TSI Summit Session Descriptions 2008

TSI Summit Conference Sessions
Saturday, October 11, 2008
7:00am – 8:30am
101 SPINNING®: Jump-In 2 Da Drum
Scott Schlesinger
Come experience the jump movement like never before. As the drum beat captivates you,
explore different jump tempos and rhythms. This ride promises to be hypnotizing, as well as
challenging and invigorating.
Topic: Spinning®
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
102 Step-Tease
Lisa J. Hamlin
Get ready for this! Party on a step! Step with attitude in this fun and exciting dance-based step
class. Learn new and fun creative step patterns that will keep you feeling good and looking hot.
Not only will you learn new moves for your workout, but you can take these moves on to the
dance floor.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workout
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
103 Barefoot Core Workout
Annette Lang
This workout starts at the bottom, by taking off your shoes and getting the entire kinetic chain
involved in the movements. We start with integrated patterns, moving along three planes, firing
the core from different angles. We then do core exercises, firing the core while in numerous body
positions, including some traditional challenges as well. Each of these exercises can be
individually incorporated into your training routines, or you can use the entire sequence as a great
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Type: Workout
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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104 STOTT PILATES® Mini Flex-Ball Workout
John Garey
This energizing workout incorporates the 12-inch mini flex-ball to create total body strengthening
and conditioning. The exercises will work on improving posture with a major focus on core
stability and back mobility while also lengthening and strengthening the surrounding muscles.
Keeping in mind the elements of the STOTT PILATES® Five Basic Principles, participants will
learn how to add variety and fun to traditional matwork routines.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.2 STOTT
PILATES, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
105 KettleBell Concepts: Bell Butt
Keli Roberts
Use this ancient device to shape up the part of the body every single class member is interested
in – the butt! It’s hard to find a better tool that works all the major muscles of the lower body in
such a short time span. Learn some very basic moves behind kettlebell training and how to
orchestrate a beginning level, 20-30 minute group exercise class that will have everyone walking
funny until the next time they see you! An exciting, new class with a very ‘old’ tool that is coming
back for all the right reasons!
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
106 Think Outside the Mat
Marci Clark
Is your Pilates mat class in need of an invigorating burst of creativity? This workshop will
demonstrate a variety of stimulating Pilates exercises that have been borrowed from Pilates
apparatus and placed on the mat. Dynamic transitions and challenging exercises fill this non-stop
workout that will allow you greater ability to advance your participants and breathe new life into
your Pilates mat classes.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Type: Workout
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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8:45am – 10:15am
201 SPINNING®: Technical Training
Josh Taylor
A pure and specific training session that will focus on better performance in many different ways.
Come and ride with Josh in a more technical setting that will help you think about what you are
doing during a Spinning® class or training session. No fluff, just real tried and true training on the
bike. A great session for those that are looking for more cycling-specific techniques to be used in
the Spinning® environment.
Topic: Spinning®
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
202 Simply Step – Putting it All Together
Melissa Morin
This class will teach the beginner/intermediate step instructor how to use sage, simple
choreography to create a step class for all skill levels. We will focus on the importance of cueing,
music type and speed, and modifications.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Type: Workout
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
203 Masala Bhangra Workout™
Sarina Jain
The Masala Bhangra Workout™ is an exercise dance routine that modernizes the high-energy
folk dance of Bhangra by blending tradition Bhangra dance steps with the exhilaration of
Bollywood moves. This unique dance mixes cardiovascular and fun, and is suitable for
participants of all ages and fitness levels.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workout
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
204 VAK Communication for Instructors
Beth Shaw
Everyone learns and retains information differently; learn to be a better communicator and
instructor with VAK learning styles. Find out if your student is a visual learner, auditory learner, or
kinesthetic learner and adapt your communication style to suit their needs.
Topic: YogaFit
Level: All
Type: Workshop
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CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
205 Building Boot Camp Bodies (Lecture)
Kelli Calabrese
Learn about the outstanding opportunity to reach women and change their bodies and lives
through boot camps. You will find out the skills needed to be a successful boot camp instructor,
how boot camp workouts are not the same as taking your indoor workout outdoors, and how to
provide a safe and effective outdoor workout and boot camp program.
