
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/1~5/2) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(24%)
1. Just like people, parrots have tongues that _____ them to make human sounds. (5/2)
(A) suppose
(B) embed
(C) enable
(D) propose
2. As long as people can lead amazing lives themselves, it's not _____ necessary for them to get
married. (5/2)
(A) absolutely
(B) publicly
(C) irrationally
(D) bravely
3. Sometimes I begin things with a great amount of _____, but then I end up discouraged. (5/2)
(A) syndrome
(B) instance
(C) voucher
(D) enthusiasm
4. Some people indulge in having parties on the weekends, while others _____ nature. (5/2)
(A) inspire
(B) embrace
(C) prohibit
(D) locate
II. 文意選填。(70%)
There are many traditional sayings that show the importance of family ties. The phrase, blood
is thicker than water, is one of them. It means that family ties, _(5)_ with parents or siblings, are
always stronger than other factors. Another saying is having a face only a mother would love. This
means mothers love their children no matter how ugly they are. This is _(6)_ love since nothing is
expected in return. However, not all family ties are positive. The phrase the apple doesn't fall far
from the tree usually _(7)_ character flaws that are passed on. Some families seem to get along
_(8)_ each other easily. They meet regularly and seem to enjoy each other's company _(9)_. In
others, one person may always be _(10)_ the other members to do things. One relative's insistence
_(11)_ doing things a certain way may get on another relative's nerves.
A touching story of a father's wise way of getting his sons to stay in _(12)_ with each other
after he died, shows the importance of family ties. One man wanted to share what his father did
with another stranger because he knew it would be inspirational. Their fateful meeting results in a
change for the better. The father in the story arranged for his two sons to meet for a meal after years
of _(13)_. After his death, the father arranged for them to meet again at the same restaurant. He did
this by leaving them an envelope filled with dining vouchers. The sons were moved and _(14)_
their father's wishes. By meeting after his death, they made amends for the years they spent apart.
(A) with
(F) urging
(K) whether
(B) heeded
(G) on
(L) touch
(C) unconditional
(H) describes
(D) which
(I) separation
答案:5. (K) 6. (C) 7. (H) 8. (A) 9. (E) 10. (F) 11. (G) 12. (L)
(E) immensely
(J) destructive
13. (I) 14. (B)
III. 翻譯填空。(6%)
15. 這篇文章所牽涉的資訊大部份都超出我的理解範圍。(5/2)
Most of this article refers to information that is way beyond my understanding.
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/3~5/4) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(40%)
1. At the press conference, the actor _____ that he was planning on divorcing his wife. (5/3)
(A) arranged
(B) acknowledged
(C) ignored
(D) postponed
2. Unfortunately, there's nothing unusual about the _____ of bullying in Taiwan or the West. (5/3)
(A) existence
(B) gratitude
(C) moral
(D) brigade
3. As soon as the police arrived at the protest, they began _____ the troublemakers. (5/3)
(A) ignoring
(B) providing
(C) exploding
(D) identifying
4. When you leave the air-conditioned paradise of your home and step outside during the summer,
a _____ of hot air will hit your face. (5/3)
(A) vanity
(B) trend
(C) blast
(D) nature
5. My favorite picture fell off the wall and the glass _____ into pieces. (5/3)
(A) shattered
(B) hosted
(C) challenged
(D) coached
6. In the last decade, _____ of diabetes in Asia's youth have skyrocketed. (5/3)
(A) opportunities
(B) incidences
(C) hamlets
(D) footages
7. The WNBA season is played in the summer so that the games don't compete with their male
counterparts for news _____. (5/3)
(A) asteroid
(B) meteor
(C) coverage
(D) flash
8. Websites and news sources have been buzzing with rumors and _____ about the new iPhone.
(A) speculation
(B) competition
(C) insistence
(D) enthusiasm
II. 綜合測驗。(50%)
There's always a buzz in the world of fashion. At the Florence fashion week, it's not just clothes that
are up for awards. Crowds _(9)_ to fashion show after parties to enjoy gourmet excitement. The vibrant
parties are just as important as the beautiful clothes on the catwalk. To transform food _(10)_ a fashion
statement takes a special team. Ricevementi is an _(11)_ caterer who heads a team that gets tested to the
limit. His team caters thousands of the most _(12)_ guests in the world. It is a challenge his team steps up
to with ease. They won first prize for being the best caterers in a competition against more than 60 top
Italian catering companies. It's all aimed at people who are enthusiasts of style and beauty, whether in
food or clothes. A program like National Geographic Channel's about Ricevementi is exciting because
there is always the possibility that his team will snap under the _(13)_. Most likely, though, they will step
up and meet the challenge. (5/4)
9. (A) heed
10. (A) into
11. (A) award-won
12. (A) critical
13. (A) hometown
III. 翻譯填空。(10%)
(B) flock
(B) for
(B) award-winning
(B) poisonous
(B) voucher
(C) bother
(C) in
(C) winning-award
(C) fateful
(C) distance
(D) urge
(D) at
(D) won-award
(D) absolute
(D) pressure
14. 吸入這樣受到汙染的空氣就等於每天抽兩包菸。(5/3)
Breathing in such polluted air is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes per day.
