blessed are the pure in heart (those that have received a spiritual
heart transplant) for they shall see Yahweh" (Matt. 5:8). As Yahweh is Eternal, so will those who receive of His spirit dwell
with Him in Eternity, and He will in no wise cast out (or reject) as the physical body rejects the physically transplanted
heart. Yahweh did cast Adam out of the Garden of Eden after his transgression and his heart had become evil through
disobeying Yahweh, but now since he has put in us a new heart there will be no more casting out or rejection for we are
truly and wholly acceptable to the Father Yahweh through the redemptive blood of His Son, Yahshua the Messiah.
Our judicial courts are now being faced with a dilemma which is causing a considerable amount of concern in
scientific and legal circles. Recent scientific investigation of the sex chromosomes of prisoners charged with acts of
violence and physical assault including murder revealed the presence of an extra Y chromosome in a larger number of
such prisoners than in the regular prison inmates. The presence of such an extra Y chromosome was thought to possibly
contribute to the criminal nature of these prisoners and has been used in the courts of law to try to get sentences
moderated or even dismissed in some cases.
Frankly speaking, the judges of these courts just don't know exactly how to handle such cases for there are no
precedents of previous cases to follow. This is the first time that the chromosomal make-up of a person has been used to
try to absolve him or free him or excuse him for some abnormal behavior, especially of a violent or murderous nature.
To understand why this enigmatic situation should be occurring at this time requires a knowledge of our Pattern
and the Purpose and Plan of Yahweh.
Man has twenty-three (23) pairs of chromosomes (a total of 46) which are present in the cells of his body.
Chromosomes are microscopic, minute, rod-shaped particles of protein material which are present in the nucleus of all
cells and contain the genes which have to do with the determining of the hereditary characteristics of all animals or plants.
The number of chromosomes in a cell are the same for each specie of animal or plant. There is one pair of sex
chromosomes in man or woman; the Y chromosome is the male-determining factor and the X chromosome is the femaledetermining factor. A male has two dissimilar chromosomes comprising his pair -- thusly XY, whereas a female has two
similar chromosomes comprising her pair, thusly XX.
In the process of reproduction when the sperm cell of the male and the ovum of the female come together, each
cell arranges its chromosomes in a linear fashion on either side of an imaginary middle line so that half of the
chromosomes are on one side and half are on the other side. When the sperm cell goes through this process, it is easy to
see that since it has two dissimilar sex chromosomes, the X chromosome will be on one side, and the Y chromosome will
be on the other side of the midline of the cell. After this process is completed, then each sex cell, the sperm and the ovum
contribute half of its chromosomes to the reproductive process. If the male sperm cell contributes an X chromosome to the
female ovum, the result will be XX which is a female progeny (please note that the female ovum has nothing but X's to
contribute to the process), whereas if the male sperm cell contributes a Y chromosome, the resulting progeny is a male
since an XY situation would result. Hence, it is very apparent that the male sperm cell having both an X and a Y
chromosome is the determiner of whether the resulting progeny is male or female.
In the situation where there is an extra Y chromosome present in the sperm cell chromosomal make-up, some
authorities are setting forth the idea that this might lead to over-aggressiveness on the part of the male to the point that
some act of violence might be committed. There has been no definite evidence that the presence of this extra sex
chromosome leads to any change in the physical characteristics of the male of a recognizable or overt nature. More
scientific work is now being carried on to determine whether the presence of the extra
chromosome is attended by a definite change in the behavior of the normal male specie, and there are some notable
criminal trials that are awaiting an answer to this perplexing question.
According to our Pattern, we have already shown that Yahweh is Pure Spirit and is both masculine (YAH) and
feminine (WEH). The tetragrammaton YHWH is His true Hebrew name consisting of the four consonants Y,H,W (or V), H - and this name was considered too sacred to pronounce, So the vowels of the word Adonai (LORD) were substituted and
through a process of transliteration we derive the name YAHWEH. The Cloud that Moses entered into when he had his
vision atop Mount Sinai (Ex. 24th chapter) symbolized Pure Spirit or Yahweh who is both masculine and feminine, and the
mixed whitish gray sexual secretions of the male and female species resemble this cloud. As Yahweh or Pure Spirit is the
source and substance of all things, so is the mixed sexual secretions the source and the substance of the prospective
offspring. The Y chromosome would represent Yahweh (Elohim) and the X chromosome would represent His entire
creation which is drawn out of Him as Eve was taken from or drawn out of Adam's body. The X which is also a cross would
signify the damnation of the whole creation brought about by the Adamic transgression (Gen. 3:17-18). As Yahweh-Elohim
created all things by Himself and determined the bounds of their habitation (Prov. 8:22-31, John 1:1-3, Col. 1:13-17, Acts
17:26), and as Adam who was made in His likeness and image determined the names of all the beasts of the field and the
cattle, and the fowls of the air (Gen. 2:18-20), and as Yahshua the Messiah determined our salvation for us (Acts 2:22-23),
so does the Y chromosome act as the determiner of the species whether one shall be masculine or feminine.
This brings us down to the point of considering what the other Y in the XYY cells stands for. It positively and
definitely stands for Satan or Lucifer whom Yahweh created to be His own adversary (Isa. 45:7, Ezek. 28:11-19, Isa.
14:11-20, Matt. 4;10, Col. 1:16) and gave him power over all flesh. It was this evil spirit that caused havoc and was in
heaven and has been and is now causing all of the troubles in the earth. It was this evil spirit that entered the Garden of
Eden and caused the man and woman to sin, and he is referred to in the scriptures as THAT MAN or A MAN (2 Thess.
2:3, Rev. 13:18). If we, therefore, let our X and Y chromosome stand for the parties that were present in the Garden of
Eden when the Devil or Satan tempts the woman, we would have an X (Eve) Y (Adam) Y (Lucifer) or (XYY) situation.
Furthermore, since the Adamic transgression passed upon all mankind (Rom. 5:12-14) whether they were present in
person at that time (truthfully we were all present in the loins of Adam and Eve), then it is easy to see that SPIRITUALLY
SPEAKING, we ALL have an extra Y chromosome which represents that negative spirit that we were born with from our
mother's womb. And this extra chromosome (spiritually speaking) is aggressive and is the cause of all violence in the
earth-plane for it represents the Satanic spirit working in us. Yahweh is not the author of confusion and violence but rather
Satan and his demons. So, even the man who does not physically possess an extra Y chromosome, he has one anyway if
he is not regenerated and born again by the Holy Spirit,
I, therefore, sympathize with the few individuals who will be made examples of in relation to this phenomenon of
an extra chromosome for they are standing trial for the rest of the world -- for the real violence is not done through physical
acts but is done through spiritual degradation such as is seen in our churches and pulpits where the innocent are
assaulted by a Devil incarnated in the flesh. As the Apostle Paul wrote, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places" (Eph. 6:12).
One of the most baffling and pressing problems of today along with alcoholism and drug addiction is homosexuality.
