University of Nebraska–Lincoln Transfer Equivalency Nebraska Indian Community College, Macy, NE Transfer Course Equivalencies The following is a list of current course equivalents between Nebraska Indian Community College and University of Nebraska–Lincoln; credit at UNL is stated in semester hours. If a specific UNL course equivalent has not been identified, other notations are used. GNCR; course transfers as UNL general hours SUBJ; course transfers as subject area hours (e.g., ENGLXXX, MATHXXX) not assigned to a specific course NDAP; excess transfer course hours which are included in the equivalency and generally not degree-applicable VCRD; vocational/skill development course: limited application to a UNL degree NOCR; non-transferrable international course Contact your UNL College to determine whether a course will be applicable to your intended major. While every effort is made to keep this list up to date, courses may be added or deleted at any time. Courses not listed may also be transferable and degree applicable. Equivalencies are date-specific and dependent upon when the course was taken. Equivalencies no longer in effect are not included in the list, but will be included in UNL's evaluation of transfer credit if taken during the period the equivalency was in effect. In some cases, two or more transfer courses may be needed to achieve the equivalent of a UNL course. For an official evaluation of transfer credits, students are encouraged to apply for admission to UNL, and submit complete high school and postsecondary transcripts. Begin your search for courses by selecting one of Nebraska Indian Community College's subject abbreviations: *ACE is UNL’s 30-hour general education program comprised of 10 student learning outcomes ( Transfer courses may fulfill the ACE outcome listed. For information about the structure of ACE go to ART | BIO | BUS | CHM | CIT | CPT | ECE | ECO | ENG | GEO | HPR | HSC | HST | IOT | MTH | MUS | NAS | NAT | PHY | PSY | SOC | SPH | SSS | TLS Nebraska Indian Community College, Macy, NE Course ID Nebraska Indian UNL Community UNL Course UNL Course Course College, Macy, ID Title Credit NE Course Title ART 101 Native American AHIS***@ Arts ART 105 Intro To Visual Arts *Ace Requirement Fulfilled 3 GNCR***@ 3 Return to the top of the list BIO 100 and BIO 101 BIOS101 General Biology BIOS101L 3 1 General Biology General Biology Lab BIO 101 BIOS101 General Biology BIOS101L 3 1 General Biology General Biology Lab BIO 103 Intro To Env Issue GNCR***@ 3 BIO 105 Gen Botany BIOS109 4 BIO 230 Human Anatomy & Phys BIOS***@ 4 4 4 General Botany Return to the top of the list BUS 101 Intro To Business BUS 120 and Accounting I BUS 121 Accounting II GNCR***@ 3 ACCT201 3 NDAP***@ 3 Intro Accounting I BUS 205 Bus JGEN120 Communicatiion 3 Basic Business 1 Comm BUS 211 Prin Of Mngt MNGT320 3 Princ Of Management BUS 215 Small Business Opera MNGT121 3 Entrepreneurial 6 Mgt BUS 217 Princ Of Marketing MRKT341 3 Marketing 6 BUS 270 and Business Law I BLAW371 3 BUS 271 Business Law II NDAP***@ 3 BUS 290 Special Topics Legal Environment GNCR***@ 1-3 Return to the top of the list CHM 104 Chem For General Educ CHM 112 CHEM105 4 Chem In Context I 4 4 Computer Science I 3 VCRD***@ Return to the top of the list CIT 099 HSCR***@ CIT 104 VCRD***@ CIT 110 CSCE***@ CIT 115 CSCE155 CIT 120 VCRD***@ CIT 140 Productivity I VCRD***@ CIT 150 Productivity II VCRD***@ CIT 210 CSCE***@ CIT 230 VCRD***@ CIT 240 VCRD***@ CIT 280 VCRD***@ Return to the top of the list CPT VCRD***@ CPT 100 Fund Of Carpentry ALEC104 3 Wood Technology CPT 201 Construction Theory ALEC242 3 Construction Tech CPT 205 Blueprint Reading ALEC122 3 Architectrl Drafting TEAC302 3 Childrens Literature ECO 201 Macroeconomics ECON211 3 Princ Of Macroecon 8,6 ECO 202 ECON212 3 Princ Of Microecon 6,8 Return to the top of the list ECE 235 Children's Lit Return to the top of the list ECO 213 Prin Of Econ ECON210 ECO 213 Prin Of Econ GNCR***@ 5 Introduction To Econ Return to the top of the list ENG 099 English Skills HSCR***@ ENG 101 English Composition I ENGL150 3 Writing: Rhetoric 1 ENG 102 English Composition II ENGL151 3 Rhetoric As