the report

Social Sciences and Humanities
COST Action (A34)
Tamás Faragó
1. Introduction
2. Bibliography
2.1 Public reports
2.2 Bibliography of academic research
2.2.1. Historical research
2.2.2. Contemporary research
3. Institutions involved in research
1. Introduction
This report is trying to summarize the research connected to gender and well being in
wide sense as well as to present the structure of different institutions and organs, hosting,
stimulating and doing the research work. The report is covering not only the home
researches but also the known works about Hungarian conditions made and/or published
in abroad. This must be an important point of our knowledge – especially before 1990.
The bibliography is trying to put the weight in the case of the presented materials on the
works published on important foreign languages (English, French, and German).
Hungarian language publications are included only in special case: because of their
importance and the missing foreign language version. (Titles are translated.)
Unfortunately in the case of institutional homepages, the researcher must be calculated
with language difficulties. They often have no English homepeges or if such a version
exists, its content is nearly alwavs simplified compare with the living Hungarian one.
We did not write a list of experts because the reader easily can pick up the most
important names from the bibliography and 80 percentages of them – who is still active –
can be found on the institutional homepages between the staff. (Probably some of the
historians are not included there – if you do not find somebody please feel free to ask me
about their contact possibilities.)
2. Bibliography
2.1 Public reports
2.1.1. Reports issued by international institutions
Demography, health and family
Forgacs I. 1984. Strategies et techniques d'application des projections relatives aux
personnels de sante et a d'autres questions interessant la sante: le cas de la
Hongrie. World Health Statistics Quarterly. Rapport / Trimestriel de Statistiques
Sanitaires Mondiales. 37 (3) :256-70.
Goglio, Alessandro 2005. In search of efficiency: Improving health care in Hungary
OECD Economics Department Working Papers no. 446.
Kamarás, Ferenc 1999. Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region:
standard country report – Hungary. United Nations, New York and Geneva.
(United Nations Population Fund, Economic studies no. 10.)
Klinger András. 1979. Birth control and family planning in Hungary in the last two
decades. World health statistics quarterly. 32 (4) 257-68.
_________. 1984. Population policy measures: effects on reproductive behavior in
Hungary. Population Bulletin of the United Nations. (17) 64-79.
Klinger, András 1993. The demographic situation of Hungary in Europe. Strasbourg :
Council of Europe. (Population studies; 27.)
United Nations. Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. 1989. Case
studies in population policy: Hungary. New York, New York, United Nations.
(Population Policy Paper No. 19 ST/ESA/SER.R/87)
Barta B. et al. 1983. Interdependence between female employment and fertility in
Hungary Geneva, Switzerland, ILO, World Employment Program, Population and
Labour Policies Program, 1983. (Working Paper no. 129.)
Barta B. et al. 1984. Fertility, female employment and policy measures in Hungary
Geneva, Switzerland, ILO. (Women, Work and Development no. 6)
Barta B. et al.1985. Hungary. in Working women in socialist countries: the fertility
connection, edited by Valentina Bodrova and Richard Anker. Geneva,
Switzerland, International Labour Office. :23-55. (WEP Study)
Fodor, Éva 2005. The status of women in the labour markets of the Czech Republic.
Hungary and Poland. UNRISD Occasional papers (UN Publications, NY).
Fultz, Elaine, Markus Ruck and Silke Steinhilber (eds.) 2003. The gender dimensions of
social security reform in Central and Eastern Europe: Case studies of the Czech
Republic, Hungary and Poland. Budapest: International Labour Office.
Lado M. 1992. Country papers: Hungary. A. Women in the transition to a market
economy. in The impact of economic and political reform on the status of women
in Eastern Europe: proceedings of a United Nations regional seminar, Vienna, 812 April 1991, [compiled by] United Nations. Centre for Social Development and
Humanitarian Affairs. New York, New York, United Nations, 46-9.
Pető, Andrea and Szilvia Szabó (eds.) 2004 Report on the situation of women and men in
the countries of transition. La situation des Femmes dans les pays en transition.
Council of Europe. Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men,
Szalai J. 1992. Country papers: Hungary. B. Some aspects of the changing situation of
women in the process of transition. in The impact of economic and political reform
on the status of women in Eastern Europe: proceedings of a United Nations
regional seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991, [compiled by] United Nations. Centre
for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. New York, New York, United
Nations, :49-53. (ST/CSDHA/19)
United Nations. Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. 1992.The
impact of economic and political reform on the status of women in Eastern Europe.
Proceedings of a United Nations regional seminar, Vienna, 8-12 April 1991. New
York, New York, United Nations, (ST/CSDHA/19)
USAID 1991.Hungary: gender issues in the transition to a market economy.
