MINRAL RESOURCES OF BARMER DISTRICT 1. INTRODUCTION Occupying an area of 28387 sq. kms, Baemer district lies in the western corner of Rajasthan. The district head quarter is situated on the National highway No 15 which runs almost north south and divide the district in tow equal halves. The district is served by Jodhpur – Munaba meter gauge section of Northern Railway and a net work of ill weather roads. Its entire and as such it has got great strategic importance and recently a good net work of boarder roads have been developed which provides good transport facilities. Being part of the vast Thar desert, water was the main problem of this area in the past dut new majority of the towen & villges have been linked with water reserve ors drawing water from tube wells and as such water problem is solved to a great extent. 2. PHYSICAL FEATURES : The general appearance of the area is that of a desolated country with sand dunes here and there. The average height of the plains east of Barmer is about 150m. adove M. S. L. The hills near Jaisai (weat of Barmer) rise to the height of 500 to 600 m.adove M. S. L. The region west of Barmer-Consist of hillocks mainly composed of rhyollite and Graintes. East wards from Barmer.i. e. towards sindri the cover of sand and sand dunes decreases and beyond Sindri the dunnes are few. The area detween Barmer and Sheo is mostiy covered with blown sand, except in the vicinity of Bothia, west of Hathi Singh ki Dhani and Koatra, where sand stone forms small hillocks.The high hills occurring between Barmer and Chotan are mostly constituted by rhyolites and granites of Malani igneous suit. The Barmer distict is dominantly from the hill carry water during the few showers the area receives, but is lost in the desert sand within a short distance. The district experiences extreme climate typical of desert. The period from December to February constituted the cold season where as April to June is hot. dust storms are frequent in May and June, which are the hottest months when maximum temperature reaches upto 480 c. Rainy season is from June to Sept. Average rain fall is abut 25 cm. 3. GEOLOGY : The Geology of the district is obscured by extensive desert sand & sand of dunes. The rock formations are mostly exposed in patches. The general stereographic succession worked out by Geological survey of India is as under : FORMATION AGE LITHOLOGY Recent to sud recent sand, sandly soil, kankar, vast gypsum & selenite deposit. Fuller's earth. Clays & ferruginous sandstone grey &black Shales with or without lignite inter calations, bentonite, siliceous earth . Sandstone. Kapurdi formation Mandhi formation & Akli formation Lower to middle Eocene Lower Eocene to upper paleocene . Fateh garh formation Middle Paleocene to upper cretaceous. Triassic – Jueassic Lateprecambrian Lathi formation Malani igneoues rock sandstone. Rhyolite granites & associated intrusives . The malani igneous suit of rocks are most extensive & are oldest in the area. they consist of volcanic rocks, rhyolites granites & associated intrusives like basic dykes aplites & quartz veins. Beside these volcanics, other rocks exposed in the area are sandstone belonging to Lathi, Fatehgarh & Mandhi formations, Akli & Kapurdi formations constituted by bentonite & Fuller's earth. they deing soft, in the plains & mostly coveed under blown sand. 4.MINERAL OCCURRENCES: Due to the absence of metamorphic rocksto which most of the minerals belong, on matamorphic minerals of economic was noted. The minereal wealth of the district is consituted by non metalic minerals like Bentonite, Gypsum, Fuller's earth, Selenite, Slilceous earth Silica Sand, Lignite, Sandstone etc. The details are as under. 