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA
CPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
206 Olympic Weightlifting: A Basic Introduction to Clean & Jerk and Snatch
Claudio Russo
This session will educate the fitness or health club professional on how to utilize these lifts safely
and effectively for all populations. It will show proper technique for the lifts, promote a safer
environment in the gym, and inject diversity into the training environment, all with a certified
weightlifting coach.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
207 Youth Fitness – The New Horizon for Personal Trainers
Brian Grasso
Training kids and training adults are very different. Personal trainers must understand the unique
aspects of human growth and development as well as practical programming guidelines when
working with clients aged 6 – 18. This seminar will teach everything a personal trainer needs to
know about program design, aspects of developmental fitness, and appropriate communication
and learning styles.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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208 Flexibility Highways
Chuck Wolf
Human motion is an integrated chain relationship that is dependent upon the partnership of
adjacent muscle groups to attain optimal function and performance. For example, for optimal
three dimensional abdominal motions, the calf group must have adequate range of motion to
allow the hip to be in proper motion and ultimately affect the abdominals.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
209 Functional Foot / Ankle Assessment / Conditioning
Lenny Parracino
The foot and ankle is a very complex anatomical structure consisting of 26 irregularly shaped
bones, 30 joints, over 100 ligaments, and 23 muscles. In addition, the rest of the body and its
parts must work harmoniously to achieve efficient movement of the foot/ankle complex. The
foot/ankle’s ability to quickly transform from a mobile adaptor to a stabile propeller becomes
paramount to understanding its function. The foot demonstrates tremendous stability while it is
mobile and provides for tremendous mobility while it is stabile; to simplify this complexity we will
share a principle, strategy, technique process thus empowering you to assess and address
foot/ankle function.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Workshop
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA CSCS,
1.25 W.I.T.S.
210 Wait, Why Does Hip Flexion Look Different Now?
Annette Lang
Looking at your client moving towards gravity can look very different than moving away from
gravity. Movements done actively can look different than the same movement done passively.
What does the difference tell you in terms of program priorities? Why does your client talk about
being “tight” when trying to sit in certain postures, and yet when you go to stretch those muscles,
the range of motion is not limited? What do you see and what does that mean in terms of
program design? In this session we will answer these questions to help you get to the most
important program components.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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211 Regress to Progress for Functional Success
Anthony Carey
Functional training trends have unleashed a surge in inappropriate applications and exercise
progressions. Understanding that we can “regress” our exercises to allow clients to be successful
will allow us to build a more stable foundation for individual client development.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
212 STOTT PILATES® Matwork for Breast Cancer Rehab
Melissa Harrington
Many more women will survive breast cancer today than ever before. These women will be
encouraged to seek out fitness programs to assist in their recovery and give them the strength
and endurance they will need to resume an active lifestyle. This workshop will discuss various
types of treatments including surgeries and reconstruction and the exercise requirements for
each. Programs will include Matwork-based exercises focusing on ROM for the entire shoulder
girdle, establishing mobility, restoring posture, ensuring proper biomechanics and developing
core and peripheral strength to address muscular imbalances created from the surgeries.
Exercises will incorporate hand-held toning balls and a towel or small foam cushion to work on
low load strength and endurance.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA
213 Unilateral Strength Training for Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports
Tom Holland
Learn how to expertly incorporate unilateral strength training into your clients’ programs, in the
prevention of injury, in the rehabilitation of current injuries, and in improving sports performance.
Machine-based, body weight and free weight exercises will be covered.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT, 0.1 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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214 BBU: Reformer on the Mat
Nora St. John
Add spice and fun to your Pilates Mat class by using the foam roller and flex bands to create new
exercises based on Pilates Reformer exercises. This active workshop promises to keep you
moving and give you plenty of new ideas to keep your classes fresh and your students inspired.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
10:30am – 12:00pm
301 SPINNING®: Energy Zone™ Sampler
Scott Schlesinger
Travel through the Spinning® Energy Zones™ in this unique ride that will take you seamlessly
through all five zones while distinguishing each one from the other. This is a great session for
new and experienced instructors who need a refresher or a fresh look at the Spinning® Energy
Topic: Spinning®
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
302 Get the Funk Out!
Jim Giacinto
Experience the energy in this heart-pounding, non-stop cardio dance workout. Combinations of
Jazz, with a touch of Modern, Latin & Funk are surrounded with the explosive sounds of
progressive club music. Let the rhythm be your guide as you grind, sweat and unleash your
dancer within…or just “Get the Funk Out.”
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workout
CEC: 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT
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303 Zumba: Ditch the Workout – The Party Continues!
Tanya Beardsley
Zumba's Cardio Party kicks it up a notch! While incorporating all of the basic rhythms used in A
Taste of Zumba, additional rhythms are introduced and more extensive choreography is added.