[Washington, D.C.], United States Agency for International Development, Office
of Women in Development, Bureau for Research and Development, Dec. [3], v, 61.
Allison, Christine Helen and Dena Ringold 1996. Labor markets in transition in Central
and Eastern Europe: 1989-1995. Washington D.C. World Bank. SKU: 13834.
(World Bank Technical Paper No. 352.)
Barr, Nicholas (ed.) 1994. Labor markets and social policy in Central and Eastern
Europe: The transition and beyond, Washington D.C. World Bank, Oxford
University Press. SKU: 60998.
OECD 1995. Social and labour market policies in Hungary. Paris, OECD Centre for Cooperation with the Economies in Transition.
Róbert, Péter end Endre Sík 1989. Gaps in the labour market. in Horváth D.T., Sziráczki
G. (ed.): Flexibility and Rigidity in the Labour Market in Hungary. International
Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva, 1989. 81-94.
Society and welfare
Albert Fruzsina - Ferge Zsuzsa 1996. Supportive relations in Central-Eastern Europe. in
Ferge Zs., Sik E., Róbert P., Albert F.: Social costs of transition. International
report. SOCO Working Paper.
Ferge, Zsuzsa 1994. The reform of social policy in the post-totalitarian countries :
Comments on the various reform strategies. in Restructuring social security in
Central and Eastern Europe. A guide to recent developments, policy issues and
options. Geneva : ISSA (International Social Security Association).
Ferge, Zsuzsa and . 1995. Social costs of transition : International report on the social
consequences of the transition. Vienna : Institute for Human Studies, Fultz,
Elaine. 2002. Pension reform in Central and Eastern Europe. Budapest:
International Labor Organization/CEET.
Harcsa, I. –Spéder, Zs. 1999. Social reporting and social indicators movement in
Hungary before and after the transformation. GESIS, EuReporting Working
Paper No. 4. (Towards a European System of Social Reporting and Welfare
Measurement project.)
Lelkes, Orsolya 2006. Social exclusion in Central-Eastern Europe: Concept,
measurement and policy interventions. Working Paper. European Centre for
Social Welfare Policy and Research, Vienna - STEP Portugal, International
Labour Office.
Lelkes, Orsolya and Eszter Zólyomi, 2008. Reflection paper: Preparation and analysis of
Eurobarometer on social exclusion European Commission Directorate-General
"Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities" Unit E1 - Social and
Demographic Analysis.
Moser, Caroline and Cathy McIlwaine 1997. Household responses to poverty and
vulnerability, Vol. 2: Confronting crisis in Angyalföld, Budapest, Hungary.
Washington D.C. World Bank (SKU: 13848).
Sík, Endre. 1991. Why social innovations are needed in care for the elderly: The
Hungarian case in New welfare mixes in care for the elderly Vol 1.
EUROSOCIAL Report, 40/1, 43-58.
Sipos, Sándor and István György Tóth 1998. Poverty alleviation: social assistance and
family benefits. in Bokros, Lajos – Dethier, Jean-Jacques: Public finance reform
during the transition. The experience of Hungary. Washington, The World Bank,
Stropnik, Nada and Zsuzsa Ferge [et al.] 2002. Küzdelem a szegénység és a társadalmi
kirekesztés ellen: esettanulmány Magyarországról. [Combating poverty and social
exclusion: case study about Hungary.] Budapest, Internatiomal Labour Office.
World Bank 1992. Hungary: Reform of social policy and expenditures. A World Bank
country study. Distribution Unit, Office of the Publisher, Dept. F, World Bank,
Washington, DC (ERIC #: ED378071)
Reports for the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women
(1st and 2nd. is not printed.)
Third periodic report of The Republic of Hungary for the UN on the elimination of all
forms of discrimination against Women Budapest, 1995. (CEDAW/C/HUN/3)
4th and 5th periodic report of The Republic of Hungary to the UN on the
elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. Budapest, 2000.
6th periodic report of The Republic of Hungary to the UN on the elimination of all forms
of discrimination against women. Budapest, 2007. (CEDAW/C/HUN/6)
UNDP Human development reports: Special reports.
Kollányi, Margit et. al. 1996. Transition's problems and social support provided by local
authorities. Budapest, UNDP.
Fóti, Klára et al. 1998. Human development reports - United Nations Development
Program. Population, demographic trends and human rights, National report,
Hungary Budapest. UNDP.
Fóti, Klára (ed.) 1999 Hungary. Human development report. Poverty and labour market.
Budapest, United Nations Development Program and Institute for World
Economics of the HAS.
Fóti, Klára (ed.) 2003. Towards alleviating human poverty: Human development report
Hungary, 2000–2002, Budapest, Institute for World Economics of the HAS
Medgyesi, Márton et al. 2004. Millennium development goals reducing poverty and
social exclusions. Hungary. Budapest, Tárki - UNDP.
