spears school of business

Distance Learning Committee Members:
Dr. David Carter, Department of Finance
Dr. Goutam Chakraborty, Department of Marketing
Dr. Robert Cornell, School of Accounting
Dr. Robert Dooley, Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Research
Dr. Mark Weiser, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Dr. Margaret White, Department of Management
Dr. Rick Wilson, Department of Management Science and Information Systems
Administrative Contacts:
Shona Gambrell, Program Manager
Alvina Shearer, Program Coordinator
Simon Ringsmuth, Computer Support Specialist
Chrystal Forman, Program Assistant
Jami Spiva, Program Assistant
108 Gundersen
Dr. Julie Weathers, Director, 215 Business Building
Center for Executive and Professional Development
Phone: (405) 744-4048
Fax: (405) 744-1891
E-mail: cepd-dl@okstate.edu
Web site: http://spears.okstate.edu/cepd/dl/
Overview ........................................................................................................................... 3
Tuition .......................................................................................................................... 3
Enrollment Statistics .................................................................................................... 3
II. Programs and Certificates Offered.................................................................................... 3
III. Delivery Methods.............................................................................................................. 4
IV. Course Selection ............................................................................................................... 4
V. Course Preparation ............................................................................................................ 4
Training ........................................................................................................................ 4
Textbook Selection ...................................................................................................... 4
Syllabus ........................................................................................................................ 5
Recording Video Lectures ........................................................................................... 5
PowerPoints ................................................................................................................. 5
Quality Matters Course Assessment ............................................................................ 6
VI. Role of Faculty Members and Instructors ........................................................................ 8
Timeline of Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 8
Course Assistant........................................................................................................... 9
Course Materials ........................................................................................................ 10
Student Communication............................................................................................. 10
Updating Coursework ................................................................................................ 10
Key Items to Remember to Make a Better Classroom Atmosphere .......................... 11
VII. Role of CEPD Distance Learning Staff .......................................................................... 12
Assist in Identifying Course Offerings ...................................................................... 12
Route Approval of Coursework ................................................................................. 12
Market Distance Learning Programs ......................................................................... 12
Facilitate Course Information .................................................................................... 12
Provide Faculty Assistance ........................................................................................ 12
Provide Student Assistance ........................................................................................ 13
Process Instructor Pay ................................................................................................ 13
Manage the Homework and Exam Process ............................................................... 13
Facilitate the Online Course Platform Desire2Learn ................................................. 13
Facilitate the Evaluation Process ............................................................................... 13
VIII. Course Homework Assignments and Exam Procedures ................................................ 14
Administration .......................................................................................................... 14
Proctors for Students ................................................................................................. 14
Security and Handling of Exams .............................................................................. 14
Exam Instructions ..................................................................................................... 14
Exam Return ............................................................................................................. 14
Distribution of Homework Assignments and Exams................................................ 15
Receipt and Return Log (for Course Materials and Exams) ..................................... 15
Anti-plagiarism Software .......................................................................................... 15
IX. Marketing ......................................................................................................................... 15
X. Compensation.................................................................................................................. 16
Course Pay ................................................................................................................ 16
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Distance Learning Graduate and Undergraduate Courses (Media Credit) ............... 16
Pay Process ............................................................................................................... 17
Course Development Pay.......................................................................................... 17
XI. Guidelines for MBA Program and other Graduate Courses ........................................... 17
XII. Guidelines for Undergraduate General Business Administration Minor ....................... 19
XIII. Course Evaluation .......................................................................................................... 20
XIV. Appendices..................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix A MBA Program Draft Rollout............................................................... 21
Appendix B MSIS Program Draft Rollout............................................................... 23
Appendix C MSTM Program Draft Rollout ............................................................ 24
Appendix D Certificate in Business Data Mining Draft Rollout ............................. 25
Appendix E Certificate in Information Assurance Draft Rollout ............................ 26
Appendix F Undergraduate Course Draft Rollout ................................................... 27
Appendix G Syllabus Template ............................................................................... 29
Appendix H Instructions to Copying Content in Desire2Learn............................... 33
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The Spears School of Business brings graduate degrees to working professionals looking for
upward mobility, while at the same time balancing career, family and education. The SSB
distance learning courses are accredited by AACSB International. The delivery of the graduate
degree programs and select undergraduate courses are facilitated through the SSB Center for
Executive and Professional Development (CEPD).
Tuition for media credit courses differs slightly from the OSU traditional tuition rates. As of
Spring 2009, the undergraduate tuition rate is $260 per credit hour (in-state) and $600 per
credit hour (out-of-state). Graduate tuition is $295 per credit hour (in-state) and $650 per credit
hour (out-of-state). Active duty military students’ tuition is $250 per credit hour, for both instate and out-of-state. Students enroll for media credit courses through CEPD. The courses are
classified as 600 sections in the university system.
Enrollment Statistics
For graduate course enrollment in FY 2009, there were 61 media credit courses offered with
1,653 distance learning graduate enrollments, compared to 1,217 distance learning graduate
enrollments in FY 2008.
For undergraduate course enrollment in FY 2009, there were 54 media credit courses offered
with 2,666 distance learning undergraduate enrollments, compared to 1,671 undergraduate
enrollments through distance in FY 2008.
Students from 32 states are enrolled in courses and degree programs. Many students represent
various companies and organizations, including Bank of Oklahoma, Chesapeake Energy,
ConocoPhillips, Cox Communications, Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Halliburton
Energy, Mercury Marine, Samson, Seagate Technology, The Charles Machine Works, US Air
Force, US Army, US Navy and many more.
Programs and Certificates Offered
Graduate Certificate in Information Assurance (GCIA) — since 2004
Graduate Certificate in Business Data Mining (GCBDM) — since Fall 2008
Master of Business Administration (MBA) — since 1993
Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MS in MIS) — since 2004
Master of Science in Telecommunications Management (MSTM) — since 1995
Select Undergraduate Courses — since 2005
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Delivery Methods
Asynchronous Delivery through Internet Video Streaming and DVD
Live Two-Way Interactive Television (Stillwater and Tulsa resident campus courses)
Course Selection
Upon agreeing to instruct a course, the instructor will let the CEPD Distance Learning
office know the maximum of enrollment allowed in a course (some courses may have
pre-established limits on enrollments). The SIS system can be checked for enrollment
Draft Rollout of MBA Program – see Appendix A
Draft Rollout of MSIS Program – see Appendix B
Draft Rollout of MSTM Program - see Appendix C
Draft Rollout of Certificate in Business Data Mining – see Appendix D
Draft Rollout of Certificate in Information Assurance – see Appendix E
Draft Undergraduate Course Rollout – see Appendix F
Course Preparation
The Institute for Teaching & Learning Excellence (ITLE), located in the Telecommunications
Building, offers training on campus classroom studios and the Desire2Learn (D2L) Online
Classroom Internet platform. The television studio used for pre-recorded courses is located in
ITLE as well. Contacts are:
Elaine Johns, Campus Classroom Studio Training, (405) 744-1000
Ron Payne and Samantha Krawzyk, D2L (Online Classroom) Training & Support,
(405) 744-1000
Hong Lin, Faculty Development, (405) 744-1000
Rick Eggers, TV Producer, (405) 744-1000
Textbook Selection
Once an instructor agrees to teach a given course, an E-book, textbook or required materials
should be selected. For student support purposes, the CEPD Distance Learning staff should be
notified of all course materials 1-3 months prior to the start of the semester. (Refer to Timeline
of Responsibilities in Section VI).