The routines feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms
that tone and sculpt the body. Zumba utilizes the principals of fitness interval training and
resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning and body toning. It is a mixture of body
sculpting movements with easy to follow dance steps.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workout
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
304 Ultra YogaFit
Michelle Demus
YogaFit Ultra is a powerful vinyasa format designed to strengthen your body and stretch your
mind. You’ll work through several challenging, flowing sequences and then enter into dynamic
stillness through standing balance poses, deep stretching, and focused breathing.
Topic: YogaFit
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
305 Cardiovascular Training Supremacy: Periodization and Heart Rate Monitoring
Mark Baines
The real keys to either losing weight or maintaining muscle mass and size are discussed along
with how to increase endurance, speed and power without a lot of wasted time and effort. It's time
to get the most out of cardiovascular training and stop "spinning our wheels" or "running in place."
Plateaus be gone! Walking, running, biking, swimming, rowing, elliptical training, and stair
climbing will be covered.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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306 Sports Training for Kids
Phillip Bazzini
This hands-on workshop is for fitness professionals who work with young athletes. Attendees will
come away with fresh ideas on proper exercise progressions using minimal equipment. Unique
and updated interpretations of classic exercises such as crawling, skipping, jump rope, upper
body pushes and pulls, lunges, squats, and balance progressions all designed for the developing
athlete will be demonstrated. Also presented will be suggestions for maintaining proper discipline
in the gym, appropriate screening techniques, and fitness testing for young athletes.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
307 Inspector Gadget: An Examination of Fitness Fads and Equipment
Matthew Baatz
Ever wonder, “What’s with all that crazy equipment?” There’s a lot of stuff to choose from on the
market, but how does one match the correct equipment with the objectives of their client? This
workshop will take a closer look at some of the “toys” that fitness professionals use to add variety,
intensity and enjoyment into their exercise programs. Want to learn how to use equipment to
attract and retain more clients? Don’t know how to use a KettleBell, Indian Club or Tornado Ball?
Check out why these tools are better suited for certain jobs in the gym than a barbell or dumbbell.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
308 Hybrid Training: The New Era of Strength Training
Juan Carlos Santana
This dynamic workshop will show you the multidisciplinary training system developed at the
world-renowned Institute of Human Performance. This training system will show you how to
combine bodybuilding, functional training, yoga, Pilates, and all of the other popular training
modalities into one solid, jam-packed workout. You will leave this workshop with training
techniques you will use the following Monday, guaranteed!
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
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309 Corrective Exercise for Shoulder Impairments
Eric Beard
Shoulder injuries can limit numerous daily activities for individuals such as brushing teeth,
throwing a baseball, or lifting weights in the gym. This presentation will cover the functional
anatomy of the shoulder complex and teach you how to become proficient in performing
assessments for the shoulder. You will learn how to utilize the exercises, programs and tools to
implement corrective strategies for shoulder impairments as well as how to market your abilities
in a clinic or health and fitness facility.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
310 Warm-Up Progressions: FUNdamentally Sound Ways to Prepare Your Client for
Marco Ferdinandi
A lecture with practical exercises that will cover the basic science behind active dynamic warm-up
benefits, what components make an effective warm-up, and how to coach and teach the
exercises within each component. Participants will walk away with an understanding of how to
create an active dynamic warm-up progression for their clients and learn some of the basic
exercises to conduct a warm-up.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
311 The Science of Breathing
Dr. Len Kravitz
For the first time, one of the most interesting and central topics in all aspects of fitness is
comprehensively presented. This lecture will include the neurological, physiological, biological
and philosophical aspects of how breathing relates to restoring health, deepening awareness,
reducing stress, and promoting mental functioning. All interested fitness professionals are
encouraged to attend this 'breath-taking' presentation that will also include countless practical
applications on optimal breathing for total health including special segments on asthma and
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
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312 STOTT PILATES® Pilates with Props, Level 1
John Garey
This innovative and upbeat mat workout features some small props or ‘toys’ including the FlexBand, Fitness Circle and Toning Balls You’ll learn how to create a workout that’s sure to inspire
you and your clients alike. Focusing on strength and agility, this routine will leave you feeling
strong and streamlined and will serve to improve your game – even if your game is life!