Recent estimates are to the effect that there are about 8-10 million homosexuals in the United States alone, to say nothing
of other countries where the practice is more common. Doctors, theologians, scientists and politicians admit that they do
not even understand the problem to say nothing of having any solution for it. The doctors have absolutely nothing to offer
the depressed, anxious and mentally disturbed persons who come to them seeking aid and a remedy to their plight, so the
problem grows and grows and no one is willing to hazard a guess as to where it will stop. While the problem is evil and bad
in its manifestation, it certainly contains one useful aspect, and that is, since everyone is worrying about the population
explosion, if homosexuality continues to increase, it certainly will curtail the birthrate for two men intercoursing together
cannot bring forth offspring, neither can two women.
Homosexuality is a term used to describe abnormal sexual intercourse between members of the same sex, e.g.,
men with men or women with women. It is mentioned in the Holy Bible as a problem in the city of Sodom (Gen. 19:4-9)
when the men of that city stormed the door of Lot's house demanding that he let them have the two men (Angels) who
were visiting there in order that they might know (have sexual relations with) them. These men of Sodom were
homosexuals and they refused to accept Lot's two daughters as sexual partners. The Apostle Paul also writes of this
problem of homosexuality in Romans 1st chapter verses 26-28 thusly, "For this cause Yahweh gave them up unto vile
affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men,
leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is
unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet .... And even as they did not like to
retain Yahweh in their knowledge, Yahweh gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not
Please make note of the fact that the situation which pertained in Sodom was present at the time that Yahweh
destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire, and we have come down to the time that Yahweh is going to
destroy this world with fire and we can all see that the same conditions of homosexuality are present.
In order to understand the problem of homosexuality it is definitely and positively necessary to go to the scriptures
(Genesis to Malachi), the Law and the Prophets (Isa. 8:20), for it is by this means that Yahweh has revealed his Purpose
and Plan. Moses, in his vision atop Mount Sinai in 1490 B.Y. (before Yahshua the Messiah) saw Elohim make Adam of the
dust of the ground and breathe in his nostrils the Breath of Life and he became a living soul. This Adam was both male
and female for the book clearly states that the woman was taken out of the man after Elohim had cast a deep sleep over
Adam. Moses further wrote, "This is the book of the generations of Adam, in the day that Elohim created man, in the
likeness of Elohim made he him; male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, in
the day when they were created" (Gen. 5:1-2). Adam being masculine and feminine when he was created reflected Elohim
(this word is plural) who is both masculine and feminine. Furthermore, both Adam and Elohim reflect Yahweh who is
masculine and feminine as we have explained elsewhere in this book. Yahweh, therefore, being the totality of everything,
both masculine and feminine had no need for anything in order to procreate or bring forth offspring for he is sufficient
within himself. Likewise, the same was true of Elohim and Adam, but when the woman was taken out of the , Adam, this
necessitated their coming together in a se l relation in order to bring forth offspring, therefore Yahweh-Elohim told the man
and the woman to be fruitful and to multiply and bring forth seed and replenish the earth (Gen. 1:28). Adam and Eve both
had seed in their own bodies which Yahweh had placed there, just as the trees and the herb had seed within themselves
and they yielded fruit after their own kind.
The man Adam represented Elohim and his wife Eve represented the Church (Congregation or Assembly) which
is His body (Eph. 1:22-23). Yahweh also gave to the man and the woman the natural desire to come together in sexual
union to bring forth offspring, and the Apostle Paul realizing that every man and woman had this natural passion one for
another wrote, "Nevertheless to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own
husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likewise, also the wife unto the husband. The wife
hath no power of her own body, but the husband; and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the
wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer;
and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency" (1 Cor. 7:1-5).
It is hard for one to appreciate the fact that the man and the woman are just types and shadows of the REAL man
and the REAL woman which are Elohim and His Bride. The Apostle Paul just came out plain and said that when he spoke
of a man and his woman or wife, he was speaking of Elohim and the Church (His Bride). "Husbands love your wives, even
as Elohim also loved the Church (Congregation or the Assembly) and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and
cleanse it with the washing of water by the word" -- then, he (Paul) states in the 32nd verse of this 5th chapter of
Ephesians, "This is a GREAT MYSTERY; but I speak of Elohim and the church (Congregation or Assembly). This love of
Elohim for His Bride or the Church was typified by Adam's love for his bride, Eve, and his dying for her.
In the same fashion that the woman, Eve, was taken out of the man, Adam, so was the whole creation
materialized out of Pure Spirit (Yahweh) or it was taken out of Yahweh, and it is the constant intercoursing of Pure Spirit
(Yahweh) with His creation (His Wife or Bride) which animates it and causes it to flourish and produce. This creating was
done by Yahweh in the shape and form of a man (Elohim), and every creature has to come to the consciousness that
Elohim is our husband and that we should be married to him for it is in him that all of the fulness of the Supernal Nature
(Godhead) dwells. When any of Elohim's creatures look to any other than to him for Life and Sustenance, this is Spiritual
Homosexuality. We should be married to him, so says the Apostle Paul and not to another. Elohim is the man and we are
the woman (though we be male or female according to the flesh); if we intercourse with any other than Him then we cannot
be fruitful and bring forth offspring.
When we deal with the spiritual reality of things and not with the types and shadows, we can see that we all were
once homosexuals because we did not know (this word 'know' in biblical parlance means to have sexual knowledge of)
Elohim, but through the redemptive blood of Yahshua the Messiah, who fulfilled the Law and the Prophets (the types and
shadows and carnal ordinances) we have come to know Him by the receiving of his spirit (Holy Ghost), and henceforth, we
no longer intercourse with the carnal ordinances, the natural meats and drinks which were under the Old Dispensation, but
now we intercourse only with the Holy Splrlt and deal with spiritual sacrifices, and spiritual things. This is the type of thing
that Paul was talking about in regards to Israel in Romans 1st chapter, which we have already quoted. Israel had been
given the Old Covenant and Laws and Carnal Ordinances which were a schoolmaster (Gal. 3:24) to lead them up to
Yahshua the Messiah. When Israel failed to realize that the Messiah had come and fulfilled (Matt. 3:15, Matt. 5:17, Luke
24:44) the types and shadows and moved them out of the way nailing them to His cross (Col. 2:14), then the Apostle Paul
described their situation as 'men working with men, and women with women' which is spiritual homosexuality. There is but
one Church and that is the spiritual body of Elohim, so when the various churches which are in the world today cater to one
another and intercourse with one another (ecumenical movements) that is one woman working with another woman;
likewise, there is only one husband or head of the body or bride and that is Elohim, so, when the pastors of the churches in
the world seek to one another and counsel with one another, that is man working with man and this constitutes spiritual
homosexuality. These churches and pastors failing to realize that we cannot worship Yahweh with our hands but must
worship Him in Spirit and in Truth in this
Spiritual Dispensation, continue to baptize in physical water, to eat physical Lord's Suppers, and to physically wash feet
and to do many other things that Yahshua died to move out of the way. They thus deny that He had the Power to fulfill
these natural things that blocked our vision of seeing Him as He really is and actually exists, and furthermore, they call Him
a liar to His face when they say that He came to INSTITUTE Lord's Supper and so-called Christian Water Baptisms when
He plainly said that He came to FULFILL (which means to complete, or to bring to a close; to end -- Matt. 3:15, Matt. 5:17
and Luke 24:44).
