
JANUARY 1, 2010
1:00 P.M.
Mark C. Smith
Martha Garcia
Mark P. Dugan
David W. Robinson
Daniel J. Aschenbach
There were approximately forty-six (46) members of the public present.
The Organization Meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, County of Union, New
Jersey, held on January 1, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. was called to order by Tara Rowley, Township Clerk.
The invocation was offered by Reverend John McGovern, followed by the Flag Salute which was led by
the Police and Fire Honorary Color Guard. The National Anthem was sung by Mary Starkey, a Cranford
Oath of Office – David W. Robinson
Amy Robinson administered the Oath of Office to David W. Robinson as a member of the Township
Committee for a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012.
Certificate of Election
Township Clerk Tara Rowley presented a Certificate of Election to David W. Robinson.
Election of Chairman for 2010
Township Clerk Tara Rowley called for nominations for the position of Chairman of the Township
Committee for 2010. David W. Robinson placed the name of Mark C. Smith as Chairperson. No other
names were placed in nomination. Township Clerk Tara Rowley closed the nominations.
Mark C. Smith was elected to serve as Chairman of the Township Committee for the year 2010 by roll
call vote as indicated:
Recorded vote:
Aye: Commissioners Dugan, Robinson, Aschenbach, Garcia, and Smith
Nay: None
Abstained: None
Absent: None
New Jersey Assemblyman Jon M. Bramnick administered the Oath of Office to Mark C. Smith as Chairman of
the Township Committee for the year 2010.
Election of Vice Chairman for 2010
Township Clerk Tara Rowley called for nominations for Vice Chairman of the Township Committee for
2010. David W. Robinson placed the name of Martha Garcia as Vice Chairman for the year 2010. No
other names were placed in nomination. Township Clerk Tara Rowley closed the nominations.
Martha Garcia was elected to serve as Vice Chairman of the Township Committee for the year 2010, by
roll call vote as indicated:
Recorded vote:
Aye: Commissioners Dugan, Robinson, Aschenbach, Garcia, and Smith
Nay: None
Abstained: None
Absent: None
January 1, 2010
Senator Thomas H. Kean, Jr. administered the Oath of Office to Martha Garcia as Vice-Chairman of the
Township Committee for the year 2010.
Reappointment of Township Clerk
Commissioner Robinson read the following resolution in full:
Resolution No. 20010-1:
WHEREAS, at a meeting held January 1, 2007, the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford
adopted Resolution No. 2007-01 appointing Tara Rowley as Municipal Clerk of the Township of
Cranford for a three (3) year term; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133.7, Tara Rowley has served as Municipal Clerk of the
Township of Cranford continuously for three consecutive years and has earned and received a Registered
Municipal Clerk Certificate;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford
that Tara Rowley be, and hereby is, reappointed as Municipal Clerk for the Township of Cranford
effective January 1, 2010.
On motion of Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Aschenbach and passed, Resolution
No. 2010-1 was adopted by the indicated vote of the Township Committee.
Recorded Vote:
Aye: Mayor Smith, Deputy Mayor Garcia, Commissioners Dugan, Robinson and Aschenbach
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Oath of Office – Tara Rowley
Rosalie Hellenbrecht, Notary Public, administered the Oath of Office to Tara Rowley as Municipal Clerk.
Mayoral Appointments of Township Commissioners
Mark P. Dugan
Public Safety
David W. Robinson
Public Works/Eng.
Martha Garcia
Public Affairs
Daniel J. Aschenbach
Presentation to Frances Wismer by Mayor Mark C. Smith
WHEREAS, Mrs. Frances Wismer is a Nationally recognized floral arranger, a long time member of the
Garden Club of Cranford and has contributed many hours of her time to our fair town of Cranford; and
WHEREAS, she studied flower arranging and became a Master Flower Show Judge as well as a lecturer
on distinctive arrangements. Her designs were featured on calendar’s for many years; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Wismer was a key member and the first chairperson of the Horticulture Committee
which was implemental in the greening of Cranford, an initiative by Cranford’s Township Committee in
the early to mid 1980’s for which she won an award; and
WHEREAS, she was also appointed to the tree advisory board where she served for 20 years and was a
strong advocate of the long lasting Ginko trees that shade and beautify Cranford. She was also
responsible for selecting and planting the cherry and crab apple trees on the south side of the railroad;
and WHEREAS, Frances is an endearing friend and mentor for many in Cranford.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Frances Wismer is hereby publicly recognized and
applauded for her invaluable expertise and volunteerism that she has given freely to Cranford.
Mayoral Appointments to the Planning Board
John Hrebin as a Class II member (Environmental Commission) for a three (3) year term ending
December 31, 2012
Rita LaBrutto as a Class IV member for a four (4) year term ending December 31, 2013
Mary O’Connor as a Class IV member for a four (4) year term ending December 31, 2013
Kevin Illing as an Alternate #2 member for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2011
Mayoral Appointments to Library Board
Judith Lannin Panagakos as a member for a five (5) year term ending December 31, 2014
Andrea Van Bergen as an Associate Member for a one year term ending December 31, 2010
Daniel J. Aschenbach as Liaison
January 1, 2010
Mayoral Appointments to the Environmental Commission
Nelson Dittmar as a member for a three year term ending December 31, 2012
John Hrebin as Planning Board representative for a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012
Lynda Feder as a member for a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012
Daniela Shebitz as an Alternate #2 member for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2011
Carol Berns, Jackie Capro, David DesRochers, William King, Ronald Margulis, Ana Pinto, and Mary
Reilly as Associate Members for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010
Nelson Dittmar as Chairman for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010
Mayor Mark C. Smith as Liaison
Appointments to the Green Team for the year 2010 - Lauren Balkan, Pamela Beelitz, Carol Berns,
Carole Brucato, Kristin Caccavale, Ann Darby, Rebecca Deczynski, David DesRochers, Nelson Dittmar,
Lynda Feder, Henry Ho, Janet Hopkins, John Hrebin, Steve Jandoli, Will Johnson, Rita LaBrutto,
Danielle Lore, Ann Marie Mahon, Missy Maxwell, Daniel Murphy, Ed O’Malley, Pat Pavlak, Ana Pinto,
Matt Polsky, Sandy Polsky, Kathleen Prunty, Robert Puhak, Mary Reilly, Dianne Schmitt, Mark Smith,
Gregg Spadaro, Gerri Stiner, and Mary Catherine Sudiak
Appointments to Emergency Management Council for the year 2010 - Police Chief Eric G. Mason,
Coordinator; Police Captain Jerome M. Andrews, and Fire Chief Leonard R. Dolan III, Deputy
Coordinators; Mayor Mark C. Smith; Public Safety Commissioner David W. Robinson; Health Officer
Warren J. Hehl; Supt. of Schools, Dr. Gayle Carrick; Township Engineer Richard A. Marsden; Public
Works Coordinator, Wayne E. Rozman; Township Administrator Marlena A. Schmid; CENCOM
Coordinator, Gareth Williams; Consultant, Michael A. Plick; Construction Code Official, Richard
Belluscio; TV35 Representative, Edward Davenport; Citizen Representative Dr. Margaret (Peg)
Pipchick; and Support Team members Paul Josewitch and Dr. Michael Beams
Mayoral Appointment to Historic Preservation Advisory Board
Lori Hoffner as a Class C - Alternate No. 2 member for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2011
Nancy Arcieri, Victor Bary, Steve Derasmo, Jean Kreiling, Kevin Papa, Ray Schwartz, and Mary Wilford
as Associate Members for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010
Daniel J. Aschenbach as Liaison
Mayoral Appointments to the Tree Advisory Board
Barbara Krause for a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012
Peter Baker for a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012
Frank D’Antonio for a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012
James Nichnadowicz as the Union County Advisor for a term ending December 31, 2010
Donald Beal, Judy Bell, Thomas Dobbs, Miriam Moody, James Murphy, Julie Murphy, David Pringle, and
Michael Venditti as Associate Members for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010
Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia as Liaison
Appointments to the Holiday Decorations Committee for 2010 - Barbara Bilger, Andis Kalnins, Paul
LaCorte, Tom Panico, Kathleen Miller Prunty, Michael Rediger, and David W. Robinson as
Mayoral Appointments as Board of Education Liaisons for 2010— Mayor Mark C. Smith; Deputy
Mayor Martha Garcia
RESOLUTIONS – By Consent Agenda
On motion of Deputy Mayor Smith, seconded by Commissioner Dugan and passed, the following
resolutions were adopted by consent agenda:
Resolution No. 2010-2:
January 1, 2010
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford advertised for a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the
Provision of Legal and Other Professional Services through a fair and open process in accordance with
N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq.; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondent herein satisfy the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
WHEREAS, Carl R. Woodward, Esquire, is a Partner of Carrella, Byrne, Bain, Gilfillan, Cecchi,
Stewart & Olstein, 5 Becker Farm Road, Roseland, NJ 07068; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer and the Director of Finance have certified to the availability of
funds which is on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey, as follows:
1. Carl R. Woodward, III, Esquire, Partner of Carrella, Byrne, Bain, Gilfillan,
Cecchi, Stewart & Olstein, 5 Becker Farm Road, Roseland, New Jersey 07068,
be and hereby, is appointed as Township Attorney for a one (1) year term ending
December 31, 2010; and
2. Carl R. Woodward, III, Esquire, be and hereby, is awarded a contract to provide all
regular and routine activities of a municipal attorney, including and without limitation
attendance at all Township Committee Meetings, preparation of ordinances and resolutions,
as needed, consultations and conferences, legal research, rendering of legal advice and
preparation of bid specifications and contracts at a cost not to exceed $66,000.00 during his
one year term as Township Attorney; and
3. Carl R. Woodward, III, Esquire, be and hereby, is awarded a contract to provide
professional legal services, including and without limitation, litigation, tax appeal and legal
work in connection with any pending litigation; real estate matters, attendance at meetings
other than meetings of the Township Committee (federal, State, county and other local
government entities); legal work in connection with any rehabilitation or redevelopment
plans and redevelopment agreements; codification of ordinances and major revisions of
chapters of the municipal code of the Township of Cranford; and such other legal services as
the Township Committee may direct at a cost of $155.00 per hour not to exceed $50,000.00,
provided that if the Township pays properly submitted invoices within 45 days of receipt a
discount of $5.00 per hour may be taken on attorney fees; and
4. The Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract
with Carl R. Woodward, III and;
5. This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process
(N.J.S.A.19: 44A-20.5 et seq.); and
Resolution No. 2010-3:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Richard A. Marsden, Jr. be and hereby is appointed as Township Engineer and
Director of Public Works for a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012.
