SOUTH-WEST UNIVERSITY "NEOFIT RILSKY" – BLAGOEVGRAD BULGARIA FACULTY OF PEDAGOGY DEPARTMENT OF PEDAGOGY PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION MASTER’S PROGRAMME INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN PRIMARY EDUCATION Field of higher education: 1. Pedagogical sciences Professional area: 1.2. Pedagogy Degree level: Master’s Professional qualification: Period of education: Form of education: Master – expert and teacher on Information Technologies in Primary schools Two semesters Full-time EDUCATIONAL GOALS The program offers a new educational paradigm and theoretical and practical interpretations of the problem how to teach Information Technologies to primary school children. It addresses the current situation and development of the Information and Communication Technologies in education and their importance for the professional profile of the primary school teacher. The course of study presents different aspects of the computer systems, software and multimedia specially designed for education purposes and in particular for the needs of the primary education. As a result of the study students become familiar with the theoretical background of the ICT in education, they develop skills and competences to teach primary school children how to use ICT and at the same time how to combine and apply ICT strategies teaching other subjects to make them more attractive and readily understandable for children. PROGRAM STRUCTURE The curriculum and syllabi are developed according to the requirements of the higher education policies in Bulgaria. The study lasts 2 (two) semesters. The curriculum provides 60 ECTS CR. The ECTS credits are divided equally in the two semesters according to the State requirements (article 44а of the Law for change and complement of the Law for higher education – State Journal, vol. 48/04.06.2004 and Regulation № 21 from 30.09.2004 for application of system for credit transfer in higher educational institutions – State Journal, vol. 89/12.10.2004). The program structure provides compulsory, elective and facultative courses. The compulsory courses offer a profound knowledge and specific competences in both theoretical and practical areas of the study. The elective courses widen the general and basic knowledge and help students to acquire more specific information and professional skills. The facultative courses enable students to acquire new skills and knowledge of their interest that are not a part of the curriculum. Students graduate after they successfully pass their final exam or defend their master thesis. For that final part of the master’s program they gain 15 ECTS CR (article 10 of Regulation № 21 from 30.09.2004). EDUCATIONAL MOBILITY AND INTERNATIONAL COMPATIBILITY OF THE EXPERTISE GAINED The curriculum design, the program structure, ECTS, the quality of education and the qualification gained enable students to be competitive on the labour market as primary education specialists in the field of teaching IT to children or to continue their education and qualification in Bulgaria or abroad. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Graduated students become qualified pedagogues, primary school teachers and IT experts in the field of primary school IT teaching strategies. Graduate Master’s students have a future possibility: to specialize in different forms of continuing education and lifelong learning; to proceed with their education in Ph.D degree CURRICULUM First semester Compulsory courses 1. English for students of information science 2. Computer Information Systems 3. Information technologies ECTS credits 4,5 6,5 7,0 4. Computer Games and Education 7,0 Elective courses 1. Integrated education - strategies and practices 2. Psychological foundations of eLearning 3.Contemporary educational in information technologies 4. Software applications in education (in Primary School) 5. Information technology in extracurricular activities 6. The Internet- An Educational 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 Second semester Compulsory courses 1. e-Learning environments and technologies 2. Multimedia backgrounds for elaboration of didactic means 3. Information technology in educational research 4. Didactics of ICT in Primary School 5. Methodological practice in the school 6. Final Graduation Exams Elective courses ECTS credits 3,0 4,0 2,0 5,0 1,0 15,0 Environment 7. Methods of electronic-based language and literature teaching in primary schools 8. Electronically based methods of math teaching in primary school 3,0 3,0 Total: 30 SHORT INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSES Compulsory courses First semester ENGLISH FOR STUDENTS OF INFORMATION SCIENCE ECTS credits: 4,5; Weekly workload: 2L+0 S+1P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Pedagogy , Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturers: Chief assistant professor Milena DImitrova Levunlieva, Department of Pedagogy, FP е-mail: Annotation: The course in the subject English for Information Science is meant for the students who pursue their Master’s degree in Information Technologies in primary school education. It is oriented to the acquisition of basic communicative skills, such as reading and editing texts, related to information technologies