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Instructors can follow the syllabus template (Appendix G, p. 31) when drafting the course
syllabus. Following the template is required for those courses being recorded in the ITLE
studio. The CEPD Distance Learning staff should be given the syllabus 1-3 months prior to the
start of the semester. (Refer to Timeline of Responsibilities in Section VI, p. 6).
Recording Video Lectures
The ITLE studio is to be used for pre-recording courses being developed as part of the library
of courses with a target shelf-life of 3 years each. To schedule studio time, instructors can
contact the CEPD Distance Learning staff for assistance.
If the distance learning section of the course is offered in conjunction with resident sections,
then the course will be captured in a campus classroom studio for distance learning
distribution. Due to date referencing and course content, such course recordings are to be
re-used only once.
Required Content Hours
In distance learning courses, online content should be representative of what would normally
be presented in the physical classroom. Because there will not be real-time classes, this may be
less than the normal 40 hours for a 3 credit hour course. Faculty teaching distance learning
courses are required to record 25 hours of lecture for a 3 credit hour course, or the prorated
equivalent depending on the number of credit hours offered.
Faculty recording less than 25 hours of lecture for a 3 credit hour course, but no less than 15
hours, must receive prior written approval from the appropriate department head and associate
dean before offering the course. Faculty must provide a written explanation of how the portion
of the contact hours not offered through online lecture will be accomplished. The CEPD
distance learning office must be informed in writing by the appropriate associate dean of any
decision that deviates from the baseline 25 hours of recorded lecture.
PowerPoint templates will be provided to you by the CEPD Distance Learning Office. The
model templates are required for all courses. Faculty should forward the PowerPoints to the
CEPD Distance Learning staff, as outlined in Section VI.
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Quality Matters
In t e r - In s t i t ut i on a l Q ua l i t y A s s u r a n c e i n O nl i ne L e ar n i n g
This portion of the handbook includes information and ideas on how to improve your existing
distance learning course. CEPD has purchased a subscription to Quality Matters (QM), a peerbased approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement in online education. QM
Rubric and Course Review Certification training for two SSB faculty (Rick Wilson and Meg
Kletke) were included with this subscription. As a distance learning instructor, you can use
this information to assist you, and/or request your course be reviewed by our peer course
review team.
Quality in online education is important to many different parities- -students, faculty,
administrators, institutions, accrediting agencies, to name a few. The rapid growth of online
education has forced institutions, faculty and students to quickly adopt and adapt to this new
mode of education. Given its newness and sudden evolution, many still question the quality of
education achieved through the online format.
The focus on continuous improvement is summarized in the QM course review process:
1. Course- name a course a review would like to be conducted
2. Peer Course Review- the course is reviewed by SSB's two certified internal course
3. Feedback - following the course review, the review team's feedback is provided to
the faculty member(s) that developed the course.
4. Meets Quality Expectations- the overall goal is the provide a system for the
improvement of course quality.
There are many factors that affect the quality of an online course. Among these factors are:
1. The course design (forethought and planning that goes into an online course)
2. The course delivery (faculty performance)
3. The course content
4. The course management system and its functionality; technical support
5. The institutional infrastructure (help desk, online library access, etc.)
6. A faculty member’s training and readiness for online teaching
7. The students’ role with respect to engagement and readiness for an online course
QM reviews just one aspect of online course quality – Course Design.
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QM Peer Course Review Rubric
I. Course Overview and Introduction
Overall design of the course, navigational information, as well as course,
instructor and student information are made transparent to the student at the
beginning of the course.
II. Learning Objectives (Competencies)
Clearly defined and explained.
III. Assessment and Measurement
Assessment strategies use established ways to measure effective learning, assess
learner progress by reference to stated learning objectives, and are designed as
essential to the learning process.
IV. Resources and Materials
Designed to be sufficiently comprehensive to achieve announced objectives and
learning outcomes and are prepared by qualified persons competent in their fields
(materials, other than standard textbooks produced by recognized publishers, are
prepared by the instructor or distance educators skilled in preparing materials for
distance learning.)
V. Learning Interaction
The effective design of instructor-learner interaction, meaningful learner
cooperation, and learner-content interaction is essential to learner motivation,
intellectual commitment and personal development.
VI. Course Technology
To enhance student learning, course technology should enrich instruction and
foster learning interactivity.
VII. Learning Support
Courses are effectively supported for learners through fully accessible modes of
delivery, resources, and learner support.
VIII. Accessibility
Access to course resources is in accordance with the American with Disabilities
*Please note this is not a rubric on delivery issues.
Why would I get my course reviewed?
To learn how to improve upon or gain new ideas to put into place in your course.
How do I get my course reviewed?
There are two SSB distance learning faculty certified as Quality Matters Internal Reviewers.
If you would like to have your course reviewed, please contact the CEPD Distance Learning
How long will it take for my course to be reviewed?
Allow 2-4 weeks for a course to be reviewed and feedback given to you. The faculty
reviewers are also faculty in SSB and their role in QM is supplemental to their faculty
For more information on Quality Matters, go to http://qualitymatters.org/.
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Role of Faculty Members and Instructors
Timeline of Responsibilities
Course Rollout
A course rollout is identified for a degree program or certificate through working with the
appropriate academic offices. Based on the course rollout for each program, courses needed
for distance learning will be identified through the academic departments or CEPD, as will
faculty members to instruct these courses. The following is a guide for instructors of distance
learning courses.
3-6 months prior to start of the semester
Enrollment Maximum Specified
 Working with the faculty member and appropriate department head, the instructor will
specify the maximum enrollment per course and inform the CEPD Distance Learning
staff. If enrollment is not specified at this time, faculty will need to periodically check
SIS for enrollment. Courses will be posted on the Web site
http://spears.okstate.edu/distance so students may know in which courses to enroll.
1-3 months prior to the start of the semester
Textbook Selection
 The instructor should have selected textbook(s), E-book, or other course materials for
the course. The instructor should send information on the ISBN, title, author and
publisher for all course materials to the CEPD Distance Learning Office.
1-2 months prior to the start of the semester
Faculty Preparation of Course
The instructor should
 Complete the course syllabus, forward it to the CEPD Distance Learning Office and
post it on Desire2Learn;
 Attend the appropriate ITLE training sessions on using studio classrooms and/or
Desire2Learn (ITLE is in the Telecommunications Center building near the College of
Human Environmental Sciences);
 Compile PowerPoint slides, homework, exams and other course materials (not timedated) and will post them on Desire2Learn;
 Set up a taping schedule, working with the CEPD Distance Learning staff in the
process; this includes identifying dates to record the course in the ITLE studio (if pretaping for the course);
 Select resources – Web sites, videos, etc. – that will be used during the recordings of
the course and obtain copyright permission as needed;
 Record the course in the ITLE studio (if pre-taping for the course).
