CV - ICT-Enhanced Education Laboratory

City College, The City University of New York
Convent Avenue at 138th Street,
North Academic Building, 6/207
New York, NY 10031
tel. 212-650-5037
fax 212-650-7530
Ed.D. Mathematics Education. University of Pittsburgh
Dissertation Topic: “Expert and novice use of visual representations in advanced
mathematical problem solving”. Dissertation Advisor: Edward A. Silver
M.A. Mathematics. University of Pittsburgh
M.Ed. Mathematics Education. Boston University
B.S. Elementary Education (summa cum laude) Boston University
Diploma/Certification Elementary Education. Pedagogical Academy, Cyprus
National Science Foundation Early Career Award
Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for Research in Education.
School of Education Jean M. Slack Doctoral Fellowship. University of Pittsburgh
Pi Lambda Theta member (International Honor Society in Education)
Eleni Gatzoyiannis Fellowship. Boston University
School of Education Scholarship. Boston University
Fulbright Scholarship. Fulbright, Washington DC.
Fostering “Mathematical Practices” In Urban Classrooms: Focus On Representation And
Justification. Funded by the NSF CAREER program.
Understanding the Development of Undergraduate Students' Abilities in Justifying and Proving
in Advanced Mathematics. Funded by the PSC-CUNY 35 Research Award Program.
Invigorating The Early Undergraduate Mathematics Experience: Understanding Linkages
Between Social And Cognitive Aspects Of Students’ Transition To Mathematical Proof. CoPrincipal Investigator with M. Blanton. Funded by the National Science Foundation, Research
on Learning and Education (ROLE) Division.
School of Education Small Research Grant. University of Pittsburgh
Expanding the impact of reform courses across CUNY. Funded by the US Department of
Education and the Petrie Foundation. Principal Director.
2007-2009 Designing A Capstone Mathematics Courses For Undergraduates: Preparing Teachers For
Excellence. Funded by the US Department of Education and the Petrie Foundation. Principal
Director (with Michael Salwen as co-director).
2006-2007 Improving Teacher Preparation in New York City. Funded by the US Department of
Education. Principal Director.
Research Associate – Project DELTA directed by Cathy Fosnot.
Collaborator as an “External Education Specialist” on IBM’s project “Teaching Buddy:
Technology-Assisted Analysis of Teaching Practice” lead by Dr. Juan Huerta.
Math in the City. Co-director. Funded by the New York City Department of Education.
Fostering “Mathematical Practices” In Urban Classrooms: Focus On Representation And
Justification. Principal Investigator. Funded by the NSF CAREER program.
Invigorating The Early Undergraduate Mathematics Experience: Understanding Linkages
Between Social And Cognitive Aspects Of Students’ Transition To Mathematical Proof.
Co-Principal Investigator with M. Blanton funded by the National Science Foundation.
Research Associate for the Math in Motion: Investigating the Relationship Between
Formal Mathematics and Body Action project, directed by Drs. R. Nemirovsky and J.
Kaput and funded by the National Science Foundation.
Research Collaborator in the project Effective learning and teaching of mathematics from
primary to secondary school (ELTMAPS) directed by L. Rogers and J. Novotná, funded
by European Commission - COMENIUS Action, Bologna, Italy
Graduate Research Assistant for the NAEP Interpretive Reports Project and the
Benchmarks of Student Understanding Project directed by Dr. E. Silver and funded by the
Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Learning Research and Development
Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Research Assistant and Curriculum Developer for the Gateways to Advanced
Mathematical Thinking and the Connected Geometry projects directed by Drs. A. Cuoco,
E. Dubinsky, P. Goldenberg, and W. Harvey and funded by the National Science
Foundation. Education Development Center, Newton, MA
2006- current
2002 (Spring)
1996 (Spring)
Associate Professor. City College and The Graduate Center - The City University of New York
Assistant Professor. City College and The Graduate Center - The City University of New York
Visiting Professor. University of Cyprus - Department of Education
Assistant Professor. University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, Mathematics Department
Adjunct Instructor. Regis College, Massachusetts – Mathematics Department
Elementary School Teacher. Cyprus Public Schools
Books (peer reviewed)
Stylianou, D. A., Blanton, M., & Knuth, E. (2009). Teaching and Learning Proof Across the Grades.
