Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Trust Operational Policy Human Resources and Organisational Development Services Induction and Mandatory Training Policy Policy Reference: 4139 0 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Document Title Author/Contact Document Path & Filename Document Control Induction and Mandatory Training Policy Stella Clayton EQMS Document Management System Document Reference 4139 Document Impact Assessed Yes/No Version 3 Status Ratified Publication Date 31st August 2011 Review Date 30th August 2013 Approved by (Executive) Diane Wake Date: 17th May 2011 Ratified by (Relevant Group) NHSLA Working Group Date: 17th May 2011 Date: June 2010 Distribution: Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust-intranet Please note that the Intranet version of this document is the only version that is maintained. Any printed copies must therefore be viewed as “uncontrolled” and as such, may not necessarily contain the latest updates and amendments. Document History Version 0.1 Date 14 June 2010 Comments 0.2 2 August 2010 0.3 1.2 3 November 2010 6 December 2010 April 2011 1.3 April 2011 1.4 May 2011 2.0 May 2011 3.0 August 2011 Amendments following comments from Mandatory Training Group and Directorate Managers Amendments following comments from Mandatory Training Group Ratified by Governance and Risk Management Committee Amendments following comments from Risk Management/Mandatory Training Group/ Amendments following Mandatory Training Working Group Amendments following comments from Subject Experts Amendments following further comments from Risk Management Strengthened policy in order to make clearer process to follow (comments from NHSLA Assessor and Monitor Assessment) 1.0 1 Merging of Induction and Mandatory Training Policies Author Stella Clayton Stella Clayton Stella Clayton Stella Clayton Susan Jones Susan Jones Susan Jones Susan Jones Helen Ballinger Stella Clayton Susan Jones Debra Bradley Jo Charing Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Review Process Prior to Ratification: Name of Group/Department/Specialist Committee Mandatory Training Group Subject Experts Date April 2011 May 2011 Table of Contents HEADING Control Sheet 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Equality and Diversity 2.0 Objectives Page Number 3 3 4 3.0 Scope of Policy 4 4.0 Policy 5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.0 Definitions Corporate Trust Induction Local Induction Mandatory Training 4.4.1 Required Attendance at Mandatory Training Process for Developing the Training Needs Analysis Process for Developing an Annual Training Prospectus 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 Roles and Responsibilities 11 5.1 Mandatory Training Group 5.2 Director of HR & OD 5.3 Deputy Director of OD 5.4 HR Business Partners 5.5 Risk Manager 5.6 Recruitment Services 5.7 Learning & Development Services 5.8 Post Graduate Education Centre 5.9 Directorate Managers 5.10 Line Managers 5.11 All Staff 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 Associated Documentation and References 14 6.1 Legal Requirements, National Standards & Guidance 6.2 Documentation 14 15 7.0 Training 15 8.0 Monitoring and Audit 15 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 17 17 18 18 18 18 6.0 Recording and Monitoring of Equality and Diversity Recording & Reporting Reporting process Document Control Register/Library of Procedural Documents Process for retrieving archived Documents 9.0 Consultation 19 10.0 Approval & Ratification 19 APPENDICES 2 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Appendix 1 – Corporate Trust Induction Programme Appendix 2 – Local Induction Workbook Appendix 3 – Local Induction Checklist Appendix 4 – Rapid Induction Pack (Locum/Agency) Appendix 5 – F1 Induction Programme Appendix 6 – ST 1 – 5 Induction Programme Appendix 7 – F1 Teaching Programme Appendix 8 – Mandatory Training Matrix Appendix 9 – Core Skills Update programme Appendix 10 – Equality Impact Assessment Tool 3 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts 1.0 Introduction Starting a new job can be a demanding and pressured experience. Apart from the obvious challenge of tackling new tasks, there is also the need to become accustomed to a new organisation, a new environment and new colleagues. All new employees must attend Corporate Induction during their first week, which includes all of the mandatory, legal, health and safety training they need to boost confidence and smooth their transition into employment within the organisation. Having spent time and effort in recruiting the right person, a comprehensive, relevant Induction is essential in ensuring that the successful applicant becomes an effective, motivated member of staff in the shortest time possible. Attending a Corporate Trust Induction and completing Local Induction is only the first part of a continuing process of learning. Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust (RLBUHT) must ensure that all staff are trained and kept up to date with legislation, and recommendations and guidance appropriate to their role starting with recruitment and throughout their career at RLBUHT. This type of training is “Mandatory” training deemed as essential by RLBUHT for all staff, or for specific groups of staff according to their job role. Mandatory Training includes health and safety legislation, healthcare professional standards and other relevant guidance. This policy covers the requirements of both Induction and Mandatory Training, and is important for the safety of our staff, our patients’, relatives and carers, and all those visiting our premises. Delivery of a comprehensive Corporate Trust Induction and Local Induction indicates a high level of commitment to new employees, ensuring that they feel confident and competent in delivery of high quality care and services. Insistence upon completion of relevant mandatory training demonstrates the Trusts commitment to a culture of staff development, patient safety, high quality clinical care and support services. 1.1 Equality and Diversity The Trust is committed to an environment that promotes equality and embraces diversity as an employer and in provision of services. It will adhere to legal and performance requirements ensuring that equality & diversity principles are in policies, procedures and processes. This policy is implemented with due regard to this commitment. To ensure that the implementation of this policy does not have an adverse impact in response to the requirements of the Race Relations (Amendment Act), the Disability Discrimination Act 2005, and the Equality Act 2006 this policy has been screened for relevance during the policy development process and a full impact assessment conducted where necessary prior to consultation. The Trust will take remedial action when necessary to address any unexpected or unwarranted disparities and monitor practice to ensure that this policy is fairly implemented. This policy and procedure can be made available in alternative formats on request including large print, Braille, moon, audio, and different languages. To arrange this please refer to the Trust translation and interpretation policy in the first instance. The Trust will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate any employee with particular equality and diversity requirements in implementing this policy and procedure. This may include accessibility of venues, providing translation, arranging an interpreter, extending timeframes to enable translation to be undertaken, or assistance with formulating any written parts to Induction and Mandatory training requirements. 4 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts 2.0 Objectives The delivery of high quality care for patients is at the heart of what we do, with the minimisation of risk being an integral part. This policy supports the Trust in this aim by setting out health and safety training expectations for all managers and staff within the Trust, including those who work in partnership through contracts, secondment, or as a volunteer. It is expected that all managers realise the importance of adhering to this policy, and implement it rigorously when recruiting, and when supporting staff and others to develop. In so doing, the Trust and its staff will improve the quality of patient care/services, and reduce risks for all who come into contact with the Trust. 5 steps to success - RLBUHT is committed to ensuring that: 1. All managers adhere to set start dates for recruitment, 2. All staff complete the Corporate Trust Induction Programme during their first week. 3. Staff complete the standardised Local Induction Workbook within the first month, (including staff who internally transfer/get promoted). 4. All staff receive Mandatory Training according to their role, with a minimum of 80% attendance/compliance. 5. Recording, reporting and monitoring of attendance against agreed targets takes place and action is taken where there is a shortfall against agreed target. Measures of Success Corporate Trust Induction, Local Induction, and Mandatory Training is compliant with legislation/recommendations, the NHS North West Core Skills Framework , and provided in sufficient capacity to meet need, including flexible provision where appropriate e.g. e learning, work based learning. Clear Mandatory Training expectations are set out by job role, Staff can access Mandatory training according to equality and diversity guidelines. Managers accept responsibility for ensuring that staff complete mandatory training. Staff understand their mandatory training requirements, and take personal responsibility for fulfilling them. Staff are given the time to attend Induction and Mandatory training as part of the working week, paid time, or as time paid back in lieu. Staff complete their required mandatory training, or have a booked place, before any other training/study leave is approved. Mandatory training attendance and non attendance is monitored and reported, and action taken to address shortfalls. Managerial action is taken where staff fail to attend, and/or do not complete their required training and there are no mitigating circumstances, e.g. being prevented from attending due to emergencies in the workplace. Managerial action is also taken where attendance falls below target for a Ward/Dept/Team/Directorate/Division resulting in performance monitoring for the line manager accountable, and where there are no mitigating circumstances. 3.0 Scope of the Policy This policy applies to all staff, permanent, temporary, seconded, (including volunteers); in all staff groups and all contract types, including bank workers, with the exception of: 5 Workers from Approved Agencies, including Locum Doctors. Such workers are not required to attend a Corporate Induction, they will be provided with a Rapid Induction pack when signing on for duty in Medical HR. In the case of emergency short term locums arriving in the evening/night/weekend, they will report to the duty manager on arrival and will be issued with an Rapid Induction Pack. Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Temporary staff with contracts of less than 3 months. Such staff are not required to attend Induction, they may be required to attend other mandatory training according to their job role if not up-to-date with the required training. They will be provided with a Local Induction Pack for temporary staff that includes a map of the appropriate site, and a security badge by the local service manager. Contracted staff. Induction and Mandatory training is the responsibility of the employing organisation. All staff that change roles within the Trust must undergo a Local Induction, and may attend the Corporate Trust Induction if necessary. This is a central tenet of health and safety legislation whether it is Induction or upon promotion with increased responsibilities for health & safety.1 4.0 4.1 Policy Definitions Corporate Trust Induction - Taught generic programme suitable for all employees. Local Induction Workbook - Generic workbook suitable for all employees (may include Directorate/Dept information), which must be completed within the first month. Local Induction Checklist - Generic checklist for all locum/agency staff who are on RLBUHT premises for less than 3 months, which must be completed before commencement of duties. Rapid Induction Pack – Induction pack for short tem medical locums (normally from an agency) Permanent staff - All staff (permanent and temporary, including bank workers) under a contract of employment with the organisation and medical staff in training, for more than 3 months. Temporary staff - Workers supplied by one organisation (e.g. locum/ agency workers) for temporary use by another organisation. Temporary staff are the employees of the supplying organisation Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and therefore the responsibility for training, performance etc lies with the employing organisation not the Trust. Minimum Data Set (MDS) - Within the NHSLA Risk Management Standards there are key subject areas in relation to risk, which incorporate aspects of training. The organisation must therefore ensure it includes these areas of risk management training within the training needs analysis. Training Needs Analysis (TNA) - A breakdown presented as a spreadsheet/table, showing all staff groups, all training required by each staff group, and the frequency of that training. Mandatory Training refers to training, which has been approved as essential by the Trust, after taking into account current legislation and guidance. Core Skills Update is a one day Mandatory Training refresher. Staff may attend for all or part of the day according to the TNA. NHS North West Core Skills Framework is a proposed agreement between organisations to accept mandatory training which has been undertaken elsewhere provided that the organisation has signed up to delivering that training to an agreed standard by appropriately qualified trainers. 