2.1.2.. Reports issued by Hungarian institutions
Demography, health and family
Acsády György and András Klinger, Egon Szabady 1970. Family planning in Hungary :
main results of the 1966 fertility and family planning (TCS) study. Budapest :
KSH Népességtud. Kut. Int. (A KSH Népességtudományi Kutató Intézetének és a
MTA Demográfiai Bizottságának közleményei.)
Czibulka, Zoltán and Miklós Lakatos (comp.) 1994. Az időskorúak egészségi állapota.
[The health conditions of the elderly people.] Budapest : KSH Népszámlálás.
HCSO. 2002. Family in transition, 2001: the role of the family in social security and
protection in the aftermath of the transition - UNDP project statistical component
prep. at the Department of Living Standard and Human Resources Statistics,
Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Budapest, KSH.
Józan, Péter 1984-1989. Studies in mortality differentials. Budapest, Central Statistical
Office Population Statistics Division.
Kamarás, Ferenc 1988. Thirteen years after the date of marriage (longitudinal
study of persons married in 1974, 1987). Budapest, Hungary, Központi
Statisztikai Hivatal.
Kamarás Ferenc and Zsuzsanna Oroszi, Lajos Bárány 1984. Longitudinal marriage
surveys in Hungary : 1966-1980. [prep. at the Population Statistics Section of the
Population Statistics Department of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office]
Budapest : CSO, 1984.
Mészáros István 1989. Termékenységi különbségek, családtervezési szokások,
születésszabályozási magatartások, 1966-1986. [Fertility differentials, behaviour
in family planning and fertility control between 1996 and 1986.] Budapest, CSO.
Paksy András 2004. Az időskorúak egészségi állapotának jellemzői [Health status of the
elderly population.] Budapest : KSH.
Rédei Mária and Miklós Lakatos (eds.) 1999. Elderly people in the present-day
Hungary. Central Statistical Office, Ministry of Social and Family Affairs;
Budapest : [KSH].
KSH 1960. A nők helyzete régen és most: foglalkoztatottsági, bérezési, műveltségi és
szociális viszonyok. [The position of women than and now: occupation, wage,
culture and social conditions.] Budapest, SKV.
KSH. 1962. A nők helyzete a munkahelyen és otthon. [The position of women in the
working place and at home.] Budapest, SKV
Kulcsár Rózsa and Ágnes Vajda (comp.) 1977. Adatgyűjtemény a kereső nőkről [Data
collection on the working women.] Budapest, KSH.
Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour 1995. Beijing+10 Evaluation of the
implementation of the UN World Congress on Women (Beijing, 1995) Platform
for action in Hungary. Budapest.
Nagy Gyula. 2000. A nők munkaerő-piaci helyzete Magyarországon. [Women’s position
in the Hungarian labour market.] Budapest, Országos Munkaügyi Kutató és
Módszertani Központ.
Cseres-Gergely, Zsombor 2007. Inactivity in Hungary – the persistent effect of the
pension system. Budapest, Institute of Economics, HAS. (Budapest working
papers on the labour market, 2007/01.)
Emődi Krisztina et al. 1995. Munkaerő-piaci folyamatok, munkanélküliség : Eltérés és
azonosság a regisztrált munkanélküliek és az ILO definíció szerinti
munkanélküliek állományában. [Labour market processes, unemployment: parity
and disparity in the stock of unemployed according to the Hungarian and ILO
definitions.] Budapest : KSH.
Fóti, János 1972. Magyarország munkaerőhelyzete 1960-1970 között. [The labour force
in Hungary between 1960 and 1970.] Budapest, SKV.
Fóti, János and Miklós Lakatos 1997. A foglalkoztatottság alakulása, 1980-1996.
[Changes in the employment, 1980-1996.] Budapest, KSH.
Fóti, János and Miklós Lakatos 1998. A rendszerváltás hatása a foglalkoztatottságra.
[The impact of regime change on the employment.] Budapest, Struktúra –
munkaügy K. (Munkatudományi tanulmányok.)
Fóti, János and Miklós Lakatos 2004. A munkaerőpiac múltja, jelene. [Labour market:
Past and present]. Budapest, OFA. (Foglalkoztatottság és munkanélküliség 1.)
Fóti, János and Miklós Lakatos 2004. A foglalkoztatottak főbb jellemzői. [Main
characteristics of the labour force occupied.]. Budapest, OFA. (Foglalkoztatottság
és munkanélküliség 2.)
Fóti, János and Miklós Lakatos 2004. Munka nélkül. [Without work.]. Budapest, OFA.