Now, by virtue of the fact that the whole Christian world and the non-Christian world continues to worship Yahweh
through some physical means, they are the True homosexuals; the poor degenerates who are labelled homosexuals by
the world are only a physical manifestation of the True homosexuals for it takes the visible things to understand the
invisible things (Rom. 1:19-20). Then too, as it is extremely difficult to recognize and to know that one is homosexual in the
world, for many who lead respectable lives as doctors, lawyers, ministers and politicians are homosexuals, likewise, it is
not known by those who have no Spiritual Knowledge that the so-called Christians are the real true homosexuals. The
churches and the pastors the world over are respected for their seeming virtuous and spiritual behavior but down
underneath, they are leading hypocritical and shameful lives for they are not the True children of Yahweh, and anyone who
goes in unto them is practicising (practicing?) homosexuality. These cannot bring forth any true spiritual offspring no more
so than a man with a man or a woman with a woman can bring forth physical offspring.
Eunuchism, sterility, virginity and senility are terms which are not well understood by most laymen, and the spiritual
meaning of these conditions are mentioned more or less freqently in the Holy Bible. We shall define each term and then
deal separately and briefly with each one, and impart the spiritual mianing as we proceed.
Eunuchism -- a condition in which the testes or ovaries are completely functionless due to faulty congenital
development or are absent due to surgery (castration) or are severely damaged by accident or injury. Persons so afflicted
do not have the desire or the ability to perform the sex act, neither can they produce offspring. This is a permanent state.
Sterility -- the condition of being unable to produce offspring due to some disease defect, abnormality or other
condition of the reproductive organs. It may or may not be a permanent condition, and there is usually no impairment of
the desire or the ability to perform the sex act. A sterile person may not be a eunuch, but a eunuch is always sterile.
Virginity -- a condition in which one has never engaged in sexual intercourse and consequently has never borne
children. This condition does not necessarily imply an absence of sexual desire or the ability to perform the sex act.
Senility -- a condition of aging in which one loses his physical and mental powers of performance even though the
organs are still present. The vigor and stamina are gone and weakness and infirmity prevail. Such persons usually lack the
desire or ability to perform the sex act.
We shall now turn our attention to a discussion of eunuchism. The Mosaic Law contained a reference to eunuchs
thusly, "He that is wounded in the stones (testes) or hath his privy member (penis) cut off, shall not enter into the
congregation of Yahweh" (Deut. 23:1, K.J.V.). This law thus excluded the eunuchs who were not able to produce offspring
from being a part of the congregation of Israel. They were thus outcasts and were cruelly ostracized and their shame
followed them wherever they went. The statute, however, was a just one for Yahweh had promised Abraham that He
would multiply his seed as the dust of the earth and as the stars of heaven (Gen. 13:16, Gen. 15:5). Seventy souls of the
posterity of Jacob went down into Egypt and Yahweh multiplied them to over six hundred thousand souls in the space of
about four
hundred years (Ex. 1:5, Ex. 12:37). Likewise, they continued to multiply in the Wilderness Sinai, and in Canaan Land
(Deut. 7:13). Hence, one can readily see that a eunuch who could not take part in this great reproduction would be of no
usefulness in this wise, and furthermore, since the eunuchs could not have or produce children there was no need for
them to be in the congregation trying to tell someone else how to raise their children!
These eunuchs were not alone, however, in being outcasts or being separated from the congregation of Israel
under the Mosaic Dispensation for the Gentiles were also considered as dogs or outcasts, and so were the lepers (Ex.
11:7, Isa. 56:9-11, Lev. 13:44-46). According to the Purpose and Plan of Yahweh, however, these Israelites under the
Mosaic Dispensation were not the Real Israel of Yahweh, as the Apostle Paul stated, "For they are not all Israel, which an
of Israel" (Rom. 9:6). Yahweh had purposed to graft the Gentiles into the Body of Messiah (church or congregation or
assembly) by faith. Likewise, he had purposed to include the eunuchs into the spiritual congregation or body as he spoke
through the mouth of the Prophet, Isaiah thusly: "Neither let the son of the stranger (Gentile) that hath joined himself to
Yahweh, speak, saying Yahweh hath utterly separated me from His people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry
tree. For thus saith Yahweh unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold
of my covenant; even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls, a place and a name better than of sons and
of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off" (Isa. 56:3-5). Yahweh always champions the
cause of the outcasts, the poor and needy, the down-trodden, etc.
It is not difficult to see that this bettering of the cause of the eunuchs did take place (in a type and a shadow) for
even though the eunuchs were excluded from the congregation of Israel during their journeying, after they had established
their kingdom and had placed David on the throne in Canaan Land, then this same ostracized eunuch was given a place of
authority, and respect and responsibility as the keeper of Solomon's harem (1 Chron. 28:1, see marginal translation, which
refers to officers or eunuchs).
The ultimate fulfillment of this promise made by Yahweh to the eunuchs is mentioned in part in Acts 8th chapter
where Philip, one of the seven deacons (not Apostles) met the Ethiopian eunuch who had just come from Jerusalem
where the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Apostles and other Jews. This eunuch, even though at Jerusalem, was
not allowed to be in the congregation of Israel, so as he was departing from Jerusalem he met Philip who preached unto
him and baptized him in physical water after he confessed that he believed. This Ethiopian eunuch was positively a Jew
and not a Gentile, as some say, because the scripture states, "Now they which were scattered abroad upon the
persecution that arose about Stephen, traveled as far as Phenicia, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word to none
but the Jews only" (Acts 11:19). Therefore, this Jewish eunuch was being brought into the congregation of Israel by having
the Gospel preached unto him by Philip (but he did not receive the Holy Spirit at this particular time).
The Apostle Paul was a eunuch who was born that way and he being not allowed to be in the congregation of
Israel, received private tutoring from Gamaliel, one of the Sanhedrin Council, and Paul was an industrious and ambitious
and well learned man. Since he did not have a wife or children to attend to, he spent all of his time attending to the things
of the Mosaic Law which he followed to the letter. However, at the appointed time when Yahweh purposed to set the
eunuch into the congregation of Israel, then Paul received the Holy Spirit on the way down to Damascus, which was in
COMPLETE fulfillment of Yahweh's promise to the eunuchs.
Up unto this point we have been speaking of the physical eunuch, but we must remember that there is a Spiritual
significance behind the physical type and shadow. When Yahshua the Messiah was traveling over the Judean and
Palestinian hills during His ministry, we find no reference to His being married or having a wife or children. One would ask
the question whether Yahshua was an eunuch. Before answering that question, let us refer to something that Yahshua the
Messiah said to His disciples when they asked Him whether it was good for a man to marry.
These disciples were concerned because Yahshua had told them that "Whosoever shall divorce his wife, except it be for
fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery; and whoso marrieth her which is divorced doth also commit
adultery. His disciples say unto Him, if the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. But He said unto
them, ALL men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs which were so born
from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs which were made eunuchs by men and there be eunuchs which
have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it" (Matt.
