Name: _____________________________________ Date:________ Algebra I Project: Geography: Elevation Project Objective : Use positive and negative real numbers to analyze elevation data. Understand the environment associated with very high and very low elevations. Analysis: Elevation is defined as the height in relation to sea level. Land above sea level has a positive elevation and land below sea level has a negative elevation. Points of elevation of selected countries (in meters) Country Highest elevation Lowest elevation Afghanistan Nowshak 7485 Amu Darya Algeria Tahat 3003 Chott Melrhir Canada Mt. Logan 5950 Atlantic Ocean China Mt. Everest 8850 Turpan Pendi Djibouti Mousa Alii 2028 Asal Greece Mt. Olympus 2917 Mediterranean Sea Hungary Kekes 1014 Tisza River Israel Har Meron 1208 Dead Sea Liechtenstein Grauspitz 2599 Ruggeller Riet Switzerland Dufourspitze 4634 Lake Maggiore United States Mt. McKinley 6194 Death Valley Zimbabwe Inyangani 2592 Lundi River Difference in elevation 258 -40 0 -154 -155 0 78 -408 430 195 -86 162 Activities: 1. Find the difference between the highest and lowest points of elevation in each of the countries and complete the table above. 2. Which country has the greatest difference in elevation? Which country has the smallest difference in elevation? 3. Find the difference between the point with the highest elevation and the point with the lowest elevation shown in the table. 4. On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph describing how to calculate the differences in elevation when the signs (positive and negative) of the elevations are the same compared to when the signs of the elevations are different. 5. Research the weather at the highest elevation and lowest elevation in the United States. Write at least a two paragraph essay comparing the weather at these two locations. Timeline: DUE OCTOBER 25, 2013 Ongoing Assessments: End of week one: Review correct calculations for several elevations. Review sources of data available for the weather research. Rubric for Grading: Score Calculations 60% Writing Content & Organization 20% . Writing Usage 10% Writing Sentence Construction 5% Writing Mechanics 5% 1 65 to 70% accurate May lack opening and/or closing Minimal response to topic; uncertain focus 2 70 to 79% accurate May lack opening and/or closing Usually has single focus 3 80 to 89% accurate Generally has opening and/or closing 4 90 to 100% accurate Opening and closing Single focus No planning evident; disorganized Some lapses or flaws in organization May lack some transitions between ideas Repetitious details Several unelaborated details Errors/ patterns of errors may be evident Ideas loosely connected Transition evident Single, distinct focus Unified and coherent Welldeveloped Logical progression of ideas Fluent, cohesive Compositional risks successful Little variety in syntax Some errors Patterns of errors evident Details random, inappropriate, or barely apparent No apparent control Severe/ numerous errors Assortment of incomplete and/or incorrect sentences Errors so severe they detract from meaning Uneven development of details Details effective, vivid, explicit, and/or pertinent Some errors that do not interfere with meaning Very few, if any, errors Some errors that do not interfere with meaning Very few, if any, errors No consistent pattern of errors Some errors that do not interfere with meaning Very few, if any, errors