Resolution No. 2010-4:
WHEREAS, The Township of Cranford (hereinafter “Local Unit”) has joined the Statewide Insurance Fund
(hereinafter “Fund”), a joint insurance fund as defined in N.J.S.A. 40A: 10-36 et seq.; and
WHEREAS, the Bylaws require participating members to appoint a Risk Management Consultant, as those
positions are defined in the Bylaws, if requested to do so by the Fund; and
WHEREAS, the Fund has requested its members to appoint individuals or entities to that position; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body of the Township of Cranford, in the County
of Union, and State of New Jersey, as follows:
The Township Committee hereby appoints Willis of New Jersey, Inc., Commerce Drive,
Cranford, NJ 07016 as its local Risk Management Consultant.
The Mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Risk
Management Consultant’s Agreement for the year 2010 in the form attached
Resolution No. 2010-5:
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford provides health insurance coverages to its full time employees;
WHEREAS, the annual municipal outlay to provide such health insurance coverages is very costly to
the Township, with premiums becoming increasingly more expensive; and
WHEREAS, a Cranford Township employee may have other health insurance coverages through his/her
spouse or civil union partner or otherwise; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to law, a local municipal employer is permitted to request a waiver by its
employees of health insurance coverages; and
WHEREAS, a municipality is permitted to allow its employees entitled to receive health insurance
January 1, 2010
coverages to waive such coverages and receive an incentive for taking such action; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford is desirous of authorizing such incentive;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
Union County, State of New Jersey, that for calendar year 2010, the Township will offer an incentive, in
the prorated annual amount set forth below, to all employees who execute (or have executed) a form
waiving all health insurance coverages for this year according to the following schedule:
Employee Coverage - $2500
Employee and Child(ren) - $4000
Employee & Spouse/ Civil Union Partner - $5000
Family $7500
Provided that the employee qualified for and was entitled to such coverages during the 2010 calendar
year; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the coverage waiver incentive amount shall be prorated based
upon the date on which the waiver form is executed by each individual Township employee; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the dollar amount of the incentive to be paid to each such
participating employee shall be distributed to the employee at the conclusion of calendar 2010; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any employee waiving health insurance coverages hereunder shall
have the option to reinstate Township health insurance coverages in accordance with the requirements of
the Township’s Health Insurer and Plan(s) then in effect.
Resolution No. 2010-6:
WHEREAS, the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford has promulgated municipal rules of
procedure entitled “Bylaws of the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford”.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Bylaws be, and hereby are adopted by the
Township Committee of the Township of Cranford effective this 1st day of January 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-7:
WHEREAS, alcohol and drug abuse effects many lives especially our youth; and
WHEREAS, the best way to combat the problem of alcohol and drug abuse is through prevention and
educational programs; and
WHEREAS, the Cranford Municipal Alliance is dedicated to a comprehensive and coordinated effort to
reduce and prevent alcohol and drug abuse in Cranford to make our town safe for all our citizens –
especially our young people, and will include in its Safe Homes Project such dedicated efforts; and
WHEREAS, the first prevention strategy involving the Safe Homes Project is “Zero Tolerance”,
meaning no alcohol use by underage youth will be tolerated; underage drinkers will be held accountable
for their actions.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford
this 1st day of January, 2010 that the Township Committee supports “Zero Tolerance” and urges all
individuals, parent groups, PTAs, civic groups, schools, religious institutions, law enforcement,
businesses, and all organizations to also support “Zero Tolerance” regarding alcohol and drug use.
Resolution No. 2010-8:
WHEREAS, N.J.S.40a:4-19 provides that the governing body may, and if any contracts,
commitments, or payments are to be made prior to the adoption of the 2010 Budget ,shall by
resolution adopted prior to January 31, of the fiscal year, make appropriations to provide for the
period between the beginning of the fiscal and the adoption of budget.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of
Cranford, County of Union, that the following temporary appropriations be made and that a
certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Chief Financial Officer for his records:
Appropriations - Current Fund
& Wages
$ 131,000.00
$ 47,000.00
$ 6,000.00
$ 12,000.00
$ 11,000.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 48,000.00
$ 3,000.00
January 1, 2010
$ 4,000.00
$ 91,000.00
$ 716,000.00
$ 17,000.00
$ 441,000.00
$ 26,000.00
$ 79,000.00
$ 50,000.00
& Wages
Appropriations - Current Fund
$ 51,000.00
$ 79,000.00
$ 75,000.00
$ 22,000.00
$ 115,000.00
$ 15,000.00
$ 458,000.00
$ 65,000.00
January 1, 2010
$ 876,000.00
& Wages
Appropriations - Current Fund
$ 393,000.00
$ 358,000.00
$ 384,000.00
$ 108,000.00
Resolution No. 2010-9:
WHEREAS, N.J.S.40a: 4-19 provides that the governing body may, and if any contracts,
commitments, or payments are to be made prior to the adoption of the 2010 Budget, shall by
resolution adopted prior to January 31, of the fiscal year, make appropriations to provide for
the period between the beginning of the fiscal and the adoption of budget.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
County of Union, that the following temporary appropriations be made and that a certified copy of this
Resolution be transmitted to the Chief Financial Officer for his records:
Appropriations – Swim Pool Utility Fund
Salaries &Wages
Other Expenses
Operating Fund
Debt Service:
Payment of Notes
Interest on Notes
$ 5,700.00
$ 7,300.00
Statutory Expenditures:
Social Security System
$ 20,000.00
Resolution No. 2010-10:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Thomas J. Grady be, and hereby is, appointed as SPU Collector for a one (1) year
term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-11:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Marlena A. Schmid be, and hereby is, designated as the Statewide Insurance Fund
Local Unit Commissioner for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-12:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Thomas J. Grady be, and hereby is, designated as the Statewide Insurance Fund
Safety and Loss Prevention Representative for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
January 1, 2010
Resolution No. 2010-13:
WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law provides local contracting units with the ability to increase
their bid threshold up to $29,000.00; and
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-3a, permits an increase in the bid threshold if a Qualified Purchasing
Agent is appointed, as well as grants the authorization to negotiate and award such contracts below the
bid threshold; and
WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 5:34-5 et seq. establishes the criteria for qualifying as a Qualified Purchasing
Agent; and
WHEREAS, Marlena A. Schmid possesses the designation of Qualified Purchasing Agent as issued by
the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:34-5 et. seq.;
pursuant to correspondence received from the Director dated April 11, 2002 approving Township
Administrator Schmid’s application; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford desires to take advantage of an increased bid threshold;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
Union County, State of New Jersey hereby increases its bid threshold to $29,000.00; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, Union
County, State of New Jersey hereby appoints Marlena A. Schmid as the Qualified Purchasing Agent to
exercise the duties of a purchasing agent pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-2(30) with specific relevance to the
authority, responsibility, and accountability of the purchasing activity of the Township of Cranford.
Resolution No. 2010-14:
WHEREAS, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 17:27-3.5, all public agencies that award contracts to goods
and services vendors and/or construction contractors must designate an individual to serve as its Public
Agency Compliance Officer; and
WHEREAS, the Public Agency Compliance Officer shall act as a liaison between the Division of
Contract Compliance & Equal Employment Opportunity in Public Contracts and service providers, act as
the municipality’s point of contact for all matters concerning the implementation and administration of
the statute, and for administering contracting procedures pertaining to equal employment opportunity.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford
that Tara Rowley be, and hereby is, appointed as Public Agency Compliance Officer for the Township of
Cranford for the year 2010; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Division of
Contract Compliance & Equal Employment Opportunity in Public Contracts.
Resolution No. 2010-15:
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Bond Counsel
services through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq., and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondent herein satisfy the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
WHEREAS, the Township requires specialized legal services in connection with the authorization and
the issuance of bonds or notes of the Township of Cranford (the “Township”) in the County of Union,
State of New Jersey, including the review of such procedures and the rendering of approving legal
opinions acceptable to the financial community; and
WHEREAS, Rogut McCarthy LLC has submitted a proposal dated
December 2, 2009, indicating it would provide the above services based on the fees set forth in the firm’s
cost proposal; and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey as follows:
1. Steve Rogut, Esquire, for the firm of Rogut McCarthy LLC, 37 Alden Street, Cranford,
New Jersey, be and hereby, is appointed Bond Counsel for the Township of Cranford for
said services in calendar year 2010; and
2. The Mayor and Township Clerk of the Township of Cranford be, and hereby are
authorized and directed to execute a contract with Rogut McCarthy LLC; and
3. This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 et
Resolution No. 2010-16:
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for auditing and
budgeting services through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq.; and
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:5-4 et seq. requires a registered municipal accountant to perform an annual
audit of annual books, accounts and financial transactions of the Township of Cranford; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondent herein satisfy the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer and the Finance Director have certified to the availability of
funds which is on file in the office of the Township Clerk; and
January 1, 2010
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey, as follows:
Francis J. Jones, Engagement Partner and William F. Schroeder, Consulting
Partner, and for the firm of Nisivoccia & Co., 5 Emery Avenue, Randolph, New
Jersey 07869 be and hereby are appointed Auditors for the Township of Cranford to
perform the annual audits for year 2010 at a fee not to exceed $38,000.00 and;
The Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract
with Nisivoccia & Co. and;
This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5
et seq.).
