ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I LABORATORY MANUAL By STEPHEN ANDERSON And ROBERT SHINE RAMAPO COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY MAHWAH, NEW JERSEY SEPTEMBER 2009 © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I LABORATORY MANUAL DR. STEPHEN ANDERSON DR. ROBERT SHINE RAMAPO COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY CONTENTS AND SCHEDULE: LAB 1 CHECK IN, SAFETY AND PROCEDURES LAB 2 MELTING POINTS LAB 3 CRYSTALLIZATION LAB 4 EXTRACTION LAB 5 DISTILLATION - SIMPLE AND FRACTIONAL LAB 6 THIN LAYER AND GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY LAB 7 COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY LAB 8 OPTICAL RESOLUTION LAB 9 NUCLEOPHILIC SUBSTITUTION REACTIONS LAB 10 INFRARED AND ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROSCOPY LAB 11 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY LAB 12 MICROWAVE SYNTHESIS OF ASPIRIN LAB 13 CHECK OUT AND FINAL EXAMINATION 2 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I LABORATORY MANUAL APPENDICES APPENDIX LIST: APPENDIX A SAFETY ISSUES APPENDIX B COMMENTS ABOUT WRITING STYLE APPENDIX C MEASUREMENTS AND SIGNIFICANT FIGURES APPENDIX D PERCENT YIELD CALCULATION METHOD APPENDIX E CHEMICAL DATA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The Authors wish to thank the following people for their assistance with this manual: Carol Ichinco (Laboratory Coordinator), Thomas Drwiega (Laboratory Technician), Gurpreet Kaur (Honors Research Student), Benjamin Barrios (Research Student), and all the other Instructors who have taught Organic Chemistry Laboratory sections for the past few years. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 3 LAB 1: LABORATORY PROCEDURES SCOPE OF THE COURSE: This course offers a comprehensive introduction to laboratory techniques in Organic Chemistry for science majors. Chemistry is a mature science that continues to expand and evolve in step with recent developments in science and technology. Students will perform experiments that put into practice the ideas discussed in lecture. E-MAIL AND INTERNET USE: Use will be made of e mail (Luminis) and the Internet to provide important instructions to students concerning laboratory material. Students are encouraged to contact the Instructor in person or by e mail for additional help, if needed. Information about the course may be transmitted periodically by the Instructor via a web site for the course. Students should check this web site at least once a week. Students may not submit lab reports via e mail or e mail attachments or by fax. Lab reports must be submitted as paper copy. ATTENDANCE: Each lab session will begin at the scheduled time. Attendance at all laboratory sessions is mandatory and will be recorded. If you are late, it will be noted and recorded. A missed laboratory experiment cannot be made up at another time and any missed laboratory session will result in a grade of zero (0) for that experiment unless an alternate library report is completed. During the course of the semester you will be allowed to substitute one alternate report for any one lab period you cannot attend. You must discuss the content and deadline of the alternate report with the Instructor as soon as possible after your absence. SPECIAL NEEDS: Students with special needs who are registered with the Office of Specialized Services and require special accommodations should notify the Instructor as soon as possible. GRADING: Each laboratory session will be graded by a procedure explained to you by your laboratory Instructor. Your in-lab work and your report will be used to determine your grade. The final laboratory exam will account for about 25 % of your final course grade. In grading laboratory sessions, the following will be considered: meeting deadlines, submitting 4 the necessary forms and reports on time and in good order, being on time for lab, and working in a safe and efficient manner. Your practical bench skills and laboratory results will also be analyzed, along with your ability to effectively explain and discuss them in your lab report. SAFETY: As with many activities in daily life, working in the Organic Chemistry laboratory poses some hazards that you must recognize. Many of the chemicals used can be toxic if not used correctly. Also, many substances you will use are flammable and must be kept away from sources of heat that could cause them to ignite and start a fire. Glassware can be broken and cause cutting hazards. You must always come to the laboratory prepared so that you will be aware of the unique hazards you will confront. You must consult the MSDS forms for the chemicals you will use so that you will know their toxic and flammability properties. You can find MSDS data on the internet by typing the chemical name followed by msds in a Google search box. If you have any questions about the experiment you are performing or the chemicals you are using, please ask the Instructor before you begin work. When you are done with the experiment, the chemicals you have should be discarded as hazardous waste or reclaimed material and placed in the proper containers. If you are pregnant or expect that you may become pregnant, you should consult with a medical doctor about the potential hazards involved with exposure to organic chemicals. See Appendix A for more information about safety. EYE PROTECTION: Students are required to have department approved lab goggles that must be worn at all times in the laboratory when experimental work is being done. Students who fail to wear eye protection could be asked to leave the lab by any employee of the College. It is not recommended that you wear contact lens in the laboratory. PRE-LABORATORY PREPARATION: It is imperative that students be prepared to perform the scheduled experiments. An unprepared student is a hazard in a chemistry laboratory. In order to prepare for the experiment, students are expected to read the appropriate laboratory experiment prior coming to the lab. Students may be tested at the beginning of the lab period to ensure they are prepared to begin work. LABORATORY NOTEBOOK: 5 Students should have a notebook that will be used in the lab for recording all raw data. A title should appear at the top of the page for each new experiment. Data obtained during an experiment should always be neatly and clearly recorded in this notebook. You should use the department approved notebook for this course. You will be required to turn in your experimental data sheet before you leave the lab at the end of the period. You must include your name, the name of the experiment, and the date of the lab period on the data page you submit which will be graded as part of your report grade. Any measurement data must have the numerical value recorded to the correct number of significant figures and the units of that measurement, such as 1.234 g for a weight measurement. LAB REPORTS: Before leaving the laboratory, each student must submit a laboratory data sheet as described above. Lab reports can only be submitted for labs that have been attended and must be submitted at the beginning of the lab session following the lab that is being reported. Points will be deducted for lateness or for an incomplete lab report. No lab report for a given experiment will be accepted after graded reports for that lab have been returned to the class. Generally, graded lab reports will be returned in the next class meeting after the report is submitted. A score of zero is assigned for a report if the lab report is not submitted. FORMAT OF LAB REPORT: Laboratory reports must be typed on 8.5 x 11 inch white paper. The report should have a professional appearance and it must demonstrate that much thought and care went into its preparation. Some comments about report writing style appear in Appendix B. Spelling and grammar count. All laboratory reports must be written in the following format that conforms to the guidelines set forth by the American Chemical Society: COVER PAGE Place the following information in the upper right hand corner of the title page or first page of the report: title of the experiment, your name, date of submission ABSTRACT The abstract consists of two to five sentences that concisely inform the reader of the nature of the experiment that was performed and a brief summary of your final results. Note that the abstract is read immediately after the title and hence need not repeat any information that already appears in the title. Though the abstract appears at the beginning of 6 the lab report, it should be the last section of the report that is written. The abstract should be about 40 to 80 words and should give a concise description of the experiment. It should not be too general or too specific. INTRODUCTION The introduction consists of three to six good paragraphs that relate only the most essential elements of theory to the reader. Consult other sources such as a chemistry textbook for this information. Include only enough theory so that the reader is made to understand the basic physical and chemical principles involved in the experiment. If applicable, any pertinent mathematical and chemical equations must be briefly given in this section. The introduction should conclude with a one- or two-sentence paragraph that explains the objective or goal of the experiment. SAFETY Students shall describe all relevant safety precautions that were observed during the course of the experiment. Information about the hazards that may be encountered is particularly important. Material Safety Data Sheet information should be included. You should give a summary of the pertinent data (such as: toxicology, flammability, and physical properties) and not just a copy of the MSDS. EXPERIMENTAL For our purposes, the experimental section will consist of a short paragraph that includes a sentence that refers the reader to some source for the procedure. For example, the student may write: "The procedure for this experiment appears in the web page for the course (1)." The number in brackets refers to the citation number. This number is used to refer the reader to the citation in the References section where the full reference (including information such as the name of the author, title of book or web site, date of publication, and page number or exact web address) will appear next to number 1. In addition to the reference citation, any deviations from the published procedure and any experimental hints or tips that may aid the reader in understanding and repeating the experiment should be included. For example, ‘In this experiment, the instructor requested that 0.05M HCl be used instead of 0.1M as specified in the lab module.’ RESULTS This section consists of a written paragraph that refers the reader to tables, graphs, data sheets, and figures that contain your data. It is especially important to inform your reader how your raw data were used to calculate your final results. You must explain how you determined your final results and include sample calculations with an accompanying 7 explanation is necessary. The use of a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel) for calculations, tabulation of results, and graphing is encouraged. DISCUSSION This section is used to indicate to the reader how the results relate to the theory and whether or not the objective was met. In addition, the final results must be compared to literature values, if available. Reasonable sources of error should be listed and discussed with respect to their contribution to the final results. The discussion provides a good indication of the student's comprehension of the material. A good discussion should show that the student was able to correctly interpret the data and to relate the results to the scientific principles being tested by the experiment. If the experiment was not successful, then the discussion is equally important in stating the reasons for the outcome. A good discussion can be written regardless of the success of the experiment. CONCLUSION This section should include a summation of the Results and Discussion. It should only be about 1 paragraph long and is intended to draw together all the pertinent information that has been determined from the experiment. REFERENCES This section consists of a numbered listing of literature or internet references that were used to perform the experiment and that were used to write the lab report. This includes a full reference to the lab module and any other publications or correct web page URLs that you may have used to obtain literature values and supplemental theory. Note that the reference numbers must correspond to the reference citations used in the text of the report. PROPER USE OF THE AUTOPIPETTE: When an experiment calls for an accurate amount of a liquid reagent, it is generally more convenient to measure its volume than weight. Multiplying the measured volume by the density of the substance gives the weight. The weight can then be converted to moles by dividing the weight by the molecular weight of the substance. The auto pipette is an accurate, fast, easy and convenient method to measure the exact volume of liquid reagents. In this experiment we will learn to use the auto pipette. Generally, the correct volume setting for a given experiment will already be set by the Chemistry Technician. You should check to be sure the setting is correct and, if it isn't, please tell the Instructor. The disposable tip, which the Instructor will discard when everyone is done, will be on the pipette. To properly use the pipette, hold it by wrapping 8 your fingers around the barrel with your thumb on the knob at the top of the pipette. Press the plunger knob to the first "stop", that is, where you feel it resist. While holding the knob down, dip the tip into the liquid to be measured. Release the plunger slowly and smoothly so liquid is drawn gently into the disposable tip. If the liquid "jumps" into the tip, the volume measurement will be inaccurate. Do not lift the tip out of the liquid until you have fully released the plunger knob. When removing the tip, slide the tip on the side of the vessel to avoid the extra drop on the outside of the tip. Transfer the liquid to your reaction vessel by pressing the plunger knob all the way to the "stop" and giving an extra gentle push to dispense the final drop in the tip. Do not dip the tip into any liquid or solid already in the reaction vessel as it will contaminate the tip and, therefore, the starting material. PRACTICE USING THE AUTOPIPETTE: Several auto pipettes will be supplied with tips and set for 0.500 ml. Use the small Erlenmeyer flasks in your drawer. Determine and record on the data sheet provided the exact mass of the empty flask to three decimal places. Using the autopipette and following the directions above, now dispense 0.500 ml of de-ionized water into the pre-weighed flask. Determine the mass of the flask and water. Subtract the weight of the empty flask from the weight of the flask and water to find the exact mass of the water. Since the density of water is 1.00 g/ml, the 0.500 ml has a mass of 0.500 g. Repeat the process two more times, making sure that each partner has a turn. Then complete the data sheet provided and return it to the Instructor. