Правила проведения вступительного испытания по английскому

Правила проведения вступительного испытания по английскому языку
Содержание экзамена
Требования к уровню владения иностранным языком (английским) определяются
программой общеобразовательной школы.
Абитуриенты, сдающие вступительный экзамен по английскому языку, должны
владеть навыками нормативного произношения английского языка, чтения, говорения, а
также знаниями правил грамматики, необходимым объемом лексики и страноведческих
Экзамен состоит из двух этапов: письменный экзамен и устный экзамен.
Содержание программы
Обязательный минимум содержания среднего (полного) общего образования по
иностранным языкам (английский, немецкий, французский) и фрагменты типовой
программы для поступающих в высшие учебные заведения
Абитуриент, сдающий экзамены в вуз по иностранному языку (английскому,
немецкому, французскому), должен показать знания, соответствующие программам для
среднего (полного) общего образования.
Это относится к пониманию звучащей речи, говорению в монологической и
диалогической формах, пониманию письменных текстов.
1. Требования к пониманию звучащей речи (единые для всех языков).
Испытуемые должны понимать на слух иноязычную речь, однократно
предъявляемую в естественном темпе, построенную на языковом материале 11-го и
предшествующих классов и допускающую включение до 3-4% незнакомых слов, незнание
которых не препятствует пониманию услышанного.
2. Требования к говорению в диалогической и монологической формах.
Абитуриенты должны уметь общаться с одним или несколькими собеседниками в
связи с представленной ситуацией или в связи с услышанным, прочитанным, увиденным,
используя элементы описания, повествования, рассуждения, выражая свое отношение к
излагаемым фактам и суждениям в пределах языкового материала 11-го и предшествующих
классов. Объем связного высказывания – не менее 12-15 фраз.
Абитуриенты должны также уметь делать самостоятельное подготовленное ими
устное сообщение, используя при этом необходимые источники информации на родном и
изучаемом языках, в пределах 3-5 минут.
Диалогическая речь. Абитуриент должен уметь без предварительной подготовки
вести беседу с одним или несколькими собеседниками в связи с предъявленной ситуацией
общения, а также содержанием увиденного, услышанного или прочитанного, участвовать в
диалогах различных типов (односторонний или взаимный расспрос, одностороннее или
взаимное информирование, побуждение к действию, обмен мнениями, обсуждение планов
совместной деятельности и др.), спонтанно реагируя на изменение речевого поведения
собеседника и выражая личное отношение к предмету обсуждения, в пределах программного
языкового материала 11-го и предшествующих классов. Высказывание каждого собеседника
должно содержать не менее 10-15 реплик, правильно оформленных в языковом отношении и
отвечающих поставленной коммуникативной задаче.
Монологическая речь. Абитуриент должен уметь без предварительной подготовки
высказываться логично, последовательно и в соответствии с пред ложенной ситуацией
общения или в связи с прослушанным, увиденным или прочитанным, передавать основное
содержание прослушанного или прочитанного, используя описание, рассуждение,
повествование, а также смешанные типы монолога, выражая свое отношение к предмету
высказывания, в пределах программного языкового материала 11-го и предшествующих
классов. Объем высказывания – 15-20 фраз, правильно оформленных в языковом отношении
и отвечающих поставленной коммуникативной задаче.
Абитуриент должен уметь делать устные подготовленные сообщения по теме в
пределах 3-5 минут.
3. Требования к пониманию письменных текстов.
Абитуриент должен уметь:
а) с целью извлечения полной информации читать про себя впервые предъявляемые
тексты, построенные на языковом материале 11-го и предшествующих классов и
включающие до 3-5 % незнакомых слов, понимаемых по догадке или с помощью
иностранно-русского словаря;
б) с целью извлечения основной информации читать про себя (без помощи словаря)
впервые предъявляемые тексты, построенные на языковом материале 11-го и
предшествующих классов и содержащие до 2-3 % незнакомых слов, о значении которых
можно догадаться или незнание которых не влияет на понимание основного содержания
в) с целью извлечения частичной информации (о предметной области, к которой
относится текст, о его авторе или авторах, о том, для кого и с какой целью он написан, и т.п.)
читать про себя (без помощи словаря) впервые предъявляемые тексты частично
адаптированного характера.
4. Сферы общения и тематика (единые для всех языков).
Основными сферами общения являются: социально-бытовая, учебно-трудовая,
социально-культурная. В рамках названных сфер выделяется следующая тематика:
– семья, занятия членов семьи и их профессии; взаимоотношения в семье, помощь
старшим; дом и квартира, обязанности по дому; одежда; еда; магазин, покупки;
– друзья, взаимоотношения с друзьями;
– жизнь и система образования;
– человек и черты его характера; любимые книги, кинофильмы и их герои;
– занятия иностранным языком; роль иностранного языка в культурной и
профессиональной деятельности;
– различные виды труда и профессии; выбор и подготовка к профессии;
– досуг, увлечения; физкультура и спорт, путешествия и туризм;
– участие в общественной, в благотворительной деятельности, в деятельности за
сохранение культурного наследия и национальных традиций народа, в деятельности,
связанной с охраной окружающей среды;
– жизнь и быт в городе и на селе;
– наука и техника; сотрудничество нашей страны с зарубежными странами в области
экономики, науки, культуры, образования и по другим направлениям;
– государственная символика; столица и другие города, их достопримечательности;
общенациональные праздники и знаменательные даты; народные обычаи и традиции;
– молодежь, ее место в жизни, морально-этические ценности, профессиональное
становление; культурные и спортивные развлечения молодежи;
– исторические и современные связи народов нашей страны с народами стран
изучаемого языка;
– охрана природы и экологические проблемы в нашей стране и странах изучаемого
– особенности национальной культуры, искусства и литературы, обычаи и традиции;
– жизнь и творчество замечательных людей – представителей разных эпох;
– средства массовой коммуникации: печать, радио, телевидение; освещение в них
молодежной тематики.
Языковой материал
Абитуриент должен продемонстрировать владение минимумом грамматических
явлений, обеспечивающим иноязычное общение (в непосредственной и опосредованной
формах) в рамках обозначенных программой сфер и тем.
К данным грамматическим явлениям относятся:
– конструкции, выражающие субъектно-предикатные отношения (с глаголамисвязками, с глаголами, выражающими принадлежность и др.);
– грамматические явления, выражающие действие (в настоящем, прошлом и
будущем) и характер его протекания (наличие факта действия, результата действия,
продолжение действия и др.), а также модальность (желание, необходимость, возможность и
др.); единичность/множественность предметов, явлений; качества предметов, действий и
состояний; интенсивность качества (степени сравнения прилагательных, наречий); порядок и
количество предметов (количественные и порядковые числительные);
– средства выражения определительных и определительно-обстоятельственных
отношений (конструкции, характеризующие предмет по внешнему виду, по наличию или
отсутствию признаков; конструкции с инфинитивом, причастием и т.д.); объектных
отношений (конструкции с прямым и косвенным объектом и др.); субъектно-объектных
отношений (залог действительный и страдательный); обстоятельственных отношений
(пространственные, временные, причинно-следственные, условные, отношения сравнения и
– средства связи предложений и частей текста (структурные и композиционные
средства связи; средства, устанавливающие логические связи между высказываниями;
средства, указывающие на объективную и субъективную оценку информации и др.).
Содержание контрольно-измерительных материалов
по английскому языку
В качестве экзаменационного материала абитуриентам предъявляются 20
позиций лексико-грамматического теста. Это отдельные предложения или текст с
пропусками, которые следует восполнить соответствующим вариантом из 3-4 предложенных
(только один вариант является правильным). Время на подготовку – 10-15 минут.
Устная часть экзамена включает прочтение с помощью словаря текста
(приблизительно 1,5-2 тыс. печатных знаков), чтение его небольшого фрагмента вслух,
пересказ текста на иностранном языке и ответ на два проблемных вопроса по содержанию.
Экзамен завершает устное высказывание по предложенной ситуации.
Тематика устной беседы по ситуации
1. Визитная карточка (биография, семья).
2. Квартира (дом).
3. Мои друзья.
4. Мой рабочий день.
5. Школа и любимые предметы.
6. Будущая профессия. Иностранные языки в жизни современного общества.
7. Свободное время и увлечения, домашние животные.
8. Театр, кино и музыка.
9. Музеи и выставки.
10. Путешествия.
11. Спорт.
12. Книги и любимый писатель.
13. Времена года и погода.
14. Защита природы.
15. Россия.
16. Москва и Санкт-Петербург.
17. Родной город.
18. Страна изучаемого языка (Великобритания и США).
19. Столица и города страны изучаемого языка (Лондон, Вашингтон и Нью-Йорк).
20. Праздники, традиции и обычаи России и стран изучаемого языка Время на
подготовку по всем позициям устного ответа – 40 минут.