Routledge - Taylor Francis and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Journal Articles (peer reviewed)
Stylianou, D. A. (in press). Teachers' Conceptions of Representation in the Context of Middle School
Mathematics. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
Blanton, M. & Stylianou, D. (2009). Behind the Veil of Academic Freedom: Challenges in Building a
Mathematics Faculty Community of Practice. Journal of Innovative Higher Education, 34 (2).
Meletiou, M., Paparistodimou, E. & Stylianou, D. A. (2009). Enhancing the teaching and learning of early
statistical reasoning in elementary schools: Integrating technology in professional development. The
Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, 6, 57-77
Imm, K. & Stylianou, D., & Chae, N. (2008). Student Representations at the Center: A Consideration of
Equity. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 13, 458-463
Meletiou, M. & Stylianou, D. A. (2006). A cross-national comparison of teachers’ practices in the third
international mathematics and science study: Instructional and policy implications Pedagogiki
Epitheorisi, 40
Stylianou, D. A. & Meletiou, M. & (2005). Graphical representation of data: The effect of the use of
dynamical statistics technological tool. Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis, XLII, 2, 273-294
Stylianou, D. A., Smith, B., & Kaput, J. J. (2005). Math in motion: Using CBRs to enact functions. Journal
of Technology in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 24 (2), 299-324.
Stylianou, D. A. & Grzegorczyk, I. (2005). Symmetry in mathematics and art: Exploration of an art venue
for the learning of mathematics. PRIMUS, XV (1), 30-44.
Leikin, R., Stylianou, D. A., & Silver, E. (2005). Visualization and mathematical knowledge: Drawing the
net of a truncated cylinder. Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 4 (1), 139
Stylianou, D. A. & Silver, E. A. (2004). The role of visual representations in advanced mathematical
problem solving: An examination of expert-novice similarities and differences. Journal of
Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 6 (4). 353-387.
Stylianou, D. A. & Meletiou, M. (2003). Dynamic software: New potential for technology use in the teaching
of mathematics. Sychroni Ekpaideusi, 132, 47-57
Stylianou, D. A. (2002). On the interaction of visualization and analysis – The negotiation of a visual
representation in problem solving. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 21, 3, 303-317
Stylianou, D. A. & Shapiro, L. (2002). Revitalizing algebra: The effect of the use of a cognitive tutor in a
college algebra developmental course. Journal of Educational Media, 27, 3, 147-171
Stylianou, D. A. & Kaput, J. J. (2002). Linking phenomena to representations: A gateway to the
understanding of complexity. Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1(2),
Stylianou, D. A., Kenney, P. A., Silver, E. A. & Alacaci, C. (2000). Gaining insight into students’ thinking
through assessment tasks. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle Grades, 6, 136-144
Book Chapters
Blanton, M., Stylianou, D., & David, M. (2009). The nature of instructional scaffolding in whole class
discourse on mathematical proof. In D. Stylianou, Blanton, M., & Knuth, E. (2009). Teaching and
Learning Proof Across the Grades. Routledge - Taylor Francis and National Council of Teachers of
Meletiou-Mavrotheris, M. & Stylianou, D. (2003). Advancing from elementary to secondary school
mathematics in Cyprus: A step or a leap? In L. Rogers & J. Novotná (Eds.), Effective Learning and
Teaching of Mathematics from Primary to Secondary School (pp. 53-81). Bologna, Italy: Pitagora.
Stylianou, D. A., & Meletiou-Mavrotheris, M. (2003). Building Instructional Bridges from Elementary to
Secondary School: A New Role for Technology. In L. Rogers & J. Novotná (Eds.), Classroom
Contexts: Effective Learning and Teaching of Mathematics from Primary to Secondary School (pp. 2941). Bologna, Italy: Pitagora.
