Online Supplemental Information for: A holistic approach identifies priority targets to reduce chronic diet-related disease prevalence: an exhaustive review of pooled and meta-analyses Anthony Fardet* and Yves Boirie Affiliations: A Fardet is with INRA, UMR 1019, UNH, CRNH Auvergne, F-63000 CLERMONTFERRAND & Clermont Université, Université d'Auvergne, Unité de Nutrition Humaine, BP 10448, F-63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND, France. Y Boirie is with INRA, UMR 1019, UNH, CRNH Auvergne, F-63000 CLERMONTFERRAND, Clermont Université, Université d'Auvergne, Unité de Nutrition Humaine, BP 10448, F-63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND & CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Service de Nutrition Clinique, F-63003 CLERMONT-FERRAND, France. Correspondence: A Fardet, INRA, UMR 1019, UNH, CRNH Auvergne, F-63000 ClermontFerrand & Clermont Université, Université d'Auvergne, Unité de Nutrition Humaine, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France. E-mail: Phone : +33 (0)4 73 62 47 04. Fax: +33 (0)4 73 62 47 55. Supporting Tables Table S1. References that investigated the association between impaired physiological mechanisms and associated diet-related chronic diseases1 Antioxidant status Obesity or overweight → 1-10 Lipid metabolism → 11-14 Carbohydrate metabolism One-carbon metabolism Immune system/Inflam matory status → 15-19 14 ↓ 27 →↓ 20, 40 15, 41-46 ? 20, 21 22-26 ? 28-32 ? 47, 48 DNA transcription/ Cell proliferation → 49 50-57 58 59 Blood pressure/flow → 14, 60-62 Nervous system Acido-basic status →↓ 63-72 → 73-75 72 ? 6, 76 → 70, 93, 142-157 → 161-166 Digestive microflora →↓ 47, 64, 77-91 92 10, 33-39 Diabetes →↓ 1, 93-100 101 →↓ 11, 12, 107-109 102, 103 104 9, 105, 106 →↓ 20, 110-115 → 117-122 →↓ 20, 125-127 → 130 131 132-136 →↓ 138-141 116 103, 123, 124 128, 129 137 142 →↓ 188-192 ↓ 193-197 →↓ 199-208 ↓ 210-220 →↓ 222-229 158, 159 160 170 171 167 170 94 Mental diseases →↓ 172-179 180 Skeleton diseases ↓ 308-321 →↓ 181-185 185-187 ↓ 322, 323 321, 324330 Sarcopenia Digestive diseases ↓ 394-398 →↓ 93, 446-457 458 188, 190, 192 ↓ 323, 333 334-344 344, 345 331, 332 ↓ 317, 346, 347 348 →↓ 399, 402-407 401 401, 408, 409 →↓ 56, 459-463 →↓ 42, 467 468 56, 209 ↓ 356 323, 357, 358 221 187, 223, 230 →↓ 231-240 241, 119 ↓ 395-397, 410-421 → 472 473-478 469-471 ? 294-300 ↓ 327, 367-375 ? 365 ? 332, 375, 376 366 371 ↓ 395, 396, 423-430 ↓ 431 ↓ 432-435 401 ? 430 →↓ 514-529 →↓ 530 531-534 ↓ 479 480-492 493 →↓ 501, 502 503- 494-499 513 ↓ 377-379 528 492, 496, 500 ↓ 301 302-307 273, 281, 290 ↓ 359-364 ? 422 ↓ 291-293 242 207, 243-289 349-355 ? →↓ 399, 400 464-466 197, 198 ? 81, 82, 85, 167-169 ↓ 380-387 ↓ 389-392 388 393 ↓ 381, 384, 436-445 →↓ 535 536-539 →↓ 541-543 544- 540 537 564 548, 553, 560, 565567 Liver diseases →↓ 568 569-573 568, 574 →↓ 11, 12, 574, 575 574 →↓ 576 574, 577, →↓ 579-582 583- 578 587 574, 577 →↓ 12, 574, 589-592 574, 591 588 →↓ 593-596 597 →↓ 605, 606 574 598-602 375, 607-616 596, 603 604 606 574 → 617-624 → 625-636 ↓ 301 90, 637-652 653 Kidney diseases → 96, 654-661 →↓ 662-664 665- →↓ 664 166, 676- →↓ 686-690 691, →↓ 705 658, 661, 670 671 672-675 685 692 693-696 697 119, 666, 676, 706-710 Cardiovascular diseases 726 698-704 ↓ 771 662, 772-801 ↓ 20, 791, 803, 825, 802 140, 803-838 844-860 775, 778, 780, 783, 785, 797, 811, 818, 825, 849, 851, 852, ↓ 865-882 691, 868, 872, 883, 884 ↓ 885, 886 20, 208, ↓ 906 907-911 803, 887-901 →↓ 997 998-1002 998, 1002, 1003 →↓ 162, 381, 386, →↓ 463, 1004-1015 796, 811, 823, 1016 ↓ 753-755 681, 751, 752 ? 