
You get the chance to travel the world….
Summer has arrived…what to do know? Here’s an idea…take a mini tour to any
country of your choice. You get the chance to experience a foreign culture,
discover what it takes to travel, explore various exotic tourists’ attractions, and
manage money at the same time.
This Internet learning activity package will assist you to discover the answers for
the following:
1. Credit Cards
2. Cost of flight
3. Cost of accommodations
4. Preparing a budget
5. On line Banking
6. Consumer Trends
7. Product marketing
8. Career Opportunities
You will be using the internet to gain knowledge pertaining to the world of
Accounting, Tourism, Hospitality, and Entrepreneurship, and Life Transitions. All
the information you collect will hopefully one day assist you in your own journey!!
“Today’s choices, determine future rewards…”
Activity 1: Credit Cards
In order to be financially stable on your voyage, you must first apply for a credit
card. It is important to note that just because you get a credit card, this doesn’t
mean free money. The following activity will help you learn more about credit
cards. Once you have your credit card, you are on your way to explore the
1. Click on the following web site:
2. This web site contains games and quizzes that you can take to help you
gain some more knowledge concerning credit cards. Click on the following
link: Quiz: Credit 101
3. As you go through the quiz write down your answer to each of the
questions in the following table. Once you have written down your answer,
you may then see if you were correct by choosing what you think to be the
right answer. If you were wrong, write down your answer and then the
correct answer in brackets. Enjoy! (1 mark for each, total of 7 marks)
Question: Define the following
Fixed Rate
Introductory Rate
Minimum Payment
Annual Fee
Charge Card
Activity 2: Cost of your flight
What is your flight going to cost? Where should you begin your voyage? What
location can you afford? These are all questions that must be answered before
you being to book your flight. This activity will help you look at various price
ranges and countries. You choose whichever location you see fit. You have a
budget of $3000 for your trip…
Click on the following web site:
2. You now have to search for a flight that will take to you to your first initial
stop, the country of your choice. Your flight should take you from Regina to
your desired destination. Your trip will begin on July 1/07 and you must return
on July 22/07. You must provide me with the following information:
i. Cost of your flight
ii. Departure time/Arrival Time (along with the country your are
iii. Name of Airline
iv. Connecting Flight (if applicable)
v. On the way home: Departure time/Arrival time
(Worth 1 mark each – total of 5 marks)
Cost of flight
Departure/Arrival Time
Name of Airline
Connecting Flight
On the way home: Departure/Arrival
Activity 3: Cost of Accommodation
Once you have a flight booked, you have to decide where you are going to stay.
It would be unrealistic and out of your budget to spend your time in a hotel. This
activity will help you find a hostel in the country of your choice and one that fits
right in with your budget. You are only to book this hostel for yourself, so the cost
will only include one guest.
1. Click on the following web site:
2. Provide the following information:
Name of country/city you will be staying
Name of the hostel
How many nights you plan on staying
The total cost
Average rating of hostel
(1 mark will be given for each, total of 4 marks)
3. Click on the icon that will list further details on the hostel of your choice;
List the top 5 luxuries/availabilities of this hostel that attracted you to make
your choice (1 mark for each, total of 5 marks):
Activity 4: Preparing a budget
Exploring the world can get a bit out of hand, there may be times when you think
you are invincible and spend more money than you actually have. That is why it
is imperative to create some sort of budget for you…YES, THAT’S RIGHT…THE
“B” WORD!!! This activity will help you learn a little bit more about the “b” word
and then you can create your own budget for your trip!
1. Click on the following web site:
2. Once you have read “What is a Budget”, click on the following icons,
“Why Budget” and “Who should budget” and answer the following
questions. Print off your assignment once it is complete (worth 1 mark
each, total of 5 marks):
a) Define the term BUDGET
b) A budget should be ________________
c) What does budgeting do for us?
d) List 2 short term goals and 2 long term goals
e) Who should budget and why?