4 -1. Bentonite: Bentonite is an important naturally occurring clay of great commercial importance possesing inherent a bleaching properties. Two types of Bentonote are generally identified, one called swelling type & another non swelling type. The seelling type has low ratio of Soda to lime. The important bentonite bearing localities of Barmre district along with porbabla reaerves are as under :MAP - LOCALITY Hathi Singh Ki Dhani Harecha Sheo Sonari Bisala Bhadres Mahawar RESERVES 1.78 Million tonne 8.89 " 1.12 " 0.98 " 5.30 " 0.04 " 0.01 " The total reserves comes out to be 20.28 million tonne. These reserves were by Geological Survey of India by hand auger drill & as such if systematic drilling provig is done, the reserves will be much larger than indicaed adove. Recently department took Som e pitting to assess the quality & reserves of Bentonite & drilling has deen propsed. Except the Mahawar area which is about 5 km. south of Barmer, all other arer fall north west of Bmer and can de approached by Barmer-Sheo road. At present mining activity is going on mostly in Akli thumdil aera where 8 parties including R.S.M.D.C. are working. The mineral is either sold as lumps or ground to powder by the units established at Marmer and Jodhpur. A Govt. of Rajasthan under taking R.S.M.D.C. has also errected its pulveriser in Barmer and it is under operation since December 1982. 4-2. Gypsum : Gypsum occupies a plaxe of pride among all the other minerals found in Rajasthan. The State accunouts for more than 90% of the country's production which comes from bikaner, Baemer, Jaisalmer, Shri Ganganagar & Nagur districts. In Barmer district Gypsum is occurring at Kawas Hema Ki Dhani, Uttarlai Kural,Shivkal,Gagria,Bajawa,Chitter ka Par, Agoria,Ratau etc. Out of these at Daboi, Gunga,Chitter ka par & Hema ki Dhani,Gunga area are being mined by R.S.M.D.C. Recently tow moer gypsum deposits have been located by the deptt. Both of than can be approachad by Barmer Sanchor National highway No.15. The area are piprali and Jhakharda. piprali area is about 10 kms. east of Ram Ji Ka Gel where as Jhakharda is due west of Ram Jika Gel at about 12kms. bistance. The quality at both the places is good. The Jhakhardaarea has been applied by R.S.M.D.C. for mining lease. According to mineral policy of Government this mineral has deen reserved for Govrrnment under taking only. Most of the Gypsim produced form the district is dold to cement factories. Previously it was also used by Sindary Fertillizer plant. The CaSO4 2H2 O content of the mineral occuring in the district is varying from 60%to 80% 4-3. Selenite : Selenite is a crystalline variety of gypsum forming flat transparent foliated plates. It occur as aggregate of single or twinned crystals fully covered with clay material. It is used for the manufactuer of plaster of paris. Inbarmer districte occurrencer have been reported from Thob and Chitter Ka Par. The Thob area is at present under mining lease with M/S Neel Kanth Chemical woeks. Barmer. Here thickness of Selenite bed is varying from 10 to 0.04cm. The Chitter Ka Par area has now been taken on lease by R.S.M.D.C. for gypsum and Selenite mineral and has started mining recently. 4-4. White Clay : In Barmer district the white clay deposit inter stratified with the sandstone are found near Bothia, Nagurda, Gunga and Nimbla. Near Bothia the white caly deposits are exposed in a nala section about 1.5 km. south west of village, G.S.I. did some prospecting in the past and indicated varying six caly beds interstratified with sandstone varying in thickness from 1 to 3 km. The area is about 28 kms.north of Barmer railway station. The caly is pale white, partly Gritty, plastic and consist mostly of Kaolinite. This clay has also been encountered in the dore holes drilled dy department for lignite between Kapurdi & Bothia. The tests conducted indicates that it can de utilised in low grade pottery. At Nagurda a dug well struck pale white to light pink caly at a depth of 235 ft. from surfaca, the bottom of caly has not reached upto a death of 240 ft. The area is about 45Kms. North of bormer railway station. A samle tested at C.G.C.R.I. showed vitrfication at 1450 °C It may be suitable for low grade pottery and colour after firing was found ti be grey with dark red specks. At Gunga a bed of cream to white plastic clay 1.4 m. in thickness occurres about 1.2 km.west of the village. The clay vitrifies at 1320 °C It may be suitable for low grde pottery. At Nimla the white clays are occurring at adout 1 km. south of nimla it is a fine grained and vitrifies at 1400 °C. It may be suitable for earthen ware and sanitory ware. 4-5. Silicious Earth : Silicious earth is mainly composed of colloidal silica. It resemble chalk ro clays but contain chiefly 69to 81 % silica and 4 to 12 % alumin with little calcium, magnesium and ironoxide. it is usually white yellow or cream in colour. It is homogenous, porous, easily breakable, light in weight . it has high absorption power . It is regadeb as an excellent fillter specially for coloidal one antibiotic products. Microporocity of sili cious earth helps removing such colloidal particles which easily do not pass through common fillters, it is also used as polishing material for manufecture af insulationg bricks, as filterpaper, synthetic rubber etc. In Barmer district sillcious earth occurring are available neer village Matti Ka Gel, Jato Ki Dhani, Bariyara ect. The reserves position of these blocks is as under :Name of block Reserve Avreage Sio2 Matti Ka Gel 0.33 M.T. 74.32% Babrasar 0.66 M.T. 74.40% Jato Ki Dhani 0.35 M.T. 72.00% Bariyara 0.10 M.T. 76.28% All these areas are approachable from Barmer-Jaisalmer road via village Khodal, Bariyara etc. At present four minng leases exits near village Bariyara, Matti Ka Gel and Gharvi Khurd. 4-6. Fuller's Earth : Fuller's earthis a variety of non plastic clay which has the power to decolourise oil, fats & greases. It is chiefly used in refining vegetable oil, animal fat etc. It is also used for washing hair. It is occurring at Kapurdi and Bhadka where mining activity is going on. Recently while while drilling for lignite. Department encountered Fuller's earth in number of holes and it is expected to cover a wide spread area with variable thickness of onvr bueden. 4-7. Vermiculite : Vermiculite a variety of mica is occurring near simalya in Pachbhadra tehsil of Barmer district, The area was prospected by depart ment and have proved its continuity upto 4 m. depth and likely to continue. The average width adout 1.5 m.There are other such discontinuous bands with total lengut of 2km. It can be approached from kaludi village through Agravel road. The village Kaludi itself is located on Barmer –Balotra road and is adout 90 kms. from Barmer. About 10.000 tonnes of reserve are expected from the area. MAP - 4-8. Volcanic ash : It located at number of placea in district Barmer, viz. Siwana, Kusip, Ramdev Ki Bari, Nakoda etc. andbeliong to malain suit of igneous rocks of post Delhi Age. It is fine grained hard and compact with varying colours from buff, yellowish, pinkish to greying. The general analysis of volcanic ash is as under :Sio2 Al2 O3 Fe2 o3 TiO2 77.75% 4.27% 3.30% 0.23% P2 O5 Cao Mgo Na2 O K2 O 0.90% 2.27% 3.20.. 1.70.. 2.15.. 