Оценка выставляется из расчета 100 баллов.
Каждая из перечисленных тем может быть представлена несколькими речевыми
ситуациями. Так, тема "Путешествие" может включать в себя такие ситуации как:
1. How do you prefer to travel? What kind of transport do you prefer and why?
2. What are the disadvantages of travelling by train (plane, etc)?
3. Are you going to travel this year? Tell us about your plans.
4. Speak about the most interesting or dull trip you have ever had.
5. Describe your dream trip.
Предполагается, что, высказываясь по ситуации, абитуриент не только сообщает
фактическую информацию, но и вступает в беседу с экзаменатором, выражая при этом свое
мнение о предмете разговора.
How do you prefer to travel? What kind of transport do you prefer and why?
I enjoy travelling as it is very interesting and exciting. As far as I have traveled by plane, by
bus, by train and by car, I can say that each of the ways has its advantages and disadvantages and is
pleasant in its own way. As for me I prefer travelling by car. I needn't worry about the schedule and
tickets as it is usually very difficult to book tickets in summer.
As a rule I travel in the company of my friends. It is such a fun when we get together to
discuss and make plans for the coming journey beforehand. On our way we always find a beautiful
place somewhere in the forest or near the river to have a picnic. We put up a tent, cook meals on the
camp fire, swim in the river, lie in the sun, sing to the guitar. In a word we have a wonderful time.
Then we continue our journey. I know it is tiresome to drive the car for a long time, but I
have no problems of the kind for I'm not a driver. I'm just a passenger. I can relax and enjoy myself
looking through the windows of the car.
When we come to the place of destination we can stay there as long as we like and see all
the sights.
So I think these are the main reasons why I prefer travelling by car.
What are the disadvantages of travelling by train (plane, etc)?
It is not always possible to explain why you like something. It is much easier to say why you
dislike this or that.
As far as I know some people don't like to travel at all. Others don't like this or that kind of
travelling. First of all it can be said about going by plane. Though it is the fastest way of getting
somewhere, sometimes it turns out to be very slow because much depends upon the weather. If
there is thunderstorm or a heavy snowfall or it is foggy the planes do not fly and passengers have to
stay at the airport for many long hours and sometimes even days. It is tiresome, you know. Besides
they may be late for some special occasions.
At the same time many people are afraid of travelling by plane because of catastrophes and
hi-jackers. Unfortunately such things take place rather often nowadays.
Besides some people are air-sick and they are always nervous during the flight.
To crown it all travelling by plane is very expensive and not everyone can afford it.
So in my opinion these are the main reasons why some people don't like travelling by plane.
Are you going to travel this year? Tell us about your plans.
It's summer now. Most people have their holidays in summer. Some of them prefer to spend
their holidays travelling. I'm also fond of travelling. I like to see new places and meet different
people. Besides, travelling gives you something to talk about when you come home.
The members of my family usually make plans for the holidays beforehand. We decide
where to go and after that book tickets.
I've visited several towns and cities of Russia. My dream is to go to some foreign country
and see its places of interest. It would be wonderful to visit Italy or Greece, I think.
But this summer I won't travel, I'm afraid. I'm taking my entrance examinations. I hope I'll
pass them successfully. As far as I know the exams will be over in August and there will be little
time left for travelling. Besides, it is rather expensive nowadays.
Still after the exams I'll be tired and I'll need a good rest. My former classmates suggested
our going on a week's hiking tour. I'd like to join them. In my opinion a walking tour gives you a
feeling of freedom and makes you closer to nature. I'm sure we'll have a good time together.
Speak about the most interesting or dull trip you have ever had.
I'm in two minds if to tell you about my most interesting or dull trip. It's much better to
speak about pleasant things, so I'll tell you about my visit to London.
Who doesn't know that London is the most popular tourist spot?
I started my trip with Tower of London - the historical center of London that was started in
1078. First Kings of England lived there. Then it became a fortress, a palace, a prison and even a
Royal Zoo. It's a museum now.
After that I went straight to Trafalgar Square - the geographical center of the capital. The
lions at the foot of Nelson's Column seemed to smile when I looked at them.
You can hardly say you were in London if you didn't see Buckingham Palace - the Queen's
official residence in London. The ceremony of Changing the Guard was the most exciting of all.
To my great regret I had no opportunity to see Westminster Abbey or the Houses of
Parliament or even St. Paul's because I awoke. It was time to get up.
It's a pity, I've made this interesting trip in my dream.
Describe your dream trip.
You know, I'm fond of reading fantastic books and some days ago I had an idea. Why not go
to the far planet some day? It will be my dream trip. I'd like to travel in Time and Space.
The space race began on the 4th of October 1957, when Russia launched the first satellite.
The second satellite carried a dog Laika. The first astronaut was Russian too. It was long ago, in
1961. Since that time many people have worked in orbit.
After my entrance exams (or maybe instead of them) I'd like to get a ticket for my holiday to
Mars. But some preparation will be necessary. First of all I'll need the flight plan. Then I can leave
our Voronezh spaceport. The shuttle will take me to the Space Station. I'll change spaceships there
and have the space flight to Mars. In a month, 38 days to be more exact, I'll land on Mars. We'll not
go into suspended animation because it's only for the long flights to Jupiter and Saturn.
My spaceship will be very large, for there is a lot to do: sport, films, music, gardens,
swimming pool.
Besides I'll need my interplanetary passport and money. But I'm afraid this trip won't be a
success if I go there alone without my best friend. It's necessary to invite him by all means.
Рекомендации для подготовки к вступительному испытанию
по английскому языку (очная форма обучения)
Лексико-грамматический тест
Принцип теста заключается в выборе единственно правильного ответа из 3-х - 4-х
1. Не спешите выбрать тот или иной вариант, не подумав, лишь на основе «ложной
2. Прочитайте все предложение с пропуском (который необходимо заполнить
правильным ответом) и попытайтесь понять содержание высказывания.
3. Возможно, читая предложение, Вы «автоматически» (естественно, на базе
предшествующих знаний) найдете искомое. Тогда Вам предстоит просто проверить, есть ли
в перечне предложенных вариантов то решение, которое Вы считаете верным.
4. Ищите в анализируемом предложении надлежащую лексико-грамматическую
5. Воспользуйтесь методом исключения неверных вариантов ответа, анализируя
форму и содержание каждого из четырех предложенных пунктов, фиксируя внимание на
наиболее подходящем из них.
6. Выбрав правильный, на Ваш взгляд, вариант, вернитесь к исходному предложению,
еще раз прочтите его с уже заполненным пропуском и мысленно оцените полученный
1. Не спешите искать значение первого незнакомого слова в словаре. Помните, что в
экзаменационное задание не входит перевод текста.
2. Прочтите внимательно весь рассказ и убедитесь в том, что Вы поняли его основное
3. Словарная работа, безусловно, необходима. Например, в том или ином
предложении встречается ключевое слово, без знания которого не понятен смысл
повествования (тем более, если это слово встречается несколько раз). Если же Вы
догадываетесь о значении какого-то слова или словосочетания по контексту, особой
необходимости в поиске данных словарных единиц в словаре нет.
4. С другой стороны, возможно, Вы не уверены, как произносится то или иное
«трудное» слово, забыли соответствующее правило чтения (помните, что небольшой
отрывок текста Вам придется читать вслух). Тогда крайне необходимо проверить правильное
чтение по транскрипции. Несколько раз произнесите слово про себя.
5. Готовясь к пересказу текста, не пытайтесь заучить весь рассказ наизусть - для этого
просто не будет времени. Самая серьезная стратегическая ошибка - пересказывать то, что Вы
не помните.
6. Есть несколько вариантов подготовки к пересказу текста:
а) выберите наиболее важные (ключевые) предложения из всего рассказа. При этом
необходимо структурировать текст: он должен иметь начало, развитие сюжета, концовку.
Герои повествования должны быть обозначены именами. Найдите необходимые связки
между отобранными и до определенной степени упрощенными предложениями.
Перескажите полученный «экстракт» текста «про себя».
б) Вы пересказываете текст «своими словами». В этом случае на Вас лежит
ответственность за грамматическую корректность высказываний (прежде всего помните о
порядке слов в английском утвердительном предложении, о правильном употреблении
7. Не стоит записывать основное содержание текста по-русски, чтобы потом, глядя в
листок, «озвучивать» его по-английски, - структура русских и английских предложений не
8. Если Вы знаете синоним какого-нибудь «трудного» слона, старайтесь использовать
его в пересказе, заменяя сложное простым и понятным для Вас.
9. Пересказывая текст, старайтесь не вдаваться в детали и подробности, без которых
можно легко обойтись, не разрушая сюжета рассказа.