3. Click on the following icon and see how good your budgeting skills really
4. It’s time for you to make a budget for your trip. These numbers are just
estimates so that you can have an idea of how much money you need.
The following should be included in your budget: initial flight,
accommodations, food, leisure activities (ex: tours), transportation, and
any other miscellaneous spending (clothing, souvenirs, etc.). To make
things simple, plan a budget for a trip that is 3 weeks long.
5. To help you out and to make things realistic, you are given $3000 for 3
weeks of travel. You must have a minimum of $500 in your bank account
when you come back…you don’t want to be dead broke do you? Keep into
account what you consider to be a need vs. want vs. an interest
Health Care/Insurance
Leisure Activities
Miscellaneous Spending
Estimated Budget
6. Complete your budget and print it out (Entire budget plan is worth 15
Activity 5: On-line Banking
There may be times when your bank of choice is no where in sight. That is why it
is beneficial to discover the world of on-line banking. Tasks such as depositing
money, making transactions, and checking your balance can make your trip a
whole lot less stressful. Also, if you find you are running out of money, it is an
easy way to get money sent to you!
1. Click on the following link and provide answers to the questions below: (A is worth 2 marks, B and C
are each worth 4 marks, total of 10 marks)
a) Describe the phrase, ONLINE BANKING
b) List 4 advantages with online banking
c) List 4 disadvantages with online banking
2. It is important to know key terms associated with online banking. Click on
the following link and define each of the following terms (2 marks for each
definition, total of 20 marks)
Automatic Transfer
Commercial Bank
Debit Card
Direct Deposit
Electronic Cash
Electronic Check Presentment
Electronic Funds Transfer
Electronic Commerce
Along with online banking, you run the risk of white collar crimes. You have to be
very cautious when it comes to handling money electronically. Click on the
following link and define the following 4 types of while collar crimes that can
affect you if you choose to participate in online banking while traveling: (2 marks
for each definition, total of 8 marks)
Type of White Collar Crime
Bank Fraud
Computer Fraud
Credit Card Fraud
Activity 6: Consumer Trends
Consumer trends are all around us. They impact our daily lives, some for our
benefit. While you are out discovering the world, you will come across many
consumer trends that may be out of the norm for you.
1. Use the search engine of your choice and provide answers to the following
questions (2 marks for each, total of 6 marks):
a) What does the phrase CONSUMER TREND mean?
b) Formulate a list of consumer trends that will impact you
and your visit in your chosen country
c) Explain how these issues may emphasis or hinder your
Activity 7: Product Marketing
There are many things you will need to be aware of while on your journey, one
being the product marketing. Some businesses will take advantage of a tourist
and talk their way into making a sale that will not be beneficial to you, especially
when you are on a budget. Since you are in a foreign country, you must be
careful and alert in the products being sold. There may be markets set up on the
streets selling jewelry at a mark up cost, or if you are eager to watch a soccer
match, careful from whom you buy the tickets from.
1. What is marketing and why do we market?
2. Identify ways in which a product can be marketed.
3. Click on the following link. List and explain the 4 P’s of marketing.
(Questions 1 and 2, worth 2 marks each, Question 3, worth 8 marks, one to list
and one to explain) Total of 12 marks.
Product Marketing
What is marketing and why do we
Identify ways in which a product can be
List and Explain the 4 P’s of marketing
"Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what
makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a
civilization work."
Vince Lombardi
Activity 8: Career Opportunities
Traveling around has broadened your horizon, you are starting to get use to the
lifestyle and culture of your chosen country. You have been thinking that you
would like to eventually come back and pursuer a career overseas. Using the
search engine of choice, complete a search for feasible career opportunities in
this country, or else where if you choose to.
For example, if I was traveling around Spain, I would use the Google search
engine and key in “Career Opportunities in Spain”. You can search as many jobs
as you wish, but you must fill out the following information for at least 3 jobs:
(1 mark for each, total of 12 marks)
Job #1
Job #2
Job #3