Yahshua the Messiah was an eunuch for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake but this deserves an explanation for as
Yahshua Himself said, "all men cannot receive (understand) this saying." The physical body of Yahshua the Messiah was
a perfect body having no freakishness about it, nor was it marred by congenital defect or abnormality. He was perfectly
sound in body and mind He was a specially prepared body which Yahweh had foretold through the Prophets, David and
Isaiah, and the Apostle Paul, and this body was not even contaminated by human flesh for it was not conceived of the
fertilization of Mary's ovum (seed) by Joseph's sperm (seed). This perfect body was not of any previous physical
parentage. Likewise, Yahshua had the same natural feelings of any other man for a woman, but these feelings were
subjected to His Will, for He came not into the world to find a wife and to get married and to have children and make a
name for Himself; He came into the world to do the Will of the Father, Yahweh, and to fulfill the Law and the Prophets
(Matt. 3:15, Matt. 5:17, Luke 24:44). Remember, Yahshua the Messiah was Yahweh manifested in a physical body (1 Tim.
3:16). He did not need a wife for the whole creation having been drawn out of Him (Pure Spirit) was His wife, as Eve was
drawn out of Adam. He did not need to intercourse physically with a wife or a woman for He (Pure Spirit is that which
intercourses -- animate, pervades) with all things. He did not need to bear or produce children for all of the creatures of the
Universe are His offspring for they all were created out of Pure Spirit. Therefore, Yahshua the Messiah appeared to be an
eunuch, though He actually had a wife (physical Israel was a type of His wife), and children (both Jews and Gentiles) and
he was intercoursing with his wife all of the time; but Yahshua the Messiah's mission and purpose was to establish the
Kingdom of Heaven which is not made up of a flesh and blood wife or flesh and blood creatures, nor is it procreated
through an intercourse between flesh and blood individuals. Therefore, Yahshua did not intercourse with natural physical
or carnal things as His mind was stayed on Spiritual things which pertain to the Kingdom of Heaven, hence, He was an
eunuch for the Kingdom of Heavens sake.
We have already discussed another type of eunuch that Yahshua the Messiah spoke of in Matthew 19th chapter,
that is, one that is born an eunuch, these were the outcasts of Israel, and such an example was the Apostle Paul. We have
already shown how he was ostracized BEFORE he received the Holy Spirit, but even after he was converted and received
the Holy Spirit, he still had a rough time of it with those who knew of his affliction. Wherever the Apostle Paul would travel,
he carried a company of folks with him including men and women, and some of the men had wives. The Apostle Paul had
no wife, being an eunuch, but women ministered unto him in regards to his personal needs and were companions, but
some accused Paul of sexual relations with these women even though they knew he was an eunuch! The Apostle
answered them thusly, Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife (translated, woman) as well as other Apostles, and
as the brethren of Yahshua and Cephas" (1 Cor. 9:5). In addition to this accusation the Apostle Paul underwent other
infamies for as he preached to those that were married and had wives and instructed them as to how they should be
toward one another in regards to sex relations, and as he also counselled those who were not married and had sexual
passions, these would literally say to him, "Well, you can be as you are because you are an eunuch, and you don't have
the same passions to contend with as we do." This accusation hurt the Apostle Paul deeply for he knew that through the
Power of Yahweh all passions and everything else could be brought unto subjection, and that was exactly what he was
preaching, the Power of Yahweh
Rom. 1:16). Accordingly, Paul prayed unto Yahweh three times to remove this affliction (eunuchism) from him that he as a
normal man might demonstrate the Power of Yahweh in subjecting his passions under the Spirit. In other words, Paul
wanted Yahweh to restore his power of sexual intercourse and the ability to have children that had been absent from birth,
so that he might prove that the Spirit and Power of Yahweh has dominance over a man's physical appetites and lusts. The
passage in the scriptures reads thusly, "And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the
revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh (his being an eunuch), the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I
should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought Yahweh thrice, that it might depart (be removed) from me.
And He said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore
will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the POWER of the Messiah may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in
infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for the Messiah's sake: for when I am weak, then
am I strong" (2 Cor. 12:7-10).
Though the Apostle Paul was unable to father children after the flesh or to have a wife after the flesh because he
was born an eunuch, nevertheless he was the father of many children after the spirit, and he did have a wife after the spirit.
He wrote to the Corinthians thusly, "I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you" (1 Cor.
4:14); and to Timothy, the Apostle wrote, "Unto Timothy, my own son in the Faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from Yahweh
our Father and Yahshua the Messiah our Saviour" (1 Tim. 1:2). Again, he wrote to the Galatians thusly, "My little children
of whom I travail in birth again until the Messiah be formed in you" (Gal. 4:19). The Apostle Paul also frequently referred to
the, relationship between a man and his wife as being a type and a shadow of Messiah and His Bride (Eph. 5:25-33, 1
Tim. 3:1-4), therefore, in his rple of minister unto the Gentiles, he looked upon himself as the husband, andthe whole
congregation of assembly of the believers as his bride of wife. He diligently attended unto the needs of his wife as he
steadfastly communicated the Gospel of the Truth to his bride which is the true sjpiritual intercourse.
The third type of eunuch spoken of by the Messiah are those that are made eunuchs of men. These are those who
undergo surgery to remove the testicles or seeds (castration) so the they might be rendered eunuchs to serve some
particular end. This is done in some countries to produce an eunuch or a chamberlain for a harem, and it is also done by
some religious fanatics (monks) who by so doing are attempting to purify or purge themselves, and they swear to a vow of
chastity or celibacy (thinking this is Holiness)! Even if one does not mutilate himself by castration, if he swears to a vow of
chastity or celibacy and isolates and separates himself from having anything to do with a woman, then he is in essence, an
eunuch. This is the present situation of the priests of the Roman Catholic Church who are not allowed to marry but are
now leaving the Church in great numbers because of their desire to be married and have children, etc. This is a big issue
in the Roman Catholic Church today, and is causing great concern.
The Apostle Paul spoke of this situation almost two thousand years ago and warned us that Satan and his demons
in the guise of an Angel of Light and Ministers of Righteousness (2 Cor. 11:13-15) would be forbidding marriages as he
wrote to Timothy thusly, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving
heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which Yahweh hath created to be received with thanksgiving
of them which believe and know the Truth" (1 Tim. 4:1-3).
I would say that these priests have been duped all of the time by their Popes for any fool knows that one can get
more work out of a bull after he is castrated; this was the vogue under the Mosaic Law Dispensation when bullocks
(castrated or gelded bulls, oxen) were used to labor all day long in the field under heavy burdens, and they were also used
as sacrifices but these were types and shadows of the Messiah. On the other hand, a young bull who is not castrated
and is full of vim and vigor, he has nothing on his mind but to chase after the cows and have himself a ball!
