Soybean Checkoff Research Database

Project Objective: To develop a listing of soybean research projects being funded by
the state soybean checkoff boards, regional research programs and the United Soybean
Executive Summary: Soybean growers are investing in soybean research projects
targeted at both improving production technologies and expanding soybean use. This
report provides a listing of the various production research projects; soybean
composition studies; utilization projects and technology transfer activities that are funded
in part by the soybean checkoff. On October 1, 2008 soybean growers were funding
559 projects with a total investment of $36.9 million.
Table of Contents:
Soybean Checkoff-Funded Research Summary Report
Soybean Research Projects Sorted by Research Area:
Soybean Production Research:
Production Management Studies
Soil Fertility and Development of Nutrient Recommendations
Soil Moisture and Water Management Studies
Soybean Germplasm and Variety Development
Soybean Variety Testing and Germplasm Screening
Gene Discovery, Gene Mapping and Bioengineering Studies
Soybean Disease Research (General)
Asian Soybean Rust
Charcoal Rot
Frogeye Leaf Spot
Iron Deficiency Chlorosis
Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot
Sclerotinia White Mold
Soybean Viruses
Sudden Death Syndrome
Other Soybean Diseases
Pesticide Application and Evaluation Studies
Weed Control Studies
Soybean Nematode Research
Soybean Aphid Studies
Other Soybean Insect Research
Soybean Composition:
Improving Oil and Protein Quality and Quantity
Soybean Utilization Research:
Soy Protein Studies
Soy Oil, Soy Foods and Human Health Studies
Soybean-based Industrial Use Research
Education and Communication Projects:
On-farm Research and Demonstration Projects
Extension Research and Communication Projects
Other Checkoff Activity Funding
(Table of Contents Continued)
State Checkoff Boards
Alabama Soybean Producers
Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board
Delaware Soybean Board
Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Soybeans
Illinois Soybean Board
Indiana Soybean Alliance
Iowa Soybean Board
Kansas Soybean Commission
Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board
Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board
Maryland Soybean Board
Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee
Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council
Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board
Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council
Nebraska Soybean Board
New Jersey Soybean Board
North Carolina Soybean Producers Association
North Dakota Soybean Council
Ohio Soybean Council
Oklahoma Soybean Board
Pennsylvania Soybean Promotion Board
South Carolina Soybean Board
South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council
Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board
Texas Soybean Board
Virginia Soybean Board
Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board
North Central Soybean Research Program
Northeast Region
Southern Soybean Regional Program
United Soybean Board
Researchers Involved in Checkoff-Funded Research
Acknowledgements: A large part of the success of this report goes to the State
Executives and the United Soybean Board’s Management Team for supplying
information on the various research projects that are funded by the various soybean
checkoff boards. Without their help this report would not have been possible.
For additional information on the individual projects, one could contact the state
checkoff board or the researchers involved in the project. The emails of the principal
investigators are provided. Most researchers are very willing to discuss their project’s
results with soybean growers since checkoff support is very important to their continued
This year the Soybean Database program has been expanded and will be searchable by
key words on a special checkoff research Website. Interested persons can go to for details. (Note-The Website is under construction
and is anticipated to be on-line by March 2009).
Project Objective: To develop a listing of soybean research projects being funded by
the state soybean checkoff boards, regional research programs and the United Soybean
Methods: The contractor contacted state executives to obtain information on the
research project being funded by the state checkoff board. The first of October was
selected as a uniform date comparing funding levels to past years. This report
summarizes the information supplied by the state executives and the United Soybean
Board’s research managers.
Report Findings: Soybean growers, through their checkoff, are investing in a
balanced program to improve soybean yields, composition and expand market
opportunities. On October 1, 2008, soybean checkoff boards were funding 559 projects
with a total investment of about $36.9 million. A tables showing the distribution of
funding and funding by checkoff organization follows the highlights of the study.
The values cited in the table should be viewed with some caution; the values are a
“snap-shot” of values that represent projects underway on October 1st. Some of these
values could be slightly higher for the entire year since Boards could have funded a few
projects after the October 1st common date and these values would not be included in
these numbers.
There are also problems with the distribution of the funding since many projects have
multi-purpose objectives; meaning they could be easily allocated to more than one
research area. Take for example a project to test a fungicide-insecticide-herbicide tank
mix for controlling fungal diseases, insects and weeds. The contractor used their best
judgement on allocating these projects.
Allocation of projects is improved by using the “searchable” database on the new
checkoff-funded soybean research Website. The projects are searchable by using about
200 key words. This allows for a single project to have several key words that describes
the project’s objectives.
Report Highlights: The first two charts provide information on the distribution of
soybean checkoff research funding. The checkoff program funds a balanced research
program; balanced between soybean production projects and utilization projects;
balanced between projects with objectives to increase soybean yields and protect yields;
and balanced between traditional soybean breeding/variety evaluation programs and
new advanced molecular research studies. The balance of research efforts provides the
best opportunity to achieve the program’s goals of improving soybean profitability.
About seventy cents of each checkoff dollar funds research to improve soybean yields
and production efficiencies. The remaining thirty cents will be directed toward expanding
soybean use and improving soybean composition. The funding balance between
production and utilization projects, applied studies and basic research, and projects
seeking new cutting-edge information and protecting past gains, are a positive feature of
the soybean checkoff research program.
Distriution of Checkoff Research Funds
Soybean Breeding
Soybean Stress
Communications &
The checkoff is investing in soybean production that directly impacts soybean
management decisions. These studies involve both field plot experiments and on-farm
research demonstrations. The goal of most these studies is to demonstrate good
management practices that improve soybean yields and profits. State extension
specialists and crop advisors to soybean growers use the results of the production
research projects in their workshop presentations, bulletins, fact sheets, Websites and in
their contacts with individual soybean growers.
Soybean Checkoff Research Distribution
Production Research
Soybean Breeding
Soybean Composition
Communications &
Soybean Stress
The largest checkoff funding investment is for soybean stress projects. These projects
are directed at reducing yield losses due to diseases, nematodes, insects, weeds and
environmental stresses. Major efforts are underway to find genes responsible for
resistance to various stresses that reduce soybean yields. Advances are being made to
develop germplasm and varieties that better cope with both biotic and abiotic stresses.
Distribution of Stress Research Funding
General Soybean Disease Research
Asian Soybean Rust
Charcoal Rot
Frogeye Leaf Spot
Iron Deficiency Chlorosis
Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot
Sudden Death Syndrome
Soybean Viruses
Other Soybean Diseases
Fugicide Evaluation Studies
Weed Control Studies
Soybean Nematode Research
Insect Research
Millions of Dollars
Funding for Asian soybean rust and soybean nematode research totaled forty percent of
the total investment in stress research. This was followed by insect studies (15%),
sudden death syndrome (11%), weed control studies (7.5%), general disease research
(7.5%) and the other stresses were less than five percent each. This balance represent
current concerns of soybean growers.
The funding allocated to diseases, nematodes and insects would have been even
greater if the investment in evaluating germplasm sources for resistance to soybean
diseases and pests, screening germplasm lines and developing elite soybean
germplasm lines and varieties would have been included. A significant percent of the
total funding for soybean germplasm and variety development is used to screen
commercial soybean varieties and germplasm lines for resistance to plant stresses.
Developing more pest resistance soybean varieties; improving management
recommendations to minimize pest problems; supporting state extension’s on-farm
research studies, field plot demonstrations and communication efforts; and creating a
more complete understanding of the pest threat are providing soybean growers
information to reduce soybean yield losses to diseases, nematodes, insects and weeds.
The relatively large percentage of checkoff funds for plant stress research reflects the
various Boards’ priorities and the importance of soybean diseases/pests to soybean
About a fifth of the checkoff investment is being invested in studies to improve soybean
utilization. These studies involve expanding industrial use applications, improving feed
uses of soybean meal and increasing food use applications of soy protein and oil. Listed
below are some of the specialized uses being investigated:
Concrete Additives
Expanded Meal Uses
Feed Uses of Glycerol
Industrial Uses of Glycerol
Soy Food Ingredients
Specialty Chemicals
Past checkoff funding has created several new uses of soybeans that are now being
marketed. Researchers are aggressively investigating additional uses of soybean oil in
resins, lubricants, fuels, specialty chemicals and a wide number of other environmental
friendly “green” use applications. Many of the checkoff-funded projects are co-funded by
industry, thus leveraging the checkoff investment and providing new access to the
market place.
Improving the composition of soybeans to be more competitive in domestic and foreign
markets continues to be a United Soybean Board priority. About eight percent of the
total checkoff investment is being used to improve soybean’s protein and oil content.
These projects have a simple goal of modifying soybean’s composition to better meet
the soybean user’s needs. Several state boards are also providing funds to analyze the
soybean varieties produced in their state in efforts to better inform farmers of the choices
they have in selecting varieties to plant.
In the next chart funding allocation for the current fiscal year is compared to the previous
four years. Funding levels and allocations are fairly consistent between years. Looking
closely at the funding levels, it would appear that research expenditures of soybean
production research and utilization research were significantly increased over the
previous year.
The following chart also provides additional insight into soybean board priorities. As can
be seen, the relative funding priority has not changed greatly much over the past five
years, however there are exceptions, soybean production research projects, soybean
breeding and genomics and soybean utilization research received significantly more
funding during the 2008/09 fiscal year compared to previous years. This again reflects
grower leader priorities and the higher level of checkoff funding (Table 1) seen in the
current fiscal year. Most of these funding increases are due to an increase in the
number of projects being funded.
Tech-transfer, or Extension research and communication activities, seem relatively low
compared to other activities. This is somewhat a reflection of the project sort; these
amounts would be much higher if communication efforts that are a part of the soybean
diseases and pests, on-farm demonstration activities and funding for technical reporting
of results would have been included. Many researchers actively inform soybean
growers of their project’s progress as part of the research effort and without requiring
special funding.
Distribution of Soybean Checkoff Funds (2004/05-2008/09)
Production Research
Breeding & Genomics
Soybean Stress
Soybean Composition
Soybean Utilization
Table 1 shows that nearly $37 million dollars is being invested in soybean research this
year. This represents a significant share of the total public dollars spent on soybean
research in this country. Soybean growers should be proud that checkoff funding is
highly leveraged with federal and state funding for soybean research.
Often overlooked is the fact that many researchers use checkoff funds to develop the
background data needed to write competitive proposals for large federal grants. These
grants can result in some major research efforts, such as the genetic mapping of the
soybean genome, which resulted from a checkoff-funded project. It is often the checkoff
board that provides the seed monies to initiate the studies that are later heavily funded
with federal funds. This demonstrates the importance of checkoff boards in setting
priorities and making things happen.
Another over looked benefit of the soybean checkoff is the over 400 researchers
involved in soybean checkoff-funded research projects. The checkoff funding is critical
in helping to advance professional careers with hopes that many of these researchers
will continue to contribute to the future of soybeans. A listing of the researchers involved
in checkoff research is at the end of this report.
The Soybean Checkoff-funded Database is a companion program that is being
developed to complement this report. The checkoff-funded projects are being listed on a
special Website ( and the database will be
searchable by key words. About two hundred descriptive terms (key words) will be listed
and interested persons will be able to highlight the key word and access all of the
checkoff projects in the subject area. It is hoped that this database will better serve the
soybean grower, research administrator and those interested in learning more about the
soybean research programs that are being funded by the Soybean Checkoff.
It is hoped that in future years that this database can be expanded to include results of
checkoff research projects. This would allow soybean growers a readily available
resource for learning quickly about the results of soybean research projects being
funded by the Soybean Checkoff.
In Summary: Soybean growers are investing in a balanced research program that will
have a major impact on the future of soybeans. The research projects are highly
leveraged with funding from many other sources, which means the checkoff funds are
helping to set the research agenda and assuring the projects underway are addressing
soybean grower concerns. The soybean checkoff is an investment in the future of the
soybean crop with over four hundred researchers involved in checkoff-funded projects.
Soybean growers should be proud that the checkoff program is investing in projects that
will improve soybean production efficiencies, expand uses and improve soybean
composition, all designed to improve the profitability of the soybean crop.
Soybean Checkoff Research Database
Distribution of Projects by Research Area
Soybean Production Research
Soybean Management Studies (Tillage, Production Systems and
Evaluating Management Options)
Conservation tillage systems: Production, profitability and stewardship; Charles
Dale Monks (Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn University), Randy Raper, Jason
Bergtold, Francisco Arriaga, Kip Balkcom, Ted Kornecki and Andrew Price (USDA/ARSNSDL); ($6,000).
Economic consequences if using insecticidal seed treatments on soybeans; Tim
Reed, David Derrick and Warren Griffith (Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn
University); ($3,500).
Soybean production tools for Alabama; Dennis Delaney, Edward Sikora, Kathy
Lawrence, Bob Goodman, Rudy Yates, David Derrick, Brandon Dillard, Richard Petcher
and Warren Griffith (Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn University); ($12,000).
New soybean inoculants for Alabama; Dennis Delaney and Yucheng Feng
(Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn University); ($4,000).
Double crop soybean production system; Scott Monfort (Rice Research and
Extension Center, University of Arkansas); ($184,648).
Early season soybean production system; Larry Purcell (Crops, Soils and
Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($297,153).
Economic analysis of soybean production practices; Robert Stark (Southeast
Research and Extension Center, University of Arkansas-Monticello); ($12,900).
Full-season soybean production system; Jeremy Ross (Crops, Soils, and
Environmental Sciences-Extension, University of Arkansas); ($460,877).
Soybean planting seed quality assessment and education in Arkansas; Rick
Cartwright, John Rupe, Don Dombek, Jeremy Ross, Larry Purcell (Plant Pathology,
Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($190,200).
Agronomic limitations of soybean yield and seed quality in U.S.; Palle Pedersen
(Iowa State University), Seth Naeve (University of Minnesota), Kurt Thelen (Michigan
State University), Chad Lee (University of Kentucky), Jeremy Ross (University of
Arkansas) and Jim Board (Louisiana State University); ($501,048).
Optimizing no-tillage soybean production practices in Iowa; Palle Pedersen
(Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University); ($130,615).
Soybean seed treatment and inoculant evaluation; Palle Pedersen (Agronomy
Department, Iowa State University); ($13,270).
Understanding high yielding soybeans; Palle Pedersen (Department of Agronomy,
Iowa State University); ($60,449).
Managing soybeans for high yields; Emerson Nafziger and Stephen Ebelhar
(Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois); ($15,000).
Evaluation of seed treatment in soybeans based on planting dates and emergence
ratings; Philip Logsdon (Miles Farm Supply, Owensboro, KY); ($5,400).
Optimum planting date for soybean; Jim Herbek (Department of Plant and Soil
Sciences, University of Kentucky); ($2,000).
Evaluation of soybean cultivars and fungicides for disease management in
Northeast Louisiana; Boyd Padgett, Don Boquet, and Earnest Clawson (Northeast
Research Station, Louisiana State University); ($18,106).
Managing production risks in irrigated soybean with planting dates, varieties and
row spacing; Donald Boquet, Boyd Padgett and B. Roger Leonard (Departments of
Agronomy, Plant Pathology and Entomology, Louisiana State University); ($21,700).
Planting date, row spacing and variety effects on performance of maturity group
III, IV and V Soybeans; Ernest Clawson (Agronomy and Environmental Science,
Louisiana State University); ($20,000).
Effect of soybean maturity in full season system on nitrogen availability for small
grain (wheat) production; Robert Kratochvil (Department of Plant Science and
Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland); ($10,800).
Utilizing conservation tillage to minimize nutrient losses from poultry litter applied
in grain production systems; Joshua McGrath (University of Maryland); ($5,000).
Overcoming the barriers to higher soybean yields: A Soybean 2010 Project; Mike
Staton (Extension Southwest Region, Michigan State University Extension); (Approved
funding level up to $10,000).
Management and environmental effects on soybean yield formation and seed
quality; Fritz Britenbach, Lisa Behnken and Ryan Miller (University of Minnesota,
Rochester Extension Center, Rochester, MN.); ($50,000).
Northwest Minnesota soybean applied research and education project; Doug Holen
and Phil Glogoza, (University of Minnesota, Extension Regional Center, Moorehead,
MN.); ($31,500).
Economics of soybean maturity groups’ yield response to insecticides seed
treatments with early planting dates; Normie Buehring, Dan Poston and Don Cook
(North Mississippi Research and Extension Center), Steve Martin, Jeff Gore (Delta
Research and Extension Center) and Angus Catchot (Extension Service, Mississippi
State University; ($35,954).
Evaluation of critical shattering time of early-maturity soybeans under early
soybean production system; Lingxiao Zhang, Bernie White and Dan Posten (Delta
Research and Extension Center), Trey Koger (Mississippi Research Support Center),
and Alan Blaine (North Mississippi Research and Extension Center, MAFES, Mississippi
State University); ($5,000).
Impact of tillage, raised seedbed, corn rotation, fungicides, twin-rows, and
seedling rates within various row configurations for soybean production in
Mississippi; Daniel Poston, Clifford Koger, James Blessitt, Gabe Sciumbato and Tom
Eubank (Delta Research and Extension Center, MAFES, Mississippi State University
and USDA/ARS); ($43,875).
Soybean management for application of research and technology program:
Collaborative initiative through Mississippi State University and private consulting
sector; Trey Koger and Tom Allen (Delta Research and Extension Center, MAFES,
Mississippi State University); ($119,431).
Populations of Roundup Ready soybeans; James Dunphy (Crop Science
Department, North Carolina State University); ($8,000).
Do intensive management practices increase net return for soybean producers?
DoKyoung Lee and Hans Kandel (North Dakota State University Carrington Research
Extension Center); ($25,600).
Impact of tillage system and previous crop on soybean production; DeKyoung Lee
(North Dakota State University Carrington Research Extension Center); ($4,600).
Nitrogen application to irrigated soybeans at planting and during early
reproductive growth; Charles. Wortmann (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture,
University of Nebraska); ($16,900).
Evaluation of seeding rate and seed treatments on soybean stand establishment
and yield; David Johnson (Department of Crop and Soil Science, Pennsylvania State
University); ($8,266).
Evaluation of planting date, row spacing and plant population on soybean in
relation to soil spatial variability; P. Wiatrak (Edisto Research and Education Center,
Blackville, SC); ($12,000).
Double and intercropping of soybeans; Lon Hall and Roy Scott (Plant Science
Department, South Dakota State University); ($3,200).
Intensive soybean production to increase yields and profitability; Howard
Woodard, and Anthony Bly (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University),
and Walt Riedell (USDA/ARS-Brookings, SD.); ($20,000).
Evaluation of optimum plant population; Richard Joost (Department of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, University of Tennessee, Martin, TN.); ($4,928).
Interactions of planting dates, seeding rate, and fungicide and insecticide
treatments on soybean yield and yield components; Angela Thompson, Eric Walker
(Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee) and Alemu Mengistu
(USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN.); ($9,300).
Agronomic factors involved in soybean production along the Texas Gulf Coast; W.
James Grichar, Joe Janak and Rick Batchelor (Texas AgriLife Research, Texas A&M
University-Vernon TX); ($4,718).
Bradyrhizobium inoculation and nodulation: Yield tests for Texas Soybean; Calvin
Trostle, James Heitholt, W. James Grichar (Texas AgriLife Extension/Texas AgriLife
Research, Texas A&M University-Amarillo TX); ($5,386).
Developing best management practices for NC Roy: A promising cultivar for SE
Texas: M.O. Way (Texas AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University, Beaumont, TX);
Evaluating soybean production strategies-2008; David Moore (Middlesex Extension,
Virginia Tech); ($4,000).
Soybean production research support; Bob Pitman (Eastern Virginia Agricultural
Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech); ($3,000).
Enhancing soybean seed yield by delaying leaf senescence; Susheng Gan
(Horticulture Department, Cornell University); ($23,858).
 Soil Fertility and Development of Nutrient Recommendations
On-farm re-evaluation of soybean response to lime application in Iowa; Antonio
Mallarino (Agronomy Department, Iowa State University); ($62,473).
Relationships between grain yield, potassium removal and recycling, as soil
potassium in corn-soybean rotations; Antonio Mallarino (Agronomy Department, Iowa
State University); ($49,490).
Correction of potassium deficiency in no-till and strip-till soybean production;
David B. Mengel, Keith Janssen (Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University);
Soybean yield response to soil P and K availability: Optimizing fertilizer expenses;
John Grove, Lloyd Murdock and Greg Schwab (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences,
University of Kentucky); ($7,500).
Calibrating soil tests and fertilization of soybean and grain crops of Louisiana; Jim
Jian Wang, Brenda Tubana, J. Cheston Stevens, Jr., David Lanclos, Donald Boquet and
Rick Mascagni (Department of Agronomy, Environmental and Soil Sciences, Louisiana
State University); ($11,577).
Nutrient management research for profitable soybean production; Daniel Kaiser
and John Lamb (Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota);
Impact of starter fertilizers on growth and yield of March-, April- and May-planted
soybean; Dan Poston, Wayne Ebelhar and James Blessitt (Delta Research and
Extension Center) and Normie Beuhring (North Mississippi Research and Extension
Center, MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($43,875).
New iron fertilizers for soybeans based on “smart” polymers; Andriy Voronpov
(Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials, North Dakota State University) and R.
Jay Goos (Department of Soil Science, North Dakota State University); ($17,520).
Profitability-oriented site-specific liming for soybean production; Viacheslav I.
Adamchuk (Biological Systems Engineering; University of Nebraska); ($51,260).
Optimizing fertility levels for soybean production; Angela Thompson and Frank Yin
(Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee); ($5,000).
Glyphosate effect on manganese availability and yield loss in glyphosate resistant
soybean; Shawn Conley (Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin); ($15,000).
 Soil Moisture and Water Management Studies
Carbon isotope discrimination analysis as a tool for researchers to improve
soybean drought tolerance; Felix Fritschi, Bill Wiebold, Grover Shannon and David
Sleper (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($13,520).
Drought stress tolerance for the Midwest and South; Tommy Carter (USDA/ARSNCSU), Jim Orf (University of Minnesota), Jim Specht (University of Nebraska), Larry
Purcell and Pengyin Chen (University of Arkansas), T.W. Rufty (North Carolina State
University), H. Roger Boerma (University of Georgia), Jerry Bennett and Tom Sinclair
(University of Florida) and Felix Fritschi (University of Missouri); ($643,000).
User-friendly stimulation model and irrigation scheduling tool for Nebraska
soybean producers; Kenneth Cassman, Achim Dobemann, James Specht, Daniel
Walters and Haishun Yang (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln); ($45,000).
 Soybean Germplasm and Variety Development
Breeding improved soybean cultivars for Alabama; David Weaver (Agronomy and
Soils Department, Auburn University); ($16,000).
Breeding soybean cultivars with high yield potential and multiple disease
resistance; Pengyin Chen, Caroline Gray, Tina Hart, Eddie Gordon, Joe Shafer, Bill
Apple, Jonathan McCoy and Scott Hayes (Department of Crops, Soil and Environmental
Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($101,442).
Soybean germplasm enhancement using genetic diversity; Pengyin Chen, Caroline
Gray, Tina Hart, Eddie Gordon, Joe Schafer, Bill Apple, Jonathan McCoy and Scott
Hayes (Department of Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas);
Breeding for disease resistance in soybean; Silvia Cianzio (Agronomy Department,
Iowa State University); ($196,771).
Breeding program for general-use and specialty soybeans in Iowa; Walter Fehr
(Agronomy Department, Iowa State University); ($193,900).
Breeding non-GMO varieties; Brian Diers (University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign)
and Stella Kantartzi (Southern Illinois University-Carbondale); ($242,624).
Combine and integrate new genetic sources of high yield potential, disease
resistance, and composition into elite soybean germplasm; Brian Diers (University
of Illinois-Champaign) and Stella Kantartzi (Southern Illinois University-Carbondale).
Funding support for soybean breeding position; Brian Klubek (College of
Agriculture, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale); ($30,780).
Improve levels of disease resistance by identifying new sources of pathogen
resistance, determining inheritance and genetic relationships of resistance traits,
and developing molecular markers associated with new sources of disease and
pest resistance traits; Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC).
Managed Research Area: Soybean Germplasm and Breeding Research Initiative;
Linda Kull and Pete Goldsmith (Project Coordinators, National Soybean Research
Laboratory), Brian Diers, and Ram Singh (Crop Science Department, University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign), Glen Hartman and Randy Nelson (USDA/ARS-UIUC), and
Stella Kantartzi (Plant and Soil Science Department, Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale); ($485,000).
Map the locations of genes from soybean plant introductions that can improve
soybean yield and disease resistance; Brian Diers (UIUC) and Randall Nelson
(USDA/ARS-University of Illinois-Champaign).
Utilize wild perennial Glycine species by wide hybridization technology to
integrate agronomically desirable traits into soybean varieties; Ram Singh (UIUC)
and Randall Nelson (USDA/ARS-University of Illinois-Champaign).
Purdue Soybean Breeding Program; Allen LeRoy (Agronomy Department, Purdue
University); ($138,000).
Soybean variety and germplasm improvement; William Schapaugh, Timothy Todd,
Harold Trick and Jim Long (Agronomy and Plant Pathology Departments, Kansas State
University and Southeast Research Center, Kansas State University); ($225,000).
Breeding soybean varieties adapted to the Mid-Atlantic Region for Asian rust
resistance; Bill Rhodes (Schillinger Seeds, Inc.); ($4,000).
Introgress germplasm to elite Michigan soybean germplasm; Dechun Wang and
Christine DiFonzio (Crops and Soil Science and Entomology Departments, Michigan
State University); (Approved funding level up to $20,000).
Expanded variety development and testing for Northern Minnesota; James Orf
(Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota); ($25,000).
Soybean breeding and genetics support; James Orf (Department of Agronomy and
Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota); ($180,000).
Delta Center soybean breeding projects; Grover Shannon (Division of Plant Sciences,
University of Missouri); ($175,591).
Soybean breeding projects; David Sleper (Division of Plant Sciences, University of
Missouri); ($193,246).
Continuation of off-season winter nursery for soybean breeding in North Carolina;
David Smith (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University); ($13,500).
Soybean cultivars and germplasm adapted to North Carolina growing conditions;
Andrea J. Cardinal (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University);
Breeding aphid resistant soybean cultivars; Ted Helms (Department of Plant
Sciences, North Dakota State University); ($15,000).
Breeding of improved cultivars and germplasm; Ted Helms (Department of Plant
Sciences, North Dakota State University); ($110,000).
Soybean breeding and genetics research for Nebraska; George Graef and James
Specht (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln);
Winter nursery support for soybean breeding and genetic research; George Graef
and James Specht (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of NebraskaLincoln); ($66,125).
Development of soybean varieties and germplasm; Steve St. Martin (Agronomy
Department, The Ohio State University); ($166,678).
Breeding improved soybean cultivars for South Carolina; Emerson R. Shipe
(Department of Entomology, Soils and Plant Sciences, Clemson University); ($14,200).
Soybean breeding; TBA (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University);
Specialty soybean breeding and soybean germplasm enhancement for Michigan
environments; Dechun Wang and John Boyse (Crops and Soil Science Department,
Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to $72,000).
Breeding soybeans for durable resistance to emerging nematode populations;
Prakash Arelli (USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN.) and Vincent Pantalone (Plant Sciences
Department, University of Tennessee); ($17,000).
Introgression of novel genes conferring resistance to SCN in soybean germplasm
of early maturity groups; Silvia Cianzio (Agronomy Department, Iowa State University)
and Paskash Arelli (USDA-ARS/ West Tennessee Experiment Station); ($159,730).
Soybean breeding and genetics; Vince Pantalone (Plant Sciences Department,
University of Tennessee); ($54,813).
Breeding soybean varieties adapted to Virginia; Katy M. Rainey (Crop and Soil
Environmental Sciences Department, Virginia Tech); ($15,000).
 Variety Testing and Germplasm Screening
Assessment of soybean varieties in Arkansas for sensitivity to chloride injury;
Steven Green and Matt Conatser (Arkansas State University); ($29,700).
Comprehensive disease screening of soybean varieties in Arkansas; Terry
Kirkpatrick, Richard Cartwright, Scott Monfort (Departments of Plant Pathology and
Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($114,601).
Developing a rapid and efficient method for screening chloride tolerance in
soybean; Pengyin Chen (Department of Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences,
University of Arkansas); ($19,875).
Throughput genetic and phenotypic information for yield enhancement; Felix
Fritschi (University of Missouri), Larry Purcell (University of Arkansas), Jeffery Ray and
Rusty Smith (USDA/ARS-Stoneville, MS), and Randy Nelson (USDA/ARS-University of
Illinois); ($151,814).
Salt tolerance soybean variety trial; Richard Taylor (Department of Plant & Soil
Sciences, and Food & Resources Economics, Unity of Delaware); ($1,500).
Coordination of regional soybean cyst nematode (SCN) tests; Brian Diers
(University of Illinois); ($58,443).
Evaluating SCN-resistant varieties for resistance; Terry Niblack (University of IllinoisChampaign), and Jason Bond (Southern Illinois University-Carbondale); ($77,000);
Evaluation of disease and insect pest resistance for VIPS; T. Slaminko, Roger
Bowen and Houston. Hobbs (UIUC) and Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($75,000).
Identifying varieties with resistance to root knot nematode; Jason Bond (Southern
Illinois University-Carbondale); ($19,000).
Managed Research Area: Varietal Information Program for Soybeans (VIPS);
Bridget Owen, Linda Kull and Emerson Nafziger (Project coordinators, University of
Illinois-Urbana/ Champaign); ($192,380).
The Illinois SDS Commercial Variety Testing Project; Jason Bond and Cathy
Schmidt; (Southern Illinois University-Carbondale); ($79,000).
Improving soybean variety selection using farmer nominated varieties; Craig
Beyrout and Phil DeVillez (Agronomy Department, Purdue University); ($20,000).
Soybean breeding and varieties development; Blair Buckley (Red River Research
Station, Louisiana State University); ($26,032).
Evaluating early-season soybean varieties for production in Louisiana; Steven
Moore (Dean Lee Research Station, Louisiana State University); ($21,000).
Screening and characterizing soybean germplasm for drought tolerance; Henry
Nguyen, Bob Sharp, Grover Shannon and David Sleper (Division of Plant Sciences,
University of Missouri); ($79,383).
Development of value-added utilization of Maryland grown soybean varieties and
by products from soy oil production in nutraceutical ingredients and functional
foods; Lianglu Yu (Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Maryland);
Food and specialty trait soybean variety tests; Robert Kratochvil (University of
Maryland); ($3,500).
Soybean variety evaluation and development; Bill Kenworthy (Department of Plant
Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland); ($3,500).
Evaluating soybean plant introductions and breeding lines for resistance to yield
limiting fungal diseases found in Minnesota; James Kurle and James Orf
(Departments of Plant Pathology and Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of
Minnesota); ($40,000).
Evaluation of soybean varieties and exotic germplasm for tolerance to drought;
Grover Shannon (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($25,206).
Evaluation of soybean varieties and exotic germplasm for tolerance to drought;
Grover Shannon (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($25,206).
Enhancement of Mississippi soybean trials through entry standardization; Bernie
White (Mississippi Research Support Unit, MAFES, Mississippi State University);
Evaluation of private and public soybean varieties and breeding lines for
resistance to stem canker, frogeye leaf spot, purple leaf and pod stain, and
soybean mosaic virus; Gabe Sciumbato (Delta Research and Extension Center,
MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($49,089).
Drought tolerant varieties; Jim Dunphy (Crop Science Department, North Carolina
State University); ($7,025).
Identification and utilization of exotic germplasm to improve soybean
productivity; Randall Nelson (USDA/ARS-University of Illinois), H. Roger Boerma
(University of Georgia), Tommy Carter (USDA/ARS/North Carolina State University),
Brian Diers (University of Illinois), William Kenworthy (University of Maryland), R. Mian
(USDA/ARS-Ohio), Jim Orf (University of Minnesota), Grover Shannon (University of
Missouri) and Rusty Smith (USDA/ARS-Mississippi); ($504,707).
Soybean cultivars resistant to soybean cyst nematode races 2 and 4; Andrea J.
Cardinal (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University); ($10,000).
Soybean variety demonstrations; James Dunphy (Crop Science Department, North
Carolina State University); ($6,000).
Screening company cultivars for tolerance to water-saturated soil conditions; Ted
Helms (Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University); ($10,000);
Screening soybean varieties for resistance to iron deficiency chlorosis; T. Jay
Goos (Department of Soil Science, North Dakota State University); ($30,952).
Yield evaluation of company cultivars for soybean cyst nematode; Ted Helms
(Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University); ($10,000).
Evaluation of soybean germplasm under Pennsylvania conditions; Greg Roth
(Department of Crop and Soil Science, Pennsylvania State University); ($7,000).
Evaluation of elite soybean strains and cultivars for multiple-disease resistance;
Emerson R. Shipe and John Mueller (Department of Entomology, Soils and Plant
Sciences, Clemson University); ($6,000).
Combined evaluation of soybean cultivars for resistance to frogeye leafspot (FLS),
other diseases, sudden death syndrome (SDS), stem canker, and foliar fungicide
efficacy; Melvin Newman, Bob Williams and Blake Brown (Entomology and Plant
Pathology Department, Extension West Region Milan Experiment Station, University of
Tennessee); ($31,500).
Screening of Roundup Ready variety soybeans and breeding lines for charcoal
rot, SCN, and other yield limiting diseases; Alemu Mengistu and Craig Canaday
(Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee) and Patricia Donald (USDA/ARSJackson, TN.); ($26,000).
Comparison of released varieties and experimental lines of soybean for drought
tolerance in Texas; Russell Sutton and James Heitholt (Texas AgriLife Research,
Dallas, TX); ($10,932).
Yield response of soybean lines resistant to soybean aphids and viruses; Craig
Grau (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin); ($23,225).
 Gene Discover, Gene Mapping and Bioengineering Studies
A gene for insect resistance from soybean; Wayne Parrott, H. Roger Boerma and
John All (University of Georgia); ($36,150).
Soybean Tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering Center; Wayne Parrott (University
of Georgia), John Finer (The Ohio State University), Lila Vodkin and Jack Widholm
(University of Illinois) and Harold Trick (Kansas State University); ($349,287).
Controlling yield-reducing pathogen stress in soybean: Short- and long-term
benefits to stable production; John Hill, Steven Whitham and Thomas Baum (Plant
Pathology Department, Iowa State University); ($0).
Development of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for
soybeans; John Hill, Steve Whitman, Leonor Leandro and Thomas Baum (Iowa State
University), Randy Shoemaker (USDA/ARS/Iowa State University), Kerry Pedley
(USDA/ARS/Fort Detrick), Craig Grau (University of Wisconsin), Dean Malvick
(University of Minnesota); ($125,000). (A project funded jointly with the United Soybean
Development of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for
soybeans; John Hill, Steve Whitham, Leonor Leandro and Thomas Baum (Iowa State
University), Randy Shoemaker (USDA/ARS-Iowa State University), Craig Grau
(University of Wisconsin), Kerry Pedley (USDA/ARS-Fort Detrick, MD) and Dean Malvick
(University of Minnesota); ($125,000).
Exploring new resistance resources for treating soybean diseases; John Hill,
Steven Whitham and Thomas Baum (Plant Pathology Department, Iowa State
University) and Michelle Graham and Randy Shoemaker (USDA/ARS-ISU); ($200,724).
Non-host resistance for engineering disease resistance in soybean; Madan
Bhattacharyya (Plant Pathology Department, Iowa State University); (This project is
jointly funded by the Iowa Soybean Association and the Consortium of Plant
Biotechnology Research); ($30,000).
Application of biotechnology to biocontrol the soybean cyst nematode: Genomic
analysis of SCN virulence; Kris Lambert and Terry Niblack (University of Illinois); (R
Construction of a DNA-based virus induced gene silencing system for functional
genomics of soybean seed development; Leslie L. Domier (USDA/ ARS, University of
Illinois) and Said A. Ghabrial (Department of Plant Pathology University of Kentucky);
($62,560). .
Disease resistance gene stacking high throughput marker assisted section; Allen
LeRoy and Jianxin Ma (Agronomy Department, Purdue University); ($10,800).
Enhancement of soybean through genetic engineering; Harold Trick, William
Schapaugh and Tim Todd (Departments of Plant Pathology and Agronomy, Kansas
State University); ($57,072).
Enhancing soybean yield by manipulating the expression of seed traitdetermining genes; Aardra Kachroo and Said Ghabrial (University of Kentucky);
Nested association mapping to identify yield QTL in diverse high-yielding elite
soybean lines; David Hyten and Perry Cregan (USDA/ARS-Beltsville, MD.), Jim Specht
(University of Nebraska) and Brian Diers (University of Illinois); ($280,000).
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) DNA marker discovery, mapping and
application; Perry Cregan (USDA/ARS-Beltsville, MD), David Hyten (USDA/ARSBeltsville, MD,), Jim Specht (University of Nebraska), and Randy Shoemaker
(USDA/ARS-Iowa State University); ($280,000).
Traditional and molecular breeding for soybeans resistant to cyst nematode and
other diseases; Nevin Young and James Orf (Department of Agronomy and Plant
Genetics, University of Minnesota); ($60,000).
A candidate gene for maturity group and flowering time in soybeans; Robert Stupar
(Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota); ($25,000).
Confirmation of quantitative trait loci and gene-based molecular marker
development for broad spectrum resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN);
Henry Nguyen, David Sleper, Grover Shannon, Melissa Mitchum (National Center for
Soybean Biotechnology, University of Missouri); ($72,705).
Development and deployment of biotechnology for soybean improvement; Henry
Nguyen (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($300,000).
Development of a high throughput Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
system for soybean (Glycine max); Zhanyuan Zhang and Henry Nguyen (Division of
Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($64,900).
Generation of soybean plants resistant to soybean cyst nematode; Chris Taylor
(Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO.); ($78,125).
Harnessing soybean innate immunity to reduce yield losses due to fungal
pathogens; Gary Stacey (University of Missouri), Brian Diers (University of Illinois), and
Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-University of Illinois); ($97,803).
High throughput cloning and functional characterization of molecular switches for
stress tolerance and enhanced seed composition in soybean; Henry Nguyen, Babu
Valliyodan, Son Tran and Gary Stacey (Division of Plant Sciences, University of
Missouri); ($73,671).
Transcriptional profiling of soybean transcription factors; Gary Stacey, Henry
Nguyen and Dong Xu (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($69,540).
Translational genomics for drought tolerance in soybean; Henry Nguyen (Division
of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($55,329).
Confirmation, fine mapping, and commercialization of yield enhancing alleles from
a Japanese germplasm line; H. Roger Boerma (University of Georgia) and Tommy
Carter (USDA/ARS-North Carolina State University); ($149,703).
Enhancing disease resistance in soybean through the tools of biotechnology; Tom
Clemente, Jack Morris and Jim Alfano (University of Nebraska) and Gray Stacey and
Jim English (University of Missouri); ($153,000).
Enhancing soybean germplasm through biotechnology; Tom Clemente and George
Graef (Departments of Agronomy and Horticulture/Plant Science Initiate, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln); ($73,060).
Functional analysis of soybean genes through transposon mutagenesis; Tom
Clemente and Jim Specht (University of Nebraska), Gary Stacey and Zhanyuan Zhang
(University of Missouri), Kan Wang (Iowa State University), Jim Orf and G. Muehlbauer
(University of Minnesota), and Carroll Vance (USDA/ARS-University of Minnesota).
Over-expression of master defense genes for enhanced soybean resistance;
Terrance Graham (Plant Pathology Department, The Ohio State University); ($50,000).
Expedite development of Ohio specialty trait soybean varieties using molecular
markers; Stephen Myers (Horticulture and Crop Science Department, The Ohio State
University); ($92,870).
QTLs for Phytophthora sojae, where are they and what mechanisms control this
resistance? Anne Dorrance and Steve St. Martin (The Ohio State University), Rouf
Mian (USDA/ARS- Wooster, OH) and Grover Shannon and Henry Nguyen (University of
Missouri); ($241,819).
Diagnostic DNA system for enhancement of soybean productivity in South
Carolina; Halina Knap and Emerson Shipe (Department of Entomology, Soils and Plant
Sciences, Clemson University); ($4,000).
Marker assisted selection for soybean; Catherine Carter (Plant Science Department,
South Dakota State University); ($30,000).
Genetics and mapping of charcoal rot resistance; Jeffrey Ray and Rusty Smith
(USDA/ARS-Stoneville, MS.), and Alemu Mengistu (USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN.);
 Soybean Disease Research (General)
Managed research area: Soybean disease and insect pest administration; Linda
Kull (University of Illinois-Champaign) and Jason Bond (Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale); ($22,000).
Multiplexing and field validation of quantitative, molecular assays of soy diseases;
James Haudenshield and Curt Hill (University of Illinois-Champaign) and Glen Hartman
(USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($35,000).
Soybean diseases and pests surveys; Jason Bond (SIUC), Carl Bradley, Linda Kull
and Kevin Steffey (University of Illinois-Champaign), Leslie Domier and Glen Hartman
(USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($32,098).
Field testing coumarin derivatives as seed protectants against soil-borne
diseases; Nancy Brooker (Department of Biology, Pittsburg State University); ($37,000).
Biology and control of major diseases of soybeans; Raymond Schneider (Plant
Pathology and Crop Pathology Department, Louisiana State University); ($80,050).
Defining stem and root diseases of soybean in Minnesota for long-term yield
enhancement; Dean Malvick (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota);
Interactive effects of soybean cyst nematode, Mycorrhizal fungi and irondeficiency on soybean nutrients and growth; Senyu Chen and Jim Kurle
(Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota); ($50,000).
Compile estimates of soybean yield suppression by diseases for the U.S. during
2008; J. Allen Wrather (University of Missouri) and Steve Koenning (North Carolina
State University); ($18,000). .
Control of soybean diseases; Berlin Nelson (Department of Plant Pathology, North
Dakota State University); ($50,330).
Survey of emerging soybean diseases in North Dakota; Sam Markell and Berlin
Nelson (Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University); ($16,284).
Soybean pathology; Thomas Chase (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State
University); ($30,000).
Identifying and characterizing resistance to Ohio’s major soybean Pathogens:
Part 2; Anne Dorrance (Plant Pathology Department, The Ohio State University);
Effective soybean disease management practices and soybean disease education
in South Dakota; Kay Ruden (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State
University); ($40,000).
Interactions between soybean cyst nematode, brown stem rot and sudden death
syndrome; Paul Esker, Ann MacGuidwin and Craig Grau (Department of Plant
Pathology, University of Wisconsin); ($40,000).
Soybean pathology research; Craig Grau (Department of Plant Pathology, University
of Wisconsin); ($29,030).
Soybean stem health; Craig Grau (Department of Plant Pathology, University of
Wisconsin); ($43,500).
 Asian Soybean Rust
Monitoring soybean sentinel fields throughout Alabama for early detection of
soybean rust; Edward Sikora, Dennis Delaney, M. Delaney, Richard Petcher, Leonard
Kuykendall, Warren Griffith, David Derrick and Rudy Yates (Agronomy and Soils
Department, Auburn University); ($2,000).
Population dynamics and epidemiology of Asian Soybean Rust in North American
soybean production systems; James J. Marois, David L. Wright and Phil Harmon
(University of Florida); ($200,000).
Characterization of the soybean rust infection process in susceptible and
resistance soybean interactions: Laying a foundation toward soybean rust
control; Steven Whitham, Thomas Baum (Plant Pathology Department, Iowa State
University) and Reid Frederick (USDA-ARS-Foreign Disease Weed Science Research
Unit, Ft. Detrick, MD.); ($75,654).
Dynamic models for seasonal disease prediction of soybean rust in the U.S.
soybean production regions; X.B. Yang (Plant Pathology Department, Iowa State
University) and Zaitao Pan (Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, St. Louis
University); ($76,418).
Searching for partial resistance to soybean rust through studies on the timeline of
resistance components to Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean and alternative
hosts; Leonor Leandro (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University) and Jim
Marois (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida); ($36,077).
Identification and utilization of resistance to soybean rust; Brian Diers (University of
Illinois), Glen; Hartman, Randy Nelson and David Walker (USDA/ ARS-University of
Illinois), Silvia Cianzio (Iowa State University), H. Roger Boerma and Dan Philips
(University of Georgia), Perry Cregan and David Hyten (USDA/ARS-Beltsville, MD) and
Henry Nguyen and Grover Shannon (University of Missouri); ($568,752).
Illinois soybean rust sentinel plots; Jason Bond (Southern Illinois University), Carl
Bradley (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) and Glen Hartman (USDA/ARSUIUC); ($32,000).
Management of soybean rust, sentinel plots, diagnostics, outreach and research;
Linda Kull (Coordinator, National Soybean Research Laboratory, University of IllinoisUrbana-Champaign), Jason Bond (Southern Illinois University-Carbondale), Carl
Bradley, Nancy Pataky and Robert Bellum (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) and
Glen Hartman and David Walker (USDA/ARS-UIUC).
Soybean rust spore traps; Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($10,000).
Toward developing rust-resistant soybeans: Identifying genes for rust resistance;
Schuyler Korban (University of Illinois), Said Ghabrial (University of Kentucky) and Glen
Hartman (USDA/ARS-University of Illinois); ($150,873).
Participation in the 2008 national sentinel plot network; Chris Bowley, Phil Needham
(Wheat Tech Inc., Russellville, KY.); ($12,000).
Developing a new strategy to control soybean rust disease through a proteomicsbased approach; Zhi-Yuan Chen (Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology Department,
Louisiana State University); ($63,400).
Developing soybean resistance to Asian rust pathogen; Svetlana Oard and
Frederick Enright (AgCenter Biotechnology Laboratory, Louisiana State University);
Monitoring aerial transport of Phakopsora pachyrhizi (SBR) spores; Les Szabo
(USDA/ARS-University of Minnesota), Glen Hartman (UDSA/ARS-University of Illinois),
Scott Isard (Pennsylvania State University) and Ray Schneider (Louisiana State
University); ($155,000).
Validation trial: Yield loss prediction model for Asian Soybean Rust; Karatha
Kumudini (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky); Jim Board
and Ray Schneider (Plant Pathology Department, Louisiana State University); ($24,000).
Rust resistance confirmation and utilization in Michigan soybean improvement;
Dechun Wang and Ray Hammerschmidt (Crops and Soil Science and Botany and
Pathology Department, Michigan State University), Hiraigu Chen (Jiangsu Academy of
Agricultural Science), and Ying Luo (Sanming Institute of Agricultural Science);
(Approved funding level up to $23,500).
Minnesota early warning and management system for soybean rust; James Kurle
and Dean Malvick (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota); ($13,000).
Construction of fungal resistant soybean; Gary Stacey, Jinrong Wan, Kristin Bilyeu,
Jim English, and Jim Schoelz (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri);
Defense peptides to protect soybean from rust: Jim English, Gary Stacey and F.
Schmidt (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($79,500).
Management and surveillance of Asiatic soybean rust in North Carolina; Steve
Koenning (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University); ($10,000).
Sentinel plots to monitor the spread of Asian Soybean Rust to North Central
States; Loren Giesler (University of Nebraska) and Don Hershman (University of
Kentucky), Anne Dorrance (The Ohio State University), Glen Hartman
(USDA/ARS/University of Illinois), Greg Shaner (USDA/ARS/Purdue University), X.B.
Yang (Iowa State University), Doug Jardine (Kansas State University), Ray
Hammerschmidt (Michigan State University), Dean Malvick (University of Minnesota),
Laura Sweets (University of Missouri), Sam Markell (North Dakota State University),
Lawrence Osborne (South Dakota State University), Paul Esker (University of
Wisconsin), Scott Monfort (University of Arkansas), Scott Isard (Penn State University);
($350,775), A project jointly funded with the United Soybean Board).
Soybean surveillance network: Monitoring for soybean rust and insect pests;
Loren Giesler (Departments of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln);
Asian soybean rust (ARS): Training of first detectors and triage personnel; Melvin
Newman and Bob Williams (Entomology and Plant Pathology Department, Extension
West Region Milan Experiment Station, University of Tennessee); ($4,000).
Early detection of Asian rust using realtime PCR; Kurt Lamour (Entomology and
Plant Pathology Department, University of Tennessee); ($28,400).
 Charcoal Rot
Charcoal rot cultivar evaluation using adapted and exotic sources of resistance;
John Rupe, C. Rothrock, and S. Bajwa (University of Arkansas), Allen Wrather and
Grover Shannon (University of Missouri), Alemu Mengistu (USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN),
Curt Little (Kansas State University), Jason Bond and Ahmad Fakhoury (Southern Illinois
University) and Curt Hill (University of Illinois); ($348,086).
Influence of soils, nutrition, and water relations upon charcoal rot disease
processes in Kansas; Christopher Little, Vara Prasad, DeAnn Presley, Kraig
Roozeboom (Plant Pathology and Agronomy Departments, Kansas State University);
Charcoal rot management in Illinois; Ahmad Fakhoury and Jason Bond (SIUC);
Establishment, colonization, toxin production and development of the charcoal rot
fungus, Macrophomina phaseolina, on soybean during the disease life cycletoxin: Basic biology for control; Richard Baird (Entomology and Plant Pathology
Department), Gabe Sciumbato and Hamed Abbas (Delta Research and Extension
Center), Jac Varco (Plant and Soil Science Department, MAFES, Mississippi State
University) and Thomas Shier (University of Minnesota); ($23,000).
 Frogeye Leaf Spot
Fungicide resistance monitoring and overwinter survivability of the frogeye leaf
spot pathogen, Cercospora sojina; Carl Bradley (UIUC); ($29,000).
Managing frogeye leaf spot and charcoal rot in the North Central Region; Jason
Bond and Michael Schmidt (Southern Illinois University), Curt Hill and Glen Hartman
(USDA/ University of Illinois), X.B. Yang and Thomas Harrington (Iowa State University),
Doug Jardine and Curt Little (Kansas State University), Scott Abney and Andreas
Westphal (USDA/Purdue University), A. Mengistu (USDA/ARS Jackson, TN), Dan
Phillips (University of Georgia), Glover Shannon and Allen Wrather (University of
Missouri), Loren Giesler (University of Nebraska), R. Mian (USDA/The Ohio State
University) and Melvin Newman (University of Tennessee); ($190,000).
Using race-specific probes to monitor population shifts of the frogeye leaf spot
pathogen; Jason Bond and Ahmad Fahoury (SUIC); ($28,000).
Survey of frogeye leaf spot (FLS) in Virginia, evaluation of resistance of FLS on
soybean lines adapted to Virginia, and use of marker assisted selection (MAS) for
FLS resistance in soybean; Katy M. Rainey (Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
Department, Virginia Tech); ($7,000).
 Iron Deficiency Chlorosis
Excessive soil moisture versus iron deficiency chlorosis ratings; Ted Helms
(Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University); ($10,000).
Identification of unexploited QTL alleles from Glycine soja for soybean breeding:
Pyramiding genes enhancing resistance to iron deficiency chlorosis; Xing-You
Guy, Catherine Carter, Tom Schumacher and Roy Scott (Plant Science Department,
South Dakota State University); ($40,000).
Iron deficiency chlorosis: Getting to the root of the problem; Phil McClean (Project
Leader) and Jay Goos (North Dakota State University), J. Carroll Vance (USDA/ARSUniversity of Minnesota) and Randy Shoemaker (USDA/ARS- Iowa State University);
 Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot
Identifying factors that influence genetic diversity in endemic Phytophthora sojae
populations; Alison Robertson (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University)
and Anne Dorrance (Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University);
Toward cloning Rps3 and Rps8, effective resistance genes for Phytophthora sojae
for the new millennium; Anne Dorrance (Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio
State University), Randy Shoemaker (ARS/USDA/Iowa State University), Saghai Maroof
(Department of Crops and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech) and Steve St. Martin
(Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio State University); ($134,805).
 Sclerotinia White Mold
Establishing a forecasting system for white mold; Jianjun Hao, Jeffrey Adresen,
Willie Kirk and Mark Trent (Plant Pathology and Crop and Soil Science Departments,
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level
up to $20,000).
Managing white mold and other soilborne diseases of soybeans; Dean Malvick
(Department of Plant Pathology, University); ($27,500).
Using biological agents to control soybean white mold; Jianjun Hao, Dechun Wang
and Ray Hammerschmidt (Plant Pathology and Crop and Soil Science Departments,
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level
up to $20,000).
 Soybean Viruses
Soybean viruses and management; Leslie Domier, Houston Hobbs and Glen Hartman
(USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($10,000).
Screening for genetic resistance against soybean viruses; John Hill (Coordinator)
Steve Whitham (Iowa State University), Craig Grau (University of Wisconsin), Brian
Diers (University of Illinois) and Reza Hajimorad (University of Tennessee); ($130,000).
Quantifying the temporal and spatial spread of bean pod mottle virus and to
identify site risk factors to improve BPMV management and soybean yield; Forrest
W. Nutter Jr. and Alison Robertson (Plant Pathology, Iowa State University); ($42,202).
Aspects of integrated management for viruses and infection Phomopsis in
soybean; Gary Munkvold, John Hill, Alison Robertson, Matt O’Neal, Palle Pedersen and
Jeff Bradshaw (Seed Science Center, and Plant Pathology, Entomology and Agronomy
Departments, Iowa State University); ($59,059).
Epidemiology of bean pod mottle virus and resistance to major pathogens of
soybean; Said Ghabrial and Don Hershman (Department of Plant Pathology, University
of Kentucky); ($15,000).
Identification of plant viruses infecting soybean and corn in Louisiana; Rodrigo
Valverde (Plant Pathology Department, Louisiana State University); ($2,500).
Viruses of soybean in Mississippi: A case study; Sead Sababadzovic (Department of
Entomology and Plant Pathology, MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($21,414).
Phenotypes Associated with Partial Resistance to BPMV; M.G. Redinbaugh
(USDA/ARS/OARDC) and Marie Langham (South Dakota State University); ($17,000).
Plant viruses infecting soybeans in South Dakota; Marie Langham (Plant Science
Department, South Dakota State University); ($30,000).
 Sudden Death Syndrome
Application of new genetic resources to the improved control of soybean sudden
death syndrome (SDS); Silvia Cianzio and Madan Bhattacharyya (Iowa State
University), John Rupe and Pengyin Chen (University of Arkansas) and Jason Bond,
Ahmad Fakhoury and Khalid Meksem (Southern Illinois University); ($295,870).
Characterization of the SDS pathogen in Illinois; Jason Bond and Ahmad Fahoury
(Southern Illinois University-Carbondale); ($24,000).
Delayed infection of Fusarium virguliforme using fungicide seed treatments, and
its impact on sudden death syndrome and soybean yield; Carl Bradley and Terry
Niblack (University of Illinois-Champaign) and Jason Bond (Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale); ($33,000).
Fusarium species infecting soybean roots: Risks and management tools; Gary
Munkvold, Leonor Leandro, Palle Pedersen, Greg Tylka, Sylvia Cianzio and Allison
Robertson (Plant Pathology and Agronomy Departments, Iowa State University);
Identification of soybean cultivars resistant to Fusarium solani; James Kurle and
Senyu Chen (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota); ($40,000).
Impact of continuous corn production on sudden death syndrome of soybean:
Studies to investigate disease management options; X.B. Yang and Shrishail Navi
(Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University); ($55,000).
Improving soybean productivity through knowledge on the biology and
epidemiology of soilborne fungal pathogens and soybean rust; Leonor Leandro
(Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University); ($177,214).
Integrated disease management approaches for limiting yield losses to sudden
death syndrome (SDS) in Minnesota; James Kurle, Dean Malvick and Jim Orf
(Departments of Plant Pathology and Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of
Minnesota); ($40,000).
Sudden death syndrome isolate, screening, culture collection and inoculation
preparation; Diane Brown-Rytlewski, George Bird and Ray Hammerschmidt (Botany
and Pathology Departments, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State
University); (Approved funding level up to $8,300).
Symptom expression in sudden death syndrome: How does Fusarium
virguliforme cause disease? Leonor Leandro (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa
State University) and Sarah Covert (Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources,
University of Georgia); ($36,953).
The sudden death syndrome research alliance; Linda Kull (Project Manager), Brian
Diers, Terry Niblack, Glen Hartman and Steven Clough (University of Illinois), Jason
Bond, Ahmad Fakhoury and Michael Schmidt (Southern Illinois University), Silvia
Cianzio, Leonor Leandro and Madan Bhattacharyya (Iowa State University), Dean
Malvick (University of Minnesota) and Andreas Westphal (Ohio State University);
Understanding aggressiveness and genetic variability in pathogen populations to
improve management of soybean sudden death syndrome; Leonor Leandro,
Shrishail Navi, Thomas Harrington and X.B. Yang (Plant Pathology Department, Iowa
State University); ($46,294).
 Other Soybean Diseases
Interaction of anthracnose and charcoal rot on green stem incidence; Curt Hill
(UIUC) and Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($20,000).
Improving soybean profitability in Iowa by reducing the hidden effects of brown
stem rot and its interaction with the soybean cyst nematode; Gregory Tylka
(Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University; ($70,806).
The soybean green plant problem: An evaluation of possible influencing factors;
B. Roger Leonard (Northeast Research Station, Department of Entomology, Louisiana
State University); ($30,000).
Reducing the impact of Fusarium root rot on soybean productivity in the U.S.;
Berlin Nelson (North Dakota State University), James Kurle and Dean Malvick
(University of Minnesota); ($123,014).
 Pesticide Application and Evaluation Studies
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Asian Soybean Rust; Dennis Delaney,
Edward Sikora and Kathy Lawrence (Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn
University); ($15,000).
Evaluation of fungicide products and application timing; Philip Harmon (Department
of Plant Pathology, University of Florida); ($18,000).
Evaluation of fungicide seed treatments on performance of soybean in Illinois,
and the impact of soybean cyst nematode on the efficacy of seed treatments; Carl
Bradley and Terry Niblack (University of Illinois-Champaign), and Jason Bond (Southern
Illinois University-Carbondale); ($32,000).
Foliar fungicides: Their control of Illinois foliar diseases, and their effect on
soybean yield and green stem disorder; Carl Bradley, Roger Bowen, Curt Hill and
Keith Ames (University of Illinois-Champaign) and Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC);
Fungicide applied research and spraying guidelines; Jason Bond (Southern Illinois
University-Carbondale) and Carl Bradley (University of Illinois-Champaign); ($28,000).
Herbicides, strobulurin fungicides and implication for Rhizoctonia root rot of
soybeans; Darin Eastburn and Wayne Pedersen (UIUC); ($30,000).
Response of soybeans to Strobiluria class of fungicides (Headline, Quadris);
Arvydas Grybauskas (Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture,
University of Maryland); ($10,000).
Evaluation of fungicidal seed treatments for soybean root diseases; Diane BrownRytlewski and Ray Hammerschmidt (Botany and Pathology, Agriculture and Natural
Resources, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to $9,000).
Use of seed and in-furrow applied fungicides to suppress the development of
soybean rust and charcoal rot; Gabe Sciumbato (Delta Research and Extension
Center, MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($18,690).
Impact of fungicides and production systems on the management of soybean rust
and other diseases in Mississippi soybeans; Dan Poston, Gabe Sciumbato, Tom
Allen, Brewer Blessitt and Jeff Gore (Delta Research and Extension Center), Normie
Buehring and Don Cook (North Mississippi Research and Extension Center), Chris
Daves (Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center, MAFES, Mississippi State
University); ($75,500).
Effective application of pesticides to control Asian soybean rust and soybean
aphid in Ohio; Erdal Ozkan (Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Ohio State
University); ($25,184).
Yield response of soybeans to fungicide programs for control of soybean rust;
John Damicone (Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State
University); ($9,500).
Utilizing fungicide applications for Asian soybean rust control; John Mueller (Edisto
Research and Education Center, Clemson University); ($10,000).
Standardized foliar fungicide test for control of Asian soybean rust; Melvin
Newman (University of Tennessee), Ed Sikora (Auburn University), Robert Kemerait
(University of Georgia), James Marois (University of Florida) and Boyd Padgett
(Louisiana State University); ($25,000).
Fungicide strategies for control of Asian soybean rust and other common foliar
diseases of soybean; Pat Phipps (Plant Pathology, Physiology and Weed Science
Department, Virginia Tech); ($12,661).
Foliar fungicides to study the epidemiology of Cercospors kikuchii; Paul Esker and
Craig Grau (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin); ($30,000).
 Weed Control Studies
Evaluation of weed suppression provided by a high-residue clover cover in
conservation-tillage soybean; Dennis Delaney and Andrew Price (Agronomy and
Soils Department, Auburn University); ($5,000).
Utility and efficiency of fall herbicide applications for no-till soybean production;
Mark van Gessel (Departments of Plant & Soil Sciences, and Food & Resource
Economics, University of Delaware); ($14,000).
Develop weed management systems for Illinois; Bryan Young (SIUC), Dean
Riechers and Doug Maxwell (UIUC) and Gordon Roskamp (WIU); ($85,000).
Development of molecular resources for waterhemp research; Pat Tranel (UIUC);
Increase the knowledge base of biology, ecology and genetics of priority weed
species; Aaron Hager and Pat Tranel (UIUC) and Bryan Young (SIUC); ($ 122,000).
Investigate crop production elements that impact weed management decision;
Emerson Nafziger (UIUC); ($30,000 ).
Investigation of Glyphosate-resistant waterhemp from Illinois; Aaron Hager, Dean
Riechers and Pat Tranel (UIUC) and Adam Davis (USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($80,000).
New waterhemp management tool; Loreetta Ortiz-Ribbing (UIUC) and Gordon
Roshamp (WIU); ($7,000).
Tank-mix partners with glyphosate: No-till burndown and residual; Aaron Hager
(UIUC), Bryan Young (SUIC) and Gordon Roskamp (WIU); ($25,000).
Manganese management; Tony Vyn and Jim Camberto (Agronomy Department,
Purdue University); ($53,861).
Low soybean populations and weed control; Chad Lee, Jim Herbek and J.D. Green
(Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky); ($11,000).
Influence of crop protection combinations with glyphosate in Roundup Ready
soybean; Henry Wilson (Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center,
Virginia Tech); ($15,000).
Weed management and biology research; James Griffin (Department of Agronomy
and Environmental Management, Louisiana State University); ($40,000).
Soybean weed control research in northeast Louisiana; Donnie Keith Miller
(Northeast Research Station, Louisiana State University); ($28,000).
Management of glyphosate-resistant weeds in soybeans; Ronald Ritter (Department
of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland); ($3,500).
Postemergence, pre-emergence or pre-emergence followed by postemergence:
Which is better? Ron Ritter (Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture,
University of Maryland); ($3,500).
Weed management programs utilizing Liberty-Link soybeans; Ron Ritter
(Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland);
Impact of winter annual weed populations on early-season pest in reduced and
no-till soybean; Christy Sprague and Chris DiFonzio (Crop and Soil Science and
Entomology Departments, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to
Long-term management of dandelion in a corn and soybean rotation; Christy
Sprague (Project Leader), Jim Kells (Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State
University); ($5,500).
Addressing critical soybean weed control issues in Mississippi; Dan Poston, Vijay
Nandula, Clifford Koger, Tom Eubank and Brewer Blessitt (Delta Research and
Extension Center, MAFES, Mississippi State University and USDA/ARS); ($60,000).
Ecology and management of glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth; Michael G.
Burton (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University and USDA/ARS);
Emergence, growth and management of the nightshade family of weeds; Michael
G. Burton (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University); ($15,633).
Manganese-Roundup interaction; Jim Dunphy (Crop Science Department, North
Carolina State University); ($9,025).
Weed management tactics for no-till organic soybean production; Chris RebergHorton (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University); ($9,963).
Interactions of Roundup Ready soybean systems with microorganisms and
potassium nutrition; Richard Dick (Agronomy Department, The Ohio State University);
Control of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in
soybean production systems using alternative management strategies; Michael
Marshall (Clemson University’s Edisto Research & Education Center) and David Gunter
(Clemson University’s Pee Dee Research & Education Center); ($10,436.).
County resistant pigweed herbicide strip tests; David Gunter (Clemson University’s
Pee Dee Research & Education Center) and Michael Marshall (Clemson University’s
Edisto Research & Education Center); ($2,500).
Weed management programs in alternative soybean systems and utilization of
new herbicide resistant soybean varieties for weed control in South Dakota;
Michael Moechnig, David Vos, Darrell Deneke and Jill Alms (Plant Science Department,
South Dakota State University); ($9,960).
Screening for herbicide resistance horseweed and lambsquarter in no-till soybean
production systems; Steve Gower and Christy Sprague (Crop and Soil Science
Department, Michigan State University); (Cost will be reimbursed on a billing basis at a
rate of $30.00 per sample analysis).
Giant ragweed management in no-till soybeans and confirmation of herbicide
resistant weeds; Tom Mueller and Larry Steckel (Plant Sciences Department,
University of Tennessee); ($5,000).
Management of glyphosate-resistant weeds; Larry Steckel, Thomas Mueller and
Angela Thompson (Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee); ($8,500).
 Soybean Nematode Research
Can phenylalanine be used to reduce the virulence of SCN and improve the
survival of soybean (Glycine max); Lon Kaufman (University of Illinois-Chicago);
Biotechnology to control the soybean cyst nematode: SCN parasitism genes;
Thomas Baum (Iowa State University), Eric Davis (North Carolina State University), and
Goelinet Mitchum (University of Missouri); ($317,745).
Increasing Iowa soybean profitability by renewing interest in managing the
soybean cyst nematode; Gregory L. Tylka (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State
University); ($187,697).
Application of biotechnology to control the soybean cyst nematode: Soybean
resistance genes; Khalid Meksem (Southern Illinois University), Praskash Arelli
(USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN), Silvia Cianzio (Iowa State University) and Andrew Bent
(University of Wisconsin); ($237,352).
Deciphering the interaction between SCN and Fusarium virguliforme; Jason Bond
and Ahmad Fakhoury (SIUC); ($27,500).
Generation of recombinant inbred SCN lines for the identification of SCN virulence
genes and the development of a molecular virulence assay; Kris Lambert and Terry
Niblack (UIUC); ($17,300).
Genetic diversity and mapping new genes for resistance to SCN; Khalid Meksem
and Stella Kantartzi (SUIC); ($45,500).
Integrating strategies to manage SCN; Jason Bond (SIUC) and Terry Niblack (UIUC);
Next generation sequencing of the soybean cyst nematode genome: A
comparative genomics analysis of virulent and avirulent biotypes; Kris Lambert
(University of Illinois); (no-cost extension).
Phenotypic variability in SCN populations in Illinois; Jason Bond (SIUC) and Terry
Niblack (UIUC); ($31,500).
Screening for soybean resistance to SCN with molecular assays; Terry Niblack
(UIUC); ($56,500).
Indiana soybean cyst nematode survey; V.R. Ferris (Entomology Department, Purdue
University); ($30,000).
Investigations of changes in resistance of PI 88788 to field populations of soybean
cyst nematode (SCN) that will impact all North Central States; Jamal Faghihi and
Virginia Ferris (Purdue University), Pat Donald (USDA/ARS/West Tennessee
Experiment Station), Gregory Noel (USDA/ARS/University of Illinois) and Tom Welacky,
(Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada); (Completed Project).
Impact of newly recognized HG-Type 2 soybean cyst nematode and enhanced
awareness of SCN challenges in Kentucky; Don Hershman (Department of Plant
Pathology, University of Kentucky); ($9,100).
Soybean cyst nematode sampling program; Don Hershman (Department of Plant
Pathology, University of Kentucky); ($6,000).
Application of biotechnology to control the soybean cyst nematode: Soybean and
SCN candidate gene identification and testing; Ben Matthews and Andrea Skantar
(USDA/ARS-Beltsville, MD.), Halina Knap (Clemson University) and Chris Taylor
(Danforth Center, St. Louis, MO.); ($290,000).
MSU diagnostic services free SCN soil testing/communications; George Bird and
Fred Warner (Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State University); (Approved
funding level up to $22,000).
Soybean cyst nematode management research and education; George Bird and
John Davenport (Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State University), Joe
Scrimger (BioSystems) and Tom Kendle (Farm Cooperator); (Approved funding level up
to $10,000).
The effect of utilizing soybean cyst nematode resistant varieties on SCN types in
Michigan; Mike Staton, Ned Birkey, Dave Pratt, George Silva, Dan Rossman, and Fred
Warner (Extension Southwest Region, Michigan State University Extension); (Approved
funding level up to $7,200).
Expanded soybean cyst nematode and other variety testing; James Orf
(Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota); ($45,000).
Impact of cultivar resistance on virulence phenotypes of the soybean cyst
nematode; Senyu Chen and Bruce Potter (Department of Plant Pathology and
Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota); ($70,000).
Quantifying diapause level of the soybean cyst nematode for accurate HG-typing;
Senyu Chen (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota); ($30,000).
Using microgenomics to identify new sources of soybean cyst nematode
resistance in soybeans; Melissa Mitchum, Henry Nguyen, David Sleper and Grover
Shannon (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($72,000).
Cover crops for management of soybean cyst nematode; Steve Koenning (Crop
Science Department, North Carolina State University); ($5,000).
Evaluating blends of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistant and susceptible
varieties for management of SCN; Steve Koenning (Crop Science Department, North
Carolina State University); ($10,348).
Evaluation of Abamictin as a seed treatment for control of soybean cyst
nematode; Steve Koenning (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State
University); ($20,000).
On-farm evaluation of resistant varieties for management of soybean cyst
nematode; Steve Koenning (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State
University); ($9,880).
Effects of soil type on soybean cyst nematode: Berlin Nelson (Department of Plant
Pathology, North Dakota State University); ($6,975).
Reproduction of SCN on resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars; Berlin Nelson
(Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University); ($24,340).
Improving management of soybean cyst nematode through Extension
demonstration and outreach; Loren Giesler (University of Nebraska) and Carl Bradley
(University of Illinois) (co-Coordinators), Anne Dorrance (The Ohio State University),
Terry Niblack (University of Illinois), Greg Tylka (Iowa State University), Doug Jardine
(Kansas State University), Ray Hammerschmidt (Michigan State University), Dean
Malvick (University of Minnesota), Laura Sweets (University of Missouri), Sam Markell
(North Dakota State University), Lawrence Osborne (South Dakota State University),
Paul Esker (University of Wisconsin), George Bird (Michigan State University) and Albert
Tenuta (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs): ($205,000).
Influence of irrigation and crop rotation sequence on SCN populations; Loren
Giesler (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska); ($32,010).
SD-South Dakota State University); ($20,000).
Screening soybean varieties for resistance to the soybean cyst nematode and
reniform nematode to enhance soybean production; Gary Lawrence (Entomology
and Plant Pathology Department) and Bernard White (Mississippi Research Support
Unit, MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($17,250).
Molecular approaches to effective management tools against soybean cyst
nematode (SCN); Neal Stewart, Mitra Mazarei, Prakash Arelli and Vincent Pantalone
(Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee) and Prakash Arelli (USDA/ARSJackson, TN.); ($16,500).
Soybean cyst nematode sampling and advisory program; Melvin Newman
(Entomology and Pathology Department, University of Tennessee), Patricia Donald and
Prakash Arelli (USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN.); ($22,200).
Survey of nematode populations and prevalence in Virginia soybean fields; David
Moore (Middlesex Extension, Virginia Tech); ($8,759).
Root lesion nematode: Nibbler or major pest; Shawn Conley (Department of
Agronomy, University of Wisconsin); ($10,000).
Deploying the PI 88788 source of resistance to manage SCN; Ann MacGuidwin
(Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin); ($21,165).
Soybean cyst nematode testing and education; Shawn Conley (Department of
Agronomy, University of Wisconsin); ($13,000).
Strategies to reduce soybean cyst nematode populations in corn/soybean
rotations; Shawn Conley (Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin);
 Soybean Aphid Studies
Aphid-crop interactions; W. Allen Miller (Plant Pathology Department), Bryony C.
Bonning, (Entomology Department), and Gustavo MacIntosh (Biochemistry Department,
Iowa State University); ($30,000).
Developing best management practice for soybean aphid control; Matthew O’Neal
(Entomology Department, Iowa State University); ($0).
Development of a soybean aphid early-warning system to predict aphid outbreaks
and provide aphid management information to soybean producers; Joel Coats and
Junwei Zhu (Entomology Department, Iowa State University); ($30,000).
Investigations of interactions between the soybean aphid and soybean cyst
nematode; Gregory Tylka (Department of Plant Pathology) and Matthew O’Neal
(Department of Entomology, Iowa State University) and Terry Niblack (Crop Science
Department, University of Illinois); ($0).
Optimizing pest management in soybeans; Matthew O’Neal, Leonor Leandro, and
Daren Mueller (Plant Pathology Department) and Palle Pedersen (Agronomy
Department, Iowa State University); ($103,021).
Refining thresholds for soybean aphid management in Iowa; Matthew O’Neal
(Entomology Department, Iowa State University) and Kelley Tilmon (Plant Science
Department, South Dakota State University); ($47,940).
Releasing Binodoxys communis of soybean aphid suppression: Delivering on the
promise; Matthew O’Neal (Entomology Department, Iowa State University); ($33,061).
Defining our ability to forecast population of soybean aphids and field releases of
Binodoxys communis; David Voegtlin, Kevin Steffey, Mike Grey and Ron Estes
(UIUC); ($19,158).
Inheritance of resistance, map location, and genetic relationships of multiple
sources of resistance to the soybean aphid; Curtis Hill (University of Illinois);
Interaction of management tactics for soybean aphid, including host plant
resistance, natural enemies and insecticides; Kevin Steffey, Mike Grey and Ron
Estes (UIUC); ($28,579).
Periodicity of soybean aphid outbreak in Indiana; Steve Yaninek (Entomology
Department, Purdue University); ($39,982).
Soybean response to soybean aphids; John Reese and Vara Prasad (Kansas State
University), Tiffany Heng-Moss, Thomas Hunt, Leon Higley and Paul Twigg (University
of Nebraska) and Bill Lamp (University of Maryland); ($85,936).
Migration patterns for soybean aphid as indexed by capture in an aphid suction
trap; Doug Johnson (Entomology Department, University of Kentucky); ($2,388).
Biological control of the soybean aphid; Christina DiFonzio (Entomology Department,
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University); ($0).
Soybean aphid resistance to insecticides; Christina DiFonzio and Desmi
Chandrasena (Entomology Department, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan
State University); (Approved funding level up to $14,000).
Biological control of the soybean aphid; David Hogg (Project Manager), Dan Mahr,
Claudio Gratton and Eileen Cullen (University of Wisconsin), Marc Rhainds (Purdue
University), David Voegtlin and Kevin Steffey (Illinois Natural History Survey and the
University of Illinois), Matt O’Neal (Iowa State University), George Heimpel and David
Ragsdale (University of Minnesota), Keith Hopper and K. Hoelmer (Beneficial Insect
Inductions Research Unit, Newark, DE.), Doug Landis and Chris DiFonzo (Michigan
State University), and Kelley Tilmon (South Dakota State University); With overseas
collaboration from Japan (University of Utsunomiya, and Japanese National Agricultural
Research Service), China (Chinese Academy of Sciences and USDA/ARS SinoAmerican Biological Control Laboratory, Beijing) and Korea (Seoul National University);
Possible relationship between soybean vascular disease and soybean aphid
populations: A preliminary investigation; Bruce Potter, Ian MacRae and Dean
Malvick (Minnesota Soybean Extension Service and Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Minnesota); ($5,000).
Soybean aphid management in the North Central States; David Ragsdale (Project
Manager), George Heimpel, Bill Hutchison, and Ian MacRae (University of Minnesota),
Matt O’Neal and Silvia Cianzio (Iowa State University), Chris DiFonzo and Dechun
Wang (Michigan State University), Marc Rhainds (Purdue University), Kevin Steffey,
Mike Gray and Brian Diers (University of Illinois and the Illinois Natural History Survey),
Kelley Tilmon (South Dakota State University) and Eileen Cullen (University of
Wisconsin); ($199,691).
Soybean aphid research in Minnesota; Dave Ragsdale, George Heimpel and Bruce
Potter (Department of Entomology and Minnesota Extension Service, University of
Minnesota); $60,000).
The impact of non-soybean biomass on early season soybean aphid colonization;
Bruce Potter, Ian MacRae and Milt Haar (Minnesota Extension Service, University of
Minnesota); ($12,000).
Biological control and aphid resistant cultivars; Paul Ode and Janet Knodel
(Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University); ($23,104).
Optimizing control of soybean aphid in North Dakota; Janet Knodel (Department of
Entomology, North Dakota State University); ($21,580).
Impacts, diagnostics, distribution and migration of Ohio's soybean aphid
biotypes; Andy Michel (College of Biological Sciences, The Ohio State University);
Ecology and management of soybean aphid and other insect pests of soybean;
Kelley Tilmon (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University); ($40,000).
BIological control of the soybean aphid in Wisconsin; David Hogg (Department of
Entomology, University of Wisconsin); ($10,514).