4-9. Lignite : The Kapurdi lignite field of Barmer district streaches over about 25 kms. in length from north to south and 10 kms in width from east to west. The area falls on toposheet No 400/5. The Kapurdi village hige ( 71° 33' : 25° 55' )falls on National high way No. 15 runnning between Kandia and Shri Ganganagar. Investigation by drilling in the area was started in Oct. 1980 by the State department of Mines & Geoology with the help of one machine. Later on to accelarate the work, more machine. were added in Jan. 1981. April, 1982 and August 1982. A Total 9040.00 m drilling spread over in 70 bore holes, covering an area of about 10 sq. km. was done by theState department and then stopped its work and now fuether work is being done by Mineral Exploration Corporation, a Goveernment of India under taking. they have done about 80.000 m drilling and work is contine. About 60 million tonnes of lignite has been proved in Kapurdi area asn beside it established lignite occurrence near Jalipa and Kawas. Geological survey of India is carrying out drilling work further north of Kapurdi block ( between Bothia and Bhadkha villages ) they have done adout 800 m drilling spread over in 39 bore holes No. encouraging results are obtained so far. From the exploratory drilling done it has deen found that indivsual lignite seans varying in thickness from less than 50.00 cm. to maximum of 7.60 with cummulative thickess reaching upto 17.40 mts. The thick seams at places show tendency of splitting into a number of thin seams with intervaning parting of black shale without lignite seams top middle and bottom have deen indicated. Since the explorotion woek is still going on as such more reserves are likely to de added to it. Assuring 45 initial moisture, the avarage ash value is 11% volatile 20% fixed caebon 17% and calorific value 2700k. Ca. Kg. The area seems to be promissing and thermal power plant based on if may come up in near futuer. 4-10. Granite : Granite, a modern decorative stone is occurring in the district at number of places. The importantbeing Mokalsar, Virater, Bhachbhar, Dhorimana etc. The pink & coloured granite of the area take good polish and possidility of taking out blocks is there. Presrntly nomining lease exist for it . 5. MINERAL WISE PRODUCTION : The production of the various minerals for last few years has been tabulated below :S.No. 1. 2. 3. Name of the Mineral Bentonite Fuller's earth Masonary stone Year 1980 29435 10912 335317 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sand Lime Kankar Gypsum Silicious earth Silica sand Salenite 26405 74332 649 2428 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 24644 11144.9 321265. 6 21422 79578 997 2550 28077 7943 69546 21587 7929 83356 42599 10768 79063 51099 13215 93505 36855 16244 92129 2496 72049 899 426 1490 2188 125 68182 565 1381 1912 7677 2020 167003 3403 455 2680 10485 1710 157201 2229 465 2866 2515 235830 182 348 3885 6.CHART SHOWING MINERAL BASED INDUSTRIES IN DISTRCT BARMER : S.NO. 1. 2. 3. Postal address M/s. Mahaveer Chemicals Mahaveer Nagar, Barmer. M/s.Neel Kanth Chemical Works, Nehru Nagar, Barmer M/s.R.S.M.D.C., Nehru Nagar, Barmer. Industing Bantonite, Pulverizor -do-do- 4. 5. 6. 7. M/s.Tapari plaster Kawas, Barmer M/s.Maheswari ChemicalsIndustrial area, Balotra M/s.Mehta Minerals, Kawas. M/s.Maeudhara Minerals Kawas. Plaster of paris (Gypsum) SodiumSilicate (Silica Sand ) Plaster of paris -do- 7-Mineral Potential Areas Along with Mining Leases, Name & Address of Lessee, Etc. S.No. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Name and address of lease holder 2. Neel Kanth Chemical Works Neel Kanth Chemical 26,behind New Power House Industrial Area, Jodhpur Mohan Lal Agrawal, Post office gali No.2, Barmmer. Jag Shanti, Industrial Area, Jodhpur M/s. Balco, Goshala Road, Barmer Goverdhan Das Khatri Azad Chowk, Barmer Mohan Lal Agrawal post office Gasil No.2 Barmer Mool Chand khatri Azad Chowk, Barmer M/s.F.C.I. Kawas, Uttarlai ,Barmer M/s. R.S.M.D.C., Jaipur Tilak Marg, Udyog Bhawan, Jaipur Barmer Gypsum Dadra Udyog, Barmer Mohan Lal Suri Laxmi Nagar, Jodhpur Teekam Das Khatri Phalna. Om Prskash Rawat Azad Chowk, Barmer Jagdish Chandra Pungalia, Maheshwari Chemicals, Balotra Neel Kanth Chemical Works, 26 Industrial Estate ,Jodhpur Mineral Oriental A/36, Industrial, Phalna. Ravi Babel, Mokalsar Mineral Location Teh/Distt. 