Stylianou, D. A. & Pitta-Pantazi, D. (2002). Visualization and high achievement in mathematics: A critical
look at successful visualization strategies. In F. Hitt (Ed.), Representations and Mathematics
Visualization (pp. 31-45). Mexico: CINVESTAV
Stylianou, D. A. (2001). Towards an understanding of the processes involved in visual representation use:
A study of advanced problem solvers. In S. Smith, G. W. Blume, & M. K. Heid, M. (Eds.), The role of
representation in the teaching and learning of mathematics, 2001 Yearbook for the Pennsylvania
Council of Teachers of Mathematics (pp.45-57). Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Stylianou, D. A. & Smith, M. S. (2000) Examining student responses: A strategy for developing pre-service
elementary teachers’ understanding of algebra. In M. K. Heid, M. S. Smith, & G. W. Blume (Eds.),
Algebra across the grades, 2000 Yearbook for the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(pp. 23-32). Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Silver, E. A., Alacaci, C., Stylianou, D. A. (2000). Students’ mathematical problem solving, reasoning and
communication: Examining performance on extended constructed response tasks. In E. A. Silver & P.
A. Kenney (Eds.), Results from the Seventh Mathematics Assessment of the National Assessment of
Educational Progress (pp. 301-341). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Conference Proceedings (peer reviewed with research presentations)
Huerta, J. & Stylianou, D. (2008). Teaching Buddy: Speech and Language Technologies for Assisting and
Assessing Instructional Practice. European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL). Ayia Napa, Cyprus
Stylianou, D. A. (2008). Representation as a cognitive and social practice. Proceedings of the joint
meeting of the 28th Annual Meeting for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and Psychology of
Mathematics Education - North America
Chae, N., Imm, K., & Stylianou, D. (2007). Deepening practice: Emerging conceptions of representation
among secondary mathematics teachers. In the Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting for the
Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America.
Stylianou, D. A., Chae, N. & Blanton, M. L. (2006). Students’ proof schemes: A closer look at what
characterizes students’ proof conceptions. In the Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting for the
Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America.
Blanton, M. L. & Stylianou, D. A. (2005). Relationships between undergraduate students’ proof
conceptions, beliefs about proof and classroom experiences with learning proof. In the Proceedings of
the 26th Annual Meeting for the Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America.
Stylianou, D. A. & Blanton, M. L. (2004). A "Proof Story" Across the Grades: Beginning a Conversation on
the Learning of Proof in Grades K-16. In the Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting for the
Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America. Toronto
Stylianou, D. A. & Meletiou-Mavrotheri, M. (2003). A cross-national comparison of teachers’ practices in
the third international mathematics and science study: Instructional and policy implications. In the
Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference of Mathematics Education, (pp. 353-361). Athens,
Greece: Hellenic Mathematical Society.
Meletiou-Mavrotheri, M. & Stylianou, D. A. (2003). On the formalist view of mathematics: Impact on
statistics instruction and learning. In the Proceedings of the Conference of the European Society for
Research in Mathematics Education. Belaria, Italy.
Meletiou-Mavrotheri, M. & Stylianou, D. A. (2003). Graphical representation of data: The effect of the use
of dynamical statistics technological tool. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on
Computer Based Learning in Science and Mathematics, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Blanton, M. L., Stylianou, D. A. & David, M. M. (2003). The nature of scaffolding in undergraduate
students' transition to mathematical proof. In the Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting for the
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (vol. 2, pp. 113-120), Honolulu,
Hawaii: Center for Research and Development Group, University of Hawaii.
Stylianou, D. A. & Blanton, M. L. (2002). Sociocultural factors in undergraduate mathematics: The role of
explanation and justification. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Teaching
of Mathematics. Crete, Greece.
Stylianou, D. A. & Grzegorczyk, I. (2002). Exploration of an art venue for the learning of mathematics: the
case of symmetry. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting for the International Group for the
Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 33-40). Norwich, UK.
Stylianou, D. A. & Kaput, J. J. (2002). Understanding Complexity: Linking Phenomena to Representations.
In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting for the Psychology of Mathematics Education - North
America (Vol. 1, pp. 341-352). Athens, GA.
