Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Demonstrator: Jennifer Li
Topic to Teach
Ninth Grade Students
Number of
Tenses:「Present Tense and Past Tense」 Class Period
Second Period: 40 minutes
1. Students: Ninth grade, 30 students
Analysis of
2. Characteristics of the class: Students concentrate on the class and participate actively.
3. Students’ learning style:Students like various teaching methods and activities.
Therefore, using multimedia and different activities in class can help them develop
their interest in learning.
Students can learn when to use present tense or past tense.
Students are able to change verb into present and past participle.
Students can use present or past progressive tense to describe on-going activities.
Students can apply present or past progressive tense in daily conversation and writing.
Students can learn English in a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere.
6. Students can develop more interest and confidence in English.
7. Students can describe something happened before or something will happen in the
8. Students can know how to use simple present tense, present progressive tense, present
perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense or simple past tense, past perfect
tense, past Continuous tense, present perfect continuous tense.
Be able to understand daily conversation and simple story.
Be able to participate in oral practices and discussions in class.
Be able to express personal needs, thoughts and feelings in basic English.
Be able to express themselves and communicate with others in different situations.
Be able to describe people, events and things in everyday life in basic English。
Be able to write simple sentence.
Be willing to participate in oral practices in class.
Be able to describe any simple thing in lifetime
GTM, ALT, Lecture, CLT
1.Power Point 2.任你編 3. Hotpotato 4. Test 5.Worksheets
1. Black Board 2.Chalk 3. Projector 4.Computer
Teaching Objectives
Lesson Objectives
The Cognitive Domain
Students can learn the grammatical rule of
changing verbs into present and past participles.
Students are able to understand the sentence
patterns of simple present tense, present
progressive tense, present perfect tense, present
perfect continuous tense and simple past tense,
Specific Objectives
1.1 Students can change verbs into present and past
past perfect tense, past Continuous tense,
present perfect continuous tense.
The present tense
S+ V
Am/ is/ are + Ving
Has/ have + pp
Has/ have been + Ving
Simple Present Tense:
S+ V
It is very hot today.
He lives in Taiwan
The past tense
S + Ved
Had + pp
Was/ were + Ving
Present Progressive Tense:
Am/ is/ are + Ving
He is writing a letter at present.
It is raining now.
Had been+ Ving
Present Perfect Tense:
Has/ have + pp
He has just come back.
I have already seen it.
Students can say the sentence pattern and are able
to respond correctly.
Students can concentrate on the class and actively
answer questions asked by the teacher.
Students can actively participate in class
Students can be more willing to express
themselves in English.
Students can pronounce each word and sentence
Correctly and with correct intonation.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
Has/ have been + Ving
We have been studying English for three years.
I have been readying since this morning.
Students can make correct sentences.
Students can apply present and past tenses into
everyday-life expressions.
Simple Past Tense
S + Ved
I had a good time last night
John went to Tainan yesterday
Past Perfect Tense
Had + pp
The train had gone before we reached the station
When I arrived, Tom had already gone home.
Past Continuous Tense
Was/ were + Ving
I was watching TV at eight o’clock last night.
It was raining at seven o’clock this morning.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Had been+ Ving
We had been waiting for an hour when he
II. The Affective Domain
3. Students are willing to actively participate in
class activities.
4. Students are able to interact and communicate
with other classmates.
Students can enjoy learning.
Lesson Plan
Competence Teaching
Indicators Objectives
Teaching Procedures
The second period—
1. Preparation
(1) Teacher (T)
a. Formulate teaching objectives.
b. Be familiar with the text.
c. Prepare multimedia materials,
flashcards and worksheets.
(2) Students (Ss)
a. Preview the sentence patterns
of present and past tense.
video clip,
2. Warm-up
(1) T greets the Ss.
(2) T writes down several
sentences in present and past
tense on the black board.
(3) T plays the video clip and
asks Ss to pay attention to
actions shown in the clip and
indentify those that match
with what the sentences
video clip
(4) T asks Ss to point out the
same actions shown on the
blackboard and in the clip.
(5) T introduces today’s topic:
present and past tense
3. Presentation of the sentence
(1) T guides the class to look at
the sentence pattern chart(1)
shown in the power point.
a. T guides the class to do some
practices by asking questions
based on a picture with
different actions.
b. T asks Ss to finish the
exercise on the textbook and
then looks at the answers
(2) T guides the class to look at
the sentence pattern chart(2)
shown in the power point.
(3) Listening and speaking
power point
4. Reviewing and assignments
(1) Review the sentence patterns.
Rules of changing verbs into
present and pat participles.
(2) Ask Ss if they have any
(3) T asks Ss to finish the
power point
assignment on the textbook.