3. Bentoonite Bentoonite 4. Akli Hathi Singh ki Dhani 5. Sheo/ Barmer Sheo/ Barmer Bentoonite Thummbli Sheo/ Barmer Bentoonite Akli Sheo/ Barmer Bentoonite Gieil Sheo/ Barmer Fuller's earth Fuller's earth Kapurdi Barmer/Barmer Bhadkha Barmer/Barmer Bhadkha Barmer/Barmer Kawas / Uttarlai Barmer/Barmer Gypsum Gagari, Daboi Jhakharda Gypsum Shivkar-Kurala Sheo/Barmer Guda Malani/ Barmer Barmer/Barmer Silicious earth Silicious earth Silicious earth Silicious earth (Twoleases) Selenite Baryiada Sheo/Barmer Murad Ki Dhani Sheo/Barmer MatiKa Gol Sheo/Barmer Ravaatra Sheo/Barmer Thob Pachpadra/Barner Granite Mokalsar Siwana/ Barmer Granite Mokalsar Siwana/ Barmer Fuller's earth Gypsum 19. 20. Ashok Kumar Singhvi S/o. Sampat Mal, 176 Bhopalpura, Udaipur Inder Chand S/o. Mool-Chand Khudala, The bali, Distt. Pali Granite Mokalsar Siwana/ Barmer Granite Mokalsar Siwana/ Barmer 8-LEASES SANCTLONED& INFORCE TO SCHEDULE CASTE AND SCHDULE TRIBE 1986-87 District Barmer Leases Sanctioned Minor R.C.R.L. Total S.C. S.T. Total S.C. 57 6 3 - S.T. - Leases in Force Minor R.C.R.L. Total S.C. S.T. Total S.C. S.T. 88 22 12 - 9.CHECK POSTS AND THEIR REVENUE, BARMER DISTRICT. Revenue in 1985-86 2374.00 3671.00 9459.45 6811.75 Rs. 22316.20 1. Harsaniphata 2. Balotra 3. Chohttan 4. Sivana Total revenue in 1985-86 10.WORK DONE BY G.S.I. IN BARMER DISTT. S.No. 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Author/Report description 2 Chattopadhyal, N. & Banerjee, S.N. Report on the occurrence of bentonite in parts of Barmer district, Rajasthan . Chattpoadhyay, N.& Banerjee,S.N. Report on the occurrence of Bauxite in parts of Barmer district, Rajasthan. Deshmukh G.P. & mishra Shiv Poojan A report on geological mapping in parts of Barmer district, Rajasthan. karanth K.R. & Sinha, S.K. Report on hroundwater investigation for water supply to drougth affected villages in Barmer district, Rajasthan. Field Session 3 1968-72 No. of G.S.I. Lid. Jaipur 4 3824 1966-67 4125 1970-71 5784 1968-69 4253 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Kideai, A.L. Progress report for the firld season 1959-60 on detailed geohdrological studies of the area covered by exploratory drilling in the Barmer district, Rajasthan. Murthy, J.V.S. Note on the electrical logging of a borehole at bhimla, district Barmer, Rajasthan. Munshi R.L. An interim report on Drilling investigation for Bentonite in Bisu Kadan area, Barmer district, Rajas tha. Siddiqui,H.N.& Bahal, B.P. Geology of the baryte baryte deposit of Barmer distrit, Rajasthen. Bhushan, S.K.and Sengupta, S.R. Report on geological mapping inparts of Jaisalmer Barmer and Jodhpur districts with special reference to malani lgneous Suite. Deshmukh, G.P.& Mishra, S.P. Report on the geological mapping in paets of Barmer and Jaisalmer districts , Rajasthan. Deshmukh, G.P.& Mishra, Shiv poojan. Geological mapping in parts of Barmer & Jaisalmer districts, Rajasthan. Karanth,K.R., Kapoor , S.C.Sinha,S.K., Murth, J.V.S.,O.P.Mathurand others. Groundwater survey and test drilling in parts of Barmer & Jodhpur districts, in connection with the water supply to be brougth affected ares in western Rajasthan. Mukhopadhyay, A.K. & Sinha,A.A.K. A report on the geological mapping in parts of Jodhpur and Barmerdistricts, Rajasthan. Madhava Rao, M.R.and Laul,V.P. Report on the geological mapping in parts of Barmer and Jaisalmer districts, Rajasthan. 