 Combine course sections into one shell (see Appendix I)
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1 month prior to the start of the semester
Copying Content in Desire2Learn (course must be mapped before copying content over)
 If some or all content, except the video lectures, are to be re-used from a previous
semester, the instructor is responsible for copying content to the new course shell.
CEPD Distance Learning office will copy over video lectures. Please see Appendix H
for instructions on copying components (p. 32). For training assistance, contact the
CEPD Distance Learning staff.
Creating Groups in Desire2Learn
 The instructor is responsible for creating groups for the purpose of team projects.
 When two courses are cross listed (i.e., TCOM 5113 & TCOM 3203), the instructor is
responsible for creating groups for the on-campus sections and add students to them.
For example, an instructor may want to email the entire classlist of just TCOM 5113
on-campus students (sections 001 & 801), and not the distance learning students. For
training assistance, contact the CEPD Distance Learning staff.
Enrollment/Graduate Assistant
 Review with the CEPD Distance Learning staff the status of course enrollment. If the
distance learning enrollment reaches 25 students, the instructor is eligible to receive a
10 hour/week graduate student to act as a teaching assistant. If distance learning
enrollment reaches 50 students, the instructor is eligible for a 20 hour/week graduate
The instructor can identify a graduate student and should notify the CEPD Distance
Learning Office of the student’s name. Alternatively, the instructor can request
assistance in finding a graduate assistant by contacting CEPD Distance Learning staff.
If the instructor feels additional assistance is needed, beyond what is outlined above, a
request in writing may be made to CEPD and the appropriate SSB Associate Dean
(graduate or undergraduate), outlining the duties of the graduate assistant for the
distance learning course to justify why additional assistance is requested.
Course Assistant
Course assistant tasks could include
 Acting as a course facilitator;
 Interacting with students on a regular basis to answer questions and facilitate
discussions by e-mail or in Desire2Learn;
 Interacting with the course instructor on all course content-related questions, including
exams and final grading;
 Grading student assignments and exams based on grading rubrics developed by the
instructor, with the instructor awarding exam and final grades;
 Suggesting to the instructor potential improvements to the course.
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Following the first month of the course in which a course assistant is employed, Distance
Learning staff will contact him/her to assess the assistance being provided. Should the
instructor not utilize the assistant for the distance learning course, the student may be
reassigned to other duties.
Course Materials
During the course of the semester, the instructor should
 (for studio classroom captured courses) By 9:00 am on the day of the class, post any
lecture PowerPoint slides and other class materials on Desire2Learn (Online
Classroom), or forward to the Distance Learning Office so they can be incorporated in
the course production process. The first slide should indicate either the week or topic
being discussed.
 One week prior to giving an exam, forward the exam and instructions to the CEPD
Distance Learning staff. (Refer to Distribution of Homework Assignments and Exams
in Section VIII, p. 12).
Student Communication
Student inquiries should be responded to within 24 hours by the instructor or course
Returning assignments/posting grades. Reasonable guidelines on returning
assignments and posting grades should be followed. For students given a grade of
“Incomplete,” a letter grade should be issued within 12 months.
Updating Coursework
Update or edit the course when necessary. If pre-recording in the ITLE studio, course
lectures can be taped for a 3-year shelf-life; however, faculty members and instructors
are responsible for updating course content over this period as needed.
If faculty member re-records more than 60% of course content because of new material
or if the course is more than 3 years old, they will receive full development pay again.
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FOR ALL STUDENTS (studio classrooms and Desire2Learn)
Cell Phone and PDA Usage
 If teaching in a studio classroom (piggy-backed on a resident course), all cell phones
and PDAs in the room must be turned off. Audio interference occurs in the recording if
a cell phone or PDA is on. If the cell phone is on “vibrate” or “silent” mode,
interference still occurs. Turning these products off will alleviate such interference.
This is very important as each semester distance learning students express numerous
concerns regarding course lecture quality due to cell phone interference.
Classroom Microphone Usage
 If classes are taught through distance and piggy-backed on a resident course, request
that students in the studio classroom press the microphone button when asking the
instructor a question or making a comment to the class. It is helpful for the instructor to
also repeat the question. Student comments are not audible to the distance learning
students unless the microphone is pushed by in-class students. Numerous concerns are
expressed by distance learning students about not being able to hear the questions
asked by students in the classroom studio.
Desire2Learn Internet Platform Communication
 Monitor the Discussion Board daily. Students post concerns and comments about the
course on the Discussion Board. If an instructor has a course assistant, he or she can
review the Discussion Board.
 To obtain student feedback during the semester, fast feedback forms will be posted on
Desire2Learn mid-semester. Review the feedback content received in order to gain
more information on students’ viewpoints and how the class is progressing from their
perspective. Instructors can view this feedback on Desire2Learn. Instructors can
submit additional questions to be included in the fast feedback evaluation and should
contact the CEPD Distance Learning staff.
Exam and Assignment Distribution
 Refer to Section VIII: Course Homework Assignments and Exam Procedures (p. 14)
Preparation for Course Taping in ITLE
 Download PowerPoints or other presentation types to a USB device (a memory stick or
thumb drive) or a DVD to bring to the recording session. If showing a video, bring the
DVD or videotape to the recording session, obtaining copyright permission as needed).
The PowerPoints should already be converted to the SSB PowerPoint template
designed specifically for distance learning courses through CEPD.
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Plan your wardrobe accordingly. Due to the camera and lighting requirements, avoid
pinstripe and plaid shirt or blouse designs, bright colors such as red and white, and
solid black colors. The camera records from the waist up. The studio is kept at a cool
temperature so plan accordingly.
Role of CEPD Distance Learning Staff
Distance learning staff members in the Spears School of Business are located in the Center for
Executive and Professional Development Distance Learning Office, 108 Gundersen. The
service-oriented support staff serves as a central point of contact for distance learning students
and faculty members. Support is offered for 600 section courses. Distance learning staff
members are:
Shona Gambrell, Program Coordinator, (405) 744-5087, shona.gambrell@okstate.edu
Alvina Shearer, Program Specialist, (405) 744-4054, alvina.shearer@okstate.edu
Simon Ringsmuth, Computer Support Specialist, simon.ringsmuth@okstate.edu
Chrystal Forman, Program Assistant (405) 744-4048, chrystal.forman@okstate.edu
Jami Spiva, Program Assistant (405) 744-4048, jami.spiva@okstate.edu
Assist in Identifying Course Offerings
Assess and identify course offerings with faculty, department head and program staff
Route Approval of Coursework
Request approval from University Outreach on course offerings.
Market Distance Learning Programs
See Section IX, p. 13.
Facilitate Course Information
Post course textbooks and syllabi information on the CEPD Distance Learning web
Facilitate with IT, to combine distance learning course sections (603) with any
Stillwater and Tulsa sections upon request of the faculty.