10. Внимательно отнеситесь к вопросам после текста. Это, как правило, вопросы,
которые требуют Вашей оценки текста, его фабулы, поступков героев и т. п. Сформулируйте
ответ на «проблемные» вопросы еще до того, как Вы вышли отвечать по экзаменационному
Ситуация по теме
Экзаменационные темы известны Вам заранее. Советуем, готовясь к экзаменам,
подобрать из одного или нескольких источников так называемую «блок-информацию» по:
каждой теме. Меньше всего от Вас будут ожидать воспроизведения заранее заученного
материала. Но, опираясь на конкретную формулировку ситуации, надо умело использовать
заготовленные «шаблоны», фрагменты «выученной» темы для того, чтобы раскрыть
предложенную ситуацию как тему «устного» сочинения.
Критерии оценки на экзамене
Все правильно выполненные пункты из 20 проверяемых тестовых заданий
оцениваются в 20 баллов (1 пункт – 1 балл).
В устной части экзамена оцениваются:
1. чтение текста;
2. пересказ текста;
3. ответ на проблемные вопросы;
4. высказывание по ситуации в рамках одной из заявленных тем.
Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно набрать в процессе
устного ответа, – 80 баллов.
Критерии оценки устной части ответа абитуриента
(макс. 80 баллов в сумме)
я правильность
Содержание и
проблематика текста демонстрирует большой
поняты в полном
объеме. Абитуриент вести беседу
умеет правильно
соответствую формы и
поставить к тексту
структуры, как
предложенно простые, так и
й теме.
необходимые для
реагирует на
раскрытия его
поставить к
содержания; умеет
самостоятель тексту все
пересказать текст,
преодолевать вопросов.
его и выразить свое
лексические Допускает
отношение к
беседы (начать при
е оформление
ьными и
устной речи
и техникой
необходимой для
содержания текста.
В беседе по теме
сужение или
расширение темы.
Тема полностью
Задание по тексту и
теме (картинке) в
целом выполнено.
Содержание текста
понято достаточно
полно и точно, но
вопросы не всегда
это отражают. Умеет
пересказать текст и
выразить свое
отношение к
проблеме, но при
этом иногда
затруднения при
подборе языковых
средств. Владеет
страноведческой и
необходимой для
понимания текста.
Высказывания в
целом соответствуют
заданной теме, но
сужение или
расширение темы,
что свидетельствует
о неполном ее
Задание по тексту и
теме (картинке)
и закончить
выразить свое
отношение к
следуя нормам
т беседу в
случае сбоя.
мыслей. Речь
В большинстве
участвовать в
беседе, но ему
не всегда
реагировать на
й. Не
разговора и
ь. Испытывает
проблемы при
выходе из
ых ситуаций.
запас, в
й задаче.
речи, но
ть и
при подборе
формы и
дается без
ошибки как в
простых, так и
в сложных
однако, не
чтения и
ьными и
устной речи.
ые ошибки в
и отдельных
звуков и
Не стремится
начинать и
выполнено частично.
Содержание текста
понято не
полностью. При
пересказе использует
языковые средства,
при подборе
которых испытывает
Предложенная по
картинке тема
высказывание лишь
соответствует ей.
Фактически не
страноведческой и
Задание по тексту и
теме (картинке) не
Абитуриент с
трудом понимает
содержание текста и
не догадывается о
значении многих
слов. Допускает
большое количество
ошибок в вопросах к
тексту. Не умеет
логично и связно
пересказать его, а
также затрудняется в
выражении своего
отношения к
прочитанному. Тема
раскрыта очень
страноведческой и
информацией не
общие идеи. В
зависит от
й. Не всегда
логичен в
. Легко
сбивается на
текст. Почти
не способен к
й словарный
структуры, в
ые для
задания в
й темы.
глаголов и
времена, но
только по
тип вопросов к
тексту. Во
время беседы
по теме часто
паузы и
ые языковые
й степени
чтения и
ые ошибки,
реагирует на
не владеет
часто делает
паузы. Не
может вести
беседу на
языке. Владеет
лексики, но не
его при ответе.
Не способен к
ь в его
х ошибок.
трудность при
форм и
Вопросы к
однообразны и
с большим
, с большим
ых ошибок.
ные ошибки
на правила
языка, что
его речи.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. При оценке устного ответа абитуриента могут быть добавлены 1-2
балла за:
– оригинальность и глубину содержания, высокую социокультурную и
страноведческую компетенцию;
– инициативность в ведении разговора;
– творческий характер и нестандартное мышление при ответе на предложенные
– богатство словарного запаса и выразительность речи;
– исключительно правильное фонетическое оформление речи и адекватное
использование иноязычной ритмики и мелодики.
Образец контрольно-измерительных материалов
1. Выполните тест.
2. Прочитайте и перескажите текст, ответьте на заданные вопросы.
3. Выскажитесь по предложенной ситуации.
Английский язык (демонстрационные материалы)
1. B; 2. C; 3. B; 4.B; 5. C; 6. A; 7.B; 8. A; 9. B; 10. A; 11. C; 12. B; 13. A; 14. B; 15. B; 16.
C; 17.B; 18. A; 19. B; 20. B.
Фрагменты типовой программы (продолжение)
Английский язык
Словообразование. Суффиксы числительных -teen, -ty, -th; существительных -er, (or), -tion, -ness, -ist, -ism, -(i)ty, -ing; прилагательных -y, -ful, -able, -less, -ic (al), -ish, -ous;
наречий -ly; глаголов -en; префиксы un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, re-; конверсия; словосложение.
Грамматика. Владение речевыми образцами с глаголами to be, to have в настоящем,
прошедшем и будущем времени; со знаменательными глаголами в Present Indefinite, Future
Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Continuous, Past Indefinite
Passive, Present Indefinite для обозначения будущих действий после союзов if, when, Present
Indefinite Passive, Future Indefinite Passive, Present Perfect Passive, Past Perfect Active, Past
Perfect Passive, Future-in-the-Past, Present и Past Perfect Continuous; с возвратными глаголами;
речевым оборотом to be going (to), конструкцией с глаголом let; с модальными глаголами can,
may, must, с эквивалентами модальных глаголов; с глаголами в повелительном наклонении в
утвердительной и отрицательной формах; образцами безличных предложений типа It is
Monday; It is five o'clock; It is cold in winter (in the room); оборотами there is (there are); It's
(difficult) to (do it) в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. Владение утвердительной,
отрицательной и вопросительной формами указанных образцов. Знакомство с формами
причастий и герундия. Знакомство с согласованием времен. Знакомство с формами,
значением и употреблением герундиальных и причастных оборотов.
Употребление существительных в единственном и множественном числе.
Употребление определенного, неопределенного и нулевого артиклей. Выражение
принадлежности с помощью притяжательной формы существительных.
Употребление личных, указательных, притяжательных, неопределенных (some, any,
no) и вопросительных местоимений. Употребление качественны прилагательных в
положительной, сравнительной и превосходной степенях, количественных и порядковых
числительных. Употребление местоимений someone (somebody), anyone (anybody), no one
(nobody), местоимений much, little, many, few, а также местоименных выражений a few, a
little, a lot (of).
Употребление предлогов места и направления, союзов, наречий.
Употребление сложносочиненных предложений.
определительными, дополнительными и обстоятельственными времени, места, причины,
условия, образа действия. Знакомство с формами, значением и употреблением условных
предложений с нереальным условием, относящимся к настоящему и прошедшему времени
(If I had time now, I would go to the concert; If I had had time yesterday, I would have gone to the
Образец экзаменационного текста
2. Read the text and get ready to retell it. After retelling, be ready to answer the
questions on the text.
(After Jerome K. Jerome)
We were a fashionable and highly cultured party — all except two commonplace young
fellows, students who had just returned from Germany. The truth was, we were too clever for them,
our brilliant conversation and our high-class tastes were beyond them.1
We played pieces from the old German masters. We discussed philosophy. Somebody
recited a French poem after supper, and we said it was beautiful; and then a lady sang a sentimental
ballad in Spanish, and we said it was so pathetic.
And then those two young men got up, and asked us if we had ever heard Herr Slossenn
Boschen sing his great German comic song. The young men said it was the funniest song that had
ever been written, and that, if we liked, they could ask Herr Slossenn Boschen to sing it. They said
it was so funny that, when Herr Slossenn Boschen had sung it once before the German Emperor, he
(the German Emperor) had to be carried off to bed.
They said nobody could sing it like Herr Slossenn Boschen; he was so serious all through it
that you might think he was reciting a tragedy, and that, of course, made it all the funnier.
We said we longed to hear it, that we wanted a good laugh, and they went downstairs.
Herr Slossenn Boschen was quite pleased to sing it, for he came up at once, and sat down to
the piano without another word.
The prelude didn't suggest a comic song exactly, but we thought that it was the German
method, and prepared to enjoy it.