Topic: Pilates
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.3 STOTT
PILATES, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
313 The Illusion of Stretching
Steven Siemienski
Do muscles really stretch? Stretching is simply an eccentric action. However, it is still a force
being applied to the joint. With the scrutiny of what is happening on the side where the stretch is
applied, is it ever considered what is and isn’t taking place on the other side of the joint? Let’s reexplore the neuro-mechanic-muscular communication of what is thought to be taking place during
a stretch and see what else may be happening.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
314 BBU: The New EXO Chair – Pilates for Fitness
Portia Page
Crossing the gap between group exercise, personal training and Pilates, the new EXO Chair is
like a complete gym in a very small space. Come and experience the awesome possibilities of the
EXO in this dynamic workshop.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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12:45pm – 2:15pm
401 SPINNING®: 212: The Extra Degree
Josh Taylor
“At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water comes steam. And
steam can power a locomotive.” A ride based on a book by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson. 212
degrees is a powerful and simple idea that can and will empower you! Spinning® instructors have
a chance to touch lives in so many ways. Join us on a ride that is all about that one extra degree!
Topic: Spinning®
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
402 Building Boot Camp Bodies (Workout)
Kelli Calabrese
Prepare to have fun as you are taken through some of the hottest boot camp drills, games and
obstacle courses that are sure to leave you exhilarated and filled with new ideas to take home to
your clients and classes.
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Type: Workout
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM, CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
403 Your Body is a Barbell: Metabolic Acceleration Training
Alwyn Cosgrove
This session will help you identify how to use bodyweight exercises, strength training exercises
and implements to create a strength, cardiovascular and metabolic training effect.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
404 Twists and Backbends
Beth Shaw
We will explore through discussion, demonstration and movement of the anatomy of the
shoulders and torso in hatha yoga, focusing on shoulder opening, twists and backbends.
Topic: YogaFit
Level: Advanced
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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405 Is Stress Making Your Pants Tight?
Mark Stone
The misconception exists that living as a caveman or hunter/gatherer was a more stressful
existence than being alive today. Few realize that many of the modern technologies we’ve
ignorantly grown accustomed to are eating away at our vitality dangerously fast. In this lecture,
you will learn the six classes of stressors, teaching the difference between physiological and nonphysiological stressors. You will see how the body summates stressors to create a total stress
picture and how each person’s total stress picture dictates not only how they will respond to
exercise, but how their food intake will often change as they become stressed. Recognize
negative dietary influences of stress and exercise and what you can do to bring you or your
clients back into balance!
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
406 The Body as One – Movement Mechanics
Fabio Comana
Need to understand the key principles of human movement, gait and ways to train your clients to
move more efficiently? This session will deliver as it reviews the four key myofascial slings of gait
and how they apply to activities of daily living and performance. It includes demonstrations and
participation in progressive exercises to train each myofascial sling and how to incorporate them
into exercise programming for movement efficiency and performance.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
407 Building and Marketing an Aquatic Personal Training Program
Maryanne Haggerty
Develop and promote aquatic personal training by expanding your skills and networking options.
Provide your members with this specialized training option that allows your business/client base
to grow. It’s not just a seasonal option anymore – it will increase your personal training in the
summer months!
Topic: Personal Training Business
Level: All
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
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408 Shouldering the Load…From the Ground Up
Chuck Wolf
Understanding the interaction of the lower extremity to the upper extremity is a key to developing
a true functional shoulder training program. Too often the shoulder joint is isolated from the rest of
the body and it is not allowed to work in a natural environment. Analyzing functional integrated
movement patterns of the legs and core enhances shoulder function, yet all the while must
include actions requiring force reduction, stabilization, and force production movement patterns.
This session will integrate proper lower extremity advantages to shoulder function.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
409 The Life and Times of a Successful Personal Trainer in TSI
Tim D. Keightley and Kenneth Szekretar
Time to take a ‘Reality Show’ honest look at what goes into the daily life of successful Personal
Trainers. Whether you are building a full-time career, juggling different part-time jobs, or simply
an aspiring Master Trainer, we will breakdown what a Personal Trainer’s life is really like, what we
can learn from the successful Personal Trainers and moreover appreciate why it is a profession,
a vocation, and a passion worthy of any other career. We spend our lives changing the lives of
others; maybe we can learn to change ours too!
Topic: Personal Training Business
Level: All
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
410 Foam Rolling: The Next Generation
Rodney Corn
Foam rolling has now been around the fitness industry for about a decade. Up until now, most
foam rolls and rolling techniques have been fairly basic. Now there is a new foam roll and a
progressive foam rolling method to enhance the results of this powerful self-massage technique.