Resolution No. 2010-17:
WHEREAS, there exists a need to engage experts to provide tax appeal legal services for the Township
of Cranford; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for tax appeal
legal services through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq., and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondents satisfy the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey that tax appeal legal services in calendar year 2010 be provided by the following firms:
1. Carella, Byrne, Bain, Gilfillan, Cecchi, Stewart & Olstein, PC, 5 Becker Farm
Road, Roseland, New Jersey 07068-1739
2. McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney, & Carpenter, LLP, Three Gateway
Center, 100 Mulberry Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102-4079
3. Florio Perucci Steinhardt & Fader
218 Route 17 North, Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
4. Richard M. Conley, Esq.
122 Main Street, PO Box, 662, Flemington, NJ 08822-0662
5. This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 et
Resolution No. 2010-18:
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Provision
of Legal and Other Professional Services; through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A.
19:44A-20.4 et. seq.; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondent satisfy the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer and the Director of Finance have certified to the availability of
funds which is on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey, as follows:
John DeMassi, Esquire, be and hereby is, appointed as Public Defender for a one (1)
year term ending December 31, 2010; and
John DeMassi, Esquire, 1771 Front Street, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
07076, be and hereby, is awarded a contract to provide all regular and routine activities
of a public defender at a cost not to exceed $4,000.00 during his term as Public
Defender; and
The Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract
with John DeMassi, Esquire; and
This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process
(N.J.S.A.19:44A-20.5 et seq.);
Resolution No. 2010-19:
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford advertised for a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the
Provision of Legal and Other Professional Services through a fair and open process in accordance with
N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq., and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondent herein satisfy the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer and the Director of Finance have certified to the availability of
funds which is on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey, as follows:
1. Robert P. Donovan, Esquire of Counsel at McElroy Deutsch Mulvaney &
Carpenter, LLP, Three Gateway Center, 100 Mulberry Street, Newark, New Jersey
07102, be and hereby, is appointed as Municipal Prosecutor for a one (1) year term ending
December 31, 2010; and
2. Robert P. Donovan, Esquire is awarded a contract to provide all regular and routine
January 1, 2010
activities of a prosecutor equivalent to 300 hours per year excluding time for brief writing
and responding to discovery requests, etc. at a cost not to exceed $32,000.00 during his term
as Municipal Prosecutor; and
3. The Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a
contract with Robert P. Donovan, Esquire; and
4. This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process
(N.J.S. A. 19:44A-20.5 et seq.).
Resolution No. 2010-20:
WHEREAS, there exists a need to engage experts to provide affordable housing legal services for the
Township of Cranford; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for affordable
housing legal services through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq.,
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondent satisfies the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey that affordable housing legal services in calendar year 2010 be provided by the following
1. Carella, Byrne, Bain, Gilfillan, Cecchi, Stewart & Olstein, PC, 5 Becker Farm
Road, Roseland, New Jersey 07068-1739
2. This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 et
Resolution No. 2010-21:
WHEREAS, there exists a need to engage experts to provide environmental legal services for the
Township of Cranford; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for environmental
legal services through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq., and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondent satisfies the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey that environmental legal services in calendar year 2010 be provided by the following firm:
1. Wanda Monahan, Esq. of McManimon & Scotland, LLC
One Riverfront Plaza, Fourth Floor, Newark, New Jersey 07102-5408
2. This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 et
Resolution No. 2010-22:
WHEREAS, there exists a need to engage experts to provide labor attorney services for the Township of
Cranford; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for labor attorney
services through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq., and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondents satisfy the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey that labor attorney services in calendar year 2010 be provided by the following firms:
1. Roth Horowitz, LLC
150 Morris Avenue, Suite 206, Springfield, New Jersey 07081
2. McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney, & Carpenter, LLP, Three Gateway
Center, 100 Mulberry Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102-4079
3. This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 et
Resolution No. 2010-23:
WHEREAS, there exists a need to engage experts to provide redevelopment legal services for the
Township of Cranford; and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for
redevelopment legal services through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et
seq., and
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford has deemed that the background, experience and qualifications
of the respondent satisfies the criteria set forth in the RFQ; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
New Jersey that redevelopment legal services in calendar year 2010 be provided by the following firm:
1. Carella, Byrne, Bain, Gilfillan, Cecchi, Stewart & Olstein, PC, 5 Becker Farm
Road, Roseland, New Jersey 07068-1739
2. This contract is awarded pursuant to the “fair and open” process (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 et
January 1, 2010
Resolution No. 2010-24:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held January
1, 2010 that the Treasurer be, and hereby is, authorized to utilize as depositories any banking institution
which can provide a Government Unit Deposit Protection Act Certificate issued by the State of New
Jersey, Department of Banking.
Resolution No. 2010-25:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford that the funds of the
Township of Cranford deposited in the TD Bank (Cranford Office) and the Sovereign Bank (Cranford
Office) be subject to withdrawal upon checks signed by the following officers:
Mark C. Smith
Thomas J. Grady
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that checks drawn upon the payroll account and agency account shall
require only the signature of Thomas J. Grady.
Resolution No. 2010-26:
WHEREAS, it is required for the Township of Cranford to adopt and have on file a detailed Cash
Management Plan regarding investments of Township funds.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford
that the following Cash Management Plan is hereby adopted and it is to be kept on file in the offices of
the Township Treasurer and Township Clerk:
This Cash Management Plan (the "Plan") is prepared pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A.
40A:5-14 in order to set forth the basis for the deposits ("Deposits") and investment ("Permitted
Investments") of certain public funds of the Township of Cranford, pending the use of such funds
for the intended purposes. The Plan is intended to assure that all public funds identified herein are
deposited in interest bearing Deposits or otherwise invested in Permitted Investments hereinafter
referred to. The intent of the Plan is to provide that the decisions made with regard to the Deposits
and the Permitted Investments will be done to insure the safety, the liquidity (regarding its
availability for the intended purposes), and the maximum investment return within such limits.
The Plan is intended to insure that any Deposit or Permitted Investment matures within the time
period that approximates the prospective need for the funds deposited or invested so that there is
not a risk to the market value of such Deposits or Permitted Investments.
1. The Plan is intended to cover the deposit and/or investment of the following funds and
accounts of the Township of Cranford.
1. Current Fund
6. General Capital Fund
2. Trust Assessment Fund
7. Swim Pool Operating Fund
3. Trust Fund
8. Swim Pool Capital Fund
4. SID/DMC Fund
5. Dog Trust Fund
The Chief Financial Officer of the Township of Cranford [and the Treasurer] (the "Designated
Official") is hereby authorized and directed to deposit and/or invest the funds referred to in the
The following banks and financial institutions are hereby designated as official depositories for the
Deposit of all public funds referred to in the Plan, including any Certificates of Deposit which are
not otherwise invested in Permitted Investments as provided for in this Plan:
All New Jersey Banks that provide a certificate of eligibility.
A “Certificate of Eligibility” is the certification issued by the New Jersey Department of Banking,
Division of Banking, that a public depository if eligible to act as a depository for public funds and
qualifies as a participant in the New Jersey Governmental Unit Depository Protection Act (GUPA).
The Township of Cranford shall designate said depositories by resolution of the governing body
each year in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:5-15.1.
A. Except as otherwise specifically provided for herein, the Designated Official is hereby
authorized to invest the public funds covered by this Plan, to the extent not otherwise held in
Deposits, in the following Permitted Investments:
(1) Bonds or other obligations of the United States of America or obligations guaranteed by
January 1, 2010
the United States of America;
Government money market mutual funds;
Any obligation that a federal agency or a federal instrumentality has issued in accordance
with an act of Congress, which security has a maturity date not greater than 397 days
from the date of the purchase, provided that such obligation bears a fixed rate of interest
not dependent on any index or other external factor;
Bonds or other obligations of the Local Unit or bonds or other obligations of school
districts of which the Local Unit is a part or within which the school district is located;
Bonds or other obligations, having a maturity date not more than 397 days from the date
of purchase, approved by the Division of Investment of the Department of the Treasury
for investment by Local Units;
Local government investment pools;
Deposits with the State of New Jersey Cash Management Fund established pursuant to
section I of P.L. 1977, c. 281 (C.52:18A-90.4); or
Agreements for the repurchase of fully collateralized securities if:
the underlying securities are permitted investments pursuant to paragraphs (1) and
(3) of this subsection a;
the custody of collateral is transferred to a third party;
the maturity of the agreement is not more than 30 days ;
the underlying securities are purchased through a public depository as defined in
section I of P.L. 1970, c.236 (C.17:9-41); and
a master repurchase agreement providing for the custody and security of collateral
is executed.
For purposes of the above language, the terms "government money market mutual fund" and
"local government investment pool" shall have the following definitions:
Government Money Market Mutual Fund. An investment company or investment trust:
which is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the
"Investment Company. Act of 1940," 15 U.S.C. sec. 80a-l et seq., and operated in
accordance with 17 C.F.R. sec. 270.2a-7.
the portfolio of which is limited to U.S. Government securities that meet the
definition of any eligible security pursuant to 17 C.F.R. sec. 270.2a-7 and
repurchase agreements that are collateralized by such U.S. Government securities;
which has:
( i) attained the highest ranking or the highest letter and numerical rating of a
nationally recognized statistical rating organization; or
(ii) retained an investment advisor registered or exempt from registration with
the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to the "Investment
Advisors Act of 1940," 15 U.S.C. sec. 80b-l et seq., with experience
investing in U.S. Government securities for at least the most recent past 60
months and with assets under management in excess of $500 million.
Local Government Investment Pool. An investment pool:
which is managed in accordance with 17 C.F.R. sec. 270.2a-7;
which is rated in the highest category by a nationally recognized statistical rating
which is limited to .U.S. Government securities that meet the definition of an
eligible security pursuant to 17 C.F.R. sec. 270.2a-7 and repurchase agreements
that are collateralized by such U.S. Government securities;
which is in compliance with rules adopted pursuant to the "Administrative
Procedure Act," P.L. 1968, C.410 (c.52:14B-l et seq.) by the Local Finance Board
of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community
Affairs, which rules shall provide for disclosure and reporting requirements, and
other provisions deemed necessary by the board to provide for the safety, liquidity
and yield of the investments;
which does not permit investments in instruments that: are subject to high price
volatility with changing market conditions; cannot reasonably be expected, at the
time of interest rate adjustment, to have a market value that approximates their
par value; or utilize an index that does not support a stable net asset value; and
which purchases and redeems investments directly from the issuer, government
money market mutual fund, or the State of New Jersey Cash Management Fund,
or through the use of a national or State bank located within this State, or through
a broker-dealer which, at the time of purchase or redemption, has been registered
continuously for a period of at least two years pursuant to section 9 of P.L. 1967
c.9 (C.49.3-56) and has at least $25 million in capital stock (or equivalent
capitalization if not a corporation), surplus reserves for contingencies and
undivided profits, or through a securities dealer who makes primary markets in
U.S. Government securities and reports daily to the Federal Reserve Bank of New
January 1, 2010
York its position in and borrowing on such U.S. Government securities.