4.2 Corporate Trust Induction As a minimum, all new employees employed for over three months, must attend the 1 ½ day Corporate Trust Induction programme during their first week, with the exception of 1 The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as amended 6 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts doctors in training (see below). The first 1 ½ days covers all of the mandatory legal, health and safety training employees need during their first 2 years of employment (Appendix 1), Additional mandatory training (Core Skills) is not therefore, required until their two year anniversary. Corporate Trust Induction is followed by a “pathway” (see Table 1 below) according to the individual’s job role. Table 1 Monday PATHWAY 1 Managers/Admin Non Direct Care Staff TRUST INDUCTION PATHWAY 2 Direct Care Support Staff PATHWAY 3 Direct Care Professionals Medical Staff TRUST INDUCTION TRUST INDUCTION Tuesday TRUST INDUCTION Local Induction Wednesday Local Induction Thursday Friday Local Induction Local Induction TRUST INDUCTION Introduction to Personal Care Manual Handling Resuscitation Local Induction Local Induction TRUST INDUCTION Clinical Skills Refresher Manual Handling Resuscitation Local Induction Local Induction Pathway 2 must be completed by all Direct Care Support Staff and Pathway 3 must be completed by all Direct Care Professionals including Medical Staff. The three pathways run on consecutive days and should be completed within the employees first week of employment. On completion of the Corporate Induction Pathways, all staff proceed to complete local induction checklists (Appendix 2) for Permanent Staff or Staff employed for more than 3 months or (Appendix 3) for Temporary Staff employed for < 3 months or (Appendix 4 for Locum and Agency Staff Medical Staff. The exception to the above exists for Doctors in Training (F1/2 and ST Grades 1 – 5). Corporate Induction for these staff group is provided as per Table 2 Table 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday PATHWAY 4 F1 and Headroom F2 Corporate Induction as per Programme (Appendix 5) Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday PATHWAY 5 ST 1 – 5 plus overspill of Headroom F2 Delivered August, December and April (yearly) Corporate Induction as per Programme (Appendix 6) Commence Local Induction Commence Local Induction Continue onto Protected Teaching Time Programme see Appendix 7 Pathway 4 - All F1 Doctors are pre-employed 7 days before their post commences in order for them to complete their Corporate Induction Programme. All Headroom F2 doctors (doctors who have not completed their F1 Training post within the Trust will be encouraged to attend the F1 programme with Pay. 7 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Pathway 5 - All ST1 – 5 doctors will attend a 2 day Corporate Induction Programme. Headroom F2 doctors who have been unable to attend Pathway 4, should attend Pathway 5. The Trust has agreed for Corporate Induction (F1 Programme and ST 1 – 5 Programme to be undertaken at a local level for Emergency Department, Anaesthetics and Theatres and the Dental Hospital. This agreement is made providing that the core elements listed below are covered: Infection Control including Hand Hygiene and Inoculation Incidents Consent Medicines Management Transfusion Resuscitation Venous Thromboembolism Health and Safety, including Conflict, Slips, Trips and Falls & Manual Handling Information Governance including Record Keeping Harassment and Bullying It shall be the role of these departments to ensure that all doctors in training in the specialist areas complete induction training to the standard identified and provide records of attendance to the Education Services for record keeping, monitoring and follow up of non compliance. Local Induction Checklists must be completed as per this policy. Additional Training for Doctors in Training (Pre and Post Induction) All new doctors in training (F1/F2, ST1 – 5) starters are asked to complete a suite of E learning modules which is considered to be integral to their Induction. This is part of a Deanery accredited induction passport system and covers: Duties, Risk and Pressure Fire Hazardous Substances Infection Control Manual Handling Patient ID Safeguarding Adults Safeguarding Children Slips, Trips and Falls The Principles of Good documentation Completion is automatically recorded on a learning management system which is shared across the participating Trusts. Education Services audit completion on the system. Doctors in training who fail to complete within 2 weeks are reminded by email. Failure to complete within a further week results in a further email copied to the Director of Post Graduate Medical Education for action. F1 Induction continues through the first 6 weeks of employment during protected teaching session on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday lunchtime. See Appendix 7. Attendance registers are held by Education Services, Corporate Trust Induction Procedures 8 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Corporate Trust Induction is provided on set start dates which are known to managers a year in advance to assist with recruitment. All new staff are automatically allocated dates to attend the Corporate Induction Programme and appropriate pathway by the recruitment team (Pathways 1 – 3) or Education Centre (Pathways 4 & 5) and are informed of those dates by letter. Copies of letters are sent to managers, by Human Resources for Pathways 1 - 3, for their information. Notification for Pathways 4 & 5, are through the Education Centre direct to the Dr in training. Induction is measured by completion of pathways 1 - 5 as described above. A flowchart of the process for Induction Pathways 1 - 3 is shown below. HR Responsibilities Learning & Development HR Responsibilities Responsibilities Managers recruit to set start dates & Permanent staff/ Temporary Staff employed for >3 months appointed and allocated a Corporate Induction date Recruitment send dates for Induction and pathway(s) to new staff in the recruitment pack (cc to local manager) New staff member attends the Corporate Trust Induction and appropriate Pathway(s) Attendance records are signed at the Corporate Trust Induction. Non-Attendance followed up on day 1 with Recruitment team Recruitment send new starter list to Learning & Development (L&D) Services prior to Induction Attendance for the Corporate Trust Induction is entered onto the training database (OLM) by L&D Services Recruitment send Managers L& D new starter monthly reports (Last Friday in the Month). Monthly Workforce reports produced by L&D on attendance at Induction against recruitment Report to the Mandatory Training Group, NHSLA Working Group and Directorate Mandatory Training Group and Directorate Managers to address any local issues arising from the reports 9 All non-attendees automatically booked onto the next Corporate Trust Induction by recruitment team (cc to local manager) Anyone failing to attend Trust Induction on a second occasion (without valid reason) will be reported to the Directorate Managers by HR Recruitment Services and will be included in a non attendance report for further action NHSLA Working Group to address any organisational issues arising from the reports Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts A flowchart of the process for Induction Pathways 4 & 5 is shown below: Education Centre Doctors in Training are recruited at set start dates and attend a Dedicated Corporate Induction New staff member attends Pathway 4 – All F1s are employed 7 days pre contract in order to complete Induction Attendance records are signed at the Induction Programme. Pathway 4 – F2 Headroom Doctors requested to attend F1 Induction Programme Pathway 5 – All ST 1 - 5 complete 2 day Induction Programme during the first week of employment. F2 Headroom Drs who have not completed Pathway 4 must completed Pathway 5 Non-Attendance followed up on day 1 by Education Centre staff Attendance lists for Induction are sent to L&D to be entered onto the training database (OLM) by Education Centre Monthly Workforce reports produced by L&D on attendance at Induction against recruitment Report to the Mandatory Training Group, NHSLA Working Group and Directorate Mandatory Training Group and Directorate Managers to address any local issues arising from the reports 10 All non-attendees booked onto next Medical Staff Induction Programme or Core Skills by Education Centre who will inform L&D (cc to Clinical Director and the Director of Medical Education) Anyone failing to attend Trust Induction on a second occasion (without valid reason*) will be reported to the Medical Director and will be included in a non attendance report for further action NHSLA Working Group to address any organisational issues arising from the reports Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts 4.3 Local Induction A generic Local Induction Workbook (Appendix 2) is provided to the new employee by the Learning and Development Department, on day one of the Corporate Trust Induction, which covers general information suitable for all new employees. Directorates/Corporate Services may add to the Local Induction Workbook to reflect specific Directorate needs, or to address particular job requirements. For individuals working on RLBUHT premises for less than 3 months, a condensed Local Induction Checklist (Appendix 3) is available and must be carried out by the local manager prior to the commencement of duty. The checklist covers the minimum requirements suitable for all new members of staff to ensure patient safely is maintained. It is expected that all agency workers/locum doctors familiarise themselves with local procedures with local manager support as soon as reasonably practical and complete Locum/Agency Rapid Induction Pack (Appendix 4). Local Induction Procedures (Permanent/Temporary contract staff recently employed) A generic Local Induction Workbook (Appendix 2) is provided by the Trust, which covers general information suitable for all new employees. Directorates/Corporate Services may add to the Local Induction Workbook to reflect specific Directorate needs, or to address particular job requirements. As a minimum, all new permanent and temporary staff employed for > 3 months must complete the Local Induction Workbook within the first month of their employment. Managers must send the completed copy to Learning and Development Department for recording completion on the Staff Training Record. Learning and Development will forward the original to HR Services for filing on the personal file. Staff should retain a copy. Compliance and non-compliance will be reported by the Learning and Development Team monthly to the, Mandatory Training Group and NHSLA Working Group. Local Induction for Temporary Staff i.e. approved Locum/Agency Workers As a minimum, individuals working on RLBUHT premises for less than 3 months, a condensed Local Induction Checklist (Appendix 3) must be carried out by the local manager prior to the commencement of duty. The checklist covers the minimum requirements suitable for all new members of staff to ensure patient safely is maintained. Agency workers/locum doctors are expected to complete the Locum/Agency Rapid Induction Pack (Appendix 4) with the Duty Manager or Local Requesting Manager and to familiarise themselves with local procedures with local manager support as soon as reasonably practical. Duty Manager/Local managers must send the completed Rapid Induction Checklist to Medical HR Services/Nurse Bank as applicable, who will retain a record, and a copy given to the worker. Compliance and non-compliance will be recorded by the Medical HR Services/Hospital Bank and reported to Learning and Development Department for inclusion in the monthly reporting on compliance/non compliance to Mandatory Training Group and NHSLA Working Group, by Learning and Development Services. 11 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts When an existing member of staff transfers to a new post within the Trust, the Trust considers it good practice for the member of staff to work through the Local Induction Workbook, to assist them to settle in to their new role. The Local Induction checklist should be sent to the Learning and Development Department who will forward a copy to HR Services for the personal file, and staff should retain a copy. Development needs may be addressed during appraisal. A flowchart of the process for Local Induction is shown below. Permanent/Temporary Staff Employed For > 3 months Locum/Agency and Temporary Staff employed For < 3 months Request for Temp noted to Hospital Bank/Medical HR New Staff member appointed Existing Staff member transfers between jobs – Considered Good Practice Receives Local Induction Workbook at Corporate Induction Local Induction Workbook completed with line manager/mentor (During first month) Manager/staff sign to confirm completion of Local Induction Manager sends copy to Learning and Development for recording on the training database (OLM) Copy given to staff Leaning and Development send copy to Medical HR or Liverpool HR Services to maintain record of completion on the personal file (From agency, Locum Doctors etc. less than 3 months) Temp worker appointed (From agency, Locum Doctors etc. less than 3 months) Given Local Induction Checklist or Rapid Induction Pack by requesting manager or duty manager (out of hours) to complete at commencement of shift Monthly Workforce Information report produced by L&D monitored by Mandatory Training Group informed and NHSLA Working Group. HR Director informed and action taken on anyone failing to complete Local Induction (without valid reason*) Manager and temp worker sign form to confirm local induction has been completed before commencement of duties Form copied - one sent by service manager to Medical HR/ Hospital Bank, as applicable for filing/recording and one retained by the worker. Report sent to the L&D Dept that local induction has been completed. L&D to report to Director of HR non compliance of Agency and Locum staff to action with Directorates *Valid reasons for non completion of Local Induction include but are not exclusively, sickness/absence, special leave, and/or other exceptional circumstances. Follow up of Non Attendance and Local Induction Checklists 12 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts The Learning and Development Department will follow up, with HR, all staff who have not attended the Corporate Induction Programme to ascertain if the person accepted the offer of employment or not. If employment was accepted HR will allocate a further date and inform the member of staff of their need to attend. A second failure will be escalated to the Directorate Manager and Director of HR for appropriate disciplinary action. The Education Centre will follow up any Doctors in training who fail to complete Corporate and Local Induction. Clinical Directors will be notified of failings. Arrangements will be made for the doctor to receive training by the Director of Medical Education. A second failure will be escalated to the Medical Director for appropriate disciplinary action. The Learning and Development Department will follow up all staff who have attended the Corporate Induction Programme to ensure that their local induction process has been completed. This will be undertaken monthly and reported as described above. Local Managers will be informed of any failings to comply and requested to ensure local induction is completed. Were non compliance continues this will be reported to the Divisional Management Team and Director of Human Resources for immediate action. Monitoring of compliance will be through the monthly reporting process described above, with the Mandatory Training Group and NHSLA Working Group. For all Locum/Agency, Medical HR/Duty Manager and the Hospital Bank will be responsible for ensuring that local induction is performed and the checklist completed on the first day of employment. 