Come and join us for this workshop filled with relief and a better understanding of the
neuroscience behind foam rolling. We will discuss better application and proper use within your
programs aimed at client results.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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411 Observation, Evaluation, and Coaching of Functional Motor Skills
Dr. Paul Juris, Ed.D
Today’s functional approach to training poses significant challenges to performers who must
develop appropriate movement solutions to the tasks imposed on them. More critical, however,
are the demands placed upon the personal trainer whose success in client management is largely
dependent on the observation and evaluation of these increasingly complex motor behaviors. In
this workshop, we’ll explore methods to decompose motor skills into their constituent parts,
identify critical requisite capabilities which performers must possess in order to execute these
skills, and systems of evaluation that isolate performance impeding weaknesses. We will also
combine all of these processes into a coaching strategy that will truly accelerate a client’s
functional capabilities.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
412 Introduction to Kettlebell Lifting
Keli Roberts
Learn effective total body, low impact, strength, power, dynamic flexibility and cardio workouts
that have been in use for centuries. Participants will learn the basic kettlebell movements as well
as why kettlebells differ from dumbbells, barbells and machines. The class includes a brief
history, science and applications of kettlebell lifting and touches on topics including
biomechanics, motor learning, and training protocol.
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
413 Progressive Approach to Power Training
Jade Molina
The goal of this session is to provide an entry-level personal trainer, seasoned athletic trainer,
chiropractor, physical therapist, strength and conditioning coach, team coach or any other sport
and fitness professional with an in-depth understanding of a scientifically proven, valid, and
reproducible system that progressively, safely and effectively develops power in all clienteles.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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414 Fundamental Pilates
Marci Clark
This workshop delves deeper into the foundation of the Pilates work: the fundamental exercises,
neutral alignment and breath. Learn the “whys” of Pilates in order to have educated answers for
your clients. This workshop is an absolute must for the new Pilates instructor to gain insight into
the Pilates exercise method.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA
CPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
415 Coordination Development – The Key to Youth Fitness Success
Brian Grasso
Coordination development is the single most important element to the youth fitness spectrum. It is
not about heart rate zones, burning calories or reducing body fat. Those are secondary features
that result from proper coordination skill enhancement. Any personal trainer can make a child
tired… but not many know how to make a child better. This seminar will show you how.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
416 BBU: Reformer Update – More for the Core
Nora St. John
Learn new sequences for core strength in this practical workshop on the Pilates Reformer.
Review principles of effective core strengthening including cueing and modifications for common
issues. Take your training to a new level with programming you can add to your classes
Topic: Pilates
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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2:45pm – 4:15pm
501 SPINNING®: Rock-N-Rolling Hills
Scott Schlesinger
Ride rolling hills where the sounds of rock-n-roll pave the road. Spinning® is not only meant to be
physical, mental and emotional – it is meant to be fun! Get ready to rock up the climbs and roll
down the descents. Learn how to teach this ride in several of the Spinning® Energy Zones™.
Let’s rock!
Topic: Spinning®
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
502 Kickbox/Jump Rope Combo
Thomas the Promise
Learn how kickboxing incorporates the sport-specific techniques of boxing and martial arts to
condition both the aerobic and anaerobic systems of the body. This high-energy workout
incorporates punching, footwork, punch mitts, and jump rope into a scientifically designed system,
which provides the proper work and active rest intervals to optimize physical conditioning. It will
also teach the personal trainer and the group exercise instructor safe, fun and effective jump rope
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workout
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
503 Senior Fit and Fun
Lisa J. Hamlin
Learn how to create a fun and exciting class combining cardiorespiratory, strength and flexibility
training designed especially for the older adult population. This class includes fun-filled chair
aerobics, strength training, yoga, Pilates, and exciting activities and games that will keep
participants forever fit. Class participants will look forward to your next class!
Topic: Group Exercise, Special Populations
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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504 Pure Power YogaFit
Michelle Demus
Experience the dynamic flow and challenge of the ultimate yoga class. Push it to the limit with
hardcore moves that produce a hard and flexible body. With emphasis on the breath and extreme
fitness flows, you are challenged to listen to your body and go at your own pace to explore the
body/mind connection. Power YogaFit provides a total body workout that enhances strength,
cardiovascular condition, balance and flexibility.
Topic: YogaFit
Level: Advanced
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
505 Strength Training Periodization with Heart Rate Monitoring
Scott Gaines
Heart rate monitoring is typically only used in "aerobic exercise" activities. Time to take a new
look at the heart and modern theories of strength training. Find out how advanced periodization
theory combined with proper rest and intensity monitoring with a Polar heart rate monitor can
advance your clients to their goals safely and effectively.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
506 Nutz and Boltz on Neuromuscular Training©
Chris Gellert
This session will examine the parts of the brain that regulate balance/coordination and discuss
why most clients need neuromuscular training as part of their exercise prescription post therapy.