15. 那個島上大多數的動植物都是地球上別的地方絕無僅有的。(5/3)
The vast majority of plants and animals on that island don't exist anywhere else on Earth.
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/6~5/7) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(50%)
1. Owing to the doctor's _____, there are new medical facilities in the remote village. (5/6)
(A) gourmet
(B) runway
(C) devotion
(D) cuisine
2. To be a Renaissance person, one must excel in _____ fields, particularly the arts and sciences. (5/7)
(A) multiple
(B) radiant
(C) vulgar
(D) implicit
3. Although the work was hard in the beginning, Cathy is finally _____ to her new job. (5/7)
(A) indicated
(B) blasted
(C) rebooted
(D) adjusted
4. Office chairs must be _____ and have the ability to stand up to the pressure of being sat on thousands
of times. (5/7)
(A) durable
(B) tolerable
(C) amateur
(D) widespread
5. Steven has been known for his remarkable _____ in the field of computer science. (5/7)
(A) ecstasy
(B) expertise
(C) supplement
(D) installation
6. The blackmailer _____ to make the politician's love letters to his mistress public. (5/7)
(A) threatened
(B) flattered
(C) leaned
(D) rotated
7. The Indian restaurant down the street always emits a _____ smell. (5/7)
(A) fateful
(B) critical
(C) distinctive
(D) lucrative
8. While some privacy _____ say that Google Street View violates their rights, Google claims that all
photos have been taken from public property. (5/6)
(A) advocates
(B) extensions
(C) challenges
(D) competitions
9. Nothing can _____ me from reaching my goal of becoming a lawyer. (5/6)
(A) heed
(B) hinder
(C) arrange
(D) ignore
A 10. The characters which the author created are so _____ that you'll never forget them. (5/7)
(A) memorable
(B) portable
(C) grateful
(D) poisonous
II. 閱讀測驗。(30%)
Nightmares may literally be wake up calls. Scientists researching sleep have come to the conclusion
that nightmares serve a function. They may exist to alert the person to something which is physically
wrong with them. They can also show that there is a problem with their life that needs to change.
Nightmares should be treated as clues from one's subconscious. A sleeper who has had a nightmare
should act like a detective and try to find out what the dream means. Instead of being afraid of
nightmares, treat them as puzzles that need to be solved, and they may end up helping to solve a health
issue or a life crisis. If you wake up with heart pounding and forehead damp with sweat after being
pursued by a pack of angry, greasy hamburgers, it could be a clue. It could mean you should give up fast
food, since your body clearly isn't enjoying it. In fact, your body is signaling that it wants you to run
away from fast food. Perhaps you have dreamed that you are doing hard labor in a harsh, desert
landscape. There is a crazed foreman cracking a whip at you. This could mean that it is time to change
your job and your boss. Traditionally it was said that eating cheese before bed would give you
nightmares. Scientists studying sleep would probably agree that there is a grain of truth in this. However,
their scientific interpretation would be that you may be allergic to milk products and should give them up.
Your mind is providing you with a play, with yourself as the central character, so that you cannot misread
the plot. (5/6)
C 11. What should nightmares be treated as?
(A) A wake up call to lose weight and get fit.
(B) A need for a better sleep pattern.
(C) The mind is trying to tell you something.
(D) An opportunity to get up and say a prayer.
B 12. What things can nightmares indicate?
(A) Touching stories.
(B) Health and life problems.
(C) Somebody's favorite activities.
(D) Popular movies.
A 13. Why may traditional advice about sleep be useful?
(A) It could be a non-scientific explanation of something scientifically true.
(B) Tradition has a longer history than science.
(C) People understand traditional sayings better than science.
(D) Cheese is a traditional food, so traditional advice is more appropriate.
III. 翻譯填空。(20%)
14. Vivian 獲准進入她夢想中的大學時欣喜若狂。(5/7)
Vivian was in ecstasy when she got accepted into the college that she had always dreamed of.
The prisoner's need to be free led him to escape in the middle of a cold winter's night.