and their application in the process of education. At the end of the course, the students are expected to have acquired profound knowledge of IT terminology and to be able to employ different forms of communication in internet as well as to be capable of discussing computer software and hardware in the appropriate vocabulary. Course content: Knowledge acquisition in the sphere of the English language system through: 1) improvement of the students’ skills to communicate via internet and use the appropriate register in a written form; 2. Building on the reading and listening comprehension skills with a focus on the presentation of technical data; 3. Mastering of the relevant terminology. Education technology: Based on the application of interactive teaching methods within the framework of the communicative approach, the process is focused on the acquisition of new knowledge and the improvement and adjustment of already existing competencies. In the process of performing the assignments in the syllabus, students use their own resources in order to internalize the language structures taught in class. The checking of homework assignments and tests provide feedback for the quality of the knowledge they have acquired. Recommended reading: Primary: 1. Английски език за техническите професии. С. 2002. Additional: 2. McCarthy, M., F. O’Dell (2005). English Vocabulary in Use (Elementary). OUP: Oxford; 3. Murphy, R. (2007). English Grammar in Use (Elementary), OUP: Oxford; 4. Leech, G. (2003). An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage. Oxford: OUP. Total: 30 COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS ECTS credits: 6,5 Weekly workload: 2L+1S+0P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Pedagogy , Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Head Assistant Prof. Velin Kralev, PhD, Department of Informatics е-mail: Annotation: The course teaches methods for developing databases applications through object-oriented integrated development environments (IDEs) for visual design and event-oriented programming. Various aspects of design databases applications using various objects: a datasets, tfield objects and data bound controls. Developed different single-layer (desktop) applications to access data. Students learn different technologies for data access by: ADO, ADO.NET, dbExpress and others. Content of the course: Design database applications. Using TDataSet objects. Using Data Aware Controls. Working with BDE, ADO and dbExpress technologies. Using Client Datasets. Using XML in database applications. Using Connection, Command and DataReader ADO.NET objects. Using DataAdapter and DataSet ADO.NET objects. Workin with win forms and data binding. Recommended reading: Evaluating the student shall be carried out in the sixth grad scale. Current control is performed during the laboratory sessions during the semester through two courseworks, one control test and one course project (50% of final grade). Course ends with a written exam on the material according to the attached syllabus (50% of final grade). When shown a weak exam score, the student appears on the makeup exam and retain the information received from the course work assessment. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ECTS credits:7 Weekly workload: 2L+3 S+0P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Assos. Prof. Trayan Popkochev, Department of Pedagogy, FP е-mail:; Annotation: the course provides insights into the current standards of information technologies. It offers detailed explanations about operating systems such as Microsoft Windows’XP/Vista/7, and desktop applications such as Office 2003/2010 (MS Word, MS Exel, MS Power Point and MS Publisher, Outlook. The main features of the Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozila, Opera) are also described together with other software applications (Picasa, PDF, Foxit, doPDF) and e-mail service providers such as,, gmail, Zimbra, Hotmail. The choice of the abovementioned software is based on its continual development and legal accessibility. The course has both theoretical and practical aspects. The theory is presented in straightforward, readily understandable terms, emphasizing the practical value of the knowledge acquired. Course content: the course presents topics related to computer hardware and software, operating systems Windows (XP/Vista/7), files and file management, computer systems’ security and support, word processors, word documents, text editing applications, fonts and formatting, text templates, options and functions, spreadsheet programs, calculations and numbering, data analysis, diagrams, graph objects and tables, page settings, print settings, power point presentations, slide formatting, special effects and functions, specific file formats and applications PDF, Foxit, doPDF, Internet and Internet applications, data security systems, social networks etc. Organization and assessment: the course is organized as a series of lectures and seminars. The theory is mainly taught with the aid of Power Point presentations, with explanations and examples. At the end of each session students are given time for questions and discussions. The continuous assessment includes minimum 3 tests within the semester based on the main parts of the course. The final grade is based on a written exam in a test format which includes an integrative task. References: (last updated in September 2012). 