Blanton, M. L. & Stylianou, D. A. (2002). Exploring sociocultural aspects of undergraduate students’
transition to mathematical proof. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting for the Psychology of
Mathematics Education - North America (Vol. 4, pp. 1673-1680). Athens, GA.
Stylianou, D. A. (2001). On the reluctance to visualize in mathematics: Is the picture changing? In
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics
Education (Vol. 4, pp. 225-232). Utrecht, The Netherlands: The Freudenthal Institute.
Stylianou, D. A. & Shapiro, L. J. (2000). The effect of the use of a cognitive tutor in a developmental
algebra course. In Proceedings of the 2000 Mediterranean Conference of Mathematics Education
(pp. 205-214), Nicosia, Cyprus
Stylianou, D. A., Leikin, R. & Silver, E. A. (1999). Exploring students' solution strategies in solving a spatial
visualization problem involving nets. In O. Zaslavsky (Ed.) Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of
the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 241-248). Haifa, Israel:
Technion -Israel Institute of Technology
Stylianou, D. A. & Dubinsky, E. (1999). Determining linearity: The use of visual imagery in problem solving.
In Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting for the Psychology of Mathematics Education - North
America (PME-NA) (pp. 245-252). Cuernavaca, Mexico: Centro de Investigación y de Estudios
Avanzados del IPN and Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
Stylianou, D. A. (1998). Undergraduate students' understanding of solutions of systems of equations. In
proceedings of the International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics (pp. 284-286). Samos,
Blanton, M. & Stylianou, D. (2009). Difference Do Our Words Make?: Discourse and Knowing in
Undergraduate Students' Learning of Proof. Invited colloquium presentation at Michigan State
CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (no proceedings available):
Lambert, R., Imm, K., Chae, N. & Stylianou, D. (April, 2009). Identity and agency in urban mathematical
worlds. AERA conference. Paper presentation at the AERA conference
Imm, K., Chae, N., Lambert, R., & Stylianou, D. (April 2009). Talking mathematically: Learning
mathematics in high discourse communities. Paper presentation at the AERA conference
Chae, N., Imm, K., & Stylianou, D. (April 2008). "Practice-Based Professional Development: Emerging
Understandings of Representation among Secondary Mathematics Teachers". Roundtable
presentation at the AERA conference
Helft, S., Stylianou, D. & Blanton, M. (April 2008). Understanding the Development of Aspects of Proof
Construction. Poster presentation at the AERA conference
Blanton, M., Hegedus, S., Brady, C., Goble, I., Gresalfi, M. Penuel, W., & Stylianou, D. (April 2008).
Exploring Frameworks for Capturing Students’ Mathematical Identities in Diverse Classroom
Settings. Symposium at the AERA conference
Blanton, M., Herbst, P., Knuth, E., Rasmussen, C., Stylianou, D., & Weber, K. (April 2008). Research
Paradigms on Teaching and Learning Proof Across the Grades. Symposium at the NCTM Research
Blanton, M. & Stylianou, D. (2007). Linking Classroom Discourse to Student Learning in Undergraduate
Mathematics Instruction. Poster presentation at the NCTM Research Pre-session conference
Blanton, M. & Stylianou, D. (2007). Interpreting a Community of Practice Perspective in University
Mathematics Faculty Development. Research paper presentation at the NCTM Research Presession conference
Imm, K., Chae, N., & Stylianou, D. (2007). Teachers' Conceptions of Representation in the Context of
Middle School Mathematics. Research paper presentation at the AERA conference
Stylianou, D. A., Chae, N. & Blanton, M. L. (2007). Proof Schemes And Problem Solving Of
Undergraduate Mathematics Students. Research paper presentation at the AERA conference
Meletiou, M., Paparistodimou, E. & Stylianou, D. A. (July, 2006). Improving the teaching of statistics in
early grades through technology-enhanced learning environments. Paper presentation at the
International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Bahia, Brazil
Stylianou, D. & Blanton, M. (April, 2006). Undergraduate students’ conceptions of proof. Poster
presentation at the AERA conference. San Fransisco, CA
Blanton, M., Dougherty, B., McClain, K., Smith, J., & Stylianou, D. (April, 2006). The Discourse of Proof
and Argumentation Across the Grades. Research symposium presented at the NCTM Research Presession.