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/8~5/9) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(40%)
1. The mother tried to _____ Bobby from his sister to stop their fight. (5/8)
(A) blast
(B) separate
(C) shatter
(D) identify
2. A _____ of locals and foreigners attended the gathering in celebration of the mayor's birthday.
(A) mixture
(B) contact
(C) sibling
(D) convention
3. Christmas is a holiday that can be _____ back to the birth of Jesus Christ. (5/8)
(A) catered
(B) flocked
(C) stalked
(D) traced
4. To keep fit, it is _____ that you spend one hour exercising every day. (5/8)
(A) poisonous
(B) amateur
(C) essential
(D) heartfelt
5. The manager _____ a new way of doing the work, hoping to improve the efficiency. (5/9)
(A) dined
(B) awarded
(C) bothered
(D) adopted
6. Lucy bought a formal gown so that she could dress _____ for her friend's wedding. (5/9)
(A) properly
(B) reluctantly
(C) manually
(D) candidly
7. There are a variety of ways to achieve success, but they all _____ hard work and determination.
(A) provide
(B) involve
(C) ignore
(D) enable
8. Mt. Everest is _____ among climbers as one of the most challenging climbs in the world. (5/9)
(A) absolute
(B) durable
(C) legendary
(D) critical
II. 篇章結構。(40%)
Bollywood is probably a more popular film genre globally than Hollywood. In recent years with
movies like Three Idiots, Bollywood movies have taken the rest of the world by storm. From Eygpt to
Russia, everyone knows and loves Bollywood. The term Bollywood comes from a combination of the
place names, Bombay and Hollywood. _(9)_ That makes it the movie capital of the Hindi-language film
industry. Hong Kong is famous for its prolific film industry, but it is much smaller compared to India.
Eight hundred movies a year are produced in India, over twice the number of US movies made. _(10)_
The average Hollywood movie lasts 90 minutes. The average Bollywood movie is four hours. _(11)_ A
single movie may have a dozen song and dance numbers to spice up the plot. Movie choreography
features hundreds of dancers in lavish costumes on complex sets. Indian movie lovers liken their movies
to Masala. _(12)_ Indian movies don't just feature great tunes, moving lyrics, and joyful dancing. The
plots have complex formats. There are star-crossed lovers and love triangles. There are long-lost siblings
and rival brothers. There are heroes, bad guys, and mostly happy endings. The most unusual thing for
Western audiences is that all this unfolds with little physical contact. _(13)_ Indian movies are pure,
clean entertainment, suitable for the whole family. No wonder an unbelievable 14 million people go to
the movies every day in India. (5/8)
(A) Over the years, Bollywood movies have created a lot of Indian superstars.
(B) It's not just the number of movies produced that is incredible.
(C) This is the famous mix of Indian spices that has a little of everything and delivers a rich flavor.
(D) These long films are jam-packed with dancers, singers, drama, and special effects.
(E) There are no scenes with kissing, and certainly no sex.
(F) Bombay, the old name for Mumbai, is the movie capital of India.
答案:9. (F) 10. (B)
11. (D) 12. (C) 13. (E)
III. 翻譯填空。(10%)
14. 你要考慮到並非每個人都像你這麼幸運。(5/9)
You have to take it into consideration / account that everyone isn't as lucky as you are.
IV. 中翻英。(10%)
15. Judy 和 Robert 分手對我而言一點都不驚訝,因為我早就知道他們的關係不會長久。
(建議用 come
as no surprise)(5/9)
Judy and Robert's break-up came as no surprise to me because I knew their relationship
wouldn't last.
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/10~5/11) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(24%)
1. When dealing with North Korea, the US tries to use a carrot and stick _____. (5/10)
(A) trend
(B) convention
(C) footage
(D) approach
2. Don't _____ the problem of altitude sickness when climbing the mountain. (5/10)
(A) overlook
(B) hinder
(C) evacuate
(D) expire
3. It seems that global warming is _____ getting worse every year. (5/10)
(A) primitively
(B) increasingly
(C) anxiously
(D) respectively
4. It was quite _____ to be kicked out of the restaurant for causing a fight with the waiter. (5/10)
(A) enthusiastic
(B) inspirational
(C) humiliating
(D) widespread
II. 文意選填。(70%)
One of the most important lessons in life is that if at first you don't succeed, try again. In
nature, you can see this as baby turtles struggle their way out of their eggs and make for the sea.
Whatever _(5)_ stands in their ways, they keep going. In all of nature, nothing comes _(6)_.
Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck _(7)_ in her book Mindset that all successful Silicon Valley
entrepreneurs have failed early and often, but then learned from their mistakes. She thinks that
when you get something wrong, it's OK and that you just need to try a new _(8)_. Doing something
_(9)_ until you can do it properly is the way to success. In this era of helicopter and snow plow
parenting, it's a _(10)_ lesson to remember. Parents nowadays are focused only on their children's
success. They forget that the learning process is important, too. They hover over their children
_(11)_ helicopters to make sure everything they do is correct. They even push obstacles out of their
kids' way like snow plows. By doing this, they end up _(12)_ children's instinct to keep pushing
until they succeed. Parents have to understand the value of learning from failures, even at a young
age. Although frustrating, they need to see their kid trying over and over again. If they watch from
a distance, they will see their children gaining knowledge from situations _(13)_ went wrong. Then
perhaps parents will learn to let their child find new solutions _(14)_ their problems on their own.
