Australian Institute of Psychology Educating effective, compassionate psychologists Bachelor of Psychological Science Text Book/Course Folder Order Form Please fill in the form below and return it with payment details to: Student Support Officer, AIP- Head Office, Locked Bag 15, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006 or fax it to 07 3257 7195, or scan and email the form to Please order your books ASAP to ensure that you receive them before the start of the semester Full Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Delivery Address: ________________________________________________________________ Suburb: ____________________________________ State: ________ Postcode: ___________ Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: ______________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________ Subject Year 1 Text Books Price of Text* Book Title, Author & ISBN CORE101, PSY101 & PSY102 An interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in psychology (3rd ed.), Burton, L.J (2009) ISBN:9781742166490 CORE102 The handbook of Conflict resolution: Theory & Practice (2nd ed.), Deutsch, M., Coleman, P.T., & Marcus, E. C. (2006) ISBN: 9780787980580 CORE103 Group Dynamics for Teams (4th ed.), Levi, D. (2010) ISBN: 9781412999533 (2nd $55 $101 CORE104 Sociology in Today’s World PSY101 & PSY102 Psychology (3rd ed.), Westen, D., Burton, L., & Kowalski, R. PSY101 Cyberpsych (version 3.0) (multimedia material), Gasson, N., Blosfelds, M., Lewis, V., Tooley, G., Albion, M., Hendry, L., & Correia, H. ISBN: 9781742164540 PSY103 Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Psychological Issues (18th ed.), Slife, B. (2013) PSY104 & PSY206 $86 ed.), Furze, B., Savy, P., Brym, R. J., and Lie, J. (eds) (2012). $105 ISBN: 9780170193030 9780730308362 $133 9780078139611 $68 $55 Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach (4th ed.) Jackson, S. L. (2012) ISBN: 9781111346553 $132 Year 2 Text Books PSY201 Childhood: First Australasian Edition, Seifert, K.L., Hoffnung, M. and Hine, A. (2011) ISBN: 9781742165684 $117 (13th PSY202 Social Psychology PSY203 Discovering Biopsychology (2nd Ed.), Freberg, L.(2009) ISBN: 9780547177793 $147 PSY204 Development in Adulthood (4th Edition), Lemme, B. H. (2006). ISBN: 9780205439645 $212 PSY205 Cognition: Theories and Application (9th Edition), Reed, S. K. (2010). ISBN: 9781285045238 $160 PSY206 SPSS Statistics Student Version (Standard Grad Pack Version 21) - NOTE: Students to purchase this individually via V0114 Ed.), Baron, R. A., Branscombe, N. R. and Byrne, D. (2013) ISBN: 9781292021447 $146 SSO $129 TOTAL COST PSY206 Simple Guide to SPSS for Version 20 0. Kirkpatrick, L. A., & Feeney, B. C. (2012). $55 ISBN: 9781285086019 Theory and practice of counselling and psychotherapy (9th ed.) Corey, G. (2012) PSY207 ISBN: 9780840028549 $117 PSY208 Positive Psychology (2nd Ed.), Snyder, C. R., Lopez, S. J. and Pedrotti, J. T. (2010) PSY209 A History of Psychology: Ideas and Context (5th Edition), King, D. B., Viney, W., Woody. W. D. (2009). ISBN: 978-0205963041 PSY210 ISBN: 9781412990622 $122 Cross-cultural psychology: Critical thinking and contemporary application & Levy, D. A. (2010) ISBN: 9780205253234 (5th $147 ed.) Shiraev, E. B., $114 Year 3 Text Books PSY301 Cooper, C. (2010). Individual differences and personality (3rd ed.). London: Hodder Education PSY302 Ethical reasoning for mental health professionals Ford, G. G. (2006). ISBN: 9780761930945 $65 ISBN-13: 978-1444108590 (6th $120 PSY303 Understanding motivation & emotion PSY303 Current directions in motivation & emotion: An association for psychological science reader, Sheldon, K. (2010). ISBN: 9780205680115 PSY304 Psychological testing: History, principles and applications (6th ed.). Boston, Gregory, R. J. (2013) PSY305 Abnormal Psychology: An integrative approach (6th ed.) Barlow, D. H., & Durand, V. M. (2011) ed.) Reeve, J. M. (2013) ISBN: 9781118673843 $74 $58 ISBN: 9781292020501 $135 ISBN: 9781111343620 $138 (5th PSY306 Using multivariate statistics ed.) Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2007) PSY306 Simple Guide to SPSS for Version 20 0. Kirkpatrick, L. A., & Feeney, B. C. (2012). PSY307 Industrial and organisational psychology: An applied approach (7th ed.) (2013) PSY308 Discovering biological psychology (2nd ed.) Freberg, L. A. (2010) ISBN-13: 978-0547177793 ISBN: 9781292021317 $135 ISBN: 9781285086019 $55 ISBN: 9781111839970 $151 (2nd $147 PSY309 Applied psychology: Current issues and new directions Bayne, R., & Horton, I. ed) (2013) PSY310 Applied social psychology: Understanding and addressing social and practical problems. Schneider, F. W., Gruman, J. A., & Goutts, L. M. (2005) ISBN: 9781412976381 ISBN: 9780857028358 $72 $115 Product Total (incl. GST) * To be completed by Admin Postage Fees (excl. GST): up to1kg = $9.35, 1kg – 3kg = $14.30, 3kg - 5kg = $23.10, > 5kg = $33 NOTE: Postage fees apply for within Australia only. Please make sure to account for a maximum of $21 if you are paying by Credit Card. Kindly contact your Student Support Office on 07 3112 2000/ 0 to receive the exact postage cost if you paying by Cheque or Money Order. If you are an overseas student, postage costs will vary and the total cost will be advised before your card is debited. Postage & Handling GST TOTAL (including postage fees & GST) V0114 SSO Course Folder Please be advised that Course Folders are simply the hard copy versions of the Study Guide and Required Readings which are provided in a hardbound folder. Both the Study Guide and Readings are also provided to all students in a CD on a complimentary basis (soft copy version). Also, all the learning materials will be posted on the HELP (student portal) if you wish to download them. These files are editable files, where you will be able to input your notes and answers accordingly as well as print them as you deem necessary. Therefore the purchase of the Course Folders are optional. Course Code Course Title Price 1st Year Course Folders (incl. Study Guide & Readings) CORE101 CORE102 CORE103 CORE104 PSY101 PSY102 PSY103 PSY104 PSY201 PSY202 PSY203 PSY206 PSY207 PSY208 PSY209 PSY210 PSY301 PSY302 PSY303 PSY304 PSY305 PSY306 PSY307 PSY308 PSY309 PSY310 Scholarship: Academic Writing & Presenting Communication Skills: Professional Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Group Work: Team Dynamics & Leadership Social Frameworks Introduction to Psychology I: Learning, Memory & Physiology Introduction to Psychology II: Personality, Development & Social Psychology Psychology in Perspective Research Methods & Statistics in Psychology I Developmental Psychology I: Childhood and Adolescence Social Psychology Biopsychology Research Methods & Statistics in Psychology II Principles of Counselling Psychology Positive Psychology The Evolution of Modern Psychology Cross Cultural & Indigenous Psychology Personality and Individual Difference Ethics and Professional Issues in Psychology Motivation and Emotion Psychological Assessment Abnormal Psychology Research Methods & Statistics in Psychology III Psychology at Work Biology of Learning, Emotion and Behaviour Introduction to Applied Psychology Applied Social Psychological Research $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 Product Total (incl. GST) Postage Fees (incl. GST): $10/Course Folder ($10 – 1 CF, $20 – 2 CF’s, $30 – 3CF’s, $40 – 4 CF’s) NOTE: Postage fees apply for within Australia only. If you are an overseas student, postage costs will vary and the total cost will be advised before your card is debited. TOTAL (including postage fees & GST) Payment Details: I enclose cheque/ money order for $ _________ Please debit my credit card to the value of $ __________ MasterCard Credit Card Number: Visa Bankcard American Express Expiry Date: __ __ / __ __ Card Holders Name: _____________________________________________________________ Signature of card holder: __________________________________________________________ V0114 SSO Total Cost