 Other Soybean Insect Research
Determining the economic threshold for complexes of insect pests that feed on
soybeans; Tim Reed, Warren Griffith, Leonard Kuykendall, Rudy Yates and Richard
Petcher (Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn University); ($8,750).
A screen for soybean lines with potential for enhanced insect resistance; Ken
Korth (Plant Molecular Biology, University of Arkansas); ($18,374).
Screening soybean accessions for tolerance to stink bugs in the southern USA;
Jim Heitholt (Texas A&M University), B. Roger Leonard (Louisiana State University) and
Pengyin Chen (University of Arkansas); ($23,540).
Effectiveness of seed treatments for yield enhancement and Dectes stem borer
management; Joanne Whalen, Robert Uniatowski, Richard Taylor and John Pesek
(Departments of Plant & Soil Sciences, and Food & Resource Economics, University of
Delaware); (no-cost extension).
Effect of Japanese beetle (and potentially other defoliators) on modern soybean
production; Kevin Steffey, Mike Grey, Doug Jones and Ron Estes (UIUC); ($42,272).
Impact of Japanese beetle defoliation on soybean yield and survey for natural
enemies of Japanese beetle; Doug Jones, Kevin Steffey, Mike Grey and Ron Estes
(UIUC); ($16,893).
Development of soybean host plant resistance and other management options for
the soybean stem borer; Lawrent Buschman, C. Michael Smith, Phillip E. Sloderbeck,
William Schapaugh and Harold Trick (Entomology, Agronomy and Plant Pathology
Departments, SW Area Extension Office, SW Research/Extension Center, KSU
Extension Offices, Kansas State University); ($35,000).
Biology, distribution and management of soybean insect pests; Jeff Davis and B.
Rogers Leonard (Entomology Department, Louisiana State University); ($49,700).
Evaluating selected insecticide use strategies in Louisiana Soybean; B. Roger
Leonard (Northeast Research Station, Department of Entomology, Louisiana State
University); ($14,500).
Assessment of the potential damage and economic impact of Phytophagous stink
bugs on soybean in Maryland; Galen Dively (Department of Entomology, University of
Maryland); ($11,433).
Economic comparison of soybean pest management input programs; Ian MacRae,
Ken Ostlie, Carlyle Holen, Bruce Potter and Fritz Britenback (Minnesota Extension
Service, University of Minnesota); ($19,500).
Establishing an economic threshold for late-season stink bugs; Fred Musser
(Entomology and Plant Pathology Department, MAFES, Mississippi State University);
Impact of insect pests on soybean yields at different growth stages; Jeffrey Gore
(Delta Research and Extension Center), Fred Musser (Department of Entomology and
Plant Pathology), Gordon Andrews and Angus Catchot (MSU Extension Service,
Mississippi State University); ($65,000).
Developing an IPM program for stink bug in Nebraska soybeans; Thomas E. Hunt
(UNL NEREC Haskell Agricultural Laboratory); ($20,732).
Biological control of the Mexican bean beetle (Epilachna varivestis) using the
parasitic wasp Pediobius foveolatus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in soybeans;
Wayne Hudson (New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry,
Bureau of Biological Pest Control); ($3,500).
Optimizing insect management strategies for soybeans in South Carolina; Jeremy
Greene (Department of Entomology, Soils and Plant Sciences, Clemson University);
Integrated pest management of stink bugs in soybeans; Stephen Biles (Texas
AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M University-Port Lavaca TX); ($5,202).
Continued assessment of management options for stink bug, bean leaf beetle,
grasshopper and corn earworm in Virginia soybean; D. Ames Herbert (Tidewater
Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech); ($10,480).
Soybean Composition
 Improving Oil and Protein Quality and Quantity
Protein, amino acid composition, and bioactive peptides in meals of high oleic
acid soybean lines developed in Arkansas; Navam Hettiarachchy, Pengyin Chen
(Departments of Food Science and Crop, Soils and Environmental Sciences, University
of Arkansas); ($40,828).
Determining the impact of multiple pests on soybean yields and grain
composition; Gustavo MacIntosh (Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology),
Matthew O’Neal (Entomology), Gregory Tylka and Felicitas Avendano (Plant Pathology)
and Palle Pedersen (Agronomy) Departments, Iowa State University); ($102,347).
Development of maturity I-IV varieties for the Better Bean Initiative; Walter Fehr
(Iowa State University); ($188,400).
A comprehensive approach for focusing plant breeders
improvement; Nick Bajialieh (Integrative Nutrition, Inc.); ($83,260).
A comprehensive approach to AMMS: NIR harmonization; NIR meal trait tool
development and domestic crop survey components: Nick Bajialieh (Integrative
Nutrition, Inc.); ($268,065).
Development of varieties with increased protein concentration; Brian Diers
(University of Illinois); ($24,207).
The contribution of small RNAs toward modulating gene networks for protein and
oil composition in soybean; Lila Vodkin (University of Illinois); ($189,986).
Further development of soybeans with higher levels of improved oil and enhanced
fungal resistance; David Hildebrand (University of Kentucky); ($59,474).
Genetic modification of sterol composition in soybean seeds; Henry Nguyen
(Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($59,241).
Develop modified oil and protein soybeans for Maryland; Bill Kenworthy
(Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland); (no
cost extension).
Development of group III and IV varieties containing low linolenic oil for
conventional and glyphosate tolerant markets; Bill Rhodes (Schillinger Seeds,
Queenstown, MD.); ($15,000).
Growing the value of soybeans through enhanced seed quality; Seth Naeve
(Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota); ($42,000).
Management and environmental effects on yield formation and seed quality in
Minnesota grown soybeans; Seth Naeve and Bruce Potter (Minnesota Extension
Service, University of Minnesota); ($100,000).
Expanding the NIR Consortium; Jim Orf (University of Minnesota); ($50,000).
Forward genetic screen for soybean varieties with improved oil/protein content;
Seth Naeve and Yung-Tsi Bolon (Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics,
University of Minnesota) and Carol Vance USDA/ARS-University of Minnesota);
Gene expression profiling of soybeans with diverse protein/oil content; Gary
Muelbauer and Yung-Tsi Bolon (Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University
of Minnesota); ($55,000).
Enhancing the nutritional value of soybean seed meal to meet the amino acid
requirements of livestock; Monty Kerley and Hari Krishnan (Animal Science
Department, University of Missouri); ($54,000).
Genetic engineering to enhance oil traits in soybean; Henry Nguyen, Rajesh Kumar,
David Sleper and Ed Cahoon (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri and
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO.); ($67,763).
Molecular-genetic regulation of seed oil accumulation in soybean: Henry Nguyen,
Rajesh Kumar and Grover Shannon (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri);
Development of soybean with high seed protein, low phytate and enhanced feed
efficiency; Joseph Burton (USDA/ARS-NCSU); ($709,298).
Improving Nebraska’s soybean seed protein and oil content; James Specht and
George Graef (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska);
Assaying oil and protein content of soybean varieties and locations entered in
statewide variety testing program; Lenis Nelson (Department of Agronomy and
Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln); ($4,000).
Enhancing oil content of soybean; Tom Clemente (University of Nebraska);
Quality traits regional test; George Graef (University of Nebraska); ($79,931).
U.S. soybean composition; Lynn Polston (USDA/GIPSA-Technical Service Division);
USDA/AOCS soybean quality traits program (SQT); Richard Cantrill (American Oil
Chemists Society); ($443,764).
Development of low phytate soybeans using genomic tools; Saghai Maroof (Virginia
Tech); ($114,180).
Grain composition of Wisconsin soybean varieties; Shawn Conley (Department of
Agronomy, University of Wisconsin); ($13,348).
Exploiting genetic variation in soybean to improve seed composition and yield;
Sue Gibson and Jim Orf (Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of
Minnesota); ($30,000).
Soybean Utilization Research
 Soy Protein Studies
Aquaculture; John Campen (Direct Managed, Smith Bucklin Associates); ($634,346).
Development of standard line of rainbow trout; Ron Hardy (University of Idaho);
The effect of various processing techniques on the nutritional value of soybean
meal fed to weaned pigs; Jonathan Holt (Illinois State University); ($12,000).
Processing strategies to increase value of soybean co-products for cattle feeding;
Jim Drouillard (Department of Animal Sciences & Industry, Kansas State University);
Evaluation of organic diets containing soybean meal and yeast and diets
containing soybean meal as the sole protein source for Nile tilapia; Carl Webster
(Aquaculture Research Center, Kentucky State University); ($40,000).
Identification of nutritional barriers in pompano aquaculture: Use of soybean
protein concentrate as a primary protein source; Robert Reigh (Louisiana State
University); ($27,188).
Identification of soybean proteins which are allergenic to young pigs; Monty Kerley
and Hari Krishnan (Department of Animal Science, University of Missouri); ($54,000).
Growth studies of young chicks and piglets to substantiate feed efficiency of
high-protein soybean varieties adapted to the Mid-Atlantic region; Bill Rhodes
(Schillinger Seeds, Inc.); ($7,000).
The feasibility of the integration of a soybean processing enterprise as part of mid
to large size commercial dairy operations; Tom Van Wagner (Lenawee Soil
Conservation District); (Approved funding level up to $1,250).
Optimum level of soybean meal in sow lactation diets; Gary Allee (Animal Science
Department, University of Missouri); ($20,000).
Investigating the increased use of soybean meal in the diets of aquacultured fish
in North Carolina; Tom Losordo (Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering,
North Carolina State University); ($5,011).
Increasing value and market potential for North Dakota co-product feeds; Vern
Anderson, Kim Koch and Breanne Ilse (North Dakota State University, Carrington
Research Extension Center); ($9,781).
Identification of soybean nutritional barriers in Atlantic cod aquaculture; David
Berlinsky (University of New Hampshire); ($22,042).
Increasing metabolizable energy in soybean meal; Mian Riaz (Texas Engineering
Experiment Station); ($50,000).
Maximizing soy inclusion in diets for cobia; Steven Craig (Virginia Tech), ($36,697).
Use of genomics to improve soybean meal digestibility and food quality; Saghai
Maroof (Virginia Tech); ($123,664).
Nutrient requirement of fish and shrimp; Robin Schoen (National Academy of
Science); ($35,000).
 Soy Oil, Soy Food and Human Health Studies
Development of a soy allergenicity model in swine; Tracy Barfield (Direct Managed,
Smith Bucklin Associates); ($50,000).
The role of soy in the prevention/treatment of the metabolic syndrome: Latha
Devareddy (Food Science Department, University of Arkansas); ($40,000).
A team approach targeted at identifying anti-obesity and anti-diabetic soybean
ingredients; William Banz, Jeremy Davis and April Strader (Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale), Elaine Krul (Solae), Kola Ajuwon ( Purdue University) and Neil Shay
(University of Florida); ($55,000).
Adipocyte development in neonatal piglets receiving soy infant formula; Sharon M.
Donovan and Paul S. Cooke (University of Ilinois-Champaign); ($15,000).
Bioactive peptides in human health: Inhibition of fat accumulation in humans
consuming soybean milk with different protein profiles; Elvira de Mejia (University
of Illinois-Champaign); ($15,000).
Efficacy of soy protein supplementation in diabetic hemodialysis patients; Ken
Wilund (University of Illinois-Champaign); ($13,271).
Illinois Center for Soy Foods: Education and outreach programs; Marilyn Nash,
Keith Cadwallader, Barbara Klein, Stacey Krawczyk, and Bridget Owen (Illinois Center of
Soy Foods, National Soybean Research Laboratory and University of IllinoisChampaign); ($90,000).
Perceptual and rheological profiles of high protein soy foods targeted for
alleviation of overweight and obesity; Soo-Y Lee and Youngsoo Lee (University of
Illinois-Champaign); ($18,000).
Soy intake and the risk of glucose intolerance and diabetes; Karen ChapmanNovakofski (University of Illinois-Champaign); ($16,000).
Start up cost for obesity and isoflavone studies; Todd Winters and William Banz
(College of Agriculture, University Illinois University-Carbondale); ($62,543).
The effect of soy diets on Igf2 gene expression and development of obesity in
rats; Hong Chen (University of Illinois-Champaign); ($13,000).
Continuous microwave extraction of soy isoflavones; Cristina Sabliov, D. Boldor,
Zhimin Xu and M. Lima (Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Louisiana State
University); ($19,600).
Extraction, purification and antioxidant properties of soy isoflavones from
defatted soy flakes; Zhimin Xu and J. Samuel Godber (Food Science Department,
Louisiana State University); ($28,500).
Does genistein, a soy phytoestrogen, prevent prostate cancer by regulation of the
hedgehog-signaling pathway? Dennis Lubahn (University of Missouri Center for
Phytonutrient and Phytochemical Studies); ($24,030).
Does soy lunasin prevent prostate cancer by regulation of the hedgehog-signaling
pathway? Dennis Lubahn (University of Missouri); ($49,000).
Yogurt fortification with predigested/germinated whole soybean powder for
enhanced therapeutic benefits; Zey Ustunol and Obianuju Nsofor (Food Science and
Human Nutrition, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University);
(Approved funding level up to $22,000).
Identification and characterization of novel soybean allergen; Sandra Weissinger
and Arthur Weissinger (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University);
Evaluation of glycerol as an energy source in feedlot diets; Vern Anderson and
Breanne Ilse (North Dakota State University Carrington Research Extension Center) and
Greg Lardy (Animal and Range Science Department, North Dakota State University);
Improving soy food quality for enhanced health; Sam K.C. Chang, Shaohong Yuan
and Baojun XU (Cereal and Food Technology Department, North Dakota State
University); ($100,000).
Development of a natural soluble soy protein ingredient for foods and beverages;
John Coupland (Food Science Department, Pennsylvania State University); ($9,683).
 Soybean-based Industrial Use Research
Expanded field evaluation of a modified methyl soyate formulation as a mosquito
larvicide; John Campen (Direct Managed, Smith Bucklin Associates); ($60,000).
Fermentation of economically coproduced soybean meal to make ethanol and
value-added high protein products; Mike Erker (Direct Managed, Smith Bucklin
Associates); ($151,390).
Biodiesel research, demonstration and education project; Donald M. Johnson
(Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, University of Arkansas); ($18,777).
High-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) soy oil quality; Andrew Proctor (Department of
Food Science, University of Arkansas); ($65,176).
Scale-up of soy hydrolyate ingredient for wood adhesive formulations; Douglas
Stokke (Iowa State University); ($79,687).
Soy protein plastics formulation development to reduce water solubility; David
Grewell (Iowa State University); ($60,000).
Biodiesel refining and quality; Bernard Tao (Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Department, Purdue University); ($111,435).
Catalytic conversion of glycerin to dihydroacetone (DHA); Bernard Tao (Agriculture
and Biological Engineering Department) and Arvind Varma (Chemical Engineering
Department, Purdue University); ($38,704).
Evaluation of SME-PS for use in concrete construction industry-Phase II & III.
Jason Weiss (Civil Engineering Department) and Bernard Tao (Agriculture and
Biological Engineering Department, Purdue University); ($101,200).
Soybean oil based lubricants for metalworking applications; Fu Zhao (Agriculture
and Biological Engineering Department, Purdue University); ($30,000).
Bioenergy from soybean hulls: Efficiency and economics of different pretreatment
processes; Sajid Alavi, Buddhi Lamsal, Ron Madl, and Vincent Amanor-Boadu
(Department of Grain Science and Industry, Agriculture Economics, Kansas State
University); ($35,730).
Hyperbrached polyols for flexible foams from soybean oil fatty acids; Zoran
Petrovic, Henry Emadipour (Kansas Polymer Research Center, Plastics Engineering
Technology, Pittsburg State University); ($52,000).
Hyperbranched polyols for flexible foam from soybean oil fatty acids; Kenlon
Johannes (Kansas Soybean Commission); ($26,000).
KU Biodiesel Initiative: Linking oil properties with fuel quality; Susan M. StaggWilliams, Ilya Tabakh (Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering and
Transportation Research Institute, University of Kansas); ($43,915).
Solvent-free bio-based adhesives from soybean oil-based urethane prepolymers;
Ivan Javni and William Shirley (Kansas Polymer Research Center, Department of
Chemistry, Pittsburg State University); ($50,000).
Solvent-free bio-based adhesives from soybean oil-based urethane prepolymers;
Kenlon Johannes (Kansas Soybean Commission); ($25,000).
Soy latex like adhesives for glass and ceramic consumer products labeling; Xiuzhi
Susan Sun, Donghai Wang (Departments of Grain Science & Industry, Bio and
Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University); ($24,250).
Soy latex-like adhesive for glass and ceramic consumer products labeling; Kenlon
Johannes (Kansas Soybean Commission); ($24,250).
Develop glycerol as a protective agent against soybean diseases prevalent in
Kentucky; Aardra Kachroo (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of
Kentucky); ($22,443).
Electrorheological fluids based on suspensions of modified soy hulls in soy oil;
Dan Graiver and Ramani Narayan (Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences,
Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to $20,000).
Soy foam for automotive applications; Alan Argento (University of Michigan);
Development of biocontrol renewable plasticizers and stabilizers in plastic
material; Dharma Kodali (University of Minnesota); ($91,550).
Development and evaluation of soy protein and epoxidized soy oil ester derived
versatile plastics; Shubhen Kapila, Virgil Flanigan, K. Chandrashekhara, and Paul Nam
(Missouri University of Science & Technology); ($27,496).
Development of a high energy density glycerol biobattery; Shelley Minteer (St.
Louis University); ($35,596).
High soy content high performance thermoset polymers; Gales Suppes (University
of Missouri); ($70,634).
The preparation and characterization of new applications of soy polymers (methyl
soyate) and study of their marketable applications; Dennis Roedemeier Missouri
Research Corporation); ($25,000).
Enhancement anaerobic biomediation using soy flour, soy protein concentrate
and lecithin; Bob Borden (North Carolina State University); ($60,000).
Novel soybean oil based ultraviolet light curable coating materials; Dean Webster
(Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials, North Dakota State University);
Treatment of acid mine drainage using crude glycerol; Robert Borden (North
Carolina State University); ($50,000).
The development of fuels, chemicals and polymers from soybean oil; Wayne
Seames (Chemical Engineering Department, University of North Dakota); ($110,000).
Production of fumaric acid and ethanol from soybean meal; Shang-Tian Yang (Ohio
State University); ($105,820).
Investigation of soy-based adhesives for making oriented strandboards; Kaichang
Li (Oregon State University);($76,700).
Research and development of polyamines from glycerin; Kaichang Li (Oregon State
University); ($74,600).
Development of alternative test methods for biodiesel analysis; Joseph Perez
(Pennsylvania State University); ($75,000).
Development of alternative test methods for biodiesel analysis; Joseph Perez, Sr.
and Glen Cauffman (Department of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State
University); ($37,500) (This project is a joint effort with USB and NBB).
Soybean increases soil carbon sequestration better than canola; Roger Koide
(Horticulture Ecology Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University); ($10,000).
Economical engineering soy composition for partial phenol replacement in PF
wood resins; Darlene Benzick (Prometheus Industries); ($96,700).
Soy derivatives for irrigation and fertilization; Aard de Jong (TNO Life Science);
Efficient acrolein production from crude glycerin using supercritical water
technology; X. Philip Ye (University of Tennessee); ($106,495).
Developing a cost effective and environmentally benign technique for soy protein
fiber spinning; Jinwen Zhang (Washington State University); ($79,136).
Developing foamed soy protein-based bioplastic alternatives to polystyrene
foams; Jinwen Zhang (Washington State University); ($78,868).
Soy protein plastic products: Material formulation, processing and product
performance; TIm Osswald (University of Wisconsin); ($41,260).
Biodiesel glycerin based hydrogen production for electrical generation from a
hydrogen internal combustion engine; William Ayres (Renewable Solutions, LLC);
Bondaflex soythane PUR sealants and adhesives; Doug Walker (Bondaflex
Technologies); ($50,000).
Chemically enhanced soy proteins for use in laundry products; Alice Hudson
(Surface Chemists of Florida, Inc.); ($94,300).
Cost-Effective Soy Protein Fiber; Michael Jaffe (Medical Device Concept Laboratory,
New Jersey Institute of Technology); ($25,000). (A joint project with the United Soybean
Develop soy-based plastics for petrochemical market providing vibration
technology; Daniel LaFlamme (Johnson Controls, Inc.); ($120,000).
Develop soy-based plastics for petrochemical market; Daniel LaFlamme (Johnson
Controls, Inc.); ($150,000).
Development of soy oil polymers for use in gravure printing inks; Lance Nieman
(Niemann & Associates); ($72,000).
Development of soy-based
Technologies); ($89,800).
Documenting and improving water separator performance; Doug Whitehead
(National Biodiesel Board); ($100,000).
Glycerin-based UV-curable clear coatings; Mark Bowman (PPG Industries, Inc.);
Glycerol adducts for use as bio-based cross-linkers and wax components; Rick
Heggs (Battelle Memorial Institute);($50,000).
Hybrid emulsions using chemically modified soybean oil: Phase II; Alfred Fuchs
(Northampton Community College (ETAC); ($63,047).
Improved performance for heat resistant soy adhesives; Charles Frihart (Forest
Products Laboratory); ($96,615).
Increasing levels in polyurethane foam for automotive use; Asad Ali (Lear
Corporation); ($250,000).
Low-cost modifications of soybean oil and glycerin to achieve high polyol
reactively; Rick Heggs (Battelle Memorial Institute); ($70,000).
Molded of soy meal as filler in plastics for automotive applications; Cynthina
Flanigan (Ford Motor Company); ($120,000).
OEM technology development 2010 and beyond; Doug Whitehead (National
Biodiesel Board); ($300,000).
Oxidative stability comparing bench results to field; Doug Whitehead
Biodiesel Board); ($100,000).
Preparation of soy-based isocyanates from soy meal; Ken Faminer (BioPlastic
Polymers); ($97,000).
Producing arabitol and xylitol from biodiesel glycerol; Lu-Kwang Ju (University of
Akron); ($90,855).
Producing arabitol and/or xylitol from biodiesel glycerol; Lu-Kwang Ju (University of
Akron); ($80,742).
Recycling of polyurethanes based on soy polyols; Vhid Sendijarevic (Troy Polmers);
Soy acrylic resins for a platform of interior/exterior finishes; John Schuerlmann
(Rustoleum Corporation); ($74,500).
Soy polyol for the flexible slab foam market; Ning Luo (BioBased Technologies);
Soy polyol usage in performance coatings systems; Mark Bowman (PPG
Industries); ($94,037).
Soy-based polyol for flexible polyurethane molded foams; Ning Luo (BioBased
Technologies); ($150,000).
Soybean-based diluents for ketone peroxides; Frank Long (Syrgis Performance
Initiators); ($22,500).
Use of glycerin for high value polymeric products; Zoran Petrovic (Kansas Polymer
Research Center); ($70,000).
Use of soy-based feedstocks for products of surfactants by fermentation; Kevin
Jarrell (Modular Genetics); ($250,000).
Value added and crosslinking of industry radical applications for soy meal.
(Conversion of soybean meal to hydrogels); Rick Heggs (Battelle Memorial Institute);
Value added industrial applications for soy oil; Bob Moffit (Ashland Chemical);
Water-blown polyurethane spray roofing foam; Ning Luo (BioBased Technologies);
Education and Communication Projects
 On-farm Research and Demonstration Projects
Soybean research verification program; Jeremy Ross, J.D. Beaty, Trey Reaper
(Department of Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas);
ISA On-Farm Network®/On-farm Research; Tracy Blackmer (Iowa Soybean
Association); ($809,881).
Soy MVP: Soybean management verification program; Chad Lee, Jim Herbek, Lloyd
Murdock and Greg Schwab (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of
Kentucky); ($84,367).
Louisiana soybean verification program for 2008; Rob Ferguson (Louisiana
Cooperative Extension Service, Louisiana State University); ($34,500).
Soybean and grain on-farm demonstration program; Rob Ferguson (Louisiana
Cooperative Extension Service, Louisiana State University); ($21,000).
Soybean 2010 on-farm research and demonstration trials; Mike Staton, George
Silva, Dave Pratt, Phil Kaatz, Dan Rossman, Marilyn Thelen, Paul Gross, Bruce
MacKellar, Dan Rajzer, and Ned Birkey (Extension Southwest Region, and Crops and
Soil Science Department, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to
Potential yield enhancements; James Dunphy (Crop Science Department, North
Carolina State University); ($6,300)
Support of multi-county on-farm demonstrations of (CST) county standardized
variety and agronomic test; Bob Williams (Entomology and Plant Pathology
Department, Extension West Region Milan Experiment Station, University of
Tennessee); ($12,500).
 Extension and Communication Activities
Improving technology transfer for profitable and sustainable soybean production;
Jeremy Ross, Gus Lorenz and Bob Stark (Department of Crops, Soil and Environmental
Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($4,534).
Plant Health Initiative; David Wright (Iowa Soybean Association); ($314,194).
Communicate weed research information; Bryan Young (SIUC) and Aaron Hager
(UIUC); ($13,000).
High impact outreach and education; Douglas Jones and Linda Kull (UIUC); ($7,098).
NSRL Extension Associates; Linda Kull (National Soybean Research Laboratory,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign); ($35,000).
Updating and management of the Illinois soybean rust Website; Linda Kull (UIUC);
Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research Report; Frankie Gould and Linda Benedict
(Agricultural Communications, Louisiana State University); ($1,000).
STARS – A research and educational program at the Center for Excellence; Tom
Van Wagner (Lenawee Soil Conservation District); (Approved funding level up to
Beyond TAG: Intensive on-farm soybean IPM education and new outreach
strategies; Julianne Dennis, Kenneth Wise and J. Keith Waldron (Cornell Cooperative
Extension, Integrated Pest Management, Cornell University); ($17,018).
Partners in research; Chad Godsey and Jeff Edwards (Department of Plant and Soil
Science), Randy Taylor (Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering), John Damicone
(Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology), George Driever and Bob Woods
(Oklahoma Cooperative Extension, Oklahoma State University); ($39,000).
Support of extension and research IPM efforts; Scott D. Stewart (Entomology and
Plant Pathology Department, University of Tennessee); ($14,000).
Technical support for soybean specialist; Angela Thompson (Plant Sciences
Department, University of Tennessee); ($18,000).
Virginia soybean research and extension program; David Holshouser (Eastern
Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech); ($28,000).
Soybean plant health Website; Craig Grau (Department of Plant Pathology, University
of Wisconsin); ($10,000).
Soybean production systems in Wisconsin: A grower survey to identify key
research and extension needs; Shawn Conley (Department of Agronomy, University of
Wisconsin); ($10,243).
Other Checkoff Research Funding
Federal soybean research program; Diane Bellis (AgScource); ($75,000).
Membership in the Center for Integrated Pest Management; Ron Stinner (North
Carolina State University); ($25,000).
North Central Soybean Research Program administrative expenses; David Wright
(Iowa Soybean Association); ($63,550).
Research coordination; USB Direct Managed; ($200,000).
Southern Soybean Research Program; Debbie Ellis (Kentucky Soybean Board);
USB research fellowship; Agronomy Society Foundation; ($110,000).
A searchable database of soybean checkoff-funded research; Keith Smith (Keith
Smith and Associates);($24,500).
A controlled environment, integrated approach to fish and plant production in
Alabama; Jesse Chappell (Auburn University); ($100,000).
Environmental Services 2009: Roger Wolf (Iowa Soybean Association); ($575,268).
Student soybean products innovation competition; Bernard Tao (Agriculture and
Biological Engineering Department, Purdue University); ($100,165).
Evaluation of hulless barley: Minimizing the late-planted yield penalty in doublecrop soybeans; Bill Bruening (Department of Agronomy, University of Kentucky);
Deposition efficiency of pesticides application; Roberto Barbosa (Biological and
Agricultural Engineering Department), James Griffin (Department of Agronomy and
Environmental Management) and Clayton Hollier (Department of Plant Pathology and
Crop Physiology, Louisiana State University); ($12,500).
Soybean yield contest for Michigan; Mike Staton (Extension Southwest Region,
Michigan State University Extension); (Approved funding level up to $8,000).
Developing a web server for soybean translational genomics; Dong Xu, Jianlin
Cheng, Henry Nguyen, Gary Stacey (Computer Science Department and the Division of
Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($62,543).
Benefits of co-locating soybean processing facilities with sugar beet factories;
Michael Mann (Chemical Engineering Department, University of North Dakota);
Nebraska Research Consortium for Water and Energy in Agriculture; Kenneth C.
Cassman (Biological Systems Engineering Department, University of Nebraska);
Increasing energy efficiency reducing carbon footprints and maintaining soil
sustainability through precision management; C. Gregg Carlson, David Clay and
Susan Clay (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University); ($9,980).
Ag in the classroom: Charles Curtis (Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation); ($10,000).
Salary for senior plot caretaker; Melvin Newman (Entomology and Plant Pathology
Department, University of Tennessee); ($18,000).
Soybean Checkoff-funded Research Database
Projects being funded on October 1, 2008
Alabama Soybean Producers
Breeding improved soybean cultivars for Alabama; David Weaver (Agronomy
and Soils Department, Auburn University); ($16,000). (
The objective of this research project is to test advanced soybean lines that are adapted
to Alabama growing conditions. The primary focus of the breeding program is to test
advanced lines in the USDA Uniform Tests at twelve sites in Alabama. They are
currently evaluating about 175 advanced lines in these cooperative tests.
The soybean breeding program at Auburn University is in the process of discontinuing
development of cultivars on a large scale. There are still a few germplasm lines being
evaluated and the program will continue as long as the material looks promising.
Soybean production tools for Alabama; Dennis Delaney, Edward Sikora, Kathy
Lawrence, Bob Goodman, Rudy Yates, David Derrick, Brandon Dillard, Richard Petcher
and Warren Griffith (Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn University); ($12,000).
The objectives are to evaluate: 1) Soybean cultivars under producer practices and
growing conditions; 2) Apply available desiccants at different rates and tank-mixes on
early-maturity fungicide-sprayed soybeans and late-summer weeds; and 3) The use of
late applications (post-bloom) of glyphosate on soybean yield. Many Alabama soybean
growers in order to control late season weeds, apply glyphosate over-the-top later than
recommended. The potential for soybean yield loss under these conditions has not
been clearly documented.
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Asian Soybean Rust; Dennis Delaney,
Edward Sikora and Kathy Lawrence (Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn
University); ($15,000). (
Asian soybean rust was found in 18 Alabama counties in 2004, 32 in 2005, 26 in 2006
and 40 in 2007. Predictions indicate that yield loss from soybean rust could reach 50%
in the Southeast U.S., but the disease can be managed with fungicides. Fungicide
applications can reduce yield loss, depending on the plant developmental stage, time
when soybean rust is detected, and application method. This project will evaluate how
best to use different timings and combinations of fungicides to control soybean rust.
The specific objective of this research project is to evaluate fungicide applications and
management for control of soybean rust and other foliar diseases at multiple locations in
Alabama. The researchers will evaluate how best to use different timings and fungicide
combinations in a protective spray program to control soybean rust. The data collected
will include disease control, yield, shattering, foreign material, seed moisture and quality.
Monitoring soybean sentinel fields throughout Alabama for early detection
of Soybean Rust; Edward Sikora, Dennis Delaney, M. Delaney, Richard Petcher,
Leonard Kuykendall, Warren Griffith, David Derrick and Rudy Yates (Agronomy and
Soils Department, Auburn University); ($2,000). (
This funding will be used to establish soybean “sentinel” plots throughout Alabama for
early detection of soybean rust and mapping movement of the diseases within the state.
The plots will be scouted and abnormal tissue samples will be evaluated for rust. This is
part of the USDA/ARS/ APHIS rust monitoring program.
Evaluation of weed suppression provided by a high-residue clover cover in
conservation-tillage soybean; Dennis Delaney and Andrew Price (Agronomy and
Soils Department, Auburn University); ($5,000). (
Many soybean producers in Alabama have adopted some form of conservation-tillage.
Research has shown that by letting winter cover crops grow longer, improvements in
soil quality including organic matter, water filtration and availability, and weed
suppression can be attained. However, research has also shown that surface residue
can decrease the value/effectiveness of preemergence herbicides. Because winter
cereal cover crops can provide early season weed control when managed properly, the
question becomes can preemergence herbicides be replaced with a high-residue winter
cover crop. This research project will address the question whether herbicide inputs can
be successfully reduced with a winter cover crop?
New soybean inoculants for Alabama; Dennis Delaney and Yucheng Feng
(Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn University); ($4,000). (
Effective infection of soybean root by rhizobia bacteria is critical for nitrogen fixation and
high yields of soybeans with addition of nitrogen fertilizer. Extension recommendations
are to apply commercial inoculants at planting time if fields have not been recently in
soybeans, or if the grower suspects that environment conditions may have harmed the
soil rhizobia population. Several new rhizobia inoculants have been introduced into the
market place in recent years, along with claims that they are more effective than existing
strains or surviving native soil rhizobia. The unknown of whether native rhizobia are
providing needed nitrogen levels for maximizing soybean yields is the reason for this
The project’s specific objective is to evaluate several new commercial
formulations of rhizobia inoculates in Alabama soybean fields.
Conservation tillage systems: Production, profitability and stewardship;
Dale Monks (Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn University), Randy Raper, Jason
Bergtold, Francisco Arriaga, Kip Balkcom, Ted Kornecki and Andrew Price (USDA/ARSNSDL); ($6,000). (
This project will develop a comprehensive conservation production guide for agricultural
producers and professionals that address localized and regional agronomic, economic,
ecological, engineering and environmental topics related to a diverse variety of
conservation agricultural cropping systems.
Determining the economic threshold for complexes of insect pests that
feed on soybeans; Tim Reed, Warren Griffith, Leonard Kuykendall, Rudy Yates and
Richard Petcher (Agronomy and Soils Department, Auburn University); ($8,750).
Soybean insect pests can reduce yield and quality. Presently, insect pest treatment
thresholds for soybean are provided for individual species and information is lacking
about the amount of damage that can occur when different densities of different pests
occur simultaneously at different stages of soybean development. Insect pests can
frequently be present as an economically damaging complex in Alabama in August and
earlier in Southern Alabama. Typically, these complexes include both foliage feeders
(worms, beetles and grasshoppers) and pod feeders (soybean pod worms, bean leaf
beetles and stink bugs). Young seeds can be deformed, undersize or aborted, whereas
older seed will be discolored and shriveled. The germination rate will also be reduced.
Currently, there is a lack of research based information about the amount of financial
loss that different complexes of insect pest can inflict at different stages of soybean
development. The objective of this study is to determine the yield and seed quality loss
that different complexes of insect pests can produce at different stages of soybean
development in north, central and south Alabama.
Economic consequences if using insecticidal seed treatments on
soybeans; Tim Reed, David Derrick and Warren Griffith (Agronomy and Soils
Department, Auburn University); ($3,500). (
Entomologists have been testing soybean seed treatments for the past four years in the
Mid-South. A total of about 100 studies have been conducted in Mississippi, Arkansas,
Louisiana and Tennessee. These studies indicated CruiserMaxx and Gaucho seed
treatments had about a 70-85% probability of an economic return at present soybean
prices. It would appear that insecticide seed treatments helped control small leaf
feeding beetles, thrips, three-cornered alfalfa hopper and white grubs. In some tests
there was a yield increase without observable insects.
The objective of this project is to determine the effect of insecticidal seed treatments on
soybean insect pests and yield in Alabama.
Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board
Early season soybean production system; Larry Purcell (Crops, Soils and
Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($297,153). (
The goals of this proposal are to increase productivity and profitability of early season
soybean production system by evaluating agronomic management (row spacing,
population density, planting dates, maturity group selection and tillage) soil fertility and
plant nutrition, pest management (diseases, insects, and weeds) and irrigation methods
and requirements. The data collected by investigators will be used to develop
production guidelines and recommendations. Information will be disseminated through
UA extension fact sheets, newsletters, appropriate electronic updates (web-based and
electronic mailings), production meetings, Cooperative Extension agent training, field
days, scientific journal articles, and through conferences in Arkansas as well as regional
and national scientific meetings.
Full-season soybean production system; Jeremy Ross (Crops, Soils, and
Environmental Sciences-Extension, University of Arkansas); ($460,877).
The goals of this proposal are to increase productivity and profitability of a full-season
soybean production system by evaluating agronomic management (row spacing,
population density, planting dates, maturity group selection and tillage) soil fertility and
plant nutrition, pest management (diseases, insects, and weeds), irrigation methods and
requirements that are constraints to soybean production. The data collected by PIs will
be used to develop production guidelines and recommendations. Information will be
disseminated through UA extension fact sheets, newsletters, appropriate electronic
updates (web-based and electronic mailings), production meetings, Cooperative
Extension agent training, field days, scientific journal articles, and through conferences
in Arkansas as well as regional and national scientific meetings.
Double crop soybean production system; Scott Monfort (Rice Research and
Extension Center, University of Arkansas); ($184,648). (
The goals of this proposal are to increase productivity and profitability of the double crop
soybean production system by evaluating agronomic management (row spacing,
population density, planting dates, maturity group selection and tillage) soil fertility and
plant nutrition, pest management (diseases, insects, and weeds), irrigation methods and
requirements that are constraints to the production system. The data collected by
investigators will be used to develop production guidelines and recommendations.
Information will be disseminated through UA extension fact sheets, newsletters,
appropriate electronic updates (web-based and electronic mailings), production
meetings, Cooperative Extension agent training, field days, scientific journal articles, and
through conferences in Arkansas as well as regional and national scientific meetings.
Economic analysis of soybean production practices; Robert Stark (Southeast
Research and Extension Center, University of Arkansas-Monticello); ($12,900).
The objective of this project is to conduct an economic analysis of production practices
used in the Soybean Research Verification Program that impact profitability and verify
Extension recommendations. The plans are to integrate 2005 verification program
results with data from previous years to show the long-term benefits of the Soybean
Research Verification program.
Soybean research verification program; Jeremy Ross, J.D. Beaty, Trey Reaper
(Department of Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas);
($100,017). (
The objective of this program is to conduct field trials to verify that coordinating the
implementation of all research-based recommendations can profitably produce high
yields. The project will identify areas of soybean production and marketing that need
further study. The research team will also evaluate the agronomics and economics of
“site-specific” and “precision agriculture” concepts and develop Extension production
recommendations. The program provides close contact with producers, County
Extension Agents and other crop advisors interested in improving soybean production in
Improving technology transfer for profitable and sustainable soybean
production; Jeremy Ross, Gus Lorenz and Bob Stark (Department of Crops, Soil and
Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($4,534).(
The goal of the project is to improve the rate of technology transfer and adoption by the
implementation of educational programs that impact critical decision-making information
at advisory and producer levels for improved profitability for sustainable soybean
production systems. In addition to educational programs, the researchers will develop
weekly electronic soybean reports and publish timely newsletters such as Arkansas
Weekly Soybean Report, Soybean Notes, and Arkansas Soybean Rust Working Group
The researchers will continue to coordinate state and regional meetings to facilitate the
latest soybean production updates. These will include the Arkansas Soybean Research
Conference, Tri-State Soybean Forum as well as other events deemed necessary by
emerging production problems. Successful completion of these educational activities
will increase the awareness of county extension agents, consultants, agribusiness
representatives, concerned producers of the status, direction, and value of current
soybean research and Extension efforts.
Soybean germplasm enhancement using genetic diversity; Pengyin Chen,
Caroline Gray, Tina Hart, Eddie Gordon, Joe Schafer, Bill Apple, Jonathan McCoy and
Scott Hayes (Department of Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of
Arkansas); ($94,270). (
The goal of this project is to expand the genetic diversity of soybean lines used in
soybean breeding programs. Specifically, the project will: 1) Incorporate useful genetic
diversity and unique traits from exotic plant introductions and Northern elite germplasm
into high-yielding strains adapted to Arkansas environments; 2) Study different types of
mechanisms for drought tolerance and develop drought tolerant germplasm; 3) Evaluate
germplasm for flood tolerance and determine the genetic basis of tolerance; and 4)
Develop and yield test lines with early maturity and photoperiod insensitivity that will
reliably avoid drought.
Breeding soybean cultivars with high yield potential and multiple disease
resistance; Pengyin Chen, Caroline Gray, Tina Hart, Eddie Gordon, Joe Shafer, Bill
Apple, Jonathan McCoy and Scott Hayes (Department of Crops, Soil and Environmental
Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($101,442). (
The goal of this checkoff project is to provide a steady flow of new and improved
soybean cultivars with high productivity and profitability to the soybean industry.
Specifically, the research team will develop varieties and germplasm which are highyielding, maturity group 4-5, adapted to various environments and production systems in
Arkansas, and with resistance to soybean cyst nematode, root knot nematode, sudden
death syndrome, stem canker, frogeye leaf spot, soybean mosaic virus and soybean
Comprehensive disease screening of soybean varieties in Arkansas; Terry
Kirkpatrick, Richard Cartwright, Scott Monfort (Departments of Plant Pathology and
Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($114,601).
The researchers will screen all cultivars in the 2008 Official Variety Test for frogeye leaf
spot, stem canker, root-knot nematode, reniform nematode, and soybean cyst nematode
resistance in the field nurseries and greenhouse studies. They will evaluate last year’s
promising root-knot resistant cultivars in their root-knot nursery field near Dermott, AR.
The variety test locations and sentinel rust plots will be monitored for the development of
Asian soybean rust and foliar diseases. The various diseases will be rated for severity
and the researchers will make available the screening data to Cooperative Extension
Service personnel by December 1st. The data will also be published on the University of
Arkansas variety testing Website
A screen for soybean lines with potential for enhanced insect resistance;
Ken Korth (Molecular Biology, University of Arkansas); ($18,374). (
The objectives are to: 1) Continue screening individual plants from a population of
soybean for the presence of increased levels of calcium oxalate in leaves; 2) Determine
levels of insect resistance in soybean lines with higher or lower levels of calcium oxalate;
and 3) Determine if there is a link between calcium oxalate crystal formation and chloride
Protein, amino acid composition, and bioactive peptides in meals of high
oleic acid soybean lines developed in Arkansas; Navam Hettiarachchy, Pengyin
Chen (Departments of Food Science and Crop, Soils and Environmental Sciences,
University of Arkansas); ($40,828). (
This continuing project will: 1) Investigate the meals of high oleic acid soybean lines
developed at the University of Arkansas for protein content and twenty amino acid
profiles; 2) Produce peptides from high oleic acid soybean meals (selected three based
on their amino acid profile) by using papain enzyme under controlled degree of
hydrolysis to produce predominantly smaller molecular size peptides; and 3) Treat the
hydrolysates obtained with simulated gastric and intestinal juices to produce resistant
peptides; and 5) Subject the resulting digests to ultrafiltration to obtain protein fragments
of various sizes (1, 3, 5, 10, 50, and 100 kDa) and evaluate antihypertensive,
antimutagenic and anticancer activities of resistant ultrafiltered protein fractions in model
systems and human cell lines.
Biodiesel research, demonstration and education project; Donald M. Johnson
(Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, University of Arkansas); ($18,777).
The research objectives of this continuing project are to: 1) Determine if there is a
significant difference in the fuel efficiency, fuel cost engine maintenance and repair costs
for Kubota RTV900-GT 4WD utility vehicles fueled with petroleum diesel or B20
biodiesel; 2) Determine if there is a significant difference in wear metals present in the
engine oil of Kubota RTV900-GT 4 WD utility vehicles fueled with petroleum diesel or
B20 biodiesel; 3) Determine if there is a significant difference in unburned hydrocarbons
in the exhaust emissions when the vehicles are fueled with petroleum diesel or B20
biodiesel; 4) Promote public awareness and acceptance of biodiesel fuels through a twoyear public demonstration project; and 5) Develop computer- and print-based
educational materials on biodiesel fuels appropriate for use with a variety of older youth
and adult audiences.
High-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) soy oil quality; Andrew Proctor
(Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas); ($65,176). (
The goal of this continuing project is to determine the composition and quality of high
conjugated linoleic acid soy oil to develop new food and medical nutritional products to
promote consumer health. The project’s specific objectives are to: 1) Identify fatty acid
composition of triacylglyceride species in high-CLA soy oil of nutritional and medical
interest; 2) Ensure purity and oxidative stability of high-CLA soy oil; and 3) Develop new
soy food and medical nutritional products from high-CLA oil to promote consumer health.
Developing a rapid and efficient method for screening chloride tolerance in
soybean; Pengyin Chen (Department of Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences,
University of Arkansas); ($19,875).(
The goal is to develop a simple method for differentiating chloride tolerant and sensitive
soybean genotypes by comparing a tissue chloride analysis method and a foliar
symptom method using hydroponic cultures. The researcher will also develop a simple
and easy greenhouse screening method using potting mix or topsoil based on differential
foliar symptoms.
The role of soy in the prevention/treatment of the metabolic syndrome:
Latha Devareddy (Food Science Department, University of Arkansas); ($40,000).
The project’s objective is to determine the extent to which soy isoflavones can alleviate
the complication associated with excessive body fat, insulin resistance and
hyperglycemia. The specific objectives are to: 1) Establish the extent to which soy
isoflavones will improve body composition and reduce abdominal fat in obese Zucker
rats, an established a rat model for the metabolic syndrome; 2) Assess the role of soy
isoflavones in improving blood lipid profiles in obese Zucker rats; and 3) Investigate the
role of soy isoflavones in improving insulin sensitivity and glucose control in obese
Zucker rats.
Assessment of soybean varieties in Arkansas for sensitivity to chloride
injury; Steven Green and Matt Conatser (Arkansas State University); ($29,700).
This project will determine the reaction of commercial soybean varieties in Arkansas to
chloride toxicity using the hydroponic screening method housed at Arkansas State
University in Jonesboro, AR.
Soybean planting seed quality assessment and education in Arkansas; Rick
Cartwright, John Rupe, Don Dombek, Jeremy Ross, Larry Purcell (Plant Pathology,
Crops, Soils and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas); ($190,200).
The project has three objectives: 1) To determine factors influencing soybean seed germ
and vigor test results; 2) To correlate vigor test results with field emergence under
Arkansas conditions; and 3) To educate Arkansas producers about seed quality and
vigor testing.
Delaware Soybean Board
Utility and efficiency of fall herbicide applications for no-till soybean
production; Mark van Gessel (Departments of Plant & Soil Sciences, and Food &
Resource Economics, University of Delaware); ($14,000). (
The objective of this research project is to determine if efforts to control weeds in the fall
will reduce weed pressure in the spring.
Breeding soybean varieties adapted to the Mid-Atlantic Region for Asian
rust resistance; Bill Rhodes (Schillinger Seeds, Inc.); ($4,000).
The objective of this project is to develop soybean varieties that are resistant to Asian
soybean rust and are adapted to the Mid-Atlantic Region. This project will use
information developed using checkoff funds that screened 2,400 germplasm lines at
Mississippi State University and the University of Georgia.
Growth studies of young chicks and piglets to substantiate feed efficiency
of high-protein soybean varieties adapted to the Mid-Atlantic region; Bill
Rhodes (Schillinger Seeds, Inc.); ($7,000). (
This project provides for feeding trials to evaluate a new high protein meal processed
from high protein soybean varieties developed with Delaware Soybean Board funding.
Salt tolerance soybean variety trial; Richard Taylor (Department of Plant & Soil
Sciences, and Food & Resources Economics, University of Delaware); ($1,500).
Coastal flooding from a spring storm “salted” approximately 4,000 acres of soybean
fields in 2008. This project involves planting a Schillinger variety that is reported to have
salt tolerance on two farms to determine whether the variety will perform on these
stressed soils.
Effectiveness of seed treatments for yield enhancement and Dectes stem
borer management; Joanne Whalen, Robert Uniatowski, Richard Taylor and John
Pesek (Departments of Plant & Soil Sciences, and Food & Resource Economics,
University of Delaware); (no-cost extension). (
The project’s objectives are to determine whether: 1) Seed applied insecticides and
fungicides provide a yield enhancement under Delaware conditions; 2) The seed applied
insecticide, fipronil, provides economic control of Dectes stem borer; and 3) The timing
for foliar applications of insecticides for Dectes stem borer management can be
Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Soybeans
Funding to support activities of the University of Georgia’s soybean team;
Robert Kemerait, Jr. (Crop and Soil Science Department, University of Georgia-Athens);
($30,200). (
This project primarily deals with support of the UGA extension education program for
soybeans. The extension program consists of grower meetings that update producers
on developments with soybean production practices and economics, printing of
production guides and maintenance of the Soybean Web page. In addition, there is
funding to support an applied research program focused on variety evaluations, various
production practices, and support of the rust monitoring and research program through
partial support of a post-doc to monitor and collect data from sentinel plots.
Environmental monitoring of soybean sentinel plots using the UGA
weather network; Joel Paz and Gerrit Hoogenboom (Biological & Agricultural
Engineering, University of Georgia-Athens) and Robert Kemerait, Jr. (Crop and Soil
Science Department, University of Georgia-Athens); ($5,000). (
The goal is to develop a predictive tool to detect early disease spread. The researchers
will collect and analyze baseline environmental data from several locations where
sentinel plots have been established for monitoring soybean rust. They will then
establish correlations between specific weather conditions and the first detection and
spread of soybean rust.
Establishing baseline information on the environmental conditions that contribute to the
movement of Asian soybean rust spores and subsequent infection in soybean will allow
researchers and Extension specialists to develop a better understanding the
epidemiology of soybean rust. This project could also assist in the development of a
disease forecasting system based not only on early detection, but also the
understanding the environmental conditions favorable and unfavorable to infection and
Development of rust resistance Roundup Ready 2 yield soybean varieties
that produce superior poultry meal; H. Roger Boerma (Center for Applied Genetic
Technologies, University of Georgia-Athens); ($25,000). (
This project will incorporate improved seed protein, low phytate and low trypsin inhibitor
traits into high-yielding Asian soybean rust and RR2Y varieties. The investigator has
initiated a backcrossing program to incorporate these genes into the most productive,
multiple pest resistant breeding lines with 46% or higher protein content. The funding
during this period will allow the researcher to select and evaluate lines that best combine
the characteristics of the recurrent parent and the improvements contributed by the
donor parent of the value-added trait.
Evaluating sharp tip pubescence trait for insect resistance in “Benning”
soybean; John All (Entomology Department, University of Georgia-Athens); ($12,000).
Researchers in the 1930s observed that resistance of soybeans to insects was due to
pubescence characteristics of the leaves. Soybeans with erect pubescent hairs were
more resistant to leafhoppers than plants with short, apprised hairs irrespective of the
density on the leaves. In 2001, a student at the University of Georgia reported that
soybean near isogenic lines of Clark with sharp tipped pubescent hairs had resistance to
the corn earworm and soybean lopper as compared to lines with blunt tips. Subsequent
research has shown that soybean breeding lines with sharp tipped hairs were also
resistant to lesser cornstalk borer attack. Molecular marker research found an insect
QTL on linkage groups EW of the public soybean linkage amp that is known to condition
sharp vs. blunt pubescence. Currently all U.S. soybean cultivars have blunt pubescent
tips, so evaluations of sharp tip pubescence for insect resistance factor has merit for IPM
A soybean breeding program using marker assisted selection was initiated to
incorporate the sharp tip pubescence traits and other insect resistance traits into the
soybean cultivar Benning. In 2009 seed from Benning lines with insect resistance on
QTLs M, H, G, E and Bt transgene will be available, each with either an individual
resistant QTL or Bt transgene, or pyramided with one or more resistant QTLs or Bt
transgenes (all combinations). The objective of this project is to evaluate insect
resistance of the pyramided Benning lines with sharp tipped pubescence on major
soybean insect pests (including lesser cornstalk borer, three-cornered alfalfa leaf
hopper, corn earworm, soybean lopper, velvetbean caterpillar, Mexican bean beetle,
soybean aphid and stink bug).
Evaluating plant resistance and natural enemies for suppressing stink bug
populations in soybeans; Robert McPherson and Phillip Roberts (Entomology
Department, University of Georgia-Tifton); ($5,800). (
Stink bugs continue to be a major pest in Georgia soybean crop causing from $1-5
million dollars of losses annually in most years. Additional research is needed to provide
a better management tactic for suppressing stink bug populations and crop injury with
less dependence on insecticides. Four soybean lines have been identified from
research projects funded by the Georgia Soybean Commission that possess resistance
or partial resistance to stink bug feeding. The entries contain the South America variety
IAC100 in their pedigree. The mechanism or mechanisms that causes stink bug
resistance is not clear in the lines identified. Thus, research is needed to assess
antibiosis (kills or weakens the pest) and antixenosis (not preferred by pest)
mechanisms of stink bug resistance in the four soybean lines that have been identified
as resistant plant hosts.
The specific objectives of this project are to: 1) Examine 28 soybean breeding lines
containing IAC100 in their pedigrees in a multi-state replicated field trial (GA, LA, TX and
VA) during 2008 to compile regional results on stink bug resistance levels for submitting
registration requests for germplasm releases and potential variety releases; 2) Identify
the mechanism of resistance for four soybean lines that have been identified as resistant
to stink bug feeding; 3) Assess egg parasitism of the stink bug pest; and 4) Examine the
possible interaction of arthropod predation of Posdisus macultivaentris and host plant
2009 UGA Soybean Production Guide; Eric Prostko (University of Georgia);
($5,000). (
The objective of this project is to update the University of Georgia Soybean Production
Guide and deliver copies to growers at local county production meetings.
Evaluation of current Georgia soybean cultivars to Metribuzin herbicides;
Timothy Grey (University of Georgia); ($10,000). (
Soybean varieties that incorporate the use of Roundup Ready biotechnology have
become the most successful genetically altered crop to be established. But glyphosate
resistant weeds have resulted in major soybean production problems.
In order to evaluate soybean cultivars that will improve Georgia soybean production,
field trials that emphasize metribuzin tolerance needs to be considered. Metribuzin can
provide residual weed control, help to improve yield and increase profitability. Therefore,
a study comparing the most commonly used Roundup Ready soybean cultivars for
metribuzin tolerance to determine the affects of soybean tolerance, yield, and net return
on investment is planned. The tests will evaluate Sencor , Canopy  and Boundary
herbicides. Soybean varieties developed by public and private companies will be
evaluated at two locations.
2008 soybean irrigation study; John Woodruff and Eric Prostko (University of
Georgia); ($2,000). (
Georgia farmers have traditionally irrigated less than ten percent of the state’s soybean
acreage, even though they have the capacity to irrigate more than a million acres of
cropland. The low percentage is related to anticipated yields of 44-55 bushels per acre
for soybeans which is not competitive with other crops.
These researchers believe that with improved varieties and management, Georgia
producers can make soybean yields of 65-75 bushels per acre. When achieved, farmers
will find that soybeans will be very competitive with other agronomic crops, such as corn,
cotton and peanut. This study is designed to demonstrate that irrigated soybean in
Georgia can result in higher soybean profits.
Illinois Soybean Board
Managed Research Area: Soybean Diseases and Insect Pests; Linda Kull
(University of Illinois-Urban-Champaign) and Jason Bond (Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale), Keith Ames, Roger Bowan, Carl Bradley, Darin Eastburn, Ron Estes, Mike
Grey, Curt Hill, James Haudenshield, Houston Hobbs, Doug Jones, Terry Niblack,
Wayne Pedersen, Kevin Steffey and David Voegtlin (University of Illinois-UrbanaChampaign), Ahmad Fakhoury (Southern Illinois University), and Leslie Domier and
Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-University of Illinois); (The funding is allocated to projects).
Every year U.S. soybean harvests are reduced 10-70% by a host of known and
emerging soybean diseases and pests. While traditional methods of control have
proved successful at times, building resistance to pathogens and insects in the cultivars
is imperative if growers are to improve yields and reduce loss due to pests and
pathogens. The overall goal of this program is to improve soybean yield by reducing the
impact of diseases and pests in Illinois. The managed project is designed to create
interaction between researchers and improve communications between researchers and
Illinois soybean grower leaders. The individual objectives of this MRA are:
MRA-Project #1: Soybean diseases and pests surveys; Jason Bond (SIUC), Carl
Bradley, Linda Kull and Kevin Steffey (UIUC), Leslie Domier and Glen Hartman
(USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($30,000).(
This objective will: 1) Use sentinel plots, research locations, producers’ fields, and
mobile scouting sites, to develop estimates of diseases and pests present, disease
severity and associated yield loss; 2) Continue regular surveys of soybean aphids and
correlate in-field densities with aphid captures in suction traps. Where possible,
determine impact of insect injury on yield using estimates from insecticide-treated and
non-treated areas/plots; and 3) Compile an annual report on disease and insect
occurrence in the state.
MRA-Project #2: Interaction of management tactics for soybean aphid, including
host plant resistance, natural enemies and insecticides; Kevin Steffey, Mike Grey
and Ron Estes (UIUC); ($28,579). (
The availability of soybean lines that are resistant to soybean aphids will have a major
impact on management of soybean aphids, with the potential for significantly reducing
the use of insecticides and their associated costs. However, the development of
soybean aphid biotypes that can overcome resistance in soybean varieties will threaten
the long-term effectiveness of host plant resistance. Consequently, continuous study of
soybean aphid-resistant cultivars in the field is necessary to stay ahead of the pest.
Also, the impact of soybean aphid-resistant cultivars and insecticides on populations of
soybean aphids and their natural enemies will have ecological implications that will affect
management of the soybean aphid. The objectives of this project are to: 1) Establish
and evaluate plots to determine the effect of experimental soybean lines with putative
resistance against soybean aphids; and 2) Establish and evaluate an experiment to
measure the impact and interaction of host plant resistance, natural enemies, and
insecticides on populations of soybean aphids and on soybean production. Results from
these studies can contribute immediately to the development of best management
MRA-Project #3: Refining our ability to forecast population of soybean aphids and
field releases of Binodoxys communis; David Voegtlin, Kevin Steffey, Mike Grey and
Ron Estes (UIUC); ($19,158). (
The specific objectives of this project are to: 1) Monitor for alate soybean aphids (sorting
samples) captured in nine Illinois suction traps; 2) Sample for soybean aphids and
multicolored Asian lady beetles in soybeans (late summer) and Rhamnus (buckthorn) in
the fall and spring to refine our ability to forecast soybean aphid outbreaks; and 3) Rear,
release, and monitor Binodoxys communis for controlling soybean aphids.
Understanding of the population dynamics of soybean aphids and the interaction of
predators and pests is essential for improving management strategies. The parasitoid
Binodoxys communis shows great promise for helping to regulate populations of
soybean aphids, as occurs in the parasitoid’s home range in Asia. Much of the
information generated from the research will be published in annual Extension
publications and in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Information also will be presented
to many audiences of soybean growers and agribusiness personnel at meetings (e.g.,
field days, winter conferences, workshops) throughout the year.
MRA Project #4: Impact of Japanese beetle defoliation on soybean yield and
survey for natural enemies of Japanese beetle; Doug Jones, Kevin Steffey, Mike
Grey and Ron Estes (UIUC); ($16,893). (
Japanese beetles have become the primary insect defoliator of soybeans in Illinois over
the past several years, but guidelines for their management are outdated. The
relationship between defoliation caused by Japanese beetles and components of
soybean yield need to be explored to improve decision making. Additionally, very little is
known about natural enemies of Japanese beetles. This study will evaluate the effects of
Japanese beetle defoliation on soybean yields. Twenty-four cages will be used examine
six levels of defoliation, replicated four times, possibly using one or two treatments to
examine timing of infestation in relation to soybean blooming. Additionally, treated vs.
untreated blocks (1/2 acre blocks) will be evaluated. About 1/2 acre of soybeans will be
kept Japanese beetle-free for the season by spraying periodically with Hero insecticide.
Yields of treated and untreated blocks will be compared. Beetles will be sampled weekly
throughout the growing season to determine infestation levels.
A second objective will involve surveying Japanese beetle populations for parasitoids.
The survey will be conducted along a north-south transect in southern Illinois. Beetle
larvae will be sampled once every month between April–October and examined for
MRA-Project #5: Effect of Japanese beetle (and potentially other defoliators) on
modern soybean production); Kevin Steffey, Mike Grey, Doug Jones and Ron Estes
(UIUC); ($42,272).
Japanese beetles have become the primary insect defoliator of soybeans in Illinois over
the past several years, but guidelines for their management are outdated. The
relationship between defoliation caused by Japanese beetles and components of
soybean yield need to be explored to improve decision making for modern soybean
production. One of the limitations of making decisions about management of Japanese
beetles is a lack of knowledge about the spatial and temporal distributions of Japanese
beetles during critical times of soybean development. For example, it is widely reported
that Japanese beetles are frequently concentrated along field edges. Because Japanese
beetles are so mobile and respond to many different cues, the timing and location of a
Japanese beetle infestation are critical for making valid control decisions, either for
entire fields or for field edges. The specific objectives of this project are to determine the
spatial and temporal distributions of Japanese beetles in commercial soybean fields to
add necessary improvements for making control decisions and determine the impact of
Japanese beetles on soybean production in commercial soybean fields.
MRA-Project #6: Charcoal rot management in Illinois; Ahmad Fakhoury and Jason
Bond (SIUC); ($31,000). (
The specific objectives of this effort are to: 1) Identify charcoal rot resistant germplasm;
2) Determine tolerance of the identified soybean lines to phaseolinone. Promising
soybean lines will be challenged with purified phaseolinone; a toxin produced by the
pathogen and believed to be one of the important factors leading to disease
development. This will allow us to determine whether the “resistance” of the elite lines is
because of their tolerance to the toxin or due to some other mechanisms. This may
ultimately lead to the identification of distinct sources of resistance to charcoal rot; and 3)
Determine the effect of other diseases on charcoal rot expression, microplot and
greenhouse experiments revealed that parasitism by soybean cyst nematode increased
colonization by the charcoal rot pathogen. In 2009, this will be repeated with additional
germplasm (SIU and private varieties). This project will determine if charcoal rot
resistance can be compromised by other pathogens.
MRA-Project #7: Delayed infection of Fusarium virguliforme using fungicide seed
treatments, and its impact on sudden death syndrome and soybean yield; Carl
Bradley and Terry Niblack (UIUC) and Jason Bond (SUIC); ($33,000).
A preliminary study was conducted at two locations in Illinois, twelve fungicide seed
treatments (including an untreated control) with two cultivars, one moderately
susceptible to SDS and the other moderately resistant to SDS. Roots were collected
four times during the season and will be assayed using quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) to
determine the level of infection by Fusarium virguliforme. Additionally, digital images of
the roots were analyzed for size and number of secondary roots using WinRhizo
software. Fungicide seed treatments significantly increased plant stand at one of the
two locations and some seed treatments reduced the amount of Fusarium virguliforme
DNA in soybean roots at 32 days after planting. The objectives of this continuing project
is to: 1) Use quantitative PCR to determine if fungicide seed treatments can delay
infection of Fusarium virguliforme; and 2) To determine if delayed infection of Fusarium
virguliforme reduces sudden death syndrome severity and yield losses.
MRA-Project #8. Characterization of the SDS pathogen in Illinois; Jason Bond and
Ahmad Fahoury (SIUC); ($24,000). (
SDS is a significant production restrain for soybean producers in Illinois. Despite
advances in host resistance, research is still needed to elucidate the mechanism
involved in disease development.
Limitations for the needed studies include the
relatively small amount of characterized fungal isolate available for researchers and
the high costs associated with maintaining the collections.
This project will
complement the efforts of the researchers in NCSRP SDS Research Alliance who are
building a collection of Fusarium virguliforme isolates mainly from Iowa, Minnesota
and Wisconsin. This project will: 1) Expand the available collection of F. virguliforme
isolates from Illinois; 2) Partially characterize 30 of the collected isolates via
greenhouse assays to determine aggressiveness on soybean and by performing
karyotyping analysis to detect polymorphisms; and 3) Evaluate the expression levels
of fungal genes in the plant that are associated with SDDS.
MRA-Project #9: Using race-specific probes to monitor population shifts of the
frogeye leaf spot pathogen; Jason Bond and Ahmad Fahoury (SUIC); ($28,000).
The objective of this continuing project is to characterize isolates of Cercospora
sojina, the causal agent of frogeye leaf spot on soybean, to race and to develop
specific molecular markers to distinguish races of the pathogen. Greenhouse assays
are underway to characterize 23 isolates of the fungus collected in Illinois using the
race scheme recently proposed. DNA isolated from the fungal isolates and primers
has been designed to amplify the Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions (ITS) of the
rDNA. The amplified DNA fragments are being sequenced and analyzed to identify
polymorphism amongst the isolates. The specific studies for the coming year are to
expand the use of the race-specific C. sojina probes to include monitoring shifts in
populations and to determine the effect of the fungicides chlorothalonil (Bravo) and
pyraclostrobin (Headline) on inducing shifts in C. sojina populations
MRA-Project #10. Fungicide resistance monitoring and overwinter survivability of
the frogeye leaf spot pathogen, Cercospora sojina; Carl Bradley (UIUC); ($29,000).
Cercospora sojina isolates have been collected to determine “baseline” sensitivity to
strobilurin fungicides, which is the first step in a fungicide resistance monitoring program.
Additionally, C. sojina isolates were collected from fields and research plots that had
been sprayed with a strobilurin fungicide during the 2007 and 2008 seasons. The
proposed objectives of the 2009 studies are to: 1) To initiate a fungicide resistance
monitoring program for C. sojina by collecting isolates of the fungus from fields that have
been sprayed with a strobilurin fungicide and comparing their fungicide sensitivity levels
with the fungicide sensitivity levels of non-exposed “baseline” isolates of the fungus; and
2) To evaluate the survivability of “northern Illinois” and “southern Illinois” C. sojina
isolates on soybean debris at different soil depths over time in different locations in the
MRA-Project #11: Soybean viruses and management; Leslie Domier, Houston
Hobbs, Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($10,000). (
The research group will evaluate about 3,000 soybean accessions from the USDA
Soybean Germplasm Collection for reaction to Tobacco streak virus and Tobacco
ringspot virus. Virus isolates obtained from Illinois soybean fields will be evaluated for
aggressiveness to virus-resistant soybean accessions. The deliverable from the project
will include the identification of germplasm sources for resistance to TSV and TRSV and
characterization of viruses found in Illinois.
MRA-Project #12: Foliar fungicides: Their control of Illinois foliar diseases, and
their effect on soybean yield and green stem disorder; Carl Bradley, Roger Bowen,
Curt Hill and Keith Ames (UIUC) and Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($62,000).
Through multi-location trials across the state, this project has provided information on
the value of applying a foliar fungicide to soybean. Based on results from 2007,
fungicides significantly increased yield at two of the ten locations. The significant yield
increases at these two locations were likely related to nearly two to three times more
rainfall being received at these locations in July and August compared to other locations
in the state; thus, presumable more foliar fungal disease pressure at these locations.
These results have been used in extension presentations given around the state and
have been used in Extension newsletters and farm press articles.
Variability in soybean yield response to foliar fungicides can be great and has been
in “piano graphs” used by extension and industry people. Preliminary research has
shown some evidence of yield and seed weight response to specific application timings,
but additional research is needed to sort out the effect of different fungicide application
timings. Fungicides may also impact the incidence of green stem disorder. Prior
research has demonstrated a relationship between a combined application of a
strobilurin (Headline) and a triazole (Domark) fungicide on green stem incidence and the
additive effect of cultivar and location on green stem incidence.
Proposed objectives of this study are to: 1) To evaluate foliar fungicides for control of
foliar diseases present in Illinois and the effect on soybean yield at six locations
throughout the state; 2) To determine if different cultivars respond similarly or differently
to foliar fungicides; 3) To determine the effect of foliar fungicides, if any, on selected
yield components; 4) To consider the effect of combined and separate applications of
strobilurin and triazole fungicide on green stem incidence, yield, and diseases; and 5) To
quantify the effect of fungicide timing, time of day, and stage of plant development on
yield and disease.
MRA-Project #13: Evaluation of fungicide seed treatments on performance of
soybean in Illinois, and the impact of soybean cyst nematode on the efficacy of
seed treatments; Carl Bradley and Terry Niblack (UIUC), and Jason Bond (SIUC);
($32,000). (
Annually, seedling diseases are responsible for losses estimated at 8.7 million bushels
in Illinois. The response of soybean and these diseases to fungicide seed treatments
can be highly variable. Variable responses can be due to differences in pathogen
pressure and environmental conditions just prior to and after planting. Despite variable
responses to seed treatments, seed companies have plans to increase the amount of
soybean seeds that are treated. Although fungicide seed treatment studies have been
conducted in Illinois, these trials tend to be very limited in the number of locations (only
one or two locations, generally) and number of products evaluated. In addition, many
new products are now available and even more will soon be registered for use on
soybean. To be able to better understand how these products affect soybean stand and
yield and to identify the products that provide consistent disease management, it is
important to evaluate multiple products at many locations throughout the state.
While it is known that site specific factors can reduce the efficacy of seed treatments,
there are questions about the impact of SCN on fungicide performance. Fields infested
with Rhizoctonia often have more severe disease when plants are infected with high
levels of SCN. Necdotal field observations in 2007 and 2008 seemed to indicate that
erratic performance of seed treatments were associated with higher SCN densities. This
project will help answer this question by evaluating seed treatments for their efficacy
towards Rhizoctonia when plants are subjected to varying levels of infection by SCN.
The proposed objectives are to: 1) To measure the effect of registered and nearlyregistered fungicide seed treatment products on soybean establishment, disease
severity, and soybean yield at multiple sites in Illinois; and 2) To determine the impact of
SCN infection and reproduction on the efficacy of seed treatment fungicides used to
manage Rhizoctonia.
MRA-Project #14. Herbicides, strobulurin fungicides and implication for
Rhizoctonia root rot of soybeans; Darin Eastburn and Wayne Pedersen (UIUC);
($30,000). (
This study will expand our understanding of the effectiveness of Stamina
and Dynasty fungicides in reducing symptom severity, protecting root
development and preventing yield losses resulting from infection. The
results will help soybean growers in Illinois make better decisions about
which seed treatment fungicide to select and use. The establishment of
baseline sensitivity levels of Rhizoctonia solani to these fungicides will
allow for monitoring pathogen populations and to detect the development
of fungicide resistant strains.
MRA-Project #15: Interaction of anthracnose and charcoal rot on green stem
incidence; Curt Hill (UIUC) and Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($20,000).
Although the “Green Stem Disorder” effect on soybean yields has not
been established, it is a problem that complicates soybean harvesting and
has increasingly become a nuisance for soybean producers.
encountered in the field at harvest time, producers often leave patches
affected by the disorder uncut until frost eventually kills the stems.
The cause of the “Green Stem Disorder” is unknown, however, we have found that
fungicide application can increase the incidence of green stem disorder, especially on
cultivars sensitive to the disorder, suggesting that fungi are involved in the disorder.
We have also found that the plant pathogenic fungi causing anthracnose and
charcoal rot appear to be inversely associated with the disorder. The pathogen
causing anthracnose is the predominant fungus isolated from stems showing green
stem disorder. In contrast, the pathogen causing charcoal rot is the predominant
fungus isolated from normal ripe soybean stems. We have recently developed
quantitative PCR assays to measure the colonization of soybean plants by the
charcoal rot and the anthracnose pathogens inside plants with or without green stem
disorder. The proposed research will determine if the interaction of two fungal
pathogens that cause anthracnose and charcoal rot will increase or decrease green
stem disorder on cultivars that are sensitive or insensitive to the disorder.
MRA-Project #16: Multiplexing and field validation of quantitative, molecular
assays of soy diseases; James Haudenshield and Curt Hill (UIUC) and Glen Hartman
(USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($35,000). (
Researchers at the University of Illinois have cooperated with field scouts and
visually examined many hundreds to thousands of specimens in annual surveys for
the past several years, and we have evaluated numerous soybean lines/cultivars for
pathogen resistance.
Recently, they have developed quantitative, DNA-based
molecular assays for the soy pathogens causing charcoal rot, sudden death
syndrome, Phytophthora root and stem rot, anthracnose, and Phomopsis seed decay.
Other laboratories have developed similar assays for the soy pathogens causing
brown stem rot, frog eye leaf spot, Rhizoctonia root rot, and soybean cyst nematode,
rust, and possible others. We have used some of these as well. Molecular assays
provide both affirmative confirmation of visual inspections and a quantitative
estimate of the pathogen presence, previously only possible by laborious culturing
methods, if at all. Furthermore, they provide very fast results, affording real-time
One challenging aspect to such molecular analyses is the
purification and concentration of pathogen DNA from bulky tissue or soil specimens;
however, once total DNA is extracted, multiple assays can be employed to identify
and quantify pathogens present in the initial sample. We have utilized a “FastDNA”
method (which can effectively isolate DNA from stem, leaf, seed, and root tissues) in
our laboratory for several years. A single preparation provides sufficient DNA for 10
or more molecular analyses.
The proposed objectives of this new project are to: 1) Assay harmonization– develop a
multiplex system incorporating the ten pathogen analyses, that can be performed in
each single tube, thus increasing the total number of assays that can be performed with
the available DNA; 2) Diagnostic expansion– develop similar assays targeting additional
pathogens, including fungal; bacterial, and certain viral diseases, to increase the test
panel to 20 or more diseases; and 3) Prove that tissues taken from field specimens we
receive, when processed as a single sample, give results qualitatively and quantitatively
consistent with, or better than, the results of legacy methods. These three objectives will
effectively bridge the “missing link” between the promises & resources of the molecular
laboratory and the realities of agricultural field pathology.
MRA-Project #17: High impact outreach and education; Douglas Jones and Linda
Kull (UIUC); ($7,098). (
This funding request is for an Extension Associate that will write timely articles and news
releases about the soybean disease and insect pest managed research area research
for distribution through various news media including local newspapers and agricultural
magazines. A secondary objective is to develop outreach brochures, bulletins, and fact
sheets presenting SDIP MRA research for distribution at farmer-attended meetings and
MRA-Project 18: Managed research area administration; Linda Kull (UIUC) and
Jason Bond (SIUC); ($22,000). (
This objective will promote coordination and communication between researchers
involved in this managed research area. The activities will include proposal and report
writing, budget oversight and organizing meetings with stakeholders and researchers
throughout the year.
Managed Research Area: Management of Soybean Rust, Sentinel Plots,
Diagnostics, Outreach and Research; Linda Kull (coordinator, National Soybean
Research Laboratory, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign), Jason Bond (Southern
Illinois University-Carbondale, Carl Bradley, Nancy Pataky and Robert Bellum
(University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) and Glen Hartman and David Walker
(USDA/ARS-UIUC); (The funding is allocated to projects). (
In response to the introduction of soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) into the U.S. in
November 2004, the USDA facilitated the development of a federal/state/industry
coordinated framework for surveillance, reporting, prediction, and management of
soybean rust. This effort has been continued for the 2007-growing season. This
framework draws from ideas and material presented at the USDA-ARS Strategic
Planning meeting held Baltimore MD on December 1-2, 2004. As an integral part of the
framework, a national Sentinel Plot System was established in 2005 with the cooperative
efforts of the USDA, State Departments of Agriculture, state universities, checkoff
boards, industry, local producers, and the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN)
and can be viewed at The main functions of the Sentinel Plot System
are to test the USDA soybean rust model forecasting system, to provide an early alert
system, and to assist state specialists with management guidelines for soybean
producers. As part of this effort, soybean production states were asked to provide
resources to assist with the USDA Sentinel Plot System to effectively monitor and
manage soybean rust.
The USDA program leaves states free to deploy additional resources at their own
discretion. The overarching goal of this framework is to provide stakeholders with
effective decision support for managing soybean rust. In cooperation with the USDA
efforts, on February 14, 2005 the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) facilitated the
organization of the Illinois coordinated framework for managing soybean rust. An ISA
soybean rust research coordinator and six working groups were established to mitigate
the threat of soybean rust in Illinois. The following four objectives are being funded in
MRA-Project #1: Illinois soybean rust sentinel plots; Jason Bond (Southern Illinois
University), Carl Bradley (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) and Glen Hartman
(USDA/ARS-UIUC); ($32,000). (
The objective of this project is to monitor 15 disease monitoring sites (sentinel plots)
across the state and data will be entered into the IPM PIPE database. Write weekly
commentary that will be posted on the IPM PIPE Website and turn counties green or red
on the IPM PIPE soybean rust map, depending on the presence or absence of soybean
rust. The sentinel plots and any mobile scouting will occur if soybean rust is predicted, if
a high amount of spores are detected in certain areas of the state, or if soybean rust is
detected in an adjacent state.
MRA-Project #2: Soybean rust spore traps; Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC);
($10,000). (
The researcher will implement the state passive spore-trapping network, confirm
positives from microscopic observations of rust spores on slides with quantitative
molecular detection, and integrate this information with national spore trapping network.
MRA-Project #3: Fungicide applied research and spraying guidelines; Jason Bond
(SIUC) and Carl Bradley (UIUC); ($28,000). (
The objectives of this project are to assess the impact of soybean rust, native diseases
and foliar fungicides on double crop soybeans, survey fungicide use and performance.
