Graduate Student Reading List This list is provided as a guide to help you prepare for graduate level Criminal Justice classes at Sul Ross State University, as well as, your preparation for the Criminal Justice comprehensive exams. It is therefore in your best interest to not only read these texts but also be familiar with the topics presented and the views of each of the authors. Remember that the comprehensive examination process is designed to test both the breadth and depth of your criminal justice knowledge. Peter H. Rossi, Mark W. Lipsey, and Howard Freeman, Evaluating Systematic Approach (2003) ISBN-13: 978-0761908944 Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research (2012) 13th ed. ISBN-13: 978-1133049791 James Q. Wilson, Thinking About Crime (1985) ISBN-13: 978-0394729176 Norval Morris and Michael Tonry, Between Prison and Probation (1991) ISBN-13: 978- 0195071382 Jeffrey Reiman and Paul Leighton, The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison (2012) 10th ed. ISBN-13: 978-0205137725 Herbert Johnson and Nancy Travis Wolfe, History of the Criminal Justice System (2003) 3rd ed. ISBN-13: 978-1583605158 John Dilulio, Governing Prisons (1990) ISBN-13: 978-0029078839 James Marquart, Sheldon Ekland-Olson, and Jonathan Sorensen (1994) The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle. ISBN-13: 978-0292752139 Roger Dunham and Geoffrey Alpert, Critical Issues In Policing: Contemporary Readings, (2009) 6th ed. ISBN-13: 978-1577666226 Frank Schmalleger, Criminal Justice Today- (2012) 12th ed. ISBN-13: 978-0133028300 Terrence E. Poppa and Charles Bowden. Drug Lord: A True Story: The Life and Death of a Mexican Kingpin, (2010) 3rd ed. ISBN-13: 978-1933693859 Rolando V. Del Carmen and Jeffry Walker, Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement (2011) 8th ed. ISBN-13: 978-1437735062 Herman Godstein, Policing a Free Society, (1977) ISBN-13: 978-0884107842 Barry Hancock and Paul Sharp, Public Policy, Crime, and Criminal Justice, (2003) 3rd rd. ISBN-13: 978-0130984098 Herbert Packer, The Limits of the Criminal Sanction, (1968) ISBN-13: 978-0804708999 Robert Merton, Social Structure and Anomie, American Sociological Review 3, 672-82 (1938) ISBN-13: 978-0829034912 R. Quinney, ed., “Criminal Justice in America”: A Critical Understanding, Boston: Little Brown, (1974) ISBN-13: 978-0316729000 Jack Kuykendall, Roy R. Roberg and Kenneth Novak. Police Management 3rd ed. Roxbury Publishing Company, Los Angeles: California, (2002) ISBN-13: 978-0195330113 Bennett Wayne W. & Karen M. Hess. Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement, 5th ed. Wadsworth, Belmont, California (2006) ISBN-13: 978-0495093411 Bayley David H. What Works in Policing, Oxford University Press, NY, Oxford (1997) ISBN-13: 978-0195108217 Black, Donald. The Manners and Customs of the Police , Academic Press, San Diego California, (1980) ISBN-13: 978-0121028800 Gaines, Larry K. and Victor E. Kappeler. Community Policing, A Contemporary Perspective. Anderson Publishing, Cincinnati, OH, (2012) 6th ed. ISBN-13: 978-1455728503 Greene Jack R., and Stephen D. Mastrofski. Community Policing Rhetoric or Reality, Praeger Publishers, New York, NY, (1988) ISBN-13: 978-0275929527 Horton, David M. Pioneering Perspectives in Criminology, Copperhouse, Incline Village Nevada, (2000) ISBN-13: 978-1928916048 Jacoby, Joseph E., Theresa A. Severance and Alan S. Bruce. Classics of Criminology, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights: Illinois (2011) 4th ed. ISBN-13: 978-1577667360 Bernard, Thomas J., George B. Vold and Jeffrey B. Snipes. Theoretical Criminology, 5th ed. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, (2001) ISBN-13: 978-0195142020 Walker, Samuel. Sense and Nonsense about Crime and Drugs , 7th ed. Wadsworth: CA, (2010) ISBN-13: 978-0495809876 Cole, George F. and Marc, G. Getz. The Criminal Justice System: Politics and Policies 10th ed. Wadsworth, Belmont, California (2012) ISBN-13: 978-1111346638 Harris, Philip W. and Wayne N. Welsh. Criminal Justice Policy and Planning. Anderson Publishing, Cincinnati, OH, 4th ed. (2012) ISBN-13: 978-1437735000 DeLone, Miriam, Cassia Spohn and Samuel Walker. The Color of Justice. Race, Ethnicity And Crime in America, 5th edition Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, (2011) ISBN-13: 978-1111346928 Tony, Michael. Malign Neglect Race, Crime, and Punishment in America, Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, (1996) ISBN-13: 978-0195104691 Gross, Samuel R. and Robert Mauro. Death and Discrimination: Racial Disparity in Capital Sentencing. Northeastern University Press , (1989) ISBN-13: 978-1555530402 Gaines, Larry K, and Victor E. Kappeler. Homeland Security. Prentice Hall. (2012) ISBN: 9780135111925 White, Jonathan R. Defending the Homeland: Domestic Intelligence, Law Enforcement and Security. Wadsworth. (2004) ISBN: 9780534621698 Homeland Security Annual Editions. McGraw Hill. – several editions – each different May, Ernest. The 9/11 Commission Report with Related Documents. Bedford/St. Martin’s (2007) ISBN: 9780312450991 Oliver, Willard M. Homeland Security for Policing. Pearson, Prentice Hall. (2007) ISBN: 9780131534667 Swain, Carol M. (ed) Debating Immigration. Cambridge University Press. (2008) ISBN: 978-0-521-69866-5.