1. Newly published content for the Office 2013 Preview Resource Kit II 2. Gookin, Dan. 2009. PCs For Dummies, Windows 7 Edition 3. Leonhard, Woody. 2009. Windows 7 All-in-One For Dummies. 4. List of Microsoft Windows components. 5. Microsoft Windows. 6. Office 2013 Previe. 7. Rathbone, Andy. 2009. Windows 7 For Dummies 8. Rathbone, Andy. 2004. Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition 9. Windows Evolution. 10. Windows XP. COMPUTER GAMES AND EDUCATION ECTS credits: 6 Weekly workload: 2L+2 S+0P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: assoc. prof. Daniela Tuparova, PhD, Maya Kaseva, Department of Informatics е-mail: Annotation: The aim of the course is to provide adequate preparation of the primary school teachers in area of use educational computer games in their teaching practice. The basic problems regarding to place of educational computer games are considered. The characteristics of the educational computer games are discussed. The core skills and competencies for adapting of available educational computer games for lessons activities are developed. The students master competencies for design of pedagogical scenarios of educational computer games. Content of the course: The main topics of the course are as following: 1.The games in education 2.Basic characteristics of educational computer games 3.Taxonomy of educational computer games 4.Performance and analysis of online educational games 5.Performance and analysis of stand alone educational computer games 6.Design of scenarios for educational computer games 7.Tools for rapid prototyping of educational computer games During the course each student has to prepare 2 assignments: To find a suitable computer game for implementation in determined subject and grade in the primary school in Internet and to describe the game and the possibilities for implementation in the class. To develop scenario for educational computer game. Recommended reading: 1. On-line course at URL: 2. Gibson D., C. Andry, M. Prensky, Games and Simulations in Online learning, Information Science Publishing, 2007 3. Kasperavicius, L.C.C., Bezerra, L.N.M., Silva, L. & Silveira, I.F.( Vo.8 2011), “ Building Computer Games as Effective Learning Tools For Digital Natives- and Similar”. 4. Rieber, L. P., & Noah, D. (2008). Games, Simulations, and Visual Metaphors in Education: Antagonism between Enjoyment and Learning. Educational Media International, 45(2), 77-92. 5. van Dam, A., Becker, S., & Simpson, R.M. (2005). Next-generation educational software: Why we need it and a research agenda for getting it. Educause Review, March/April, 26-43. 6. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital game-based learning. Minnesota: Paragon House. Elective courses First semester INTEGRATED EDUCATION - STRATEGIES AND PRACTICES ECTS credits: 3.00 Weekly workload: 4L+0 S+0P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Assoc. prof. PhD Lidiya Cvetanova – Churukova, Department of Pedagogy, FP e-mail: Annotation: The integrated education in the totality of its forms of practical realization, and most - the integrated lesson – an effective and active means of overcoming information’s satiation and children’s loading, as at the same time preserve the qualities of active training and educational systems. The accent in the training is marked on acquiring of skills to build integrated forms of education in primary school by rational usage of contemporary information technologies. Content of the course: General theoretical conceptual approaches for interpretation of integration in the scientific knowledge. European and national normative basis to develop integrated educational strategies and technologies. Historical integration flashback in the primary education system. Contemporary integrative educational technologies. Aims, peculiarity and specificity of integrated education in the primary grades. Inner links, correlations and trans connections in the educational content. Interaction of the content in a subject educational system and general cultural educative knowledge fields. Kinds and levels of systematization, integration and differentiation in the education. Integrated forms of education in the primary grades. Variety of classificational schemes. Characterization of integrated lesson in the education from 1-st to 4th grade. Didactic analysis of the forms “integrated day”, “integrated week”, “integrated courses with an elective character”, “integrated exams”, “integrated consultations” and etc. in the primary education system. Directions for a project activities’ organization in the primary grades. Educational technology: Examination’s evaluation is formed on the basis of successful or unsuccessful defense of prepared plan-synopsis with elaborated integrated educational form in the primary grades (or portfolio) by using information technologies and practical realization of the same. PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF ELEARNING ECTS credits: 3 Weekly workload: 4L+0 S+0P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Pedagogy Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Malinka