1 LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY College of Business Administration COURSE OUTLINE – FALL 2004 COURSE: MBAJ 698-01 SS Accounting Ethics & Corporate Governance PROFESSOR: Dr. Steven M. Mintz, CPA TELEPHONE: 338-8791 OFFICE HOURS: MW: 11:00am – 1:00pm W: 5:00pm – 7:00pm AND BY APPOINTMENT E-MAIL ADDRESS: OFFICE: Hilton # H311 smintz@lmu.edu TEXTS AND RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: Required Texts: 1. The Financial Numbers Game: Detecting Creative Accounting Practices, by Mulford & Comiskey, John Wiley & Sons (Publishers), 2002. 2. A Blueprint for Corporate Governance: Strategy, Accountability, and the Preservation of Shareholder Value, by Kaen, American Management Association (AMACOM) (Publishers), 2003. Recommended Materials: 1. The Wall Street Journal (Highly recommended). 2. Business Week. Recommended Websites: 1. www.aicpa.org 2. www.calpers-governance.org 3. www.cfenet.com 4. www.cfo.com 5. www.corpgov.net 6. www.ecgi.org 7. www.fasb.org 8. www.nysscpa.org 9. www.pcaobus.org 10. www.sec.gov 2 Grading Distribution Course Grading A = 93-100 A- = 90-92 B+ = 87-89 B = 83-86 B- = 80-82 C = 70-79 Midterm Exam Group Case = Term Paper = SEC Assignment = Final Exam = Total = 20% 20% 25% 15% 20% 100% LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOUNTING ETHICS & CORPORATE GOVERNANCE This is a multidisciplinary course that draws on one’s knowledge of accounting, business, corporate governance and ethics. The course objectives are as follows: 1. To understand the role of accounting in society and, in particular, how a company’s financial statements depict its financial health. 2. To understand the role of the independent audit in providing assurance about the financial health of a company. 3. To be able to identify earnings management techniques that can be used to portray a level of profitability and financial position that may not be warranted. 4. To know what are the ethical obligations imposed on accountants and auditors in the performance of their professional services. 5. To understand the role of the modern corporation in society and the claims to corporate resources of the shareholders and other stakeholders. 6. To know what are the elements of a corporate governance system and how corporate governance techniques protect the interests of the shareholders and other stakeholders. 7. To work in a group setting to analyze an ethical dilemma in accounting and be able to make a classroom presentation. 8. To know how to conduct independent research on earnings management issues related to the recent accounting scandals and write a paper on your findings. 9. To be able to research issues on the SEC website related to financial institutions and how they were involved in the recent accounting scandals. 3 Student Commitment Responsible behavior is a must in this course. This means all students should adhere to the following top ten list of ethical practices: 10. Think about the material being presented by engaging yourself in reflective learning. Ask yourself: What does it mean? How does it relate to other course material? What is its purpose? That is, how does it help to present fair and accurate financial statements and protect the public interest? 9. Read each chapter before it is discussed in class. Come prepared. Be ready to answer questions asked of you. 8. Participate in class discussions. Raise your hand. Ask questions. You’ll learn more that way and enjoy the classes. 7. Come to class on time and don’t leave early. I realize from time to time outside activities may prevent you from living up to this expectation. Please clear any such occasions with me in advance. It’s a matter of respect and responsibility. 6. Work independently on all individual assignments and, of course, examinations. You’ll learn more and make your professor happy. 5. Complete assignments regularly. Group discussion and consultation is an effective way to learn the material and develop answers to homework questions but you must hand in your own work. 4. Attend classes consistently and take all examinations. Make-up exams will not be given except for unusual and/or emergency-type situations. 3. For the group project, be sure to participate in your group’s discussions. Don’t let the other members do your work for you. Pull your own weight. 2. Write your own term paper. This is an individual project not a group activity. Don’t even think of buying a term paper on the internet. 1. Be respectful of each other, your professor, and the learning environment created in the classroom. I pledge to act the same way towards you. Group Case Project There are four case studies to choose from. The class will be divided into groups. To a limited degree, you will be able to select group members and cases although the final case assigned to your group will be based on accommodating as many students’ first or second preferences as possible. Case Assignment To make a 15-20 minute presentation summarizing the facts of the case, stakeholders and ethical issues, and responding to the specific question at the end of the case. All students must participate in the group presentation. 