You will learn the foundation of motor control/motor learning and learn essence of integrative
training. Various common pathologies such as ACL reconstruction, knee replacement, rotator cuff
repair and common other orthopedic conditions will be reviewed. You will also gain an
understanding on the importance of static/dynamic neuromuscular training. Attendees will be able
to take home an exciting, refreshing educational experience and a comprehensive manual to
practice various static/dynamic exercises with your clients!
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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507 Current Controversies in Resistance Training
Dr. Len Kravitz
A research round-up of some of the most relevant and controversial topics on resistance
exercise. This lecture will highlight some of the latest breaking studies on resistance training and
weight management, resistance training and resting metabolic rate, cortisol and protein
catabolism, delayed onset muscle soreness, overtraining, multi-set versus single-set research,
acidosis (the burn) and how to prevent it, resistance training and the after-burn, and much, much
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
508 Advanced Program Design: OPT™ Alternative
Rick Richey
NASM’s exclusive Optimum Performance Training™ method represents the industry’s first and
only comprehensive training program based on current scientific research that provides
undisputed results specific to individual needs and goals. By incorporating multiple types of
training—flexibility, cardiorespiratory, core, balance, reactive, speed, agility, quickness, and
strength—into every program, the revolutionary and easy-to-use OPT™ method improves all
biomotor abilities and builds high levels of functional strength, neuromuscular efficiency, and
dynamic flexibility. This presentation will discuss the scientific rationale for the OPT™ model and
discuss alternative methods for implementing the OPT™ model for multiple goals and
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
509 Advanced Cable-Based Training Progressions
Chris McGrath
Cable-based training has exploded over the past few years as a versatile integrated training tool.
Learn the fundamental benefits and unlimited programming opportunities of utilizing cable-based
training with your clients. Participants will learn how to maximize stable isolated to unstable
integrated cable-based training exercise progressions to achieve any goal with any client.
Attendees will leave this presentation with a comprehensive understanding of the acute variables
of cable-based movement and an expanded library of goal specific exercises.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
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510 Lessons in Locomotion
Anthony Carey
If walking is the most repeated movement we do in a day, then poor mechanics can lead to
cumulative injury. Understanding if the problems are top down, bottom up or middle out will allow
you to provide a more directed exercise intervention that can improve function and avoid
reinforcing biomechanically incorrect motions.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
511 Developing High Performance Athletes with SAQ Training
Michol Dalcourt
This workshop will delve into some of the fundamental concepts that every athlete should know to
properly develop and increase their movement ability. When we think about SAQ training,
generally it is pictured using just a speed ladder. There will be a number of other tools and
techniques used to specifically elicit transfer into sport and/or activity – including wall impact drills
and warding drills. This session will also cover how to properly prepare an individual for SAQ
training through dynamic movement preparation and integrated strength training.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
512 Spartan Training for the Warrior in You
Juan Carlos Santana
Physical training was first performed to prepare warriors for battle. Various forms of combat
training have been developed for today’s fitness aficionado, from boot camps to cardio
kickboxing. This session takes the Spartan Training and gives it a twist for the fitness clients. So if
you’re ready to learn some new exercises that provide unique blend of fitness and anger
management, this class is for you.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA
CSCS, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
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513 Functional Hip Assessment / Conditioning
Lenny Parracino
The hips are the power source of the body in all forms of function including walking, running,
pushing, pulling, throwing, catching, swinging, jumping, landing, etc. This fact is simple to concept
when we view the large soft tissue mass surrounding the hip. Therefore, we must appreciate the
hips as a potential cause and/or compensation of many body dysfunctions. To assist in your
exploration of assessing and designing solutions for the hip and its whole body functional
influence we will share a principle-strategy-application process.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Workshop
CEC: 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.15 NSCA CPT, 0.15 NSCA CSCS, 1.5
514 Sticks and Stones
Marci Clark
These 'Sticks and Stones' will not break your bones! They will strengthen your bones, muscles
and mental focus when combined with Pilates mat exercises. Learn how to effectively use props
such as dowel rods and small weighted balls to add variety and challenge to your Pilates mat
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Type: Workout
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
515 Instructor Toolbox: Cue for Success
Caroline Dawson
You know that amazing, gifted group exercise instructor that seems to run their classes like the
conductor of an orchestra? It's time that instructor was you! In this session, you'll learn easy-toimplement techniques to get you on the fast track to cueing success in studio classes such as
body conditioning, step and hi/lo. With these "Art of Cueing" tools and a little practice, your
students will be able follow your workout with their eyes closed - giving you the freedom to
maintain your domain and be the instructor everyone raves about. Also a great session for
personal trainers looking to cross over to the studio.
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.5 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.5 W.I.T.S.
