Critical and Creative Problem Solving Approaches Exercise

Critical and Creative Problem Solving Approaches Exercise
Instructions: This exercise is designed to help you understand the differences in a critical
and creative approach to problem solving. The idea here is NOT to solve the problem and
come up with a solution. The idea is to examine how the problem solving process will be
different depending on whether a critical or creative approach is adopted.
There are NO “right” or “wrong” answers. You are expected only to have read through the
exercise and document your initial thoughts. We will go over this exercise in class using
input from all class members.
Problem Situation
Sweets Online Candy Store has noticed that its sales from December 1st to December 10th are
10% less than previously predicted. Predictions were based on last year’s sales adding 5%
growth. Sweet buys its candy from Sugar Shop Distributors and sells it through Yahoo
Online Stores.
1. What is the desired state for Sweets Online Candy Store?
Critical Thinking Approach
Creative Thinking Approach
(What needs to be fixed?)
(You may want to use the “Why is this important?”
technique to identify the desired state.)
KEY LEARNING POINT: Which method, critical or creative, posed the most difficulty in
identifying the “desired state”?
2. What criteria will you use to decide if the problem has been solved? (What conditions or
events would you need to observe in order to feel you have solved your problem.)
Please note, that if a criteria is absolutely essential, it is listed as a “constraint”.
Critical Thinking Approach
Creative Thinking Approach
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Critical Thinking Approach
Creative Thinking Approach
3. Describe the questions you would ask to analyze the situation from a critical standpoint
and then from a creative one. What information would you want to acquire? What
knowledge do you need to obtain?
KEY LEARNING POINT: Which method, (critical or creative), will require the most
Critical Questions
Creative Questions
4. Generate alternative solutions that will solve the problem as you have defined that problem
from a critical standpoint. Then general several alternatives that will solve the problem as
you have defined that problem from a creative standpoint. (List only three alternatives for
each category of solution.
Please note, any “solution” that does not meet a constraint should not be included as an
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Critical Solutions
Creative Solutions
KEY LEARNING POINT: Which type of solution requires the most information in order to
generate solutions? Does it seem that there are more critical or creative solutions?
5. Choose a solution. Use a decision matrix to identify the BEST solution. Use a matrix for
the critical method. Then use a matrix for the creative method.
Be sure to describe each solution
Use the same criteria weight and solution’s criteria score method in each matrix. I suggest
the following. However, you are free to use your own system.
Criteria Weight (Different criteria may enjoy the same rank.)
1 = This criteria has little value
2 = This criteria is somewhat important
3 = This criteria is very important
4= This criteria is most important
Solution’s Criteria Scores
1 = This solution does not score very high on this criteria
2 = This solution scores somewhat on this criteria
3 = This solutions scores about average on this criteria
4 = This solution scores high on this criteria
5 = This solution scores very high on this criteria
Please note, any “solution” that does not meet a constraint should not be included as an
Decision Matrix: Critical Method
Solution #1
Solution #2
Solution #3
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Decision Matrix: Creative Method
Solution #1
Solution #2
Solution #3
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KEY LEARNING POINT: Did your decision matrix yield a result consistent with what you
expected? If your were working with a team of people, would the decision matrix provide a
method to keep “hidden agendas” and “hidden criteria” to a minimum?
6. Describe the issues that you might face in implementing your solution and monitoring
results for each category of solution.
Critical Solution
Creative Solution
Identify your solution
What issues in training
personnel might you
What issues might you
encounter in obtaining
the equipment and
supplies for your
What issues in
monitoring results
might you encounter?
(Which one do you
feel more comfortable
in knowing what to
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Critical Solution
Creative Solution
What other issues
might you encounter?
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