CONTACT US: PROGRAMMERSE@RAMBLER.RU ICQ: 302-787-639 Filinov Denis Address: Date of birth: Family status: Education 1996 – 2001 1993 – 1995 Russia 23 November 1979 . (26 age). Married. Two children. Kemerovsky state College. mathematical faculty. chair mathematical-cybernetics. Specialty: mathematician, system programmer (010200) UPC "Shkolnik". Specialty: operator computer (PC). Professional: Computer language: operational system: Database: Technology: API: WEB- technology: Network protocol: Composite work: extra: Delphi, Pascal, Java, C++ Windows 2000/XP, Windows 9x, DOS, QNX 4.25 Access, MySQL, Paradox, dBase, MS SQL, Interbase COM, DCOM, ADO, ODBC, JDBC Windows API, DirectX API, NT Service API, WMI API ActiveX, HTML, DHTML, CGI, JavaScript, VB Script TCP/IP, HTTP, SMTP, SMPP Subversion, Mantis, MS Outlook, TUTOS, PHProject comptroller ICP DAS, privacy lock Guardant, video graphics board HiCap, work over COM, LPT – ports, computer-aided testing DUnit, documentation incoming text PasDoc. The Experience of the work: 06.2003 – XX. ОАО « Engineering centre "ACES" The Job title: (01.2005 – xx.) the chief of the department Software. The Duties: the organization of the functioning(working) the division Software , determinations of the main trends of the development, formation and checking the execution plan division Software, sheduling the TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS on development Software, preparing the commercial offers on system development to automations. The Achievements: 1. introducing the facilities of the collective work: Subversion, Mantis. 2. introduction DUnit for automatic testing project. 3. introduction PasDoc for documentation source text. 4. development of the module architecture project with use technology: COM, DCOM, ActiveX, NT Service API, ADO. The Job title: The Duties: (12.2004 – 01.2005) main specialist. sheduling the TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT on development of SOFTWARE, development of the architecture new project, development of SOFTWARE. Projects: 1. Weight Iron-road coach in statics and speaker. The Command project. The Role: main developer. Delphi 5, Interbase, Windows API, keys of protection Guardant, COM and LPT ports, ODBC, Access. 2. The System of the video observation for weight on weight. The Individual project. Delphi 5, DirectX API, charge of the video seizure HiCap, Windows API. 3. Estranging given on external servers. The Individual project. Delphi 5, ODBC, ADO, Access, MS SQL, Oracl, MySQL. 4. Weight "скарповоза". The Individual project. Delphi 5, ODBC, ADO, Access, Windows API, NT Service API, TCP/IP, charge of the video seizure HiCap. Date of the formation: 22.05.06 5. Weight Iron-road composition on "hutch". The Individual project. C++, comptroller ICP DAS. The Job title: (06.2003 – 12.2004) the engineer-programmer. The Duties: The Developer of SOFTWARE., introduction of SOFTWARE on object. Projects: 1. Weight Iron-road coach in statics and speaker. The Command project. The Role: programmer. Delphi 5, Interbase, Windows API, keys of protection Guardant, COM and LPT ports. 2. The Set component for work with ODBC. The Individual project. Delphi 5 - 7, Windows API, ODBC API. 3. The Stand of the check tenso-sensor. The Individual project. Delphi 5, ODBC. 05.2005 –xx. ООО «Inform Mobile Terminal» The Job title: The Developer of SOFTWARE. The Duties: software development Projects: 1. SMPP floodgate for routing SMS messages. The Individual project. Java SE, JDBC, MySQL, SMPP. 01.2002 – 04.2003. ZAO "Mobile Card of the Kuzbass". The Job title: the engineer. The Duties: servicing the computer system on AZS (OS QNX 4.25), collection to information on leading-in and removable report with AZS on central server on modem. 11.1997 – 08.2001. CGSEN on City: Kemerovo. The Job title: The Duties: The Developer of SOFTWARE. writing the programs for automation of activity to organizations. Projects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Account to diseases in scholastic institutions. Delphi 4.0, Paradox. DateBase on medical institutions. Delphi 4.0, dBase. The Journal to registrations of the payorders. Delphi 4.0, dBase. The Calculation sanitary-defensive zone for parab. antennas. Pascal 7.0. DateBase on enterprise of trade food-stuffs. Pascal 7.0, dBase. CONTACT US: PROGRAMMERSE@RAMBLER.RU ICQ: 302-787-639 Date of the formation: 22.05.06