I don't understand German myself. I learned it at school but forgot every word of it two
years after I had left, and have felt much better since. Still, I didn't want anybody there to guess my
ignorance; so I watched the two students, and followed them.
I noticed as the song went on that many other people were looking at the two young men, as
well as myself. These other people also smiled when the young men smiled, and laughed when the
young men laughed.
And yet that German Professor didn't seem happy. At first when we began to laugh an
expression of surprise appeared on his face. We thought it very funny. As we continued to laugh,
his surprise turned into indignation. That sent us into convulsions. We told each other that it would
be the death of us, this thing. The words alone, we said, were enough to send us into fits, but his
serious look — oh, it was too much!
We laughed long after he had finished. We said it was the funniest thing we had ever heard
in all our lives. We said how strange it was, that there was a popular notion that Germans hadn't any
sense of humour. And we asked the Professor why he did not translate the song into English, so that
common people could understand it, and hear what a real comic song was like.
Then Herr Slossenn Boschen got up and began to swear at us in German (which, I think, is
the most effective language for that purpose), and he danced, and shook his fists. He said he had
never been so insulted in all his life.
It appeared that the song was not comic at all. It was one of the most tragic and pathetic
songs in the German language. Herr Slossenn Boschen said he had sung it once before the German
Emperor, and he (the German Emperor) had cried like a little child.
It was a difficult situation for us — very difficult. I never saw a party break up so quietly,
and with so little fuss. Ashamed we didn't say good-night to each other. We slipped out, avoiding
each other as much as possible.
I haven't taken much interest in German songs since then.
1. Comment upon the title of the text.
2. Why was the situation difficult for the young men?
Примерное содержание и объем разговорных тем
Scientists have recently reported that global environment is worse than 20 years ago. One
billion people breathe unhealthy air. The Earth's water, air and farmland are getting more and more
dirty. The world's deserts are growing year by year. The rubbish problem is very important too.
The "Greenhouse Effect" is one of many changes which are taking place in the environment.
The earth has been getting hotter because a lot of greenhouse gases are produced. These gases hold
heat. Trees and plants help to take gases, such as carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but we have
destroyed too many trees. We make carbon dioxide when we burn wood or drive cars. It is
accumulating in the atmosphere and causing temperatures to rise. As a result, the ice covering the
North and the South Poles is melting. It may lead to a rise in sea levels. Scientists say that in the
year 2050 some parts of Great Britain will be under sea.
The ecological problem is international. People all over the world realize that pollution of
environment presents a real threat to the Earth.
There are international ecological societies such as 'Greenpeace'. There is an ecological
movement in our country as well. But in fact, we have no state programme for nature protection.
Every man must understand that this problem depends not only on the society. Before it's
too late people must change their way of life:
stop polluting the land, sea and air;
plant more trees;
collect newspapers, cans, metal and plastic for recycling;
stop destructing wildlife;
stop dumping litter in the seas, rivers, on the beaches.
If people do not act quickly to protect the environment, our planet will soon become
1. List things which threaten the environment and suggest what can be done about them.
2. Which parts of your country are most in need of protection: cities or the countryside? Give
reasons for your decision.
3. How worried do you personally feel about each of these problems:
chemicals put into rivers and the sea;
getting rid of nuclear waste;
destruction of wildlife;
dirty beaches and bathing water;
noise from traffic, aircraft, radios, etc.?
American films, music and TV programmes are rather popular. They are in competition with
those produced by other countries. Hollywood, of course, immediately comes to mind with many
directors, actors and actresses. For over 50 years, American films have continued to grow in
popularity all over the world. They do well at the box office too.
Television has only increased this popularity. Viewers are able to watch American films
such as "hits", "horrors", comedies, musical comedies and animated cartoons.
Musical comedy is a performance in which music and dance help to tell a story. Some
popular American musical comedies are 'My Fair Lady' (1956), 'Hello, Dolly!' (1964) and others.
All these comedies have been Broadway shows.
As for me, I can't say I'm fond of American films, but I like Walt Disney cartoons very
much. I never miss the opportunity to watch them on TV.
One of the biggest changes in the way people in our country have spent their leisure time in
recent years has been increased in the amount of time of watching TV.
There are several channels on Russian TV. OITV, the TV of Russia, some local programmes
and besides independent commercial channels (which provide number of interesting programmes).
TV of Russia has a reputation for producing programmes of a high quality such as
documentaries, nature programmes, comedies and drama series. There should be a combination of
competition, quality and choice in the future of TV. But not everyone agrees that more TV means
better TV and the standard of programmes may drop in the future with companies which make
programmes with a mass appeal such as soap operas, quiz shows and situating comedies.
People choose and enjoy their favourite programmes: news and current affairs, general
information, drama, films (feature, entertainment, schools and educational, children's, sports and
others). Children are fond of cartoons, young people like musical programmes.
Some people prefer video. They say you have more choice with a video. Really you can
watch a film in the comfort of your own home but films are never the same on a small screen. If
you don't understand something on the video, you can always rewind the film and play it back.
1. What role does TV play in your life?
2. What's your favourite TV programme?
3. Do you think, there should be some censorship of TV programmes?
4. Do you think it's enough to have 4 programmes or would you like to have 48 as they have in
5. What programmes would you advise your foreign friend to see to learn more about our country,
its culture, nature?
What profession to choose? This question is the most important and difficult for everybody.
Every job is both interesting and difficult. I think that all professions are very important in our life.
What is a "profession"? It's an occupation, which requires advanced education and special training.
Perhaps the best way to prepare for any job is to get a good education — to do well at school and to
learn all you can outside the school. Jobs change and new ones are constantly appearing. In some
years there will be many more new jobs nobody knows anything about today. To make a right
choice it's necessary to take into account the character and ability of a person. If you like to work
with figures, solve mathematical problems and you are interested in how and why things work, may
be right work for you is in a scientific and computational field. If you enjoy being with the people
and helping them, you can think about the career of a psychologist, teacher, etc. To become a good
doctor you should have very good knowledge in chemistry, biology and be very patient and kind.
The teacher's work requires love for children and profound knowledge of the subject.
Speaking about myself, I'd like to tell that it's very important for me to get satisfaction from
the job, to earn good money and to have friendly atmosphere in the place of work. I have a dream.
And my dream is to become a guide-interpreter and to work in tourism, I think it's very interesting
to show English-speaking people the sights of Moscow, such as the Kremlin, Red Square, the
Bolshoi Theatre, to tell them about our history, to travel all over the country, to discuss the most
urgent questions and to meet new people from whom you can learn a lot. Besides, this profession is
very useful because it helps people to understand each other. I think this is the most exiting and
interesting job.
1. How many jobs do you think you'll have in your lifetime? How many careers?
2. Why can teaching English in Russia be regarded as a social problem?
Most people either love school or hate it. The word 'schooldays' suggests different things to
different people. The word brings back a memory of an especially happy class, or a particular
teacher, or lessons you enjoyed or found very boring.
There is no doubt that educational opportunities are greater than they used to be. Nowadays
there appear many new schools, polytechnic schools, colleges and gymnasiums. They offer a wide
choice of subjects, from domestic science to computer studies. But not all these subjects are enjoyed
by pupils. A lot of brilliant teachers work at schools. Yet measures should be taken to improve
Education is not only a matter of learning facts, it is a preparation for life. In my opinion
school does not always teach us to think for ourselves. Our government spends little money on each
school student every year.
I think our government should spend more money on education, because at present the
system of education faces many problems with qualified teachers, textbooks, school programmes,
etc. Everybody knows that the future of any country depends on the young generation mainly.
1. Are there any private schools in Russia? What benefits do children get there?
2. Have there been any changes in your school life?
3. What do you think of your schooldays?
4. Do you agree with the government's system of controlling public education?
If you look at the map of Russia, to the south of Moscow, you are sure to find Voronezh on
it. It's the capital of one of the largest regions of our country. The first fortress was built on the bank
of the Voronezh River about 400 years ago. A bright chapter in the town's history was the end of
the 17th century, when Russian Tsar Peter the Great, a progressive monarch, built a shipyard on the
river. The town was growing fast and the designs of new buildings were in the finest traditions of
Russian architecture.
Voronezh repulsed many attacks of foreign invaders, the bitterest ones were during World
War II after which the town had to be built anew. And the new town that came into being is much
more beautiful than the old one. And every year brings newly built industrial enterprises, hospitals
and schools.
Voronezh is a big industrial city. It produces excavators, heavy mechanical presses, farming
machines and television sets, and exports them to many parts of the world. It was here that the first
supersonic TU-144 airliner was built.
Voronezh is an important cultural centre with 4 theatres, dozens of cinemas and libraries.