We shall now deal with sterility which we have defined as the condition of being unable to produce offspring due to
some disease, defect, abnormality of other conditions of the reproductive organs. It may or may not be a permanent
condition, and there is no impairment of the desire or ability to perform the sex act. This condition is synonymous to being
barren, and it is spoken of in the scriptures in many places. Abraham's wife, Sarai, was sterile or barren until she bore
Isaac at the age of 90 years old (Gen. 16:1, Gen. 17:17). Jacob's wife, Rachel was also barren or sterile (Gen. 29:3l) as
was Hannah, the wife of Elkanah (1 Sam. 1:2), who later bore the Prophet Samuel. This temporary state of sterility imparts
the spiritual concept of the unfruitfulness of all men's endeavors prior to the advent of the Messiah, and the pouring out of
the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. There were no spiritual sons or daughters born prior to Pentecost, although the
prospective ability was there all of the time. All of those who believed in the coming of the Messiah and looked forward to
it, even though they went to the grave, their belief was accounted unto them for righteousness (Gen. 15:6, Job 19:25-27,
Rom. 4:3).
In this condition of sterility, the seed may be present in the loins of the individual but for some reason or another;
there is no deliverance of the seed; it may be blocked in its passage through the ducts, or again, the seed might be
deficient in number (as in a male who must have a near normal sperm count of 60 million in order to be fertile) or the
timeliness or rhythm of the production of the seed may be disturbed (as in a woman). Please keep in mind that sterility
does not mean a lack of desire or ability to engage in the sex act, for it is apparent that prior to the coming of the Messiah,
mankind had a desire to know Yahweh and he definitely intercoursed with the things of Yahweh (the carnal ordinances,
covenants, types and shadows, etc.) but this intercourse was unfruitful, it was sterile, and did not produce any spiritually
borned sons or daughters. If one could see this particular point, it would definitely point up the unfruitfulness of our
intercoursing with water baptism, Lord's suppers, footwashing, etc. Doing these things can never bring forth spirital sons
and daughters and all who engage therein are sterile. However, if we will accept the fact that Messiah fulfilled all of these
physical types and shadows and moved them out of the way, and if we truly worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, then this
sterility or barrenness will be removed forever. The Prophet Isaiah wrote of this situation as follows: "Sing, O barren,
though (thou?) that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are
the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith Yahweh. Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them
stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations; spare not, lengthen the cords, and strengthen thy stakes; for thou shalt break
forth on the right hand and on the left; and they seed shall inherit the Gentiles and make the desolate cities to he inhabited"
(Isa. 54:1-3).
Before we leave this matter of sterility, let us categorically state that anyone, be it male or female who is not born
again of the Holy Spirit is spiritually sterile, for no matter how much he might intercourse with another, he can not bring
forth righteous progeny. To put it more bluntly, both ministers and congregation who are continuing to indulge in carnal
ordinances, e.g. physical water baptism, Lord's suppers or masses, washing feet, etc. are spiritually sterile and positively
and definitely cannot bring forth spiritual sons and daughters by these means.
Our next topic is virginity which already has been defined as the condition of not having engaged in sexual
intercourse and consequently not having borne any children. As before stated this does not necessarily mean that the
desire for sexual intercourse is absent. In referring to the Law and the Prophets, we find that Mother Earth was a virgin
when she brought forth the man, Adam in that she had not been contaminated by any man committing sin upon her,
therefore, the Prophet Isaiah had to prophesy thusly in reference to the coming Messiah, "A virgin shall
conceive and bear a son and shall call His name Immanuel" (Isa. 7:14). Adam was a figure of the Messiah, so states the
Apostle Paul (Rom. 5:14) therefore, if the Adamic man was born of a virgin, so would have to be the Messiah; hence, we
find that Mary who was espoused to Joseph had not engaged in sexual relationship with her husband when Yahshua the
Messiah was conceived in her by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-35). The examples given above of virgins are only types and
shadows of the True Virgin who is the Bride of the Messiah, the congregation or assembly of True Believers who walk not
after the flesh but after the Spirit. These virgins do not contaminate themselves with any fleshly intercoursing with carnal
ordinances, physical dunking in water or baptism or any of the things that Yahshua the Messiah came into the world and
fulfilled. The Apostle Paul spoke of this virgin thusly in writing to the congregation or assembly at Corinth, "For I am
zealous over you with a zeal for Yahweh: for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste
virgin to the Messiah" (2 Cor. 11:2). There may be some who still do not comprehend what is being explained here despite
our earnest desire to get the understanding imparted unto them but the main reason for this is that we fail to realize
spiritual things. One may not be able to see how someone can be a virgin (spiritually speaking) and at the same time have
a physical husband and flesh and blood children. This is the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven, and unless one becomes
spiritually resurrected, he cannot understand these spiritual things.
The subject of senility is more prominent these days for with the increase in the life span and longevity of the
people there is an ever increasing number of these so-called senior citizens. In the field of medicine there is a special
study called Geriatrics or Gerontology which deals with the conditions of the aged. It has been said that when one enters
into old age (past the age of 70) he is entering into his second childhood. This appears to be the case because a senile
person suffers mental and physical decline, and as a result many of the behaviorisms of a child might be observed in
these oldsters. One will observe by reading the Holy Bible that in the times of Adam, Noah and the Patriarchs, men lived a
lot longer than they do today and they evidently retained a good deal of their stamina and vigor, but as time has
progressed, the generations have become wiser but weaker and 70 odd years is the average life-span in the United
States. Needless to say, however, even though man lived for centuries in past generations, their whole life-time was as a
moment compared with Eternity or with Yahweh. Yahweh is Life and Essence; He is the Spirit that animates the new-born
and He is that Spirit which sustains the old man of a hundred years old who really is as a child in Yahweh's eyesight. So,
youth or old age are the same in Yahweh's Purpose and Plan, but he has purposed them both in order to carry out His
Will. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes thusly, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the
heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted" (Eccles. 3:1-2).
Under the Dispensation of the Mosaic Law, a High Priest was ordained at age 30, not before (one could be a Low
Priest at age 25), but at the age of 50, he had to retire from office for Yahweh would not suffer him to minister in that office
past the age of 50 (Num. 8:23-26). On the other hand, Moses was 120 years old when Yahweh removed him from his job
of leading the children of Israel and the scriptures say that "his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated" when he died
(Deut. 34:7). So when one can see that senility may or may not carry with it a decline in one's vigor; it is according to that
which Yahweh Wills. When one considers that the Satanic spirits which were cast out of Heaven have been around a long
time, and seeing that they do not have any knowledge of the Purpose of Yahweh, one gets the idea of what we are dealing
with in this matter of senility.