Ivanova, Department of Pedagogy, FP Annotation: This course introduces students to perception and the processing of visual-spatial information of the human brain and how this influences the learning and remembering processes. Topics include the presentation of visual-spatial information, selective attention of children, objects discern and categorization, formation of visual images in the memory, supporting learning and remembering through visual-spatial images. Content of the course: Organization and processes of human visual system. Models for perceiving of visual-spatial information. Recognition of visual objects – theories and problems. Recognition of components and prediction of their properties through the detached parts. A process of visual information discerning and its relation with other senses like hearing and touch. Attention to visual objects – definitions. Not paying attention to the changes in visual objects. Disorders in the visual perception of information. Searching and finding of visual objects. Formation of visual images in memory. Connection of concepts at different levels. Concepts visualization in multidimensional space. Long term memory - structure and kindes. Decisions making – theories, models, effects. Individual characteristics. Learning through problem solving. Cognitive processes and mechanisms determining spatial orientation and human behavior. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Recommended reading: Laura Schulz, Infant and Early Childhood Cognition - lecture notes, MIT OpenCorseWare, Benjamin Balas, Sensation and Perception - lecture notes, MIT OpenCorseWare, Anthony Wagner, Human Memory and Learning - lecture notes, MIT OpenCorseWare , Edward Gibson, Joshua Tenenbaum, Pawan Sinha, The Brain and Cognitive Sciences II - lecture notes, MIT OpenCorseWare, Mark Steyvers, Cognitive Science – lecture notes, University of California, Irvine, Department of Cognitive Sciences, Claudia J. Stanny, Memory and Cognition – chapters, University Parkway, USA, CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL IN FORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ECTS credits: 3 Weekly workload: L+0 S+0P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Pedagogy Lecturers: Senior asst. prof. Nilolay Tsankov Ph.D., e-mail: Annotation: Information technologies are part of the contemporary educational vision and offer actual opportunities to improve the quality of the educational product. The course emphasizes the acquisition of skills for designing the educational environment for primary school students through the implementation of information technologies. This can contribute to the formation of high self-esteem in students and will provide for the applicability of their competencies in real situations in educational; establishments. Course content: The basic concepts for educational technologies. Characteristic traits of educational technologies. Types of educational technologies. Basic components. The role of innovative and tailor-made educational technologies. Internet as an educational technology. The role of Internet in formal and informal education. Electronic and distance education. Contemporary mediums of education. Mutimedia technologies. Microsoft Interactive Classroom as a contemporary educational technology. The portfolio as an information technology. Microsoft live@EDU as a contemporary educational technology. ITALC as a contemporary educational technology. Microsoft SharedView и Microsoft Mouse Mischief as contemporary educational technologies. Education technology: The education is organized in such fashion as to provide a transition from standard platforms for managing educational to systems based on the sharing and formation of a portfolio (Professional portfolio-based networks). A model of the educational environment is employed (with preeminent application of a variety of multimedia products) using a number of shared activity milieus. Interactive methods are applied in the process of education. The mid-term evaluation contributes 40% to the final grade and the other 60% comes from the exam score. The requirements for a grad of 3, 4, 5, and 6 are in accord with the European diploma supplement. SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS IN EDUCATION (IN PRIMARY SCHOOL) ECTS credits: 3.00 Weekly workload: L+0 S+0P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy, Lecturer: Аssoc. prof. Dr. of Math. Science Slavcho Shtrakov, Department of Natural Sci. and Mathematics е-mail: Annotation: The aim of the course is to provide knowledge about the fundamental software applications in the earlier stage of education. The structure and content of the course is analogous to similar courses in proposed in the universities in EU which educate students for teaching in the first stage of education. Thus we consider the basic knowledge of the incoming information society. Content of the course: Information society. Information technology in education. Overview of the education in information technology. Programming languages. Introduction in LOGO. Basis of programming. Algorithms and programs. Software for management of education. Internet technology. Recommended reading: 1. Z. Manna, Mathematical theory of computation, McGraw-Hill Book Company, NY,1974, 420 p. 2. А. Могилев, Н. Пак, Е. Хенер, Информатика, АCADEMIA, М., 1999, 810 стр. (Уч. за Педаг. ВУЗ); 3. Учебниците и учебните помагала по информатика за началните, средните и специализираните училища. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ECTS credits: 3 Weekly workload: 2 L+0 S+0 P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Lilyana Todorova, Department of Pedagogy, FP e-mail: Annotation: A special place in the course is devoted to the role of tutor to encourage the development of talents and gifts of students in the education process. Students learn specific methods, forms and means of planning and organizing initiatives, learn to approach the students in this kind of activities that differ from those used in the educational activity. The emphasis is on the ability of students to handle information technology to surf the Internet to engage in computer games, where appropriate choice by educators to educate in the course of the game. The course focuses on the development of pedagogical imagination of students discovery and development of new forms of activities of the students. Course content: Children and information technologies. Understanding the internet - learning basic features. Educational aspects of computer games and activities on the Internet. Methods and approaches to the organization of recreation in summer and winter camps and school holiday camps etc.. Non-traditional and modern forms of organization of leisure. Educational requirements for the organization of various forms of activities outside lessons. Use of computers and other media. Activities of students in the choice of forms of activity as indicative program for educating students in the elementary grades. Types of activities with younger students in a variety of extracurricular activities. Methods and forms of organization of leisure time with family members. Specifics of the work resides in the free time of students. Teaching: Students – Master degree are tested in one topic syllabus and pre-project activities developed young pupils at their leisure time. Title - the choice of the students. The assessment is based on written - development comes from the questionnaire and the value and integrity of the acquired requirements for the proposed project. THE INTERNET- AN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ECTS credits: 3.0 Weekly workload: 2 L+0 S+0 P Assessment form: written exam Semester: I Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Asst. Prof. Nikolay Tzankov, Ph.D., Department of Pedagogy, FP е-mail: Annotation: The development of ITC technology imposes the constant search for possibilities for its integration in all spheres of social life. Internet as an important discovery for humanity is implemented in different aspects of everyday-life and education. It makes the traditional educational environment extremely attractive and provides numerous possibilities for its enhancement. Internet educational environment is a challenge not only for the students but also to the teachers because they need to constantly learn and improve their professional competence in a dynamically developing ITC environment. The course allows the students to improve their skills and competencies to successfully employ Internet in their future teaching practice in elementary school in order to make the educational environment provoking, attractive and useful for students. Contents: Modern tendencies in the development of ITC technology in education. The technology achievement of Internet – fundaments and characteristics. IT society and development of education. Internet as an educational technology. Internet educational resources. Principles of Internet-based education. Teaching and learning based on Internet sources and materials. Virtual libraries. Internet as a learning environment. The Internet and the classroom. Video conference in the learning process. Educational characteristics of the Internet educational environment. Internetbased educational technologies. E-mail. Design of the Internet educational environment. Distance and e-learning. Models for distance e-education on the Internet. E-education- types of environment. Systems for managing of studying courses as a part of the Internet educational environment. Developing on-line courses- principles, contents, means. Live@Edu – as an Internet-based educational technology- possibilities for design of the education environment. Didactic requirements for the Internet educational environment. Levels of implementation of Internet technology in elementary school teachers’ activities. Internet-based information search visualizing web pages by browsing; hyperlinks, web addresses, programs and sites for information search. File transfer and communication in real time- using auxiliary programs to send and receive files; real time communication in the Internet. Teaching technology: The course of lectures provides the students with specialized knowledge related to the knowledge and skills of coping within an Internet- based educational environmentthe principles, methods, and means of realization of Internet-based education, the factors which determine it and the prerequisites for its efficiency. Assessment is based on the student’s e- portfolio and a written exam on