Stylianou, D., Rotou, O., & Blanton, M. (August, 2005). Undergraduate students’ conceptions of proof.
Paper presentation at the EARLI conference. Nicosia, Cyprus
Meletiou, M., Paparistodimou, E. & Stylianou, D. A. (August, 2005). Enhancing the teaching and learning
of early statistical reasoning in Cypriot elementary schools. Paper presentation at the EARLI
conference. Nicosia, Cyprus
Blanton, M. & Stylianou, D. (April, 2005). Building A Mathematics Faculty Community of Practice: Towards
a Theoretical Framework. Paper presentation at the AERA meeting. Montreal.
Meletiou-Mavrotheri, M. & Stylianou, D. A. (July, 2004). Variability in graphical representation of data:
Using of dynamical statistics technology to explore student misconceptions. Commonwealth
Association for Science, Technology and Mathematics Educators (CASTME). Cyprus.
Blanton, M., Stylianou, D. & David, M. (October, 2003). Instructional scaffolding and the zone of proximal
development: An examination of whole-class discourse and student learning in mathematical proof.
Presentation at the Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (MAA SIGMA on RUME).
Scottsdale, Arizona
Stylianou, D. A. (April, 2002). Dynamic geometry in the classroom. Presentation at the Third Conference
on the Use of Technology in the Classroom. Nicosia, Cyprus
Stylianou, D. A. (April, 2001). Interaction of visualization and analysis in advanced mathematical problem
solving. Paper presentation at the AERA meeting. Seattle, WA
Stylianou, D. A. & Silver, E. A. (April, 2000). Expert and novice use of visual representations in advanced
mathematical problem solving. Roundtable presentation at the AERA meeting, New Orleans, LA
Stylianou, D. A. (October, 1999). Students' problem solving: An analysis of twelfth-grade students'
responses to open-ended NAEP questions. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics Northeastern Regional Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Alacaci, C & Stylianou, D. (October, 1999). Students’ mathematical reasoning and communication: Insights
from two constructed response NAEP questions. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics Northeastern Regional Conference. Pittsburgh, PA
Silver, E. A., Alacaci, C. & Stylianou, D. A. (April, 1998). Gaining insights into students' problem solving:
An analysis of student responses to NAEP's constructed response questions. Presented at the
AERA meeting. San Diego, CA
Stylianou, D. & Blanton, M. (forthcoming). Research Paradigms on Teaching and Learning Proof Across
the Grades. Symposium at the NCTM Research Pre-session.
Blanton, M., Stylianou, D., & Weber, K. (2007). Research Paradigms in the Teaching and Learning of
Proof. Invitational International Conference. Providence, RI, 2007.
Blanton, M., Dougherty, B., McClain, K., Smith, J., & Stylianou, D. (April, 2006). The Discourse of Proof
and Argumentation Across the Grades. Research symposium presented at the NCTM Research Presession.
Stylianou, D. A. & Blanton, M. L. (2004). A "Proof Story" Across the Grades: Beginning a Conversation on
the Learning of Proof in Grades K-16. Working Group at the 25th Annual Meeting for the Psychology of
Mathematics Education - North America. Toronto
Blanton and Stylianou (2004). The Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Proof Across the Grades.
Invitational International Conference. Providence, RI, 2004.
Advisory Boards
- Center for School Development – funded by the Petrie Foundation
- The James J. Kaput Center for Research and Innovation in Mathematics Education
- Research Laboratory in Education – The European University of Cyprus.
AERA – SIG-RME Executive Board Elected Member (2009-2011)
Research Grant Reviewing
National Science Foundation – Panelist for various programs
PSC-CUNY Education grant panel – The City University of New York
Faculty-Student Research Fund Committee – University of Pittsburgh
Book, Journal Manuscript, and Conference Proposal Reviewing
Key Curriculum Press
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Mathematical Thinking and Learning: An International Journal.
Journal of Mathematical Behavior
The New Educator
Cognition and Instruction
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education
PME-International annual meetings
PME-North America annual meetings
AERA annual meetings
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School.