We shall not attempt to deal with the whole subject of senility but we would like to mention two things regarding the
situation, namely the mental decline and the sexual decline especially as it relates to our other subjects of eunuchism,
virginity and sterility. There is profound mental deterioration found in old age called senile psychosis. These psychotics are
guilty of carrying on abnormal behavior and are completely out of touch with reality. This
condition when present in a retired recluse may be of little or no consequence but when it is present in those who are
leaders in the fields of theology, politics or medicine, it may lead to grave consequences which could endanger the lives of
millions of people. Such afflicted persons being past the prime and fruition of their lives, should be removed from such
position of authority and replaced by younger minds. No wonder the present younger generations are reacting violently to
the status quo, for they have come out of senile psychotic minds. The Roman Curia is made up of such senile men (or
Priests) who are completely out of touch or contact with this progressive world. Likewise, it is these old men and the Popes
who have ruled over them who have tried to govern the sex and marital lives of their much younger constituents. How can
one who is past feeling as far as the sex urge is concerned, know the pangs that one must suffer when he is commanded
by some church doctrine to abstain from sexual relationship or else suffer an unwanted pregnancy? It certainly does not
bother these senile men to invoke such rulings for they themselves are not affected by them. They have waxed old and are
about to fade away, but still they meddle in the lives of millions of innocent young and virile individuals, but the younger
liberals in the Roman Catholic Church and in the world are being heard from these days, for they are rising up the world
over to take the reins from the senile and feeble leaders who have made a shamble of this world and brought it to its
present chaotic state.
Abraham .......................................................................................................... 12, 24-26, 28, 29, 38, 41, 48-51, 58, 71, 87, 91
Abrahamic Promise ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
Adam ............................................................................... 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 18-20, 23-25, 27-29, 33, 39-41, 43, 44, 48, 53, 59,
65, 68, 71-73, 78, 81, 83-86, 89, 91, 92, 95
age ............................................................................................. 2, 5, 11, 24, 26, 28, 29, 32, 38, 54-56, 59, 61, 66, 91, 92, 96
ages .............................................................................................................................. 9, 24, 25, 28, 54-56, 61, 65, 68, 70, 73
angel .................................................................................................................................................. 30, 37, 47, 49, 66, 68, 90
angels .................................................................................... 11, 12, 15, 19, 20, 28, 29, 38, 48, 54, 55, 61, 66, 67, 71, 85, 97
ark of the covenant ........................................................................................ 6, 7, 9, 13, 26, 34, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 78, 82, 95
attribute .......................................................................................................................................................... 13, 15-18, 48, 59
attributes ............................................................................................................................................. 4, 5, 9, 14-18, 53, 57, 75
Baptism ................................................................................................................ 20, 21, 30, 35, 47, 62, 70-72, 74, 77, 91, 92
behavior ................................................................................................................................................... 67, 68, 83, 84, 87, 92
body ........................................................................ 4-21, 23-28, 32-43, 45-48, 50-59, 61-65, 67-69, 71-84, 86, 88, 89, 95-97
born again ......................................................................................................................................... 29, 30, 41, 48, 71, 84, 91
Canaan Land ................................................................................ 6, 10, 18, 25, 26, 28, 29, 36, 38, 48, 50, 52, 53, 57, 58, 75,
88, 97
carnality ................................................................................................................................................................................. 48
cloud ............................................................................................ 2, 4-8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 26, 27, 34, 36, 37, 42, 44, 46,
49-52, 64, 75, 77, 84, 97
condemnation ............................................................................................................................................................ 48, 61, 69
condemned...................................................................................................................................................................... 31, 67
conscience .................................................................................................................................................... 43, 62, 69, 81, 90
consummation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
covenant ..................................................................................... 6, 7, 9, 13, 24, 26, 34, 37, 41, 42, 46, 55, 57, 58, 64, 73, 77,
78, 82, 86, 88, 95
covenants .............................................................................................................................................................................. 91
creation ....................................................................................... 4, 5, 11, 14, 23, 31, 39, 41-43, 49, 54, 55, 58, 64-66, 68, 71,
77, 84, 86, 89
death ................................................................................. 17, 19-21, 24, 26, 28-32, 35, 41-43, 45, 47, 48, 53, 59, 61, 69-71,
76, 78, 79, 80-82, 95, 96
devil ........................................................................................................................... 19, 26, 29, 31, 37, 40, 48, 59, 61, 68, 84
dispensation ...................................................................................... 5, 6, 11, 19-21, 26, 30, 38, 42, 56, 76, 86-88, 90, 92, 96
dispensations ............................................................................................................................................ 9, 25, 61, 65, 68, 70
eternity ............................................................................................................................................... 20, 48, 56, 75, 82, 83, 92
excuse ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14, 54, 83
faith ................................................................................................................... 5, 16, 31, 33, 43, 53, 60, 68, 70-73, 88, 90, 96
first fruits ................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
flesh ..................................................................................... 1, 2, 5, 6, 11-13, 18, 20, 23-26, 28, 38-43, 47-49, 53, 56, 58, 59,
61, 64, 65, 69, 71, 72, 74, 77-79, 82, 84, 86, 89, 90, 92, 96
fulfill ................................................................................................................................... 6, 30, 53, 61, 70, 71, 79, 87, 89, 96
Garden of Eden .................................................................................................... 18-20, 27, 28, 44, 48, 61, 65, 68, 81, 83, 84
gentile ........................................................................................................................................................................ 29, 41, 88
gentiles ................................................................................................................................................ 21, 40-42, 71, 88-91, 97
glorify ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2, 29, 63
glory ............................................................................................................................... 1, 6, 11, 22, 25, 37, 43, 47, 49, 64, 90
Godhead .................................................................................................................................................... 4, 18, 20, 36, 50, 86
grace ............................................................................... 1, 5, 6, 11, 19, 21, 24, 26, 30, 42, 43, 55, 59, 69, 70, 76, 80, 90, 96
grafted ............................................................................................................................................................................. 21, 42
heart .......................................................................................6, 8, 17, 21, 22, 33, 35-44, 46, 47, 49, 56-58, 62, 68, 71, 75-83
heaven .................................................................................. 2, 4, 10-14, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 29, 31, 35, 38, 43, 46-49, 51, 52,
55, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 68-70, 79, 81, 84, 87, 89, 92, 97
hell ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3, 12, 48, 61
Holy Ghost ....................................................................................... 2, 7, 13, 18-20, 26, 30, 33, 35, 38, 40, 41, 43, 46, 54, 72,
74, 78, 86, 96
Holy Place ................................................................................... 6-10, 12-14, 16, 18-20, 25-28, 35, 37-40, 42-46, 50, 52, 55,
56, 59, 61, 64, 66, 68, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81, 82, 97
Holy Spirit ......................................................................................... 4, 8, 17, 20-22, 24, 30, 40-43, 48, 56, 58, 59, 61, 64, 66,
67, 70, 72, 73, 78, 79, 81, 84, 88, 89, 91, 92, 96
image....................................................................................................1-4, 6, 10-14, 17, 26, 37, 39, 64, 75-77, 81, 84, 95, 96
imagination ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48
immortal..................................................................................................................................................................... 10, 12, 38
immortality ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
incense ........................................................................................................................................ 7-9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 34-37, 64
incorporeal ...................................................................................4, 9-11, 13-18, 20, 33, 34, 40, 41, 46, 48, 49, 53-55, 57, 58,
64, 81, 97
inner man ............................................................................................................................................................ 10, 11, 48, 81