The researchers will develop survey tools to help estimate fungicide use, factors that
contributed to their use and how the fungicides performed. They intend to collect this
information from producers, extension personnel, crop consultants, custom applicators,
and other sources within the Illinois soybean industry. A summary and a fact sheet on
fungicide use in Illinois will be developed.
MRA-Project #4: Updating and management of the Illinois soybean rust Website;
Linda Kull (UIUC); ($4,000).(lkull@illinois,edu)
The Illinois soybean rust Website provides comprehensive information on soybean rust
and will continue to serve as a decision support tool to assist Illinois soybean producers
with soybean rust management decisions. Two domain names are assigned: and The ‘Alerts’ section will be
updated weekly or as needed with the status of soybean rust in the U.S. and Illinois.
Commentary from the Illinois Extension Plant Pathologist and other experts will be
available and updated weekly. All information regarding fungicide status and use for
Illinois producers will be updated as soon as possible after released.
Managed Research Area: Weeds; Bryan Young (Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale) and Aaron Hager (University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign) (Program Cocoordinators), Emerson Nafziger, Dean Riechers, and Pat Tranel (Crop Science
Department, University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign), Adam Davis (USDA/ASR-UIUC),
Bryan Young (Plant and Soil Science Department, Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale), and Gordon Roskamp and Loretta Ortiz-Ribbing (Western Illinois
University-Macomb); (The funding is allocated to projects). (
The weeds research area seeks to provide coordination of collaborating institutions and
agencies to develop, implement and disseminate information on weed management
practices and information that promotes integrated pest management, the preservation
of yield potential and enhancement of profitability.
Program objectives include
communicating weed research information, developing weed management programs for
Illinois, increasing the knowledge base of the biology, ecology and genetics of priority
weed species, investigating and reducing soybean stress related to weed management
practices, evaluating technologies for herbicide applications, investigating crop
production elements that may impact weed management decisions, and fostering the
understanding and sustainable use of natural resources in Illinois.
MRA-Project #1: Communicate weed research information; Bryan Young (SIUC)
and Aaron Hager (UIUC); ($13,000). (
The goals of the communications program are to provide useful, reliable information to
assist soybean producers in weed management decisions. The specific objectives of
the project are to: 1) Provide extension and outreach information of weed research at
collaborating institutions; 2) Develop educational materials (brochures, pest bulletins,
fact sheets, slide sets, CD-ROMS, videos, weed databases, computer software
programs) that can be used to inform soybean producers, certified crop consultants and
extension personnel; and 3) Maintain and expand weed science web pages to facilitate
collective and comprehensive sources of information on soybean weed management.
MRA-Project #2: Develop weed management systems for Illinois; Bryan Young
(SIUC), Dean Riechers and Doug Maxwell (UIUC) and Gordon Roskamp (WIU);
($85,000). (
Identification of techniques and management strategies for weed species of importance
to Illinois soybean producers will enhance profitability through reduced weed competition
and improved weed management strategies. This project will identify problem weed
species in Illinois, evaluate alternative methods for their control and recommend weed
control strategies that can be used in the production system. The project also involves
monitoring weed species shifts and future weed problems that need attention.
MRA-Project #3: Increase the knowledge base of biology, ecology and genetics of
priority weed species; Aaron Hager and Pat Tranel (UIUC) and Bryan Young (SIUC);
($122,000). (
An increased understanding of weed species will aid in optimizing existing weed
management strategies, provide new strategies to control particular weed species, and
reduce the potential for the development of new weed problems. To increase the
understanding of selected weed species, the researcher will: 1) Identify and investigate
traits that contribute to the weediness of problem species; 2) Characterize the genetic
variability of weed species and it’s impact; 3) Identify the mechanism of herbicide
resistance and the evolution of herbicide resistance in weeds; and 4) Determine the
environmental and management conditions that increase the prevalence of a particular
weed species. These basic studies will help researchers develop more effective control
MRA-Project #4: Investigate crop production elements that impact weed
management decision; Emerson Nafziger (UIUC); ($30,000 ). (
This project will help farmers understand the effects of the interactions of soybean
production systems on weed management strategies. The expected outcomes of the
project are to: 1) Optimize weed management strategies based on soybean planting
date, populations and row width; 2) Develop information to maximize weed control under
replanting conditions; and 3) Provide unbiased yield data for herbicide-resistant soybean
Managed Research Area: Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN); Terry Niblack
(Coordinator), Brian Diers, Glen Hartman, Kris Lambert (Crop Science Department,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign) and Jason Bond, Khalid Meksem and Michael
Schmidt (Plant and Soil Science Department, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale);
(The funding is allocated to projects). (
The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, continues to be the most
economically important soybean pathogen in Illinois. To address the problem, in
cooperation with advisers from the Illinois Soybean Association, a group of scientists
from the University of Illinois and Southern Illinois University developed a strategic plan
to guide research. The overall goal of the research program is to conduct research and
outreach activities on the soybean cyst nematode–soybean interaction to enhance the
competitiveness of soybean production in Illinois.
MRA-Project #1: Deciphering the interaction between SCN and Fusarium
virguliforme; Jason Bond and Ahmad Fakhoury (SIUC); ($27,500). (
SCN and F. virguliforme are two of the most important pathogens on soybeans. The
mechanism governing the interaction between SCN and F. virguliforme is unknown.
This project uses tools such as the green fluorescing protein containing pathogen to
investigate the interaction. The specific objectives are to determine the role of SCN in
the infection and colonization of roots by the pathogen, and to identify genes expressed
in the fungus when plants are co-infected with SCN.
MRA-Project #2: Phenotypic variability in SCN populations in Illinois; Jason Bond
(SIUC) and Terry Niblack (UIUC); ($31,500). (
Over 80% of the fields in Illinois are infested with SCN and the SCN populations and
70% of the infested fields can reproduce on PI 88788. This study will determine: 1) The
phenotypic variability of SCN populations in Illinois; 2) Evaluate the impact of
temperature on HG type determinations; and 3) Develop outreach materials for
educating producers and the soybean industry on the importance of HG types.
MRA-Project #3: Integrating strategies to manage SCN; Jason Bond (SIUC) and
Terry Niblack (UIUC); ($20,500). (
The objective of this project is to determine the effect of cover or green manure crops
(rye grass, rapeseed or canola) and host resistance on SCN population densities.
MRA-Project #4: Generation of recombinant inbred SCN lines for the identification
of SCN virulence genes and the development of a molecular virulence assay; Kris
Lambert and Terry Niblack (UIUC); ($17,300). (
SCN can be managed using natural resistance; however, SCN populations adapt and
reproduce on resistant plants. This results in SCN resistance sources becoming less
effective over time and the need for new sources of resistance. This project will develop
200 recombinant inbred lines of SCN that segregate for virulence for all of the main
types of SCN resistant plants. The inbred lines will be screened for virulence on PI
88788 and DNA will be extracted from each line for genotype screening.
MRA-Project #5: Genetic diversity and mapping new genes for resistance to SCN;
Khalid Meksem and Stella Kantartzi (SUIC); ($45,500). (
The researchers will isolate new genes for resistance to SCN from PI 438489B and Pis.
They will also develop NILs and DNA markers for use in developing new genetic
MRA-Project #6: Screening for soybean resistance to SCN with molecular assays;
Terry Niblack (UIUC); ($56,500). (
Researchers will develop and optimize a molecular quantification system for screening
for soybean resistance to SCN. The researchers will be measuring the amount of SCN
DNA within the infected soybean roots which is directly related to performance in the
field. The new concept of screening soybean lines may have major advantages over
existing methods.
MRA-Project #7: Can phenylalanine be used to reduce the virulence of SCN and
improve the survival of soybean (Glycine max); Lon Kaufman (UI-Chicago);
($51,500). (
Biotic and abiotic stresses use a common signaling mechanism in the phenylalanine
biosynthetic pathway to initiate plant protection in the very young seedling. This study
will develop a better understanding whether phenylalanine, related metabolites and
derived compounds are involved in SCN infection.
Managed Research Area: Soy Nutrition and Food Sciences; Keith R.
Cadwallader (Co-coordinator) (Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition,
University of Illinois) and William Banz (Co-coordinator) (Animal Science, Food &
Nutrition, Southern Illinois University); ($The funding is allocated to projects).
In the U.S. and the rest of the developed world, the major hurdles to widespread
consumption of soy foods have been the negative consumer perceptions of soy and the
limited numbers of highly acceptable soy food products in the marketplace. While some
health benefits of soy are well understood, others are still being researched. The
mission of the Soy Foods MRA is to connect the Illinois Soybean Association with
leading food scientists, nutritionists, health professionals, and other researchers in an
effort to promote the further development and consumption of soy foods through
targeted research areas. These include:
1. Nutrition, Health, and Safety (obesity, cancer, disease, and malnutrition)
2. New, Improved, Alternative Food Uses (products, processes, applications)
3. Soy Education and Outreach
The ultimate beneficiaries of this research are soy producers, soy food processors and
consumers. Outcomes of the MRA will promote the ISA’s interests in increasing and
improving the domestic and global utilization and consumption of Illinois-grown
soybeans. In addition, the MRA will facilitate a positive consumer image of soy foods in
the U.S. and throughout the world. This year, the MRA is proposing eight projects that
cover issues related to obesity and diabetes.
Among these, six projects address nutrition and health and one project investigates new,
improved, and alternative food uses. In addition, the Illinois Center for Soy Foods (ICSF)
will conduct education and outreach activities related to the mission of the MRA.
MRA-Project #1: A team approach targeted at identifying anti-obesity and antidiabetic soybean ingredients; William Banz, Jeremy Davis and April Strader (SIU),
Elaine Krul (Solae), Kola Ajuwon ( Purdue University) and Neil Shay (University of
Florida); ($55,000).(
This project is an SIU-industry joint project that will take a team approach to identifying
anti-obesity and anti-diabetic soybean ingredients using a host of markers. The project
has the potential to generate new and improved uses for soybeans and possibly
increase the value of soy as a raw material for the expanding health and medical foods
industry. In addition, identifying the health benefits of soy ingredients could have
potential socioeconomic impacts, such as increasing the overall health and general
quality of life for people by preventing and reducing the disease conditions associated
with obesity and diabetes.
MRA-Project #2: Soy intake and the risk of glucose intolerance and diabetes;
Karen Chapman-Novakofski (UIUC); ($16,000).
The researcher will investigate the question of glucose intolerance and diabetes and
how tofu can reduce the harmful tendencies. The second goal of this project is to
introduce soy food benefits into a community-based education program in Illinois.
MRA-Project #3: The effect of soy diets on Igf2 gene expression and development
of obesity in rats; Hong Chen (UIUC); ($13,000). (
The researcher will test the hypothesis that dietary soy consumed at early stages of life
induces epigenetic modifications that change Igf2 expression. Igf2 is a growth factor that
affects fat metabolism and epigenetic imprinting controls its expression. It has been
shown that Igf2 expression is associated with adiposity and obesity. This study will
illustrate the mechanisms underlying epigenetic regulations by dietary soy and the
relationship between Igf2 and adiposity and will provide information on development of
obesity and potential protective mechanisms of soy.
MRA-Project #4: Bioactive peptides in human health: Inhibition of fat
accumulation in humans consuming soybean milk with different protein profiles;
Elvira de Mejia (UIUC); ($15,000). (
There is a need to evaluate the effect of soybean with different protein profiles, on lipid
metabolism in humans. The research group will perform a clinical trial to measure
parameters related to obesity after the intake of soymilk from different soybean varieties.
The objective of the study will be to evaluate the effect of soybean with different protein
profiles, but same protein concentration, on human adipogenesis using weight reduction
and fat accumulation as main markers.
MRA-Project #5: Adipocyte development in neonatal piglets receiving soy infant
formula; Sharon M. Donovan and Paul S. Cooke (UIUC); ($15,000)
The research group will investigate if soy components at physiological concentrations
can alter adipogenesis in neonates highlighting an opportunity for development novel
strategies for obesity prevention in formula-fed infants, which includes utilization of soy
infant formula. The proposed studies will investigate the hypothesis that isoflavones,
predominantly genistein, in soy infant formula will reduce adipose cell development and
gene expression in neonatal piglets
MRA-Project #6: Efficacy of soy protein supplementation in diabetic hemodialysis
patients; Ken Wilund (UIUC); ($13,271).
The objective of this proposed research is to evaluate the efficacy of soy protein
supplementation on CVD risk, bone health, and diabetes specific risk factors in obese
diabetic patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy. Patients will be randomized to the
following groups for 12 months and provided the usual care/control; or an intradialytic
soy protein supplementation.
MRA-Project #7: Perceptual and rheological profiles of high protein soy foods
targeted for alleviation of overweight and obesity; Soo-Y Lee and Youngsoo Lee
(UIUC); ($18,000). (
The objectives of this study are to aid in weight control and loss through high protein soy
food consumption and to enhance soy food consumption domestically and
internationally. The researchers will systematically model how specific parameters affect
the sensory and rheological properties of extruded high protein soy-based cereal/snack
foods targeted for alleviation of overweight and obesity.
MRA-Project #8: Illinois Center for Soy Foods: Education and outreach programs;
Marilyn Nash, Keith Cadwallader, Barbara Klein, Stacey Krawczyk, and Bridget Owen
(ICSF, NSRL and UIUC); ($90,000).(
Education and outreach is a major component of the ICSF and the Soy Foods MRA. The
MRA will support ICSF activities related to promoting consumption of soy foods,
supporting technological innovations and technology transfer to processors, and
disseminating information about health benefits of soy. In addition, the ICSF, through
public awareness efforts, workshops, symposia, and
short courses, will highlight the findings of research conducted with MRA support
The Illinois Center for Soy Foods (ICSF) brings together expertise from a wide variety of
disciplines to focus on creating and promoting healthy foods, economical and tasty food
products based on soybeans thereby providing benefits to growers, processors, and
consumers in Illinois. ICSF does this by work in soy product development, consumer
acceptance, processing technology transfer, and education and outreach. Each of these
four broad activities will be brought together to enhance the ICSF focus on obesity and
Specific program objectives and deliverables for 2009 include: 1) Develop and
implement outreach projects focused on obesity and diabetes; 2) Plan and develop
programs for education and outreach among Native and Mexican American populations
to address the populations high prevalence of obesity and diabetes; 3) Provide support
for 2009 Future of Foods for Children Conference; 4) Provide soy food usage and health
benefits information as needed via website, health fairs, State Fair, Soy Foods Month,
etc.; 5) Provide technical research and training support, including product development
work, facility use, staff support, etc.; and 6) Perform acceptability testing of a soy
enhanced micronutrient supplement for infants and children to address malnutrition.
MRA-Project 9: Managed research area administration; Keith Cadwallader (UIUC);
($17,300). (
This objective will promote coordination and communication between researchers
involved in this managed research area. The activities will include proposal and report
writing, budget oversight and organizing meetings with stakeholders and researchers
throughout the year.
Managed Research Area: Soybean Germplasm and Breeding Research
Initiative; Linda Kull and Pete Goldsmith (Project Coordinators, National Soybean
Research Laboratory), Brian Diers, and Ram Singh (Crop Science Department,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign), Glen Hartman and Randy Nelson (USDA/ARSUIUC), and Stella Kantartzi (Plant and Soil Science Department, Southern Illinois
University-Carbondale); ($485,000). (
The overall mission of this managed research area is improvement of the Illinois
soybean germplasm base leading to increased production efficiency and improved
quality and value for soybean growers. This mission combines two major research
areas, soybean germplasm research and soybean breeding research, into a single
unified and interactive program between the University of Illinois and Southern Illinois
University. This integrated approach allows increased efficiency of the soybean
germplasm screening and breeding efforts supported by the Illinois Soybean
Association. Collaborative activities between the universities include exchanges of
breeding populations and sharing of field-testing resources. In addition, genetic
mapping of traits and marker-assisted selection are on going collaborations between the
The soybean germplasm and breeding initiative research objectives are:
MRA-Project #1: Improve levels of disease resistance by identifying new sources
of pathogen resistance, determining inheritance and genetic relationships of
resistance traits, and developing molecular markers associated with new sources
of disease and pest resistance traits; Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-UIUC).
Illinois soybean producers are challenged with yield reducing diseases including aphids,
brown stem rot, frogeye leaf spot, charcoal rot, nematode diseases, Phytophthora root
rot, rhizoctonia root rot, Sclerotina stem rot, soybean rust, sudden death syndrome, and
viruses. One of the most sustainable and cost-effective disease management options is
the deployment of resistant cultivars. In addition to currently useful resistance sources,
new and novel sources of resistance must be located. Often soybean accessions with
resistance are not readily adapted because they may have agronomically undesirable
traits, and the desirable resistance traits need to be transferred to elite germplasm to be
widely used by growers. The availability of high quality and diverse soybean germplasm
is essential if genetic resistance continues to be a major option in reducing losses due to
plant diseases. Part of our responsibility in this Initiative is to find sources of resistance,
study the genetics of this resistance, and move the resistance into readily adaptable
MRA-Project #2: Utilize wild perennial Glycine species by wide hybridization
technology to integrate agronomically desirable traits into soybean varieties; Ram
Singh (UIUC) and Randall Nelson (USDA/ARS-UIUC). (
The primary focus for the wide hybridization research is to transfer novel traits not
available in soybean to elite soybean varieties. Important traits have been identified in
wild perennial Glycine species, but these species are not compatible by classical
breeding methods. Wide hybridization uses a combination of classical genetic methods
and in vitro technologies to overcome the incompatibility between plants of different
species. This will allow us to produce fertile hybrids and eventually soybean varieties
with genes from the perennial species. The 23 wild perennial Glycine species, currently
available at the University of Illinois, are extremely diverse morphologically, cytologically
and genomically; and grow in a wide range of climatic and soil conditions. Wide
hybridization techniques can open the gates to novel germplasm reservoirs that are rich
sources of agronomically useful genes such as resistance to soybean cyst nematode,
bean pod mottle virus, soybean aphid and soybean rust.
MRA-Project #3: Combine and integrate new genetic sources of high yield
potential, disease resistance, and composition into elite soybean germplasm;
Brian Diers (UIUC) and Stella Kantartzi (SIUC). (
Breeders recognize the need to expand the existing soybean germplasm base with
additional genes that confer high yield with disease resistance and/or specific
composition traits. In our integrated breeding program, we will continue to identify
and move agronomically useful genes, some have been previously identified through
research funded by ISPOB and other agencies, forward into elite germplasm. Newly
developed germplasm can be directly released to producers or can be utilized as
parents in other breeding programs.
Traditional plant breeding has led to an increase in soybean yield of only about 0.5% per
year or about 0.2 bushels per acre (as of 1998) per year in North America. A possible
reason for the slow progress is the limited genetic diversity in elite North American
soybean germplasm. To ensure that soybean yield potential increases and the Illinois
soybean producers flourish in this world market, we will continue to exploit G. max to
identify and consolidate yield genes in preferred varieties and simultaneously focus on
examining exotic germplasm for sources of yield potential. Exotic germplasm can
provide new, untapped reservoirs of genes for improved agronomic performance. After
identified, germplasm carrying promising yield potential genes will be employed,
populations will be developed and screened with genetic markers, and yield genes will
be mapped.
MRA-Project #4: Map the locations of genes from soybean plant introductions that
can improve soybean yield and disease resistance; Brian Diers (UIUC) and Randall
Nelson (USDA/ARS-UIUC). (
The identification and mapping of new genes that increase yield will be key research
objectives for
this initiative. Populations have been developed through crossing elite lines or cultivars
with plant introductions or lines recently developed from plant introductions. These
exotic parents have been shown to be genetically diverse and are likely good sources of
genetic variability. In addition, work will be done to confirm previously identified yield
QTL. This work is critical for increasing the rate of yield increases in future new varieties.
Less than 1% of the soybean lines in the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection have
contributed to current Illinois varieties. This untapped genetic diversity represents a great
opportunity to find and incorporate new genes into Illinois varieties that can increase
yield. Genetically mapping these important genes will identify which of the thousands
lines available are most likely to be beneficial and at same time provide DNA markers
that will allow us to efficiently extract the good genes from a genetic background with
many unfavorable genes. Although the payoffs are potentially very large, the private
sector is doing very little of this research because of the long-term commitment needed
to complete this research.
Managed Research Area: Varietal Information Program for Soybeans (VIPS);
Bridget Owen, Linda Kull and Emerson Nafziger (project coordinators, University of
Illinois-Urbana/ Champaign); (The funding is allocated to project). (
VIPS was designed as a tool to help producers make the transition to soybean
marketing based on seed quality attributes. This transition can provide an opportunity
for progressive farmers to capture greater value from their soybeans. To do so,
however, producers need reliable information about their capacity to produce and deliver
seed components of known value to processors. VIPS is a unique source of reliable,
unbiased, and accessible information on soybean varieties tested in the University of
Illinois Soybean Variety Testing Program. VIPS includes Illinois variety trial data for eight
This screening program includes four projects involved with screening soybean varieties
in the annual Illinois Variety Trials for resistance to sudden death syndrome, Sclerotina
stem rot (white mold), Phytophthora root rot, Soybean mosaic virus, root knot nematode,
soybean aphid resistance, and SCN resistance, and where possible, field observations
for reaction to green stem disorder and sudden death syndrome will be recorded. Brief
summaries for each project are included here:
MRA-Project #1: Evaluation of Disease and Insect Pest Resistance for VIPS; T.
Slaminko, Roger Bowen and Houston. Hobbs (UIUC) and Glen Hartman
(USDA/ARS0UIUC); ($75,000). (
This effort will provide independent, multiple disease evaluations to enable growers to
effectively compare resistance traits for cultivars from various companies.
MRA-Project #2: Identifying varieties with resistance to root knot nematode; Jason
Bond (SUIC); ($19,000). (
The researcher will identify varieties with resistance to southern root knot nematode.
MRA-Project #3: The Illinois SDS Commercial Variety Testing Project; Jason Bond
and Cathy Schmidt; (SUIC); ($79,000). (
This effort continues the evaluation of hundreds of soybean varieties in maturity groups I
through V in field studies with naturally occurring SDS infection
MRA-Project #4: Evaluating SCN-resistant varieties for resistance; Terry Niblack
(UIUC), and Jason Bond (SUIC); ($77,000); (
All SCN-resistant varieties that are entered in the Illinois soybean variety trials will be
evaluated in this project. About 550 new varieties are anticipated for 2009, and each
variety will be evaluated using the Female Index (FI).
Breeding non-GMO varieties; Brian Diers (University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign)
and Stella Kantarzi (Southern Illinois University-Carbondale); ($242,624).
In 2007, about nine percent of the US soybean acreage and twelve percent of the Illinois
acreage were planted to non-GMO soybean varieties. The private seed industry has
done an excellent job in developing new high yielding soybean varieties and delivering
them to farmers, however, most of the varieties are GMO varieties with herbicide
tolerance. This trend is anticipated to continue. The objective of this project is to
encourage the development of non-GMO varieties, which are competitive with those
produced by industry. The funding will be used by two soybean breeding programs
(IUIUC and SUIC) to develop high-yielding, non-GMO varieties with needed disease and
nematode resistances.
Managing soybeans for high yields; Emerson Nafziger and Stephen Ebelhar
(Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois); ($15,000). (
In 2007, a southwestern Missouri farmer Kip Cullers set the record soybean yield with a
yield of 154.7 bu/acre. His success has been attributed to a combination of genetics, the
use of large amounts of irrigation water to eliminate drought stress and to control canopy
temperatures during pod set and pod fill, applications of foliar fungicides, the use of
various seed treatments, and to the application of nutrients, including nitrogen,
micronutrients, and growth regulating products. Because he manages his “contest” field
uniformly, there can be no estimation of the effect of individual inputs on soybean yield.
This study is designed to test whether or not such irrigation and nutrient treatments will
result in similarly high soybean yields at three sites in Illinois that differ in soils and
Soy-in-aquaculture research program; John Campen (Smith Bucklin, Inc.;
($100,000). (
This research project will support the Soy-in Aquaculture Managed Program, a
coordinated program of the United Soybean Board and the United States Soybean
Export Council, designed to remove the barriers to the use of soybean meal and soy
protein concentrate in diets fed to aquaculture species. As discussed at the July ’08
Durham, New Hampshire meeting of Managed Program Stakeholders, the research will
focus on the following species: marine shrimp, seriola (yellowtail and amberjack), cobia,
cod, tilapia, white sea bass, milkfish, summer and olive flounder, Asian seabass, and
giant grouper. These species are large industries currently under utilizing or consuming
little or no soybean meal or soy protein concentrate. The highly integrated and
collaborative nature of this initial series of projects should result in expansion of soybean
meal and protein concentrate into new rapidly growing markets
The effect of various processing techniques on the nutritional value of
soybean meal fed to weaned pigs; Jonathan Holt (Illinois State University);
($12,000). (
The objectives of the research in this current proposal are to: 1) Analyze the nutrient and
energy digestibility of diets containing fermented soybean meal fed to weaned pigs; 2)
Determine if various processing of soybean meal can enhance the growth performance
of weaned pigs; and 3) Quantify the amount of anti-nutritional factors present in soybean
meal processed using various techniques
NSRL Extension Associates; Linda Kull (National Soybean Research Laboratory,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign); ($35,000). (
This project provides funds for three Extension Educators: Robert Bellm, Doug Jones,
and Marion Shire from the University of Illinois Extension Services as NSRL Extension
Associates to handle outreach for the MRAs and the VIPS program. The plan of work
for the NSRL Extension Associates includes but is not limited to the following: become
involved in the research and outreach activities of an MRA; work closely with
researchers, producers, NSRL, and Illinois Soybean Association staff to deliver high
impact outreach programming to the soybean farmers of Illinois; utilize the VIPS as a
base information technology for knowledge creation, organization, and dissemination.
Funding support for soybean breeding position; Brian Klubek (College of
Agriculture, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale); ($30,780).
This funding will be used to provide support and bridge funding for the new molecular
soybean breeding position. This person will develop a fully functional externally
supported molecular breeding facility at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.
Start up cost for obesity and isoflavone studies; Todd Winters and William Banz
(College of Agriculture, University Illinois University-Carbondale); ($62,543).
This funding is to provide start up staffing cost for new human health studies at Southern
Illinois University in Carbondale, IL. The studies will involve soy’s role in preventing
obesity and fatty livers.
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($300,000).
Indiana Soybean Alliance
Purdue Soybean Breeding Program; Allen LeRoy (Agronomy Department, Purdue
University); ($138,000). (
The visions of the soybean breeding program at Purdue University is to deliver new high
yielding herbicide tolerant varieties. Most of the new varieties will have Phytophthora
and soybean cyst nematode resistance and others will have sudden death syndrome
and frogeye leaf spot resistance. Some will have high oil content for improved value and
biodiesel processing. Conventional varieties will have high yield and disease resistance
for specialty organic food markets or improvements for specific food or feed uses.
The specific objectives of the 2009 soybean breeding program is to:
 Quickly develop new high yielding varieties with Round Ready 2Yield technology
from breeding materials being supplied by Monsanto;
 Quickly develop new high yielding varieties with GAR herbicide tolerance
technologies from breeding materials being supplied by Pioneer Hi-bred
 Develop both of these herbicide tolerant types with resistance to the main soybean
diseases found in Indiana. The breeding program has resistance genes for soybean
cyst nematode, sudden death syndrome, Phytophthora root rot and frogeye leaf spot;
 Continue to develop germplasm with unique compositional traits, such as high oil,
methionine, cysteine and lysine levels, that can add value to soybean varieties; and
 Continue to develop conventional soybean varieties and varieties for food use (tofu
and edamame).
The 2009 program is being aided by the purchase of a new plot combine that will double
the number of experimental lines that can be evaluated and a new high throughput
molecular market selection technique for stacking disease resistance genes.
Disease resistance gene stacking high throughput marker assisted section;
Allen LeRoy and Jianxin Ma (Agronomy Department, Purdue University); ($10,800).
One of the main goals of the Purdue Soybean Breeding program has been to develop
high yield varieties with multiple types of disease resistance not usually found in varieties
from private seed companies. In an effort to speed up the variety development process,
a procedure to select soybean breeding lines based on molecular markers linked to
disease resistance genes is proposed. The researchers will establish a working
relationship between Purdue’s applied soybean breeding group and Purdue’s
translational genomics group. The specific goal of the project is to facilitate the
implementation of a robust high throughput marker assisted selection system at Purdue
University to speed soybean variety development.
Indiana soybean cyst nematode survey; V.R. Ferris (Entomology Department,
Purdue University); ($30,000). (
The objective of this project is to conduct a random and unbiased soybean cyst
nematode survey in Indiana to evaluate the current usefulness of PI 88788 and other
sources of SCN resistance for managing soybean cyst nematode populations. Some of
the questions the project will address are: 1) Whether the extent of Indiana’s soybean
cyst nematode infestation is comparable to that of nearby states; and 2) Whether PI
88788 is still useful in Indiana soybean fields.
The results of the project will be communicated to soybean growers via press releases,
Website, newsletters and grower meetings. The ultimate goal of the effort is to
document the presence and possible resistance of the soybean cyst nematode
population in Indiana and to effectively change the behavior of Indiana'’ soybean
growers to better management the soybean cyst nematode population.
Periodicity of soybean aphid outbreak in Indiana; Steve Yaninek (Entomology
Department, Purdue University); ($39,982). (
The soybean aphid is an invasive insect pest that threatens the stability of the current
soybean management system in Indiana. During the past six years, researchers at
Purdue University have documented the impact of soybean aphids on soybean yield,
identified key natural enemies of the aphid, found overwintering hosts and contributed to
the development of management options including an economic threshold, sampling
methods and Extension materials.
Researchers have noted that outbreak years (2001, 2003 and 2005) have been followed
by years of low aphid densities (2002, 2004 and 2006). This is seen both by scouting
aphids in soybean fields and in suction traps that collect flying (migrating) aphids.
During outbreak years they have noted a buildup of ladybeetles late in the growing
season. These predators respond to high aphid densities and build up in large numbers.
These predators are thought to be able to reduce aphid numbers as they begin to
migrate to overwintering sites. Researchers hypothesize that the more aphids that
survive to enter overwintering sites will result in relatively large numbers of aphids
colonizing on soybeans the following year.
This research project is directed at: 1) Defining how late season predation, crop
conditions, and temperatures affect the production of overwintering densities of aphids;
and 2) Determining the survival and reproduction of soybean aphids on their
overwintering host, common buckhorn.
Improving soybean variety selection using farmer nominated varieties;
Craig Beyrout and Phil DeVillez (Agronomy Department, Purdue University); ($20,000).
This initiative is a joint project between the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Purdue
University. Farmers will nominate soybean varieties that would be collected in February
for testing. These varieties would be separate from the company varieties being tested
in the Purdue Soybean Performance Program and companies would not know which
varieties have been nominated prior to turning in their entry forms.
The three regional tests will provide soybean growers quality unbiased soybean
performance data that will be immediately released on the Purdue Crop Performance
Program Website and made available in printed reports. This program will increase the
number of varieties being tested and will provide soybean producers with yield
information that they can use to compare known varieties with new soybean releases.
Manganese management; Tony Vyn and Jim Camberto (Agronomy Department,
Purdue University); ($53,861). (
The long-term goals of this research are to improve the management of
micronutrients such as manganese to help achieve the highest soybean yield possible
in cropping systems that rely on glyphosate for weed control. The research is based
on the observation that temporary manganese deficiency symptoms have been
reported following glyphosate application of soybeans.
The specific objectives are to: 1) Better understand the soil, environment and glyphosate
application factors that reduce the uptake and translocation of manganese in soybean
plants; and 2) Determine the optimum mode for manganese supplementation in
Roundup Ready soybean production systems.
Biodiesel refining and quality; Bernard Tao (Agriculture and Biological Engineering
Department, Purdue University); ($111,435). (
Over the past four years, this research group has been involved in refining soybean
biodiesel fuels, specifically working to improve cold flow properties via urea
fractionation. They have been successful in producing biodiesel products with cold
flow properties ranging from -0.5C down to approximately -0.50C. They have built
a small pilot plant to produce liter quantities of the fuels that are being tested by
commercial companies.
The research team has also conducted a lot of research and analysis for the biodiesel
industry with respect to cold flow biodiesel problems that cause fuel filter clogging.
They have analyzed a number of different precipitants from tanks and fuel filter to
help the biodiesel industry improve biodiesel quality.
This project will continue the studies involving cold flow biodiesel, specifically to: 1)
Complete the new low cost process; 2) Complete patenting the process and product
compositions; 3) Continue to develop cold flow soybean biodiesel for jet aviation
fuels; 4) Quantifying cold flow soybean biodiesel fuels in engine performance; 5)
Design a pilot plant unit to produce cold flow biodiesel; 6) Determine the effect of
antioxidants on cold flow biodiesel oxidative stability; plus 7) Continue to help
Indiana and national biodiesel producers with problems related to product quality
and formation of filer clogging precipitates.
Evaluation of SME-PS for use in concrete construction industry-Phase II &
III; Jason Weiss (Civil Engineering Department) and Bernard Tao (Agriculture and
Biological Engineering Department, Purdue University); ($101,200).
This project will develop the technology to utilize soybean methyl esters-polystyrene
mixtures as curative additives to improve concrete durability, strength during curing and
improve concrete rheological properties to reduce concrete application operating costs.
Their earlier work on the application of soybean methyl ester-polystyrene onto concrete
surfaces demonstrated excellent sealant properties that protect the concrete. The
potential benefits of using soybean methyl ester-polystyrene includes reducing
efflorescence, cracking, concrete spalling, freeze-thaw damage, sulfate attack or
chloride ion penetration.
These results led to new work on the use of soybean methyl ester-styrene mixed in/with
wet concrete. These experiments demonstrated that these additives can dramatically
improve the durability of the concrete, increased the long-term performance and reduced
environmental impact of the concrete.
The research will use the funding to evaluate the experimental concrete against ASTM
standards that measure concrete curing rates, potential for cracking and microstructure
analysis to demonstrate the product does meets industry standards. They will also
continue studies that evaluate/improve the process and the commercialization of the
concrete additive.
The research team is also currently working on collaborating with the concrete industry
to demonstrate potential applications of this technology.
Catalytic conversion of glycerin to dihydroacetone (DHA); Bernard Tao
(Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department) and Arvind Varma (Chemical
Engineering Department, Purdue University); ($38,704). (
The market for glycerol (glycerin) has become saturated as biodiesel production has
increased. To improve the economics of biodiesel operations, it is desirable to increase
the utility of glycerol. The objective of this project is to investigate the conversion of
glycerol to high value chemicals. Glycerol can be subjected to oxidation reaction that
can result in oxygenates that have a wide variety of use.
This study will develop kinetic models for glycerol oxidation that will determine the
equipment and process conditions needed to produce high-value chemical reagents.
Soybean oil based lubricants for metalworking applications; Fu Zhao
(Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department, Purdue University); ($30,000).
Lubricants are crucial to modern machinery and metal fabrication. Currently 36 metric
tons of lubricants are consumed annually worldwide with more than 95% of the products
made from petroleum based stock. Increasing concern about environmental damage
and foreign oil dependency have been raised. There is increasing interest by lubricant
formulators to develop lubricant with reduced environmental impacts by using renewal
resources (oilseeds). The overall goal of this research is to develop lubricants and
lubricant additives from oilseeds. The bio-based products are expected to have the
same, or improved, performance compared to the petroleum-based products, and how
they should be more environmental friendly with greater biodegradability and reduced
aquatic toxicity.
The goal of this research project is to develop and promote “green” lubricant packages
and to encourage lubricant manufactures to switch their product lines from petroleumbased to oilseed-based products. This should increase the market demand for soybean
Student soybean products innovation competition; Bernard Tao (Agriculture
and Biological Engineering Department, Purdue University); ($100,165).
Over the past ten years, the “Student Soybean Innovation Contest” has produced two
commercial products, numerous concepts and ideas that have stimulated potential
industrial interest. It produces graduates who understand the value and importance of
utilizing renewable resources, such as soybeans, for industrial and food products. Past
students who have participated in this competition have gone on to work at companies
such as Pepperidge Farms, Proctor & Gamble, Favorite Brands, Nestles, M&M Mars,
Kroger Foods and Union Carbide. They continue to champion the use of soybean
components in the development of snack foods, fat substitutes, industrial chemical
intermediates and cosmetics in their respective companies.
Student innovation contests sponsored by industry are an excellent learning tool for
students. Through these projects students gain practical experience in utilizing their
course work education to develop products/processes, learn about specific new
technical areas, and to apply economic, technical and market feasibility. Industry gains
novel ideas for potential commercial development, as well as developing future potential
The Indiana Soybean Alliance and Purdue University have also benefited from this
activity. Numerous mass media articles and TV reports have been done on the products
derived from this program.
Long term, the soybean industry will continue to reap tremendous gains from this
program, through the development of technical champions of soybean utilization and
increased public awareness of the versatility and value of soybeans for industrial uses.
This project will continue and expand the student innovation competition at Purdue
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($75,000)
Iowa Soybean Association
Breeding for disease resistance in soybean; Silvia Cianzio (Agronomy
Department, Iowa State University); ($196,771). (
The overall goal of the program is to develop and release germplasm and cultivars with
improved resistance to stress factors of economic importance to soybean production in
Iowa. The breeding program will concentrate primarily on developing resistance to
Phytophthora root rot, soybean cyst nematode, brown stem rot, sudden death syndrome,
iron-deficiency chlorosis, soybean aphid, and emerging diseases of importance to
soybean production in Iowa. The program will incorporate resistance genes into highyielding germplasm lines adapted to Iowa. The work will be conducted at two
geographical locations (Iowa and Puerto Rico).
The ISU program differentiates itself from private breeding programs in that its main role
is to search the germplasm collection and bring to the public the new genes. Private
programs, in which the objective is the economic survival of the seed company, do not
invest dollars in tasks that do not result in a directly saleable cultivar. The ISU public
program serves the growers and the commodity by providing new resistance genes, that
otherwise would never be reached in commercial production. The program is unique
and essential to soybean production and maximum potential yield.
Breeding program for general-use and specialty soybeans in Iowa; Walter
Fehr (Agronomy Department, Iowa State University); ($193,900). (
The overall purpose of this project is to develop improved soybean varieties that are
publicly available to Iowa farmers for enhancing the competitiveness of the crop for
multiple end uses. The project has six objectives:
1. Develop varieties with altered fatty acid composition: Reduction of linolenic acid
results in an oil that has an extended shelf-life, thereby, eliminating the need for
chemical hydrogenation and the undesirable trans-fatty acids produced by the process.
Four new improved varieties have been released from the program for commercial
production. Three of these varieties are conventional non-GMO varieties that will
provide farmers premiums for both the oil and non-GMO protein. The program has also
released two new low-saturated, non-GMO varieties for commercial production and two
soybean varieties with mid-oleic and 1% linolenic acid. Two of the mid-oleic varieties
were grown during the summer of 2008 to be extracted, refined, packaged, and
distributed to the food industry for evaluation.
2. Develop varieties with yellow hilum color for general use and for the food industry:
Some food manufacturers are satisfied with general-use commodity varieties, but often
prefer that the varieties have a yellow hilum color. Seed of a high yielding line with
yellow hilum color was increased in 2008 for distribution as a variety to interested
3. Develop varieties with large seed and high protein: There are multiple food uses for
soybean varieties that have above average seed size and protein content. Seed
multiplication was begun in 2008 for lines that have demonstrated improved
performance compared with the current varieties.
4. Develop varieties with large seed: Soybeans with large seed are preferred by some
food manufactures and as a green vegetable called edamame. A line was increased in
2008 that had higher yield than current large-seeded varieties, and a seed increase and
testing will continue in 2009.
5. Develop varieties that are lipoxygenase free: Lipoxygenase is the enzyme in soybean
seed that causes undesirable grassy flavor in the protein. Varieties with large seed and
high protein, which are desirable traits for food manufacturers utilizing lipoxygenase-free
soybeans have been developed and are available for commercial production in 2009.
6. Develop varieties with low phytate and altered fatty acid content: Low phytate
soybeans would be desirable as a feed for non-ruminant animals, including swine and
poultry. It has been shown that low-phytate soybean meal decreases the need for
adding inorganic P and the enzyme phytase to rations and reduces the amount of
undigested P that is present in the manure. One of the major challenges has been to
overcome the reduced seedling emergence of the original low-phytate parent used for
the breeding program. The research team has developed a laboratory method to
evaluate emergence and has found low phytate lines with seedling emergence similar to
conventional soybean varieties. These lines will be grown in extensive yield tests in
Introgression of novel genes conferring resistance to SCN in soybean
germplasm of early maturity groups; Silvia Cianzio (Agronomy Department, Iowa
State University) and Paskash Arelli (USDA-ARS/ West Tennessee Experiment Station);
($159,730). (
The narrow genetic base of the U.S. cultivated soybean has been a concern to soybean
growers and producers in terms of how the crop will respond to pest outbreaks that may
overcome the genetic resistance commonly used in breeding cultivars. Concurrent to
this concern is the fact that soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is one of the most destructive
and yield- damaging pest to which soybean may be exposed. Once the nematode is in
the soil it cannot be eradicated; it is in the soil forever. Since nematode populations are
genetically variable, new types that could overcome resistance may arise under
environmentally favorable circumstances. Cultivars with genetic resistance are the only
feasible means to control the pest and protect seed yield.
The overall objective of this research project is to incorporate novel SCN-resistance
genes to soybean of early maturity groups (I, II, and III). The lines to which the genes
will be incorporated possess resistance to other economically important diseases in Iowa
and adequate agronomic performance. The novel SCN-resistance genes were identified
in soybeans in the Soybean National Germplasm Collection. These genes had not yet
been used in cultivar development. In this project, Cianzio and Arelli collaborated in the
search of new genes, Arelli identified new SCN-resistant genes in the collection and
Cianzio incorporated the genes in soybean lines adapted to Iowa, MGs I, II, and III.
The research team released five soybean germplasm lines to the soybean community in
2007. The SCN resistance traces to Columbia and PI 88788. Although PI 88788 had
been widely used as SCN resistant donor in the North of the U.S., Columbia has not.
The Columbia germplasm line provided a genetically different source of resistance than
PI 88788. Each of the five lines released contributed a new genetic material to
overcome SCN concerns.
During the end of 2008, a new germplasm line will have been released. Development
and testing of the line has been completed, along with purification increases and seeds
will be available during the 2009 winter. This will be the first germplasm line release
developed with a new SCN resistant source, PI507354, never used before. Dr. Arelli
identified its uniqueness. (Lu et al., 2006). The other parent of the line is PI 88788. The
work outlined completes Phase I of this research.
Controlling yield-reducing pathogen stress in soybean; Short- and longterm benefits to stable production; John Hill, Steven Whitham and Thomas Baum
(Plant Pathology Department, Iowa State University); ($0). (
The objective of this research project is to identify yield- and quality-related genes that
are negatively affected by pathogen attack in soybeans. The researchers use molecular
tools to identify genes that confer durable resistance to viruses and soybean cyst
nematodes. Due to its prior success, the objectives of the project were modified to use
recent breakthrough technology we developed to help identify the master controllers for
biotic and abiotic stress resistance pathways in soybean. We have previously reported
how the new technology, called VIGS (virus-induced gene silencing) can be used to
analyze the function of genes in soybean leaves, stems, and roots. In this approach, we
have developed bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) as a DNA-based vector that is far more
efficient than the previously reported RNA-based vector.
Previous research reported here suggest that impact of diseases caused by soybean
viruses in Iowa depend on population abundance of their principal insect vectors which
are the bean leaf beetle for BPMV (Bean pod mottle virus), and migratory aphids for
SMV (Soybean mosaic virus). Studies have documented that attempts to
manage/control the insect vectors will not consistently result in control of disease caused
by these viruses. Therefore, the best control methods are to develop durable, broadspectrum resistance. In the past, the use of traditional methods for identification of
durable resistance has sometimes been difficult.
Evidence suggests that there is general conservation of biochemical pathways that
control defense against disease and that they may be conserved across plant species.
Consequently, identification of genetic pathways involved in resistance is expected to
impact virus disease control and defense against other agents that induce stress. It is
likely that identification of genes for resistance against a few target stresses will
contribute to our understanding of common mechanisms involved in protecting soybeans
against distinct groups of agents involved in plant stress.
Efforts during the past year have been redirected towards a larger context to
identify/examine signaling networks involved in stress resistance against an array of
plant stresses. These include, but are not limited to, SMV, BPMV, soybean cyst
nematode, white mold (Sclerotina), brown stem rot (Phialophora), sudden death
syndrome (Fusarium), Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora) and iron chlorosis. The goal of
this research is to identify and exploit genes for development of new resistance traits for
different pathogens and in so doing, to enhance breeding efforts directed at soybean
Dynamic models for seasonal disease prediction of soybean rust in the
U.S. soybean production regions; X.B. Yang (Plant Pathology Department, Iowa
State University) and Zaitao Pan (Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, St.
Louis University); ($76,418). (
The goal of this project is to develop dynamic models that will improve the scientific
understanding of the rust dispersal behaviors as affected by meteorological and
biological factors. The specific goals are to: 1) Determine the environmental conditions
that are conducive to the disease development by running our rust epidemic model
against historical data abroad and in the U.S; 2) Predict the disease movement and
outbreak potential over the U.S. soybean growing regions using our integrated models
that are under constant improvements; 3) Use a web-based disease forecasting system
to disseminate disease risk outlook to industry during the growing seasons; and 4) Use
the back track modeling approach to determine the origins of soybean rust spores in
North Central Region
This year we correctly predicted the slow development and low risk of soybean rust in
the summer season despite the fact that 2008 was a flood year. The northward
movement boundary of this disease was the same as we predicted over the season.
Our predictions further supported our previous conclusion that northward movement of
viable spores early in the growing season is key to the soybean rust outbreaks in northcentral regions. The forecasts were qualitatively validated against USDA detected rust
maps and we found that our model was reasonably able to predict the overall trends of
the slow progress of the rust this year.
We developed a turbulence module that computes spore escape rates from canopy.
The rate depends on: 1) The interaction between spores and turbulence within and
above an infected canopy; and 2) The filtering capacity of the canopy to trap upward
traveling spores. This theoretically motivated yet computationally simple module for
escape rate is proposed using a simple turbulence closure method and a
parameterization of the canopy porosity. Preliminary results show the percentage of
spore that can escape from the canopy is quite low, depending on turbulence strength
represented by friction velocity.
Based on the previous three years experience, soybean rust’s northward spread seems
to take distinct routes. In 2007 the rust spread through the Great Plain soybean-growing
region up to northern Iowa. Further examination found that this distinction was
associated with the wind patterns supported by large-scale circulation. In the 2006
summer, a quasi-stationary cyclonic circulation anomaly was situated in the centraleastern U.S., whereas in 2007, an anticyclonic circulation dominated the central section
of the U.S. Thus, whether there is cyclonic or anticyclonic circulation in the central U.S.
is the key in determining the route of northward progress of the rust.
Characterization of the soybean rust infection process in susceptible and
resistance soybean interactions: Laying a foundation toward soybean rust
control; Steven Whitham, Thomas Baum (Plant Pathology Department, Iowa State
University) and Reid Frederick (USDA-ARS-Foreign Disease Weed Science Research
Unit, Ft. Detrick, MD.); ($75,654). (
The goal of this project is to acquire critical information about the Asian Soybean Rust
(ASR) infection process and the accompanying responses of soybean in susceptible and
resistant interactions. This information is essential to develop novel resistance against
this potentially devastating fungus, since no durable resistance is currently present in
U.S. commercial soybean cultivars and as previously described resistance genes have
been broken in the field shortly after their release. Objectives of this research focus on
providing solutions to the threat posed to soybean production by the appearance of ASR
in the United States and to the improvement of disease resistance.
The research team has used soybean DNA microarrays to identify the soybean genes
that are activated in response to ASR in plants carrying the Rpp4 resistance gene. The
genes that become activated are likely to participate in protecting soybean plants against
ASR infection. The generation of the Rpp4 microarray data provides our research team
a complete set of gene expression data for Rpp1, Rpp2, Rpp3, and Rpp4. For the
Rpp2, Rpp3, and Rpp4 resistance genes, our data shows that a window of time
beginning at 72 hours after inoculation (hai) is critical to the activation of soybean
defenses. By comparing the responses of the Rpp1, Rpp2, Rpp3, and Rpp4, we have
identified genes that are induced in at least three of the four resistance responses.
These genes are among the most interesting candidates for defense genes that protect
soybean from ASR. Additional, bioinformatic analyses of these data are underway to
determine which of these genes are most likely to regulate soybean defenses to ASR.
The research team has completed the microscopic analysis of the growth of the Hawaii
94-1 and Taiwan 80-2 ASR isolates on plants carrying Rpp3. Plants containing Rpp3
are resistant to Hawaii 94-1 and susceptible to Taiwan 80-2. The samples that were
collected cover a seven-day time course spanning early infection, development of
lesions, and sporulation. The growth of both isolates is the same in Rpp3 plants through
48 hai. At 72 hai, there are significantly more haustoria made by the Taiwan 80-2 isolate
(susceptible) when compared to the Hawaii 94-1 isolate (resistant). Haustoria are
specialized cells formed in close association with soybean cells. The difference in
formation of haustoria is one of the first signs that the Rpp3 resistance has become
activated, and this timing suggests that something produced by the Hawaii 94-1
haustoria as they form or shortly thereafter is being recognized by the Rpp3 plant and
causing disease resistance responses to be activated. This 72 hour time point coincides
with the gene expression data as the point at which Rpp3-mediated defenses become
strongly activated in response to the Hawaii 94-1 isolate. These defenses subsequently
limit the growth of Hawaii 94-1 as compared to Taiwan 80-2. We have initiated the
microscopic analyses of ASR growth and development during the Rpp4 resistance
response. Preliminary analysis shows that the development of ASR and timing of
resistance in Rpp4 plants is much like Rpp3 plants suggesting that they have similar
mechanisms for recognizing and limiting ASR growth.
Identifying factors that influence genetic diversity in endemic Phytophthora
sojae populations; Alison Robertson (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State
University) and Anne Dorrance (Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio State
University); ($77,800). (
Phytophthora root and stem rot (PRR), caused by Phytophthora sojae, is an
economically important disease of soybean in the United States. In 2005, yield
suppression by PRR in the US was estimated to cost over $250 million. Currently, the
disease is primarily managed by planting varieties with genes that confer resistance
(Rps genes) to the pathogen. Fourteen Rps genes have been identified, and three
(Rps1c, 1k and 3a) are currently deployed in commercial varieties. The problem is P.
sojae has the ability to develop new races that overcome these Rps genes. More than
70 races of P. sojae have been identified, and this number continues to increase. Thus,
when a Rps gene is deployed, it has a limited life span (usually 8-15 years). What
factors are responsible for these changes in the pathogen population? The goal of this
proposal is to identify factors that shape the genetic diversity of endemic P. sojae
populations in Iowa and Ohio using microsatellite analysis (SSR). These molecular
markers enable the biology and ecology of a plant pathogen and the mechanisms and
tempo of variation within its population to be better understood. An improvement in our
understanding of the basic biology of this important pathogen will enable us to achieve
our long-term goal to improve management systems and minimize losses due to PRR.
Phytophthora seedling blight and stem rot was especially severe in 2008 in both Iowa
and Ohio due to the very wet weather that occurred from May through July.
Approximately 170 new isolates of P. sojae were collected in Iowa and additional 50
isolates of the pathogen were added to the Ohio collection. The majority of the isolates
have been purified and DNA extracted in preparation for SSR analysis in late fall. Plants
with symptoms of Phytophthora damping off were also collected from 12 fields across
Iowa. Isolations for P. sojae from each of six plants per field were collected and purified.
Race testing of the isolates will begin in the fall.
Improving soybean profitability in Iowa by reducing the hidden effects of
brown stem rot and its interaction with the soybean cyst nematode; Gregory
Tylka (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University; ($70,806).
This project addresses the importance of the interaction between Phialophora gregata
(pathogen causing brown stem rot) and soybean cyst nematode in reducing yield of
soybeans in Iowa. Results from this project will provide information needed to make
sound decisions for the management of BSR. Specifically, it provides information for the
first time on the amount of yield loss that occurs in Iowa due to ‘hidden’ disease caused
by genetic type or genotype B of the BSR fungus. This research also is determining if
the most widely planted SCN- and BSR-resistant cultivars in Iowa are providing
protection against genotype B of the BSR fungus. The results from the research also
will indicate if a new source of SCN resistance that is being developed for soybean
breeding programs provides resistance to Iowa populations of the BSR fungus. The
results of the proposed research will benefit Iowa growers by providing university and
private seed company soybean breeders with the information needed to possibly direct
efforts toward breeding for resistance to genotype B of the BSR fungus. Use of soybean
varieties with resistance to genotype B should result in an increase in soybean
profitability through increased production.
Isolates of the BSR fungus, P. gregata, were collected from throughout Iowa from
soybean disease surveys in 2007 and 2008. There were very few internal stem
symptoms in plants obtained through the Iowa soybean disease survey in 2007, but
much greater incidence of those symptoms in the plants obtained from the 2008 Iowa
SCN survey. Similarly, very few isolates of the BSR fungus were successfully recovered
from plants obtained in the 2007 survey. We are hopeful that we will recover the BSR
fungus to a much greater extent from plants obtained from the 2008 survey since
symptoms are occurring much more frequently in plants obtained from the survey in
2008. So far, more than 100 of the collected P. gregata isolates from the statewide
survey have been identified and characterized as either genotype A or B based on the
appearance of the fungi and using molecular markers. Work continues on determining
the genetic type of isolates of P. gregata obtained from throughout the state.
A conclusion that seems to be continually supported by the project data from 2007 and
2008 is that the distribution of the BSR pathogen in Iowa is underestimated when the
distribution is determined using occurrence of stem symptoms rather than using isolation
of the fungus from soybean plants. This result suggests that BSR is more widespread
than previously thought in Iowa, and yield loss may occur without visible BSR symptoms
Understanding aggressiveness and genetic variability in pathogen
populations to improve management of soybean sudden death syndrome;
Leonor Leandro, Shrishail Navi, Thomas Harrington and X.B. Yang (Plant Pathology
Department, Iowa State University); $46,294). (
The goal of this project is to determine the level of variation existing in populations of the
sudden death syndrome pathogen (F. virguliforme) in Iowa. The specific objectives are
to: 1) Evaluate the genetic variability of SDS pathogen populations from Iowa using
molecular tools; and 2) Determine the variability in aggressiveness of F. virguliforme
strains representative of SDS pathogen populations. A collection of F. virguliforme
isolates from IA consisting of isolates collected in the 1990’s and isolates obtained in
2006-7 were used in these studies. A total of 80 isolates were tested using PCR with
specific primers Fsg 1 and Fsg 2, and 68 were confirmed as F. virguliforme.
Ten isolates were selected from within six haplotypes for aggressiveness on three
soybean varieties. Two susceptible and one resistant variety were inoculated with the
isolates and rated for foliar disease severity over a period of 30 days. At the end of the
experiment, data was collected on root rot severity, shoot height and weight, and dry
root weight. Significant differences (P < 0.0001) were found among isolates in causing
leaf scotch and root rot. Shoot height, shoot fresh weight, and root dry weight were also
affected by the aggressiveness of the isolate. Soybean varieties did not differ
significantly (P>0.05) in susceptibility to SDS, but differences among isolates were more
evident on one of the susceptible varieties. Despite these differences, the inoculation
protocol was considered to not be sensitive enough to detect the differences in
aggressiveness of the isolates. The experimental set-up will be modified accordingly to
insure early infection and improve sensitivity in detecting the differences in
aggressiveness of the isolates representing the different haplotypes. Finally, all the
representative isolates from each haplotype will then be tested for their ability to cause
disease on single or multiple soybean varieties.
Sequence analysis and fingerprinting were also used to determine the genetic variability
within the F. virguliforme populations from Iowa and Minnesota. Sequence analysis of
the translation elongation 1 alpha factor (EF-1α), the Beta-tubulin, and the mitochondrial
small subunit (mtSSU) genes revealed no polymorphisms within the population of F.
virguliforme indicating a clonal population as far as these loci are concerned. However,
fingerprinting methods revealed some genetic variability among the isolates. Five
markers were used to generate fingerprints for genetic variability analysis. Two
minisatellite markers and the two simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used as
primers to generate fingerprints in polymerase chain reactions. All these primers
generated identical fingerprints for all Fusarium virgulilforme isolates. Restriction
enzymes also generated identical fingerprint patterns for all isolates causing SDS
originating from North America. When SSR primers were used as probes hybridized to
the F. virguliforme total genomic DNA digested with Pst 1 restriction enzyme, a total of
seven haplotypes were identified among the 66 isolates known to cause SDS from Iowa,
Minnesota, and Illinois. The majority of the isolates collected in 2006 had identical
fingerprints and belonged to the major haplotype (H1), while the isolates collected earlier
had more polymorphic and basal in the dendrogram. In addition, twelve randomly
amplified polymorphic DNA primers were used to generate fingerprint data for analysis.
The combined binary data for all primers yielded a dendrogram with 13 haplotypes.
Haplotype groups did not significantly correlate with geographic origin or year of
collection and isolation, but general trends were detected; the most recently collected
isolates grouped into the major haplotype, while the basal haplotypes consisted mainly
of older isolates.
Genotyping this pathogen population will provide an important tool in monitoring
population changes over time and forecasting future epidemics of SDS. In the event that
the loci already genotyped are not linked to pathogenesis, other loci that have recently
been characterized such as the toxin production loci will be used to characterize and
genotype this population.
Quantifying the temporal and spatial spread of bean pod mottle virus and
to identify site risk factors to improve BPMV management and soybean
yield; Forrest W. Nutter Jr. and Alison Robertson (Plant Pathology, Iowa State
University); ($42,202). (
The overall objectives of this project are to identify the seasonal and site-specific
disease risk factors to predict (pre-season) the risk of bean pod mottle virus (BPMV); to
quantify BPMV-risk in terms of the rate of spread in soybean fields and determine the
relationship between time of BPMV detection in soybean and the reduction in soybean
grain yield and quantity.
A bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) prevalence and incidence database for 2007 has been
completed and verified, and GIS maps for both BPMV prevalence and incidence have
been made. Other findings included:
 Bean pod mottle virus occurred in 75 of Iowa’s 99 counties. Bean pod mottle virus
incidence at the county scale was low to moderate. Only two Iowa counties had
BPMV incidence greater than 60%. In 2007, Iowa counties with higher levels of
BPMV incidence tended to be neighbored by counties that also had high levels of
BPMV incidence. Clustering of Iowa counties with high BPMV incidence was noted
in 2005 and 2006.
 In all three years of the study (2005, 2006 and 2007), we detected the presence of a
disease gradient for BPMV within the state of Iowa. Average latitudes for each of the
nine tiers of counties were treated as a causal variable (x), and regression analysis
was performed to examine the relationship between county-level BPMV incidence
levels (y) and latitude (x). Mean latitude explained 57.8 to 95.5% of the variation in
mean BPMV incidence in tiers (Appendix IV). Slope values ranged from -0.03 to 0.20 % per km, indicating that for every 10 km increase in latitude (going south to
north), the risk of BPMV incidence decreased between 0.3 and 2.0%. For example,
in 2006 the incidence of BPMV decreased by 1.0% for every 5 km change in latitude,
progressing from Iowa’s southern tier of counties to the northern tier of counties. A
significant relationship between risk of BPMV incidence and longitude (west to east)
positions of Iowa counties was not found.
 We found that soybean fields with row spacing 15” and narrower were associated
with high BPMV prevalence. This may be due to the fact that narrow-spaced
soybean rows close earlier in the season, enabling bean leaf beetle movement from
one row to another, and thereby increasing the spread of BPMV infection.
 The 2008 soybean growing season was planted rather late (on 6/20/2008) due to
flooded fields. Soybean quadrats were sampled 6 times. Only one quadrat from the
6th (last) sampling date tested positive for BPMV. Very few bean leaf beetles were
observed in plots in 2008, hence there was low BPMV incidence.
 We monitored infectious overwintering bean leaf beetle populations in grassy areas
adjacent to woodlots and alfalfa. Very few overwintering bean leaf beetles were
collected from April 14 to June 15; these were transferred individually to healthy
plants to determine if the overwintering population was infectious. None of the
beetles or test plants tested positive for BPMV. The low number of bean leaf beetles
observed during the spring of 2008 may be attributed to a long winter period and a
late soybean planting date.
 A greenhouse experiment was conducted to quantify the infectious period of bean
leaf beetles. We found that a bean leaf beetle can remain infectious for 5 to 9 days.
After 12 days, only 2 of 24 bean leaf beetles were capable of transmitting BPMV to
healthy plants. This experiment will be repeated in the greenhouse to confirm the
 BPMV was found in the topmost growing point of each soybean plant within five days
after inoculation. Thus, it is likely that bean leaf beetles can acquire virus in the
uppermost leaves within five days after inoculation. At one month after inoculation,
BPMV was found in nearly all leaves and lateral branches (V1 to V10), indicating that
all above ground plant parts could serve as an inoculum source for the acquisition of
BPMV by bean leaf beetles.
Time of BPMV detection (related to infection) explained 57.9% of the variation in
soybean yield. In 2007, the regression-line slope value of 0.12 bushels/day indicated
that for every 8.5 days BPMV detection was delayed, a soybean farmer would
harvest an additional bushel of soybeans per acre.
In both 2006 and 2007, time of BPMV detection was significantly related to the
percentage of mottled seeds. The earlier BPMV was detected in developing
soybean plants, the higher the percentage of mottled seed. Late infection (after the
R2 reproductive stage) had minimal or no impact on the percentage of mottled seed.
In both 2006 and 2007, we measured soybean seed protein and oil content and
regressed these values against the date that BPMV was detected. We did not find a
significant linear relationship between time of BPMV detection and protein or oil
Row spacing had an impact on BPMV risk; with narrow spacing (15 and 7.5 inches)
having a greater risk than 30-inch row spacing.
We are now investigating whether the presence or absence of alfalfa fields next to
soybean fields influences virus risk. We are also evaluating other predictive factors
such as county elevation, snow depth, and snow duration, and the influence of these
factors on BPMV gradients.
Toward cloning Rps3 and Rps8, effective resistance genes for
Phytophthora sojae for the new millennium; Anne Dorrance (Department of Plant
Pathology, The Ohio State University), Randy Shoemaker (ARS/USDA/Iowa State
University), Saghai Maroof (Department of Crops and Environmental Sciences, Virginia
Tech) and Steve St. Martin (Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio
State University); ($134,805). (
Phytophthora root and stem rot continues to be a serious, yield-reducing disease of
soybean. Genetic resistance is the only reasonable defense for growers. The
identification of a new resistance gene, Rps8, has increased our arsenal to be used
against this disease. To make the deployment of this gene more efficient and to
increase our understanding of how soybeans defend against Phytophthora we need two
things; molecular markers that tag the gene and will facilitate breeding, and the gene
The goal of this project is to develop better resistance to the Phytophthora sojae
pathogen. The researchers will develop and test PCR markers that are closely linked to
P. sojae resistance genes that can be used by soybean breeders. The project also
involves studies directed at creating a better understanding of how the R-genes that
confer resistance to fungal, bacterial and viral diseases in soybeans are organized.
Mapping was completed with 40 to 60 markers on this region on MLG F on eight Ohio
populations and two populations from Virginia Tech. The approach is to narrow down
even further the region that these R-genes encompass and follow this with more
targeted sequencing. Several populations and specific lines were advanced or
increased during the summer. With the advanced populations, the goal is to narrow the
region of the introgression, which contains Rps8 (region from PI399073) in the adapted
background, or to fix the region. In addition, several lines were increased to begin
retesting with a multitude of isolates to verify the resistance against isolates from regions
across the US.
Symptom expression in sudden death syndrome: How does Fusarium
virguliforme cause disease? Leonor Leandro (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa
State University) and Sarah Covert (Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources,
University of Georgia); ($36,953). (
The goals of this project are to identify soil conditions that favor development of SDS
root and foliar symptoms and identify F. virguliforme genes that contribute to SDS
symptom development. The specific objectives are to: 1) Describe the time course of
root and foliar symptom expression under different inoculum levels; 2) Determine the
effect of soil temperature and moisture on SDS symptom expression; 3) Isolate NRPS
and PKS genes from F. virguliforme; and 4) Identify F. virguliforme and soybean genes
that are expressed at high densities during infection of soybean. Objectives 1 and 2 are
being conducted at ISU and Objectives 3 and 4 are being conducted at the University of
We have shown that inoculum density has a major impact on development of root and
foliar symptoms and that the effect of root rot is evident within two weeks after infection
but not later, as all roots eventually reach similar root rot severity. We also identified the
importance of SDS root rot on loss of root biomass, even in absence of foliar symptoms,
and provided new insights on the importance of root infection rate for foliar symptoms.
Root age at infection was shown to be of major importance in the development of SDS
foliar symptoms. Roots older than 4 days developed root rot symptoms but no foliar
symptoms when grown at 25C. Hyphae and spores of F. virguliforme were observed in
the xylem and cortex of roots showing foliar symptoms, but colonization of the xylem
was never observed in plants that developed root rot but no foliar symptoms. This
confirmed previous reports by XB Yang that development of foliar symptoms requires
colonization of the xylem, but root rot can develop when colonization is limited to the
cortex. Root age experiments were repeated three times with consistent results. This
study reveals that soybean roots are susceptible for infection at all ages but that root
infection at the seedling stage is necessary for foliar symptom development.
Previous results suggested that a cDNA fragment from two-week old F. virguliforme
cultures that encodes a protein predicted to induce necrosis in soybean. Subsequent
studies have confirmed that the previously cloned gene fragment predicted to induce
plant necrosis is in fact from the F. virguliforme genome. Current work focuses on
cloning the remainder of this gene and on the isolation of additional F. virguliforme
genes that might encode phytotoxins.
Increasing Iowa soybean profitability by renewing interest in managing the
soybean cyst nematode; Gregory L. Tylka (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa
State University); ($187,697). (
The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is commonly considered to be the most damaging
pest of soybeans. Unmanaged, this nematode can reduce soybean yields by 50% or
more. Yield losses total many millions of dollars annually in Iowa. Despite being known
in Iowa for nearly 30 years, many growers currently are unaware or unconcerned about
the effects of SCN until serious damage occurs in their fields, often when very dry
conditions occur during the growing season. Unfortunately, SCN management is most
effective and profitable when it is initiated while population densities are low or
moderate. In other words, the key to successful long-term SCN management is
discovering infestations before population densities become high.
Some Iowa growers have scouted for SCN properly and identified the presence of SCN
in their fields. These growers have managed the pest effectively and profitably using
SCN-resistant soybean varieties. Unfortunately, there is a narrow base of SCN
resistance genes used in soybean varieties, and it seems that SCN populations are
developing that have elevated reproduction on the common source of SCN resistance,
This project will raise the profitability of soybean production on SCN-infested fields in
Iowa by educating growers and agribusiness personnel about the basic biology and
management of SCN. Targeted individuals for this effort include those who are unaware
or unconcerned about SCN and those who have managed the pest effectively in the past
but are beginning to see the resistance starting to lose its effectiveness.
In 2008, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) in coordination with
the Iowa Soybean Disease Survey again collected soil samples from randomly selected
fields throughout Iowa. The samples first were tested to determine if they were infested
with SCN. Results of the testing, combined with results obtained from the 2007 survey,
defined the current distribution of SCN in Iowa and comparisons of results with those
from a survey conducted in 1995-1996 revealed how the distribution of SCN changed in
the past 10 to 12 years.
HG type tests were conducted on SCN populations recovered from survey samples that
were infested with SCN with moderate to high SCN egg population densities. The HG
type testing takes considerable time and greenhouse space and will continue to be
conducted through all three years of the project. In general, about half of the SCN
populations tested so far have greater than 10% reproduction on PI 88788, which makes
them an HG type 2.
Thirteen different field demonstrations were set up throughout Iowa in 2008 to evaluate
SCN-resistant and susceptible soybean varieties for yield and SCN management and to
share those results with growers. One of the specific details emphasized in each
demonstration was the occurrence of SCN populations that have elevated reproduction
on the PI 88788 source of SCN resistance.
Aspects of integrated management for viruses and infection Phomopsis in
soybean; Gary Munkvold, John Hill, Alison Robertson, Matt O’Neal, Palle Pedersen
and Jeff Bradshaw (Seed Science Center, and Plant Pathology, Entomology and
Agronomy Departments, Iowa State University); ($59,059). (
Soybean viruses, bean leaf beetles, soybean aphids and Phomopsis spp. all affect
soybean seed quality in addition to causing yield loss. The goal of this new project is to
understand the interactions between soybean viruses (Soybean mosaic virus and Bean
pod mottle virus) and Phomopsis spp. (cause of pod & stem blight and Phomopsis seed
rot), and to suggest improved crop management practices for soybean viruses and
Phomopsis spp. There is some evidence that virus infection predisposes soybean
plants to Phomopsis infection; and insect vector activity may also directly affect
Phomopsis colonization of soybean pods and stems. The results of this project should
be useful for integrating the management of these interacting pests and diseases.
The objectives of this study are to:
 Assess the effects of Bean pod mottle virus and Soybean mosaic virus infection on
susceptibility of soybean plants to infection by Phomopsis spp.;
 Determine the impact of bean leaf beetle and soybean aphid management on
infection of soybeans by Phomopsis spp.;
 Evaluate fungicide application timing for reduction of Phomopsis infection and effect
on soybean yield and quality, and assess the integration of insecticide and fungicide
application programs; and
 Determine potential seed transmission mechanisms for Bean pod mottle virus.
Improving soybean productivity through knowledge on the biology and
epidemiology of soilborne fungal pathogens and soybean rust; Leonor
Leandro (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University); ($177,214).
The goal of this grant is to support the establishment of a new research program at ISU
focused on the biology and epidemiology of soybean fungal diseases. The grant
provides funding to support the salary of the PI and a postdoctoral research associate to
work on objectives focused on sudden death syndrome, soybean rust and soybean root
rot. The research team now consists of two postdocs, three graduate students, two
research associates, and four undergraduate research assistants. An overview of the
seven project objectives includes:
In Objective 1, work has been conducted to determine the level of variation in Iowa
populations of Fusarium virguliforme, causal agent of soybean sudden death syndrome,
by evaluating both genetic variation and aggressiveness towards soybean genotypes. A
collection of 80 isolates from IA has been characterized using sequencing and
fingerprinting methods, and 13 haplotypes have been found. More recent isolates of the
pathogen were grouped in a major haplotype, while older isolates from 1996 tended to
be grouped in several basal haplotypes. Representative isolates are being tested in
greenhouse conditions to compare levels of aggressiveness among the genetically
different groups. Laboratory experiments are also being conducted to compare the
effect of temperature and light on growth rate, sporulation, and chlamydospore
production of F. virguliforme isolates from different haplotype groups.
Objective 2 focuses on characterizing the environmental factors determining the
expression of SDS root and foliar symptoms. Experiments have been conducted to
determine the period of susceptibility for root infection and SDS symptom expression
and the effect of temperature on duration of that period. It has been found that the root
age plays a major role in the ability of the pathogen to infect the vascular system of the
roots and cause foliar symptoms. The period of susceptibility was shown to increase in
cool soil temperatures, and experiments are being conducted to confirm these findings.
In Objective 3, field and microplot experiments were established to determine the impact
of planting density on incidence and severity of SDS and soybean root rot. SDS severity
and incidence was shown to increase as row spacing decreases, suggesting that 30”
spacing would reduce the risk of SDS compared to 15” or 7” spacing.
In Objective 4, the relationship between spatial distribution of root pathogens (SCN and
SDS) and soil characteristics (pH and moisture) on development of SDS and soybean
root rot is being investigated. Field trials have been established in naturally infested
fields in 2006, 2007 and 2008. A spatial correlation was found between SCN density in
soil, soil pH and root rot severity, but further work is needed to estimate impact of root
rot on soybean yield. A real-time PCR protocol was developed and used to quantify F.
virguliforme in soil. A strong relationship was found between F. virguliforme density in
soil and SDS severity and incidence; hot spots of the pathogen resulted in the highest
SDS incidence on the susceptible soybean variety.
Objective 5 focuses on clarifying the mechanisms behind the interaction between SCN
and SDS. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to test the interaction when
each pathogen was applied at different inoculum densities using two different inoculation
methods. Results from these experiments showed large variability and results were
inconclusive. New protocols will be tested to improve the reliability of the data.
Objective 6 will test the relationship between root growth rate and root rot development.
Experiments conducted on the impact of root age, temperature and inoculum density on
SDS symptom expression are providing insights on this relationship with the F.
virguliforme system. Similar methodology can be applied in future research on other root
pathogens, such as Fusarium root rot.
Objective 7 consists of identifying potential sources of partial resistance to soybean rust
by comparing the timeline for expression of resistance components on soybean and
alternative hosts. This work has been started at the NFREC in Quincy Florida in fall
2008 after a new postdoc was hired. Greenhouse experiments are ongoing to test the
effect of leaf age and plant age on the susceptibility of soybeans to rust.
Searching for partial resistance to soybean rust through studies on the
timeline of resistance components to Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean
and alternative hosts; Leonor Leandro (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State
University) and Jim Marois (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida);
($36,077). (lleandro@iastate)
The goal of the research is to increase knowledge about the biology and potential
sources of partial resistance to P. pachyrhizi by comparing the timeline of expression of
resistance on soybean and alternative hosts. The specific objectives are to:
Compare the timeline for expression of components of resistance to P. pachyrhizi on
soybean, kudzu and Phaseolus using a nondestructive image analysis method;
Compare early infection stages (germination rate, appressorial formation, formation
of haustoria, and hyphal colonization) of P. pachyrhizi on soybean, kudzu and
Phaseolus using microscopic observations;
Determine uredinia lifetime and infection efficiency of urediniospores produced on
soybean, kudzu and Phaseolus; and
Evaluate the effect of plant growth stage and leaf age on components of resistance
on soybean. This work is being conducted at the North Florida Research and
Educational Center (NFREC), in Quincy, FL.
Work has started on objective 4 since it was determined that information about the effect
of leaf age and plant growth stage on rust development was needed to develop
appropriate protocols for the other objectives. Planting of a susceptible soybean variety
was staggered in pots in order to obtain plants at growth stages ranging from V2 to R2 at
inoculation. One set of plants was maintained in greenhouse conditions and an equal
set of plants was grown outside exposed to natural field conditions. The second and fifth
trifoliate leaves of each plant were tagged for inoculation with P. pachyrhizi. From each
of these leaves, one leaflet has been excised and used in a detached leaf assay,
another leaflet was detached for cuticle quantification, and the remaining leaf was left
attached to the potted plant. Each of the leaflets was inoculated and is being evaluated
for components of resistance to rust. Evaluations include: time to first pustule formation,
time to sporulation, percent severity, number of lesions per unit leaf area, and number of
pustules per lesion. Future work will focus on completing the leaf age experiments and
conducting the experiments according to the objectives stated above.
Determining the impact of multiple pests on soybean yields and grain
composition; Gustavo MacIntosh (Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology),
Matthew O’Neal (Entomology), Gregory Tylka and Felicitas Avendano (Plant Pathology)
and Palle Pedersen (Agronomy), Departments, Iowa State University); ($102,347).
Soybeans with altered lipid composition are an attractive opportunity for growers to
improve upon the profitability of soybean production. Without an understanding of how
these common soybean pests act alone and in concert on these varieties, growers may
be at risk of losing the premiums associated with these specialty bean varieties. Upon
completion we will validate pest management recommendations based on commodity
soybeans for production of low-linolenic soybeans or determining where modifications
are needed for successful production.
The goal of this study is to better understand the relationship between soybean
composition and agronomic stresses. Specifically we want to determine:
 The impact of soybean aphids, soybean cyst nematode, and brown stem rot, alone
and in combination, on yield and composition of commodity and low linolenic
 The susceptibility of low-linolenic soybean varieties to soybean aphids, soybean cyst
nematode and brown stem rot; and
 Whether soybean leaf fatty acid levels can be used to predict differences in soybean
grain composition.
A field microplot experiment (6 replicates) was conducted during the 2008 season. The
experiment included two 1% linolenate cultivars (one has PI88788-derived source of
resistance to SCN), one 3% linolenate cultivar resistant to SCN, and two 7% linolenate
cultivars (one with PI88788-derived source of resistance to SCN). All varieties are
susceptible to SBA and BSR. Plants of each variety were challenged with one of three
pests alone or in combination. There was also a no pest treatment (as a control) and
two treatments for SBA - an uncontrolled level and one in which aphid populations were
allowed to reach threshold levels (250 aphids/plant) and then treated with insecticide.