To the extent that any Deposit or Permitted Investment involves a document or security which is
not physically held by the Township of Cranford, then such instrument or security shall be covered
by a custodial agreement--with an independent third party, which shall be a bank or financial
institution in the State of New Jersey. Such institution shall provide for the designation of such
investments in the name of the Township of Cranford to assure that there is no unauthorized use of
the funds or the Permitted Investments or Deposits. Purchase of any Permitted Investments that
involve securities shall be executed by a "delivery versus payment" method to insure that such
Permitted Investments are either received by the Township of Cranford or by a third party
custodian prior to or upon the release of the Township's funds.
To assure that all parties with whom the Township of Cranford deals either by way of Deposits or
Permitted Investments are aware of the authority and the limits set forth in this Plan, all such
parties shall be supplied with a copy of this Plan in writing and all such parties shall acknowledge
the receipt of that Plan in writing, a copy of which shall be on file with the Designated Official(s).
The Designated Official(s) referred to in Section III hereof shall submit to the governing body of
the Township of Cranford a monthly written report of any Deposits or Permitted Investments
made pursuant to this Plan, which shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
A. The name of any institution holding funds of the Township of Cranford as a Deposit or a
Permitted Investment.
B. The amount of securities or Deposits purchased or sold during the immediately preceding
C. The class or type of securities purchased or Deposits made.
D. The book value of such Deposits or Permitted Investments.
E. The earned income on such Deposits or Permitted Investments. To the extent that such
amounts are actually earned at maturity, this report shall provide an accrual of such earnings
during the immediately preceding month.
F. The fees incurred to undertake such Deposits or Permitted Investments.
G. The market value of all Deposits or Permitted Investments as of the end of the immediately
preceding month.
H. All other information which may be deemed reasonable from time to time by the governing
body of the Township of Cranford.
Attached to this Plan is a resolution of the governing body of the Township of Cranford
approving this Plan for such period of time. The Plan may be amended from time to time. To the
extent that any amendment is adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
the Designated Official is directed to supply copies of the amendments to all of the parties who
otherwise have received the copy of the originally approved Plan, which amendment shall be
acknowledged in writing in the same manner as the original Plan was so acknowledged.
Resolution No. 2010-27:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that bonds for the indicated officers shall be fixed at the following amounts:
Collector of Taxes
Tax Search Officer
Township Clerk
Court Administrator
Deputy Court Administrator
Township Administrator/Chief Financial Officer
Treasurer/Director of Finance/Swim Pool Utility Collector
Treasurer (Public Library)
Resolution No. 2010-28:
WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54-67 taxes are due and payable on the first day of February, May,
August, and November of each year, and become delinquent if not paid on or before said days;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a grace period of ten (10) days is hereby established;
within which any installment of taxes or assessments may be received after the due date therefore
without an additional charge of interest. The interest on delinquent installment of Taxes or Assessments
shall be charged at the rate of 8% per annum on the first $1,500 and 18% per annum on any amount in
excess of $1,500 to be calculated from the date that Tax was payable until the date of actual payment.
Calculations are to be made in accordance with Chapter 75 of the Laws of 1991; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a penalty of 6% will be imposed to any taxpayer with a
delinquency in excess of $10,000 who fails to pay that delinquency prior to the end of the calendar
year…a delinquency consists of any Tax, Assessment or Interest amount due.
January 1, 2010
Resolution No. 2010-29:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the Cranford Chronicle, The Union County Local Source, and The Star Ledger be
and hereby are designated as the three newspapers to which notices and other matters are to be provided
under the Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A.10:4-6 to 10:21) of the State of New Jersey, otherwise
known as “The Sunshine Law”.
Resolution No. 2010-30:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the following is the schedule of Township Committee Meetings for the Year
2010, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that formal action may be taken at Workshop or Official Meetings,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Conference Meetings and Workshop Meetings will be held in
Room 108, and Official Meetings will be held in Room 107, Council Chambers; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Workshop Meetings will be held at 7:30 PM, Conference
Meetings at 7:30 PM, and Official Meetings at 8:00 PM.
Combined Workshop
Conference Meeting
Official Meeting
Workshop Meeting
Official Meeting
October 12
January 11
January 25
February 8
February 22
March 8
March 22
April 12
April 26
May 10
May 24
June 14
June 28
July 19
August 16
September 13
September 27
October 25
November 8
November 29
December 13
January 12
January 26
February 9
February 23
March 9
March 23
April 13
April 27
May 11
May 25
June 15
June 29
July 20
August 17
September 14
September 28
October 26
November 9
November 30
December 14
Resolution No. 2010-31:
WHEREAS, applications have been made to the Cranford Police Department by L&J Body and Fender
Works and Sevell’s Auto Body as to inclusion on the official towing operators list for the Township of
Cranford for the year 2010; and
WHEREAS, the Cranford Chief of Police has conducted a review and has recommended approval of
said applications.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford
on this 1st day of January 2010, that L&J Body and Fender Works, 720 Boulevard, Kenilworth, New
Jersey and Sevell’s Auto Body, 320 Windsor Avenue, Westfield, New Jersey be, and hereby are,
designated as the official towing operators for the Township of Cranford for the year 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-32:
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified to the availability of funds which is on file in the
office of the Township Clerk; and
WHEREAS, on September 10, 2009 bids were received for the provision of police and administrative
vehicles for the Township of Cranford Police Department; and
WHEREAS, Warnock Fleet and Leasing, 175 Route 10, East Hanover, New Jersey 07936-0524 is
the lowest responsible bidder for this contract at a low bid price of $109,080.50 ($54,752.75 year 1 and
$54,327.75 year 2) for the purchase/lease of five (5) vehicles.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
on this 1st day of January 2010, that Warnock Fleet and Leasing, 175 Route 10, East Hanover, New
Jersey 07936-0524, as more particularly set forth in the Successful Bidder’s Bid proposal dated
September 10, 2009, which bid proposal is on file in the Office of the Township Clerk; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Township Clerk be and are hereby authorized and
January 1, 2010
directed to enter into a Master Contract agreement with the Successful Bidder in the form approved by
the Township Attorney.
Resolution No. 2010-33:
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified to the availability of funds which is on file in the
office of the Township Clerk; and
WHEREAS, on September 10, 2009 bids were received for the provision of police and administrative
4x4 vehicles for the Township of Cranford Police Department; and
WHEREAS, Hertrich Fleet Service, Inc., 695 North Dupont Boulevard, Milford, Delaware 19963 is
the lowest responsible bidder for this contract at a low bid price of $27,157.34 ($13,791.17 year 1 and
$13,366.17 year 2).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
on this 1st day of January 2010, that Hertrich Fleet Service, Inc., 695 North Dupont Boulevard, Milford,
Delaware 19963 , as more particularly set forth in the Successful Bidder’s Bid proposal dated September
10, 2009, which bid proposal is on file in the Office of the Township Clerk; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Township Clerk be and are hereby authorized and
directed to enter into a Master Contract agreement with the Successful Bidder in the form approved by
the Township Attorney.
Resolution No. 2010-34:
WHEREAS, the Township of Cranford is in need of implementing a formal policy regarding travel and
expenses reimbursement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
on this 1st day of January 2010 that the following constitute the official travel and expenses
reimbursement policy of the Township of Cranford:
All travel and expenses must be incurred in conjunction with an activity that falls in the
area of the employee’s job profession and responsibility;
All costs to be incurred must have the pre-approval of employee’s department manager;
All incurred expenses must be encumbered and paid in the manner set forth in the
Township’s Payment of Claims ordinance;
Travel advances are permitted upon approval of the department manager. Within one
week of employee’s return, however a complete accounting and documentation of
incurred expenses must be submitted to the Department of Finance along with any
advance remaining. Failure to do so will result in employee being charged for all
unsubstantiated expenses;
All of the above expenses, when incurred by department managers, must have the
approval of the Township Administrator;
The Township will reimburse employees using their personal vehicle at the rate allowed
by the Internal Revenue Service;
All mileage reimbursement must be for travel outside the Township;
As an alternative to being reimbursed at the rate allowed by the IRS, an employee may
receive a lump sum amount per year for using their personal vehicle.
Resolution No. 2010-35:
N.J.S.A. 40A: 11-5 (2)
WHEREAS, the annual amount of expenditures for printing services is in excess of the bid threshold and
public advertising for bids for a contract for such services is an exception to the Local Public Contracts
Law if “It is to be made or entered into with the United States of America, county or municipality of any
board, body, officer, agency or authority therefore and any other state or subdivision thereof.” pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5 (2); and
WHEREAS, the County of Union, Office of Intergovernmental Relations, is authorized to coordinate
and facilitate the use of its print shop by municipalities in the County of Union which may be interested;
WHEREAS, Township departments and offices desire to utilize the County of Union’s print shop for
various multi-part forms; licenses; program brochures, fliers, and event programs; handbooks; signs and
cards; business cards; stationary; envelopes, etc.; and
WHEREAS, the 2010 budget will provide departmental appropriations for printing; and printing costs
the Township incurs will be charged accordingly.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford
hereby approves the use of the Union County Print Shop by various Township departments and offices
for 2010.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a
certified copy of this resolution to the Union County Manager and the Union County Coordinator of
Community Relations.