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516 BBU: The Twisted Reformer – New Moves for the Allegro
Nora St. John
The Twisted Reformer introduces rotational and unilateral moves as variations on traditional
Pilates exercises. Rotation and unilateral exercises create extra challenges for core stability and
are part of functional movement for daily living and athletic activities. Exercises include variations
for beginning, intermediate and advanced levels.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
4:45pm – 6:00pm
601 SPINNING®: Formula One
Josh Taylor
Ladies and gentlemen, “Start your engines!” A Race Day ride with all the sounds and excitement
of the F1 car-racing world! Speed, power, and pushing the limits are what Formula One racing is
all about. Come and race a world-class course and go for the big victory! A new twist on the Race
Day Energy Zone™ that is all about big performance! See you on the track!
Topic: Spinning®
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1 W.I.T.S.
602 A Taste of Zumba!
Tanya Beardsley
Remember the fun and exciting days of the original aerobic dance programs? A Taste of Zumba
brings the fun back to fitness by combining high energy and motivating music with unique moves
and combinations that allow the Zumba participants to dance away their worries. Zumba is a
fusion of Latin and International music – dance themes creating a dynamic, exciting, effective
fitness system! It is based on the principle that a workout should be 'fun and easy to do' and
offers a complete breakdown of all basic rhythms and movements – demonstrating how each
rhythm defines the movement. An explanation of the unique process by which classes are
choreographed and constructed will allow participants to experience the simplicity of teaching a
Zumba class. This session is based on the interval training theory of fitness.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: Beginner
Type: Workout
CEC: 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1 W.I.T.S.
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603 Art of Strength Kettlebell Essentials
Anthony DiLuglio
This session will cover some of the essential kettlebell drills found in the presenter’s new DVD,
AOS: Kettlebell Clinic. Participants will learn the progression of 3-5 drills and go through one of
the workouts found on the DVD called Elevation II. Participants will leave with a knowledge of true
kettlebell training and understand the benefits. This session will also discuss what size kettlebell
to start with and why.
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: Beginner
Type: Workout
CEC: 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1 W.I.T.S.
604 Athletes + Pilates = Performance
Marci Clark
The benefits of Pilates for enhanced core strength and postural power is undeniable. The need
for a strong and flexible core for sports is also well recognized. So how can you add Pilates to
the athletic training regimen for the best results? Come to learn the benefits of Pilates when
applied to various sports and how to execute a Pilates program to enhance performance.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1 W.I.T.S.
605 TSI Personal Trainer Mentorship Program
Tim D. Keightley and Matt Baatz
“If I only knew then what I know now.” Master Trainers, have you ever expressed that thought
about your career as a fitness professional? Do you have an interest in helping new personal
trainers avoid the same mistakes you made? Want to make some money in the process? Then
don’t miss this opportunity to check out what’s already been happening in many clubs around
TSI. The Personal Trainer Mentorship program has been designed to help you coach the newest
members of the Fitness Team toward financial success. It is strongly recommended that personal
trainers interested in participating in the program attend this workshop. Come share in the
experience of what is quickly becoming the proudest fitness TEAM in the industry!
Topic: Personal Training Business
Level: Advanced
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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606 The Mechanics of Low Back Pain and Corrective Solutions
Eric Beard
Eighty percent of adults suffer from back pain. This means that everyone has at least one client
whose back pain limits their ability to exercise or perform in athletics successfully. Given this
statistic, will you have the right strategy to keep your client moving pain-free? This presentation
will cover the functional anatomy of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex as well as teach you how to
become proficient in performing assessments for the low back. You will learn how to utilize the
exercises, programs and tools to implement corrective strategies for low back impairments, as
well as how to market your abilities in a clinic or health and fitness facility.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT, 0.1 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
607 A Holistic Approach to the Mixed Martial Arts Athlete
Michael Jocson
With the rising popularity of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), mixed martial arts (MMA)
has become one of the fastest growing sports in the country. As the sport evolves, emphasis on
top-notch strength and conditioning of these athletes is in high demand. We will discuss the
corrective exercise strategies for the MMA athlete that will help prevent injuries during the rigors
of training and the actual fight, and to improve performance. Special guest appearance by UFC
Welterweight Luke Cummo, who will discuss some of his unique and innovative nutritional
approaches before his fights.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT, 0.1 NSCA CSCS, 1
608 Stealth Bone Building
Robyn Stuhr
Physical activity choices all throughout the lifespan affect an individual’s risk of bone loss. All your
clients, whether they know it or not, can benefit from targeted exercises to improve bone density
and quality. Learn why and how to add osteogenic value to a fitness program for a diverse range
of individuals. It may not be what you think!