(A) notes
(B) damaging
(C) like
(D) plastic
(E) valuable
(F) obstacle
(G) repeatedly
(H) requiring
(I) strategy
(J) to
(K) easily
(L) that
答案:5. (F) 6. (K) 7. (A) 8. (I)
9. (G) 10. (E) 11. (C) 12. (B)
13. (L) 14. (J)
III. 翻譯填空。(6%)
It's time to put everything that happened in the past behind us and start over.
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/13~5/14) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(40%)
1. The dog's remarkable ability to _____ faint odors allows them to make important contributions to the
lives of people. (5/13)
(A) hover
(B) adopt
(C) detect
(D) jam
2. Putting oneself in another person's shoes and seeing the world through their eyes can provide _____
insights. (5/14)
(A) valuable
(B) automotive
(C) drowsy
(D) respiratory
3. One of the _____ of living in another country is that you can experience a different culture. (5/14)
(A) siblings
(B) attitudes
(C) syndromes
(D) benefits
4. Classical music has been found to _____ long- and short-term memory in patients with memory loss.
(A) trigger
(B) advocate
(C) ensure
(D) blaze
5. Taiwanese people often believe that goods imported from overseas are _____ to local products.
(A) liberal
(B) superior
(C) resentful
(D) humiliating
6. Literary _____ have said that the writer's works were the result of his shocking experiences during
World War I. (5/14)
(A) critics
(B) plows
(C) obstacles
(D) strategies
7. Investigators look at all the clues to _____ who the prime suspects are. (5/14)
(A) overlook
(B) persuade
(C) determine
(D) flatter
8. We'll have to expand our factory's production _____ to keep up with customer demand. (5/13)
(A) insurance
(B) resistance
(C) prosperity
(D) capacity
II. 綜合測驗。(50%)
Biometrics are measurements of the human body. They can be about age, weight, and height. They
can also be about heartbeat, respiratory rate, and drowsiness. Researchers at sports car manufacturer
Ferrari have been undertaking an _(9)_ biometrics project. Ferrari not only designs and builds cars, but it
has a racing team. _(10)_ good results for its racing team means they need to have top-notch drivers.
Ferrari have developed a system in seat headrests to check drivers' brainwaves. Electrodes in seat
headrests keep track _(11)_ brainwaves. Using these electrodes, a driver's stress levels can be _(12)_.
Software can then warn the driver and reduce the _(13)_ for accidents. Of course, this technology can
also be applied to ordinary motorists. Motorists get tired and stressed, which is one of the reasons that
there are accidents. For example, a tired driver with a slower heartbeat may need more time to brake. The
car's computer can send a signal to the engine to reduce power. That gives the driver more time to react
in an emergency. (5/13)
9. (A) irrational
10. (A) Obtaining
11. (A) for
12. (A) shattered
13. (A) signal
III. 翻譯填空。(10%)
(B) absolute
(B) Obtain
(B) at
(B) monitored
(B) forehead
(C) ambitious
(C) Obtained
(C) of
(C) evacuated
(C) nightmare
(D) equivalent
(D) Obtains
(D) on
(D) expired
(D) potential
14. 這部電影的的原聲帶就人氣而言,比電影本身還來得持久。(5/14)
This movie soundtrack has outlasted the movie in terms of its popularity.
15. Charlotte 對於即將來臨的婚禮感到壓力很大,因為她希望一切都很完美。(5/13)
Charlotte is stressed out about her upcoming wedding because she wants everything to be perfect.
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/15~5/16) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(40%)
1. Plants _____ carbon dioxide into oxygen, which is what allows us to live and breathe. (5/15)
(A) award
(B) convert
(C) shatter
(D) isolate
2. Ironically, the man who saved my sister from drowning was not a _____ lifeguard. (5/15)
(A) certified
(B) detailed
(C) forced
(D) jammed
3. This area of the ocean is _____ for swimming because of all the pollution in it. (5/16)
(A) automotive
(B) respiratory
(C) ambitious
(D) unsuitable
4. During a job interview, you may be asked about your reasons for wanting the job and the skills you
_____. (5/16)
(A) overlook
(B) ignore
(C) possess
(D) acknowledge
5. Our new manager is planning to _____ some new regulations this month. (5/16)
(A) separate
(B) implement
(C) aspire
(D) inspire
6. My math teacher has such a talent for making difficult _____ understandable to my classmates and
me. (5/15)
(A) concepts
(B) pillars
(C) signals
(D) villagers
7. Over the past few years, I have heard high _____ of the engineering program here. (5/16)
(A) survey
(B) category
(C) profession
(D) praise
8. Most people see hundreds of advertisements every day, and it's obvious that they _____ the way we
shop. (5/16)
(A) react
(B) adopt
(C) influence
(D) receive
II. 篇章結構。(40%)
The majority of nations are concerned with their gross national product (GNP). _(9)_ The GNP is
an economic indicator that shows how rich or poor the country is in material terms. The measurement is
taken as an indicator of that nation's health. Alone in the world, there is a single nation that has chosen its
own indicator of well-being. Bhutan is unique in measuring its nation's health in happiness. Until 1974 it
was actually closed to the outside world. _(10)_ It is a non-economic variable. The concept has four
pillars, which are good governance, cultural preservation, environmental conservation, and sustainable
socio-economic development. _(11)_ The first GNH survey taken in 2010 found that only 40.9 percent of
people rated as happy. Bhutan's people, like people anywhere, want more from life. For example, Bhutan
has seen a big increase in car imports. Many people are giving up on rural life and moving to the city. In
2004, Bhutan was the first nation to impose a ban on tobacco products. _(12)_ In 2012, the ban was
amended as the government took action to give their people freedom of choice. The government also
plans for the entire country's farms to become organic. _(13)_ Rural farmers' children may be more
willing to stay in the countryside rather than move to the city. As a whole, it seems happiness is based on
the freedom of choice. (5/15~16)
(A) It is the last of these which is difficult to adhere to.
