NURTURE and FELLOWSHIP Prayer Team _____ E-Mail Prayer Chain Connection _____ Prayer Shawl Ministry _____ Barnabas Writing Ministry Care Team _____ Hospital Visitation Volunteer _____ Nursing Home Visitation Volunteer _____ Home Visitation Volunteer _____ Blood Donor Volunteer _____ Flowers to Homebound Transportation (Our Seniors) _____ Help To and From Church (Sunday) _____ Help Getting to Important Apptmts. Cook Team _____ Set-up____ Cook ____ Serve ____ Clean _____ Re-stow Tables and Chairs ____ Linen Fellowship and Hospitality _____ Annual Heritage Celebration Dinner _____ More Than Bread Faith Dinner Groups _____ XYZ (Extra Years of Zest, all 55+ yrs) _____ XYZ Craft Team _____ UMW (United Methodist Women) _____ UMM (United Methodist Men) _____ Keenagers (Women 55+ yrs) _____ Lads (Men 55+ yrs) DISCIPLESHIP _____ Long Term Bible Study Facilatator _____ Short Term Bible Study Fellowship OFFICE VOLUNTEER EDUCATION Sunday School 9:45 am and 11:00 am each Sunday _____ Teacher _____ Substitute Sunday School Teacher _____ Teaching Assistant Choose Preferred Area of Interest: _____ Nursery _____ Children (Rotation Sunday School) _____ Youth (Jr. High, Sr. High Sunday School) _____ Young Adult _____ Adult _____ Seniors Nursery/Children’s Church (8:30, 9:45, 11:00 am) _____ Sunday Volunteer Leader _____ Teacher _____ Assistant Vacation Bible School (one week in June) _____ Teacher _____ Helper ______ Crafts _____ Snacks _____ Set-up ______ Re-store Youth Program (Crossroads Fellowship) 5:00 pm each Sunday _____Set-up ____Cook ____Serve ____Cleanup _____Counselor _____ Tutor ____ Fundraising _____Rush Hour (6:00 p.m. each Tuesday) Senior High Bible Study (5:30 p.m. Wednesdays) _____ Include Me! Crossroads Student Impact (Youth Volunteers) ______ Count me in! Confirmation Class _____ Aide _____ Receptionist _____ Bulletin Folding _____ Bulk Mail Help _____ Short Errands _____ Data Entry _____ E-mail Update Sign up to do some good! What special talents, hobbies or abilities can you share? _____________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________ E-mail First United Methodist Church of Slidell 433 Erlanger Street, Slidell, LA 70458 985-643-6437 FAX 985-643-6439 Time, Talent, Service First United Methodist Church of Slidell Do all the good you can by all the means you can in all the ways you can in all the places you can at all the times you can to all the people you can as long as ever you can John Wesley You Can ! MINISTRIES Ministry on Mission and Outreach Ministry on Stewardship Ministry on Music Ministry on Wheelchair Ramps Barnabas Writing Ministry Prayer Shawl Ministry Kairos Prison Ministry Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Adult Ministry Seniors Ministry Visitation/Care/Support Ministry MISSION Pumpkin Patch Ministry(Mid-Sept.thruOct.each yr.) ____Coordinator ____Day Captain ____ Pumpkineer ____Set-up ____Decorate____Bake Goods_____QC ____Advertising__Pallet Set-up__Pumpkin Unload ____Patch Clean-up and Stow Wheelchair Ramp Ministry(over 100 built in Slidell) ____Help Assemble ____ Help Erect Kairos Prison Ministry ____Bake Cookies _____ Christian Witness Choctaw Mission Ministry(Philadelphia, Ms, July) ____Light Construction ____Cook ____VBS Help ____Provide Needed Items TBA Mt. Olive AME Feeding Ministry ____ Provide Needed Items (monthly) ___Help Cook ____ Help Serve With Others Community Christian Concern ____ Provide Needed Items (monthly) __Deliver Items Community Thanksgiving Meal Preparation ____Provide Cooked Turkey ____Carve Turkey ____Provide Canned Items ____ Help Serve XYZ Christmas Crafts and Bazaar ____ Crafts ____Set-up ____ Decorate ____Bake Youth and College Missions ____ Help With Sunday Youth Suppers ____ Youth Mission Trip Counselor ____ Assemble College Care Packages (seasonal) ____ Christmas Angel Tree ____ Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes ____ Methodist Children’s Home WORSHIP Welcoming / Greeting / Ushering (8:30 am) (9:45 am) (11:00 am) ____ Greeter ____ Greeter ____ Greeter ____ Usher ____ Usher ____ Usher Choirs ____ Chancel Choir (11:00 am) ____ Jubilate’ Singers ____ Adult Hand bell Choir ____ Instrumentalist Instrument ________________ ____ Children’s/Little Angels Choirs ____ Music and Drama Camp _____ Teacher _____ Aide ____ Host Home Coordinator ____ Host Home Contemporary 9:45 Alive Service ____ Refiner’s Fire Praise Band Instrumental ____ Refiner’s Fire Praise Band Vocalist Altar Guild ____ Altar Preparation ____ Sanctuary Banners ____ Communion Captain ____ Communion Steward (8;30, 9:45, or 11:00 am) ____ Communion Server (8;30, 9:45, or 11:00 am) ____ Acolyte Leader ____ Acolytes (8:30, 9:45, or 11:00 am) Multi-media Technician (Audio / Visual) ____ 8:30 am _____ 9:45 am _____ 11:00 am Sanctuary Preparation ____ Attendance Pads Renew / Update ____ Check pews for Pens, Bibles, Hymnals, Offering And New Member Cards ************************************************* One service form may be used for all members of a family. Please indicate the name of the person volunteering next to each item checked. Also, please indicate individual contact numbers, if available. ************************************************* COMMITTEES _______Worship ______ Trustee _______ Education_____ Finance _______ Mission ______ Evangelism _______ Stewardship _______ Higher Education/Scholarship _______ Guidebook and Directory _______ Pictorial Directory Team BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS _____Gardening____ Carpentry _____ Painting _____Electrical_____ Plumbing _____ Cleaning ARMY (Active Retired Methodist Youngsters) _____ Leader ____ Member ___Workday Volunteer (Saturday mornings TBA) MY TRADES / SKILLS / TALENTS ____Heating/AC ____Electrician ____Plumber ____ Concrete ____ Drywall ____ Carpenter ____ Painter ____ Flooring ____ Roofing ____ Computer Graphics ____ Multi-media A/V ____ Webmaster ____ Artist ____ Puppeteer ____ Drama ____ Set Design ____ Sound Design ____ Medical Training ____ Dietician ____ CPA ____ Fireman/Policeman ____ Seamstress ____ Sales /Advertising/ Marketing ____ Engineer ____ Educator ____ Baker/Chef ____ Auto-mechanic ____Landscaper ____ CPR/EMT There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service. The Spirit’s presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all. (1 Corinthians 12: 4-7) The Good News Bible