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT, 0.1 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
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609 Shake Things Up: Adding Whole Body Vibration to Your Programs
Rodney Corn
Whole body vibration training has emerged as a potent, research-based tool for exercise
programming. It has many valuable properties and benefits to help all populations achieve a
greater degree of fitness. But like any tool, if it cannot be applied appropriately to the
environment, it will not make the impact it should. Come and learn about the evidence-based
benefits and applications of whole body vibration, and how to implement it into your programs for
clients at any level. We will discuss general fitness, special populations and sports performance.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT, 0.1 NSCA CSCS,
1 W.I.T.S.
610 The CHEK Approach to Golf Conditioning
Mark Stone
Golfers are athletes and, like all other athletes, they require well-designed conditioning programs
in order to excel at their sport. After all, it is the golfer who plays the game, not the expensive
clubs! The physiological stresses placed upon the body during a golf swing are similar to those
experienced by hockey and football players, yet traditional conditioning programs for golfers are
ineffective and produce minimal results. This comprehensive lecture explains why most training
programs for golfers do not succeed in reducing the risk of injury or improving performance, and
how you can design effective programs. Learn why golfers need to be conditioned following the
Flexibility – Stability – Strength - Power principle.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT, 0.1 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
611 Circuits, Circuits and More Circuits
Fabio Comana
Circuits are more popular than ever given the time constraints of most members. No longer
should we simply view them in the traditional sense of being time-efficient, machine-based
sessions with some cardiovascular benefits. Creative, yet effective circuit training programs
where common sense meets good programming ideas can be designed to deliver results for
almost any need. Learn how circuits can achieve a variety of goals that address the needs of
athletes to seniors. Learn how circuits can effectively train movement patterns, muscle groups,
energy systems, specific skills and more.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT, 0.1 NSCA CSCS,
1 W.I.T.S.
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612 Group Performance Training
Jade Molina
This session will provide professionals of all levels with the tools necessary to effectively apply
the various components necessary for developing Optimum Performance in a semi-private and/or
group (team) setting. Participants will walk away from this session with a reproducible training
template along with hands-on experience that improves increased revenue potential, and the
delivery of Optimum Performance Training™ going on within strength and conditioning facilities,
health clubs, or any other training facility.
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT,
0.1 NSCA CSCS, 1 W.I.T.S.
613 Real World Fat Loss
Alwyn Cosgrove
Fat loss remains the number one reason why clients hire a personal trainer, yet in a multi-billion
dollar industry, most personal trainers are failing with their programming. This presentation will
cover the actual science behind fat metabolism and effective fat loss programming. It will also
examine and destroy the myths that surround fat loss and show exactly how to create a fast,
effective (and therefore profitable) fat loss training program.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Type: Lecture
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT, 0.1 NSCA
CSCS, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
614 STOTT PILATES® Post-Natal Conditioning
Melissa Harrington
Most women will be able to return to exercise 4-6 weeks after a regular birth or when they get
clearance from their physician. Many of the exercises they may have been performing during the
second and third trimester of pregnancy will be suitable now, but other exercises can be added to
focus on reactivating and stabilizing the pelvic floor, transverses abdominis and obliques, and
develop lumbo-pelvic stability. This gentle but effective workout will incorporate 2lb. toning balls to
get moms back on the right track.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 0.1 NSCA CPT,
26 of 27
615 Creating the “Forever Client;” Programming for Client Success: The Key to Getting
More Client Referrals, Renewals and Results
Frank Pastorelli
It takes so much more than putting people through workouts to be successful as a personal
trainer. You have to educate the clients in a way they understand and continually provide tools to
optimize compliance. You have to have a formula for success with enough flexibility to work
around clients’ medical conditions and other limitations. And you have to build a rapport of trust if
you want to receive referrals and create what is a “forever client.” A “forever client” is someone
who will, in one way or another, use, refer, or rave about you and your services for the rest of
their life!
Topic: Personal Training Business
Level: All
Type: Lecture
CEC: 1.25 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1.25 W.I.T.S.
616 BBU: The New EXO Chair – Pilates for Fitness
Portia Page
Crossing the gap between group exercise, personal training and Pilates, the new EXO Chair is
like a complete gym in a very small space. Come and experience the awesome possibilities of the
EXO in this dynamic workshop.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
CEC: 0.1 ACE, 1 AFAA, 0.15 NASM CGT, 0.15 NASM CPT, 1 NCSF, 0.5 NFPT, 1 W.I.T.S.
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