Chapter 5 Textbook Solutions

Survey of Operating Systems 3e
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Textbook Solutions
Answers to Key Terms Quiz
1. Upgrade Advisor
2. System Restore
3. limited account
4. personal folders
5. Recovery Console
6. Backup Utility
7. Program Compatibility wizard
8. Automated System Recovery (ASR)
9. restore point
10. activation
Answers to Multiple-Choice Quiz
1. Correct answer: D. Windows XP Professional is for general business users.
A is incorrect because Windows XP Home Edition is not intended for general
business users.
B is incorrect because Windows XP Media Center Edition is not intended for general
business users.
C is incorrect because Tablet PC is not intended for general business users.
E is incorrect because Windows XP 64-bit Edition is not intended for general
business users.
2. Correct answer: C, because you would run the Windows Components Wizard from
the Add Or Remove Programs applet in Control Panel.
A is incorrect because there is no general Uninstall program. Uninstall programs are
unique to each application, and not provided for Windows components.
B is incorrect because the Display applet will not allow you to remove a Windows
Survey of Operating Systems 3e
Chapter 5
D is incorrect because System Restore will restore the computer to a previous time; it
will not let you select and remove a specific Windows component.
E is incorrect because “activate the component” does not make sense. You activate an
entire installation of Windows or an application, not a single Windows component.
3. Correct answer: B, Windows XP was introduced as a new product in 2001.
A, C, D, and E are all incorrect because Windows XP was not introduced as a new
product in 1998, 2004, 2005, nor in 2006.
4. Correct answer: E. Stop screen is the correct term for what we know as the Blue
Screen of Death (BSOD). It indicates that the system halted because it had an error (a
stop error) that rendered the OS too unstable to guarantee that data would not be lost.
A is incorrect because ASR, or Automated System Recovery is a recovery tool, not
the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).
B is incorrect because LKG is the Last Known Good Configuration, a startup option
for startup failures due to a configuration change.
C is incorrect because the Recovery Console is a character-mode bootup environment
with a command-line interface, where you can enter advanced command-line
commands to attempt to recover from a major OS failure.
D is incorrect because Safe Mode is a troubleshooting and recovery tool that allows
you to select from several options for starting Windows XP with certain components
5. Correct answer: C. Mandatory best describes the logon to Windows XP Professional.
A is incorrect because insecure does not best describe the logon to Windows XP
B is incorrect because optional does not best describe the logon to Windows XP
D is incorrect because customary does not best describe the logon to Windows XP
E is incorrect because character-mode does not best describe the logon to Windows
XP Professional.
Survey of Operating Systems 3e
Chapter 5
6. Correct answer: E. List Folder Contents is an NTFS permission that only applies to
A is incorrect because the Read permission applies to both files and folders.
B is incorrect because “Modify folder” is not a permission name.
C is incorrect because the Modify permission applies to both files and folders.
D is incorrect because the Full Control permission applies to both files and folders.
7. Correct answer: D. Microsoft requires it to protect itself against software piracy.
A is incorrect because registering your product is not the reason for activating
Windows XP.
B is incorrect because Windows XP will start up after installation, even if you do not
activate. You have a grace period in which you must activate the product.
C is incorrect because activation is not done to detect computer viruses.
E is incorrect because activation does not create any type of user account.
8. Correct answer: C. To correct general problems and security problems with the
program code.
A is incorrect because installing updates for Windows XP does not install new
B is incorrect because installing updates for Windows XP does not create a new
computer administrator account.
D is incorrect because installing updates for Windows XP does not install new games.
E is incorrect because installing updates for Windows XP does not keep you up-todate on the latest Windows products.
9. Correct answer: B. Use ClearType to smooth the edges of screen fonts (very useful on
LCD displays).
A is incorrect because ClearType does not make the text on the screen translucent.
C is incorrect because ClearType is not intended to personalize your desktop.
D is incorrect because ClearType does not affect printed documents.
E is incorrect because selecting ClearType does not select the Bliss wallpaper.
10. Correct answer: B. Create a password reset disk.
A is incorrect because it is never a good idea to leave your password where others can
Survey of Operating Systems 3e
Chapter 5
find it.
C is incorrect because a restore point will not help you if you forget your password.
You still will not be able to log on to Windows XP.
D is incorrect because the Recovery Console will not allow you to recover your
E is incorrect because an ASR backup will not allow you to recover your password.
11. Correct answer: B. The Manage Documents printer permission does not include
permission to print.
A, C, D, and E are all incorrect because pause, restart, cancel, and resume are all
allowed as part of the Manage Document printer permission.
