IMPROV WEBQUEST *** IMPORTANT *** Each time you complete an assignment, do the following: 1. Open Microsoft Word. 2. Select a new blank document. 3. Save blank document as "Assignment 1_YOUR LAST NAME". For example "Assignment 1_PENWELL". 4. Save the document in the improv folder (see below): You will find this folder by clicking: P drive (student shared) Penwell folder Improv Assignment Folder with your name ASSIGNMENT 1: MY THOUGHTS ON IMPROV Open up Microsoft Word and title this page “Assignment One: Improv.” 1. On this page, write down what YOU think improvisation is. Ever heard the word? (This should be 2-3 sentences in length). 2. Write ANYTHING you know about Improvisation without using any outside/online sources. This is a spot for a quick brainstorm of your own. Write down anything you can remember from what we have done in class. Jot down anything you remember from what we watched in “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” Anything at all – there are no right or wrong answers (unless you are deliberately not thinking about improv while you write. 3. Save this assignment in your folder. ASSIGNMENT 2: WHAT IS IMPROVISATION? Read the following FOUR definitions and answer the questions below: Definition 1: Click here and read “Improvise” Definition for improvise. Definition 2: Click this link and see what it says. Definition 3: Arts Alive definition for Improvisation (listed alphabetically, scroll to "improvisation") Definition 4: Movement Improvisation is the creation of movement/dance based on an outside source that causes you to act on your impulses and create unplanned movement. TO DO: Once you have read all four definitions of improvisation, open up Microsoft Word and title this page “Assignment Two: Improv.” Answer the following questions: 1. How does YOUR definition compare to the actual definitions of improvisation? 2. What were you right about? 3. What did you learn that you didn't know before? 4. What do you still have questions about? ASSIGNMENT 3: IMPROV BEYOND “ACTING ON STAGE.” Watch the following THREE clips. Each one is a different form of improv: Dance, Acting (movement) and music. ommonly used in... Dance Acting Music Once you have watched all of the clips, open up Microsoft word and answer the following questions. title this page “Assignment Three: Improv.” Answer the following questions: 1. Summarize what you saw in EACH of the clips. a) Dance b) Acting c) Music 2. Which one did you enjoy watching the most and why? 3. Which one did you enjoy watching the least and why? 4. Was there anything that was confusing for you while you were watching the clips? 5. Did the clips teach you anything about the types of improv in which people can participate? What did they show you? Why Improvise? ASSIGNMENT 4: WHY DO PEOPLE IMPROVISE? Read the following two paragraphs: To Explore unknown movement. To learn that which is beyond technique. Improvisation may allow dancers to discover natural and everyday movements that are unknown to them. This discovery of natural movement may also help a dancer become better by finding and embracing their natural movement. and enhancing their performance skills. To Create compositions and dances. Improvisation serves as a way to create dance movement. Dancers can improvise and find a movement they like. By repeating that movement, the body will naturally transition to a new movement. By doing this repeatedly, a dancer can compose an entire phrase through improvisation. Next, click the following link and read through the 10 reasons that are given for HOW Improv can help you, in life and on stage. (you do not have to watch the video, it is up to you!) Once you have read the page and the definitions above, open Microsoft word and title this page “Assignment Five: Improv.” Answer the following questions: 1. Why do you think people improvise? 2. Pick 3 of the benfits that were listed on the webpage that stuck with you the most. Write them on your page. 3. Explain how you think improv might help you. 4. Reread the following quote by Patti Smith: “Say anything,” he said. “You can’t make a mistake when you improvise.” “What if I mess it up? What if I screw up the rhythm?” “You can’t,” he said. “It’s like drumming. If you miss a beat, you create another.” -Patti Smith Answer this: Explain what you think is being taught by this lesson. What do you think is the point that is trying to get across? *don’t forget to save your work in your folder when you are done* ASSIGNMENT 5: DAVID MORRIS TED TALK Watch the following TEDTalk by improv actor, David Morris. Once you are done, answer the following questions. Open Microsoft Word and save this page as, “Assignment Six: Improv.” David Morris’s 7 Rules of Improv 1. Play. What is “play” and why is it important to engage in it? 2. Let Yourself Fail. In improv, if you fail at a skit/scene/character what is the worst thing that can happen? 3. Listening is the Willingness to change. Explain why listening to your improve teammates is one of the most crucial elements in building an improv scene. 4. Say, “Yes.” What happens when you say “no” to your teammate in improv? 5. Say, “Yes, and….” Why is it important to add on to an idea in improv theatre? 6. Play the Game. Explain what he means by this – and, comment on part of the game that you play each day. 7. Have fun.(no question to answer, just remember this!). ASSIGNMENT 6: IMPROV TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Using the websites below as a helpful guide, define the following improve terms. Open Microsoft Word and save this page as, “Assignment Seven: Improv.” Helpful page: (look at the bottom of the page) DEFINITIONS & QUESTIONS 1. blackout 2. Blocking 3. characterizing action 4. denial 5. fourth wall 6. gag scenes 7. justification 8. rule of three 9. runner 10. status 11. “yes and..” 12. What does it mean to “raise the stakes” in improve theatre? ASSIGNMENT 7: PRACTICING YOUR IMPROV SKILLS Watch the video: Once you have watched, Open Microsoft Word and save this page as, “Assignment Eight: Improv.” Answer the following questions: 1. List five of the skills that she suggested in the video. 2. Why does she tell you to “use your emotion?” ASSIGNMENT 8: HISTORY OF IMPROV Using online sources, and the helpful sites posted below, answer the following questions. Open Microsoft Word and save this page as, “Assignment Nine: Improv.” 1. Who was Viola Spolin? Why is she important to Improv? 2. Who was Keith Johnstone? Why is he important to Improv 3. What is The Second City? Who are some famous entertainers who have performed at The Second City? 4. What is Commedia dell’Arte? Websites that will help you: ASSIGNMENT 10: WORDLE Make a list of 15-20 words that you think describes improv theatre. These could be the names of people involved in improv, television shows, definitions, important theatres, actors, whatever you think comes back to improv in some for or another. Next, you are going to create a collage that shows what you have learned about improv. Go to the website – These two sites will help you if you have never created a wordle before: pdf Remember to take a screenshot of your wordle when you are done, and save it in Microsoft Word as “Assignment 10: Improv” in your folder. Once you have completed ALL of your assignments above: Assignment 11: You’re done – watch this – for fun! (It’s good – Top 10 movie scenes that were improvised)