Provide Faculty Assistance
Offer training assistance on the campus studio classrooms via ITLE, including
facilitating taping in the ITLE studio and training on the course management system
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Arrange for faculty members to have courses taped in the ITLE studio (if pre-taping).
Coordinate with ITLE and OSU-Tulsa to reserve studio classrooms for resident section
courses offered via interactive television.
Provide Student Assistance
Act as a facilitator between distance learning students and the university.
Process and manage student enrollment.
Provide technical assistance to students and faculty members.
Advise students with the assistance of the appropriate graduate program office on their
plan of study and provide guidance in course selection.
Process Instructor Pay
Process faculty course pay, development pay and course assistant pay.
Manage the Homework and Exam Process
Manage homework and exam distribution.
Facilitate the exam proctoring process by receiving exams from proctors and testing
centers and distributing to faculty members for grading.
Maintain online homework and exam logs.
Facilitate the Online Course Platform Desire2Learn
Manage the Online Classroom (Desire2Learn) for course related activities.
Produce course lecture videos, post them on Desire2Learn and mail DVDs to students.
Facilitate the Evaluation Process
Post fast feedback forms on Desire2Learn mid-semester and encourage faculty
members to retrieve results online.
Post course evaluations on Desire2Learn at the end of the semester, summarize them
and distribute them to faculty members and department heads.
Prompt students by email to complete the end of semester course evaluations.
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VIII. Course Homework Assignments and Exam Procedures
Homework assignments and exams can be administered online through Desire2Learn or can be
paper-based proctored. Paper-based exams can be administered on-campus or by testing
center. The Provost mandates on-campus exams for Outreach courses (distance learning) must
be scheduled after 5:00 pm. Contact CEPD Distance Learning office to request a classroom.
Proctors for Students
If exams are to be proctored at a testing center, students must complete, upon enrollment each
semester, a Testing Center/Proctor Form, which includes choosing a testing center to be their
proctor for the semester. The proctor must be approved by the CEPD Distance Learning staff.
Proctor Policies are posted on the CEPD Distance Learning web site,
http://spears.okstate.edu/distance/guide/policies. Exceptions for proctors will need to be
approved through the CEPD Distance Learning office and/or instructor if a testing center is not
Engineering graduate students enrolled in business courses must follow the CEPD Distance
Learning proctor policies. The Engineering Distance Education office supports engineering
If an exam is to be held on campus in a classroom setting, the instructor is responsible for
proctoring the exam or arranging for an alternate.
Security and Handling of Exams
One week prior to giving an exam, the course instructor will forward the exam and instructions
to the CEPD Distance Learning Office so it can be distributed to proctors and testing centers in
a timely manner. The exam will be kept in a secured folder on the network with high security
access throughout the semester. One week after the semester ends, the exams will be deleted
from the network.
Exam Instructions
Exam instructions should include the time limit; the resources allowed (textbook, notes,
calculator, etc); and the date and time the instructor requests the exam back for grading. The
course and section number should be identified on the first page of the exam. Faculty may
consider allowing a specified area on each page of the exam for student’s to write their name.
Exam Return
Flexibility in the time frame allowed for students should be considered due to the nature of the
course being distance learning. It is not unusual to allow one full week for students to
complete an exam. Note, for the final exam, proctors are given instructions to return exams to
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the CEPD Distance Learning office by Friday at 5:00 pm to allow faculty adequate time to
grade and input final grades in the SIS system. OSU-Tulsa faculty will receive exams directly
from proctors/testing centers to the OSU-Tulsa faculty fax number and to office mailing
address in North Hall.
Distribution of Homework Assignments and Exams
CEPD Distance Learning staff will distribute assignments or exams that are to be proctored.
Receipt and Return Log (for Course Materials and Exams)
As completed exams are returned via fax, email, or mail to the CEPD Distance Learning
Office, they will be logged in and delivered immediately to the instructor’s office. Exams that
cannot be immediately delivered to the instructor will be stored in a locked file drawer with
secured access. The instructor will be notified of exam receipt and staff will ask how the
instructor wishes to receive the exams. The instructor may also wish to pick up exams from
108 Gundersen. However, due to minimal storage space, exams will need to be picked up
within one week of receipt.
Anti-plagiarism Software
Turnitin, a plagiarism detection software, is available for all faculty members and
students of Oklahoma State University. To set up an account or obtain more
information, visit http://itle.okstate.edu/Directory/FacFAQ.htm.
To attend a training session at ITLE-Stillwater or Tulsa, sign up for class at
http://fp.okstate.edu/fsc/turnitin/. Students and faculty members can inquire of
Turnitin’s Product Specialist team with usage questions online at
http://www.turnitin.com/help or by phone at (510) 287-9720, extension 241. For
immediate help with common questions and issues, please use Turnitin’s searchable
knowledge database – go to http://www.turnitin.com and click on “Helpdesk” at the
bottom of the page, or visit
http://www.turnitin.com/static/Knowledge_center/Knowledge_base.asp. Call ITLE at
(405) 744-1000 for help with additional questions.
CEPD Distance Learning staff market the distance learning programs and courses
through fliers, web sites, recruitment materials, advertisements, publications,
responding to phone and e-mail inquiries, etc. Site visits are made to companies and
organizations to recruit students. To recruit students nationally and internationally,
marketing efforts have included; advertisements in the Delta Sky magazine, The
Journal Record (Oklahoma), GetEducated.com, Tinker Air Force Base website, OSU
Football Program, The Dentist’s Guide to Continuing Education, student coupon
books, and O’Colly newspaper.
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Course Pay
The following pay policy was approved by the department heads and Dean and facilitated
through the Center for Executive and Professional Development.
Distance Learning Graduate and Undergraduate Courses (Media Credit)
The Center will pay faculty $55 per SCH ($165 per student for a 3 credit hour
course). If enrollment reaches 25 students, the instructor will be provided an
option of a .25 FTE graduate assistant for the duration of the course.
Proportional support will be provided for courses that are not for 3 credit hours.
The SSB may establish a minimum enrollment for courses and hence minimum
pay to the instructor.
Pay to the OSU SSB faculty includes teaching and adapting materials to a
distance learning format as well as attending the course management system
training session, if necessary, developing the course website, developing
computer-based presentations such as Powerpoint, and replying to distance
learning students and correspondence in a timely manner.
Paying In-Load to the Spears School of Business and OSU-Tulsa
In addition to payments made directly to the faculty members, the Center will
pay OSU-Tulsa or OSU SSB (dependant upon which budget the faculty are paid
on for the course), $25 per SCH generated by courses with 1-19 distance
learning students. For the 20th and subsequent students, OSU-Tulsa or OSU
SSB will be paid at a rate of $50 per SCH. In order to obtain a final count,
payment for a course will be decided following drop/add date deadlines. All
OSU-Tulsa and OSU- Stillwater campus students are excluded when figuring
amounts to be paid to the faculty and to OSU-Tulsa or OSU SSB.