invisible ....................................................................................... 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12-14, 16, 18, 27, 29, 37, 40, 41, 52, 54, 63-66,
70, 75-77, 87
John the Baptist ............................................................................................................................. 2, 20, 21, 47, 48, 66, 71, 72
judge ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2, 37, 44, 81
judgement........................................................................................................................................................................ 21, 59
kingdom ................................................................................................... 28, 29, 38, 39, 43, 47, 50, 56, 69, 80, 81, 88, 89, 92
know ..................................................................................... 3, 4, 10, 14-16, 20-22, 33, 34, 42, 46, 48, 49, 62, 63, 69, 70, 73,
75, 80, 82, 83, 85-87, 90, 91, 93, 97
knowledge ...................................................................................... 1, 3, 4, 9, 12-16, 18, 20, 23, 34, 45, 53, 56, 61-63, 65, 69,
70, 75, 81, 83, 85-87, 92
Law ...................................................................................... 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 13, 19-22, 24-27, 29, 30, 36, 41-44, 49-52, 56, 57,
60-62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76-79, 81-83, 85-92, 95, 96
love .............................................................................................................. 4, 9, 14, 16, 18, 34, 39, 44, 53, 57, 75, 78, 80, 86
manifest ............................................................................................................................................................... 18, 35, 48, 67
manifestation .....................................................................................1, 7, 14-20, 25, 27, 28, 30, 39, 40, 45-47, 50, 53-55, 64,
65, 70, 81, 85, 87, 95
Most Holy Place................................................................................ 6-10, 12-14, 16, 18-20, 26-28, 37, 42-44, 46, 50, 52, 55,
59, 61, 64, 68, 73, 75, 76, 78, 82, 97
names........................................................................................................................................................................ 59, 61, 84
new ...................................................................................... 1, 3, 20, 21, 26, 36, 41, 43, 46, 47, 51, 62, 70, 73, 74, 82, 83, 92
Noah ............................................................................................................................................. 23-25, 28, 54, 56, 59, 71, 92
obedience ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
obey ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
ordinances ................................................................................................................. 24, 26, 30, 42, 61, 70, 73, 74, 86, 91, 92
Outer Court..................................................................................... 8-10, 13, 14, 19, 25-28, 40, 45, 46, 50, 52, 54, 55, 61, 64,
65, 97
passover .................................................................................................................................................. 49, 50, 53, 72, 73, 78
pattern .......................................................................................... 2-4, 6, 9-14, 18-20, 23, 24, 26-28, 30, 32-34, 36-39, 45-50,
52-55, 57, 59, 61, 62-64, 69, 70, 75, 82-84
Paul .......................................................................................1-3, 10-12, 16, 18, 21-23, 25, 26, 28, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 42, 48,
54, 58, 59, 60-62, 65-69, 71, 72, 75, 77-79, 81, 84-86, 88-90,
92, 96, 97
Pentecost ............................................................................................................. 20, 24, 26, 35, 36, 40-42, 54, 56, 59, 91, 96
Peter .............................................................................................................................................. 2, 10, 11, 41, 43, 48, 69, 73
power ............................................................................................. 1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32-34, 49,
53-55, 57, 59, 60, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 75, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90
powerful ......................................................................................................................................................... 18, 22, 32, 50, 51
pray........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
prayer ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21, 22, 86
proof ................................................................................................................................................................................ 36, 38
prove ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9, 14, 90
purpose ................................................................................. 6, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19-23, 25, 27-29, 34, 35, 38, 40-42, 46-48,
54-56, 58, 59, 61, 65, 68-70, 75, 78, 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, 92, 97
repent .................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
resurrection ............................................................................................................... 17, 20, 21, 28, 43, 48, 53, 54, 70, 71, 95
revelation ............................................................................................................................................................. 1-3, 39, 60-62
righteousness .................................................................................... 26, 39, 40, 42, 44, 48, 60, 68, 70, 71, 77, 81, 90, 91, 96
rod ............................................................................................................................................................. 2, 11, 25, 26, 51, 83
sacrifice ................................................................................................................. 9, 11, 24, 36, 37, 39, 45, 46, 56, 73, 74, 78
salvation .................................................................................................................................... 1, 3, 16, 17, 30, 41, 84, 95, 96
save ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12, 42, 44, 89
self ..................................................................................................................................................... 14, 15, 25, 36, 46, 63, 70
separate ................................................................................................................................................................................ 69
serve .................................................................................................................................................. 20, 24, 29, 33, 43, 54, 90
sin ......................................................................................... 1, 3, 8, 13, 14, 17, 27, 36, 41, 47, 60, 61, 64, 68, 70, 73, 77, 78,
82, 84, 91
Sinai........................................................................................ 2, 4-6, 13, 18, 20, 26, 27, 41, 48-52, 57, 64, 73, 75, 77, 84, 85,
88, 95, 97
sinner ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16, 69
soul .................................................................................. 3, 5, 10, 11, 14, 17, 22, 32, 39-41, 48, 52-54, 60, 61, 65, 67, 81, 85
Super Incorporeal ................................................................................... 4, 9-11, 13-18, 20, 33, 34, 40, 41, 46, 48, 49, 54, 57,
58, 81, 97
Tabernacle ................................................................................ 4-16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 33-38, 42, 45-47, 49, 50, 53-56, 59,
61, 64, 68, 78, 79, 95-97
Temple ................................................................................................................................ 9-12, 17, 38, 50-52, 66, 72, 95, 97
time.................................................................................... 1-3, 5, 12, 20-22, 25, 27-30, 32, 37, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48-51, 53, 54,
56, 57, 62, 66-71, 73, 74, 77, 79-86, 88-92
Transfiguration .................................................................................................................................................................. 2, 10
tribes ................................................................................................................................................ 5, 6, 11, 19, 50, 51, 76, 96
true ...................................................................................... 1, 2, 20, 30, 31, 34-38, 40, 43, 44, 47, 48, 53, 54, 56, 59, 61, 62,
65, 70, 71-73, 75, 77, 78, 81, 84, 85, 87, 90, 92, 95
truth ..................................................................................................... 1-4, 7, 12, 30, 38, 39, 41, 60-62, 69, 70, 86, 90, 91, 96
universe ...................................................................................................... 1, 2, 4, 9, 11-16, 22, 58, 60, 63, 64, 66, 69, 77, 89
unrighteousness .................................................................................................................................................................... 39
veil ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Wilderness ......................................................................................................... 4, 6, 11, 18, 26, 29, 41, 48-52, 57, 88, 96, 97
witness ................................................................................... 4, 10, 12, 13, 21, 26, 27, 30, 36, 38, 43, 44, 46, 53, 56, 59, 70,
71, 78
witnesses .......................................................................................................................... 11-13, 17, 26, 43, 44, 46, 57, 59, 78
Zion ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10, 17, 26, 28
(from between pages 56 and 57)
This No. 1 diagram shows the vertebral column and the two collar bones forming a definite CROSS which means that as
Yahshua the Messiah was slain (or crucified) before the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8), so the man who is made in
His likeness and image is also crucified and is hanging on the cross. All of our lifetime we are dead, having inherited Death
from our Adamic father, Adam (Rom. 5:12-14), and what is NOW needed is a Regeneration which can only be
accomplished thru our hearing and accepting of the True Gospel of Yahshua the Messiah according to the Law and the
The No. 2 diagram is a side-view of the vertebral colume which shows it to be a VINE, and it being rooted and grounded in
the bony pelvis, denoting the Resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah. The ribs, therefore, would be as branches off of this
Vine, as the Messiah said, "I am the True Vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not
fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit (John 15:1-2).