4.4. Mandatory Training Mandatory training is essentially risk management training designed to maintain the safety of both patients and staff. The Trust will comply with the NHS Northwest Core Skills Framework to ensure consistency between local organisations and to reduce duplication of training when staff transfer between organisations. This is currently in the pilot stages. Some mandatory training will be the same for all groups of staff, other types of mandatory training are only required by certain groups of staff, and some will be tailored according to need and specific job roles. Mandatory Training requirements according to staff groups and frequency of updates are set out in the Mandatory Training Matrix (Appendix 8). 12 essentials have been defined as mandatory at RLBUHT; These are delivered as part of Corporate Induction, Core Skills Update and Clinical Skills Refresher programmes. 1. Corporate Trust Induction 2. Local Induction 3. Fire Safety 4. Moving & Handling (Patient Handling & Object Handling) 5. Conflict Resolution (includes Lone Worker and Harassment & Bullying) 6. Equality, Diversity & Human Rights 7. Resuscitation training 8. Health, Safety & Security (including slips, trips and falls) 9. Infection Prevention & Control (including Hand Hygiene, inoculation incidents) 10. Safeguarding Children 11. Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults 12. Information Governance & Health Record Keeping 13 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Mandatory Training will be centrally provided over a maximum of one day to support staff release and minimise workplace disruption. The one day “Core Skills Update” (Appendix 9) will be structured so that staff groups attend for all or part of the day according to need. An additional “Core Clinical Skills Update” is available to meet local needs in line with the minimum data set for clinical staff. It is expected that clinical staff will receive this update every two years. Mandatory Training may also be delivered locally to suit needs, as either taught sessions or work based learning, and where appropriate, e learning will be available as an alternative access to learning. The Trust will comply with the basic requirements within the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) of the NHSLA Minimum Data Set (MDS). The requirements will be met through both the corporate and local induction and mandatory training identified within this policy and the TNA. Clinical/Professional/Role Specific Mandatory Training may also be agreed within Directorates/Corporate Services according to local need. This policy does not cover mandatory training requirements for continuous professional development purposes for specific staff groups or individuals. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) mandatory training will be identified and agreed within Directorates for groups of staff, e.g. safety roles in Estates and Facilities, and may be included in Divisional Business Plans. Learning and Development Services will support compliance with Divisional Business Plans, by maintaining central training records of compliance. 4.4.1 Required attendance at Mandatory Training: RLBUHT expects everyone to attend all the mandatory training required of them in their role. A minimum of 80% attendance/compliance is expected. This minimum target will be reviewed according to organisational needs/risk assessment. Staff are expected to attend on their allocated date(s)/complete the required learning, unless there are exceptional circumstances, and the line manager agrees to cancel the place. Cancellations will only be accepted from a line manager, not a member of staff and line managers are expected to give reasons for non attendance, which will be recorded by Learning and Development, to assist with reporting. Arrangements must be made by the individual member of staff to attend/complete the required learning on an alternative date. Staff may be unable to attend any other training/study leave unless they have attended/booked place for all the mandatory training required of them for that year. Failure to attend/complete the required learning (without valid reason) by the individual may result in disciplinary action/withholding of pay progression as safe practice is compromised. Likewise, managers must plan and monitor staff release, they must ensure that staff attend training/complete the learning required of them, and they must take action to follow up non attendance and/or shortfall against agreed target, otherwise they too may be subject to disciplinary action/withholding of pay progression as the safety of the work environment is compromised. Mandatory Training The Mandatory Training Matrix (appendix 8) details all the required training and frequency of updates by staff group. How that training is provided will vary according to the topic and 14 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts will be available as e learning/work based learning where appropriate and relevant. RLBUHT is complying with the framework for mandatory training set out in the NHS Northwest Core Skills Passport. Most staff require an update every 2 years in some generic core skills. To support this, a ½ day “Core Skills Update” is provided with dates and times a year in advance to support managers plan for staff release. Managers and staff agree a timetable for attending mandatory training, and staff will be booked on training as far in advance as possible, ensuring that rotas etc. reflect attendance. Managers will also monitor attendance taking action on non attendance or where there is a shortfall. Some Mandatory Training may be provided locally within Directorates, or as work based learning and it is imperative that signed attendance records are submitted to Learning and Development Services within one week of the programme to ensure accurate recording and reporting. Completed E learning is able to be audited centrally for reporting. A flowchart of the process for Mandatory training is shown below. Mandatory Training Matrix agreed showing requirements by staff group “Core Skills Updates” arranged in sufficient capacity to meet needs and dates are published Local/Work based learning is arranged to meet mandatory training needs E learning is available to meet mandatory training needs Manager books staff onto dates as far as possible in advance Manager/local trainer ensures that attendance registers are signed and submitted to L&D services (within one week) Manager ensure staff has access to appropriate e learning Staff attend and sign register Attendance on Mandatory Training (Core Skills) is entered onto the training database (OLM) by L&D services Monthly Workforce Information report produced by L&D monitored by Mandatory Training Group and Directorates. Directorates take action on anyone failing to complete Mandatory Training (without valid reason) Report to the NHSLA Working Group and Divisions for further action. 4.5 Follow Up Arrangements for all Training identifies in the TNA Different processes exist for each type of training and how non attendance is followed up. 15 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts 4.5.1 Follow up of Core Skills/Clinical Core Skills ; Manual Handling Practical/ Resuscitation Practical and Conflict Resolution Refresher – Reminders Learning and Development will notify staff members of their need to complete refresher (update) training by email 16 weeks before expiry of their previous training date, with a copy sent to their manager. The staff member is expected to book onto a suitable training date before their expiry date. Learning and Development will monitor compliance and follow up staff members who have not rebooked 8 weeks before their expiry date with a further email. Learning and Development will send a final reminder to the staff member and manager 1 week before their expiry date. A further non compliance will be escalated to the Divisional General Manager for further action. Follow up staff who “Did Not Attend” - DNAs Learning and Development Team produce weekly reports for Directorate Managers and Heads of Departments that identify non attendance. The Directorate Manager/Head of Department is requested to rebook the individuals onto training immediately but no later than 2 weeks. In addition monthly reports are produced by Learning and Development and sent to Directorate Managers and Heads of Department of staff who are non-compliant with their training needs. Directorate Managers and Heads of Department are requested to address these training gaps. Learning and Development Team audit re-bookings and inform the Divisions of any ongoing concerns, for action. 4.5.2 Follow up of Consent - General Principles This forms part of Induction training and is followed up as described in section 4.3 of this policy. There is no follow up arrangements in place for procedure specific training as this is part of healthcare professional development and there are no time limits in place. However, non compliance is monitored through the Consent Audit and deficiencies acted upon (refer to Consent to Treatment and Examination Policy. 4.5.3 Follow up of Investigation of Incidents, Complaints and Claims The Risk Management Team, rebook those who fail to attend training and monitor compliance through an annual audit. Staff who fail to complete this training are targeted until complete. Escalation is through the Divisional Management Team. 4.5.4 Follow up of Medical Device Training Please refer to the Medical Devices Policy. 4.6 16 Process for Developing the Training Needs Analysis (Appendix 8) Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts The Trust has set up an Education Governance Group who has the responsibility of overseeing the Trust Learning Investment Plan (Training Plan), prioritising all training needs and authorising any new learning. The Education Governance Group reports into the Finance and Performance Committee which is a sub group of the Trust Board. The Trust has also recently introduced a revised annual Business Planning process which includes a workforce and training plan. In the future, the training needs will be collated from this process, and presented as an annual Learning Investment Plan in April of each year to the to the Education Governance Group. Prioritised needs will be offered in the Trust’s Annual Training Prospectus, which will be kept under review to respond to emerging needs throughout the year. As an interim, the Head of Learning and Development has interviewed every Directorate Manager and specialist subject lead to establish broad training needs arising from service plans and appraisal discussions. This information has been developed into a training needs analysis and draft Learning Investment Plan for approval by the Education Governance Group. The design and delivery of Multi Professional learning is monitored and agreed through the Multi Professional Training Group who report into the Education Governance Group. The delivery of Mandatory Training is kept under review by the Mandatory Training Group who report into the Education Governance Group. A key responsibility of the Mandatory Training Group, as outlined in the terms of reference, is keep under review the Training Needs Analysis of all staff. Key members of the Mandatory Training Group include all lead trainers who deliver on induction and mandatory training for all staff groups. The group is charged with pro-actively assessment the current TNA to ensure: the identification of all staff’s corporate induction and mandatory training requirements reflect current legislation and statute, and includes the core minimum requirements referred to in the NHSLA standards, and is included as the minimum core content in the Trust’s Corporate Induction, and appropriate Mandatory training. the training requirements detailed within specific trust policies are incorporated there is consultation with Trust staff that have specific responsibilities for leading on risk related agendas. The Training Needs Analysis set in policy then details what the Trust deems as mandatory training, that is appropriate to targeted staff groups, including the frequency of training or update training, together with appropriate time periods. The purpose of identifying time periods is to ensure that training resources are targeted to the most appropriate staff groups at the most appropriate intervals, recognising that different staff groups will require different levels of skills, knowledge and understanding in order to fulfil their roles. Additions may be made to TNA in year on the basis of reacting to new requirements or Trust concerns. These will be discussed at the Mandatory Training Group and the TNA updated. The TNA is published on the Learning and Development Website. Creating and Action Plan for the Delivery of identified training Once the TNA has been ratified at the Mandatory Training Group, and the Education Governance Group, an action plan will be agreed to meet the key learning needs within the available budget. 17 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts A programme to meet mandatory learning needs is agreed and this includes specific delivery programmes, delivery dates and lead responsibility for specified programmes. This is added to the Mandatory Training Groups action plan. 4. Process for Developing an Annual Training Prospectus The Trust will provide an annual Training Prospectus for Managers to help target specific training for staff groups. The Training Prospectus will detail training requirements and frequency of training provided by Learning and Development Department. The Training Prospectus will be readily available on the Trusts Intranet Site. An annual report of implementation of the Training Needs Analysis will be produced by the Learning and Development Department at the end of each financial year and disseminated through the Trust intranet. 