Initial analysis of aphid populations in the different lines showed that the lowlinolenic/SCN-susceptible variety was more susceptible to aphid infestation. However,
there seems to be an effect of the SCN resistance gene on aphid numbers, since aphids
on the low-linolenic/SCN resistant line were lower. A similar effect of the SCN resistant
gene could be observed in the 7% varieties. The presence of other pests seemed to
have a negative effect on aphid numbers. SCN and BSR analyses are still underway,
due to the delay in harvest as a consequence of flooding and late planting. However,
greenhouse bioassays showed that low linolenic varieties are as susceptible to SCN as
other susceptible varieties. Results from a pilot microplot experiment and green house
experiments suggest that low-linolenic varieties are also more susceptible to caterpillar
Yield analysis is underway to determine the impact of SBA, SCN, and BSR, alone or in
combination, on yield of commodity and low-linolenic varieties. Aphid treatments (alone
or in combination with other pests) caused a decrease in plant height for all the varieties
tested. The effect of SBA, SCN, and BSR, alone or in combination, on grain
composition in commodity and low linolenic varieties will be measured once yield
analyses are completed.
Impact of continuous corn production on sudden death syndrome of
soybean: Studies to investigate disease management options; X.B. Yang and
Shrishail Navi \ (Department of Plant Pathology, Iowa State University); ($55,000).
The objectives of this project are to investigate the genetic relationships within
populations of Fusarium virguliforme found in Iowa and to study the correlation between
these genetic backgrounds and variability in aggressiveness on soybean. The specific
objectives are to determine survival rate of SDS fungus in corn residues in comparison
with soybean in Iowa and investigate management options against SDS in corn-soybean
rotation or in fields with continuing corn before a soybean crop.
Field microplot experiments were established at three locations in a harvested soybean
field that had a high level of SDS pressure in 2007. These fields had SDS in previous
growing seasons and were planted with corn in this season. Cropping history and yield
data were collected from farmers’ fields to better understand survival of SDS fungus in
soil and or on residues. Three soil samplings were obtained from the microplots plots to
determine the initial amount of inoculum that were introduced and the amount of
inoculum later in the season. The soil samples have been processed on selective
medium for SDS fungus to count colonies of SDS fungus. Initial observations on the
colony densities of these selected media suggested differences among treatments.
A greenhouse experiment with nine treatments similar to that of the field study was set
up in the winter of 2007. During the spring and summer of 2008 the treatments were
sampled and fungus populations monitored. Preliminary results indicate that isolation
and identification of SDS fungus from semi-selective media are very time consuming.
Fusarium species infecting soybean roots: Risks and management tools;
Gary Munkvold, Leonor Leandro, Palle Pedersen, Greg Tylka, Sylvia Cianzio and Allison
Robertson (Plant Pathology and Agronomy Departments, Iowa State University);
($117,000). (
The specific objectives of this project are to:
 Characterize the frequency of Fusarium species associated with soybean root in
Iowa, the occurrence of SDS foliar symptoms, and the occurrence of Fusarium
virguliforme in soils from Iowa soybean fields;
 Determinate aggressiveness of predominant Fusarium species towards soybean;
 Estimate potential yield loss caused by Fusarium root rot on soybeans;
 Determine the effect of SCN infestation and SCN resistance on Fusarium root rot
colonization and root rot;
 Characterize the current SDS resistance in relation to root infection; and
 Measure effects of agronomic practices (planting date, maturity group, row spacing)
on SDS and Fusarium root rot under current growing conditions.
The research team has collected soybean roots from fields around Iowa at soybean
growth states of R2 and R4 stages and has identified Fusarium as a predominant fungus
associated with soybean roots. They have established field trial experiments to estimate
possible yield loss caused by Fusarium root rot on soybeans and the effect of SCN
infestation and SCN resistance on Fusarium root colonization and root rot. Data is being
collected on the importance of root rot on soybean yield loss.
A greenhouse assay was developed to compare foliar and root rot symptoms in soybean
lines differing in SDS resistance. Results indicated a poor relationship between foliar
severity and root rot for each line, as some lines with moderate foliar resistance showed
severe root rot. These studies are continuing.
Investigations of interactions between the soybean aphid and soybean cyst
nematode; Gregory Tylka (Department of Plant Pathology) and Matthew O’Neal
(Department of Entomology, Iowa State University) and Terry Niblack (Crop Science
Department, University of Illinois); ($0). (
During the past 25 years, the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) has spread throughout
Iowa and is now commonly considered to be the most damaging pest of soybeans.
Unmanaged, this nematode pest can reduce soybean yields by 50%. Yield losses total
many millions of dollars annually in Iowa. The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines, was first
discovered feeding on soybeans in Iowa and other Midwestern states in 2000, and its
distribution has spread throughout the state and region in the past 8 years. Soybean
aphids have been found in every county in the state and the insect has become a
serious yield-reducing pest of soybeans in Iowa. Yields may be decreased by 30% or
more if damaging infestations are not managed.
Because both SCN and soybean aphid are widespread in Iowa, knowledge of how the
two soybean pests affect each other and interact to affect the soybean crop is needed.
It is likely that soybean aphid infestations and resulting yield loss will be intensified by
infection of host soybean plants with the SCN. This project is determining how SCN and
soybean aphids affect each other’s development and reproduction and how they
combine to reduce soybean yields. Ultimately, the project will determine whether
management recommendations for the soybean aphid and SCN need to be altered
based on the interaction of the two pests.
In 2008, a field microplot experiment was conducted for a third year to assess the
interactions of soybean aphid and SCN on population dynamics of the two pests in field
environments. The microplots were assigned to be infested with the soybean aphid
alone, SCN alone, both soybean aphid and SCN, or no pests. There were seven
replications of each pest treatment-variety combination. When soybeans reached the
VC stage of development, plants were thinned to one plant per microplot and the
individual plants were covered with a fine mesh cage (exclusion nets) to keep out
insects. Soybean aphids were introduced into the mesh cages of microplots that were
designated to receive them, and the population of soybean aphids in all caged-in plants
was counted every 3-4 days from June 24 until July 28. Exclusion nets were removed
when the aphid population reached 1,000 aphids per plant and the uncovered plants of
non-aphid treatments were sprayed with insecticide to prevent aphids from colonizing
them once all SBA-treatment nets were removed.
Results indicated that soybean aphid population increased more slowly on soybean
plants infected with SCN than on the control. However, SCN did not affect the aphid’s
population growth on the other four varieties. These results are consistent with results
observed in 2006 and in 2007. The effect of SBA on SCN reproduction will be assessed
based on SCN egg counts in soil samples that were collected from each microplot at
harvest. Those soil samples are currently being processed.
Developing best management practice for soybean aphid control; Matthew
O’Neal (Entomology Department, Iowa State University); ($0). (
Research conducted at Iowa research farms over the last five years has added to our
knowledge and understanding of this new pest. The research team has confirmed that
the presence of the aphid is not enough to warrant the application of an insecticide; and
populations above 600 aphids per plant are typically needed to produce measurable
yield lose. Based on several years of replicated field trials, they have developed a
recommendation that incorporates an economic threshold of 250 aphids/plant (Ragsdale
et al. 2007). Natural enemies, like ladybeetles common in Iowa soybean fields, can
have a significant impact on aphid populations.
The research team conducted an insecticide evaluation program to develop practical
management recommendations. Each year the results have been placed online at and discussed at multiple extension meetings. During the 2008
Integrated Crop Management symposium they represented many of the study’s findings.
Some of the key findings are:
 There is limited difference among the insecticides available to conventional soybean
growers in their ability to manage soybean aphids. Over the course of this study we
have not observed evidence of insecticide resistance.
 Seed treatments contribute little if any mortality on soybean aphids in Iowa. To
achieve maximum yield protection from aphid feeding, growers will have to apply a
foliar insecticide. The combination of a seed-treatment and a foliar insecticide did
not improve yield protection any more than a single application of a foliar insecticide.
 Although not described in this report, we observed significant improvement in
insecticide performance when the coverage is maximized. These results are being
prepared for a peer-reviewed publication (see below). In summary, growers can
improve yield protection by as much as two bushels per acre by replacing the
nozzles and increasing the pressure by which foliar insecticides are applied on
soybean aphids.
 Those products that combine different active ingredients (pyrethroid and
neonicitinoids) are no more effective than an insecticide composed of a single active
 The impact of an insecticide is significantly affected by the timing at which it is
applied. To date all of our data indicate that the most effective use of an insecticide
for managing soybean aphids is when it is applied based on our current economic
Refining thresholds for soybean aphid management in Iowa; Matthew O’Neal
(Entomology Department, Iowa State University) and Kelly Tilmon (Plant Science
Department, South Dakota State University); ($47,940). (
The current recommendation and threshold for soybean aphids (Rice et al. 2005) was
designed and appropriate only for 30 inch row spacing and for soybeans up to the R5
stage. As of 2004 soybean row spacing used in Iowa varied, with approximately 50% of
growers using a sub 30-inch row spacing (7.5 to 22 inch). Soybean spacing has been
shown to influence soybean aphid densities in Korea, however soybean aphid is not
considered as significant a pest of soybean production in Asia as it has been within the
US. To what extent the soybean aphid populations’ respond to variations in row spacing
populations and how their management should be adjusted to this response in Iowa is
not known. The goal of this project is to continue to refine soybean aphid thresholds by
determining the impact of row spacing on soybean aphid establishment and population
growth. Of particular interest will be whether soybeans planted in rows less than 30
inches alters the aphid threshold.
The research team has about five years of experience trying to refine aphid thresholds.
In general, they found untreated soybeans had higher populations of aphids when grown
in 10-inch rows than 30 -inch rows. However, when plants were kept aphid free, or
when insecticide was applied based on the 250 per plant threshold, yields were not
significantly different between the two row spacing. To date their results suggest that
the current thresholds are appropriate for sub 30-inch row spacing.
Releasing Binodoxys communis of soybean aphid suppression: Delivering
on the promise; Matthew O’Neal (Entomology Department, Iowa State University);
($33,061). (
Since the arrival of the soybean aphid a significant amount of research has determined
that predators like ladybeetles and predatory bugs can suppress aphid outbreaks.
Missing from the community of aphid-predators are parasitoid wasps that are a critical
source of mortality for soybean aphids in their native range of China. Beginning in 2007,
a new chapter was entered in the playbook for soybean growers in the North Central
region combating the soybean aphid with the release of the Asian parasitoid Binodoxys
communis. This braconid is the first exotic natural enemy intentionally released for
managing soybean aphids in the US. After several years of study in quarantine, USDA
gave permission to release B. communis in several North Central States. This
permission was granted in part because of B. communis’ specificity for aphids in the
genus Aphis. In the case of native Aphis, when aphids feed on the mature host plant
with ants tending them parasitism was extremely limited. In light of this evidence, B.
communis is expected to have low risk for non-target impacts.
This project supports the NCSRP’s project involving release of B. communis in the
Midwest. Specifically, the objectives provide for recruiting, training and equipping
agribusiness, extension and farmers in their efforts to release the parasitoid wasp in their
production regions and determining the emergence rate, spread and persistence of the
In 2008, B. communis were released at five locations in Iowa where insecticides were
not applied even though soybean aphid populations increased well above economic
threshold levels. In June they conducted an experiment to determine the optimal release
method for B. communis.
Replicated cages of aphid infested soybeans were
established at least three levels of aphid density (10-50 per plant, 50-500, >500), and
once reached inoculation with 10 mummies. After two weeks, a sufficient period of time
for B. communis to complete a lifecycle, they did not observe a significant effect of aphid
density on mummy production. At the other four locations, the initial results were
promising; they observed several generations of B. communis in soybeans at each
location. Furthermore, they released B. communis at multiple locations in the fall on
buckhorn infested with soybean aphids. They will return to these sites during the next
two years to determine if this wasp was able to survive on the soybean aphids
overwintering host. Although they observed some of the highest aphid populations to
date on buckhorn in central Iowa, after several weeks these populations decreased
sharply without producing eggs. These studies are continuing to evaluate the potential
of whether soybean aphid populations will be negatively affected by this new source of
Optimizing no-tillage soybean production practices in Iowa; Palle Pedersen
(Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University); ($130,615). (
The overall goal of this research project is to develop management recommendations
when producing soybean under no-tillage conditions under various soil types in Iowa.
There is evidence from previous research to suggest that soybean yield is influenced
very little by tillage. In Iowa, a majority of acres are tilled and farmers in some parts of
the state have avoided no-tillage soybean production because of the difficulty in
maintaining competitive yields to tillage systems. A limitation that exists for farmers
wishing to adopt no-tillage systems is the lack of recommendations specific to no-tillage
Projects were established at six Iowa locations in 2008 to evaluate the use of no-tillage
soybean production practices in Iowa. Overall, 2008 data were extremely variable due
to adverse weather conditions. These studies will be repeated in 2009.
Understanding high yielding soybeans; Palle Pedersen (Department of
Agronomy, Iowa State University); ($60,449). (
Improved management at the farm level can increase soybean yield. A high-yield
project funded by ISA between 2004 and 2006 documented that opportunities existed for
increasing yield through earlier planting, narrower row spacing, and critical variety
selection, specifically for resistance to soybean cyst nematode. However, there was
concern expressed among growers that consistent yield improvement was not being
achieved even though recommended practices were being followed. This project was
undertaken to explore the potential interactions that exist among planting date, row
spacing, and variety selection to identify potential reasons why optimal practices did not
always result in the desired outcome of greater yield.
Studies to determine why early planted soybean (late April/early May) yield was greater
than late planted soybean (mid May) and factors that contribute to the yield increase
resulted in an 80% probability that the highest yield was at the early planting. Early
planting provided a week to nearly two weeks longer plant growth and development and
at each location, planting at the recommended time resulted in the accumulation of 1 to
2 additional mainstem nodes compared with the latest planting date. Planting at the
recommended time did not reduce yield; however, it is clear that environmental
conditions influence plant growth and time of flowering, resulting in unmet expectations
for early planting.
The interaction among planting date and row spacing: This objective was tested using
two independent studies at three locations. The average yield response to 15”
compared with 30” rows was 3.9 bu/A. The extreme responses were no yield response
at one location in study one and 12.8 bu/A at another location in study two. Other
observations ranged between 2.3 and 3.6 bu/A. No interaction was observed among
row spacing and variety in study 2 indicating that the row spacing response was not
variety specific. The magnitude of the yield response varied between 15” and 30” rows
among planting dates, but narrow rows always produced greater yields. There were
large yield differences among the eight varieties at one location, due to SCN resistance,
but not at the two other locations. At one location, the highest yielding varieties were
those varieties that had the lowest incidence of brown stem rot.
Consistent across the three locations was the yield differences among MGs decreased
as planting was delayed but the ranking of high yield to low yield MG did not change.
Based on these data, selection of varieties outside of the recommended MG to minimize
the impact of late season stresses such as drought and foliar pathogens did not increase
yield or yield stability across various planting dates.
On-farm re-evaluation of soybean response to lime application in Iowa;
Antonio Mallarino (Agronomy Department, Iowa State University); ($62,473).
This project is designed to re-evaluate soybean response to lime in Iowa and to collect
data needed to support any needed change in existing recommendations. The project
uses precision agriculture technologies, replicated strip trials, and dense soil sampling to
identify optimum soil pH for corn and soybean, study the variation in crop response to
lime across soil series and topography, and to compare laboratory analysis methods to
assess lime needs and lime ECCE.
The preliminary analysis of the yield data across the five first-year trials showed small
yield responses to lime but the expected relationship between response and soil pH.
Average yield responses across the four cornfields were 2 to 3 bu/acre for pH ranges of
< 5.0, 5.0-5.4, and 5.5-5.9 but only 1 bu/acre for pH 6.0-6.4 and there was no response
at higher pH. At the soybean field, the yield response was 1.5 to 2 bu/acre for the pH
ranges 5.5-5.9 and 6.0-6.4, but there was no response for pH 6.5-6.9. We observed
large within-field variation in soil pH and grain yield response across each field, which
confirmed the value of zone or grid-sampling methods and variable-rate limestone
application that was demonstrated in a previous project. We completed analysis of the
ten limestone materials for ECCE by two methods and also for Ca and Mg carbonates.
Very useful and important preliminary results were observed for the soil buffer pH
methods study. The new methods (Sikora and Mehlich) for determining reserve acidity
and amount of lime to be applied correlated well with the current method (SMP) across
all soils. However, although the Sikora method could be implemented using current
calibrations and assumptions, the Mehlich method may need a different calibration
because the absolute value differs (is smaller) from the SMP and Sikora methods.
These preliminary results were shown to soybean farmers and fertilizer dealers at a
meeting this spring. Caution must be used when interpreting the results because they
come from only the first year.
Non-host resistance for engineering disease resistance in soybean; Madan
Bhattacharyya (Plant Pathology Department, Iowa State University); (This project is
jointly funded by the Iowa Soybean Association and the Consortium of Plant
Biotechnology Research); ($30,000). (
Genetic engineering of soybean with novel, stable and broad-spectrum resistance is
becoming crucial for protecting soybean from its pathogens. Current knowledge and
genetic resources, however, are largely inadequate for creating such novel soybean
Nonhost resistance mechanism makes soybean completely immune to corn or wheat
pathogens. Similarly, nonhost resistance mechanism makes the model plant,
Arabidopsis, immune to all soybean pathogens. Therefore, identification and transfer of
the nonhost resistance mechanism from Arabidopsis to soybean is expected to create
broad-spectrum resistance against most soybean pathogens.
In this study, we plan to first mutate the Arabidopsis nonhost resistance genes, and then
use these mutants to isolate the nonhost resistance genes from this model plant. The
following research objectives are planned during a three-year research proposal:
 Isolate Arabidopsis nonhost resistance genes;
 Genetically map (i.e., place the genes on one of five Arabidopsis chromosomes) to
classify the putative Phytophthora sojae susceptible (pss) mutants in Arabidopsis;
 Develop high-resolution molecular (DNA markers that show different phenotypes
between parents or lines) map of the Arabidopsis genomic regions containing
nonhost Phytophthora sojae resistance genes; and
 Isolate nonhost Phytophthora sojae resistance genes through complementation
analyses (i.e., make a susceptible mutant resistant by transforming it with the
corresponding wild type or non-mutant version of the gene) in Arabidopsis.
Development of a soybean aphid early-warning system to predict aphid
outbreaks and provide aphid management information to soybean
producers; Joel Coats and Junwei Zhu (Entomology Department, Iowa State
University); ($30,000). (jcoats@iastate,edu)
The goal of this project is to develop a soybean aphid early-warning system to predict
outbreaks of aphid infestation. The project involves developing and testing an earlywarning model system that can predict aphid outbreaks in fields with over a ninetypercent reliability factor.
Aphid-crop interactions; W. Allen Miller (Plant Pathology Department), Bryony C.
Bonning, (Entomology Department), and Gustavo MacIntosh (Biochemistry Department,
Iowa State University); ($30,000). (
Aphids cost US agriculture billions of dollars/year in yield losses and costs of pesticide
application used in aphid control. In recent years, the soybean aphid has been a serious
problem for Iowa soybean producers. The goal of this project is to develop new
biotechnology tools to manage aphids. The research team will establish the soybean
response to soybean aphid infestation. The research group will use microarray analysis
of gene expression changes to identify specific plant genes that are turned on, or off, in
response to aphid infestation. The researchers will also search for soybean aphid
viruses that could be used for biocontrol and/or transgenic aphid resistance. This project
is funded jointly by the ISA and the ISU Plant Sciences Institute.
This research will establish the response of soybean to soybean aphid infestation and
shed light on resistance mechanisms, revealing genes turned on or turned off in
response to aphid infestation. Global changes in gene expression were detected in
soybean plants containing or lacking the Rag1 aphid resistance gene, in response to
aphid infestation at various time points post infestation. In susceptible plants, aphid
infestation induced genes involved in lipid metabolism, and the abscisic acid-regulated
stress response, but many genes that respond to other insects were not induced.
Interestingly, expression of many fewer genes increased in the resistant plants because
they were already highly expressed prior to aphid infestation. Thus, resistant plants may
display a constitutive defense response that confers aphid infestation.
The research group is identifying specific genes that defend against aphids or favor
infestation, thus revealing genes desired or undesired in breeding for aphid resistance.
They have made constructs in a plant virus designed to specifically knock down
expression of key genes identified in the microarray studies as likely regulators of the
resistance response against aphids. The effect of knocking down expression of these
genes on aphid infestation is being tested.
Another objective is to search for soybean aphid viruses that could be used for
biocontrol and/or transgenic aphid resistance. Techniques have been developed to
detect and clone previously unknown viruses in aphids. These are being applied to
soybean aphids collected in the field. They are also screening known viruses for ability
to kill or reduce populations of aphids.
Just like plant viruses that can be used to knock down expression of specific genes in
plants, They hope to do the same with aphid viruses in aphids. Toward this end,
previously they had constructed the first infectious clone of an aphid virus genome. This
clone had extraneous, nonviral sequence included during the cloning process that
probably reduces its infectivity. They have removed these nonviral sequences and are
now engineering the virus to express host RNA sequences for VIGS, and also for
expressing aphid-specific toxic peptides.
Environmental Services 2009: Roger Wolf (Iowa Soybean Association); ($575,268).
A continuing project for development, implementation and promotion of action-oriented
conservation and environmental initiatives implemented at multiple-scales and locations
throughout Iowa. Funding is leveraged with other public and private funding and
interfaces with other Objective 9 projects from ISA’s strategic plan.
The project objectives are to:
 Provide technical and administrative support for implementing CEMSA and
Watershed programming;
 Expand issue specific research offerings within CEMSA and Watershed programs
(e.g. paired micro watersheds, energy use, carbon, GHG issues);
 Build alliances and support for program expansion within Iowa (crop reporting
districts) and in the Upper Mississippi River Basin; and
 Provide technical assistance and staff support with policy and program education
and information and communication outreach.
Soybean seed treatment and inoculant evaluation; Palle Pedersen (Agronomy
Department, Iowa State University); ($13,270). (
Soybean production practices have changed a lot over the years in Iowa. One major
change has the tenancy to plant earlier when the soil is cool and wet. These conditions
slow seedling growth and are ideal for soilborne pathogens that may cause damping-off
and reduce stand. Many soil pathogens cause significant yield loss if not controlled.
The soybean crop is susceptible because of production practices and short rotations. A
fungicide or a fungicide/insecticide seed treatment may be the answer for farmers that
want to improve their yields and profitability by planting earlier.
In addition new products and strains of Bradyrhizobia japonium are being released and
sold to farmers in Iowa and marked to improve N-fixation at cooler and wet soil
conditions. Previous research in Iowa has not shown a significant yield response using
The objectives of this new project are to determine the effects of seed treatment and
soybean inoculants on soybean yield.
Optimizing pest management in soybeans; Matthew O’Neal, Leonor Leandro,
and Daren Mueller (Plant Pathology Department) and Palle Pedersen (Agronomy
Department, Iowa State University); ($103,021). (
With the arrival of two invasive pests of soybean, the soybean aphid and soybean rust,
there is increasing interest in use of pesticides in soybean production. Each year
growers are provided new options with novel insecticides to use against soybean aphids
and other insects. Recently, U.S. chemical industry promoted application of foliar
fungicides, and to some extent foliar insecticides, to soybean to increase overall
”soybean health”. But the economic benefits of such applications are inconsistent and
not well documented. With soybean market prices increasing, soybean growers will be
under pressure to apply foliar pesticides even without significant disease or insect
pressure. It is not clear when, or even if, a fungicide applied alone, or in a tank mix with
an insecticide, can exacerbate pest pressure. Specifically, the use of fungicide in
soybean can remove aphid killing (entomopathogenic) fungi, thus leaving the crop more
at risk for soybean aphid outbreaks.
The goal of this project is to optimize pest management in soybean by identifying and
developing effective pest management options that ensure profitability and sustainable
soybean production.
Relationships between grain yield, potassium removal and recycling, as
soil potassium in corn-soybean rotations; Antonio Mallarino (Agronomy
Department, Iowa State University); ($49,490). (
This project will build on existing knowledge from ongoing long-term experiments and
will include new experiments to better understand these processes and to alleviate this
uncertainty. The main goal of the study is to better understand relationships between
potassium fertilization, grain yield, whole plant potassium uptake, grain potassium
removal, potassium recycling and the fate of potassium in different soil pools to improve
the efficacy of potassium management and improve economic benefits.
Exploring new resistance resources for treating soybean diseases; John Hill,
Steven Whitham and Thomas Baum (Plant Pathology Department, Iowa State
University) and Michelle Graham and Randy Shoemaker (USDA/ARS-ISU); ($200,724).
The long-term goal of this project is to first establish a road map to find resistance using
“new gene silencing” technology and secondly to use this information to develop durable
resistance against a multitude of soybean disease-causing agents. Completion of the
soybean sequencing project allows development and use of novel technology to ask
questions on what soybean genes do. This research is directed towards answering
those questions with emphasis on gene involved in disease resistance. The results will
contribute to developing improved germplasm with stable, enhanced, and broadspectrum disease resistance.
The specific objectives of this project are to identify:
 Soybean genes involved in resistance to soybean virus diseases;
 Soybean genes involved in resistance to soybean fungal diseases as well as
potentially other genetically mapped traits; and
 Soybean genes involved in resistance to soybean cyst nematode.
ISA On-Farm Network®/On-farm Research; Tracy Blackmer (Iowa Soybean
Association); ($809,881).
This project involves coordinating the On-Farm Network®, which works with more than
500 Iowa soybean and corn growers who conduct a wide variety of on-farm research
studies. The focus is on using precision ag technologies, including GPS, aerial imagery,
and combine yield monitors, to determine the economic potential of specific crop
production practices, such as use of fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, pest resistant
hybrids or varieties, tillage or other soil management practices, etc. To do this, growers
use alternating replicated strips across their field(s) that compare their current
management with the practice they want to study. Strips are marked with GPS, so they
can be monitored using aerial imagery and so data can be collected with yield monitors
at harvest.
This project relies on a statewide infrastructure of growers and service providers that has
been developed over the past nine years to support collection of data that can be used
by Iowa growers and, on a larger scale, by legislators and others involved in monitoring
the progress of agriculture at self-regulation and in administering current regulatory
programs, such as nutrient management.
The project involves working with researchers and agronomists from state universities,
commercial companies, crop consultants and farm cooperatives to collect production
data, aerial imagery photos, highly accurate elevation data, soil conductivity information
and other field information that helps improve crop management decisions.
The project provides for an annual conference for On-Farm Network® participants,
technical presentations at national scientific conferences, local crop fairs, field days,
county annual meetings, and other grower meetings with the goal of improving profits for
Iowa’s soybean growers.
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($550,000).
Kansas Soybean Commission
Development of soybean host plant resistance and other management
options for the soybean stem borer; Lawrent Buschman, C. Michael Smith, Phillip
E. Sloderbeck, William Schapaugh and Harold Trick (Entomology, Agronomy and Plant
Pathology Departments, SW Area Extension Office, SW Research/Extension Center,
KSU Extension Offices, Kansas State University); ($35,000). (
The researchers will: 1) Continue screening soybean germplasm accessions for
resistance to soybean stem borer; 2) Evaluate the yield response of different soybean
varieties to soybean stem borer feeding using systemic insecticides; 3) Conduct a
survey of the occurrence of soybean stem borer across the High Plains and Midwest to
determine if the problem is widespread enough to encourage registration of insecticides
against this pest; and 4) Expand web pages and other educational materials associated
with soybean insect pests.
Soybean variety and germplasm improvement; William Schapaugh, Timothy
Todd, Harold Trick and Jim Long (Agronomy and Plant Pathology Departments, Kansas
State University and Southeast Research Center, Kansas State University); ($225,000).
The soybean breeding project will develop high yielding, multiple pest resistant varieties;
special purpose varieties for use in food, feed or industrial products; germplasm with
specific disease and insect resistance; and lines with improved oil quality. The
researchers will improve selection efficiency in breeding for specific traits. They will also
continue to improve charcoal rot and soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and soybean
sudden death syndrome (SDS) management recommendations.
Enhancement of soybean through genetic engineering; Harold Trick, William
Schapaugh and Tim Todd (Departments of Plant Pathology and Agronomy, Kansas
State University); ($57,072). (
This project will continue to produce and evaluate genetically engineered soybeans for
increased fungal resistance. The researchers will use gene silencing (RNAi) to enhance
soybean cyst nematode resistance in transgenic soybean and produce phenylalaninefree corn protein in transgenic soybean to produce a nutraceutical (value-added) trait
that may open new markets for Kansas’ soybeans.
Field testing coumarin derivatives as seed protectants against soil-borne
diseases; Nancy Brooker (Department of Biology, Pittsburg State University);
($37,000). (
The objective of this study is to: 1) Determine the impact of six coumarin derivative seed
treatments as seed protectants against early season seed rot and blight disease
seedling loss and also charcoal rot fungus infection; 2) Determine the impact of
coumarin derivative seed treatments on soybean yields; 3) Determine if coumarin
derivatives applied to soybean seed in varying rates, will significantly impact seedling
infection rates, soybean growth, development and yield in the presence of charcoal rot
fungus; and 4) Compare these novel seed treatments against commercially available
antifungal seed treatment compounds to determine efficacy, host range activity, unique
characteristics and cost-effectiveness of the coumarin derivatives in managing and
controlling charcoal rot symptoms.
Biodiesel glycerin based hydrogen production for electrical generation
from a hydrogen internal combustion engine; William Ayres (Renewable
Solutions, LLC); ($43,000).
The objective of this project is to test hydrogen from glycerin from biodiesel production
for hydrogen gas powered internal combustion engines by: 1) Testing glycerin hydrogen
fuel gas production at Biomass Energy Foundation (BEF); 2) Continue testing of plasma
reformer on glycerin to produce hydrogen rich gas and operation of an engine generator
set; and 3) Integrate the reformer and operate an engine on biodiesel glycerin hydrogen
rich gas.
Correction of potassium deficiency in no-till and strip-till soybean
production; David B. Mengel and Keith Janssen (Department of Agronomy, Kansas
State University); ($7,500). (dmengel@ksu)
The objectives of this study are to determine if: 1) The observed K deficiencies seen in
soybeans under no-till and strip-till in the region are impacting soybean yields; 2)
Deficiencies seen are reducing yields, determine if they can be corrected through the
additions of starter fertilizer where the soil test level is above the critical level; 3)
Broadcast applications of K or combinations of band and broadcast applications will
correct the observed deficiencies when soil test levels are below the current critical level;
and 4) Since the problem cannot be corrected with current practices, determine if deep
banding under the row and/or building soil test levels are higher than the current critical
soil test level of 125-135 ppm exchangeable K will correct the problem.
Soy latex like adhesives for glass and ceramic consumer products
labeling; Xiuzhi Susan Sun and Donghai Wang (Departments of Grain Science &
Industry, Bio and Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University); ($24,250).
The objective is to convert soybean polymers (meals and oil) into latex like adhesives for
labeling and packaging uses: 1) Technology will be developed to use soybean meal and
soybean oil as a major raw material for latex like adhesive production; 2) Properties and
performance of the soy latex like adhesives will be characterized; and 3) Specific
applications include glass and ceramic consumer product labeling.
Processing strategies to increase value of soybean co-products for cattle
feeding; Jim Drouillard (Department of Animal Sciences & Industry, Kansas State
University); ($50,000). (
The objectives are to: 1) Develop a value-added soybean meal product that competes
with animal-based proteins as a source of bypass protein for dairy and beef cattle. The
process will utilize glycerol to promote non-enzymatic browning of the soybean meal;
and 2) Determine the conditions under which glycerol, a byproduct of biodiesel
production from soybeans can enhance performance of feedlot cattle. Diets for this
phase of the experiment will include co-products derived through production of
renewable fuels.
Bioenergy from soybean hulls: Efficiency and economics of different
pretreatment processes; Sajid Alavi, Buddhi Lamsal, Ron Madl and Vincent
Amanor-Boadu (Department of Grain Science and Industry, Agriculture Economics,
Kansas State University); ($35,730). (
The objectives are to: 1) Study and compare different mechanical and chemical biomass
pretreatment methods, including extrusion, steam explosion and acid hydrolysis, coupled
with enzymatic treatment for complex sugar release (saccharification) from the soybean
hull; 2) Investigate ethanol conversion efficiency following pretreatment and subsequent
saccharification of soybean hull using each of the above mentioned technologies; and 3)
Study the overall economics of cellulosic ethanol using soybean hull as the feedback.
Influence of soils, nutrition, and water relations upon charcoal rot disease
processes in Kansas; Christopher Little, Vara Prasad, DeAnn Presley and Kraig
Roozeboom (Plant Pathology and Agronomy Departments, Kansas State University);
($34,759). (
The objectives are to determine: 1) The influence of common Kansas soil types on
charcoal rot disease incidence and severity; 2) The influence of water relations on
charcoal rot disease incidence and severity within the context of the various soils; and 3)
The influence of soil nutrition on charcoal rot disease incidence and severity under
irrigated and non-irrigated regimes.
KU Biodiesel Initiative: Linking oil properties with fuel quality; Susan M.
Stagg-Williams and Ilya Tabakh (Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
and Transportation Research Institute, University of Kansas); ($43,915).
The objectives are to: 1) Develop a self sustaining ASTM testing facility for biodiesel and
biodiesel blends to provide a testing service to the State of Kansas and the broader
community; 2) Integrate high stability soybean oils into the existing biodiesel production
facility at the University of Kansas; and 3) Investigate the effect of the soybean oil
properties and composition on the biodiesel properties on engine performance and
emission characteristics.
Hyperbrached polyols for flexible foams from soybean oil fatty acids; Zoran
Petrovic and Henry Emadipour (Kansas Polymer Research Center, Plastics Engineering
Technology, Pittsburg State University); ($52,000). (
The objectives are to: 1) Develop a new family of low viscosity, all bio-based polyols for
flexible foams starting from methyl esters of soybean oil (bio-diesel) using a new concept
of hyperbranching; 2) Characterize new polyols by measuring molecular weight,
functionality, and viscosity using standard methods of polymer chemistry; and 3) Test
new polyols as base polyols in flexible foams.
Solvent-free bio-based adhesives from soybean oil-based urethane
prepolymers; Ivan Javni and William Shirley (Kansas Polymer Research Center,
Department of Chemistry, Pittsburg State University); ($50,000). (
The objectives are: 1) Screening of soy polyols and isocyanates; optimizing the
conditions for synthesizing soy polyol-based urethane prepolymers with different
isocyanates (aliphatic, cycloaliphatic, and aromatic isocyanates); 2) Studying the
physical properties of the urethane prepolymers based on different isocyanates so as to
determine their potential applications; 3) Developing: a) one-component moisture-cure
polyurethane adhesives (low viscosity): b) one-component moisture-cure hot-melt
polyurethane adhesives (solid at room temperature but melt at elevated temperatures);
c) two-component polyurethane adhesives; 4) Testing the adhesion property of different
prepolymers on different substrates at different conditions, in order to get optimized
formulations; and 5) patent and commercialize the products.
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($100,000).
Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board
Evaluation of seed treatment in soybeans based on planting dates and
emergence ratings; Philip Logsdon (Miles Farm Supply, Owensboro, KY); ($5,400).
Producers in Kentucky can benefit from unbiased information on soybean seed
treatments and planting dates. Planting earlier has proven to increase yield and seed
treatments that should benefit growers as soybeans are planted earlier. The objective of
this research project is to determine the effectiveness of new soybean seed treatments
in an experiment with two different varieties planted at four dates.
Low soybean populations and weed control; Chad Lee, Jim Herbek and J.D.
Green (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky); ($11,000).
The goal of this research is to improve the management of weeds in soybeans. The
individual objectives include: 1) Evaluating weed control in three soybean populations; 2)
Investigating single and double glyphosate applications; and 3) Evaluate timing of
herbicides to determine whether lower soybean populations are as competitive as higher
populations in preventing weed infestations.
This project repeats a study conducted in 2007 where the two locations had different
weather patterns. Princeton (KY) was very dry while Lexington (KY) had more timely
moisture. Princeton had very heavy weed infestations, while the Lexington site had very
few weeds. Yields were drastically different between the two locations due to rainfall
received at each location. Generally, glyphosate applied at three weeks after planting
was too early, resulting in lower yields. Normally, application of glyphosate at 5, 7, or 3
plus 7 weeks after planting for the higher seeding rates (125,000 and 175,000) resulted
in maximum yields. The lowest seeding rate at Princeton (75,000) resulted in the lowest
yields for all comparisons except the weed-free plot. For Lexington, single applications
of glyphosate at 5 or 7 weeks after planting resulted in high yields regardless of plant
Impact of newly recognized HG-Type 2 soybean cyst nematode and
enhanced awareness of SCN challenges in Kentucky; Don Hershman
(Department of Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky); ($9,100). (
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the most serious pest of soybeans in Kentucky. A
survey in 2006 suggested that most of the SCN populations in Kentucky can now
reproduce on Plant Introduction (PI) 88788. This PI is the genetic basis of more than
ninety percent of the available SCN-resistant soybeans. Sixty percent of the SCN
populations tested in Kentucky could reproduce on PI 88788 at high enough to impact
seed yields. In other words, many of the SCN-resistant varieties currently grown in
Kentucky are not performing up to expectations. SCN damage thresholds used in
Kentucky are based on old SCN populations (races 3 and 14) that were effectively
controlled by most SCN-resistant varieties. These races are no longer common in
Kentucky. Observations suggest that it may take higher levels of the “new” SCN
populations to cause the same amount of damage that the “older” populations caused at
much lower levels. If this is true, then the threshold used in Kentucky and neighboring
states are no longer valid. This situation must be rectified to assure that results from
SCN analyses have practical meaning to farmers.
The specific objectives of the project are: 1) Determine the impact that moderate and
high initial densities of a HG-Type 2.5.7 SCN population have on yield of a SCNsusceptible and four popular PI 88788-based SCN resistant varieties; 2) Determine the
impact that a SCN-susceptible and four PI 88788-based SCN-resistant varieties have on
SCN egg density changes during the season; 3) Study the relationship between crop
yield loss and initial density of a HG-Type 2.5.7 SCN population; and 4) Develop a SCN
Website to disseminate appropriate national, regional and Kentucky-specific SCN
information and management recommendations.
Migration patterns for soybean aphid as indexed by capture in an aphid
suction trap; Doug Johnson (Entomology Department, University of Kentucky);
($2,388). (
The objective of this project is to obtain Kentucky specific on the annual immigration,
seasonal activity and relative abundance of the invasive pest soybean aphid, and other
aphids important to Kentucky field crops. Two suction traps will be located in Kentucky
to monitor aphid activity.
The suction trap data will be complied into a database of aphid species, their relative
numbers, as well as the timing and duration of flights. This information will help
understand when the risk for aphid infection/movement is elevated or decreased.
Validation trial: Yield loss prediction model for Asian Soybean Rust; Karatha
Kumudini (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky), Jim Board
and Ray Schneider (Plant Pathology Department, Louisiana State University); ($24,000).
The goal of this project is to validate the model of soybean yield loss due to Asian
soybean rust. This would give us confidence of the applicability of this model in a range
of production systems and give us an understanding of the accuracy of prediction. A
soybean yield loss prediction model for Asian soybean rust is being developed in
Lexington, KY and Baton Rouge, LA. The model being developed requires estimation of
damage caused by the disease to both healthy leaf area and photosynthetic capacity.
This model is being developed by mimicking the disease in the soybean canopy and
relating effective leaf area duration to seed yield. In order to validate the model being
developed we need an independent data set where the disease is present. The
predicted yield loss may then be compared to the observed yield loss to determine the
accuracy of the model.
The specific objectives of the project are to: 1) Verify the beta coefficient value for the
reduction in photosynthetic capacity of green leaf area of diseased leaves derived under
controlled environmental studies under field growing conditions in the United States, and
2) To validate the current yield loss model using an independent data set of materials
with Asian soybean rust.
Epidemiology of bean pod mottle virus and resistance to major pathogens
of soybean; Said Ghabrial and Don Hershman (Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Kentucky); ($15,000). (
Plant diseases inflict heavy losses on soybean yield with significant negative impact on
the U.S. economy. Research must focus on management of disease that causes
extensive damage to soybean yield and quality. Soybean yield losses of 10-55 percent
have been reported as a consequence of SMV and BPMV infection. Furthermore,
BPMV interacts synergistically with SMV in doubly infected soybean plants with drastic
yield reduction (60-80 percent) and seed quality. We will continue to evaluate the
performance of newly developed soybean lines that combine resistance to PMV and
SMV under greenhouse conditions and will initiate studies to explore the mechanism
underlying the extreme resistance to BPMV and SMV. Such information will be valuable
for incorporating the resistance trait into commercial varieties. This will be of
considerable significance in view of the lack of natural resistance to BPMV.
The researchers will: 1) Monitor the incidence and potential for soybean mosaic virus
(SMV), bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) and other viruses to reduce soybean yield; 2)
Determine whether the perennial leguminous weeds Desmodium cuspidatum and D.
Perplexum provide primary sources of BPV inoculum in soybean fields; 3) Evaluate the
performance of recently developed soybean lines with combined extreme resistance to
BPMV and SMV under field conditions; and 4) Express the antifungal protein “victoriocin”
from the BPMV-based vector in soybean plants.
Soybean yield response to soil P and K availability: Optimizing fertilizer
expenses; John Grove, Lloyd Murdock and Greg Schwab (Department of Plant and
Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky); ($7,500). (
The primary goal of this project is to reduce the cost of producing soybeans. Fertilizer
phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) prices have been rising. New technologies for P and
K fertilization (variable rate application) have been developed, and new soybean
varieties with greater disease, nematode and herbicide resistance are available, but the
University of Kentucky’s soil test-based P and K fertility recommendations for soybean
have not been changed. In Kentucky, soybean P and K fertilization is recommended up
to the point that the soil test (Mehlich III) P and K reach 60 and 300 pounds per acre,
respectively. Modern circumstances suggest that our understanding of soybean’s
response to soil P and K availability needs updating.
This project will: 1) Examine the relationship between plant availability soil test for P and
K and soybean yield; 2) Determine the relationship between plant available soil test for P
and K and soybean yield in the absence and presence of poultry litter amendment.
Optimum planting date for soybean; Jim Herbek (Department of Plant and Soil
Sciences, University of Kentucky); ($2,000). (
There is an increasing trend in Kentucky for soybean producers to plant earlier than the
current recommendation dates of early May to mid-June. There is no comparative
research data in Kentucky to determine if April plantings achieve maximum yield
potential nor any management problems associated with early plantings.
The goal of this research project is to determine the optimum planting date for soybeans
in Kentucky to achieve maximum yield potential. This study will consist of seven
planting dates ranging from early April to early July. Soybean yield and other agronomic
parameters will be obtained.
Develop glycerol as a protective agent against soybean diseases prevalent
in Kentucky; Aardra Kachroo (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of
Kentucky); ($22,443). (
The goals of this project are to test the efficacy of glycerol as a protective agent against
microbial pathogens affecting soybean production and to develop strategies for
manipulating the pathway mediating glycerol-induced resistance in soybean.
Preliminary studies indicate that 100nM glycerol applied for three consecutive days can
induce lasting resistance to Pseudomonas syringae and Phytophthora sojae. This study
will optimize the time of application and concentration of glycerol that is needed to
provide disease resistance. Additional objectives are to determine the effectiveness of
glycerol against microbial pathogens and to identify and functionally characterize the
defense-related glycerol metabolic genes in soybeans.
Soy MVP: Soybean management verification program; Chad Lee, Jim Herbek,
Lloyd Murdock and Greg Schwab (Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of
Kentucky); ($84,367). (
The goal of the project is to maximize soybean yields and profits through intensive
scouting and management. The project funding will be used to investigate whether
fields in Western Kentucky are deficient in potassium and to hire a person to scout
soybean fields and work with cooperating farmers in making production management
The results generated from the production practices across these farms will help
Extension personnel refine and update soybean production management
Participation in the 2008 National Sentinel Plot Network; Chris Bowley, Phil
Needham (Wheat Tech Inc., Russellville, KY.); ($12,000). (
This project will support the establishment and monitoring of four additional Kentucky
sentinel plots. Kentucky soybean producers, through the sentinel plot network, have
access to update, real time information on the occurrence and development of soybean
rust in Kentucky and in states south of Kentucky during the 2008 growing season.
Soybean leaf samples will be collected every other week up to flowering and then
weekly after flowering is initiated until physiological maturity. Leaf samples are sent via
overnight courier to the University of Kentucky Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory in
Princeton (KY) for incubation and microscopic analysis.
Evaluation of fungicide products and application timing; Philip Harmon
(Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida); ($18,000). (
This project evaluates single fungicide treatments, applied to narrow row (15 inch)
soybean, at various soybean growth stages, for control of Asian Soybean Rust under
heavy disease pressure.
Evaluation of organic diets containing soybean meal and yeast and diets
containing soybean meal as the sole protein source for Nile tilapia; Carl
Webster (Aquaculture Research Center, Kentucky State University); ($40,000).
The new project evaluates the use of a less expensive plant protein ingredient (soybean
meal) as partial or total replacement of fish meal and evaluates the interaction between
protein quality and dietary protein level in diets for Nile tilapia. Upon conclusion of the
feeding trial, growth, survival, body composition, production data, and blood parameters
will be measured for the effects of the various diets on these variables.
Soybean cyst nematode sampling program; Don Hershman (Department of Plant
Pathology, University of Kentucky); ($6,000). (
This new project will encourage soil sampling for soybean cyst nematode a major pest of
soybean in Kentucky.
Evaluation of hulless barley: Minimizing the late-planted yield penalty in
double-crop soybeans; Bill Bruening (Department of Agronomy, University of
Kentucky); ($2,500). (
This new project evaluates the yield potential and agronomic characteristics of advanced
hulless barley breeding lines in Kentucky.
Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board; ($10,000).
Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board
Deposition efficiency of pesticides application; Roberto Barbosa (Biological and
Agricultural Engineering Department), James Griffin (Department of Agronomy and
Environmental Management) and Clayton Hollier (Department of Plant Pathology and
Crop Physiology, Louisiana State University); ($12,500). (
An effective pesticide application maximizes product penetration in the soybean canopy
while minimizing off-target drift. Droplets that are too large may bounce off leaves and
increase soil deposition and subsequent run-off. Small droplets do not have enough
mass to be propelled towards the canopy and may become airborne thus increasing offtarget drift. The ability to distribute products in the canopy with aerial application
depends on spray volume and nozzle technology. The research group will compare the
application effectiveness of different hydraulic nozzles, pressures and spray volumes for
ground and aerial-based application systems. The researchers will also be monitoring
off-target drift.
Continuous microwave extraction of soy isoflavones; Cristina Sabliov, D.
Boldor, Zhimin Xu and M. Lima (Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Louisiana State
University); ($19,600). (
The researchers have designed a continuous microwave extraction system for extracting
soybean isoflavones from whole soy flour and defatted soy flakes. Testing with the
prototype extractor has demonstrated the stability and reliability of the extraction system
at different processing parameters (temperatures, flow rates and residence times).
Future research involves focusing on increasing oil extraction yields by optimizing the
separation steps involved in the process, centrifugation, ultrafiltration and evaporation.
The long tem goal is to use the laboratory scale system developed to build a pilot plant
microwave extraction system designed for efficient extraction of soybean oil from
soybean flour.
Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research Report; Frankie Gould and Linda
Benedict (Agricultural Communications, Louisiana State University); ($1,000).
Funding will be used to produce the Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research Report that
highlights checkoff funded projects.
The report will be distributed to farmers,
consultants, extension agents, political leaders, industry representatives and other
Biology, distribution and management of soybean insect pests; Jeff Davis
and B. Rogers Leonard (Entomology Department, Louisiana State University);
($49,700). (
Louisiana soybeans are attacked by a diverse insect pest complex, but the primary
problems in recent years are associated with stink bugs, three-corned alfalfa hoppers,
bean leaf beetles and several Lepidopteran defoliators (velvet bean caterpillar, soybean
looper and green cloverworm). One or more of these pests are significant annual
problems and are responsible for limiting soybean yields in Louisiana. To address these
concerns, this research project will continue to evaluate new and current chemical
control strategies, but also attempt to improve information on the interaction of these
pests in the soybean agroecosystem.
The project’s specific objectives are:
 Evaluate the efficacy of new and current insecticides for control of all soybean
arthropod pests;
 Determine the economic injury levels and economic thresholds for red banded stink
bugs in soybeans;
 Determine red banded stick bug distribution and densities in soybean fields and
surrounding landscapes in Louisiana; and
 Develop the information necessary to support a phenological model for red banded
stick bug ecology on crops by determining developmental thresholds under constant
temperatures as well as survivorship and reproduction on agronomic and native plant
Extraction, purification and antioxidant properties of soy isoflavones from
defatted soy flakes; Zhimin Xu and J. Samuel Godber (Food Science Department,
Louisiana State University); ($28,500). (
The objectives of the research project are to: 1) Evaluate the antioxidant activities of
defatted soy flour extract in preventing lipid oxidation in ground beef during storage.
This information may increase the utilization of soybean products as important food
antioxidants that could be used in preventing deterioration of food quality and prolong
food storage times.
Weed management and biology research; James Griffin (Department of
Agronomy and Environmental Management, Louisiana State University); ($40,000).
This project will focus on weed management and weed biology, and herbicide drift
reduction technologies in the lower Mississippi Delta and in southwest Louisiana where
cropping systems, climatic conditions, soil types and weed species can differ from the
more northern areas of the state.
The objectives of the project include:
 Evaluating crop safety, weed control and fit of experimental herbicides in Louisiana
production systems and to develop low-cost effect weed control programs;
 Monitoring weed population shifts and weed resistance associated with herbicideresistant crops;
 Evaluating the co-application of glyphosate with fungicides, insecticides and
 Evaluating weed control as affected by row configurations for soybean planted on
wide beds; and
 Evaluating the utility of harvest aids in determinate and indeterminate soybean
varieties and the interaction that may occur with use of insecticides and fungicides.
Calibrating soil tests and fertilization of soybean and grain crops of
Louisiana; Jim Jian Wang, Brenda Tubana, J. Cheston Stevens, Jr., David Lanclos,
Donald Boquet and Rick Mascagni (Department of Agronomy, Environmental and Soil
Sciences, Louisiana State University); ($11,577). (
The research goals are to develop and improve soil tests so the state soil testing
program can better serve soybean and grain producers in Louisiana. The research
involves improving both the accuracy and efficiency of soil tests and soil fertility issues.
Specific objectives include:
 Evaluate the possibility of incorporating maintenance criteria into recommendations
for P and K for maintaining soil test nutrient levels above critical levels;
 Calibrate P fertilization for corn based on Mehlich soil test rating in acid soils;
 Calibrate P, K, and liming for soybean production in acid soils; and
 Develop a laboratory method to predict liming rate for acid soils.
Biology and control of major diseases of soybeans; Raymond Schneider (Plant
Pathology and Crop Pathology Department, Louisiana State University); ($80,050).
The research will involve variety testing, germplasm screening and fungicide treatments
for establishing management recommendations to minimize losses from Asian soybean
rust and Cercospora leaf blight in Louisiana. The study involves assessing the effects of
plant nutrients on the severity of Asian soybean rust.
The study will include:
Fungicide evaluations to address questions of rates, time of applications, tank mixes
for control of soybean rust and Cercospora leaf blight, residue fungicide activity and
yield loss relationships;
Screening germplasm for resistance to soybean rust and Cercospora leaf blight;
Developing a cost: benefit decision aid for soybean producers to better assess yield
losses and risks from these diseases; and
Continue to develop a risk assessment model for soybean rust and the effects of
plant nutrients on disease severity. They will continue to develop time:temperature
relationships to identify temperatures that suppress disease for extended periods of
time and the effects of chloride, potassium, manganese, boron, nitrogen and other
elements on disease severity.
Developing a new strategy to control soybean rust disease through a
proteomics-based approach; Zhi-Yuan Chen (Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology
Department, Louisiana State University); ($63,400). (
The objective of this project is to identify fungal hydrolytic enzymes produced during
infection of soybean leaves and to develop ways to stop the activity of these proteins so
soybean rust fungus does not access the host for nutrients for fungal growth. Expressinduced proteins will be sequenced and characterized in an attempt to better understand
how the fungus establishes itself on soybean and how the soybean defends against rust
Developing soybean resistance to Asian rust pathogen; Svetlana Oard and
Frederick Enright (AgCenter Biotechnology Laboratory, Louisiana State University);
($22,800). (
The goal of this project is to develop soybean lines with enhanced resistance to Asian
rust as well as a wide range of bacterial and fungal pathogens. The approach will be to
develop plants producing a potent antimicrobial peptide PTH under conditions providing
functional resistance to the fungal pathogens.
Louisiana soybean verification program for 2008; Rob Ferguson (Louisiana
Cooperative Extension Service, Louisiana State University); ($34,500).
The goal of this project is to help speed the transfer of research results to soybean
growers in Louisiana. The program will provide for on-farm testing of research strategies
that improve soybean production in Louisiana. Working with individual soybean
growers, County Extension Agents and crop advisors, the researcher will test new
concepts in improving soybean profitability.
The specific objectives of the project are to:
Conduct on-farm field trials to verify the research-based recommendations for the
LSU AgCenter with the goal of maximizing profitability;
Increase the confidence of producers, county agents and crop specialists in LSU
AgCenter recommendations;
Continue to build a good cost database for soybean production in Louisiana;
Provide data on various production systems as related to yields and costs;
Demonstrate what the higher-yielding fields have in common in addition to refining
existing recommendations; and
Aid researchers in identifying areas of soybean production that may need additional
Soybean and grain on-farm demonstration program; Rob Ferguson (Louisiana
Cooperative Extension Service, Louisiana State University); ($21,000).
The goal of this project is to develop research plots on grower fields to demonstrate
proven practices. The information that is generated will be provided to county agents,
consultants, industry representatives and farm supply dealers that have daily contact
with soybean growers. The project involves field days, producer meetings and
publications in an effort to publicize results of on-farm research.
Evaluating early-season soybean varieties for production in Louisiana;
Steven Moore (Dean Lee Research Station, Louisiana State University); ($21,000).
This project evaluates early-season (Maturity Group III) soybean varieties in the
Louisiana environment. These early-season varieties have the advantage of being
harvested before the traditional late-season droughts occur. This type of study is
needed to develop best management practices for early-season soybean production
Evaluation of soybean cultivars and fungicides for disease management in
Northeast Louisiana; Boyd Padgett, Don Boquet, and Earnest Clawson (Northeast
Research Station, Louisiana State University); ($18,106). (
The research will evaluate soybean varieties entered in the state’s official variety trials
for resistance to disease pathogens common to Northeast Louisiana, and to evaluate
commercially available and experimental fungicides for soybean disease management.
Results form this research will provide the following information to producers:
 Identify disease resistant varieties;
 The efficacy of new fungicides;
 Quantify yield losses from diseases; and
 Define when fungicides are likely to be economical.
Evaluating selected insecticide use strategies in Louisiana Soybean; B.
Roger Leonard (Northeast Research Station, Department of Entomology, Louisiana
State University); ($14,500). (318-435-2157)
These continuing studies will address the emerging soybean insect pest problems and
evaluate new insecticide use strategies that are recommended in other states. The
results of these tests will help to define the IPM strategies in response to the insect pest
problem or the adoption of new agronomic production practices. The goal of the
research is to adapt promising experimental technologies to meet the needs of the
soybean producer in Louisiana.
The project’s specific objectives include:
 Evaluating the performance of commercial and experimental insecticides against the
stink bug complex attacking Louisiana soybean, with an emphasis on red banded
stink bug;
 Estimating the impact of persistent populations of three-cornered alfalfa hopper;
 Evaluating the efficacy of insecticides and termination of late season management
strategies in soybean; and
 Evaluating the efficacy of the neonicotinoid soybean seed treatments against seed
and seedling pests and final effects on soybean seed yields and quality.
Managing production risks in irrigated soybean with planting dates,
varieties and row spacing; Donald Boquet, Boyd Padgett and B. Roger Leonard
(Departments of Agronomy, Plant Pathology and Entomology, Louisiana State
University); ($21,700). (
This study will further evaluate an early planted, early maturity soybean production
system designed to reduce risks from weather, insects and diseases while maintaining
high yields. Specifically, they will evaluate yield, growth responses, diseases and
insects for eight planting dates for sixteen MG III, IV and V soybean varieties grown
under irrigated conditions. They will also evaluate at least 30 MGIII varieties planted in
March and April to identify varieties best adapted to Northeast Louisiana growing
conditions for ultra-early and early planting dates.
Planting date, row spacing and variety effects on performance of maturity
group III, IV and V Soybeans; Ernest Clawson (Agronomy and Environmental
Science, Louisiana State University); ($20,000). (
The objective of this project is to develop practical information on the production of a
shorter season soybean that has advantages over traditional varieties in some southern
environments. The researcher will try to relate response of Maturity Group III, IV, and V
soybean varieties, when planted from mid-March to early June, to soil temperatures at
planting, emergence and weather conditions.
Soybean weed control research in northeast Louisiana; Donnie Keith Miller
(Northeast Research Station, Louisiana State University); ($28,000).
The objectives are to continue to: 1) Evaluate glyphosate formulations and tank
mixtures; 2) Compare the effectiveness of conventional herbicides to transgenic
programs; 3) Monitor weed resistance in transgenic programs; and 4) Compile
information for use with the HADSS computer programs to assist growers in selecting
weed control programs in Northeast Louisiana.
The research also focuses on conservation tillage stale seedbed systems that are
playing a major role in soybean production in Northeast Louisiana. The project will
continue to evaluate effect and economical burndown programs. Effectiveness of
herbicide combinations on difficult to control winter weed and effectiveness of newly
developed compounds will also be a major focus.
Soybean breeding and varieties development; Blair Buckley (Red River
Research Station, Louisiana State University); ($26,032). (
The goal of this soybean breeding project is to collaborate with other research efforts at
Louisiana State University that are working on screening for soybean diseases,
developing soybean lines and varieties with tolerance to drought, water logging and salt
stresses. The goal of the project is to develop high-yields and disease resistant soybean
lines that are adapted to the environmental conditions of Louisiana and the Gulf Coast
region. Soybean diseases being targeted are Cercospora leaf blight, frogeye leaf sport,
aerial blight and Asian soybean rust.
Identification of plant viruses infecting soybean and corn in Louisiana;
Rodrigo Valverde (Plant Pathology Department, Louisiana State University); ($2,500).
Although there have been reports of viral diseases on soybean in Louisiana, there has
not been a comprehensive survey to determine what viruses are infecting soybeans.
This project will identify the most common viruses infecting soybean and corn in
Louisiana. Diagnostic tools will be developed for new viruses or new strains. This
information will be made available to farmers, extension personnel and researchers
through newsletters and technical publications.
The soybean green plant problem: An evaluation of possible influencing
factors; B. Roger Leonard (Northeast Research Station, Department of Entomology,
Louisiana State University); ($30,000). (318-435-2157)
In recent years soybean growers have reported increasing problems with plants
retaining green leaves, green stems, and/or green pods in fields of mature soybeans
resulting in delayed harvest and decreased quality of harvested samples. In some
cases, the problem was so severe that the soybeans were not harvested. In other
cases, seed quality reductions caused significant losses in seed value and/or rejection of
truckloads at the elevator. The cause of the problem is not known and research is
needed to elucidate those factors associated with this late-season soybean malady,
referred to as the green plant problem.
Researchers are involved in a comprehensive study that is trying to determine the
factors involved. The approach is to investigate several objectives that may be involved
in the “green plant” problems. Some of the objectives are:
To evaluate varieties in the commercial variety trials at as many locations as possible
for incidence of green leaves, green stems and/or green pods for any consistency in
response and notation of environment conditions that may contribute to the green
plant problem;
To evaluate harvest aids as a means to overcome incidence of green leaves stems
and/or pods;
To determine seed yields and seed quality of plants that exhibit green leaves, stems
and/or pods symptoms vs. those that do not show symptoms;
To evaluate incidence of green leaves, stems and/or pods in response to low rates of
fungicides, timing of fungicide application, or selection of fungicide;
To evaluate incidence of green leaves, stems and/or pods in response to timing
and/or infestation of stink bugs; and
To evaluate the effects of planting date, plant stress (water deficiency/excess water)
and fungicide, or herbicide treatments on the incidence of green leaves, stems
and/or pods.
Maryland Soybean Board
Effect of soybean maturity in full season system on nitrogen availability for
small grain (wheat) production; Robert Kratochvil (Department of Plant Science
and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland); ($10,800). (
Maryland has an incentive-based cover crop program that pays farmers for planting fall
cover crops. Many farmers are skeptical about producing small grain after corn or
soybeans without applying some fall nitrogen since they do not know how much residual
nitrogen remains. The small window between fall harvest and planting small grains
discourages soil sampling and analyses that assist in making the fall nitrogen decision.
The restriction that no nitrogen is applied in the fall causes concern about small grain
Earlier maturing soybean varieties should allow earlier harvesting, warmer harvest
temperatures that enhance residue degradation and mineralization supplying a small
amount of nitrogen for the small grain. This proposal is designed to evaluate a range of
maturity for soybean varieties and the effect of different maturity has on the use of
nitrogen when planting cover crops.
The objectives of this continuing project are to: 1) Determine if soybean maturity in a full
season crop production system affects the availability of fall nitrogen for a subsequent
small grain crop; and 2) Evaluate the performance of wheat planted with and without fall
nitrogen and following different maturity group soybean varieties.
Food and specialty trait soybean variety tests; Robert Kratochvil (University of
Maryland); ($3,500). (
Interest in alternative crops and value-added processes is increasing in Maryland.
There has been a program to evaluate edible type soybean varieties in Maryland since
1995. The program was expanded in 2003 to examine the varieties under both
conventional and organic production systems. This project involves field testing
approximately 20 varieties and elite breeding lines at two locations. The varieties will be
evaluated for yield, maturity date, lodging score, plant height, seed quality, seed size,
protein and oil content.
Develop modified oil and protein soybeans for Maryland; Bill Kenworthy
(Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland); (no
cost extension). (
The goal of this project is to combine the modified oil traits with the low phytic acid
mutant to produce a soybean having both traits. This combination should result in
higher value products for the processor and prices paid to the producer. The specific
objectives of this project are to develop soybean germplasm with low saturated, midoleic and low linolenic fatty acids; higher protein; and lower phytic acid levels. The
researcher will develop and evaluate germplasm lines with combinations of these valueadded traits.
Soybean variety evaluation and development; Bill Kenworthy (Department of
Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland); ($3,500).
The objectives of this project are to evaluate agronomic performance data of pubic and
private varieties in full-season and double-cropped plantings. The project also involves
evaluating and developing soybean varieties with soybean cyst nematode resistance.
The project provides the soybean grower with the latest agronomic performance
information on publicly and privately developed soybean varieties. The test is designed
to evaluate varieties at several plant dates and on various soil types within the soybean
production areas of the state.
Weed management programs utilizing Liberty-Link soybeans; Ron Ritter
(Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland);
($3,500). (
With the growing concern for glyphosate-resistant weeds, the Liberty-Link
system would be an ideal rotation program for controlling weeds in
soybeans. Previous research by this researcher has shown the utility of
using Liberty-Link herbicide to control horseweed. This would a real
advantage to soybean growers with glyphosate-resistant horseweed
The objectives of this research project are to investigate the utility of
Liberty herbicide (glufosinate) and Liberty-Link soybeans for utility in
managing weeds in Maryland. Weed control and crop phytotoxicity ratings
will be obtained throughout the growing season.
postemergence: Which is better? Ron Ritter (Department of Plant Science and
Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland); ($3,500). (
Most of the soybeans grown in Maryland are Roundup Ready. While one application of
glyphosate is usually adequate, some late-season weed escapes still occur. This project
will evaluate various weed control strategies that have application for Maryland soybean
growers. The study will produce practical results that can be communicated to growers
through Extension weed control educational program activities.
Management of glyphosate-resistant weeds in soybeans; Ronald Ritter
(Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland);
($3,500). (
The objectives of this research project are to investigate the management of glyphosateresistant weeds in full-season no-till soybeans. While horseweed is the primary weed
showing glyphosate resistance, the researcher will also monitor glyphosate failures on
common lambsquarter, pigweed and velvetleaf.
Development of group III and IV varieties containing low linolenic oil for
conventional and glyphosate tolerant markets; Bill Rhodes (Schillinger Seeds,
Queenstown, MD.); ($15,000).
The researchers will incorporate the low linolenic acid genes, glyphosate tolerant genes
and above average protein content into varieties with good agronomics and competitive
yields. The project involves growing progeny rows in field plots and winter nurseries.
Response of soybeans to Strobiluria class of fungicides (Headline,
Quadris); Arvydas Grybauskas (Department of Plant Science and Landscape
Architecture, University of Maryland); ($10,000). (
The researcher will examine the soybean rust registered fungicides for activity and
performance under Maryland environmental conditions. Disease development, seed
quality and soybean growth, development and yield response of soybeans will be
monitored for selected strolilurin and triazole fungicides.
The project’s specific objectives are to: 1) Evaluate the growth, development and yield
response of soybean to treatments by strobilurin fungicides (Headline or Quadris) in
comparison to a representative triazole fungicide (Folicur) and untreated soybeans; 2)
Evaluate disease suppression and seed quality of treated soybeans; and 3) Determine if
fungicide treatment affects soybean responses to exposure to ozone
Development of value-added utilization of Maryland grown soybean
varieties and by products from soy oil production in nutraceutical
ingredients and functional foods; Lianglu Yu (Department of Nutrition and Food
Science, University of Maryland); ($18,500). (
The goal of this continuing project is to promote the production and consumption of
value-added Maryland-grown soybeans with demonstrated potential to prevent disease
and promote human foods.
The specific objectives of the project are to: 1) Evaluate soybean varieties low in alphalinolenic acid and total saturated fatty acids for their possible use in nutraceutical
ingredients and functional foods development for improved human nutrition; 2)
Determine the possible value-added utilization of by-products from soy oil production in
nutraceutical and functional foods; and 3) Evaluate soybean varieties with brown and
green color for their possible value-added use in Nutraceutical and functional food
Sixteen soybean cultivars will be examined to identify those rich is health beneficial
factors such as natural antioxidants. Varieties and experimental lines will be chosen
based on their fatty acid composition, hull color and potential for production in Maryland.
Utilizing conservation tillage to minimize nutrient losses from poultry litter
applied in grain production systems; Joshua McGrath (University of Maryland);
($5,000). (
The goal of this project is to demonstrate that currently exiting conservation-tillage
technology can be successfully used to partially incorporate poultry litter in reduced
tillage grain production systems, preserving surface residue and soil conservation
conditions, while reducing nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses compared to no-till
production systems. The project’s objectives are to: 1) Evaluate agronomic response of
corn to broiler litter applied in a no-till production system versus broiler litter incorporated
with a commercially available conservation tillage implements; 2) Quantify the effect of
incorporating broiler litter with conservation tillage practices on N, P and sediment loads
in surface runoff water and ammonia volatilization compared to broiler litter applications
to no-till systems; and 3) Demonstrate at multiple locations and on multiple soil types
that conservation-tillage technology can be successfully used to reduce N and P losses
from broiler litter fertilized grain production fields.
Assessment of the potential damage and economic impact of
Phytophagous stink bugs on soybean in Maryland; Galen Dively (Department
of Entomology, University of Maryland); ($11,433). (
This project continues to address the emerging concern that Phytophagous stink bugs
may be causing economic loss to Maryland soybean production. The researchers will
establish simulated field infections of stink bugs to relate the density per foot row to
sweep counts. The specific objectives of the project are to: 1) Measure the potential
soybean loss due to stick bug feeding; 2) Examine stink bug infestations at the R4
growth stage on soybean yield components and the incidence of soybean diseases; and
3) Coordinate results of studies in neighboring states and develop a decision-making
guideline for the control of stink bugs in soybean productions systems in the Mid Atlantic
region. The ultimate goal of the study is to develop information required for control of
late-season infestations of stink bugs.
Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee
Screening for herbicide resistance horseweed and lambsquarter in no-till
soybean production systems; Steve Gower and Christy Sprague (Crop and Soil
Science Department, Michigan State University); (Cost will be reimbursed on a billing
basis at a rate of $30.00 per sample analysis). (
This is a continuing project that is screening for herbicide resistance of selected weeds
in no-till soybean production systems. Past results indicate:
 Herbicide resistance has not been detected in the horseweed samples submitted in
2007 for evaluation; and
 In 2007, three common ragweed, three common lambsquarter and two giant
ragweed were screened for herbicide resistance with the following results: All three
common ragweed samples were ALS-resistant; Two common lambsquarter were
triazine resistant while the other was ALS-resistant; and no glyphosate resistance
was detected.
The project objective is to continue sampling and screening for suspected herbicide
resistance in horseweed and lambsquarter plants to either glyphosate or ALS herbicide.
The project involves submitting a mature seed head of the suspected resistant plant to
the MSU Plant Diagnostic Center for a greenhouse grow-out analysis.
Long-term management of dandelion in a corn and soybean rotation; Christy
Sprague (Project Leader), Jim Kells (Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State
University); ($5,500). (
Previous research by this research team has demonstrated reasonable management
levels of dandelion in a no-till corn and soybean rotation could be attained with proper
application and herbicide selection. Without investigating tillage options, control could
only be attained to an 85% acceptable level. At this level, dandelion can still be a
problem for subsequent crops. Because of this, dandelion population dynamics need to
be examined over a long timeframe for sustainability of no-till production when
considering both chemical and some tillage for control.
This is intended to be a four-year project with funding shared between the soybean and
corn checkoff. The specific research objectives include:
 Examining population dynamics and various weed management strategies of
seedling and established dandelion in no till corn and soybean rotations;
 Determining the effect of tillage and herbicide combinations on the establishment
and population dynamics of dandelion; and
 Analyzing the net return of grain yield for various dandelion control strategies.
Impact of winter annual weed populations on early-season pest in reduced
and no-till soybean; Christy Sprague and Chris DiFonzio (Crop and Soil Science and
Entomology Departments, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to
$20,000). (
The majority of Michigan soybean acreage is planted in no-till. This along with other soil
conservation practices has increased the incidence of winter annual weeds. Winter
annual’s growth habit may act as a “green bridge” from one year to the next for insects
and diseases or serve as an alternate host for other crops pests. Indiana researchers
reported SCN reproduces on purple deadnettle. The interaction of winter annuals and
increasing insect pressure in soybean will be examined in this checkoff-funded project
along with timely management of winter annual weeds.
The specific objectives of this project include:
 With conservation tillage as a criterion, conduct a survey of early season pests
associated with winter annual weeds;
 Specifically examine the interaction of true white grubs and winter annual weeds;
 Examine winter annual weeds for suitability as grub hosts; and
 Determine best management practices for winter annual weed species and the
survival of associated early season soybean pests.
MSU diagnostic services free SCN soil testing/communications; George Bird
and Fred Warner (Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State University);
(Approved funding level up to $22,000). (
Diagnosticians at MSU will provide free SCN soil testing for SCN presence and provide
grower recommendations for management practices in the event of a positive
identification. The overall analysis results will be made accessible to growers through
meetings/mailings/etc. indicating counties of concern.
In 2007, the free grower submitted SCN sampling and analysis program resulted in
nearly 1,000 soil samples being submitted with nearly 50% positive for SCN with 33
counties participating. SCN was detected for the first time in Newaygo County bringing
the number of Michigan counties with known SCN infestation to 39.
Soybean cyst nematode management research and education; George Bird
and John Davenport (Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State University),
Joe Scrimger (BioSystems) and Tom Kendle (Farm Cooperator); (Approved funding
level up to $10,000). (
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN), a key pest of soybean, is managed through the planting
of resistant varieties. Even though three sources of resistance may be available, one
source, PI88788, predominates. Since it has been shown, continual use of one source
can result in virulent SCN populations causing less effective SCN control resulting in
lower soybean yields the result of using one source needs to be analyzed. It has also
been shown that the most common plant parasitic nematode in Michigan, the Root
Lesion Nematode, can breakdown SCN resistance.
Objectives of this project are designed to address: 1) SCN management practices
designed to slow or prevent the development of highly virulent SCN populations; and 2)
Use of a nematicide seed treatment to control Root Lesion Nematode in the presence of
SCN. Additionally, results will be distributed as part of an educational effort.
Evaluation of fungicidal seed treatments for soybean root diseases; Diane
Brown-Rytlewski and Ray Hammerschmidt (Botany and Pathology, Agriculture and
Natural Resources, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to $9,000).
Seed treatment of soybean to control seed-borne infection is often misunderstood. Seed
treatment is viewed by proponents as an inexpensive insurance policy and by opponents
as not returning your investment. Targeted pathogens are mainly Phytophthora and
Pythium. This research will attempt to answer the seed treatment questions by
researching different locations and products with an economic yield analysis.
The research objectives include: 1) Conducting research on both lighter and heavier
textured soils with a history of pathogens while evaluating six newer fungicidal seed
treatments; and 2) Evaluating products relative to stand establishment, root
development, root disease and eventual yield with an economic consideration.
Sudden death syndrome isolate, screening, culture collection and
inoculation preparation; Diane Brown-Rytlewski, George Bird and Ray
Hammerschmidt (Botany and Pathology Departments, Agriculture and Natural
Resources, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to $8,300).
Although it has not been formally reported in Michigan, there have been fields with
symptomatic plants of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) for some time and the disease
incidence appears to be increasing. Neighboring states report an association of SDS
with both SCN field presence as well as fields planted no-till which translates to Michigan
While realizing MGII and III soybean lines with SDS resistance exist, testing has not
been done in Michigan. Virulent SDS isolates cannot be brought into Michigan from
other states. Since the virulent SDS isolate must be from Michigan, the program is
intended to investigate the virulence isolates present in Michigan to allow germplasm
Project objectives for 2008 include: 1) Collecting symptomatic SDS infected soybean
plants and area soils from 10 grower fields while determining SCN field presence; and 2)
Screening for virulent isolates of SDS; and 3) Preparing inoculums for future field traits
relating to selecting SDS resistant germplasm suitable for Michigan growers.
Biological control of the soybean aphid; Christina DiFonzio (Entomology
Department, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University); ($0).
In 2007, Michigan was part of a multi-state classical bio-control effort to establish a
parasitoid for the soybean aphid (SBA). Permits were approved by the US and
Canadian government and individual states in 2007 for the parasitic wasp, Binodoxys
communis, to be released. Small numbers of wasps were shipped to cooperating states
for increasing in field cages. Michigan releases were made in small SBA infected cages
at seven locations. In late August, cages were removed to allow any surviving wasps to
The 2008 objectives include placing SBA infested plants from the greenhouse at the
locations of 2007 field cages and monitoring areas of wasp release in 2007 to recover
the parasitoids.
Soybean aphid resistance to insecticides; Christina DiFonzio and Desmi
Chandrasena (Entomology Department, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan
State University); (Approved funding level up to $14,000). (
In 2005, the last heavy soybean aphid (SBA) infestation year was experienced. Michigan
State’s Ag Statistics data confirm 42% of Michigan’s soybean acres were sprayed which
raises the question of SBA resistance to insecticides. Most spray failures are attributed
to poor timing or coverage without any thought of SBA resistance because of no
baseline resistant data.
In 2007, a baseline study of SBA resistance to insecticides was funded to determine the
baseline susceptibility of SBA from a “never-sprayed greenhouse colony” to measure
their susceptibility to field collected SBAs. The researchers were able to develop a
reliable assay method for three insecticides along with some baseline susceptibilities in
2007 with no detected resistance.
The 2008 objectives include developing baseline soybean aphid susceptibilities for
additional insecticides. To prove the concept of aphid resistance to insecticides, the
researchers will try to develop an insecticide resistant SBA population.
Using biological agents to control soybean white mold; Jianjun Hao, Dechun
Wang, Ray Hammerschmidt (Plant Pathology and Crop and Soil Science Departments,
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level
up to $20,000). (
White mold is said to be the second most important disease of soybean in Michigan and
continues as a challenge to Michigan soybean production. Partial resistant varieties and
agronomic practices are relied upon for control measures. This project will research the
possibilities of using commercially available biological controls.
In 2007 research yielded mixed results; greenhouse and growth chamber experiments
were encouraging in controlling the apothecial germination, but the product results didn’t
relate to field data. The field research protocol will be changed in 2008 to increase plot
size and locations as well as refining the procedure for higher disease pressure. The
researchers will attempt to control the sclertoia in the soil to disrupt the disease cycle by
using commercially available biological product.
The 2008 objectives include continuing to evaluate: 1) The effectiveness of bio-control
agents in the greenhouse; 2) The possible interaction bio-control agents and soil types;
3) Bio-control agents on the reduction of the apothecial germination; and 4) The
effectiveness of the bio-control agents on soybean disease incidence and yield.
Establishing a forecasting system for white mold; Jianjun Hao, Jeffrey Adresen,
Willie Kirk and Mark Trent (Plant Pathology and Crop and Soil Science Departments,
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level
up to $20,000). (
Control of white mold in soybean is difficult as the pathogen produces sclerolia, which
can survive in the soil for more than seven years. Since the occurrence of white mold is
erratic depending on environmental factors with the detection of infection frequently too
late for fungicide application, fungicide sprays are often not effective or economical to
apply. To avoid unnecessary, costly fungicide applications, the feasibility of a white
mold occurrence forecasting model is being researched.