(B) However, what came out of this ban was a lot of unhappiness.
(C) This means how many goods and services the country can make.
(D) Bhutan then became the biggest producer of cotton in the world.
(E) In this way, farming should become more lucrative.
(F) Out of its isolation has come the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH).
答案:9. (C) 10. (F) 11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (E)
III. 翻譯填空。(10%)
14. 研究人員的分析得到蔓越莓有益人體健康的結論。(5/16)
The researchers' analysis yielded the conclusion that cranberries are beneficial to people's health.
IV. 中翻英。(10%)
15. 我們需要記住的是我們必須永遠不要放棄彼此,而且我們會永遠幸福的。(建議用 give up
What we need to remember is that we must never give up on each other and that we'll be happy
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/17~5/18) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(50%)
1. Some people are convinced that luck is profoundly involved in all _____ of our lives. (5/17)
(A) aspects
(B) duties
(C) organs
(D) praises
2. With _____ training, dogs can learn how to help disabled humans live a semi-normal life. (5/17)
(A) lucrative
(B) respiratory
(C) effective
(D) drowsy
3. The bombing prompted the US government to order its soldiers to stay _____ at all times. (5/17)
(A) absolute
(B) liberal
(C) greasy
(D) alert
4. By _____ our communication skills, we can greatly improve our personal relationships. (5/17)
(A) enhancing
(B) flattering
(C) certifying
(D) converting
5. The city government constantly _____ that every family must sort their garbage before disposal.
(A) employs
(B) emphasizes
(C) isolates
(D) explodes
6. Cecilia always consults with her colleagues before addressing her clients' _____. (5/17)
(A) opportunities
(B) enthusiasts
(C) concerns
(D) signals
7. The number of reported crimes in that remote region is increasing at an _____ rate. (5/17)
(A) intimate
(B) amusing
(C) indifferent
(D) alarming
8. Students who gamble usually do poorly in school, and throw away the _____ they were born with.
(A) potential
(B) obstacle
(C) entrepreneur
(D) novice
9. There are several ways that mountain climbers can avoid putting themselves at _____ of serious
altitude sickness. (5/17)
(A) reality
(B) risk
(C) contact
(D) plot
C 10. The scientist carefully analyzed the _____ in the meteorite, hoping to learn more about outer
space. (5/17)
(A) strategies
(B) challenges
(C) substances
(D) connections
II. 閱讀測驗。(30%)
According to a recent article in a medical journal, energy drinks may be causing harm to
children. An estimated 30 to 50 percent of US children consume these types of drinks regularly. One
of the problems is that many people are unaware that there is a difference between energy drinks and
sports drinks. Sports drinks contain sugar, but also nutrients and electrolytes that are lost during
heavy sweating. The aim of sports drinks is to replace these rapidly and prevent dehydration. Energy
drinks, on the other hand, are exactly what they are billed as. They give a burst of energy. They do
this by packing a sugar and caffeine punch, which is very similar to coffee. If adults are unable to
distinguish between these two types of drinks, how can kids? Guarana, ginseng, and taurine are often
listed as ingredients in energy drinks. These are supposed to give a natural boost to energy levels.
However, the amounts in the drink are so small, that the boost really comes from the sugar and
caffeine. Doctors warn that energy drinks with as much as 270 calories should not be given to
children. Kids with heart problems, diabetes, and attention deficit disorders should definitely not be
allowed to consume these products. Many children nowadays are given attention deficit disorder
medication. The article warns explicitly that children on such medication must avoid these beverages.
Some countries have already started monitoring the effects of energy drinks on health. Some serious
side effects have been noted. Liver and respiratory disorders, accelerated heart rates and seizures
have all been linked with use of energy drinks. Concerns were so great that Taiwan banned the
number one energy drink, Red Bull, for a few years, even though now it is back on the market.
B 11. What is the difference between sports drinks and energy drinks?
(A) Energy drinks don't contain sugar and caffeine.