12. Correct answer: A. Compatibility mode allows you to run an old program in an
environment that emulates an older version of Windows.
B is incorrect because Safe mode does not allow you to run an old program in an
environment that emulates an older version of Windows.
C is incorrect because Real mode is not a choice given from the properties of a
shortcut or program file.
D is incorrect because Protected mode is not a choice given from the properties of a
shortcut or program file.
E is incorrect because Standard mode is not a choice given from the properties of a
shortcut or program file.
13. Correct answer: B. Any user logs on.
A is incorrect because an administrative alert is not the event that signals the end of
the usefulness of Last Known Good.
C is incorrect because the computer rebooting is not the event the signals the end of
the usefulness of Last Known Good.
D is incorrect because defragmenting the disk is not the event the signals the end of
the usefulness of Last Known Good.
E is incorrect because creation of a new partition is not the event the signals the end
of the usefulness of Last Known Good.
Survey of Operating Systems 3e
Chapter 5
14. Correct answer: D. You have a 30-day grace period in which to activate Windows
A is incorrect because 10 days is not the grace period in which to activate Windows
B is incorrect because 120 days is not the grace period in which to activate Windows
C is incorrect because 6 months is not the grace period in which to activate Windows
E is incorrect because indefinitely is not the grace period in which to activate
Windows XP.
15. Correct answer: D. Primary partition with NTFS.
A is incorrect because in the scenario described, an extended partition with FAT32
would not be the preferred combination.
B is incorrect because in the scenario described, a primary partition with FAT16
would not be the preferred combination.
C is incorrect because in the scenario described, an extended partition with NTFS
would not be the preferred combination.
E is incorrect because in the scenario described, a primary partition with FAT32
would not be the preferred combination.
Answers to Essay Quiz
1. The methods available for booting into the Windows XP Setup program on a
stand-alone PC are to boot from the Windows XP CD or to boot from a set of
Setup boot diskettes that do not come with Windows XP. They must be created
using a utility available at the Microsoft support site.
2. Activation, also called Microsoft Product Activation (MPA), is a method designed
to combat software piracy, meaning that Microsoft wishes to ensure that each
license for Windows XP is used solely on a single computer. It is mandatory.
Registration is informing Microsoft who the official owner or user of the product
is and providing contact information such as name, address, company, phone
number, e-mail address, and so on, about them. It is not mandatory.
Survey of Operating Systems 3e
Chapter 5
3. Partitioning a very large hard disk into two or more partitions allows the operating
system and applications installed into the operating system to "own" the system
partition, the partition on which the OS is installed. This also provides a distinct
drive or drives that can be devoted purely to data and therefore can be easier to
back up.
4. The two recovery tools System Restore and Automatic System Recovery (ASR)
are for two levels of system damage. You can use System Restore after a
configuration change causes problems but you are still able to start the operating
system and use System Restore to return to a point in time (a restore point). ASR
is useful when you cannot start Windows XP Professional in any mode and need
to restore it using your latest ASR set.
5. Answers will vary greatly. As an example: We believe that the most important
feature of Windows XP is its improved stability and increased speed. That feature,
combined with the pleasant screen and various usability options, has made this
our favorite OS so far.
Solution to Lab Project 5.1
Solutions will vary depending on the available backup media on the lab computer.
Of the recovery options featured in this chapter, Last Known Good would not be
of any help, because it depends on being able to boot up the computer. LKG aids in a
problem caused by a configuration change, not in a hardware failure. System Restore
would also not be useful in this scenario, because it requires that the OS be running in
order to perform a system restore. Automatic System Recovery is the best choice, but
requires a floppy disk drive and some form of backup media. If a tape backup system or
writeable CD or DVD drive is available, that is the best option for the backup media.
Alternatively, if a network drive is available that you can use as the backup media, you
will still need a local floppy disk drive from which you can boot the system.
The proactive tasks would be to run the ASR wizard and to create an ASR disk
set. Then perform a backup of all data files. Perform whatever portion of the proactive
tasks for this scenario is possible on the lab computer. Don't forget that the plan must also
Survey of Operating Systems 3e
Chapter 5
include a schedule for creating a new ASR disk set on a regular basis, and another
schedule for doing frequent conventional backups using the Backup Utility. This backup
should be configured to back up all system changes (between creation of ASR disk sets),
as well as all data files.
Solution to Lab Project 5.2
The activities for this lab project are supplied in the project and do not require a
Solution to Lab Project 5.3
Answers will vary based on the actual point in time at which the student does the
research to answer this question.