4 Selections of Cases from the Following to be handed Out 1. 2. 3. 4. Edvid, Inc. Imperial Valley Thrift & Loan Sweat Hog Construction Company Creative Toys, Inc. Term Papers/Topic Areas: All Students A 10-15 page term paper should be written on one of the following accounting scandals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Adelphia Enron Global Crossing Health South Parmalat 6. Rite Aid 7. Sunbeam 8. Tyco 9. WorldCom (MCI) 10. Xerox The following issues should be discussed and other issues relevant to your case should be added: Describe the accounting fraud(s) in detail. What were the effects on the company’s financial statements? Over what period of time? Who were the main perpetrators of the fraud? How was the fraud detected and disclosed to the SEC? What was the role of the external auditors? What was the role of the audit committee and board of directors? Did the corporate governance systems fail? Why or why not? What recommendations do you have to avoid similar frauds in the future? Be specific. Class Presentations on the Settlement between the SEC and Financial Institutions Related to Accounting Scandals Including Enron and WorldCom: MBA Students Only A 15-20 presentation should be made that explains the settlement agreement between the SEC and financial institutions (www.sec.gov) that result from their role in facilitating accounting scandals at companies such as Enron and WorldCom. In your presentation it is important to touch upon the following issues, at a minimum: A description of the role of the institutions that led to the SEC’s investigation and how the actions of these companies affected the marketplace during the scandals. Why there is a conflict between the financial analysis and investment banking roles of financial institutions. What did they do? Why did they do it? Examples of how these conflicts played out in the accounting scandals. The stakeholders that were affected by the actions of financial institutions. The terms of the settlement between the SEC and financial institutions. 5 Your opinion on whether the changes embodied in the SEC settlement go far enough to prevent any future Enron and WorldCom situations, and whether these changes truly protect the public investor’s interests. COURSE OUTLINE – HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Date W, 9/1 W, 9/8 W, 9/15 W, 9/22 W, 9/29 W, 10/6 W, 10/13 W, 10/20 W, 10/27 W, 11/3 W, 11/10 W, 11/17 W, 11/24 W, 12/1 W, 12/8 W, 12/15 Topics Overview & Orientation The Role of Accounting & Auditing Earnings Management: Institutions & Regulation Earnings Management: Techniques & Financial Reporting Effects Creative Accounting: Income & Cash Flow Effects Discussion about Ethics in Accounting Group meetings on ethics cases Video presentation Midterm Exam Ethical Challenges to Financial Institutions Group meetings on ethics cases Ethics case presentations Corporate Governance and Financial Markets Corporate Governance: Valuation, Investment & Financing Issues Presentations on Financial Institutions/SEC Video presentation Corporate Governance: Executive Compensation, Board of Directors and Shareholder Rights Corporate Governance in the International Environment: UK, Germany & Japan Discussion of accounting scandals Discussion about final exam Assignment To be handed out Mulford pages 1-56 Mulford pages 57-158 Final Exam AMACOM Text Mulford pages 159-278 Mulford pages 279-378 Case assignments ---------Mulford Text To be handed out All student group presentations AMACOM pages 1-55 AMACOM pages 57-116 MBA group presentations AMACOM pages 117-186 AMACOM pages 187-210 Term Papers Due 6 Explanation of Material Covered in Topics Date(s) 9/8 Specific Material Covered Purpose of financial statements Role of auditing and ethics in accounting Proper income determination Revenue recognition principle Matching 9/15&22 Techniques of earnings management Premature revenue recognition (Tyco) Improper cost allocation (WorldCom) Use of off-balance sheet transactions (Enron) Improper disclosures (all) Pressures on top management Financial analysts’ expectations Meet or exceed budgets Get the stock price up Executive stock options Debt covenants Institutional response Role of financial analysts & investment bankers SEC Response Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA) Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) 9/29 Cash flow effects Pro forma earnings Role of the audit committee Internal controls – Section 404 of SOA PCAOB audit standards 10/20 Corporate governance: elements and functions Agency theory Stakeholder theory Audit and non-audit fees Responsibilities of corporation to shareholders Institutional investors Shareholder rights 11/3&10 Valuing corporate stock Investment alternatives Shareholder conflict 7 With managers With creditors Informational asymmetry 11/24 CEO pay packages Abusive earnings manipulation Mergers & acquisitions Board of director responsibilities Board liabilities Board member insurance Maximizing shareholder wealth 12/1 Corporate governance systems outside the U.S. UK Germany Japan International corporate governance: Convergence or diversity? The Parmalat scandal