a particular topic from the contents. Compulsory courses Second semester METHODS OF ELECTRONIC-BASED LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE TEACHING IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS ECTS credits: 3,00 Weekly workload: 2 L+0 S+2 P Assessment form: written exam Semester: II Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Maya Sotirova, Ph.D., Department of Pedagogy е-mail: Annotation: The course takes into consideration the innovations in educational process as whole and in language training in primary schools in particular, related with implementation of ICT. The aim of the course is acquiring of knowledge and skills for implementation of new modern electronic and multimedia recourses in language and literature training in primary schools. The students must to acquire competence for using of means of new information and communication technologies within education on language and literature whit aim to achieve enhancement of educational effectiveness. Content of the course: Principles of electronic based language and literature training in primary schools; Methods of electronic based training on initial literacy; Technological means for implementation of methodical techniques for acquiring of print letters and for sound analysis and synthesis in the process of literacy acquiring under electronic training; Methods of electronic based training on literature; Methods of electronic based language training; Information computer lesson in language training – priorities and peculiarities; Methods of development of communicative language abilities into the students; Typical combined lessons in language and literature training in primary schools. Recommended reading: 1. Learning, Innovation and ICT. Lessons learned by the ICT cluster. Education & Training 2010 programme. 2. Schmid Euline Cutrim (2009) Interactive whiteboard technology in the language classroom: exploring new pedagogical opportunities, Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. 3. Lamy M.-N. & Hampel R. (2007) Online communication in language learning and teaching, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. 4. Davies G. & Higgins J. (1982) Computers, language and language learning, London: CILT. 5. Davies G., Walker R., Rendall H. & Hewer S. (2011) Introduction to Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Module 1.4 in Davies G. (ed.) Information and Communications Technology for Language Teachers (ICT4LT), Slough, Thames Valley University [Online]: 6. Delcloque P. (2000) History of CALL [Online]: 7. Davies G. (2005) Computer Assisted Language Learning: Where are we now and where are we going? [ Online]: 8. Hubbard P. (2009) (ed.) Computer-assisted language learning, Volumes I-IV, Routledge: London and New York: 9. Language Learning & Technology (2010) 14, 3, pp. 14-18 [Online]: ELECTRONICALLY BASED METHODS OF MATH TEACHING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL ECTS credits: 3,00 Weekly workload: 2 L+0 S+0 P Assessment form: written exam Semester: II Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Assos. Prof. Yanka Stoimenova, Pre-school and Primary School Pedagogy, FP е-mail: Course summary: The aim of the course is focused on acquiring and applying new advanced electronic and multimedia resources for teaching mathematics in the primary school grades. During the course students acquire knowledge and skills to use the potential of computer and information technologies in teaching mathematics as an alternative approach to increase students motivation and effectiveness of the educational process. On the other hand the course helps students to overcome their psychological barriers to use electronically-based teaching methods of mathematics in primary school and contribute to the development of their professional competence. Course content: the course addresses the topics related to: Principles of e-based teaching of mathematics in primary school; Methods of electronically-based methods for teaching arithmetic, technological tools for teaching numbers and arithmetic operations, equations, inequalities and equations, electronically-based geometrics teaching and learning, problem solving, types of mathematic content and lessons etc. Organization and assessment: the course is organized as a series of lectures. Lectures are supported by examples from the educational practice. At the end of the course a final exam is given to students. The students’ achievement is also examined through a combination of tests and submitted written and project work during the semester. Important parts of the evaluation are students’ individual research and presentation skills. Students who can’t meet the course requirements within the semester are given extra tasks. Recommended reading: 1. Learning, Innovation and ICT. Lessons learned by the ICT cluster. Education & Training 2010 programme. 