(Foglalkoztatottság és munkanélküliség 3.)
Fóti, János and Miklós Lakatos 2005. Területi mobilitás a munka világában. [Territorial
mobility in the world of labour]. Budapest, OFA. (Foglalkoztatottság és
munkanélküliség 4.)
Gábos, András and Péter Szivós 2002. The share of unemployment benefits within
household incomes. in Fazekas, Károly – Jenő Koltay (eds.): The Hungarian
Labour Market – review and analysis 2002. Budapest: Institute of Economics,
Hungarian Employment Foundation, 206-213.
Héthy Lajos and Imre V. Csuhaj 1990. Labour relations in Hungary. Budapest : Inst. of
Labour Research.
Kertesi, Gábor and Gábor Kézdi 2005. Roma children in the transformational recession.
Widening ethnic schooling gap and Roma poverty in post-communist Hungary.
Budapest, Institute of Economics, HAS. (Budapest working papers on the labour
market, 2005/08.)
Kertesi, Gábor and János Köllő 2001. Economic transformation and the revaluation of
human capital - Hungary, 1986-1999. Budapest, Institute of Economics, HAS.
(Budapest working papers on the labour market, 2001/04.)
KSH 2006. A munkaerő felmérés idősorai, 1992-2005 [Central Statistical Office, Time
series of the labour force, 1992-2005] Budapest. KSH.
Nagy Gyula and Galasi Péter 1999. Outflows from insured unemployment in
Hungary, 1992-1996. Institute of Economics, HAS, Budapest.
Society and welfare
Andorka, Rudolf et al. 1972. Az öregek helyzete és problémái. [The situation and
problems of the elderly people.] Budapest, KSH. (Statisztikai időszaki
közlemények, 249.)
Andorka, Rudolf and Rózsa Kulcsár. 1977. The outlines of a system of social indicators
[Budapest] SKV.
Babarczy Ágnes et al. 1988. Társadalmi jelzőszámok Magyarországon és
Csehszlovákiában. [Social indicators in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.] Budapest,
KSH – Csehszlovák Szövetségi Statisztikai Hivatal.
Bass László, Ferge Zsuzsa, Márton Izabella 2003. Gyorsjelentés a szegényedésről 20002003 : a Szociális Szakmai Szövetség jelentése a szociális munkások beszámolói
alapján. [Quick report on impoverishment, 2002-2003.] Budapest : Szociális
Szakmai Szövetség.
Bukodi, Erzsébet és Harcsa István, Reisz László 1994. Társadalmi tagozódás,
mobilitás.[Social stratification and mobility] Budapest, KSH.
Cseh-Szombathy László and Rudolf Andorka 1965. Situation and problems of the
pensioners of Budapest. (Publications of the Research Group for Population
Studies of the CSO and of the HAS,6.) Budapest, KSH.
Czibulka, Zoltán and Miklós Lakatos (comp.) 1995. Az időskorúak életmódja,
életkörülményei. [Way of life and conditions of the elderly people.]. Budapest :
KSH Népszámlálási Főosztály.
Harcsa István et al. Vezetők a nyolcvanas években. [Managers in the eighties.] Központi
Statisztikai Hivatal Társadalomstatisztikai Főosztály. Budapest : KSH, 1991.
Kasza, Jánosné and Miklós Lakatos 2006. Az agrártársadalom rétegződése: információk a
2000. évi általános mezőgazdasági összeírás és a 2001. évi népszámlálás
eredményeiből. [ The stratification of agrarian society: informations from the
results comparing the general agricultural survey and the census of 2001. in
Területi statisztika. 46. no. 6. 578-593..
Kepecs, József and Ödönné Dallos (comp.) 1986. Az időskorúak helyzete. [The position
of the elderly people.] [közread. a] Központi Statisztikai Hivatal. - Budapest :
Kovács, Csaba 1997. Az öregségi nyugdíjkorhatár változtatásának történeti áttekintése,
1912-1975. [Historical review of the alterations of old age pension retiring age.]
Budapest, KSH.
Pukli, Péter (ed.) 2008. Javaslat a társadalmi haladást mérő mutatószámok rendszerére.
[Central Statistical Office: Proposition on the indexes measuring the social
progress.] Budapest, KSH.
Szűcs, Ildikó and Attila Rausz 2007. A fenntartható fejlődés indikátorai
Magyarországon. [Sustainable development indicators in Hungary]. Budapest,
2.2. Bibliography of academic research
The separation of the historical and contemporary analyses is special – all works dealing
with the period before 1990 are considered historical i.e. the whole research made
during the so-called „socialist” regime can be found in these chapters.