Hotpotato website:
1. My mother __________ shopping every other day
a) is b) has went c) do d) does
2. What is he doing? He __________ in the gym.
a) is training b) trains c) does training d) will train
3. While dad __________ his newspapers, mum and I were talking.
a) read b) reads c) is reading d) was reading
4. After they __________ a rest, they went to see the sights.
a) had b) did have c) have had d) had had
5. They __________ of a nice holiday since they returned from Russia.
a) are dreaming b) dreamt c) had dreamt d) have been dreaming
6. This novel __________ by Kipling.
a) wrote b) has written c) was written d) had been written
7. The programme can’t __________.
a) be changed b) have change c) changed d) to change
8. They will write you as soon as they __________ about it.
a) will learn b) learn c) have learned d) learned
9. We will write you if you __________ us your address.
a) gives b) give c) will give d) have given
10. If you __________ us the truth, we wouldn‘t be angry with you.
a) tell b) will tell c) had told d) told
11. It __________ more pleasant if you had earned the money.
a) would be b) is c) would have been d) were
12. He said he __________ it next day.
a) watches b) will watch c) would have watched d) would watch
13. He doesn‘t seem __________ swim.
a) to be able to b) can c) to know d) know to
14. They __________ a new house last year.
a) will build b) build c) have built d) built
15. He __________ just __________ homework.
a) had done b) was done c) will do d) has done
16. He said he __________ every morning.
a) shaves b) has shaved c) will shave d) would shave
17. I wish he __________ the accident.
a) hadn’t had b) hadn’t c) didn’t have d) didn’t have had
18. __________ my opinion, you are wrong.
a) to b) according c) in d) by
19. Jane has managed to do it and __________.
a) I did also b) also I did c) so did I d) so I did
Using the Verb "To be"
Choose the correct form of "to be" in present tense or past tense.
Simple Present Perfect Tense:
Example: Charles (taste) has tasted guacamole before.
Example: Edie (not, call) has not called her parents yet.
Example: We (already, finish) have already finished our homework.
Example: (He, eat) Has he eaten dinner yet?
Present Perfect Progressive Tense:
Example: He (wait) has been waiting on the bus for an hour.
Example: She (not, do) has not been doing very well in school lately.
Example: (They, swim) Have they been swimming in the lake?
1) We (already, bake) _______ ________ ________ the cake. Now, we just have
to decorate it with icing. Would you like to help?
2) Have you ever been to Italy? I (see) _______ _______ pictures of the town of
Assisi. Some day, I would like to travel there to see its beautiful churches.
3) The voters (elect) _______ ________ a new governor. She (make) _______
_______ _________ her acceptance speech for the past thirty minutes. I hope
she will finish soon!
4) The package I sent to Pablo (not, arrive) _______ _______ _________ yet. He
(call) _______ _______ _________ the Post Office every day. I don't know what
happened to it.
5) The fishermen (not, catch) _______ _______ _________ many fish today. A
strong wind (blow) _______ _______ _________ all day, and they are having
trouble with their nets.
6) (Edward, receive) _______ ________ ________ the money yet? I sent it to him
last week.
7) Mahmoud and Rickie are dirty. They (play) _______ _______ _________
outside all day. It is time for them to come in and take a bath.
8) (You, hear) _______ _______ ________ the news? There was a terrible
earthquake in Haiti! The residents need a lot of help.
Using the Verb "To be"
Choose the correct form of "to be" in present tense or past tense
Example: My dog (be) is sick today. (present tense)
Example: My dog (be) was sick last night. (past tense)
1) The clouds moved away, and the sun shone through. The sky was full of pretty
colors. It (be) ________ beautiful.
2) Arturo and Ryo (be) ________ at the party last night.
3) (be) ________ Taylor going to the pool later?
4) The old house (be) ________ built in 1967.
5) Christopher, where (be) ________ you last night? I (be) ________ looking all
over for you.
6) Yesterday (be) ________ the best day of my life!
7) I (be) ________ ready to go. When (be) ________ we leaving?
8) Who (be) ________ at the pool yesterday?
9) I (be) ________ very tired. I (be) ________ tired yesterday too. I think I (be)
________ getting sick.
10) I (be) ________ driving to the office this morning when I noticed that I was
getting low on gas. So, I stopped to get more. A kind man filled the tank for me. He
(be) ________ very nice.
Li 10
Present Tense
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in present progressive tense
Example: I (watch) am watching a movie now.
Example: You / We / They (play) are playing a game now.
Example: He / She / It (eating) is eating a hamburger now.
1) Amelia and Abjar (move) ________ ________ to California this week.
2) The bright lights (flash) ________ ________. They (hurt) ________ ________
my eyes.
3) Right now, you (type) ________ ________ on the computer.
4) The groundskeeper (mow) ________ ________ the grass.
5) The computer (process) ________ ________ a command.
6) Aunt Janet (paint) ________ ________ a picture. She is
almost finished.
7) My dog (jump) ________ ________ and wagging its tail. It must be excited.
8) The rain (fall) ________ ________ very fast now. I think a big storm (come)
_________ ________ this way. We had better get prepared.
9) The old man (smoke) ________ ________ his pipe. He (think) ________
_________ about his grandchildren.
10) Elijah (run) ________ ________ in a race. He (try) ________ ________ to win.
I think he can.