Remember that we are likenening (likening?) this vertebral column with its 33 vertebrae to Yahshua the Messiah who lived
for 33 years.
The diagram marked 3 and 4 show the inferior and superior views of the sphenoid bone (which means wedge shaped)
which is located at the base of the brain. This is a most interesting bone as it possesses a pair of great wings, and a pair of
small wings and on its superior surface, it has a saddle-shaped depression called the Sella Turcica which houses the
Pituitary Gland, so-called master gland of the body. This bone with its wings overshadowing the place where two-fold
pituitary gland resides, is just another manifestation of the Ark of the Covenant with an Archangel on either side whose
wings overshadowed the Mercy Seat beneath which the Two Tables of the Mosaic Covenant resided.
Furthermore, when Solomon's Temple was constructed, two cherubims of image work overlaid with gold with a combined
wing span of twenty cubits were made and placed in the Oracle. Then Solomon and the elders of Israel took the Ark of the
Covenant with its two cherubims overshadowing the Mercy Seat, and moved it into the Temple underneath the wings of
the newly constructed cherubims (1 Kings 8:1-8). This symbolized the moving of the Tabernacle back into the Temple or
Prefigured Yahshua the Messiah returning back to the Father after completing His work of Salvation. Please keep in mind
that Moses saw this Tabernacle drawn out of the Temple (the Body of Elohim) in his vision atop Mount Sinai. So, this
sphenoid bone with its greater wings (wings of the cherubims in Solomon's Temple) overshadows its lesser wings (the
wings of the cherubims on the Ark of the Covenant).
VOLUME III between pages 56 and 57
(between pages 56 and 57)
In the diagram to the left, one sees the vertebral column with its 33 vertebrae and twelve ribs attached posteriorly to it on
either side. This vertebral column is the support which permits a man to walk upright and which distinguishes him from all
other vertebrates, and it represents Yahshua the Messiah who dwelled on earth in the flesh for 33 years before being
crucified. He said when He went into His ministry that He came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets; hence He chose twelve
disciples to be gathered around Him, just as there were twelve heads of the twelve tribes of Israel gathered around the
Tabernacle in the Wilderness under the Dispensation of the Mosaic Law. After Messiah's death and the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, these twelve Apostles (Judas excluded, and the Apostle Paul added) went throughout
the world preaching the Gospel in this Present Age of Grace. The Apostle John spoke of this in his vision on the Isle of
Patmos, making reference to the Twenty-four Elders gathered around the Throne of Yahweh (Rev. 4:4). Therefore, man
must have a reminder of this in his physical body, since he is made in the likeness and image of Yahweh-Elohim, so the
twenty-four ribs gathered around the vertebral column represents these twenty-four elders gathered around the Throne of
Yahweh. The diagram on the right shows the three-fold sternum or breast bone composed of a manubrium, gladiolus and
xiphoid process representing the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. This resembles a sword, in fact, the word
manubrium means 'handle'; the word gladiolus means 'sword' and the word xiphoid means 'shaped like a sword'. "This
sword is the Sword of the Spirit and it is the Breastplate of Righteousness which is Elohim who is referred to in the Bible
many times in this manner, but notably by the Apostle Paul who wrote, "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of
Yahweh, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins
girt about with Truth, and having on the Breastplate of Righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the
Gospel of Peace; above all taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the firey darts of the wicked.
And take the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of Yahweh (Ephes. 6:13-17).
VOLUME III (between pages 56 and 57)
OUTER COURT - 10 pillars 20 pillars 20 pillars 10 pillars Gate
MOST HOLY PLACE - 5 bars and 6 boards 8 boards (TWO EACH CORNER)
6 Boards and 5 bars
HOLY PLACE - Door 5 pillars 20 boards and 5 bars 20 boards and 5 bars
4 pillars Vail
The Human Skeleton
When Moses entered into the Cloud which covered Mount Sinai in the year 1490 B.Y., and saw in a vision Elohim in a
Super Incorporeal Form (Ex. 24:9-10,16-17), which form was the Temple of His body (John 2:19-21), he also saw Elohim
transform instantaneously into a Three-fold Tabernacle and He admonished Moses to build a Tabernacle in the
Wilderness just exactly as the one that saw in the vision (Ex. 25:9-10 & 40, Heb. 8:5). Moses did construct the Tabernacle
in the Wilderness and it contained 149 supporting structures called boards (69), pillars (60) and bars (20). These
supporting structures correspond to the bones of man's physical body (see chapter on the SKELETAL SYSTEM). Why,
then, are there only 149 supporting structures in the Tabernacle and 206 supporting structures (bones) in man's physical
body? The answer is simple when one understands. Man's physical body is patterned after the Mosaic Tabernacle and
Solomon's Temple which represents the Super Incorporeal Form that Moses saw in the Vision. As the Tabernacle was
drawn out of the Temple, so must the Tabernacle be put back into the Temple. Moses witnessed the drawing out of the
Tabernacle from the Temple or Super Incorporeal Form in his vision, and after the Israelites had lived in Canaan Land for
about 450 years they constructed Solomon's Temple, and the Tabernacle which stood out on Mount Sinai was dismantled
and the furnishings were moved into the Temple (1 Kings 8:1-8). Since the Temple of Solomon represents the Super
Incorporeal Form of Elohim, we can deduce what makes up the Temple of Elohim by knowing the Purpose of Yahweh.
Since Solomon's Temple had a court for the Jews (representing the Angelic Host and a court of the Gentiles (representing
the Earthly Host), and we know that there were 12 of Jacob which denote the 12 orders of Angels; then 12 + 12 = 24
elders which the Apostle John witnessed to, being gathered around the throne or in the Body of Elohim (Rev. 4:4).
Likewise the Apostle Paul states that the Purpose of Yahweh is to gather all that are in heaven (the Angelic Host) and all
that are in the earth (the Earthly Host) into one body (the Temple of Elohim -- Eph. 1:9-10). There is something else that
belongs in That Temple which really takes precedence over everything else and that is Messiah, the Lamb of Yahweh,
who was the Firstfruits of them that slept (Rev. 5:6, Rev. 21:22, Rev. 22:3). Knowing that Messiah tarried in the 33 years,
we shall let this 33 represent Him, so when we add the 24 (representing the elder) and the 33 (representing the Lamb), we
get 57 which must be added to the total of 149 supporting structures of the Tabernacle, and this gives us a grand total of
206 which is the number of bones or supporting structures in man's physical body (which is the Temple of Elohim -- 1 Cor.
VOLUME III between pages 56 and 57