The most important abbreviations:
DRI = Demographic Research Institute
HAS = Hungarian Academy of Sciences
HCSO = Hungarian Central Statistical Office
KSH, Központi Statisztikai Hivatal = HCSO
MTA, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia = HAS
NKI, Népességtidományi Kutatóintézet = DRI
Szerk. = ed., eds.
2.2.1 Historical research
Demography and health history
Acsádi György, Klinger András 1965 Magyarország népesedése a két világháború között
[Population changes in Hungary between the two world wars.] Budapest , Kjk.
Ájus, Ferenc and István Henye. 1994. Illegitimacy in Hungary, 1880–1910. Journal of
Family History 19, no. 4: 369-388.
Andorka, Rudolf. 1972. Birth control in the region "Ormánság" since the end of the 18th
century. in Törő, Imre et al. ed. Advances in the biology of human populations.
Budapest: Akad. K. 291-305.
_________. 1978. Determinants of fertility in advanced societies. London: Methuen.
_________. 1988. A magyarországi népesedési tendenciák gazdasági és társadalmi
következményei és a népesedéspolitika lehetőségei. [The economic and social
consequences of the Hungarian demographic trends and the chances of
population policy.] Budapest. (Szociológiai műhelytanulmányok.)
_________: 1989. Demographic change and economic development in Hungary since the
second World War. in Wenig, Alois and Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds.):
Demographic change and economic development. Berlin [etc.], 183–201.
_________: 1994. The historical demography of a proper Hungarian village: Átány in the
eighteenth and nineteenth Centuries. Journal of Family History, 19. no. 4. 311–
Andorka R; Vukovich G. 1985. The impact of population policy on fertility in Hungary,
1960-1980. in International Population Conference, Florence, 1985, June 5-12.
Congres International de la Population. Volume 3. Liege, Belgium, International
Union for the Scientific Study of Population. 403-12.
Biro D; Jozan P; Miltenyi K. 1984. Population and population policy in Hungary
Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó.
Bődy Pál. 1982. Emigration from Hungary, 1880-1956. in Dreisziger, N. F. and Martin
Louis Kovács. ed. Struggle and hope: the Hungarian-Canadian experience.
Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. 27-60.
Compton PA. 1989. Demographic trends and related issues. in Hungary: the second
decade of economic reform, edited by Roger Clarke. Harlow, England, Longman.
90-121. (Perspectives on Eastern Europe)
Dányi, Dezső. 1990. Einige Besonderheiten des demographischen Übergangs in Ungarn.
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin 39, no. 4: 374381.
Daróczi Eta 1998.A halandóság területi eltérései Magyarországon, 1959/60-1992.
[Territorial mortality differences in Hungary.] Budapest, KSH NKI. (A KSH
Népességtudományi Kutató Intézetének kutatási jelentései; 60.)
_________. 2001. A halandóság alakulása Trianontól napjainkig. [Mortality from 1920 to
the present days.] Történeti demográfiai évkönyv. 2001., 305-326.
David HP; McIntyre RJ. 1981. Hungary. in Reproductive behavior: Central and Eastern
European experience, by Henry P. David and Robert J. McIntyre. New York,
N.Y., Springer Publishing Co. :248-280.
David HP. 1999. Hungary. in From abortion to contraception: A resource to public
policies and reproductive behavior in Central and Eastern Europe from 1917 to
the present, edited by Henry P. David with the assistance of Joanna Skilogianis.
Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press. 145-64.
Demeny P. 1972. Early fertility decline in Austria-Hungary: a lesson in demographic
transition. in Glass, D.V. and Revelle, R., eds. Population and social change.
New York, Crane, Russak. 153-172
Faragó Tamás. 1996. Die Budapester Bevölkerungsentwicklung und die Zuwanderung
1840 bis 1941. in Melinz, Gerhard and Susan Zimmermann. Hrsg. Wien - Prag –
Budapest. Blütezeit der Habsburgermetropolen. Urbanisierung, Kommunalpolitik,
gesellschaftliche Konflikte (1867–1918). Wien: Promedia. 58-72.
_______. 1998. Migration in Hungary during the eighteenth century. In Hungarian
statistical review. Special no. 2. 134–144.
_______. 2003. Csecsemőhalandóság Magyarországon a 18–20. században. [Infant
mortality in Hungary during the 18th-19th c.] in K. Horváth Zsolt – Lugosi
András – Sohajda Ferenc (szerk.): Léptékváltó társadalomtörténet. Tanulmányok
a 60 éves Benda Gyula tiszteletére. Budapest. Hermész Kör -Osiris. 446-474.
Fassmann, Heinz. 1991. Einwanderung, Auswanderung und Binnenwanderung in
Österreich-Ungarn. Eine Analyse der Volkszählung 1910. Österreichische
Osthefte 33, no. 1: 51-66.