2. Delcloque P. (2000) History of CALL [Online]: 3. Davies G. (2005) Computer Assisted Language Learning: Where are we now and where are we going? [ Online]: 4. Hubbard P. (2009) (ed.) Computer-assisted language learning, Volumes I-IV, Routledge: London and New York: E-LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS AND TECHNOLOGIES ECTS credits: 3,00 Weekly workload: 2 L+0 S+2 P Assessment form: written exam Semester: II Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: assoc. prof. Georgi Tuparov, assoc. prof. Daniela Dureva, Department of Informatics. е-mail: Annotation: The general aim of the course is to form knowledge, skills and abilities about elearnig technologies and methods and their successful implementation into educational process in primary school level. Content of the course: Basic topics in the course are: Basic technological and pedagogical concepts in e-learning. Models of e-learning courses. Psychology theories of learning and their implementation in e-learning. Functional features of e-learning environment Moodle: Using integrated HTML editor; Working with learning resources – web page, label, link to external resources, link to file or directory etc.; Working with learning activities – assignment, forum, blog, wiki, questionnaire etc.; Students management. Students have to develop a part of e-learning course with obligatory components: e-learning content in form of web page; link to files with, presentation; audio and video content; test with diversity of test’s items. The course have to be based on own scenario. The evaluation of the student’s skills is grounded on the developed e-learning courses. Recommended reading: 1. E-Learning course at 2. Pierre Tchounikine, Computer Science and Educational Software Design, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 3. Moodle Documentation, URL: 4. Marc J. Rosenberg, E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age, 2000 5. Ruth C. Clark, R. Mayer, e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning, Third Edition, Pfeiffer, 2011 MULTIMEDIA BACKGROUNDS FOR ELABORATION OF DIDACTIC MEANS ECTS credits: 4,00 Weekly workload: 80 lectures, 0 seminars, 2 practical exercises Assessment form: written exam Semester: II Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Assoc. prof. PhD Lidiya Cvetanova – Churukova, Department of Pedagogy, FP Annotation: The contemporary information technologies give possibilities to mold and present the curriculum in the primary grades in an interesting and compelling way. The multimedia means facilitate the perception of the given information. To facilitate the preparation process, creation and presentation of educational materials by computer presentation are created specialized programs. These programs give to the user different templates and instruments, with which help will be able to be prepared a presentation quickly and easily. In the package Microsoft Office is included such program – Power Point. She offers great number of instruments which permit a separate creation and organization of the presentation step by step. During its preparation the user can import objects – tables, drawings, diagrams, music and text, created by other programs or creates them independently. Content of the course: Reforms in the European education and perspectives for implementation of progressive educational technologies in the training in primary grades. Pedagogical innovations and qualification of primary and children teachers. Didactic multimedia possibilities in the training. Hypertext, multimedia and their integration in the training (1st - 4th grade). Educational software and multimedia. The usage of electronic educational ressources in preparation of pedagogical massif for everyday usage. Contemporary backgrounds for electronic learning. The usage of computer presentations in the primary education system. Essence of computer presentations. Kinds of presentations and slides. Requirements to the presentations. Methodological aspects of work with the program Power Point. Creation and usage of computer presentations. Verification and knowledge evaluation of the pupils in primary grades by computer tests. Programs for creation of test’s variants – comparative analysis. Educational technology: The lectures and exercises are lead in an interactive regime. Examination’s evaluation is formed on the basis of successful or unsuccessful defense or prepared plan-synopsis with multimedia presentation of different kind of lesson (round 20 slides) in primary grades (theme, subject, cultural and educational field – at oneself choice) or planscenario with a presentation about some integrated educational form (or portfolio including the above-mentioned attributes and similar others) by using information technologies. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ECTS credits: 6.5 Weekly workload: 2 L+2 S+0 P Assessment form: written exam Semester: II Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Assos. Prof. Trayan Popkochev, Department of Pedagogy, FP е-mail:; Course summary: the course provides knowledge and skills for the application of different ICT n educational research. An accent is put on the standard operating systems and their applications Excel and Access together with the Microsoft (Office 2003/ Office 10) office pack. On the other hand it offers some specific software products such as reference management – BiblioExpress, Bibus and statistics tools SPSS. . The choice of the abovementioned software is based on its frequent use for academic research and educational needs, on its continual development and legal accessibility. The course has both theoretical and practical aspects. The theory is presented in straightforward, readily understandable terms, emphasizing the practical value of the knowledge acquired. Course content: the course addresses the following topics: ACCESS data, spreadsheet programs and Excel formulas, ANOVA-Analysis, SPSS – statistics and graphics, Descriptive Statistics, Correlation analysis, Nonparametric Tests, Reference manager BiblioExpress and Bibus, anti plagiarism software Advego Plagiatus, cluster analysis. References: (last updated in September 2012). 