Any existing white mold forecasting models are, generally, not applicable do to varying
climatic conditions. Initial efforts include adopting existing models to fit soybean
production in Michigan, which can be integrated into our real-time weather monitoring
systems of Enviro-weather. These 51 high quality weather stations across Michigan can
supply needed weather data needed for disease forecasting.
Objectives for 2008 include conducting controlled environment (growth chamber) data
collection favoring apothecial germination and disease development and field and
greenhouse investigations addressing environmental factors for infection. These studies
will be used to evaluate the probability of success for establishing a soybean white mold
forecasting system.
The effect of utilizing soybean cyst nematode resistant varieties on SCN
types in Michigan; Mike Staton, Ned Birkey, Dave Pratt, George Silva, Dan
Rossman, and Fred Warner (Extension Southwest Region, Michigan State University
Extension); (Approved funding level up to $7,200). (
Varietal resistance to the Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) of Michigan marketed
varieties uses PI 88788 as the source of resistance. Continued use of a single source of
resistance has the real potential of allowing SCN to overcome the host plant resistance.
The objectives of this project are to identify historical fields where SCN was present and
a PI 88788 resistant soybean has been planted; and identify historical fields where SCN
was present but no SCN resistant soybean variety was planted. After identifying up to a
total of 20 fields with and without resistant varieties being planted, they will identify the
dominant HG type of SCN populations in each field for comparing SCN race shifts.
Soybean yield contest for Michigan; Mike Staton (Extension Southwest Region,
Michigan State University Extension); (Approved funding level up to $8,000).
Success in implementing a Michigan soybean yield contest has been minimal in past
years. The decision to re-initiate such an effort in 2006 was to build upon the Michigan
Soybean 2010 project. With the commitment of Michigan State University’s Extension to
be supportive of Soybean 2010 and two years of experience, the Board is looking
forward to a successful soybean yield contest to augment the Michigan Soybean 2010
The project objectives include: 1) Using 2008 yield contest data to augment Soybean
2010; 2) Encouraging commercial soybean seed companies to recognize successful
yield contest entries; and 3) Involving campus and county based Extension personnel in
the Soybean 2010 effort. The real goal of the project is to use the three years of yield
data to more effectively define management practices leading to higher soybean yields.
Soybean 2010 on-farm research and demonstration trials; Mike Staton,
George Silva, Dave Pratt, Phil Kaatz, Dan Rossman, Marilyn Thelen, Paul Gross, Bruce
MacKellar, Dan Rajzer, and Ned Birkey (Extension Southwest Region, and Crops and
Soil Science Department, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to
$16,000). (
When comparing Michigan crop yields for wheat, corn and soybeans for a ten-year
period (1990 – 1994 vs. 2000 – 2004), wheat increased 17.4 bu/ac (35.1%), corn 9.4
bu/ac (8.4%) and soybean -3.2 bu/ac (-8.7%). The declining soybean yield appears to
be unique to Michigan as nationally an increase of 6.8% has occurred for the same time
frame. The Soybean 2010 project was created to determine any yield limiting factors for
Michigan. The research, education and demonstration addressed in this project are
designed to help growers overcome any identified barrier.
Project objectives include:
Studying the effect of slow release nitrogen on soybean yield and profitability;
Six locations testing soybean response to fungicide applications;
Six locations evaluating the economic effects of seed treatments on soybean;
Five locations comparing the performance and resultant profitability of specialty trait
Researching irrigated determinant vs. indeterminate soybeans in SW Michigan;
Yield and profitability resulting from foliar fertilization of soybean with nitrogen and
secondary nutrients; and
Soybean population study combined with fungicide/insecticide applications to measure
yield and profitability.
Overcoming the barriers to higher soybean yields: A Soybean 2010 Project;
Mike Staton (Extension Southwest Region, Michigan State University Extension);
(Approved funding level up to $10,000). (
With Michigan soybean yields declining by 8.7% comparing a time period of 1990-1994
vs. 2000-2004, when compared to increase of 35.1% for wheat and 8.4% for corn, a
program called Soybean 2010 was established to reverse this trend by the year 2010. A
soybean 2010 survey in 2005 clearly shows differences when comparing management
practices of higher yields to lower yields. In an effort to address the most meaningful,
yield enhancing management practices based on this survey, this project was
The project objectives include:
Educational programs to better enable grower’s understanding of how the soybean plant
responds to proper management;
Continually update the Soybean 2010 Website and 3-ring grower educational resource
Continue a toll free Soybean Hotline designed to deliver timely in-season pest and crop
management information that is easily accessible by cell phone; and
Analyze the results of the winter 2008 Soybean 2010 grower survey to then develop
needed programming to address areas of short comings.
The feasibility of the integration of a soybean processing enterprise as part
of mid to large size commercial dairy operations; Tom Van Wagner (Lenawee
Soil Conservation District); (Approved funding level up to $1,250).
The historic rise in soybean and soybean product prices accompanying ever-increasing
transportation cost are causing concerns for the ever-increasing dairy cattle enterprises.
One result beginning to surface is the partial use of protein substitutes such as dried
distillers grain (DDG). Such economic conditions along with very few alternatives to
feeding soybean meal as dairy’s protein source raises the feasibility of producing
soybean meal locally by using a mechanical processor (extruder/expeller) as an
enterprise on large dairy farms.
The project objective is to implement and complete a feasibility study for the integration
of a mechanical soybean processing enterprise as part of various sized dairy operations
to supply an on-farm source of soybean meal.
STARS – A research and educational program at the Center for Excellence;
Tom Van Wagner (Lenawee Soil Conservation District); (Approved funding level up to
The increased cost of agriculture inputs has placed added emphasis on the value of
current, unbiased, large acreage base research results available instantly and at a local
level from which soybean producers can make management decisions. Increased costs
lead to new innovation needs which require research to verify returns, which will be
addressed by this project.
The project’s objectives include:
 Researching newer varieties developed from determinate germplasm adaptable for
southeast Michigan for profitable soybean production;
 Develop and test protocol by using GPS, aerial imaging, etc. in large scale testing for
fungicide applications on soybean; and
 Communicate research efforts to growers via August and January research
Specialty soybean breeding and soybean germplasm enhancement for
Michigan environments; Dechun Wang and John Boyse (Crops and Soil Science
Department, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to $72,000).
This is a long-term project with crosses made yearly with subsequent evaluation for
desired quality traits. Soybean crosses are made, grow outs are implemented,
selections are made, and those with desirable traits are advanced.
The project specific objectives include:
Develop newer, higher yielding, disease resistant, large seed, and clear hilum edibletype soybean varieties. In 2008, fifteen lines were evaluated by the Japanese Tofu
Association for acceptability from which the four best will be advanced;
Develop vegetable soybean (edamame and out-of-pod green soybean) varieties.;
Enhance soybean germplasm adaptable to Michigan by incorporating resistance to
white mold, SCN, viruses, aphids, and rust;
Enhance grower opportunities to profitably grow “targeted market” soybean varieties
(low sat, low lin) through genetic improvement of varieties; and
Analyze fatty acid profile of developing germplasm for soy bio-based product
Introgress germplasm to elite Michigan soybean germplasm; Dechun Wang
and Christine DiFonzio (Crops and Soil Science and Entomology Departments,
Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to $20,000).
In addition to yield losses of up to 50% from physical damage of the soybean aphid, they
also transmit several viruses. In the long term, host plant resistance is the solution
rather than risking the cost of spray timing and having the environmental consequences
of killing beneficial insects. The successful evaluation of over 2,000 plant introductions
has resulted in identifying two plant introductions with antibiosis resistance. These two
plant introductions have resulted in MSU’s release of two soybean lines with the
antibiosis resistance trait. These releases require greater informational needs as
questions arise from possible commercial partners.
The project objectives include incorporating soybean aphid resistance from diverse
sources into elite Michigan soybean germplasm for variety development and germplasm
releases. Funding will also be used to continued research into identifying DNA markers
for soybean aphid resistance for the two antibiosis source plant introductions.
Rust resistance confirmation and utilization in Michigan soybean
improvement; Dechun Wang and Ray Hammerschmidt (Crops and Soil Science and
Botany and Pathology Department, Michigan State University), Hiraigu Chen (Jiangsu
Academy of Agricultural Science), and Ying Luo (Sanming Institute of Agricultural
Science); (Approved funding level up to $23,500). (
Since host plant resistance to soybean rust has not yet been employed as a major
control method, probably due to a lack of known source for stable and strong resistance,
this project is long term in nature. With the two rust screening nurseries in China, new
soybean plant introductions and previously identified germplasm lines can be screened
This continuing project has three objectives:
 Continue to monitor the SBR resistance identified in previous years of screening at
the Jiangsu and Sanming Academies;
Continue to use the previously identified SBR screening methods and nurseries to
screen more early maturing unique Chinese soybean germplasm; and
Start the breeding process to introgress the confirmed rust resistant sources into elite
Michigan adaptable soybean germplasm.
This project will continue efforts to define, evaluate, confirm and introgress soybean rust
(SBR) resistance into acceptable soybean germplasm for Michigan soybean producers.
Use of soymeal as a filler in plastics for automotive applications; Cynthia
Flanigan (Ford Motor Company); (Approved funding level up to $60,000; Project is cofunded by the United Soybean Board). (
With the strong corporate philosophy of using environmentally responsible materials and
processes as evidenced by the recent implementation of soy-based, flexible foam for
automotive applications, Ford Motor Company intends to research the use of soybean
meal as a filler for automotive plastics.
In similar progression to the soy-based foam products, Ford has completed positive
initial assessments of soybean meal use as a filler in plastics. The logical progression is
to investigate processing conditions, properties and complete prototype molding of
soybean meal modified plastics.
The project goals are to increase research that expands preliminary evaluations of these
materials to include specific product applications and to evaluate products that are
produced at Ford or a collaborating supplier.
Electrorheological fluids based on suspensions of modified soy hulls in
soyoil; Dan Graiver and Ramani Narayan (Chemical Engineering and Material
Sciences, Michigan State University); (Approved funding level up to $20,000).
Electrorhelogical fluids are suspensions of fine, non-conducting particles in an
electrically insulating oil that undergoes a dramatic and reversible change in their
apparent viscosity in response to an external electric field. When applying an electric
field, these ER fluids change from a low viscosity fluid to that of a gel in a few
milliseconds with the phenomenon being reversible when the voltage is reduced.
Objectives of the project include preparing an ER fluid based on a suspension of
phosphorilated soy hull particles in soyoil and measuring the change in apparent
viscosity as a function of electric potential. The soy-based system will be used in a selfregulated wind mill demonstration unit whereby the ER fluid controls the speed of the
unit irrespective of the wind velocity.
Yogurt fortification with predigested/germinated whole soybean powder for
enhanced therapeutic benefits; Zey Ustunol and Obianuju Nsofor (Food Science
and Human Nutrition, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University);
(Approved funding level up to $22,000). (
The functional food industry is growing in terms of physiological benefits gained from
food beyond the basic nutrients. Soy based foods provide benefits to consumers based
on their anticarcinogenic properties, prevention of cardiovascular disease, prevention of
osteoporosis and reduced allergens. Food manufactures have added isolated soy
neutraceuticals such as soy protein and soy isoflavons but these are limited to only the
few neutraceuticals in the whole soybean.
Research has shown that the isoflavones are more prominent in fermented soy
products. Germination of soybean seeds closely resemble fermentation such that
enzymes inherent in the soybean can hydrolyze the non bio-available compounds into
these bioactive compounds and further fermentation during yogurt making will increase
their yield.
Objectives of this project include:
 Evaluate the production of genestin, diadzein and oligosaccharides in
germinated/pre-digested soybeans;
 Evaluate the activities/acid production of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and probiotics in germinated soymilk (GSM) and GSM+NFDM (non-fat dry milk);
 Develop yogurt from blends of cow’s milk and germinated soy milk base with
consumer acceptability;
 Chemically characterize the stored yogurt and re-evaluate the outcome of the bioactive compounds; and
 Study the shelf life of the yogurt samples for suitability for manufacturing.
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($100,000).
Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council
Soybean breeding and genetics support; James Orf (Department of Agronomy
and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota); ($180,000). (
This project continues the development of soybean varieties and germplasm adapted to
Minnesota with improved protein and oil content, acceptable levels of other quality
characteristics, competitive yield and resistance to diseases and nematodes. Funding
is also used for testing public and private soybean varieties available or intended for sale
to soybean producers in Minnesota and to report the results of yield, protein, oil, maturity
and disease reactions. This project is expanding the development of special purpose
soybean varieties for food and other uses adapted to Minnesota. Advanced and
preliminary breeding lines for seed components that have been genetically altered are
being evaluated. The University of Minnesota public breeding program is the vehicle
through which new innovations in other research programs can be tested and ultimately
brought to the farm level.
Expanded variety development and testing for Northern Minnesota; James
Orf (Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota); ($25,000).
The objective of this project is to specifically evaluate additional breeding lines and
varieties in northern Minnesota with special emphasis on protein, oil and yields; as well
as, disease and other hazard resistance. The project involves evaluating additional
special purpose lines adapted to northern Minnesota for traits such as small seed, large
seed, very high protein, altered fatty acids, altered amino acids, isoflavone content and
other seed components of interest to the food industry or for special uses.
Expanded soybean cyst nematode and other variety testing; James Orf
(Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics) and Senyu Chen (Southern Research
and Outreach Center, University of Minnesota); ($25,000). (
This project is geared to evaluation of commonly grown, commercially available SCNresistant soybean varieties. The varieties will be evaluated in field plots located at
numerous field sites across Minnesota and in the greenhouse. The evaluation will
include yield performance and a Reproductive Index (RI) at SCN infested field sites, as
well as, a Female Index (FI) in the greenhouse. The evaluations will be done with
various HG type SCN populations. This information will be critical to the future effective
management of Soybean Cyst Nematode through the use of SCN resistant soybean
Traditional and molecular breeding for soybeans resistant to cyst
nematode and other diseases; Nevin Young and James Orf (Department of
Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota); ($60,000). (
This project continues the breeding and development of Minnesota-adapted varieties
with resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN) through traditional and molecular
breeding techniques. This project expands the use of marker-assisted selection and
germplasm screening, using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) technology, for
SCN, soybean rust, SDS, BSR, soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and other stem diseases.
The project will also establish a platform for screening rust resistance using the new BL3
facility on campus.
Exploiting genetic variation in soybean to improve seed composition and
yield; Sue Gibson, Jane Glazebrook and Fumiaki Katagiri (Department of Plant
Biology) and James Orf (Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of
Minnesota); ($30,000). (
This project is designed to identify the factors in the soybean plant which control gene
expression. The project specifically targets those factors that control gene expression
for soybean quality traits and yield. The researchers will measure the expression levels
of 37,500 different genes in Minsoy and Archer during three critical stages of seed
development to identify genes that are expressed at different levels in these two
varieties. The next step will be to identify genetic loci (genes) that are responsible for
regulating the differences in gene expression. By understanding variations in gene
expression, it may be possible to develop a better understanding of the genetic control of
variations in seed composition and yield.
A candidate gene for maturity group and flowering time in soybeans; Robert
Stupar (Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota);
($25,000). (
The objective of this research project is to identify and characterize the candidate genes
for flowering time and maturity rate in soybeans by integrating mapped traits and the
new soybean genome sequence. The researchers will assess candidate gene diversity
and develop plant materials for genetic mapping of flowering time and maturity. Success
of this project could help speed the movement of traits into earlier maturity soybean
Gene expression profiling of soybeans with diverse protein/oil content;
Gary Muelbauer and Yung-Tsi Bolon (Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics,
University of Minnesota); ($55,000). (
This project focuses on understanding and improving Minnesota soybean quality traits
with regard to seed development and protein/oil levels. One of the objectives is to
identify gene expression patterns and traits associated with soybean seed composition.
A second objective is to provide a genome-wide foundation for the discovery of factors
that regulate seed oil and protein content. The researchers will study the gene
expression profiles of developing seed to understand how protein and oil levels are
linked to expression patterns during seed development. They hope that understanding
differences in the gene expression profiles between soybean that differ in protein and oil
content will aid in the discovery of genes and pathways that determine the composition
of the soybean seed.
Forward genetic screen for soybean varieties with improved oil/protein
content; Seth Naeve, Yung-Tsi Bolon and Carol Vance (Department of Agronomy and
Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota and USDA/ARS-University of Minnesota);
($50,000). (
The goal of this project is to develop germplasm that have genetically superior quality
traits for the production of protein and oil in Minnesota. The researchers will continue
the expanded collection of genetically varied soybeans through mutagenesis of a current
Minnesota cultivar. Germplasm lines will be screened for various soybean traits in
addition to protein and oil levels.
Interactive effects of soybean cyst nematode, Mycorrhizal fungi and irondeficiency on soybean nutrients and growth; Senyu Chen (Southern Research
and Outreach Center) and Jim Kurle (Department of Plant Pathology, University of
Minnesota); ($50,000). (
Past studies have shown a differential dependency for growth of soybean varieties on
vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi. VAM fungi have been implicated in SCN
infections and IDC severity. This is the final year of a project designed to determine the
interactive effects of SCN population densities, VAM fungal densities and iron-deficiency
chlorosis (IDC) severity on soybean nutrient uptake and growth. The outcome of the
research will increase management options for reducing the effects of IDC and SCN on
soybean yields.
Impact of cultivar resistance on virulence phenotypes of the soybean cyst
nematode; Senyu Chen (Southern Research and Outreach Center) and Bruce Potter
(Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota); ($70,000).
This study will determine the effect that different sources of SCN resistance will have on
the field populations of SCN over time. The research team will determine how quickly is
the field population of SCN adapting to the SCN soybean varieties that are being planted
by farmers and what are the management strategies necessary to manage this problem.
A second objective of the study will be to determine the extent to which field populations
have already adapted to the type of resistance that is being used in commonly planted
Quantifying diapause level of the soybean cyst nematode for accurate HGtyping; Senyu Chen (Southern Research and Outreach Center, University of
Minnesota); ($30,000). (
HG typing field populations of SCN is an important management tool. An apparent
difference in diapause of SCN populations in northern climates is causing problems for
HG typing. The objective of this project is to determine seasonal change of diapause
level of SCN populations under field and greenhouse conditions so that it can be
accounted for in the HG typing process.
Integrated disease management approaches for limiting yield losses to
sudden death syndrome (SDS) in Minnesota; James Kurle, Dean Malvick and
Jim Orf (Departments of Plant Pathology and Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University
of Minnesota); ($40,000). (
The objective of this project is to continue the evaluation of Minnesota-adapted public
and private soybean varieties for resistance to SDS under field and greenhouse
conditions using disease isolates collected from Minnesota soils. The researchers will
also determine the prevalence of SDS in Minnesota and evaluate the effectiveness of
seed treatments and varietal resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode in limiting yield
losses from SDS.
A Minnesota early warning and management system for soybean rust;
James Kurle and Dean Malvick (Department of Plant Pathology, University of
Minnesota); ($13,000). (
project will complete the development of a Minnesota specific Soybean Rust Early
Warning System. This model system being developed and validated will use localized
rust spore detection, national scale climate data and local weather conditions. After the
model is completed soybean rust disease risk forecasts will be made available in season
to Minnesota soybean growers.
Identification of soybean cultivars resistant to Fusarium solani; James Kurle
(Department of Plant Pathology) and Senyu Chen (Southern Research and Outreach
Center, University of Minnesota); ($40,000). (
Solani root rot is one of the most significant root rot problems in Minnesota. The
objective of this study is to develop a screening technique to identify cultivars that could
be used as parent material in a breeding program to introduce Fusarium solani root rot
resistance into marketable soybean varieties. This will be done by identifying soybean
cultivars that exhibit resistance or partial resistance to colonization by Fusarium solani
under optimal infection conditions. Then determine if SCN infection increases the
severity of root rot and determine the minimum SCN population that is required to
increase the severity. Finally, they will verify if the partial resistance identified remains
effective at elevated SCN population levels. This is important in Minnesota because of
the severity of both Fusarium root rot and SCN infestations.
Evaluating soybean plant introductions and breeding lines for resistance to
yield limiting fungal diseases found in Minnesota; James Kurle and James Orf
(Departments of Plant Pathology and Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of
Minnesota); ($40,000). (
This study will refine screening methods for evaluating the susceptibility of soybeans to
Fusarium virguliforme (SDS), Phialophora gregata (BSR), Phytophthora sojae and
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (White Mold); and, develop methods for evaluating the
susceptibility of soybean lines to Phakopsora pachyrhiza (Asian Soybean Rust). The
researchers will conduct disease resistance evaluations of commercial soybean
cultivars, PIs, and breeding lines using the procedures that are developed.
Defining stem and root diseases of soybean in Minnesota for long-term
yield enhancement; Dean Malvick (Department of Plant Pathology, University of
Minnesota); ($45,000). (
This project will develop molecular tools (PCR primers) to quickly and accurately
identify, diagnose, and quantify important root and stem pathogens in soybeans.
The primary objective of this project is to characterize the impact of soil borne
diseases in Minnesota that affect root and stem health and reduce soybean
yields. The researchers will be using field surveys and field research to
accomplish this objective.
In addition, there will be efforts to develop
management strategies for reducing the yield impact of various soybean root and
stem diseases. Another specific objective will be to determine how the brown
stem rot (BSR) pathogen infects, susceptible and resistant soybean varieties,
and how it affects the plant’s physiology, health, and yield under different
Soybean aphid research in Minnesota; Dave Ragsdale, George Heimpel and
Bruce Potter (Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota); ($60,000).
This project has three primary objectives: 1) To continue the release program of the
Asian parasitoid wasp, Binodoxys communis, for biological control of soybean aphid.; 2)
To validate the soybean aphid threshold under narrow row spacing; and 3) To determine
the impact of natural enemies (native predators and pathogens) on soybean aphid
population growth rates.
The impact of non-soybean biomass on early season soybean aphid
colonization; Bruce Potter, Ian MacRae and Milt Haar: (Southwest Research and
Outreach Center, University of Minnesota); ($12,000). (
The objective of this project is to quantify the effect of an oat inter-seed and early season
weed competition on the colonization of soybeans by soybean aphid and to determine
whether the presence of non-host plants early in the season can slow colonization rates
of soybean aphid. If there is an impact of weeds and oats, the study will determine if a
management strategy can be developed to be part of an aphid management program. A
second objective is to determine if non-host plants (weeds and oats) can impact early
season colonization by potato leafhopper.
A possible relationship between soybean vascular disease and soybean
aphid populations: A preliminary investigation; Bruce Potter, Ian MacRae and
Dean Malvick (Southwest Research and Outreach Center, University of Minnesota);
($5,000). (
The objective of this study is to determine whether vascular diseases of soybeans have
an effect on soybean aphid reproductive (offspring per female) and colonization
(emigration and immigration) rates. This will be looked at in both field and greenhouse
studies. If there is an impact, implications to soybean production management
strategies will need to be investigated.
Management and environmental effects on yield formation and seed quality
in Minnesota grown soybeans; Seth Naeve and Bruce Potter (Department of
Agronomy and Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota); ($100,000). (naeve002@umn)
This project will continue the effort to determine the management and environmental
limitations to yield, protein and oil accumulation in Minnesota soybeans. The results will
be used to develop management and breeding strategies that can be developed to
overcome these limitations. This project will include modeling interplant distance affects
on soybean branching and pod height and evaluate interacting environmental factors
such as ambient temperature, soil moisture, residue type and quantity, to determine
whether existing seeding rate recommendations are sufficient to reduce harvest loss due
to pod height. The researchers will evaluate soybeans across geographies and maturity
groups to determine the effects of soil rolling (land rolling) on lowest pod height. Other
objectives will be to investigate plant growth, yield and quality in developing seed of
different varieties and maturities; and to determine risks/ benefits of planting early.
Nutrient management research for profitable soybean production; Daniel
Kaiser and John Lamb (Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of
Minnesota); ($50,000). (
Several recent studies have documented a corn yield respond to sulfur fertilization. This
study will: 1) Evaluate how corn and soybeans respond to sulfur fertilization on different
soils; 2) Evaluate the interaction of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur fertilization on corn
and soybean yields and quality; and 3) Determine how sulfur fertilization can affect soil
residual, crop residue, grain sulfur concentration at the end of the season and rotational
crop sulfur needs. The results from this study will provide management guidance for
fertilizing corn and soybeans with sulfur.
Northwest Minnesota soybean applied research and education project;
Doug Holen and Phil Glogoza (Extension Research Center, Moorhead, MN, University of
Minnesota); ($31,500). (
This regional level applied research and education project encompasses numerous field
studies in northwest and western Minnesota. It involves the IPM specialists, regional
educators and local extension from throughout this area of the state. The field studies
include: 1) Evaluating the effect and interaction of planting date and maturity on soybean
yields; 2) Surveying soybean fields to determine the level of glyphosate tolerant weeds;
3) Determining the economic and environmental impact of ground rolling on soybean
yields; and 4) An assessment of aphid over-wintering and survival.
Management and environmental effects on soybean yield formation and
seed quality; Fritz Breitenbach and Lisa Behnken (Minnesota Extension Service,
University of Minnesota); ($50,000). (
This regional level applied research and education project encompasses many field
studies across southeast and southwest Minnesota. It involves the IPM specialists,
regional educators and local extension from throughout this area of the state. The
studies include specialized variety trials, weed management trials, planting date trials,
seeding rate trials, fertilizer trials and tillage trials. Trials are coordinated with state
specialists in order to maximize the value of the information to soybean farmers.
Growing the value of soybeans through enhanced seed quality; Seth Naeve
(Department of Agronomy and Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota); ($42,000).
The goal of this research program is to improve the protein and oil content of Minnesota
soybeans. This is the final year of a project to quantify the effects of soil types,
temperature, disease, insect infestations and other state environmental factors on
soybean seed composition. The information will be used to develop management and
breeding strategies to improve seed quality. The research team will analyze the protein
and oil content of soybean samples obtained from a statewide farmer survey of
commonly grown soybean varieties. A second objective is to educate farmers and Crop
Advisors about the current quality situation and demonstrate the importance of choosing
high yielding varieties with high protein and oil content.
Economic comparison of soybean pest management input programs; Ian
MacRae, Ken Ostlie, Carlyle Holen Bruce Potter and Fritz Breitenback (Agricultural
Research Center, Crookston, MN, University of Minnesota); ($19,500).
This project will evaluate the relative contribution to yield of the various parts of a multiinput management system and compare the relative economics of the various systems.
The researchers will compare ten management options for maximizing return on input
investment. One of those options will be to base management decisions on an
Integrated Pest Management Program.
Managing white mold and other soilborne diseases of soybeans; Dean
Malvick (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota); ($27,500).
Soilborne diseases are prevalent throughout Minnesota and they tend to be very difficult
to manage. This project will focus on management trials for three soilborne diseases
(white mold, brown stem rot, and root rots) as well as, support for an overall extension
education program on how to manage soilborne diseases in Minnesota. The trials will
involve testing various seed treatments, soil-applied fungicides and a biological
treatment for white mold. Results will be delivered via a website and educational
meeting and workshops across Minnesota.
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($300,000).
Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board
Impact of insect pests on soybean yields at different growth stages; Jeffrey
Gore (Delta Research and Extension Center), Fred Musser (Department of Entomology
and Plant Pathology), Gordon Andrews and Angus Catchot (MSU Extension Service,
Mississippi State University); ($65,000).
Soybean production in Mississippi has made significant increases over the last several
years. The most significant change has been the shift from late-planted maturity group
V soybeans to early-planted maturity group IV soybeans. In conjunction with this shift,
there has been a significant increase in soybean yields over the past ten years.
However, soybeans have become a high-value crop in Mississippi, and losses
associated with insects may pose an unneeded threat to yield and profits. Many of the
soybean insect management options and thresholds were developed over 20 years ago
on late planted, maturity group V soybean varieties. Little data exists over the last 10-20
years on the impact of insects on group IV soybeans. These experiments will identify
insects that cause yield reductions in maturity group IV soybean and treatment timing to
control these insect pests.
Specifically, the researchers will: 1) Identify the insect species, their densities, timing and
when they cause yield losses in soybeans; 2) Idenitify when soybeans are most
vulnerable to damage from three-cornered alfalfa hoppers; 3) Compare and contrast the
economic threshold and insect day approaches as ways to estimate when insecticides
are needed to avoid economic losses from three-cornered alfalfa hopper; and 4)
Evaluate the efficacy of insecticides against various insect pests.
Economics of soybean maturity groups’ yield response to insecticides
seed treatments with early planting dates; Normie Buehring, Dan Poston and
Don Cook (North Mississippi Research and Extension Center), Steve Martin, Jeff Gore
(Delta Research and Extension Center) and Angus Catchot (Extension Service),
Mississippi State University); ($35,954).
Very limited information is available regarding soybean maturity groups response to
insecticide-seed treatments and planting dates. The objective of this project is to
evaluate the response of selected varieties from selected soybean maturity groups to
insecticide-fungicide seed treatments (Apron, Cruiser plus Apron) with three, four-week
planning intervals from mid-March to mid-May at three locations. The studies will be
scouted and rated for early season bean leaf beetle and thrips damage; and scouted
and sprayed for Asian soybean rust and stinkbugs during the growing seed. Maturity
dates, green stem ratings at maturity, plant height at maturity and yield will be recorded.
Returns above seed treatment costs will be determined.
The researchers anticipate that the insecticide-fungicide treatment combination will
produce higher yields and net returns above seed treatment costs than the fungicide
treatment alone with early plantings and no difference in the later plantings. They also
expect yield differences among soybean maturity groups, planting dates and locations.
The research results have the potential to improve soybean profitability through the
appropriate use of maturity group variety seed-treatment and planting date selection.
Impact of tillage, raised seedbed, corn rotation, fungicides, twin-rows, and
seedling rates within various row configurations for soybean production in
Mississippi; Daniel Poston, Clifford Koger, James Blessitt, Gabe Sciumbato and Tom
Eubank (Delta Research and Extension Center, MAFES, Mississippi State University
and USDA/ARS); ($43,875).
This research project will develop a lot of practical information on production
management systems that have application to Mississippi farmers. The results will be
used in soybean production educational programs. Specifically the project will address
the following objectives:
 Determine the impact of no till, surface and deep tillage on soybean yield, weeds and
 Investigate the impact of raised versus flat seedbeds on soybean yield;
 Evaluate the impact, economics and efficacy of a corn rotation and fungicides on
soybean yields and soybean disease control;
 Evaluate the efficacy and economics of a twin-row planting system compared to
single-row systems on soybean yields; and
 Compare the impact of narrow drill-rows, 15 and 20-inch rows, twin rows and single
wide-rows on varying plant populations and soybean yield.
Impact of fungicides and production systems on the management of
soybean rust and other diseases in Mississippi soybeans; Dan Poston, Gabe
Sciumbato, Tom Allen, Brewer Blessitt and Jeff Gore (Delta Research and Extension
Center), Normie Buehring and Don Cook (North Mississippi Research and Extension
Center), Chris Daves (Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center, MAFES,
Mississippi State University); ($75,500).
This research project will: 1) Evaluate currently registered foliar fungicides for control of
soybean rust and other foliar diseases; 2) Develop the impact of fungicides timing on
soybean yield and control of soybean and other diseases; 3) Investigate the interactions
between planting date and soybean response to fungicides, insecticides and/or
combinations of fungicides and insecticides; 4) Assess the impact of adjuvants on
fungicide efficacy and soybean injury; and 5) Incorporate findings into existing foliar
fungicide recommendations to maximize yield and offset treatment costs in an effort to
determine the most cost effective rust management strategy.
Soybean management for application of research and technology program:
Collaborative initiative through Mississippi State University and private
consulting sector; Trey Koger and Tom Allen (Delta Research and Extension Center,
MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($119,431).
Soybean yields over the past twenty years have increased across Mississippi due to a
multitude of factors including higher yielding varieties, earlier maturity varieties,
earlier planting, improved pest management tools, improved irrigation practices,
better management and the soybean management for application of research and
technology (SMART) program.
The SMART program services are an excellent
resource to demonstrate new and innovative production programs and inputs that
improves soybean yield and profitability.
The overall objective of this continuing project is to further improve Mississippi soybean
productivity and profitability by operating the SMART program through a collaborative
effort between private consulting and public extension personnel.
Use of seed and in-furrow applied fungicides to suppress the development
of soybean rust and charcoal rot; Gabe Sciumbato (Delta Research and Extension
Center, MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($18,690).
Essentially all of the soybean plants in Mississippi are systemically infected with
charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina) three to five weeks after planting. Charcoal rot
is more severe when the soybeans are under drought stress early in the season.
Therefore, this project is directed at eliminating charcoal rot early in the season to make
the soybean plant less susceptible to drought and other stresses later in the season.
The project involves evaluating various application methods for applying fungicides for
control of soybean rust and charcoal rot. Results of the study will be used to develop
management recommendations.
Establishment, colonization, toxin production and development of the
charcoal rot fungus, Macrophomina phaseolina, on soybean during the
disease life cycle-toxin: Basic biology for control; Richard Baird (Entomology
and Plant Pathology Department), Gabe Sciumbato and Hamed Abbas (Delta Research
and Extension Center), Jac Varco (Plant and Soil Science Department, MAFES,
Mississippi State University) and Thomas Shier (University of Minnesota); ($23,000).
This project will develop the basic information on the fungus that causes charcoal rot in
soybean. Charcoal rot has been increasing in several states during the past couple of
years. This project will obtain information on the fungus growth, development and toxin
production and results will be used to formulate research for controlling the pathogen.
Addressing critical soybean weed control issues in Mississippi; Dan Poston,
Vijay Nandula, Clifford Koger, Tom Eubank and Brewer Blessitt (Delta Research and
Extension Center, MAFES, Mississippi State University and USDA/ARS); ($60,000).
The goal of this project is to identify critical soybean weed control issues and develop
cost effective control strategies to benefit Mississippi soybean producers. Specifically,
the research project involves: 1) Assessing the long-term impact of glyphosate-only
weed management systems on pigweed populations; 2) Develop cost effective control
strategies for glyphosate-tolerant Italian ryegrass and horseweed; 3) Compare the
efficacy and economics of fall- and spring-applied winter weed management programs;
4) Develop control strategies for late-emerging annual grasses in early-maturity
soybeans; and 5) Evaluate new products for positioning into soybean weed
management programs in Mississippi.
Impact of starter fertilizers on growth and yield of March-, April- and Mayplanted soybean; Dan Poston, Wayne Ebelhar and James Blessitt (Delta Research
and Extension Center) and Normie Beuhring (North Mississippi Research and Extension
Center, MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($43,875).
The objective of this project is to determine the impact of starter fertilizers on growth and
yield of soybeans planted at various dates. A secondary objective is to determine the
impact of temperature and day length on soybean root development, nodulation and
vegetative growth.
Evaluation of critical shattering time of early-maturity soybeans under early
soybean production system; Lingxiao Zhang, Bernie White and Dan Posten (Delta
Research and Extension Center), Trey Koger (Mississippi Research Support Center),
and Alan Blaine (North Mississippi Research and Extension Center, MAFES, Mississippi
State University); ($5,000).
The goal of this continuing research project is to understand shattering behavior of
maturity group IV soybean grown in irrigated and non-irrigated fields under Midsouth
climate conditions. They will determine the critical period for shattering for major
maturity group IV varieties under both irrigated and non-irrigated fields in the Mississippi
Delta and to evaluate shattering effects on final yields and their economic impacts.
Enhancement of Mississippi soybean trials through entry standardization;
Bernie White (Mississippi Research Support Unit, MAFES, Mississippi State University);
The ultimate goal of this research is to provide Mississippi soybean growers with
accurate information on the yield potential of soybean varieties. In 2007, 275 soybean
varieties were tested at six locations; three of the tests were irrigated and five nonirrigated. Ninety-three percent of the varieties tested were Roundup Ready.
Screening soybean varieties for resistance to the soybean cyst nematode
and reniform nematode to enhance soybean production; Gary Lawrence
(Entomology and Plant Pathology Department) and Bernard White (Mississippi
Research Support Unit, MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($17,250).
Plant-parasitic nematodes are the most serious pest to soybean production in the
Southern U.S. In Mississippi, they have three major species, which include soybean
cyst, reniform and root knot nematodes. Although the soybean cyst is specific to
soybean as a host, the reniform and root-knot will feed and reproduce on many
Mississippi crops.
Soybean varieties have been identified with resistance to one or more races of soybean
cyst and reniform nematodes found in Mississippi. With the increased soybean
production in Mississippi there is a need for up-to-date listing of varieties with
resistance/tolerance to these nematodes.
The objectives of this project are to screen new soybean introductions for resistance to
Mississippi nematode populations as they are introduced through the variety evaluation
programs. The research project is designed to provide Mississippi soybean growers
with the latest information on the nematode resistance reactions available to one or
more of these nematodes.
Viruses of soybean in Mississippi: A case study; Sead Sababadzovic
(Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, MAFES, Mississippi State University);
This is a second year of a comprehensive study on viruses affecting soybean production
in Mississippi. The project identifies viruses present in Mississippi and evaluates their
relative incidence, survival and spread. The project’s goal is to create a better
understanding of viruses in Mississippi in hopes the information will lead to better control
future strategies.
Establishing an economic threshold for late-season stink bugs; Fred Musser
(Entomology and Plant Pathology Department, MAFES, Mississippi State University);
($7,733). fm61@msstate.ebdu
This is a continuing project that is working to refine the existing management threshold
for stink bugs at R7 by measuring their impact on soybean quality and yield. Past
results have been variable and additional field studies are necessary to develop
background needed for developing practical stink bug control management strategies.
Evaluation of private and public soybean varieties and breeding lines for
resistance to stem canker, frogeye leaf spot, purple leaf and pod stain, and
soybean mosaic virus; Gabe Sciumbato (Delta Research and Extension Center,
MAFES, Mississippi State University); ($49,089).
Field studies will be conducted to determine: 1) The disease resistance of commercially
available soybean varieties and advanced breeding lines to stem canker, frogeye leaf
spot, purple leaf and pod stain and charcoal rot; 2) The virulence of stem canker isolates
collected in Mississippi; and 3) The resistance to soybean rust in Mississippi soybean
varieties. Results of these studies will be provided to soybean growers and the seed
industry interested in the disease resistance of commercially available soybean varieties.
Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council
Delta Center soybean breeding projects; Grover Shannon (Division of Plant
Sciences, University of Missouri); ($175,591).(
The objective of this research is to develop new soybean varieties for Mid-South
environments. The specific objectives are breeding for higher yields, disease and
nematode resistance and quality traits.
Soybean breeding projects; David Sleper (Division of Plant Sciences, University of
Missouri); ($193,246). (
The specific objectives are breeding for higher yields, disease and nematode resistance
and quality traits.
Development and deployment of biotechnology for soybean improvement;
Henry Nguyen (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($300,000).
This project takes a holistic biotech approach to identify enabling technology traits,
transformation tools and ultimately varieties that contain value-added biotech traits.
Screening and characterizing soybean germplasm for drought tolerance;
Henry Nguyen, Bob Sharp, Grover Shannon and David Sleper (Division of Plant
Sciences, University of Missouri); ($79,383). (
The goal of the research is to develop soybean lines that will perform better when soil
moisture levels are less than optimal. The project’s specific objective is to identify
soybean germplasm with drought tolerance characteristics.
Using microgenomics to identify new sources of soybean cyst nematode
resistance in soybeans; Melissa Mitchum, Henry Nguyen, David Sleper and Grover
Shannon (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($72,000).
This project will study a new biotech approach to soybean nematode resistance.
Translational genomics for drought tolerance in soybean; Henry Nguyen
(Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($55,329).
. The goal is to develop elite soybean lines with candidate genes from the model plant
Arabidopsis that will protect and maintain the function and structure of cellular
components using genetic engineering tools.
Development of a high throughput Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
system for soybean (Glycine max); Zhanyuan Zhang and Henry Nguyen (Division
of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($64,900). (
The objective of this research is to design and conduct transformation experiments to
provide stronger evidence and more solid data to support a full patent application; and to
fully evaluate the scope and utility of this new invention for research groups to use as a
transformation vehicle.
Identification of soybean proteins which are allergenic to young pigs; Monty
Kerley and Hari Krishnan (Department of Animal Science, University of Missouri);
($54,000). (
The goal of this research is to eliminate soy proteins that cause allergic reactions in the
gut of young pigs.
Construction of fungal resistant soybean; Gary Stacey, Jinrong Wan, Kristin
Bilyeu, Jim English, and Jim Schoelz (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri);
($62,002). (
The objective of this research is to develop germplasm resistant to soybean rust.
Development and evaluation of soy protein and epoxidized soy oil ester
derived versatile plastics; Shubhen Kapila, Virgil Flanigan, K. Chandrashekhara,
and Paul Nam (Missouri University of Science & Technology); ($27,496).
The objectives are the development and evaluation of a new class of soy proteins /
Genetic engineering to enhance oil traits in soybean; Henry Nguyen, Rajesh
Kumar, David Sleper and Ed Cahoon (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri
and Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO.); ($67,763).
The overall goal is to develop elite soybean lines through genetic modulation of
candidate genes from plant and/or microbial sources. Efforts will be made toward
increasing the oil content in soybean seeds and directed at altering the oil quality in
soybean by targeting novel genes.
Transcriptional profiling of soybean transcription factors; Gary Stacey, Henry
Nguyen and Dong Xu (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($69,540).
The research goals are to develop gene-specific primers for all identified soybean
transcription factors and utilize these to develop a high-throughput system for sensitive
transcriptional profiling of soybean transcription factors; and, utilize the transcription
factor resource to profile gene expression in various soybean tissues and in response to
drought and soybean rust attack.
Generation of soybean plants resistant to soybean cyst nematode; Chris
Taylor (Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO.); ($78,125).
The objectives of this project will be to produce stable transformed soybean plants
expressing nematode toxic proteins and peptides; to generate stable transformed plants
expressing gene silencing constructs that inhibit the nematode’s ability to establish a
feeding site; and to develop the capabilities and capacities of soybean transformation to
further enhance research and the center.
Optimum level of soybean meal in sow lactation diets; Gary Allee (Animal
Science Department, University of Missouri); ($20,000). (
goals of this project are to determine the optimum levels of soybean meal in diets for
parity one and parity two high-producing sows during lactation in a commercial
environment. It is essential that we are able to follow subsequent performance and
evaluate the influence of treatments during lactation not only on litter size, but also
longevity in the breeding herd.
Genetic modification of sterol composition in soybean seeds; Henry Nguyen
(Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($59,241).
The overall goal is to develop elite soybean lines with improved nutritional quality and
elevated phytosterol content by isolating and manipulating key components of
phytosterol biosynthetic pathway in soybean.
Defense peptides to protect soybean from rust: Jim English, Gary Stacey and F.
Schmidt (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($79,500).
This research is a biotech approach to preventing rust infestation on soybean.
Does genistein, a soy phytoestrogen, prevent prostate cancer by regulation
of the hedgehog-signaling pathway? Dennis Lubahn (University of Missouri
Center for Phytonutrient and Phytochemical Studies); ($24,030).
The overall goal is to explore the protective effect of the soy phytoestrogen genistein and
to examine the molecular mechanisms involved in this protection with emphasis on
estrogen- and Hedgehog-signaling pathways.
Carbon isotope discrimination analysis as a tool for researchers to improve
soybean drought tolerance; Felix Fritschi, Bill Wiebold, Grover Shannon and David
Sleper (Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($13,520).
This project is intended to establish the utility of carbon isotope discrimination (CID)
analysis for soybean and to develop an optimized screening procedure. The benefit of
this project will materialize when the procedure(s) developed are applied to select and
develop soybean germplasm with greater drought tolerance.
Developing a web server for soybean translational genomics; Dong Xu,
Jianlin Cheng, Henry Nguyen and Gary Stacey (Computer Science Department and the
Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri); ($62,543). (
The goal of this project is to create a central knowledge database and develop a userfriendly web server with rich information and strong capacity, as a one-stop shop for
soybean transgenic developments.
Enhancing the nutritional value of soybean seed meal to meet the amino
acid requirements of livestock; Monty Kerley and Hari Krishnan (Animal Science
Department, University of Missouri); ($54,000). (
The overall goal of this research is to improve the density of amino acids in soybean
protein that are nutritionally relevant and limited in availability commercially.
Molecular-genetic regulation of seed oil accumulation in soybean: Henry
Nguyen, Rajesh Kumar and Grover Shannon (Division of Plant Sciences, University of
Missouri); ($72,582). (
the seed oil content in agronomic lines will not only make the crop more competitive
globally, but will also expand its application toward biodiesel production or other
industrial application. Soybeans with increased oil content will be more competitive and
would ensure for better economic gains for farmers.
High throughput cloning and functional characterization of molecular
switches for stress tolerance and enhanced seed composition in soybean;
Henry Nguyen, Babu Valliyodan, Son Tran and Gary Stacey (Division of Plant Sciences,
University of Missouri); ($73,671). (
The production of drought tolerant soybean will result in better yield and quality. For
market competition, Missouri farmers need to have soybean cultivars with improved
drought tolerance and yield stability. With the focus of developing soybean plants with
enhanced stress tolerance and seed composition, the overall goal is to generate and
characterize number of abiotic stress-related and seed development-related transcription
factor conducts.
The preparation and characterization of new applications of soy polymers
(methyl soyate) and study of their marketable applications; Dennis
Roedemeier Missouri Research Corporation); ($25,000). (
The goal is to identify new uses for soybeans and to commercialize those new
discoveries, generating additional demand for soy protein and oil.
Does soy lunasin prevent prostate cancer by regulation of the hedgehogsignaling pathway? Dennis Lubahn (University of Missouri); ($49,000).
The focus is to investigate the most widely used botanical products, which have
phytoestrogenic activities, for their role in prostate cancer prevention via regulation of the
Hedgehog-signaling pathway both in vivo and in vitro. The overall goal is to explore the
protective effect of soy lunasin and to examine the molecular mechanisms involved in
this protection with emphasis on the Hedgehog-signaling pathways.
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($30,000).
Nebraska Soybean Board
Soybean breeding and genetics research for Nebraska; George Graef and
James Specht (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of NebraskaLincoln); ($203,443). (
The goal of the project is to develop high-yielding soybean varieties for Nebraska
farmers. The research project will develop and evaluate germplasm and cultivars that
are resistant to iron deficiency chlorosis, soybean mosaic virus, bean pod mottle virus,
Phytophthora root rot, Sclerotinia stem rot and soybean cyst nematode. Research will
also be conducted to produce germplasm and cultivars with improved compositional
quality and for use in specialty food markets such as tofu, natto, edamame, sprouts and
Winter nursery support for soybean breeding and genetic research; George
Graef and James Specht (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln); ($66,125). (
The funding will allow the soybean breeders to speed the development of soybean
variety development. The winter nursery will be used for advancing generations by
single seed descent and for small-scale seed increases of specific lines that will hasten
the development of breeding lines for commercial production.
Enhancing soybean germplasm through biotechnology; Tom Clemente and
George Graef (Departments of Agronomy and Horticulture/Plant Science Initiate,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln); ($73,060). (
The goal of this research project is to use new biotechnology methods to improve
soybean germplasm. The research group is using gene transfer technology for
introducing novel genes and output traits that will complement the University of
Nebraska’s soybean breeding program. A wide variety of unique gene transfer
techniques and novel traits are being investigated.
Soybean surveillance network: Monitoring for soybean rust and insect
pests; Loren Giesler (Departments of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln);
($19,511). (
The objectives of this project are to assist producers with soybean management
decisions by providing real-time information on potential airborne diseases and insect
pests, and utilizing information obtained on insect population and vectored viral diseases
in the development of an IPM plan for managing soybean insect pests and vectored
Assaying oil and protein content of soybean varieties and locations
entered in statewide variety testing program; Lenis Nelson (Department of
This service project involves analyzing the oil and protein content of soybean samples
obtained from the Nebraska Soybean Variety Test and publishing the information with
the variety test results.
User-friendly stimulation model and irrigation scheduling tool for Nebraska
soybean producers; Kenneth Cassman, Achim Dobemann, James Specht, Daniel
Walters and Haishun Yang (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln); ($45,000). (
This project involves determining the quantitative guidelines for irrigation of soybean with
irrigation “trigger” thresholds that vary by growth state and can be used in a new
soybean simulation model. The team will develop a simulation model that can be used
to predict real-time irrigation requirements and analyze rain fed and irrigated soybean
yield potentials in relation to cultivar maturity, planting date and plant populations.
Cost-effective soy protein fiber; Michael Jaffe (Medical Device Concept
Laboratory, New Jersey Institute of Technology); ($25,000). (A joint project with the
United Soybean Board). (
The key objectives are to: 1) Reproduce the existing soy protein wet spinning process
on the 100 gram scale for spun fiber (at 2 denier/fil this translates to 450 Kilometers of
fiber); 2) Examine novel chemistries to improve spin ability of soy protein; 3) Examine
the impact of fiber formation parameters on the performance of the resulting fibers,
emphasizing impact on throughput, mechanical properties, dimensional and
environmental stability and biodegradation rate; 4) Examine the impact of protein cross
linking on fiber performance; and 5) Assess cost performance of soy protein fiber
products versus existing competition. If feasible create platform soy fiber patent base to
support commercialization.
Development of a high energy density glycerol biobattery; Shelley Minteer
(Department of Chemistry, St. Louis University); ($17,798). (A joint project with the
United Soybean Board). (
This [project will develop emerging soy-based technologies for Petrochemical market.
Recently, they have found that we can get over an order of magnitude better battery
energy density out of glycerol rather than soybean oil, so we propose to develop a high
energy density glycerol biobattery/biofuel cell.
Increasing soy levels in polyurethane foam for automotive uses; Asad Ali
(Lear Corporation); ($100,000). (A joint project with the United Soybean Board).
The goal of this project is to develop soy-based plastics for petrochemical market. This
project will develop soy based foam formulation by replacing petroleum based polyol that
will be used for automotive seating foam applications to improve the dynamic
environmental comfort system performance in seat design.
Improving Nebraska’s soybean seed protein and oil content; James Specht
and George Graef (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska);
($46,300). (
The objective of the project is to locate the genomic map positions of all genes (QTLs)
that influence soybean seed protein and oil content found in 50 highest protein and 50
highest oil accessions of the soybean germplasm banks, using a new genotyping
procedure that was developed by Dr. Specht and his national soybean research
colleagues. The information will be used to identify the best flanking marers that will
allow soybean breeders to incorporate the best genes for enhancing protein content
and/or oil content (with minimal side effects) into high-yielding soybean varieties that are
adapted to Nebraska.
Nitrogen application to irrigated soybeans at planting and during early
reproductive growth; Charles. Wortmann (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture,
University of Nebraska); ($16,900). (
To determine for irrigated soybean in eastern & south central Nebraska the probability of
response to soil application of N at R3 for high yield irrigated soybean. To determine the
probability of response to starter N application, under no-till high residue conditions. To
determine the conditions where response is most likely to occur and to develop a
practical framework for N management in irrigated soybeans in Nebraska.
Developing an IPM program for stink bug in Nebraska soybeans; Thomas E.
Hunt (UNL NEREC Haskell Agricultural Laboratory); ($20,732). (
To determine the phenological relationships between the stink bug species and soybean
from south to north in Nebraska and assess the risk of stink bug damage to soybeans.
Develop a stink bug monitoring system that helps farmers/consultants determine when
to scout. Initiate Nebraska specific research on the effects of stink bugs on soybeans.
Determine the efficacy of established and new insecticides on stick bug.
Nebraska Research Consortium for Water and Energy in Agriculture;
Kenneth C. Cassman (Biological Systems Engineering Department, University of
Nebraska); ($75,000). (
The purpose of this project is to develop a research consortium that will include
Nebraska commodity organizations, UNL, NPPD, and other public and private-sector
groups that share a vision for ensuring rural economic development with the reality of
limited water and energy supplies for irrigation, biofuel plants, and livestock operations.
The two objectives are to increase agricultural income per unit of water used for crop,
biofuel, or livestock production, and to decrease peak-load irrigation associated with
energy demand.
Influence of irrigation and crop rotation sequence on SCN populations;
Loren Giesler (Department of Plant Pathology; University of Nebraska); ($32,010).
Determine the effects of crop rotation patterns on soybean cyst nematode populations in
Nebraska. Determine the effect that irrigation has on SCN populations dynamics within
the studied rotations.
Profitability-oriented site-specific liming for soybean production; Viacheslav
I. Adamchuk (Biological Systems Engineering; University of Nebraska); ($51,260).
Develop an inexpensive screening procedure to identify fields suitable for variable rate
liming. Quantify agronomic and economic advantages of variable rate liming in
Nebraska growing conditions. Share our findings with producers, consultants and
service providers who regularly treat soil acidity in agricultural fields, and equipment
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($400,000).
New Jersey Soybean Board
Biological control of the Mexican bean beetle (Epilachna varivestis) using
the parasitic wasp Pediobius foveolatus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in
soybeans; Wayne Hudson (New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant
Industry, Bureau of Biological Pest Control); ($3,500). (
Mexican bean beetles feed on the foliage of soybeans, snap beans and lima beans,
reducing the crop yield. Since 1980, with support from the New Jersey Soybean Board,
the laboratory has been releasing a parasitic wasp, Pediobius foveolatus, in New Jersey
soybean fields to control this pest. The wasp cannot survive New Jersey winters and
must be reared in the laboratory and released into soybean fields each summer.
The wasp attacks the larvae of the Mexican bean beetle and has been very effective at
controlling bean beetles. Virtually no insecticides have been applied to the state’s
soybean crop in recent years and pesticide applications for bean beetle control have
been reduced on snap beans and lima beans. These biocontrol strategies have saved
growers hundreds of thousands of dollars annually and reduced insecticide applications
by thousands of pounds.
Plans for the upcoming season are to keep parasite pressure on developing Mexican
bean beetle populations by maintaining nurse plots throughout the counties with
Mexican bean beetle populations. The number of plots statewide will remain between
55-60 due to the overall decline in the Mexican bean beetle population. If the Mexican
bean beetle populations increase in the future, the number of wasps released will be
The specific objectives of the project are to: 1) Set up 55-60 1/8 acre nursery plots of a
snap and soybean mix in Central and Southern New Jersey adjacent to soybean fields
for use in attracting and monitoring Mexican bean beetle populations and for use in
parasite nurseries; 2) Release the Mexican bean beetle parasite, Pediobius foveolatus,
in nursery plots and bean beetle infested fields of soybean to maintain pest populations
below economic thresholds; and 3) Continue to develop management recommendations
to minimize the need for insecticide applications for control of the Mexican bean beetle in
North Carolina Soybean Producers Association
Continuation of off-season winter nursery for soybean breeding in North
Carolina; David Smith (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University);
($13,500). (
The objective of this research is to take breeding materials through one or two
generations of inbreeding in the winter nursery. This project will speed the development
of soybean lines with drought tolerance, higher protein, improved oil quality and soyfood
quality traits.
Soybean cultivars and germplasm adapted to North Carolina growing
conditions; Andrea J. Cardinal (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State
University); ($41,566). (
The objectives of this project are to: 1) Test the agronomic performance and yield
potential of new conventional and Roundup Ready lines; 2) Develop both conventional
and Roundup Ready high-yielding soybean varieties adapted to North Carolina
environments; and 3) Create soybean populations that combine high yield potential and
resistance to soybean cyst nematode populations.
Soybean cultivars resistant to soybean cyst nematode races 2 and 4;
Andrea J. Cardinal (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University);
The research will screen soybean varieties for resistance to soybean cyst nematode
Evaluating blends of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistant and
susceptible varieties for management of SCN; Steve Koenning (Crop Science
Department, North Carolina State University); ($10,348). (
This project involved evaluating blends of soybean cyst nematode resistant and
susceptible varieties for managing soybean cyst nematode populations. The potential of
this management strategy will be fully examined.
Emergence, growth and management of the nightshade family of weeds;
Michael G. Burton (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University);
($15,633). (
This project involves developing management strategies for controlling nightshade.
Information obtained will be provided to soybean growers to help reduce harvesting
problems caused by nightshade.
Populations of Roundup Ready soybeans; James Dunphy (Crop Science
Department, North Carolina State University); ($8,000). (
The objectives of this project are to: 1) Determine whether the yield-population in
Roundup Ready soybean is the same for 30-inch rows as it is in 15-inch rows and is the
same for indeterminate maturity group IV soybeans as determinate soybeans; 2) Train
county Extension personnel about soybean growth; and 3) Provide county Extension
personnel with aids for teaching producers and agribusiness about soybean production.
Soybean variety demonstrations; James Dunphy (Crop Science Department,
North Carolina State University); ($6,000). (
The objective of this project is to provide side-by-side comparisons under local
conditions of promising new and widely grown soybean varieties; and to train county
Extension personnel to use results of soybean variety studies.
Management and surveillance of Asiatic soybean rust in North Carolina;
Steve Koenning (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University); ($10,000).
The objectives of this project are to evaluate fungicides for management of Asiatic
soybean rust and their effects on soybean yield; and to monitor the development and
potential arrival of soybean rust in North Carolina soybean production environments.
Ecology and management of glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth; Michael
G. Burton (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University and USDA/ARS);
($14,712). (
The recent discovery of suspected glyphosate-resistant biotypes of Palmer Amaranth in
North Carolina, and the known existence of ALS-inhibitor herbicide resistant biotypes,
raises particular concern for the potential for biotypes with multiple resistances. The
research project will evaluate management options for glyphosate-resistant Palmer
Amaranth in soybeans without extensive reliance on ALS-inhibitor herbicides.
Identification and characterization of novel soybean allergen; Sandra
Weissinger and Arthur Weissinger (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State
University); ($14,353). (
The project seeks to isolate novel putative allergens in soybean by probing a soy seed
cDNA library with nucleotide sequences of characterized allergens from other legumes,
to characterize the new allergens, and the study of their allergenic properties.
Selecting high oil soybean varieties; Andrea Cardinal (Crop Science Department,
North Carolina State University); ($3,000). (
The objectives of this project are to identify soybean lines with oil higher than 19% @
13% moisture and to measure yield ability of high oil soybean lines with the goal of
developing high oil, high yielding varieties.
Potential yield enhancements; James Dunphy (Crop Science Department, North
Carolina State University; ($6,300) (
The objective of this project is to improve soybean profitability, train county agents, train
producers, and support on-farm tests and demonstration projects. This extension
project incorporates findings from replicated on-farm tests of new or unique products that
may increase soybean yields and profits.
On-farm evaluation of resistant varieties for management of soybean cyst
nematode; Steve Koenning (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State
University); ($9,880). (
The project incorporates on-farm research to evaluate newly released or experimental
soybean lines for resistance to soybean cyst nematode and for yield potential in the
presence of SCN.
Evaluation of Abamictin as a seed treatment for control of soybean cyst
nematode; Steve Koenning (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State
University); ($20,000). (
Abamictin is a seed treatment nematicide for cotton that holds promise for management
of soybean cyst nematode. Syngenta is funding research on Abamictin for soybean but
the information garnered may not be applicable to North Carolina. This research will
evaluate the effectiveness of Abamictin as a seed treatment for controlling SCN in North
Investigating the increased use of soybean meal in the diets of
aquacultured fish in North Carolina; Tom Losordo (Department of Biological and
Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University); ($5,011)
This preliminary study focuses on the creation of soy-based diets for hybrid striped bass.
If successful in replacing fish meal with soy meal in the diet of hybrid striped bass, the
species could be used as a model for creating diets for other fin fish including salmon.
Drought tolerant varieties; Jim Dunphy (Crop Science Department, North Carolina
State University); ($7,025). (
The project seeks to determine if potential new varieties being developed to tolerate
drought conditions yield higher than other available varieties under drought
Manganese-Roundup interaction; Jim Dunphy (Crop Science Department, North
Carolina State University); ($9,025). (
The project investigates whether Roundup or the Roundup Ready gene interferes with
the uptake of manganese by soybean plants.
Cover crops for management of soybean cyst nematode; Steve Koenning
(Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University); ($5,000)
The researcher measures the influence of cover crops on SCN and soybean yield in
fields infested with SCN and determines the usefulness of cropping systems including
potential biofuel crops for inclusion in soybean production systems.
Weed management tactics for no-till organic soybean production; Chris
Reberg-Horton (Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University); ($9,963).
Are additional weed control measures such as organically approved herbicides needed
for no-till organic soybeans? The project investigates the use of a cover crop roller to
plant no-till soybeans into rye mulches, and compare no-till organic to conventionallytilled organic soybeans in terms of yield and weed control.
North Dakota Soybean Council
Impact of tillage system and previous crop on soybean production;
DeKyoung Lee (North Dakota State University Carrington Research Extension Center);
($4,600). (
Soybean production acres have doubled during the past five years and soybean has
become a major crop for rotation production systems in North Dakota. One of the major
advantages of North Dakota’s production agriculture Is diversified crop practices.
Decisions for selecting rotation crops require specific information on tillage practices for
the previous crop. This project will evaluate the benefits of including soybeans in the
rotation and the ability to improve soil fertility and reduce tillage practices/production
costs. Field production management research combined with economic analysis will be
an important tool for practical application.
The specific objectives of this long-term project are: 1) Compare conventional, minimum
and no-till practices for soybean production when barley, corn and spring wheat are
previous crops; 2) Compare wheat, corn and canola production following soybean
production within and across the tillage systems; and 3) Analyze net economic return of
soybean production with previous crops and tillage practices
Field plots have been established at the Carrington Research Extension Center. The
split plot design allows for crop rotation as the whole plot (1.25 acres) and tillage
treatments as sub-plot (0.42 acres). The crop rotations to be studied are: 1) Hard red
spring wheat (HRSW)/ sunflower/barley/soybean; 2) HRSW/soybean/corn/field pea; and
3) HRSW/corn/soybean/canola. To demonstrate the value of soybean on the following
crop, three nitrogen fertility treatments (0, 50 and 100 pounds) will be imposed on the
crop following soybeans. This data will provide an estimate of the “nitrogen credit” that
the soybean rotation will provide the crop management system. An economic analysis
will be conducted to calculate the net return of soybean production to the producer and
economic benefit of including soybeans in the crop rotation.
New iron fertilizers for soybeans based on “smart” polymers; Andriy
Voronpov (Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials, North Dakota State
University) and R. Jay Goos (Department of Soil Science, North Dakota State
University); ($17,520); (
Iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) is a common yield-limiting factor for soybean produced in
North Central Region. Yield losses have been estimated to cost regional producers at
least $120 million annually. The scope of the problem has grown as soybean production
has expanded throughout the high pH regions of western Minnesota and the Dakotas.
Although iron is an abundant plant nutrient in soils, iron deficiencies are common in
alkaline soils. The solubility (availability) of iron is reduced as the pH of the soil is
increased. Fe(3+) ions are soluble at pH lower than 3 and Fe(2+) ions are soluble at pH
4-6 and iron solubility is decreased to a minimum in soils with a pH of 7.5-8.5. Iron
forms insoluble iron hydroxides at higher pH.
Two fertilization approaches have been attempted to prevent or correct IDC in soybeans.
Foliar sprays have generally not been effective since chlorotic soybeans do not respond
to foliar sprays. Soil applied synthetic chelates are the common approach taken for the
prevention of IDC. Iron chelates have disadvantages in being costly and stability of
these large molecules varies with soil properties. Some of these chelates are washed
from the soil with heavy rains. Farmers would benefit by having more fertilization
options available to them for preventing IDC.
This project is to develop new iron fertilizers based on polymeric materials instead of
traditional chelates. The researchers will develop the new fertilizers, optimize the
chemical structure of these new polymers, and screen iron availability in greenhouse
and field studies. The strategy includes developing hydrophilic (water-friendly) and
hydrophobic (water-avoiding) polymers that bind to soil particles. Developing iron
containing polymers could increase the iron available to the soybean plant and reduction
of IDC symptoms.
Effects of soil type on soybean cyst nematode; Berlin Nelson (Department of
Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University); ($6,975). (
The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, is the most serious
pathogen of soybean in the United Sates. In August 2003, SCN was discovered for
the first time in North Dakota and now is found in several counties. Numerous fields
are infested and soybean yields are reduced in infested fields. It is assumed that the
nematode will continue to spread throughout soybean production areas in the state
and will continue to have a major impact on soybean yields. The long-term goal of
this project is to develop a comprehensive SCN management plan. Part of the plan
is to identify soils where SCN would be a greater risk for soybean production. Sitespecific management would allow growers an additional tool for the control of SCN.
This research will evaluate SCN reproduction and disease development on soybeans in
ten different soil types from five geographic areas in the eastern half of North Dakota.
Both greenhouse and field tests using microplots will be used to measure the effect of
soil type on SCN reproduction and disease development. Soybean seed yields and
growth parameters will be measured. Reproduction of SCN will be measured as the
number of cysts and eggs. Risk tables will be developed for assessing the risk of SCN
development in various soils.
Increasing value and market potential for North Dakota co-product feeds;
Vern Anderson, Kim Koch and Breanne Ilse (North Dakota State University Carrington
Research Extension Center); ($9,781). (
There is a potential for improving both the physical and nutritional characteristics of
several co-product feeds produced in North Dakota. This project will evaluate the
manufacturing process and potential for pelleting a commercial feed product using
primarily soybean meal, distillers grains and glycerol and animal performance, in
specific, beef production scenarios where nutrient density and palability are critical
The specific objectives of this project are to: 1) Determine the manufacturing process
and potential for pelleting a commercial feed product using primarily soybean meal and
distillers grains with glycerol and/or peas included as a binder; 2) Evaluate beef cattle
performance with pelleted co-product feeds in creep feeds and receiving diets; and 3)
Determine the relative cost of production of cattle fed the nutrient-dense feed products.
Evaluation of glycerol as an energy source in feedlot diets; Vern Anderson
and Breanne Ilse (North Dakota State University Carrington Research Extension Center)
and Greg Lardy (Animal and Range Science Department, North Dakota State
University); ($44,325). (
Expanded use of glycerol in the livestock industry would add value to the overall
biodiesel industry and thereby impact the soybean farmer. Glycerol is an expensive
product compared to grains, but the increased supply on the market may drive down the
price so the feed sector could use significant amounts; if glycerol proves to be a useful
source of energy. There has been little research on the use of glycerol in ruminant
rations; therefore, research on including glycerol in cattle rations could provide a new
market for glycerol.
The goal of this project is to determine the optimum glycerol inclusion rate in beef cattle
rations. Studies are designed to: 1) Determine the effect of various levels of glycerol in
feedlot growing and finishing rations on feed intake, gain and feed efficiency; 2) Evaluate
the effects of glycerol in feedlot finishing rations on carcass traits and value; 3)
Determine the relative economic value of glycerol as a feed energy ingredient; and 4)
Evaluate the physiological effects of glycerol on digestion and metabolism of steers.
The treatments will consist of feeding a negative control with no added glycerol and
glycerol added at 5, 10 and 15 percent of the diet dry matter. The experiment should
provide information on the value of glycerol in feedlot operations.
The development of fuels, chemicals and polymers from soybean oil; Wayne
Seames (Chemical Engineering Department, University of North Dakota); ($110,000).
This project will research technologies to improve the efficiency and economic
attractiveness of a number of processes that researchers at the University of North
Dakota are exploring or developing—all of which start with the cracking of soybean oil.
The products being developed include biojet, cold weather biodiesel, aromatic and
cycloparaffinic compounds useful as gasoline additives, jet fuel blend stock, and
commodity chemicals (short-chain fatty acids, esters, and polymers). Additional
research can make commercialization of the University of North Dakota’s biojet fuel
process more economically attractive and generate additional markets for soy-based
products that may of themselves ultimately justify processing facilities.
The specific research objectives include:
Develop better catalysts to crack soybean oil in order to: 1) Maximize middle distillate
chemicals that can be used in jet fuel and diesel; 2) Maximize aromatics that can be
used for gasoline or make blend stock for jet fuel; or 3) Maximize short-chained fatty
acid generation which can be extracted and purified for independent product sales or
used as polymer feedstock.
Explore different solvents in order to identify the most attractive method of removing
short-chain fatty acids from cracked soybean oil.
Explore reactions that use purified aromatics generated from soybean oil to produce
polycarbonates; and
Research polymeric reactions that use extracted short-chain fatty acids to produce
two classes of largely biobased polymers: 1) Polyvinyl acetate and vinyl copolymers;
and 2) Esters of cellulose including cellulose acetate and cellulose butyrate.
Improving soy food quality for enhanced health; Sam K.C. Chang, Shaohong
Yuan and Baojun XU (Cereal and Food Technology Department, North Dakota State
University); ($100,000). (
The long-term goal of this research project is to advance the science and technology
needed for the utilization of soybeans, to improve soy food quality, to enhance the
marketability in the domestic and global market, and to improve consumer health
through the retention of beneficial components and the removal of unwanted
components. Soybean and soy foods contain significant amounts of health-promoting
components, however, they also contain undesirable traits such as beany odor and
trypsin inhibitors. These traits are barriers to greater soy food consumption and use.
Soymilk is used as a beverage and is also an ingredient in making tofu and textured
meat products. Maximizing desirable health-promoting components and the removal of
unwanted materials will improve the utilization of soybeans in food products.
This research project is focused on the processing of soymilk to produce a product with
improved flavor and positive health-promoting characteristics. The specific objective of
this project is to investigate the effect of ultra-high heating processing methods for the
removal of beany flavors and trypsin inhibitor activities. The process can also be used to
retain desirable phytochemicals such as isoflavones and the phenolics that are related to
antioxidant activities, bioavailability and anti-tumor activities in cell culture.
The study involves characterizing raw soymilk, traditional cooked soymilk and ultra-high
heat processed soymilk samples heated to various temperature and time combinations.
The best continuous ultra-high temperature processing procedures for removing the
undesirable flavors and trypsin inhibitors will be identified. They will also identify the
best processing conditions and soybean varieties for producing a soymilk with needed
sensory qualities.
Screening soybean varieties for resistance to iron deficiency chlorosis; T.
Jay Goos (Department of Soil Science, North Dakota State University); ($30,952).
Iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) is a common disease of soybean in Northern States.
Most seed companies give a chlorosis rating to their varieties, but companies use
different rating scales that confuse farmers. Some seed companies do not provide sideby-side comparisons that can be used by farmers to select varieties most appropriate for
their farm. The commercial chlorosis evaluations that are available to farmers are not
The objectives of this project are to screen about 250 public and commercial soybean
varieties for resistance to IDC under field conditions; support the NDSU soybean
breeding program; and provide information to soybean growers, seed dealers and
consulting agronomists on IDC scores.
The experimental design is a randomized complete block design with four replications.
IDC scores, on a 1-5 scale, are taken at the 2-3 trifoliolate stage, 5-6 trifoliolate and
about two weeks after the 5-6 trifoliolate stage. Yield is not recorded for the five foot
rows due to labor costs and high experimental errors. Six standard soybean varieties
with different response to IDC are planted to verify IDC scores. This year ten of the
most resistant varieties from 2007 will be planted to provide a year-to-year comparison
of IDC severity.
The program is in its eighth year, experience gained in selecting the location for sites
and assuring adequate number of sites and replications have proven valuable in creating
unbiased IDC scores that are valued by farmers and the seed industry.
Benefits of co-locating soybean processing facilities with sugar beet
factories; Michael Mann (Chemical Engineering Department, University of North
Dakota); ($15,000). (
In Brazil, co-locating facilities for crushing soybeans and biodiesel production with sugar
cane-to-ethanol facilities produces several synergistic effects that improve overall
system economics. This project will identify technical and economic advantages of
locating a soybean crushing and fuel processing facility near a sugar processor.
The specific objectives include: 1) Determining the technical and economic benefits of
co-locating soybean and sugar processing units; 2) Identifying potential enhanced or
new products that can be produced from a co-located plants; and 3) Performing
preliminary analysis of enhanced or new products that can be produced from co-located
Survey of emerging soybean diseases in North Dakota; Sam Markell and
Berlin Nelson (Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University);
($16,284). (
In recent years, previously unreported economically important soybean diseases have
been identified in North Dakota. The objective of this new project is to: 1) Conduct an
intensive survey of soybean fields in North Dakota to assess the prevalence and
distribution of these emerging diseases; and 2) Create a culture collection of pathogens
causing disease. The project will concentrate on four soybean diseases (anthracnose,
charcoal rot, brown spot and soybean rust). The results of the survey will aid in
developing management strategies for diseases in North Dakota.
Control of soybean diseases; Berlin Nelson (Department of Plant Pathology, North
Dakota State University); ($50,330). (
Soybean diseases reduce soybean yields and profits. The main goals of this research
are to: 1) Incorporate resistance to important diseases into public soybean germplasm
and cultivars; 2) Determine the changes occurring in the pathogen populations which will
impact disease control; and 3) Determine if there are new diseases that threaten
soybean production in North Dakota.
The project provides for screening of breeding lines and cultivars for resistance to SCN
and Phytophthora sojae and other pathogens that threaten the soybean crop and
monitoring soybeans for new pathogens such as rust, sudden death syndrome, viruses
and new virulent strains of established pathogens.
Reproduction of SCN on resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars; Berlin
Nelson (Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University); ($24,340).
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a new disease of soybeans in North Dakota that
threatens soybean production. Control of SCN is focused on managing SCN egg levels
in infested soils and using resistant varieties. To understand disease development and
effectively manage the SCN it is necessary to have data on the reproduction of SCN on
resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars that are adapted to North Dakota.
Understanding yield losses associated with SCN egg levels provides information useful
in managing this pathogen and reducing losses.
The research objective of this project is to quantify SCN egg production on susceptible
and resistant soybean cultivars under field conditions in North Dakota and compare
yields between those cultivars. Field experiments will be established in locations with
natural SCN infections and SCN eggs levels are known. Resistant cultivars with PI
88788, Peking, PI 209332 and PI 437654 sources of SCN resistance will be compared
to four or five popular commercial or public soybean cultivars with no known SCN
resistance genes.
An understanding of SCN reproduction and effect on yield will help design the SCN
management plan for North Dakota and aid growers in decisions on management. The
information gained from this research will be used in the NDSU Extension Program. The
information will be delivered through grower meetings, the Internet and in Extension
newsletters and circulars.
Biological control and aphid resistant cultivars; Paul Ode and Janet Knodel
(Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University); ($23,104).
The goal of this project is to integrate the use of beneficial insects and aphid-resistance
breeding to reduce the damage by soybean aphid on North Dakota soybean production.
The researchers will examine the compatibility of soybean cultivars containing the Rag1
gene for resistance to the soybean aphid with a biological control agent, the parasitic
wasp Binodoxys communis, using a combination of greenhouse and field studies. Using
biocontrol agents and pest resistant soybean varieties are two strategies that can keep
aphid pest levels below threshold where chemical control is necessary.
The objective of this project is to evaluate the compatibility of Rag1-containing cultivars
of soybean and biological control. While both approaches show great promise in
controlling soybean aphids and reducing the need for chemical control. Developing a
successful IPM program to control soybean aphids should reduce insecticide costs while
reducing damage caused by the soybean aphid.
Optimizing control of soybean aphid in North Dakota; Janet Knodel
(Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University); ($21,580).
Soybean aphids were first discovered in the eastern counties of North Dakota in August
of 2001. Since its detection in North Dakota, producers and agricultural professionals
have monitored fields for seasonal aphid populations and have applied insecticides
when significant infestation warranted treatment to prevent losses. Currently, the
recommended threshold is 250 aphids per plant on 80 percent or more of the plants
when populations are actively increasing and plants are in the susceptible R1 to R5
growth stage. This threshold provides a seven-day lead-time between scouting and
Foliar insecticides are the common strategy to control soybean aphids. The use of
insecticides has increased three-fold since 2000 due to the increasing need to treat for
aphids. Treatment of seed with a systemic insecticide may provide producers an
alternative to foliar insecticides and have less impact on the environment.
The goal of this project is to optimize pest management for the control of soybean aphid
and to determine the impact of these strategies on predatory insects of soybean aphid in
North Dakota. The research will identify “best” pest management strategies for soybean
aphids and which strategies have the minimal negative effects on the beneficial insects.
The ultimate goal of the research is to integrate effective insecticide control, biological
control and aphid-resistance cultivars in a soybean management program that will
reduce soybean aphid outbreaks, the need for costly insecticide treatments and
maximize soybean yields.