Fügedi, Erik. 1985. The demographic landscape of East Central Europe. in Maczak, A, H.
Samsonowicz, and Peter Burke. eds. East Central Europe in transition, 13001700. Cambridge; Paris: Cambridge University Press. 47-58.
Hablicsek, László. 1991. Demographic transition in Finland and Hungary: a comparative
study. Yearbook of Population Research in Finland. 33-57
_________. 1995. Az első és második demográfiai átmenet Magyarországon és KeletKözép-Európában. [The first and second demographic transition in Hungary and
East-Central Europe.] Budapest, KSH NKI Kutatási jelentések 54.
Hablicsek László – Illés Sándor 1996. A külső vándorlások népességi hatásai 1955-1995
között. [The impact on international migration between 1955 and 1995.] Budapest,
KSH NKI. Kutatási jelentések 58.
Helczmanovszki, Heimold. 1979. Die Bevölkerung Österreich-Ungarns. in Bader, Erich
et al. Geschichte und Ergebnisse der zentralen amtlichen Statistik in Österreich
1829–1979. Festschrift aus Anlaß des 150 jährigen Bestehens der zentralen
amtlichen Statistik in Österreich. Wien: Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt.
369-402. (Beiträge zur österreichischen Statistik, 550.)
Józan P. 1989. Some features of mortality in postwar Hungary: the third
epidemiological transition. Cah Sociol Demogr Med.; 29 (1):21-42.
Kamarás, Ferenc. 1991A termékenység alakulása a népesedéspolitikai intézkedések
tükrében. .[Changes in fertility in view of population policy measures] in
Demográfia; 34 (3-4) 359-82.
_________. 1996. A születési mozgalom és a termékenység az elmúlt 125 évben. [The
births and the fertility during the last 125 years] in Statisztikai szemle.vol. 74. no.
8-9. 662-679.
Kapotsy B. 1975. Restrictions of the Eastern European legal abortion laws in 1973.
Paper presented at the International Second Annual Meeting of the World
Population Society, Washington, D.C., November 19-22, 1975. Includes reprint of
authors article Reflections on the restrictions on the Eastern European legal
abortion laws Documentation sur l'europe centrale, 12(2): 75-89. 1974.
_________. 1984. The American relevance of the Hungarian legal abortion experience.
International Review of Natural Family Planning. 8 (4). 283-96.
Katus, László. 1981. Zum demographischen Übergang in Ungarn vor 1918. Acta
Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 27, no. 3-4: 469-497
Klinger András. 1974. Hungary. (Population) in Berelson, B., ed. Population policy in
developed countries. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1974. 225-269
_________. 1982. Infant mortality in Eastern Europe, 1950-1980. Budapest: Statistical
Publishing House. 144.
_________. 1985. The fight against infant mortality in Health policy, social policy and
mortality prospects, edited by Jacques Vallin and Alan D. Lopez. Liege, Belgium,
Ordina Editions. 281-97.
_________. 1985. Magyarország népesedése az elmúlt negyven évben. [The population
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3. Institutions involved in research
3.1. Top academic institutions related to the reported fields
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia [Hungarian Academy of Sciences]
MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet [Institute of Economics of the HAS]
Important production of the institute is the serial Munkaerőpiaci tükör [Labour
market survey.] launched since 2000. From 2002 it is available also in English:
The Hungarian labour market – review and analysis, with the financial support of
the National Employment Foundation (OFA).
MTA Világgazdasági Kutatóintézet [Institute for World Economics of the
The institute is collaborating from Hungarian side in the preparation of the
Human Development Report, organized by the UNDP, and also carries out
research on labour market in comparative regional – international view.
MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet [Institute of Sociology of the HAS]
The research is organized into small research groups based on the individual
interests of the staff of the institute:
- Research Group for Societal and Social Policy
- Research Group for Equal Opportunities
- Research Group for Gender Issues and Social Minorities
- New Perspectives, Old Dilemmas. The Gendered Construction of „Care’’ after
the Transition in Hungary
Ongoing projects with international cooperation:
-. Measuring the dynamics of organization and work (MEADOW) 2007–2010,
- The role of knowledge in the construction and regulation of health and education
policy in Europe: Convergences and specificities among nations and sectors
(KNOWandPOL), 2006–2011, EU FP6
- Reconciling work and welfare in Europe (RECWOWE) 2006–2011, EU FP6
- New perspectives, old dilemmas. The gendered construction of „care’’ after the
transition in Hungary 2009, ERSTE Stiftung, Vienna
- Aftermaths of war: Women's movements and female activists, 1918-1923, 20072010, University of Leeds
- Domestic violence against women/men in Europe: Prevalence, determinants,
and policies/practices, 2009-2012, Public Health Executive Agency
- Fieldwork and data analysis of the European Social Survey Round 4 (ESS R4)
2008- 2010
- European Social Survey (ESS) 2002-, Special Fund of the President, HAS
Ongoing important national projects:
- Opportunities and possibilities for social integration for young adults living with
disabilities in Hungary, 2008-2010, INNOTÁRS
- Subsistence strategies of poor families. Regional and ethnic aspects
2007-2009 Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)
Regular publications:
the journal Társadalomkutatás [Social Science Research]
Other research institutions
TÁRKI Társadalomkutatási Zrt. [TÁRKI Social Research Inc.], a private institution
Published serials: Társadalompolitikai Tanulmányok [Studies in social policy.]
