Focus Areas to Explore with Maui Community: July 25, 2005 Developed from informal discussions with various stakeholders in 2005 Prepared by Lisa Hunter, CfAO The following ideas have emerged from discussions over the past six months. The activities specifically build on the unique resources of the CfAO to address the needs on Maui. New ideas are welcome! 1. New Certificate Program at MCC 2. Articulation Pathway for MCC students a. To Engineering Technology Degree (UH?) b. To EE or Physics or Astronomy (UCSC?) 3. Summer at Home Program, for Maui residents studying on Mainland 4. Joint Masters Degree in instrumentation/engineering 1. New Certificate Program at MCC WHY: Need for technicians in Hawaii WHAT: 3rd year of courses focused on optics, using AO. Serves current MCC students and current technician desiring continuing education. Students earn an AA/AS with a certificate. HOW: Development of new courses. Pathway from high school; probably activities in summer or after school (workshop for course/activity development?) Mechanism for collaborative course development (e.g. CfAO workshop) New or visiting faculty. BENEFITS: Relatively quick. Already a lot to build on (short courses, courses). Could build a foundation for a new degree. Serves students not qualified for 4-year institution, and students qualified but desiring quick workforce entry. CHALLENGES/QUESTIONS: Is there enough need? Need mechanism for students to move to transfer pathway (early id of qualified or almost qualified, math catch-up, overlap year or courses) How does this fit with other CC’s? 2. Articulation Pathway for MCC students a. To Engineering Technology Degree (UH) b. To EE or Physics or Astronomy (UCSC) WHY: Need for 4-year degree level employees in Maui tech workforce, not currently obtainable through MCC. WHAT: 2-3 years of coursework at MCC, transferable to a 4-year institution. Could be transfer to an engineering technology degree (UH?), or to an EE, physics, or astronomy degree (?UCSC) HOW: New transferable courses Articulation agreements High school pathway (possible “quick start”); probably activities in summer or after school (activity development through PDW?) Mechanism for maintaining students’ connections to Maui workforce (e.g. summer internships on Maui) Mechanism for students moving between AA/AS and transfer program (math!) For engineering tech/UH transfer, mechanism for industry input For UCSC, support activities in Santa Cruz, and financial aid BENEFITS: Maui students earn 4-year degree, but only leave home for a few years If UH offered second half of degree, Hawaii CC’s could be consortium of feeders CHALLENGES/QUESTIONS: Currently no engineering technology degree program at UH to transfer to Articulation with UCSC could take significant course development Transfer to UCSC would work best for students UC eligible at HS graduation Will take time/incentives to get started (currently not a proven path) 3. Summer at Home Program, for Maui residents studying on Mainland WHY: Currently many strong students enroll in 4-year institutions on Mainland. Strong benefits for all if they return home to enter workforce. WHAT: A formalized program (with UCSC?) that recruits students during high school into a program that supports enrollment in a 4-year institution on the Mainland, with program activities that maintain ties to Maui and develop Maui workforce connections. HOW: Recruitment mechanisms at the high school sophomore/junior level Summer internships with Maui industry Support mechanisms on Mainland (CfAO headquarters at UCSC) Consider short courses at MCC BENEFITS: Program development would require few institutional changes, so quick Many strong students opt for study on the Mainland; program might facilitate their return Santa Cruz is a desirable location with existing ties to Hawaii (university and other) Santa Cruz has UC Observatories Shop, where telescope instruments are built CHALLENGES/QUESTIONS: Santa Cruz engineering school is still young; reputation is not yet developed Does not develop Maui infrastructure 4. Joint Masters Degree in instrumentation/engineering WHY: Need for graduate level degrees in Maui workforce, not currently available on Maui. Mechanisms for enhancing collaboration between Santa Cruz and Maui technical communities. WHAT: A master’s level degree in engineering focused on astronomical instrumentation, with courses/activities offered at multiple locations (Santa Cruz, Maui, Big Island). HOW: Significant Process to develop a new degree program, coordinated between three locations. Recruitment mechanism to assure strong participation from Hawaii residents. Courses could be developed, prior to degree approval BENEFITS: A hands-on, graduate level degree could be extremely valuable UCSC is still growing and there is a strong interest in developing graduate level programs A master’s level degree in instrumentation was talked about in the past UCSC physics offers a master’s degree that might help pave the way Would facilitate interactions among professionals Would serve professionals in Hawaii seeking a graduate degree. CfAO offers graduate level AO summer school CHALLENGES/QUESTIONS: New idea that hasn’t been discussed very much Joint degree would be very challenging to develop Would engineering technology degree be a good preparation (vs. EE)? Would take a significant amount of time to develop Would serve broadest audience if it were to facilitate continuing education for professionals (alternative course structures, part-time study, etc)