Do intensive management practices increase net return for soybean
producers? DoKyoung Lee and Hans Kandel (North Dakota State University
Carrington Research Extension Center); ($25,600). (
This project is directed towards increasing soybean profitability by
adopting the best management practices. While soybean production has
increased significantly in North Dakota, research integrating multiple
factors such as water management, variety selection, planting date, plant
population and seed treatments, with soybean yield and net economic
return has not been done. This project is designed to provide information
that will potentially increase the profitability of soybean produced in North
The specific objectives include:
 Comparing irrigation vs. dry plant management, Roundup Ready vs. conventional
varieties, and early planting vs. late planting for soybean production;
 Determining the appropriate row spacing and plant population for optimum soybean
 Investigating the effects of optimum management practices such as seed treatments
with fungicide, seed inoculation with inoculate containing plant health promoter on
soybean yield;
 Determining the net return of soybean production with each management practice
based on input costs and market price; and
 Identifying the best management practice for soybean production for North Dakota
soybean farmers.
The researchers will design field research that will generate information on the impact of
water management, variety selection, planting date, plant population, optimum seed
treatments and foliar treatments to develop best management practices to optimize
profitability. The results of this study will be communicated to soybean grower through
grower meetings, field tours, annual reports and the NDSU’s Website
Novel soybean oil based ultraviolet light curable coating materials; Dean
Webster (Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials, North Dakota State
University); ($82,073). (
The objective of this research project is to develop novel ultraviolet light-curable thiolene coating materials from soybean derivatives. New soybean oil having thiol and vinyl
groups will be synthesized and coating formulations prepared and evaluated. This
project will provide a new market for soybean oil derivatives in high value-added
The specific objectives are to:
 Synthesize and characterize novel, multi-functional thiols and vinyl-functional
material starting from commercial-available soybean oil derivatives (epoxidized
soybean oil). The synthesis will be based on the expoxy ring opening reaction of
epoxidized soybean oil by thiols or ally; alcohol using an acidic catalyst; and
Formulate and characterize radiation-curable, soybean oil, thiol-ene clear coating
materials with the aid of combinatorial and high throughout instrumentation. The
objective involves understanding the structure-property relationships of soybean oil
thiol-ene UV-curable coatings.
Thus the goal of the research is to develop, and promote, the utilization of low-cost, biorenewable soybean oil derivatives in high value-added, environmental-friendly, UVcurable materials resulting in both economic and environmental benefits.
Breeding of improved cultivars and germplasm; Ted Helms (Department of
Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University); ($110,000). (
The goal of this research project is to provide soybean farmers in North Dakota
cultivars that are genetically superior to varieties that are currently being grown.
The soybean breeding effort is also producing both cultivars and germplasm lines
that private companies can use in their breeding programs. The breeding targets
are high yield, disease resistance (iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC), soybean
mosaic virus (SMV), aphid resistance, soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistance,
improved protein composition and resistance to selected herbicides. Advanced
experimental lines are tested at eight to fourteen different sites in North Dakota.
Two cultivars (RG7008RR (MG 00.8) and Sheyenne (MG 0.7)) were released in
2007 and seed was available for commercial production in 2008. Currently,
seed from five lines are being advanced in Chile, S.A. for testing and possible
Screening company cultivars for tolerance to water-saturated soil
conditions; Ted Helms (Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University);
($10,000); (
Soybean growers need to increase yield in field with heavy clay and low pH soils. One
of the most important methods of increasing the yield on these problem soils is to
choose cultivars that can recover from stunting, due to water-saturated conditions.
While it is true that excessive moisture does not occur every year, research has shown
that cultivars can be identified that perform under normal rainfall and yield well during a
year of above-precipitation.
The objective of this project is to evaluate approximately 40 private company Roundup
Ready and/or experimental lines for tolerance to water-saturated soil conditions. The
ultimate goal of the project is to increase yields of soybeans planted on high-clay fields
that are susceptible to water-logging conditions. The results will allow soybean growers
to select cultivars that will perform well under both wet and dry environments for low-pH
soils found in North Dakota.
Yield evaluation of company cultivars for soybean cyst nematode; Ted
Helms (Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University); ($10,000).
Planting soybean cyst nematode resistant soybean varieties is one management option
to increase soybean yields in North Dakota. Growers need unbiased information on the
yield of commercial varieties in soybean cyst nematode (SCN) infested fields. This
project involves soliciting soybean seed from private companies for planting in SCNinfested fields. The anticipated results will allow private companies and soybean
growers to compare the yield of SCN resistant cultivars and breeding lines at three North
Dakota sites that are infested with SCN. This study should help North Dakota soybean
growers better cope with the growing SCN problem.
Breeding aphid resistant soybean cultivars; Ted Helms (Department of Plant
Sciences, North Dakota State University); ($15,000). (
Soybean aphids are a insect pest causing economic damage to the soybean crop in
North Dakota. Insecticide application(s) are required to keep the aphid population below
the economic damage threshold. Another strategy is to develop soybean cultivars with
needed genetic resistance. Two genes (Rag1 and Rag2) have identified as having
aphid resistance.
This project is to incorporate both the Rag1 and Rag2 genes for aphid resistance into
advanced germplasm lines that are adapted to North Dakota. The goal of the project is
to develop and distribute germplasm with aphid resistance to private companies
developing and marketing early maturity soybean varieties.
Progress has been made in backcrossing the Rag1 gene into advanced NSDU
experimental lines. They will screen these lines for aphid resistance and start to cross
the Rag1 and Rag2 genes into conventional cultivars that are adapted to North Dakota
environmental conditions.
Excessive soil moisture versus iron deficiency chlorosis ratings; Ted Helms
(Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University); ($10,000).
Soybean growers in the Red River Valley of North Dakota commonly select cultivars
based on iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) scores. They assume that these cultivars will
yield well on heavy clay soils that are subject to excessive soil moisture and poor
drainage. However, the heavy clay soil commonly does not have a high pH and IDC is
not a problem. The goal of this project is to determine whether cultivars that are tolerant
to IDC are also high yielding on poorly drained and excessively wet soils where IDC is
not a problem.
The project involves testing thirty cultivars with varying IDC scores in either rain-fed or
water saturated field plots. Irrigation will be used to assure the soils are water saturated.
Previous research has shown that the most IDC tolerant varieties yielded 27 bushels per
acre more than the least tolerant cultivars on a heavy Fargo Clay soil with excessive
moisture. This study should help soybean growers learn whether they need to target
different varieties to different soil types to maximize yield.
Ohio Soybean Council
Development of soybean varieties and germplasm; Steve St. Martin (Agronomy
Department, The Ohio State University); ($166,678).
Development of Ohio-adapted varieties and germplasm is an effective way to deliver
valuable genetic technology to both producers and consumers of Ohio soybeans. High
yield and resistance to disease are valuable to producers. Consumer traits include (1)
Modifications of soy oil and protein that add value for food, fuel, and industrial uses, (2)
High protein, and (3) Adaptability to the needs of tofu manufacturers.
Identifying and characterizing resistance to Ohio’s major soybean
Pathogens: Part 2; Anne Dorrance (Plant Pathology Department, The Ohio State
University); ($148,743).
After drought and flooding injury, diseases are the primary cause of yield losses in Ohio.
Our soils are very conducive to many soil borne pathogens (Phytophthora, Pythium,
Sclerotinia and Fusarium (both SDS and F. graminearum). This proposal will focus on
these soil borne organisms through identifying and characterizing novel sources
resistance and then making this available to seed companies and producers alike. In
addition to the source of resistance, this proposal also focuses on mapping and
providing molecular markers to breeders for P. sojae, Pythium spp. and F. graminearum.
In addition, we will also screen germplasm developed through Ohio State
University/USDA-ARS breeding programs for resistance to multiple pathogens to ensure
that they will be suited for Ohio’s challenging production systems.
Interactions of Roundup Ready soybean systems with microorganisms and
potassium nutrition; Richard Dick (Agronomy Department, The Ohio State
University); ($51,020).
Glyphosate tolerant soybean (GTS) technology is a valuable asset for soybean farmers
because it reduces the use of other herbicides, is a critical weed control tool for reduced
tillage systems, and is generally regarded as having low environmental impacts.
However, after applying this technology for up to 10 years, observations in farmers’
fields and emerging research suggest that long-term glyphosate usage is having
cumulative and non-target effects on soils and crop productivity. In recent years there
has been research confirmation of Mn deficiency in glyphosate tolerant crops and now a
growing incidence of potassium (K) deficiency in corn when grown in rotation with GTSs
in the upper Midwest. With the increasing use of glyphosate tolerant corn these non-
target effects will likely be further magnified. Based on preliminary research and limited
evidence from the literature, we hypothesize that glyphosate causes a microbial shift
toward fungal dominance or specific fungal genera, which rapidly take up K and transfer
it to non-exchangeable/plant unavailable forms. To address this we are proposing a
series of investigations. The outcome of this research will provide a basis to predict
potential non-target impacts of repeated use of glyphosate and to develop
recommendations to maintain the long-term viability of GTS technology.
Over-expression of master defense genes for enhanced soybean
resistance; Terrance Graham (Plant Pathology Department, The Ohio State
University); ($50,000).
From past OSC support we have used a new technology, gene silencing, to identify the
key soybean genes involved in soybean resistance to Phytophthora sojae. A few critical
genes, including PR-1a and PR-2, were found to be master control genes for the
expression of all the forms of resistance to Phytophthora. In the work proposed here, we
will move this research into the next phase. First of all, we will extend our findings to
PR-3, which we believe will function as a master control gene for a broad spectrum of
other fungal pathogens of soybean. We then wish to determine if over-expression of
these three master genes in soybean will actually confer enhanced broad spectrum
resistance to a wide variety of soybean pathogens. This project will thus take our
previous basic research to a much more applied level. If successful, the work could lead
directly to the development of new soybean lines with genetically stable and broad
spectrum resistance. The new lines could be developed by either selecting for lines
naturally over-expressing these three genes or by genetically engineering soybeans to
over-express them. However we achieve it, since these are soybean’s own genes, we
would not need to introduce foreign genes.
Effective application of pesticides to control Asian soybean rust and
soybean aphid in Ohio; Erdal Ozkan (Department of Agricultural Engineering, The
Ohio State University); ($25,184). (
Asian Soybean Rust (ASR) has been detected in most of the Southern states and in
some locations as far north as Canada. Its arrival to Ohio is a high possibility in the
near future. The Soybean Aphid was first noticed in the Midwest in 2000. Within a year,
it became a significant problem for growers in the northern portions including Ohio.
Soybean aphids caused significant economic losses in 2001, 2003, and most recently in
2005. Chemicals manufactured to control soybean rust and soybean aphids are
effective. However, most reports of failures or poor control appear to be related to
application of chemicals. The principal goal of this project is to help Ohio Soybean
growers in preventing severe soybean yield loss from ASR and the soybean aphid by
identifying economical and effective methods and equipment to apply fungicides and
insecticides. Soybean yield loss due to ASR and aphids could vary from negligible to
complete loss of crop. Even if the recommendations coming out of this study help
farmers avoid a modest 10 to 20% yield loss resulting from poor spraying of pesticides in
Ohio's 4.5 million acres of soybeans, the total income added to the pockets of soybean
growers in Ohio could reach $150 million to 300 million.
Expedite development of Ohio specialty trait soybean varieties using
molecular markers; Stephen Myers (Horticulture and Crop Science Department, The
Ohio State University); ($92,870). (
Molecular markers are used to tag genes and select plants with specific traits
(proprietary, high protein, low linolenic, high oleic, food grade, resistance to insects and
pathogens) in a breeding program. Recently a large number of Single Nucleotide
Polymorphism (SNP) markers were developed for soybean through a United Soybean
Board/USDA initiative. The objective of the project is to develop genotyping assays for a
set of molecular markers that are specific for Ohio germplasm using these new
resources and high-throughput technologies. The goal is to use this new resource in
OSU’s soybean breeding program. The developed assays will result in efficient
incorporation, in Ohio germplasm, of disease resistance and novel traits required for
producing food, fuel, and bio-based products.
Impacts, diagnostics, distribution and migration of Ohio's soybean aphid
biotypes; Andy Michel (College of Biological Sciences, The Ohio State University);
($74,745). (
The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines, is one of the most important insect pests of
soybeans in Ohio. While soybean aphid resistant cultivars have been developed, data
suggests different aphid populations, or "biotypes", can feed and cause damage on
these resistant lines. Successful deployment of aphid resistance genes depends on
using them in areas where the aphid is less likely to overcome resistance. However, the
distribution of soybean aphid biotypes is unknown and impedes efforts to manage this
pest through host-plant resistance. The objectives of this project are to: 1) Develop
molecular markers for the soybean aphid; 2) Create diagnostic assays to identify aphid
biotypes; 3) Determine the distribution and migration of biotypes and populations in Ohio
and surrounding areas; and 4) Evaluate new resistant cultivars. The research will result
in a much needed biotype distribution map of aphids in Ohio and determine the resistant
cultivars that will provide the most effective and durable resistance to the aphid. In
addition, integrating these two results will provide predictive power in determining which
resistant genes would be most effective in a certain region, given the pre-dominant
biotype and likelihood of migrant aphids.
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($75,000).
Oklahoma Soybean Board
Partners in Research; Chad Godsey and Jeff Edwards (Department of Plant and Soil
Science), Randy Taylor (Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering), John Damicone
(Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology), George Driever and Bob Woods
(Oklahoma Cooperative Extension, Oklahoma State University); ($39,000).
During the last decade the role of Cooperative Extension has changed. Extension
funding has declined which has also reduced crop production research. This reduction
in crop production research has impacted farmers in Oklahoma by not having up-to-date
recommendations from Extension. To stay profitable in a changing environment,
farmers want recommendations based on current research for fertility, plant populations,
herbicide management, etc. for their area. One way to do this is through a team-based
approach that involves Extension, farmers and industry. Farmers are acquiring
technology (yield monitors, guidance systems and computer controlled application
systems) that makes this team based approach to research possible and presents
Oklahoma State University with a great opportunity to strengthen the relationship with
Oklahoma producers. A team-based approach makes sense for determining specific
recommendations for specific areas of Oklahoma. In addition, producers have more
faith in large field-scale plots compared to small plot trials.
Specific on-farm trials planned for the coming year include:
 Evaluation of the application of insecticides/fungicides at R3 growth stages in
soybean at eight locations;
 Soybean plant populations studies across soil type at two locations;
 Evaluation of strip-till in corn and soybeans at three locations; and
 Evaluation of intensive management of soybeans at two locations.
Specific trial protocols will be developed for each on-farm study. Field tours and
“Partners in Research” meetings will be held to highlight results obtained from the
producer field trials.
Yield response of soybeans to fungicide programs for control of soybean
rust; John Damicone (Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State
University); ($9,500). (
Soybean rust is a new threat to soybean production in the U.S. The disease was first
reported in 2004 and was a problem in the southern production areas in the U.S. in 2005
and 2006. In 2007, the disease was found for the first time in Oklahoma.
In the 1970’s and early 1980’s benzimidazole fungicides were tested. Generally, yield
responses were not sufficient to offset the cost of application. In trials at two locations in
2004-2006, single applications of a fungicide at the R3 growth stage did not increase
yields of dryland or irrigated soybeans. None of these trials had pressure from soybean
rust or frogeye leaf spot.
In 2007, early maturing (MG3) and full-season (MG5) soybean grown under irrigation
dryland conditions received single applications of fungicide at growth stage R3. The
early maturing soybean matured before rust developed while the MG5 soybeans had
rust developed at late growth stages. Fungicides provide good to excellent control of
rust. While yields were increased up to a four bushel per acre in some fungicide
treatments compared to the untreated plots, the yield responses were not statistically
Rust and frogeye leaf spot developed in large demonstration plots on four farms in
eastern Oklahoma. In the two replicated trials yield responses of seven bushels per
acre for a single fungicide application and nine bushels per acre for two applications
were obtained. However, treatments and disease rating taken in these trials were not
sufficient to determine whether the yield responses were due to rust control, frogeye leaf
spot control, delayed maturity effects of the strobilurin fungicides, or a combination of
these factors.
The objective of this project is to determine the disease and yield response of fullseason soybeans (MG5) to fungicide programs designed to control soybean rust. Along
with taking more disease ratings, conducting the trials at more locations and more
combinations of fungicides will be applied to determine whether yield responses are due
to rust control, frogeye leaf spot, delayed maturity, or combination of factors.
Pennsylvania Soybean Board
Evaluation of soybean germplasm under Pennsylvania conditions; Greg
Roth (Department of Crop and Soil Science, Pennsylvania State University); ($7,000).
Varieties differ in their response to environmental conditions, soil resources and pest
tolerance. Most of the varieties available to Pennsylvania growers were developed in
other regions of the U.S. The objective of the commercial soybean variety testing
program is to provide growers with Pennsylvania performance data. Tests will be
conducted at two locations with four replications per cultivar. Herbicide-tolerant varieties
(glyphosate RR and sulfonylurea STS) will be tested in a separate trial. Data on yield,
maturity, plant height, lodging, seed quality, seed size and seed composition will be
Evaluation of seeding rate and seed treatments on soybean stand
establishment and yield; David Johnson (Department of Crop and Soil Science,
Pennsylvania State University); ($8,266). (
Many Pennsylvania soybean growers are interested in planting soybeans earlier. Early
planting helps spread out labor and equipment usage more efficiently during the planting
season and the resultant earlier harvest helps spread combine usage.
This is a continuing project that found when averaged over location, planting date and
seeding rate, CruiserMaxx seed treatment resulted in better soybean stands, but
soybean yield was not affected. Most of the stand loss occurred between the time of
planting and emergence compared to later in the season.
The goal of the study is to develop data for Pennsylvania soybean growers on whether
there is a yield advantage of planting treated soybean seed, optimum seeding rates and
whether these rates differ for early and late planted soybeans.
The objectives of this year’s project are to determine:
 The effect of seeding rate and fungicide treatment on initial and final soybean stands
(at germination, vegetative and later growth stages).
 Optimum seed rates, based on soybean yield, for fungicide-treated and untreated
seed for early and late plantings; and
 If seed treatments can allow growers to reduce seeding rates and maintain optimum
Development of a natural soluble soy protein ingredient for foods and
beverages; John Coupland (Food Science Department, Pennsylvania State
University); ($9,683). (
Wider use of soy protein in the American Diet would have health benefits for the public.
However, soy proteins are relatively insoluble and hard to use at high levels in many
products (e.g. protein-rich fruit smoothies). In a recent study this research group tried to
use the Maillard reaction to enhance solubility but despite extensive reaction the quality
of the product was not improved. The present project is to exploit the natural chargebased affinity for pectin with soy to produce a high solubility complex that could be used
in fruit and vegetable-based drinks.
The success of the project would provide a new way to use soy in pectin-rich fruit juices
or to generate soy-pectin complexes that could be added as a soluble ingredient to other
Soybean increases soil carbon sequestration better than canola; Roger
Koide (Horticulture Ecology Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University); ($10,000).
Life cycle studies have shown that using biodiesel in the place of petroleum diesel
reduces net CO emissions. This is because the CO from the combustion of biodiesel
from plant sources is recycled back into the vegetation by photosynthesis and less fossil
fuel is used in the production of biodiesel compared to petroleum diesel. Therefore,
replacing a small portion of the petroleum, diesel with biodiesel can have a significant
effect on net CO emissions.
This study will compare the reduction of CO emissions from the production and use of
biodiesel derived from canola and soybean oil. The researchers will account for soil
carbon sequestration in assessing the life cycle of CO emission reductions with
biodiesel and compare competing biodiesel feedstocks in respect to net carbon
Development of alternative test methods for biodiesel analysis; Joseph
Perez, Sr. and Glen Cauffman (Department of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania
State University); ($37,500). (This project is a joint effort with USB and NBB).
This project involves developing alternative test methods for evaluating and
characterizing biodiesel lots.
South Carolina Soybean Board
Utilizing fungicide applications for Asian soybean rust control; John Mueller
(Edisto Research and Education Center, Clemson University); ($10,000).
The objective of this continuing research project are to: 1) Compare the efficacy of eight
“new” fungicides to four “standard” fungicides used for control of Asian Soybean Rust; 2)
Determine the relative efficacy of one versus two sprays for Asian Soybean Rust; and 3)
Determine the relationship between disease severity and defoliation rate and soybean
yield loss.
Evaluation of elite soybean strains and cultivars for multiple-disease
resistance; Emerson R. Shipe and John Mueller (Department of Entomology, Soils
and Plant Sciences, Clemson University); ($6,000). (eshipe@clemson)
The objective of this continuing project is to evaluate commercially available glyphosatetolerant soybean cultivars and elite, glyphosate-tolerant South Carolina soybean lines for
resistance to multiple species of nematode and naturally occurring diseases.
Optimizing insect management strategies for soybeans in South Carolina;
Jeremy Greene (Department of Entomology, Soils and Plant Sciences, Clemson
University); ($8,000). (greene4@clemson)
This is a new project that explores all aspects of insect management in soybean that
address opportunities for maximum economic gain. Insect control tactics such as
delivery of insecticide using seed treatments, and existing thresholds for various insects
will be evaluated.
Control of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in
soybean production systems using alternative management strategies;
Michael Marshall (Clemson University’s Edisto Research & Education Center) and David
Gunter (Clemson University’s Pee Dee Research & Education Center); ($10,436.).
A new project to evaluate alternative weed management programs that provide
consistent control of glyphosate resistant Palmer amaranth. The goal of the study is to
educate and disseminate successful resistance management strategies to South
Carolina soybean producers.
County resistant pigweed herbicide strip tests; David Gunter (Clemson
University’s Pee Dee Research & Education Center) and Michael Marshall (Clemson
University’s Edisto Research & Education Center); ($2,500). (
The objectives of this project are to: 1) Evaluate weed management programs that
provide consistent control of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth; 2) Help educate
growers on alternative herbicide programs to battle glyphosate resistant Palmer
amaranth; 3) Conduct tests on farms in seven counties across the coastal plain of South
Carolina in fields known to have resistant pigweed; 4) Evaluate different classes of
herbicides with different modes of action; 5) Hold field days and crop tours to help
visibility of project; 6) Present results at state, regional, and county meetings; 7) Make
available results to participating ag chemical companies; and 8) Using the project strip
tests to assist growers in making sound herbicide decisions for their farm.
Diagnostic DNA system for enhancement of soybean productivity in South
Carolina; Halina Knap and Emerson Shipe (Department of Entomology, Soils and
Plant Sciences, Clemson University); ($4,000). (
The specific objectives of this project are to identify and characterize chromosomal
regions for stress responses and use this information for combining genes during cultivar
improvement. The research group will also develop novel molecular markers for markerenhanced selection to improve responses to stress in South Carolina cultivars.
Breeding improved soybean cultivars for South Carolina; Emerson R. Shipe
(Department of Entomology, Soils and Plant Sciences, Clemson University); ($14,200).
The objectives of this project are to develop soybean cultivars for South Carolina and the
Southeastern U.S. having improved seed yield, pest resistance and improved seed
composition. Another objective is to develop productive and adapted cultivars having
glyphosate resistance for use in double crop production systems in South Carolina.
Evaluation of planting date, row spacing and plant population on soybean
in relation to soil spatial variability; P. Wiatrak (Edisto Research and Education
Center, Blackville, SC); ($12,000). (
The main objectives of this continuing project are to: 1) Re-evaluate best planting timing
of different maturity group soybeans; 2) Evaluate the influence of seeding rates of
soybeans; 3) Reduce weed pressure, especially glyphosate resistant weeds; and 4)
Improve soybean yields and quality. The results obtained from this study will be
disseminated to growers through meetings and extension publications.
South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council
Soybean breeding; TBA (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University);
High yielding soybean varieties are essential to increasing profitability. To maintain high
yields, soybeans must have tolerance to damaging pests, diseases, weeds, nematodes
and insects. High protein and oil are essential to attract foreign markets and increase
the price the South Dakota farmer will receive for soybeans. Other opportunities such as
altered fatty acids and high protein soybeans are still being ignored by private
companies in South Dakota because markets have not grown to where these valueadded varieties are cost effective. The SDSU soybean breeding program is addressing
these needs and developing soybean varieties, which emphasize yield, pest resistance
and seed quality.
The objectives of this continuing project are to: 1) Develop productive, high quality, pest
resistant soybean varieties for South Dakota with maturity groups O, I and II; and 2)
Conduct genetic, agronomic and management research that complements the soybean
breeding program.
The researchers involved with the program plan to increase two conventional and two
Roundup Ready lines for release in 2009; several potential lines are being purified for
field yield testing; several soybean aphid resistant lines are being advanced; and
soybean breeding populations are being developed with Roundup2Yield and Optimum
GATsource traits.
The group is also working on developing soybean lines with low saturates, low linolenic
acid, high oleic fatty acid, high protein and low phytate traits. These efforts are all
directed at improving the utility of South Dakota soybeans.
Marker assisted selection for soybean; Catherine Carter (Plant Science
Department, South Dakota State University); ($30,000).
The use of molecular markers has become an essential tool for soybean
breeders involved in developing varieties with herbicide tolerance and
resistance to aphids, nematodes and various diseases. Simple sequence
repeat (SSR) markers have been extensively used by soybean breeders
to identify lines with the traits of interest. The use of molecular markers
can substantially reduce the time required to develop new high-value,
disease and insect resistant varieties for South Dakota farmers.
The project’s objectives are to: 1) Identify molecular markers associated
with disease resistance, insect resistance, oil composition, and other
agronomic traits in soybean; and 2) Provide marker assisted selection
technology for the SDSU soybean breeding program.
Identification of unexploited QTL alleles from Glycine soja for soybean
breeding: Pyramiding genes enhancing resistance to iron deficiency
chlorosis; Xing-You Guy, Catherine Carter, Tom Schumacher and Roy Scott (Plant
Science Department, South Dakota State University); ($40,000).
The long-term goal of this program is to identify exotic genes and incorporate the
beneficial alleles into soybean varieties to improve their resistance to bio-stresses and to
address other specific soybean breeding objectives. The research group have crossed
wild soybean accessions in the USDA Germplasm Collection with elite soybean lines in
an attempt to create resistances to iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC), soybean aphids and
for other yield enhancing traits.
This project will continue to tag major genes controlling IDC using molecular markers;
and to incorporate IDC resistance alleles into elite soybean varieties adapted to South
The outcome anticipated is to develop information about the number, genomic location
and genetic effect of quantitative trait locus (QTLs) directly controlling resistance to IDC
in the wild/cultivar crosses; and to use QTL markers to develop soybean lines with IDC
Intensive soybean production to increase yields and profitability; Howard
Woodard, and Anthony Bly (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University),
and Walt Riedell (USDA/ARS-Brookings, SD.); ($20,000).
Improved profitability through higher yields can be realized when farmers use best
management practices for optimizing crop rotations, nutrient management, tillage,
available moisture, crop residue and use of new bio-tech products. This project will
determine how: 1) Tillage either enhances or drags soybean growth and yields; 2)
Different crops (spring wheat, corn) in rotations influence growth and yields; and 3)
Different crop residue management practices influence soybean grain yield.
The research team will also measure the effectiveness of several bio-tech products
being marketed. These products are being marketed to improve root health and other
physiological processes related to soybean yield.
Increasing energy efficiency reducing carbon footprints and maintaining
soil sustainability through precision management; C. Gregg Carlson, David
Clay and Susan Clay (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University);
($9,980). (
This project is based on the concept that Midwest agriculture is poised to see a major
shift from providing food and fiber to an increasing emphasis to producing energy. To
take advantage of this new opportunity farming systems for energy production need to
be developed. While much discussion has focused on switch grass, corn stover and
natural grass, the researchers involved in this project believe that soybeans can play an
important role in these systems. The importance of maintaining soybeans in the crop
rotation will be explored.
The project objectives include: 1) Continued research on the development of agricultural
systems that increase energy efficiency and minimize the carbon footprint for rotations
that increase soybeans; 2) Determine the importance of including soybeans in the
rotation on maintaining productivity and increased energy efficiency; 3) Continue to
develop a precision farming guideline for farm operators; and 4) Provide technical
support for farmers, country agents and precision farming groups conducting on-farm
The project deliverables include developing a fact sheet on the impact of corn and
soybean on energy efficiency, profitability and carbon sequestration; and a fact sheet on
the potential for all energy crops in South Dakota.
The five-year project has major funding from several agencies (USDA-CREES, South
Dakota Corn Utilization Board and NASA).
Weed management programs in alternative soybean systems and
utilization of new herbicide resistant soybean varieties for weed control in
South Dakota; Michael Moechnig, David Vos, Darrell Deneke and Jill Alms (Plant
Science Department, South Dakota State University); ($9,960).
Weed control in soybean fields remains critical to profitability. The SDSU Weed
Extension program’s priorities for the coming year includes: 1) Developing weed control
recommendations for soybeans grown in dry areas of central South Dakota and in
pothole region where poorly drained soils can cause spring planting delays; and 2)
Recommendations using new soybean varieties with resistance to alternative herbicide
chemistries and minimizing weed management costs.
The project’s specific objective’s include:
Identifying optimal soybean densities, row spacing and weed management
programs for drier climates of central South Dakota;
Using cover crops to facilitate soybean planting in wet soils;
Utilizing new herbicide resistant soybean varieties for weed control in South
Quantifying the effects of volunteer corn on soybean yield and evaluate the
use of Liberty for controlling Roundup Ready corn in Liberty Link soybeans;
Determining the economics and efficacy of herbicide programs with and
without residual herbicides in single and two-pass applications in Roundup
Ready soybeans.
The results of these studies will be demonstrated at summer field days, reported at
winter meetings, published in research reports, and made available on the SDSU Weed
Extension Website.
Soybean cyst nematode testing service; Brad Ruden (Plant Diagnostic Clinic,
South Dakota State University); ($20,000). (
The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a continuing threat to soybean production in South
Dakota, especially in the eastern tier of counties and in most of the southeastern
counties. This project provides continuing support for SCN testing through the Plant
Diagnostic Clinic at SDSU. For twelve years soil samples received from South Dakota
soybean producers were tested for SCN at no cost to the producer. In 2007, a fee of
$10 was assessed for soil samples and the number of samples analyzed dropped from
approximately 1,200 in 2006 to 267 in 2007.
The Council agreed that the SCN analytical service was important and agreed to fund
the cost of SCN analyses for South Dakota soybean growers.
Effective soybean disease management practices and soybean disease
education in South Dakota; Kay Ruden (Plant Science Department, South Dakota
State University); ($40,000). (
This is a continuing project that targets soybean disease control through seed
treatments, foliar fungicides and cultural/genetic disease management. The program
has both long-term and short-term goals in minimizing South Dakota’s soybean disease
problems. The over-all objective is to improve soybean producer’s understanding of the
importance of soybean diseases to soybean profitability and to provide new, practical
and effective disease control strategies that are appropriate for South Dakota soybean
The specific objectives of this project include:
Cooperative establish research and demonstration field plots for seedling diseases
(Rhizoctonia, Pythuium and Phytophthtora). Use these plots to demonstrate the effect of
seed treatments on root diseases, plant populations and soybean yield; and the
importance of fungicides in improving plant health;
Conduct a soybean disease survey by cooperating with the plant diagnostic laboratory.
Monitor the relative severity of various diseases and specifically seek sudden death
syndrome in Southeastern South Dakota;
Maintain and scout twenty sentinel plots for soybean rust and viruses; and
Continue to develop information for Extension bulletins as an educational tool for state
training of producers and agricultural professionals.
While soybean disease pressure is often low in South Dakota’s field plots, continued
research and demonstration plots are needed to effectively communicate disease
management options in South Dakota.
Plant viruses infecting soybeans in South Dakota; Marie Langham (Plant
Science Department, South Dakota State University); ($30,000).
The goals of the plant virology research program focus on viruses infecting soybean in
South Dakota particularly bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) and soybean mosaic virus
The program goals include evaluating soybean lines and cultivars for their
reaction to viruses (resistance/tolerance), relating soybean yield loss to virus thresholds,
managing viral disease through analysis and defining the disease cycle, and providing
information to soybean growers and agricultural professionals.
Specific goals and priorities of this project are:
Analyzing BPMV and SMV synergistic effects in early maturity soybeans. This study will
obtain additional information on the additive effects of these viruses compared to single
infections for early maturity soybean lines;
Studying the use of gross wounding for the transmission of BPMV during resistance
evaluation and determine application as an early selection tool. This technique may
have application for evaluating soybean cultivars that could be resistant to beetles that
transmit viruses.
Cooperating with other researchers in evaluating the spread of SMV by soybean aphids,
the interaction of SMV and aphid resistance, field screening of BPMV, and interaction of
Extension dealing with soybean viruses.
Ecology and management of soybean aphid and other insect pests of
soybean; Kelley Tilmon (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University);
($40,000). (
Research on soybean aphids is a relatively new effort in South Dakota. This project
supports the SDSU program to study the management and ecology of soybean insects.
The long-term scientific goal of the research effort is to develop an IPM system for
soybean insect pests that minimize insecticide use and costs, while maximizing the role
of natural enemies and resistant soybean varieties.
The objectives of this project are to:
 Test the “speed scouting” method of soybean aphid threshold monitoring.
This effort involves comparing “speed scouting” to traditional scouting with a
250 aphid threshold, prophylactic treatment with five aphids per plant, and an
untreated control. Aphids will be monitored weekly and the plots will be
treated with insecticide based on scouting data, and yields will be compared
at the end of the season for the four scouting practices;
 Initiate field screening for aphid resistance in soybean germplasm breeding
lines. This effort involves field studies where several soybean lines are
compared to susceptible soybean cultivars;
 Expand the release and monitoring program for the soybean aphid parasitoid,
Binodxys communis. Working with other entomologist in the North Central
Region, Dr. Tilmon will participate in the parasitoid release program; and
 Conduct a field study to determine the interaction between natural enemies
and resistant soybean varieties for soybean aphid suppression. The effort
involves developing information on whether the actions of natural enemies
and resistant varieties are additive, or whether plant resistance impacts the
biological controls.
Soybean pathology; Thomas Chase (Plant Science Department, South Dakota State
University); ($30,000). (
This project is directed at providing information on several soybean diseases that
impact growers in South Dakota. The project’s objectives are applied and support
the goal of increasing profitability of soybean grown in South Dakota by reducing
losses due to disease.
The specific objectives are:
Monitoring SCN infested fields for the presence of sudden death syndrome (SDS).
Fields will be scouted for SDS foliar symptoms and infected roots;
Soil samples will be obtained and analyzed for the presence of the pathogen that causes
SDS (Fusarium virguliforme);
Based on the field samples, determine whether SDS is a disease problem in South
Monitor Rps-1k resistance gene’s ability to provide protection against Phytophthora
sojae races. This objective also includes monitoring P. sojae races found in South
Monitor soybean fields after planting to identify seedling disease problems. The specific
pathogens will be identified and the information will be used to assist the soybean
breeding program target needed resistance; and
Provide soybean screening for the soybean breeding program. Target diseases are
Phytophthora root and stem rot and Northern stem canker.
Double and intercropping of soybeans; Lon Hall and Roy Scott (Plant Science
Department, South Dakota State University); ($3,200). (
The objective of this research project is to investigate the feasibility of double and
intercropping of soybeans in South Dakota. The researchers will seed an early variety of
oats at an 80 percent seeding rate to reduce lodging and at three row spacings. Four
varieties of soybeans with maturities of 0.8, 1.0, 1.4 and 1.7 will be interseeded in the
oats. The oats will be harvested and Roundup will be applied to burn down the oat
Three replications of oats-field peas will be planted and will be harvested for forage in
mid-June. Soybeans will be drilled using a seeding rate of 180,000 seeds per acre.
Roundup will be applied to control weeds after the forage has been harvested.
The research should provide production information for evaluating the potential of these
soybean production systems for South Dakota’s environmental conditions.
Tennessee Soybean Production Board
Management of glyphosate-resistant weeds; Larry Steckel, Thomas Mueller and
Angela Thompson (Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee); ($8,500).
Glyphosate-resistant weeds are becoming more common in the Midsouth. Managing
herbicide-resistant weeds is a growing concern of Tennessee soybean growers. The
objectives of this project are to: 1) Evaluate different non-glyphosate weed management
strategies for control of Palmer pigweed; 2) Determine if glyphosate-resistant horseweed
can be managed with fall applied burndown applications; and 3) Conduct on site trials to
help soybean producers determine if glyphosate-weed escapes are glyphosate-resistant.
Soybean breeding and genetics; Vince Pantalone (Plant Sciences Department,
University of Tennessee); ($54,813). (
The objective of this proposal is to provide continuing support for the University of
Tennessee Soybean Breeding Program, including Partial Support of an Applied Field
and Seed Laboratory Research Associate, in order to develop high yielding new
varieties, including those with resistance to Roundup herbicide, added-value,
resistance to soybean cyst nematode, stem canker, or other diseases. Specific program
objectives include:
 Developing high yielding varieties and germplasm useful to the soybean industry;
 Developing high yielding varieties and germplasm which have resistance to
production barriers (e.g. soybean cyst nematode, foliar diseases, soil and climatic
 Improving plant breeding methodologies;
 Investigating genetic control of important traits;
 Training graduate students in traditional and modern plant breeding techniques.
 Developing glyphosate herbicide (Roundup Ready2Yield™ and GAT) resistant
varieties; and
Developing value-added soybean varieties with low phytate, high protein, low
linolenic, and higher oleic fatty acid traits.
Breeding soybeans for durable resistance to emerging nematode
populations; Prakash Arelli (USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN.) and Vincent Pantalone (Plant
Sciences Department, University of Tennessee); ($17,000).
The objective of this project is to improve soybeans for durable resistance to emerging
populations of soybean cyst nematode and yield limiting fungal pathogens that are
adapted to Tennessee. The researchers will use standard breeding techniques
combined with DNA-marker assisted selection. Primarily known markers tagged to
resistance genes are used to select desirable soybean progenies for nematode
The researchers have identified unique parent material with broad resistance to SCN
that may provide durable resistance and are transferring resistance genes from these
unique sources into elite soybean cultivars. The elite lines include ‘5601T’, ‘HS93-4118’,
‘Hamilton’ and ‘Hartwig’. They have also evaluated selected single plant progenies in
the field for their agronomic performance. Greenhouse evaluations of soybeans for
nematode resistance combined with marker assisted selection will follow for
development of improved germplasm/cultivars. They have developed and standardized
both greenhouse testing and DNA based methods for their improved efficiency to
nematode resistance in soybean.
Soybean cyst nematode sampling and advisory program; Melvin Newman
(Entomology and Pathology Department, University of Tennessee), Patricia Donald and
Prakash Arelli (USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN.); ($22,200). (
Since its discovery in 1956, in Lake County Tennessee, the Soybean Cyst Nematode
(Heterodera glycines) has been the number one nematode problem in Tennessee.
Some producers unknowingly lose 10-25 percent of their potential yield to the Soybean
Cyst Nematode (SCN). There are now four major races of SCN in Tennessee. They
are race 2, 3, 5 and 14. Race 2 was discovered to be widespread as a result of this
program in 1997-98. In 1999-2007, additional samples were taken and Race 2
continues to show up in these samples.
Over the past few years many soybean producers have wrongly assumed that the SCN
causes very little damage to their crop. Because of this and other reasons producers
are not soil sampling as they should for SCN. Producers may be limiting their options
for better control of stem canker, sudden death syndrome (SDS), and frogeye leaf spot
because of their lack of knowledge about their SCN situation. Some producers may be
planting SCN resistant varieties when it is not needed, while others may be using
susceptible varieties when they should be using SCN resistant varieties. Over-use of
SCN resistant varieties has lead to new races of SCN.
SCN has a history of genetic change as new varieties become available. Once a race
change has occurred in the soil, a build-up can happen before producers become aware
of the problem. This scenario has now materialized with the discovery of the occurrence
of Race 2. Knowledge of the SCN situation is the basis for profitable variety selection.
Success through this program has proven increases of 5-15 bushels per acre for
producers in SCN infested field. In addition, cultural practices and strategies can be
used to reduce or slow down the advancement of new races of SCN that would infect
resistant varieties, when proper sampling procedures are followed.
The objectives of this research project are to:
 Assist and stimulate producers into taking more SCN samples;
 Reduce loss from SCN and hence increase the net income of Tennessee soybean
 Identify new races of SCN and help producers devise control methods;
 To provide SCN management strategies to soybean growers; and
 To increase exposure of the Soybean Promotion Board and the University of
Tennessee to the producers of Tennessee concerning their cooperative efforts to
improve economic production through better disease and nematode management.
Combined evaluation of soybean cultivars for resistance to frogeye
leafspot (FLS), other diseases, sudden death syndrome (SDS), stem
canker, and foliar fungicide efficacy; Melvin Newman, Bob Williams and Blake
Brown (Entomology and Plant Pathology Department, Extension West Region Milan
Experiment Station, University of Tennessee); ($31,500). (
Frogeye leaf spot (FLS) is a mid-to-late season foliar leaf spot disease, caused by the
fungus Cercospora sojina. It can be found in almost every soybean field in Tennessee,
but it causes the most damage on highly susceptible varieties. This disease may be
more severe in low-lying fields, creeks and river bottoms. In years when conditions are
favorable, FLS can prematurely defoliate soybean plants, causing up to 50 percent yield
loss on susceptible varieties. In the last four years, FLS caused a significant 7.8-8.0
percent loss to the Tennessee soybean crop. Due to extreme dry weather FLS only
caused a 2 per cent decrease in yield this past season. There are over a hundred
different races of C. sojina across the South according to researchers at the University of
Georgia. Some varieties are resistant to the fungus, some are moderately resistant and
some are very susceptible.
Other foliar diseases such as Anthracnose (Colletotrichum truncatum), Cercospora Leaf
Blight (Cercospora kicuchii), Brown Spot (Septoria glycines), Phomopsis Seed Decay
(Phomopsis longicolla) and SDS (Fusarium solani) can also cause severe yield
reduction and reduced seed quality in Tennessee especially in rainy growing seasons.
Producers have difficulty knowing which cultivars are resistant to these diseases or
which varieties to spray with a fungicide. The fact that FLS is not severe every year and
that there are many races of this fungus across the Southeast, makes it a problem for
producers to obtain accurate information on resistance. Some varieties that once were
resistant to FLS are becoming susceptible due to adaptation by the fungus. Many
disease causing fungi infect soybean plants during summer rains but do not show
damage until nearing maturity. Producers can save significant yield loss by choosing
resistant varieties and/or spraying susceptible varieties with a recommended foliar
The Research and Education Center at Milan, TN. has a pivot irrigation system that is
very suitable for these tests. This field is infested with FLS and other diseases and has
been an excellent test field for the last five years. Variety tests and fungicide spray tests
this past season were very successful and provided producers with valuable information
on FLS and five other late season diseases. It is also an excellent location for the SDS
and Stem Canker variety test as well. If soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) comes
into Tennessee, these plots will also be evaluated for any resistance or tolerance to that
disease as well as for fungicide efficacy.
The project funding will be used to establish a soybean plot at the RECM under pivot
irrigation, known to be infested with FLS and many other diseases including Brown Spot,
Anthracnose, Cercospora Blight, Stem Canker and SDS. It will be approximately two
acres and will be arranged into smaller plots in randomized, complete block design. At
least 90 of the most recommended cultivars will be planted and rated for FLS, SDS,
Stem Canker, Brown Spot and Cercospora Blight resistance and other diseases that
occur. Each will be sprayed (using a recommended foliar fungicide) and unsprayed
side-by-side with a spray tractor and evaluated for efficacy. Soil samples will be taken
for pH, P&K levels, along with cyst nematode samples and soybean yields will be
determined by harvesting with a two-row plot combine.
Asian soybean rust (ARS): Training of first detectors and triage personnel;
Melvin Newman and Bob Williams (Entomology and Plant Pathology Department,
Extension West Region Milan Experiment Station, University of Tennessee); ($4,000).
Asian Soybean Rust is a serious disease of soybeans that can quickly destroy soybean
yields by causing severe defoliation of the entire plant (from 10 to 80% losses in yield in
many areas of the world). In recent years, ASBR has moved from South Africa to South
America and now into the southern US. There are no resistant varieties and there is
little hope of obtaining durable resistance in the near future. The first line of defense
against this wind-blown pathogen is the timely use of foliar fungicides. No one knows for
sure where or when spores of this fungus will be deposited on Tennessee’s crop and
cause disease. It is highly likely that it will over winter in the extreme southern areas of
the US where freezing temperatures rarely occur. There are many species of plants that
are host to ASBR including kudzu, winter vetch, lima beans, dry beans, and lupines.
These hosts will surely play a role in the rust’s ability to survive and spread into the
soybean growing areas of the country. Southerly winds in the spring might carry rust
spores hundreds of miles and be deposited in a large area all in the same event.
Soybean rust can reproduce in just a few days under warm, moist conditions and then
spread even farther into other soybean growing areas. The amount of spread and
damage will depend largely on the environmental conditions in the spring and summer of
each year.
In order for producers to be able to effectively control soybean rust they must spray
fungicides before the rust pathogen gets started. The first application must be sprayed
on the soybeans before infections reach the 5-10% level. It will be very difficult for the
untrained person to recognize early rust infections since the symptoms are very much
like other diseases that are common in Tennessee soybean fields. However, if
producers wait until symptoms are obvious, then it will be much more difficult to control
and might take more fungicide sprays and obtain less control. Since most producers
have never seen this disease, it will be extremely difficult for most of them to accurately
identify soybean rust in time to effectively spray a fungicide.
Therefore, it is very clear that a training program is needed aimed at educating and
helping county Extension agents and producers identify soybean rust. If soybean rust is
identified, producers will have to react very quickly to spray fungicides to protect their
soybean crop from yield losses. We want to reduce the critical time lost due to confusion
and misinformation once rust is re-confirmed in Tennessee or in surrounding states. It is
critical that fungicides be applied before rust infections get started.
The objectives of this project are to:
 Train Extension agents to recognize soybean rust in the field using live specimens;
 Train Extension Personnel to be able to confirm soybean rust with the microscope
and hand lens;
 Assist soybean producers in making accurate diagnosis of soybean diseases and
especially soybean rust;
 Assist soybean producers in making correct decisions on when to spray for soybean
rust; and
 Increase the exposure of the Soybean Promotion Board and the University of
Tennessee to the soybean producers of Tennessee concerning their cooperative
efforts to improve economic production through better disease control.
Technical support for soybean specialist; Angela Thompson (Plant Sciences
Department, University of Tennessee); ($18,000). (
This project continues to fund one-half of a full-time technician who helped support the
extension soybean specialist. The remainder of the salary was covered from other
means. This technician is located at the West Tennessee Research and Education
Center in Jackson. Support activities included assistance with demonstration research
such as variety yield comparisons, weed, disease and insect control. The Extension
soybean specialist in this position has more than two years of experience in providing
valuable service to the soybean production program as well as providing help for timely
planting and harvesting of soybean plots in the county standardized testing program. He
assists with the planting and scouting of soybean sentinel plots in the western part of the
state. He collected weekly leaf samples and spore trap information and recorded plant
growth data that were entered into a national USDA database. The assistance of this
technician has greatly helped to increase the overall quality of soybean educational
programs in the state of Tennessee.
Support of multi-county on-farm demonstrations of (CST) county
standardized variety and agronomic test; Bob Williams (Entomology and Plant
Pathology Department, Extension West Region Milan Experiment Station, University of
Tennessee); ($12,500). (
Funding for this project continues labor and other inputs necessary for adequate data
retrieval from on-farm demonstrations of county standardized variety and agronomic
tests and identifying superior performing varieties and/or cultural practices that will
improve the profitability/reduce expense for Tennessee soybean producers. These
multi-county on-farm demonstrations specifically investigate soybean variety
performance, new varieties with enhanced traits, seed treatments, seeding rates,
fungicide use, variety disease resistance and management of early season Maturity
Group soybean varieties.
Screening of Roundup Ready variety soybeans and breeding lines for
charcoal rot, SCN, and other yield limiting diseases; Alemu Mengistu and Craig
Canaday (Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee) and Patricia Donald
(USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN.); ($26,000). (
Charcoal rot is an important disease of non-irrigated soybean in the US. Estimated yield
losses from the disease range from 10-70 % due to the premature plant death. Charcoal
rot is caused by the fungus, Macrophomina phaseolina, a pathogen with a wide host
range, found in most soybean production fields. Often thought of as a disease of the
South and the lower Midwest, it has now been reported as far north as Minnesota.
Charcoal rot is associated with hot, dry weather and accompanying plant stress.
Public and commercial breeders are increasingly concerned about the emerging
importance of this disease, since a resistant source has not yet been identified. In the
last four years over 500 conventional breeding and commercial cultivars were screened
for charcoal rot resistance and a germplasm DT 97-4290 that is moderately resistant to
charcoal rot was released by the USDA/ARS. Unfortunately, this germplasm does not
have the roundup ready (RR) trait necessary for the growers to maximize the full benefit
of charcoal resistance. The majority of soybean growers in Tennessee, as well as the
Midsouth, have shifted to using roundup ready soybeans because of its advantage of
improved weed control and a significant improvement in yield. Realizing the importance
of this issue, and the lack of data on current RR varieties, the Tennessee Soybean
Promotion Board has funded this project over the last two years.
Results from screening of the RR and the public breeding lines indicated the existence
of moderately resistant lines among the lines tested, validation of this test for the third
year is necessary in order to confirm for consistency on the performance of these lines
across years. These lines will be screened in known charcoal rot infested field plots at
West Tennessee. The lines will also be screened for reaction to races 2, 3 and 14 of
soybean cyst nematode. Multiple disease resistance along with round up ready trait in
cultivars offer growers broad-spectrum protection against diseases with improved yields,
improved seed quality and weed control.
Giant ragweed management in no-till soybeans and confirmation of
herbicide resistant weeds; Tom Mueller and Larry Steckel (Plant Sciences
Department, University of Tennessee); ($5,000). (
Herbicide resistant weeds are a growing problem in some soybean producing regions.
This project is providing funding for student labor to assist in greenhouse and laboratory
studies that investigate the presence of herbicide resistance in weeds in Tennessee. If
found the basis for the observed resistance will be studied. The researchers will also
determine management strategies for controlling giant ragweed in no-till soybeans
Molecular approaches to effective management tools against soybean cyst
nematode (SCN); Neal Stewart, Mitra Mazarei, Prakash Arelli and Vincent Pantalone
(Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee) and Prakash Arelli (USDA/ARSJackson, TN.); ($16,500). (
The goal of this project is to utilize molecular approaches to potentially enhance soybean
resistance to SCN. The researchers are employing microarrays to compare gene
expression in a susceptible and resistant soybean to identify soybean genes involved in
defense to SCN. For these experiments, they selected two Tennessee soybean lines
TN02-226 (resistant) and TN02-275 (susceptible) against SCN race 2, which is the most
important race in Tennessee. These two soybean lines are sisters from the cross Anand
× Fowler soybean cultivars; thus they are highly related in genetic background and best
candidates at the moment.
Establishment of a susceptible and resistance response to SCN infection is essential for
a reliable gene expression comparison. To achieve that, they screened these soybean
lines for reaction response to SCN race 2 infection. Experiments for the SCN bioassay
were performed in the greenhouse to determine SCN reaction of lines. Soybean lines
were inoculated with SCN race 2 and female index (FI) was used to differentiate
resistant and susceptible individuals based on the standard classification system of
inoculating with a specific number of SCN and counting the number of white female
cysts on roots.
Results indicate that soybean TN02-226 is a highly resistant line and TN02-275 is a
moderate susceptible line. Moreover, the reaction data show a 10-fold difference for
these lines in response to SCN infection. Thus, they conclude that the greatest
difference of these two highly genetically related soybean lines is resistance to SCN race
2, which make them the most suitable lines for comparison of gene expression in
microarrays. Following establishment of the resistance and susceptible response, they
performed inoculation experiments to obtain soybean tissues for microarrays. To avoid
effect of environmental condition, soybean plants were grown in a controlled growth
chamber and individual plants was inoculated with 2500 SCN eggs. To increase
reliability, all experiments were conducted in a total of three independent biological
replications, with each experiment consisting of two treatments, SCN-infected and
uninfected control. In order to analyze gene expression comparison at different stages
of SCN infection, soybean root samples were collected at 3, 6, and 9 days after SCN
inoculation. At each time point of tissue harvest, random samples of infected roots were
stained to verify nematode infection and to assess nematode development. They are in
the process of isolating RNA from the root samples. These RNA samples are used in
the GeneChip soybean genome microarray via Affymetrix Core Facility at the University
of Tennessee.
Their ultimate strategy is to incorporate genes for SCN resistance into favorable
cultivars. For that reason, this research is needed to provide some basic information
about molecular events that occur during the soybean response to this economically
important pathogen. This study has the potential to devise some practical solutions to
resisting this disease.
The objectives to be completed during the coming year include:
 Complete microarray analysis to assess gene expression in a susceptible and a
resistance response of soybean to SCN infection;
 Detect molecular events of defense occurring during the SCN infection and identify
soybean defense-related genes to SCN using time course assays on a defined set of
genes as identified; and
 Transfer these candidate genes in soybean by generating transgenic soybean hairy
roots and assay them for conferring resistance to SCN.
Interactions of planting dates, seeding rate, and fungicide and insecticide
treatments on soybean yield and yield components; Angela Thompson, Eric
Walker (Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee) and Alemu Mengistu
(USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN.); ($9,300). (
In recent years, producers have increased the number of fungicide and insecticide
applications to soybean. While some of these applications target disease or insect
infestations that were discovered by scouting and preserve soybean yields, other
applications are made in the absence of disease or insects as preventative measures,
and the benefits of these preventative applications are debatable. Results from some
studies and grower experiences show an economic benefit to a fungicide application in
the apparent absence of disease. Some producers include an insecticide with the
fungicide application for convenience and perceived cost savings, even when the insect
numbers are below established thresholds. Other studies indicate that increased profits
from fungicide/insecticide applications only occur in timely response to significant
disease or insect incidence.
A preliminary study in 2006 at the Research and Education Center in Milan, TN,
revealed a 4 Bu/acre increase over nontreated plots when DK 4866 and DK5567
varieties were treated with 6 oz/acre Headline and 0.8 lb./acre Acephate90 at R5. At the
time of application, there was light frogeye leaf spot incidence and borderline threshold
levels of an insect complex consisting of green stinkbugs, green cloverworms,
grasshoppers, and alfalfa leafhoppers. The varieties were planted at 60,000, 100,000,
and 140,000 seed/acre on June 6, and there were no yield differences between the
varieties and seeding rates. Evaluation of soybean yield components indicated that
soybean plants in lower populations produced more pods per plant to compensate for
fewer plants per acre. There were no differences in the number of seed per pod, but
seed wt per 100 was greater from the treated plots compared with the nontreated plots.
In 2007, the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board funded nonirrigated field studies
conducted at the WTREC in Jackson and the MREC in Milan to evaluate the effects of
soybean population, planting date, and applications of a fungicide with and without an
insecticide on soybean yield and yield components, and to compare the addition of an
insecticide to the fungicide solution based on convenience or perceived cost savings vs.
insect thresholds. Asgrow 4903 was no-till planted at 60,000, 100,000, and 140,000
seed/acre in late April/early May and early June. Treatments of the foliar fungicide
Headline or a combination of Headline and MustangMAXX were applied at R4. A
nontreated check was included for comparison. Severe drought made 2007 an atypical
year and affected study results. Although soybean planted in early June produced
higher yields than those planted in late April/early May, yields from both plantings were
low at 23 and 18 Bu/ac, respectively. Dry field conditions and grape colaspis
infestations significantly reduced final soybean populations. At harvest 120,000 plants
per acre or greater produced the highest yields. Throughout the season, no visible foliar
disease was present, and insect numbers remained below thresholds. Consequently,
soybean yields were not increased by Headline applied either alone or in combination
with MustangMAXX compared to the nontreated check.
Although 2007 was an atypical year due to the severe drought, it provided a unique
opportunity to evaluate soybean management practices during extreme drought.
Results from this study suggest that in years of drought, when foliar disease, insect
infestations, and soybean yield potential are low, an application of Headline alone or in
combination with an insecticide to an indeterminate soybean variety will not provide an
economic benefit. This suggestion contrasts with results of other studies conducted in
years of normal precipitation and temperature where an application of Headline, even in
the absence of disease, increased yields and profits, and reveals the need for further
research on interactions between foliar fungicide application, environment, and soybean
growth habit in the absence of disease. Also, previous studies have shown that a final
soybean population of approximately 100,000 plants/acre is adequate to produce
optimum yield, results from this study implied that higher final populations may be more
resilient and necessary to optimize yields in extremely hot, dry years. Regardless of the
management practices implemented, nonirrigated soybean production in years of severe
drought will result in reduced yields and profits, but studies such as this one have
provided the impetus for further studies to develop successful dryland soybean
production strategies adaptable to seasonal environmental constraints.
This study will be repeated in 2008 to attain a better understanding of the interactions of
planting date, seeding rate, and fungicide and insecticide applications on soybean yield
and yield components. A secondary objective is to evaluate recommendations for
soybean management practices that will increase and stabilize soybean yields and
maximize net profits.
Early detection of Asian rust using realtime PCR; Kurt Lamour (Entomology and
Plant Pathology Department, University of Tennessee); ($28,400). (
This project will continue the aggressive early detection program for Asian soybean rust
(ASR) in Tennessee. The research group proposes to continue using a sensitive realtime PCR assay that can reliably detect the presence of ASR in leaf tissue 1 to 3 days
following infection. This test has been rigorously tested in controlled studies with the
United States Department of Agriculture. Detection of ASR at an early stage will give
producers a useful window of time to make decisions concerning chemical control.
From 2005-2007, the research group evaluated over 50,000 leaf samples and used realtime PCR to screen over 6000 leaf samples from throughout Tennessee. These
samples were from soybean production fields, snap bean fields, soybean sentinel plots,
and kudzu stands from May to late October. They confirmed the presence of soybean
rust in Tennessee in 2006 and 2007 after the threat of significant impact had passed. A
key component to the success of this project has been a rigorous sample processing
system and close coordination with extension personnel located throughout the state.
Results of the screening will be posted weekly and detection of samples positive for ASR
will be posted immediately and the information relayed directly to TSPB members.
The specific objective of this project is to screen on a weekly basis symptom-less and
symptomatic soybean and kudzu leaves collected from sentinel plots, producer’s fields,
and natural stands of kudzu for the presence of P. pachyrhizi using real-time PCR.
Salary for senior plot caretaker; Melvin Newman (Entomology and Plant Pathology
Department, University of Tennessee); ($18,000). (
The workload to plant, care for, evaluate and harvest all the necessary plant disease and
nematode tests has increased significantly in the past three years. The workload has
increased by 100% with new fungicides, soybean rust activities and tests and new races
of the soybean cyst nematode. In the last three years they have harvested an average
of 50 tests with about 3,100 plots per year in several locations. The workload will
continue to increase in the coming years due to increased awareness and yield loss
from soybean diseases and nematodes and the Asian Soybean Rust threat.
The funding will be used to hire a senior plot caretaker to assist in coordinating and
supervising all the daily labor and activities associated with the soybean disease and
nematode test plots studies.
Optimizing fertility levels for soybean production; Angela Thompson and Frank
Yin (Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee); ($5,000).
This project is to evaluate the effectiveness of current University soybean fertility
recommendations. Fertility recommendations were established several years ago and
may not reflect usage by current higher yielding soybean varieties. Completion of this
research will allow the researchers to identify areas in which fertility recommendations in
soybean need to be updated.
The specific objectives of this project are the following:
 Implement multiple sites for research at experiment stations and on-farm as
 Evaluate effectiveness of current fertility recommendations; and
Begin to identify optimal primary nutrient levels for higher yielding soybean
Support of extension and research IPM efforts; Scott D. Stewart (Entomology
and Plant Pathology Department, University of Tennessee); ($14,000).
This project supports the Extension IPM educational and applied research efforts.
Funding is requested for four Soybean Scout Schools that will be held in primary
soybean production areas of Tennessee. Funding is also requested for two additional
research projects.
Preliminary work in 2007 has identified a promising seed treatment (fipronil) for the
control of Dectes stem borer. This chemistry provides scientists with a method of
excluding Dectes larva from soybean plots, thus allowing a reliable approach to evaluate
the impact of Dectes infestations on soybean yields. A fipronil seed treatment, overlaid
on top of a Cruiser seed treatment, will be incorporated into an existing regional project
to evaluate the impact of early season insects on soybean.
An additional experiment is proposed to investigate treatment thresholds for
threecornered alfalfa hopper, again as part of a regional but unfunded research project.
Evaluation of optimum plant population; Richard Joost (Department of
Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tennessee, Martin, TN.); ($4,928).
This research will evaluate various soybean planting rates to establish optimum plant
populations for West Tennessee growing conditions.
Ag in the classroom: Charles Curtis (Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation);
The project will provide funding assistance to the Tennessee Ag in the classroom
Southern Soybean Research Program; ($2,500).
Agronomic factors involved in soybean production along the Texas Gulf
Coast; W. James Grichar, Joe Janak and Rick Batchelor (Texas AgriLife Research,
Texas A&M University-Vernon TX); ($4,718). (
The objective of this research is to investigate various soybean production management
alternatives. The treatments will involve developing information on date of planting,
recommended maturity groups, row spacing, herbicide and fungicide recommendations
for the Texas Gulf Coast environment.
Integrated pest management of stink bugs in soybeans; Stephen Biles (Texas
AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M University-Port Lavaca TX); ($5,202).
The objectives of this research project are to: 1) Evaluate nozzle configuration effects on
stink bug control; 2) Determine if the current economic threshold for stink bugs is
accurate; and 3) Compare sampling method used for sampling stink bugs in soybeans.
Comparison of released varieties and experimental lines of soybean for
drought tolerance in Texas; Russell Sutton and James Heitholt (Texas AgriLife
Research, Dallas, TX); ($10,932). (
Inadequate moisture is one of soybean’s major yield determinants. The goal of this
research project is to identify soybean varieties and experiment lines that can tolerate
dry soil conditions. The researchers will create drought conditions in field plots using a
black plastic barrier to alter soil moisture levels. They will the compare the agronomic
response of ten commercial soybean varieties, ten experimental lines, and 80 plant
The project also involves comparing the response of fifteen commonly grown
commercial soybean varieties to mid-May plantings. Since late planting increases the
chance of drought, it is of interest to see if late planting could serve as a useful
experimental tool in evaluating the drought tolerance of various soybean cultivars.
Developing best management practices for NC Roy: A promising cultivar
for SE Texas: M.O. Way (Texas AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University, Beaumont,
TX); ($3,564). (
This project is to determine the best time to plant NC Roy on the Upper Gulf Coast to
produce maximum yields and acceptable seed quality. Insect populations will be
monitored and damage assessed relative to planting date.
Bradyrhizobium inoculation and nodulation: Yield tests for Texas soybean;
Calvin Trostle, James Heitholt, W. James Grichar (Texas AgriLife Extension/Texas
AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University-Amarillo TX); ($5,386). (
The objectives of this project are to: 1) Test two diverse Bradyrhizobium inoculants on
soybean for degree of nodulation and yield benefit; 2) Examine the effect of limited N
fertilizer on soybeans with and without inoculant; and 3) Determine the level of soybean
economic return for inoculation versus nitrogen fertilization. The results of the study will
be used in Extension educational efforts to inform Texas soybean producers how to
avoid common inoculation application mistakes and ensure that their inoculant is applied
correctly and to assess their in-season root nodulation status
Virginia Soybean Board
Influence of crop protection combinations with glyphosate in Roundup
Ready soybean; Henry Wilson (Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension
Center, Virginia Tech); ($15,000). (
The project will evaluate weed control and develop management recommendations for
Virginia soybean growers. Of particular interest will be to develop weed management
recommendations to minimize the development of herbicide resistant weeds.
Evaluating soybean production strategies-2008; David Moore (Middlesex
Extension, Virginia Tech); ($4,000). (
This project will evaluate various soybean production systems that have application to
Virginia’s environmental conditions. The results of the studies will be used in
presentations to soybean growers and persons advising soybean farmers.
Survey of nematode populations and prevalence in Virginia soybean fields;
David Moore (Middlesex Extension, Virginia Tech); ($8,759). (
The funding will be used to conduct a survey of soybean cyst nematode population in
Virginia. The information will be used to better manage nematodes that reduce soybean
Soybean production research support; Bob Pitman (Eastern Virginia Agricultural
Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech); ($3,000). (
The funding will be used to partially support several soybean production research efforts
underway at the Eastern Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Center.
Breeding soybean varieties adapted to Virginia; Katy M. Rainey (Crop and Soil
Environmental Sciences Department, Virginia Tech); ($15,000). (
The primary objective of the project is to develop improved soybean varieties that are
adapted to Virginia. New varieties may contain traits such as high yield, improved seed
quality, lodging resistance, approximate maturity, glyphosate resistance, higher protein,
low saturated fat and resistance to yield-limiting diseases such as soybean cyst
nematode and soybean mosaic virus.
Survey of frogeye leaf spot (FLS) in Virginia, evaluation of resistance of
FLS on soybean lines adapted to Virginia, and use of marker assisted
selection (MAS) for FLS resistance in soybean; Katy M. Rainey (Crop and Soil
Environmental Sciences Department, Virginia Tech); ($7,000). (
The goal of this research is to minimize frogeye leaf spot damage to soybeans in
Virginia. This foliar disease is increasing in severity in the state. This research program
is designed to evaluate the genetic component of frogeye leaf spot and using advanced
molecular techniques (marker assisted selection) to develop germplasm lines with
resistance to the disease.
Fungicide strategies for control of Asian soybean rust and other common
foliar diseases of soybean; Pat Phipps (Plant Pathology, Physiology and Weed
Science Department, Virginia Tech); ($12,661). (
The objective of this project is to conduct fungicidal evaluations for the control of fungal
diseases that could include Asian soybean rust if present in fields. The research will be
used to develop strategies for control of soybean rust in Virginia.
Continued assessment of management options for stink bug, bean leaf
beetle, grasshopper and corn earworm in Virginia soybean; D. Ames Herbert
(Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech); ($10,480).
The goal of this project is to address the concern that insect pests are causing
increasing economic losses to the Virginia soybean crop. The research group will: 1)
Evaluate the use of blacklight traps for monitoring stink bug populations in an effort to
improve timing of scouting and control measures; 2) Determine the relative toxicity of
selected conventional and organic insecticides for control of stink bug nymphs and
adults; and 3) Develop management options for minimizing insect damage to the Virginia
soybean crop.
Virginia soybean research and extension program; David Holshouser (Eastern
Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech); ($28,000).
The funding will be used to: 1) Conduct the Official Soybean Variety Trials in Virginia (5full-season and 5-double crop); 2) Conduct research on remote sensing of soybean leaf
area that compares drills versus planters and seed treatments; and 3) Cooperate with
County Extension Agents and other researchers to conduct on-farm research trials and
field demonstrations.
Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board
Glyphosate effect on manganese availability and yield loss in glyphosate
resistant soybean; Shawn Conley (Department of Agronomy, University of
Wisconsin); ($15,000). (
Recent research has indicated that one of the possible factors limiting yield of
glyphosate resistant soybean may be a micronutrient deficiency.
concentrations in soybean plants are frequently lower than optimum, particularly in the
week or two, following post-emergence glyphosate application. It has been shown that
glyphosate reduces the uptake and translocation of manganese via physiological
immobilization of manganese in soybean plants and that glyphosate is toxic to soil
microbes that reduce soil manganese to a form that is available for plant uptake.
The objectives of this project is to quantify the effect of glyphosate on manganese
availability in glyphosate-resistant (Roundup Ready) soybean systems. Specifically, the
researcher hopes to show that:
 Glyphosate applications will reduce manganese availability in glyphosate-resistant
soybean production systems;
 A glyphosate-resistant
soybean variety grown with a conventional weed
management program will take up and translocate manganese similarly to a
conventional soybean variety;
 Manganese in a starter fertilizer will increase yield compared to no manganese in
starter fertilizer in a glyphosate system;
 Foliar application of manganese as MnSO4 will be equally effective in increasing
yield when applied at the R1 or R3 growth stage;
 Foliar application of manganese at R1 and R3 growth stage will not be more effective
at increasing yield than a single foliar application; and
 Manganese in a starter fertilizer plus one foliar application at either R1 or R3 growth
stage will produce the greatest soybean yield.
These results will be used to develop new manganese management guidelines for
glyphosate-resistant soybean production.
Strategies to reduce soybean cyst nematode populations in corn/soybean
rotations; Shawn Conley (Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin);
($12,997). (
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the number one soybean pest in the United States. In
Wisconsin, SCN has been identified in more than 40 counties. Current management
strategies to minimize SCN include planting SCN-resistant varieties, crop rotation and
rotating sources of resistance. In order to develop more specific management
guidelines, further research is needed to quantify the effects of tillage, crop and variety
rotation, and sources of SCN resistance used in the variety rotation.
The objective of this project is to characterize the effect of the source of SCN resistance,
crop and variety rotation, and tillage on SCN populations. The experiment design is a
randomized complete block split-spilt design with four replications. The main plot is
tillage (conventional versus no-till); the split-plot affect is rotation (continuous soybean,
1st year soybean-corn, 2nd year soybean-corn and 3rd year soybean-corn); and the splitsplit plot affect is a source of SCN resistance (PI 88788, Peking and CystX). Data to
be collected includes spring and fall SCN eggs counts, disease ratings, seed yield and
seed composition.
The results will be used to develop and publish a complete set of guidelines for SCN
management in Wisconsin.
Soybean production systems in Wisconsin: A grower survey to identify key
research and extension needs; Shawn Conley (Department of Agronomy,
University of Wisconsin); ($10,243). (
To remain competitive in today’s global soybean market, Wisconsin producers’ require
instant access to cutting edge innovations, information on new and potential pest
problems as well as accurate and timely information on common annual soybean
production problems. This project is developed to aid Extension and research
specialists in developing Extension programs and educational materials that meet
current and future needs, and provide a framework for directing applied soybean
research efforts.
The specific objectives of this project are to: 1) Identify key production concerns of the
Wisconsin soybean producer; 2) Implement research and Extension efforts to address
these concerns; 3) Develop base line data to support future grant proposals; 4) Receive
feedback from producers on the best delivery media for research and Extension
information (web, printed guidelines, county/regional meetings, press releases, etc.); and
5) Develop Extension and peer-review publications. These objectives should provide
University of Wisconsin faculty with insight on clientele needs, information on anticipated
future soybean production concerns, and research priorities for future funding.
Root lesion nematode: Nibbler or major pest; Shawn Conley (Department of
Agronomy, University of Wisconsin); ($10,000). (
Root lesion nematodes (RLN) are the most common plant parasitic nematode in
Wisconsin. More than 95% of the fields sampled in multiple surveys were positive
for at least one species of RLN. Soybean, corn, forage crops, small grains, vegetable
crops and many weeds are good host to RLN. The wide host range and the abilities
to thrive in Wisconsin soils, make RLN a potential threat to soybean production.
Most current education activities and diagnostic efforts are aimed at only one nematode;
SCN. It is important to know if activities should include RLN in nematode surveys,
management recommendations and educational activities. The specific objectives of
this proposal are to: 1) Determine the pest status of RLN for soybeans; 2) Evaluate
soybean varieties with resistance to SCN for their reaction to RLN; and 3) Survey
Wisconsin soybean fields for population densities of LRN.
The project’s anticipated deliverable will include: 1) A novel publication on RLN affect on
soybean yields; 2) RLN reaction to commercially available germplasm; 3) A yield loss
threshold based on LRN densities; and 4) An Extension publication on LRN impact on
soybean production.
Soybean cyst nematode testing and education; Shawn Conley (Department of
Agronomy, University of Wisconsin); ($13,000). (
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) continues to be a major pest of soybeans in Wisconsin.
In 2007 the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board funded a unique project whereby a
summer intern worked with country agents to sample problem soybean fields. She
sampled 154 fields in 19 counties and found SCN on soybean roots in 32 fields.
Through the in-field scouting and sampling procedures, soybean growers were
instructed on SCN symptoms, sampling procedures, visual diagnostics and potential
soybean losses.
The objectives of this continuing project are to provide targeted SCN educational
activities, provide free SCN testing of soil samples and continue to provide growers with
suggested SCN management options. Specifically, the continuing project will: 1)
Conduct SCN workshops at five locations in early August; 2) Sample 200 fields for SCN;
and 3) Send out over 500 SCN sampling kits to growers requesting soil for the free SCN
testing services. The Wisconsin board has agreed to provide free assays for up to four
samples per grower. Between the direct grower contacts and voluntary sampling, the
researcher hopes to expand SCN sampling, analyses and reporting back to growers with
SCN numbers for a 1,000 soybean fields.
Grain composition of Wisconsin soybean varieties; Shawn Conley (Department
of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin); ($13,348). (
Domestic and international markets evaluate soybeans based on their composition. The
protein level of Wisconsin-grown soybeans ranks among the lowest in the nation. The
quality disadvantage lowers the competitiveness of northern soybeans in general and
Wisconsin-grown soybeans in particular. This project supports an in-state effort to raise
the awareness of soybean quality. The overall goal of the project is to promote activities
that can help raise the average protein level for Wisconsin soybeans to the 35% target
set by USB.
The specific objectives of the project are to: 1) Test and publish the protein and oil
content and the protein and oil output per acre for the soybean varieties entered in the
Wisconsin Soybean Variety Evaluation Program; and 2) Offer free protein and oil
analysis of soybean grain from interested soybean producers.
Foliar fungicides to study the epidemiology of Cercospors kikuchii; Paul
Esker and Craig Grau (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin);
($30,000). (
Foliar fungicide applications on soybean have received much attention since the
discovery of Asian soybean rust in 2004 and this attention has also increased the
interest in determining under what situations and for which soybean diseases will
fungicide applications be cost-effective. Cercospora leaf blight and purple seed stain
caused by the same organism can lead to yield loss and dockage at the elevator.
This is a disease that is increasing in intensity in several soybean production areas in
the U.S.
The objectives of this project are to: 1) Study the etiology and epidemiology of
Cercospora leaf blight using foliar fungicides and relate changes to disease
development and soybean seed yield; 2) Determine thresholds for disease
development and resistance to Cercospora leaf blight and purple seed stain; and 3)
Work the Wisconsin Soybean Association, University of Wisconsin-Extension and the
private sector to deliver new information regarding Cercospora leaf blight and purple
seed stain.
Interactions between soybean cyst nematode, brown stem rot and
sudden death syndrome; Paul Esker, Ann MacGuidwin and Craig Grau
(Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin); ($40,000).
Three major soybean yield-limiting diseases (Soybean Cyst Nematode, Brown Stem Rot
and Sudden Death Syndrome) occur in Wisconsin. Understanding how these three
diseases interact is critical to improving soybean disease management in Wisconsin.
Little is known about how genes for SCN and BSR react to SDS, nor do we understand
the spatial distribution of these three diseases in Wisconsin fields.
The difficulty with soilborne organisms, especially SCN, BSR and SDS is that once a
field is infected, complete removal of the disease organism is difficult. While rotation has
been shown to reduce SCN and BSR populations over time, there is no similar data for
SDS. This research team believes that all three of these diseases could co-exist in
Wisconsin fields and work together to reduce soybean yields. In order to improve
soybean yields in Wisconsin it is important to understand how these three pathogens
interact. The following objectives are planned to study the interaction between SCN,
BSR and SDS:
Conduct greenhouse research trials that screen current soybean maturity groups
grown in Wisconsin for their response to co-inoculations with SCN, BSR and SDS
under controlled temperature and soil moisture conditions;
Conduct field microplot studies that examine the effects of SCN-BSR-SDS inoculum
levels on soybean productivity under field environmental conditions; and
Conduct soybean surveys using two methods for the SCB, BSR and SDS in
Wisconsin. Soil samples will be assayed for the presence of the three pathogens. In
the second survey method, fields documented to have had SDS and SCN will be
intensively studied.
The research team will work with producers to obtain field yield maps that will be related
to disease levels. Hopefully, these studies will help to understand the interaction
between these three pathogens.
Yield response of soybean lines resistant to soybean aphids and viruses;
Craig Grau (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin); ($23,225).
This project is to validate the concept that genetic resistance plays an important role in
the development and implementation of management practices directed at the control of
soybean aphids and associated viruses. Soybean varieties with aphid resistance will
soon be available to soybean producers. Their availability will bring questions related to
the efficacy and durability of the sources of aphid resistance being used by commercial
soybean breeders. Other questions such as whether genetic resistance levels can
increase soybean yields as much as the use of insecticides? Whether there are
soybean aphid biotypes in Wisconsin that will defeat current sources of genetic
resistance? Will the importance of aphid transmitted viruses change with the use of
soybean varieties that are resistant to the soybean aphid? Can aphid resistance and
virus resistance be combined in a single soybean variety, and if so, will this combination
of traits result in increased yields? Some of these questions will be addressed in the
research that is planned.
The objectives of this project are to: 1) Develop soybean lines with resistance to the
soybean aphid and soybean mosaic virus (SMV); 2) Determine whether genetic
resistance to the soybean aphid can replace insecticides; and 3) Determine the
frequency of soybean biotypes that can defeat current sources of resistance.