Kutatási jelentések[Research reports]
Társadalmi riport [Social Report], one of the most important publications, a
collection of studies and reports on the main fields of the social problems, since
1990. It is published in about every second year [available in English: 1992 (about
1990), 1994 and 2004.]
Szerepváltozások. Jelentés a nők és férfiak helyzetéről. [Changing roles: Reports
on the: situation of women and men in Hungary] again an important collection of
studies about the gender problems, since 1997, published about in every second -
fourth year (Volumes in Hungarian 1997, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2009, in English
1997, 2001, and 2005]
Published separate important volumes:
Tárki European social report 2008
European inequalities: Social inclusion and income distribution in the European
Union 2009
The institute is hosting an extensive Adatbank [data archive] of Hungarian researches in
the field of social studies and social history,
running the Hungarian Household Panel Study,
the Central European Opinion (CEORG) survey,
and a center for health research, and has its own survey unit.
The institute is participating regularly in international programs of the European Union,
OECD, World Bank, UNDP.
It has also a statistical database about the gender problems following the model and
structure of Women and men in Sweden 1998, a Swedish statistical pocketbook.
Népességtudományi Kutatóintézet [Demographic Research Institute]
A research institute on demography, supervised by the Central Statistical Office.
The institute is involved in several international research, related to the topics of this
report: Generations and gender program [GGP], Major ageing gender issues in
Europe |Maggie], Female migrants in ageing European societies [Femage] and
Reproductive decision-making in a macro-micro perspective [Repro]. An
important part of the researches are based on the home financed panel survey
called „Életünk fordulópontjai” [The turning points of our life] dealing with the
basic demographic and social processes.
Published serials: the journal Demográfia [Demography] since 1958– special issues in
English: 2003, 2005, 2007,
Műhelytanulmányok [Workshop studies] based mostly on the mentioned panel
Kutatási jelentések [Research reports]
Working papers on population, family and welfare, ten books and booklets, a
selection of the research reports in English.
Történeti demográfiai évkönyv [Yearbook of historical demography] since 2000.
3. Universities
Central European University [CEU], an English speaking institution.
Department of Gender Studies (established in the academic year 1994/1995.)
Offerings: Master of Arts in Gender Studies (MA); one year,
Master of Arts in Critical Gender Studies (MA); two years,
Joint European Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies—
GEMMA (MA); two years (an Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course)
European Master in Women’s and Gender History—MATILDA (MA);
two years
Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Gender Studies (PhD)
(The research is individualized, an extensive view is possible int he departmental
CEU Summer University:
Sustainable human development and the millennium development Organized by
the CEU, Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy since 2006, in
cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem [Corvinus University of Budapest]
Szociológia és szociálpolitika Intézet [Institute of Sociology and Social Policy],
Társadalmi Nem- és Kultúrakutató Központ
(Centre for Gender and Cultural Studies) since 2001.
Offerings: Master of Arts in sociology, one specialization possibility is the gender studies
Master of Arts in Social policy – interesting specializations for us: labour
policy and social epidemiology
The Centre is regularly organizing conferences, the research looks mostly individualized.
The Doctoral school of the Institute of Sociology and Social Policy offers PhD in
Sociology including the Subjective well-being as one of the specialization areas.
Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem [ELTE]
Társadalomtudományi Kar [Faculty of social sciences]
Szociális Tanulmányok Intézete [Institute of social studies]
Gender Studies Kutatóközpont [Research centre for gender studies.]
The Faculty has a doctoral school, and offers MA in social studies and social work, but
no information about the role of the gender studies in it. The research is also not
clear, the homepage of the gender centre was not updated in the last five years.
Miskolci Egyetem [University of Miskolc]
Bölcsészettudományi Kar [Faculty of humanities]
Társadalmi Nemek és Egyenlő Esélyek Központja [Gender Studies and Equal
Opportunities Centre]
Founded in 2004. As a member of ATHENA the Center is a part of the European
Network of Women’s Studies and Gender Studies Centers.