Travel Reimbursement for Course Development for Faculty in Oklahoma City
or Tulsa to Record in Stillwater ITLE Studio
CEPD will reimburse faculty travel for $125 per round trip from Oklahoma City
or Tulsa to Stillwater to tape a media credit course in the ITLE studio. This
course is to be added to a library of tape offerings to be offered by CEPD. The
trips need to be documented by faculty taping on specified dates in the ITLE
studio and given to the CEPD distance learning office. The amount up to
$1,250 will be reimbursed for the travel to tape the course. Any travel for
tapings beyond the $1,250 amount will need to be absorbed by the faculty
member taping or the faculty may wish to approach the department for
reimbursement. Faculty not using the allotted trips (total of 10), will only be
reimbursed for trips made, i.e. 8 trips would be a reimbursement of $1,000.
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
Class size will be decided by the department head and the faculty member
teaching the course and communicated to the CEPD Distance Learning office
prior to student enrollment.
Pay Process
An Employment Action form will be processed for the instructor once pay is determined
following the drop dates by students for the courses. Pay will be prorated in two months in the
fall and spring semesters and in one month in the summer semesters. Faculty will be informed
by CEPD Distance Learning Staff in regard to pay amount and when it will be paid out. In
some cases, a special payment may need to be done vs. an Employment Action form.
As a general guideline, the courses are taught on an overload basis.
Course Development Pay
Current policy states that CEPD will pay faculty $3,000 development pay for
developing/converting a 3 credit hour course to the new professional template; or $1,000 for a
1 credit hour course. This shall include all aspects of packaging – using the syllabus, power
point slide template, D2L (Online Classroom), and recording in the ITLE studio. The
development pay will be paid upon completion of the course recording. This will allow the
course to be placed in a library of courses for 2 to 3 year usage. It will be necessary for the
course to be re-recorded, if there are substantial revisions to course material, or if the course is
more than 3 years old. The faculty member will receive the full development pay once again.
Guidelines for Graduate Programs and Courses
1.) For Oklahoma State University students to be able to readily access courses they need
to complete their Graduate Program in a timely manner. Targeted shelf life of taped
courses—3 years.
2.) For Oklahoma State University to have a professional image through its distance
learning courses with a common professional studio background for taping (ITLE
studio), template and syllabi for students to access information, Internet platform
format, and power point slide access.
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
List of Graduate Courses
ACCT 5183 Financial Accounting Analysis
ACCT 5283 Managerial Accounting
ECON 5113 Managerial Economics
ECON 5713 Industrial Organization I
EEE 5263 Corporate Entrepreneurship
EEE 5113 Entrepreneurship & Venture Mgmt
EEE 5133 Dilemmas and Debates in Entrepreneurship
FIN 5013 Business Finance
FIN 5053 Financial Management
LSB 5010 International Business Culture (1 credit hour)
LSB 5163 Legal Environment of Business
LSB 5203 Foundations & Issues Conflict Management
LSB 5213 Mediation & Facilitation: Theories & Practice
MBA 5500 Personal Creativity in Business (1 credit hour)
MBA 5500 Crucial Interactions (1 credit hour)
MBA 5500 Leading Organizational Change (1 credit hour)
MBA 5500 Crucial Confrontations (1 credit hour)
MBA 5500 Managing Training and Development
MBA 5303 Corporate and Business Strategy
MBA 5233 Global Competitive Environment
MKTG 5133 Marketing Management
MKTG 5220 Advanced Database Marketing
MKTG 5963 Data Mining and CRM Applications
MKTG 5983 Database Marketing
MKTG 6413 Advanced Market Research
MGMT 5113 Organizational Theory & Behavior
MGMT 5223 Seminar in HR Management
MGMT 5323 Teams in Organizations
MGMT 5533 Leadership Dynamics
MGMT 5553 Management of Technology and Innovations
MSIS 5123 Enterprise Resource Planning
MSIS 5133 Advanced Info Tech For E-Commerce
MSIS 5303 Quantitative Methods in Business
MSIS 5623 Information Network & Technology Management
MSIS 5643 Advanced Database Management
TCOM 5113 Industry Overview and Telecom Applications
TCOM 5153 International Telecommunications Management
TCOM 5223 Information Assurance Management
TCOM 5233 Applied Information Systems Security
TCOM 5243 IT Forensics and Auditing
TCOM 5273 Legal and Ethical Issues in IT
Last Developed
Spring 2008, Johnson
Fall 2008, Cornell
Fall 2008, Price
Summer 2006, Price
Fall 2009, Griggs
Summer 2009, Griggs
Summer 2009, J. Nord
Fall 2008, Carter
Spring 2008, Harper
Spring 2010, Urich/Aime
Fall 2009, High
Fall 2008, McCrory
Fall 2006, McCrory
Spring 2009, Suter
Fall 2008, Wallace
Spring 2009, Bowler
Fall 2009, Edwards
Spring 2010, Stone
Fall 2006, Griggs
Fall 2006, Miller
Summer 2009, Suter/Arnold
Summer 2009, Chakraborty
Spring 2009, Chakraborty
Fall 2009, Chakraborty
Spring 2010, Chakraborty
Fall 2008, Bowler/Wallace
Summer 2008, Stone
Summer 2008, Stone
Fall 2009, Bowler
Fall 2007, White
Summer 2009, Dalal
Summer 09, Wilson
Fall 2009, Nord
* Most TCOM and MSIS elective courses are offered in conjunction with the resident sections
and in some cases, re-used for future distance learning only sections.
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
Guidelines for Undergraduate Courses
1.) For Oklahoma State University students to be able to readily access courses they need
to complete their General Business Administration minor in a timely manner. Targeted
shelf life of taped course—3 years.
2.) For Oklahoma State University to have a professional image through its distance
learning courses with a common professional studio background for taping, uniform web
board template, and common syllabi template, for students to access information,
Internet platform format, and power point slides
3.) To offer other undergraduate courses as needed.