The results of this project will be used to help define the genetic potential of soybean
cultivars to control the soybean aphid and associated viruses and reduce the impact of
these pests and pathogens in Wisconsin and the North Central States. This research is
directed at the goal of reducing the reliance on insecticides to control soybean aphids,
an option less desirable from an economic and environment perspective.
Biological control of the soybean aphid in Wisconsin; David Hogg
(Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin); ($10,514). (
The goal of this research project is to release and establish the parasitoid Binodoxys
communis, a tiny non-stinging wasp, for the biological control of the soybean aphid. The
University of Wisconsin is one of six Midwestern state universities that is involved in
releasing this parasitoid that has been thoroughly vetted for its effectiveness in
controlling soybean aphids and environmental safety.
The objectives of this project are to:
Maintain a laboratory colony of B. communis with the ability to increase
substantially the numbers if the parasitoids;
Make field cage releases of B. communis at multiple locations in Wisconsin;
Make open field releases of B. communis at those same locations; and
Document the establishment and spread of B. communis in Wisconsin.
If the Wisconsin researchers are successful in establishing this parasitoid in Wisconsin,
it will eliminate, or at least reduce, the frequency of aphid outbreaks. The research
group is optimistic that biological control, in combination with genetic resistance of
soybean cultivars, will make managing the soybean aphid less burdensome and less
expensive for soybean farmers in Wisconsin.
Soybean plant health Website; Craig Grau (Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Wisconsin); ($10,000). (
This continuing project’s goal is to provide soybean growers basic information to
enhance their general understanding of specific soybean health problems and to provide
the latest guidelines for soybean plant health management. The funding will be used to
expand, revise and update sections of the Soybean Plant Health Website for soybean
cyst nematode, brown stem rot, sudden death syndrome, white mold, stem canker, rust,
soybean viruses and insects important to Wisconsin. The effort will continue to establish
links to new and relevant Websites of interest to Wisconsin farmers.
Soybean stem health; Craig Grau (Department of Plant Pathology, University of
Wisconsin); ($43,500). (
The ultimate goal of this continuing project is to provide long-term and higher forms of
resistance to control soybean stem diseases that cause premature death and reduced
yields. Brown stem rot (BSR), white mold and stem canker are the focus of this project
since soybean breeders are developing more sources of genetic resistance. Research
indicates that higher and more stable forms of white mold resistance are needed to
consistently manage the disease. Data suggest that BSR is reducing yield even when
symptom severity is relatively low. The proposed project is a continuing of a checkofffunded project and builds on previous findings and germplasm developed by these
efforts. New insight has been achieved on sources of resistance and methods to
achieve high enough levels to impact BSR and white mold.
This project will: 1) Apply new methods to study the genetics and function of resistance
to BSR and white mold; 2) Develop improved methods for breeders to use in disease
resistance breeding programs; 3) Use molecular technology to which sources of
resistance should be combined to enhance resistance to BSR and white mold; 5)
Combine sources of resistance to multiple diseases into common soybean backgrounds;
and 6) Determine the physiological mechanisms of these sources of disease resistance.
This project is designed to combine the concepts of plant pathology and soybean
genetics/breeding in an attempt to raise yield potential and stability of soybean yield in
Wisconsin. The most significant contribution of this project will have an intermediate to
long-term payoff to the Wisconsin soybean grower and industry. Immediate pay-off will
be validation that growers should select variety with the highest level of BSR resistance
to maximize yield in short duration rotation schemes. The high frequency of varieties
susceptible to BSR, white mold and stem canker as previously observed suggest that
commercial seed companies require input from the public sector in creating the genetic
potential for varieties with improved stem health traits. Defensive traits for stem health
must be combined with resistance to SCN and soybean aphids. Results of this project
will provide the incentive and means for commercial companies to develop and market
soybean varieties with defensive traits that will better control pathogens and pests and
produce soybeans with greater and more stable yields.
Soybean Pathology Research; Craig Grau (Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Wisconsin); ($29,030). (
This project will assess the disease reaction of commercial varieties that are available to
Wisconsin soybean growers. A secondary objective of the research is to search
soybean germplasm resources for different and more effective resistance genes to
combat common soybean diseases such as brown stem rot, white mold, soybean cyst
nematode and Phytophthora root rot.
An unstated goal of this research is to conduct studies that assist soybean breeders in
using soybean disease resistance in their breeding programs. Studies that search for
and combine sources of disease resistances, clarify genetic and pathological
mechanisms of disease resistance and provide technical expertise that stress the
importance of soybean health will benefit soybean breeders in their effort to improve
soybean yields.
Deploying the PI 88788 source of resistance to manage SCN; Ann
MacGuidwin (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin); ($21,165).
There is no question that SCN depresses soybean yields and the yield loss is related to
SCN population densities. Host plant resistance is the most effective and economical
means to manage SCN and there are many soybean varieties on the market with
resistance derived from soybean plant introduction PI 88788. This project will determine
changes in SCN populations when PI 88788 resistance is used one, two or three times
in three consecutive soybean crops, alone or in combination with a susceptible variety of
one with “Peking” source of resistance. Experiments will be conducted in the field and in
growth chambers to test the effectiveness of the sources of resistance.
The specific objectives of the is project are:
 Determine changes in the virulence and fitness of SCN when PI 88788 is used one,
two or three times in three consecutive soybean crops;
 Determine the impact of using PI 54840 (Peking) resistance in combination with PI
 Determine how populations of SCN that vary for virulence on PI 88788 respond to
the same scheme of deploying the PI 88788 source of resistance;
 Continue to screening virulence profiles of SCN in Wisconsin; and
 Increase awareness of SCN in Wisconsin and the role of virulence in managing this
This project will add to the effort by University of Wisconsin researchers to develop a
recommendation about using the PI 88788 source of resistance that will help Wisconsin
soybean producers increase yields in fields infested with SCN.
North Central Soybean Research Program; ($120,000).
North Central Soybean Research Program
Sentinel plots to monitor the spread of Asian Soybean Rust to North
Central States; Loren Giesler (University of Nebraska) and Don Hershman (University
of Kentucky) (Co-coordinators), Anne Dorrance (The Ohio State University), Glen
Hartman (USDA/ARS/University of Illinois), Greg Shaner (USDA/ARS/Purdue
University), X.B. Yang (Iowa State University), Doug Jardine (Kansas State University),
Ray Hammerschmidt (Michigan State University), Dean Malvick (University of
Minnesota), Laura Sweets (University of Missouri), Sam Markell (North Dakota State
University), Lawrence Osborne (South Dakota State University), Paul Esker (University
of Wisconsin), Scott Monfort (University of Arkansas), and Scott Isard (Penn State
University); ($350,775), A project jointly funded with the United Soybean Board).
The project’s strategic goal is to continue the soybean rust sentinel plot monitoring and
early warning network established in 2005. Surveillance efforts associated with this
project complement those established by USDA CSREES with the ipmPIPE.
Sentinel plots were established in all cooperating states and monitoring was initiated in
all cooperating states by June, some earlier. In some states, planting was delayed due
to very wet conditions and flooding; the initiation of monitoring activities in these states
was delayed somewhat. Although spores of the soybean rust fungus, Phakopsora
pachyrhizae, have been found in the upper Midwest in the 2008 growing season, of the
states involved in this project, soybean rust has only been detected in four counties in
southeastern Arkansas and have not been detected in any other states associated with
this project as of September 15, 2008. Monitoring of other foliar diseases has occurred
in some states as a secondary activity and most states have used established
monitoring sites to monitor soybean aphid. States collaborating in this project are
participating in weekly (during season) or biweekly (off-season) national soybean rust
teleconferences which are being led by Loren Giesler and Don Hershman, cocoordinators of the national soybean rust monitoring effort. Observation data generated
by this project are entered into the ipmPIPE public soybean rust web site for stakeholder
Through the collaboration of the ipmPIPE and soybean check-off support, extension
pathologists across the U.S. have a highly effective mechanism for tracking soybean rust
and communicating findings to stakeholders on a near real-time basis. No similar system
exists, at a comparable level, for any crop or pest in this country. Having a groundbased system for monitoring soybean rust has been critical to avoid unneeded fungicide
applications and destabilization of commodity prices that could accompany erroneous
soybean rust “reports”. We estimate that the soybean rust surveillance network and
information system saved $207 million dollars during 2007 as a result of fungicides not
being applied when not needed. We estimate that soybean rust fungicide decisions for
33.1 million acres in the U.S. were based on information provided, directly and indirectly,
through this project and the soybean rust ipmPIPE. Weather conditions in the southern
U.S. have been unfavorable for soybean rust development during most of the 2008
growing season. As a result, there have been limited soybean rust finds in the U.S. as of
early September, 2008.
The value of this system, even with soybean rust not
developing, is still significant to production managers across the U.S. as many producers
and crop consultants used the soybean rust public web site ( to obtain
accurate state, regional and national soybean rust risk assessment information. Without
this system most crop managers would not have access, or would have greatly limited
access, to current information on soybean rust occurrence and risk. Thus far in 2008
through the month of August, the web site has received 1.1 million hits. We
also know that for each direct hit to this web site, there is a significant multiplier effect as
information is passed, by secondary and tertiary means to stakeholders. It is the belief of
most plant pathologists that we have yet to see a year conducive for soybean rust
development and spread into the North Central Region of the U.S. and that it is only a
matter of time before conducive conditions occur and a soybean rust epidemic occurs in
the Midwest at a critical time in the season.
Soybean aphid management in the North Central States; David Ragsdale
(Project Manager), George Heimpel, Bill Hutchison, and Ian MacRae (University of
Minnesota), Matt O’Neal and Silvia Cianzio (Iowa State University), Chris DiFonzo and
Dechun Wang (Michigan State University), Marc Rhainds (Purdue University), Kevin
Steffey, Mike Gray and Brian Diers (University of Illinois and the Illinois Natural History
Survey), Kelley Tilmon (South Dakota State University) and Eileen Cullen (University of
Wisconsin); ($199,691). (
The project’s strategic goal is to conduct a coordinated regional soybean aphid research
program to refine the current economic threshold for soybean aphids. Highlights by
objective include:
Objective 1) Operate a regional suction trap network to collect soybean aphid: The
suction trap network showed that the source of most soybean aphids in 2008 arose from
Minnesota and South Dakota where favorable environmental conditions allowed
soybean aphids to build across the states and migrants were found in all adjacent states
following the initial summer migration in July with aphids found as far south as Kansas.
All other states had few soybean aphids all season, confirming the predictive value of
the suction trap network.
In Minnesota the summer was extraordinarily cool. At the Rosemount, MN location (35
mi S. of Twin Cities) there was only a single day from April through 15 September above
90 F. By June 30 there was only 800 Growing Degree Days (GDD 86,50) which was
several hundred GDD behind the norm further demonstrating the cool spring and
summer conditions that enabled aphid populations to explode while slowing down any
reproductive response by predators.
Objective 2) Evaluate soybean aphid-resistant breeding lines in replicated field plots:
Sufficient aphid pressure in the western part of the soybean aphid range (MN, WI, SD,
IA) allowed for excellent test conditions for some of the advanced breeding lines. Yield
has yet to be taken. But overall, aphid resistant lines (with two unique resistance genes)
had far fewer aphids throughout the season despite repeated aphid colonization by
winged aphids. This shows that aphid resistance is a trait that does not wane as plants
Objective 3) Refinement of economic threshold for soybean aphid: Seed treatment did
not suppress aphids (cumulative aphid-days or CAD) or delay the date of peak aphid
density in two of three planting dates (9 May and 5 June), in Rosemount, MN. The only
planting date that benefited from a seed treatment was soybeans planted on 25 June
(F=5.43, P=0.0169) which represents a replanting situation or a double crop (soybeans
following winter wheat or peas). All plots exceeded the economic threshold of 250 and
the economic injury level of 674 aphids per plant meaning even with Cruiser seed
treatment a foliar insecticide treatment application was needed.
Biological control of the soybean aphid; David Hogg (Project Manager), Dan
Mahr, Claudio Gratton and Eileen Cullen (University of Wisconsin), Marc Rhainds
(Purdue University), David Voegtlin and Kevin Steffey (Illinois Natural History Survey
and the University of Illinois), Matt O’Neal (Iowa State University), George Heimpel and
David Ragsdale (University of Minnesota), Keith Hopper and K. Hoelmer (Beneficial
Insect Inductions Research Unit, Newark, DE.), Doug Landis and Chris DiFonzo
(Michigan State University), and Kelley Tilmon (South Dakota State University); With
overseas collaboration from Japan (University of Utsunomiya, and Japanese National
Agricultural Research Service), China (Chinese Academy of Sciences and USDA/ARS
Sino-American Biological Control Laboratory, Beijing) and Korea (Seoul National
University); ($206,874). (
The goal of this project is to implement an importation biological control program to
provide North Central soybean producers with increased management options for the
soybean aphid. The primary focus of work for June through August has been on rearing,
releasing, and monitoring for establishment of the parasitoid wasp Binodoxys communis.
Six states (IA, IN, MN, MI, SD, WI) participated in the release program in 2008, and a
total of 32 releases have been made across the region. Of these, 24 were in grower
fields and 8 were on university research farms. Many of these releases were made later
in the summer than originally planned, due to the unusually late population increases of
the soybean aphid throughout the region. The suction trap network documented the
virtual absence of soybean aphid early in the season, and the widespread late season
(August) flight of winged aphids. Preliminary indications are that Binodoxys communis
has been recovered from most of the 2008 release sites. However, the parasitoid must
survive the winter and be recovered in 2009 before truly successful establishment can
be determined. No recoveries were reported in 2008 from limited Binodoxys communis
releases made in 2007. Several states are planning to release Binodoxys communis
near buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), the overwintering host used by soybean aphid, to
try to enhance the parasitoid’s survival chances.
The USDA laboratory in Delaware has continued host range testing on seven Asian
soybean aphid parasitoid species that are in their quarantine facility, and MN is also
conducting host range testing of several potentially useful soybean aphid parasitoids in
their quarantine facility. USDA personnel are now in South Korea to conduct exploration
for soybean aphid natural enemies in the southeastern provinces.
Extension activities involving soybean aphid biological control were conducted in a
number of participating states. A particularly useful PowerPoint presentation on the
Binodoxys communis release program was developed in South Dakota. Iowa published
a Soybean Aphid Management Field Guide (Iowa State Univ. Extension Publication CSI
0011) that includes a section on biological control.
Managing frogeye leaf spot and charcoal rot in the North Central Region;
Jason Bond and Michael Schmidt (Southern Illinois University), Curt Hill and Glen
Hartman (USDA/ University of Illinois), X.B. Yang and Thomas Harrington (Iowa State
University), Doug Jardine and Curt Little (Kansas State University), Scott Abney and
Andreas Westphal (USDA/Purdue University), A. Mengistu (USDA/ARS Jackson, TN),
Dan Phillips (University of Georgia), Glover Shannon and Allen Wrather (University of
Missouri), Loren Giesler (University of Nebraska), R. Mian (USDA/The Ohio State
University) and Melvin Newman (University of Tennessee); ($190,000). (
The goal of this nine state project is to develop management options for two soybean
diseases, frogeye leaf spot (FLS) and charcoal rot, which are expanding in the North
Central region. Specifically, the researchers are evaluating genetic resistance to these
diseases, developing techniques for assaying resistance, characterizing prominent
pathotypes of the pathogens, and updating technical information on the incidence,
severity and management. For both diseases, host resistance is the focus of the group
to deliver long-term management options for the producer.
Frogeye leaf spot, caused by Cercospora sojina, is a foliar disease that has become
“native” to many soybean production areas of the North Central region. Fungicides or
host resistance can be used to manage the disease, however resistance is preferred.
Currently, three resistance genes are known to confer resistance to FLS. Rcs1 or Rcs2
are present in over 95% of FLS-resistant varieties, however Rcs3 is the only gene that
provides protection against all known races of the pathogen. This project was the first to
demonstrate how few (<5%) commercial FLS-resistant varieties contain this gene. The
pathogen is quite variable, and we determined that the isolates collected in the region
cannot cause disease on varieties with Rcs3. The breeding programs in MO and IL are
incorporating this resistance into elite lines, and MO has released 2 lines with this
resistance in 2008. The uniform trials conducted in Indiana are providing resistance
information on public germplasm, which is critical information for plant breeders. In
addition, plant introductions are being evaluated for resistance, and this effort may lead
to new sources of resistance. It is not known how effective current resistance (Rcs1 or
Rcs2) is across the region, or how many of the collected isolates can reproduce on
varieties with this resistance. One reason for this limitation is that the process to
determine race can take 15–40 days and requires labor intensive culturing and symptom
rating by experienced technicians. A more efficient protocol is being explored that could
reduce the time and the expense with race identifications. A by product of this effort has
revealed that the pathogen is very diverse and has the genetic capacity to adapt to our
management options over time.
Charcoal rot of soybean, caused by Macrophomina phaseolina, is ubiquitous in soybean
production fields across the U.S. To date, varieties with resistance to charcoal rot have
not been identified in soybean; however some varieties with partial resistance have been
identified in this project. The soybean industry is behind on charcoal rot resistance
because of the lack of effective greenhouse and field screening protocols. Another
reason is that resistant “check” varieties are not available for screening protocols. Many
of the critical limitations and information gaps for charcoal rot are being addressed by
this project. Researchers in this project have developed a protocol that has promise for
identifying resistant varieties. This group has also helped identify germplasm that can be
used as “check” varieties, and breeding programs are using this material in germplasm
development. Very little is known about the pathogen’s biology in various soil types. New
research trials in 2008 are attempting to decipher the impact of various soil types and
moisture levels on disease expression. Several laboratories are also trying to determine
if all isolates of the charcoal rot pathogen are similar or if there are varying degrees of
aggressiveness among the field populations.
Population dynamics and epidemiology of Asian Soybean Rust in North
American soybean production systems; James J. Marois, David L. Wright and
Phil Harmon (University of Florida); ($200,000). (
The primary goal of this proposal is to develop relevant data and management strategies
for the control of ASR in North America. While Florida is not a major soybean producing
state, it has thousands of acres of kudzu, an alternative host of the pathogen, and high
disease pressure. This is the third year of the study. Along with the core five objectives
listed below, we have developed extensive cooperative projects with researchers
throughout the U.S.
Objective 1) To determine what conditions are necessary for P. pachyrhizi to overwinter
in north Florida. Soybean rust (SBR) survival and host availability (kudzu) were
assessed from November through April at six sites from the panhandle to southwest
Florida. Results from this study show that both temperature and relative humidity impact
P. pachyrhizi in the field and in vitro and that detached kudzu leaves have the potential
to serve as an inoculum source in kudzu stands.
Objective 2) To develop field scale disease models based on temperature, relative
humidity, and leaf wetness. A model has been developed based upon earlier studies
and is being tested at Quincy. If successful, this will provide information at the grower
level as to the potential for disease to develop in the field based upon the field conditions
and if a fungicide application is warranted.
Objective 3) To determine the spatial and temporal dynamics of ASR in sentinel and field
plots. These plots were very successful this year and the data are being analyzed. 7.5,
15, and 30 inch row plots were inoculated by placing a single infected plant in the middle
of a 40’ by 40’ plot. Disease progress and canopy microclimate were then monitored
over time.
Objective 4) To link disease forecast and crop growth models that will tie early planted
sentinel plot detections with commercial field management needs. Spore traps are set
up near misted and non misted plots. Spores were detected 2 weeks before disease.
Linking the spore trap data with sentinel plot data and ultimately commercial field
infection should be possible after this year’s research.
Objective 5) Present a class on ASR identification and management at NFREC Quincy
to industry and researchers. A class was presented to over 50 participants in August.
Another class will be presented to over 80 participants September 17-18.
The sudden death syndrome research alliance; Linda Kull (Project Manager),
Brian Diers, Terry Niblack, Glen Hartman and Steven Clough (University of Illinois),
Jason Bond, Ahmad Fakhoury and Michael Schmidt (Southern Illinois University), Silvia
Cianzio, Leonor Leandro and Madan Bhattacharyya (Iowa State University), Dean
Malvick (University of Minnesota) and Andreas Westphal (The Ohio State University);
($249,855). (
Sudden death syndrome (SDS) was first observed in Arkansas in 1971 and is now
widespread across most major soybean producing areas in the United States. While the
incidence and severity of the disease varies by year and state, the annual soybean yield
losses rank SDS as one of the major soybean diseases in soybean production areas.
The importance of SDS will only increase as the disease spreads in the North Central
This project’s strategic goals are to expand research that reduce soybean yields
caused by the pathogen that causes SDS. The project is focusing on four research
Soybean breeding and genetics to identify gene combinations that increase host
plant resistance to the pathogen;
Studies to better understand the interaction between soybean cyst nematode and the
SDS fungal pathogen;
Research to improve SDS screening methods, understanding root infection versus
foliar symptoms, evaluating variation in the fungi pathogen, and evaluating
commercial products that may reduce SDS; and
Studies to develop a better understanding of the mechanism by which the pathogen
causes root and foliar symptoms. These studies involve developing transgenic
soybean plants that will express anti-toxin antibodies responsible for reducing SDS
disease symptoms.
This multi-state team is reporting some exciting results and generating knowledge that
will provide the basis for managing SDS in the field. Some of the highlights being
reported are:
 The breeders are reporting progress in backcrossing SDS resistance QTLs on
soybean linkage groups D2 and L from Ripley into five SCN resistant lines.
Individual soybean plants are being grown in the field and will be evaluated for the
presence of the linkage groups.
 Silvia Cianzio (ISU) is transferring SDS resistance genes from genotypes of maturity
group (MG) IV to early maturity groups.
 Research is underway to determine the expression pattern of pathogen genes that
cause SDS symptoms during infection of resistant and susceptible soybean lines. In
addition to successfully extracting RNA from infected root, they have preliminary
indications that gene expression from stem cuttings assay and the whole plant
infection assay were reasonably consistent. These molecular assays should have
value in explaining the infection process.
 Progress is being made to understand the interaction between SDS and SCN. Both
pathogens can cause significant soybean yield losses, however, when both
pathogens occur together as they frequently do, the presence of SCN appears to
increase the likelihood that SDS will occur and yield losses will be greater than when
only SCN is present.
 The team has demonstrated that both SCN and the SDS pathogen (Fv) infect the
soybean root at the earliest possible stage of development; when the radical
emerges from the seed and within days of planting (depending on environmental
conditions). They have also demonstrated that soybean plants can appear
completely normal (without SDS symptoms) and still be heavily infected with the Fv
pathogen. Several studies are underway to better understand this interaction
between SCN and the Fv pathogen.
 The need to improve current greenhouse screens is again emphasized with the
results of a coordinated screening project involving laboratories at Ohio State
University, University of Illinois, Southern Illinois University and Kansas State
University. Preliminary findings indicate highly variable results between laboratories
and poor agreement between laboratory assays and field results. The group is in the
process of combining the best parts of the greenhouse screens with new
technologies (using fluorescent isolates) to improve value of the screens. This will
be a topic on the November 20-21 SDS Workshop agenda.
 Progress is being reported in developing the green fluorescing protein (GFP)
expressing strain of the Fv pathogen that can be used to study the infection and
colonization of soybean plants by the fungus. A SDS-screening protocol using the
GFP-strain has been tested by comparing results to using QPCR methods and visual
root/leaf symptoms. The results look promising and the group is exploring the
possibility that hand-held fluoremeters could someday be used for high-throughput
laboratory screening of soybean lines.
 The group continues to characterize the Fv pathogens collected. Iowa State
researchers are studying the effect of light and temperature on fungal growth,
sporulation and cultural characteristics. Optimum temperature for fungal growth was
25C and a range of 15-25C for sporulation.
 Researchers at Southern Illinois University are compiling and summarizing field
results on the effect of commercial products (fungicides, biocontrol agents, and
biologicals) that are being promoted to prevent soybean yield losses due to SDS.
Field plots were established at several locations with high SDS pressure. The plots
are being rated for SDS severity/incidence and soybean yields will be reported at the
end of the season.
Madan Bhattacharyya reports that the genes encoded for monoclonal antibodies
against the FV toxin-1 have been cloned. Two types of synthetic genes have been
assembled and checked for gene expression using Western blot analyses. They
have shown that these genes expressed in Escherchia coli can bind the Fv toxin-1.
The next step is to express these genes in transgenic soybeans and evaluate
whether the SDS symptoms can be suppressed.
Bottom line, stating that progress is being made in this project in understanding SDS is
an understatement. The research team is aggressively developing information that
should help researchers, breeders, agronomists and farmers better manage SDS.
Iron deficiency chlorosis: Getting to the root of the problem; Phil McClean
(Project Leader) and Jay Goos (North Dakota State University), J. Carroll Vance
(USDA/ARS-University of Minnesota) and Randy Shoemaker (USDA/ARS- Iowa State
University); ($153,231). (
Iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) in soybean is an important yield-limiting factor in soybean
production. IDC occurs in the interveinal tissue of young leaves when iron is unavailable
to the plant. This is a common problem in soybean fields on calcareous soils in the north
central states of the U.S. (Hansen et al. 2004). With iron inefficient genotypes yield loss
is known to occur even if chlorosis is not evident or after plants have seemingly matured
and grown through the chlorotic symptoms.
The overall objective of this project is to discover useful molecular markers that can
ultimately be used by plant breeders to efficiently identify cultivars with high levels of iron
deficiency chlorosis (IDC) tolerance. This project is important to producers because IDC
is a major yield-limiting factor in the north central growing regions of the US. To
maximize the likelihood of success, we have developed a multi-investigator project.
Each investigator is taking a unique but complementary approach. The two general
objectives are to: 1) develop molecular markers that have diagnostic potential in
identifying IDC efficient genotypes, extend the usefulness of markers to a broader range
of soybean germplasm, and make the markers available to soybean breeders; and 2)
Use state of the art genomic technologies and the forthcoming whole genome sequence
of soybean to identify genes potentially involved in IDC efficiency or inefficiency.
Convert these candidate genes into markers that can be used by soybean breeders.
Field screening was performed this past summer at three locations in southeast and
south central North Dakota areas hard hit by IDC problems. Field data was collected for
130 breeding lines and a set of experimental lines provided by co-PI Shoemaker. These
lines showed the full spectrum of IDC responses and will be used as confirmation of
molecular markers discovered by the program. A search for single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) among transcription factor candidate IDC genes discovered 100
potential SNPs that will be mapped during the next quarter. RNA was isolated from root
tissue of IDC recovering lines. That RNA will be screened to determine which genes are
turned off/on during recovery.
Construction of a DNA-based virus induced gene silencing system for
functional genomics of soybean seed development; Leslie L. Domier (USDA/
ARS, University of Illinois) and Said A. Ghabrial (Department of Plant Pathology
University of Kentucky); ($62,560). (
As one of the most important seed crops in the world, an understanding of the regulatory
networks that shape the biochemical properties of soybean seed are becoming
increasingly important. Virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) is a powerful tool for
functional genomics that permits inactivation of individual genes or closely related gene
families. Inactivation of genes through VIGS is most effective in cells where recombinant
viruses replicate. Tobacco streak virus (TSV), a virus that commonly infects soybean,
readily invades meristematic tissues and developing soybean embryos, which results in
high rates of seed transmission (often >50%). Consequently, VIGS vectors based on
TSV would permit the analysis of gene function in tissue types (e.g., shoot apical and
floral meristems) and developmental stages (e.g., developing seed) that would be very
difficult to affect using VIGS vectors currently available for soybean, which do not invade
and replicate within these tissues.
The objective of this project is to develop a DNA-based VIGS system that will facilitate
functional genomics of soybean genes involved in seed and meristem development by
taking advantage of the invasiveness of Tobacco streak virus.
During the previous quarter, full-length cDNA clones were constructed and sequenced of
the four RNAs of two Illinois soybean isolates of TSV. The sequences were nearly
identical to those previously reported for TSV RNAs. This quarter, the infectivity of the
clones was evaluated in soybean using a full-length cDNA clone of Soybean mosaic
virus (SMV) as a positive control. While greater than 90% of plants inoculated using
SMV cDNA became infected, no plants inoculated with TSV cDNAs were infected with
TSV. Consequently, a new set of TSV clones was designed and constructed. One set of
soybean plants has been biolistically inoculated with the new Illinois TSV cDNAs.
Inoculated plants have not yet been assayed for virus infection.
TSV isolates were collected from infected tobacco in five counties in Kentucky,
transmitted to soybean, and purified. Full-length cDNA clones of the four RNAs of
Kentucky isolates of TSV were synthesized. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the clones
is underway. RNA3 nucleotide sequences of Kentucky isolates will be compared to
those of other TSV isolates for potential use of heterologous promoters in constructing
TSV VIGS vectors. In addition, TSV-specific antisera are being produced from purified
virions from two distinct strains of TSV, which will facilitate rapid detection and
verification of TSV infections. With the two labs using independent and complementary
approaches to produce infectious cDNAs of TSV, we anticipate that at least one of the
groups will succeed in producing infectious clones.
Improving management of soybean cyst nematode through Extension
demonstration and outreach; Loren Giesler (University of Nebraska) and Carl
Bradley (University of Illinois) (Co-coordinators), Anne Dorrance (The Ohio State
University), Terry Niblack (USDA/ARS/University of Illinois), Greg Tylka (Iowa State
University), Doug Jardine (Kansas State University), Ray Hammerschmidt (Michigan
State University), Dean Malvick (University of Minnesota), Laura Sweets (University of
Missouri), Sam Markell (North Dakota State University), Lawrence Osborne (South
Dakota State University), Paul Esker (University of Wisconsin), George Bird (Michigan
State University) and Albert Tenuta (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural
Affairs); ($205,000). (
The project goal is to improve soybean cyst nematode (SCN) management in the North
Central states. As part of this overall goal we will establish on-farm plots in all states
involved. The focus will be on large scale demonstration to provide information usable in
all states, which will be merged, for yearly updates in the form of fact sheets. In addition,
the effects of different resistant sources on SCN populations will be demonstrated.
The field protocol agreed upon by all states was followed for plot establishment in
producer fields. Field strip trials were established in the following states (Number of
locations): IL(2), NE (2), IA (3), OH (2), MN (3), MO (2), ND (3), WI (2), KS (2) one
conventional planted and one double crop, MI (3), SD (2), ON (2). All locations are
utilizing large plots with the exception of ND where only small areas of a small number of
fields are known to have SCN at this time. At most of the locations we have multiple
varieties which represent the main resistance genes for SCN management. States vary
from four to up to 8 varieties in some locations. In a few of the states we were not able
to secure varieties with some resistance genes due to the time of year for the project
was approved. Several states utilized multiple PI 88788 varieties when they could not
identify other genetic sources. All states have conducted their early season sampling to
determine field HG type and population levels within each 25 ft. of the plots (10 samples
per 250 ft length of plot). Plots are near maturity in most states. Yield will be
determined at maturity and all plots will be sampled intensively to determine the effects
of the different genetic sources on SCN population levels. Samples will also be sent to
Dr. Terry Niblack’s lab for HG Type determination for each variety.
Several contacts have been made this season, which should facilitate the coordination of
seed source for next year. This will allow for some varieties to be used in several states
next year. Several members of the project team met at a soybean meeting in northern
Wisconsin on August 27 and 28. The group discussed some aspects of the management
options to help facilitate a unified voice for SCN management. This will greatly help
speed the development of the fact sheet to be developed at the end of this season when
data has been summarized.
Soybean response to soybean aphids; John Reese and Vara Prasad (Kansas
State University), Tiffany Heng-Moss, Thomas Hunt, Leon Higley and Paul Twigg
(University of Nebraska) and Bill Lamp (University of Maryland); ($85,936).
The project’s strategic goal is to develop information that can improve conventional and
molecular plant breeding efforts for developing aphid-resistant soybean genotypes. The
specific objectives include: 1) Studying the aphid-soybean interaction resulting from the
plant injury response caused by the soybean aphid; 2) Identify the genes differentially
expressed between the aphid injured and uninjured soybeans by the use of subtractive
cDNA libraries for susceptible and resistant soybeans; and 3) Confirm differential
expression of genes associated with soybean aphid injury using standard molecular
techniques documenting changes at the mRNA level.
The researchers report that they have obtained the Ohio biotype and are screening
Kansas materials for resistance. So far they have not found any entry that is resistant to
the new biotype, but hope to find something in the future. Some of the entries they are
testing do not appear to carry Rag1 gene for aphid resistance so they hoped that some
other gene(s) might be durable against the new biotype. In collaboration with Tiffany
Heng-Moss and Tom Hunt at Nebraska, they are starting to initiate studies of plant
response to soybean aphid feeding, including how this plant response affects future
aphid biology and feeding behavior.
Development of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for
soybeans; John Hill, Steve Whitman, Leonor Leandro and Thomas Baum (Iowa State
University), Randy Shoemaker (USDA/ARS/Iowa State University), Kerry Pedley
(USDA/ARS/Fort Detrick), Craig Grau (University of Wisconsin), Dean Malvick
(University of Minnesota); ($125,000). (A project funded jointly with the United Soybean
Board). (
The project’s goal is to understand the genetic pathways involved in stress resistance to
enable the development of soybean germplasm with new defensive features that will
lead to the breeding of soybean varieties that respond less to the variation of growing
conditions. The specific objectives are to: 1) Optimize BPMV-DNA-based vector for
developing of a virus-based high-throughput gene silencing system; 2) Use highthroughput gene silencing to identify soybean genes involved in resistance to biotic and
abiotic stress; and 3) Select appropriate genes for development of soybean germplasm
with new defensive features.
This new project was initiated earlier in 2008 and builds on previous research by John
Hills and co-workers. The researchers report considerable progress in achieving the
primary goal to better understand the genetic pathways involved in the plant responding
to stress. Some of the more noteworthy accomplishments include:
 A DNA-based high-throughput BPMV VIGS vector has been developed and used in
VIGS. A peer-reviewed manuscript describing this vector has been submitted and
accepted by the journal Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions.
 Approximately 1000 key genes have been selected for testing in stress resistance.
 Approximately 90 – 100 gene fragments have been cloned into the VIGS vector and
50 of the above gene fragments have been introduced into soybeans.
 VIGS vectors containing test genes have been provided Craig Grau (University of
Wisconsin) and Kerry Pedley (USDA/ARS-Ft. Detrick, MD) for evaluation.
 VIGS experiments were initiated on the Sclerotinia pathosystem. Initial tests
suggested four genes may have been identified.
 Researchers met to discuss some of the challenges working the Sudden Death
Syndrome (SDS) pathogen, Fusarium viguliforme. The challenges include the timing
of inoculation of VIGS and Fusarium virguliforme (Fv), the qualitative resistance of
soybeans to SDS, and the unknown target of resistance genes on root infection or
leaf susceptibility to the toxin. Protocols for testing the most appropriate inoculation
methods are being developed by the SDS researchers.
Approximately 50 genes have been silenced in soybean plants carrying either the
Rpp1 or Rpp2 resistance genes and scored for a loss of resistance towards
Phakopsora pachyrhizi.
The DNA sequence spanning disease resistance gene clusters on Linkage Group J
has been characterized and ~30 molecular markers were developed. The markers
have been scored against a population segregating for Brown Stem Rot so that the
resistance gene can be more precisely located.
The proposal “TRMS: High-throughput functional analysis of soybean defense
pathways by virus-induced gene silencing” was funded at $2,112,160 by the National
Science Foundation (S. Whitham, PI (Iowa State University), J. Hill, Co-PI (Iowa
State University), T. Baum, Co-PI (Iowa State University), M Mitchum, Co-PI
(University of Missouri). Funds provided by check-off dollars were leveraged to
provide this additional source of funds for research relating to this project.
Screening for genetic resistance against soybean viruses; John Hill
(Coordinator) Steve Whitham (Iowa State University), Craig Grau (University of
Wisconsin), Brian Diers (University of Illinois) and Reza Hajimorad (University of
Tennessee); ($130,000). (
The project’s strategic goal is to identify resistance to bean pod mottle (BPMV) and
alfalfa mosaic (AMV) viruses and complete development of antibody-based assay for
detection and quantification of alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV).
Objective 1) Identify resistance to bean pod mottle (BPMV) and alfalfa mosaic viruses
(AMV): This study is based upon the observation that breeding lines from a cross
between Northrup King S19-90 and PI 153.282 may have immunity to BPMV. Brian
Diers has provided seed of the mapping population for resistance testing. Screening for
BPMV resistance utilizes BPMV engineered to contain the selectable BAR gene for
herbicide resistance. Initially, four lines OISSD-39, OISSD-91, OISSD-92, and OISSD93 were identified that appear to be immune to BPMV and seed of these lines has been
increased. An additional 212 plants were recently challenged with the engineered
BPMV and 13 apparently resistant plants were found. Seed is being increased from
those plants. In addition, the screen may also detect plants that appear to exhibit
delayed susceptibility to BPMV. If true, these may also be of value for delaying a BPMV
Objective 2) Complete development of antibody-based assay for detection and
quantification of alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV): A full-time research associate has been
assigned to this effort and it is anticipated this will result in rapid progress. In the search
to find a suitable hybridoma line (i.e., secreting monoclonal antibody (McAb) with broad
specificity against AMV), McAbs derived from 21 cell lines and produced in tissue
cultures were screened by two different serological assays. Only three cell lines were
found positive for the presence of antibody against AMV, however, their reactions were
weak. These antibodies are being purified and concentrated for further detailed
analyses. These hybridomas, however, are secreting IgM, which is not a user-friendly
sub-class of antibody for use in diagnostics. Immunization of a new set of mice for
generating new hybridomas has already been initiated. As a combination of a McAb and
suitable polyclonal antibodies (PcAbs) are needed for development of the detection
assay, a total of 14 polyclonal antibodies against different antigenic preparations of five
distinct strains of AMV are being analyzed for their relative sensitivities. This will allow
us to select the most suitable antigenic form of AMV for immunization and large scale
polyclonal antibody production.
Next generation sequencing of the soybean cyst nematode genome: A
comparative genomics analysis of virulent and avirulent biotypes; Kris
Lambert (University of Illinois); (no-cost extension). (
Soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) can be managed using natural sources of resistance if
the source of resistance can be matched to the nematode population. The reason for
this “matching problem” is due to the fact that SCN populations adapt and reproduce on
resistant soybean plants. The consequence of this “ selection for virulent SCN biotypes”
is that SCN resistance becomes less effective over time and new types of resistant
plants must be deployed. It is time consuming and expensive to test SCN populations
using greenhouse assays, thus a rapid DNA-based test is needed to detect the extent of
virulent biotypes that have built up in nematode populations in the field. Our group has
devised a simple quantitative real-time PCR assay that can detect SCN genes in field
samples quickly and inexpensively (it costs $1/sample and takes 2 hours). One critical
component we are missing is a dense genetic map of SCN that defines the exact region
in the genome containing SCN virulence genes. This DNA sequencing project will allow
most sequence differences between the avirulent and virulent lines to be identified.
These sequence differences, in turn, will be used to map-base clone SCN virulence
genes. The virulence genes will then be used to devise a rapid SCN virulence test,
which will allow fields to be monitored for virulent nematode build up. Such information
will in turn allow the most effective SCN resistant soybean to be grown, thus minimizing
the damage caused by SCN.
The goal of this project is to collect very deep genomic DNA sequence data for two
soybean cyst nematode (SCN) biotypes differing in virulence using “ Next Generation”
DNA sequencing technology. In this project we will use a SCN reference sequence
generated by the Joint Genome Institute (JGI) and re-sequence data generated by a
new DNA sequencing technology being commercialized by Applied Biosystems (ABI)
called SOLiD (sequencing by oligonucleotide ligation and detection).
This project has one objective; to collect 5.4 billion bases of SCN DNA from two inbred
lines of SCN, one virulent and one avirulent using SOLiD sequencing. The resulting DNA
sequence will be used to discover single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between
these two nematode genomes.
To date, two DNA samples form the avirulent inbred SCN TN10 and one from virulent
TN20 have been isolated and genotyped to confirm their purity. Both DNA samples
passed the purity test and were of sufficient quality so they were sent to the company.
The company constructed two solid-phase paired-end libraries and has run preliminary
sequencing tests on their SOLiD machine. I was informed last week that the libraries
were of sufficient quality to proceed with full-scale DNA sequencing. The plan is to
conduct two machine runs of both genomic libraries to collect a sufficient amount of SCN
DNA sequence. Each machine run takes about two weeks to complete; currently, we
are half way through the first sequencing run. We expect the data from this initial
sequencing run to be available in the next few weeks and if it looks good, the company
will proceed with the second and final sequencing run shortly there after. While we were
disappointed by the delays earlier in this project, we are confident this project will be
completed this year.
Investigations of changes in resistance of PI 88788 to field populations of
soybean cyst nematode (SCN) that will impact all North Central States;
Jamal Faghihi and Virginia Ferris (Purdue University), Pat Donald (USDA/ARS/West
Tennessee Experiment Station), Gregory Noel, (USDA/ARS/University of Illinois) and
Tom Welacky (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada);
(Completed Project).
Plant introduction (PI) 88788 has been the major source of resistance to SCN for about
three decades, and is estimated to be present in about 97% of varieties said to be
resistant to SCN in the United States. In recent years researchers in the Midwest have
observed that varieties with PI 88788 did not seem to be as resistant as they were in the
past. Researchers concluded that either SCN resistant varieties have changed or the
field populations of SCN have themselves changed in response to long exposure to PI
88788. The goals of this project were to determine the current effectiveness of PI 88788
as a source of resistance to SCN and to determine the effectiveness of other sources of
SCN resistance in areas where PI 88788 may no longer be effective.
Soybean production areas in Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee and Ontario were chosen
based on the length of time that SCN varieties with PI 88788 resistance have been
widely used. Soil samples were obtained and SCN numbers and HG-types determined.
Results indicated that:
 SCN populations in all four regions developed on soybean varieties containing the PI
88788 source of resistance. In Tennessee, 92.6% of the populations showed a
susceptible reaction toward PI 88788.
PI 548402 (Peking) showed an excellent resistance reaction in Indiana and Illinois,
but offered little resistance in Tennessee. In Ontario, the alarming susceptible
reaction observed toward Peking lines was unexpected because soybean cultivars
with this source of resistance have not been widely grown in Ontario.
PI 437654 showed excellent resistance in all locations followed by PI 90763. These
two can provide the best sources of resistance to SCN in all locations.
PI 548316 (Cloud) showed a lack of resistance in all locations and is a poor choice
as a source of resistance. It has little value in HG-typing of SCN populations.
Widespread HG-types obtained in Ontario suggested the relative youth of these SCN
populations and might create a tough challenge for the development of resistant
cultivars and management of SCN in Ontario and nearby regions. The researchers
proposed the question whether relatively young SCN populations in northern US
states would behave the same way as do those in Ontario.
Enhancing disease resistance in soybean through the tools of
biotechnology; Tom Clemente, Jack Morris and Jim Alfano (University of Nebraska)
and Gray Stacey and Jim English (University of Missouri); ($153,000).
The research group is composed of four scientists who are on the forefront in expanding
our understanding of the underlying molecular cues of plant/parasite interactions. This
team of phytopathologists is complemented by a plant genetic engineering laboratory
that will permit the translation of the fundamental knowledge generated by the
phytopathologist team to develop novel applied disease control strategies namely, virus
resistance, modulating Phytophthora and fungal pathogenesis, and impediments to
aphid and nematode predation.
The program will evaluate transgenic approaches to combat aphids, nematode, viral and
fungal pathogenesis. The resultant genetic material from this program can then be
evaluated as a component for the integrated pest management practices currently being
optimized through support of the NCSRP.
Project Objectives are designed to expand the understanding of the underlying
molecular cues of plant/parasite interactions. Specifically, the objectives are to: 1)
Express zoospore encystment peptide in soybean as a means to block the life cycle of
Phytophthora sojae; 2) Express a tobacco RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDR6) in
soybean as a means to maintain soybean’s virus surveillance mechanism; 3) Introduce
two bacterial derived insect toxins into soybean as a means to combat nematode
predation; 4) Evaluate an in planta RNAi strategy to perturb aphids feeding; and 5) Use
a candidate gene approach to clone genes mapped to known QTLs associated with
fungal resistance in soybeans.
Phenotypes associated with partial resistance to BPMV; M.G. Redinbaugh
(USDA/ARS/OARDC) and Marie Langham (South Dakota State University); ($17,000).
The objective of this project is to identify criteria for evaluating soybean germplasm for
partial resistance to bean pod mottle virus. Plots of BPMV inoculated and noninoculated cultivars previously identified as having partial resistance will be evaluated for
BPMV symptoms, BPMV titer, seed yield, pod number, seed/pod, mottling and seed oil
and protein levels.
In Ohio, plots of the same eighteen cultivars tested in 2006 and 2007 were planted on 22
May, and inoculated at the V1/V2 stage with BPMV on 6 June. In South Dakota, cold
weather delayed planting of the eight cultivars to be tested until the second week in
June. Because relatively inexperienced workers have been maintaining BPMV cultures,
the presence of high titers of BPMV in the culture was verified ELISA prior to inoculation.
Symptom assessment and tissue collection for ELISA analysis carried out as planned.
Analyses of BPMV titer and number of seed/pod are underway. Seed yield, BPMV titer
in seed, seed mottling, oil and protein content will be evaluated in the upcoming quarter.
Plant Health Initiative; David Wright (Iowa Soybean Association); ($314,194).
The goal of this project is to increase grower awareness of solutions for disease and
insect problems by transferring knowledge gained from checkoff-funded activities to
soybean producers through the electronic and print media. The project will continue to
position PHI as an authoritative resource of plant health information.
The specific objectives of the project are:
 Provide science-based information to soybean producers that can be used to reduce
soybean yield loss from disease and insects;
 Sponsor conferences and workshops that highlight current soybean disease
research topics
 Develop educational materials that will help soybean growers better manage
soybean diseases and pests; and
 Facilitate and coordinate research and information transfer between industry,
university, media and Midwest soybean growers.
Northeast Region
Beyond TAG: Intensive on-farm soybean IPM education and new outreach
strategies; Julianne Dennis, Kenneth Wise and J. Keith Waldron (Cornell Cooperative
Extension, Integrated Pest Management, Cornell University); ($17,018).
Soybean pests in New York State have been generally restricted to weeds, and minor
insects, diseases and pests that affect emergence, vegetative and reproductive stages
of crop development. Given the limited nature of the pest in the Northeastern U.S.,
many pests have been controlled, or voided, through an integrated approach based on
selecting varieties for the maturity group, disease resistance and commercial commodity
attributes and timely implementation of sound agronomic practices including crop
rotation. Scouting programs for pests and crop condition voided many potential
With the potential new threat of Asian Soybean Rust, new infestations of bean leaf
beetles in New York State, occasional severe pest outbreaks and continued weed
management challenges, the researchers involved in this project believes an integrated
pest management (IPM) and integrated crop management (ICP) outreach programs are
crucial for soybean growers.
New pest challenges and questions from soybean
producers about better management solutions have led to expanded programs to
provide IPM and ICM information.
The objectives of this project are to:
 Conduct on-farm season-long IPM education programs for soybean
producers across New York State. This program will feature all agronomic
and economic aspects of soybean production with emphasis on pest
identification, biology and control.
 Increase soybean IPM awareness for producers where soybean production is
new and acreage is limited; and
Evaluate the impact of education programs by measuring the effect of
adoption of IPM and ICP practices by participating soybean producers.
Enhancing soybean seed yield by delaying leaf senescence; Susheng Gan
(Horticulture Department, Cornell University); ($23,858). (
This is a continuing research project that is showing leaf senescence limits soybean
yield. The research group has identified a master regulator of leaf senescence in
soybean called GmNAP. The overall goal of this project is to design a strategy to
silence the master regulator so that leaf senescence can be significantly delayed,
resulting in a dramatic increase of seed yield in soybeans. The specific objectives of the
project are to: 1) Generate soybean plants in which soybean GmNAP is silenced by
using RNAi approaches; and 2) Evaluate these soybean plants in terms of agronomic
traits with an emphasis on leaf senescence and seed yield.
Southern Soybean Research Program
Evaluation of soybean varieties and exotic germplasm for tolerance to
drought; Grover Shannon (University of Missouri); ($25,206).
Soybean growers may face drought, flooding, or both in a given year. In the
irrigated areas of the Mississippi delta in soils with heavy clay, it is not uncommon to
have a rain following irrigation, resulting in flooded conditions for several days. In
other times of the season, crops may face drought. Knowing how soybean varieties
are affected by both drought and flooding could be useful in helping farmers
determine which varieties to choose to minimize yield loss to environmental stress.
In conjunction with a flood-tolerance project funded by Southern Soybean Research
Program (SSRP), this project would evaluate up to 500 Plant Introductions and
approximately 350 MG III, IV and V soybean varieties entered into Missouri variety
testing to be planted on a sandy loam soil with poor water-holding capacity to determine
drought tolerance as indicated by yield. The same lines and varieties will be included in
another trial, funded by the SSRP, to determine flooding tolerance when planted on a
Sharkey Clay soil and irrigated so that two inches of standing water are in the field.
Lines with the best tolerance for both drought and flooding will be selected for further
testing in years two and three of the project.
Standardized foliar fungicide test for control of Asian soybean rust; Melvin
Newman (University of Tennessee), Ed Sikora (Auburn University), Robert Kemerait
(University of Georgia), James Marois (University of Florida) and Boyd Padgett
(Louisiana State University); ($25,000). (
Asian Soybean Rust (ASR) is a serious disease that can quickly destroy soybean yields
by causing severe defoliation of the entire plant. In recent years, ASR has moved from
South Africa to South America and now into the southern U.S. There are no resistant
soybean varieties, but there is hope to develop durable resistance in the future. The first
line of defense against this wind-blown pathogen is the use of foliar fungicides.
Southern winds in the spring can carry rust spores hundreds of miles and be deposited
on soybean fields in a wide area. Soybean rust spores can reproduce in a few days
under warm, moist environmental conditions and then spread even further into other
soybean growing areas.
In order for producers to be able to effectively control soybean rust they must spray
fungicides before the rust pathogen is allow to become established. Soybean producers
in Brazil and Florida report that they had success with only two applications in most
cases. But the first application must be sprayed on the soybeans before infections
research the 5-10% level.
This project is designed to test the most efficacious fungicides in locations where
soybean rust is most likely to occur in the U.S. The research group has developed a
standardized fungicide test and evaluated various fungicides in 2006 and 2007. This
project will specifically evaluate eleven fungicides, or combinations of fungicides, and
one untreated check at locations in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and
Tennessee. Soybean rust severity and incidence ratings will be made at first application
and at two-week intervals until complete defoliation of the untreated check. Other
diseases will be rated, if present, such as brown spot, frogeye leaf spot and
anthracnose. The researchers will obtain disease information, soil test data, agronomic
data (planting date and plant stand) production management information (row spacing,
spray nozzle type, spray volume, variety planted) and weather data. The data compiled
and reported.
United Soybean Board- Production Research
Soybean Tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering Center; Wayne Parrott
(University of Georgia), John Finer (The Ohio State University), Lila Vodkin and Jack
Widholm (University of Illinois) and Harold Trick (Kansas State University); ($349,287).
The ultimate beneficiary of the technology developed in this project is the U.S. soybean
producers with the development of varieties with enhanced yields and improved
production efficiency. Specifically, nematode resistance, which has been a tough trait to
breed for, will benefit from the development of new molecular techniques to develop
soybean cultivars with needed resistance. The immediate target audience is the
community of soybean geneticists, breeders, molecular biologists, physiologists,
nematologists and pathologists who will benefit from the information and resources
developed on this project.
The objectives of the project are to: 1) Generate engineered soybean plants with
nematode genes to make the plants resistant to nematodes; 2) Improve soybean
transformation efficiency, particularly with non-antibiotic selectable markers; and 3)
Obtain transgenic soybean plants with new promoters linked to various transgenes as a
single segregating unit.
This continuing project has produced several accomplishments, including:
 The Center is collaborating with the USB’s SCN Parasitism Gene group in exploring
gene-silencing for control of nematodes. The viability of this approach was
demonstrated by producing genetic constructs for interfering RNAs (RNAi) of the
genes, engineering them into soybean plants, and seeing reduced nematode
infection after inoculation in the greenhouse.
 Sixteen candidate nematode resistance genes discovered by the USB-funded SCN
Parasitism Genes Team have been assembled into transformation vectors as RNAi
constructs with a root-specific promoter. Transgenic plants have been obtained from
four of these genes thus far. Each gene will be evaluated for its usefulness for
nematode control, and the best candidates will be selected for further evaluation.
 The soybean ubiquitin promoter (Gmubi) was identified by the Center as a potential
candidate for gene silencing of nematodes. Gmubi is a very strong promoter and
has high levels of root expression, which are needed for activity against nematodes.
The Gmubi promoter has been shared with the SCN group, who is using it in their
efforts to determine the function of the nematode genes they isolate. Efforts to
optimize the Gmubi promoter by adding additional segments have been initiated.
 A specialty soybean line was developed at the University of Georgia (Jack x
PI417138) has been chosen as the model genotype for SCN gene-silencing
experimentation. The line is susceptible to SCN and is amenable to transformation.
 Soybean tissue has been transformed with the pSDHSOT non-antibiotic marker and
is under selection in the laboratory to evaluate the efficacy of the marker.
The research team will work on the following during the coming year: Engineering
soybean lines with different SCN gene-silencing constructs will be recovered and tested
against nematodes;
 Continue on enabling technologies for soybean transformation, including
characterization and optimization of the Gmubi promoter, analysis of candidate
suppressors of gene silencing (which may be crucial to long-term use of gene
silencing for SCN control), and non-antibiotic selectable markers including
pSDHSOT and alternatives; and
Construct improved transformation vectors that will allow the group to begin
comparisons of stacked vs. single genes and whole vs. partial genes for efficacy,
transformability and resistance strategies.
Preliminary results will be available from a pilot program on seed composition, initiated in
2007. Silencing of the PDHK gene has been shown to increase seed size and oil
content in Arabidopsis. A vector for down-regulation of this gene has been designed
and inserted into soybean, and transformants are now being grown in the greenhouse.
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) DNA marker discovery, mapping
and application; Perry Cregan (USDA/ARS-Beltsville, MD), David Hyten (USDA/ARSBeltsville, MD,), Jim Specht (University of Nebraska) and Randy Shoemaker
(USDA/ARS-Iowa State University); ($280,000). (
Competitiveness of U.S. soybean producers will be increased because U.S. soybean
breeders, both public and private, will have access to the latest DNA marker technology.
With molecular markers and a genetic map, it is possible to flank each desirable gene
with genetic markers so the desirable genes can be tracked by a simple DNA assay.
Therefore, with molecular markers, the breeder can sort and select on the basis of
genes and gene combinations instead of relying solely on selection based on field
performance. This means improved soybean varieties for soybean producers in a
shorter period of time and at less cost resulting in improved soybeans, improved yields
and improved production efficiency
The objectives of this project are to: 1) Complete a SNP-based genetic map of the
soybean genome that contains at least 20,000 easily used and highly informative SNP
DNA markers; 2) Make all DNA markers and DNA marker technology available to U.S.
soybean breeders and genetics researchers; 3) Clearly define the QTL that lead to high
seed protein soybeans while at the same time maintaining 20% seed oil content; 4)
Develop germplasm that carries the genes for high protein along with genetic markers
that can be used to create varieties with high protein and normal oil content; and 5) Use
the information on the precise position of QTL controlling seed protein content to provide
an understanding of how to apply “genetic association analysis” for the discovery of
genes/QTL in soybean.
Some of the accomplishments of this research team include:
 Developed and made available a new SNP-based genetic map to U.S. soybean
breeders and geneticists.
 Demonstrated that the Illumina BeadStation 500G functions very efficiently to detect
SNP DNA markers in soybean and used it to map over 1500 additional SNP
 The researchers submitted a publication to the scientific journal “Genetics”
describing the research leading to the development and mapping of the new SNP
Developed all the required information to analyze more than 500 different SNP DNA
markers on the Luminex flow cytometer (equipment available in the labs of a number
of U.S. plant breeders).
Developed all of the required information to analyze 960 different SNP DNA markers
on the Sequenom Mass Spec.
Published in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA” an article
describing SNPs in a range of soybean germplasm including elite varieties, old
varieties, and germplasm lines from the USDA National Soybean Collection.
During the coming year the team plans to:
 Identify an additional 25,000 soybean SNP DNA markers using the next generation
DNA sequencer, the Solexa 1G Genetic Analyzer in combination with the genome
sequence of Williams 82 by the Department of Energy’s Joint Genome Institute.
Determine the positions of quantitative trait loci (QTL) that control high seed protein
content via the analysis of 60 soybean populations developed from crosses of high x
normal protein elite lines. Breeding lines will be analyzed with 1536 selected SNP
DNA markers on the Illumina BeadStation 500G.
Select 15,200 SNPs (from the 25,000 identified using the Solexa 1G Genetic
Analyzer) for genetic mapping in a new population of 1,000 recombinant inbred lines
from Williams 82 x PI 468.916 and for characterizing a panel of 96 diverse elite
soybean varieties and 96 soybean germplasm lines from the USDA/ARS Soybean
Germplasm Collection.
Drought stress tolerance for the Midwest and South; Tommy Carter
(USDA/ARS-NCSU), Jim Orf (University of Minnesota), Jim Specht (University of
Nebraska), Larry Purcell and Pengyin Chen (University of Arkansas), T.W. Rufty (North
Carolina State University), H. Roger Boerma (University of Georgia), Jerry Bennett and
Tom Sinclair (University of Florida) and Felix Fritschi (University of Missouri);
($643,000). (
The immediate target audience of this research is commercial US breeders, and through
them the farmer. The development of soybean varieties that exhibit improved drought
tolerance should minimize the yield robbing effects of drought in the one out of four
years where severe drought stress occurs on most farms and/or the remainder of the
years where some intermediate level of drought stress occurs. The team will be looking
for new ways to make drought breeding more user friendly for commercial soybean
breeders that are not experienced in breeding for drought tolerance.
The project objectives are to:
Develop not only one or a few drought tolerant germplasm lines, but a sufficient
number with good local adaptation so that continuing scientific advances are readily
adopted by the soybean community;
Understand how drought tolerant genes work in newly discovered sources of
tolerance, so that these new genes can be utilized most effectively by the soybean
breeding community;
Make field based drought tolerance screening more accessible for the commercial
breeder through investigation of new canopy temperature screening methods;
Determine the relationship between drought tolerance and other tolerances to
environmental stresses such as flood and iron deficiency chlorosis; and
Continue transfer of germplasm to industry as it passes through validation tests and
proves it’s utility to breeding.
Major past accomplishments of this team have been:
 Several thousand accessions evaluated for drought tolerance which identified six
major sources in the south and an additional ten slow-wilting types in the Midwest
along with eight sources of improved nitrogen fixation;
 Breeding lines have been developed throughout the range of maturity groups with
more than 20 Midwest slow wilting breeding lines yielding equal or greater than
locally adapted check varieties ;
 Data demonstrated that slow-wilting and improved N-fixation under drought carry no
penalty when drought is minimal or absent;
 DNA tagging has identified two slow wilting genes and four genes for root growth.
 Two sources of slow wilting have been determined to have different genes for this
trait and when hybridized result in super-slow wilting progeny;
 Stacking of genes has begun and double stacked genes will be available to industry
in one to two years and triple stacked will be available in three to five years;
 Advanced slow-wilting breeding lines of southern maturity have been transferred to
 Two germplasm lines have been released which have improved N-fixation under
drought stress and are available to breeders for crossing;
 Three late maturing varieties have been released trace to a slow wilting Japanese PI;
 Material from this project is being picked up and used in commercial breeding
During 2008 the team plans to:
Complete validation studies to verify sources of drought tolerance;
Continue to identify drought-tolerant high-yielding breeding lines;
Continue studies to ‘tag’ drought genes with DNA markers;
Continue studies on environmental stresses which are related to drought
Inaugurate studies on ‘shortcut’ field screening methods for use by industry;
Begin stacking slow-wilting with prolonged N2-fixation under drought stress;
 Initiate transfer of genes from Midwestern slow-wilting exotic types to southern
 Initiate widespread testing on a elite slow-wilting line across the South to determine
the yield benefit when check yields are less that 40 bu/ac; and
 Release new germplasm as it becomes available
QTLs for Phytophthora sojae, where are they and what mechanisms control
this resistance? Anne Dorrance and Steve St. Martin (The Ohio State University),
Rouf Mian (USDA/ARS- Wooster, OH) and Grover. Shannon and Henry Nguyen
(University of Missouri); ($241,819). (
Resistance to P. sojae in modern varieties has eroded due to pathogen adaptation to
current resistance genes. In addition, partial resistance is being lost with the introduction
of new genes such as herbicide tolerance and disease resistance. In areas where the
disease is a problem, aggressive late-season stem rot is increasing.
Identifying and mapping QTLs for partial resistance will help breeders to maintain
adequate levels of resistance in current varieties. Partial resistance is also expected to
provide broader and more durable protection across more acres, since it is effective
against all races of the pathogen.
The investigators have developed nine mapping populations with QTLs for partial
resistance, that are ready to be screened and mapped for P. sojae resistance using
molecular markers (SSRs or SNPs). For many of these populations, molecular markers
for the parents have been identified, and one population has already been screened for
In year one, the number and location of the QTLs will be identified. In year two, fine
mapping will be completed and markers identified. Progeny will be evaluated in both
years under field conditions in MO and OH, in order to develop new germplasm with
useful partial resistance to P. sojae.
As QTL are identified and mapped, the mechanism of partial resistance will be evaluated
using functional genomic approaches (year 2). Knowing the mechanism of resistance
will be helpful in identifying and improving resistance to P. sojae in the future.
Genetics and mapping of charcoal rot resistance; Jeffrey Ray and Rusty Smith
(USDA/ARS-Stoneville, MS.), and Alemu
($119,200). (
Mengistu (USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN.);
The investigators have identified a new, moderately resistant genotype to charcoal rot.
The resistant line has been crossed with a susceptible line to create different mapping
populations, including a population of F5-derived recombinant inbred lines (RILs)
incorporating the resistance. The researchers are in the process of testing these
populations for their disease reaction and developing genetic maps, in order to identify
specific molecular markers for this source of charcoal rot resistance.
The goal of the research is to use marker assisted selection to facilitate the incorporation
of charcoal rot resistance into commercial soybean lines, thus helping producers protect
yields from this disease. The researchers will test a mapping population in different
environments to identify and map molecular markers for charcoal rot resistance
previously discovered by the investigators.
The researchers will also determine the inheritance of the resistance genes and identify
molecular markers linked to the resistance loci. RILs will be tested against the disease
in replicated, multi-location, multi-year field trials.
In the first year, detailed disease evaluations will be made from stem and root samples
from the 300+ RILs grown in two locations. The data collected will be used in molecular
mapping, and the most resistant lines will be selected and advanced toward germplasm
release. In the following year, field screening and disease evaluations will be repeated
to confirm previous results, advanced charcoal rot resistant lines will be tested in USDA
Regional Yield Tests, and molecular markers for the disease will be released.
When completed, this research will provide the first information on the genetics of
resistance to charcoal rot, and the first molecular markers for marker-assisted
selection in breeding programs.
Charcoal rot cultivar evaluation using adapted and exotic sources of
resistance; John Rupe, C. Rothrock, and S. Bajwa (University of Arkansas), Allen
Wrather and Grover Shannon (University of Missouri), Alemu Mengistu (USDA/ARSJackson, TN), Curt Little (Kansas State University), Jason Bond and Ahmad Fakhoury
(Southern Illinois University) and Curt Hill (University of Illinois); ($348,086).
This proposal is an outcome of a USB-sponsored meeting held in June 2007 to discuss
current status and potential research directions for Charcoal Rot. The Production
Committee had requested such a meeting to see if new ideas and fresh research
directions could be identified to address this serious disease. This proposal has been
submitted to address some of the most urgent priorities identified.
The project objectives are to identify new sources of resistance to charcoal rot and will
develop standardized screening methods and programs that will facilitate breeding for
resistance and research into the disease. Controlled experiments will evaluate the
fundamental relationship between drought stress and charcoal rot.
The specific research activities planned for the first year of this project are:
 Establish a standardized multi-state field screening program for resistant cultivars.
This program will be carried out in three states (KS, MO & TN) prone to the disease;
 Refine existing screening methods, or develop new methods, for efficient field and
greenhouse evaluations in order to identify and work with charcoal rot resistance;
 Evaluate adapted and exotic soybean germplasm for resistance to charcoal rot; and
 Use microplot trials in controlled greenhouse or field environments to study the
effects of charcoal rot and drought stress on soybean. These trials will be carried out
in AR (field) and at UIUC (greenhouse).
In addition to the specific research goals, this project will also provide a framework for
information-sharing and coordination of efforts among researchers in key states affected
by the disease. All of these activities will be started in FY08, provided that project
approval and funding are in place in time for the field season.
Development of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for
soybeans; John Hill, Steve Whitham, Leonor Leandro and Thomas Baum (Iowa State
University), Randy Shoemaker (USDA/ARS-Iowa State University), Craig Grau
(University of Wisconsin), Kerry Pedley (USDA/ARS-Fort Detrick, MD) and Dean Malvick
(University of Minnesota); ($125,000). This project is jointly funded with NCSRP.
The soybean gene sequencing project is nearing completion, and it is now an ideal time
to begin identifying the function of the different genes, especially those related to stressresponse and yield. The PI has developed a new virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS)
system that lends itself to screening large numbers of genes because of its rapid,
efficient and cost-effective qualities. This system has recently been used for silencing
over 15 genes, contributing to the discovery of a new virus resistance pathway in
soybeans. Investigators have evaluated five data sets generated from soybean plants
infected with different pathogens, and have generated a list of approximately 100 key
genes potentially involved in soybean stress resistance.
This project intends to optimize a new rapid, high-throughput system for VIGS, and use it
to screen for genes involved in resistance to diseases and stress. New stress-defense
genes will be selected and made available for breeders to incorporate into soybean
Working from their list of 100 key stress-response genes, investigators will prepare gene
sequences for insertion into the vector for screening against different stresses. The
diseases/stresses to be screened against affect both the shoot and root of the soybean
plant, and include soybean rust, Sclerotinia, SDS, SCN, soybean viruses and IDC.
Stress-related genes that are identified will be mapped genetically using the
bioinformatics capabilities and gene sequence data currently available in the Shoemaker
laboratory. This effort is complementary with USB-funded research on the assembly
and annotation of the whole genome sequence being done in this lab and elsewhere.
Results will be made available through SoyBase, the Breeder’s Toolbox, and the
Legume Information System.
Application of biotechnology to control the soybean cyst nematode:
Soybean resistance genes; Khalid Meksem (Southern Illinois University), Praskash
Arelli (USDA/ARS-Jackson, TN), Silvia Cianzio (Iowa State University) and Andrew Bent
(University of Wisconsin); ($237,352). (
The goal of this project is improve the understanding of the genetic and molecular basis
of SCN resistance that should speed the development of high–yielding cultivars with
outstanding resistance, and should help breeders respond to future shifts in SCN races
by generating a renewable supply of SCN resistance genes.
The project’s objectives are to identify novel genes for SCN resistance and to develop
genetic markers for these genes. PI 438489B and variant alleles from Peking will be
characterized, markers developed, and interactions of the expressed proteins
characterized. The overall goal is to identify, isolate and sequence resistance genes
leading to useful, cost-effective and sustainable management of SCN.
This research team has many previous accomplishments including:
Mapping resistance in PI438489B, investigators evaluated 298 lines in the
greenhouse. Three genomic regions were identified as major contributors to
resistance, including Rhg5, which is a novel major gene for SCN resistance in this
Receptor-like candidates for the RHG1 and RHG4 proteins have been expressed
and purified to investigate their interactions with plant proteins.
Hairy root Rhg transformants are being made in collaboration with the SCN
Parasitism Genes (Baum) group, and transformed whole plants are now being made.
Variant alleles for SCN resistance in the Rhg4 (Peking-type) genes have been tested
against SCN, and none has proven efficient for increasing resistance. This locus is
being re-analyzed to identify additional candidate genes for testing.
Established marker sequences from SCN resistance loci Rhg2, Rhg3 and Rhg5 with
less than 0.1% linkage error. These markers are being used for variety selections.
BAC constructs at the Rhg1 and Rhg4 loci were provided to collaborators for
analysis and transformant production. ‘Tilling’ mutant lines for functional genomics
work were also provided to Dr Mitchum.
Five germplasm lines were released in 2007. The lines are resistant to SCN races 3
and 14, and were developed from the cross of PI88788 x Columbia. These were
tested against purified nematode populations and their resistance was confirmed
using DNA markers for known resistance genes.
Studies planned for 2008 include:
 The locations of the Rhg4 and Rhg1 loci will be reanalyzed (Meksem, Bent and
Arelli). The function of the current set of candidate genes will be critically reexamined by multiple advanced techniques (Meksem, Mitchum, Bent), supported by
SCN testing (Arelli).
 Fine mapping of four QTLs from PI 438489B will be done, using populations
developed in Puerto Rico winter nursery (Cianzio). SCN testing will be done by Arelli
and mapping by Meksem. Any lines that are identified as having stacked resistance
traits could form the basis of future germplasm releases.
 Populations from the cross PI 507471 x Hutcheson will be tested for nematode
resistance in anticipation of a germplasm release. PI 507471 is yellow seeded,
genetically distinct from Peking, PI 88788 and Hartwig, and resistant to SCN races 2
and 5, and moderately resistant to race 14.
 One hundred soybean germplasm lines from the US soybean collection will be
phenotyped for reaction to nematode races to identify new sources of resistance. A
total of 640 untested candidate lines are available in the USDA soybean collection.
This is the single most critical step in discovering new sources of resistance.
 Pure nematode populations will be maintained in order to have consistent results
from phenotype tests.
 A group of lines that will be evaluated in replicated field tests in Iowa 2007 and
selected for superior yield performance. These lines will be genotyped and
phenotyped to determine if genes from the novel resistance source PI 438489B will
be effective to control natural field populations of SCN in Iowa. Lines with the best
combination of yield, agronomic traits, and SCN resistance genes will be advanced.
 Populations derived from new PIs identified by Arelli will be ready for mapping and
phenotyping by 2008
Application of biotechnology to control the soybean cyst nematode:
Soybean and SCN candidate gene identification and testing; Ben Matthews
and Andrea Skantar (USDA/ARS-Beltsville, MD.), Halina Knap (Clemson University) and
Chris Taylor (Danforth Center, St. Louis, MO.); ($290,000).
Using biotechnology, the research team will provide soybean growers with broader
resistance to SCN and perhaps other diseases as well. The ultimate project goal is to
increase yields, provide healthier soybean plants, and make them less susceptible to a
range of pathogens, all of which contribute to improving production efficiency and
profitability for U.S. soybean growers.
The project’s objectives are to discover and develop new and unique genes for
resistance to SCN. The researchers will use gene expression and metabolic patterns
during the infection process to identify plant genes involved in resistance, and will also
investigate gene-silencing approaches targeting nematode genes vital to its life cycle.
Candidate genes will be engineered into transformed soybeans for testing.
This continuing project has achieved several major accomplishments:
 Gene expression in whole roots at 12 hours, 3 days and 8 days after infection, and in
SCN feeding sites (syncytia) in resistant and susceptible interactions was measured
using microarrays. Candidate target genes for testing will be identified in hopes of
broadening resistance to different SCN races.
 Gene organization and activity within the Rhg4 resistance region were evaluated
using PI 437654 and susceptible cultivar Williams 82. Rhg4 is one of the major
QTLs for SCN resistance. Differences in organization, copy number and activity of
genes localized within this region were found, and the investigators isolated
duplications of the region.
 A complete gene coding sequences were worked out for two genes, including
selenium-binding protein, a gene involved in oxidative stress reduction.
 DNA sequences (ESTs) encoding soybean Hsp90 and two co-chaperones were
identified. Other genes that may be important in the response of soybean to SCN are
FLP neuropeptides and steroid/fatty acid processing genes (hsd-1 and hsd-2).
Eleven new FLP genes have been identified, and five have been cloned into yeast
vectors in order to obtain large quantities of peptide for testing.
 This group was the first to identify all possible genes within the Rhg1 region. Several
BACs spanning the Rhg1 have been identified and sequenced by members of the
USB SCN research group.
Plans for 2009 include:
Genetic constructs will be made of candidate genes expressed early in the infection
Gene expression patterns of three vital SCN genes will be determined, in order to
guide selection for future gene-silencing experiments.
Exploratory transformation experiments will be initiated using selected plant genes
from the Rhg4 region expressed in resistant interactions.
Confirmation of quantitative trait loci and gene-based molecular marker
development for broad spectrum resistance to soybean cyst nematode
(SCN); Henry Nguyen, David Sleper, Grover Shannon, Melissa Mitchum (National
Center for Soybean Biotechnology, University of Missouri); ($72,705).
Producers need to have access to novel and durable resistance to SCN in elite lines in
order to manage the disease, improve production efficiency and increase profitability.
The goal of this project is to characterize and exploit new broad spectrum SCN
resistance genes identified by the researchers in PIs 438489B and 567516C. This will
be done by: 1) Confirming QTLs associated with 3 to 5 genes identified on three
separate linkage groups; 2) Developing additional SNP markers and fine mapping the
genes; and 3) Cloning the novel genes for further evaluation and eventual incorporation
into germplasm for breeders’ use.
Some of the past accomplishments by this group include:
 This group of researchers has discovered and is working to characterize new, broadspectrum SCN resistance genes from PIs 438489B and 567516C. These genes
have been mapped approximately, but more work is needed to pinpoint, characterize
and exploit them.
 One thousand five hundred F2 plants derived from the Magellan x PI567516C
population were grown for leaf tissue collection and generation advance. Of these,
250 lines were used for primary QTL analysis.
 Greenhouse bioassay for resistance to six different HG types was completed in fall
2006. Phenotypic data collection is in progress.
 DNA extraction for identification of polymorphisms and genotyping were completed.
Over 500 SSR markers were surveyed for genetic polymorphisms, and 288 markers
will be utilized for genotyping of the Magellan x PI567516C mapping populations.
 About 500 F4 lines were selected and advanced to F5 in winter 2006 in Costa Rica
to develop fine-mapping populations.
 Twenty single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers for the rhg1 and Rhg4 loci
were developed and a small set of these has been validated.
The research team will concentrate on:
 Completing the screening of parental lines for molecular polymorphisms using SSR
and SNP markers.
 Genotyping an additional two hundred fifty F2:3 lines.
 Collecting genotypic data to construct a genetic linkage map.
 Completing genotyping of all six HG types and start QTL mapping.
 Selecting and advantaging F5 populations from winter nursery to F6, which will be
utilized for QTL confirmation and NIL development.
In the future, when the fine mapping, cloning and sequencing of candidate genes is
complete, molecular markers can be utilized for marker-assisted selection of the genes
in breeding programs. The investigators also plan several germplasm releases based
on genes discovered.
Toward developing rust-resistant soybeans: Identifying genes for rust
resistance; Schuyler Korban (University of Illinois), Said Ghabrial (University of
Kentucky) and Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-University of Illinois); ($150,873).
Economic risk analysis indicates that potential losses from SBR will reach $7.1 billion
per year once the disease has become established in the U.S. The long-term goal of
this fundamental research project is the identification of new genes for rust resistance
that can be used in subsequent breeding efforts. Genetic resistance to soybean rust will
lower production costs to farmers by reducing the need for fungicides, thus improving
production efficiency and profitability.
This project intends to identify new genes for SBR resistance, using a new rapid
gene-expression procedure called ‘virus-induced gene silencing’ (VIGS). Candidate
genes identified by VIGS will be engineered into soybeans for testing against rust.
Successful efforts will provide breeders with new genes that may confer broadspectrum and durable rust resistance.
Using detached leaf assays, researchers have evaluated 14 G. tomentella lines.
Several gene candidates have been identified and are being cloned into the Bean Pod
Mottle Virus (BPMV) vector for silencing analysis. Candidates include receptor-like
kinase genes, which are similar in soybeans and G. tomentella. Five silencing vectors
and controls were inoculated into 10 soybean lines and a control. Rust evaluations on
these were recently completed at the University of Illinois and data is being compiled.
Known rust-susceptible and rust-resistant genotypes of G. tomentella have been
identified, a subtractive cDNA library has been assembled, and 400 DNA segments have
been cloned and are being sequenced to identify potential gene candidates. Another
library will be constructed for genes induced following rust infection, and G. tomentella
plants are being grown in the greenhouse to provide plant tissue for these experiments.
During the coming year VIGS screening will continue on candidate genes from the public
database and from the G. tomentella libraries created. Expression of the candidate
genes is done first in a virus system in the Ghabrial lab. The genes are then screened
against rust at the Hartman lab. The goal is to screen the large pool of candidates
identified from the different sources, and narrow down the selection. The most promising
candidate genes will be engineered into soybean in the Korban lab, in either silencing or
over-expression versions. Following selection and analysis, transformed plants will be
challenged with SBR inoculation. Elite public lines will be used for gene transfer, since
these can later be used commercially for developing rust-resistant varieties.