The Department of Sociology offers MA in sociology. There are several classes on
gender studies and social inequality, but no specialization on these fields. The
contemporary research activity is not known, the available information looks
The other universities with sociology teaching have lectures and classes on gender and
social problems only accidentally (University of Pécs, University of Szeged,
University of Debrecen, and Pázmány Péter Catholic University).
3.2. Top non-academic institutions related to the reported fields
Szociális és Munkaügyi Minisztérium [Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour]
connected institutions participating mainly in youth and labour research:
Szociálpolitikai és Munkaügyi Intézet [Institute for Social Policy and Labour]
hosting the Munkaügyi Kutatások Információs Rendszere (MUKUTIR)
[database and bibliography of labour researches – still in building
publishing the journal Kapocs [Tie] dealing with youth research.
Országos Foglalkoztatási Közalapítvány (OFA) [National Employment
Its main product is/was the OFA Yearbook:
Magyarországi munkaerőpiac [Hungarian labour market] – published
between 2003 and 2006.
Állami Foglalkoztatási Szolgálat (ÁFSZ) [Public Employment Service]
publishing labour statistics, and Labour market yearbook in 2006 and 2007.
The ministry is organizing and sponsoring also gender research, but not participating in it
and do not hosts a separate institution for that. Pictures of selected sponsored gender
studies and brochures can be seen:
Periodical publications on gender problems:
–. a yearly published data collection Nők és férfiak Magyarországon [Women and
men in Hungary] in cooperation with the HCSO since 2001 (related year since 2000).
Available in English: 2001, 2006, 2007.
–. A serial of reports Szerepváltozások [Change of roles] in cooperation with the
TÁRKI since 1997. (See details there.)
Between 2005 and 2007 there was also hosted a methodological workshop dealing
mainly with the questions of the social indicators. Materials available in Hungarian:
Központi Statisztikai Hivatal [Hungarian Central Statistical Office]
The structure of the office related to the reported topics:
Social Services Statistics Department
_ Housing Statistics Section
_ Health Statistics Section
_ Social Statistics Section
_ Education, Culture and R&D Statistics Section
Population Statistics Department
_ Population Census Section
_ Vital Statistics Section
_ Population Statistics Methodology Section
_ Surveys Section
Living Standard and Labour Statistics Department
_ Living Standards Surveys Section
_ Labour Statistics Section
_ Social Layer Analysis Section
Journals: Statisztikai szemle since 1923. English special numbers: Hungarian Statistical
Review since 1997 one number per year.,181198&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
- Magyar statisztikai évkönyv [Statistical yearbook of Hungary] since 1870. Between
1893 and 1848 it was also published in German and French, since 1990 it is published
also in English.
-. Demográfiai évkönyv [Demographic yearbook] since 1955. From 1962 on it is
published with English headings.
-. Egészségügyi statisztikai évkönyv [Yearbook of Health Statistics] Since 1998, with
English headings.
-. Szociális statisztikai évkönyv [Yearbook of Welfare Statistics] Since 1992, with English
headings. (Between 1992 and 1997 together with the health statistics.)
-. A családi költségvetés főbb adatai [Household budget survey] Yearly, since 1959.
-. A lakás és kommunális ellátás adatai [Data on housing statistics and public utilities]
Yearly, since 1970.
-. Jövedelemeloszlás Magyarországon [Income distribution in Hungary]. Between 1959
and 1988 in every fifth year, then in selected years from 1995 on.
-.A munkaerő-felmérés idősorai: adattár [Labour force survey: time series] Since 1992
yearly, from 2003 through internet.
-. Foglalkoztatottság és kereseti arányok: adatgyűjtemény [Employment and earnings:
labour statistics]. Since 1980 yearly, from 2003 through internet.
-. Időskorúak Magyarországon. [Elderly people in Hungary.] Since 2004, in every second
Data bases on the internet
Censuses made since 1869 in about every 10th year.(1869, 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920,
1930, 1941, 1949, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2001.)
Population Census 2001
Microcensus 2005
Stadat-tables – population, vital events, employment, labour force, earning, households,
families, housing and public utilities, health care, social provision, etc.) The time series
start usually from 1990 on (population often from 1949 or 1960).,591766&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Statistical reflections
2009. Labour market characteristics in the 1st quarter of 2009
2009 Review of the population trends in Europe
2009 Major changes in the labour market, January-December 2008.
2009. Level and structure of household consumption
2008. The labour market in Hungary, between 1998 and 2007
2007. Working time balance 2002/2005,586249&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
The gender data are standard variables of statistics. Special statistical reports on gender
problems are accidental, except the mentioned data collection published together with the
Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (see there).