List of Core Courses (General Business Major)
ACCT 2103
Financial Accounting
ACCT 2203
Managerial Accounting
BADM 4513
Strategy & Integration in Organizations
ECON 2103
Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 2203
Introduction to Macroeconomics
MSIS 2103
Business Computer Concepts and Applications
MSIS 3223
Operations Management
LSB 3213
Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business
FIN 3113
MGMT 3013
Fundamentals of Management
MKTG 3213
Last Developed
Spring 2008, Johnson
Spring 2008, Mowen
Spring 2008, Aime
Summer 2007, Price
Spring 2008, Applegate
Fall 2008, Kletke
Fall 2009, Wilson
Not developed
Spring 2007, Rao
Fall 2008, Eastman/Pappas
Fall 2006, Manzer
Elective Courses (General Business Major)
BADM 2010
Consumer Law I: Money and Credit (1 credit hour)
BADM 2010
Consumer Law II : Smart Purchasing Dec (1 credit hour)
ECON 3313
Money & Banking
EEE 3023
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
EEE 4113
Dilemmas & Debates in Entrepreneurship
FIN 2123
Personal Finance
LSB 3010
Professional Development I (1 credit hour)
LSB 3010
Professional Development II (1 credit hour)
LSB 3010
International Business Culture (1 credit hour)
MGMT 3123
Managing Behavior and Organizations
MGMT 3313
Human Resource Management
MGMT 3943
Sports Management
MGMT 4533
Leadership Dynamics
MGMT 4613
International Management
MGMT 4650
Crucial Interactions (1 credit hour)
MGMT 4650
Managing Professional Relationships (1 credit hour)
MGMT 4650
Performance Management (1 credit hour)
MKTG 3513
Sales Management
MKTG 3813
Business to Business Marketing
MKTG 4550
Creating Service Quality (1 credit hour)
MKTG 4553
International Marketing
Spring 2008, Urich
Spring 2008, Urich
Summer 2009, McLean
Fall 2009, J. Nord/Morris
Fall 2009, J. Nord
Summer 2008, Titus-Piersma
Fall 2008, Urich
Spring 2010, Urich
Spring 2010, Urich/Aime
Spring 2009, Wallace
Fall 2009, Wallace/Edwards
Summer 2009, Finch
Fall 2009, Bowler
Spring 2010, Aime
Fall 2008, Wallace
Fall 2008, Eastman
Fall 2009, Stone
Summer 2009, Flaherty-Pappas
Summer 2009, Zablah
Fall 2008, Manzer
Summer 2009, Sukhdial
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
Course Evaluation
There are two course evaluations the CEPD Distance Learning staff post to individual courses
on Desire2Learn (Online Classroom). Both are located under the “Surveys” tab. To obtain
student feedback on a 15 week course during the semester, fast feedback forms are posted on
Desire2Learn mid-semester. Faculty can view the results on Desire2Learn (Online
The end-of-semester evaluation was approved by OSU Administration and posted on all
distance learning courses on Desire2Learn (Online Classroom). The evaluation is available to
students two weeks prior to the end of the course and kept available one week after the end of
the course. The CEPD Distance Learning staff compiles the results and distributes to faculty
and department heads each semester. However, faculty can view the results on Desire2Learn
(Online Classroom) at any time.
Instructors can submit additional questions to be included in both the fast feedback evaluation
and the end-of-semester evaluation and should contact the CEPD Distance Learning staff.
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
XIV. Appendices
Appendix A
DRAFT Rollout -MBA Program (Fall 2009-Spring 2012)
Fall 2009
ACCT 5183 (core)
ACCT 5283 (core)
ECON 5113 (core)
FIN 5013 (core)
LSB 5163 (core)
MBA 5303 (core)
MSIS 5303 (core)
MSIS 5623 (core)
MGMT 5113 (core)
MKTG 5133 (core)
MBA 5990 (core)
Spring 2010
ACCT 5183 (core)
ACCT 5283 (core)
ECON 5113 (core)
FIN 5013 (core)
FIN 5053 (core)
LSB 5163 (core)
MBA 5303 (core)
MBA 5990 (core)
MGMT 5113 (core)
MSIS 5303 (core)
MKTG 5133 (core)
Summer 2010
ACCT 5283 (core)
MGMT 5113 (core)
MBA 5990 (core)
MKTG 5133 (core)
MSIS 5303 (core)
MSIS 5623 (core)
Fall 2010
ACCT 5183 (core)
ACCT 5283 (core)
ECON 5113 (core)
FIN 5013 (core)
LSB 5163 (core)
MBA 5303 (core)
MSIS 5303 (core)
MSIS 5623 (core)
MGMT 5113 (core)
MKTG 5133 (core)
MBA 5990 (core)
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
EEE 5113 (elective)
LSB 5203 (elective)
MBA 5233 (elective)
MBA 5500 Crucial Interactions (elective)
MBA 5500 Leading Organizational Change (elective)
MBA 5500 Personal Creativity in Business (elective)
MGMT 5553 (elective)
MSIS 5123 (elective)
MSIS 5133 (elective)
MKTG 5983 (elective)
TCOM 5113 (elective)
EEE 5133 (elective)
LSB 5203 (elective)
LSB 5010 International Business Culture (elective)
MBA 5500 Crucial Interactions (elective)
MBA 5500 Leading Organizational Change (elective)
MBA 5500 Personal Creativity in Business (elective)
MBA 5500 Performance Management (elective)
MGMT 5533 Leadership Challenges (elective)
MSIS 5123 (elective)
MSIS 5643 (elective)
TCOM 5153 (elective)
TCOM 5233 (elective)
EEE 5133 (elective)
EEE 5263 Corporate Entrepreneurship (elective)
ECON 5713 (elective)
LSB 5203 (elective)
MGMT 5223 (elective)
MGMT 5323 (elective)
MSIS 5643 (elective)
EEE 5113 (elective)
LSB 5203 (elective)
MBA 5233 (elective)
MBA 5500 Crucial Interactions (elective)
MBA 5500 Leading Organizational Change (elective)
MBA 5500 Personal Creativity in Business (elective)
MGMT 5553 (elective)
MSIS 5123 (elective)
MSIS 5133 (elective)
MKTG 5983 (elective)
TCOM 5113 (elective)
Spring 2011
ACCT 5183 (core)
ACCT 5283 (core)
ECON 5113 (core)
FIN 5013 (core)
FIN 5053 (core)
LSB 5163 (core)
MBA 5303 (core)
MBA 5990 (core)
MGMT 5113 (core)
MSIS 5303 (core)
MKTG 5133 (core)
Summer 2011
ACCT 5283 (core)
MGMT 5113 (core)
MBA 5990 (core)
MKTG 5133 (core)
MSIS 5303 (core)
MSIS 5623 (core)
Fall 2011
ACCT 5183 (core)
ACCT 5283 (core)
ECON 5113 (core)
FIN 5013 (core)
MBA 5303 (core)
MSIS 5303 (core)
MSIS 5623 (core)
MKTG 5133 (core)
MBA 5990 (core)
Spring 2012
ACCT 5183 (core)
ACCT 5283 (core)
ECON 5113 (core)
FIN 5013 (core)
FIN 5053 (core)
LSB 5163 (core)
MBA 5303 (core)
MBA 5990 (core)
MGMT 5113 (core)
MSIS 5303 (core)
MKTG 5133 (core)
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
EEE 5133 (elective)
LSB 5203 (elective)
LSB 5010 International Business Culture (elective)
MBA 5500 Crucial Interactions (elective)
MBA 5500 Leading Organizational Change (elective)
MBA 5500 Personal Creativity in Business (elective)
MBA 5500 Performance Management (elective)
MGMT 5533 Leadership Challenges (elective)
MSIS 5123 (elective)
MSIS 5643 (elective)
TCOM 5153 (elective)
TCOM 5233 (elective)
EEE 5133 (elective)
EEE 5263 Corporate Entrepreneurship (elective)
ECON 5713 (elective)
LSB 5203 (elective)
MGMT 5223 (elective)
MGMT 5323 (elective)
MSIS 5643 (elective)
EEE 5113 (elective)
LSB 5203 (elective)
MBA 5233 (elective)