January 1, 2010
Resolution No. 2010-36:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Richard A. Marsden, Township Engineer, be, and hereby is, designated as Land
Subdivision Searcher for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-37:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Richard A. Marsden, Township Engineer, be, and hereby is, designated as
Municipal Improvement Searcher for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-38:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Richard A. Marsden, Township Engineer, be and hereby is designated as Floodplain
Manager for the Township of Cranford for the year 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-39:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Richard A. Marsden, Township Engineer, be, and hereby is, designated as the
Township Potable/Navigable Water Reporting Agent for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-40:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Maureen Ray, Deputy Tax Collector, be, and hereby is, designated as Municipal
Lien Searcher for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-41:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Richard Belluscio, Construction Code Official, be, and hereby is, designated as
Development Coordinator to the Development Review Committee for a one (1) year term ending
December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-42:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford that Mayor Mark C.
Smith be and hereby is designated as Commissioner/Liaison for Senior Citizen Issues.
Resolution No. 2010-43:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford that Deputy Mayor
Martha Garcia be and hereby is designated as Commissioner/Liaison to the Chamber of Commerce.
Resolution No. 2010-44:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Airplane Noise Pollution
Committee for the year 2010 – Kevin Campbell (Chairperson), Wayne D. Greenstone, William Ilaria,
Barbara S. Krause, Jeff Pistol, Michael Rockliff and Commissioner/Liaison Daniel J. Aschenbach
Resolution No. 2010-45:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following people be, and hereby are, appointed to the Bicycle Safety Board for
the year 2010 - Police Chief Eric G. Mason, Lt. Joseph Van Bergen, Detective Steven Toy (Chairman),
Jacqueline Capro, Rosemary Cartwright, Michael Caulfield, Rick Gerrity, Susan C. Wilson, and
Commissioner/Liaison David W. Robinson
Resolution No. 2010-46:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford that the following be
appointed to the Board of Education/Township Committee (BOE/TC) Alliance for the year 2010:
Mayor Mark C. Smith
Township Commissioner David Robinson
Township Administrator Marlena A. Schmid
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Gayle Carrick
Board of Education Representative JoAnn Boyle
Board of Education Representative Robin Woglom
Community Representative Renee Wichelns
Community Representative Jack Ryan
Resolution No. 2010-47:
January 1, 2010
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following be, and hereby are, appointed to the Building, Grounds & Real
Property Committee for the year 2010 – Mayor Mark C. Smith (Chairman); Deputy Mayor Martha
Garcia; Township Administrator Marlena A. Schmid; Township Attorney Carl R. Woodward, III, Tax
Assessor Peter J. Barnett; and Township Engineer Richard A. Marsden
Resolution No. 2010-48:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Cable TV Advisory
Committee for the year 2010 – Ronald D. Brown, James Carey, Edward Davenport, John P. Duffy,
Eugene Kobliska, Eileen Leahey, Stephen Robertazzi, Donald C. Smith, Ann Steinbach, George
Steinbach, Donna Vaupel, Bernhard Wagenblast, Commissioner Mark P. Dugan and Deputy
Mayor/Chairperson Martha Garcia
Resolution No. 2010-49:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the re-appointments of the Call Department Members of the Cranford Fire
Department for the year 2010 are as follows:
Lt. Ronald Marotta
Lt. Kurt H. Petschow
Paul Boesgaard
Michael Davitt
Daniel Genovese
Thomas H. Hannen, Jr.
Robert Hurewitz
Jason Kardel
Brian Koshney
Kevin Magliaro
Paul Milonas
Doug Petschow
Thomas Polito
Frank Rivera
Paul Schroeder
Matthew Steitz
David Wagner
Resolution No. 2010-50:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Centennial Village
Committee for 2010: Marc Caccavale, Andrea Carbine, James Carbine, Julie Didzbalis (Chairperson),
Susan DiFrancesco, Patrick Forker, Kelly Grady-Sheets, Charles Higgins, Kevin Illing, Eric Kiamie,
Bohdan Lukaschewsky, Mark Mayer, Jackie McDermott, David Monte, James Mustillo (Co-chairman),
Kendall O’Brien, Kevin Papa, Kurt Petschow, Michael Rediger, Glen Schetelich, Chiara Siliato, Barbara
Sorrentino, Donald Sweeny, Kimberly Thornton, Commissioner/Liaison Mark P. Dugan and
Commissioner/Liaison Martha Garcia
Resolution No. 2010-51:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Citizen Budget and
Planning Advisory Committee for the year 2010 – Marilyn Gettinger, Jerry Grady, John Hrebin, William
King, Chester Klimek, Stephen Loguidice, Ronald M. Marotta, Ronald McGann, Martin McGowan, Leo
McMahon, Stephen Milgrom, Thomas Noesner, Peter Orlandi, Sherri Schimmenti, Benjamin Schmutter,
George Steinbach, Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia and Commissioner Mark P. Dugan
Resolution No. 2010-52:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Clean Communities
Committee for the year 2010 – Marc Brown, Myron Borden, Nelson Dittmar Jr., Joseph Musillo, Martin
Schwartz, and Commissioner/Chairperson David W. Robinson
Resolution No. 2010-53:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Conservation and
Renewable Energy Task Force for 2010: Sandra Caceres-Cardenas, P.E, Assistant Engineer/Chairman;
January 1, 2010
Steve Andelfinger; Sergio Capozzi; Nelson Dittmar, Environmental Commission Liaison; Kelli Glasgow;
Joseph Musillo; Matt Polsky and Commissioner Mark C. Smith as Liaison
Resolution No. 2010-54:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Cranford Business Park
Improvement Committee for the year 2010 – Richard Buontempo; Jerry Grady; J. Robert Hoeffler;
Edward Schmidt; Chrissa Stulpin; Gary Surmay; Peter Barnett, Tax Assessor; Marlena A. Schmid,
Township Administrator; and Commissioner Daniel J. Aschenbach.
Resolution No. 2010-55:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held January
1, 2010 that the resignation of Debra Weiss as a member of the Cranford Housing Board, Inc. be and
hereby is accepted, with regrets, effective December 31, 2009.
Resolution No. 2010-56:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Diana Garcia be, and hereby is, appointed to the Cranford Housing Board, Inc. to fill
an unexpired term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-57:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Mayer Mark be, and hereby is, appointed to the Cranford Housing Board, Inc. for a
three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012.
Resolution No. 2010-58:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Cranford West
Committee for the year 2010 –Michael Baton, James Bausch, James Ciuba, Thomas Dreschler, Leigh
Esposito, (Co-chairperson), Jackie French, William Garrison, Craig Miklencic, Linda Miklencic,
Kathleen Monte (Co-chairperson), Philip J. Morin III, Patrick O’Leary, Robert I. Puhak, Lauren
Raymond, Frank Rinaldi, Ellen Ushay and Commissioner/Liaison Mark P. Dugan
Resolution No. 2010-59:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Martha Garcia be, and hereby is, appointed as Commissioner/Liaison (1) to
Downtown District Management Corporation for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-60:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Michael A. Plick be, and hereby is, appointed to the Downtown District
Management Corporation as a Resident (2) member for a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012.
Resolution No. 2010-61:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Paul LaCorte be, and hereby is, appointed to the Downtown District Management
Corporation as an Owner (3) member for a three (3) year term ending December 31, 2012.
Resolution No. 2010-62:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Barry O’Donovan be, and hereby is, appointed to the Downtown District
Management Corporation as a Proprietor (4) member for a three (3) year term ending December 31,
Resolution No. 2010-63:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Frank DiTullio be, and hereby is, appointed to the Downtown District Management
Corporation as a Proprietor (4) member to fill an unexpired term ending December 31, 2012.
Resolution No. 2010-64:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Michael A. Plick be, and hereby is, appointed as Chairman of the Downtown
District Management for the year 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-65:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Police Chief Eric G. Mason be, and hereby is, appointed as Emergency Management
January 1, 2010
Coordinator for a three (3) year period ending December 31, 2012.
Resolution No. 2010-66:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford that the following
persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Emergency Medical Liaison Committee for the year 2010:
Public Safety Commissioner David W. Robinson, Chairman; Police Chief Eric G. Mason; Fire Chief
Leonard R. Dolan III; Police Captain John C. Baer, Police Captain Jerome Andrews; First Aid Squad
Captain, Justin Toro; First Aid Squad First Lieutenant Daniel Whitney; Township Administrator,
Marlena A. Schmid; Cranford EMS Supervisor, Mikael Diaz; and First Aid Squad President, Barbara
Resolution No. 2010-67:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Flood Control Advisory
Committee for the year 2010 –Mayor/Chairman, Mark C. Smith; Township Engineer, Richard A.
Marsden; Engineering Consultant, Gregory Sgroi, Cynthia Ballis, Jo Ann Boyle, Robert Colonna, John
DeCotiis, Thomas Hannen, Ellen Hunt, Ronald Margulis, Nicholas Melchiorre, Emil Metz, Elaine
Meyer, Joseph Musillo, Maria Paradiso, Michael Pender, Judy Pender, Robert I. Puhak, Jonathan Schrier,
Jeremy Tomlinson, Ed Trush, Joan Varanelli, Dr. Saul Zucker, and Commissioner/Liaison David W.
Resolution No. 2010-68:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Fourth of July Committee
for the year 2010 – Thomas Berry, Jr., Peter Coates, Mark Mayer, and Deputy Mayor/Liaison Martha
Resolution No. 2010-69:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Grievance Committee for
the year 2010 – Ann E. Darby, George J. Jorn, W. Scott Mease; Alternate Members Barbara Bilger,
Henry Dreyer, Douglas Nordstrom, Michael A. Plick, Robert Puhak; Dick Salway, Wally Shackell,
Carolyn Vollero
Resolution No. 2010-70:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held January
1, 2010 that Larry Fuhro be, and hereby is, appointed as the Township of Cranford Historian, for a one (1)
year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-71:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held January
1, 2010 that Ronald McGann be, and hereby is, appointed to the Hyatt Hills Golf Course Commission, for a
five (5) year term ending December 31, 2014.