746, 756, 757 ? 912, 913 ↓ 771 138, 140, 789, →↓ 963 70, 964-980 825, 841, 914-959 →↓ 981-992 ↓ 994, 995 993 996 →↓ 1117-1124 ↓ 555, 561, 1125-1142 902-905 138, 803, 840, 924, 859, 861-864 955, 956, 960-962 →↓ 1004, 1017 1018 18, 56, 463, 1019-1031 1032, 1033 1029, 1034 1 735 791, 793, 803, 807, 825-827, 831, 839-843 Cancers →↓ 70, 727-750 758 763, 764 765 766 767, 762, 765, 768 770 →↓ 664, 720-725 662, 671 ↓ 759 760 761 762 768 769 →↓ 711 712-719 ↓ 1035, 1036 1035-1038 ↓ 1039, 1040 997, ↓ 1056-1068 997 ↓ 516, 1034, 1098, 1041 705, 1042-1053 1042, 1069-1089 1099 722 1020, 1024, 1041 1039, 1040, 1100-1107 →↓ 1110-1116 1113 1126, 1131, 1134, 1139, 1143 1045, 1068-1070, 1043, 1044, 1050, 1090-1094 604 1074, 1052, 1054, 1055 1083, 1095-1097 1104, 1109 1034, 1108 944 References were chosen as follows: meta/pooled analyses and systematic reviews were selected first, then observational and intervention studies and/or classic reviews; in some cases, it was not possible to differentiate a meta-analysis from a pooled analysis stricto sensu based on methodological description given in the paper: thus, both analyses were confounded; when at least two meta/pooled/quantitative analyses were found, other studies were included only when meta/pooled/quantitative analyses or systematic review(s) were too ancient, not sufficiently convincing or were not sufficiently reflecting the range of potential associations: for example, mental health disorders cover a wide range of diseases and only 3 meta-analyses may not reflect all mental pathologies; the same is true for cancers that affect several types of organs; otherwise when possible, abstract articles from congresses were avoided; human case reports, animal studies and in vitro studies were not included, except when they were cited in classic reviews; colour codes are as follows: pooled and meta-analyses are in grey, systematic reviews in blue and other studies (classic reviews and observational and interventional studies) in white → Pathology may be causal or triggering factor for impaired physiological mechanism ↓ Impaired metabolism pathway or physiological mechanism may be causal or triggering factor for pathology development →↓ Both pathology and impaired metabolism pathway or physiological mechanism may be causal or triggering factors ? Pathology and impaired metabolism pathway or physiological mechanism are associated, but with no indication for the direction of causality or association Pathology and impaired metabolism/physiological mechanism are not significantly associated No reference was found for the association between the impaired metabolism pathway or physiological mechanism and the pathology considered Table S2. Association between main chronic diseases1 Diabetes Obesity or overweight → 60, 807, 11441149 Mental diseases →↓ 1150-1156 1156 Skeleton diseases Sarcopenia Digestive tract diseases Cancers Cardiovascular diseases → 1157 60, 1158 →↓ 415, 418, 1164- →↓ 1172 40, 58, → 