Hillsborough Township School District Unit/Skill My daily routine Let’s celebrate That’s my style That’s my style Month/ Weeks 3 weeks 6 weeks 1 week 2 weeks Content Routine Celebration Clothing/fashion Clothing/Fashion Your turn ... 2 weeks Chores Let’s eat 3 weeks Food World Language Department Level III CP Curriculum Map Core Content Essential Questions Skills Assessment 7.1 B.4 Participate in guided conversations on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other core content areas. What do/did you do to get yourself ready in the morning? Students will be able to describe (orally and in writing) their daily routine, both in present and past tense using reflexive verbs. Skit/Poster/Oral written quiz/test White boards/ Flashcards Homework 7.2 C.3 Participate in activities related to special events celebrated in the target culture(s) and make comparisons with the U.S. How do people in target culture celebrate important events and holidays? Students will be able to describe various celebrations they participated in using the correct past tense. How do my clothes differ from yours? Students will be able to use (orally and in writing) comparative and superlative constructions to compare and contrast. How do you describe your wardrobe and that of others? Students will be able to use (orally and in writing) possessive pronouns to describe ownership. 7.1 B.1 Give and follow simple oral directions, commands, and requests for participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities. What could/ must you do around the house? Students will be able to describe what they could/should do (modal verbs). 7.1 A.1 Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral directions, commands, and requests through appropriate physical response. What are ways to describe what other people ordered in a restaurant? Students will be able to use various pronoun complements and various combinations thereof to describe what people were served. 7.1 A.3 Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written descriptions. 7.1 C.3 Tell or retell stories using a guided format from ageappropriate, culturally authentic selections orally or in writing. 1 Role play quiz/test White boards/ Board work Internet research Oral presentation Homework Skit/Poster/Oral written quiz/test Seat work Flashcards Homework Translations Charts Skit/Poster/Oral Written quiz/test Board work/ Flashcards Homework Fashion Show Poster/Oral Written quiz/test Role Play Homework Seat work Conversations Poster/Oral Written quiz/test Seat work Role Play Homework Translations Literacy Integration Create a poster and write captions depicting a daily routine Write invitations and/or thank you letters for a social event. Write a magazine column comparing celebrities’ styles. Write note cards for fashion show of models’ clothing Design a schedule showing when weekly chores ought/should be done. Write a restaurant critique which describes the food people ate and the service they received. Hillsborough Township School District Unit/Skill Month/ Weeks Content What will you be when you grow up? 3 weeks Careers Keep me posted 4 weeks Communications /Media /Mail Discover the world 4 weeks Tourism Discover the world 4 weeks Tourism Go Green! 4 weeks Ecology/ Environment Go Green! 4 weeks Environment /pollution and solutions World Language Department Level III CP Curriculum Map Core Content Essential Questions Skills Assessment Students will be able to use future tense (orally and in writing) for both regular and irregular verbs to describe upcoming events. Students will use correct articles in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases in appropriate target languages. Oral / written Seat work quiz/test Flashcards Homework Drills Internet activities Skit/Oral written quiz/test Role play TV interview Homework Internet drills Write e-mails 7.1 A.3 Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written descriptions. What are one’s future plans and ambitions? 7.1 B.5 Identify the main characters, main idea, setting, and important events found in ageappropriate, culturally authentic texts. How could you be informed about the world around you? Students will be able to make questions and statements (orally and in writing) using regular and irregular verbs in the conditional tense. 7.2 B.1 Imitate culturally appropriate etiquette in verbal and non-verbal communication during greetings, leave-takings, and common social situations. How does one ask for and give information when traveling? Students will be able form and use formal commands of regular and reflexive verbs in writing and speaking. 7.1 C.1 Create and present orally or in writing brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or roleplays using familiar vocabulary in a guided format. How does one ask for and give information when traveling? 7.2 A.2 Describe the geographical features, types and effects of climate in countries where the target language is spoken. How could we protect the environment? Students will be able to form the present subjunctive of regular and irregular verbs in writing. How could we protect the environment? Students will be able to correctly use personal verses impersonal obligations that may require the present subjunctive. 7.1 A.5 Connect the learning of the target language to information studied in other core content areas. 2 Students will be able to use pronoun complements in imperative statements (orally and in writing). Students will use correct adjective endings in nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases in appropriate target languages. Role Play written quiz/test Internet research Homework Reading Comprehensions Skit/Poster/Oral written quiz/test White boards/ Flashcards Homework Seat work Internet research Role Play Conversation Posters Internet research Written quiz/test Projects Map fill-in Written quiz/test White boards Homework Slogans Literacy Integration Write a graduation speech indicating your future plans. Write an e-mail to a pen pal discussing what he/she could do while visiting. Write a travel brochure with directions for people who plan to take a trip. Write a list of suggestions to overcome inconveniences encountered while traveling. Write a letter to a friend describing the landscape in the region of the target country. Write a radio ad expressing measures to protect and save the planet.