4.8 All training in respect of this policy delivered by the Trust will be recorded onto the Trust training database (OLM) with the exception of medical devices. 5.0 Roles & Responsibilities 5.1 Responsibility of Mandatory Training Group /Trainers The Mandatory Training Group is responsible for monitoring that all new employees, attend Corporate Trust Induction, receive work based Local Induction, and attend their required mandatory training. Review the Corporate Trust Induction, the Local Induction Workbook/Checklists, and all mandatory training to ensure it is fit for purpose, compliant with legislation/guidelines, and consistent with the standard agreed under this policy. Review the Mandatory Training Report in detail, ensuring that action is communicated to managers and/or changes made to maintain compliance with this policy. Monitor efficacy of training in the light of litigation, increase in accident/incident ratios. Deliver key messages during training in line with best practice in a professional manner which encourages staff to learn and put their learning into practice Make themselves available to deliver all sessions, finding a competent person to substitute them well in advance if they are unable to attend 5.2 Responsibility of Director of HR & Organisational Development The Director of HR & OD has overall accountability for this policy. 5.3 5.4 18 Responsibility of Deputy Director of HR & Organisational Development Oversee the introduction, monitoring and implementation of this policy to ensure a fair and consistent application throughout, answering queries in relation to this policy. Ensure provision of guidance and support to Managers on the operation of this policy. Lead the review of the content of Induction & Mandatory training in consultation with the Mandatory Training Group, ensuring that the Education Governance Committee approves significant changes. Ensure Induction and Mandatory training is recorded and reported against agreed targets, ensuring regular reports are sent to Directorates/Corporate Service Managers. HR Business Partners will Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Participate in the Directorate/Corporate performance reviews to discuss progress against agreed targets, and support managers to find ways of ensuring staff attend required mandatory training. 5.5 The Risk Manager will Advise on the content of training in accordance with the requirements of statute, NHS guidance including NHSLA. The Risk Manager will act as a link between the Risk Management and Mandatory Training Group. 5.6 Recruitment Services will Monitor recruitment practices to set start dates, raising concerns where managers are recruiting outside agreed set start dates without approval. Correspond with new employees detailing the requirement to attend Corporate Trust Induction, undertake Local Induction, and complete all mandatory training. Allocate new employees to the Corporate Trust Induction and mandatory training identified in the Induction pathway for their role, confirming those dates with the line manager and with Learning & Development Services. Advise new employees on the date(s) on which they will be expected to attend Corporate Trust Induction, including sending out Induction information in advance. Provide information on numbers of new starters against those recruited, and those commencing employment prior to attending Corporate Trust Induction for inclusion in the Induction and Mandatory training report. Receive completed Local Induction from Learning and Development/Education Centre and record and retain in personal files. Follow up temporary staff local induction checklists. 5.7 Education Services & Learning & Development Team will Organise Corporate Trust Induction and Mandatory Training in sufficient capacity to meet needs. Inform managers of Corporate Trust Induction and Mandatory training dates in advance to support recruitment and study leave decisions. Provide advice and support for managers on the flexibility of training, and in the provision of locally delivered training. Provide admin support/host service for all Induction and Mandatory training events to monitor that attendance registers have been signed, to provide support for presenters, and to ensure smooth running of events for those attending. Inform recruitment services/managers when staff have failed to attend Induction for local managerial action. Maintain central attendance records, evaluations and content of training programmes, including signed records of attendance, and evidence of completed local induction. Forward Local Induction Checklists to Recruitment Services for filing. Produce standard, regular training attendance and non-attendance reports for internal/external audit, including ad hoc reports where required, ensuring that all data is analysed and presented in the required format and timescales for meetings/briefings. 5.8 Education Service Team will: Ensure Induction is in place as required for all medical staff in training, Consultant Medical staff will attend the Trust Corporate Induction programme and complete the Local Induction Workbook. 5.9 Directorate Managers will; 19 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Ensure all staff in their operational control attend Corporate Trust Induction, complete Local Induction Workbooks/Checklists, and are released to attend mandatory training. In exceptional circumstances, the Directorate Manager may sanction a new starter to commence prior to Corporate Trust Induction. In these circumstances, Local Induction must take place, and the staff member must attend the next available Corporate Induction. Be responsible for cascading this policy throughout their services, ensuring that arrangements are in place to comply with this policy, particularly dissemination and communication, and any updates to all staff. Discuss progress against targets at the local Directorate/Corporate performance review meetings, ensuring that follow up managerial action takes place resulting from nonattendance, shortfall against target, or failure to complete documentation correctly. Agree additional professional/role specific mandatory training and include in the Directorate/Corporate Business Plan. Monitor local compliance with this policy, alerting Learning and Development Services to any difficulties, and make suggestions for improvements. 5.10 Ensure that all staff are recruited on the agreed set start dates, and that duty rotas/shift pattern/hours of work reflect attendance on the full Induction programme. Welcome new members of staff to the Ward/Department, including both new employees to the Trust, and staff who are transferring from another ward or dept. Assign workplace mentor to new employees to explain the work of the department, how it fits into the Trust, ensuring that Local Induction Workbooks/Checklists are available. Ensure that the Trusts standard Local Induction Workbook is used only adding to it when other ward/dept specific information is deemed essential for new starters. Ensure that Local Induction Workbooks/Checklists are completed and signed, that both the individual has a copy, and that a copy is sent to Learning and Development or Education Centre for recording and forwarding to Recruitment Services for filing in the personal file. Ensure that all staff are allocated dates for appropriate mandatory training and that nominations are forwarded to Learning and Development Services. Ensure that staff attend (or are booked to attend) their required mandatory training before agreement is reached to attend any other training. Ensure that all staff are given the time to attend their required mandatory training, as part of the working week, paid time, or as time paid back in lieu. Sanction non attendance when absolutely necessary, personally contacting Learning and Development Services giving the reason for non attendance (cancellations will not be accepted from the member of staff) Review attendance and non-attendance mandatory training reports following up reasons for non-attendance, taking managerial action where required. Ensure that, if local training takes place, it is to the standard outlined in this policy, and that attendance registers are signed and submitted within one week to Learning and Development Services for recording and reporting. Review the job related mandatory training needs of all posts during appraisal to identify any changes to requirements e.g. manual handling. Inform own line manager of any circumstance preventing compliance with this policy. 5.11 20 Line Managers will All Staff will Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Complete the full Corporate Trust Induction programme and complete the Local Induction Workbook/Checklist as directed, retaining a copy of their learning. Attend mandatory training on the day allocated, arriving on time and remaining for the full session. Arriving late/leaving early will not be recorded as an attendance. If unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances, permission for non attendance must be gained from the line manager; who must inform Learning and Development Services. Apologies for non attendance will not be accepted from individuals. Complete/have a booked place on the full mandatory training programme as required for the role prior to requesting any additional study time. Apply the knowledge and skills acquired on mandatory training at all times, alerting the line manager if any aspect of practice contravenes the advice and guidance provided on mandatory training. 6. 6.1 Associated Documentation and References Legal Requirements, National Standards/Guidance Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Health and Social Care Act 2001 The Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000) The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 amended 2005 The Gender Recognition Act 2004 The Civil Partnership Act 2004 Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999 The Human Rights Act 1998 The Sex Discrimination Act (as amended) 1975 The Equal Pay Act (as amended) 1970 Promoting Equality and Human Rights in the NHS – A Guide for Non-Executive Directors of NHS Boards (2005) Department of Health NHSLA Essential Standards of Quality and Safety Code of practice for prevention and control of health care associated infection Fire Safety Policy & the Firecode Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005 Resuscitation Guidelines Safeguarding Children No Secrets – Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults A Professional Approach to Managing Security in the NHS 2003 Learning & Development Programme (Organisation Wide Prospectus) Policy For The Development And Management Of Policy And Procedural Documents 6.2 Documentation The following documentation is provided for Corporate Trust Induction, Local Induction & Mandatory Training. Directorates and Corporate departments must use this documentation and only supplement it with Directorate specific information vital to the role of the individual. The Mandatory Training Group is responsible for reviewing all documentation and issuing updated versions. Corporate Induction Programmes (Appendix 1/5/6) Local Induction Workbook Permanent Staff(Appendix 2) Local Induction Checklist Temporary Staff (Appendix 3) 21 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Rapid Induction Pack (Locum/Agency Doctors (Appendix 4) Core Skills Update Programme (Appendix 9) Mandatory Training Matrix (TNA) (Appendix 8) 7. Training Briefing and dissemination of this policy will be via Corporate Management Team, the Risk Management Sub Committee; Team Brief cascaded through Directorate meetings. The latest policy is held on the Intranet. Directorate Managers are responsible for disseminating this policy throughout their Directorate and ensuring that line managers and staff are aware of their responsibilities under this policy. The Deputy Director of Organisational Development will support Directorate Managers with advice and guidance. 