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 9 LAB 2: MELTING POINTS PURPOSE: You will learn why the melting point of a solid is important in organic chemistry and you will practice taking melting points. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The melting point of a solid substance is the temperature range where the substance goes from the solid to the liquid state. It is an important physical property of a substance because it is accurate, reproducible, and easily done. The melting point range for a pure sample is usually small if the measurement is made carefully. Usually the range is 1 to 2 degrees centigrade (or Celsius). The lower temperature of the melting point range is the temperature at which the solid first begins to liquefy. The upper temperature is the temperature at which the entire sample is in the liquid state. For the range to be small the sample size should be small and the heating should be done slowly. Usually, the temperature should increase about one degree per minute near the melting point. Unlike the boiling point of a substance (see the distillation experiment), the melting point does not vary much with changes in the atmospheric pressure. The melting point can be used as a criterion for the identity of a compound and a qualitative indication of its purity. The observed melting point of a substance can be compared to the melting point of a substance given in the literature. If the two temperatures are different, the compounds are not the same. If the two temperatures are the same, the compounds may be the same but not necessarily. Many different compounds have the same melting point. One could do a mixed melting point (described below) to further help identify an unknown. Pure samples generally have a very sharp melting point range while impure samples have a broad (roughly 3 to 15 degree) melting point range. Further, impure samples melt lower than expected. A mixture melting point is done when one wishes to fully show whether two compounds with the same melting point are indeed the same. This can help identify an unknown. A good example would be the two compounds urea and cinnamic acid (shown on the next page) both of which have a melting point close to 132-133 degrees C. Let’s say you have an unknown that melts at 132-133 degrees C. If the unknown is urea and you mix it with some pure urea from another source, the melting point of the mixture would be 132-133 as the entire sample is urea. However, if the unknown were cinammic acid and you mixed it with urea the melting point of the mixed 10 sample would now be lower and broader than 132-133 as the mixture was impure. So, if you suspect the identity of an unknown, you can test this by doing a mixed melting point by mixing the unknown with a sample of the pure compound and measuring the melting point of the mixture. Melting point composition diagram for a mixture of the solids X and Y Liquid X + Y mpt. Y mpt. X Liquid + solid Y T em p Co Liquid + solid X ET (Eutectic point) Solid X + Y Mole % X 100 75 60 0 Mole % Y 0 25 40 100 H COOH C C O H C H2N NH2 Urea mp 132.5-133 oC trans-cinnamic acid mp 132.5-133 oC Since the melting point merely records a change in state (solid to liquid), it should be possible to solidify the liquid and retake the melting point again as a second check of the measurement. This is never done. If the measurement is 11 to be repeated, a fresh sample of the solid is taken and a new melting point capillary tube is used. Melting point capillary tubes are only used once and then discarded in the broken glass container. The reason a second melting point is not taken on a given sample is that the solidification of the liquid rarely gives pure crystals (as some decomposition may have occurred) or may give a different crystal structure which often has a different melting point. Sometimes, a solid decomposes as it melts. This is true of certain classes of compounds or compounds with high melting points. In such cases, the melting point will have the letter d after it to indicate decomposition. Melting points with decomposition are not as accurate as a true melting point. Often you will observe the decomposition by a strong gas evolution or the charring of the sample when melting. An error that can cause your melting points to be wrong is that the thermometer or temperature measuring device may be badly calibrated. For very careful work, the temperature measuring device is calibrated before measurements are made. This is done by taking the melting points of very pure standard substances which melt at different temperatures so the accuracy of the device can be noted at various temperatures. A correction value is then added or subtracted from your later measurements as needed. In this course, temperature corrections will not be done. Please keep in mind that our actual observations may vary from the literature values by a degree or two for this reason. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: Melting point measurements are easy to do. Good eyesight and patience are needed. Measurements can be made in any one of a number of commercial melting point apparatuses. Some use oil baths (silicon oil is the best to use as it is thermally stable and can be heated to 350 degrees safely). Thermometers are often used to measure the temperature but the mercury in the thermometer poses a safety hazard as mercury is very toxic. We use Mel-Temp devices in our laboratory. This device uses a heated metal block in place of the oil bath. An advantage of the heated block is that it cools quickly and hence speeds up the process when many melting points need to be done. Temperature measurement in our equipment uses a thermocouple with a digital readout device which works very nicely. To make a melting point determination you need to: 1. Put the sample in a melting point capillary tube. Do this by taking a melting point capillary tube (be sure to use the capillaries that are sealed at one end - do not use the capillaries that are open at both ends) and placing a small amount of solid in the tube. Tap the 12 2. 3. 4. 5. solid down so it is tightly packed in the tube. The solid should be about 1 millimeter or 1/8 inch in the bottom of the tube. Place the tube in the melting point apparatus and turn the device on. Observe the sample as the temperature rises and record the melting point range of the sample noting both the temperature at which the first drop of liquid appears (be careful to differentiate sample softening from melting) and the temperature at which the entire sample is liquid. This means that your melting point should always be reported as a temperature range. Record in your notebook the sample identification and its melting point range. Discard the capillary tube in the broken glass container. You should determine the melting points of: Salicyclic acid Caffeine Urea Cinnamic acid Urea/Cinnamic acid mixtures: 1:4, 2:3, 3:2, 4:1, 1:1 Unknowns assigned by the Instructor IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: Record the melting point ranges you observed and compare your results with the literature values. Explain any differences you noted. The purpose of recording melting point of the salicylic acid and caffeine in this experiment is to test the calibration of the apparatus. Diagram the urea - cinnamic acid data on a piece of graph paper or via an Excel spreadsheet. Your graph should have 7 data points (which will not be enough to give careful results). A sample diagram appears earlier in this document. END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 13 LAB 3: CRYSTALLIZATION PURPOSE: You will learn why crystallization is done in organic chemistry and how to perform the necessary tasks to recrystallize an impure sample. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Organic solid substances often have impurities in them which make them less desirable for their intended purposes. Crystallization is an important technique that can be used to increase the purity of a solid sample if certain conditions are met. First, the impurities cannot be a large percentage of the sample and, secondly, the properties of the impurities should be such that the technique would be useful. An important use of crystallization in industry is the refining of sugar. Raw cane sugar is put through a series of crystallization steps which results in commercial products of varying degrees of purity. The table sugar you use is highly refined sucrose that is obtained from cane sugar. You will recrystallize naphthalene and benzoic acid in this experiment. Their structures are as follows: O C OH Naphthalene Benzoic Acid The full procedure to recrystallize a sample involves the following steps: Step 1: Find a suitable solvent for the recrystallization process. Step 2: Dissolve the sample in the minimum amount of solvent at its boiling point. Step 3: Decolorize the solution (if needed) by using decolorizing carbon. Step 4: If needed, quickly and carefully filter the hot solution to remove any insoluble impurities. Step 5: Slowly cool the hot solution to room temperature and then to 0 degrees C in an ice bath. Step 6: Filter the crystallized solid using a suction filtration apparatus. 14 Step 7: Dry the collected solid. Step 8: Weigh and determine the melting point of the solid that was obtained and compare it to the reported melting point for that compound. If the melting point is low or if the melting range is broad, dry the sample further or recrystallize the sample again. Depending on the nature and purity of the starting sample, one or more of the above steps may be omitted. In order to guide you in this, the following considerations are made: a. The ideal solvent is one in which the solid is very soluble at the boiling point of the solvent and very insoluble at 0 degrees. Generally, the rule "like dissolves like" is a good starting point to determine suitable solvents. Solubility data found in reference works may be useful. b. Sometimes when a suitable solvent cannot be found one can use a mixture of two miscible solvents to achieve the desired solubility properties. The mixture can be prepared before the solid is dissolved. Alternatively, the solid can be dissolved in the solvent in which it is more readily soluble and the other solvent is added drop wise at an elevated temperature until precipitation just begins. c. The solvent should be volatile so that it can be removed from the solid easily. d. When dissolving the solid in the chosen solvent, heat the sample in a small amount of the solvent and add more solvent as needed. Do not rush this process as the dissolution of some solids may take some time. Generally this procedure is done in an Erlenmeyer flask or beaker and the heating is done on a hot plate. e. A very small amount of decolorizing carbon or Norit can be used to remove colored impurities from the solution. The carbon adsorbent must be carefully removed from the hot solution using gravity filtration. If this is not done carefully, often the final product will be gray due to traces of carbon in the final crystals. f. If carbon was used and/or if there are insoluble impurities, the hot solution must be filtered by gravity to remove these insoluble substances. This procedure must be done as quickly as possible as some of the desired solid may crystallize at this time which will adversely affect the process. A wide bore glass funnel (powder funnel) and fluted filter paper are used in this step. 15 g. The hot solution is set aside and not disturbed as the crystallization occurs. If the container is touched, the supersaturated solution may crystallize quickly giving small crystals (which generally contain impurities). A slow undisturbed crystallization generally results in larger more pure crystals. h. If crystallization does not occur in a reasonable time (as determined by your Instructor), you can sometimes hasten the process by introducing a seed crystal or scratching the side of the glass container with a stirring rod. i. Final cooling to 0 degrees C is done in an ice water bath to maximize the amount of solid that will precipitate. j. The solid is filtered using suction to remove the solvent and the crystals are moved around the funnel using a spatula while suction is continued to dry the crystals as much as possible. k. The crystals which are left in the glass container can be removed by using a spatula or a very small amount of cold solvent. Students generally lose material at this stage because they use too much solvent which will then dissolve some of the desired product. l. The choice of which size funnel to use is made by determining the amount of solid obtained and the size of the funnels which are available. Do not use a funnel that is too small or the solid may spill out of the funnel. Do not use a funnel that is too large as there will be mechanical loses that will lower your percent recovery. m. The melting point of the final solid will determine the success of your work. The melting point range (see prior experiment) should be small and the melting point should be very close to the reported value. Students often note that there is solid material in the filter flask below the funnel in which the solid has been collected. They often think the funnel leaked some of the solid. Recall that the filtrate is a saturated solution of the substance you are trying to obtain. Also recall the suction generally causes some solvent to evaporate. Hence, the filtrate becomes supersaturated and solid will precipitate. In the whole crystallization process, a 100 % recovery is generally not possible due to this phenomenon. Sometimes in important work a second crop of (less pure) crystals is obtained by further working on the filtrate. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: 16 PART 1: Crystallization of naphthalene. Crystallize 150 mg of naphthalene from an 80% aqueous methanol mixture (80 parts methanol and 20 parts water) in a small beaker or Erlenmeyer flask. Weigh the naphthalene accurately both at the start and end of the process. Completely dissolve the solid in a minimum amount of hot methanol/water solution. Set the hot solution aside to cool to room temperature and then cool it in an ice bath. Quickly filter your solid using suction and a Hirsch funnel. Dry and weigh your product and determine its melting point. Be sure to accurately record the weights of materials you used and the observations you made in your notebook. Calculate and report your percent recovery. PART 2: Crystallization of benzoic acid in water. Using the procedure noted above for naphthalene, crystallize 150 mg of benzoic acid using water as the solvent. Determine the melting point of the crystallized material. As above, be sure to accurately record the quantities of materials you used and the observations you made in your notebook. PART 3: Crystallization of benzoic acid in methanol/water. Dissolve 150 mg of benzoic acid in a minimum amount of hot methanol. Then add water drop-wise until precipitation just begins. Then repeat the crystallization process as described above. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: In your report, be sure to show your percent recovery of each sample used. The percent recovery is the (amount of final product divided by the starting amount) times 100%. Show the correct number of significant figures which are allowed by the measuring equipment you used and show your calculations. Discuss the reasons why your percent recovery is the value you obtained. Discuss which measurements that you made had to be done carefully and which did not contribute to the precision of your percent recovery calculations. END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 17 LAB 4: EXTRACTION PURPOSE: You will learn how to separate complex mixtures using differential distribution of substances in two immiscible liquids and then you will perform a separation of a strong acid, a weak acid and a neutral substance via acid-base liquid-liquid extraction. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Some solid mixtures are hard to purify by crystallization techniques especially when the mixture is complex and no one substance is present in large excess. Liquid mixtures can sometimes be separated by extraction techniques when distillation methods (see a later experiment) would be more difficult. Extractions are very often done as the first steps in the purification of a product in a synthetic reaction. This is generally called a "workup procedure". Extractions can separate components of a mixture because the substances distribute themselves differently in the two immiscible liquids depending on their distribution coefficients. The distribution coefficient is the ratio of the concentration of the substance in solvent A divided by the concentration of the substance in solvent B. It can be shown mathematically that multiple smaller extractions are better in separating components of a mixture than one larger extraction. Hence, we will do two "washes" (another term often used for extraction) instead of one. The term wash is often used in older literature to mean extraction. Another consideration is mechanical loss. This is the loss of material by not completely placing it in the desired container. Any solution that is left in the separatory funnel will have some solute dissolved in it which will be lost in the process. To minimize mechanical loss, one often adds a small amount of pure solvent to rinse the container and then adds this rise to the solution that contains the bulk of that substance. Since there will be two layers, you must determine which layer is which. The less dense layer is the upper layer and the denser layer is the lower layer. So a mixture of water and diethyl ether will have the ether as the upper layer and the water as the lower layer. However, when substances are added to a solvent, the density is changed (for example, salt water is denser than distilled water). Smelling a layer is not an effective way to determine which layer is which as each solvent will be partially miscible in the other. In the above case, both layers will smell like ether. A good method to determine which layer is the aqueous layer is to add a few drops of one layer to a few milliliters of water. If the 18 drops dissolve, that layer is the aqueous layer. don’t dissolve, that layer is the organic layer. If they O OH C OCH3 OH H3C H3C C H3CO CH3 4-tbutylphenol mp 101 oC Benzoic Acid mp 120 oC 1, 4-dimethoxybenzene mp 57 oC First Neutralization Reaction: O C OH O C + NaHCO3 O - Na+ + H2CO3 (aqueous layer) (organic ether layer) Second Neutralization Reaction: O - Na+ OH + NaOH H3C H3C C CH3 (organic ether layer) H3C H 3C + H2O C CH3 (aqueous layer) 19 Very often changing the pH of the aqueous solvent can have dramatic effects on the distribution coefficients of substances as will be noted in the experiment below. For example, benzoic acid is reasonably soluble in ether and not very soluble in water. However, benzoic acid is converted to sodium benzoate in a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution (see the first neutralization reaction on the previous page). Sodium benzoate is very soluble in this aqueous solution and insoluble in ether. Hence, we can effectively move benzoic acid between ether and water by pH adjustment as will be done in today’s experiment. An extraction is usually done using a separatory funnel which is a pear shaped glass container with a stopper at the top and a stopcock at the bottom. The mixture to be separated is placed in the funnel along with the two extracting solvents. The closed funnel is then shaken (with periodic venting) to thoroughly mix all the contents and allowed to stand so that the layers can separate. If the density of the two solvents is close or if there are any emulsifying materials present, the layers may not separate which poses an experimental difficulty. Once the layers separate, the stopper is removed and the lower layer is drained through the stopcock. If the upper layer is to be removed it is poured from the top of the funnel. Students often forget to remove the stopper before opening the stopcock. The stopper keeps air from entering the top and hence very little or nothing will drain from the bottom. Students then think the stopcock is clogged but this in not the case. You must always remember to remove the stopper before the stopcock is opened. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: An extraction will be done by dissolving 300 mg of a 1:1:1 mixture of benzoic acid, 4-t-butylphenol and 1,4dimethoxybenzene in 25 ml of a suitable solvent such as diethyl ether. The solution is then placed in a separatory funnel. Be sure the bottom stopcock is closed before pouring the solution in the funnel. About 10 ml of an aqueous 5% sodium bicarbonate solution (immiscible in ether) is added through the top of the separatory funnel. The glass stopper is put in place to seal the container. Holding the stopper tightly, invert the funnel and open the stopcock to vent the carbon dioxide and volatile ether that have contributed to a pressure buildup. Close the stopcock and shake to mix the contents. Open the stopcock to vent the pressure buildup again. Repeat this process of shaking and venting a few times and then place the separatory funnel in a ring stand in the hood to allow the layers to separate. Once an interface is seen between the two layers (generally 10 to 50 seconds) remove the stopper and drain off the lower aqueous layer into 20 a marked container. Leave the ether (upper) layer in the separatory funnel and repeat this process with a fresh 10 ml of 5% sodium bicarbonate solution. When this solution is removed from the separatory funnel combine the two 10 ml portions to become a 20 ml portion of a sodium bicarbonate solution of sodium benzoate. This solution will be used later to recover the benzoic acid that was present in the original mixture which has been now separated from the other two components which remain dissolved in the ether. Again, be sure to leave the ether solution in the separatory funnel. To separate the 4-t-butylphenol which is still in the ether layer with the 1,4-dimethoxybenzene, add 10 ml of aqueous 5% sodium hydroxide solution (see the second neutralization reaction shown earlier) to the ether layer and extract the two layers as done above. Place the 10 ml of the sodium hydroxide solution in a suitable marked container. Repeat this process with another 10 ml of fresh sodium hydroxide and then combine the two 10 ml portions as was done above. The 20 ml solution will contain sodium 4-tbutylphenoxide which will be used later to get the pure sample. The ether solution now has only the 1,4dimethoxybenzene in it (along with some dissolved water which will have to be removed). At this point, you have separated the three substances from each other but you must do some work to purify them. To obtain the benzoic acid, very carefully and slowly add concentrated hydrochloric acid to the 5% sodium bicarbonate/sodium benzoate solution from above. Much carbon dioxide gas will be evolved as the white benzoic acid precipitates. Test the pH with pH paper to be sure the solution is strongly acidic and then set the flask in an ice bath. After a while suction filter the benzoic acid, dry it, weigh it, and determine its melting point. The reported melting point for benzoic acid is 122-123 degrees C. To obtain the 4-t-butylphenol, carefully add concentrated hydrochloric acid to the 5% sodium hydroxide/sodium 4-t-butyl phenoxide solution from the extraction. The product may ‘oil out’ (which means it is separated from the aqueous solution as a liquid instead of as a solid) and crystallize slowly over time. After it solidifies and has been cooled in an ice bath, filter by suction, dry it, weigh it, and determine its melting point which should be about 100-101 degrees C. The final compound, 1,4-dimethoxybenzene, is obtained by adding solid anhydrous sodium sulfate (a drying agent) to the ether solution to remove dissolved water. Add the drying agent until it not longer clumps together but do not add too much. Your Instructor will assist you in determining the appropriate amount. After letting this stand for 5 to 10 minutes, gravity filter the solid sodium sulfate through a 21 small piece of cotton or glass wool into a pre weighed 50 ml beaker. The clear ether solution is then subjected to a slow stream of air to evaporate the ether. The pure 1,4dimethoxybenzene remains in the glass container. Weigh the container and solid to obtain the weight of the solid. Take the melting point of the solid which should be about 56-57 degrees C. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: From the weight of starting material used and the weights of each of the pure compounds obtained, calculate and report the percent recovery of each component (assume there are 100 mg of each component). The percent recovery of component A would be the weight of component A divided by the weight of the starting component in the mixture times 100%. Be sure to report the correct measurements and the correct number of significant figures. In an ideal world, the sum of your three percent recoveries should add up to 300%. Add your three percents and discuss how your results compare to 300%. Also, do a total percent recovery for all three components. Explain any reasons why your results may be what they are. Also, report the melting points of each recovered substance and compare to the literature values. What do your melting points suggest about the purity of the individual compounds you obtained? END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 22 LAB 5: DISTILLATION PURPOSE: You will learn how to separate a complex mixture of liquids based on their boiling point differences and then do a simple distillation and a fractional distillation to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each method. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: A distillation is an experimental procedure in which a liquid is heated to its boiling point and the vapors are condensed and collected in a suitable container. This technique can be useful in separating the components of a mixture if those components have different boiling points. Boiling point composition curve for a mixture of the liquids X and Y Vapor B T em p . Co A D C F Liquid E Mole % X 100 Mole % Y 0 80 60 40 20 0 40 60 80 100 The vapor above such a mixture would be richer in the lower boiling component as it is more volatile. If this process involves only one vaporization and condensation cycle, the process is called a simple distillation. If equipment is 23 used in which many vaporization and condensation cycles are achieved before the final liquid is collected, the process is called a fractional distillation. In today’s laboratory experiment you will do both types of distillation on a liquid mixture of ethanol and water. When a simple relationship exists between the liquid components of a mixture and the difference in boiling points is large, a simple distillation (see a diagram of this setup on the next page) often works well and will do a good job at separating the components. However, when the relationship is more complex or the difference in boiling points is not large, as in the case of ethanol - water, the separation is not as good. Fractional distillation can be used to better separate the components. Ethanol - water is more complex in that it forms an azeotropic mixture, that is, a mixture that forms a constant boiling mixture. The temperature of this azeotrope is lower than the boiling point of either component so it is impossible to obtain a 100 % pure sample in such cases. A fractional distillation of any mixture of ethanol - water will give at best a 95 % ethanol, 5 % water mixture. One would need to use other techniques to obtain 100 % ethanol (which is also called 200 proof ethanol). We will disregard this complication in today's experiment. There are other types of distillations that are useful in research environments and are beyond the scope of this course. A spinning band distillation is used if one needs to separate two liquids with similar boiling points. A vacuum distillation (one that is done under reduced pressure) is useful to distill high boiling components as many organic substances decompose near their atmospheric pressure boiling point. A steam distillation is useful when one wants to purify a high boiling material which is not soluble in water. In this case, since the vapor pressures of both liquids are separate, the material distills when the total of all vapor pressures equals the atmospheric pressure (which will always be below 100 degrees Celsius). Solid substances that have an appreciable vapor pressure can also undergo a similar process to distillation which is called sublimation. Since many organic liquids have a tendency to superheat (that is, achieve a temperature higher than the boiling point) before boiling action starts, it is very important to add a few boil easers (an inert solid material made from clay plates or anthracite coal) to the distillation flask before heat is applied. The boil easers give off a continual stream of bubbles that break the surface of the liquid and guarantee a smooth boiling process. Boil easers can only be used for one heating cycle and then lose their effectiveness. Fresh boil easers must be added if the liquid is reheated later. 24 Simple Distillation Apparatus: Water Out Part B Water In Insert fractionating column here HEAT The thermometer placement to measure the temperature of the vapor is very important and often leads to confusion among students. The bulb of the thermometer must be placed just below the sidearm of the distilling head. This way, the entire mass of mercury in the bulb will be in the hot vapor and accurately measure the vapor temperature. Some confusion results when a student sees the liquid boiling and yet the thermometer reads room temperature. This is due to the fact that hot vapor has not reached the thermometer yet and the 25 thermometer is not reading the temperature of the boiling liquid. An interesting question that you should answer and discuss in your report is: ‘Is the temperature of the boiling liquid the same as the temperature of the hot vapor?’ EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: Using a 100 ml round bottom flask and other equipment from the semi-micro glassware kit, do a simple distillation of 75 ml of a 50 % ethanol - 50 % water mixture. Be sure to use about 5 boiling chips in the flask and carefully place the thermometer so that accurate readings will be obtained. Collect about 25 ml of distillate into a graduate cylinder recording the temperature reading at 5 ml intervals. Using the 25 ml of distillate you obtained from the simple distillation, do a fractional distillation. The fractionating column is prepared by filling a condenser with glass beads, and inserting it at position B as shown in the distillation diagram above. Water is not passed through the jacket of the fractionating column. Be sure to use fresh boiling chips. Measure the temperature of the vapor at 1 ml intervals and collect the distillate into a pre-weighed 10 ml graduate cylinder. Stop collecting distillate when you have 8 to 10 ml. Do not collect more than 10 ml and be sure to accurately measure the exact volume you collected. Weigh the graduated cylinder with the distillate in it and calculate the weight and density of distillate. You will be able to determine the percent ethanol in the distillate from these data as described below. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: From the data you collected from each distillation discuss the effectiveness of each method. Which method gave the better separation. Tabulate the data from each distillation. Graph the data in the table below and, using that graph and the density you obtained, show the percent of ethanol in your fractional distillation condensate. WEIGHT % EtOH 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 DENSITY (g/ml @ 20 degrees C) 1.000 0.982 0.969 0.954 0.935 0.914 0.891 26 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.860 0.838 0.818 0.780 END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 27 LAB 6: THIN LAYER AND GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY PURPOSE: You will learn how to separate complex mixtures of small samples of solids using thin layer chromatography and to separate complex mixtures of solids, liquids, and/or gases using gas chromatography. Thin layer chromatography experiments of an analgesic drug mixture will be performed and gas chromatography will be demonstrated. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Historically, the term chromatography referred to the separation of colored substances, particularly plant pigments. Over time, many variations of chromatography were developed and the technique extended to colored and colorless substances in any physical state (solid, liquid or gas). In general, the technique is based on the different absorption characteristics of substances on some non reactive material. A series of absorptions and de-absorptions occur as some eluting material is passed through the chromatography container. The many types of chromatography include: 1. Thin Layer (TLC) - best for very small samples of solids or liquids. 2. Gas (GC) - best for small samples of volatile liquids or gases. 3. Column - best for larger samples of solids or liquids (see next experiment). 4. High Pressure Liquid (HPLC) - best for larger samples of liquids. 5. Paper - best for biological or polar samples. 6. Ion Exchange - best for ionic substances. 7. Electrophoresis - best for large molecule biological samples. THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY - TLC started to be used in many laboratories in the late 1950's or early 1960's. This technique (which is generally qualitative and not preparative) uses a stationary phase of silica gel or alumina which is adhered to a backing material of plastic, glass or (less frequently) metal. Often an ultraviolet absorbing substance is placed in the binder material on the plate so that spots can be more easily visualized when the chromatogram is finished. The TLC plate is usually 2 by 4 inches to 8 by 8 inches. A concentrated solution (using methanol as the solvent) of the mixture to be separated is prepared and spotted on the TLC plate about 3/4 of an inch from the bottom using a spotting capillary pipette made from a melting point tube. The spot is made as small as possible. After the methanol solvent has evaporated, the TLC plate in placed in a 28 developing chamber which has an eluting solvent that is appropriate to separate the components of the mixture. Capillary action causes the eluent to rise up the TLC plate. The plate is removed from the developing chamber when the eluent is about 1/2 inch from the top of the plate. The b a Rf = distance spot moved distance solvent moved = a b eluting solvent is allowed to evaporate in a fume hood and the chromatogram is studied in an ultraviolet light chamber to see the separation that has been obtained. The location of a given spot is recorded as an Rf value (retardation factor) which is given by the formula shown above. An Rf value has no units and always has a value between 0 and 1.0. In today's experiment, you will try to separate a mixture of analgesics whose structures appear below using TLC. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - GC is a technique that can be used to separate the components of a volatile (liquid or gas) mixture. Usually the method is qualitative in that components can be identified but not collected for further use. To perform a GC one uses an instrument made for the purpose. Such instruments can cost from $1,000 to $50,000 dollars depending on the abilities and complexity of the instrument. In order to use this instrument it must be set up correctly. The temperature of three areas needs to be set and come to equilibrium. These areas are the injection port, the column oven and the detector area. The injection port is usually set at a temperature above the highest boiling component. The oven temperature (which can be programmed in more expensive equipment) is set to give the best separation in the quickest time. 29 Known Analgesics: CH3 CH CH3 CH2 O C OH H O O CH3 H3C C COOH Ibuprofen 2-(4-Isobutylphenyl)propionic acid Aspirin Acetylsalicylic acid H O N C HO O CH3 H3C O CH3 N N N N CH3 Acetaminophen 4-acetamidophenol Caffeine Usually this takes some experimentation to determine the best values. Generally, the higher the oven temperature, the faster the substance will be removed from the column and the worse the separation of components. The detector temperature is set at a value to reduce condensation in that chamber. The separation of the components of the mixture depends on many factors that can be controlled by the operator of the instrument. The stationary phase in the column must be chosen so that a good separation is possible. Generally, columns are chosen and purchased for a particular type of separation. The oven temperature is very important as noted above. The pressure of the carrier gas (usually helium or nitrogen) is also important. Higher gas pressures move the substances along more quickly. One must achieve a balance between speed of the chromatogram and the separation that is desired. The detector identifies when a substance has been eluted from the column. In some cases, the detector can give further information about the nature of the eluted material. The simplest (and least expensive) detector is a thermal 30 conductivity detector and can only identify that a substance has passed the detector. More sensitive detectors include flame ionization and electron capture detectors. The best detectors are the mass spectrometry detectors which can give detailed information about the eluted substance. Usually in GC one obtains a strip chart recording of the chromatography results on a piece of paper. A series of peaks of varying heights is obtained. Peaks appear at certain time intervals called the retention time. The retention time is determined by many experimental factors and is not recorded in the literature as a physical property of a substance. Rather, they are used to infer some information about the nature of the mixture. If you suspect the identity of a component of the mixture, you should run a chromatogram of a known sample and compare the results. The retention times should be the same if the substances are the same. Also, keep in mind that two different compounds may have the same retention time and will appear as one peak on the chromatogram. This can give misleading results. In today's laboratory period the Instructor may demonstrate the use of a gas chromatograph. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: Obtain 2 TLC strips (keep the strips away from moisture), 5 spotting capillaries and 1 developing chamber. Place 2 to 6 ml of the developing solution (47.5% ethyl acetate, 2.5% acetic acid and 50% hexane) in the developing chamber and place a cover on the chamber. Be sure there is enough developing solution in the bottom of the chamber to wet the entire bottom of TLC strip and for capillary action to wet the entire strip during development. Do not allow the chamber to be open to the atmosphere any longer than absolutely necessary as volatility will alter the composition of the solvent mixture. You may wish to use a fresh sample of the developing solution for your second run. Be careful not to mix spotting point capillaries and place them in the discarded glass container when you are finished. Since the silica gel strips are reasonably expensive, each team will receive a practice strip and 2 TLC strips for the experiment. Practice your spotting technique on the practice strip. Then, carefully spot pure samples and the unknown on the silica gel TLC strips, one sample at a time. Be sure to place each spot high enough so that it will be above the developing solvent in the bottom of the chamber when the strip is placed in the chamber. Be sure each spot is as small as possible (about 1 mm in diameter) and accurately record what you are placing on each spot. On each strip, place three known samples and your unknown sample. Use acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine as your choice for known 31 samples. Develop the chromatogram and remove the strip when the solvent front stops moving up the strip or when the solvent front is about ½ inch from the top of the strip. Evaporate the eluting solvent and visualize the spots in the UV chamber. Carefully draw a light pencil circle around each spot so they can be seen in normal room light. Compare the Rf values of your unknown sample to those of your known standards in order to identify the unknown, if possible. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: Write your report about the thin layer chromatography experiment only. Do not include anything in your report about gas chromatography. In your report, give the Rf values of each substance and discuss the conclusions you are able to make about the unknown. Were you able to identify the unknown you used? END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 32 LAB 7: COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY PURPOSE: You will learn how to separate complex mixtures of solids or liquids and collect the various components using column chromatography. In this experiment, the separation of ferrocene and acetylferrocene will be done. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Column chromatography is a technique in which an absorbing material (usually alumina or silica gel) is placed in a glass column and a mixture is separated by passing it down the column under the influence of an eluting solvent. The solution is collected as it drains from the column and the pure component is collected by evaporating the eluting solvent. It is important to never let the column of absorbent become dry during the process. Alumina comes in four grades of activity depending on its moisture content. To prepare the column, one generally fills the column (which looks like a burette without graduation markings) to about 2/3 full with a suitable solvent. The alumina is then added slowly with the stopcock partially opened so that the adsorbent settles evenly in the chromatography column. It is important that the alumina be nicely distributed in the column for best separations. Next, the mixture to be separated must be carefully added to the top of the column. This is usually done by making a very concentrated solution of the mixture and adding it drop wise from a dropper to the top of the column. It is important to have the minimum amount of solvent above the column at this point so that a concentrated band of mixture can be applied to the top of the column. Again, be careful that no part of the alumina column becomes dry. Once the sample is placed on the column, an eluting solvent is added and the solvent dripping from the bottom of the column is collected. If the components are colored (as in our experiment) it is easy to see how they move down the column. Fractions are collected in a pre-weighed flask or beaker, the solvent is evaporated and the resulting material is weighed and its melting point is determined. Components of a mixture are separated based on differences in polarity and/or molecular size. Ferrocene is less polar than acetylferrocene due to the added polarity of the acetyl group. The acetylferrocene ‘sticks’ to the alumina more than the ferrocene when one elutes with a non polar solvent such as hexane and this is what causes the separation. 33 O C Fe Fe Ferrocene M.Mass 186, mp 172-174oC Acetylferrocene M.Mass 228, mp 85-86oC CH3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: A chromatography column is prepared in the hood by placing enough hexane in the column to fill it about 2/3 full. Then, with the stopcock partially opened, add enough powdered alumina to this column to fill the column 2/3 full. Never let any of the alumina become dry. At this point, drain the hexane from the column until it is about 1/2 inch above the top of the alumina. Now take 100 mg of the ferrocene acetylferrocene mixture and mix it with about 100mg of alumina. Carefully open the stopcock to a very slow drip rate. We may wish to reuse some of the solvents used in this experiment so carefully follow your Instructor's directions if this is to be done. As this is happening, add the alumina/sample mixture to the top of the column. Add one ml of hexane at a time to keep the column from running dry and to concentrate the sample on the top of the column. Once the sample is fully adsorbed on the column add about 5 - 10 ml of hexane and continue the elution process at a reasonable rate. Add more hexane to the top of the column as needed. Watch the colored material as it moves down the column and when it reaches near the bottom of the column place an empty preweighed glass container below the stopcock to collect the eluting solution. Continue to collect the solution until all the colored material has been collected. Set this container (called container A) aside for now. Place any container under the stopcock to collect eluting solvent and now start to add a 50/50 mixture of hexane - diethyl ether as the eluting solvent. At this point, the other colored substance will begin the move down the column. Collect it as you collected the other sample in a separate pre-weighed container (called container B). Using a slow stream of air in the hood, evaporate the hexane from container A and the hexane - ether from container B. Weigh each of these containers, determine the mass of each product and calculate the percent recovery for each. Take the 34 melting point of each recovered sample. Be sure to save your samples for the upcoming infrared spectroscopy lab experiment. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: Be sure to calculate and report the percent recovery of each substance. Show your calculations and use correct significant figures. Give your observed melting points and compare them to the literature values. Discuss your results. END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 35 LAB 8: OPTICAL RESOLUTION PURPOSE: You will learn how to resolve an enantiomeric mixture and to use a polarimeter to measure optical rotation. A resolution of two optical isomers will be performed using a recrystallization technique. BACKGROUND INFORMATION A racemic mixture of two enantiomers can be difficult to separate since the two isomers differ only in their sign of rotation of plane polarized light (a physical property) and their reactivity with other chiral compounds (a chemical property). One can separate a racemic mixture by using a chiral stationary phase in a column chromatogram. Another method (which will be used in this laboratory experiment and shown in the reaction below) is to convert the racemic mixture to a diastereomeric mixture by reacting the racemic mixture with an optically active reagent. OH NH2 NH2 + H2N H2N H H HO L-(+)-tartaric acid (M.Mass 150, mp 170-172 oC) racemic mixture of trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexene (M.Mass 114, mp 14-15 oC) NH3 NH3+ + _ O CO2H CO2H _ O O O OH OH H (S,S) -1,2-Diammoniumcyclohexane mono-(+)-tartrate soluble in water OH H H O H OH O _ O + _ H3 N+ O H3 N (R,R) -1,2-Diammoniumcyclohexane mono-(+)-tartrate Insoluble in water 36 The diastereomers can be separated from one another because their physical and chemical properties differ more than the original enantiomers. After the separation has been achieved, the original chiral compound must be regenerated by some chemical means. You should review the chapter on stereochemistry in your organic chemistry lecture course textbook before you begin this experiment. Often the differences in properties of the diastereomers are not great so good technique must be used to achieve successful results. Further, the conversion to the diastereomers and the regeneration of the chiral starting material must be easily accomplished or mechanical loses will render the technique useless. In this experiment a racemic mixture of a diamine called trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane (basic substances) will be converted to a diastereomeric salt mixture using optically pure L-(+)-tartaric acid. This salt mixture will be separated using crystallization techniques learned in an earlier experiment. The salt from the (R,R) diamine is less soluble than the salt from the (S,S) diamine and can be separated by a vacuum filtration. The degree of success of your separation will be shown by the angle of rotation (alpha) you will measure for this salt in a polarimeter and comparing it to the specific rotation ([alpha]) by using the formula [alpha] = alpha / c x l where c is the concentration in g/100ml and l is the length of the polarimeter tube in decimeters. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: Working in a fume hood, dissolve 0.750 g (5.0 mmol) of L(+)-tartaric acid in 2.5 ml of distilled water. Stir the solution and add 1.140 g (10.0 mmol) of trans-1,2diaminocyclohexane. Warm the solution for a brief period. Allow the solution to cool. Add 0.5 ml of glacial acetic acid and cool the reaction mixture in an ice bath for 20 to 30 minutes. Collect the precipitate that forms by vacuum filtration and rinse it with 0.5 ml of ice cold water followed by four 0.5 ml portions of room temperature methanol. Dry your product, record its mass and calculate the percent yield. If needed, recrystallize the crude product using boiling water. You will not regenerate the liquid diamine in this experiment. You will use the optically pure salt for the polarimeter reading described in the next paragraph. To check the success of your separation, measure the optical resolution of the solid salt you obtained. To do this, dissolve 0.200 g of the salt in 10.00 ml of distilled 37 water and place this solution in a 1 decimeter polarimeter tube. The salt is not very soluble in water, so do not use more than 0.200 g of the salt. Use a 10.00 ml volumetric flask for an accurate volume measurement. Record the angle of rotation that is observed. Be sure all weight and volume readings are accurately measured and recorded. From your data, compute the specific rotation and compare your value to the literature value which is 12.4 degrees. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: Be sure you accurately record all important measurements that you make in this experiment. You will need to compute your percent yield (see Appendix D) of the optically pure salt you obtained and its specific rotation which you will compare to the literature value. Also, in your report discuss in detail how you would convert your salt back to the free diamine. Describe the experimental details that would be needed to regenerate your optically pure diamine. Using actual physical properties, tell what difficulties this procedure would cause. END OF EXPERIMENT © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 38 LAB 9: NUCLEOPHILIC SUSTITUTION REACTIONS PURPOSE: You will learn and use the techniques of classical qualitative organic analysis to study the chemical differences between Sn1, Sn2, E1, and E2 reactions of organic halide compounds. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Substituted alkanes can undergo displacement or elimination reactions to give new compounds. These reactions can be useful in helping to identify the nature of the compound or to synthesize new classes of compounds. Next semester, you will synthesize an alkene by an E1 elimination reaction of an alcohol. In this experiment you will study the differences among the displacement reactions of alkyl halides. Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction: R X + Nu- R Nu + X- As a background for this experiment, you should read the relevant chapter in the lecture course textbook. There are many facets of these reactions that you should be aware of. Hopefully, this experiment will help you better understand these classes of reactions. The four types of reactions we will consider include two substitutions (Sn1 and Sn2) and two eliminations (E1 and E2). There are four different mechanisms (reaction pathways) and the mechanism that will predominately occur is dependent on many factors such as: (1) the nature of the alkyl group, (2) the nature of the leaving group, (3) the nature of the solvent, and (4) the temperature of the reaction. It is possible to have mixtures of products depending on how the reaction is carried out. Recall before we start that substituted alkanes can undergo these reactions readily but substituted alkenes or alkynes generally do not undergo these reactions. Further, substituted aromatic compounds are not reactive. In this experiment we will use reactions of alkyl and aryl halides. We will vary the halide between chloride, bromide and iodide. We will use various primary, secondary, and tertiary alkyl compounds. We will use a reaction (silver nitrate in aqueous alcohol) that favors the Sn1 mechanism and a reaction (sodium iodide in acetone) that favors the Sn2 mechanism. A positive test for the silver nitrate reaction 39 will be the precipitation of silver chloride, silver bromide or silver iodide depending on the halide being tested. Silver halides darken on exposure to light. Also, silver nitrate will cause a black stain if it touches your skin. This stain will go away in a few days. A positive test for the sodium iodide reaction will be the precipitation of sodium chloride or sodium bromide depending on the alkyl halide being tested. Note that sodium iodide has reasonable solubility in acetone while sodium chloride and sodium bromide are insoluble in acetone. We will not directly study elimination reactions in the experiment but elimination may occur as an unwanted side reaction you should be aware of. You should address and discuss this complication in your report. SN1 Mechanism: Occurs in two steps, rate dependent on [R-X] only R R R C R X R R R C+ R + X- C+ R + Nu- R R C Nu R Relative stability of Carbocation generated in step one is important SN2 Mechanism: Occurs in one concerted step, rate dependent on both [R-X] and Nu- R R Nu- + R C R X Nu- C R X R R Nu C R + X- R Alkyl halide must be relatively free of steric hindrance Bromide is a better leaving group than chloride so the reaction of alkyl bromides should occur more rapidly than alkyl chlorides. Primary alkyl groups favor the Sn2 mechanism and tertiary alkyl groups favor the Sn1 mechanism. Both 40 mechanisms may apply in the case of a secondary alkyl group. Alkyl groups that can give a stable carbocation (carbenium ion) such as the allyl or benzyl group tend to show an Sn1 mechanism even though they are strictly primary groups. In your tests, you should note whether or not you observe formation of a precipitate and, if you do, how many minutes were needed at room temperature and whether heat needed to be applied. No test should take more than 20 minutes and many tests can be done concurrently if you carefully label your test tubes. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: Halogenated organic waste is usually kept separate from non-halogenated waste. The disposal of halogenated organic wastes is more costly. Be sure to use the proper waste containers in this experiment. Carefully label a number of test tubes and begin heating a beaker of water on a hotplate in the hood for use as a hot water bath. You should test the following substances with silver nitrate in aqueous alcohol in one test tube and sodium iodide in acetone in a second test tube: 1-chlorobutane, 1bromobutane, 2-chlorobutane, 2-bromobutane, 2-methyl-2chloropropane (t-butyl chloride), benzyl chloride, bromobenzene, iodoethane. The test is done by placing 1.0 ml of the test solution (either silver nitrate solution or sodium iodide solution) in a labeled test tube and adding 10 drops of the halide to be tested. Be sure to shake the tube to mix the reagents. Let the tube sit at room temperature and observe the time needed for precipitation to occur and the approximate amount obtained. If no precipitation is noted in 5 minutes place the tube in the hot water bath and observe the time needed for precipitation to occur. If no precipitation is noted in 10 more minutes, record the alkyl halide as unreactive. Be careful to note any evaporation of solvents which may give you erroneous results. Record your results noting the formation of any precipitate and whether time or heat was needed for any precipitation to occur. You must dispose of halogenated waste in a different container than other organic waste. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: Carefully tabulate the results of all your tests in a nice table format. Discuss your findings and note how your results support the facts you have learned about substitution reactions. Note any discrepancies you have found and give 41 reasons for these anomalies. Comment on the use of the sodium iodide reaction in acetone for use with alkyl iodides. END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 42 LAB 10: INFRARED AND ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROSCOPY PURPOSE: You will learn how to take and interpret infrared (ir) and ultraviolet (uv) spectra. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Spectroscopy is used in the organic chemistry laboratory to aid in the identification of compounds. The major types of spectroscopy used in organic chemistry are: infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR or PMR for proton magnetic resonance) and mass spectroscopy (MS). All of these types of spectroscopy are described in the textbook for the lecture part of this course and that book should be consulted in your study of these topics. Please be sure to bring your Solomons text book to the two lab sessions on spectroscopy. Infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy will be covered in this experiment and nuclear magnetic resonance will be covered in the next experiment. Mass spectroscopy will be only briefly mentioned. The types of spectroscopy most useful to the organic chemist are IR and NMR. Infrared spectroscopy uses electromagnetic radiation in the infrared region. This IR energy is higher than microwave and lower than visible energy. If you were hit with IR energy, you would feel warm. IR lamps are often used in fast food establishments to keep food warm. In the IR instrument, a glowbar or Nernst glower was often used as the source of IR energy. Since glass absorbs IR energy, glass cannot be used in the instrument or in sample holders. Salt (NaCl or other salts) is most often used as a sample holder (so water must not be in the sample) and plastic diffraction gratings are often used in the optics of the instrument to disperse the IR energy into a spectrum. Infrared energy is absorbed by organic molecules which causes vibrational and rotational changes in the various chemical bonds. This absorption is quantized which means that only certain wavelengths are absorbed depending on the nature of the bonds in the given molecule. Hence, different molecules give different spectra. As such, IR spectra can be interpreted in two useful ways: (1) a certain functional group will often give a characteristic absorption in the spectrum and (2) the sum total of all the absorptions in the spectrum serves as a ‘fingerprint’ for a given molecule. No two different molecules will have the same IR spectrum. Computer matching of an unknown sample with a database of spectra can be used to tell what the unknown is likely to be. This is easier said than done as IR spectra depend on sample size and impurities will affect the spectrum. 43 Most often, IR is used to help identify the presence or absence of functional groups in a molecule. You will make use of this fact in today’s experiment. The two most easily identified functional groups are -OH (found in alcohols and carboxylic acids) and C=O (carbonyl found in aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, and amides). The -NH group (found in primary and secondary amines and amides) is also easily seen. In ultraviolet spectroscopy electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet region is used. This energy is more energetic than visible light and causes the electronic excitation in molecules. Often a UV instrument can also produce the visible spectrum of a sample. Visible spectra are useful if the sample appears colored to the human eye. Good quality lamps are used in these spectrometers. Ultraviolet energy is absorbed by glass so more expensive quartz sample holders are used. Usually the sample cell has a light path of 1 centimeter. Since UV energy is more energetic than IR, the spectra often show very broad bands as there are many energy overtone absorptions in the band. As such, UV does not give much specific information. Ultraviolet spectroscopy is useful in identifying broad classes of compounds by identifying so called chromophore groups. Usually compounds rich in pi electrons are best identified by this technique. These include aromatic compounds and polyunsaturated compounds. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: In the summer of 2008 a new Thermo Scientific Nicholet 6700 FT-IR spectrometer was installed at Ramapo. Your instructor will show you how to take an IR spectrum using this instrument. You will then take spectra of known and unknown samples. You will then try to determine the nature of the unknowns. Further, if time is available, you should also record the infrared spectra of your separated ferrocene and acetylferrocene samples from a prior lab experiment to test the effectiveness of your separation. The instructor or the Laboratory Coordinator may demonstrate how to take a UV spectrum. You will not do any work with the UV spectrometer. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: No formal laboratory report will be due for this lab. However, the use and analysis of IR and NMR spectra will be a significant part of the laboratory final examination. 44 END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 45 LAB 11: NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY PURPOSE: You will learn how to take and interpret hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR or PMR) spectra. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy uses certain quantized properties of nuclei. The irradiation energy used in this technique is in the radiofrequency (FM) region which is generally recognized as safe. But, in order to obtain a meaningful spectrum, the sample must be placed in a very strong magnetic field. If you had an MRI scan you had an NMR taken of a part of your body. The MRI scan shows contrast between aqueous and fatlike (lipid) tissue in a body. Only certain isotopes are NMR active. There has to be a certain ratio of protons and neutrons in a nucleus for a nucleus to be NMR active. Fortunately for organic chemists, the most abundant isotope of hydrogen (H-1) and C-13 (present in about 1.1% of all carbon atoms) are NMR active. To distinguish the isotopes being used, hydrogen NMR is often called proton magnetic resonance (PMR). Recall that the hydrogen nucleus is a proton. We will use NMR and PMR interchangeably in our discussion. A reference material is used to calibrate the recorder paper to the spectrum. This substance in called tetramethylsilane and is abbreviated as TMS. It appears at 0 delta on the chart and is most often the rightmost peak on the spectrum. TMS has a boiling point around 25 degrees C and is often sold in deuteriochloroform which is used as the solvent. Since hydrogen absorbs in the NMR region, the solvent should not have any hydrogen atoms in it. The most common solvent used is deuteriochloroform. Special glass tubes are used as the sample holder. For us, the sample should be evenly distributed in the magnetic field so a spinning liquid sample works best. Since the technique is not very sensitive, a concentrated solution should be used. If a pure liquid is used as the sample, it is often referred to as ‘neat’. You will spend much time in this lab trying to interpret NMR spectra. This technique is very powerful in identifying small organic molecules. In your interpretation you try to build up a hydrogen structure for the molecule and, from those pieces, you can often deduce the overall structure of the compound. There are three different aspects of the NMR spectrum you will need to consider: (1) the chemical shift, (2) the splitting pattern, and (3) the integral trace. The chemical shift is measured in parts per million (ppm or delta) from the 46 TMS peak. The chemical shift is affected by the size of the electron cloud around the nucleus. Hence, highly shielded (much electronic cloud) nuclei appear ‘upfield’ near TMS. Deshielded nuclei (low electron cloud) appear ‘downfield’ from TMS. The splitting pattern is often difficult for beginners to understand but gives the most information about a given hydrogen atom’s nearby structure. A H absorption is split by the number of hydrogen atoms on the nearby carbon atoms. A hydrogen that has no hydrogen atoms on the neighboring carbons is not split. If there is 1 hydrogen on the adjoining carbons, the single peak is split into a doublet, and so on. Hence, the splitting pattern is always one more than the number of hydrogen atoms on the adjoining carbon atoms. The integral trace gives the ratio of the various different types of hydrogen atoms. Hence, an ethyl group gives a 2:3 integral trace. The above discussion only briefly touches on the NMR technique. You should carefully study the course textbook for more information and many problems. You should work on as many NMR and IR problems in those chapters as you are able. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: The Instructor will show you how to take an NMR spectrum. You will then take the spectrum of a known sample and an unknown sample. You will practice identifying unknowns from handout sheets and then you will try to determine the nature of the unknowns. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: No formal laboratory report will be due for this lab. However, the use and analysis of IR and NMR spectra will be a significant part of the laboratory final examination. END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 47 LAB 12: SYNTHESIS OF ASPIRIN PURPOSE: In this experiment, the student will use the technique of microwave heating to synthesize acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). IMPORTANT REACTION: O O C OH OH Salicylic acid M.Mass 138.12 mp 159oC O H+ O C + OH O H3C O CH3 Acetic anhydride M.Mass 102.09 bp 140oC O CH3 Acetylsalicylic acid M.Mass 180.15 mp 128-137oC BACKGROUND INFORMATION: In this experiment the use of microwave heating will be investigated. The synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride was chosen for its simplicity and reliability when other methods of heating are used. The use of microwave energy for heating dates back to the 1960’s and became widespread in the 1980’s. Since microwave energy can penetrate deep within a molecule, the entire molecule can be heated at the same time. Conventional heating is generally done by conduction and heats from the outside to the inside of the sample. Therefore, microwave heating can be faster than conventional heating. However, for heating to occur, the microwave energy needs to be absorbed by the bonds in the molecule. Absorption of energy is better in polar bonds and poor in nonpolar bonds. Hence, water heats rapidly in a microwave oven. It is said that alkanes do not heat well with microwave energy. The design of a microwave oven presents some challenges to the designer. It is hard to have a uniform distribution of microwave energy in the cabinet. Further, if no absorption of microwave energy occurs a reflection of energy in the unit can destroy the apparatus. Some manufacturers warn that operating a microwave oven when empty can ruin the oven. Microwave ovens can also cause fires. Many people who have made popcorn in a microwave oven have seen burnt popcorn 48 kernels at one time or another. It is important to remember that three things are needed for a fire to start: a source of ignition such as microwave energy, a combustible substance such as many organic compounds, and a source of oxygen such as air. It is important that one follows the experimental details carefully to work in a safe manner. Microwave energy can penetrate the human body and can interfere with certain electronic devices that may be implanted for health reasons (such as cardiac pacemakers). If you have implanted electronic devices, let the Instructor know and/or avoid the lab while the microwave unit is turned on. Please make careful observations during this experiment and comment on any success or failure in your report. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: You will use the laboratory microwave in this experiment. Be especially careful when handling the reaction tubes as they are delicate and expensive to replace. Place salicylic acid (1 g, 7.24 mmol) in a microwave reaction tube and add acetic anhydride (2 ml) and concentrated sulfuric acid (2 drops). Add a magnetic stirrer bar, then screw on the cap and place your tube in the microwave turntable. Record the position number of your reaction tube on the turntable. When all of the tubes have been added, your Instructor will place the turntable into the microwave unit, close the door and select the correct file-setting for your reaction (Aspirin.rot). The program will take 12 minutes to run, followed by a 5 minutes vent and cool down program. On completion, your instructor will open the microwave door. Carefully remove your reaction tube, allow the reaction mixture to completely cool to room temperature then empty the contents into a beaker containing approximately 5 ml of water. If the reaction mixture is not properly cooled before adding the water, an oily product may be produced. Cool the contents in an ice bath, and scratch with a glass rod if necessary. Filter your product using a Buchner funnel, washing the reaction flask with water. Dry your product, record the mass and melting point of your crude product, and calculate the percent yield. If required, recrystallize your product from hot 2-propanol (isopropyl alcohol), re-recording the mass, melting point and percent yield of your purified product. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE REPORT: The report for this experiment will follow the format for synthesis reactions. Be sure the percent yield calculation (see Appendix D) is carefully done. Also, record the melting point range of the final product and compare that melting 49 point to the reported melting point of acetylsalicylic acid. Using these data, discuss the relative success on the experiment. Also, be sure to critique the effectiveness of using microwave heating to cause the reaction to occur. END OF EXPERIMENT. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 50 APPENDIX A: SAFETY ISSUES INTRODUCTION: A very important aspect of laboratory work is working safely. It is your responsibility to yourself and the other people in the laboratory to work in a serious and careful manner. If you are not sure about the dangers involved in what you are assigned to do, be sure to ask the Instructor before you begin. You should consult the material safety data sheets (msds) for those chemicals you will be working with before coming to the lab. You can find msds data by typing the chemical name followed by msds in a Google search box. For example msds data for acetone could be found by typing acetone msds in the search box. If you have allergies, you should consult your Allergist for advice in working with organic chemicals. If you are pregnant or become pregnant, you should consult your doctor for advice in working with organic chemicals. There are risks involved with all activities you do. By knowing what those risks are and taking prudent actions, you can lessen the dangers you face and thereby lead a relatively safe life. The dangers you are likely to face in the organic chemistry laboratory are due to: 1. Equipment 2. Toxic chemicals 3. Flammable chemicals EQUIPMENT: You will use glassware, plastic ware, and electrical heating equipment in the lab. As you know, glass items can break and cause cuts that can be minor or severe. You should exercise care when handling glassware to minimize breakage. If a glass item breaks, notify the Instructor who will then use a broom and dustpan to clean up the area. Broken or discarded glassware must be placed in the separate container that is marked for broken glass. No other items other than glassware should be placed in that container. Plastic ware generally has no safety concerns and is safe to use. Heating in the lab will generally be done using electrical heating equipment such as hot plates and heating mantles. We will not use Bunsen burners in the laboratory. We may use steam baths on occasion. Steam can cause a bad scalding burn. Hotplates and heating mantles do not change appearance when they are hot so you should always assume they are hot until proven otherwise. There can also be an electrical shock hazard with any electrical equipment. This laboratory is equipped with ground fault circuit breakers to 51 minimize electric shock hazard. Sometimes these breakers trip so if you notice that an outlet is not working, notify the Instructor so it can be reset. Also be aware that heating equipment can be hot enough to exceed the flash point of a chemical and can start a fire. Chemicals that have a low flash point can be ignited by a warm hot plate. Evaporating diethyl ether from a beaker on a hotplate caused a fire in our organic chemistry laboratory many years ago. TOXIC CHEMICALS: Eye protection must be worn in the laboratory whenever anyone in the lab is working with chemicals. Only department approved eye goggles can be used. If, at any time, you suspect that a chemical got onto your skin or eyes, immediately wash the affected area with plenty of cold water for a significant period of time. Be sure to notify the Instructor after you began the washing process. Chemicals that are immediately washed from the skin will cause less damage than those that are allowed to remain on the skin until you feel pain. So, even if you feel no pain, wash the affected area immediately. Many chemicals have toxic properties which vary from compound to compound. The best source of information about the toxic properties of chemicals you will use is the material safety data sheet for that chemical. Be aware that chemicals can enter the body by inhalation, ingestion, absorption or injection through the skin. You should use gloves to protect the skin and should rinse your hands after handling chemicals. When you leave the lab you should thoroughly wash your hands. Ingestion of chemicals can be avoided by not putting anything in your mouth during the laboratory period. Never pipette by mouth; use approved suctioning devices. Never eat or drink any food in the lab, including chewing gum, as it could have been contaminated. Inhalation of volatile chemicals can be avoided by working in the fume hood. Try to minimize the time a volatile chemical will be exposed to the air outside the hood. Weigh such substances quickly and move them immediately to the hood. Some chemicals used in the lab are corrosive. Generally these include acids and bases. The more concentrated the acid or base, the more corrosive it will be. So use extreme care with concentrated sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, and sodium hydroxide solutions. Nitric acid will cause orange patches to appear on the affected skin in one to three days. This orange patch will slowly wear off. Silver nitrate will cause black stains to appear in the affected area within a few hours after exposure and will wear off in a few days. Volatile organic solvents that enter the 52 body can cause systemic poisoning. Often, the liver or kidneys are affected. Be sure to read the material safety data sheet for specific information about the chemicals with which you are working. FLAMMABLE CHEMICALS Many organic chemicals can burn. Halogenated organic compounds are usually less flammable than others but they tend to be more toxic, especially to the liver. Compounds with a high percentage of carbon (such as aromatic hydrocarbons) burn with a very black sooty flame. Other hydrocarbons burn with a yellow flame and as the oxygen content of the compound increases, the flame becomes more bluish. In order to have a fire start, three things are needed. You must have a compound that can burn, an oxidizing material such as air, and an ignition source that will raise the temperature of the flammable substance above its flash point. Of real concern is whether or not a compound can cause a fire. There are terms whose meaning you need to know. These terms are: nonflammable, inflammable, flammable, and combustible. Nonflammable means the compound will not burn under reasonable conditions. They pose no fire hazard. Water is such a substance. Inflammable is a very bad choice for a word. The dictionary defines inflammable as "capable of being set on fire; combustible." Inflammable does not mean "not flammable." The word inflammable should not be used. A flammable substance is "one that is easily set on fire" and a combustible substance is "capable of being set on fire." Flammable substances, with their lower flash points, pose a more serious fire hazard than combustible substances. Gasoline would be considered flammable and wood would be considered combustible. So, use care when working with flammable and combustible substances, especially with flammable substances. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 53 APPENDIX B: COMMENTS ABOUT WRITING STYLE Before you begin writing lab reports for this course, you should carefully study the following statements which are presented to help you achieve good grades. Failure to use this advice could result in a lower lab grade. 1. On all written work you submit, place your name, the full descriptive name of the experiment, and the day of the week (that is, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday) that you have lab. Place this information on the first page. 2. Reports are due at the beginning of the next class meeting. If you computer dies, submit the report on time, neatly handwritten. Reports cannot be submitted electronically unless allowed by your Instructor. 3. Use correct grammar and spelling. Use adjectives, nouns and verbs correctly. Use scientific terms correctly. Proofread your report and check all spelling as spell checkers do not recognize the misuse of words (such as to, too and two). 4. Use terms (especially scientific terms) correctly. Do not misspell the name of a chemical. Failure to use technical terms correctly will have a definite negative impact on your report grade. For example, do not report the boiling point of a solid; report its melting point. 5. Do not be vague or overly explicit. Give only the important data, observations and conclusions. 6. Your report should have a correct, logical flow. For example, give the data before the conclusions that are made. 7. When giving a measurement, be sure to include both the number (with the correct number of significant figures) and correct units. 8. Pay attention to the correct use of significant figures. See Appendix C for more information about the correct use of significant figures. 9. Do not start a sentence with a digit. Spell out any numbers that start a sentence. 10. Use the third person, passive voice in science report writing. 11. The data page that you submit when you leave the lab is part of your lab grade. The data page must be clearly presented, as neat as possible, and must give all the critical measurements (numbers and units) you made in the lab. Computations of results may be left until the final report is written if they are difficult to do. Simple computations may be included with the data sheet. 12. Be sure that each section in the report has an introductory sentence. 13. Cite all references used and be exact in giving each reference. 54 14. The introduction section must have structures of important compounds or a chemical equation drawn early in the section. 15. The introduction section should deal with the theory of the experiment and not give experimental details. 16. The experimental section can be brief with a reference to the lab manual. You need add only the changes you made that differed from the lab manual. 17. As much as possible, tabulate data and place them near the text that describe it. Be sure the table has a meaningful title and that the data are presented in a clear manner. 18. Do not describe a math formula in text. Draw the formula and separate it from the text by at least one line. 19. For results that are computed from lab data, be sure to show how the computation was done. That is, show the math used. When doing computations in the lab report, show the general formula and then show the formula with your actual data to show how you obtained your result. Set the mathematics away from text so it stands out. 20. Fully explain the data. Do not leave any critical data out of the report. If you calculated the amount of a substance by measuring the weight of a container empty and then again with the sample in it, both weights must be in the report along with the final weight. 21. Be sure data, calculations and conclusions are tied together. If these items are in different parts of the report, be sure to tell the reader where they can be found. 22. All data in the lab report should be able to be traced back to the experimental data you recorded on the data sheet you submitted. Do not take any shortcuts in data handling. You must show all relationships in a logical, orderly manner, and you must show how results were calculated. 23. When giving melting point or boiling point data, be sure to report these data as a range, and be sure to give the accepted literature values in parentheses immediately after your experimental data. 24. The conclusion section may be brief but should tell what the objectives of the experiment were and if they were achieved. 25. Do not report a percent error unless told to do so. We measure percent recovery or percent yield. Be sure you know the difference between these terms. 26. Repeating errors, such as the misspelling of a chemical, will be noted only once when reports are graded. 