(B) Sports drinks contain nutrients and electrolytes.
(C) Sports drinks don't contain sugar.
(D) Energy drinks aim to stop dehydration.
B 12. Why doesn't the medical journal warn adults about the dangers of energy drinks?
(A) They are old enough to deal with their own issues.
(B) The journal is concerned with children's medical issues.
(C) Children are able to distinguish between sports drinks and energy drinks.
(D) It warns adults not to give sports drinks to kids.
C 13. Why may energy drinks be especially harmful to children on attention deficit medication?
(A) Because people shouldn't mix different medications.
(B) Because energy drinks contain too much sugar.
(C) Because energy drinks may make attention deficit disorder worse.
(D) Because energy drinks don't contain enough nutrients and electrolytes
III. 翻譯填空。(10%)
14. 現代的狗零食充滿脂肪、糖份和鹽份,這會造成寵物不健康的食慾。(5/17)
Modern dog treats are loaded with fat, sugar, and salt, which create unhealthy cravings in pets.
IV. 中翻英。(10%)
15. 那位知名的新聞記者昨天晚上在電視上向女友求婚。(5/18)
The famous news reporter proposed to his girlfriend on TV last night.
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/20~5/21) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(40%)
1. With the many activities _____, it's impossible to be bored on this tiny tropical island. (5/21)
(A) unintended
(B) available
(C) organic
(D) liberal
2. I was quite shocked and upset when nobody stood up to _____ a seat for the pregnant woman on the
bus. (5/21)
(A) yield
(B) mislead
(C) enhance
(D) alert
3. Sam was very _____ when his car broke down in the middle of the busy intersection. (5/21)
(A) domestic
(B) effective
(C) embarrassed
(D) beneficial
4. The interviewer was so impressed with Karen's writing skills that he hired her on the _____. (5/21)
(A) term
(B) pillar
(C) shift
(D) spot
5. This _____ style became characteristic of paintings in the late 19th century. (5/21)
(A) particular
(B) transferrable
(C) humiliating
(D) automotive
6. Jennifer used to be an obedient student, but her recent behavior _____ her teachers. (5/20)
(A) employed
(B) puzzled
(C) detected
(D) triggered
7. The magician got a round of _____ when he opened the box to reveal that his assistant had vanished
into thin air. (5/21)
(A) combination
(B) emergency
(C) applause
(D) flexibility
8. When Judy was a little girl, she always hoped she would discover buried _____ in her backyard.
(A) treasure
(B) competition
(C) conservation
(D) disorder
II. 篇章結構。(40%)
When was the last time you saw a honey bee? _(9)_ The world over, honey bee colonies are
disappearing. Falling numbers of wild bees have been noted and the numbers of domestic bee colonies
have dropped even more. In the US in 2007, there was a dramatic rise in the number of domestic bee
colonies that were collapsing for no obvious reason. You may not think that this is disturbing for a few
reasons. _(10)_ However, the real casualty of disappearing bees will be the agricultural industry. Fruit
trees like apples, pears, and plums are all pollinated by bees. Cultivated fruit like strawberries and other
crops depend on bees. Bees live and work in colonies or hives. Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is when
worker bees just vanish. _(11)_ The collapse is puzzling to bee keepers for many reasons. The bees leave
food and the young ones behind, and there is no sign of workers bees' bodies. It is hard to find a specific
symptom which leads to CCD. _(12)_ Chemical pollution from insecticides has added stress to bee
populations. Colonies affected by CCD have suffered from a period of drought or food shortage before
the collapse. Bees carry mites, which needs the bee to survive. The parasite in turn, carries a virus. _(13)_
In a colony weakened by hunger, drought, or a polluted environment, however, it can be fatal. Scientists
are quickly trying to figure out what to do about the bees so they can be seen again. (5/20)
(A) However, it seems that a combination of factors may be involved.
(B) Without worker bees, the whole colony eventually dies.
(C) Effects resulting from bee bites are dizziness and vomiting.
(D) Chances are you haven't seen one in quite a few years.
(E) Usually this is not fatal to the bees.
(F) Perhaps you don't eat honey, or maybe you don't even eat sugar.
答案:9. (D) 10. (F) 11. (B) 12. (A) 13. (E)
III. 翻譯填空。(10%)
14. Cindy 和她的小妹妹長得非常像,但她們沒有任何共通點。(5/21)
Cindy and her little sister look very much alike, but they have nothing in common.
IV. 中翻英。(10%)
15. 護士替那小女孩打針時,她痛得大叫。(建議用 in pain)(5/21)
The little girl cried out in pain when the nurse gave her the injection.