MGMT 5553 (elective)
MSIS 5123 (elective)
MSIS 5133 (elective)
MKTG 5983 (elective)
TCOM 5113 (elective)
EEE 5133 (elective)
LSB 5203 (elective)
LSB 5010 International Business Culture (elective)
MBA 5500 Crucial Interactions (elective)
MBA 5500 Leading Organizational Change (elective)
MBA 5500 Personal Creativity in Business (elective)
MBA 5500 Performance Management (elective)
MGMT 5533 Leadership Challenges (elective)
MSIS 5123 (elective)
MSIS 5643 (elective)
TCOM 5153 (elective)
TCOM 5233 (elective)
Appendix B
Draft Rollout – M.S. Management Information Systems (MSIS) Program
(Fall 2009-Spring 2010)
Fall 2009
MSIS 5123 (core)
MSIS 5133 (core)
TCOM 5123 (core)
MKTG 5983 (core option/elective)
MSIS 5633 (core option/elective)
TCOM 5253 (core option/elective)
Spring 2010
MSIS 5123 (core)
MSIS 5643 (core)
MSIS 5653 (core)
MSIS 5900 (core)
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
MKTG 5963 (core option/elective)
TCOM 5223 (core option/elective)
TCOM 5233 (core option/elective)
TCOM 5253 (core option/elective)
Appendix C
Draft Rollout – MS in Telecommunications Management Program (MSTM)
(Fall 2009-Spring 2010)
Fall 2009
ECEN 5553 (core)
MGMT 5113 (core)
TCOM 5113 (core)
TCOM 5123 (core)
TCOM 5163 (core)
Spring 2010
MGMT 5113 (core)
TCOM 5223 (core)
TCOM 5163 (core)
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
ACCT 5183 (core option/elective)
ECON 5113 (core option/elective)
FIN 5013 (core option/elective)
MKTG 5133 (core option/elective)
ACCT 5183 (core option/elective)
ECON 5113 (core option/elective)
FIN 5013 (core option/elective)
MKTG 5133 (core option/elective)
Appendix D
Draft Rollout – Certificate in Business Data Mining
(Fall 2009-Spring 2011)
Fall 2009
MKTG 5983 (core)
Spring 2010
MKTG 5963 (core)
Fall 2010
MKTG 5983 (core)
Spring 2011
MKTG 5963 (core)
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
MSIS 5123 (core option/elective)
MSIS 5633 (core option/elective)
MKTG 5220 (core option/elective)
MSIS 5123 (core option/elective)
MSIS 5643 (core option/elective)
MSIS 5123 (core option/elective)
MSIS 5633 (core option/elective)
MKTG 5220 (core option/elective)
MSIS 5123 (core option/elective)
MSIS 5643 (core option/elective)
Appendix E
Draft Rollout – Certificate in Information Assurance
(Fall 2009-Spring 2010)
Fall 2009
TCOM 5123 (core)
TCOM 5253 (core option/elective)
Spring 2010
TCOM 5223 (core option/elective)
TCOM 5233 (core option/elective)
TCOM 5243 (core option/elective)
TCOM 5273 (core option/elective)
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
Appendix F
Draft Undergraduate Course Rollout (Fall 2009-Spring 2011)
Fall 2009
ACCT 2103 (core)
ACCT 2203 (core)
BADM 4513 (core)
ECON 2203 (core)
MGMT 3013 (core)
MSIS 2103 (core)
MSIS 3223 (core)
MKTG 3213 (core)
Spring 2010
ACCT 2103 (core)
ACCT 2203 (core)
BADM 4513 (core)
ECON 2103 (core)
LSB 3213 (core)
MGMT 3013 (core)
MSIS 2103 (core)
MSIS 3223 (core)
MKTG 3213 (core)
Summer 2010
ACCT 2203 (core)
BADM 4513 (core)
ECON 2103 (core)
MGMT 3013 (core)
MKTG 3213 (core)
MSIS 2103 (core)
MSIS 3223 (core)
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
BADM 2010 Consumer Law I: Money & Credit (elective)
BADM 2010 Consumer Law II: Smart Purchasing Decisions (elective)
FIN 2123 (elective)
ECON 3313 (elective)
LSB 3010 Professional Development (elective)
MGMT 3023 (elective)
MGMT 3123 (elective)
MGMT 3513 (elective)
MGMT 3813 (elective)
MGMT 3943 (elective)
MGMT 4650 Managing Professional Relationships (elective)
MGMT 4650 Crucial Interactions (elective)
MKTG 3513 (elective)
MKTG 3813 (elective)
MKTG 4550 Service Quality (elective)
MKTG 4553 (elective)
BADM 2010 Consumer Law I: Money & Credit (elective)
BADM 2010 Consumer Law II: Smart Purchasing Decisions (elective)
FIN 2123 (elective)
EEE 3023 (elective)
EEE 4113 (elective)
ECON 3313 (elective)
LSB 3010 Professional Development I (elective)
LSB 3010 Professional Development II (elective)
LSB 3010 International Business Culture (elective)
MGMT 3123 (elective)
MGMT 3313 (elective)
MGMT 3943 (elective)
MGMT 4533 (elective)
MGMT 4613 (elective)
MGMT 4650 Managing Professional Relationships (elective)
MGMT 4650 Crucial Interactions (elective)
MGMT 4650 Performance Management (elective)
MGMT 4650 Leading Organizational Change (elective)
MKTG 3513 (elective)
MKTG 3813 (elective)
MKTG 4550 Service Quality (elective)
MKTG 4553 (elective)
BADM 2010 Consumer Law I: Money & Credit (elective)
BADM 2010 Consumer Law II: Smart Purchasing Decisions (elective)
EEE 4113 (elective)
FIN 2123 (elective)
LSB 3010 Professional Development (elective)
MGMT 4650 Managing Professional Relationships (elective)
MKTG 4550 Creating Service Quality (elective)
Fall 2010
ACCT 2103 (core)
ACCT 2203 (core)
BADM 4513 (core)
ECON 2103 (core)
ECON 2203 (core)
MGMT 3013 (core)
MSIS 2103 (core)
MSIS 3223 (core)
MKTG 3213 (core)
Spring 2011
ACCT 2103 (core)
ACCT 2203 (core)
BADM 4513 (core)
ECON 2103 (core)
LSB 3213 (core)
MGMT 3013 (core)
MSIS 2103 (core)
MSIS 3223 (core)
MKTG 3213 (core)
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
BADM 2010 Consumer Law I: Money & Credit (elective)
BADM 2010 Consumer Law II: Smart Purchasing Decisions (elective)
FIN 2123 (elective)
ECON 3313 (elective)
LSB 3010 Professional Development (elective)
MGMT 3023 (elective)
MGMT 3123 (elective)
MGMT 3513 (elective)
MGMT 3813 (elective)
MGMT 3943 (elective)
MGMT 4650 Managing Professional Relationships (elective)
MGMT 4650 Crucial Interactions (elective)
MKTG 3513 (elective)
MKTG 3813 (elective)
MKTG 4550 Service Quality (elective)
MKTG 4553 (elective)
BADM 2010 Consumer Law I: Money & Credit (elective)
BADM 2010 Consumer Law II: Smart Purchasing Decisions (elective)
FIN 2123 (elective)
EEE 3023 (elective)
EEE 4113 (elective)
ECON 3313 (elective)
LSB 3010 Professional Development I (elective)
LSB 3010 Professional Development II (elective)
LSB 3010 International Business Culture (elective)
MGMT 3123 (elective)
MGMT 3313 (elective)
MGMT 3943 (elective)
MGMT 4533 (elective)
MGMT 4613 (elective)
MGMT 4650 Managing Professional Relationships (elective)
MGMT 4650 Crucial Interactions (elective)
MGMT 4650 Performance Management (elective)
MGMT 4650 Leading Organizational Change (elective)
MKTG 3513 (elective)
MKTG 3813 (elective)
MKTG 4550 Service Quality (elective)
MKTG 4553 (elective)
Appendix G
Syllabus Template
Course Number and Title
MBA Program
Spears School of Business
Oklahoma State University
Dr. XX, Professor of XXXX
Contact Information:
Office Hours: (virtual office hours? Scheduled and by appointment?). For example: By
appointments in the Desire2Learn main chat room on Tuesdays 10:00 -12:00 pm.