8. Monitoring & Audit The Table below demonstrates how the Trust will monitor compliance for Induction and Mandatory training for all permanent and Temporary Staff: Minimum requirement to be monitored Process for monitoring e.g. audit Responsible individual/ group/ committee Frequency of monitoring Responsible individual/ group/ committee for review of results Responsible individual/ group/ committee for development of action plan Responsible individual/group/ committee for monitoring of action plan and Implementation Duties Implementation of audit programmes detailed below minimum content of corporate / local induction programmes Audit of implementation of Induction and Mandatory Training arrangements as per TNA Learning and Development Department Quarterly NHSLA Working Group Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group process for ensuring that all new permanent staff are booked onto corporate induction Audit of implementation of Induction and Mandatory Training arrangements as per TNA Learning and Development Department Quarterly Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group process for checking that all new permanent staff complete corporate /local induction Audit of implementation of Induction and Mandatory Training arrangements as per TNA Learning and Development Department Quarterly Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group process for checking that all temporary staff complete local induction process for following up permanent staff who fail to attend corporate/local induction process for following up temporary staff who fail to complete local induction 22 Audit of implementation of Induction and Mandatory Training arrangements as per TNA Mandatory Training Group Mandatory Training Group NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group Medical HR Services/Hospital Bank Quarterly Learning and Development Department Quarterly Medical HR Services/Hospital Bank NHSLA Working Group Quarterly HR Services NHSLA Working Group Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group Education Governance group Education Governance group NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group Education Governance group NHSLA Working Group NHSLA Working Group Education Governance group HR Services NHSLA Working Group Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts The Table below demonstrates how the Trust will monitor against the NHSLA Standards on the process for ensuring a systematic approach to risk management training for all permanent staff: Minimum requirement to be monitored Process for monitoring e.g. audit Responsible individual/ group/ committee Frequency of monitoring Responsible individual/ group/ committee for review of results Responsible individual/ group/ committee for development of action plan Responsible individual/group/ committee for monitoring of action plan and Implementation Process for developing a TNA which must include all those topics referred to in the TNA Minimum Data Set Audit of Mandatory Training Group and development of TNA Learning and Development Department Annual NHSLA Working Group Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group Process for developing action plans to deliver the training identified within the TNA Audit of Mandatory Training Group and development of TNA Learning and Development Department Annual Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group Process for developing an annual training prospectus which reflects the TNA Audit of Mandatory Training Group and development of TNA Learning and Development Department Annual Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group process for checking that all permanent staff complete the relevant training programmes in accordance with the TNA Audit of implementation of Induction and Mandatory Training arrangements as per TNA Learning and Development Department Quarterly Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group process for following up those who fail to attend relevant training programmes Audit of implementation of Induction and Mandatory Training arrangements as per TNA Learning and Development Department Quarterly Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group Process for coordinating training records Audit of implementation of Induction and Mandatory Training arrangements as per TNA Learning and Development Department Quarterly Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group Education Governance group Education Governance group Education Governance group Education Governance group Education Governance group Education Governance group The Table below demonstrates how the Trust will monitor against the NHSLA Standards on how the organisation has documented its TNA to identify Risk Management Training for all permanent staff: Minimum requirement to be monitored Process for monitoring e.g. audit Responsible individual/ group/ committee Frequency of monitoring Responsible individual/ group/ committee for review of results Responsible individual/ group/ committee for development of action plan Responsible individual/group/ committee for monitoring of action plan and Implementation a list of topics defined as risk management training by the Audit of Mandatory Training Group and Learning and Development Department Annual NHSLA Working Group Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group 23 Mandatory Education Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Organisation (must include all those referred to in the TNA Minimum Data Set development of TNA Training Group Evidence that the organisation has identified which staff groups are required to attend each type of training Audit of Mandatory Training Group and development of TNA Learning and Development Department Annual Evidence that the organisation has identified the frequency of updates required for each type of training Audit of Mandatory Training Group and development of TNA Learning and Development Department Annual NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group NHSLA Working Group Mandatory Training Group Governance group Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group Learning and Development Department NHSLA Working Group Education Governance group Education Governance group 8.1 Recording and Monitoring of Equality & Diversity The Trust understands the business case for equality and diversity and will make sure that this is translated into practice. Accordingly, all policies and procedures will be monitored to ensure their effectiveness. Monitoring information will be collated, analysed and published on an annual basis as part of our Single Equality and Human Rights scheme. The monitoring will cover all strands of equality legislation and will meet statutory employment duties under race, gender and disability. Where adverse impact is identified through the monitoring process the Trust will investigate and take corrective action to mitigate and prevent any negative impact. The information collected for monitoring and reporting purposes will be treated as confidential and it will not be used for any other purpose. 8.2 Recording and Reporting Learning and Development Services and HR Services will work together to provide appropriate standardised workforce information reports in sufficient detail to meet the varying needs of the Trust Board, Risk Management Group, Mandatory Training Group, Divisions and Directorates. This includes processes to capture e learning (when in place) Reporting will be a RAG rated attendance against target expressed as both a headcount figure and percentage with supporting narrative. Reports are available by staff group, or by mandatory training topic, and will be presented in different formats to meet different needs ranging from an overall Trust summary to Directorate based detail. Ad hoc reports and information will also be provided as required by the Trust for internal/external audits. Standard reports are provided as follows, Weekly non attendance reports which include reasons for non attendance. Monthly Mandatory training attendance reports, which include collated reasons for non attendance. Monthly Induction attendance against staff recruited. Monthly verification report of completion of Local Induction. 8.3 Reporting process Managers have ultimate responsibility to ensure this policy is implemented by ensuring that staff are receiving the correct Induction and Mandatory Training for their role, and by taking action to address non attendance and shortfall against target. The Mandatory Training Group have overall responsibility for receiving and acting upon reports and audits 24 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Type of report (RAG rated against trajectory) DNA number & name DNA number & name by Directorate Attendance/DNA % & number by topic & by Directorate/Corp Attendance/DNA % & number by topic & by Division/Corp Corporate Induction Local Induction Mandatory training to improve compliance with this policy by working with managers to meet their requirements. Compliance/non-compliance against this policy will be reported to the Risk Management Committee by the Deputy Director of HR & OD. The Trust Board will receive assurance on compliance from the Director of HR & OD. Staff group P2 T3 X Frequency days 1 7 Frequency months 1 3 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Evidence base Reported to Committee/Group Non attendance on day 1 of Induction Weekly non attendance report Directorate and by topic Workforce Information Report Divisional Workforce Information Report Recruitment Team Directorate Managers Corporate Heads Mandatory Training Group, Directorate Managers/Corp Heads RMSG & CMT, HR Business Partners Education Governance Group Trust Board Summary Summary Workforce X X X X X Attendance/DNA % Information Report DNA - Non-Attendance, L&D – Learning & Development, RMSG – Risk Management Strategy Group, CMT – Corporate Management Team. 8.4 Document Control including Archiving Arrangements Archived documents, which record updates of policy, are stored within the Governance Department. All paper registers, attendance and non-attendance are stored for 3 years within Learning & Development Services before shredding. Training reports are stored as per IMT policy. Archiving takes place as documents are updated and/or on a two yearly basis. 8.5 Register/Library of Procedural Documents The register/library of procedural documents is kept with the Governance Department and Trust intranet. The Governance Department is responsible for maintaining the register/library of procedural documents. 8.6 Process for Retrieving Archived Documents Archived Induction and Mandatory Training documents can be retrieved by Learning & Development Services with agreement from the Deputy Director of Organisational Development. 9 Consultation The Mandatory Training Group is the primary focus for consultation. Directorate Managers have been given the opportunity to comment and a briefing was provided to the Corporate Management team. The Trust recognises the need for all staff to be involved in implementing and applying the policy. The key requirements of the policy will therefore, be included on the Intranet and in communication bulletins. 10 Approval and Ratification Clinical Governance & Risk Management Sub Committee 2 3 P – Permanent Staff T – Temporary Staff – including Agency/Locum Doctors 25 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Corporate Trust Induction DAY 1 – Living our Local Values - Customer Care (ALL STAFF) 08.45 09.00 09.10 09.25 09.45 10.30 11.00 11.10 11.25 12.00 12.30 13.15 13.45 14.15 15.00 15.15 15.45 16.15 16.45 26 Registration Welcome & Introduction Getting to know you IT Training Needs Analysis and Briefing Our Trust – Welcome! An introduction to the Trust, the way the Trust is organised, key priorities, mission, vision and values Electronic Information & Governance The importance of legislation and procedures affecting us all, including data protection and health record keeping. Introduction to today’s NHS – Customer Care An interactive discussion on today’s health service and how RLBUHT customer service values support patient care. Spiritual Care Refreshment break Our Staff – Welcome! An interactive discussion on what to expect as a member of our staff. You will receive an overview of our policies to support and guide you, including your health and well being. Counter Fraud An explanation of what constitutes fraud in the NHS and what to do if you suspect anything untoward. LUNCH & Representative stalls Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults An overview of the policies and procedures, which apply to everyone working in a health care setting. Manual Handling Theory Protect your back! An overview of the theory of Manual Handling to prevent injury to yourself and/or the patient. Fire Safety A practical guide on what to do in the event of a suspected or actual fire. Refreshment break Infection Prevention & Control/Hand Hygiene An introduction to Infection Prevention and Control measures that will help to keep both patients and staff safe, and contribute to reducing infections. Equality, Diversity and Human Rights The importance of equality, diversity and human rights in health care, and our responsibilities according to Trust policy. Risk Management, Health Safety & Security An introduction to the importance of the management of risk Health, Safety and Security, and what our responsibilities are in our everyday work. Practical advice will be provided on what to do, and who to contact according to Trust policy. Questions /Close Session Sue Jones IT Training team Executive Director Information Governance EtL Facilitators Chaplaincy HR/OD Manager Payroll & Pensions Counter Fraud Specialist Safeguarding Lead Manual Handling Trainer Fire Safety Officer Infection Control E&D Lead Risk Management Health, Safety & Security Managers Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts . Corporate Trust Induction DAY 1: Representative Stalls (12.30) LIBRARY SERVICES MEDICASH STAFF SUPPORT TRADE UNION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION 27 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Corporate Trust Induction DAY 2 - Conflict Resolution Workshop (ALL STAFF) 08.45 Registration 08.50 NLMS interactive session Debbie Bradley 09.00 Conflict Resolution Workshop Conflict Resolution Trainer The importance of effective communication, recognising potential difficult situations and how to respond 13.00 Induction Close 13.00 -13.30 LUNCH Day 2: PM - Introduction to Personal Care /Clinical refresher Time table for clinical session: Direct care support staff and Direct care Professionals only as indication below Time 13.30 – 15.00 Direct care support staff pathway 2 Tissue Viability. SPEAKER Direct care professionals pathway 3 15.00 – 15.15 Mary Harrison/ Tissue Viability Sarah Oliver Refreshment Break 15.15 – 15.45 Senior Pharmacist Pharmacy Andy Houghton Blood Transfusion. Deb Beswick-Cousins HCA – Discussion of HCA role, assisting patients with activities of daily living via NQA tool. Venous Thromboembolism 15.45 – 16.15 Programme provided on day. 16.15 – 16.30 16.30 – 17.00 28 Solomon Almond/ Sue Pennington PEF Team Preceptorship and planning your clinical Induction. Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Corporate Trust Induction DAY 3 Manual Handling / CPR Practical (Direct Care Support Staff and Direct Care Professionals only) Location: Manual Handling - Training room, Lower Ground Floor (near loading bay) RLH CPR TIME 8.45 Registration 9.00 – 12.00pm 13.30 – 16.30pm - report to Reception, Education Centre RLH SESSION TRAINER Falls Training and Manual Handling Practical Manual Handling Co-ordinator CPR Practical Training Arron Banks Manual Handling (Dress code) When attending the Manual Handling Practical session please ensure that you wear appropriate clothing: non –slip enclosed shoes (no boots), and clothes that allow free unrestricted movement. Appendix 2 29 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Local Induction Workbook INTRODUCTION The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust (RLBUHT) values the contribution made by all staff in providing excellent care for our patients. We believe in a structured approach to Staff Induction from your very first day in the Trust to support you as a new member of our staff, and we also believe in your continued development during your time with us through regular team brief and staff appraisal. This Local Induction Workbook is the basic minimum standard for all RLBUHT staff. This workbook should be used for all RLBUHT employed staff on either temporary or permanent contracts. If you are not employed by the Trust, and working less than three months, (e.g. if you are an Agency Worker, Locum staff, or on Work Experience etc.) you should use the condensed version of this workbook, which must be completed before you carry out any duties whatsoever. If you continue to work on RLBUHT premises for longer than three months, then you should complete the full Local Induction Workbook, and you may be required to attend the next available Corporate Induction Programme. Upon completion of your local Induction as a permanent member of staff, your manager must send a copy to Learning & Development Services, you keep a copy. For temporary medical staff a copy is sent to Medical HR Services for non medical temporary staff a copy is sent to the hospital bank. Should you have any queries/difficulties, please contact Learning & Development Services. WHAT IS LOCAL INDUCTION? “Local Induction” is information and supported learning in your Ward or Dept to introduce you to your actual job. This will help you to get to know what you will be doing, and the team you will be working with. The Corporate Trust Induction is a structured training session about the most important aspects of our Trust relevant to everyone as new staff, together with all the health and safety training relevant to your job role. You must complete Local Induction directly following completion of the Corporate Trust Induction programme; otherwise you will not know what is expected of you in your actual job! Some Wards and Departments may include additional information to help you. HOW IS LOCAL INDUCTION CARRIED OUT? You will be allocated a “mentor” - someone assigned to support you in your job during your first two weeks. If you are not informed who this will be, please ask your Line Manager. During your Local Induction, you will observe others, attend meetings, visit other Wards/Departments, discuss your role with various staff, and experience what it is like to work alongside others in the team in your Ward/Dept. Your Manager has responsibility for ensuring that Local Induction is in place for you. You have responsibility for ensuring that it is completed. Your mentor and many other staff will describe how things work and what you should do in certain circumstances, and will help you along the way. If anything is unclear you must ask. 30 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts WHAT DO I DO WHEN THIS LOCAL INDUCTION WORKBOOK IS COMPLETED? When you have worked through all the sections in the workbook, which may take one to four weeks, ensure that the workbook is dated and signed. Your manager will send a copy to Learning and Development and you should keep a copy for your records in your Personal/Professional Portfolio. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I HAVE COMPLETED LOCAL INDUCTION? There is a structured appraisal system in place at RLBUHT to help you continue to develop in your job. Your Manager will explain how appraisal takes place, and your responsibilities within appraisal. You will also get involved in what’s happening, be asked for your ideas, and discuss how any changes and improvements affect what you do in your job, and how you do it. 31 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Local Induction Workbook (Permanent Staff i.e. All Trust employees) Staff Name Job Title Ward/Department Directorate/Corporate Service Appointment date When all parties are satisfied Local Induction has been completed, please sign below. When completed please return to: Dept. No. 107, Learning and Development Department,1st Floor Derwent House, Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot Street Liverpool L7 8XP Date Trust Induction completed Date Local Induction completed Staff signature Line Manager/Mentor signature This workbook is to ensure that all aspects of your Induction are covered in a timely and effective manner. As each item is discussed it will be signed off by the person providing the information, and by yourself, once you feel the information has been adequately covered. If any item does not apply to your post please mark it “N/A”. If you feel that any area has been missed, or you require further information, please bring it to the attention of your line manager/mentor. Once Induction is complete, you and your line manager/mentor should sign above. A copy will be kept by Learning and Development and you should retain a copy for your records. LOCAL INDUCTION - INTRODUCTION TO THE TEAM Completed= Date Not applicable=N/A 1. Welcome & introductions to the Ward/Dept/Directorate team 2. Tour of the geographical layout of working area 3. Tour of Trust premises, visiting departments relevant to working area. 4. Ward/Dept/Directorate management structure and reporting arrangements. Name of : Line Manager… Equality & Human Rights Practitioner… Learning Disability Champion… Discussion about the main purpose of the team and how it contributes to patient care. 5. Aims, Vision and Values of the Trust Directorate plans, targets and objectives Where your team fits in Providing a Quality Service: Promoting patient choice & customer service Handling patient/customer issues & problems How to use/access interpreting services Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) Importance of patient confidentiality/case notes, data protection Importance of confidentiality regarding staff Respecting equality and diversity ie. Expect Respect campaign Safeguarding Children & who to contact with concerns Safeguarding Adults & who to contact with concerns Infection Prevention & Control Hand hygiene Waste disposal Food Hygiene Procedures in work area Risk Management Accident and incident reporting 6. 7. 8. 32 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 33 Documentation & Incident form completion First aid at work Whistle blowing Policy COSHH RIDDOR Emergency Procedures Who to contact in the case of an emergency Location of Resuscitation equipment and procedure Communication systems and methods we use: Meetings Email Team Brief/Local Brief Intranet Trust Newsletters Communication events Handling the Press and other media Understanding the telephone system: Telephone facilities Pagers/Bleeps Direct dialling Emergency Numbers Private calls Mobile phones Hearing Loop demonstrated (if applicable) How to make/receive calls via a textphone Electronic Information Using the email system Training on systems relevant to your work Trust Intranet Use of Internet Data Protection/Information Governance Local Information Governance Lead and how to contact SUPPORT FOR YOU IN YOUR JOB Your working hours Rotas’/Shifts/flexibility Overtime/time owing/enhanced pay/flexi time Arrangements for Breaks and Dining Room facilities Requests for holidays/bank holidays Annual Leave entitlement/additions Special Leave Sickness reporting Doctors, Dentists, Personal Appointments What to do if you are ill at work Transport and travel – access to benefits Dress and personal appearance The standard for the Ward/Dept Uniform arrangements Uniforms around the Trust – who’s who Wearing of Identity badges Arrangements for Appraisal Appraisal system & how it works Appraisal Policy & documentation/Consultant Appraisal Your Job Description and/or Job Plan Advice & support from Learning & Development Mandatory Training & responsibilities (see matrix) In-house Learning Directory & bulletins E learning/work based learning External Study Leave decisions Learning Contracts/Funding and time off Personal responsibility for learning Personal/Professional Portfolios Essential Skills – Adult Literacy/Numeracy/IT Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts 24. Advice & support from Human Resources (HR) Directorate/Corporate HR Business Partner role Important aspects of relevant polices – Sickness Absence, Bullying & Harassment, Improving Performance, Grievance, Disciplinary, Capability etc. Professional associations/Trade Unions Availability of Staff Networks Advice & support from Occupational Health Your personal health and wellbeing responsibilities First aid at work e.g. Needlestick and body fluid injuries Referral process, staff support and guidance Counselling services Smoking Cessation Advice Advice & support from Payroll and Pensions Arrangements for Pay/bank details Pension schemes Advice & support from Security Services Security of Trust premises Reporting of attempted/actual breaches of security Personal security of self & belongings Lockers/other provision for storage of belongings Public Transport facilities Arrangements for Car Parking Staff Benefits and Information Staff benefits facilities/discounted rates for Trust staff Child Care facilities, arrangements and activities FIRE ORIENTATION CHECKLIST This checklist is to be completed by all staff on their first working day on the Ward/Unit/Dept. Trust Fire Policy or applicable procedures (Evacuation procedure, shut down procedure etc) Local power, hazardous process and equipment isolation, medical gas isolation points (if applicable) An explanation as to fire safety signs and their meaning 25. Break glass alarm point locations 26. Locations of fire fighting equipment (extinguishers, fire blankets etc) Identify fire door locations i.e. fire doors to kitchen, store rooms etc and ensure they are closed Fire exit routes – locate and familiarize 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 27. 28. 29. Identify local methods/techniques of evacuation i.e. use of beds, bed sheets, wheelchairs, evacuation equipment etc. Utilisation of evacuation equipment (beds, evacuation mats etc) Additional local rules appertaining to fire safety (if applicable) List below SERVICE SPECIFIC INDUCTION Additional sections to be added here if required 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Thank you for participating in Local Induction. We hope it was useful. When completed please return to: Dept. No. 107, Learning and Development Department,1st Floor Derwent House, Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot Street Liverpool L7 8XP Appendix 3 34 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Local Induction Checklist (Temporary Staff ) Staff Name Job Title Ward/Department Directorate/Corporate Service Commencement date When all parties are satisfied Local Induction has been completed, please sign below. When completed please return to: Dept. No. 107, Learning and Development Department,1st Floor Derwent House, Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot Street Liverpool L7 8XP. Date Local Induction completed Staff signature Line Manager/Mentor signature This workbook is to ensure that all aspects of your Induction are covered in a timely and effective manner. As each item is discussed it will be signed off by the person providing the information, and by yourself, once you feel the information has been adequately covered. If any item does not apply to your post please mark it “N/A”. If you feel that any area has been missed, or you require further information, please bring it to the attention of your line manager/mentor. Once Induction is complete, you and your line manager/mentor should sign. A copy will be kept by Learning and Development and you should retain a copy for your records. The following must be signed off by Manager or representative prior to commencing duties: EMPLOYMENT DOCUMENTATION CHECKS Confirm an emergency contact telephone number Identity Check (on ward/department) Orientation to the ward/department and any areas within the organisation relevant to post. Security Pass, Key, name badge, access codes etc Specific duties and responsibilities of the post Confirm hours of work and shift patterns where applicable. “On Call” and bleep arrangements. Moving & handling procedures: Equipment Procedures Lifting and handling regulations Resuscitation procedures: Equipment Procedures Crash trolley location Emergency telephone numbers Medicines safety procedures: 35 Pharmacy and local protocols Prescription Administration Standard operating procedures Medications common to area Completed= Not applicable=N/A Date Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts EMPLOYMENT DOCUMENTATION CHECKS Completed= Not applicable=N/A Date Completed= Not applicable=N/A Date Incident reporting procedures: Location of Incident forms Completing the forms Reporting arrangements Infection control procedures: Hand hygiene procedures Infection status of clinical setting Health and safety procedures: Security Waste disposal VDU regulations Any additional information essential to the Ward/Dept FIRE ORIENTATION CHECKLIST Trust Fire Policy or applicable procedures (Evacuation procedure, shut down procedure etc) Local power, hazardous process and equipment isolation, medical gas isolation points (if applicable) An explanation as to fire safety signs and their meaning Break glass alarm point locations Locations of fire fighting equipment (extinguishers, fire blankets etc) Identify fire door locations i.e. fire doors to kitchen, store rooms etc and ensure they are closed Fire exit routes – locate and familiarize Identify local methods/techniques of evacuation i.e. use of beds, bed sheets, wheelchairs, evacuation equipment etc. Utilisation of evacuation equipment (beds, evacuation mats etc) Additional local rules appertaining to fire safety (if applicable) List below Thank you for participating in Local Induction. We hope it was useful. Managers to send a copy to Learning and Development Services NB: 36 If the individual will be working within the ward/department greater than three months the full induction checklist (for Trust Employees) should be completed. Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Appendix 4 LOCUM / AGENCY RAPID INDUCTION PACK This pack will be issued and its appendices completed by Human Resource Department within normal working hours and by the Duty Managers outside of those hours. Staff employed as locums from agencies will have a copy of “Medical Locum Rapid Induction Program” emailed to them from their agency. Substantive locum appointments such as those which follow an advertisement and appointment procedure involving HR & a Consultant will be issued this pack when they sign on with the HR department. On Arrival at the Hospital RLH DURING OFFICE HOURS: Go straight to the Medical Staffing Department on the Lower Ground floor at the rear of the Staff Canteen. OUT OF OFFICE HOURS: Go to switchboard on the first floor, turn left at the top of the escalator. You will be provided with a bleep and then you should ask how to contact the Duty Manager who will need to see & speak to you if you have not worked at the hospital before. The Duty Manager will need to copy your Agency ID card or other photographic identification i.e. Passport or photographic Driving Licence. You will also be given a copy of this information pack. You will need to sign a Trust confidentiality document & acknowledge that you have received the Trust Rapid Induction document. If accommodation has been booked for you, you will be given directions of how to get to Prospect Point where your accommodation is located. On Arrival at the Hospital BGH o o Report to the Security Office in the Alexander wing. You will be provided with a bleep. DURING OFFICE HOURS: o Ring switchboard on “0” to obtain the bleep from the doctor going off duty. OUT OF OFFICE HOURS: 37 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts o o o o o Bleep 4825 or ring Ext. 6838 to speak to the Duty Manager. The Duty Manager will need to copy your Agency ID card or other photographic identification i.e. Passport or photographic Driving Licence. You will also be given a copy of this information pack. You will need to sign a Trust Confidentiality Document & acknowledge that you have received the Trust Rapid Induction Document.. If accommodation has been booked for you, you will be directed to your accommodation by security. Accommodation o Single room accommodation is available for locums for the duration of the locum contract, if required. o Accommodation should be arranged prior to your locum period through the Medical Staffing Department.. o A charge of £32.00 per night is made, unless you are staying for over 10 nights when it is £14.46 per night. These charges will apply for the whole of the stay regardless of whether you go home for weekends or not. o Accommodation must be booked and paid for in advance of arrival, if arrival is at short notice, payment must be made to the Cash Office located on the 1st Floor, RLH. o Keys are collected from Prospect Point. o Any problems with accommodation please contact the Accommodation Manager on Ext.4107 in office hours or the Duty Manager on Bleep 4200(Royal Site) or Bleep 4825(Broadgreen Site) Catering RLH o There is a coffee shop, snack bar and a WH Smith store on the 1st floor podium at the top of the escalator. o There is a staff restaurant on the lower ground floor. o Out of hours there are snack machines on the lower ground floor within the staff canteen area WH Smith Mon-Fri 08:00- 19:30 Sat & Sun 10:00- 17:00 Yoo Cafe Mon-Fri 08:00- 19:00 Sat 11:00 -16:00 Sun 11:00- 16:00 Costa Coffee Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 Staff Restaurant Mon – Fri 07:30-11:00 1200-15:00 Catering BGH Dining Room Mon – Fri 07:30 – 15:00 Vending machines 17:00 onwards WRVS Alexander wing clinic Monday – Friday 09:00 – 16:00 38 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts WRVS Kent Lodge Monday – Friday 12:00 – 16:00 Sat & Sun Hospital Shop New Build WRVS Shop and Cafe 16:00 – 19:00 Mon – Fri 0800 – 1800 Sat & Sun 11:00 - 17:00 Mon – Fri 08:00 – 19:30 Sat 12:00 – 19:30 Sun 10:00 – 15:30 Bleep System & Emergencies If you are holding a Cardiac Arrest bleep you must hand it on to your successor NOT leave it with switchboard. To bleep a colleague : Lift receiver – dialling tone – 8 – 4 – then Bleep number – then your extension number. Wait for verbal confirmation of connection before replacing the handset. Cardiac Arrest & Fire 2222 Security 2200 Duty Manager – outside office hours only, Bleep 4200 (Royal Site), Bleep 4825 (Broadgreen Site) 39 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Security RLH BGH o Several areas in the hospital have security lockdown systems. o ID badges must be worn at all times. o All have a buzzer which when pressed alerts the ward / department area that someone requires access and you will be “buzzed” in. o BGH Security can be contacted on Ext. 6500 o At a cardiac arrest or fire these doors will be opened. Each of the doors has a green emergency open button similar to a fire alarm button. o ID badges must be worn @ all times. o Security can be contacted on Ext. 2200 o ID badges must be worn at all times Handover It is anticipated that you will attend handover on night shift. This is a meeting of medical and nursing staff of the outgoing and incoming teams. It is an opportunity to learn of issues which may arise through the night & the plans in place, meet the team and agree priorities for each team.. RLH BGH Medicine 21:45hrs in AMAU Drs Office (at the back of A&E) Handover takes place at 9pm in Duty Managers office. Surgery 20:30hrs in Link 4Z (4th Floor) Other Specialities & times bleep senior doctor for area you are to cover (obtain number from Switchboard) The Nurse Practitioner (nights), 3 outgoing SHO, 1 incoming SHO & the ODA attend. Handover in the morning is doctor to doctor at 9am in the Doctors Mess. You are not alone……….. Royal Liverpool Daylight shifts o During the afternoon/evening shift and the Out of Hours period, i.e. from 14:00hrs each weekday and all weekend & Bank Holidays one or two Senior Nurse Practitioners are on site to assist. They can be contacted by bleep : o Medical & Medical specialties 4221 o Surgery & Surgical specialties 4050 o A Medical Assistant is available on bleep 4937 to support you in performance of Cannulation & Venepuncture. o Bleep free breaks of 30mins / 4-6hrs for PRHO will be available by contacting the Nurse Practitioner for your area. 40 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Royal Liverpool Night shifts At night you will have the support of Senior Nurse Practitioners. They are allocated geographically: 2nd, 3rd & 4th Floors covered by bleep 4221 5th, 6th & 7th floors covered by bleep 4940 8th, 9th, 10th & 11th floors by bleep 4050 The Practitioners filter the PRHO bleeps from 2100hrs – 0700hrs. A Medical Assistant is available on bleep 4937 to support you in the performance of Cannulation & Venepuncture. Bleep free breaks of 30mins / 4-6hrs for PRHO will be available by contacting the Nurse Practitioner for your area. Broadgreen Hospital A Nurse Practitioner is on site 24/7 who provides both Clinical and Operational Support to the Medical and Nursing staff. They can be contacted through Bleep 4825. Pharmacy o Access to a Pharmacist for advice is available 24/7. o Out of Hours access is via the Duty Manager on bleep 4200 on the Royal Site or Bleep 4825 on Broadgreen Site. o The pharmacy pages on the Trust Intranet include a National Formulary and ward stock lists. X-Ray RLH site X-Ray facilities are available 24/7 For special X-Rays (CT etc) you will need to contact switchboard who hold a rota for Radiology Consultant, Registrar & Radiologist on call. BGH site In the event that a patient on this site requires an X- Ray an on call radiographer will be brought in. Patient Death RLH site: o PRHO is responsible for certifying death & informing the patients GP. o RLUH - attend mortuary on next working day after death 0830-1000hrs o Relatives should be advised to ring the Bereavement Office after 1000hrs on the next working day following the death. 41 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts BGH site: o SHO is responsible for certifying death & informing the patients GP. o Attend General Office on next working day after death 0830-1000hrs o Relatives should be advised to ring the Bereavement Office after 1000hrs on the next working day following the death. Guidance for Locum Doctors re obtaining Password’s and Access to Trust Computer Systems Locums attending for one/two Shifts:When a locum is only present in the Trust for one or two shifts it would be expected that their colleagues would assist with the ordering of any investigations required. Locums attending for an extended period of time:Any Locum attending for an extended period of time would be expected to contact the Information Technology Training Department in order to obtain training and a password prior to accessing any Trusts systems, as access to systems can only be enabled after training has been given, access will not be enabled without training. IT Training Department can be contacted on ext 3175 Locums, end of contract:It is the responsibility of the Locum to ensure that the Service Desk on Ext. 5499 is notified when they leave the Trust, this enables the Service Desk to disable access to systems. N.B. Due to the nature of the information that the Trust holds; it is essential that all data be protected, and the sharing of passwords with others in strictly prohibited, any breach of this rule may result in disciplinary action being taken. Under the Computer Misuse Act,1990. it is a criminal offence to access or modify computer material without authorisation. All Trust information Security and Data Protection Policies are available via the Trust internet or via the Data Protection Office on Ext. 3671. The Duty Manager The Duty Managers are a group of Senior Nurses with vast Operational & problem solving skills. Please feel free to contact them about any concerns you may have during your stay. IF IN DOUBT – CALL THE DUTY MANAGER Royal Site (Bleep 4200) OR THE NURSE PRACTITIONER Broadgreen Site (Bleep 4825) 42 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Confidentiality Terms and Conditions of Employment Your attention is drawn to the confidential aspects of working in the Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospitals Trust. In the course of hospital service you may see or hear things of a confidential nature including information referring to the diagnosis and treatment of patients, and information relating to Trust activity or in relation to other staff. This information must not be divulged to, or discussed with any person other than relevant staff. Breaches of confidence will result in the termination of your contract work with the Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust. The Trust will expect you to adhere to the principles laid down in various security and confidentiality legislation with particular regard to Caldicott recommendations, the Data Protection Act 1994, the Computer Misuse Act. Also attention should be paid to Trust’s own Confidentiality and security policies and procedures, which can be found on the Trust Intranet. No documentation is to be copied or removed from the Trust without the explicit permission of the Data Protection Officer. You should also be mindful of the fact that regardless of any action taken by the Trust, a breach of confidence could also result in a civil action for damages. I__________________________(print name) have read and understood the above statement, and I agree to be bound by the security and confidentiality policies and procedures of the Trust. Signed__________________________________ Date____________________________________ Locum doctors arriving for duty 43 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts To be completed by Duty Manager / Nurse Practitioner. Date & Time Doctors Name Tick box to acknowledge that you have received & read the Locum Rapid Induction Pack & understand that it is your responsibility to comply with the information held within it. Doctors signature Photo ID seen YES / NO Grade Agency Name of Duty Manager / Nurse Practitioner. Signature of Duty Manager / Nurse Practitioner. Attach photocopy of locum’s ID to this sheet and send all 3 documents FAO Lynn Kendall, Medical Staffing Dept. c/o Medical HR Dept. RLUH. Appendix 5 44 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts F1 Induction Programme 7 Day Programme Education Centre RLUH 45 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Monday Day 1 **Venue for all sessions Lecture Theatre RLUH unless stated** Time 8.30 Topic Presenter Registration Foyer Education Centre RLUH 8.45am Welcome to the trust Dr Weston 9.30 Fire Safety Alan Raynor 10.15-11.00 Consent Sally Cottrell 11.15-11.45 H&S, Security and RM Ronnie Jackson 11.45-12.30 VTE & MEWS Solomon Almond 12.30-1.15 Lunch 1.15-1.30 Library Angela Hall 1.30-2.15 Rotas, Medical Staffing/ART Dushyant Sharma/Kay Carter 2.15 -2.30 2.30 3.45 3.45-5.00 3.45-5.00 46 CRT Non Liverpool Grads: PSP: Aine McManus Liverpool Grads: Identity Badges Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Tuesday Day 2 Time 8.30am Topic Registration foyer education centre 9.00-10.00 Your Role in the AMU Simon Constable 10.00-10.30 Audit Kiki Doran, Jenny Poland and Chris Ryall conf 10.30-11.00 Organ Donation Liezl Gaum 11.00-11.15 11.15.-11.30 47 Presenter break CPR Summary 11.30-12.40 Information Governance 12.40-1.30 Lunch 1.30-5.00 Medicines Management Jo Reed Barbara Smart/Peter Williams Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Wednesday Day 3 Registration 8.30am Foyer Education Centre Groups C & D ALERT, Education Centre RLUH 9-5pm Groups A & B Group Training session A IT B B A 48 Venue 10TH Floor IT Suite CPR Education Centre Lunch 12.00 – 13.30PM Foyer, Education Centre IT 10TH Floor IT Suite CPR Education Centre Time 8.45-12.30 9.30 – 12.00 13.15 – 17.00 13.30-16.00 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Thursday Day 4 Registration 8.30am Foyer Education Centre Groups A & B ALERT, Education Centre RLUH 9-5pm Groups C & D Group Training session C IT D D C 49 Venue 10TH Floor IT Suite CPR Education Centre Lunch 12.00 – 13.30PM Foyer, Education Centre IT 10TH Floor IT Suite CPR Education Centre Time 8.45-12.30 9.30 – 12.00 13.15-5.00 13.30-4.00 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Friday Day 5 Time 8.30-915 Topic Bereavement Services. Dave Lindale 9.15-10.00 Community Assessment Team Alan Cooper conf 10.00-10.45 Blood Transfusion Peter Baker conf 11.00-12.00 Introduction to Cardiology Dr Michael Fisher emailed 23/06, 01/07 12.00-12.45 Kidney Injury Dr Rema Saxena emailed 23/06, 01/07 12.45-13.45 50 Presenter lunch 13.45-14.15 Introduction to Surgery Mr Nathan Howes emailed 23/06, 01/07 14.15-15.15 Diabetes: clinical scenarios Dr Philip Weston 15.15-4.30 How to Survive as an F1 Dr Jayne Robinson et al Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Monday Day 6 Clinical Skills Jo Marinas, Clinical Skills Training Manager, and team 8.30am - 5.00pm 51 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Tuesday Day 7 Time 8.30 52 Topic Presenter Registration foyer education centre 8.45-10.15 E Portfolios Do’s and Don’ts Dr. Weston & F1 Doctor representatives. 10.30-11.30 Abnormal Results: & Fluid Management Dr E Marks. Consultant in Clinical Chemistry 12.00-12.30 Oxygen Prescribing Paul Deegan conf 12.30-1.30 Lunch 1.30-5.00 Handover and shadowing in Clinical area. Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Appendix 6 ST Induction Wednesday Day 1 8.00-8.15 8.15-8.30 8.30-9.15 9.15-9.30 9.30-9.45 9.45-10.30 10.30 - 10.45 10.45-11.00 11.00-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.00-13.45 13.45-14.15 14.15-14.30 14.30-14.45 14.45 – 15.00 15.00 – 15.15 15.15-15.45 15.45 – 16.00 16.00 – 17.00 53 Welcome to the Trust Clinical Skills Registration Dr Weston, DPMGE Jo Marinas, Clinical Skills Training Manager HR Lynn Kendall, Senior HR Officer Fire Safety Bill Fryer, Fire Safety Manager Consent Dr Andrew Axon, Consultant Intensivist Library Service Angela Hall, Library Manger Counter Fraud Darrell Davies (MIAA) Counter Fraud Officer Conflict Resolution Ronnie Jackson, Health and Safety Training Manager Lunch Blood transfusion Karen Knowles MLSO 1 Safeguarding Dave Roberts and Claire Adults and Pritchard, Safeguarding Children Leads Resus Theory Jo Reed, Resuscitation Training Officer Organ Donation Rachel Brockley and Liezl Gaum Eye Retrieval and Tissue Donation Coordinators ART Jenny Bannon and Maria Soumaroo Nurse Practitioners Investigation Richard Wenstone Incidents and Consultant in ITU Complaints VTE Vanessa Martlew, Consultant Haematologist Tissue Viability Sarah Oliver, Tissue Viability Nurse Meds Sally James Management Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts ST Induction – Day 2/3 CPR/IT Training Group is split to undertaken Training as per their skills need. Skills passports are used to prevent repeat training Groups identified to cover: 54 Information Governance (record Keeping) CPR Training IT Training ID Badges Complete E Learning Join Clinical areas Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Appendix 7 F1 Teaching Programme All F1 Doctors complete additional training in the first six weeks of employment to continue their Corporate Induction. The Topics covered include: Medicines Management: Anti Microbial Prescribing Warfarin Prescribing Prescribing in diabetes Renal Disease and Drugs Genetic Susceptibility to ADRs Clinical Knot tying and suturing – surgery Knot tying and suturing – medicine Liverpool Psychology Services for Cancer Patients New ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome) Guidelines Medical Microbiology Lumbar Puncture – MED ONLY Case Presentations General Mental Capacity Act Consent Forms 1 &2 Counter Fraud Audit 55 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Appendix 8 Training Needs Analysis Matrix The full training needs analysis can be found on the Trust Policy Website under Mandatory Training – TNA – the summary below provides the groups and staff roles required to complete training and the period of retraining. Induction: Once Only - All Staff employed for more than 3 months must attend Corporate Induction Pathway 1 – 5 in line with job roles as specified within this policy. All permanent staff must complete the Local Induction Checklist as described in Appendix 2. All temporary staff employed for less than 3 months must complete the Local Induction Checklist as described in Appendix 3 All Locum/Agency Staff employed for one or more shift must complete the condensed Induction Checklist as described in Appendix 4 Core Skills Core Skills Includes: Bullying & Harassment Policy Awareness, Counter Fraud, Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Awareness, Fire Safety Awareness, Health, Safety & Security Awareness inc Slips, Trips & Falls Management, Infection - Prevention and Control, Hand Hygiene and Inoculation, Information Governance & Data Protection, Lone Worker Awareness, Manual Handling Awareness and Theory, Manual Handling - Safe Lifting Inanimate Loads, Patient Safety - The Prevention of Falls, Risk Management Awareness, Safe Guarding Children & Safe Guarding Vulnerable Adults Update Required Every 2 Years Staff Group Add Prof Scientific and Technical Additional Clinical Services Administrative and Clerical Allied Health Professionals Estates and Ancillary Healthcare Scientists 56 Role Chaplain. Clinical Psychologist, Optometrist, Pharmacist, Practitioner, Psychotherapist, Technician Assistant Psychologist, Assistant/Associate Practitioner, Assistant/Associate Practitioner (Nursing), Dental Surgery Assistant, Health Care Support Worker, Healthcare Assistant, Helper/Assistant, Medical Laboratory Assistant, Nursing Cadet, Student Technician, Technical Instructor, Technician and Trainee Practitioner Adviser, Analyst, Board Level Director, Chief Executive, Clerical Worker, Finance Director, Librarian, Manager, Medical Secretary, Officer, Other Executive Director, Personal Assistant, Receptionist, Secretary, Senior Manager & Technician Chiropodist/Podiatrist, Chiropodist/Podiatrist Specialist Practitioner, Dietician, Dietician Manager, Occupational Therapist, Orthoptist, Orthoptist Manager, Physiotherapist, Physiotherapist Manager, Radiographer Diagnostic, Radiographer Diagnostic Consultant, Radiographer Diagnostic Manager, Radiographer Diagnostic Specialist Practitioner, Speech and Language Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist Manager & Speech and Language Therapist Specialist Practitioner Assistant, Chargehand, Driver, Electrician, Housekeeper, Labourer, Porter, Supervisor, Support Worker & Technician Biomedical Scientist, Consultant Healthcare Scientist, Healthcare Scientist & Technician Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Associate Specialist (Closed), Clinical Assistant, Clinical Director Medical, Clinical Medical Officer, Consultant, Foundation Year 1 – 4, General Dental Practitioner, General Medical Practitioner, Hospital Practitioner, House Officer Post Registration Closed, House Officer Pre Registration Closed, Salaried Dental Practitioner, Senior Dental Officer, Specialty Doctor Specialty Registrar Closed, Specialist Registrar, Staff Grade Closed, Trust Grade Doctor Career Grade Level & Trust Grade Doctor Specialist Registrar Level Community Nurse, Enrolled Nurse, Modern Matron, Nurse Consultant, Nurse Manager, Sister/Charge Nurse, Specialist Nurse Practitioner & Staff Nurse Medical and Dental Nursing Registered Manual Handling Practical Manual Handling - Practical use of equipment & devices Update Required Every 2 years Staff Group Additional Clinical Services Allied Health Professionals Estates and Ancillary Nursing Registered Role Assistant/Associate Practitioner, Assistant/Associate Practitioner Nursing, Dental Surgery Assistant, Health Care Support Worker, Healthcare Assistant, Helper/Assistant, Nursing Cadet &Technical Instructor, Chiropodist/Podiatrist, Chiropodist/Podiatrist Specialist Practitioner, Dietician, Dietician Manager, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physiotherapist Manager, Radiographer Diagnostic, Radiographer Diagnostic Consultant, Radiographer Diagnostic Manager, Radiographer Diagnostic Specialist Practitioner, Speech and Language Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist Manager & Speech and Language Therapist Specialist Practitioner Chargehand Community Nurse, Enrolled Nurse, Modern Matron, Nurse Consultant, Nurse Manager, Sister/Charge Nurse, Specialist Nurse Practitioner & Staff Nurse Basic Life Support (Adult) Resuscitation Basic Life Support (Adult)/Resuscitation Required Every 2 Years Staff Group Add Prof Scientific and Technical Additional Clinical Services Allied Health Professionals Estates and Ancillary Medical and Dental Nursing Registered 57 Role Optometrist & Technician, Assistant/Associate Practitioner, Assistant/Associate Practitioner Nursing, Dental Surgery Assistant, Health Care Support Worker, Healthcare Assistant, Helper/Assistant, Nursing Cadet, Technical Instructor & Technician Chiropodist/Podiatrist, Chiropodist/Podiatrist Specialist Practitioner, Dietician, Dietician Manager, Occupational Therapist, Orthoptist, Orthoptist Manager, Physiotherapist, Radiographer Diagnostic, Radiographer Diagnostic Consultant, Radiographer Diagnostic Manager, Radiographer Diagnostic Specialist Practitioner, Speech and Language Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist Manager & Speech and Language Therapist Specialist Practitioner Chargehand Associate Specialist (Closed), Clinical Assistant, Clinical Director Medical, Clinical Medical Officer, Consultant, Foundation Year 1, 2, 3 & 4, General Dental Practitioner, General Medical Practitioner, Hospital Practitioner, House Officer Post Registration Closed, House Officer Pre Registration Closed, Salaried Dental Practitioner, Senior Dental Officer, Senior House Officer Closed, Specialist Registrar Closed, Specialty Doctor, Specialty Registrar, Staff Grade Closed, Trust Grade Doctor Career Grade Level & Trust Grade Doctor Specialist Registrar Level Closed. Community Nurse, Enrolled Nurse, Modern Matron, Nurse Consultant, Nurse Manager, Sister/Charge Nurse, Specialist Nurse Practitioner & Staff Nurse Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Clinical Core Skills Clinical Core Skills Includes: Medicines Management, Tissue Viability, Blood Transfusion Awareness, Venous Thromboembolism Awareness Update Required Every 2 years Staff Group Role Nursing Registered Community Nurse, Enrolled Nurse, Modern Matron, Nurse Consultant, Nurse Manager, Sister/Charge Nurse, Specialist Nurse Practitioner & Staff Nurse Conflict Conflict Resolution National Syllabus/Violence & Aggression Training Update Required Every 3 years Staff Group Add Prof Scientific and Technical Additional Clinical Services Administrative and Clerical Allied Health Professionals Estates and Ancillary Medical and Dental Nursing Registered 58 Role Optometrist & Technician, Assistant Psychologist, Assistant/Associate Practitioner, Assistant/Associate Practitioner Nursing, Dental Surgery Assistant, Health Care Support Worker, Healthcare Assistant, Helper/Assistant, Nursing Cadet, Technical Instructor & Technician Clerical Worker, Manager, Officer, Receptionist & Senior Manager Chiropodist/Podiatrist, Chiropodist/Podiatrist Specialist Practitioner, Dietician, Dietician Manager, Occupational Therapist, Orthoptist, Orthoptist Manager, Physiotherapist, Physiotherapist Manager, Radiographer Diagnostic, Radiographer Diagnostic Consultant, Radiographer Diagnostic, Manager, Radiographer Diagnostic Specialist Practitioner, Speech and Language Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist Manager & Speech and Language Therapist Specialist Practitioner Chargehand & Support Worker, Associate Specialist Closed, Clinical Assistant, Clinical Director Medical, Clinical Medical Officer, Consultant, Foundation Year 1 – 4) General Dental Practitioner, General Medical Practitioner, Hospital Practitioner, House Officer Post Registration Closed, House Officer Pre Registration Closed, Salaried Dental Practitioner, Senior Dental Officer, Senior House Officer Closed, Specialist Registrar Closed, Specialty Doctor, Specialty Registrar, Staff Grade Closed, Trust Grade Doctor Career Grade Level & Trust Grade Doctor Specialist Registrar Level Closed Community Nurse, Enrolled Nurse, Modern Matron, Nurse Consultant, Nurse Manager, Sister/Charge Nurse, Specialist Nurse Practitioner & Staff Nurse Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Consent Consent Training Required Once Only Staff Group Medical and Dental Nursing Registered Role Associate Specialist (Closed), Clinical Assistant, Clinical Medical Officer, Foundation Year 1, 2, 3 & 4, General Dental Practitioner, General Medical Practitioner, Hospital Practitioner, House Officer Post Registration Closed, House Officer Pre Registration Closed, Salaried Dental Practitioner, Senior Dental Officer, Senior Dental Officer Closed, Specialist Registrar Closed, Specialty Doctor, Specialty Registrar, Staff Grade Closed, Trust Grade Doctor Career Grade Level & Trust Grade Doctor Specialist Registrar Level Closed Nurse Consultant Investigation of Incidents, Complaints and Claims (RCA) Root Cause Analysis Required Once Only Staff Group Role Administrative and Clerical Nursing Registered Directorate Manager, Assistant Directorate Manager Directorate Manager, Assistant Directorate Manager & Modern Matron 59 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Appendix 9 Core Skills Update Programme 08.45 Registration & Refreshments 09.00 Core Skills – every 2 years Counter Fraud 09.15 Risk Management, Health, Safety & Security 09.45 Fire Safety 10.15 Infection Control 10.45 Information Governance 11.15 Refreshment break 11.30 Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults 12.00 Manual Handling – safe practice reminder, inanimate load update 12.30 Lunch Break 13.30 Clinical Skills Refresher (patient facing professionally qualified staff) End of Life Care (not mandatory) 14.00 Medicines Management 14.30 Tissue Viability 15.00 Blood Transfusion 15.30 Mentorship (not mandatory) 16.00 Dieticians (not mandatory) 16.30 VTE All Staff identified within the TNA (Appendix 7) are required to attend “Core Skills Update” every 2 years. Patient facing professionally qualified staff** remain for the afternoon, or do a split half day every year if more appropriate. In addition to the above all staff who work in patient areas (qualified and unqualified including administrative staff**) are required to attend a ½ day Conflict Resolution Workshop every 3 years, and patient facing staff (qualified and unqualified direct care staff) are required to attend appropriate resuscitation training ** See Mandatory Training Matrix (appendix 7) for detail. 60 Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Hospital Trusts Appendix 10 Equality Impact Assessment Tool Yes/No 1. Comments Does the policy affect one group less or more favourably than another on the basis of: Race Ethnic origins (including gypsies No and travellers) Nationality No Gender No Culture No Religion or belief No Sexual orientation including No lesbian, gay and bisexual people Age No Disability No No 2. Is there any evidence that some No groups are affected differently? 3. If you have identified potential None discrimination, are any exceptions valid, legal and/or justifiable? 4. Is the impact of the policy likely to No be negative? 5. If so can the impact be avoided? 6. What alternatives are there to N/A achieving the policy without the impact? 7. Can we reduce the impact by N/A taking different action? Part-time night staff. Flexible start times to enable night staff to complete Mandatory & Local Induction training. N/A If you have identified a potential discriminatory impact of this policy, please refer it to the Equality and Diversity Manager together with any suggestions as to the action required to avoid/reduce this impact. 61