1. Advego Plagiatus . 2. BiblioExpressII 3. Bibus bibliographic database II 4. Ccount. II 5. Free Research Software on II 6. Idea Rover v.1.1 II 7. Jennings, R. 2010. Microsoft Access 2010 In Depth. 8. Pallant, Julie. 2010. SPSS Survival Manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS. 9. Walkenbach, John. 2010. Excel 2010 Bible (Excel Bible). DIDACTICS OF ICT IN PRIMARY SCHOOL ECTS credits: 5,00 Weekly workload: 2 L+0 S+2 P Assessment form: written exam Semester: II Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: assoc. prof. Daniela Tuparova, Phd, Department of Informatics е-mail: Annotation: The course provides didactical background of the Primary ICT teachers. During the study students will master skills for plan class activities, prepare assessment and didactical resources. Content of the course: The content covers next basic topics: Objectives of teaching ICT in primary school level. ICT syllabuses and state requirements in 1-4 school grade. Basic educational rules and their implementation in ICT education in primary school. Implementation of teaching and learning methods in ICT education in primary school. Assessment and evaluation in ICT education in primary school. Planning of educational activities – development of curricula, lessons preparing etc. Implementation of cross-subject relations in ICT lessons. Final exam of the course consists of online test and development of lesson’s plan about topic from the learning content in ICT. The components of final grade are individual assignments, participation in discussion forums during development of annual schedule and achieved results during the final examProject based approach in primary school through ICT. Recommended reading: 1. E-Learning course at 2. Allen J., J. Potter, J. Sharp, K. Turvay, Primary ICT: Knowledge, Understanding and Practice (Achieving QTS), Learning Matters, UK, 2007 3. Steve Weeler (Ed), Transforming Primary ICT, Learning Matters, UK, 2005 4. Bridget SomehcPedagogy and Learning with ICT: Researching the Art of Innovation, Taylor & Francis, 2007 METHODOLOGICAL PRACTICE IN THE SCHOOL ECTS credits: 20 Weekly workload: 3 practical training Assessment form: exam / continuous assessment Semester: II Department: Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy Lecturer: Georgieva Vera, Department of Pedagogy, FP Annotation: The main objective of the course is to introduce students to specific methodological problems in studying IT at an early stage. By involving students in the development of lessons seeks to acquire pedagogical competence for organizing and managing learning IT. To master different strategies and new forms of work with children and families of students Content of the course: Review and analysis of key regulatory documents related to IT, Introduction to the organization of learning in IT at an early stage of education; Identifying specific scenario for deploying IT lessons in the first-fourth grades. Analysis and comparison of textbooks in IT I - IV class. Structure of IT lessons from the PIU. Peculiarities of organization of work in the computer lab. Plan - Scenarios lesson in IT I, II, III and IV class. Development, presentation and discussion. Application of IT in the hours of mandatory training for 1-4 class at an early stage of education. Types and place in the lesson. Development of leading companies in the field of IT education. Multi Point technology education. In the process of learning with the students are used traditional teaching methods (observation, discussion, lectures, etc..) as well as new innovative educational strategies and approaches (problem discussions, situational modeling, multimedia presentations, teamwork and more. ). In the final assessment curriculum is current, placed at the end of the semester. It is a collection of visits to workshops, the preparation and the active participation of students in the auditorium activities of individual work and individual work. Recommended reading: Andreev, M. Evaluating the school, S., 1995; Bizhkov G. Monitoring and analysis of teaching lessons in Bulgarian School. "Education", 1991, N 2; Bizhkov, G. Theory and practice of group training. "Education", 1992, N 4.;Bizhkov G. Methodology of pedagogical research. S. Askoissue, 1995; Boteva N. word computer in school. "Education", 1991, N 4;Bizhkov, D. and N. Popov. Comparative Education. S., hip. ed st "St. Kliment Ohridski", 1994.;Gyurova, C. Education in the world (problems and perspectives). S., "Education and Training CL", 1994.;Gavora, P. individual concept of teacher training. "Education", 1992, N 1, s.40-50.; Genev, K. educational systems in some countries. "Education", 1992, N 2; Galova, S. Organization of independent work in the merged classes. "Primary education", 1988, N 3.