The singing verses of A.Koltsov, the poetry of I.Nikitin, paintings by Kramskoy and folk songs
picked up by M.Pyatnitsky are part of the national culture. Many guests visit our city they are
attracted by its exciting history and rich cultural traditions.
1. Where are you from? In your opinion, is life more pleasant and interesting in Voronezh than in
your own town? Why?
2. What place in your city (village, town) do you like best? Why?
3. Do you prefer living in the city or in the suburbs? Why?
New York is the largest city of America and one of the largest cities in the world.
A bit of New York's early history … Henry Hudson explored the river named in his honour
in 1609. But even earlier, in 1524, Giovanni de Verranzano made the first recorded glimpse of
Manhattan Island. It is said that in 1615 Peter Minnet purchased the island from the Indians for 24
dollars worth of beads and ornaments. In 1664 the island was renamed New York in honour of the
Duke of York.
Now the territory of New York is 319.8 square miles. It consists of five boroughs (districts):
Queens is the largest, Brooklyn is the best known, the Bronx is the Staten Island and Manhattan.
More than 8 million people live there. New York is the financial and business capital of the
United States and the nerve centre of American Progress. Over three and a half million people are
busy in banking, finance and manufacturing plants. It is said that New York is also one of the
world's most popular vacation spots, a year-round recreation centre. There are headquarters for all
the best in Theatre, Music, Dance, Museums, Hotels and Motels, Shopping, Restaurants and
practically everything else.
New York attracts a lot of tourists who come to see its places of interest: monuments,
museums, parks and squares, beautiful buildings.
If you arrive by sea the first thing you'll see is the Statue of Liberty in the centre of New
York Bay. This word renowned masterpiece by Frederic A. Bartholdi was presented to the United
States by France in 1886 to commemorate the alliance between France and America. It is a symbol
of welcome for people from all over the world. The book in her left hand represents the Declaration
of Independence.
In New York visitors are sure to admire the Empire State Building, the United Nations
Buildings, a beautiful Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, Washington Arch, Trinity Church on
famous Wall Street, in the heart of financial district. There's also Saint Patrick's Cathedral - the
leading Catholic Church in New York City and one of the greatest cathedrals in the world.
Lincoln Centre is the cultural pride of New York. It is situated on Broadway and 65th Street.
There you can see Metropolitan Opera House, the New York State Theatre and America's oldest
Philarmonic Orchestra.
1. What do you know of any town in America and its places of interest?
2. Your American friend dreams of becoming a theatrical critic. What theatres and theatrical
museums should he visit in New York and why?
Washington D.C. is the capital of America. It is much more than a political centre. It's a
small southern town, a mecca (centre) of museums and historic sites and the home of more than half
a million people. The city's marble monuments, numerous festivals and celebrations, many
international restaurants, beautiful parks and squares attract a lot of visitors.
As Washington was built on swampland, it was considered a hardship post. So foreign
diplomats were given extra pay for serving there. Today restored town houses on Capitol Hill sell
for half a million dollars.
The heart of the visitors' city is the Mall. It is a beautiful large grass field. The Mall stretches
from the foot of the Capitol, behind the White House, to the Lincoln Memorial. In the centre of the
Mall stands the Washington Monument. It is a 555-foot marble and granite obelisk dedicated to the
first US President. On both sides of the eastern end of the Mall there are the country's largest art
galleries and museums.
The US Capitol is a symbol of the city's highest structure. When the Congress is in session a
flag is flying over the Capitol. At night when the Congress works late there is a lantern beneath the
statue of the Goddess of Freedom.
It is also difficult not to notice and admire Washington's natural beauty. No American city is
richer in parks, flowers and woodland.
Washington's residents are another striking feature of the city. Uncommonly friendly, they
are eager to give directions or share their knowledge of the city.
1. Would you like to visit Washington or any other American town or city? Why?
2. What do you know of any town in America and its places of interest?
It is said that some knowledge of national holidays helps to understand the Russian national
character better. There are many holidays Russians enjoy so much. Among them are: New Year's
Day (January,1), Christinas (January,7), Women's Day (March,8), Easter, Victory Day (May,9).
THE NEW YEAR HOLIDAY is very popular, especially with children. In every house there
is a decorated fir-tree. On the 31st of December families and friends sit round a festive table. They
address New Year's greetings and good wishes to each other. At midnight they raise their wine
glasses filled with sparkling champagne and say "Happy New Year". Under the New Year Tree
children and grown-ups are happy to find presents sent them by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
THE RUSSIAN CHRISTMAS is celebrated on the 7th of January. The holiday is connected
with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ as it is described in the Holy Bible. On that day, about 2000
years ago, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. When Jesus was born, wise men from the East came
to worship him. They gave the child presents - gold, frankincense and myrth. That's why people
nowadays try to please their friends and relatives giving them Christmas presents.
In churches there are carol services where special hymns are sung.
EASTER is a very popular holiday in Russia in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus.
Easter has no fixed day but it is always held on Sunday. On the Easter day people greet each other
by the words "Christ is risen". And the expected answer is "He is risen indeed". People paint eggs
and give them to one another as a symbol of eternal life. They also bake special Easter pastry. On
this day people go to the cemetery, to the graves of their relatives and friends, to remember those
who are gone.
1. What would you tell the British TV viewers about your favourite holiday for the programme
"Russian National Holidays"?
2. What are the most popular holidays in Russia?
3. What is your favourite holiday? Why do you like it?
The main festivals and holidays in Great Britain are: the Shakespeare Festival, New Year's
Day, St. Valentine's Day, Pancake Day, Christmas, Easter, May Day, Halloween.
St. VALENTINE'S DAY, February 14, is sweethearts' day when people in love express their
affection for each other in gay and merry ways. The cards may be different but the message is the
same: "Will you be my Valentine?"
GHOSTS AND WITCHES - HALLOWEEN. Halloween means "holy evening" and takes
place on the 31st of October. It is connected with witches and ghosts. At parties people dress up in
strange costumes and pretend they are witches. They cut horrible faces in potatoes and pumpkins
and put a candle inside, which shines through the eyes.
People may play different games such as trying to eat an apple from a bucket of water
without using their hands.
In recent years children dressed in white sheets knock on doors at Halloween and ask if you
would like a "trick" or a "treat". If you give them something nice, a "treat", they go away. And if
you don't they play a "trick" on you.
1. What are the main festivals and holidays in Great Britain?
2. What British holidays appeal to you? Why?
Each of the 50 states establishes its own legal holidays. But there are holidays which are
common to all federal offices. They are: New Year's Day (January 1), Washington's Birthday "Presidents' Day" (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Independence
Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day (December 25).
There are also many traditional holidays such as: St. Valentine's Day (February 14),
Mother's Day and Halloween (the last day of October). Perhaps the two "most American" holidays
are the Fourth of July - Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day.
The Fourth of July is like a big, nationwide birthday party. It takes place throughout the
country: in neighbourhoods, on beaches or in parks. Some towns and cities have parades with bands
and flags, and most politicians try to give a patriotic speech if there is any listener. But what makes
the Fourth of July exciting is the atmosphere and enjoyment of the family beach party with hot dogs
and hamburgers, volleyball, the fireworks and rockets at night. The nation's birthday is also the
nation's greatest annual summer party.
Like Christmas, Thanksgiving is a day for families to come together. Traditional foods are
prepared for the feast - turkey or ham, cranberry sauce and corn dishes, breads and rolls, and
pumpkin pie.
1. What are the legal holidays in America?
2. What are the traditional American holidays?
3. What are the two "most American" holidays?
4. When do they celebrate Independence day in America?
5. What is the atmosphere of this holiday?
6. How do the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?
The British as a nation do all kinds of things in their spare time: they go shopping or
jogging, they play darts or football, they collect records or stamps, they go to church or to the pub.
Some of these activities, like visiting relatives or taking driving lessons, may not be fun, but
whatever they do, the way they spend their free time is probably providing someone with work.
More people work in the sports industry than in the coal industry and the number of employees in
restaurants, pubs and shops is rising all the time.
Typical popular pastimes in the UK include listening to pop music, going to pubs, playing
and watching sport, going on holidays, doing outdoor activities, and watching TV. The number of
people playing sports has risen, partly due to the availability of more sporting facilities such as local
leisure centres. As more people become aware of the necessity for exercise, it is estimated that one
third of the adult population regularly takes part in outdoor sport and about a quarter in indoor
sports. Among the most popular sporting activities are walking, swimming, snooker and darts;
fishing is the most popular country sport. Football, cricket, horse racing and motor sports are all
popular spectator sports.
Watching other people playing is also a popular leisure activity: the favourite sports among
TV viewers are horse-racing, football, snooker, cricket and tennis. 'New' TV sports like American
football, basketball and even yachting are attracting more and more loyal armchair experts.