27. Do not capitalize a chemical name unless it is the first word in the sentence. However, often Microsoft Word will do this automatically. 28. Mass is not used as a verb in this course. A chemical can be weighed but not massed. Also, precipitates are filtered, not funneled. 55 29. Two words are often misused in this course. The first is 'separate' which is often misspelled with an 'e' after the 'p'. Fortunately, spell checkers fix this error. The other misused word is 'vial' which many students write as 'vile'. A spell checker does not repair this mistake. The dictionary defines 'vile' as: "mean, worthless, unclean, repulsive, bad." The same dictionary defines the homonym 'vial' as: "a small vessel." Be sure to use these two terms correctly. 30. Do not use the first or second person in scientific writing. Do not use I, we, or you. 31. A rewrite of a previously graded lab report will not be accepted unless it was authorized and agreed upon by the Instructor before it was done. 32. More information about good report writing style for chemists can be found on the Web by doing a Google search on ‘writing style for chemists’. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 56 APPENDIX C: FIGURES MEASUREMENTS AND SIGNIFICANT INTRODUCTION: A very important aspect of laboratory work is making and reporting measurements carefully. A significant part of your grade will be based on how you gather and report data. You will need to know which measurements will need to be made carefully and which are less important and can be made quickly with less accuracy so as not to waste time. There are three terms that you will need to know and understand: precision, accuracy, and significant figures. These terms have similar meaning and are often confused. precision--The ability of repeated measurements to have the same value. If you weigh an item three different times, the number of grams should be exact or very close for all the measurements. accuracy--The agreement of a measurement with the accepted value reported for that value. If you measure the density of water at 4 degrees Celsius, it should be 1.00 g/ml. significant figures--The number of digits that can be reported for a measurement. If you weigh some item on the top loading balance in our laboratory, it can be recorded to the third decimal place if using units of grams, such as, 1.234 g. In this laboratory course, the correct use of significant figures will be the most important of the three. Accuracy will be the next most important and precision will generally be disregarded as you will usually not make repeated measurements of the same data item. SIGNIFICANT FIGURES: The number of significant figures you give in your lab report is governed by the limits of the measuring devices you use and the care you exercise in making a measurement. Mathematical manipulation of data can never increase the number of significant figures in your result. You will need to know what measurements are important and which are not. Do not waste time in making a very careful measurement on some less significant piece of data. For example, the exact amount of a reagent is needed but the precise volume of solvent in which it is dissolved is often not needed. Be sure to record important data to the level of precision the measuring instrument allows. If the directions tell you to measure out exactly 0.500 g of a compound, then you will have to spend some time to carefully get 0.500 g. However, often the directions will say to measure 57 approximately 0.500 g of a compound. Here, you can quickly weigh out an amount that is approximately 0.500 g but you must record your exact weight. For example, you may have weighed 0.476 g. You would then use that figure (0.476 g) in your report and further calculations. It is important that you know the difference between 0.05 and 0.050. The first of these (0.05) has one significant figure while the second (0.050) has two significant figures. A zero used to place the decimal point is not a significant figure. So, if you carefully weighed out 0.500 g and wrote it as 0.5 g or 0.50 g, you would be wrong. You must show all the significant figures allowed by the measurement you made along with the correct units such as grams (g), milligrams (mg), milliliters (ml), etc. In any measurement, the last significant figure has an uncertainty associated with it. Often you will see the balance going up and down over time in the last decimal place. So a measurement such as 0.476 g really is 0.476 +/- 0.001 g. In using conversion factors such as 1 pound/453.6 g, the number 1 is exact and can be assumed to have the same number of significant figures as the other value. So here, the conversion factor is 1.000 pound/453.6 g. Also note that every conversion factor equals one so the reciprocal also is true. That is, 453.6 g/1 pound is also true. In all your calculations, be sure to show the numerical data and the correct units. Both are required. It is important to consider how to use significant figures when doing mathematical operations. Using a calculator which can report 8 digits does not make your result more accurate. You must report your calculated result to the correct number of significant figures allowed by the laboratory measurements and not the calculator. If the mathematical operation is addition or subtraction, your result can only be reported to the decimal place of the least accurate measurement. The following examples may clarify this. If you add 123.4 g to .123 g, the result is 123.5 g. If you add 1.2 g to .123 g, the result is 1.3 g. If you subtract 1.234 g from 1.236 g, the result is .002 g. Note that in addition and especially subtraction, you can appear to lose significant figures. So, in such cases, if one measurement can only be made to the first decimal place, it is a waste of time to make the other measurement carefully to the third decimal place. If the mathematical operation involves multiplication and division, the result will have the number of significant figures equal to that of the least significant piece of data. If you multiply 123 by 12, the result is 1500 which has 2 significant figures and 2 zeros to place the decimal point. 58 Such results are better written in scientific notation (1.5 x 103) to avoid confusion. Be sure you fully understand the meaning and use of significant figures as a major part of your laboratory grade will be based on your lab measurements and data manipulation in your lab reports. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 59 APPENDIX D: PERCENT YIELD CALCULATION METHOD The calculation of a per cent yield is a very important part of those labs where a chemical synthesis has been done. In your report be sure to correctly do the percent yield calculation (showing the correct significant figures and units) and present it in a very clear manner. Do not forget the show the correct units with each measurement as you perform the calculation. A percent yield calculation is an application of a weight-weight problem which you learned in Fundamentals of Chemistry. You must show how the calculations are done in an area that is separated from text. Do not put data details in paragraph text. Present data details in tabular form and be sure this data is near the text that makes reference to it for clarity of presentation or, if the calculations have been attached to the end of your report as an appendix, give a clear sentence that refers the reader to this page. Calculations should be close to where the final data are presented in your report. Briefly, a percent yield calculation is an application of a weight-weight problem in General Chemistry. You calculate the number of moles (or millimoles) of each reagent. Determine which reagent is the limiting reagent from the balanced equation. Catalysts and solvents are not usually limiting reagents. Then, determine from the balanced equation the maximum number of moles of the desired product that could be obtained and this is your theoretical yield in moles. Convert this number of moles of product to a theoretical weight of product. Then, divide the weight of product that you obtained by the theoretical weight of product you calculated and multiply by 100 % to get the percent yield. Alternatively, you could determine the actual moles of product obtained by taking the mass of the product isolated and dividing by its molecular weight. The percent yield in that case would be the actual moles of product divided by the theoretical moles of product times 100 %. Be sure to identify which method you use by showing numerical and unit values for all data in your calculations. Percent yield calculations will be a major part of your report grade in those labs where percent yield data need to be reported. SAMPLE CALCULATION: Below is just a are done presented in process. This is not for your lab report. reaction of a diamine appeared in Lab 8. guide to show you how the calculations a manner to help you understand the an acceptable percent yield calculation The method below was adapted from a with an acid to give a salt which 60 The balanced equation showed that 1 mole of diamine reacts with 1 mole of acid to give 1 mole of salt. You started with 1.20 ml of diamine. gives 1.14 g of diamine 1.20 ml * .951 g/ml 1.14 g of diamine / 114 g/mole of diamine gives .0100 mole of diamine used. You also weighed some tartaric acid that varied from group to group. Say your group weighed .732 g. The number of moles of acid in the .732 g is .732 g / 150 g/mole of tartaric acid or 0.00488 mole of tartaric acid. From the balanced equation, the acid is the limiting reagent and the theoretical yield of the product would be .00488 moles of salt. From the molecular weight of the product, the theoretical weight of the product is 0.00488 mole * 264 g/mole of salt or 1.29 g. If you obtained .847 g of product, your percent yield is (.847 / 1.29 g) * 100% or 65.7 %. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 61 APPENDIX E: CHEMICAL DATA INTRODUCTION: This appendix will present physical data and safety data about chemical substances that are mentioned in the experiments described in this manual. The data are presented in an Excel spreadsheet format. Table 1 gives all the data in one location but the printing is small and may be difficult to read. Table 2 gives safety information while Table 3 gives the physical properties of the chemicals. Data were obtained from chemical handbooks, supplier catalogs, and material safety data sheets. In many cases, the value for a given piece of data such as a melting point varied from source to source within a narrow range. Therefore, you may find a data value from some source you check that does not agree with what is reported in this appendix. However, if you find any serious error in the data tables, please send an e mail to Robert Shine ( informing him of the nature of the error. A blank cell in the data tables indicate the value for that data point was not found or does not apply. For example, the boiling point of an inorganic solid is generally not useful in this course. Also, the density for a solid substance could be meaningless for us. Remember that you can obtain more complete information from the Material Safety Data Sheet (msds) for a given substance. You can obtain a material safety data sheet for a compound by doing a Google search. For example, an msds for acetone can be obtained by typing "msds acetone" or "acetone msds" (don't include the quote marks) in the search box. Usually this search will result in many hits so you can just link to one of the sources. If you do not get any results from a Google search, try to search using an alternate name for the chemical. With practice, you will find your favorite source for an msds. EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS: The ChemicalName column gives the usual name for the substance listed. All tables are arranged alphabetically according to the ChemicalName. The AlternateName column gives another name for a given substance. The Formula column gives the general chemical formula for that substance. If you compute the molecular weight for that chemical formula, you would obtain the data value in the Mol.Wt. column. The units for these data are grams/mole. The next column, Melt.Pt., gives the melting point in degrees Centigrade (Celsius). After this, comes the column Boil.Pt. which gives the boiling point for the substance in degrees Centigrade (Celsius). The Density column gives the density for the substance in grams/ml. The density for a solid is not useful in this 62 course but the density for a liquid could give a useful method when measuring liquid reagents. One can easily and accurately measure a liquid by volume. The weight of that sample would then be equal to the volume times the density. If you know the weight you wish to measure, the volume would be equal to the desired weight divided by the density. Expressed in mathematical terms, the formulae are: Volume = Weight / Density Weight = Volume x Density The remaining three columns give some safety data. The CAS # is the Chemical Abstract Service number for the substance. The CAS# is a unique identifier for a chemical assigned by the American Chemical Society. The FlashPt gives the temperature at which a substance can be readily ignited. Substances with a flash point below 100 degrees Centigrade are classified as flammable while those above 100 degrees are called combustible. Be especially cautious with chemicals with a flash point below 0 degrees. The final column gives the NFPA Rating of the substance. NFPA stands for the National Fire Protection Association and their web site can be found at (not .com) which is a for profit organization. You can find more information about this rating system by doing a Google search on “nfpa diamond”. The rating assigns values from 0 to 4 for each of three categories (Health, Fire, and instability which is sometimes called reactive). A value of 0 indicates little or no hazard whereas a value of 4 indicates an extreme hazard. © 2009 Stephen Anderson and Robert Shine 63