Course Site: Desire2Learn (Online Classroom): http://oc.okstate.edu
Administrative contact: CEPD Distance Learning Office at cepd-dl@okstate.edu or call 1866-678-3933 or 405-744-4048
Overview of the Course
This section usually consists of about no more than 5 sentences. The purpose of this
section is to give a quick overview of the course, including the rationale behind the course,
the subject content it covers, its place in the overall curriculum in the field or in the
specific area, and the potential benefits, both academic and professional, to the students.
Course Prerequisites
ACCT 5103
LSB 5163 (may be taken as a co-requisite)
Course Goals
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
This section needs to specify what general learning outcomes this course sets out to
achieve and how it will contribute to the students’ professional and academic development.
Course Objectives
Compared with the course goals, which may be very general and broad, the course
objectives are usually specific, and measurable. The course objectives outline what the
students will be able to say, do, think, feel, or perform at the end of the course.
In this section, the instructor needs to list as specifically as possible the learning outcomes
the course intends to achieve. The instructor needs to keep in mind the kinds of evidence
that he or she would like to collect for assessing student learning. In this section, avoid
using vague action verbs such as “understand” and “know” because these words tend to be
too broad and, thus, not measurable. Instead, use concrete action verbs such as “compare
and contrast,” “evaluate,” “employ,” and “analyze.” Avoid listing more than six learning
objectives. An example of an objective statement is as follows.
By the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to:
 discuss public law issues and their universal applicability in business.
 compare and contrast public law issues with private law issues.
Texts and Supplementary Materials
Required Text
Cross, F. B., & Miller, R. L. (2004). West's legal environment of business -text and cases ethical, regulatory, international, and e-Commerce Issues (5th ed.). Australia: Thomson SouthWestern West.
Follow APA 5th edition.
Grading Policy
The grades in this class break down as follows:
Threaded Discussion
300 pts
200 pts
500 pts
Total Points
1000 pts
Letter grades will be assigned according to the standard scale.
900-1000 pts. = A
800-899 pts. = B
700-799 pts. = C
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
600-699 pts. = D
Below 600pts = F
Description of Course Requirements
This section describes what the students need to submit for their grades. A very
comprehensive description of every specific assignment is suggested in an online course in
order to avoid a large quantity of students’ emails regarding the same issue.
For example:
Threaded Discussion
In this assignment, you will be paired up with another student in class to facilitate the
discussion of the required readings for a particular week. In the week when you are the
facilitator, you need to prepare a brief summary of the reading(s) (no more than 200 words)
and propose one or two questions to initiate the discussions in class. You need to post the
summary and the question(s) on Desire2Learn on the FIRST day (Monday) of the week
you are facilitating the discussion. After that, you need to check the discussion board on a
daily basis and respond to posts from the class during the whole week.
In the weeks when you are not facilitating the discussion, you need to respond at least
twice weekly in the class threaded discussion to discuss your project and/or comment on
the reading(s).
Every student will play the facilitating role at least two times during the semester.
You will take three exams throughout the semester, all delivered via Blackboard. These
exams include multiple-choice questions and essay writing. The exam content will be
largely based on video lectures and readings. Each exam will be worth 100 points.
There will be two (2) short projects, and each of them is worth 250 points. Grading of
these assignments will be on an “all or nothing” basis. Each project will be a “brief” of a
case or current event that relates to a chapter covered in the textbook. Assignments should
be typed, single-spaced, with 1-inch margins and a 12-pt. font. Total length of each
assignment should be no more than three pages. No grade will be given for those submitted
projects that do not relate to a chapter in the book or that contain spelling or formatting
Make-up Policy
Students are expected to take each exam on the date given and submit each assignment in a
timely manner. If for any reason a student cannot attend an exam or submit an assignment,
he or she must notify the instructor prior to the examination.
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
University Policy
Drop Policy
See the most recent OSU catalog at:
Academic Integrity
As a reminder, the University has a policy on academic honesty. You are expected to abide
by the procedures set forth in the document. For more information, please go to:
Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully
demonstrating his or her abilities should contact the instructor as soon as possible, so we
can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate your
educational opportunity. For more information about OSU Student Disability Services,
please go to: http://www.okstate.edu/ucs/stdis/
Tentative Schedule
January 9
Business activities and the legal
[Text] Chapter #
January 16
Ethics and Business Decision
Chapter #
Trevino, L. (2000)
January 23
Constitutional Law
Administrative Law
January 30
Criminal Law
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
Post selfintroduction to
Exam 1
Copying Materials from an Old Course to Your New One
Instructions on Copying Content in Desire2Learn (Online Classroom)
To copy content from a prior semester course into a future semester course in Desire2Learn (Online Classroom),
follow the steps at http://classroom.okstate.edu/oc/coursecopy.htm.
You created some nice stuff last semester. What if you want to use it now! What do you do? In Online Classroom,
you can copy the materials easily Here is the step by step procedure:
Step 1 In your new course (the one that does not have the materials), click on Edit Course. Then click on
Make sure the option "Copy Components from another Org Unit" is selected. Click the Next button.
Step 2. See a list of items you can bring from courses. Scroll to the bottom to find the option "Existing Offering".
And click the down arrow to select the course, or offering, that contains the materials you want to copy to this course.
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
Step 3. After highlighting (selecting) the course, wait a few seconds for the screen addition to appear.
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
Step 4. Check the boxes of the items you want to copy to your new course. Here, we have check only the surveys.
Notice, you can copy all items or you can select individual items. For example, if we had more than one survey in the
old course, we could select only one of them. Click Next.
Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09
Step 5. Confirm that the material you want is listed. Here, we see that all survey items contained in the old course are
going to be copied into our new course. Click Next.
Step 6. Click Done when finished. There you are, your materials have been copied to your new course.
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Distributed 2/2008
Revised 9/26/09