Pubs are an important part of British social life (more than restaurants) and more money is
spent on drinking than on any other form of leisure activity. Holidays are the next major leisure
cost, followed by television, radio, musical instruments, and eating out. If they have enough money,
people travel more and take more holidays.
Sports of all types are popular in the United States, and facilities for playing various sports
exist in all cities and towns: swimming pools, tennis courts, football and baseball fields, golf greens,
bowling alleys, roller skating rinks, etc. In addition, many Americans have taken up jogging and
bicycling in order to stay physically fit. You will probably see jogging almost anywhere you go.
Other popular sports are skiing (on water in warm weather and on snow in the winter),
sailing, fishing, hiking and camping. There are now also a number of different kinds of exercise
groups in most communities; again it is part of the current emphasis on good health. There are
groups which do exercises to music and centers where weightlifting equipment is available.
TV forms a basic part of leisure life on a daily basis. Most Americans have at least one
television and watch it regularly. On weekends, going to the movies or the theater is a popular
pastime, as is going out for meal at a restaurant. In warm weather, Americans enjoy picnics and
barbecues where food is cooked and eaten outside while people play softball or volleyball with
friends and/or family.
Americans also like to read and do various crafts, as well as watch sports events and attend
concerts. They also enjoy gardening and making things, such as sewing their own clothes or
building furniture. They do this for economic reasons as well as for personal enjoyment.
1. What sports and entertainments are most popular in your own country (in Great Britain, in the
United States)?
2. What are the differences between spending leisure time in your country and Britain (in your
country and the USA)?
The Russian Federation is one of the largest countries in the world. It covers the territory
about 17 million kilometers and has the population of 150 million people. The country is situated in
the eastern part of Europe and in the northern part of Asia. The highest mountains are the Caucasus,
the Urals and the Altai. The climate of Russia varies greatly from the coldest in the North to the
subtropical in the South.
There are a lot of rivers in the Russian Federation, the longest ones are the Volga, the Ob,
the Yenessei and the Lena. In the eastern part of Asia lies the lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water
lake in the world.
The Russian Federation is very rich in mineral resources, such as oil, natural gas, coal, gold
and many others. They are mostly concentrated in Siberia and the Far East. Industry plays a very
important role in the country's economy. Russia manufactures reactors for nuclear power stations,
large machines, TV sets, textiles, etc. About 10 million people are engaged in the agricultural
There are a lot of traditions in our country. Some villages still perform traditional khorovods
and chastushki. Samovars are still used and on holidays villages take troika rides. Traditional
Russian cooking includes pancakes, cabbage, pirozhki and kvas. Russian culture was enriched
through its contact with the cultures of the people of the other nationalities who live in our country.
The capital city of Russia is Moscow, one of the main industrial, cultural and political
centres of the world. Other big cities are. Saint-Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk,
These days the political and economic situation in the country is rather complicated. All
former republics became independent states and created their own governments, armies, money.
Most former Union Republics formed the Commonwealth of Independent States. It's rather difficult
to regulate the relations of the Russian Federation with Ukraine, Georgia, the Chechen and the Tatar
republics. Because of the national conflicts in many parts of the former USSR there have appeared a
lot of refugees.
The situation in the national economy of the RF is also very complicated. The industrial
production is decreasing, many plants have stopped their operations, the prices are going up. In a
word, it's a testing time for Russia. Still Russian people hope that in a few years the situation will
change for the better, and our country will become one of the leading states of the world.
1. How in your opinion do most people live in Russia nowadays?
2. What products does Russia export and import?
3. Which part of your country would you like to visit? Give your reasons.
4. What do you know about the capital city of Russian Federation?
5. What cities of Russia have you visited? Talk about one of them.
Going on a journey is always exciting. People travel for pleasure or on business. They prefer
different ways of travelling: by train, by air, by sea or in their own cars. Hiking is becoming very
popular too, especially among young people.
Nowadays travelling is rather expensive. Still, people try to use every opportunity to see
new places and to meet different people.
Three years ago my mother and I went to visit our grandmother who lives in Irkutsk. As this
city is very far from Voronezh, we decided to go there by plane, though planes make mother
nervous. As for me, I prefer this way of travelling to any other one: it's convenient and much
quicker. Besides, plane service is much better than train service.
So we booked seats on a flight leaving in the evening. I looked forward to going to Irkutsk
as it was my first visit to this city. We packed our suitcases and set out for the airport. Father saw us
off at the airport.
Before we got on board the plane, we had our luggage registered. Then we heard our flight
announced and we were invited to board the plane and take our seats.
During the flight we could do what we liked. We were offered some mineral water and
sweets. We could see the land below. I think it's a thrilling thing.
The flight took us almost several hours. When the plane landed, we realized all the
advantages of travelling by air.
Irkutsk welcomed its guests with Siberian hospitality.
1. What do you enjoy and hate about travelling by train (sea, air, car)?
2. Do you think travelling gives one something to talk about when one gets home?
3. Are you going on a journey this summer? Tell us about it.
4. What useful information would you give an English-speaking student about how to travel in
Russia without spending too much money?
5. What was the most unusual (or the worst) journey by land, sea or air you've ever experienced?
I have got a friend. Her name is Qlga. She is my age. We made friends when her family
moved to our house. She comes from a small family.
Olga is good-looking: she has brown curly hair, brown eyes, and a straight nose. She has a
pleasant smile and has always a twinkle in her eyes. She takes after her mother. But it was always
not for her appearance that I chose Olga to be my friend, it was for her wonderful personality. She
is a serious person, but she also likes to have a good time.
My friend is a kind, honest and hard-working girl. Olga is a good pupil and she gets only
good and excellent marks at school. She knows a lot about politics and psychology. She likes to
discuss these subjects but she doesn't make other people feel inferior.
Olga is also very sensitive. She worries about her parents because they work hard. My friend
has a good sense of humour and it's impossible to be depressed with her around.
Olga's favourite leisure activity is sewing and she is good at it. I can also sew but my friend
does it better than me.
I think I have much in common with my friend. We are both interested in classic music and
we often go to the Opera and Ballet Theatre. We both play the piano.
In summer we are going to take our entrance exams to the Academy. Olga will try to enter
the Law Department.
Besides, we have similar characters and tastes. I think we're going to be friends for a long
1. Do you think it's a good thing if your friend has a similar view of life or is it better if you are
2. Talk about the problems of choosing a friend (a marriage partner).
3. Should friends have similar tastes?
The British are a sporting nation. They love football greatly. Most British towns and cities
have a football team. Every year each team plays in the Football Association competition. The two
best teams play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. Some fans pay up to 20 pounds
for a ticket for the Cup Final. It is one of the biggest sporting events of the year.
Cricket is a typically British game. It is a summer game. Though it looks slow, it can be
exciting if you understand what's going on. Besides it is a very long game and big international
matches go on for five days. But in the real English way, the players always stop for tea.
Tennis is another popular game in Britain. Every summer, in June, the biggest international
tennis tournament takes place at Wimbledon, a suburb of London.
Many British people who live near the sea, a lake, or a river enjoy sailing.
Baseball is the most popular summer sport in America. The first American baseball match
was in 1839 in New York, but some people think that baseball comes from a much older game
called 'rounders', played in Europe for many years.
Americans start playing baseball young. At the age of eight children can join "leagues".
Americans play tennis, hockey and most other international sports, but they do not play
football in the same way as the rest of the world. Players wear special clothes with helmets on their
heads, because the game can be dangerous.
Basketball is another popular game in America and the Harlem Globetrotters are famous all
over the world.
3. Situations to topics
a. Your younger brother (sister) starts a foreign language at school. Help him (her) to choose
the foreign language. Will it be English? Why?
b. Why do you think the problem of learning languages is very important today? Give your
c. You have chosen the profession of a teacher of English. What personal qualities are
needed in me career you have chosen? Do you see any disadvantages of your future job? Compare
your career with the one in industry, science, business.
a. You are invited by your friend to visit Great Britain. What places would you like to see
first of all and why? Plan your visits and sightseeing tours.
b. You are invited by your friend to visit the USA. What places would you like to see first
of all and why? Plan your visits and sightseeing tours.
c. You are invited by your friend to visit Russia. What places would you like to see first of
all and why?
a. You are invited by your friend to visit London (New York, Washington, Moscow,
St.Petersburg). What places would you like to see first of all and why? Plan your visits and
sightseeing tours.
b. If a friend from the USA visited you what would you show him/her in Voronezh?
c. You have a task to write an essay on the relations between Russia and Great Britain (the
USA, Canada). What aspect of these relations would you like to write about and why? Where could
you find the necessary information.
d. Is there a place in your native town that you visit very often? Is it because you like it most
of all or there is some other reason?
a. Are you going anywhere this summer? Or will you spend your vacation in town? What are
you planning to do this summer?
b. You've won a lot of money in a Lottery. Plan an interesting trip around the world. Say
what season you prefer to travel.