Monitoring aerial transport of Phakopsora pachyrhizi (SBR) spores; Les
Szabo (USDA/ARS-University of Minnesota), Glen Hartman (UDSA/ARS-University of
Illinois), Scott Isard (Pennsylvania State University) and Ray Schneider (Louisiana State
University); ($155,000). (
The long-term goal of this project is to develop reliable and efficient forecasting systems
for soybean rust, so that farmers can make timely applications of appropriate fungicides.
Better control of soybean rust and reduction of unneeded fungicide applications will
improve production efficiency and profitability.
Researchers had previously been successful in trapping rust-like spores in rainwater
using the NADP (active rain trap) system, but the project scope did not include relating
spore load to disease. The focus of this proposal is to correlate spore trap data with
disease development, using selected locations and different kinds of traps. Data
obtained will support modeling and forecasting efforts, and a centralized database will be
created for the spore trapping data. The project also continues partial support for the
NADP network system and supports testing of a new design electrostatic spore trap that
has the potential to enhance detection capability.
The number of sampling sites will be expanded from three to six in 2008, in order to give
a better chance to develop correlations between spore trapping and disease
development. The three additional sites will be in IA, IL and OH. The collection and
analysis of spores from the NADP system will be continued to better understand the long
distance movement of soybean rust spores. Investigators will integrate spore trapping
data into predictive models, and will begin to compile a spore trapping database.
The sudden death syndrome research alliance; David Wright (NCSRP), Jason
Bond, Michael Schmidt and Ahmad Fakhoury (Southern Illinois University), Brian Diers,
Linda Kull and Terry Niblack (University of Illinois), Silvia Cianzio, Madan Bhattacharyya
and Leonor Leandro (Iowa State University), Steven Clough and Glen Hartman
(USDA/ARS-University of Illinois), Dean Malvick (University of Minnesota) and Andreas
Westphal (The Ohio State University); ($139,479). A joint project funded with NCSRP.
The objective of this project is to increase producer profitability by reducing yield losses
caused by sudden death syndrome (SDS) causal organism, Fusarium viguliforme, by
focusing on the following four areas: 1) Breeding and genetics; 2) Understanding the
interactions between SCN and SDS; 3) Improving greenhouse and field screening
protocols; and 4) Creating transgenic soybean plants with antibodies that suppress of Fv
The general approaches to achieving the project’s goals are to:
 Combining SDS resistance genes to determine those that are most effective;
 Map genes that change in expression level in response to SDS infection;
 Validate SDS resistance reactions of soybean genotypes for use as differentials in
Isolate and identify the SDS-SCN interaction through the use of near-isogenic
lines that differ only for resistance to each pathogen;
Identify interactions that occur or change under different pathogen levels;
Improve current greenhouse and field screening assays;
Evaluate greenhouse and field screening procedures that differentiate SDS
Using a GFP assay, track the movement of the fungus through the plant; and
Determine pathogenic and genotypic variation among isolates in the North Central
Screening soybean accessions for tolerance to stink bugs in the southern
USA; Jim Heitholt (Texas A&M University), B. Roger Leonard (Louisiana State
University) and Pengyin Chen (University of Arkansas); ($23,540).(
This project consists of laboratory, greenhouse and field studies to screen selected
accessions from the USDA germplasm collection and other accessions to:
 Determine genetic differences in stink bug tolerance;
 Compare various methods used for identifying tolerance differences; and
 Determine whether the identified tolerance translates into useful varieties or
economic advantages.
Success of this project will be realized through the identification of stink bug resistant
germplasm that can be released to public and private soybean breeders for
incorporation into high yielding elite soybean cultivars adapted to the gulf coast states or
to those where stink bugs have been identified as an economic problem. This project
would identify the germplasm and it would need to be followed up by several years of a
breeding project to incorporate the gene(s) into adapted varieties.
Evaluation of soybean varieties and exotic germplasm for tolerance to
drought; Grover Shannon (University of Missouri); ($25,206).
Soybean growers may face drought, flooding, or both in a given year. In the irrigated
areas of the Mississippi delta in soils with heavy clay, it is not uncommon to have a rain
following irrigation, resulting in flooded conditions for several days. In other times of the
season, crops may face drought. Knowing how soybean varieties are affected by both
drought and flooding could be useful in helping farmers determine which varieties to
choose to minimize yield loss to environmental stress.
In conjunction with a flood-tolerance project funded by Southern Soybean Research
Program (SSRP), this project would evaluate up to 500 Plant Introductions and
approximately 350 MG III, IV and V soybean varieties entered into Missouri variety
testing to be planted on a sandy loam soil with poor water-holding capacity to determine
drought tolerance as indicated by yield. The same lines and varieties will be included in
another trial, funded by the SSRP, to determine flooding tolerance when planted on a
Sharkey Clay soil and irrigated so that two inches of standing water are in the field.
Lines with the best tolerance for both drought and flooding will be selected for further
testing in years two and three of the projects.
Membership in the Center for Integrated Pest Management; Ron Stinner
(North Carolina State University); ($25,000).
The Center for Integrated Pest Management provides information to soybean producers
that will help them reduce pest damage, pest management costs and provide pest
management alternatives, all of which should help improve soybean production
efficiency. Membership also provides an opportunity for USB to make significant input
into the regional IPM centers that are managing the Asian soybean rust sentinel plot
programs for CSREES with funds obtained from USDA-Risk Management Agency.
Center programs include improving pest management in soybeans; monitoring and
reporting of soybean pest situations and recommendations; supporting national forums
on current issues impacting IPM and sustainability; and encouraging more efficient use
of pesticides and GMO’s with the goal of educating extension and growers to adapt to
new integrated pest management systems.
Biotechnology to control the soybean cyst nematode: SCN parasitism
genes; Thomas Baum (Iowa State University), Eric Davis (North Carolina State
University), and Goelinet Mitchum (University of Missouri); ($317,745).
The research group has identified more than 60 nematode genes involved in the plantnematode interaction. These are targets for engineering ‘gene-silencing’ products into
soybean, to give broad-spectrum resistance to SCN. Initial studies in model systems
have shown the capacity of RNAi to silence targeted genes and reduce nematode
infection. The group has partnered with USB’s Transformation Team to create genetic
constructs and transgenic soybeans for testing. RNAi constructs of the initial eight SCN
parasitism genes have been engineered into plants, and seed increases from the
transformed plants are in progress. The two teams meet as a group once a year to
share results and coordinate plans.
Screening and characterization of the parasitism gene products has identified proteins
that interact directly with host plant proteins, including a protein involved in cell-wall
shape and growth, and several that interact with plant regulatory molecules. These
investigations will lead to a fuller understanding of the complex SCN-plant relationship,
and hopefully contribute to better and more durable control of the disease.
The complex relationship between SCN and soybean plant, the large number of genes
involved, and the potential number of RNAi variants creates an enormous amount of
painstaking work necessary to test and optimize this technology. The needed studies to
understand the interactions have been determined and the groups will proceed to work
the plan. The initial set of eight genes will be tested against SCN in homozygous
transformed soybeans in 2008 - 2009, and these results will be critical for planning future
work. The group will be sequencing more SCN genes as potential new targets for genesilencing control of diseases.
These investigators will continue to characterize parasitism proteins and determine how
they interact with the plant. Time-course and localization of SCN secretions,
identification and characterization of interacting plant proteins, and characterization of
their role in plant metabolism will be done. The fundamental understanding of plantparasite interactions at the molecular level will help guide the development of useful and
durable resistance against SCN.
The ultimate beneficiaries of this technology will be soybean farmers who will have novel
and durable resistance in elite lines to manage SCN, improve soybean production
efficiency, and increase profitability
Reducing the impact of Fusarium root rot on soybean productivity in the
U.S.; Berlin Nelson (North Dakota State University), James Kurle and Dean Malvick
(University of Minnesota); ($123,014). (
This research will help to provide a better understanding of the importance of the
disease of soybean production, which should lead to better management strategies as
well as identify specific research areas needing further investigation. In the longer term
these findings should play a role in protecting soybean yields from the disease thus
increasing production efficiency.
This new project involves developing: 1) A better understanding of factors involved in the
development of Fusarium root rot; 2) Molecular tools useful for management of Fusarium
root rot; and 3) Methods to evaluate soybean resistance to Fusarium root rot. The
researchers will evaluate the interaction between root rot pathogens and determine if
there is variety resistance to the pathogen. The groups will also determine whether soil
type is a factor in disease development.
Application of new genetic resources to the improved control of soybean
sudden death syndrome (SDS); Silvia Cianzio and Madan Bhattacharyya (Iowa
State University), John Rupe and Pengyin Chen (University of Arkansas) and Jason
Bond, Ahmad Fakhoury and Khalid Meksem (Southern Illinois University); ($295,870).
The ultimate goal of this new project is to deliver improved germplasm and cultivars with
wide Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) resistance for Northern and Southern U.S.
soybean producing areas. The major targets to accomplish this will be:
 Identifying the toxin involved in SDS;
 Multiple and durable resistance gene deployment;
 Germplasm development with high yield and superior SDS resistance;
 Development of a method to investigate gene function of F. virguliforme involved in
SDS symptoms;
 Use mutants to test disease-causing capacity of resulting F. virguliforme strains;
 Provide a foundation for understanding the complex molecular level mechanisms
underlying SDS and interaction with other pathogens; and
 Discover key essential genes for SDS infection of soybean roots, and mechanisms
triggering resistance to SDS.
The results of this project should increase U.S. soybean farmer’s competitiveness by
This research team will: 1) Use reverse genetics to determine the role of conserved
pathogenicity factors in F. virguliforme; 2) Begin to identify and differentiate genes
affecting F. virguliforme virulence; 3) Initiate investigations to determine if phytotoxin
FvToxin 1 initiates foliar SDS, and if additional genes from F. virguliforme are required
for SDS development; 4) Begin development of quantifiable methods for detecting level
of resistance of soybean lines, confirm position of the identified SDS QTL and discover
additional resistance loci; and 5) Work closely together to initiate the assembly of new
genes and mutants for SDS resistance in high-yielding germplasm; screen germplasm
material; advance generations and develop recombinant lines; share information about
number of genes; and to release resistant lines.
delivering a robust and durable SDS resistance combined with high-yield. The
resistance will be based entirely on U.S. cultivars and fungal strains and the benefits will
be accrued directly to U.S. soybean producers.
Harnessing soybean innate immunity to reduce yield losses due to fungal
pathogens; Gary Stacey (University of Missouri), Brian Diers (University of Illinois) and
Glen Hartman (USDA/ARS-University of Illinois); ($97,803).
Partial resistance, which generally involves several genes, often provides resistance that
is more difficult for pathogens to overcome than resistance provided by single genes; if
successful, this approach could result in soybean lines with increased resistance both to
specific diseases and resistance to more than one disease, due to improved innate
This is a new project designed to better understand plant innate immunity (sometimes
called partial resistance) that exists in plants and is activated through the perception of
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). That is to say that when the plant
detects a chemical associated with a given pathogen, the plant responds. It is also
known that resistance genes and QTL in soybeans are often found in the same area of
the genome. This implies that some of the QTL may provide partial resistance to more
than one disease.
The research team plans to:
 Initiate microarray experiments on selected lines in response to elicitors and
chemical treatments to identify genes/QTL involved in innate immunity;
 Identify lines to be genotyped using the 1536 Illumina array;
 Identify PCR primers from the Microarray studies and their specificity and utility as a
measure of innate immunity will be confirmed; and
 Phenotype mapping populations to determine any commonality of parents.
The goal is to use phenotypic and genotypic genes developed to identify molecular
markers associated with the QTL of interest that can lead to breeding efforts to stack
QTLs. This approach has not been specifically applied to soybeans to any extent, in
part because until now researchers have not had the genomic tools to do so. This study
will utilize genomic tools developed by USB funding, including microarrays, the physical
map, and SNP markers. Enhancing plant innate immunity has been demonstrated to be
a viable means of reducing pathogen-induced yield loss. This project will determine if
the approach can be applied successfully to soybeans.
Identification and utilization of exotic germplasm to improve soybean
productivity; Randall Nelson (USDA/ARS-University of Illinois), H. Roger Boerma
(University of Georgia), Tommy Carter (USDA/ARS/North Carolina State University),
Brian Diers (University of Illinois), William Kenworthy (University of Maryland), R. Mian
(USDA/ARS-Ohio), Jim Orf (University of Minnesota), Grover Shannon (University of
Missouri) and Rusty Smith (USDA/ARS-Mississippi); ($504,707). (
Ninety five percent of the current soybean varieties grown in the U.S. are derived from
32 different soybean ancestors that were imported into the U.S. between 1924 and
1994. It is likely that the fifty high-yielding experimental lines derived from this project to
date represent as much genetic diversity as is present in all of the varieties in current
soybean production. This diversity is critically important to the continued development of
new and improved commercial soybean varieties.
This project’s objectives are to:
 Supply improved lines derived from exotic germplasm to soybean breeders,
especially private industry, to incorporate new genetic diversity into commercial
varieties to increase rate of yield improvement;
 Develop experimental lines derived from exotic germplasm that can improve yield
and seed quality of varieties grown in early planting production systems in the midsouth; and
 Identify specific genes from exotic germplasm that can increase yield of U.S.
varieties and develop MAS procedures to facilitate the transfer of those genes into
commercial varieties.
The research team reported in a previous USB-funded project:
 Jointly testing with industry 238 germplasm lines in 2007 and over 700 lines in 2008
derived from exotic germplasm for yield and germination in the early planting system
employed in the mid-south;
 Identifying over 50 experimental lines (MG 0 – VIII) developed from exotic
germplasm that yielded equal, or better than, the best check in regional trials;
 Finding in a population from one specific cross, four chromosomal regions (QTL)
which have been identified as increasing seed yield by as much as 2.3 to 2.6
bu/acre; and
 Releasing two high-yielding cultivars identified from this project.
The team plans to continue to: 1) Develop new lines derived from different exotic
germplasm that are equal to or exceed the best commercial varieties in yield and release
high yielding experimental lines and varieties; 2) Provide breeders, especially in private
industry, with new genetic diversity for cooperative testing and use in developing new
varieties; 3) Identify exotic germplasm and experimental lines derived from exotic
germplasm that can improve yield and seed quality in the early planting production
system in the Mid-south; and 4) Develop and test populations that can identify genomic
regions from exotic germplasm that can increase yield in U.S. varieties.
Identifying and providing new genetic diversity to U.S. soybean breeders should
increase the yield potential of U.S. soybean varieties while expanding the genetic base
of commercial soybean production will increase the rate of yield improvement in U.S.
varieties make U.S. soybean producers more competitive in the world market.
Identification and utilization of resistance to soybean rust; Brian Diers
(University of Illinois), Glen; Hartman, Randy Nelson and David Walker (USDA/ ARSUniversity of Illinois), Silvia Cianzio (Iowa State University), H. Roger Boerma and Dan
Philips (University of Georgia), Perry Cregan and David Hyten (USDA/ARS-Beltsville,
MD) and Henry Nguyen and Grover Shannon (University of Missouri); ($568,752).
The long-term goal is the identification and incorporation of useful and durable rust
resistance into varieties grown by U.S. soybean producers. Genetic resistance to
soybean rust will reduce the need for fungicides, improving production efficiency and
This research team has achieved several major accomplishments during the previous
USB-funded project, some of those include:
 Starting with over 16,500 lines from the USDA soybean germplasm collection, 81
accessions have been identified as resistant to soybean rust in greenhouse tests and
field trials across the southern US. These lines are the core group that investigators
will use to identify new and unique resistance genes or alleles;
 The locations of resistance genes, Rpp1, Rpp1b, Rpp3 and Rpp?(Hyuuga) have
been mapped on the soybean genome, and this information is being used to breed
resistance into MG II to VII backgrounds through backcrossing. The goal is to
release commercial cultivars with multiple, ‘stacked’ resistance genes within a few
 An improved rust resistant breeding line, G01-PR16 was developed and released to
commercial and public soybean breeders. G01-PR16 carries the Rpp?(Hyuuga)
resistance gene;
 Quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling slow rusting resistance have been mapped
and this type of potentially durable resistance is being characterized; and
 Over 30 rust isolates from 13 states have been collected, purified and characterized.
Several isolates have been single-spore increased for use in critical evaluations.
During the coming year the research team will continue studies to sources of
soybean rust resistance in germplasm lines and will expand genetic studies to reduce
the soybean rust threat to soybean growers. Specifically, the team will:
Initiate fine mapping of resistance genes Rpp1, Rpp2, Rpp3, Rpp?(Hyuuga), Rpp4
and Rpp5 . This work will build on previous successes in the U.S. and recent work in
Eighty-one resistant lines identified in previous screening will be analyzed and
prioritized, using data from the checkoff-funded SNP marker (Hyten/Cregan)
projects. The highest priority lines will be evaluated for resistance in greenhouse
tests and in field tests in the southern U.S.;
Backcrossing and refinement of lines adapted to the Midwest, Mid-south and
Southeast that carry rust resistance genes will continue, moving toward the goal of
releasing germplasm for incorporation into commercial lines;
Develop a practical and breeder-friendly SNP marker kit for rapid and efficient
marker-assisted selection from G01-PR16; and
Collect, purify and characterize rust isolates from the U.S. with the goal of
understanding how the fungus can change over time, and which sources of
resistance will be effective in the U.S.
A gene for insect resistance from soybean; Wayne Parrott, H. Roger Boerma
and John All (University of Georgia); ($36,150). (
The project’s goals are to develop improved genetic insect resistance that provides
farmers another tool to help preserve yield and profitability. In previous non-checkoff
funded research, a gene for insect resistance in soybean, called QTL-M, had been
identified in PI229358. This gene has natural broad spectrum insect activity, being
active on both beetles and caterpillars. Research over the last ten years, funded by
USDA’s National Research Initiative grants have localized the gene to a specific 60–80
gene region and identified markers on either side of this chromosome region. This USB
project will allow the researchers to complete the cloning and characterization of the
Specifically, the researchers will develop a BAC contig from the genome of PI229385
that spans the region where the gene is found. The contig will be sequenced, and this
sequence will be compared to the same region from Williams 82. Differences between
the two sequences will allow investigators to identify resistant and susceptible versions
and generate candidate genetic sequences for the resistance gene.
In the project’s second year, the researchers plan to verify the gene’s function by cloning
the candidate gene into the susceptible variety Jack and testing for insect resistance.
A better understanding of the resistance gene should help with conventional breeding for
resistance to multiple insects. There are also opportunities to improve the function of the
gene through transgenic approaches, for instance by enhancing expression or including
a tissue-specific promoter.
Agronomic limitations of soybean yield and seed quality in U.S.; Palle
Pedersen (Iowa State University), Seth Naeve (University of Minnesota), Kurt Thelen
(Michigan State University), Chad Lee (University of Kentucky), Jeremy Ross (University
of Arkansas) and Jim Board (Louisiana State University); ($501,048).
This new project supports the USB Production Committee’s long-range strategic plan
dealing with best management practices. The research team will:
 Measure the yield response to specific management factors (planting date, row
spacing, seed treatment, and foliar fungicide treatments) to determine which
treatments add more yield benefit and economic return that others especially when
they are in combination with each other;
 Determine the response to phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and micronutrient
fertilization prior to corn vs. prior to soybeans in a corn-soybean rotation;
Measure the yield response to increasing seeding rates and determine the plant
population required at harvest to achieve the optimal balance of yield and
Evaluate geographically seed quality responses. They will complete a thorough
analysis for seed quality traits including protein, oil, amino acid and fatty acid
balances; and
Measure the yield response to increasing seeding rates and determine the seeding
rate required to achieve harvest plant populations that produce the optimal balance
of yield and profitability for all soybean producers in the U.S.
The goal of these practical research and demonstration trials is to develop best
management practices that can be communicated to soybean growers in the form of
revised management recommendations, presentations at scientific meetings and in
scientific journals, and at various winter meetings where the recommendations will be
tailored to the specific state(s) or region.
Nested association mapping to identify yield QTL in diverse high-yielding
elite soybean lines; David Hyten and Perry Cregan (USDA/ARS-Beltsville, MD.), Jim
Specht (University of Nebraska) and Brian Diers (University of Illinois); ($280,000).
The objectives of this new project builds on previous projects that identified genes, or
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) that positively impact soybean yield, and DNA markers.
This will allow plant breeders to combine these genes or QTLs into new varieties more
rapidly than is now possible, thereby enhancing the annual rate of yield improvement.
Expanded yield testing and DNA marker analysis of the RIL’s will allow application of a
new approach for gene/QTL discovery referred to as Nested Association Mapping
(NAM). This will allow identity of genome position of targeted genes in elite cultivars
and will simultaneously provide DNA markers to assist breeders in combining genes or
During the coming year the researchers plan to:
 Select an optimized set of 1536 SNP markers which will become the Universal 1526
Soy Linkage Panel;
 Planting of between 700 and 1000 F2 plants from matings between a high-yielding
Iowa State variety and 30 high-yielding elite and exotic soybean lines selected by
plant breeder collaborators from a number of states;
 Select approximately 500 F2 plants from each of the 30 matings to the common “hub
parent,” which is about 15,000 F2 plants; and
 Plant one F3 seed from each of the 15,000 F2 plants in a winter nursery to initiate a
two-generation advance from F3 plant to F4 seed, and F4 plants to F5 seed using
the single seed decent procedure.
The information gleaned from this research project will allow breeders and geneticists to
select parents from the germplasm collection or their breeding program for crossings
that are most likely to produce breeding lines with the greatest number of genes/QTL
that positively impact seed yield. Marker assisted selection for yield can be used along
with conventional yield trials to accelerate the increase in yield per acre of US soybean
varieties which will ultimately positively impact US soybean production practices by
accelerating the breeding process compared to conventional breeding.
Inheritance of resistance, map location, and genetic relationships of
multiple sources of resistance to the soybean aphid; Curtis Hill (University of
Illinois); ($58,500). (
There are currently no known elite commercial soybean varieties with resistance to
soybean aphid. While management practices have been developed and are being
refined to minimize its impact, the most desirable long-term solution to this problem is
resistance varieties. Release of new, soybean aphid resistant cultivars with genes
identified in this project will help increase stability of soybean production in areas and
years that suffer significant pressure from soybean aphids.
The objectives of this project are to: 1) Determine the genetic relationship of at least one
new source of soybean aphid resistance with Rag1 and the gene in PI200538; and 2)
Determine the pattern of inheritance and map location for each unique soybean aphid
resistance gene identified.
During the first partial year of the project, Dr. Hill reported that:
 Genetic allelism test indicated that the soybean aphid resistance gene in Jackson
was non-allelic and Rag 1 from Dowling;
 The map location of the resistance gene found in PI200538 was refined;
 A patent application for the ability to identify plants with the gene using marker
assisted selection was filed;
 A mapping population derived from the cross Ina x PI71506 indicated that resistance
of PI71506 was quantitatively evaluated for inheritance;
 PI88508 and PI548409 were found to have single dominant resistance genes
different from Rag1; and
 At least one new soybean aphid biotype was identified that can be used to help sort
out soybean aphid resistance genes
Plans for the second year of this project includes sorting out new, unique soybean aphid
resistance genes utilizing data from R, S, R x R germplasm lines and inoculations with
different aphid biotypes, and determining whether the expression of resistance in at least
one new source of soybean aphid resistance is qualitative or quantitative in inheritance.
Enhancing soybean yield by manipulating the expression of seed traitdetermining genes; Aardra Kachroo and Said Ghabrial (University of Kentucky);
($102,908). (
This project is using the rapid-screening capabilities of the virus-induced gene silencing
(VIGS) method for which the Bean Pod Mottle Virus (BPMV) vector was originally
developed by one of the collaborators (Ghabrial). The investigators are evaluating six
genes that affect seed size and quality in Arabidopsis. Analogous genes in soybean are
being identified from genetic sequence data, and these genes will be evaluated by
silencing and over expression.
Soybean sequences have been identified for four of these genes. Vectors are being
constructed for either silencing or over expressing the candidate soybean sequences, as
well as a vector for silencing the soybean desaturase gene that produces linolenic acid.
Investigators are also adapting the BPMV system for use with Agrobacterium, which will
improve screening throughput.
The research plan includes growing soybean plants that are silenced for five candidate
genes and that over express two other genes. These plants will be grown out and
analyzed for seed yield and quality traits. Soybean sequences for two candidate genes
will be identified and silencing vectors generated. The efficacy of improved vectors with
Agrobacterium infection will also be tested in soybean.
The benefits of this project involve improving soybean seed yield, especially if it can be
accomplished without sacrificing seed quality. Increasing soybean yield and/or oil
quality should improve profitability for U.S. soybean growers.
Confirmation, fine mapping, and commercialization of yield enhancing
alleles from a Japanese germplasm line; H. Roger Boerma (University of Georgia)
and Tommy Carter (USDA/ARS-North Carolina State University); ($149,703).
This project was initiated last year to study seed yield enhancing alleles from a
Japanese germplasm line. The targeted PI 416937 alleles at Yld1 and Yld2 were shown
to increase seed yield. Near-isogenic lines with the PI 416937 alleles with the Yld1 or
Yld2 QTL or at both Yld1 and Yld2 QTL averaged 2.9 to 4.2 bu/a higher in seed yield
than the near-isogenic lines with the Graham alleles at four locations (two in GA and two
in NC) in 2007.
PI416937 alleles at Yld1 and Yld2 were shown to increase the weight of individual
seeds. The individual seeds of the near-isogenic lines with the PI416937 alleles at Yld1
and Yld2 averaged 8 to 10 mg/seed larger in size across four locations in 2007.
The first year of yield evaluations of MG III lines containing Yld1 and Yld2 that were
conducted in 2007 at Wooster OH and Evansville IN were inconclusive. However, there
was a trend at the Wooster location for PI416937 alleles at Yld1 and Yld2 QTL to
increase seed yield.
Last year they obtained the first year of yield evaluations at three locations for the
recombinant substitution lines with altered Yld1 and Yld2 genomic locations. These
comparisons of Yld1 and Yld2 were not statistically different due to limited replication
and environments.
During the coming year, the researchers will:
 Obtain additional data on recombinant substitution lines to refine the potential
genomic regions harboring Yld1 to 5-cM and Yld2 to 8-cM by use of the 11828 near-
isogenic population derived from a single F7 plant that is heterozygous at both Yld1
and Yld2 and develop SNP-based Yld1 and Yld2 SNP markers;
Complete initial micro-array analysis of tissue sampled from 2007 field study.
Identify initial set of candidate genes forYld1 and Yld2 using micro-array technology.
Sample tissue from 2008 field experiments for a confirmation of the 2007 micro-array
Obtain additional yield and molecular data to refine potential QTL location of
additional yield QTL with positive alleles from PI416937 in a mapping population with
N96-6809; and
Obtain additional year of yield data at Wooster OH and Evansville IN to confirm the
efficacy of the PI416937 alleles at Yld1 and Yld2 in a Group III background.
The successful completion of this project would significantly contribute to an increase in
competitiveness of U.S. soybean growers and lead to sustained yield advances in U.S.
soybean varieties for a considerable period of time.
Functional analysis of soybean genes through transposon mutagenesis;
Tom Clemente and Jim Specht (University of Nebraska), Gary Stacey and Zhanyuan
Zhang (University of Missouri), Kan Wang (Iowa State University), Jim Orf and G.
Muehlbauer (University of Minnesota) and Carroll Vance (USDA/ARS-University of
Minnesota). ($262,268). (
Understanding the genome involves both structural genomics (where the genes are) and
functional genomics (what the genes do). Earlier checkoff-funded projects, NSF-funded
projects, and USDA-ARS funded projects have made good progress in structural
genomics. This project will help move functional genomics forward concurrently with
structural efforts.
This is a two-year proposal that will continue the ongoing transposon project and build
on the previous project to discover useful genes. This will be done by determining the
function of a number of soybean genes through transposon tagging using the maize
Ac/Ds transposable system and knockout tagging with the tobacco retrotransposon Tnt1. Gene function is determined by identifying a candidate gene and either modifying or
rendering it inactive (knockout). The resultant plant is examined to see what has
changed (how the phenotype changes).
Transposons are one approach to
accomplishing this.
The project is organized so that:
 Each of the three laboratories (Iowa State University, University of Nebraska and
University of Missouri) will target production of 200 transgenic events, building
toward a total of 3,200 by 2010 (including events previously produced);
 Molecular characterization of the repository of transgenic soybeans will continue,
including using Southern Blot analysis, junction fragment cloning and sequencing;
 Using information from the junction fragments, the transgenic events will be mapped
to the genetic map;
 A Tnt-1 retrotransposon-tagged soybean mutant population will be developed and
soybeans carrying the Tnt-1 retrotransposon tag will be characterized;
A subset of the repository of tagged soybeans will be characterized for phenotypic
variation, with a goal of having 50% characterized by 2010; and
Researchers will attempt to engineer a Tnt-1 that can carry an activation-tagging
The result of genomic efforts will be to provide tools to breeders to allow them to develop
new, improved soybean varieties more efficiently and to get them to farmers’ fields more
quickly. Results of this project will be made public for access to all researchers by
posting on SoyBase and the Legume Information Service Databases. That mutants
identifying three genes were obtained from screening relatively few Ds insertion events
illustrates the potential of this approach for functional genomics.
Application of biotechnology to biocontrol the soybean cyst nematode:
Genomic analysis of SCN virulence; Kris Lambert and Terry Niblack (University of
Illinois); ($150,800). (
The goal of this project is to understand the genetic basis of SCN virulence that allows
the worms to overcome plant resistance. Understanding the genetics of virulence will
allow investigators to develop a quick and inexpensive molecular test for different ‘races’
of SCN, so that plant resistance can be matched to virulence on a field-by-field basis.
The researchers have developed the methods needed to grow inbred nematode
populations on sterile soybean roots in Petri dishes. This is essential to avoid outside
contamination when studying fine differences in the nematode genome. All life stages
have been collected of sterile worms from three populations, TN10 (avirulent), TN16 and
TN20 (virulent), extracted and prepared the genetic material for sequencing. Sequence
data is currently available from the UIUC 454 sequencer for TN10 and TN16, and TN20
is still in process.
In 2009, all sequence data will be completed for the three lines, with the contribution of
very deep sequence coverage from the Solexa machine. The wealth of sequence data
available from different sources will be processed in order to identify SNPs correlated
with virulence. To demonstrate that genetic differences are actually SCN virulence
genes, the investigators will use genetic and physical maps of the SCN genome that
they are developing under a USDA grant. This data will be invaluable for the planned
discovery and characterization of SCN virulence factors.
The understanding of the genetic and molecular basis of SCN virulence will ultimately
provide soybean growers with tools for the stewardship of host resistance leading to
cost-effective, sustainable and environmentally-friendly SCN management.
outcome will improve soybean production efficiency and increase profitability for U.S.
soybean growers.
Throughput genetic and phenotypic information for yield enhancement;
Felix Fritschi (University of Missouri), Larry Purcell (University of Arkansas), Jeffery Ray
and Rusty Smith (USDA/ARS-Stoneville, MS), and Randy Nelson
University of Illinois); ($151,814). (
The project’s objective is to develop high-throughput screening methods for important
agronomic traits related to yield and drought tolerance. The research team will screen
384 genotypes for agronomic traits and molecular markers to identify valuable genes for
introduction into commercial lines.
The project was started in April 2008 with the selection of 447 genotypes to be planted
and increased. In 2009, 384 entries will be evenly split among the two selection sets,
will be grown in Arkansas and Missouri and phenotyped for drought related traits such
as ureides, isotope discrimination, and wilting. Tissue samples will be collected for DNA
extraction and future application of molecular markers will be made to all accessions.
The results of this study will be provided to soybean physiologists, geneticists, and
breeders who will utilize germplasm discovered in this project to deliver commercial
cultivars with improved drought tolerance and yield to farmers. These scientists will be
able to apply developed and tested high-throughput phenotyping approaches to more
efficiently screen large soybean populations under field conditions. In addition, breeders
can use identified plant introductions to introgress traits of interest into advanced
breeding lines and develop improved soybean cultivars that will ultimately provide higher
soybean yields.
USB research fellowship; Agronomy Society Foundation; ($110,000).
It is vital that the next generation of researchers is developed to continue research
efforts to improve soybeans to make farmers more profitable and to meet the needs of
end users. The objective of this project is to provide funding for three research
fellowships for candidates pursuing a Ph.D. degree in an area of research important to
soybeans. The past two recipients are pursing studies at North Carolina State University
and the University of Illinois. This year’s program will provide funds for a fellowship and
administrative costs for a third person.
A selection panel will be appointed by the president of the American Society of
Agronomy to solicit applications and choose a fellow for the third fellowship. The
fellowship is available for up to four years; the time needed to complete the Ph.D.
Research coordination; USB Direct Managed; ($200,000). (
The project’s objective is to continue to fund opportunities for researchers to share
information with each other and with USB. Throughout the year opportunities arise for
improving research coordination through e.g. sponsoring meetings of researchers to
discussing issues and setting priorities, paying travel expenses for scientists to attend
meetings and provide reports to USB’s Production Committee, and to make
presentations to the Production Committee. These are not specific projects and do not
have project proposals or principal investigators, but are vital to meeting the goal of
research coordination.
This project will also fund meetings between USB, NCSRP, and QSSBs; will continue to
provide sponsorship of meetings and conferences to facilitate communication among
soybean researchers; and will provide researchers the opportunity to inform soybean
growers of ongoing research.
This is an ongoing project and examples of activities in FY 2008 include:
 Support for the Southern Soybean Disease Workers annual meeting.
 Support for the Oomycete (Phytophthora) molecular genetics network meeting.
 Registrations for state soybean extension specialists for the Commodity Classic and
associated extension meetings.
 Support for the fourth National Soybean Cyst Nematode Research Conference.
 Support for a meeting of public and private soybean breeders to discuss the role of
the public breeder and to develop a white paper/strategic plan for future public
soybean breeding.
 Support for the annual Soybean Breeders’ Conference.
 Support for the USB composition team meetings at the Breeders’ Conference.
 Partial payment of ASA dues for NCFAR membership.
 Support for the APS-sponsored rust symposium in November 2007.
 Funding for an evaluation of USB yield projects.
 Travel for a Soybean Research Fellow to attend the February USB Board and
committee meetings.
 Travel for the review team leader to attend the production committee meeting and
present the review team’s report on the transformation project.
 Support for the Biennial Conference on the Cellular and Molecular Biology of the
Soybean to be held in Indianapolis in July 08.
These efforts to improve coordination will help ensure that checkoff funds are being
invested in projects that will benefit soybean growers; will avoid unnecessary
redundancy; and will ensure that needed projects are not overlooked. Providing support
for meetings of researchers helps to ensure that the checkoff has a seat at the table and
the needs of soybean growers are being addressed.
Southern Soybean Research Program; Debbie Ellis (Kentucky Soybean Board);
($23,999). (
The goal of this project is to maintain or increase soybean production in the South
and Southeastern part of the U.S. to help meet the increased regional demand for
soybean meal as a result of the strong livestock and poultry industry in the region.
Without an increase in production in the area, more meal will be required from
sources outside of the area or from outside the U.S. The increased transportation
costs will have a significant impact on this local poultry and livestock industry.
The funding will provide operating expenses to the Southern Soybean Research
Program (SSRP) to encourage and assist the states making up the SSRP in improving
production research coordination across the region. Some of the funds will be used for
administrative support with the largest share going to cover the expenses associated
with SSRP Board travel to SSRP Board meetings.
During the past year, the Board held two meetings to discuss currently funded projects
and to make funding decisions for another new project. The board also encouraged
other SE states to consider joining the SSRP to increase coordination of the soybean
production research investment in the South and Southeast soybean producing states.
Federal soybean research program; Diane Bellis (AgScource); ($75,000).
The goal of this project contributes to strong networks between USB and federal
agencies which will help identify areas of common interest and opportunities to work
together to reach goals, including joint funding of projects. These efforts will result in
effective use of checkoff dollars and leveraging of those dollars with federal support for
programs of interest.
The project also seeks to leverage checkoff dollars by working closely with federal
funding agencies to learn where funding possibilities exist; inform interested parties of
opportunities; work with USB staff to organize meetings of researchers to develop
strategies and tactics; and maintain close relationships with USDA staff to discuss needs
and opportunities for joint efforts. Staff will also work with ASA to establish soybean
research needs and priorities.
During the past year, staff has:
 Continued to develop and maintain contact with USDA scientists and managers and
others in public research to inform them of USB research objectives and to seek
areas of common interest;
 Provided staff support to Joe Layton of ASA as he leads LCGI and NCFAR and as
member of the USDA National Research, Extension, and Economics Advisory
 Monitoring USDA as this agency reorganizes ARS and CSREES;
 Developed and expanded a database of soybean research funded by federal
 Identified emerging areas of research important to soybean farmers and developed a
feasibility analysis for working together with federal agencies to address needs;
 Continue to brief ASA and ASIC on USB research objectives;
 Continue efforts to determine ways to leverage legume genomics information for the
benefit of soybean farmers; and
 Continue to work to develop coalitions to address the need for studies on gene
function and to address the need for genomics data curation.
NCSRP administrative expenses; David Wright (Iowa Soybean Association);
($63,550). (
The project provides operating expenses for the NCSRP Board. This regional board
encourages and assists the 12 member North Central States to improve production
research coordination across the region. This is an ongoing project which has provided
operating expenses for several years, including costs for outside contractors for
technical support, project review, and legal services (contracts and compliance), meeting
and conference costs, travel to meetings for Board members, staff, and consultants, and
other administrative costs including printing and mailing board information and press
releases. The funding does not include staffing expenses.
A searchable database of soybean checkoff-funded research; Keith Smith
(Keith Smith and Associates);($24,500). (
Various soybean checkoff boards funded around $30 million dollars worth of research in
2007, and it is vital that the efficiency of this research investment be maximized. This
project has developed an annual database of about 350 research and educational
projects funded by state, regional, or national checkoff programs. The enhancement
proposed in FY09 will create a searchable database in a separate Website linked to the
USB Website.
The goal of the project is to help soybean farmer-leaders at the state and national level
make funding decisions based on the most efficient and appropriate use of resources.
The database helps state checkoff boards to avoid duplicating each other’s efforts,
improves communication between research groups, helps researchers to prioritize
research needs and develop well-targeted proposals for various funding agencies. The
net effect is that checkoff research investments are optimized to meet soybean farmers’
This project will continue to compile the annual database and provide a unique source
listing projects funded by checkoff funds. The report lists the research projects that are
being funded, by whom, the investigators, and their affiliations. Previous reports were
produced in hard copy only. The current proposal provides for the establishment of a
searchable database in a Website linked to the USB Website, which will give improved
visibility, access and functionality to the database.
In addition to the previous
information captured, the new database will list each project by searchable keywords
and give contact information for the Principle Investigators. This enhancement will allow
users to quickly sort the projects by category, funding agency or PI, and contact the
investigators for further information.
Coordination of regional soybean cyst nematode (SCN) tests; Brian Diers
(University of Illinois); ($58,443). (
The objectives of the this project are to provide SCN performance information to public
and private sector soybean breeders, allowing them to efficiently incorporate useful
germplasm into new variety development, and speed up the breeding of SCN resistant
The coordinated regional testing of SCN resistant breeding lines has been ongoing for
the past 25 years. The results from the 2007 test were published in a report that was
distributed to public and private soybean breeders, geneticists and nematologists. The
report was distributed to 44 test cooperators and to 62 other researchers, mostly private
sector breeders.
In 2008, 171 conventional and 190 RR lines ranging from MG 00 to IV were being tested
in 41 locations in 13 states and Canada. The HG type of the nematodes at each field
site was determined by laboratory testing in 2007, and HG typing is being continued.
Entries will also be tested in the greenhouse for resistance to two populations of SCN.
The number of eggs and the HG type of the nematodes in the soil at each location will
be determined. It should be noted that five soybean varieties were released based on
results from the 2006 regional SCN testing program.
It is anticipated that this project will continue to aid soybean breeders in the release of
high-yielding, SCN resistant varieties, which will lead to new varieties for soybean
producers, enhancing yields and improving production efficiency.
Compile estimates of soybean yield suppression by diseases for the U.S.
during 2008; J. Allen Wrather (University of Missouri) and Steve Koenning (North
Carolina State University); ($18,000). (
Consistent and reasonably reliable estimates of the yield impact of different diseases
over time help funding agencies utilize the funds available for research more effectively.
Information from this project should help to ensure that the most significant problems for
soybean production receive adequate priority, resulting in the greatest positive impact on
yields and producer profitability.
The objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive view of soybean yield losses
due to different diseases, based on inputs from knowledgeable scientists, plant clinic
samples, variety test data, field surveys and grower demonstration plots in each
soybean producing state. Results will be submitted to farm press publications, the
Internet, and to breeders through the soybean breeder’s workshop. This yearly
snapshot of significant diseases and their changes over time forms a valuable basis for
the coordination and prioritization of research efforts.
The authors compile estimates of soybean yields suppressed by various diseases on an
annual basis, and this is periodically compiled to give a multi-year average yield loss.
Reports are made available to farm press publications, through the soybean breeder’s
workshop, and posted on the Internet at
Reports from 1996 – 2007 are available on this Website.
The greatest losses in the U.S. in 2007 were caused by SCN (94 m bu), followed by
seedling diseases (34 m bu), Charcoal Rot (30 m bu), Phytophthora (25 m bu) and SDS
(22 m bu). The 2008 disease losses will be estimated and a report will be submitted to
USB by April 2009.
United Soybean Board- Utilization Projects
Soy protein plastic products: Material formulation, processing and product
performance; Tim Osswald (University of Wisconsin); ($41,260).
This project will explore a range of formulations of soy protein plastic, including
reinforcement with natural fibers, use established methods to test and improve important
properties of soy protein plastics, and optimize their into finished products.
Treatment of acid mine drainage using crude glycerol; Robert Borden (North
Carolina State University); ($50,000). (
The overall objective of this project is to increase use of glycerol for treatment of mine
Soy derivatives for irrigation and fertilization; Aard de Jong (TNO Life Science);
($60,000). (
The aim of this project is to develop a new application for soy meal in the area of
irrigation and fertilization.
Scale-up of soy hydrolyate ingredient for wood adhesive formulations;
Douglas Stokke (Iowa State University); ($79,687). (
The goal of this project is to conduct pilot-scale tests of adhesives containing soy
hydrolysate produced through the enzymatic process.
Identification of nutritional barriers in pompano aquaculture: Use of
soybean protein concentrate as a primary protein source; Robert Reigh
(Louisiana State University); ($27,188). (
The specific goals of the project are to evaluate the growth response of Florida pompano
to practical diets containing graded levels of SPC and SBM, and to determine the effects
of different levels of SPC and SBM on pompano body composition.
Maximizing soy inclusion in diets for cobia; Steven Craig (Virginia Tech),
($36,697). (
The goal of this project is to investigate the maximal replacement levels that soybean
products can deliver in terms of fish meal replacement.
Identification of soybean nutritional barriers in Atlantic cod aquaculture;
David Berlinsky (University of New Hampshire); ($22,042). (
The proposed study will investigate the use of soybean protein concentrate in the diets
of Atlantic cod raised in environmentally controlled systems.
Development of biocontrol renewable plasticizers and stabilizers in plastic
material; Dharma Kodali (University of Minnesota); ($91,550). (
The current proposal aims to develop a new class of plasticizers called functional
estolides from soy fatty acids.
Oxidative stability comparing bench results to field; Doug Whitehead (National
Biodiesel Board); ($100,000). (
This project will provide more detailed comparisons of bench test results with those over
time in the field, and will also compare the bench scale results to additional analysis of
field vehicles and downstream fuel storage and distribution in both constant and
intermittent use.
Development of alternative test methods for biodiesel analysis; Joseph Perez
(Pennsylvania State University); ($75,000). (
The effort will quantify the reliability of existing field test methods for biodiesel that are of
a nature they would never be adopted to provide very useful and immediate feedback to
distributors and users.
Documenting and improving water separator performance; Doug Whitehead
(National Biodiesel Board); ($100,000). (
This project is to determine the prevalence of the problematic fuel, identify the root
cause, and conduct testing to document the potential solutions to the issue. Full
cooperation has been secured from engine companies, filter companies, and OEMs.
$50,000 in matching funds in the form of donated equipment, testing and engineering
support to analyze and interpret the results has been secured.
Development of a soy allergenicity model in swine; Tracy Barfield (Direct
Managed, Smith Bucklin Associates); ($50,000). (
The objectives of this project are to genetically select a pig population that reproducibly
exhibits hypersensitivity to soy products, to antibodies that specifically recognizes swine
IgE, and to demonstrate a quantitative assay for allergenic response using genetically
defined soybeans.
Soybean-based diluents for ketone peroxides; Frank Long (Syrgis Performance
Initiators); ($22,500). (
Key Words: Soy-based-Chemicals
Investigate the possibility of using soybean based diluent(s) in MEKPs or Syrgis
Performance other ketone peroxide formulations. Test solubility of soybean based
products in formulations, test the stability of the new formulations, and test the utility of
the formulations as polymerization initiators for thermoset resins used in composite
Soy polyol for the flexible slab foam market; Ning Luo (BioBased Technologies);
($100,000). (
The objective of this project is to develop the next generation of natural oil-based
polyols, specifically aimed at breaking into the slab stock flexible foam market.
Increasing levels in polyurethane foam for automotive use; Asad Ali (Lear
Corporation); ($250,000). (
The objective of this project is to develop a soy-based flexible foam system that will
replace up to 25% of petroleum based polyol in TDI based technology and up to 40% of
petroleum based polyol in MDI based technology.
Soy-based polyol for flexible polyurethane molded foams; Ning Luo (BioBased
Technologies); ($150,000). (
BBT proposes to continue our R&D endeavors in the further development of a new soybased polyol with much higher biobased polyurethane molded foams.
Molded of soy meal as filler in plastics for automotive applications; Cynthina
Flanigan (Ford Motor Company); ($120,000). (
The purpose of this project is to build upon our knowledge and encouraging Ford Motor
Company results from the first year grant, and to complete an in-depth study on
properties and processing methods of incorporating soy meal filler in specific polymer
matrices: natural rubber, EPDM and rigid polyurethanes.
Development of soy-based asphalt cement; Sheldon Chesky (BioSpan
Technologies); ($89,800). (
Conduct field trials to determine relative longevity and performance on low BioSpan
Technologies in high traffic areas. Researchers will perform comparative cost studies on
the manufacturing, application, and use for both types of asphalt cement. Further
studies will determine the cost benefits in using the soybased asphalt cement, the
energy savings, the carbon footprint savings, and perform a comparative life cycle
analysis demonstrating and documenting the savings.
Expanded field evaluation of a modified methyl soyate formulation as a
mosquito larvicide; John Campen (Direct Managed, Smith Bucklin Associates);
($60,000). (
This project would fund an extensive field-testing program, under an approved EUP, to
evaluate the Stepan Company larvicide in a diversity of pond environments in selected
sites throughout the State of Wyoming and Central Florida.
Soy latex-like adhesive for glass and ceramic consumer products labeling;
Kenlon Johannes (Kansas Soybean Commission); ($24,250).
The objective of this project is to develop latex like adhesives from soybean meals and
oil for labeling applications.
Producing arabitol and xylitol from biodiesel glycerol; Lu-Kwang Ju (University
of Akron); ($90,855). (
This project aims at converting biodiesel glycerol to value-added products, arabitol
and/or xylitol, using effective fermentation processes. Being the primary byproduct from
biodiesel production, glycerol is rapidly emerging as an abundant resource, or waste if
not effectively utilized. Finding new uses of biodiesel glycerol is therefore vital to the
overall biodiesel economics. According to USDA’s baseline estimates for soybean
production over the five- year period, the growing biodiesel usage will add almost $1
billion directly to the bottom line of U.S. farm income. This project will bring direct and
significant benefit to the US soybean farmers in the very near future.
Current processes for xylitol production have serious limitations, giving yield of only 815% from the raw material and requiring expensive isolation of pure xylose as the feed.
We will develop an effective fermentation process in this project to avoid these
problems. In the first year of study funded by United Soybean Board, we have conducted
thorough screening on more than 155 potential strains and identified 30 good arabitol-
producing strains. We have set up the bioreactor with capability for online monitoring
and process control using various equipment and software including LabView. We have
evaluated the effects of biodiesel glycerol and xylitol on oxygen supply efficiency in the
yeast fermentation. The findings so far have been very encouraging. In the second year
of study, we will characterize and quantify the growth and production kinetics of the
selected strains, evaluate the effects of operation conditions on fermentation
productivity, and proceed to design and optimize the final production process. The
technical team includes The University of Akron (UA, Akron, OH) and USDA-ARSNCAUR (National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, IL). The USDAARS Culture Collection is a rich source of yeast cultures. The team at NCAUR is ideally
positioned for selecting and characterizing the best performing strains. The team at UA
has extensive experience with fermentation and biomass engineering. As a committed
commercial partner, Biodiesel Systems (a biodiesel manufacturer based at Madison, WI
and operating plants in Illinois) will provide different grades of biodiesel glycerol and
facilitate integration of the developed technology into its biodiesel manufacturing
Value added and crosslinking of industry radical applications for soy meal:
(Conversion of soybean meal to hydrogels); Rick Heggs (Battelle Memorial
Institute); ($75,000). (
This project will continue the solubilization, derivitization and crosslinking of soy protein
with variable ratios of thiol cleaving reagents, various radical applications for soy
initiators, and monofunctional and polyfunctional acrylates.
Fermentation of economically coproduced soybean meal to make ethanol
and value-added high protein products; Mike Erker (Direct Managed, Smith
Bucklin Associates); ($151,390). (mike
The goal of this project is to develop processes to economically coproduce ethanol and
soy protein concentrates.
Glycerin-based UV-curable clear coatings; Mark Bowman (PPG Industries, Inc.);
($109,781). (
PPG Industries, Inc. proposes a program to develop UV curable coatings incorporating
Economical engineering soy composition for partial phenol replacement in
PF wood resins; Darlene Benzick (Prometheus Industries); ($96,700).
Develop the process setup and operating parameters to produce economical and
functional soy based compositions using proprietary processing
Improved performance for heat resistant soy adhesives; Charles Frihart
(Forest Products Laboratory); ($96,615). (
We will convincingly demonstrate the heat resistance of soy as well as show what
component(s) of soy flour is detrimental, how it impedes performance, and how to
overcome the problem in an economical way.
Investigation of soy-based adhesives for making oriented strandboards;
Kaichang Li (Oregon State University);($76,700). (
In commercial production of OSB panels, wax emulsion is used with the PF and
isocyanate adhesives to reduce the thickness swell and linear expansion of the resulting
OSB panels.
Solvent-free bio-based adhesives from soybean oil-based urethane
prepolymers; Kenlon Johannes (Kansas Soybean Commission); ($25,000).
This work will build on existing research to convert soy-based polyols into prepolymers
and compare their performance in new applications of adhesives and sealants.
Research and development of polyamines from glycerin; Kaichang Li (Oregon
State University); ($74,600).(
In the first years, we will focus on production optimization, characterization and
replacement of PEI in wood adhesives.
Use of soy-based feedstocks for products of surfactants by fermentation;
Kevin Jarrell (Modular Genetics); ($250,000). (
The goal of this project is to develop at least one engineered bacterial strain that
produces an anionic surfactant at a commercially viable yield and titer when grown on
feedstocks that are derived exclusively from soy.
Production of fumaric acid and ethanol from soybean meal; Shang-Tian Yang
(Ohio State University); ($105,820). (
The goal of this project is to develop a novel fermentation process with metabolically
engineered Rhizopus oryzae for economical production of fumaric acid and ethanol
from soybean meal containing protein, fibers, starch, and oligosaccharides by Rhizopus
Cost-effective soy protein fiber; Michael Jaffe (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
($117,358). (
The Jaffe and Kaplan team will to explore, define and develop a family of cost-effective
soy protein based fiber products ranging from competitive textiles to high performance
industrial yarns and improved products for the medical device industry.
Developing a cost effective and environmentally benign technique for soy
protein fiber spinning; Jinwen Zhang (Washington State University); ($79,136).
Soy protein-based textile fibers (SPF) symbolize another landmark in utilizing the
abundant soy bean resource in the marketplace where petrochemical polymers currently
Aquculture; John Campen (Direct Managed, Smith Bucklin Associates); ($634,346).
This research project will support the Soy-in Aquaculture Managed Program, a
coordinated program of the United Soybean Board and the United States Soybean
Export Council, designed to remove the barriers to the use of soybean meal and soy
protein concentrate in diets fed to aquaculture species.
Soy protein plastics formulation development to reduce water solubility;
David Grewell (Iowa State University); ($60,000). (
The goal of this research program is to develop and commercialize soybean protein
based plastics for various applications, ranging from planting pots, to hay bale coatings,
to wood and fiber based composites.
High soy content high performance thermoset polymers; Gales Suppes
(University of Missouri); ($70,634). (
This project will develop urethane formulations with substantial portions of the polyol and
isocyanate replaced by soy-based epoxides such as bodied epoxy soybean oil.
Development of soy oil polymers for use in gravure printing inks; Lance
Nieman (Niemann & Associates); ($72,000). (
By polymerizing glycerin into the structure of soybean oil as well as other monomers we
believe that we can produce a resin/polymer for Gravure ink that will contain a combined
minimum of 80% soy oil/glycerine.
Low-cost modifications of soybean oil and glycerin to achieve high polyol
reactively; Rick Heggs (Battelle Memorial Institute); ($70,000). (
Battelle will prepare a series of soybean oil glycerides with a range of hydroxyl values
and hydroxyl functionalities using crude-2 glycerin and submit these polyols to Troy Labs
for contract conversion to flexible and rigid foams for their evaluation.
Developing foamed soy protein-based bioplastic alternatives
polystyrene foams; Jinwen Zhang (Washington State University); ($78,868).
The overall objective of this application is to determine the composition-structureproperty relationship of the toughened SM (or SF)/PLA blend system and investigate
foam extrusion processing technology of the blends.
Development of standard line of rainbow trout; Ron Hardy (University of Idaho);
($89,500). (
Development of a standard line of rainbow trout to provide a uniform genetic background
available to all researchers could improve the ability to compare results across studies
and simplify interpretation of results.
Enhancement anaerobic biomediation using soy flour, soy protein
concentrate and lecithin; Bob Borden (North Carolina State University); ($60,000).
In this project, we will evaluate the use of soy flour, soy protein concentrate, and lecithin
as alternative materials for production of an emulsified soybean soy oil product for
anaerobic bioremediation.
Development of a high energy density glycerol biobattery; Shelley Minteer (St.
Louis University); ($35,596). (
Recently, we have found that we can get over an order of magnitude better battery
energy density out of glycerol rather than soybean oil, so we propose to develop a high
energy density glycerol biobattery/biofuel cell.
Develop soy-based plastics for petrochemical market providing vibration
technology; Daniel LaFlamme (Johnson Controls, Inc.); ($120,000).
The purpose of this project is to increase soy content in formulations for Vibration
Technology Foam (VT) and perform required testing to meet performance requirements.
Develop soy-based plastics for petrochemical market; Daniel LaFlamme
(Johnson Controls, Inc.); ($150,000). (
The purpose of this project is to improve soy polyol and soy polyester resin reactivity,
which will increase soy content in formulations with a goal of soy polyol seating at 30%
weight development by 2011.
Hyperbranched polyols for flexible foam from soybean oil fatty acids;
Kenlon Johannes (Kansas Soybean Commission); ($26,000).
Develop a new family of low viscosity, all bio-based polyols for flexible foams starting
from methyl esters of soybean oil (bio-diesel) using a new concept of hyperbranching.
Nutrient requirement of fish and shrimp; Robin Schoen (National Academy of
Science); ($35,000). (
This project will develop a synthesis of the scientific literature on studies of fish and
shrimp nutrition in all stages of life.
Water-blown polyurethane spray roofing foam; Ning Luo (BioBased
Technologies); ($75,000). (
The proposed study is to develop a “green” spray polyurethane foam for roofing
applications, which means that the roofing foam will be a water-blown rigid foam system
containing no less than 30 parts of Agrol® polyols in total weight of the B-side formulas.
Value added industrial applications for soy oil; Bob Moffit (Ashland Chemical);
This proposal covers the development of a soy based unsaturated polyester resin (UPR)
for use in tub and shower manufacturing processes.
Efficient acrolein production from crude glycerine using supercritical water
technology; X. Philip Ye (University of Tennessee); ($106,495). (
The objective of this phase I project is to develop a cost-effective acrolein production
process with high conversion and high selectivity from crude glycerin of biodiesel
industry using supercritical water technology in the presence of homogenous or
heterogeneous catalysts.
Preparation of soy-based isocyanates from soy meal; Ken Faminer (BioPlastic
Polymers); ($97,000). (
Our overall objective in this proposal is to use soy meal as a source of amine functional
industrial material to produce soy-based isocyanates.
Glycerol adducts for use as bio-based cross-linkers and wax components;
Rick Heggs (Battelle Memorial Institute);($50,000).(
Objective is to prepare a penta-functional/tetra-carboxylic acid from the reaction of
glycerol with itaconic anhydride, itaconic di-alkyl ester, or maleic cross-linkers and
anhydride by Michael Addition.
Soy foam for automotive applications; Alan Argento (University of Michigan);
($70,564). (
The purpose of the proposed project is to pursue the use of soy based foams for three
automotive NVH and impact applications. Of interest are rigid and flexible foams of soy
blended polyol resins, some containing soy meal and flour fillers.
A comprehensive approach for focusing plant breeders on meal trait
improvement; Nick Bajialieh (Integrative Nutrition, Inc.); ($83,260). (
Once we have moved beyond the analytical issues that have hindered progress for both
AMMS and this project, results for the AMMS domestic crop surveys will be shared with
the value-chain. This information will be used to drive a dialogue within the value chain
regarding the component market opportunity. The significance of this for this project is
that this component market dialogue will also draw the attention of soybean breeders,
who typically look to the market for guidance as to which traits they should be breeding
for. Previous results from this project should be of considerable value as plant breeders
look toward greater participation in the component opportunity. In addition, by being
able to offer them the ability to have some of their present lines analyzed as part of this
project, we allow breeders with little to no analytical capabilities to participate in the
component opportunity.
Development of soybean with high seed protein, low phytate and enhanced
feed efficiency; Joseph Burton (USDA/ARS-NCSU); ($709,298).
This research implements long and short-term priorities of the Better Bean Initiative.
The strategies are addressed by 12 subprojects conducted by 16 outstanding scientists
from MN, SD, IL, IN, OH, MD, MO, AR, TN, NC, and GA. The combined expertise of
this team in plant breeding, biology, genetics, pathology, and biochemistry will provide
genetic resources, genomic tools, and fundamental information needed to expedite
development, evaluation, and commercial production of agronomic soybean varieties
exhibiting superior meal attributes that include increased total metabolizable energy,
improved essential amino acid balance, enhanced digestibility for feed applications, and
enhanced functionality for food applications.
Quality traits regional test; George Graef (University of Nebraska); ($79,931).
This project coordinates and facilitates cooperative evaluation of soybean strains from
state, USDA, and commercial soybean breeding programs throughout the USA that are
improving compositional quality of the soybean. All programs with advanced material
that is ready for wide-area testing will be encouraged to participate. The cooperative
regional testing will interface with the Better Bean Initiative breeding programs to provide
centralized data analysis and summary for agronomic performance and quality traits. All
entries in the cooperative regional tests will be evaluated for basic composition traits at
the Grain Quality Laboratory at Iowa State University. Additional quality trait information
from BBI participants will be incorporated into the data summaries. Regional
performance information will be summarized in printed and electronic formats. The
cooperative, multiple-location testing also allows us to obtain important information on
stability and genotype-environment interaction effects for agronomic and quality traits,
which is essential if we are going to meet minimum specifications for certain market
needs. Anticipated benefits from this project include improved precision in data for
important agronomic and quality traits, and better and timely access to information for all
cooperators. Improved access to information and germplasm for soybean breeding
programs will enhance genetic gain and progress in development of soybean varieties
that enhance productivity, compositional quality, and profitability for soybean producers.
Development of maturity I-IV varieties for the Better Bean Initiative; Walter
Fehr (Iowa State University); ($188,400). (
During the previous three-year grant from the United Soybean Board, the Iowa State
University soybean breeding program at Iowa State University (ISU) developed and
released 29 varieties with altered fatty acid composition that are playing a key role in
meeting the need of the food industry for reduction of saturated fat and trans-fatty acids
in the human diet. The ISU varieties are the only public ones with altered fatty acid
composition in commercial production today. The varieties demonstrate the success of
the ISU program in utilizing the USB funds for the benefit of the soybean industry. The
research described in this three-year proposal for FY2009, FY2010, and FY2011 will
continue to provide soybean farmers with improved varieties that have seed composition
traits identified in the Better Bean Initiative as important to end users.
Development of varieties with increased protein concentration; Brian Diers
(University of Illinois); ($24,207). (
During 2009, we will complete a second year of tests of the BC1 population that
segregates for the LG I Danbaekkong high protein allele and we will test an Illinois
adapted population that is segregating for both the LG I Danbaekkong high protein allele
and the LG I high protein allele from G. soja. We hope these experiments will give a
final answer on whether the LG I protein allele from Danbaekkong is different, and
possibly better than the allele from G. soja. We will complete a second year of testing
the population pair that differs for maturity, but segregates for the LG I protein allele from
G. soja. We also will complete a second year of testing of the backcross populations
segregating for the LG I high protein allele from G. soja in diverse environment. We
hope these tests will shed some light on the influence of the environment on how this
gene controls protein and influences yield. This could provide some basic information
on why protein levels in the southern US are greater then in the north.
USDA/AOCS soybean quality traits program(SQT); Richard Cantrill (American
Oil Chemists Society);($443,764). (
The program was initiated in 2002 with the goal of establishing a comprehensive system
of quality assurance for methods of analysis used to quantify the improvement of
soybean quality constituents. AOCS methods were established as the reference
methods for the determination of oil content, protein content, moisture and fatty acid
composition. Participants indicated that these were the industry standards and the
proficiency scheme was developed using them as the baseline techniques. However,
other analytical techniques are in use and give a range of values for secondary
calibrations. FY06 provided the opportunity to explore amino acid methods and in FY07
SQT worked with government, industry, and academic collaborators for a method with
improved analytical throughput. FY08 provided the opportunity to explore wet chemistry
methods for soluble sugars and continue the inquiry into amino acid methods. FY09 will
provide the opportunity to explore current methodologies used in evaluating the
phosphorus and phytate content of the soybean as well as fatty acid profiles (specifically
low saturates and high oleic soybeans). Industry’s interest in test miniaturization for all
of the methods that have been evaluated by SQT since FY02 is yet another topic that
needs to be evaluated. A proficiency program has been put in place to allow
laboratories to have all the necessary tools for accreditation to management programs
such as ISO 17025. The mechanics for the collection of samples with appropriate
quality traits have been developed. A database of samples was created and a
distribution and testing protocol outlined. Two NIR series (soybeans and soybean meal)
were added to the Analytical Standards Program during FY07 and continues to gain
participants. As interest increases the Analytical Standards program can expand to
include amino acids, sugars, and phytate results reporting.
Further development of soybeans with higher levels of improved oil and
enhanced fungal resistance; David Hildebrand (University of Kentucky); ($59,474).
The demand for soybean oil as a renewable fuel and industrial chemical feedstock is
expected to increase in the future as global demand for such resources expands and
petroleum production cannot keep up with such increasing demand. A major new aspect
of this USB proposal is new and expanded work on increasing soybean oil levels with no
reduction in protein. This includes moving hydrocarbon and energy from synthesis of
undesirable seed components such as the inositol backbone of phytate and
oligosaccharides into oil rather than directing hydrocarbon and energy from protein into
oil, which often happens with the existing genetic diversity available to soybean
breeding. We now have a sufficient understanding of the biosynthesis of major seed
components and soybean genetic engineering has now reached a stage to allow us to
progress toward this important goal in a timely fashion (2 - 3 years). We have already
demonstrated some desaturase transgenic soybeans we have produced have
reproducible 2 - 3% increases in oil levels in field trials with no protein reduction. We are
producing new desaturase transgenics that should also show increases in oil contents.
Additionally, we have discovered new oil synthesis genes with uniquely high oil
synthesis activity and will genetically engineer soybeans with these new high oil
synthesis genes. The new high oil soybean lines will be crossed with new low phytate
mutants that have good germination and yield to see if the extra carbon freed from
undesirable seed components can be “pulled” into oil synthesis in these combined
enhanced soybeans. We are continuing research on the major objective of the
development of low sat, palmitoleic accumulating soybeans and combining the best of
these with low saturated fatty acid breeding lines. This is in progress with new, more
marketable microsomal CoA delta-9 desaturases. In case these desaturases with
normal subcellular targeting are not sufficient to achieve 50% or more conversion of the
saturated fatty acids in soybean oil, palmitic and stearic acids, into palmitoleic and oleic
acids we are investigating this process in plants that naturally convert more than 50% of
their oil into palmitoleic acid such as Macfadyena unguis-cati. This process will be
studied at the biochemical level in developing seeds of very high palmitoleic acid
accumulators and the genes needed will be cloned and transferred into soybeans. We
previously developed soybeans with enhanced fungal resistance transformed with
desaturases driven with a seed-specific promoter. New lines have been produced with
high expression of such genes in leaves for enhanced Asian rust resistance. These are
being regenerated and will be evaluated for their potential in development of rust
resistant soybean cultivars and additional lines that have been developed for rust
resistance will be further evaluated with David Wright in Quincy, FL.
Use of genomics to improve soybean meal digestibility and food quality;
Saghai Maroof (Virginia Tech); ($123,664). (
This project is based on the discovery of the soybean line V99-5089, which contains low
stachyose, low phytate and high sucrose. The major objective of the proposed project is
to develop DNA molecular markers for genes controlling sugar (sucrose, stachyose, and
raffinose) content in soybean seeds.
The project will integrate molecular and
conventional breeding methods with the ultimate goal of developing soybeans with low
stachyose, low raffinose, high sucrose and high yield suitable for human food and animal
Reducing stachyose and raffinose while increasing sucrose will result in more
digestible carbohydrates for animal feed. Higher sucrose levels should improve flavor of
soy foods for human consumption.
Enhancing oil content of soybean; Tom Clemente (University of Nebraska);
($44,700);. (
Traditionally soybeans have been valued for their protein content. The corn ethanol
market is producing growing amounts of distillers grain that will likely compete with
soybean meal, possibly decreasing the value of the meal. Additionally, the growing
value of biofuels and specialty oils is increasing the value of soybean oil. These trends
are likely to change soybeans to be valued more for their oil content. Soybeans are
normally 18% to 22% total oil, while oilseeds such as canola can be 45 to 50% total oil.
The higher oil content of other oilseeds indicates there is not a fundamental biological
barrier to increasing soybean seed oil content to greater than 30%. Current soybean
germplasm does not have genotypes with this level of oil in their seeds. Therefore, it is
likely that genetic engineering methods will be required to increase soybean seeds to
greater than 30% total oil. Partitioning of carbon towards either lipids or protein during
seed development is not clearly understood. Our proposal uses a targeted engineering
approach of some of the structural and regulatory genes known to control oil
biosynthesis in other organisms. Part of our strength of our proposal relies on the
University of Nebraska’s leadership role in the development and evaluation of transgenic
soybean with novel oil characteristics, including high oleic acid (>85%), production of
high omega-3 fatty acids (>60%) and the production of industrial oils (ricinoleic acid,
>15%). The evaluation of these novel oil traits is facilitated by the University’s unique
infrastructure that includes the Plant Biotechnology Field and Processing Facilities.
These facilities permit growth and processing of regulated seed under strict identity
Development of low phytate soybeans using genomic tools; Saghai Maroof
(Virginia Tech); ($114,180). (smaroof@vt.edy)
Much of the phosphorus in soybeans is in the form of phytate, which is not digestible, so
feedstuffs containing soybean meal are frequently supplemented with inorganic
phosphorus. A large proportion of this phosphorus remains in the manure and
contributes to phosphorus overloading in the soils to which it is applied. Genetically
reducing the level of phytate in soybeans and the increase in inorganic phosphorus will
improve the feeding value of soybean meal, because it will reduce the need for
supplemental phosphorus in animal diets. This in turn will reduce the phosphorus
overloading of the environment. We have determined that our newly discovered
soybean line, V99-5089 with low stachyose, also has a lower phytate level. The project
proposed here will determine whether the genes from V99-5089, in combination with the
other low phytate genes from CX1834 and M766, might be capable of reducing phytate
to even lower levels than previously reported for any soybean line. In addition,
germplasm is being developed that will be valuable for breeding low phytate varieties
and for assessing the nutritional and environmental contributions of the low phytate trait.
The germplasm can be used in incorporating the trait into varieties adapted for all
regions of the country. The low phytate trait, together with the low stachyose
characteristic, have the potential to significantly improve the value of U.S. produced
soybean meal and thus make it more competitive with imported soybeans. Therefore,
this project is directly addressing the Composition Target Area of the Better Bean
Initiative. The germplasm and molecular markers that are developed will be directly
usable by any U.S. soybean breeding program.
U.S. soybean composition; Lynn Polston (USDA/GIPSA-Technical Service
Division); ($61,250). (
This project involves two aspects of providing accurate, reliable and quick methods for
determining quality traits of soybeans in order to maximize added value throughout the
value chain. GIPSA’s Technical Services Division will provide analytical reference
analyses and expertise in developing and/or evaluating NIR calibrations. The first
aspect is to work in cooperation with the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS) to
improve the reliability of testing for specific constituents in soybeans, e.g., oil, protein,
moisture and fatty acids, through coordination and management of a proficiency
program. To meet the goals of this program samples with variable constituent levels
must be collected, and analyzed to establish reference values for the identified
constituents. The second aspect is to work in cooperation with Integrative Nutrition to
continue to support Near Infrared (NIR) technology as a quick method for accurately and
consistently determining constituents of interest in soybeans. GIPSA's Technical
Services Division will assume responsibility to provide accurate, consistent and timely
analyses to both AOCS and Integrative Nutrition.
Expanding the NIR Consortium; Jim Orf (University of Minnesota); ($50,000).
They have been developing a group of institutions (Universities, Companies and
Organizations) interested in working together to develop NIR equations for the various
constituents in soybean seed and soybean meal. Three of the newest members to join
were Iowa State University, the University of Kentucky and the University of Wisconsin.
The initial (and still the main thrust) is to develop NIR equations for use in breeding
and/or evaluation programs to be able to predict relative differences in the composition
of soybean seed. There has also been interest expressed by processors to develop NIR
equations for soybean meal. This helps get closer to the final end user of soybean meal
(protein) - the animal producer. In order to develop equations that are as good as
possible at predicting the composition of soybean seed as well as soybean meal it is
necessary to obtain and get “wet lab” analysis on soybean samples that have the largest
phenotypic variability for each constituent. This means we need samples with large
genetic variability, samples grown and processed in different environments (different
locations and different years), and samples from as large a geographic area as possible
where soybeans are grown and processed. We purposely started slowly with a few
cooperators in order to build basic NIR equations and to see how the concept might be
structured and work. To date we have basically had an “informal” group that agrees to
send seed samples that have “unusual” spectra for wet lab analysis (we use the
University of Missouri analytical services) so those samples can be incorporated into
improved (updated) NIR equations. We have now also begun to explore the use of
soybean meal samples from processors affiliated with some of the major soybean
companies as well as smaller processors. We currently have interest from 60
processing facilities. We send out the updated equations to all members of the coalition
each year so they have the latest versions of the NIR equations. Some of the institutions
contribute analytical services while others contribute a yearly fee to help cover the cost
of the wet chemistry
A comprehensive approach to AMMS: NIR harmonization; NIR meal trait
tool development and domestic crop survey components: Nick Bajialieh
(Integrative Nutrition, Inc.); ($268,065). (
A major focus of the FY 09 project will be the movement of AMMS information into the
value-chain. The first step will be to use results to drive a dialogue regarding the
component opportunity. The second step will be to work with other value-chain
participants to create a road-map for transitioning from a commodity to a component
market. The analytical tools, learning’s and relationships developed in the course of our
efforts will prove to be invaluable toward enabling this transition. The issues that we
have been dealing with as part of our research-scale project are also issues from a
commercial application perspective.
The contribution of small RNAs toward modulating gene networks for
protein and oil composition in soybean; Lila Vodkin (University of Illinois);
($189,986). (
A one-time project is proposed to conduct a timely and novel approach that will elucidate
the role played by endogenous small RNAs in the developing soybean seed that may
modulate compositional traits in soybean, including protein and oil content. The RNAi
(RNA interference) pathway and the small RNAs, classes of biologically active 21nucleotide RNAs that are central to this novel pathway, were discovered less than nine
years ago. Since that time an explosion of research on small RNAs has occurred in
many organisms demonstrating that they regulate hundreds of important biological and
developmental pathways including promoting or preventing cancer development in
humans. The 2006 Nobel Prize was awarded to the scientists who discovered the
central role that this pathway plays. As part of our recent research, we have used state-
of-the-art, ultrahigh-throughput sequencing technologies to determine the population of
small RNAs found in various tissues of soybean including the developing seeds, seed
coats, leaves, and several other tissues. Soon, we will have over 20 million small RNA
sequence reads. This research is sponsored by seed grants from several non-checkoff
sources including the Critical Research Initiative program of the University of Illinois
campus, the Illinois Council on Food and Agriculture Research, and the federal Soybean
Disease Biotechnology Research Center to PI Vodkin and collaborators. In total, over
$500,000 has been allocated from these various non-checkoff sources to explore the
role of small RNAs in soybean. These grants recognize the importance of small RNAs in
modern biotechnological research as well as the importance of soybean. We will
leverage the proposed USB funds to exploit this unprecedented and unique treasure
trove of soybean small RNA sequence data to determine the biological roles of some of
these small RNAs in soybean. To our knowledge, no other USB-sponsored research
project addresses the contribution of naturally occurring soybean small RNAs to plant
traits. Specific outcomes would be to find molecules and networks that would shift
pathways to produce different protein and oil ratios or specific oil types or improve
overall yield.
OEM technology development 2010 and beyond; Doug Whitehead (National
Biodiesel Board); ($300,000). (
This includes testing on a broader range of engines and after-treatment systems than
the three generic systems tested in the existing program.
Increasing metabolizable energy in soybean meal; Mian Riaz (Texas
Engineering Experiment Station); ($50,000). (
This project will focus to increase the availability of metabolized energy to monogastric
animals from soybean by using the alpha-galactosidase enzyme during extrusion.
A controlled environment, integrated approach to fish and plant production
in Alabama; Jesse Chappell (Auburn University); ($100,000). (
This project proposes to employ intensive, thermally controlled, energy and water
efficient production strategies, which allow for greater profitability through elevated levels
of production, efficient entrapment and removal of particle (manure) and dissolved
Use of glycerin for high value polymeric products; Zoran Petrovic (Kansas
Polymer Research Center); ($70,000). (
The purpose of this project is to develop the technology for preparation of polyols from
crude glycerin resulting from bio-diesel production for polymeric product applications in
adhesives, coatings, sealants, foams and other polyurethane applications.
Recycling of polyurethanes based on soy polyols; Vhid Sendijarevic (Troy
Polmers); ($75,700). (
As part of this project, flexible polyurethane (PUR) foams based on soy polyols will be
evaluated in recycling processes with the near term commercial potential.
Chemically enhanced soy proteins for use in laundry products ; Alice Hudson
(Surface Chemists of Florida, Inc.); ($94,300). (
Develop and evaluate a series of prototype modified soy protein based products to be
used in several applications in laundry products.
Producing arabitol and/or xylitol from biodiesel glycerol; Lu-Kwang Ju
(University of Akron); ($80,742). (
This project aims at converting biodiesel glycerol to value-added products, arabitol
and/or xylitol, using effective fermentation processes.
Soy acrylic resins for a platform of interior/exterior finishes; John
Schuerlmann (Rustoleum Corporation); ($74,500). (
The purpose of this project is to develop a soy acrylic resin for a platform of interior and
exterior finishes.
Soy polyol usage in performance coatings systems; Mark Bowman (PPG
Industries); ($94,037). (
The goal of this project is to formulate a WB PUD with 30% renewable content in the
main resin that meets customer specifications, and submit this formula for external
Hybrid emulsions using chemically modified soybean oil: Phase II; Alfred
Fuchs (Northampton Community College (ETAC); ($63,047). (
The goal of this project is to continue the development and marketing of soy-based
products into the wood finishing market.
Bondaflex soythane PUR sealants and adhesives; Doug Walker (Bondaflex
Technologies); ($50,000). (
The objective of this project is to replace petroleum based polyols used in adhesives and
sealants for construction and OEM applications.