Resolution No. 2010-72:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford that the following
persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Insurance Review Committee for the year 2010:
Doug Belden, Joseph Buono, Denis Dankosky, Lynda Feder, Bruce Linger, Robert Piassek, Michael
Plick, Ronald Starner, and Commissioner Mark Dugan as Liaison
Resolution No. 2010-73:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Richard Brightman be, and hereby is, appointed to the Landlord/Tenant Advisory
Committee for the year 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-74:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Local Highway Traffic
Coordinating Committee for the year 2010 – Public Safety Commissioner David W. Robinson,
Chairman; Police Chief Eric G. Mason; Police Lieutenant Joseph Van Bergen; Township Engineer
Richard A. Marsden; Fire Chief Leonard R. Dolan; Township Administrator Marlena A. Schmid;
Downtown Director Kathleen Miller Prunty; Superintendent of Public Works Wayne Rozman; Board of
Education Representative Thomas Stokes; Citizen Representatives Michael Caulfield, Michael
Harrington, Michael Mason, and Joseph Nigro
Resolution No. 2010-75:
January 1, 2010
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held January 1,
2010 that the following be, and hereby are, appointed to the Memorial Day Committee for the year 2010 –
Carol A. Brinkerhoff, Mark Dinglestedt, John Flanagan, Elizabeth Marotta, John Simonini, Stephen
Robertazzi, Chairman, and Commissioner/Liaison Martha Garcia
Resolution No. 2010-76:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia and Richard A. Marsden, Township Engineer, be, and
hereby are, appointed as members of the Morses Creek Flood Commission for a one (1) year term ending
December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-77:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held January
1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Municipal Alliance for the year
2010 – Rosemary Cartwright, Recreation and Parks Director Stephen Robertazzi, Sgt. Christopher Polito,
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Gayle Carrick, Brian Gilroy, Warren J. Hehl, Christine Jablonski, Beth Ann
Lambe, Linda S. Leifer, Candice Lockhard, Robert Segear, Theresa Sowa, Ann Steinbach, Linda Van
Fossen, Police Chief Eric G. Mason, and Commissioner/Liaison/Acting Program Coordinator Daniel J.
Resolution No. 2010-78:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Daniel J. Aschenbach be, and hereby is, appointed as Acting Coordinator of the
2010 Municipal Alliance Program for a term ending
February 28, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-79:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Parking Committee for
the year 2010 – Michael Venditti, Chairman; Michael A. Plick, DMC Representative; Eric Mason, Chief
of Police; Lieutenant Joseph Van Bergen, Police Department Traffic Division; Kathleen Miller Prunty,
DMC Director; Marlena A. Schmid, Township Administrator; David W. Robinson,
Resolution No. 2010-80:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
at a meeting held January 1, 2010 that Mayor Mark C. Smith be, and hereby is, appointed as to the
Planning Board, as a Class I member for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-81:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
at a meeting held January 1, 2010 that Mark P. Dugan be, and hereby is, appointed as official Township
Representative to the Planning Board, Class III for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-82:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Richard A. Marsden, Township Engineer, be, and hereby is, appointed as
Representative to the Rahway River Intergovernmental Cooperative Commission for the year 2010; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Gregory Sgroi be, and hereby is, appointed as Alternate Citizen
Representative to said Commission for the year 2010; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia be, and hereby is, appointed as
Township Committee Liaison to said Commission for the year 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-83:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford,
at a meeting held January 1, 2010 that Martha Garcia be, and hereby is, appointed as Deputy
Mayor/Liaison to the Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority for a one (1) year term ending December 31,
Resolution No. 2010-84:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that William R. Wright be, and hereby is, appointed as Liaison; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Hugh Welsh be, and hereby is, appointed as Alternate Liaison to
the Raritan Valley Rail Coalition for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-85:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Records Management
Committee for the year 2010 – Peter Barnett, Beverly Bobertz, Jennifer Brenckman, Heather Capone
(Chairperson), Emmanuel Chiobi, Karen Durana, Elizabeth Gladwell, Jack Hicks, Anne Jarosz, Monika
Koscova, Sergeant Craig Marino, Carol Michaels, Tracey Paradiso, Maureen Ray, Tara Rowley, Wayne
Rozman, and Catherine Washbourne
Resolution No. 2010-86:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Recreation and Parks
Advisory Board for the year 2010 – Stephen Robertazzi, Chairman, Donald Barone (Senior Citizen
Representative), Leigh Esposito, (Cranford West Committee Liaison), Catherine Morgese (Board of
Education Representative), Susan Cave, Frank Diano, Marita Dow, Maria Harris, Katherine Hubbuch,
Kevin Illing, Deborah Leber, Elizabeth Marotta, Joseph Nigro, David Paradiso, Carolyn Capone
Pugliese, Heinz Ricken, Laura Schoppman, Wally Shackell, Charles Walter, Richard Wischusen and
Deputy Mayor/Liaison Martha Garcia.
Resolution No. 2010-87:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the River Maintenance
Committee for the year 2010– Carol Berns, Robert Berns, Leo D. Blanes, Marlene Bostel, Patricia Brink,
Kevin Campbell, Christopher Cavaliere, David Donohue, Caroline Duffy, Lynda Feder, Rob Gmelin, B.J.
Kowalski, Edward Leicht, Ronald Margulis, James Matten, Matthew P. McDermott, Kevin Papa, Maria
Paradiso, Robert I. Puhak, Lori Puhak, Brian Rodgers, Katie Rodgers, Richard J. Salls, Christine
Sbaratta, Tony Sbaratta, Deborah Schnapf, Wally K. Shackell, Jr. (Chairperson), Robert Scheurer,
Martha Sturm, Donald Sweeney, Mayor Mark C. Smith, and Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia
Resolution No. 2010-88:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Arnold Enrich and Edward Ruane be, and hereby are, appointed to the Senior
Citizen & Disabled Tenancy Act Appeals Board for the year 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-89:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford at a meeting held January 1,
2010 that the following be, and hereby are, appointed to the Swim Pool Utility Advisory Board for the year
2010 – Jack Hicks, Aquatics & Fitness Center Operations Manager; Robert McAuliffe, Susan Cave, Gators
Representative; Karl Heinze, Eileen Leahey, Matthew Masut, W. Scott Mease, Teresa Montani, James
Murphy, Joseph Starkey, Richard Wischusen, and Commissioner/Liaison Daniel J. Aschenbach.
Resolution No. 2010-90:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following persons be, and hereby are, appointed to the Teen Center Advisory
Board for the year 2010 – Robert Anstatt, Sarah Armstrong, Michael Caulfield, Katie Comer, Kevin
Dingelstedt, Mark Dingelstedt (Co-Chairperson), Owen Dingelstedt, Brian Garretson, John Garretson,
Glenn Heller, Ben Ilaria, Shelia Lamar, Richard Leahey (Co-Chairperson), Danielle McAuliffe, Nicole
Maturo, Luke Mauro, Greg Miller, Kelly Miller, Julianne O’Hara, Mickey O’Neil, Rose Papandrea,
Wallace K. Shackell, Catherine Sheridan, Kim Siehl, Stephen Robertazzi, Recreation and Parks Director,
and Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia as Liaison
Resolution No. 2010-91:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Stephen Robertazzi and Richard A. Marsden be, and hereby are, appointed as
delegates to Union County Community Development Revenue Sharing Block Grant Committee for a one
(1) year term ending December 31, 2010; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, Mayor Mark C. Smith be, and hereby is, appointed as Alternate
#1 and Commissioner Mark Dugan be and hereby is appointed as Alternate #2 to said committee, each
for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-92:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that the following be and hereby are appointed to Union County District Solid Waste
Advisory Board – Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia as Alternate Representative, Commissioner Mark
Dugan as Representative, Richard A. Marsden, Township Engineer, and Warren Hehl, Health Official,
for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-93:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held January
1, 2010 that the following be designated as representatives to the Union County League of Municipalities
January 1, 2010
for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010:
Mayor Mark C. Smith – Representative
Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia– Alternate Representative
Robert I. Puhak – Citizen Representative
Resolution No. 2010-94:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Hugh Welsh be, and hereby is, appointed to the Union County Transportation
Advisory Board for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Robert Keady as an Alternate Member to the Union County
Transportation Advisory Board for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2010.
Resolution No. 2010-95:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Mary Ann Hay be, and hereby is, appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a
four (4) year term ending December 31, 2013.
Resolution No. 2010-96:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Charles Higgins be, and hereby is, appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for
a four (4) year term ending December 31, 2013.
Resolution No. 2010-97:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, at a meeting held
January 1, 2010 that Jeffery Pistol be, and hereby is, appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment as an
Alternate #2 member to for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2011.
Recorded vote:
Aye: Mayor Smith, Deputy Mayor Garcia, Commissioners Dugan, Robinson and Aschenbach
Nay: None
Abstained: None
Absent: None
Township Clerk Tara Rowley
 Thanked the Township Committee for her reappointment as Township Clerk. Stated that she is
grateful for the support of the Township Committee and will continue to provide the best service
possible to the Township Committee and Cranford residents;
 Congratulated Commissioner David Robinson on his reelection to the Township Committee, and
also congratulate newly elected Mayor Smith and Deputy Mayor Garcia;
 Congratulated Township Attorney Woodward on his reappointment as Township attorney.
Stated that she is looking forward to working with everyone in 2010;
 Thanked Rosalie Hellenbrecht for attending the meeting to administer her Oath of Office;
 Thanked her family for their support and for attending the meeting;
 Thanked Deputy Township Clerk Heather Capone and the entire staff in the Township Clerk’s
office for their constant assistance and support;
 Wished everyone a Happy New Year.
Township Administrator Marlena A. Schmid
 Congratulated Township Clerk Rowley on her reappointment and thanked her for a job well
done. Stated that she looks forward to working with Ms. Rowley in future years to come;
 Congratulated Township Engineer Marsden on his reappointment and thanked him and his staff
for the tremendous job they do. Also thanked Mayor Smith for his efforts as Commissioner of
Public Works Mark Smith for the past two years. Feels 2009 was an extremely positive and
successful year with respect to the closure and outcome of various projects and looks forward to
continued progress;
 Congratulated Commissioner David Robinson on his reelection to the Township Committee, and
congratulated newly elected Mayor Smith and Deputy Mayor Garcia;
 Wished everyone a Happy New Year.