60, 1173, 1174, → 771 60, 807, 812, 1159, 1160 1161 1171 1173-1177 1178-1218 841, 940, 1221-1233 1162, 1163 401 60, 1196, 1200, 60, 825, 840, 1186, 1202, 1206, 1208, 1224, 1234 Liver diseases → 11, 12, 1235 Kidney diseases → 664, 1197, 1199, 1236, 1237 1210, 1218-1220 Diabetes →↓ 187, 189, 227, → 1252 333 372, 1151, 1238-1243 1252-1257 339 343, 1244 1245-1247 1258-1263 1248 1249-1251 1240, 1247 Mental diseases 1253, 1259 → 1310-1314 1315-1318 → 406, 1264-1267 →↓ 127, 1269, →↓ 131, 1195, → 771 789, 791, 803, →↓ 11, 12, 1235, 1270 1275-1295 812, 841, 845, 1297-1303 1280, 1284, 1304, ? 409, 1268 403, 409 1271 1269 1272- 1305 1032, 1296 →↓ 534, 1325-1329 1319-1323 1330 417, 1268, 1324 227, 1331 →↓ 1332-1336 227, 1331, 13371340 ? 1307 1308, 1309 1274 →↓ 421, 1317, → 1282 687, 1306 1270 →↓ 771, 1341 227, 245, 1250, 1342-1358 1331 1359 1351, ↓ 623, 1360-1364 1331 →↓ 727, 1306, 13651372 227 1373-1385 1331 1372 1355, 1357 Skeleton diseases ? 1386-1392 422 ↓ 1398-1413 1414 →↓ 1425 1426, 1393 1394-1396 1415-1420 1421 1427 1428 360, 1422-1424 1429-1435 1324, 1397 Sarcopenia →↓ 891, 894, 897 ↓ 1436-1443 ↓ 367, 388, 1441, 1442, 1444-1446 1432, 1434 ↓ 1394, 1396, 1403, ↓ 1449-1451 ↓ 1268, 1452-1458 ↓ 1459-1462 ↓ 1463 438, 1464-1466 → 502, 1467-1475 →↓ 1478 899, 994, ↓ 1486, 1487 1488 →↓ 1307, 1502-1505 996, 1476, 1479-1484 1489 1490 1491 1506 1501, 1507-1511 1413, 1415, 1447, 1448 Digestive tract diseases 501, 1467, 1469, 1471, 1472, 1476, 1468, 1476, 1485 1476 1492 522, 1493-1498 1501 1477 ? 1499 1500, 1501 Cancers →↓ 1512 1513-1515 1516 1517 →↓ 1518-1525 →↓ 719, 1526-1537 1528 1538 Cardiovascular diseases ↓ 1539-1545 →↓ 1547-1552 1553, 1554 1555-1559 ? 1546 Liver diseases →↓ 1307, 1539, 1560 1561, 1562 1563 1564, 1565 1566 Kidney diseases 1 References were chosen as follows: meta/pooled analyses and systematic reviews were selected first, then observational and intervention studies and/or classic reviews; in some cases, it was not possible to differentiate a meta-analysis from a pooled analysis stricto sensu based on methodological description given in the paper: thus, both analyses were confounded; when at least two meta/pooled/quantitative analyses were found, other studies were included only when meta/pooled/quantitative analyses or systematic review(s) were too ancient, not sufficiently convincing or were not sufficiently reflecting the range of potential associations: for example, mental health disorders cover a wide range of diseases and only 3 meta-analyses may not reflect all mental pathologies; the same is true for cancers that affect several types of organs; otherwise when possible, abstract articles from congresses were avoided; human case reports, animal studies and in vitro studies were not included, except when they were cited in classic reviews; colour codes are as follows: pooled and meta-analyses are in grey, systematic reviews in blue and other studies (classic reviews and observational and interventional studies) in white → Indicates that pathology in the row may be risk factor for pathology in the column ↓ Indicates that pathology in the column may be risk factor for pathology in the row →↓ Indicates that both pathologies may be risk factor for each other ? 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