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/22~5/23) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(24%)
1. There are only two slices of pizza left. Thus, we'll have to _____ them among the three of us. (5/22)
(A) stalk
(B) foresee
(C) plague
(D) split
2. Dali's artistic _____ reached far beyond painting and he left his mark on everything he touched.
(A) endeavors
(B) obstacles
(C) driveways
(D) entrepreneurs
3. Candice usually _____ things from a religious viewpoint, which makes many people feel she's
always preaching to them. (5/23)
(A) overlooks
(B) interprets
(C) humiliates
(D) ensures
4. Concerts paying _____ to the late country singer were held in many major cities around the world.
(A) knack
(B) scrutiny
(C) tribute
(D) norm
II. 文意選填。(70%)
Haruki Murakami is far from being a conventional Japanese writer. For one thing, the novelist's
name is well known in the West, _(5)_ he has a cult-like following. Although born in one of Japan's most
traditional cities, Kyoto, Murakami grew up all over Japan. The award-winning author even went to a
_(6)_ Tokyo university. However, even this was not enough to make him conform _(7)_ the norms of
Japanese society. Before he left university, Murakami showed his romantic character by getting married.
After graduating, much to his parents' _(8)_, he opened a coffee shop and jazz bar with his wife, thus
bringing together three of his four loves. Murakami's other great love, the one which he has garnered
international _(9)_ for, is writing. At the age of 29, he got his first book published and won a literary
prize. That set him _(10)_ the road to success, so he sold the bar and started traveling around Europe with
his wife. Murakami lived in Greece for a while, and wrote about the cats there. Sifting through his
writing, several themes _(11)_ from Murakami's work. Cats, jazz music, and enduring love are all
recurring threads in his work. His first international success was a love story _(12)_ Norwegian Wood
taken from the Beatles' song of the same name. Murakami is a fluent English speaker, but writes in
Japanese. His novels are laced with references to Western culture, for _(13)_ he has received negative
criticism in Japan. Murakami chose to _(14)_ in the US, and has been a lecturer at US universities. He is
also an excellent translator and has translated Truman Capote and Scott Fitzgerald among others.
(A) to
(B) emerge
(C) releases
(D) prestigious
(E) acclaim
(F) where
(G) on
(H) which
(I) calming
(J) settle
(K) dismay
(L) called
答案:5. (F) 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (K) 9. (E) 10. (G) 11. (B) 12. (L)
13. (H) 14. (J)
III. 翻譯填空。(6%)
15. 許多年輕女孩都對自己的體重感到不滿意,並努力想要變得更瘦。(5/23)
A lot of young girls are not very happy / satisfied / pleased with their weight and strive to be thinner.
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/24~5/28) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(40%)
1. The sacred ancient scrolls were _____ in a special temperature-controlled case. (5/24)
(A) hovered
(B) shoveled
(C) blasted
(D) displayed
2. Opponents have warned that dams on the river could be _____ to the area's ecosystem. (5/25)
(A) detrimental
(B) equivalent
(C) vibrant
(D) radiant
3. In addition to sharing your _____ and joys, pets teach you things like patience and unconditional love.
(A) vouchers
(B) burdens
(C) siblings
(D) syndromes
4. Linda _____ men that were dishonest and would never date someone who lies. (5/25)
(A) flattered
(B) advised
(C) despised
(D) shattered
5. I try to do my best to make everyone in the world have _____ satisfying lives. (5/28)
(A) equally
(B) alarmingly
(C) reluctantly
(D) invisibly
6. There are millions of blogs, and each is made to reflect individual _____ and tastes. (5/28)
(A) ingredients
(B) preferences
(C) brigades
(D) ministries
7. As a result of loads of _____ assignments, I have little time to do anything else. (5/25)
(A) heartfelt
(B) absolute
(C) academic
(D) poisonous
8. This method of teaching is interesting because all the students follow their own _____ about what
they want to learn. (5/25)
(A) resistance
(B) prosperity
(C) ecstasy
(D) inclination
II. 綜合測驗。(50%)
In 1988, the World Health Organization (WHO) chose the date of its 40th anniversary, April 7, as
the first World No Smoking Day. This _(9)_ the importance the WHO attaches to the health issue of
smoking. Although the date was later changed to May 31, the campaign has expanded _(10)_. Consumer
groups, non-governmental agencies, and governments all come together in an effort to raise _(11)_ of the
dangers of smoking. The campaign aims to encourage abstinence from tobacco, if only for a single day.
Hopefully, this will lead people to consider the toll _(12)_ on their health by smoking. Various activities
like public marches, tobacco education programs, and poster campaigns take place. Each year a theme is
chosen in an effort to make the strongest possible impact on the public. Themes have included
Tobacco-Free Youth, Second Hand Smoke Kills, and Smoking Costs More Than You Think. The theme
is made _(13)_ graphic symbols to grab people's attention. For example, an empty ash tray filled with
flowers, images of disease caused by smoking, and death-related images such as skulls. (5/24)
9. (A) misleads
10. (A) identically
11. (A) evidence
12. (A) took
13. (A) into
(B) indicates
(B) critically
(B) substance
(B) takes
(B) from
(C) exports
(C) annoyingly
(C) awareness
(C) take
(C) of
(D) surrenders
(D) primitively
(D) beverage
(D) taken
(D) on
III. 翻譯填空。(10%)
14. Tim 每天都上健身房來維持健康和身材。(5/25)
Tim goes to the gym on a daily basis to stay healthy and fit.