1959-60 53 1968-69 4217 1975-76 6238 1964 184 1975-76 6252 1968-69 4392 1969-70 4692 1968-69 4756 1973-74 6253 1974-75 6263 15. Premchandra,Mall,R.P.and Shukla, D.S. Areport on electical resistivity and srismic refrction surveys for groundwater in the Barmer and Jaloerdistricts, Rajasthan. 16. SSastry, V.A.B. a Note on the selection of exploratory s sites for the second groundwater project t in Jaisalmer and Barmer districts, r Rajasthan. 17. Siddiqui, H.N. The Jodhpur Malani divide separating the Barmer and jaisalmer dasins, Rajasthan. 18. Mishra, Shiva Poojan Bentonite invetigation in Sheo-KalanBisu block in Barmer district and preliminary appraisal of Glass sand occurrences in Barmer and Jaisalmer districts, Rajasthan. 1966-67 4097 1961 140 124 1974-75 6348 11.WORK DONE BY D.M.G. IN BARMER DISTT. Note: Reports are available at D.M.G. office, Udaipur. S.NO. 1. 1. Repoer No. 2. 88 2. 300 3. 348 4. 406 5. 407 Heading 3. A Report on Selenite Deposit at Thob Distt. Barmer Report on the investigation on the three Rajasthan Calays from mudh, Chandi in Bikaner and Botia in Barmer Distt. Short note on prospecting for Silicious earth in Barmer Prospecting for silicious earth in Barmer Distt. Prospecting for Selenite in Budha Ekil, Beprasar & Ramgarh area in Jaisalmer Distt. Barmer circle. Neme of officer 4. K.D.Bhargava V.B.Khilani C.G.C R I - Field Session 5. 1960-61 1955 1974 S.C. Bhargava 1974-75 T.C. Rampuria 1974-75 6. 408 7. 423 8. 424 9. 427 10. 11. 429 437 12. 493 13. 494 14. 497 15. 545 16. 669 17. 681 18. 693 19. 739 20. 750 21. 788 Systematic sampling of Limestone in Jaisalmer, Barmer Circle Prospecting for Bentonite in Barmer and Jaisalmer Distt. Prospecting for Selenite in Jaisalmer distt, Barmer Circle. Final report of prospecting for Silicious earth deposit in Barmer and Jaisalmer. Silicious earth of Barmer. Investigation of silica sand deposit near Lathi in Jaisalmer Distt. Investigation of Chachao dania Dolomite Clays in Jaisalmer Distt. Reconnaissance Survey around Sankra, Barmer Cicrle. Investigation of Volcanic Ash, Barmer Circle. Reconnaissance for Economic Minerals in distt. Barmer Reconnaissance for Econommic Minerals in a part of Jaisalmer and Barmer Final Progress report of the work done for vermiculite investigation, Projeect Near Simaliya, Barmer distt. Granite occurrences near Village Bhachhbar distt. Barmer A report on the investigation for Lignite in Kapurdi area, Barmer Distt. A report on thework done at Prospecting Project for Gypsum and Selenite near Village Chittar Ka Par Distt. Barmer Acid Activation of Composit Samples of Fuller's Earth T.C. Remppuria 1974-75. S.C.Bhargava 1975-76. -Do- 1975-76. -Do- 1976. K.D.Bhargava S.C. Bhargava 1976. - G.L.Babel 1977-78. G.L.Babel 1977-78. G.L.Babel - S.P.Singh 1978-79. J.P. Sharma B.S. Dhaka 1981-82. J.P. Sharma S.C. Rai 1979-82. P.K. Veedia A.K. Vaish - D.M.G. udaipur. 1984 J.P. Sharma S.C.Rai 1983-84 A.K. Sharma - 22. 790 23. 798 24. 840 encountered in borehole from Kapurdi area, distt. Barmer. Investigation for Sodium based Bentonite near village Nala and Kotra Distt. Barmer. Reconnaissance for Economic Minerals around Khatu and Radva, Distt. Barmer Reconnaissance for Economic Mineralswith special Reference to Potaash bearing Glauconite Shale in part of Barmer & Jaisalmer distts. G.L.Babel S.P. Singh S.C.Rai. J.P. Sharma 1972-73 1984-85 1985-86 J.P. Sharma O.S. Sukhwal 12.LIST OF MAJOR MINERALS 1986-87 DISTRICT BARMER S.No. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. Lease Holder 2. M/s. Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd., Jodhpur M/s. Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd., Jodhpur Rajasthan State Mineral M/s. Barmer District Gypsum Dhadhd/Udyog Shramik Theka Sahkari Samitee, Barmer 5. M/s. Barmer District Gypsum Dhadhd/Udyog Shramik Theka Sahkari Samitee, Barmer 6. Rajasthan State Mineral Development Corp. Jaipur 7. Rajasthan State Mineral Development Corp. Jaipur 8. Rajasthan State Mineral Development Corp. Jaipur 9. Shri Jeevaram Choudhari, Nehru Nagar, Barmer. 