Township Attorney Woodward
 Thanked the Township Committee for reappointing him as Township Attorney and is hopeful
that he will continue to serve Cranford for future years to come;
 Congratulated Commissioner David W. Robinson on his reelection to the Township Committee.
January 1, 2010
Also congratulated Mayor Smith and Deputy Mayor Garcia on their new positions, and stated
that he is looking forward to working with everyone;
Congratulated Township Clerk Rowley on her reappointment. Stated that he is honored to work
for a municipality that is so well organized and well run;
Wished everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Commissioner Daniel J. Aschenbach
Happy New Year to everyone.
At the start of this new year, I believe citizens must be positive about the future.
Being positive includes being positive about how we view our local government. Some suggest we
should lower our standards and cut service levels for economy reasons. I think we need to work harder to
find more effective ways to balance our budget to continue to keep our community safe, well maintained
and affordable. As I have for the many years that I have served, I intend to focus on this objective.
To the Township Committee I pledge my full energy to find the solutions and to make a positive
difference in making Cranford a better place.
I will nonetheless express opinions at times not as an opponent but to constructively represent an
alternative opinion if the facts warrant. I think most know that.
I do want to mention several key objectives for Cranford for 2010:
(1) The Township Committee should strive for a zero tax increase. We also need to maintain the highest
quality level of services. I ran for election to help end the double-digit tax increases. This Township
Committee in 2009 was successful at bringing the increase in at under 5%. We need to continue to
moderate local property taxes.
(2) We need to end the potential overdevelopment plans of certain developers who are pushing their
cause in the name of affordable housing. Some want to settle with COAH and these developers. My
opinion which is the same opinion of 15 or so past Cranford mayors is that Cranford will define its
affordable housing needs and will not settle for unwanted density or state decisions which are adverse to
our obligation to provide affordable housing. We need more senior citizen housing so parents can remain
in town and also affordable units for handicapped residents.
(3) I believe we need to get to a new page with regards to downtown redevelopment efforts. We should
restart the North Avenue redevelopment zone initiative. Just think about it. We have several thousand
square feet of space empty right in the heart of the downtown. One of those buildings had their roof
almost cave in due to disrepair. We need a planning effort to coordinate what needs to be done to
redevelop this area of the downtown.
(4) Over the past three years the failed Township Committee relationship with the county and state has
produced very little in terms of infrastructure financial assistance. As a relatively affluent community
our residents pay a significant amount in taxes and we should work to get funding for needed projects
that benefit our citizens. I pledge to work with the Township Committee in a bipartisan approach to
make a difference. It is hard work. We need an agenda: flood control funds; Hanson Park funds; funding
for phase two of the Centennial Avenue improvement plan. New benches at Sperry Park.
(5)We need to continue to support our teens. More efforts are needed to continue to tell our younger
people we care. We need to reach out farther to make Cranford an even healthier community in relation
to teen development.
(6) I believe we need to improve our communication with our citizens about the local government and
community. As Commissioner of Public Affairs I intend to moderate a TV 35 show called Know Your
Local Government. This will be a series of programs to highlight how the local government works.
I also would like to see an upgrade in the township's website to make it more interactive. I have a
Gov.net proposal I will be asking the Township Committee to consider.
(7) I have mentioned proposed a specific task force to find ways to improve the appearance of North and
South Avenue. Fifteen different recommendations have been developed and through code enforcement,
private action and hopefully the Township Committee's consideration change can happen.
These are a few of the objectives I would like to see the township tackle. I again plan to look at 2010 in a
positive way to try to make a difference. Best wishes for a great year.
January 1, 2010
Commissioner Mark P. Dugan
I want to reiterate to all in our community, the congratulations and gratitude that have been accorded to
those that serve the Township today.
In addition, I also want to wish all in our community a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. Enjoy the
Thank you.
Commissioner David W. Robinson
Welcome everyone. Thanks to everyone who is here today. Thanks to Senator Kean, Assemblyman
Bramnick, Assemblywoman Munoz, everybody else who has been here, fellow commissioners, family
and friends. Thanks to Ed Davenport and the TV35 crew for all they do. Thanks to Father McGovern
for the invocation and Mary Starkey for singing the National Anthem. Also thanks to the Police and Fire
Honor Guard for what they do. Congratulations to Tara for her appointment. We came in together a few
years ago and we are going to keep the team together. Well deserved reappointment, thanks for that.
2009 was a very challenging year for many reasons. We had a lot to get done. You heard about some of
the engineering projects that had not been done. We focused on those. We continued to move those
projects forward. So thanks to the Township Engineer and now Mayor Smith for moving that forward
and the Township Committee for all its support. Other projects that we had to get done included the
Master Plan that had languished for some time. The Planning Board took the bull by the horns, made it a
focus and a concerted effort to get that done so this fall the Master Plan was unanimously adopted. Some
other things we got done in the past year, some very creative things such as a private/public partnership
to install artificial turf at no additional cost to taxpayers. We are going to look to do more of those
From a budgetary prospective, in 2009 we continued to grapple with so many things that were beyond
our control just as we did in 2008 and 2007. Those items included mandated and nondiscretionary
spending increases for pension, debt service, sewerage charges, library funding, union contracts and
alike. What we did with those budgets, is the same thing we will do with this year’s budget. We tried to
limit the increase to the extent possible. So in all of those prior year budgets, the amount of the increase
was less than the mandated spending increase. So in other words we cut and we tinkered with that small
sliver of the municipal budget that is discretionary and over all the tax increase that all of us up here had
trouble stomaching was actually less than what those forces outside of our control required. In 2009 the
projected 12% or more than 12% tax increase came in under 5% and we did that without playing the
game of pension deferral or some other gimmick. We just focused on the spending, what we had in our
control and did what had to get done. For 2010, again it is going to be another difficult budget year. We
will do what we can to limit the impact of property taxes and the impact of those forces beyond our
control and we will do everything that we can to limit the amount of municipal spending. I have often
said that crafting the budget and casting votes does not necessarily reflect what we would like to do; it is
a reflection of what we can afford to do. I would love to do every project that is being proposed. I would
love to build great things but now is not the time. No one should take it personally because my vote is
not based on whether I like a particular item, I like an awful lot of things. It is really a matter of whether
or not we can afford it.
Also in 2010 I would like to advance some of the things that we attempted in 2009 but ran out of time.
We began the process of trying to move the Mosquito Control property forward. It is an environmentally
contaminated parcel property that the Township owns. We did engage in outside engineering firm to
begin the grant process to hopefully do the Phase I / Phase II remediation that is needed. Ultimately to
clean that up and have it be either a productive parcel of property here in town or sell it to supplement
some of the other budgetary items that we would like to get done. I would like to pursue other
private/public partnerships just like the CAT fund and the artificial turf effort that was so successful this
past year with everybody in the community rallying around that. And as far as affordable housing is
concerned, we will continue to zealously defend the town against two builders remedy lawsuits. We will
move forward hopefully with a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a parcel in town for affordable housing.
We began inviting in a number of nonprofit organizations this year and we heard what their plans could
be should the town make a parcel of property available. I would like to move forward with that.
Cranford does take its affordable housing obligations very seriously. This could be an opportunity if we
make a parcel of land available, where we hear from some of these nonprofit organizations to provide
housing for perhaps the disabled community or other interest groups in town that have been designated
for affordable housing. I am also very hopeful that with the change in Trenton and the new Governor
that we will have, we will have an administration that is more responsive to Main Street concerns here
for New Jersey and is more sensitive to so many other unfunded mandates. Municipalities in New Jersey
can no longer afford to just have Trenton dictate what needs to be done, hand us the bill and our hands
are tied. So I am hopeful that we will see a change there as well.
I will conclude with my sincere thanks to the voting public and my campaign team including Campaign
January 1, 2010
Manager Mary O’Connor for an election night victory. I think that was a clear indication that generally
speaking the town liked where things were going and wanted to stay the course for another three years.
So I am humbled by that vote of confidence. I will do everything that I can for the next three years to
continue to deliver. With the leadership of Mayor Mark Smith and Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia,
productive contributions from Commissioners Aschenbach and Dugan I look forward to tackling 2010 to
make the great town of Cranford even better.
Thanks to Township Attorney Woodward, Township Administrator Schmid, Township Clerk Rowley,
Township Engineer Marsden and all the professional staff. We have an awful lot to do in 2010. I look
forward to continuing to work with all of you.
I thank my dear mother and father for everything they are to me and to my family and everything they
have done. Special thanks to my wife Amy and my kids Kate, Will, Christian and Luke for their love and
support and patience and again I hope that continues.
God bless and Happy New Year to everyone.
Deputy Mayor Martha Garcia
Happy New Year!
It’s great to see Council Chambers filled with familiar friendly faces. I would like to thank all of you
here today for spending your first afternoon of 2010 with us.
To our State and Federal Representatives, thank you for all of your help this past year and for the
assistance you will offer us this coming year. I would especially like to thank Senator Tom Kean,
Congressman Leonard Lance, Assemblymen Jon Bramnick and Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz for all
they do to help Cranford.
For all of the efforts our Professional Staff puts forth on a daily basis in the Municipal Building, thank
To the men and women who work in the Department of Public Works, thank you for all you do for our
Township every day.
Our Police Department and Fire Department work hard and tirelessly each day to insure our Township of
Cranford is a safe place to live and work…..thank you. I enjoyed being your Liaison, Commissioner of
Public Safety last year and working with Chief Eric Mason and Chief Leonard Dolan.
To the volunteers who give their time for the community, thank you. Your efforts do make a difference.
As you have heard, we have many committees and boards in our Township. We also have many
worthwhile organizations in our town. These volunteers make Cranford a better community to live in.
To see an example of what volunteer groups can do along with donations from the community, just look
at Post Office Plaza, the Town Flagpole and Centennial Village. People cared enough about these areas
of our town to step up and make a difference. Thank you to all of you who volunteer your time.
Thank you to former Mayor Dave Robinson for a productive 2009. It was a difficult year in some
respects, but Mayor Robinson with his leadership and cool temperament got us through those difficult
Good luck to Mayor Smith. I am proud to be his Deputy Mayor and believe we have a good team with
Commissioner Robinson, Commissioner Dugan and Commissioner Aschenbach. We will continue our
progress in improving the Township of Cranford for our residents.