15. 大多數人每天的生活都相當忙碌,尤其台灣學生更是如此。(5/25)
Most people's daily lives are fairly busy, and this is especially true in / with regard(s) to Taiwan's
常春藤解析英語雜誌社 第 298 期
(5/29~5/31) 單元複習卷
班級: ____年____班
座號: ___________
姓名: ___________
I. 請根據句意和文法選出一個最正確的答案。(50%)
1. The country needs more non-oil fueled power plants to _____ air pollution. (5/29)
(A) enhance
(B) undertake
(C) detect
(D) alleviate
2. In some Eastern European countries, eggs are painted with _____ and beautiful designs. (5/30)
(A) intricate
(B) inaccurate
(C) critical
(D) ambitious
3. The billionaire frequently _____ funds for the local charities in this town. (5/30)
(A) adjusts
(B) allocates
(C) abandons
(D) simplifies
4. _____ can picture themselves as Lebron James on the basketball court or Tom Cruise on the
movie screen. (5/29)
(A) Journals
(B) Elements
(C) Individuals
(D) Conclusions
5. The government has _____ an island-wide crackdown on litterbugs by giving anyone a ticket
that is caught throwing trash on the street. (5/29)
(A) launched
(B) possessed
(C) imported
(D) praised
6. People _____ experience turning points in their lives that require them to make big changes.
(A) organically
(B) inevitably
(C) jokingly
(D) practically
7. In view of your _____ knowledge of agriculture, we'd like to hire you as a consultant. (5/30)
(A) synonymous
(B) doubtful
(C) unsuitable
(D) extensive
8. Undoubtedly, one of the current trends in Taiwan is to make use of the _____ of Korean culture.
(A) popularity
(B) conference
(C) operation
(D) profession
9. Government officials stress the difficulty of _____ any changes, labeling it a complex
undertaking. (5/29)
(A) enriching
(B) implementing
(C) bribing
(D) originating
C 10. Schools, publishers, and broadcasters all made a lot of effort to _____ recycling. (5/29)
(A) acknowledge
(B) identify
(C) promote
(D) overlook
II. 閱讀測驗。(30%)
The quality of life in Taiwan's capital city has been a high priority on the city government's
agenda in recent years. The proof of this has been seen on the city's streets, sidewalks and bike paths.
Yellow-orange bikes sponsored by the city government show that the administration has developed a
new environmental awareness. However, the success hasn't all been smooth riding. Based on the
Parisian model, the initial rollout of YouBike in Taipei was 500 bikes at 11 rental stations. Paris,
though, started with 10,000 bikes at 750 rental stations, giving comprehensive coverage to the city.
Taiwan's leading bike maker, Giant, runs YouBike and it is due to the company's persistence that the
brakes weren't put on after the initial failure.
The first three years of the bike rental project didn't do much to excite the citizens of Taiwan.
Then, during August 2012, Giant added 30 more rental stations, simplified the registration process,
and offered the first half hour free for cycling. As a result, the new service had more users in the first
few months of this than in the past three years as a whole. All you need to do now to rent a YouBike
is register a phone number and use an EasyCard to pay. Almost everyone has an EasyCard, which can
be used on buses, the MRT, parking garages, and at convenience stores, so it's a smart electronic
payment choice for YouBikes. Ultimately, the city government aims to have a bike rental station
every 300 meters and will create 10 new rental stations a month in 2013. This is a positive push
towards a cleaner environment and fun for tourists and other visitors to the city. (5/29-30)
C 11. Why might the project have the brakes put on it in the first three years?
(A) People rode too fast on sidewalks.
(B) Too many bikes were stolen.
(C) Not enough people used these bikes.
(D) These bikes were not safe enough.
A 12. What was the main difference between the French bike rental program and the Taiwan program?
(A) The size when the program started.
(B) Paris' weather is not like Taipei's.
(C) The French provided bikes with baskets for shopping.
(D) The Paris rental stations were all near department stores.
A 13. Why does riding a bicycle contribute to the quality of urban life?
(A) It doesn't produce carbon dioxide emissions.
(B) It gives a romantic, French feel to the city.
(C) The color of the bikes makes people happier.
(D) It is a more efficient way to get to work.
III. 翻譯填空。(10%)
14. 離開日本之前,Henry 買了一些紀念品送給家人和朋友當禮物。(5/29)
Prior to leaving Japan, Henry bought some souvenirs as gifts for his family and friends.
IV. 中翻英。(10%)
15. 歐盟(the European Union)中有幾個國家瀕臨破產的邊緣。(建議用 on the verge of)(5/29)
A few nations in the European Union are on the verge of bankruptcy.