10. Shri Tikam Chand Khatri, Eco ki pole, Pokaaran Teh. Jaisalmer. Mineral 3. Gypsum Mine Site 4. Kacas Tehsil 5. Barmer Area(Hect) 6. 237.59 Gypsum Utter Lai Barmer 1735.90 Gypsum Neelsar ki Talai Shivker Kurla Chohtan 64.00 Chohtan 204.00 Gypsum Uttar Lai Chohtan 178.00 Gypsum Dadoi Chohtan 200.00 Gypsum Jakheda Chohtan 400.00 Salenite Cheterki Par Bariyada Chohtan 655.22 Shiv 40.00 Murad ki Dhani Shiv 70.00 Gypsum Silicious rarth Silicious rarth 11. Shri Jagdish Prasad Pooglia, Maheshwar Chemical Industrial area, Balotra 12. Shri Jagdish Prasad Pooglia, Maheshwar Chemical Industrial area, Balotra 13. Shri Neel Kanth Chemical Works, 26 opp. Power House Industrial area, Jodhpur. 14. Shri Omparkash Ramawet, Azad Chouk, Barmer. 15. Shri Madan Mohan Vyas Chotmal, 336 Raverapada, Jaisalmer 16. Shri Makhan Lal Soori & Sons, Jodhpur. Silica sand Jasa ka Gaon shiv 36.00 Silica sand Shiv Chohtan 100.00 Salenite Thob Pachpadra 150.00 Silicious earth Silicious earth Matika pool Dharvi Kurd Shiv 78.75 Shiv 75.00 Silicious earth Shiv Shiv 160.00 13. LIST OF MINOR MINERALS AND MINES 1986-87 , DISTRICT BARMER S.No. minor mineral 1. 1. 2. BENTONITE 2. CHINA CLAY 3. 4. BAJARI GRANITE Villagr where mine is situated 3. Hathi Singh ki Dhani Aakali Aakali Aakali Aakali Thoomdli Thoomdli Sasa ka Gaon Jhela ka Par Bhadka Bhadka Bhadka kapurdi Luni River Mokalsar Mokalsar Ludardi Mokalsar Mokalsar Mokalsar tehisil Area (Hect) 4. Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Barmer Pachpadra Sivana Sivana Sivana Sivana Sivana Sivana 5. 511.61 187.886 51.51 21.50 4.00 4.5 7.0 3.00 5.90 2.5 3.6 5.6 2.7 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5. MASONARY STONE Mokalsar " " " " " " Paderli Bhakri Patodi Patodi Aasotara Aasotara " " " Jasol " " " " " " " Thob Aagoda " " Mevanagar " Samdadi " " Nosar " " Nosar Chothan " Sivana " " " " " " Sivana Sivana Pachpadra Pachpadra Pachpadra " " " Pachpadra " " " " " " " Pachpadra Pachpadra " " " " Sivana " " Barmer " " Barmer Chohttan " 0.75 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 1.5 0.36 1.68 0.36 0.36 0.54 0.36 0.36 0.36 1.12 0.36 0.36 0.30 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.42 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.42 0.90 0.36 0.36 0.90 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 5. MASONARY STONE Dhorimanna Sarnu Sarnu " " " " " " Sanfa " " " " Magta " Jasai Barmer " " " " " " " Lulu " Dudhva " Mahadar Lageta Samudadi " " Barmer Barmer Barmer " " " " " " Barmer " " " " Barmer " Barmer Barmer " " " " " " " " " Chohttan " Barmer Barmer Sivana " " 1.82 0.99 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.60 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 1.44 0.72 1.5 0.56 0.56 0.36 0.36 1.02 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.90 1.20 0.60 1.20 0.54 0.36 0.36 14. ADMINISTRATIVE SEY-UP OF GEOLOGIST OFFLCE, MINES AND DEPTT. BARMER ( RAJASTHAN ) Under Jurisdiction Jodhpur Senior Geologist (one) Superintending Geologist Offce, Geologist (Three) Prospecting Supervissor (one) Draftsman Grad-II (one) Driver (one) U.D.C. (one) L.D.C. (one) IV class Servent (one) Phone No. 302 Jurisdiction-Barmer –Jaisalmer Distts. 15. ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP OF A.M.E. OFFICE, MINES AND GEOLOGY DEPTT.BARMER ( RAJASTHAN) Under Jurisdiction ,jodhpur Assistant mining Engineer (one) Phone No. 302 Jurisdiction-Barmer distt. Superintending Minig Engineer Office Mines Forman –Grade-II(Two) Junior Accountant (one) Draftsman-II (one) Firld Assistant-Grade-II (one) Driver (one) L.D.C.(Four) Mines Gaurd (Three) IV Class Srevent (Three)