Argumnt 1 ENG 103 Intro To Literature ENGL180 3 Intro To Literature 5 ENG 120 Creative Writing ENGL252 3 Intro Fiction Writng 7 ENG 145 Native American GNCR***@ Myth ENG 217 Indian Literature ENGL245B 3 Native American Lit 5,9 3 Quality Of Environ 6,9 Return to the top of the list GEO 101 Princ. Geography GEOG181 Return to the top of the list NDAP***@ TEAM***@ HPR 127 Indian Games HPR 140 FITN102D Weight Training FITN112D 0 0 Weight Training I Weight Training II HPR 146 Bowling INDV105B 0 Bowling I HPR 171 First Aid NUTR170 1 Emergency Hlth Care HPR 231 Health Education/Wel NUTR201 3 Elements Of Health HSC 120 Intro Counseling PSYC298 Tec 3 Special Topics HSC 130 Intro N.A. Alcoholis Return to the top of the list GNCR***@ 3 Return to the top of the list HST 110 World History I HIST***@ 3 HST 111 World History II HIST120 3 World Hist To 9 1500 Ce HST 205 American History I HIST201 3 America To 1877 HST 206 American History II HIST202 3 America After 5 1877 5 Return to the top of the list IOT 099 VCRD***@ IOT 105 VCRD***@ IOT 120 Introduction To VCRD***@ Windows IOT 130 Pc Trouble & Maint. VCRD***@ IOT 140 Intro To Word VCRD***@ IOT 150 Intro Internet VCRD***@ IOT 210 Spreadsheets I VCRD***@ IOT 211 Spreadsheet II VCRD***@ IOT 220 Database I VCRD***@ IOT 221 VCRD***@ IOT 230 Word Processing VCRD***@ II IOT 240 VCRD***@ IOT 250 VCRD***@ IOT 255 VCRD***@ IOT 290 VCRD***@ Return to the top of the list MTH 099 Math Found HSCR***@ MTH 106 Construction Math VCRD***@ MTH 110 Princ. College Math HSCR***@ MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra MATH100A 3 MTH 112 College Algebra MATH101 3 Intermediate Algebra College Algebra Return to the top of the list MUS 100 Intro To Music MUNM276G 3 The Music Experience 7 Return to the top of the list NAS 101 Contemp Issues SOCI***@ Of Na NAS 155 Native American GNCR***@ 3 Myth NAS 200 Nat Amer Hist To 1890 HIST241 3 NAS 201 Na Hist Since 1890 HIST***@ 3 NAS 202 Santee Dakota Tribal HIST***@ 3 NAS 203 Ponca Tribal History HIST***@ 3 NAS 204 Omaha Tribal History HIST***@ 3 NAS 213 Tribal Gov't/Politics POLS***@ 3 NAS 215 Federal Indian Policy POLS***@ 3 NAS 216 Federal Indian Law POLS***@ 4 NAS 220 Tribal Management MNGT***@ 3 NAS 222 Dakota Culture & Trad ANTH352 3 Indigenous Peoples NAS 230 Issues Native Am Psych PSYC298 3 Special Topics NAS 244 Omaha Culture & Trad ANTH352 3 Indigenous Peoples NAS 245 Native American ENGL245B 3 Lit Native American Lit NAS 280 Issues Native PSYC298 American Psych Special Topics 3 1 Return to the top of the list NAT 102 Concepts Of Ecology BIOS***@ 4 PHY 101 Physical Science SCIE***@ 4 PHY 103 Applied Physics NDAP***@ 1 Return to the top of the list Native 9 American Hist 5,9 PHYS115 3 Descriptive Physics 4 Return to the top of the list PSY 110 General Psychology PSYC181 3 Intro To Psychology PSY 200 Human Sexuality PSYC298 3 Special Topics 6 Return to the top of the list SOC 110 Intro To Soc SOCI101 3 Intro To Sociology 6 SOC 140 Cultural Anthropolog ANTH110 3 Intro To Anthro 6,9 3 Public Speaking 2 Return to the top of the list SPH 198 Public Speaking COMM209 Return to the top of the list SSS 100 EDPS109 College Survival GNCR**** 1 2 SSS 101 Career Survival EDPS150 GNCR**** 1 2 Return to the top of the list TLS Technology Lead St Your Feedback Please rate this page: 1 2 3 4 5 Comments for this page 1. Comments VCRD***@ Learng How To Learn Career Develop Smnr Submit Related Links Graduate Studies o Law Admissions Extended Education Contacting Us Office of Admissions 1410 Q Street Lincoln, NE 68588-0417 Tel: 1-800-742-8800 or (402) 472-2023 Fax: (402) 472-0670 Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday E-mail: or contact your admissions counselor Campus Visit: Schedule a visit at Share This Page Email This Page Facebook Linked In Myspace Twitter Plurk Digg Delicious Reddit StumbleUpon Newsvine Google Bookmark Get a GoURL for this page. © 2010 University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Undergraduate Office of Admissions | Lincoln, NE 68588-0256 | 402-472-2023 | 800-742-8800 | comments? UNL web templates and quality assurance provided by the Web Developer Network | W3C | CSS