c. You are planning a holiday with two friends but they can't decide which sort of holiday to
choose. You have three possibilities: a holiday in a big city, where you spend your time, visiting
galleries and museums and eating in a nice restaurants; a holiday at the seaside, where you stay in
nice hotel, swim every day and meet new friends; a motoring holiday, travelling from place to
place, never knowing where you are going to spend the next night.
a. Speak of some person you admire. Describe what he (she) looks like, speak about his/her
personality and say why you admire this person.
b. What plays of William Shakespear do you like best? Are you fond of Byron's verses? Do
you know anything about Lord Byron's life and death? Do Russian readers like the books by Walter
a. You are watching a TV talk show in which the General Director of the plant that pollutes
the atmosphere in your district takes part. If you use the hot line phone numbers, what could you
tell him (ask him) and why
b. Why is Moscow considered one of the most polluted cities? What do you know about the
ecological situation in Middle Asia?
a. Your friend invites you to listen to a new opera. Are you going to accept the invitation or
would you rather go to the movies?
b. Your friend invites you to listen to a new concert, a symphonic concert. Are you going to
accept the invitation or would you rather go to a rock music concert?
c. Your younger brother wants to go in for sports. Help him to choose that kind of sports
which suits him best. What would you advise him to choose?
d. Your younger brother has problems with physics at school. What would you tell him of
your own school studies and of your favourite subjects?
e. One of your friends thinks that you made a mistake when you chose your future
profession. Tell him that your choice was right. What will your arguments be?
f. Your family isn’t large, but you are very friendly. Are there any good traditions in your
family? What are they?
(Вопросы для общей беседы)
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your surname?
3. How old are you?
4. Where do you live?
5. Where were you born?
6. What is your date of birth?
7. What is your address?
8. What is your telephone number?
9. Is your family large?
10. Are you an only child?
11. What are your parents?
12. Who do you most take after, your mother or your father?
13. Who are you like in character?
14. Who do you look like?
15. What are your household duties?
16. Do you always plan your day beforehand?
17. What do you usually do in the evenings?
18. How do you spend your weekends?
19. Are you a stay-at-home or do you prefer to go out when you have some time to spare?
20. Are you fond of having friends in?
21. Do you often have parties?
22. What do you think makes one's home cosy?
23. Have you got a room of your own?
24. Can you describe it?
25. What is your hobby?
26. Who is your best friend?
27. Can you describe him/her?
28. How long have you been friends?
29. Do you have much in common or are you different?
30. How do you spend your free time together?
31. Is your friend easy to get along with?
32. What qualities do you most admire in people?
33. What characteristics annoy you most in people?
34. What does the word "lazy" mean?
35. How would you describe a person who helps other people?
36. What do we call-a person who expects good things to happen?
37. What do we call a person who expects bad things to happen?
38. Do you believe in horoscopes?
39. What are the good and bad characteristics associated with your sign of the zodiac?
40. What is your attitude to astrology?
41. When did you leave school?
42. What kind of school was it?
43. What subjects were you good at?
44. What subjects did you like?
45. What subjects did you dislike?
46. What subjects were you bad at?
47. Who was your favourite teacher? Why?
48. Did you spend a lot of time at school?
49. What out-of-class activities did you take part in?
50. Were there any hobby clubs or societies in your school?
51. Did you take part in any of them?
52. What time did you usually come home from school?
53. Did you have to wear a uniform?
54. Could you choose the subjects you studied?
55. Did you like your English classes?
56. What did you do during your English lessons?
57. When did you begin studying English?
58. Had you studied English before you came to school?
59. How long have you been learning English?
60. Were all your English teachers good?
61. What marks did you usually get in exam?
62. Do you find English grammar easy or difficult to study?
63. What about English pronunciation?
64. How many vowels are there in the English alphabet?
65. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
66. What English-speaking countries do you know?
67. Have you been to any of them?
68. Which variant of the English language do you like more: British or American?
69. Did you study any other languages at school?
70. How long does it take a person to learn to speak a foreign language, in your opinion?
71. Do you find languages easy or difficult to learn?
72. What other languages besides English would you like to learn?
73. What languages belong to the family of Romance languages?
74. What languages belong to the family of Slavic languages?
75. What family does the English language belong to?
76. What language is spoken in France? Germany? China?
77. What language is spoken in Holland? Switzerland? Brazil?
78. Why is it important to know foreign languages?
79. What are your future plans?
80. Why did you decide to study at our Academy?
81. What professions do you know?
82. Which of them require the knowledge of foreign languages?
83. What is an interpreter English?
84. What's the difference between interpreter and a translator?
85. What's the difference between "to take an exam" and "to pass an exam"?
86. Are you fond of reading?
87. What famous English writers do know?
88. What famous American writers do you know?
89. Who are your favourite English (American) authors?
90. Which of their books have you read?
91. Who are your favourite Russian writers?
92. Do you like poetry?
93. Which do you prefer to read, роеtry or prose?
94. Have you ever written any poetry?
95. What is the basic difference between poetry and prose?
96. Who are your favourite Russian poets?
97. Do you like modern poetry?
98. What famous English or American poets do you know?
99. Do you read much?
100. How much do you read in English?
101. Is it difficult for you to read English books in the original?
102. What kind of books do you know?
103. What sort of books do people read if they want information?
104. What sort of books do people read if they want entertainment?
105. What's the difference between a biography and autobiography?
106. What's the difference between fiction and non-fiction books?
107. How often do you use reference books?
108. What dictionaries do you use?
109. What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
110. If you could choose between reading a book or seeing the same story as a film, which would
you prefer?
111. Who are your favourite modern authors?
112. What kind of books do they write?
113. Which book did you particularly enjoy reading recently?
114. What did you like about the book?
115. What was it about?
116. Are there any books you'd like to reread?
117. Do you sometimes borrow books from a library?
118. What do you call a person who works in a library?
119. Have you got a lot of books at home?
120. Do you think it is good to have a home library?
121. Have you got any books in English at home?
122. Why do so many people like to read crime stones?
123. Can you explain the difference between a bookshop and a library?
124. Do you read newspapers?
125. What newspapers do you read?
126. What are your favourite magazines?
127. Where can you buy newspapers and magazines?
128. What newspapers and magazines do subscribe to?
129. Which sections of a newspaper are you especially interested in?
130. Do you read reviews of new books, films and plays?
131. What is an editorial?
132. What's the difference between an editor and a reporter?
133. Do you read any newspapers in English?
134. What British newspapers do you know?
135. Do you agree that radio and television have made newspapers unnecessary?
136. Do you like watching TV?
137. How much time do you spend watching TV?
138. Is it true that television begins to dominate our lives?
139. What TV programmes are most popular with young people?
140. What are your favourite TV programmes?
141. What programmes do your parents usually watch?
142. What do you think of soap operas?
143. Do you like quiz shows?
144. Do you ever watch educational TV programmes?
145. Are they helpful?
146. How many times have you been to the cinema this year?
147. What kind of films do you prefer?
148. Who are your favourite actors?
149. Who are you favourite film directors?
150. What do you think of horror films?
151. Which film did you particularly like recently?
152. What was it about?
153. Who starred in the film?
154. Have you seen any films in English?
155. How often do you go to the theatre?
156. When did you last go to the theatre?
157. Did you like the performance?
158. Did the audience like the performance?
159. Was the house full?
160. Where were your seats?
161. Did you like the scenery?
162. What was the play about?
163. Who played the leading parts?
164. Was the cast good?
165. What do you call a place where the performance takes place?
166. Where do you buy tickets?
167. What do we call a person who writes plays?
168. What do we call a person who directs the staging of a play?
169. What is your favourite theatre and why?
170. Which do you enjoy more: going to the theatre or going to the cinema?
171. Do you like opera?
172. What are your favourite operas?
173. What are your favourite ballets?
174. Which do you prefer: ballet, opera or musical concerts?
175. Who are your favourite composers?
176. Do you enjoy listening to classical music?
177. What are your favourite pieces of classical music?
178. Which do you prefer: modern music or classical music?
179. What's the difference between a concert and a rehearsal?
180. What's the difference between a composer and a musician?
181. Who are your favourite popular singers and groups?
182. Do you collect records or compact discs?
183. What is your favourite musical instrument?
184. Do you play any musical instruments?
185. Did you take music lessons? For how long?
186. Have you ever been to a concert you didn't like?
187. Are you interested in painting?
188. How often do you visit art galleries or fine arts museums?
189. How many times have you been to the Tretyakov Gallery?
190. When did you last go to the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts?
191. What museums have you been to this year?
192. Have you been to any exhibitions lately?
193. Who are your favourite Russian painters?
194. What famous English and American painters do you know?
195. Where did you see their pictures?
196. What kind of pictures do you know?
197. What's the difference between a landscape and a seascape?
198. What's the English for "натюрморт"?
199. Have you ever been to the Hermitage in St Petersburg?
200. What art galleries in London do you know?
201. Are you fond of reading science fiction?
202. Who is your favourite science fiction author?
203. Which of the writers foresaw the flight to the moon?
204. Which great Russian scientist worked out the theory of space flights and designed the first
205. What achievements have been made in space exploration?
206. Who was the first cosmonaut?
207. Who was the first to land on the moon?
208. Do you think there is life on other planets of the solar system?
209. Do you believe in UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects)?
210. Can you predict the future? What will life be like in 2100?
211. What outstanding scientists do you know?
212. What famous inventors do you know?
213. Are there any outstanding politicians and public figures in our country?
214. What kind of people are considered to be outstanding? What qualities must they possess?
215. Is it enough to be talented to be called outstanding?
216. What is environment?
217. What has man's interference in nature led to?
218. Why do so many species of animals and plants die out for ever?
219. What pollutes and poisons the air?
220. Why are acid rains so dangerous for people?
221. What do you know about the consequences of the Chernobyl tragedy?
222. What should every country do to protect nature and to clean the environment?
223. Is international cooperation necessary to create a system of ecological security? Why do you
think so?