I look forward to my new liaison position as the Commissioner of Public Works and Engineering. I will
count on the experience and expertise of our Township Engineer Rick Marsden and look forward to
working with him on our list of engineering projects.
Most importantly, I would not be able to serve our community as your Deputy Mayor if I did not have the
support of my husband Keith and my sons Shamus and Jack. Without their support and understanding I
would not be able to put the hours in that are necessary to be the best that I can be at this job and give the
community the 100% effort that they deserve.
I wish all of you a Happy, Healthy 2010. Thank you.
Mayor Mark C. Smith
The thoughtful comments and the commitment to continue serving the people of Cranford are greatly
appreciated. Thank you to the professional staff for the support that you provide the Committee, and
thank you Commissioner Aschenbach, Commissioner Dugan, Deputy Mayor Garcia, and Commissioner
Robinson. I am honored to serve with you.
January 1, 2010
I am honored to be sworn into today as Mayor of Cranford. Thanks to Fr. McGovern, Senator Kean and
to Assemblyman Bramnick and Assemblywoman Munoz for their participation in Cranford’s reorganization meeting. It is a busy season, and time seems even more precious than usual as families
gather and the holidays are celebrated. I know that we all appreciate the efforts made to spend part of
New Year’s Day 2010 here.
The past year has been eventful for our nation, our state and our town and 2010 will undoubtedly be the
same. I gratefully acknowledge the assistance that Cranford has received from our federal
representatives, Sen. Lautenberg, Sen. Menendez and Congressman Lance. Several federal grants have
been received and one in particular will allow continued progress on the NE Quadrant Flood project. We
are also mindful and grateful for the efforts of our state legislators, Senator Kean, Assemblyman
Bramnick and Assemblywoman Munoz and look forward to 2010.
I extend best wishes for a successful term to our new governor, Chris Christie and remember a visit he
made to Cranford in Feb. 2009 as he considered running for governor. I would say that he made the right
decision, and we trust that he can provide the leadership NJ needs to address the issues threatening to
overwhelm our state.
I was cautioned by my son Ian last week as we sat discussing this event and what I might say, that after
the appointments are over, people are anxious to spend the rest of the day with family, and maybe watch
a little football (Outback Bowl - Northwestern v Auburn 11AM; Capital One Bowl – Penn State v LSU
1PM; Sugar Bowl – FL vs. Cincinnati 8:30PM). I will be brief and thank my son, Ian, for that gentle
Sandra Day O’Connor observed that:
We don't accomplish anything in this world alone ... and whatever happens is the result of the
whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another that
creates something.
I am grateful for the many threads that have converged and that are represented here today. I especially
thank my family for the support and encouragement that they provide: my parents; my wife, Denise; my
daughter, Rebecca; my son Andrew and his wife, Jessie; and my son, Ian. To friends and colleagues
present and absent I say - thank you.
And I thank the people that I have come to know because of my involvement in this community, and I
appreciate the opportunity that the citizens of Cranford have given me to serve. I have learned much
from you and look forward to learning much more in the future.
We began today by recognizing the many years of volunteer service provided to Cranford by longtime
resident Mrs. Francis Wismer. I can think of no more appropriate way to begin this reorganization
meeting than honoring her. The spirit and dedication of the countless individuals, like Mrs. Wismer, who
contribute so much to Cranford embody the spirit of community and the character of this town.
There is an Irish proverb that expresses the idea of community in a simple way and it goes like this: “It is
in the shelter of each other that the people live.” Today we are reminded how much we live in the shelter
of each other and how much we depend on each other. Members of 40 – 50 volunteer boards,
committees and groups were appointed today. They are staffed by your friends and your neighbors who
are willing to give their time and energy to preserve the uniqueness of Cranford and to make it an even
more extraordinary community.
A few examples…
The Hanson Park Conservancy’s work in creating the unique and beautiful Woodland Theater and their
planting of so many beautiful trees there so that the next generation enjoy can enjoy the shade, is part of
the spirit of community that one experiences living in Cranford. The Environmental Commission’s
efforts and initiatives on behalf of our environment are all about community. The willingness of
residents to fill the food bank at Cranford Family Care is another signpost of community and the list goes
on…well you know how the list goes on and on and on…Thank you, again Tara.
In this community there is creativity. There are always lots of ideas moving about in this community,
whether it’s how to get additional funding for a project, how to improve the downtown, or how reduce
the budget. It is better to have a surplus of ideas, some of which may not work out, than to have no ideas
at all. The certainties that make us comfortable are the things that make it most difficult to try something
new. It requires courage to let go of certainties and it requires courage to be creative. It also requires a
willingness to respectfully disagree on the best approach to an issue. Certainly there have been moments
of profound disagreement in the past and undoubtedly there will be the same in the future, but it is crucial
to preserve the overriding sense of community despite the differences.
January 1, 2010
A Commissioner is not normally appointed as program coordinator of the Municipal Alliance; however,
such an appointment has been made this year – a little creativity. Commissioner Aschenbach has agreed
to serve as acting director of the group while an extended search continues for a permanent coordinator.
We wish him well in this new and unique role which he assumes in addition to his responsibilities as
Commissioner of Public Affairs.
The public/private partnerships that provided for the restoration of the veteran’s flag pole at Post Office
Plaza and the installation of field turf at Memorial Field are creative solutions to long standing
challenges. The approach to budget challenges (asking for proposed budgets from departments before
the beginning of the New Year and looking for less costly health insurance options) is creative. Creating
an instant committee to deal with the withdrawal of funds for 4th of July fireworks in 2009 was creative
and bringing in the YMCA to offer innovative programming in the Community Center was creative.
The partnerships forged between the township and groups like the veteran’s flag pole committee, the
CAT fund and the YMCA have enabled Cranford to provide amenities and services that would not have
been possible apart from adding to the already considerable tax burden that Cranford residents carry. But
this is just a glimpse of the creativity at work in Cranford.
The coming year will require even more creativity to meet the budget challenges of existing contractual
obligations, pension payments, health care costs, RVSA payments, debt service on the parking garage,
flood project funding, community center/library and other expenses. The TC is already working on ways
to ensure that Cranford will meet those challenges and the many others facing the township. Each
commissioner takes very seriously the responsibility of stewardship of the township’s resources.
Deferring pension payments is creative, but in my opinion it is not responsible.
With TC assistance and agreement 2010 will see an emphasis on re-examining and re-invigorating the
downtown. Nearly 25 years ago the Special Improvement District was established, and to my knowledge
there has not been a comprehensive re-examination of its boundaries or the ordinances that govern the
SID since. We intend to look at how the downtown works hoping to make it better and even more
competitive. A business development campaign will be launched in January with the tag line, “Cranford.
We’re Open for Business.” Hoping to make the ease of locating a business in Cranford a competitive
advantage, a comprehensive brochure outlining the steps necessary to open a business in town has been
created, and it will be distributed within the next couple of weeks. The hope is to attract new retailers by
developing a reputation as a place that makes opening a new business as simple as possible. If Cranford
can develop such a reputation everyone benefits.
Efforts by JCAS to establish a fine arts facility will continue to be supported as a way of further
distinguishing Cranford from surrounding communities and as a way of strengthening our downtown. A
restoration of the Rahway River festival and the addition of more signature events, like the very
successful family bike ride held this past November, are pieces of an emerging strategy to promote
Deputy Mayor Garcia brings an enormous reservoir of good will to her position as liaison to the DMC
and will play an important role in working to create the cooperation vital for success in promoting the
downtown. And in her new role as Commissioner of Engineering and DPW she will continue recent
progress in completing important capital projects. I am certain that she will continue her track record of
success. When Martha ran, I recall her saying that if she were elected the township would be getting a
full-time commissioner; she has kept her word and the township has benefitted tremendously.
While the capital budget will again be challenging, I believe that there is consensus to move forward
with the Orchard Brook project, and my intent is to obtain the necessary agreements from property
owners as soon as possible. The township attorney, Mr. Woodward, has already begun those efforts.
Another goal for 2010 is to begin the creation of affordable housing units as outlined in the Master Plan’s
Affordable Housing Element. In 2009 the TC met with a number of not for profit organizations
interested in partnering with Cranford to build and administer new affordable housing units.
Commissioner Robison has agreed to lead that effort as Cranford continues its tradition of meeting its
responsibility to provide affordable housing. The Riverfront Redevelopment project will also provide
affordable housing units, and it seems likely that work will begin at the site in the first half of 2010.
The municipal budget always looms large at the beginning of a new year. This year, thanks to the efforts
of Commissioner Dugan, the township is further along than usual in formulating the budget.
Departments have provided initial estimates for the coming year, and it is hoped that a budget can be
completed early in the year in order to allow for savings to be realized for more than the usual 6 month
period, which is the case when adoption of the budget takes place mid-year or later. The TC is exploring
potential savings in the area of Information Technology. Also being considered is reduction of
telecommunications expenses by switching to a Voice Over Internet Protocol solution.
January 1, 2010
Cranford will continue to advocate for its fair share of funds to be returned to it from federal, state and
county sources, and to that end the township has issued a Request for Proposals seeking professional
grant writing services for 2010. More of the tax dollars paid by Cranford residents need to be returned to
Please remember that the municipal portion of your entire tax bill represents slightly more than a quarter
of the total. The Board of Education’s share is roughly 55% and the county takes about 18%.
Finally, I am certain that 2010 will bring its share of joy and sadness to each one of us and to the
township community just as 2009 did. As we strive to work to the best of ability in our different roles
the difficulties we face will be overcome. We are committed to cooperation and service and to reaching
out to all groups. My hope is that the Spirit of this season, with its message of hope and goodwill can
spill over into the rest of the calendar as we each try to help one another and in doing so make Cranford
and even better place to be in 2010.
This Township Committee is committed to serving the best interests of Cranford, and I look forward with
great anticipation to the coming year.
I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2010. And I wish you peace.
On motion of Commissioner Dugan, seconded by Commissioner Robinson, the Township Committee
adjourned at 2:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dated: January 1, 2010
Tara Rowley, RMC
Municipal Clerk