224. What countries is the UK made up of?
225. What is the capital of the UK?
226. What is the capital of Wales?
227. What is the capital of Scotland?
228. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
228. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
229. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?
230. Who is the Queen of Britain?
231. What places of interest in London do you know?
232. What do you know about Westminster Abbey?
233. What do you know about the Houses of Parliament?
234. Where is the residence of the Queen?
235. Who was St Paul's Cathedral built by?
236. What do the stars on the American flag stand for?
237. How many stars are there on the US flag?
238. What is the capital of the USA?
239. Who was the first president of the USA?
240. Who is the US President now?
241. What great Americans do you know?
242. Who discovered America?
243. What large cities in the USA do you know?
244. What do the letters DC stand for?
245. Which city is more American: Washington or New York?
246. What places of interest in Washington do you know?
247. When did the Russian Federation become an independent state?
248. What parts of Russia have you been to?
249. When was Moscow founded and who by?
250. Do you know the city well?
251. Can you describe the centre of Moscow?
252. What historical monuments in Moscow do you know?
253. What world-famous museums in Moscow do you know?
254. What do you know about Red Square?
255. What is your favourite place in Moscow?
256. What are the most interesting tourist sights in your city?
257. Do you live in the centre or in the suburbs?
258. What kinds of public transport do you know?
259. Are you fond of travelling?
260. If you were free to travel wherever you wanted, what countries would you visit?
261. Why do you think so many people like travelling?
262. Which is the most convenient way of travelling?
263. Which is the quickest way of travelling?
264. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car?
265. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by air?
266. Have you ever been abroad?
267. What's the difference between a voyage and a journey?
268. What great travellers of the past do you know?
269. Do you find time for sports?
270. What kinds of sports do you know?
271. What is you favourite kind of sports?
272. What sports do you enjoy watching?
273. What do you do to keep fit?
274. What do you know about the history of the Olympic Games?
275. What kinds of sports are popular in Britain?
276. What's the difference between an amateur and a professional?
277. What do you do when you fall ill?
278. What does the doctor do when he comes to examine you?
279. What kinds of diseases do you know?
280. What is the dentist's job?
281. When are we taken to hospital?
282. What must we do to be in good health?
283. What are the most important national holidays in Russia?
284. What do we celebrate on the 9th of May?
285. When do we celebrate Independence Day?
286. What religious holidays do you know?
287. What is you favourite holiday?
288. What are the most important public holidays in Great Britain?
289. What are the most important public holidays in the United States?
290. Are Christmas and Easter celebrated at the same time in all Christian countries?
291. How is New Year celebrated in your family?
292. Have you got a watch? What time is it now?
293. What are you doing now?
294. What will you be doing this time tomorrow?
295. What were you doing at six o'clock in the evening yesterday?
296. If you were a millionaire, how would you spend your money?
297. If you were free today, where would you spend the day?
298. If friends come to visit you tonight, how will you entertain them?
299. What are you going to do tonight?
300. If you are admitted to this faculty, what specialization would you like to take up?
Приложение. List of speech acts
Expressing and finding out intellectual and emotional attitudes
expressing one's opinion
I think …
I feel that …
As far as I'm concerned …
asking for someone's opinion
Do you think that ...?
What do you feel/think about ...?
Are you sure that ...?
giving reasons
I think ... is right because ...
... That's why I feel that ...
... and so I think that ...
asking for reasons
Why do you think that ...?
What makes you feel that ...?
defending one's opinion
Yes, but what I really mean is ...
What I'm trying to say is ...
On the contrary, I ...
What you said is really an argument for my point of view. I feel …
agreeing/ supporting other people's opinions
Yes, that's right.
That's what I feel, too.
I think so, too.
I (fully) agree with you.
X put it very well.
I feel that X is right.
X raised some good points.
What X said are the most important ..., I feel.
disagreeing/contradicting other people's opinions
I don't agree.
I don't think so.
That's not ...
You can't say that.
That's no proof.
That's not the point/question/problem ...
But surely ...
Oh no, ...
stating whether something is right or wrong
That's right.
That's it exactly.
That isn't right.
Absolutely not.
expressing certainty and uncertainty, probability and possibility
I'm absolutely certain that ...
I'm sure that ...
There is definitely ...
There may be ...
Perhaps ...
... might ...
I'm not at all sure if ...
... could be ...
I don't think that ...
expressing interest or indifference
I'm interested in …
I'd like to know more about ...
I'd like to do something on ...
… sounds interesting.
Please tell me more about …
I'm keen on …
… doesn't interest me.
I don't care.
What a boring topic.
expressing likes and dislikes
I love/like …
… is great/very good/fun/fantastic
I enjoy …
What I like best is …
I hate/ dislike …
What I don't like about ... is …
I'm not at all keen on …
stating preferences
I'd rather …
I prefer ... to …
I'd much rather ... than ...
expressing personal insights
I learnt that ...
It became clear/obvious that ...
I realized that ...
I found out about ...
expressing doubt
I can't say if ...
I have my doubts about that.
Do you think that …? I doubt it.
It’s very doubtful whether …
You haven't convinced me yet.
You may have a point there, but I'm still not sure ...
OK, but ...
Getting things done
expressing understanding
I see.
I've got that.
That's clear now.
All right.
I didn't hear what you said. Could you speak up, please?
Could you say that again, please.
I didn't understand your last sentence.
asking for confirmation, giving confirmation
... Is that what you mean?
Do you want to say ...?
Did you say that ...?
You mean that ...,don't you?
You said ..., didn't you?
Do we have to fill everything in?
Yes, that's what I meant/wanted to say.
I have to say again that ...
I have to insist on ...
We must keep to the rules.
making suggestions
What about ...?
We could ... and then ...
Let's start with ...
I suggest that each of us ...
Why don't we ...?
Speech acts for particular situations
discussions: interrupting
Just a minute ...
Can I butt in here?
Could you stop here for a moment?
Could I question your last point?
Before you go on, let me ...
giving evasive answers, hesitating
I'm not sure.
I wouldn't know.
Well, let me think.
I can't say.
Well, ...
Список рекомендуемой литературы
1. Единый государственный экзамен: английский язык / под общ. ред. Е.Ф. Прохоровой,
М.В. Вербицкой; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Федерал. служба по
надзору в сфере образования и науки, Федерал. ин-т пед. измерений. – М.:
Просвещение, 2006.
2. Боярская Ю.А. Английский язык. Руководство для подготовки к экзаменам / Ю.А.
Боярская. – М.: АСТ – Астрель, 2004. – 154 с.
3. Голицинский Ю.Б. Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений для средней
школы. - СПб.: КАРО, 2004
4. Дуда Н.В. Тестовые задания для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку / Н.В. Дуда.
– Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2003. – 112 с.
5. Куриленко Ю.В. 400 тем по английскому языку. Уч. пос. – М., БАО-ПРЕСС, Рипол
Классик, 2004.
6. Синельникова М. Разговорные темы к экзаменам по английскому языку. Рабочая
тетрадь. - 6-е изд. - СПб.: "КОРОНА принт", 2004
7. Цветкова И.В. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы: устный
экзамен (тoпики, тексты для чтения, экзаменационные вопросы) / И.В. Цветкова, И.А.
Клепальченко, Н.А. Мыльцева. – М.: Глосса, 2004. – 136 с.
8. Grammar Way: практическое пособие по грамматике английского языка / Под ред. О.
В. Афанасьевой. – М.: Центрком, 2003. – 144 с.
9. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Third Edition Cambridge CUP, 2004-379 pp.